Oil accounts for more than 90 percent of exports and nearly 75 percent ... natural gas reserves and 40% of natural gas ... site:greatdreams.com ...www.greatdreams.com/lostland/global_
12-1-11 - DREAM. Every time I have a strange dream, I think I'll never top that one, but this one does.
in the dream, I was at a very large place like a mall, but it had a series of schools in it, each one did something different. I was given a key on a ring at the beginning as did everyone else, but the keys had to be turned in at the end of the night.
It was very dark outside, and some of the events were outdoors, not just inside the building.
As I went along the sidewalk, looking at the various schools, each school had a display of what they did.
One of the schools had a display of long thin sticks tied together on one end, that people used to flay themselves on their backs over their shoulders.
At one point, I was called on the PA system that it was time to turn in my key and that I was late, so I ran all the way back to the beginning to turn in my key and the door was still open, so I wasn't late after all. I wasn't the only one who still had a key.
I then had to walk back the whole way because I hadn't yet seen all the schools.
So I went past all the schools again, and it was darker than before if that was possible, and I got scared a couple times because there were so many men and boys in groups and I was alone on this last walk of the night.
I finally arrived at the last school and apparently it was for women, and when I walked in there were seven identical women standing there, beautiful women with long blonde curly hair, and glittery gold gowns..
I thought I was seeing things, but a moment later, the women all had two heads, one above the other, and then three heads each , stacked on top of each other.
The heads were put together seamlessly and there were no necks showing, so it was just heads, one above the other, and with each breath, each woman got another head instantly and seemed to flow out of the one below. At last count there were seven women, with seven heads stacked one atop the other. I could barely see the seventh head on the top of the stacks of heads.
Then to make it even stranger, someone brought in drawings of a female head and wrapped in such a way that it was sideways over the bottom most head of each woman so it looked like she was looking sideways over her shoulder at someone behind her.
That ended the evening, and I went home, thinking about the women and wanting to tell someone about them, so I called my friend Alice to get my spiritual teachers new home address as I didn't yet have it.
I wrote a brief letter describing the women and then drew a red heart which I cut in half lengthwise, with the intention of gluing two gemstones near the bottom of the heart that I had purchased a year before. One of the gemstones was a white opal heart and the other was an oval red ruby.
I hoped the gemstones wouldn't fall off the half a heart in the mail but before I could even the glue to affix them to the half heart, I lost the opal heart gemstone on the sofa cushion. I figured I would find it later, so I attached the red ruby to the heart and put gold glitter over the glue so it wouldn't show.
Somehow, I called my spiritual teacher and told him what I was doing and that I had lost the opal heart, and I said I was going to do a drawing of the women and send that too, and he told me to send a drawing of myself looking over my shoulder and he would use his imagination with it. so I did that, but the drawing was done with red crayon and the part showing me looking over my shoulder with only one eye showing was very sexy I thought, but there were white paces on the drawing where the crayon didn't cover it evenly, so I used my fingernail to try to fill in the white paces on the paper instead of using more crayon. I did that a bunch of times because the drawing never looked good enough to me.
Then I address the envelope, and for a return address, instead of using my own name because I didn't want anyone at my teacher's house to know who sent the envelope, I printed R. Hoagland, and a return address of 545 (which turns out to be the exact time I woke up as well)
NOTE: Richard Hoagland had a major radio broadcast while I was having this dream about mars, Phobos and YU-55.
See: http://www.greatdreams.com/blog/dee-blog72.html
12-2-11 Three dreams in a row, I was working in a school and all three dreams the general alarm started going off and nobody could fix whatever was wrong. I finally had to get up because I couldn't handle the alarm going off and being able to do nothing to fix it. At some point I knew it was happening in Ventura county CA
NOTE: There were huge wind storms going on in that area and over 300,000 people were without electricity so perhaps that is what happened.-
12-3-11 - DREAM - I was working in a school somewhere, running a ticket sales office for a female military group. Nobody was in uniform so I don't know if it was for a particular branch of service or not. My ticket sales were over 50,000 and the event was being held in a Stadium somewhere in the city, wherever it was.
This doesn't fit my own life, so I don't know who I was.
Apparently, rumours were going around that one of the women was going to go rogue and do something bad, so I was happy that my own granddaughter who was about three or four years old was already at the stadium and would be wife there with the group.
As time went on and nothing had happened, I didn't worry so much about someone going rogue at the school either.
The last scene was of all the women walking out of school, each one with a large gift box wrapped in colored paper about 24 inches square. I made note that nobody wore a uniform and nobody had kept their military size either. Each woman was overweight and nobody was dressed up either. Everyone was in casual clothes with pants and jackets for the cool weather we were having.
NOTE: As I recall, when I get phone calls to support the retired military, no one ever mentions women.
12-3-11 DREAM - I was living in the country in a house that is not familiar to me. My Mother was there, I wanted her to see what I planned to do with the place. The first thing I sad was to put up a fence between us and the neighbors liked to shove all their junk into our yard. There are partial white picket fence there, which I could extend or put up any other kind of fence.
I told my mother that I wanted to put a large vegetable garden in that spot where the neighbor liked to shove his junk into.
Just then a loud roar came from behind us so I turned and saw a small convertible jeep pull into the yard which turned out to be a friend of my son. Someone said his name, but I've forgotten it.
I then went into the house where two other small sons were playing together and I didn't like what the were doing, so I yelled at them, then took the two year old and put him to bed on my own bed and I covered him up and he went to sleep.
I then looked around and saw some plants growing, one of which had just started to bloom. I felt the dirt and it was bone dry, so I decided I had better water the plants. I stood up then and realized I was actually outside and there was no roof over my bedroom, and only two walls.
I guess there is more to do in this house than I thought.
12-4-11 - DREAM - (Hoping I recall all the details)
I was in Wisconsin, driving fast on a two lane road, with lots of small hills and winding curves to go to a restaurant out in the country.
When we got to the restaurant, it was made of brick, and near a cemetery, where only hoity-toity people went as we called them.
I and my brother and sister ran, hand in hand through the grounds of the restaurant to get to where we were going.
We were still in the country and I was researching something I had written in the past that had a specific detail (40 percent) but I couldn't remember what it was about and I was trying to figure I tout.
I drew a picture of a large ship surrounded by small tug boats which were related to the article as well as my son Ken.
Outside, I saw my daughter-in-law Debe quickly drive up a hill and across the road we had just been driving on, and then quickly followed by my son Ken on a bicycle trying to catch to her. I didn't know what was wrong, but something was.
The scene switched and I was helping someone look for elephants. All we found were elephant turds, which for some reason looked like green pickles which got larger, the more we found. The people I was with didn't know what pickles were, but I did, and I saw that they were trying to grow more of them by sticking them in the ground and building things with them because they didn't know what a pickle was.
I have no idea still what the 40 percent was about but I need to know.'
Then the scene switched again and I was back home where I had some tiny birds like finches on the living room floor. I hadn't been there for awhile and I was afraid the parrot was dead laying in a corner somewhere, but the finches which were the most beautiful blue green I had ever seen, flew up to the bird cage that was parrot size, and I spent a few minutes dumping finch seed on the floor of the cage, plus some parrot seed - just in case it wasn't dead.
NOTE: what did I write about that had the detail 40 percent?
12-15-11 - DREAM - The Pleiadians visited me (blue orbs) first thing in the morning. I then fell into a dream in which I was told by Whoopi Goldberg that they don't like coming to this plane because we play too many games. She told me I had 548 more games to play. ()It was all about relationships) I woke up feeling very upset, burnt breakfast and spilled juice all over the eatable and floor. It took me hours to get over that dream.
12-6-11 - DREAM - I was visiting a brand new hospital with friends. Everyone was rather in party mode and happy. I didn't see any sick people. It was like a celebration.
