Sacred Numbers to Resuscitate the
Dead - |
Prelude of Clues
click on the graphic images for more information
Salvador Dali's Last Supper features a mirror image effect with Jesus centered in a pentagram portion of a dodecahedron. |
Recent data indicates that the universe is shaped like a soccer ball, a dodecahedron with a mirror effect. |
This is Leonardo da Vinci's painting of the Last Supper. It also seems to contain sacred geometry, and coded symbols and numbers. I have traced several parts in yellow to illustrate. |
Quotes from various linked pages
Dali stated that his painting was an "arithmetic and philosophical cosmogony based on the paranoiac sublimity of the number twelve . . . the pentagon contains microcosmic man: Christ."
(Excerpts from the article about the universe being shaped like a soccer ball)
The best explanation for these observations is that the cosmos is a Poincaré dodecahedral space, says a team led by Jeffrey Weeks, an independent mathematician based in Canton, New York. Mathematical models of a spherical, solid Universe edged by 12 curved pentagons produce the patterns seen in the background radiation without any special fine-tuning. "It fits the data surprisingly well," says Weeks.
The dodecahedron is "a nice solution", agrees cosmologist Janna Levin
of the University of Cambridge, UK.
A journey of 60 billion light years across a dodecahedral Universe would bring you right back to Earth. Like a circumnavigation of the globe, it would be a seamless ride: there would be no obvious point at which one 're-entered' the Universe.
The most distant objects would be visible in opposite directions, although
they would be seen at different ages. Trying to spot the same galaxy in two
different places "would be like trying to recognize the same person viewed
at age 50 face-on, and at the age of 7 from the top of their head, in a crowd
of billions," says Weeks.
(end of excerpts)
My comments: This seems somewhat like a "mirror" universe. This concept of the universe was known long ago -
In the now popular jargon, "Operative Masons" are understood to be the bricklayers and the handicraftsmen, who composed the Craft down to Sir Christopher Wren's time; and "Speculative Masons," all members of the Order, as now understood. The sentence attributed to Jesus, "Thou art Peter ... upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" disfigured, as it is, by mistranslation and misinterpretation, plainly indicates its real meaning. We have shown the signification of Pater and Petra, with the hierophants -- the interpretation traced on the tables of stone of the final initiation, was handed by the initiator to the chosen future interpreter. Having acquainted himself with its mysterious contents, which revealed to him the mysteries of creation, the initiated became a builder himself, for he was made acquainted with the dodecahedron, or the geometrical figure on which the universe was built. To what he had learned in previous initiations of the use of the rule and of architectural principles, was added a cross, the perpendicular and horizontal lines of which were supposed to form the foundation of the spiritual temple, by placing them across the junction, or central primordial point, the element of all existences, representing the first concrete idea of deity. Henceforth he could, as a Master builder (see I Cor. 3:10), erect a temple of wisdom on that rock of Petra, for himself; and having laid a sure foundation, let "another build thereon."
[end of excerpt]
Overview Note
This article will show connections between various symbols. A primary set of symbols concern our perception of the reality. One form is ancient, yet still appears in dreams and coincidences. It is the "dome of the world" shape formed by the circle of the horizon with the sky canopy. In three dimensions this can be shown as an Omphalos Stone (see graphic below).
The dome is our perception when standing on a surface, such as the planet Earth. In space, the shape of our perception can be represented as a space-time sphere. The soccer ball (international football) dodecahedrons illustrated above are one form of such a perception sphere.
We are finding, by dream-coincidence and research, more and more symbols that may have a similar meaning, such as a domed building, an umbrella, a grandfather clock, an arched doorway, a jukebox, one's house, and the Siva-linga of Eastern religions.
The start of this search for the meaning of the dome shape came from a dream told to me by Jeff in 1990. It is apparent that our dome-perception Omphalos Stone will undergo a change:
I was on a starship in space with other people. An extremely important message was trying to come in but it couldn't until we first ejected the garbage. I ran frantically and managed to eject it. The message came in over a console with lights flashing. A doctor appeared and led the crew into a bedroom. He began to work on a yard-high mound of jelly-like substance at the foot of the empty bed. Suddenly, I saw a human-sized hand puppet, a male/female pair with only one hand-hole. They fell back into a vat of water. I went over and looked down at them under the water and knew they had to change. They had to change.
A related theme to be examined in this article is the symbolic meaning of being dead, asleep, or not awake. Often this seems to involve a male or male god who is dead and laying in a prone position, while a female or goddess is above or on top of him. With the awakening or resurrection, the male stands up alive. This general theme is quite universal throughout the word, but there are variations.
This strange symbolism seems to be speaking about humanity. The god and the goddess may represent the dual consciousness of mankind. In Jeff's dream above, the duality change symbol was in the from of the puppet pair undergoing a baptism. The healed dome will "jell" here in time, turn into stone, so-to-speak. Jeff had another dream prior to the one above, in which a paratrooper dressed in white came down from the sky and made him stand up from his prone position.
The dome of the world or Omphalos symbol connects with the duality symbol through the ancient Eastern idea that the phallus implanted in the vagina represents the all-pervading space of the universe.
The meaning behind this may be related to messages to the effect that we each create our own reality individually, yet there is an en mass nature to it by a higher level agreement. One could picture this symbolically as many domes connected together by threads of Spider Grandmother into a big web.
An Eastern symbol for this is Indra's Net, which is a "net of jewels" (or pearls) ,each of which reflects like a mirror and contains the reflection of each of the others. The Internet World Wide Web is a similar modern symbol.
The cycle of laying down dead seems related to the time cycle in the lower three levels of consciousness, associated with the chakras. The critical leap is from the third chakra to the fourth. The third chakra at the solar plexus, is basically the ego-centered will to succeed, and is represented by a ten petaled lotus flower and by the color yellow. The fourth chakra is at the heart, where love and compassion and a realization of our connectedness is realized. It is represented as a twelve petaled lotus flower and the color green.
This critical leap is often shown as three and one half, as the midpoint of seven. In some cases it seems to be represented as the fourth step. Somewhat paradoxically, it appears that seven steps or stages has a similar meaning.
There are hints that the seven days of creation are not over, and that we are not yet "man" with free will.
