Daphne Receives the
The Elohim are
among us, the Celestial sojourners, those who architect the densities, those who
bring forth the hidden Wisdom and the hidden Knowledge of the Essenes and the
elemental kingdoms and all those places that have been forgotten in your
intuitive time, in your ancient chronology, that which is bidden and that which
has been formed, for you have become disassociated from that which is inherent
and of the place of the Knowing, which is within and genetic recesses of the
Light-encoded filaments now connecting through the great Central Sun. Passage of the
solar system in the plane horizontal of the dark rift, the Milky Way galaxy is
availing to you those warrior codings emanating from the great Central Sun and
the celestial warrior codings enable you to move through the traps and through
the calcifications and through the dark patches of entrapment and ensnarement,
that which has held humanity in bondage for many eons. There is, at
moment, a separation, a separation of those that follow the path of the Knowing
from those who would follow the path of the unawakened, the unillumined, and the
unwise. And the division, the division vibrationally, frequentially, division of
the worlds becomes pronounced now, as we move into July, as we move into August. There shall be
a rent, a renting of the fabric of the space and the time continuum
consciousness and those who find themselves aligned and allied on one section of
the fabric of the space and the time continuum consciousness will move in that
trajectory and in that dimensional illusory experience of separation and the
solidification of density and a further spiraling down into the separative
consciousness. This shall be
for a majority of those still experiencing the third dimensional frequential.
There are those, the present company included, who have chosen the Celestial
architects, you have mastered the understanding that you must come and serve the
Divine Design, the Divine Template, the Will of Heaven. God has
beckoned you; the hound of heaven cries and you have responded; and because you
have responded, your lives move in new kaleidoscopic ways, taking on the
spiraling arms of galactic proportion and your interior luminescence is as the
light of a thousand suns and your interior Knowingness takes on expression of
talents and of associations and of spectral significance, of dancing and of
aligning and of sojourning and of placement and of circumstance and of art and
of music which is beyond the comprehension of linear understanding. For you have
learned to web weave intergalactically; you have learned to place the stream
filaments of consciousness, the Celestial arachnids which are the light-fiber
filaments that emanate from every pore, every breath, from every thought, from
every iota of movement from the body-mind spirit complex, you are moving this
into alignment interdimensionally, intergalactically, on the grand three-
dimensional, multi-dimensional: five, six, seven, thirteen, infinite-dimensional
chessboard of the grand alignment of the great Central Sun. You move now
through the 13th octave dimensions and densities and your body form
purifies; the endocrine system purifies, the thyroid system purifies, the pineal
purifies, the pituitary purifies. The secretions of the glands move this body
consciousness structure into a Light-prism focus, a Light-prism focus of the
internal sun becomes an eternal resonance chamber, generating heat, generating
life, generating light generating creation, creativity, generating perfect
associations, perfect timing, perfect meshing of circumstance, perfection in
every conceivable way, shape and form, as the axes and nodal points of the
axiotonal lines of the living Gaia, of the living, sentient crystalline forms of
earth water, of air of mineral, of devic, of animal, of human, of angelic, of
seraphim, of cherubim, of Elohim and of Ra, these coalesce and
orchestrate themselves into the Unification Principle of Divine Design,
implemented into precipitation, architecting worlds, architecting Knowledge,
architecting vast planetary logoi,
architecting the sacred Antahkarana. You are
learning to access the Antahkarana, the oversoul matrix of the planetary logoi.
You are creators of worlds. You are creators of solar systems. You are the
creators of the stars. You have journeyed forth from the stars; now you shall
return to the stars. Your voyage has begun. You saw
tonight a journey over the North Pole; you saw tonight escape velocity being
reached, an altitude of 90,000 of your feet, of 17 miles vertically upwards. You are
leaving the earth; you are leaving the noosphere; you are moving into the
noetica, the Knowledge, the Wisdom, which is beyond this space and beyond the
time and beyond the containment of a dualistic mind-body-spirit consciousness.
Your container can no longer hold you; you are therefore slated to ascend. You shall
notice physiological, biological changes instigating rapidly, in rapid-fire
sequence, over the next five weeks. Pay close attention to these
body-mind-spirit complex harmonics. Your physical, outward life, as you know it,
will cease to be that which you can relate to in a three-dimensional way. Only
that which supports You hold
forth. You wait and you gather your strength. Movement is imminent. Ommmmmmmmmmmm,
Ommmmmmmmmmmm. Shanti, shanti, shanti, shanti.
Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaa In the name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Our Father,
who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on
earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our
trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into
evil, but deliver us from temptation. For thine is the Kingdom and the Power and
the Glory, forever and ever, Amen.