The material from Joe
Mason was posted on the cropcircleconnector forum at:
17-Pointed Star Crop Circle Formation at Meensen, Niedersachsen (Lower
Saxony), Germany, Reported 11 August 2006
Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 12:16
am Post subject: Meensen, Niedersachsen (Lower
Saxony) - August 11.08.2006
The crop circle formation that
appeared at Meensen, Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony), around 11 August 2006,
became one of many coincidences that seem meaningful.

Joe Mason writes:
I have been bombarded by such coincidences for a month or more.
This one has to do with the number 17, which is the number of spikes
or long triangles on the circle at Meensen.
I have followed the number 17 and associated numbers and symbols for
close to a decade. It is one of the triangular numbers.
Adding the numbers 1 through 17 results in 153, a very significant
and special number.
The number is best known for being the number of fish in the net, as
told in the Bible in John 21.
The same basic story was told by the ancient Greeks, such as the one
about Apollo at Delphi.
The numbers 17 and 153 have become associated with the Popes,
because Simon Peter, the fisherman, was the main character in John's
Biblical story about the fish, and later was said to have become the
first Pope.
Nostradamus mentioned the number 17 in relation to the Popes in C5,
Quote: |
After the see has been held for seventeen
It will change hands five times in a comparable period of time:
Then one will be elected at the same time [as another],
Who will not be too much in conformity with the Romans.
Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 12:54
am |
Hi Joseph,
153 = 51 X 3
"Peace and everlasting life"
"The Universe Opens"
"Freedom" |
Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 2:26
pm Post subject: The 17 via136 Coincidence |
An astute comment Mattihorn. I was about to cover that.
The recent coincidence started with an e-mail from Jerry Iuliano, who writes
about ancient numbers revealed in scientific formulas.
This is the e-mail, with some editing by me to reduce the size:
Quote: |
Subj: Eddington's number 136
Date: 8/16/2006 8:44:00 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: Jerry Iuliano
Eddington's number 136 can be shown to be a deeply unconscious number
form that I believe came into his collective unconscious through an
alchemical inspirational mind experiment. In his initial paper he
thought that the number was important and then created this matrix of
logic to describe this number exactly. What I believe happened is that
he was a mystic . . .
. . . and had dabbled in the pentagonal geometries of the black arts,
pentagram etc.
However the most incredible thing is about his original inspirational
number 136 is that he UNCONSCIOUSLY knew that this number is 100%
correct in it's original inspiration even though he was humiliated by
his incorrect interpretation of the number concerning fine-structure as
shown in his original paper when it was experimentally found that the
fine-structure constant was closer to 137 than 136. This tells me that
he was given this information as if in a dream or trance (some visual of
the number 136 or
something ). He was so inspired by the intensity of the 136 integer that
he "created "the matrix logic that led to his wrong interpretation of
the 136 integer as it pertains to the fine-structure constant . So to me
it isn't his interpretation of the original integer (136) that is
interesting ( his "poetry" ). it is the fact of the number itself having
such an influence on his psyche. The proof of this assertion lies in the
alpha particle , the nucleus of a helium atom from Rutherfords brilliant
gold foil discovery of the " bullet
of the experimenter" the alpha particle in 1910, and its place in the
scheme of things relating to electrical and nuclear phenomena. Eddington
made his fine-structure constant prediction in his 1938 paper. He was
humiliated .
He tried again (resulting in 137) and was humiliated again. The alpha
particle in 1938 was only known as a primitive artifact of nuclear
phenomena and had not been measured with great accuracy. The
fine-structure constant had a two decimal accuracy confidence in 1938,
Eddington's number 136 being one of many such interpretations of what
the fine-structure meant at that time. Flash forward 80 years to 2004
and now both the alpha
particle and fine-structure constant have been measured to nine decimals
of accuracy. It is out of these modern values that the demonstration of
Eddington's ,uncanny mathematical insight ( no less than..spooky ) into
modern values can be shown: 2004 NIST values for constants
alpha particle = 3727.37917 mev
m = 10 ^ 6
ev = electron volt = 1.602176528 * ( 10 ^ - 19 ) Volts
....set up the circumference of a circle to Eddingtons number...136...
then set a pentagram into the center with the edges touching the circle.
This one-fifth arc-length divided by the 2004 NIST value for the
fine-structure constant ( the amplitude for electron-photon
transmission) equals exactly the 2004 NIST value for the alpha particle:
136 / aem / 5 = 3727.37917 mev
....canceling out the m factor ( 10 ^ 6 ) leaves dimensioning in pure
volts for the alpha particle:
136 * h / ( ev ^ 2 ) / Pi / c = .00372737917 ev
where: 2004 NIST
h = Planck's constant = 6.6260693 * ( 10 ^ -34 ) J
c = speed of light = 299792458 m/s
aem = fine-structure constant = 1/137.03599911
...Eddington's original intuition (dream number ? ) for 136 is 100%
accurate to modern measured values of these physical constants ! These
objects are not mathematical objects they actually exist in Nature and
are measured almost yearly somewhere on earth in different laboratories.
There is no way that Eddington could have guessed this number correctly
to such an extremely high accuracy in 1938, beating by more than eight
decades , modern measurement studies that match exactly, his original
intuitive numerological number 136 .. There is no way this is a
with this much accuracy shown in both constants. So the question should
be not be the humiliation of Eddingtons mathematical "poetry" for the
number but the number itself in its whole....136 ???
J.Iuliano |
The number 136 was familiar to me, as related to 17 and others. These are
the notes I made after reading Jerry's e-mail, with explanations added:
In the series of 17 multiples, 136 is one step before 153.
136 / 17 = 8
153 / 17 = 9
The number 136 was one of a list I derived from the Mega Glyph crop circle
formation of August 2001, which had 13 large and 55 small circles in each of
the six arms. The total of 68 circles in the arms produce the series, 68,
136, 204, 272, 340, and 408. Each number is devisable by 17. The central
circle of the formation made the grand total of 409 circles.
The sequence of numbers are sets of 4 multiples of 17 multiples (4, 8, 12,
16, 20, and 24). The 153 type numbers derived from 3, 6, and 9 multiples of
17 (51, 102, and 153).
Note that the Mega Glyph is a Seed of Life type, in what I call a closed
aperture shape, similar to the north sun symbol of the 1991 Barbury Castle

The number 1836 is the electron-proton ratio.
1836 - 136 = 1700
1700 + 136 = 1836
(17 x 100) + (17 x eight) = 1836
17 x 108 = 1836
36 x 51 = 1836
Note that 108 is the number of names associated with the great Mother Goddess of
the world, and with time cycles like 1080 x 4 = 4320. The Alpha/Word Gematrian
meaning of 432 is "Consecration." That word will appear in a specific context in
my next post.
Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 2:37
pm Post subject: Symbolic Events in 153 Dates |
Certain years may carry the 153
1836 = 153 x 12
1989 = 153 x 13
Of course, this may just be meaningless coincidence.
Events in 1836 that may have carried symbolism include Charles Darwin's
return to England after his five year voyage on the HMS Beagle. But, a
symbolically more significant event may have been the fire in St. Petersburg
of the Lehman-theater, on 30 December 1836, which killed hundreds of people.
The symbolic connection to St. Peter, and various historical events seem to
tie in to this symbolism. This includes the Marian apparitions at Fatima,
Portugal in 1917, and the Russian revolution that same year. The city of St.
Petersburg (Petrograd) was renamed Leningrad in 1924.
After I made the number notes based on Jerry's e-mail, I watched a video,
"Heaven's Key To Peace," produced by The Fatima Network:
This is from the back cover of the video:
Quote: |
At Fatima the Blessed Virgin Mary warned that
"various nations will be annihilated" if the Church did not honor Her
request in time - including the Consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate
Heart. |
Over the past months, I have also been reading a well-researched book about
the events at Fatima, which proposes a very different theory - that
extraterrestrials were behind the strange 1917 events:
Heavenly Lights: The Apparitions of Fatima and the UFO Phenomenon
I tend to agree with the ET theory, and also feel that such events should be
studied seriously. My study involves trying to find possible symbolic
meaning, with dreams and coincidences as my guideposts.
At this point, my theory is that we are creating the reality unconsciously,
and that strange events are part of the process. Entities in other
dimensions, such as the dream reality, are involved, as we, unknowingly,
are. The strange events function as forces of change, as they tend to set
people off in a quest for the truth. I call the entities who help create the
events, "The Watchers." As Vallee and others suggest, the entities can take
many forms, depending on the beliefs of the people involved.
The "truth" produced via the quests become the new mythology, the new script
for the great theater of life.
The crop circle formations and UFO/ET events seem to be a big push for
change. My project is all about trying to figure out which direction this
will take on a mass scale. The first step is to find out as much as possible
about the changes being pushed from the other side of time. It is like
learning a language, in this case the symbolic language of the collective
unconscious. Our primary access to that realm is dreams.
The beliefs, or myths, or scripts, have always come in this way. Each
generation, each person, tends to think they have the final truth. To me, it
seems like a moving target. My hope is that mankind will eventually
understand the process, and write new and more positive scripts consciously.
Indeed, this seems to be the main symbolic message being imparted - to
become conscious co-creators, symbolically, Lion Kings.
http://www.greatdreams.com/cats/liondrms.htm |
Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 4:14
pm Post subject: Valleeism & Incommensurability |
I mentioned Vallee in my previous
post. My views are somewhat similar, but I go far beyond in my speculations.
This article will help to explain a relatively recent version of "Valleeism."
Incommensurability, Orthodoxy and the Physics of High Strangeness
A 6-layer Model for Anomalous Phenomena
Jacques F. Vallee and Eric W. Davis
National Institute for Discovery Science
Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 3:49
pm |
interesting number. Came up with it using the PHI as well
10 = pyr of the pyramid
11 found in other formations. Including the recent "numbers" formation.
started at 10.822 before getting to '11' (PI against 10.822 = 34)
I stick with the sacred geometry stuff, in navigating the circles.
Watched a video: Michael Glickman lectures: he had the master number
I see these numbers having a great revealing towards a complete answer to
the circles.
"Peace and everlasting life"
"The Universe Opens"
"Freedom" |
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 9:52
am Post subject: 170 Lost Lives in Crash of
Flight 612 to St. Petersburg |
mattihorn wrote:
Quote: |
Watched a video: Michael Glickman lectures: he had
the master number series:
11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 |
Very good, mattihorn. There is perhaps an 11 involved in my post here, if
the crop formation appeared on 11 August, because of an event 11 days later.
There is also a 77 type number in the story.
Strange coincidences are continuing with this subject line. See:
This is one of many events that seem to carry symbolism, including related
170 people killed (10 x 17)
Flight 612 (17 x 36, or 12 x 51, or 4 x 153)
The St. Petersburg destination connects with the previous discussion, as St.
Peter is the main character in the 153 fish in the net story in John 21, and
there was a Seed of Life type crop formation last year at Chalfont St Peter,
near Rickmansworth, Oxfordshire.

Also mentioned -
Quote: |
But, a symbolically more significant event
may have been the fire in St. Petersburg of the Lehman-theater,
on 30 December 1836, which killed hundreds of people.
The symbolic connection to St. Peter, and various historical
events seem to tie in to this symbolism. This includes the
Marian apparitions at Fatima, Portugal in 1917, and the Russian
revolution that same year. The city of St. Petersburg
(Petrograd) was renamed Leningrad in 1924. |
The jet was a Tupolev Tu-154. Note:
154 / 2 = 77
154 x 2 = 308
I mentioned this in this article:
Quote: |
Note that 234 is a significant number
included in the list above. It has the positive 666 tangent, and
when added to its mirror 432, it comes to 666. The 666 verse of
the Bible is in Revelation 13:18 and 13 x 18 = 234. I first
realized this, as I was thinking about the 234 degree angle to
the moon glyph on the 1991 Barbury Castle triangular crop
formation. It "should" have been at 240 degrees, but was 6
degrees short, seeming to throw the whole thing out of whack.
Also, the time 2:34 can be figured as (2 x 60) + 34 = 154
minutes, which is twice 77 minutes. Twice 154 (308) showed up as
the number of triangles in the Sunflower crop formation:
The Crop Circular, crop circles of 2000
It is said to be a basic 22 fold (11 + 11) design. |

Freddie points out that the design is based on the
Golden Mean spiral.
The Golden Mean or Phi Ratio is associated with the sixth sphere of the Tree of
Life, Tipharet, and related to the sun and sunflowers:

Interactive Tree of Life
Interactive Tree of Life
It is also related to the Seed of Life type of design:
Finally, note:
4 x 154 = 616
8 x 77 = 616
5 x 11 = 616
The number 616 has been in the news recently, as it may have been
the original number of the beast in Revelation 13:18.
Quote: |
666 (or 616) is commonly known as the
Number of the Beast in Book of Revelation chapter 13, verses
According to translator's comments in the New English
Translation (NET) Bible[1], some maintain that recent
discoveries show that 616 could possibly be the correct number
of the beast, and not the commonly known 666, . . . |
Thomas Jude Germinario (of apokalypso) points out that 616 can be
figured as close to the Fibonacci series (Golden Mean), as"
Quote: |
2:3 = .666 3:5 = .600 5:8 = .625 8:13 =
.615 ... |
There is more to add to this thread, as the coincidences continue,
getting stranger and stranger! |
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:23
pm Post subject: Strange 17 Coincidences From ET |
The coincidental high strangeness
with the 17 type numbers continued on 24 August 2006, when Dee forwarded an
e-mail from Raphiem/Blue (foreverblue). I am not endorsing all of the ideas,
as I have no knowledge of them. But, the numbers, and dates certainly fit
into the coincidental theme of this thread. Dee tells me that Raphiem
channels these messages from an ET called Blue.
Note that the number 1017
is associated with October 17, the same date as the 1989 baseball
World Series earthquake. October 17, 2006 is the 17th anniversary of
that event. The number-date of October 17 can be figured as 10 x 17
= 170, one of the primary numbers of this thread.
Incredibly coincidental is this part of the e-mail:
Quote: |
We call this UV beam trigger event, "818"
gateway. |
Divided by two in order to reveal:
818 / 2 = 409
Subj: [foreverblue] Cosmic Trigger Event on 17th October. Need 1-million+
Date: 8/24/2006 4:25:41 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: foreverblue
mission1017@googlegroups.com On Behalf Of Mission1017
Sent: Monday, 21 August 2006 12:20 AM
Dear Mission 1017,
We apologise for the lateness of this news. A few hurdles recently had to be
A cosmic trigger event is occurring on the 17th of October 2006. This is
the beginning, one of many trigger events to come between now and 2013.
An ultraviolet (UV) pulse beam radiating from higher dimensions in universe-2
will cross paths with the Earth on this day. Earth will remain approximately
within this UV beam for 17 hours of your time.
This beam resonates with the heart chakra, it is radiant flourescent in
nature, blue/magenta in colour. Although it resonates in this frequency band,
it is above the colour frequency spectrum of your universe-1 which you, Earth
articulate in. However due to the nature of your soul and soul groups
operating from Universe-2 frequency bands it will have an effect.
The effect is every thought and emotion will be amplified intensley one
million-fold. Yes, we will repeat, all will be amplified one millions time and
Every thought, every emotion, every intent, every will, no matter if it is
good, bad, ill, positive, negative, will be amplified one million times in
What does this mean ?
Since all matter manifest is due to your thoughts, i.e. what you focus on,
this beam will accelerate these thoughts and solidify them at an accelerated
rate making them manifest a million times faster than they normally would.
For those that do not comprehend. Your thoughts, what you focus on create
your reality.
This UV beam thus can be a dangerous tool. For if you are focused on thoughts
which are negative to your liking they will manifest into your reality almost
instantly. Then again this UV beam can be a gift if you choose it to be.
Mission-1017 requires approximately one million people to focus on positive,
benign, good willed thoughts for themselves and the Earth and Humanity on this
day. Your thoughts can be of any nature of your choosing, but remember
whatever you focus on will be made manifest in a relatively faster than
anticipated time frame. To some the occurrences may almost be bordering on the
All we ask is positive thoughts of love, prosperity, healing, wealth,
kindness, gratitiude be focused on.
This UV beam comes into full affect for 17hrs on the 17th of October 2006.
No matter what time zone you are in the hours are approximately 10:17am on the
17th of October to 1:17am on the 18th October.
The peak time will be 17:10 (5:10pm) on the 17th October.
You do need to be in a meditative state through out this time, though would be
beneficial. The main key time no matter what time zone you are in will be the
peak time of 17:10 (5:10 pm). Perhaps at this time if you can find a peaceful
spot or location to focus. The optimum is out in the vicinity of grounded
nature, likened to that of a large tree or next to the ocean waves.
Focus on whatever it is you desire. What is required for the benefit of all
Earth and HUmanity is positive thoughts of loving nature.
We call this UV beam trigger event, "818" gateway.
Please forward this message to as many people as you know who will use this
cosmic trigger event to focus positive, good willed thoughts.
We require approximately 1-million people across globe to actively participate
in this event. Please use whatever communication mediums you have at your
disposal. Reach out to as many people as possible. We require
1-million plus people at the least to trigger a shift for humanity from
separation and fragmentation to one of unification and oneness.
This is your opportunity to take back what is rightfully yours i.e. Peace and
Prosperity for all Earth and Mankind.
This is a gift, a life line from your universe so to speak, an answer to your
prayers. What you do with it and whether or not you choose to participate is
your choice.
Details to the Mission-1017 site and forum and how to stay updated are below.
About 7
weeks ago during sleep, I had less of a dream and more of an OOBE. I was
hovering way up in space looking down on the Earth. As my view moved to up
over the Earth rather than down (the Sun was behind me) I could see a huge
brilliant lumiscent shape ultra-violet with magenta edges pulsing
very far in the distance. The shape appeared to be like a that of a cross
(3 cross-bars) with some outer edges which i could not make out at
the time.
I had a very
positive feeling from this OOBE/dream. Later the blue
voice in my head said that
this was a beam eminating from the
Cygnus star cluster region, however not in this universe but a higher
frequency in Universe2. Same space-time co-ordinates as Cygnus but higher
dimensions. Blue kept repeating "818
gateway". A minor detail i recalled in the OOBE was that this pulsing
cross-figure8 was slightly to the right of Jupiter in alignment with Earth,
but above it. i.e. in this OOBE i could see Earth and make out Jupiter was
in line with Earth and this "818" gateway.
2 weeks
later, I had another dream (less OOBE and more vivid dreaming) ... In this
dream I was flying over a crop field, I don't know if i was in a helicopter,
plane, some other craft
or just my body, all I recall is that i was flying over the crop
field, from high above i could see a crop circle which looked like a
figure-8 (but more serpent-like figure)
with a cross though it. What was weird in this crop circle was that it was
in colour and appeard 3D'ish. It
wasn't like your normal boring wheat crop colour, but it was brilliant
lumiscent colour like that of my previous
OOBE. Perhaps viewing it from another level/dimension
crop circles are in colour.
I've drawn
it up quickly here in paintbrush. In the OOBE above in space it looked more
spherical / 3D with cross-bars
intersecting the the centre i.e. 3 horizontals
and 1 vertical.
In this
dream, the voice was talking to me and told me this was the 818 activation
gateway, "a thought to matter amplifier".
I had heard/known of 11:11 and 12:12 etc gateways, but not 818.
The date to be was 17th Oct, 2006.
A friend in the UK,
Lui Di Martino
who is a musician and sacred geometry researcher who has spent most of his
life researching mirror universes and dimensions had taught me quiet a bit
about the mirror of numbers and number gateways. In Lui's language, 1 is the
mirror to 8 and visa versa. According to Lui's Mirror Maths 10/17 is also
another way of saying 1/8. This matched up perfectly with 818 and 17-Oct-2006
Below is
some more from Blue.
This UV wave
which your Earth will encounter on the 17th Oct, 2006 operates on an
ultra-dimensional level. In simpler terms, it operates at the soulular /
cellular level. The nexus point
between thought and matter. It is a stellar
activation occuring in universe2 that will affect the Earth morphogenic
fields as Universe1 comes into alignment with it, raising the frequency of
all matter as well as that for other planets in your solar system for the
duration of its activation.
All thought particles
encountering this UV wave will be magnified 1-million
fold. In this radiation much can be transmuted. In the transmutation comes
the manifestation of matter.
This is an
opportunity for humanity to take back ownership of itself. To be creators of
its own destiny from inside rather than outside.
This UV wave
is the first of many triggers, let us says tools for humanity to expand its
conciousness from social to super. We would like to call them gifts. These
gifts are unconditional. You can choose to open it up, use it to any effect,
be to negative or positive, as will be the case on 10/17. Obviously we are
resonating to those who read this message for peace and love.
To partake
of some "thing" you must be in resonance with that "thing". The cross roads
are upon you. Choices made today will affect the outcomes in your years to
come as the choices made in your yesteryear have brought you to the path you are
on today. This is not ot be judged but it is what it is and where you
are. Regardless, many souls are crying out, screaming out, praying out for a
change, for help, for assistance and this
is opportunistic.
We will not
bore you with cosmic laws, but suffice to say that a gift is just that, "a
gift", it is not interference, it is not manipulative, it is not obligated.
Simply it is unconditional. As is the 10/17 UV activation
wave. What you do with it and whether you choose to use it is purely
up to you.
Imagine a
torch, a beam of light, approximately twice the size of your Earth. As your
Earth passes through the ultra-dimensional
wave, all points will experience approximately 14-17hrs touched by
the wave.
[all i see is like ocean waves washing in over Earth, so is difficult to
explain if it is a beam or a wave or maybe both]
There will be 5 other ultra-dimensional
activations occurring between now and 2016 as all 6 universes begin to
line-up and mesh, but they will be of a differing nature. This 818
activation will be the only one of its kind where you will have
an opportunity to create, change and affect your current reality in an
ACCELERATED fashion. Think of it as a one-off TURBO assisted BOOSTER for
Many wish analysis-paralysis of this. It is
simple. Although you do not remember, aeons ago you, yourselves set
many alarm clocks and triggers to wake you up and assist you along your
journey. Just like your alarm clock next to your bedside table, you can
choose to ignore it and go back to sleep or you can get up to a bright new
day. So many choices.
Note that the number 1017
is associated with October 17, the same date as the 1989
baseball World Series earthquake. October 17, 2006 is the 17th
anniversary of that event. The number-date of October 17 can be
figured as 10 x 17 = 170, one of the primary numbers of this
Incredibly coincidental is this part of the e-mail:
Quote: |
We call this UV beam trigger event, "818"
Divided by two in order to reveal:
818 / 2 = 409
This was the number of circles in the Mega Glyph of 2001. Norma
Smith of Universal Harmonics figured the English Alphanumerics
of 409 as related to the seven colors of the spectrum. The same
colors are associated with the seven chakras of the human body:
Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:15
am Post subject: Coincidence: St
Petersburg’s Cathedral Dome Fire 25 Aug 06 |
The crazy coincidences are

Quote: |
St Petersburg’s Cathedral on Fire
St Petersburg - The Troitksy Cathedral, built from 1828 –
1835, burst into flames today. Evidence indicates that a
construction worker’s unattended cigarette initiated the
blaze which then raced through the wooden scaffolding
surrounding the Cathedral’s great dome. Even under
renovation, the Cathedral fit 3,000 worshipers and remained
a prominent St. Petersburg landmark visible from 13 miles
In one of my previous posts, I mentioned the symbolism of the
1836 theater fire in St. Petersburg. The construction of the
Cathedral was completed one year earlier, in 1835.
These number relationships may be meaningful:
2006 - 1835 = 171
171 = 9 x 19
171 = (9 x 17) + (2 x 9)
171 = 153 + 18
171 + 180 = 351 (mirror of 153)
171 and 351 have the same tangent
171 + 360 = 531 (same tangent as 171 and 351)
531 + mirror 135 = 666
It may be more significant, that the number 171 is a triangle number, the
next one after 153. This means that the numbers 1 through 18 add to 171,
just as the numbers 1 through 17 add to 153. In other words, if one creates
a pyramid of numbers, or symbols, like pool balls or bowling pins,
continuing to the seventeenth row, there would be 153 numbers/symbols. Add
one more row, the 18th, and the total is 171.
Yet another significant factor is the number 136, mentioned in previous
posts in this tread, is the triangle number below 153, with 16 rows.
A very important part of the symbolism involves the Omphalos, which is a
dome shape, and how it relates to the Seed of Life geometry related to Simon
Peter the Fisherman in John 21, and to Apollo at Delphi.
I will add more about this in a follow-up post, when time allows.
Joe Mason
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:04
am Post subject: The Figure 8 - Tipharet
Helix Connection |
I found a connection to
Raphiem/Blue’s message that is quite compelling. In his dream vision
experience, he saw the pulsing “818 Gateway” from above the Earth, with
the Sun at his back. The pulsing cross/figure 8 was slightly to the
right of Jupiter in alignment with Earth.
Two weeks later he had another dream of flying over a field and seeing a
crop circle that looked like a figure 8 with a cross. It looked
three-dimensional and was in brilliant luminescent colors.
The full report is here:
As I read the dream vision today (14 October 2006), I realized that the
description fit with various figure eight crop circles and specifically
to one that related directly to the Tree of Life, in the form of the
Tipharet Helix.
I posted a report to the Crop Circle Connector Forum about the subject
and this later became part of a web page article about the 2005 crop
circles. I will repeat the report here:
Double Spiral at Garsington, Oxfordshire
Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 11:38 pm
Post subject: Double Spirals & Infinity Signs
Apparently three formations appeared near Garsington, Oxfordshire,
around 15 July 2005. The one listed as (3) was this:

A somewhat similar double spiral appeared
early last year, near Fort Nelson, around 5 June

I think they may be related to the figure eight types of formations,
like the infinity sign.
Around 9 May 2004, this formation appeared at Tegdown Hill:

later found that exact glyph on this page:

It is said to represent the Tipharet Helix
in the Tree of Life. Other forms include these:

A unique view of the Tree shows a more clear

I made this
posting about it on Paul Vigay's site:
Quote: |
On 1st Jun 2004, Joe Mason wrote;
"There is a graphic like this formation on this page:
It is one of several glyphs shown to illustrate "The
Tipharet Helix." Tipharet is the sphere in the center of
the Tree of Life, given the number 6. The glyphs are
said to represent the numerical interplay of the left
and right pillars. The left numbers are 3, 5, and 8.
This starts with two odd numbers followed by an even
number. The right pillar numbers are 2, 4, and 7. This
starts with two even numbers followed by and odd number.
The crossover of polarity is at number 6, Tipharet. This
is said to be a Karmic mixing, showing that everything
becomes its own opposite in time.
The glyphs are like a Mobius Strip or infinity symbols.
Another example depicted is a figure eight in a
horizontal position. It shows dominion and is ascribed
to the Greek god, Hermes. The Romans called him Mercury
and the Egyptians called him Thoth.
Another symbol shown is a snake biting its tail, known
as Ouroborus (or Ouroboros). A standard Yin - Yang
symbol is also shown. These have also appeared as crop
circle formations.
An apparent symbol of Tipharet appeared with the Tree of
Life formation in 1997:
In terms of the chakras, Tipharet represents the
fourth, the heart chakra. This is the apparent "BIG"
message - that humanity will reach that level, and
things will change greatly -
For these reasons, I feel that this formation is not a
hoax. If all the formations are hoaxes, then it appears
many people are working together world wide to invoke a
new religion. If this is so, why is it that most of the
news media consider the crop circles a joke and a
non-story? "
The connection to the Hanged Man Tarot card came up in
another story - about the Pope:
In the new formation at Garsington has a "flame" between
the centers of the spirals. The Beltane Wheel formation
had 33 of these flames. I first saw them over the "Fire
Letters" in James Hurtak's, "The Book of Knowledge, the
Keys of Enoch."

The new formation is a similar to the fractal pattern
known as the Lorenz Attractor, famous for its metaphor,
"The Butterfly Effect" -
http://www.greatdreams.com/buterfly.htm |
[End of 2005 post]
Another person pointed out that hysteresis loops look like
parts of crop circles (The loops have a shape like the “Fire
The BIG connection relates to this part of the dream/vision:
Quote: |
"A minor detail i
recalled in the OOBE was that this
pulsing cross-figure8 was slightly to the right of
Jupiter in alignment with
Earth, but above it. i.e. in this OOBE i could see Earth
and make out
Jupiter was in line with Earth and this "818" gateway.
I checked to see which planets are related to the
Tipharet Helix crossover. See this page:
Interactive Tree of Life
The yellow sphere in the center is Tipharet, the sphere of
the Sun. The double crossover that surrounds Tipharet is
from the fifth to the seventh sphere, which is from Mars to
Venus, and from the fourth to the eighth sphere, which is
from Jupiter to Mercury. At the bottom is the tenth sphere,
the Earth.
To me, this seems to confirm that Raphiem/Blue’s dream
vision is related to this important crossover, symbolically
related as the Tipharet Helix within the Tree of Life.
As mentioned, in terms of the chakras, Tipharet represent
the heart chakra. See:
The original post about the helix is here:
It is included on this web page:
Note that there is a “Pope” connection via the Hanged Man
symbolism. See the link above.
I plan to make another posting about a new finding prior
to 17 October 2006. It also seems like a BIG connection. |
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006
10:42 pm Post subject: Confirmation of the
Fisherman in the Boat |
It seems that a confirmation
has come my way. About a week ago, Dee asked me about the other glyph in
the diagram of the Meensen crop circle formation, the one near the
upper-right corner. She asked what that part meant. Instantly, another
crop circle came to mind. We quickly found it on the Crop Circle
Connector site, because I had posted to the Forum about it, and
remembered its unusual location in the far North of Scotland, and the
name Fife:
Wester Flisk Farm, near Balmerino, Fife, Scotland. Reported 5th August

I also knew instantly that it was obvious that the Meensen diagram
should be rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise:

This shows the ball in the cup in the Meensen formation, just as with
the formation in Scotland.
My 6 August 2006 posting about the formation in Scotland is here:
I suggested that the formation may indicate the four steps to the heart
chakra. I added an update 19 August, that included a number of ideas
related to a significant mathematical coincidence. I will soon post that
material in this thread also.
I had a number of thoughts when I first saw the formation. I intended to
post them at some point, but never got there. I made the guess about the
heart chakra for several reasons. Lots of the crop formations have
various sized spheres, often connected by pathways. I came to see that
many of them could be seen as chakras. In some cases, they seem to
relate to the Tree of Life, with it’s spheres and pathways. And, of
course, the spheres and levels on the Tree of Life also represent
The path from the first to the fourth chakras could therefore be
indicated by the four circles. Naturally, I, and I’m sure others, would
see a cup as related to the Holy Grail, especially in terms of a
symbolic womb. Therefore the cup in the womb-like shape seems to fit the
Such a picture, naturally again, brings to mind the “Virgin Birth.” One
of my primary guides, Joseph Campbell, the great mythologist, wrote that
the virgin birth represented the birth of the Human man out of the
animal man. This happens at level four, the heart chakra. The first
three chakras are the animal instincts. See:
Humanity On The Pollen Path
Another primary guide for me was H.P. Blavatsky. She wrote of the
creative triad in a functional sense. The Male Deity has the thought of
the ideal creation, as The Word. This implants the seed of the idea into
the womb of the Mother Deity, who then gives birth to the Son, the
Logos, The Word made flesh. The Son is actually a Child who has both
male and female attributes.
The cosmic egg in the basket theme is part of the creation story. I read
of this back in 1990 in the Sacred Symbols of Mu, which is now on-line.
On page 95 is a glyph depicting the Creator Serpent above a basket, as
Sh/He gives birth to an egg, shaped somewhat like a vesica pisces:
No. 328

On page 98 is a glyph depicting a basket with
eggs in it below the Sun, with rays shining down on the basket of eggs.
There are two little trees to the right and left of the egg filled basket.
Naacal No. 13

This is the last of a
series of glyphs showing the seven days of creation. Here's an
Quote: |
"The Sixth Command: 'Let Life come
forth on the land.' And the shafts of the Sun met the shafts
of the earth in the dust of the land and out of particles of
dust formed cosmic eggs. From these cosmic eggs life came
forth as commanded."
"The Seventh Command: And when this was done, the Seventh
Intellect said: 'Let us make man after our own fashion and
let us endow him with powers to rule this earth.' Then the
Seven-Headed Intellect, The Creator of All Things throughout
the Universe, created man and placed within his body a
living, imperishable spirit, and man became like the Creator
in intellectual power." |
Excerpted from:
The Sacred Symbols of Mu
by James Churchward
The two little trees seem to correspond to various figures
standing beside Tree of Life images. Zechariah 4 tells of the
two olive trees beside the golden bowl with seven lamps. It is
these same two trees that are killed in Revelation 11:7-9, and
stand up in Revelation 11:11. In the next verse, they ascend
into heaven.
On 12 October 2006, I uploaded an article by Jerry Iuliano:
The Great Pyramid and the 153 Fish in the Net
Yesterday, the 14th, I searched for more information about the
153 fish story. I came to a wikipedia article:
There is a colorful diagram on the page:

The yellow ball in the orange cup
grabbed my attention, naturally. I saw this as Peter the
Fisherman in his boat. It was almost like a slam-dunk
confirmation of various ideas I have been posting on this Forum.
I checked our new page about 153, to do a comparison.
The left side of this graphic depicts Peter as a sphere inside
his Fisher's coat, which is the "boat," that is, a vesica pisces

This diagram shows the vertical
view, with Peter and the coat/boat at the top:

I will post more about these
connections soon
Joe Mason
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006
2:53 am Post subject: Scotland Crop
Circle Posting |
The following is a copy of my
posting about the formation in Scotland.
Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 3:24 am
Post subject: Fife, Scotland on the banks of the river Tay. Reported
5 Aug
The formation that appeared at Fife, Scotland, around 5 August 2006,
may indicate the four steps to the heart chakra.