We are not entirely clear as to the meaning of the message of this "standing up" or revival from the dead of the male or male "god." We hope that the meaning will become more clear as the future unfolds. But, it certainly seems to be of a grand Cosmic magnitude. And, it may be just a few years away.
More Clues
" I know your works; you have the name
Clue to the time of the awakening:
"The year of the great seventh number
accomplished, |
Clue to the 11:11 association with awakening
"Thus he spoke, and then he said to them,
'Our friend Lazarus |
Another clue to the 11:11 association with awakening
"For three days and a half men from
the peoples and tribes and tongues
"But after the three and a half days a breath
of life from God entered them, |
Numeric clue: The midpoint of the seven chakras, or three and a half,
is a universal elementary
idea found worldwide. The midpoint is
the heart chakra, which has the color green, and is symbolized
by a twelve petal lotus flower with a Star of David inside. The
English Alphanumeric of "green" is 49.
11:11 clue indicating the year, hour, and minute of the end of the cycle
2012 |
month |
day |
hour |
2012 |
month |
day |
hour |
minute |
month |
day |
hour |
minute |
Perihelion |
Jan |
5 |
00 |
Equinoxes |
Mar |
20 |
05 |
14 |
Sept |
22 |
14 |
49 |
Aphelion |
July |
5 |
03 |
Solstices |
June |
20 |
23 |
09 |
Dec |
21 |
11 |
11 |
In the 28 years listed on the page from which the above table was taken, only the one 11:11 universal time is given. The end of the Mayan calendar falls on December 21, 2012. That is the famous "End Date" -
The How and Why of the Mayan End Date in 2012 A.D.
Perhaps it is significant that 100 years after the sinking of the Titanic, the Mayan end date comes. A common factor seems to be the 11:11 AM times of the end of World War One on 11-11-1918 and the exact moment of the Mayan cycle end.
Clue to the 11:11 association with Lost Tribes.
"In that day the Lord will extend his hand yet a second time to
recover |
On March 11, 1992 ,a voice spoke in my dream, saying, "Cycle of time . . . [long pause] . . . to identify the Lost Tribes." I saw an image of a circular swirled pattern.
Seven years later, on July 4, 1999, a similar pattern appeared as a crop circle formation near Hackpen Hill, near Broad Hinton, Wiltshire. It was called the Crescent Vortex. The geometry of the formation was similar to a pattern developed by Wolfgang Held, showing the zones of total solar eclipses over a period of time, called, "Saros-Cycle 145."
I have found that other people have had dreams about the Lost Tribes.
On August 11, 1999, an amazing solar eclipse took place, along with a "Grand Cross" alignment of the planets. The "Diamond Ring Effect" happened at 11:11 AM over Cornwall, England. Coincidentally, there are many legendary connections to the Lost Tribes related to Cornwall and Great Britian.
The terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 also seemed to be a symbolic event. The 11:11 was one part of it. The Lost Tribes were another part.
Part of this symboic story relates to Joseph Smith and the Mormons, along with the city of Salt Lake, Utah. Great Britan and the USA symbolically represent the two sons of the Biblical Joseph, the eleventh son of Jacob.
Crop Circle & Scientific Clues
Key to a triplet number
288 Lock |
156 Key |
Key in Lock |
Clue: Compare the above to science:
Professor Leahy had a
dream which helped him with his theory. In the dream he had a key with the number 2808 on it. Another key number in his calculations is 82944, as related to to the the 'God Particle'. |
The diagrams of the two crop circle formations above, labeled "288 Lock" and "156 Key" suggest a series of combined numbers related to triplet numbers. Note that if one quarter of each formation are combined, the result is 39 + 72 = 111. Therefore, obviously, one half gives 78 + 144 = 222.
The number 82944 is the square of 288. And, incredibly, 39 x 72 = 2808, the number on the key in Professor Leahy's dream!
One way to look at this set of numbers is:
1 x 72 or 2 x 36 = 72 with 39 ( 3 x 13 or 2 x 19.5) gives 72 + 39 = 111 (37 x 3)
The table below gives numbers that go together in a similar manner to make all the triplets:
72x |
or | 36x |
= |
with |
39x | or |
13x |
or |
19.5x |
gives |
or |
37x |
1 |
2 |
72 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
72 | + | 39 |
= | 111 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
144 |
2 |
6 |
4 |
144 |
+ |
78 |
= |
222 |
6 |
3 |
6 |
216 |
3 |
9 |
6 |
216 |
+ |
117 |
= |
333 |
9 |
4 |
8 |
288 |
4 |
12 |
8 |
288 |
+ |
156 |
= |
444 |
12 |
5 |
10 |
360 |
5 |
15 |
10 |
360 |
+ |
195 |
= |
555 |
15 |
6 |
12 |
432 |
6 |
18 |
12 |
432 |
+ |
234 |
= |
666 |
18 |
7 |
14 |
504 |
7 |
21 |
14 |
504 |
+ |
273 |
= |
777 |
21 |
8 |
16 |
576 |
8 |
24 |
16 |
576 |
+ |
312 |
= |
888 |
24 |
9 |
18 |
648 |
9 |
27 |
18 |
648 |
+ |
351 |
= |
999 |
27 |
The numbers on the left side are based on five-fold and ten-fold designs, such as the pentagon or pentagram, a five-pointed star. Keep in mind that the universe may be based on this type of geometry, as a dodecahedron has twelve pentagons. Five-pointed stars appear frequently as crop circle formations. In a number of cases, a pair of such stars appear interlaced. In other cases the single star had other details that indicated a circle divided into ten parts:
Crop circle that appeared |
Freddie Silva's Geometric |
I put the yellow color in the image on the right to show the similarity to the images at the top of this page. According to Andy Thomas, in his excellent book, Vital Signs, on page 71 -
"Observing previous pentagram formations, Michael Glickman had noticed that in every case one point of the star would point precisely south."
Freddie Silva's dowsing analysis |
The result of Joe Mason's 1994 dream - |
I feel that this is an important observation on Michael's part. It seems to support the idea that the directions are being placed consistently, perhaps indicating that the 360 degrees of a circle should come to our attention. My dream in 1994 indicated such a circle divided into ten parts of 36 degrees each. Each of the numbers at those locations are part of the ancient "Gematrian" numbering system. Full circles repeat the same numbers by a factor of ten (360, 720 , 1080, etc.