I was outside the building, and on one end, it looked the building was set and we watched at the roof started sagging in and the whole end of the building started collapsing. We ran inside to warn people to get out of the building, but it was already too late for the people on the other end. We just started screaming for everyone to get out, and we heard a loud crunching sound and everyone then knew t run for their lives.
In the very last scene, in a glassed in lobby, all women, dressed in yellow gowns, women who all looked like Betty White gathered together for a photograph. It almost looked like a wedding picture because the women all carried bouquets - Ii saw the fear come over their eyes, and they all started to run out of the door onto the lawn - looking horrified.
We stopped only long enough to grab some brochures that said, "Sell me, rent me, use me." They were bright red, and we ran out of the building.
12-7-11 LUCID DREAM I was sitting in a darkened room staring at a computer screen that contained a list of spacecraft. I was deleting the ones that were colored red because they were only interplanetary ships, and we were replacing them with ships that were only inter-stellar.
When I became conscious enough to realize that we had just watched a TV show about the planets (a documentary) and realized the numbers they gave for Neptune were different than the ones I just published on my magnetism page, I decided it was time to stop the dream.
12-7-11- DREAM I was working for a rather large company it seemed, but I drove a bright red delivery truck at fast speed even around corners in the city.
Back in the office, we were having telephone problems. Our phones were self dialing and unfortunately our phones had televisions connected to them but we were having problems with the televisions connecting to the party on the other end before we could speak and say who we were and the party in there either end didn't like getting connected to television commercials instead of a personal voice, very much like I don't like getting connected to people calling with a computerized message and telling me to hit 1 if I wanted to talk to them. Ugh
One of the guys who worked for me, who looked like Tucker a big businessman on The Young and the Restless TV show - told me that he wanted a phone with a television connected to it as well.
I told him that I would make an appointment with the telephone company because they had to come out in person to do this connection work to make sure it worked properly
12-8-11 - DREAM - I went to visit my in-laws in Wisconsin with my daughter-in-law Becky. For some reason, the road (path) we took in was surrounded by water and it seemed like there would be no way back out unless we left immediately.
We had the car parked inside the house and I wanted to leave quickly and I asked her how she had gotten the car inside the house and she said by the patio doors.
I started going around the house locking the doors, but other people started coming and opening them again. I didn't know any of those people and they were making themselves right at home. One of them said, "Sam just arrived with his girlfriend. I saw the girlfriend, who was older and chubby, but I didn't see Sam unless he was the old farmer guy who had just arrived.
I was ready to leave, and we had just enough roadway to get out of there, but we'd have to leave the house open for those other people or we'd never get out.
12-8-11 - MEDITATION: I wanted to go to the year 2014 and I wasn't getting any answer to my question, so I said, "Take me to Earth Mountain View and a male voice said, PACIFIC MOUNTAIN VIEW." There was no further explanation.
later: I was just resting my eyes and all of a sudden I was looking into a mirror. I could not see myself in the mirror, and I realized that what I was seeing was actually behind me, but it was NOT the house I was in. The room was dimly lit, but not with a lamp or a window that I could tell. Ahead of me I could see a large table perhaps a dining room, and there was a LOT of STUFF on the table but I couldn't identify any o fit. It wasn't mine.
the vision ended, and I still haven't got any real answers.
12-9-11 - Joe's dream He was trying to yell and holler and running in his sleep and trying to make those motions in the physical bed. He remembers nothing.
I fell asleep and went across the street to the farm to buy Joe a snake for his collection.
When I got there, they were looking to hire someone for a position they had open.
I asked what the position was and they said, "Artist and dishwasher." The woman they had just interviewed painted fancy ties to sell for gifts.
I told them I could wash dishes and started to show them how good I was. They had a single porcelain kitchen sink, and the whole sink was full of dirty dishes, including a baby bottle that still had milk in it. It was a mess.
12-9-11 - DREAM - I was with someone, out in the country and we went past a couple of orchards, I couldn't tell what the fruits were, they were very large - maybe green grapefruits or something. Then we came to a walnut orchard and some of them were eaten by squirrels or chipmunks, so I picked up the walnuts I knew they couldn't sell because they were broken open. They looked wonderful to eat for a snack.
We came to a place that had brochures in it for lost people. One of the groups advertising in the brochure was a female choreograph swimming group.
After seeing a bunch of their ads, I somehow found where they were practicing in a lake. But they weren't alone. They were practicing with a group of men who also did choreographed swimming with the women , and I watched them for a bit because it was so cool to see them do that. I'm sure they did it for money as an exhibition.
When they were done, one of the thin men came over to me and introduced himself and asked if he could walk with me. I said, "Sure!"
But then he had to stop at a men's bathroom, which was quite open, and he just went and peed, and didn't look. They guy with me didn't either, but he left then, leaving me with the swimmer.
We walked a bit, talking about other places to swim in the area, and he proceeded to take me to building that had carpeted floors but looked like horse barns otherwise, and I had to keep ahead of him because I knew what he wanted he was thinking of what he could do to me in one of those horse stalls.
I finally go tired of having to avoid him, and woke up as I left the last building.
12-9-11 - DREAM - I was busy working on a computer, editing a BOOK OF RULES. Every time I came across a rule that belonged to a different page, I set it aside to do another page. This took a long time, but I no longer remember any details of the book.
Guess I'll have to do it again for real.
Wondering also if I've ever done this before.
12-10-11 MEDITATION; I went to the high mental level to contact
the same spirit who told me PACIFIC MOUNTAIN VIEW and asked the
question, "What does Pacific Mountain View mean with reference to Earth
Mountain View?
I was shown some knitting in light brown with the round edges and a pair of scissors was put into my hand and I was urged to start cutting off the rough edges knowing I could sew up the edges and make them nicer, and I started to cut the rough edges off but couldn't make the last cut, and I was asked, "Do you really want to cut off your dream without even trying? My response was, "No!" and his response was, "Then don't"
Obviously - that was the answer I needed.
this was so clear and I even took photographs to document what I was seeing in the dream.
This was a really crummy neighborhood of really old limestone slab, brick covered buildings that were at least 6 stories tall. The name John Bliss was written in gold on one of the windows and the zip code was 63011. (That is St. Louis where George Noory broadcasts from.
I saw a close up of Bret Favre who was being interviewed for a radio show, and other people I could identify because I saw them close up as well.
On the top floor of this old building, it had been remodeled with all glass windows into studios for a radio show that was uncovering a scam of some kind where people send money in for charity that didn't really exist. They only sent in a dollar, so who really cared, except they were taking in millions of dollars. The initials J.S. was very prominent in this whole thing.
I took photographs of all the names that were written in gold on the front of this building. They were perfectly clear.
12-10-11- DREAM I was at work in the office and there was barely anything to do.
My friend and co-worker came into the office and said, "I see you are a Rocklin woman." and I said, "Yes!
I knew that if I wasn't a Rocklin woman I would have gotten laid off and my work given to someone else t odd to their pile of nothing to do.
NOTE: Rocklin is in northern California and was founded in 1850 during the gold rush.
12-10-11 - DREAM - I was living in the country with my Mom and Dad. My Mom went shopping and when she came home, she was carrying a small green plastic bad with a see-thru window in it. She said, "I have a mermaid in here." I looked in the bag and inside of a tiny red container was a white - almost see-thru creature in it standing up in water. (I knew it was a baby shrimp.)
My Mom took the poor little thing into the house and then went back out and drove her little yard jeep around doing her chores.
She showed me a plant she had bought - she called it a Yashii, which she said was from Mexico. I told her I knew what it was because I had dream about three years ago.
My Dad came up to me then and asked me when I was moving. I replied, " Probably not for a couple years. I can't come up with the 5 million dollars it costs to buy the land." I also told him what the real estate man had told me when I talked with him a couple weeks ago. I said, "You can make more money renting the land than you can growing the crop yourself." (That save big bucks on labor as well." Just then I saw a large black cloud in the sky in the southwest. (I dreamed about that same black cloud in the southwest last month as well.)