Update: This tells of a coincidence regarding the Fife
formation. It connects with a comment on the CC
Connector page about the formation:
Quote: |
Two crescent shapes enclosing what
appears to be a cup with orbs falling into it. The
left hand crescent contains what appears to be a
sperm-like formation. |
This e-mail tells the coincidence story:
Quote: |
Subj: Re: man-woman and
mathematical symbolism
Date: 8/10/2006 1:36:38 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: JMason4557
To: Jerry Iuliano
In a message dated 8/9/2006 8:45:50 PM Pacific
Standard Time, Jerry Iuliano writes:
<< Subj: man-woman and mathematical symbolism >>
Hello Jerry and all.
The timing of this is a tremendous "coincidence" to
me. I was just looking at
this page, before opening the e-mail about man-woman
and the relation to
the bold parenthesis.
Crop Circle at Wester Flisk Farm, nr Balmerino,
Fife, Scotland. Reported 5th August 2006.
There are other major "coincidental" connections to
various parts of my
studies. You are right on the mark Jerry.
Subj: man-woman and mathematical symbolism
Date: 8/9/2006 8:45:50 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: JerryIuliano
The simple and pure geometric explanation for
complementation is based on 90-degreeness as found
within the 60
degree based tetrahedron.
The 60 degree based tetrahedron is the minimal
system/structure of
universe and contains 3 sets of 90 degreeness.
There are three gravitational related square
contained within every
These twelve 90 degree angled corners equally
complement the twelve
60 degree corners of the same tetrahedron.
The twelve 90 degree corners 12 * 90 = 1080 degrees
Twelve 60 degree corners ....12 * 60 = 720 degrees
1080 divided by one cirlce( 360 degrees ) = 3
720 divided by one circle ................= 2
The tetrahedron is the fundamental, 3D package of
( male/female ) of universe.
AY...concerning this symbolism
An example of the extraordinary accuracy of
mathematics representing both symbolic forms and
physical constants can be demonstrated by Rybo's
man-woman metaphysical philosophy. The Cheops
pyramid ( 90 degee base) was constructed by the 2/Pi
symbolism measured in English feet as height =
486.256 feet = ht and base leg = 763.81 feet = bl (
Churchward-Massey 1910 expedition ). The three forms
are : man , woman and a symbosis of the two,
man/woman , and the mathematical unity (1): cosine
in radians:
WOMAN: base leg,bl = the birth canal , height, ht =
ovaries...ht = 486.25600442
1 = cos( c / ( 10 ^
( 2 * ht / bl ))
...note the reproductive organs ( 2 * ht / bl ) ,
INSIDE the bold parenthesis , representing the body
whole with organs inside the body. c = speed of
light = 299792458 m/s. The male form is symbolically
and mathematically represented as:
MAN: base leg , bl = testes , height , ht = phallus:
1 = ((( .37 ^ 2 ) / aem
) ^ ( 2 * bl / ht )) / ( 10 ^ 4 )
,,,note the reproductive organs ( 2 * bl / ht ) ,
OUTSIDE the bold parenthesis, representing the body
whole with organs outside the body. aem =
fine-structure constant = 1/137.035999701 =
amplitude for an electron to emit or absorb a
photon. The combination of the two , male-female
symbosis shows the elimination of the reproductive
organs to a sort of androgenis form: cosine in
SYMBOSIS: body with no reproductive organs:
1 = cos ( aem / (
.37 ^ 2 ) * c )
...(.37) representing the Christ-head(male) , c =
light , representing the female, with aem showing
the "glue" to neutrality. An amazing fact of this
form is the extreme sensitivity to the cosine form ,
in that any small change in aem will result in
non-unity: cosine in radians:
.9999304 = cos ( 1/ 137.0359996 / ( .37 ^ 2 ) * c )
1 = cos ( 1/ 137.035999701 / ( .37 ^ 2 ) * c )
.9999326 = cos ( 1 / 137.0359998 / ( .37 ^ 2 ) * c )
...this year Harvard University has issued a paper
concerning their most confident measurement yet of
the value of the fine-structure constant: aem =
1/137.0359997...which is the exact value of the
symbosis form !
A substructure to this form is the connection to the
Golden mean: 1.6180339875...:
( cos( aem / .37 * c )) * 2 = 1.618039177
...note the square root of ( .37 ^ 2 ) here , to get
to the Golden mean. Pi also has a relationship to
the Golden mean through the cosine form: cosine in
Pi / 5 = cos^-1( 1.6180339875 / 2 )
Pi / 5 = cos^-1( 1.6180339875 / 2 ) = aem * ( 10 ^ 6
) * h / ( ev ^ 2 ) / c
Pi / 5 = cos^-1( 1.6180339875 / 2 ) = ( 10 ^ 6 ) / 2
/ E / ( c ^ 2 )
E = permitivitty of space = 8.854187818 * ( 10 ^ -
12 )....exact
h = Planck's constant = 6.6260693 * ( 10 ^ - 34
ev = elementary charge = 1.602176528 * ( 10 ^ - 19
c = speed of light = 299792458...exact
...since 5 (pentagon) is shown here , then the
Golden mean can represent the gravitational constant
exactly, because of the relationship to the
light-fractal form:
( c ^ 4.1 ) / Gn = 5 / h / E
( c ^ 4.1 ) / Gn = Pi / ( cos^-1( 1.6180339875 / 2
)) / h / E
...Gn = gravitational constant = 6.674205623 * ( 10
^ -11 )...exact
...there are only three known leptons in
physics:neutrino partners at end of article
electron = .510998918 mev/(c^2)....exact (NIST)
muon = 105.658 mev/(c^2)....exact (NIST)
tau = 1776.71163 mev/(c^2).... 1776.99 (NIST)
..the Golden mean is the path to the proton energy
and very mysteriously also to the mystic number ,
82944, used in multiple symbolic forms: Kabbala: "
288 sparks from broken vessels " (sqrt 82944 = 288)
and Leahy's triple logic cube number 82944:
(( tau / electron / muon ) ^ ( 1.6180339875 ^ 2 ) =
pmev * 10
(( tau / electron / muon ) ^ ((( cos( Pi / 5 )) * 2
) ^ 2 ) = pmev * 10
(( 1776.71/.51099899 / muon ) ^ ( 1.6180339875 ^ 2
)) ^ ( .51099899 ^ ( - 1 / Pi )) = 82944
pmev = proton energy = 938.272029 mev/(c^2)....exact
...an interesting form leading to the Cheops pyramid
height ...486.256 ft can be shown as:
( Pi - ( sqrt( 100 / c )) ^ ( 2 / .37 ) =
...any interpretation of these mathematical forms
would involve a sort of " poetry " which is neither
here nor there , such as .37 being the Christ-head (
Theomatics ) or the Cheops constructs being symbolic
of the reproductive organs or why is the speed of
light not in the male form. So I will just let the
mathematics stand ,disconnected, on its own as the
real reality ( superior ) while any
interpretation...language.. ( including mine ) of
the numbers themselves could form infinite opinions
as to their source and meaning.
The following excerpt is reprinted from "Signs and
Symbols of
Primordial Man" by Albert Churchward, a student of
the European Egyptologist Gerald Massey. According
to John Henrik Clarke, in his introduction to the
volume, "(Massey)" was an agnostic whose intention
was to prove that the basis of European culture was
created outside of Europe by people that some
Europeans later characterized as savages without a
history or culture. His search led him to Egypt
where he found proof that Western culture was, in
fact, African in origin, the larger portion of it
coming from the Nile
Valley . . ."
About the Pyramid of Giza, built by ancient
Africans, Churchward writes:
The Great Pyramid, when understood, far surpasses
and ellipses King Solomon's Temple as a building, or
any other in the world . . .
The base is a true square, and perfectly oriented,
set due N.E.S.W., parallel
with the equatorial line, absolutely no variation of
points; its base on huge
rock and that rock perfectly and truly hewn and
leveled (sic) to the earth's
curvature of 8 inches to the mile, the importance of
which is evident-keeping it from convulsive damages
as time goes on. The height of the pyramid is
486.256 feet, and each side is 763.81 feet. The
height thus measures, with the radius of a circle
whose circumference equals the four sides . .
.showing that the circle could be squared by these
ancient architects, which has not been improved on
since. Its base side length is 365.242 sacred
cubits, showing the number of days and fractional
part of a day in a year . . .
Here, in the Great Pyramid, is the one material
center (sic) which gives the
standard for those practical things-weights,
measures, etc., and these were
carried from land to lands, with ...
The neutrinos have an interesting relationship with
their partners... electron , muon and tau leptons:
electron = .510998986 mev/c^2
muon = 105.65837 mev/c^2
tau = 1776.98 mev/c^2
electron neutrino ~ 2.2 ev
muon neutrino ~ 170 kev
tau neutrino ~ 15.5 mev
...the relationship is built totally around phi ,
the Golden mean...1.6180339875 and the proton
proton = 938.272029 mev/c^2....exact
Both equations key off of the Golden mean...theta =
( 15500000 / 170000 / 2.197094768 ) ^ ( 1 /
1.6180339875 ) = 10 15.5mev 170kev 2.2ev
( 1776.718067 / .510998986 / 105.65837 ) ^ (
1.6180339875 ^ 2 ) = 9382.72029 1776.98 exact exact
...note how ten ( the Tetrakys ) is symbolically
equal to the proton
Also see:
The Works of Jerry Iuliano
Ancient Numbers Revealed in Scientific Formulas
Tue Oct 17, 2006 4:12 am
Post subject: Remarkable Coincidence in
Astrological alignments |
remarkable coincidence happened about two hours ago.
I received an e-mail that spoke of Astrological
alignments around 17 October. The writer mentioned
four of the key planets and their relation to the
Sun (Tipharet) in my previous posting about the
Tipharet Helix of the Tree of Life.
Here is an excerpted portion:
Quote: |
---------- Forwarded message
From: M. A. Erik Siraaj Correia
Date: Oct 17, 2006 2:56 AM
Subject: Oct 17
Astrological Insight into Oct 17 from Rosie Finn
of Olympia WA
Every year on October 17th, the Sun conjuncts
and nearly parallels the star Spica and
conjuncts ( but not parallels) the star
Spica is the brightest star in the sky and in
all traditions that I am familiar with is a
fortuitous star and one that offers blessings of
one nature or another. It is often considered a
star of brilliance and higher intelligence.
Arcturus is even more auspicious from a
channeling perspective. Edgar Cayce believed
that our solar system revolved around Arcturus
and placed it as the most significant star, as
he perceived that it is the transition star
through which souls move through on there way to
Earth. Both Spica
and Arcturus along with Regulus are part of a
triangle in the sky--which David Overton
suggests the Freemasons used as a triangle to
align the White House, the Capitol and the WA
Monument. In fact his research placed huge
significance on these stars and the founding of
the U.S.
Spica in the sky is in the constellation of
Virgo and resides in the ear of wheat--and
represents abundance and prosperity by its very
This year, on October 17th, not only does the
Sun align with Spica and Arcturus, but also
Venus and Mars are there at the same time.
Venus, Mars and the Sun are almost eclipsing. So
indeed there is a concentration of planets
around a potent star. Venus and Mars together
are about creativity and relationship--the
balancing of yin and yang. This is a time to
open to love and fortune. The ability to bring
forth (Mars) that which we are open to receive
(Venus) is especially strong. Yet, this in and
of itself is not about
thoughts. It is about the magic of creation that
comes from a place of no thoughts--a place of
being in the moment. This is the experience of
being one with our art where creative expression
occurs effortlessly and joyfully.
What does pertain to thoughts during this time
occurs for a much longer period of time. From
about October 15th until Nov. 7 (this is
approximate), Mercury, the planet of thoughts
and communication is conjunct Jupiter as it
squares Saturn. The Jupiter-Saturn square which
is now occurring supports manifestation in the
world--real things happening, coming together,
changing, coming into form. The opportunity
triggers the decision and the decision creates
something real and perceptible in the world.
Mercury aligned--it is a powerful time for our
mind, thoughts and speech to create something
real, perceptible and understood by others.
(This aspect is stronger before Mercury goes
retrograde on Oct. 28th--after which it is
better to practice our manifestation and
creative expression without words).
The Venus-Sun-Mars alignment with the
Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn alignment actually gets
stronger after the 17th (moving into an exact
16th harmonic Oct. 23 - 26), yet without the
benefit of the potent stars Spica and Arcturus.
So with strong creative potential at the same
time as our thoughts aligning with
manifestation, the following article fits for
what I see. Will there be a wave of ultra violet
beams? . . .hmmm . . .since ultra violet light
is fairly easy to detect with current equipment,
we shall see--
(although they do cover their bases saying that
we will not be able to detect it). Is it
possible for planetary alignments to coincide
with interesting otherworldly phenomenon--Sure!
Why not? Like in mechanics, the geometric shape
of an object affects its stability, its ability
to transmit energy and its electrical
properties--why wouldn't the geometry of the
orbs in our solar system have a relationship to
the channeling of energy, light waves, and even
pulse beams from else where in this universe or
in other universes.
Signing off--a few (too many maybe) thoughts for
the moment--
I'll meet you in the realm of good intentions on
the 17th--(and after that)
Peace and love,
The date and time of the e-mail is ahead of my time.
It’s still 16 October here. To my knowledge, Spica
is not the brightest star in the sky. Perhaps it is
the brightest star observed in another part of the
world, like from the southern hemisphere.
The remarkable part of this, to me, is that four of
the planets and the Sun, were part of the analysis
of the Tipharet Helix within the Tree of Life, as
posted above on 15 October. Here’s the excerpt:
Quote: |
The Figure 8 - Tipharet Helix
Connection - 15 Sep 06
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:04 am
Post subject: The Figure 8 - Tipharet Helix