Around the year 1994, I noticed that three diagrams in The Sacred Symbols of Mu, page 235, depected spiders as having a cross shape on their backs. The Hopi creation myth also shows Spider Grandmother with a cross on her back. The inspiration came to me to draw Spider Grandmother over the Gematrian Wheel:
The eight legs fall on the Gematrian points that have the primary tangents, other than zero. The top at zero degrees or 360 degrees has a zero tangent, as does the bottom at 180 degrees. The other eight points, where the legs of the spider touch, have four tangents. If the plus and minus signs are ignored, there are just two tangents. When the two tangents are multiplied, the result is the square root of five. For example:
Tangent of 36 = 0.7265425280054
Tangent of 72 = 3.077683537175
0.7265425280054 x 3.077683537175 = 2.2360679775
Square root of 5
= 2.2360679775
According to Carl Munck, the square root of five is the tangent of the speed of light in air!
In his book about the symbols of Mu, Colonel James Churchward reported that he came across legends about the Grey and Black Pointed Spider in the South Sea Islands some fifty years prior. He had difficulty understanding the meaning. The legends were "too obtuse," he wrote, giving examples:
There the Grey and Black Pointed Spider would have mounted to Heaven, but he was held back by the bitterness of the cold.
The roads were cunningly constucted to represent the web of the Grey and Black Pointed Spider, and no man could discover the beginning or end thereof.
My study of dreams suggest that various symbols indicating temperature can refer to the coldness or warmth of a person's heart.
James Churchward wrote that a friend, Dr. Thomas M. Stewart, of Cincinnati, Ohio, helped him to understand the symbolic meaning of the spider, by showing him relics found in the burial vaults of the Mound Builders of Missouri, Arkansas and Tennessee. On the backs of spider images engraved on pieces of shells, were the cross type shapes indicating the Four Great Forces. Similar images were on pottery recovered from the ancient ruined cities in Crete, Cyprus and ancient Troy in Asia Minor. The four forces of science are electromagnatism, gravity, the strong atomic force, and the weak atomic force.
The image of the map on the right, above, is from David Flynn's book, Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars. The caption reads:
Megaliths on the earth seem to be related to each other, built along a "grid" composed of two pentagrams within the circle of the equator. All the monuments fall into place along this grid if one pentagram is "anchored" at Giza & one at the Prime Meridian at 0 longitude. Too many major architectural structures exist along this dual-pentagram design for it to be mere coincidence.This design predicts where megalithic structures will be found, as well.
David is the creator of the great web site:
Top: Crop Formation at Froxfield, 4 August 1994 Bottom: Mega Glyph crop circle 2001 with 409 circles |
Top: Flower (seed) of Life with chakra |
Large clue: The English Alphanumerics
for the
chakra colors add to 409.
The number 409 can be shown as 360 + 49.
The ancient number 360 is used as degrees to
segment full circles. The word "chakra" means
"wheel." Remember from above, "green" adds
to 49 and represents the heart chakra.
(see table of numbers for the Mega Glyph below)
Clue: The central circle representing
Peter the Rock, above, is the:
The yellow outline of the dome shape on the picture of the painting of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, above, is intended to show that the great man my have encoded an omphalos shape into the arrangement. The design on the rectangular ceiling above the figures appears to be a six by six grid, like the "Magic Square of the Sun" (see below). The entire arrangement could correspond to the Tree of Life, with its three pillars.
Franz Gnaedinger created a comprehensive article analyzing Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper -
"As you looked, a stone was |
Old Sarum |
Daniel interprets the frightening |
A diagram of the |
Clues: The lower sphere of the Tree of Life, Malkuth the Kingdom Earth,
is another symbol of the Omphalos Stone. It is also symbolized by the
Jacob's Pillar
Stone or the Stone of Scone, which was returned
to Scotland in recent years. The ancient Gematrian number associated
with it is
1296, which
is six to the fourth power 6 x 6 x 6 x 6. Forms of
the number 153 are also related, such as
513. Note
that 153 + 513 = 666,
and that 360 added to twice 153 = 666. I believe this "scary" number is
not simply "evil," but is related to mankind. The number is related to the
Magic Square of the Sun, based on the number six, as a 6 x 6 grid
with the numbers 1 through 36 in the boxes. Adding all the numbers
results in 666. Adding a row or column results in 111. The corner
diagonals add to 37 (1 + 36 and 6 + 31).
The Magic Square |
The crop circle formation that appeared at Old Sarum in 1992 may be somewhat
similar in meaning, with the lower glyph as the Omphalos of Earth. It may
well represent the frightening images that King Nebuchadnezzar saw in his
In that sense, the lower glyph would represent the stone that shattered the
of the past ages and became the great mountain that filled the whole earth.
Old Sarum was known for a unique liturgical rite known as "Sarum Use"
or "The
Use of Sarum," which is based on the mystical-spiritual insights of St. Osmund
his assistants. Spiritual rulerships are assigned to each of the seven days
of the week.
This was expressed as votive masses. Astalea writes that "The Use of Sarum"
a reflection of profound knowledge of the Seven Rays; their
qualities and purposes. .
Seven Ray Colors - Clothed With The Sun
When I first
read the above words from Revelation 3:1-4 in 1991, I was shocked, because,
about a year prior, my friend, Jeff, had told me a dream where his white
garments became soiled.
In the years since that time, many clues have come that seem to verify that we are in the times of Revelation, when information is being revealed that was previously hidden.
This article reports a few of the clues that seem connected. A primary part of the focus, in addition to the Omphalos, is on the symbolic meaning of the dead rising up alive. One form of this is awaking the "sleeping giant." Some fear that this may refer to a massive explosion of the world's largest caldera in Yellowstone.
The clues here fit with Yellowstone as a possible symbol of explosive changes in human consciousness and ways of being. In this sense, it may relate to the Omphalos Stone as the central hub or navel of the world.
Clues of the sleeping giant hint that this may be the United States in a human body form with chakra centers. In this sense, Yellowstone may be the third chakra, which is located near the navel and has a base color of yellow.