My Dad then took one of those cans of HOT SHOT and took down a wasp nest from the eaves of the shed.
He told me he needed me to go with him to buy some plumbing and I said okay, thinking he needed me to help him carry something.
My Dad then went to do something else, and I walked towards the house and saw that my neighbors were having a church service outside inn their yard. Half the people were standing in one group having their pictures taken, and another group was listening to the sermon. I noticed there was nowhere to sit down.
One of the women came over with a plastic bag just like my Mom had and she said, "I've got a Mermaid's head in here." she let me look in the plastic bag and she had a little red container with a white almost see-thru creature in water jus tike my Mom had but here was sitting crouched down in the water.
I said, "Wait here a second." and went to get my Mom's mermaid creature, thinking maybe we could mate the two creatures and see we could get a million creatures like that to sell to raise some cash.
NOTE; Not a bad idea. hahaha
12-11-11 - DREAM - somewhere in the southwest in the country.
I had a baby 2 months old named Donny - he said " pa sa" The Pleiadians later told me it was "Que pa sa" and that they wanted me to learn to speak Spanish. I said I was willing to.
The name Donny means Diminutive of Donald: From the Gaelic Domhnall, meaning world mighty or World Rule.
There were two schools I was shown instructions for one with the word quinoa and math problems all over the paper. The writing was very tiny and it was a struggle to read it. The other was near Lake Superior. I knew it was way too cold at Lake Superior and the growing season way too short.
Quinoa (
Spanish: quinua, from Quechua: kinda), a species of goosefoot (Chenopodium), is a
grain-like crop grown primarily for
its edible seeds. It
is a
pseudocereal rather than a true
cereal, or grain, as it is not a member of the
family. As a
chenopod, quinoa is closely related to species such as
spinach, and
I put the baby Donny to bed, but a minute later, I saw him n a deep bathtub with other people, laughing and having a grand old time. I saw the bubbles all around him and said, "He's going to be the cleanest happiest baby in the world."
I left him in the bathtub with the other people to have fun and went to retrieve the sheets that described the two schools so I could study them further. That's when the large fat woman - 500 pounds came with her husband or boyfriend. I was forced to sit next to her on the sofa, and all she did was complain about how her boyfriend didn't take good care of her.
I was outside with Donny and [op corn type clouds were in the sky. Through a small gap in the clouds I saw a huge - large black military plane sounding very ominous because it was so low, and then I heard it crash somewhere close by.
MEDITATION: I was actually trying to sleep and the Pleiadians came again and were swirling around me.
Then the boy Donny appeared outside the door and he was now about two years old, and then his parents arrived in half bodies and said hello, and I told them I loved them again and again and again, and she said something like "well" and started to shape shift and became a series of women and then finally turned into an old man with masses of white hair and white robes that were very heavy and I kept saying, 'Who are you really" and it came to me that he was Obi wan Kenobi - probably he represents the King or Leader of the Pleiadians. I feel so honored.
I got up then, feeling quite overwhelmed and went to the bathroom. I then put my hand in my left sweater pocket and found a god decorative arrow that is arrow shaped with 4 rubies in it.
What a gift. I know it was not there before. I've been wearing this sweater of months and never found anything in my pocket before.
OBI WAN KENOBI: Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. He is one of several primary characters in the Star Wars series. Along with Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader),R2-D2 andC-3PO, he is one of only four characters to appear in all six Star Wars films. He is portrayed in the original trilogy by Alec Guinness and in the prequel trilogy by Ewan McGregor, and is voiced by James Arnold Taylor in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film and television series. His role in the original trilogy is of a mentor; whereas the prequels see him as a protagonist.
Obi-Wan Kenobi is first introduced in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977), wherein he is played by Alec Guinness and is first seen rescuing Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) from a group of Tusken Raiders. There, Obi-Wan reveals that he knew Luke's father, Anakin Skywalker, and served with him in the Clone Wars. He gives Luke Anakin's light saber, having told him that Darth Vader "betrayed and murdered" Anakin. Obi-Wan offers to instruct Luke in the ways of the Force; but Luke is only persuaded when his aunt and uncle are slain by the Empire, whereupon Obi-Wan takes him to deliver a message to Alderaan.
Obi-Wan and Luke buy passage to Alderaan on the spaceship Millennium Falcon, piloted by smuggler Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and his partner Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew); but before they reach Alderaan, the planet is destroyed by the Death Star on the orders of Grand Moff Tarkin (Peter Cushing). On arrival, the Millennium Falcon is captured by the space station's tractor beam. After their capture, Obi-Wan disables the tractor beam so that the Falcon can escape and confronts Darth Vader in a light saber duel, eventually sacrificing himself so that Luke and the others can escape. Now disembodied, he speaks to Luke telepathically in the film's climactic battle scene, telling him to use the Force to destroy the Death Star.
In Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980), set three years after A New Hope, Obi-Wan appears as a force ghost and instructs Luke to visit the Dagobah system for further training under Jedi Master Yoda (Frank Oz). After Luke has been further trained in the teachings of the Jedi, Obi-Wan appears in the Dagobah swamp to dissuade him from going to Cloud City, where Vader holds Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher) hostage. During Luke's battle with Vader, in which he loses his right hand, he learns that the Sith Lord is his father.
In Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (1983), set six months after The Empire Strikes Back (in the novelization), Obi-Wan appears on Dagobah to talk with Luke, who has learned from a dying Yoda that Vader is indeed his father. He explains Anakin Skywalker's fall from grace, and helps Luke realize that Leia is his sister. He then tells Luke that killing Vader is the only way to destroy the Empire. At the end of the film, Obi-Wan's ghost appears alongside the ghosts of Yoda and a redeemed Anakin Skywalker on the forest moon of Endor, watching Luke and his comrades as they celebrate the destruction of the second Death Star.
In Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999), set 32 years before A New Hope, Obi-Wan, now played by Ewan McGregor, is seen as a young Jedi Padawan, [2] in which role he accompanies his master Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson) in negotiations with the Trade Federation, who are blockading the planet taboo. Upon their arrival on the Federation's flagship, they are attacked by battle droids and are forced to retreat to the planet, where they meet a clumsy Gungan named Jar Jar Binks (Ahmed Best), who assists the Jedi in reaching Queen Padmé Amidala (Natalie Portman). In escaping the blockade, the ship is damaged and makes an unscheduled landing onTatooine, where Qui-Gon meets Anakin Skywalker (Jake Lloyd), a young slave who shows such tremendous potential in the Force that Qui-Gon believes him to be the "Chosen One" of Jedi prophecy, destined to bring balance to the Force by destroying the Sith. The Jedi Council forbids Anakin's training, believing that the boy is weakened by the fear he exhibits.
During the Battle of Naboo, Qui-Gon is mortally wounded by the Sith Lord Darth Maul (Ray Park). Having nearly to his death, Obi-Wan uses the Force to seize his master's abandoned light saber, and kills Maul. The dying Qui-Gon then exacts his promise to train Anakin.
For his heroics in defeating a Sith (being the first Jedi in 1,000 years to do so), Yoda bestows on Obi-Wan the rank of Jedi Knight, and grants him reluctantly the right to train Anakin. [3]
In Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002), set 10 years after The Phantom Menace, Obi-Wan has become a Jedi Master, and Anakin (Hayden Christensen) his partner in a series of [unseen] adventures; but Anakin slightly resents Obi-Wan, and believes the latter to be retarding his training.
He and Anakin are required to protect Padmé, now a Senator, after an attempt on her life. Obi-Wan traces the attempt to the planet Kamino, and learns of a massive clone army that the planet's inhabitants are building for the Galactic Republic. He then meets with the bounty hunter Jango Fett (Temuera Morrison), the template for the clones, and deduces that he is the one responsible for the attempts on Padmé. Obi-Wan attempts to apprehend Fett, who escapes to Geonosis with his adopted son Boba (Daniel Logan). Obi-Wan follows them by placing a homing beacon on Fett's ship, Slave I.