I found a connection to Raphiem/Blue’s message
that is quite compelling. In his dream vision
experience, he saw the pulsing “818 Gateway”
from above the Earth, with the Sun at his back.
The pulsing cross/figure 8 was slightly to the
right of Jupiter in alignment with Earth.
As I read the dream vision today (14 October
2006), I realized that the description fit with
various figure eight crop circles and
specifically to one that related directly to the
Tree of Life, in the form of the Tipharet Helix.
The BIG connection relates to this part of the
“A minor detail i
recalled in the OOBE was that this
pulsing cross-figure8 was slightly to the right
of Jupiter in alignment with
Earth, but above it. i.e. in this OOBE i could
see Earth and make out
Jupiter was in line with Earth and this "818"
I checked to see which planets are related to
the Tipharet Helix crossover. See this page:
Interactive Tree of Life
The yellow sphere in the center is Tipharet, the
sphere of the Sun. The double crossover that
surrounds Tipharet is from the fifth to the
seventh sphere, which is from Mars to Venus, and
from the fourth to the eighth sphere, which is
from Jupiter to Mercury. At the bottom is the
tenth sphere, the Earth.
To me, this seems to confirm that Raphiem/Blue’s
dream vision is related to this important
crossover, symbolically related as the Tipharet
Helix within the Tree of Life.
As mentioned, in terms of the chakras, Tipharet
represent the heart chakra. |
This matches almost exactly with the Astrological
We have some information about Arcturus in Bootes
and Spica in Virgo:
The Bears and The Shepherd
Ursa Major - Ursa Minor - Bootes
Easter Island - Rapa Nui
Dee created a page about the subjects in this
Personally, I doubt that anything fantastic will
happen on 17 October. But, I could, of course, be
wrong. I have little doubt that there is great
meaning within the symbolism pouring out on us. I
would not be surprised if an event takes place on or
near 17 October, such as an earthquake, for example.
Something of this nature may happen a week later, on
24 October. That date has a symbolic connection to
the theme of this thread, and includes the related
number 888.
young man named Brian sent us an e-mail
that included information about the
number 888. Part of this involved his
personal story. I was familiar with most
of the material. I am including it here,
because it was the start of a
coincidental sequence. This is an
excerpt from Brian’s e-mail:
Quote: |
January 11th 1944.
The duration of time between sunrise
and sunset was 888 minutes. 8880
days later on May 4th 1968, I was
living in Canada in a town named
Port Alberni. The sunlight for May
4th at that day and location each
year is 888 minutes.
Since the early Christians were
converted pagans, one of the ploys
the early teachers of the church
used to convert pagans to
Christianity was that Jesus Christ
had more solar attributes than any
other god. Matthew 17:2 states that
His face was even reputed to shine
like the sun.
Matt. 17:2 -
And was
transfigured before them; and his
face did shine as the sun and his
raiment was white as the light.
The Greek alphabet has 26 letters,
each one with a different numerical
value. The Greek spelling of Jesus
is IESOUS. The numerical value of
IESOUS = 888 which represents The
Spiritual Sun or Solar Logos.
"In the
beginning was the Logos" the
Gospel of John states, and in the
words of the Logos itself, "I
am the Light of the World."
All those who are born into the
world is outwardly illuminated by
the physical sun, but only those who
turn their attention back to the
world of first principles are
inwardly enlightened by the
Spiritual Sun of the Logos.
spiral of the physical merging with
the Spiritual * Moving toward the
completion of the ascension process
through the energies of 222 and 444*
Early Gnostic Christians were aware
enough to make this comparisons. The
raised Jesus (888) was known as the
Spiritual Sun.
In a
dream I divined that that the three
phases of the sun were fear,
sharing, and love.
In the book, Jesus Christ, Sun of
God, (p 264) David Fideler writes:
who turn their attention back to the
world of first principles are
inwardly enlightened by the
Spiritual Sun of the Logos.
The early Christians maintained that
IESOUS was 'a name above all names."
Origen, the early church father,
even went so far as to boast about
how the name of Jesus possessed more
magical efficacy than those of the
pagan divinities.
In the same way that the names of
Apollo, Hermes, Abraxas, and Mithras
were designed to represent aspects
of the Universal Logos, the values
of both IESOUS (888) and CHRISTOS
(1480) are obtained from 74, the
most characteristic number from the
magic square of the sun. (It is the
numbers of the 4 corners)
It is unlikely that this is a
coincidence, for, as dr. Eisler has
pointed out, the name Iesous is "an
artificial and irregular Greek
transliteration" of the Aramaic name
Joshua, designed to bring out the
number 888. One can see an
unmistakable parallel between the
names Iesous and Christos, and the
names of Hebrew planetary Spirits
and Intelligences which were
likewise derived from the magic
squares of the planets.
As the Spiritual Sun of what was
then a new age, Jesus represents the
idea of the Solar Logos incarnate,
the Logos as Illuminator, Healer,
Mediator, and Gnostic Revealer.
The book of Urantia says: P947:6,
The sun god was supposed to be the
mystic father of the virgin-born
sons of destiny who ever and anon
were thought to be bestowed as
saviors upon favored races. These
supernatural infants were always put
adrift upon some sacred river to be
rescued in an extraordinary manner,
after which they would grow up to
become miraculous personalities and
the deliverers of their peoples.
The Greek name for Jesus, Iesous,
adds up to 888. So the numbering to
arrive at 888 is from Greek, not
I = 10 (iota)
e = 8 (eta)
s = 200 (sigma)
o = 70 (omicron)
u = 400 (upsilon)
s = 200 (sigma)
That Jesus' name in Greek adds up to
888 was mentioned in the Christian
additions to the Sibylline Oracles
at least as early as the Second
J. Massyngberde Ford (Anchor Bible:
Revelation, New York: Doubleday,
1975, page 226) writes:
Christian readers would have noticed
the contrast between the number of
the beast, 666, and the number of
Jesus, 888... In 888 could be seen
the superabundant perfection, the
three-fold 7+1. On the other hand
666 indicates the three-fold failure
to reach perfection, 7-1. This
showed how precarious and how doomed
to failure the reign of the beast
must be.
The physical sun = 666 The Magic
Square of the Sun In Greek Gematria,
Helios, the physical sun was
assigned the basic number 6. The
system used the basic numbers to
create a "magic square," in this
case a 6 by 6 square, forming 36
smaller squares within it. The
numbers 1 through 36 are then placed
in the squares, so that they add up
to 111 by rows and diagonals. The
number 666 comes from adding all the
numbers from 1 to 36. Rev. 13:18
says that the number of man is 666.
If a hexagon is drawn in the lower
circle, the hexagon will hold a
circle which has a circumference of
192.3 and 1923 is the value of
CHRIST, THE LOGOS. To represent the
five loaves, five smaller circles
are drawn herein. Together they have
the combine perimeter of 481 units,
and this is the value of 'artoi',
the Greek word for LOAVES.
Length XY is 122.4 and 1224=FISHES.
(p 116)
Stage Five - The provisions of the
"meal" having been supplied, one
final aspect of the story needs to
be represented: the twelve baskets
used by the 12 disciples to collect
what is left over.
NOTE: When you divide 888 by 666 -
the result is 133.333333333333
The "birth" year of the USA is 888 x
2 = 1776, or 4 x 444 GREEK GEMATRIA
Jesus = 10 + 8 + 200 + 70 + 400 +
200 = 888
Now apply the trinity function 83+
83 + 83 = 1536, applied again it
becomes 369, then again 972, then
1080 then 513 and finally 153.
153 is special. The trinity function
reveals that 153 is a self
resurrecting number.
1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 = 1 + 125 + 27 = 153
Also see:
The very important number 153 is not
on the list, but its "mirror number"
351 is listed. Adding 153 to 351
gives 504, another significant
Gematrian number on the list. The
Pope and the Omphalos Stone at
Delphi are related to 153. The
number 54 is the first in-between
number to have the 666 tangent. The
numbers 6, 10, 36, 55, 66, 78, 153,
351 and 666 are among the "Triangle
Numbers." They can be arranged in
even rows like bowling pins. With
the above listed numbers, the number
of rows for each is 3 (6), 4 (10), 8
(36), 10 (55), 11 (66), 12 (seventy
eight), 17 (153), 26 (351) and 36
(666). This also means that adding
from 1 through the row number gives
the total number. For example, the
numbers 1 through 17 add to 153. For
more information about the Biblical
number 153, see:
Also see:
Jesus Christ, Sun of God
Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian
By David Fideler
On 6 October 2006, I decided to check
the number of days from the 1089 World
Series earthquake and the Cosmic Trigger
date. This is the result:
Quote: |
Duration calculation results
From and including: Tuesday, October
17, 1989
To, but not including : Tuesday,
October 17, 2006
It is 6209 days from the start date
to the end date, but not including
the end date
Or 17 years excluding the end date
Alternative time units
6209 days can be converted to one of
these units:
536,457,600 seconds
8,940,960 minutes
149,016 hours
887 weeks
Note: 6209 adds to 17.
Adding one more week to make 888 weeks,
amounts to 6216 days. This may suggest
that October 24 will be a key date.
There is a connection between 888 and
the 153 Fish story.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:12
Post subject: Incredible
Coincidence! The Sun Opens! |
Late in
the day of 17 October 2006
(California time), Dee mentioned
that there was a report about a
dark spot in the sun. This
morning (18 October) I opened
the 2012 News group report. The
first message included this:
Quote: |
1. Re:
Cosmic Event Oct. 17 and 18
Posted by: Ursula
Tue Oct 17, 2006 3:27 pm
Well, I have to say I was
really skeptic until this
morning. I am
definitely feeling a very
high energy today! If you go
the sun is showing a gaping
coronal hole.
Ursula |
I went to the site and was
Space Weather
Quote: |
What's Up
in Space -- 18 Oct 2006
gaping black hole on the sun
today, shown here in an
X-ray image from NOAA's
GOES-13 satellite:
The technical term is
"coronal hole." It's a place
in the sun's atmosphere
where magnetic fields open
up and allow solar wind to
escape. A stream of solar
wind flowing from this hole
should reach Earth on Oct.
20th or 21st, possibly
sparking a geomagnetic
storm. Sky watchers, be
alert for auroras!
This fit quite well with a
statement I made in the previous
post above.
Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 2:26 pm
Post subject: The 17 via136
Quote: |
Note that
the Mega Glyph is a Seed of
Life type, in what I call a
closed aperture shape,
similar to the north sun
symbol of the 1991 Barbury
Castle pictogram. |
In a recent e-mail I mentioned
the opening of the aperture.
Here’s an excerpt:
Quote: |
10-17 Cosmic Trigger & 818
Date: 10/16/2006 1:44:28 PM
Pacific Standard Time
From: JMason4557
To: Raphiem
This is Joe Mason, Dee's
partner at greatdreams.com.
I have some
information for you that I
feel is compelling and
vital. I am sending
BCCs of this to Dee, Stevie,
Westy, and Karin (Hi folks).
You must be extremely busy
now, but I want to make the
available, even if you and
others read it much later,
when time allows.
Your visionary experience
verifies and adds to symbols
and messages
I have followed for over 16
years. The recent
"coincidences" with this
in relation to crop circles
and the other fields is
astonishing. Combined,
it is QUITE convincing, and
revealing in terms of
probable meanings.
The figure 8 that you saw
clearly seems to be related
to the Tipharet Helix:
The Tipharet Helix
Two significant crop circle
formations included a glyph
showing a ball in
a cup. Coincidence led to
this colorful graphic:
Peter the Fisherman in the
The formation in Germany had
a wheel with 17 points:
Crop Circle Wheel with 17
The formation in Scotland
included a womb and sperm:
Scotland Crop Circle
(spheres, cup, womb, sperm)
You may know that the
numbers from one to
seventeen add to
153, and that is the number
of fish caught in the net in
the Biblical
story of Peter the
Fisherman. The symbolism,
which is older than
Christianity, is depicted in
the colorful illustration in
the link
The yellow sphere at the top
is Peter in his (orange)
boat. The green
Seed of Life flower below
the boat is the sixth sphere
of the Tree of Life,
Tipharet, which corresponds
to the heart chakra.
The number 818, as 2 x 409,
fits with Tipharet, as well,
in the form
of the Mega Glyph crop
circle formation of August
2001, with its
409 circles. The code
revealed was English
alphanumerics, as
the colors of the first six
chakras. The color of the
fourth chakra
is green, which adds to 49.
The other five colors total
Tipharet becomes the Gateway
when the flower opens, like
aperture on a camera,
revealing the Olam eternity,
the timeless
zone spiritually above our
realm, fulfilling the
Abraham Covenant.
The idea is that this is the
Spiritual Sun in the Tree of
Life opening. As if to show this
symbolically, our physical orb
of the sun opened right up!
Truly amazing.
The statement above takes quite
a bit of explaining. I will make
it as clear as I can when time
The green image of the sun is
also coincidental, as this is
the color of the Seed of Life in
the colorful image of Peter in
the boat, and green is the
traditional color of the heart
chakra, the 49 of the 360 + 49 =
409 chakra color alphanumerics
graphic above in a previous post
on page 1.
Apparently the hole in the sun
started to open on 13 October.
Here’s a sequence from the 12th
to the 18th:

Note that there
are two images for 14 October. I believe
the second of those is supposed to be
for 15 October.
The hole in the sun looks somewhat like
the Statue of Liberty. Perhaps even more
symbolically significant, it looks
something like the Orion Constellation

Decades ago,
Solara spoke of the “11:11 Doorway”
opening in the Belt of Orion.
More recently, Stan received some
strange messages with equations and
graphics. Included in the graphics was
an apparent wormhole between the
left-most star in Orion’s belt and the

Orion is
upside down and on the outer cube.
Earth, the sun and planets are on the
inner cube. There is an extra planet.
This fit well with the theories of

There is a lot of discussion via email & internet posts about Oct. 17 this
year. And as 10/17 of Lui and Lynda's well researched data, this is a crossover
point, right?
Here are alphanumbers for CROSSOVER + directions:
CROSSOVER = 134.....Vesica Piscis.....Cross + Diamond...Energy + Pure / Holy
( Cross = 74 = Jesus....Energy; 134 = Jesus Inside )
Crossover + ABOVE = 179. ABOVE = 45, of the 4.5 crossover point.
179 = The New Jerusalem / The Final Crossing / The New Crossing
179 = The Still Point ( 33 = Gate, re stargate said to be 10/17 )
1,7,9 = 17
Crossover + BELOW = 191...thematic for this year of 2006.
Below = 57....Rose...Pineal....Human....Birth....Golden ...Moon
Crossover + DOWN = 190.....this is thematic for 2007, the 27 year of our
alphabet as 13 letters each side of a triangle,
the paired letters each =
27...27 = Base.
Down = 56....Begin...Light....Three ( re triangle of above data )
Crossover + UP = 171....Metamorphosis... Leopard Skin Rock ( igneous rock from
Mexico to Atlanta and now in Liz's possession )
UP = 37. ( 37 = Side, re 13 letter triangle, or Great Pyramid, etc. Over = 60
= Inside. Inside the 13 letter triangle is the sum of each matched pair of
letters...each sum = 27. )
37 = Begin.....the 56 of "Down" can refer to DNA codon 56, which is a "start"
October as 78 = Start. 37 = Dies. And 37 + 19 =56. 19 = DNA...Egg.
56 = Begins... Light....Isis...Three ( 3 DNA triplets )
37 can read " Die DNA".....or Begin DNA. ( Re new Christ gene, Buddha genes, or
metamorphosis DNA...Metamorphosis = 171. )
Crossover + Left = 177.....77 = Christ...Group
Crossover + Right = 196. Can read " Density Resolved" or "Excellent Destiny",
both suggesting Tarot card #24 Judgment--humanity responding to a new higher
vibration or resonance pattern of release from Density. Letter #24 is X....the
crossover letter.
The sum for OCTOBER 17 2006 is 191 x 11....2101. ( 2,10,1 = 13 )
Recall that 191 is the differential for cube 13 sum and 2006.
Crossover + Below = 191....mathematical influence for year 2006.
Crossover + Down = 190....influence for year 2007.
Universal Harmonics
The posts on internet re 10/17 seem to all be an article writtten & posted by
Blue/Raphiem. While the ultraviolet beam enfolding Earth for 17 hours that
date may / may not be played out in this reality, the UHA of the very date is
what astonished me....
as mentioned in previous email, that date = 11 x 191 of this year's mathematical
I sent UHA of that date to Blue weeks ago--no reply from him to date. N
{A} 17 x 63.5294117647058823 = 1080, the Yin-Yang, Lunar number {888 Jesus +
192 Mary}. I merely extended the 63.5294117647058823 in view of the fact
that the digits illustrate a cyclic 5294117647058823
{B} Look in the cyclic Norma, we observe 294 {Church} 1176 {Only-begotten
Son} 882 {City of god}. Subsequently 294 x 3 = 882...882 x 2 = 1764...294 x
4 = 1176, therefore whichever will suffice. Likewise 1176 is fixed to 1764
which is 1080 + 684 = 192 x 3.5625
{C} As a result 294 63.5294117647058823 = 4.62777 that multiplied by 191
{one shy of 192 Mary} obtains 883.90555 this being 171 x 5.1690383 that
multiplied by the above 684 = 3535.6222
{D} The 3535.6222 being the commencing 63.5294117647058823 x 55.653312 that
multiplied by 17 = 946.1063168724...
{E} Note 3168 Lord Jesus Christ within the digits of the 946.1063168724,
therefore 946.1063168724 x 3168 = 2997264.81185185 this is the musical scale
{32:27} of 1.185185 multiplied by exactly 2528942.185
{F} The above 55.653312 {abridged} contains within the digits {whilst fully
displayed} 572 the GP Capstone side length, likewise 572 x 5.538461 = 3168.
The 5.538461 multiplied by 26 {YHWH} obtains 144
{G} Therefore the above exact 2528942.185 is 55.653312 x 45441 exactly
I am certain you will perceive the numerous interconnections remaining for
instance, look at this end number 45441, we observe 45 and 441, subsequently
441 x 2 = 882, consequently there are definitely additional avenues to
pursue with regard to 45441, etc, etc, and so the wheel of number revolves
{C} As a result 294 divided by 63.5294117647058823 = 4.62777 that multiplied
by 191 {one shy of 192 Mary} obtains 883.90555 this being 171 x 5.1690383
that multiplied by the above 684 = 3535.6222
Cosmic Trigger Event, October 17, 2006
A Cosmic Trigger Event will occur on the 17th of October 2006. This is the
beginning, one of many trigger events to come between now and 2013. An
ultraviolet (UV) pulse beam radiating from higher dimensions in universe-2
will cross paths with the Earth on this day. Earth will remain approximately
within this UV beam for 17 hours of your time.
Volledige verhaal: http://niburu.nl/showarticle.php?articleID=14489
As to the number 1 {one}
{A} 1 is 17 x 0.0588235294117647, there being a cyclic 0588235294117647
within the digits, note that the cyclic contains 16 and not 17 numbers,
therefore via inverting the usual commas we observe: 0,588,235,294,117,647,
within, we moreover perceive 882, 294, 1176, 1764, these I illustrated
within the initial email
{B} therefore 0 + 588 + 235 + 294 + 117 + 647 = 1881 this being the floor
line length of the magnificent Grand Gallery, literally entombed within the
GP. For further interconnections, observe every addition result, such as 0 +
588 + 235 + 294 + 117 = 1234
Likewise 1881 being Gematria Mary 192 x 9.796875 in that case 17 is 9.796875
x 1.7352472 that multiplied by the commencing 0.588235294117647 then by the
Sea mile of 6080 obtains 620.60606
{C} the 620.60606 being 1176 {Only-Begotten Son} multiplied by 0.5277262 in
that case this multiplied by Gematria Founder of the City 1225 obtains
{D} The division of the Sea mile 6080 by the Grand Gallery unit 1881 obtains
3.2323, accordingly 646.46464 is 3.2323 x 2000 furthermore 646.46464
divided by Gematria Weapons of god 665 obtains 0.972127 this multiplied by
17 x 1881 obtains 31085.714285. This being the amount of seconds within 24
hours 86400 x 0.359788
{E} We subsequently need but divide Gematria Mary 192 by the 0.359788 to
obtain 533.6470588 which is the commencing 0.0588235294117647 x 9072, this
being, amongst numerous options, the GP base perimeter of 3024 x 3
There are numerous such quirks within the rich tapestry of number to share
with whoever wishes to gain knowledge of more. I discern no more than the
tip of the proverbial iceberg; therefore, I constantly search for additional
interconnections. In addition to, I habitually share my findings cheerfully,
for what they are worth, in the company of whoever truthfully desires to
Excellent, Dee & Joe. Re the chakra colors from my template of 409 crop
circle, please notice the following UHA of October as 78 and 17:
+ 95.......Process...Kundalini...Scorpio ( 8th house, re the 818 gate name )
- 61......Chakras.........Norma ......Miracle....The Lamb
- 34 .....= One...Basic...Grace
- 27......Base....Red...Code
- 7.......( 7 as crown chakra, "Base" as chakra 1, where 7 + 1 = 8 )
* 20...the Mean of this math model, letter T as Mayan
symbol for Divine Breath
*..20......Chi....Ki ( K,I as 11, 9 )
95 also = Tuesday, and this year's 10/17 date IS a Tuesday.
The 61, 27 also reads "Norma Hand", the ongoing "miracle" healing of those 3
paralyzed fingers from '95 hand injury, Kundalini-related. Thus 7 fingers
functioning fully, 3 not functioning. ( Letter #27 inverted Y of Integrated
Wholeness, Unity )
Continuing successive addition of above math model goes to a number line of
407, 658, and 1065. The 40 of 407 = Blue. The 65 of 658 = Seven, White, Solar,
Center, and 58 = Star, Two. Center Star, Center Angles, or Solar
Angles...Angles as Angels: the image for English Tarot #20 Temperance card is an
angel with Solar disc center of forehead at hairline. The final line of 1065 as
165 = Resurrection....5 x 33, where 33 = Gate. 165 is both 75....and 111:
75 = Spiral...North ( the upward spiral ). 111 = Humanity....
Perfection...Christos....DNA Template.
The Process of phaselocking Chakras as the graphic below, with each opposite
pair sum as 8:
7....top of a figure 8 loops down to #4, crossover down to #1.( 7+1=8 )
6.....6 + 2 = 8
5.....5 + 3 = 8
4...figure 8 crossover point for each pair..heart chakra
Universal Harmonics
Norma et al
Although it may seem that the majority of my "numbers" in a manner of speaking,
revolve around the Great Pyramid of Giza, I execute this organism simply in view
of the fact that the GP measurements are equivalent to dissimilar wondrous,
strategically sited monuments the world over. Nonetheless, which, in some
respects is regrettable, the "attention-grabbing" model is indeed the GP.
For example, Joe mentions the Electron-Proton number 1836, which as observed
before, is the roofline length {modern day inches} of the awe-inspiring Grand
Gallery, literally "entombed" within the GP. The floor-line length being 1881 in
addition to 1881 minus 1836 = 45, otherwise 18 + 36 = 54
{reversed}. Alternatively 18 + 81 = 99
In that case 99 x 1836 = 181764, this being the Yin-Yang, Lunar number 1080 x
168.3. At this time we observe 1836 rearranged, accordingly 168.3 multiplied by
Gematria Founder of the city 1225 = 206167.5
The 206167.5 being Gematria Simon Peter 1925 x 107.1 in that case 1836 107.1 =
17.142857 that multiplied by 21 = 360
I have e-mailed Jerry with reference to the Fine Structure Constant, correct to
nine decimal places, in the company of relevant statistics, nonetheless the
ensuing silence is deafening
I willingly confess that I be not on familiar terms with "The" answer,
nevertheless I believe I may possibly present a glimpse beyond the veil of
Ancient knowledge.
Gaze at the number below: 95
{A} 95 x 19.8 = 1881, the floor-line length of the Grand Gallery, the 19.8 x
152.7272 = 3024 the GP base perimeter. The 152.7272 amongst numerous options
being the Egyptian Cubit of 1.71818 x 88.888
{B} The 88.888 x 21.16125 = 1881, otherwise the 88.888 x 2.16 = 192 Mary
{C} The 21.16125 contains a rearranged 1625 Gematria Tree of Life, therefore
21.16125 is 1625 x 0.01302230769 that multiplied by 26 {YHWH} obtains 0.33858
{D} The produced 0.33858 may seem, at first glance, insignificant, nonetheless
we observe 33 in addition to 858, accordingly 95 is 0.33858 x
280.583613 {an extensive cyclic} that multiplied by exactly 6.703884 = 1881, the
6.703884 x 407 = 2728.480788
{E} The 2728.480788 being the commencing 152.7272 x 17.86505277857142 this being
the above 21.16125 x 0.84423428571 that multiplied by 91636363.63636 =77362560
{F} The 91636363.6363 multiplied by exactly 0.99792 = 91445760 the GP volume,
bear in mind these numbers on view most certainly do not reside solely within
the GP, they are echoed across the globe
{G} The 0.99792 being 0.1836 x 5.435294 that multiplied by Gematria Lord Jesus
Christ 3168 = 17219.0117647 that multiplied by 4492.857142 regains the above
{H} The 4492.857142 x 768.66810810 = 3453516, which is, amongst numerous options
1881 x 1836
This may possibly be my last posting for quite some time, t'would appear via the
deafening silence, and this is no juvenile fit of pique, that the value of my
input, appears to be waning, so be it
Given that, a long time passed before I realized not to question the why or how
I am capable to "see" number, I simply "go with the flow" in a manner of
speaking. I recognize I may perhaps possess the proverbial "something",
nevertheless I have learned not to question but to simply embrace it
Likewise, for a rationale unbeknownst to me, of late, I tire easily, being
previously enlightened via the treatment centre that this weariness is a, if you
wish, surplus to requirements consequence, oh woe is me
Peace to all
A cosmic trigger event is occurring on the 17th of October 2006
============ ========= ============ ========= ========= ===
This is the beginning, one of many trigger events to
come between now and 2013. An ultraviolet (UV) pulse
beam radiating from higher dimensions in universe-2
will cross paths with the Earth on this day. Earth
will remain approximately within this UV beam for 17
hours of your time.
This beam resonates with the heart chakra, it is
radiant flourescent in nature, blue/magenta in colour.
Although it resonates in this frequency band, it is
above the colour frequency spectrum of your universe-1
which you, Earth articulate in. However due to the
nature of your soul and soul groups operating from
Universe-2 frequency bands it will have an effect.
The effect is every thought and emotion will be
amplified intensely one million-fold. Yes, we will
repeat, all will be amplified one millions time and
Every thought, every emotion, every intent, every
will, no matter if it is good, bad, ill, positive,
negative, will be amplified one million times in
What does this mean ?
Since all matter manifest is due to your thoughts,
i.e. what you focus on, this beam will accelerate
these thoughts and solidify them at an accelerated
rate making them manifest a million times faster than
they normally would.
For those that do not comprehend. Your thoughts, what
you focus on create your reality. This UV beam thus
can be a dangerous tool. For if you are focused on
thoughts which are negative to your liking they will
manifest into your reality almost instantly. Then
again this UV beam can be a gift if you choose it to
Mission-1017 requires approximately one million people
to focus on positive, benign, good willed thoughts for
themselves and the Earth and Humanity on this day.
Your thoughts can be of any nature of your choosing,
but remember whatever you focus on will be made
manifest in a relatively faster than anticipated time
frame. To some the occurrences may almost be bordering
on the miracle.
All we ask is positive thoughts of love, prosperity,
healing, wealth, kindness, gratitude be focused on.
This UV beam comes into full affect for 17 hrs on the
17th of October 2006. No matter what time zone you are
in the hours are approximately 10:17 am on the 17th of
October to 1:17 am on the 18th October. The peak time
will be 17:10 (5:10 pm) on the 17th October. You do
not need to be in a meditative state through out this
time, though would be beneficial. The main key time no
matter what time zone you are in will be the peak time
of 17:10 (5:10 pm).
Perhaps at this time if you can find a peaceful spot
or location to focus. The optimum is out in the
vicinity of grounded nature, likened to that of a
large tree or next to the ocean waves. Focus on
whatever it is you desire. What is required for the
benefit of all Earth and Humanity is positive thoughts
of loving nature.
We call this UV beam trigger event, "818" gateway.
Please forward this message to as many people as you
know who will use this cosmic trigger event to focus
positive, good willed thoughts. We require
approximately 1-million people across globe to
actively participate in this event. Please use
whatever communication mediums you have at your
disposal. Reach out to as many people as possible. We
require 1-million plus people at the least to trigger
a shift for humanity from separation and fragmentation
to one of unification and oneness. This is your
opportunity to take back what is rightfully yours i.e.
Peace and Prosperity for all Earth and Mankind.
This is a gift, a life line from your universe so to
speak, an answer to your prayers. What you do with it
and whether or not you choose to participate is your
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
We have a rare Cosmic event occurring on October 17th and 18th that will give us
a jump-start in manifesting the things we would like to co-create in our own
lives and on this planet. There is going to be an ultraviolet pulse beam from
higher dimensions than we have previously been able to experience crossing the
path of Earth.
We will be held in the embrace of this highly charged ultraviolet beam of Light
for approximately 17 hours. The energy emanating from this beam resonates with
Humanity’s 5th-Dimensional Solar Heart Chakras.
The Beings of Light are revealing that during this 17-hour period the
ultraviolet pulse beam will have the effect of amplifying our thoughts and
emotions ONE MILLIONFOLD. This will be the case regardless of what our thoughts
and emotions are expressing. Needless to say, it is imperative for all of us to
be Peace Commanding Presences during this auspicious time.
The ultraviolet pulse beam will be a wave of Light that traverses the planet,
so no matter what time zone you are in the important times will be
the same. For 17 hours, from approximately 10:17 a.m. on October 17th until 1:17
a.m. on October 18th our thoughts and emotions will be
amplified ONE MILLIONFOLD. The peak time will be 5:10 p.m. on October 17th.
Can you imagine how powerful it will be for Lightworkers around the world to
take advantage of this Cosmic Moment by using our thoughts and emotions to
expand the archetypes and matrix for Divine Government on this planet, as well
as empowering the newly reactivated patterns of Heaven on Earth?
This edict is reverberating through the ethers in ways that cannot be ignored.
Outer-world events confirm that this facet of the Divine Plan is
in full swing. Now it is the responsibility of every conscious person on the
planet to focus our attention on what we want to co-create in place of
the negativity being pushed to the surface. From our current perspective,
probably nothing is more critical than expanding the matrix and archetypes for
Divine Government.
The focused attention of Humanity is being drawn to the actions of
governments in practically every country in the world. This is creating a
collective cup of Humanity’s consciousness through which the Light of God can
flow to manifest the changes we want to create on Earth.
Our thoughts and feelings are creative. Light is infinitely more powerful than
discord, hatred, war and chaos. If we want to change the horrific
things that are happening on the planet, we have the ability to do so. By
invoking the Light of God and the I AM Presence of every soul involved
with the governments of the world, we can change the course of direction for
this planet. By asking their I AM Presence to take dominion of their thoughts,
words, actions and feelings, a shift of consciousness can take place that will
transform their behavior patterns.
The upcoming elections in the United States of America and the various
challenges taking place around the world are providing an opportunity for
monumental change.
In alignment with the request of the Company of Heaven, this month I AM
dedicating this E-mail article to the manifestation of Divine Government. The
invocations, decrees, visualizations and meditations included here have the
ability to shift the consciousness of those associated with the governments of
the world at national, state and local levels.
All we have to do is affirm these activities of Light effectively and
consistently enough to reach a critical mass for a higher level of
government. We are closer than outer circumstances indicate. Do not under
estimate your ability to add to the Light of the world or to change the course
of direction for the governments on this planet. The Light of God is ALWAYS
Victorious, and WE are that Light!
In order to grasp the significance of the opportunity at hand, we must
understand what Divine Government represents. First of all, Divine
Government is NOT One World Government, a New World Order or any of the other
concepts that have been used to describe the manipulative, controlling shadow
governments ruled by the embodied forces of imbalance. Divine Government is the
antithesis of that level of consciousness.
Divine Government reflects the Universal Law, As above, so below. It is a
self-governing body guided and directed by the I AM Presence of all