My feeling is that the entire world is involved in the awakening, and that the USA connection is more of a localized representation of all humanity. Other locations, of course, are figured to have chakra centers. The Avebury Stone circle in England has been considered an Omphalos, and some say this has passed on to Glastonbury, where legend says the Holy Grail is located at the bottom of Chalice Well.
The Spider Web formation of 1994 that appeared next to Avebury Stone circle also suggests a circle divided into ten parts:
10 Fold Spider Web, 11 Aug 94, Avebury, Wiltshire
Sacred Crops: Sacred Space & Crop Circles
The altar-stone which doubled as a coronation-throne in the Bronze Age Glastonbury Temple may be comparable to the "Stone of Olenos", which was in the Greek Temple of Delphi; or to the "Even Shetiyah Stone" ["Jacob’s Pillar-Stone"], which was the base stone upon which set the "ark-of-the-covenant" in the Hebrew Temple at Jerusalem; or to the "omphalos" [= "navel stone"], which was the base stone of the high-altar in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre upon which set the "Holy Grail" before the vessel’s disappearance. Legend says that the sacred-stone fell to earth from Heaven when a meteor was seen burning in the night sky. The stone is called "Lapis Exillis" or "Stone Fallen from the Sky" in medieval romance. It was in fact a meteorite that had been cut four-square and treated as a sacred object. This stone is today one of five sacred stones in the British Isles. The "Stone of Scone", also called the "Stone of Unction", the "Stone of Destiny", etc., formerly encased in the base of St. Edward’s Throne, the coronation-chair of British monarchs in Westminster Abbey, at London, England, is believed by some to be the inauguration stone of the Pictish kings when Scone became their capital city, and continued in use when the Scottish dynasty took over. It may have been placed in a chair, as formerly in St. Edward’s Throne, for we find in Pictish artwork chairs or thrones with kings seated upon them. Then, others believe that the "Stone of Scone" is to be identified with "Jacob’s Pillar-Stone", which was originally brought to Ireland by Jewish refugees following the Babylonian conquest of Judea, whom they say the Scots are their descendants.
There is a calculated design behind what appears to be a random arrangement
of stones throughout the country which are aligned both to one another and
to the movement of the planets and stars as a gigantic astronomical hologram
of the skies above the earth below. Too, the whole of Britain is criss-crossed
with a network of invisible straight lines called "leys," or "ley-lines."
Some have drawn comparisons with a Chinese system of landscape called Feng-Shui.
The ley-lines are suppose to trace the veins and arteries of the planet as
a network of power, the natural earth currents that courses through the leys
constitutes the nervous system of the "living" planet-earth. The leys at
the same time link all sacred sites together like a complicated spider’s
web. This invisible grid-like system which covers the country was focused
on the axis of Stonehenge. There are 900 or more stone circles [henges]
throughout the British Isles, though none of them is as elaborate as Stonehenge.
The first-quarter of the Late Bronze Age was a period of great prosperity
for Britain. The country’s prosperous economy was supported by sea-borne
commerce and trade with Europe, the Mediterranean nations, and with Africa.
This prosperity was what enabled the British kings of this period to build
many of Britain’s great megalithic monuments, such as the Glastonbury Temple
(2700BC), the royal citadel and capital city of Avebury (2650BC), and the
observatory of Stonehenge (2500BC).
The druids carried along with them to Scotland the "Lia Fail" Stone, which now became the "Stone of Scone". It was the royal omphalos stone upon which the Iron Age Irish high-kings were crowned, and before them the Bronze Age British kings.
[end of excerpts]
This part was inserted on 4-17-04. The lower part was inserted 4-11-04:
The Dome of the Rock is a Muslim monument on the Temple Mount, which is a huge enclosed platform on the top of a small rise in the Old City of Jerusalem called Mount Moriah. The Temple Mount was called in Hebrew Har BaBayit, which means "the Mountain of the House," as in God's House; in Arabic Haram es-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary); and it is a trapezoid measuring 1.5 million square feet or 500,000 square yards and occupying forty-five acres.
As impressive as it is in its own right, the Temple Mount (elevation: 2,220 feet) is the setting for an even more impressive jewel. The center of attention and the focus of the majority of the site's sacrality is an oblong rock, a natural outcropping, that measures fifty-six by forty-two feet. It's called the Foundation Stone, or in Hebrew, Even HaShetiyah, said to have been planted here at the beginning of Creation and taken by God from His Throne of Glory.
Thus Jerusalem's holiest spot is a rock that the ancient Jews saw as
the center of the Earth, the axis of the universe, the pivot that joined
Heaven and Earth, and Earth with the primeval chaos beneath it. "It was the
root of heaven, the lid of hell, the place through which souls spring up
when ascending from hell to heaven.
The site of the Temple of Jerusalem, with the Stone as its center, was believed to be the precise place out of which the Flood waters erupted and back into which they receded when the Flood was over. Then the great rock was set upon the opening into the abyss, keeping the Flood waters penned in. The Stone of Foundation was an omphalos, or primordial navel, and also the first solid object created by God and "placed by God amidst the as yet boundless fluid of the primeval waters."
Legend says God then built up the Earth concentrically around this Stone just as the body of an embryo is grown from its navel. "In the same manner in which the body of the embryo receives its nourishment through the navel, so the whole Earth too receives the waters that nourish it from this Navel."
Ever since the seventh century, the Muslim Dome of the Rock (Arabic:
Kubbat as-Sakrah) has stood directly over this unusual rock, framing it in
an octagonal temple topped with a golden dome (sixty feet wide), its inner
surface a sublime kaleidoscope of arabesques in gilt and plaster, arching
one hundred feet above the rock.
INIMICAL ENERGIES AT THE TEMPLE MOUNT- We should not be surprised to find a fair concentration of what we could label dark and negative energies marshaled at the Temple Mount to block or distort access.
Two giant astral beings are locked in mortal battle atop the Mount, swords clashing, wounds gaping; they are primitive beings of a male valence, and all they do is fight, striving to kill each other. This energy permeates Jerusalem. Numerous alien ships high above the city quarantine the Mount in a ring of beams broadcast like laser shafts.