On Geonosis, Obi-Wan discovers the Confederacy of Independent Systems, known as the Separatists, a conspiracy of star systems bent on secession from the Republic. The renegades are led by former Jedi Count Dooku (Christopher Lee), who was once Qui-Gon's master. Obi-Wan is captured after sending a message to Anakin. While Obi-Wan is in captivity, Dooku reveals that the Galactic Senate is under the control of a Sith Lord named Darth Sidious.
When Anakin and Padmé arrive on Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan, they are themselves captured, and all three are sentenced to death by the Geonosians. The executions are prevented by the arrival of Jedi and clone reinforcements, led by Jedi Masters Mace Windu (Samuel L. Jackson) and Yoda. Obi-Wan and Anakin confront Dooku in a duel, wherein Dooku strikes Anakin with Force lightning, then turns to Obi-Wan. The two duel and Dooku out maneuvers Obi-Wan, wounding him on both his left arm and leg. Dooku is about to deliver a killing blow when Anakin recovers from the lightning and blocks Dooku's attack. Dooku and Anakin fight a short duel, and Dooku cuts off Anakin's right lower arm (which is later replaced by a robotic prosthetic). Yoda arrives and fights Dooku as well, but the Sith Lord puts Anakin and Obi-Wan in mortal danger in order to create a distraction, and escapes.[4]
In Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005), set three years after Attack of the Clones, Obi-Wan is a Jedi Master on the High Jedi Council and a general in the Army of the Republic. Anakin, now a full-fledged Jedi Knight, remains his partner, and the two have become war heroes and best friends. They are sent on a mission to rescue Supreme Chancellor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid), who has been kidnapped by Dooku and Separatist leader General Grievous (Matthew Wood). When they find the captive Palpatine, Count Dooku engages them both in a duel. Obi-Wan is rendered unconscious by Dooku, but Anakin defeats the Sith Lord by cutting off both his hands. At Palpatine's urging, Anakin kills the defenseless Count in cold blood, a violation of the Jedi Code. Palpatine then tries to convince Anakin to leave the unconscious Obi-Wan behind. Anakin refuses, insisting to Palpatine that "his fate will be the same as ours".
Soon after returning to Coruscant, Obi-Wan is called away to Utapau to confront General Grievous. Meanwhile, Anakin is angry at the Jedi Council for refusing him the rank of Master, and is also troubled by visions of Padmé, whom he married in the previous film, dying in childbirth. With Obi-Wan on the opposite end of the galaxy, Palpatine—who is in reality Darth Sidious—eventually corrupts Anakin to the dark side of the Force and takes him as his Sith apprentice, Darth Vader.
After finding the Separatist encampment, Obi-Wan engages Grievous in battle, eventually killing him with a blaster. At the same time, Palpatine issues Order 66, directing clone troopers to turn on their Jedi generals. Obi-Wan survives the attempt on his life and escapes, rendezvousing with Yoda and Senator Bail Organa (Jimmy Smits) of Alderaan aboard Organa's ship, the Tantive IV. Obi-Wan returns to Coruscant, where he and Yoda discover that every Jedi in the Jedi Temple has been murdered, even the children. Obi-Wan sends a beacon to all surviving Jedi, instructing them to scatter across the galaxy and remain in hiding. A heartbroken Obi-Wan then watches a security hologram revealing that the assassin, Darth Vader, is actually Anakin. Subsequently, Obi-Wan and Yoda split up to confront the two Sith Lords: Obi-Wan to fight Vader and Yoda to battle Palpatine. Obi-Wan wishes to fight Sidious to avoid having to kill his best friend, but Yoda insists that Obi-Wan is not strong enough to fight the new Emperor of the galaxy, and would have to accept that the Anakin he knows no longer exists, having been "consumed by Darth Vader."
Unaware of his former Padawan's location, Obi-Wan visits Padmé and explains to her what Vader has done. Padmé refuses to believe him, and will not reveal Vader's whereabouts, knowing that Obi-Wan will attempt to kill him. At this point, Obi-Wan realizes Padmé is pregnant with Vader's child and tells her he is sorry for what he is about to do. Padmé sets out to the Mustafar system to confront her husband herself, and Obi-Wan secretly stows away in her ship.
Arriving on Mustafar, Padmé confronts Vader and realizes with horror that Obi-Wan had been telling the truth. When Obi-Wan emerges from Padmé's ship, an enraged Vader immediately suspects that Padmé has betrayed him and uses the dark side of the Force to choke her into unconsciousness. Obi-Wan and Vader then fight a furious light saber duel, which ends with Obi-Wan severing Vader's legs and left arm in midair. As Vader lies defeated, he shouts to Obi-Wan that he hates him, to which Obi-Wan, in tears, responds, "You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you." Vader then slides too close to a lava flow and catches fire, almost burning to death. Unable to bring himself to deliver a fatal blow, Obi-Wan retrieves his former apprentice's light saber and returns to the shuttle, leaving Vader to die. However, Vader holds onto his life long enough to be rescued by Palpatine, who rebuilds him as the black armor-clad cyborg first seen in the original trilogy. Obi-Wan senses Vader's grief for Padmé from afar, and realizes Vader is still alive.
Obi-Wan watches helplessly as Padmé loses the will to live, although physically healthy, and dies after giving birth to twins. Luke is put on Tatooine with Owen Lars (Joel Edgerton), Anakin's stepbrother, and Obi-Wan agrees to look after him in secret; Luke's twin sister Leia, meanwhile, is adopted by Bail Organa. Yoda, unsuccessful in his confrontation with Palpatine, then tells Obi-Wan that he has more training for him: Qui-Gon's spirit will teach him how to retain his identity through the Force and commune with the living after death. The film ends as Obi-Wan gives the infant Luke to Lars and his wife Beru (Bonnie Piesse), and disappears into the distance.
Obi-Wan Kenobi appears extensively in the Star Wars "Expanded Universe" of comic books, novels, and video games. This material portrays the events in the character's life outside of the six films.
Obi-Wan is a major character in the animated microseries Star Wars: Clone Wars and the CGI animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which both cover the period between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. It is also revealed that he is granted a seat on the Jedi Council during this time. Obi-Wan is voiced by James Arnold Taylor in both versions.
Among Obi-Wan's adventures in the microseries are a battle with the Intergalactic Banking Clan and an air strike on the planet Rattatak. In the microseries' final episode, he and Anakin are sent to the Outer Rim of the galaxy, a journey that climaxes in a quest to save the planet Nelvaan from the Techno Union.
Many Expanded Universe novels detail Obi-Wan's exploits before, during, and after the six films.
Obi-Wan's life prior to The Phantom Menace is portrayed mostly in Jude Watson's Jedi Apprentice and Jedi Quest series. The Jedi Apprentice books follow his adventures as Qui-Gon Jinn's Padawan. Notable events in the series include battling the Dark Jedi Xanatos, falling in love with fellow Padawan Siri Tachi, and going on his first independent mission. As for the relationship between him and Siri, she is killed during the Clone Wars; after Obi-Wan is killed by Darth Vader and becomes one with the force, he meets Siri and she promises that they can now be together and that she will always be by his side. The Jedi Quest books detail his adventures with Anakin in the years leading up to Attack of the Clones.
His heroism just before and during the Clone Wars is portrayed in novels such as Outbound Flight, The Approaching Storm, and The Cestus Deception.
Obi-Wan's life between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope is, so far, portrayed mostly in Jude Watson's The Last of the Jedi series. Set roughly a year after the fall of the Republic, the series follows Obi-Wan as he seeks out possible survivors of the Great Jedi Purge, most notably Anakin's former rival, Ferus Olin. The books also portray Obi-Wan adjusting to life as a hermit on Tatooine, and quietly watching over the infant Luke Skywalker. He also discovers that Vader is still alive after seeing him on the Holonet, the galaxy's official news source.