Humanity: a government OF our I AM Presence, BY our I AM Presence, FOR our I AM
Presence. When we truly understand what that means, we will see the tremendous
effect Divine Government will have on the World and all Life.
Our I AM Presence is who we really are. This aspect of our Divinity is
multidimensional and transcends our fragmented, manipulative human
consciousness. Our I AM Presence is one with the Divine Heart and Mind of God.
It is our super conscious mind, and it understands the Divine Principles
governing this Earth. Our I AM Presence knows the urgent need of the hour.
This aspect of our Divinity understands that all Life is interrelated,
interdependent and interconnected. If the family of Humanity is going to
survive, we must come together as a unified force of Divine Love, Harmony and
Our I AM Presence also knows that every evolving soul is going through a unique
learning experience and that our various races, religions, creeds, beliefs,
cultures, nationalities and lifestyles are part of that experience.
Tragically, our fear-based lower human consciousness is distorting much of what
we are expressing through these diversities. However, when our I AM Presence is
in charge, we will revel in the beauty and wonder of all of our differences.
When our I AM Presence is in control, once and for all, we will understand that
our diversities help us learn and grow. Then we will happily share
our gifts, talents, wisdom, knowledge and abundance to enhance the lives of all
people. We will know that we are cocreating this reality together
and that God’s Abundance and the God supply of all good things are limitless.
As the matrix and archetypes for Divine Government are expanded in the physical
plane, the obsolete, fear-based cup of human consciousness will be shattered,
and the patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God that are associated
with Divine Government will be available to flow into the hearts and minds of
every Human Being.
This event will greatly expand the Divine Intelligence within the Flame of
Transfiguring Divine Love in every Heart Flame. Then, even the most
resistant souls will awaken and allow their I AM Presence to take command.
Eventually every country will be governed by the I AM Presence of the people
abiding in that country. Since our I AM Presence knows the full
significance of the Oneness of all Life, it understands that only by working
toward the highest good of all concerned in every facet of Life
will we succeed in accomplishing the Divine Plan. Only by creating win-win
situations in every governmental exchange, every human exchange and every
exchange with the environment and the Nature Kingdom will there be Eternal Peace
and Limitless Abundance on Earth.
When our I AM Presence is governing the planet, we will tap into the patterns of
perfection in the Causal Body of God that govern the Universal
Laws affecting energy, medicine, health, healing, the economy, food supply,
shelter, technology, communication, travel, education, science,
sacred geometry, music, art, movement, meditation, spiritual growth,
enlightenment, peace and every other pattern of perfection.
Then we will tangibly cocreate Heaven on Earth in every facet of our lives.
Now, please become the Instrument of God you are destined to be. Individually
and collectively with your spiritual groups join with fellow
Lightworkers around the world who are participating in these activities of Light
with you. This is a critical moment, and your Light and Love are
needed NOW!
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
Put on some beautiful instrumental music. Relax and absorb the musical tones
into the deepest recesses of your Being. The music will assist you
in accomplishing your portion of the Divine Plan during this sacred activity.
The tones in the music are cleansing every cell, molecule, atom and electron of
your physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. Allow the
music to hold the focus of your attention, as it lifts you into the full embrace
of your I AM Presence.
Affirm with deep feeling:
This very moment, I surrender my lower human consciousness to the perfection
of my I AM Presence.
I AM ONE with the Divine Heart and Mind of every man, woman and child evolving
on this sweet Earth. From within the silence of my heart, I
affirm with One Voice, One Breath, One Heartbeat, One Consciousness of pure
Divine Love:
I AM a Beloved Child of God, and ALL that my Father-Mother God has is mine.
I invoke the All-pervading Light of the Universe, the Supreme Source of all
Life, the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Cosmic I AM—All That Is.
I kneel within my heart in recognition of the Light of the Cosmos, and I draw
forth the Flames representing the Threefold Activity of Life, as
exemplified by the Holy Trinity:
I invoke the blue Flame, which represents the Divine Power of my Father God.
I invoke the pink Flame, which represents the Divine Love of my Mother God.
I invoke the yellow-gold Flame, which represents the Divine Wisdom of the
Sons and Daughters of God—the Solar Christ Presence.
Beloved Father-Mother God come now, and assert your rightful authority within me
and within ALL Humanity. Show me how to reverently and humbly express the
perfectly balanced activity of Love, Wisdom and Power daily and hourly in my
O Supreme Light, I acknowledge you in all Life.
I give gratitude to the glorious Cosmic and Ascended Beings, as I invoke them
and the great Angelic Host to amplify the energy, which I AM now releasing to
assist with the fulfillment of the Divine Plan. May that Light expand and
expand, as it travels throughout the Universe, ever
widening the borders of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, in fulfillment of God’s
Beloved Presence of God—the Source of All that Is—I love and adore you. I
acknowledge you as the owner and giver of my life, my intelligence, my
substance, my all. Seal me in the Love, Wisdom and Power of Victorious
Accomplishment. Blaze your Light and Love before me and prepare the way that I
may always walk the path of Light. Guard and protect me; guide and direct me and
give me the Illumination of the Truth that will set me FREE. Help me to BE your
Divine Love in action at all times, and sustain your Love through me to bless
all Life I contact.
I dedicate my life to the manifestation of Divine Government—a government OF the
I AM Presence of Humanity, BY the I AM Presence of Humanity, FOR the I AM
Presence of Humanity.
I invoke the I AM Presence of every soul that is in any way associated with the
governments of the Earth to direct, sustain and expand the
portion of the Divine Plan, which is that soul’s destiny.
I invoke the Legions of Light throughout Infinity to direct their full-gathered
momentum of Loving and Illumined Obedience to God’s Will
into the feelings, minds and worlds of all governmental and business leaders
throughout the planet.
Through the Power and Presence of Almighty God, I AM determined that Divine
Government shall manifest NOW and that ALL Humanity shall follow the Will of
And so it is, Beloved I AM.
In the Name, Love, Wisdom, Power and Authority of the Beloved Presence of
God, I AM, blazing in my heart and the hearts of all Humanity and by the
Power of Light’s Victory now made manifest on Earth, I invoke Archangel
Michael and the Legions of Power and Protection to come forth NOW!
Beloved Ones, descend into Washington, D.C., and the surrounding suburban
areas. With your Sword of Blue Flame, CUT FREE (3x) every force that is
not of the Light. Encapsulate these energies in your Cosmic Circle of
White Lightning. Lift every electron of this negativity into the arms of
Divine Grace. Instantly Transmute it cause, core, effect, record and
memory back into the Light.
Beloved Archangel Michael, I ask that you now direct your Legions of Power
and Protection to expand this Divine Service into every state, city, town
and homestead in the United States of America. With your Sword of Blue
Flame, CUT FREE (3x) every force that is not of the Light. Encapsulate
these energies in your Cosmic Circle of White Lightning. Lift every
electron of this negativity into the arms of Divine Grace. Instantly
Transmute it cause, core, effect, record and memory back into the Light.
Beloved Ones, expand this Divine Service now into every country, nation,
city, province, town and hamlet on Earth. With your Sword of Blue Flame,
CUT FREE (3x) every force that is not of the Light. Encapsulate these
energies in your Cosmic Circle of White Lightning. Lift every electron of
this negativity into the arms of Divine Grace. Instantly Transmute it
cause, core, effect, record and memory back into the Light.
Beloved Legions of Light, in the full Authority of God’s Will on Earth, I
COMMAND that in every location where negativity was removed, the patterns
of perfection for Divine Government be established, NOW and FOREVER.
Through the Presence of God, I AM, I ask for a special Cosmic
Dispensation. Beloved Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light
throughout Infinity, envelop Washington, D.C., the United States of
America and every country on Earth in the Fiery Embrace of the Flames of
Divine Wisdom, Transfiguring Divine Love, Divine Will, Purity, Truth and
Illumination until Divine Government and all of the infinite patterns of
perfection associated with Divine Government are firmly established in
every country of the World.
I make this Invocation, Command and Decree through the Power of God, I AM.
And so it is. Beloved I AM.
In the Name of the Almighty Presence of God, I AM, and through the
Creative Fire pulsating in every heart...
I invoke the Goddess of Liberty, the Goddess of Justice, the Goddess of
Freedom, the Goddess of Victory, the Silent Watcher of Washington,
D.C.—Beloved Columbia—and all of the Mighty Guardians and Cosmic Beings
who dwell in the Etheric Complex over Washington, D.C.
Blessed Ones, come forth now, and assist me with the most powerful
cleansing activity Humanity and the Earth are capable of receiving during
this Cosmic Moment. As one unified heart, I now invoke the 5th-Dimensional
frequencies of the Violet Transmuting Flame of Forgiveness and
Blaze, blaze, blaze this Sacred Violet Fire in, through and around all
inharmonious actions, all lower human consciousness and all obstructions
of the Light that I or any part of Life have ever placed into the pathway
of Life’s perfection. Through the Divine Power of Forgiveness and
Forgetfulness, Transmute this discordant energy cause, core, effect,
record and memory, NOW and FOREVER.
**BLAZE and SUSTAIN the Violet Flame with the power and might of a
thousand Suns and the Cosmic Blue Lightning of Divine Will, Power, Faith
and Authority from the Great, Great Central Sun in, through and around:
* The President of the United States of America and his cabinet—NOW and
* The Senate and the House of Representatives for the United States of
America—NOW and FOREVER.
* The Supreme Court and ALL Courts of Law, and ALL legal procedures—NOW
* The United Nations and ALL of its members—NOW and FOREVER.
* Through ALL world leaders and those associated with the governments of
Earth at national, state and local levels—NOW and FOREVER
Through the Supreme Eternal Mercy and Compassion of the Cosmic I AM—All
That Is—I accept the Divine Fiat that the Golden Essence of Illumination,
Wisdom, Understanding, Enlightenment and Truth shall now rule, guide and
protect all Humanity.
God’s Will for the United States of America and ALL countries of the World
SHALL MANIFEST, and the Divine Plan will be fulfilled. Divine Government
is the order of the New Cosmic Day on Earth. I so decree it and accept it
done. Beloved I AM.
Beloved Presence of God, I AM, within me and within all Humanity, Beloved
Ascended Masters, Mighty Cosmic Beings, Legions of Light throughout
Infinity and the Great Cosmic Momentum of God’s Divine Plan for ALL Life
evolving on this planet, COME INTO ACTION NOW.
Blaze the full-gathered Cosmic Momentum of God’s Divine Plan for every
man, woman and child on this planet through the hearts and minds of every
MANIFEST NOW (3x) the full power of the Divine Plan into, through and
around the four lower vehicles of every individualization of God evolving
Blaze the power of the Divine Plan directly into all that which opposes
the Dignity of Womanhood, of Manhood and of Family Life. Transmute and
dissolve forever the cause, core, effect, record, memory and tendencies of
all behavior that is not reflecting God’s Divine Plan, Oneness or
Reverence for Life.
Replace every destructive behavior pattern with Majestic Goodness,
God-Honor, God-Reverence and God-Respect for the Divinity within every
Child of God unto the full manifest expression of the I AM Presence within
every soul.
Great Ascended Host of Light, I thank you for the fulfillment of this
Divine Fiat, which I decree in the Sacred Name of God—I AM.
I call forth the great Beings of Divine Government and the Beloved
Ascended Masters guarding the evolutions of this planet to blaze the
Sacred Fires of God’s Perfect Will and Divine Illumination in, through and
around the electorate and governmental officials of all nations.
Let them feel the Power and Love of our Father-Mother God flowing through
their Hearts, as they elect their governments and vote on all issues
before them.
I SEAL this call in the Cosmic Threefold Flame anchored within the hearts
of all Humanity.
And so it is, Beloved I AM.
In the Name of the Presence of God, I AM, and through the magnetic Power
of the Sacred Fire vested in our hearts and the hearts of all Humanity, we
The Elohim of Purity and all of the Legions of Light associated with
Cosmic White Lightning of Purification, Archangel Michael and all of the
Legions of Light associated with the Sword of Blue Flame, ALL of the
Angelic Legions associated with the strength and purity of God’s Will,
Saint Germain and all of the Legions of Light associated with the Violet
Fire of Transmutation, Freedom, Justice, Liberty and Victory.
Beloved Ones, come forth NOW...and blaze your radiant Flames of Light
(1) All Embassies, Chanceries, Consulates and all offices of the
international representatives in Washington, DC.
(2) The Capitol Building, the Congressional Office Buildings and the
Senate Office Buildings.
(3) The State Department, the White House and the Executive Office
(4) The Pentagon, all military bases and every office and business
concerned in any way with military affairs.
(5) The United States Government Departmental Offices of any kind,
throughout the World.
(6) The Supreme Court and all Courts of Law and all legal procedures.
(7) Now, Blessed Ones, expand this activity of Light. Traverse the planet
North, South, East and West, and blaze these powerful, purifying Flames
in, through and around ALL government and military buildings. Purify and
Transmute ALL governmental and military activities associated with each
and every country in the World.
We ask the I AM Presence of every governmental official and employee to
PURIFY the consciousness and the mind of each one. Replace all negative
thought patterns with Divine Consciousness and the desire to manifest
God’s Holy Will—in ever-expanding action—until Divine Government is firmly
established here on Earth. Close in upon and TRANSMUTE anything that is
hindering the expansion of God’s Divine Plan for the governments of the
United States of America and the World.
TRANSMUTE (3x) ALL that is not of the Light—cause, core, effect, record
and memory before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained. TRANSMUTE
all negativity into the pure Light of the Cosmic Three-fold Flame and the
Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity.
We accept this call fulfilled, as God’s Most Holy Name, I AM
Mighty Angel of Restoration, in grateful humility, I acknowledge your
Presence in the Universe and the tremendous service you are rendering to
the Planet Earth and her evolutions. I thank you for sustaining a canopy
of Light over Washington, D.C., and I now offer you my energy and the good
of my Causal Body to help you expand and sustain this canopy of Light over
all the countries in the World.
I ask you to SEAL all governments on the planet within a constant
outpouring of the Crystal Flame of Restoration until all Life is purified,
restored and manifesting God’s Plan for Divine Government on Earth.
I consecrate and dedicate my vehicles to be the Open Door through which
the purifying process of the Sacred Fire will flow to restore all into
Divine Perfection.
Beloved I AM.
Through the Presence of God, I AM, in me and in all Humanity, I invoke the
Mighty Elohim of God’s First Cause of Perfection and the Legions of Light
associated with the sapphire-blue Flame of God’s First Cause of
Blessed Ones, come forth now and blaze your sacred Flame into the cause
and core of all human miscreation in Washington, D.C., and thence through
every government capital in the World. Go forth now with your invincible
Angelic Legions of God’s First Cause of Perfection, and sweep through
every government building, every office and every home in the city of
Washington, D.C., and in every country in the World. Transmute the human
desire to use free will destructively, and replace it with the intense
desire to serve God and Humanity.
I ask for a special dispensation that you now permanently station your
Angelic Legions in Washington, D.C., and in all world government centers
on Earth, to ensure that all rates of vibration that tie any individual to
activities of discord or imbalance be quickened to a point where they are
set FREE in the Light.
Protect every soul from accepting negative human suggestions, and help
each one to be a receiver of the Forces and Inspirational Activities of
God. Assist each one to be a willing participant in the fulfillment of the
Divine Plan of establishing Divine Government on Earth.
Give added protection to those Lifestreams who are already manifesting
God’s Will through their Divine Plans, and protect them from all
interference that would seek to disrupt the establishment of Divine
Government on Earth.
I consciously accept this done right now, eternally sustained and all
powerfully active, ever expanding and world encompassing until Divine
Government is manifest in every country of the World.
In the Full Power and Authority of the Beloved Presence of God, I AM, we,
the Children of Earth, humbly come to the Throne of our Father-Mother God
to invoke into the physical plane of Earth the most intensified activity
of God’s Will ever manifested in the history of time.
We invoke the Legions of Light serving this blessed Earth to absorb this
Divine Essence into every fiber of their Beings and project it into the
Heart Flame and conscious mind of every person associated with the
governments of this planet in any way, shape or form.
Blaze the Cosmic Flame of God’s Will through each of these souls and clear
away any destructive activity of their own free will, which might rush in
to impede their conscious desire to do God’s Will.
Help them to become and remain obedient to the Law of Harmony and to BE
God in action at ALL times.
Seal all governmental positions, individually and collectively in the
radiance of God’s Will.
Reveal, through Illumination’s Flame, the Divine Purpose and Plan for each
office and each individual, and give to each person the Spiritual Courage
and Desire to fulfill that plan perfectly.
Let the Will of God be MANIFEST in, through and around all the governments
of the World NOW and FOREVER!
ALL Humanity everywhere!
We consciously ACCEPT this MANIFESTING NOW...even as we call.
Beloved I AM.
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc.
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
E-mail: PattiCR@aol.com; FAX: 520-749-6643; Phone: 520-885-7909
PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it
through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included.
©2006 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the
Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of
this information is to encourage, empower, uplift and inspire all of us by
allowing us to see the bigger picture, during these wondrous but extremely
challenging times.
On 10-06-06 there was an electrolytic charge from the Blue Light to start