These energies help maintain the energies and functions of several circles of reptilian beings and giant astral snakes that surround the Mount, facing outwards into Jerusalem, discouraging access, keeping the energies combative, fragmented, bent on isolation and conflict. Behind them and also facing away from the Mount is another circle of large demonic control beings; their function too is to dissuade the fainthearted, to inflame those on the edge, to confuse or scare the rest, to keep the Mount and Stone from being used again as intended.
The dome directly over the Mount and encompassing all of Jerusalem is damaged. Part of its crown is severed, like a yarmulke riding the side of the head by the ears instead of the occiput. The two cords linking the dome to the master dome at Avebury are damaged; one of them is not "hooked up" at all. The damages mean that Jerusalem through its dome is not receiving the beneficial cosmic energies of both Sirius and Canopus through Avebury as they are meant to; this allows other inimical energies to exert the predominant influence.
The dome can be repaired, but it requires human assistance in conjunction
with the angelic realm, and such repair could only be undertaken if the spiritual
worlds judged it appropriate or karmically possible. (For information about
another damaged dome, see Clingman's Dome, Tennessee.)
[end of excerpts]
Incorporated within the clues are various number systems and associated geometry. The numbers are as ancient as human history. Dreams, crop circles, coincidences, and symbolic events provide some of the clues.
In an almost entirely separate cultural setting, academic science, parallel events are taking place. As yet, this remains mostly unrecognized and unacknowledged. That, I believe, is one perception that will be changing.
The Christian version of the Omphalos is told in the Book of John, chapter 21, in the Bible. Peter the fisherman apostle represents the stone, as the name Peter or Petra means rock or stone.
In ancient times the word petra had another meaning, "interpretations" which were inscribed on stone tables. I believe the double meaning is a major clue indicating that the stone of change may be new interpretations at the time the veil is lifted and the secret things are uncovered. When new interpretations come, beliefs change; then it follows that perceptions change. Remember that a symbol of our perception can be the dome of the world Omphalos.
I was in a rush to get some of this information online prior to Psalm Sunday, so the first draft was mostly a collection of e-mails and notes on the subjects. I am now in the process of making it a bit more presentable.
That work will be continuing. Meanwhile, the e-mail and notes version is below, along with some graphic and text improvements.
Joseph E. (Joe) Mason
April 5, 2004
Table of Mega Glyph Numbers
Mega Glyph Crop Circle at Milk Hill, August 13, 2001
The Mega Glyph formation, linked above, appeared a few weeks prior to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The formation was composed of 409 circles. Each of the six segments had 13 major circles and 55 smaller circles. The total circles in each segment are multiples of 17 -
Mega Glyph Numbers
Add the central 72 foot circle to |
Some of the "music" numbers are there. The "Large circles" column above fits with Mayan timekeeping and with Tarot cards, as multiples of 13. The number 39 is also twice 19.5, a key number in hyperdimensional tetrahedral mathematics. This concept has been presented by Richard Hoagland and his associates at the Enterprise Mission Site. The geometry involves two interlaced tetrahedrons inside a planetary sphere. The geometry of the Mega Glyph crop circle formation fits quite well with the concept.
The number 17 is related to 153, the number of fish in the net (John 21), as the numbers 1 through 17 add to 153.
The formation appeared around August 17, perhaps suggesting 8 x 17 = 136.
When the number 288 is subtracted from the number 409, the result is 121, which is 11 x 11.
On the page liked above, Norma Smith lists the English alphanumericas of the seven colors of the spectrum as -
27 |
60 |
92 |
49 |
40 |
58 |
83 |
409 |
Chakra 1 |
Chakra 2 |
Chakra 3 |
Chakra 4 |
Chakra 5 |
Chakra 6 |
Chakra 7 |
.. |
4 petals |
6 petals |
10 petals |
12 petals |
16 petals |
2 petals |
972* |
50 + 972 |
These are also the colors associated with the seven chakras, in the order of chakra one through chakra seven, from left to right. "Green = 49" is the fourth-Heart chakra. This is figured as A=1, B=2, etc. The * is placed beside the 972 to note that the number is not accepted by everyone. Perhaps the most common number given for the seventh chakra is 1000 petals. The 972 figure is given here, based on the information in our 1997 article:
Crop Circle Formations As Chakras
It was based on a review of an article by Jens Rowold, who used the chakra system developed by Barbara Ann Brennan. Barbara, like others, can see the energy in the aura. She wrote the book, Hands of Light. The 972 petals are said to be composed of 960 white petals or vortices, and 12 golden petals or vortices.
Mirrors, Mirrors Everywhere!
It seems the many 9-11 forms are part of the wake-up call to resuscitate Lazarus (humanity) from the dead. New connections are coming fast these days, like a flood of information. One such, with a little help, came to me yesterday, April 9, 2004, Good Friday. It is about the number "mirrors."
The Nines |
0 |
9 |
18 |
27 |
36 |
45 |
mirror |
54 |
63 |
72 |
81 |
90 |
The Elevens |
0 |
11 |
29 |
38 |
47 |
56 |
mirror |
65 |
74 |
83 |
92 |
110 |
The "reduced" values of the nines row are all nine, except the zero. The reduced values of the elevens row are 11, not including the 0 and figuring 11 as the end of the reduction. In some systems, an 11 would reduce to 2. When the mirrors of the double digit nines are added (18 + 81, 27 + 72, etc.), the result is 99, which is 9 x 11.
When the mirrors of the double digit elevens are added (29 + 92, 38 + 83, etc.), the results are 121, which is 11 x 11.
When a zero is placed between the double digit numbers, the nines result in mirror addings of 909 and the elevens result in 1111. (108 + 801, 207 + 702, etc., and 209 + 902, 308 + 803, etc.)
When each number set of the two rows above are added, the results are:
0 |
20 |
47 |
65 |
83 |
101 |
center |
119 |
137 |
155 |
173 |
200 |
Except for 0, 20, and 200, the numbers all "reduce" to 11. Adding the eight numbers that reduce to 11 (47 through 173 above) totals 880. That is an octave of the note of "A" in music, and is half a mile in yards. All the numbers added comes to 1100. Each pair on the sides of the center add to 220 (20 + 200, 47 + 173, etc.).