Obi-Wan appears in spirit form in many novels set after the destruction of the Empire in Return of the Jedi. In The Truce at Bakura, he appears to Luke to warn him about the threat presented by the Ssi-ruuk; in The Lost City of the Jedi, he guides Luke to the titular city on Yavin IV; in Heir to the Empire, meanwhile, he bids farewell to Luke, explaining that he must abandon his spiritual form to "move on" to a new, higher plane of consciousness. Before parting, Luke tells him that Obi-Wan was like a father to him, to which Obi-Wan replies that he loved Luke like a son.
Obi-Wan appears in many video games. He is a playable character in all four Lego Star Wars video games, Battlefront II, and Renegade Squadron of the Battlefront series. He is also the lead character in Star Wars: Obi-Wan. The older version, Ben Kenobi, is only playable in Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and The Complete Saga, Renegade Squadron, and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed in multiplayer mode. He also appears in Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Jedi Alliance, Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles and Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Light saber Duels as a playable character.
In the comic book series Star Wars: Republic, Obi-Wan faces many grave threats while fighting against the Separatists. Among other notable storylines, he is kidnapped and tortured by Dooku's minion Asajj Ventress before being rescued by Anakin ("Hate & Fear"), and apprehends corrupted Jedi Master Quinlan Vos ("The Dreadnaughts of Rendili"). Throughout the series, he grows increasingly wary of Palpatine's designs on the Republic—and his influence on Anakin.
In the non-canon story "Old Wounds", set a few years after the events of Revenge of the Sith, Obi-Wan confronts a resurrected Darth Maul on Tatooine to protect Luke Skywalker. The duel ends when Owen Lars shoots and kills Maul; he then warns Obi-Wan to stay away from his nephew. Through the Force, Obi-Wan reassures Luke that he will be there for him when needed.
The character is loosely inspired by General Makabe Rokurōta, a character from The Hidden Fortress played by Toshirō Mifune, whom series creator George Lucas also considered casting as Obi-Wan.[5] Mad magazine parodied the original film under the title Star Roars and included a character named "Oldie Von Moldie"; a grizzled 97-year-old whose light saber runs on an extension cord. The Shanghai nightclub shown in the beginning of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is called "Club Obi-Wan" because George Lucas wrote both the Star Wars and Indiana Jones Series. A real bar/club by this name existed in the Xihai district of Beijing, China but closed in the summer of 2010. The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! episode "Star Koopa", being a spoof of Star Wars, also had its own parody of Obi-Wan Kenobi called Obi-Wan Toadi. The 1998 Animaniacs episode "Star Warners", which spoofed Star Wars, featured Slappy Squirrel portraying a parody of Obi-Wan Kenobi as "Slappy Wanna Nappy". In the Family Guy episode "Blue Harvest", Obi-Wan is parodied by the character Herbert. In the short film Thumb Wars Obi-Wan is parodied as the character Oobedoob Benubi. In the film his full name is Oobedoob Scooby-Doobi Benubi, "the silliest name in the galaxy". In the 1977Star Wars parody Hardware Wars, Obi-Wan is parodied by the character "Augie Ben Doggie".
In French Internet subculture, "Obi-Wan Kenobi" became an expression meaning "your question does not make sense", and is said when one does not know what to answer but wants to respond in an amusing way. It was popularized by Les Guignols de l'info, which made a parody of the French version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? in which for every question, the fourth choice was invariably "Obi-Wan Kenobi" (and the question invariably nonsense). Humorous multiple choice questionnaires made on the internet since often featured an "Obi-Wan Kenobi" option.
Television tropes[6] uses Obi-Wan's name for the archetype mentor figure.
In 2003, the American Film Institute selected Obi-Wan Kenobi as the 37th greatest movie hero of all time.[7] He was also listed as IGN's third greatest Star Wars character,[8] as well as one of UGO Networks's favorite heroes of all time.[9]
In 2004 the Council of the Commune Lubicz in Poland passed a resolution giving the name Obi-Wan Kenobi to one of the streets in Grabowiec, a small village nearToruń.[10] The street was named in 2005. The spelling of the street name, Obi-Wana Kenobiego is the genitive form of the noun in the Polish language: the street of Obi-Wan Kenobi. "ul." is an abbreviation of ulica, the Polish for street.[11]
"Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (February 3, 1937) is a citizen of Switzerland who claims to be a UFO contactee and prophet. He is also the source of many controversial UFO photographs, which he states are evidence of his encounters. Meier reports regular contact with extraterrestrials he calls the Plejaren (aliens from beyond the Pleiades) describing them as humanoid Nordic aliens.
A farmer born in the town of Bulach in the Swiss Lowlands, Eduard "Billy" Meier's claimed his first extraterrestrial contacts occurred in 1942 at the age of five with an elderly extraterrestrial human man named Sfath.[1] Contacts with Sfath lasted until 1953. From 1953 to 1964, Meier's contacts continued with an extraterrestrial human woman named Asket.[2] Meier says that after an eleven year break, contacts resumed again (beginning on January 28, 1975) with an extraterrestrial human woman named Semjase[3] the granddaughter of Sfath.
In his teens, Meier joined the French Foreign Legion but says he soon left and returned home. He traveled extensively around the world pursuing spiritual exploration, covering some forty-two countries over twelve years. In 1965 he lost his left arm in a bus accident in Turkey. In 1966 he met and married a Greek woman, Kalliope.
Beginning in 1975, Meier says he began his official contacts ("official" in that evidence was to be provided publicly, unlike earlier contacts), communicating both directly (face-to-face) and by telepathy with a core group of the Pleiadians/Plejaren, or Errans as he also refers to them (Erra being their home planet), who gave their names as "Ptaah", "Semjase",[9] "Quetzal" and "Pleja",[10] among numerous others. According to Meier himself in the video documentary 'Contact', he says that his first contact with extraterrestrials began on January 28, 1975.[11]
These visitors reportedly hail from the Plejares star system which is beyond the Pleiades and in a dimension that is a fraction of a second in the future from our own (an alternate timeline). These Plejaren have allegedly afforded Meier a more interesting sampling of evidence than that derived from most such encounters, including highly detailed photography, videos, multi-toned sound recordings, the temporary use of a weapon which he employed for trial on a nearby tree, and metal alloy samples.[12]
Meier claimed the visitors charged him with certain informational and consciousness-raising tasks.[13] As he undertook this mission, he met with a great deal of scorn and derision in addition to (according to his center) twenty-one assassination attempts. Some of these were allegedly initiated by hostile extraterrestrial entities and subsequently defeated largely through the intervention of his Plejaren friends.[14] Meier was uncomfortable with the megalomaniacal associations some would attach to his role as a representative (such as use of the term "prophet", e.g.) but he undertook the effort nonetheless.
In 1975 Meier established the Freie Interessengemeinschaft für Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien ("Free Community of Interests for the Fringe and Spiritual Sciences and UFOlogical Studies"), or FIGU, a non-profit organization for the benefit of researchers into this field, and headquartered it at the Semjase Silver Star Center.[15]
Meier claims that he was instructed to transcribe his conversations with the various extraterrestrials, some of which have been published in the German language. These books are referred to as the Contact Notes (or Contact Reports). Currently, there are ten published volumes of the Contact Reports (titled Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte). Some of the Contact Reports were translated into English, extensively edited and expurgated, and published in the out-of-print four-volume set Message From The Pleiades by Meier case investigator Wendelle Stevens.
Meier's discussions with the Plejarens are highly detailed and wide-ranging, dealing with subjects ranging from spirituality and the afterlife to the dangers of mainstream religions, human history, science and astronomical phenomena, ecology and environmental dangers, in addition to prophecies of future historic trends and events.