your engines.
On 10-17-06 there will be an incoming pulse ray of Ultra-Violet Light. The UV
light (note of B in 3-D octave) is a YIN energy that will enter the right
hemisphere of your brain. This is a GODDESS ENERGY for the
maturations of Universal co-creative thought within the containment vessel of
your physical embodiment Its lowering vibrations are the most
compatible to receive the new incoming higher frequency generators.
Physical symptoms manifested by these lowering vibrations include a lowered
blood pressure, lower metabolism (tiredness), acid reflux,
migraine type head and body aches, and a loss of appetite. Most
significantly are the accelerating electrolytic changes taking place in
your Chakra energy wheels, aka, your endocrine glandular systems. The
8th chakra is the awakened dormant DNA re-alignment to the enharmonic vibes of
the Blue-Green Soul Star for the upliftment of the spectral ladder into its next
harmonic higher dimensional octave.
The first 3 of the 3-D lower chakras had serviced the molecular levels only. They
have been undergoing a re-education by the cellular levels as to the remembrance
of the rhythmic pulsations of the spectral harmonics now required of their
uni-versal SOURCE of Origin, the Greater Light! From atoms to Adams,
we are the Bio-Genesis of the Greater Light. As such, we can and do
co-create our own realities.
loving us all, lee
Sent: Sunday, October 15,
2006 12:31 PM
To: eceti@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [ECETI News]
Gama Ray burst coming in 10-14 followed by UV
Rec'd from a friend...]
Hi Folks,
Gamma ray burst beginning to arrive. Noticed change beginning
10/12 with hyper-activity and increase in physical symptoms....
activity is preceding the arrival on 10/17. Here's a website that
monitors Gamma Ray Bursts...although it's not up to date for some
If possible, on 10/17 try to be alone as much as possible to keep
centered and calm. If not possible to be alone, then be sure to
frequent breaks for centering. Interesting that our sources have
been preparing for this for a while.....and the confirmation is
being received as of today 10/14. The full effect will be on the
It's important to stay in an objective/observant mode because this
is a huge burst which we've never encountered before and truly
cannot predict physical-emotional effects. Most important is to
curb immediate reactions to interactions with others who have no
awareness of the effects of the activity of the Universe.
I can personally say that with the
burst just beginning to arrive, my personal treatments for some of
my family members undergoing
extremely difficult karmic situations are also shifting in a
wonderful, positive, abundant, healthy way beginning on 10/13. For
one member in particular, Friday the 13th is always a great day,
having been born on the 13th, and thank Heaven....literally
the turnaround has begun since this has taken two years to work
thru all the negative conditions that were coming up in the course
of the
As anyone who works with healing knows, working with family
members is usually not recommended because it requires a
tremendous amount
of energy to stay objective due to all subtle intertwining of
personal realities on this plane...so, when things are stuck and
replaying a negative, each time with a different aspect being
uncovered and revealed, it is so very important to accept and
the changes to continue.... even if they appear to be negative
The Truth of all treatment, in any
healing modality that we folks work with, is total belief,
absolute knowing within the very depths
and heights of one's being, that all is working according to
Divine Order within the Universal Intelligence. ....and to leave
treatment alone to do its Perfect work.
This is one of the most difficult things to learn.....the Truth to
this is that to continually re-treat the same issue is to doubt
effectiveness of the original treatment... ..and, to doubt makes
the treatment ineffective.
There is so much going on right now......this is truly an exciting
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
In the Spirit of Love,
I've shared this before, but for me is what i do ..... the
heart spiral meditation especially 10/17
Below is a repeat from previous posts from Blue ...
** Heart Spiral Meditation **
Many have already seen/read this from previous posts, but here it is again ...
with a few added bits i've never mentioned before .... due to
the fact that eventually you can do this (most of it) while you are driving or
watching tv, laying down etc .... it becomes a natural thing
I can tell you I've had nothing but disdain from so called Newage circles who
simply angrily disagree with me (actually Blue) on this ....
as for decades it has been taught that especially when meditating that you
start from the crown (7th) chakra or from the base/root chakra (1st)
In my experience and firmly believe this from a practise/experience that
energy dynamics flow in thru the heart seal/chakra first!!!
Yep .. the heart comes first ... not the others ... if I attempt to start on
any of the others first ... it's like trying to run on 2 cylinders when you
have 7cylinders ...
and you don't get good mileage for fuel ..
I pictured it one day like a vortex-spiral/pump coming in thru the heart
spinning anticlockwise coming in towards you ...(but have had other
saying they get it the other way ... clockwise)...
It is called the Heart Spiral due to the sequence in which I feel the
chakra-seals open up ..
Blue assures me that any other sequence that does not begin with the heart is
not conducive ..... and for those who which to reverse and ill-intent
that may have messed with them due to other supposed negative meditation
techniques, then the heart spiral will reverse this ....
And remember like any other meditation it must be done from the heart and when
doing it you need to be in an inward state of peace ... again
folks I stress ... only do meditations if they feel right and harmonious to
you, whether it is the heart spiral or any other ..... do not do it
just because someone tells you .... try it and if it feels right and you
benefit then this is fine ... likewise for the HSM ... if you don't feel
right doing it, don't do it ..
a) start off in a lotus style position or legs crossed which ever is easiest
b) both hands palm to palm prayer like centered over your heart area
c) it is important that your back is straight ...
d) take your least dominant hand and place it over your heart
e) take your most dominant hand and place it in salute fashion on your
forehead (brow).
f) now move your dominate hand from brow/3rd eye to left-knee
g) now move from left-knee to right-knee
h) now move from right-knee to 3rdeye/brow ... so it is triangular in motion
i) and finally bring both hands back together over the heart region
***except now instead of prayer fashion, put your
less-used-hand under and your more dominant hand on top sort of like
semi-circle fashion, like
you are open to
receiving/catching a ball ...****
j) start breathing in thru nose and out thru mouth ... on the out breath
focus/feel/visualise .....
k) as you do this visualise heart spiral below, energy coming in thru heart
and exiting thru crown ...
l) increase your breathing rate and finally slow it, rest it as you run out of
breath .... and repeat again if you wish the steps ....
4th Chakra - Heart (green) . enters here first
3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus (yellow)
5th Chakra - Throat (blue)
2nd Chakra - Sacral (orange)
6th Chakra - Brow/3rd Eye (indigo)
1st Chakra - Base/root (red)
7th Chakra - Crown (violet) then exits here and cycles thru again to the heart
the above is a simple sequence form 1 to 7 of the chakra's opening up
.... if you draw the flow of it .. it is like a spiral ..
the heart first
then emotion/feelings in the solar plexus
then you voice it/verbalise it in the throat/thymus and so on ...
can u picture it how it spirals ...
also if you like, you can focus on the heart first
then the solar + throat together at the same time
then sacral+brow together at same time ...
so instead of seven steps, you do it in 4-steps ...
consider ... 4-chambers of the heart, 4-aorta's and the heart is 4th
chak-ra .. (also has 7-muscles, which spin/tilt the blood like a vortex
thru ... DOES NOT simply just PUMP it thru)
now heart disease is one of the number one killers ... why ... it is not just
food/diet ... it is the energy dynamics of the heart
if the heart is not open and tuned/flowing and allowing the energy to spiral
thru correctly ... can cause imbalances in the rest of the body
and affect other things ...
eg ... if the heart is blocked and you are trying to open and/or close seals
that are closed below the heart ... can manifest problems in that
region in the body and same goes if above heart ...
energy maybe trying to flow/spiral/cycle thru and it can't cause the heart is
closed/blocked ... pressure builds up and bang/kaboom ... poor
heart ...
also if the energy is not released from the top half or the bottom half, due
to the heart being blocked or closed or not full open ...then those
seals/chakra's can burn out or over stress/over work ... and start causing
physical ailments in those areas ... as well as pressure on the
heart-chakra ... and thus on the heart muscle ..
you can play with it ...
but do consider the above... please do freely share with others if you wish
Another post from R.
Give thanks to mother Earth making planetary adjustments compensating for
nuclear blast within her womb, 6.6 and no human life is lost
Hawaii acted as the gateway/portal in transmuting the negative effects in
preparation for 1017
A new wave of passion is birthed in Hawaii to assist others in your times to
The 1017 (818) UV pulse wave is on the edge of night whispering in the winds
reaching to touch and embrace Earth
Australia/NZ will be amongst the first to kiss the wave with the rest following
behind as the wave washes over
accelerating your bio-circuitry interface spirit2matter2reality
Focus/visualise on the outcomes you desire instead of those you do not
There are cycles within cycles peaks and troughs and epochs a new wave of
consciousness is coming you can no longer choose to ignore
When it arrives it will be experienced by all and the collective shift will
As each choose to enter this new wave of consciousness will give courage to
those others to make the shift
We have watched and waited and will patiently wait for time is no thing as the
waves wash
upon the shores of your perception we knock upon the doors of your hearts but
only you have the keys to open these doors ...
sing the unsung
hear the unheard
speak the unspoken
touch the untouched
see the unseen
give the ungiven
be the unbeing
oh human
there is so much to forgive
and so much to give
between 10am 17th Oct
and 1am 18th-Oct
peaking approx 5pm 17th
in any time zone
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Kathryn L. Nesbitt" <yellow.rose7@gte.net>
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2006 19:33:26 -0400
Subject: Fw: October 17: The Belief Factor & The Point of No Return
You'll see it when you believe it…..
By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
The numerical doorway of 10-17-2006 (1-8-8= 17) is A POINT OF NO RETURN.
A place where the numerical status of planet earth comes to an immediate
turning point. Exceeding the speed limits of the turn stile
one will be catapulted forward into the echo of every past thought. A perpetual
place of transformation held captive by all energies that
are and have been aligned with the host human.
An expansion that is introduced from a place where worlds and stars merge is
given as the gift of hope to humanity. The pursuit of a
person born on that day completing the numerical sequence of 300 million counted
souls in the American hemisphere will hold
in-completeness the BELIEF FACTOR ENCODINGS introducing it to earth in the form
of a new babe. The child who comes to stay
is born in a dark desert of crossing beside a road of hope. He/she is not
counted in the census/senses of life and special number.
Companions of light escort the child unto earth from the womb of the future to
A celebratory/celibatory creation comes as it did once before. What was once
Christed is crowned King of Light moving from a place of the
sun/son. Hope is imbued with science as more and more of what one believes in
their soul comes to past and present. YOU'LL SEE IT WHEN
YOU BELIEVE IT is shouted from the biological rooftops of humanity. Cellular
intelligence declares its independence from circumstance,
trial and error. No time to sit and ponder with the scholars as they rock upon
their hunches.
Right comes from the left of humanness as internal circuitry reacts to the
luminous downloading. Photonic particles are created as once was
seen in fantasy, as life moves closer and closer to a dialogue with space
without time. 'Make it so' is echoed in the halls of time as
everyone is asked to participate in this next creational dance.
The Achilles heels/heals of many will ache with prayers as they are brought to
their emotional knees in order to receive communion with
FIRST LIGHT. Humbleness allows an opening in the canyon of self that once dead
ended and echoed of wrong choices. The impassable mountain responds to
true emotion from the deep clear well of caring. Hollowness will not be seen as
a friendly gesture as many still
continue to serve self at the cafeteria of denial.
SERVING THE HOLE ONE HAS FALLEN INTO does not contribute to the healing of
planet or self. When you find yourself falling down the
rabbit hole of life and continual obligations do not stop to take notes on the
way down. Don't hold unto what falls away from you but
in its stead look forward to the new land you are about to touch down upon.
become the healer, you are asked to become the scholar. You are asked to become
all that you shirk. You are asked to make personal decisions that even Christ
himself would fret over. You are being pulled away from your personal line in
the sand and taken to a new beach where your footsteps will count.
You are asked to increase your belief factor in yourself and all of your
abilities. You are asked to redesign yourself in a collage of
life imitating art. You are asked to step up to the plate and sup upon what is
needed to be done, let it fuel your life force. Instead
of allowing life and her daily deeds to suck all of your energy allow it to give
to you increased energy from all circumstances that
surround you. Stop whining about what has be-fallen you and see it as a
heavenly helping hand, a piece of the soul puzzle you seek to fit
the picture in your heart.
From: M. A. Erik Siraaj
Correia <tulpas93@xxx
Date: Oct 17, 2006 2:56 AM
Subject: Oct 17
Astrological Insight into Oct 17 from Rosie Finn of Olympia WA
Dear Plants and Planets friends--
I am passing on an e-mail that I have
received from four different people, so I imagine that many of you have
already received it. After researching on the web, I have drawn a few
conclusions. That "ultra violet pulse beams" are likely a made up name. This
is probably not scientific technical jargon. It is not difficult to imagine
though. That these beams are coming is likely not information originating
from the scientific community. The source seems nebulous. The actual
alignment of planets on this date is interesting and noteworthy although it
is only referred to in one of the many web sites that I went to on this
subject. Whoever put this out certainly seems to have a way of getting the
word out.
So being somewhat of a skeptic on vague
information with obscure origins, yet being very supportive of group
meditation and the power of many people praying together--or setting
conscious intent together, I will talk about the alignment of planets that
is occurring on this day. Certainly a fine time to think good clear
Every year on October 17th, the Sun
conjuncts and nearly parallels the star Spica and conjuncts ( but not
parallels) the star Arcturus.
Spica is the brightest star in the sky and
in all traditions that I am familiar with is a fortuitous star and one that
offers blessings of one nature or another. It is often considered a star of
brilliance and higher intelligence. Arcturus is even more auspicious from a
channeling perspective. Edgar Cayce believed that our solar system revolved
around Arcturus and placed it as the most significant star, as he perceived
that it is the transition star through which souls move through on there way
to Earth. Both Spica and Arcturus along with Regulus are part of a triangle
in the sky--which David Overton suggests the Freemasons used as a triangle
to align the White House, the Capitol and the WA Monument. In fact his
research placed huge significance on these stars and the founding of the
Spica in the sky is in the constellation
of Virgo and resides in the ear of wheat--and represents abundance and
prosperity by its very placement.
This year, on October 17th, not only does
the Sun align with Spica and Arcturus, but also Venus and Mars are there at
the same time. Venus, Mars and the Sun are almost eclipsing. So indeed there
is a concentration of planets around a potent star. Venus and Mars together
are about creativity and relationship--the balancing of yin and yang. This
is a time to open to love and fortune. The ability to bring forth (Mars)
that which we are open to receive (Venus) is especially strong. Yet, this in
and of itself is not about thoughts. It is about the magic of creation that
comes from a place of no thoughts--a place of being in the moment. This is
the experience of being one with our art where creative expression occurs
effortlessly and joyfully.
What does pertain to thoughts during this
time occurs for a much longer period of time. From about October 15th until
Nov. 7 (this is approximate), Mercury, the planet of thoughts and
communication is conjunct Jupiter as it squares Saturn. The Jupiter-Saturn
square which is now occurring supports manifestation in the world--real
things happening, coming together, changing, coming into form. The
opportunity triggers the decision and the decision creates something real
and perceptible in the world. With Mercury aligned--it is a powerful time
for our mind, thoughts and speech to create something real, perceptible and
understood by others. (This aspect is stronger before Mercury goes
retrograde on Oct. 28th--after which it is better to practice our
manifestation and creative expression without words).
The Venus-Sun-Mars alignment with the
Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn alignment actually gets stronger after the 17th
(moving into an exact 16th harmonic Oct. 23 - 26), yet without the benefit
of the potent stars Spica and Arcturus. So with strong creative potential at
the same time as our thoughts aligning with manifestation, the following
article fits for what I see. Will there be a wave of ultra violet beams? . .
.hmmm . . .since ultra violet light is fairly easy to detect with current
equipment, we shall see--(although they do cover their bases saying that we
will not be able to detect it). Is it possible for planetary alignments to
coincide with interesting otherworldly phenomenon--Sure! Why not? Like in
mechanics, the geometric shape of an object affects its stability, its
ability to transmit energy and its electrical properties--why wouldn't the
geometry of the orbs in our solar system have a relationship to the
channeling of energy, light waves, and even pulse beams from else where in
this universe or in other universes.
Signing off--a few (too many maybe)
thoughts for the moment--
I'll meet you in the realm of good
intentions on the 17th--(and after that)
Peace and love,
Date: September 26, 2006 5:40:02 AM PDT
In my emails to you, I have shared about Alawashka, the original
language and vibrational source of creation. Alawashka is the first
energy and consciousness that was brought into being to create – to
create in full integrity, joy and enlightenment form Source, from the
Divine, from the Goddess. She is a language and a being who brings
amazing blessings and frequencies to our world. She is the first
language emitted from Divine Source and She reverberates pure creation
energy. While our planet and world has never before been able to hold