One can also "mirror" the flight numbers of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001:
571 |
39 |
77 |
11 |
mirror |
11 |
77 |
93 |
175 |
The "mirror" number 571 may have been a BIG hint. A movie was paying at the time, "U-571," which is about finding a the solution to a secret code under the water. Another movie playing was "Ocean's Eleven." Coincidence? I think not!
I also doubt it was a coincidence that prior to 9-11-01 there were 777 NYC firemen killed in the line of duty, while 343 were killed on that one day (343 = 7 x 7 x 7). Yet another unlikely coincidence was the 11-9-65 blackout in the Eastern US, 36 years prior to 9-11-01. In this case, subtract mirror numbers: 911 - 119 = 792. That is a base ten harmonic of a major Gematrian number, (11 + 11) x 360 = 7920. It is the diameter of the planet Earth in miles. My snail mail friend, Paul, dreamed that number years ago. After I informed him that it was Earth's diameter, he pointed out that the word, "Gematria," means "measuring the Earth!"
You may know that a box around the Earth is part of the New Jerusalem Plan, giving 4 x 7970 = 31680 miles, the sublunar distance around the New Jerusalem, while 3168 is associated with "Lord Jesus Christ." Yet another coincidence is that Bethlehem is at 31.68 degrees latitude.
All of the numbers in the last list above were airline flight numbers in the 9-11-01 attacks, except for number 39. It is, however, part of the other code sequence I mentioned above concerning the triplet numbers.
The Seven Chakras
Regarding the Revelation 3:1 "you are dead" quote given near the top of this page, addressed to the church in Sardis, there are a total of seven angels of the seven churches:
Rev. 2:1 "To the angel of the church in Ephesus . . ."
Rev. 2:8 "And to the angel of the church in Smyrna . . ."
Rev. 2:12 "And to the angel of the church in Pergamum . . ."
Rev. 2:18 "And to the angel of the church in Thyatira . . . "
Rev. 3:1 "And to the angel of the church in Sardis . . . "
Rev. 3:7 "And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia . . . "
Rev. 3:14 "And to the angel of the church in Laodica . . . "
References to seven are found throughout the Bible, especially in Revelation. One interpretation is that the seven chakras are related. If one counts from the bottom, in the above list, Sardis would correspond to the third chakra, which is represented by a ten petal lotus with a five-pointed star inside. The color is yellow. The ten horns associated with the beast and harlot of Revelation 17 may correspond to the third chakra. The harlot clearly corresponds to the eastern goddess Kali. Part of the meaning is a stressful karmic process of purification, called death or destruction creation. This corresponds to a seed growing into a plant. The seed is destroyed in the process of the plant's growth.
1993 Bythorn |
Yantra to Kali |
Sri Yantra |
The Bythorn Mandala crop circle formation is said to represent the third chakra. It is on the left, above. One of the points was facing South. The similar graphic in the middle is a yantra to Kali. The graphic on the right is the Sri Yantra, the pattern that apeared grooved into a dry lake bed in Oregon in 1990. A five-pointed star with two horns or points facing upward is an esoteric symbol of the Kali Yuga time cycle, the Age of Iron, corresponding to the legs of iron in the dream of Nebuchadnezzar. See page 5 of The Secret Doctrine:
The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky -- Vol. 1
All the symbols in this section (above) of The Secret Doctrine have appeared as crop circle formations in various forms.
The harlot of Revelation 17 seems to have the same meaning as Kali in the eastern traditions. We are nearing the end of the Kali-Yuga, the Age of Iron, and will return to the Age of Gold. The four metals associated with the "frightening image" dream of Nebuchadnezzar are the same in the Hindu chronology. Kali is thrown down at the end of the cycle.
Kali (the harlot) represents karma or judgment, and it is this "beast" that is thrown down at the end of the cycle, as indicated by Revelation 17:11. It seems to be the "Swallower" of the Egyptians, an "eighth that belongs to the seven." The harlot symbolism seems to mean that we "pay" for the "fornication," meaning the duality bond in the time cycle. We "kings" of the earth give over our "royal power" to the beast until the words of God are fulfilled (Rev. 17:11).
Kali wears a girdle of severed human hands. As the instruments of our works, it indicates the karmic function. Kali invokes "tamasisk," emotions of fury, which corresponds to being drunk on the wine of the harlot. The 12 stars of Rev. 12, and the New Jerusalem fit with the idea of the Heart chakra level, which has twelve petals on the lotus, with a Star of David inside.
Note the similarity of the outer portions of the two yantras. One of the meanings of the Sri Yantra is a path through the chakras from outward-inward. The four "T" shaps are gates and represent the first chakra. The second chakra is represented by the sixteen petal flower. The third chakra is symbolized by the eight petal flower.
This is a photograph of the huge Sri Yantra pattern found grooved into a dry lake bed in Oregon in 1990:
This is a bit confusing, but it seems to involve two systems. In the more "standard" system, the third chakra is represented by a lotus flower with ten petals, whereas in the yantra system shown above, the third chakra is represented by an eight petal lotus flower.
My "dream-coincidence" experiences may shed more light on the subject. The top-left graphic below is one of my chits, brass vouchers used to rent tools at a workplace. In Sandskrit the word "chit" means consciousness. A dream of interlocking circles in a ring on October 18, 1990 lead me to draw the graphic on the right. I did not realize right away that the outer boarder fit with the chit pattern. Two weeks later I awoke "knowing" what the pattern meant. It was the Oversoul with the various reincarnational or focus personalities.
In the year 2000 the two crop formations depicted in the lower two frames above appeared. Clearly they are related by design to the other iamges above. Note how the formation on the lower right has the sixteen fold design with the eight fold design inside, just as the yantra patterns.
Dream Visions and the USA Chakra Map
Phillip's Dream Vision
On May 28, 2002, I added this to my article about the 9-11 events:
Today I found this precognitive dream reported by Phillip Burley:
My Reflections on the events of September 11, 2001 - Phillip Burley
My thought after reading the above:
The "sleeping giant" awakes; woe to those who will experience the giant's wrath. It is time to turn from the black road of death destruction creation that results from the lower consciousness levels, and bring forth our higher aspects.
[end of excerpt]
In the article, Phillip Burley reported a dream vision he had several years prior to September 11, 2001. In the dream, he saw a huge bomb go off at or near the World Trade Center. Later he had a visitation from an angel.