An additional aspect of the Meier case is the highly controversial book the Talmud Jmmanuel. It is said to be the translation of ancient Aramaic scrolls that were discovered by Meier and a colleague in Jerusalem in 1963. The book claims to be the original teachings and life events of the man named Jmmanuel (called Jesus Christ by historians and Christians). Extensive study has been made of the book by James Deardorff.
as three children. The nickname "Billy" came by way of an American friend who thought Meier's cowboy style of dress reminded her of "Billy the Kid". This anecdote was told by Meier himself in an interview with Bob Zanotti of Swiss Radio International in June, 1982. (BZ, 1/08).
Meier has accumulated a large collection of controversial photographs showing alleged spaceships (called beamships) as well as alleged extraterrestrials (humanoids called the Plejaren). Meier says that the Plejaren gave him permission to photograph [4] and film their beamships in order to produce some of the evidence for extraterrestrial visitation.[5] Meier's claims are both believed and disputed by UFO skeptics and enthusiasts.[6][7][8]
Date: Sunday, December 12-11-11
E-Mail Contact:
E-Mail Contact:
John B Wells welcomes American media representative for ET
contactee BILLY
MEIER, MICHAEL HORN. He'll discuss details about Planet
X, chemtrails,
volcanoes, a pending San Francisco earthquake, the
world's financial crisis,
peak oil, as well as recent confirmations of
MEIER's prophecies.
MICHAEL HORN promises a "no-holds barred, scorched Earth policy"
and to
deliver a "radical paradigm belief shift" for tonight's exciting,
highly-charged and emotional "Coast 2 Coast AM" show in which
will be taken to the town square and "beaten to a bloody
pulp" with Pleiadian
TRUTH, prophecies and insights!
ABSOLUTELY NO MERCY will be shown nor
spared to those so-called "alien
abductees," certain retired USAF captains
claiming "creepy critters"
running amok in their "critter-infested" apartment
and the UFO
community's continued curious claims of "chasing lights in the
HORN emphatically states that instead of focusing on "the single
important and ONLY legitimate and verified UFO contactee case in the
history of Mankind," many in the UFO community are instead opting to
"village idiots seeking their 15 minutes of fame and shame"
falsely claiming
all sorts of "alien encounters!"
ONLY when Michael Horn hears a
collective cry and sigh from the UFO
community of, "UNCLE!" will he finally
relent and compassionately ease
up on UFOlogy!
THIS is the "must
tune-in" show of the year to listen in on ... heart
palpitations and
skyrocketing blood pressure readings are sure to follow
for the UFO True
Believer ... "I WANT TO BELIEVE!"
To: The General UFO Community
"HATER" MICHAEL HORN on "Coast to Coast AM!"
FLASH ALERT: Feel free to
call in and tell MICHAEL HORN about all of
YOUR sightings and ET contacts at
For people who don't know MICHAEL, he has a long desultory,
history of filthy LIES and despicable DECEPTIONS making a furious
of asinine assumptions and outrageous accusations completely
merit. His hidden agenda of intrigue, subterfuge and skullduggery is
establish BILLY MEIER as the ONLY "true prophet of God" or spirit form
The obvious problem
here is what do we do with ALL of the other
THOUSANDS of contactees,
pictures, video, eyewitnesses, etc.?! It is
almost hilarious to listen to
MICHAEL's futile, ridiculous attempts.
Always BEWARE of exclusivity and
And, DON'T forget that the "photo" of Pleiadian astronaut
actually a go-go dancer and singer named MICHELLE DELLA FAVE from
"Dingaling Sisters" who appeared on the old "Dean Martin Variety
Show" from
Please reference:
"Project SERPO" Release #33
The Silent
"OBNOXIOUS" Revolution of "A Truth" which does NOT add up!
Send an e-mail
please visit us on the Web at:
Web site(s):
TheyFly.com /
12-12-11 - DREAM - I was downtown in Milwaukee somewhere. I saw a moving van across the street and thought it was there for me so I went outside. It turned out my black car was parked outside and Norbie from A-C came and fixed the lock on the back door. I then walked down the street and David came along and picked me up, asking for a favor. I got in the car in the back seat and it turned out Marcella was actually driving. She said, "Al I wanted was my car back." She drove me home to my 16th St. house and along the way I noticed that little stores along the ay were closed and empty.
When I got out on 16th St. Marcella and David came into the house with me (they've never actually been there). Marcella thanked me and when they left, she left me her powder blue T shirt which looked brand new.
As soon as they left, a big man showed up in the pantry and said he needed a baby sitter and wanted Joe. I heard a noise in the dining room like a file cabinet being hit - but we didn't have a Joe back then either.
I woke up and I heard a voice say, "I picked up an angel one day." and then I heard, "Noah is 18 today."
Noah was born on Highland Boulevard and I met him the day he was born and he was so white he couldn't been mine. I loved that little boy.
Hard to believe he's 18 years old already. I haven't seen him since he was two years old. He was a darling baby.
He was David's 14th child. It's nice to know they still are thinking about me.
12-12-11 - I had a flash memory of part of a dream in which I was standing between my mother and father in a store. My mother gave me some change from a purchase they made - she gave me three quarters, two dimes and a nickel. I told her she had given me too much and gave her the three quarters back.
12-13-11 - DREAM I was working in a large office with several other girls but they were switching us aro9und. My new phone number was 3234 (12) My old one had been 6208 (7) They were also giving me an electronic computer and a Dictaphone which I didn't have before.
Before we moved, I saw a copy of my entrance exam which had been corrected and analyzed and scored as ' inadequate'. I looked at the page in question and evidently my sentences were too short. The teacher was standing next to me - a tall thin man - nearly seven feet all. He was going to teach me to use longer sentences and bigger words.
All in all, I was being promoted, and that felt good.
Before I opened my eyes, but was awake, I could see the blue orbs of the Pleiadians surrounding me and I said Good morning to each one of them. j
That feels really nice because they are so pretty and loving.
12-13-11 - DREAM - I was at home in my apartment. I had two pretty birds. One was inside the cage, and the other one was tied to the cage with a long red ribbons tied around its body just above the tail. Unfortunately, the ribbon had become torn or maybe chewed off and the bird got free. I managed to grab it out of the air and get another ribbon and tied it to the end of the other ribbon so he could fly somewhat free again to a certain point.
I then noticed that they needed more seed, so had to fiddle with the hook the seed dish was on and hard a very hard time hooking the seed dish back to the cage.
It was then I saw my friend Norman on the video phone in the next room. I wanted to tell him I wanted t see him in person sometime soon, but I was still fiddling with the seed dish and couldn't go into that room to tell Norman that.*********
The Pleiadians came and went several times before I got up to type this dream. It makes me feel so good to see them hovering around.
12-14-11 - DREAM - I was observing a group of soldiers somewhere and the drill sergeant decided it would be good punishment to make an example of a large black African man to make him stand on his head for a long period of time, which he did. However, when other Black African Americans found this out, they started a cult of doing the same thing which made them proud that they could do something that white people couldn't or wouldn't do and soon they were all forming groups and gathering together and standing on their heads.
When white young people discovered this, they too started cults doing the same thing and started wearing long blue gowns and standing on their heads in groups.
There was nothing religious about it, it was proving a point - that standing on one's head was not punishment, something to be pro9ud of.
12-15-11 - DREAM - I was in Wisconsin, living in a house I'm not familiar with.
My friend Nancy came to visit and she delivered a boy baby. He was very large. I noted that his head was the same size as his Mom's and he spoke English to me the same day he was born and indicated that he knew what was expected of him sexually as a little boy, which made me very uncomfortable.
Nancy gave me a calling card (the size of a business card ) and I read on it that it said "Spirit Grey" which made me very uncomfortable.
We didn't have any diapers or bottles for water or any baby supplies at al, so my husband and I had to go to the store and get some, especially cotton balls and oil to clean the baby with.
Before we left, Nancy started to nurse the baby which went well, but within a moment, they were kissing each other like adults, which also made me very uncomfortable. I couldn't watch.
