Dear Dee and Joe,
I am
asking if the idea
of endorsing this Peace Every Day Initiative would interest you. The purpose of
the Peace Every Day Initiative is to raise
the probability that people of will unite their vision of peace
through the recognition that we are all linked together each time
we enter into prayer or meditation, especially in groups. By
adding your endorsement to the spiritual and peace leaders and
teachers, the consciousness focused
upon peace will gradually become so strong across the
planet that it will shift the age into one of peace. If you committed
to this way of creating peace by being
peace as an individual or
as a social group, study group, department, or school, please
let me and all those in your communicative network know of your
declaration. Earth-Mountain
View, and the website
of your choice, will be linked
and added to the Co-Sponsors of Peace Every Day catalogued
and we will unite through being peace each day.
you for your commitment to creating peace by being peace.
Every Day Initiative
Harshaw Avenue
AZ 85624
here in Patagonia we have a great organic gardening apprenticeship
with a link at
and overall alternative living center, the Tree of Life, with a
website you can also link to,
Peace Every Day Initiative asks a spiritual and
peaceworking group such as Earth-Mountain
View to decleare a commitment to participate
in the being the vibration of peace for 40 minutes, 5-7 days per week,
for 4 years. Adopting
this commitment and spreading it throughout your networks
of people would make you Co-Sponsors of the Peace Every Day
Initiative. Each of the co-sponsoring organizations
is listed
at the links page of the Peace Every Day Initiative,
World Peace -
the healing of the world - is achieved through a very simple
principle: We Create Peace By Being Peace. It is this
universal truth that has inspired the Peace Every Day Initiative,
a global, collective, daily, meditation of peace. The purpose and
vision is to unite a critical mass of people to meditate/pray by
becoming the vibration of peace for 40 minutes or more each day
whenever you can, best with a group of people, or alone.
This powerful thought-form of peace is enough to shift the global
consciousness so that we may fully celebrate peace on earth!
In order that
we may usher in the reign of peace, the Peace Every Day Initiative
asks that each person who feels deeply connected to the process of
peace on earth to make a commitment for a minimum of four years to
be peace by meditating or praying for 40 minutes or more each day,
5-7 days per week.
Peace Every
Day Initiative acknowledges the many people around the world that
have a committed, daily meditation practice and honors all forms
of meditation/prayer. The purpose of the Peace Every Day
Initiative is to create a global link in intention and
consciousness so that each of our unique spiritual expressions can
become strong threads woven together in the tapestry of peace. The
Peace Every Day Initiative practice of creating peace by being
peace is whatever form of meditation or prayer that is meaningful
to you, whether it is Jewish/Kabbalistic/ Essene, Yogic,
Christian, Islamic, Sikh, Buddhist, Native American or that of any
spiritual path. The Peace
Every Day Initiative was founded by Reb Gabriel Cousens, M.D.,
M.D.(H), Dip. Ayurveda, D.D., Dip. American Board of Holistic
declare your commitment as a peace leader or group to creating peace
by being peace, which will make your organization a Co-Sponsor of the
Peace every Day Initaitive, please state your commitment and any other
information about your group in an e-mail to
You will see that your organizational name and website will get posted
at the Co-Sponsors page of
Individuals can similarly declare your commitment to participate
in the Peace Every Day Initiative as an individual, and perhaps as a
peace group leader-to-be. Both co-sponsoring organizations and
individuals receive a bi-annual update about the effect and growth of
the Peace Every Day Initiative.
you for committing to create peace by being peace.
Michael Bedar
Outreach Specialist
Every Day Initiative
Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center
Patagonia, Arizona, U.S.A.
tel: 866-394-2520, x.209
fax: 415-598-2409
OTHER PEACE INITIATIVES Spirituality, World Peace and Sustained Living