The angel showed him America as a sleeping giant. The states were sown together like patches in a quilt that served as a blanket over the giant. The giant's head rested in New York City , as if it was his pillow. The feet of the giant rested in Los Angeles.
The Angel explained that Boston is the intellectual center, Washington D.C. is the political center, and New York City is the financial center.
Phillip walked with the angel, like giants, across the southern part of the United States. At Los Angeles, the angel reached down and pulled the quilt up and off of the feet of the sleeping giant. Phillip was horrified to see that two giant rats were gnawing away at the feet of the sleeping giant!
Phillip awoke feeling disturbed. He knew that the rats symbolized many things eating away at the foundation (feet) of the nation.
The dream may have been speaking of a spiritual awakening in America.
When the terrorist attacks took place a few years later, Phillip recalled his dream vision. Shortly thereafter, while driving in his car, he heard over the radio a person comparing the 9-11 attacks to the attack on Pearl Harbor. That attack was said to have awakened the "sleeping giant," and that the Japanese would experience the awakened giant's wrath. As far as he could recall, Phillip had never heard this quote before.
Lazarus Rising
In March of 2004, Dee forward the following e-mail to me:
Subj: Re: Yellowstone Hello Dee,
I found your great dreams website a few days ago while researching
visions &
After reading about the Yellowstone volcano, I thought it important
to email you,
Naturally, I immediately tried to research what "the sleeping giant"
was. I concluded
Last week I received a message to purchase 24 candles. It didn't make
sense to me.
Since my child first began receiving prophetic dreams and visions a
few months ago,
In the bottom right corner are 2 months, one is July (which he thinks
is odd since it is However,there are no dates highlighted for the month of August.
In view of what is currently happening at Yellowstone, I felt perhaps
the messages If you should wish to share this on your website, you have my permission. Love & Light Lazarus |
Dee's article about the Yellowstone volcano is here:
USA Tree of Life Chakra Map
After reading Lazarus' e-mail, I recalled Phillip's dream vision and got the idea that the USA may have chakra type centers. These could correspond to the Tree of Life. Boston, New York City and Washington D.C. could be the upper triad. Los Angeles could be Yesod, the "Foundation," or the Kingdom, Malkuth, Earth. Yellowstone could fit with the third chakra, which is symbolized by a yellow lotus flower with ten petals with a five-pointed star inside. I marked various places on this map to show the theory:
I chose the various places based on the information above, and other information about possible symbolism regarding various cities. Perhaps others could make more accurate choices. The places on the map correspond to the Tree of Life in this manner:
Compare this to a conventional Tree of Life diagram:
A helpful site in exploring the meanings of the various parts of the tree is here:
The third chakra is said to be the pair of spheres, Hod/Glory and Netzach/Victory. The Path between them is associated with the Tower Tarot card, number 15. This is the 27th path of the tree. On the USA chakra map Hod and Netzach correspond to Salt Lake City and Yellowstone. It may be that Yellowstone fits better with the path 27, between the spheres. Note that this horizontal path is crossed by the verticle path from Yesod/Foundation to Teferet/Beauty. The verticle path is number 25, associated with Tarot card 14, Tempernance.
Some dreams of driving to various places on roadways may be indicating the Tree of Life. In some of the dreams a bridge or overpass is part of the landscape. This may represent one of the crossing points of the paths of the Tree, such as the two mentioned above.
In terms of the Tree of Life, the Omphalos may be suggested by the entire central pillar or a part of it, such as the Tower Card path or the lowest sphere, Malkut. The Omphalos is associated with the "stone," which is another reason I felt that "Yellowstone" fit the picture. In the Biblical story in John 21, Peter the Fisherman corresponds to the central circle. Peter or Petra, of course, means "rock" or "stone." The word had the other meaning, "interpretation."
I found an example of Tarot Card 15 that fits well with these ideas. I found it via a google search for the words Tower Tarot Omphalos phallic.
XV. Turris - Purgos - Tower (15, 16)
Here are some excerpts from the page:
The scene is dominated by a beehive-shaped mound, on which stands a tall, nearly cylindrical, brick ziggurat, divided into seven stories by horizontal terraces, above each of which there is a round window, lighted from within by colored light (from top to bottom: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red).
The tower, one of the key symbols of the trump, is ambivalent: it represents both protection and confinement; it is both a fortress and a prison. Therefore, the tower itself teaches a lesson: that the most invulnerable defenses may become the most imprisoning bonds (cf. the shield in VIII.Victory). It is also ambivalent in being, on the one hand, feminine and protective, and, on the other, phallic and inaccessible. Further, the tower which houses a maiden or princess is simultaneously protective and confining, a symbol of virginity (Cooper s.vv. Garden, Tower).
As in the Middle Pillar Exercise (e.g. Regardie III.55-9), the celestial power is drawn down from the heavens, through the seven levels, which symbolize the chakras, represented by the seven colors of the rainbow (Judith 324-7). (Assignments of colors to the chakras vary; see for example Eliade, Yoga 241-3, or the Sat-Cakra-Nirupana in Avalon.) The seven levels of the tower also represent the seven planets and the seven heavenly spheres (Butterworth, Tree 163; Eliade, Sham. 267). (The Middle Pillar, of course, is the Axis Mundi, as is the Tower; see below.)
[end of excerpt]
I was looking for "phallic" symbolism because in Eastern traditions, the Shiva linga seems to be a form of the Omphalos. See:
Shiva Linga -
Images of Cosmic Manhood in Art and Mythology
July 26, 2004 Update
A great confirmation of the chakra ideas came in the form of a pair of crop circle formations at Pewsey White Horse.
The Chakra System Crop Circle Formation
The Bee-Hive Crop Circle Formation
The Wedding and the Omphalos Stone
The Hebrew Alphabet and the Paths on the Tree of Life
Tree of Life: A Different Perspective
(153 Fish in the Net)
The Da Vinci Code Research Guide
Tree of Life ~ Winged Discs - Omphalos ~ Arcs & Archetypes
Crop Circle Photographers
We thank the crop circle photographers and urge support for them.