So my husband and I left her in the bed with the baby and head out for the store.
On the way to the store, our car broke down and we had to call a tow truck for help.
The tow truck arrived and they needed to bring us a tire we needed so we had to wait for them to return.
Meanwhile, I had a metal rake and was raking nice sand we could use for the winter ice while driving out in the country, and I asked if I should put some in the trunk of the car and my husband said, "No! "
While my husband was sitting in the back seat of the car with the delivery man who was black, I went back into the house to see how the baby was doing and he was fine, laying in the bed with his Mom.
Before I left the room, I saw the calling card again, and it said, "Spirit Grey" and was signed in gold MICHELLE
12-15-11 - MEDIATION: I was looking for information about a certain person with the initials am. I was shown a can of peaches. Does that mean he is peachy?"
then I fell lento a dream n which my husband dropped me off on 41ns street while he went to park the car. He never came back.
A tall woman who called me by name said she was my supervisor. She told me she had told my husband he couldn't park the car in that neighborhood, and I asked if he had said he was coming back and she said he hadn't aid anything to her. Then she left me.
I didn't have any purse or money with me, so I had a choice, would I walk a mile east to my mothers house or 5 miles home? I decided I would go to my mothers house since it was closer.
12-17-11 - DREAM - This is the second time I've had this dream. It is historical and I wrote out the article in full out of a huge white book along with a lot of other topics, and the important part was that the word orange something was the beginning of it.
Now my son Ken needed to write out the same article and I remembered that I had written it out myself and then forgot to type it. Now that I remembered it, I couldn't remember where I had left it. Since it was already written, it only needed to be typed out.
So Ken and I started searching through my papers looking for it, and I found everything around it but not the one we needed.
I eventually found the word I wanted and couldn't make out what page I had written it out from it might have been 59 but I couldn't be sure.
Meanwhile, my daughter was trying to sneak downstairs and not do her own homework, and I kept catching her trying to sneak for the stairs and stopping her and making her go back to her room and finish her own work.
I eventually had to go outside and water the plants I had neglected. It seems like I'm always doing that, but I did it with a long green hose.
But where the heck is the book with the orange reference/
In the beginning I was making barbecued chicken, starting by browning it in a big iron skillet on the stove with lemon pudding as a coating. I burnt it a bit and then put it into the oven to finish cooking.
Then the chicken parts were used in a contest, such that a part of the chicken that looked like the back spread out but had an opening in the center with a flap of skin over the center opening was used like a curtain where the 'team' ran through it at the end of the game because they won. This chicken part resembled Abraham Lincoln without a nose - best description I can come up with. I even thought that in the dream.
The next part, there was a contest between my friend Jim Balister and probably my friend Michelle out in the yard.
Jim was flying a miniature red plastic airplane, and Michelle was driving a miniature yellow plastic Volkswagen car. No real contest.
Michelle just drove her car around and around in circles. Jim flew His plane into the air and the first time, it nose dived head first into the ground, but the second time, he took off of a kitchen table that was white on top with chrome legs and I caught him flying in the air and put him safely on the ground. There was no motor, propeller or engine in the plane and no glass, so he was always safe.
Finally Jim and I were feeding the left over chicken to a pack of dogs out in the yard, and then I went back into the house and went through the kitchen cabinets to see if there was anything in there worth eating. NOT!
12-17-11 EXPERIENCE; I sat down in a comfy chair and closed my eyes to rest them and a little spirit girl carrying three brand new boxes with Barbie dolls in them ran over to me, turned around and sat on my lap and said joyously, "I'm ready to move."
I wish she had said where we were supposed to move to.
Then I had a dream in which my daughter was in the livingroom chatting with six of her friends, and I suggested they stay for dinner and they all said in unison, "Yes!" and then I went to the kitchen thinking that I was going to have to peel 10 pounds of potatoes to feed them with and I didn't know if I even had any and would have to send someone to the store to get some. I had no idea what kind of meat to serve either. I went down into the basement to get a large kettle and my brother John and one of my sons was down there and I asked them get the large kettle out from under the sink down there as I couldn't get it. I could see large pressure cooker under there that was really heavy.
12-18-11 - DREAM - After discussing books yesterday, my dream suggested books that my daughter had and might take to school with her. All were Dr. Seuss books from the characters drawn on the covers. These books were not familiar to me that my own kids had as children. One was extra large and said LOOK AT ME, and evidently had drawing paper in it. Another one had various tools pictured on the front and said YOU CAN IT! If these books don't exist, I guess we'll have to write them ourselves.
12-19-11 - MEDITATION: I astral traveled to the 5th dimension and asked t see the Pleiadians and they came flooding in. Their blue orbs are so beautiful and loving. Thank you for the visit.
DREAM - I was standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean, and the mailman came and delivered a birthday card to me from Michelle, with a painting of the exact same scene where I was standing with the wind blowing and a beautiful tree in full bloom hanging out over the ocean with white flowers. I told the mailman that I noticed a lot of new people arriving recently, and still he was able to deliver my birthday card without an address on it, just my name. That was amazing.
My Mother and I and Victoria Lord Davidson got into the car to get out of the wind, and we all at in the front seat.
Victoria had a baby with her , which she handed to me to take care of.
The bay was wielding a silver scissors almost bigger than its arm and was making cutting motions right under its nose.
Victoria was worried that I couldn't handle the baby and I told her, I can take care of a baby with one arm and take care of the world with the other, jut like I used to do when I raised my 6 kids.
It was a cute scene, but that scissors was not so cute for the baby to have.
12-20-11 - DREAM - I was driving my car too fast down a beautiful lane between rows of young, but tall trees, it went around a bend, and it was still beautiful, but the lane ended at the ocean and a beach. I couldn't stop the car, but somehow managed to get it stopped before it went into the ocean.
I went into a nice house with nice furniture and met a very nice man there.
In the livingroom, there was frozen snow in the doorway and he had carved a bear into the snow, which I took a shovel and dislodged the bear and stood it up against the wall so I could get into the bedroom.
The man had left the room but returned a couple of moments later. Unfortunately, he was drunk, red in the eyes, and breathing weird.
I said to myself, "Oh no! Not again! He came near to me, and he was so drunk, when I shoved him with my hands against his chest, he fell right over onto the couch.
I ran out of the house and down to a neighbor's house and asked her if I could come in and she said, "Yes!" so I hid in her house. I'd never go back into that drunken situation again.
While in the neighbor's house, I picked up a newspaper, and someone was showing me a column o the right side of the paper with their two thumbs. What I was seeing was different than the real words on the paper. It said, "Dee, Dee, Dee, Dee Finney,, free, free, free, steel.
What the heck?
It didn't tell me what kind of steel was free. I have no clue.
12-20-11 - DREAM - I was living in a southern state along the East Coast of the United States, in a mountainous area where there were switchback type roads alongside the mountain in order to travel from one place to another. There was a lot of heavy truck traffic along this road that were big rises with 18 wheels. Since they were used to this road, they traveled as fast as they could, taking corners faster than one would normally go, and in sandy areas, it was actually moving the roadway inch by inch closer to the edge of the mountain.
I was in a car with another woman, and at one point we had to stop our car because of the sand and do something with the tires to make driving safer.
When we did that, I no longer felt safe being in the car and for some reason had to walk part way to another spot in the road, and ended up jumping ;70 feet accidentally from one level of the switchback to a lower level for safety. It was amazing that I lived through that and there were witnesses watching me do that maneuver.
We eventually ended up at the county seat and I went into the office there in a county office to pay to assign my county to a northern state, which was a legal procedure someone had passed sometime in history which was little known. The only criteria the clerk in the office had was that I had to pay first before I could fill out the paperwork.