these energies, the time has come where her blessings can graciously
infuse our world. Of course it takes energy on our part to bring these
new potent vibrations forward. This involves our awareness and asks
that we engage in the words, practices and teachings to move with
these frequencies.
Alawashka Breath of Miracles Sacred Chant
As a gift to you, so you may experience these enlightened, joyful
expansive energies, Alawashka and I share this new chant with you.
These are words in Alawashka which reverberate with sacred energy and
help you manifest, create and bring forward special frequencies
necessary for this transition. Words in Alawashka are vibrational
patterns that create. The words in this chant, create and manifest the
energies, attunements and profound understanding and realignment –
also known as healing or transformation.
THE CHANT: Breath of Miracles
(wahl wah’-koo see’-mah rah-nah’-tah)
Within this wonder spirit love brings joyful light into
my sweet soul.
(mee’-stah mah-yah mah-lee’-kah)
I am continually born in a breath of miracles.
Time: 10 minutes. 25 minutes (if you sit and meditate with
these wonderful energies)
Close your eyes.
Take a slow deep breath and center yourself. Move into a deep space of
clarity and relaxation.
Hold a gentle focus on these words and this chant. Allow the energy and
words to gentle fill you and carry you energetically.
Chant this Alawashka Sacred Chant 13 times in a row. Then, sit quietly for
a few minutes and let the energies flow.
Subject: |
DREAM: FUSHIA with New Jerusalem
Cube data via Betty C. Clark www.gemetria.com |
Date: |
4/19/2006 |
I am writing about my follow-up mini-dream of
Tuesday 4-18-06.
Title is : FUSHIA
...............[see dream: " As Jacob says, to
Infinity "]
I was so tired from getting up and writing and
researching the dream of, ' As Jacob says, to infinity ',
I laid down yesterday for a nap.
I was returned to the cube experience of me
being the game piece, inside the Tree of Life grid. This time I was welcomed with the energy of the
color of FUSHIA [ bright deep purple-bluish hot pink
]. This color was suspended inside the Lamed
pathway, to push the color all around my body.
Strange that the experience was so heavenly,
that I did not want to r e t u r n to earth.
The Fushia color was like a warm, safe and
angelic force of pushing the color onto my outside
human form. This color was not penetrating my inside soul. Its job or function was to prepare my outside
SHELL for the journey to come. Plus it united
the messages
into the energy field I would use to relay
the message.
[the end of this dream: Fushia]
[ today I discovered the New Jerusalem Cube
geometry> see below] This is how I can explain what
I am to do, this stems from the keycode I was
given based on:ZZZZZZ
Mound [mount] being the April 20, 2008 date
of activations completed with rebuilding of Temple
Mount and the archetype of ~us~{mankind}, using
the info to align our Temple[human body], with Temple Mount
Ok here is what I was seeing in the dream about
me being the game piece, within the clear glass c u b
e, of The Tree of Life grid:
I was suspended on the pathway of Lamed #22 path. My suspended body which looked just as I am in life
today, could move and tilt the cube to look and evaluate
all the upper plus lower pathways and/or Sphere[s].
My body was the control energy when my thoughts said
to evaluate, ' Why Lamed [Justice+scepter+ox-goad], is
giving universal messages to me and mankind '.
Each time I looked at another pathway or Sphere,
within the matrix of the clear cube, I could channel why
Lamed, was the central keycode, to the message
from the dream.
Did you read my dream email titled : " As
Jacob says, to Infinity " ? Please read the article below about the
3-d New Jerusalem info.
Why ? Because the New Jerusalem and Temple
Mount are connected to the Hebrew Geometry of Lamed. Remember the 36 [ thirty-six] lamed-vov-nik
of the righteous of each generation ?
When you read the following geometry code of
This twenty year period of alignment is the window of opportunity,
the eschatological moment when the New Jerusalem descends to earth.
In Revelations 21:16 we are told that the New Jerusalem is a vast
cube, one that fractally encompasses the entire planet
. The monument also tells us that the
Cube is formed over the period of twenty years, from the summer
solstice of 1992 to the winter solstice of 2012.
Forwarded Message:
... + geometry + Labyrinth + mandalas +
archetypes + Ezekiel . . . etc.
Crop Circles and The New
Jerusalem Plan
October 30, 1990
Some weeks later, another significant coincidence
happened. I rented a film called, The Warriors." It is
about gangs in the future that dress in baseball uniforms, and have a
meeting where each gang is represented by nine members. At the start of
the film, a circle of lights with spokes is shown. It is a nighttime
scene of the ferris wheel at Coney Island. I paused the film, and saw
that the ferris wheel of lights appeared similar to a mandala with eight
quadrants. I made a sketch of it in my notebook.
I remembered seeing the Collins's report in a segment of
the Unsolved Mysteries television show.
This particular glyph shows the lines running from
outside to the center - therefore it is the Centripedal Force.
the Statue of Liberty. . .
On Easter Sunday 1990 it occurred to me
that there might be connections between crop circles, sacred geometry
and ancient religious symbols.
One wonders whether the labyrinth and
other archetypal symbols might yet appear.
Not all crop configurations appear to
comprise sacred or symbolic figures, but the fact that the ancient New
Jerusalem plan, mandalas and other archetypal forms are present in at
least some circles and pictograms suggest that they have a spiritual
After I learned about The New Jerusalem Plan, I thought
about the similar patterns that came to me. The twelve-pointed star is
formed by four overlapping triangles.
By reading the first page of Ezekiel, and comparing it to
the illustration, one can see the connections. I will relate the
comparisons that came to mind as I read the verses of Ezekiel -
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
Last week the Earth was bathed with a colossal influx of 5th-Dimensional
Ultraviolet Light. This shaft of Light interpenetrated every electron of
precious Life energy for approximately 17 hours. This powerful influx of
Light accelerated one-millionfold the Etheric frequencies of the mental
and emotional strata of Earth. During that time, this acceleration had the
effect of amplifying Humanity's thoughts and emotions one-millionfold as
Lightworkers around the world took advantage of this rare opportunity and
empowered hopes and dreams for themselves and for all Life on this sweet
Earth. Now what should we anticipate from this gift of Light? How can we
expand the beneficial effects?
The Beings of Light from the Realms of Illumined Truth have been telling
us for a long time about the Cosmic Shafts of Light or Etheric Ultraviolet
Beams and how they will one day benefit the Earth. These Shafts of Light
vibrate with frequencies from the 5th Dimension and even far beyond the
5th Dimension. UNTIL NOW, the Ultraviolet Shafts of Light have been above
the reach of the evolutions of Earth.
Over the past few years Humanity has aligned with our 5th-Dimensional
Solar Spines and our 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras, and Mother Earth has
aligned with her 5th-Dimensional Solar Axis and Solar Meridians or Crystal
Grid System. This has allowed the Earth and ALL her Life to Ascend further
up the Spiral of Evolution. We can now withstand more Light than ever
before. Consequently, for the very first time, we were able to safely
experience the monumental influx of Light from the Etheric Ultraviolet
What we experienced last week is just the beginning of these awesome
influxes of Light that will move this planet up the Spiral of Evolution by
quantum leaps and bounds.
This Cosmic event opened a multidimensional doorway into the Divine
Heart and Mind of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother
God, All That Is. A unique moment in time was created in which the focused
attention and positive expectations of millions of people around the world
had the ability to change the course of history.
News of this powerful opportunity spread like wildfire through the
Internet, which set the stage for a quantum shift in the consciousness of
Humanity. People throughout the world became aware of this astronomical
and global phenomenon, and millions participated with great enthusiasm and
Now people are asking: What happened? How will this influx of Light affect
us now? What should we anticipate? How will this personally affect my
family and me? Will this event change who I am or how I live? Will it
result in peace and abundance in the world? Will there be cataclysmic
Earth changes? Will it change the way people think and feel about each
other? What will this event actually mean in the overall scheme of things
on Planet Earth?
As usual, there is a plethora of speculation. People have predicted
everything ranging from the instant manifestation of Heaven on Earth to
the catastrophic end of the world. The Truth is, this was a new experience
for Planet Earth, and not even our Father-Mother God or the Company of
Heaven know exactly how Humanity will utilize this influx of Light to
physically change the Earth. The end result will be determined by Humanity
and how we choose to use our free will and our creative faculties of
thought and feeling to utilize this Light and to integrate the patterns of
perfection from the Heart and Mind of God. In other words, the
effectiveness of this Light is up to you and me and people everywhere.
One thing is assured, however. This influx of Light has the potential of
transforming the way Humanity thinks and feels. This Ultraviolet Light
accelerated Humanity’s awakening process and brought us into closer
alignment with our God Selves, our I AM Presence. It created a new, easier
pathway for Earth’s Ascension into the 5th Dimension.
The important thing for Humanity to remember now is that we are ALL Sons
and Daughters of God, and it is our Divine Birthright, our responsibility
and our obligation to co-create this physical reality. WE are the ones who
will determine the results of this incredible blessing of Light.
The Ultraviolet Light bathed every person on the planet, but it takes time
for the effects of the Light to filter into the outer world. This will
occur in Divine Timing for each person, and no two people are the same.
That is why these events never result in instantaneous global
transformation. Instead, they unfold gradually according to each person’s
Divine Plan, each person’s conscious participation in the process and each
person’s willingness to be the Open Door through which the Light of God
will flow to co-create the new patterns of perfection on Earth.
We must not let unrealistic expectations determine what we perceive to be
the success or failure of this Cosmic event. One thing we have experienced
in this lifetime that compares to this event is Harmonic Convergence,
which took place August 15-17, 1987. During that event, people all over
the world were expecting all sorts of miraculous changes too. When people
woke up on August 18, 1987, and things seemed the same, many people were
disappointed and classified the event as a New Age hoax. In reality,
nothing could be further from the Truth.
Harmonic Convergence resulted in the greatest influx of Light the Earth
had ever experienced up to that point. It paved the way for Earth’s
Ascension off the Wheel of Karma and back onto the Spiral of Evolution. It
began the initial reactivation of the Earth’s Crystal Grid System and
created the environment for our Ascension into the 4th Dimension and the
activation of Humanity’s Twelve-fold 4th-Dimensional Solar Spines. The
Light that poured into the planet during Harmonic Convergence awakened a
full range of capacities within Humanity and moved us a quantum leap
toward our global awakening.
If you have any doubts about that, just observe your own personal growth,
and see how you have matured spiritually since 1987. Pay attention to how
your heart, your thoughts and your life have changed since that time. How
many awakened people do you know now compared to the number you knew back
then? How has your own direction changed? How have you moved closer to the
fulfillment of your Divine Plan, your purpose and reason for being?
The powerful waves of 5th Dimensional Ultraviolet Light that we will
experience over the next few years will be even more life changing and
more globally transforming than Harmonic Convergence. Because of the
acceleration of time, and because there are millions more people awake now
than there were in 1987, these influxes of Light will manifest much more
quickly in the physical plane than the changes that took place after
Harmonic Convergence.
With that KNOWING, ask your I AM Presence and the entire Company of Heaven
to guide you carefully, step by step through this process, so you will be
the most effective Instrument of God you are capable of being during this
unique time. Together we will change the world.
During the next several months, while you are integrating the Light that
has just bathed the planet, allow your thoughts and feelings to be filled
with an alertness, enthusiasm and a Divine Intelligence that is forever
open and pliable. Do not allow your thinking to become fossilized,
stagnant or obsolete. Know that your heart and mind are continual miracles
of advancement and spiritual development.
The effects of this Light will lead Humanity to deep and previously
unknown possibilities within the human mind and will eventually open each
of us to complete spiritual development.
Stay focused on the present, and glorify your every breath, thought, word,
action and feeling. Live your visions, and empower them with Love,
Gratitude and a deep Reverence for Life. Live each moment as you desire
the future to be, and KNOW that the future will fulfill your desires.
With courage and faith we are going to meet this great destiny, and our
Divine Purpose will become our every thought, word and deed. We are
embarking on a New Day, which will result in our full mental and spiritual
Through our visions and spiritual desires in the present, we will
co-create the future and release the shadows of the past. Our desires and
visions of Heaven on Earth will bring astounding results through our newly
activated hearts and minds.
During this momentous time, we must daily and hourly fill our minds so
full of visions and desires for Heaven on Earth and so full of Prayers,
Hope and Love for Humanity that there is no room for anything else.
Our super conscious minds and our conscious minds are becoming One,
opening us to full awareness and giving us the potential of mastery in any
field of achievement.
The effects of this blessing of Ultraviolet Light are now filtering into
the physical plane of Earth. As we integrate this Light, we will attain
new levels of Divine Consciousness. We will experience a majestic calmness
and control over our lives. We will revel in a joy and glory beyond
anything we ever imagined. We will have confidence that the glory of our
Divine Plans will continue forever and ever, and our discordant thoughts
of the past will be no more. Our Divine Consciousness will create our
Divine Consciousness opens us to God and brings us in tune with the
Universe. Through Divine Consciousness, we can reach into Eternity and
gather from the Universe the unformed primal Light substance that will
fulfill our desires and visions.
The more we use this Light to empower our visions, thoughts and feelings
with Divine Consciousness and our heart desires, the faster they will
manifest in our lives. Remember, intense desire carries within it the
power of fulfillment. Everything that has blocked us in the past from
attaining our goals, every impossible, insurmountable barrier will crumble
before this Ultraviolet Light and our intense heart desires.
Nothing is impossible within the Light. It is the key to progress and
eternal power.
Through the victory of this Ultraviolet Light from the Core of Creation,
we will be able to tap into our full Divine Power and Potential. Our
hearts and minds will be aflame with inspiration and Love, and we will
know that the power to overcome all adversity pulsates within us.
Stay focused and be here NOW! Remember . . .YOU ARE THE OPEN DOOR
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc.
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
E-mail: PattiCR@aol.com; FAX: 520-546-6143; Phone: 520-885-7909
PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it
through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included.
©2006 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the
Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of
this information is to encourage, empower, uplift and inspire all of us by
allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but extremely
challenging times.
Thank you for sharing Maria
Blessings to you,
I lead a weekly meditation
group on Tuesdays from 12-1PM that focuses on healing self and the
earth and the universe. I am so excited more are encouraged to do peace
and healing meditation monthly.
Last Tuesday was very special
for me. The dogs ( we have two) were up numerous times the early
morning of 1017. It felt to me like it was Christmas or my birthday. For
several days prior, I felt the anticipation of some thing awesome about
to happen and it did.
Even though it was dark this
morning and Gray clouds getting ready for the rainy day ahead of us in
Long Island, NY, my son and I experienced the most unusual and
spectacular sunrise ever around 7 AM. Unfortunately we
were in a car at the time and did not have a camera with us, it is
etched in our memory for ever though.
At first the clouds in the
sky towards the East were on fire with waves of red and orange color
braided together in beautiful harmony. Then the horizon over the ocean
just above sea level ( we live by the beach) where the sun would
normally rise as a ball, although not this day, a yellowing low in the
the sky occurred with what looked to me as an inverted pyramid (an
upside down triangle) of yellow light spectacularly shooting out into
space. A few minutes later a narrow horizontal sliver ( like a front
door mail box slot) opened up in the clouds over the ocean and the color
that filled the space of this slot was sparkling brilliant liquid
gold, like the glossy gold laughing Buddha statues, and it was layered
like flowing liquid gold fabric. It was so bright and felt thick like
lava or physical true liquid gold. It felt like a river waiting to be
allowed to pour into every heart of man and all over the Earth for
It felt as if we all were
being given the choice of accepting the gift of life ( true life of love
and peace and connection to everything in the Universe and God)
, igniting or illuminating and expanding the golden light within us
all, for us to use this awesome opportunity to allow in, the never
ending stream of liquid golden light of God that is always there for us,
asking us to allow the pouring into us unceasingly.
It was absolutely awesome. It
lasted about five minutes and the the slot closed up and we enjoyed the
rain of cleansing the rest of the day.
I pray we all may Awaken the
peace and love we are within and choose that above the illusion of
"reality" we live in this day, so we can all live as we were meant to.
Thank you for all you do and
May Peace, Love, Joy and
Golden liquid Light flow through us and surround us all
Maria Robinson

see the unseen - hear the unheard - speak the unspoken - touch the
untouched - know the unknown - be the unbeing
To visit website go to http://mission1017.googlepages.com/
The number 153 is very important, but
will point out that it is half of 306, ... Certainly the number
153 is suggestive of the miracle that Jesus preformed ...
www.greatdreams.com/153.htm |
Each small "fish" has a width of 153,
and there are a total of 17 fish: 16 ... This diagram of the 153
fishes in the net is earlier than Christianity and is ...
www.greatdreams.com/constellations/17-fish.htm |