Busty Taylor | ||
Patricia Murray |
Clemens Richter |
Richard Wintle |
Andrew King |
David Russell |
Russell Stannard |
Graham Tucker |
Richard Harvey |
Summer Garland |
Additional notes and Emails can be found below and here:
If you have any questions about this article, contact Joe Mason at:
This article was originally uploaded on April 5, 2004.
This page was last updated on December 18, 2005.
This page was previously updated on November 22, 2004.
The URL of the page is:
Return to Crop Circle Page
Return to Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Extra notes - data for updates
The Mandelbrot Set Crop Circle Formation
Dreams of Spiders
Weaving - The Dreams, Mythology, and the Reality
Two Suns - The Connection to 11:11
Laura Lee Show Mapping Earth Grid of Sacred Sites John Michell in Dimensions of Paradise besides providing a beautiful map of Stonehenge-Glastonbury geometry, gives a canon of numbers which he identifies as being essential building blocks of the universe. These include 72 and multiples of 72. This canon of numbers is remarkable for its occurrence in natural cycles and systems. One example being 144, a harmonic of the speed of light, and also noteworthy for its biblical symbolism. xxx |
Subj: Re: [asc2k] Gematria In a message dated 11/15/2004 5:58:26 PM Eastern Standard Time, beverly writes: << Does anyone remember the pair of astrological 5-pointed star formations at the beginning and end of Oct.? This certainly adds more depth to the understanding of the fascinating events that we are living in now. >> Hi Bev, and Asc2k group, I generally don't get involved in many discussions with this group, but I am glad to see some collective interest in the topic of Gematria and Sacred Geometry in general, by a few members here. I've been doing research on this topic for nigh on 30 yrs. now, after having been introduced to the early works of a pioneer author on the subjects by the name of John Michell, whom I now correspond with on an interim basis. Last year I was astounded to discover that some of his early research material has been published on the internet, so if anyone is interested in seeing some authentic information on this subject, here is a great URL. . . . . . on Peter Wakefield Sault's website. I'm sure that is more indepth on the subject than most would care to fathom, but who knows . . .? In regard to the previous line of this discussion, which takes into account the root Sanskrit connection of a word being synonomous with it's object or perhaps activity . . .this appears to be at the basis of many ancient languages in general, although my own particular favorite is the Greek language and its hidden numerical associations. And in regard to your mentioning this Pentagrammic crop circle, I would like to present an interesting curiousity the ties all of the subjects into a neat package. The gematria of the compound Greek word Pente-440 (meaning 5 of course) and Gram-144 (meaning the dual connotation of Write, and or Line) totals . . . 584, which just happens to be the number of days in the synodic cycle of the planet Venus as seen from Earth, as it literally traces a pentagram in the night sky within the Zodiac band every 8 years. In other words, 584 x 5=2920 / 8 =365. Neat eh? Stephen |
Subj: "junk" DNA finding & the 13 theme of '04 & '05 This is the retyped link to DNA article: This discovery with its suggested ET design of our DNA, also suggests activation of this DNA by a specific light signal in the cosmos. A strange massive light burst was detected last year by astronomers. This could very well be the meaning for Tarot card image Judgement, with an angel sounding a trumpet and humans rising from open stone coffins. This card is new English version #24...and 24 is contracted 2004, the leap year of 366 days, or 2 x 183...183 = Transformation, new name of Tarot #13 Death. 24 = ACT...3 of the 4 DNA bases. 24 is letter X, the crossover letter. Recall the significance of 2005 with its 13 cubed near sum of 2197. 21 as letter U is the 4th or missing DNA base--ACTU. 97 = Through, Serpent. Serpent is the helix shape of our DNA. That all these bits of DNA information appear in the past 2 years is no coincidence, to my way of thinking. This 13 theme of Transformation is strongly in my awareness this year, more so than last year with its 24 significance.
Norma |
Added June 20, 2005
Byron's Dream of Domes
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 17:09:01 -0600 Alien World 6/17/2005 I found myself on an alien world among people who looked just like me and most of them could fly. We were enclosed in a crystal clear dome. There were trees and people's homes among the trees. Everyone was dressed in white robes. I saw a rock cliff and wondered what was beyond that hill and I flew up as high as I could then pulled myself up on the rocks. On top it was flat with rocks here and there. It was like a wall to the East. Beyond this was a hole like a mine. I heard something and then a machine with a dome top rose up from the hole and I heard a sound that warned of an intruder. I realize or decided that I was the intruder and I flew off the rocks and down among the trees. As I flew I saw an area beyond toward the West and there was a hut among the trees and there were a few people there and one was a woman who seemed to be in charge. I went there and into the tent and saw this woman. She was a leader or wise woman. She had a message about her people and the way they live and how they came to live in this protective dome. The message of the other leaders in that dome told the people they were the only ones that were left on that planet. It was either a lie or something they could not know. I looked beyond and flew up among the tree tops and looked toward the west and I saw the tops of round brown domes and took them to be shelters outside of the dome. As I watched I thought I saw some little people move between the domes. I told the woman what I had seen and she walked to the edge of the dome and touched it and a portal opened and we went outside of the dome. I flew across the fields and over a stream and when I arrived at the domes I saw the little people. They had little shelters for their livestock and I saw animals like sheep, pigs and some kind of birds similar to chickens. I landed among the animals and the little people came out to see me. I returned to the dome and back up on the rocks and this time I was very careful knowing there was something on the other side of those rocks. I practically crawled into the center area where I found geometric shapes of gold and silver, each one different and I filled both hands with them. I heard the alarm sound and I saw the top of the machine raise up and try to see me but apparently it couldn't. I flew from the top of the rocks down to a tent where I gave the metal objects to my wife. |
Byron's dream, and Jeff's 1990 dream (above), may by explained, in part, by this article:
Year of Jubilee, Chapter Five: The Hidden Time The idea is that the metaphysical foundation of phallic Yesod, represented as the second (from the bottom) sphere of the Tree of Life, is similar to the idea of the Omphalos becoming opaque (Qlippot), obstructing our view of the upper source Worlds of the Olam, after the "shattering of Vessels" (Shevirah). After the "rectification," (Tikkun) the Yesod sphere becomes clear (sapphire stone). This represents the change in our "evil eye" perception of reality, that will eventually come into being, eliminating the negative influence (Sitra Ahra) from the "Other Side." |
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