12-21-11 DREAM - I was at work downtown in Milwaukee, WI and we were forced to go to the doctor to get blood tests and exams. It might not have been so bad, but I had to go with a male co-worker, and right in front of each other we had to take our underwear off and the nurse put a hose up our butt and pumped some kind of fluid into us. Supposedly it was supposed to make us sleepy but it had the opposite effect on me. Finally I had to go to the bathroom and get rid of the stuff. I don't think they tested it. Then we were allowed to go home.
On the way home, we were riding in a parade like JFK when he got assassinated, with a motorcycle escort and reporters. I think we had a better escort than he had.
When we got back into the building, I was so nervous I actually ended up lighting up two cigarettes at the same time and smoking them both. Everyone laughed at me for being so nervous.
My daughter came along then and wanted to eat some sausage out of the refrigerator and it was all moldy, so I made her throw it away. Still I wanted to save the good stuff and didn't have any plastic bags so I went to a neighbors apartment and they said they had plastic bags but didn't know where they were and they had to lave to go to work.
I was so nervous still from the hospital exam I was telling everyone how humiliating it was for me.
I woke up as David was saying, "So what if she starts smoking."
and I woke up with my heart pounding weirdly in my chest - barely breathing.
12-21-11 - DREAM Right at the beginning of the dream, I had a vision of smoke coming-out of the house next door and the fire department coming pat my apartment window. all of a sudden, I saw a fire truck rush past my window and smoke was pouring out of the house next door just like in y vision.
I decided to go into the apartment next to mine on that side of the building as I had my Master keys in my pocket to make sure there was no smoke going into her windows.
As I stood there, a knock came on her outside door so I opened it and the Fire Chief was there.
The fire Chief said he wanted to make sure everything was okay and he went into the next room to make a phone call to the station I assume.
A young girl came in carrying a baby - who was several months old a girl baby.
the baby seemed too heavy for the girl to carry and I tried to lift them both up onto the dresser there, but they were too heavy for me to do that, so I offered to take the baby and put the baby up there which I did.
meanwhile, the woman whose apartment this belonged to came home and I told her the Fire Chief was in the other room on the phone, and several other her friends came in then.
I made sure I had my Master keys then, and that the baby was safe with the girl watching her and I went out the door to the outside.
I could have goes through the building I realized but I was going to walk around the corner to the front door, but when I looked that direction, on the sidewalk was all kinds of construction debris and it didn't look safe to walk that way.
I thought about walking the other direction but there were a lot of houses that direction and it seemed really far, so I just stood there.
At that moment, I saw a huge group of young girls come out of the building or around the corner and coming down the sidewalk towards me.
It seemed I was wake at that moment, but I was intrigued to find out who thee
girls were.
the girls were all dressed alike, in light brown uniforms
like girl scouts. They were walking really fast and getting closer and
closer, but the lead girl was hard for me to see. The lead girl was
always vague and the ones behind her were clear of me to see. I couldn't
figure out why the lead girl was so hard for me to see, but I could catch a
glimpse of her from time to time so I knew she was there.
I could easily have just opened my eyes at that point because I was wake, but I wanted to see who these girls were up close. They were getting closer and closer and the word 'astronomy' came into my mind and I was intrigued why that word came into my mind while watching a group of girl scouts coming towards me.
I finally opened my eyes to make sure I was awake and then closed them again. At that point, I wasn't n the dream and I was surrounded by the Pleiadian blue orbs so I said "Good Morning " and "I love you all" and all of a sudden I could see the girl scouts gain, hundreds and hundreds of them all running towards me. They were all happy and laughing.
I couldn't help wonder if there was a connection between the girl scouts and the Pleiadians. The Pleiadians were all surrounding me right then too.
I t felt like such a happy moment for me.
12-22-11 - DREAM - I was living in a new house. I saw it from outside. It was ranch style on a street where all the houses looked pretty much the same. Out in the front yard, I saw the hoof prints of a very large bull and that made me very nervous.
I was on a cell phone talking with someone, telling them where the house was. I told her I was on the corner of Tahoma Drive (I can only find Tahoma in Washington State) The land was absolutely flat and Tahoma Drive only went of about 100 feet paved and then became a flood dirt path for about a mile to the next cross street. (Tahoma Washington is not flat land from what I remember when I was up there)
Anyway, I then went inside the house and to the bedroom where I was still putting things in place. I had a lot of new knitting yarn to store and I had it all separated out by color around the room. I also had clothing and miscellaneous stuff on the floor I didn't know where to put it yet.
I wanted to weigh myself because I had lost a lot of weight, but I didn't want anyone else to know I was doing that because I was rather in a self-contest with other chubby women in the family and I wanted to beat them at the game of being the thinnest. Joe was in the shower and that's where the scale was so I felt very frustrated.
Joe's ex-wife 'Debbie and his granddaughter Taylar were in the livingroom chatting and I didn't want them to know I wanted to weigh myself either.
I lay on the bed then and the telephone rang. I heard Joe answer the phone through the vent in the bedroom wall, and he answered it saying, "Charlies here!" He was talking to his boss about a job it sounded like.
I fell asleep and tried to wake up when Taylar knocked on the bedroom door and hollered, "There is a man here to see you." I had a hard time waking up and tried answering and my mouth didn't want to work because I was still half asleep.
I said, "I don't want to see any man." and I heard Joe say, "There's always a man in town."
I rather fell asleep again but was having a vision and I could see a convertible car and saw a man with a moustache in it. he looked like my son Tom. I opened my eyes and bit and closed them again and now there were two mustached men in the car, both looking like my own sons, then a third mustached man appeared so there were three mustached men in the front seat - all looking liking my sons. Then a fourth and fifth mustached man appeared in the back seat and then my ex-husband Jim was in the back seat with the same moustache, and my instant feeling was that he had died and this was a funeral car.
OTHER SPELLINGS: http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0oGdbjWTPNOSH0AlLFXNyoA?p=tehoma%20-texoma%20-texhona&fr2=sb-top&fr=slv8-att
12-22-11 - MEDITATION I was gave the Manes TITOR and Cian
John TITOR Is a time traveler from 2036 where they were recovering from WWIII, CIAN is a mythological character, the son of Luger, and the story was written by Talleison.
12-23-11 - DREAM - I was married to a singer director - a blonde, and he said he had to go on tour with his group and he bought me the album of the songs so I could learn to be the best singer in the world. I ended up falling in love with the head dancer instead, and he turned out to have a huge head with a huge brain and wrinkles on his forehead bigger than anyone I've ever seen, but I loved every wrinkle on ins head.
I then met Amanda and she told me her mother Michele was back in the hospital and she had convinced them to give her a transplant and she was pregnant again.
I asked Amanda what hospital she was in and then went upstairs to call her on the phone.
I went up to the second floor by elevator, and discovered that my husband had bought potatoes for me as I asked him to, but he had bought potatoes that were bigger than his head and just dumped them in a tub and they were trying to grow without any dirt over them so I was going to have to take them outside so they had grow, but it was really late in the season and I didn't know if that was possible.
I can't figure out where I was living, seemed like New Berlin, but the house didn't match.
I was in my kitchen on the first floor, cooking something and I heard a noise by the window and when I looked out, Debe was out there with her whole family and she hollered to me, "Happy birthday!"
I went outside and Debe's entire family was out there, her Mom, Dad, Grandma, another woman who was laying on a lounge chair in the sun, Jimmy, some other kids, and my Mom and I think some other people I can't recall who. There was another young girl later.
I rant outside and greeted everyone, and then Jimmy winced with pain and Debe's Dad up this arm around him to comfort him and I went over to see what was wrong and put my arms around him and asked ff I could heal him and he said, "Yes!" I asked where the pain was then and he aid his left shoulder and he raised his arm like he was going to pitch a baseball and he couldn't stand the pain it hurt so bad.
I started to roll up is long polo shirt sleeve and discovered that his left elbow was broken, completely out of the socket. So I said, "Dad! You'd better take him to the hospital. His arm is broken. ?
I had too go back into the house and shut off the stove because I had something cooking on it.
I wake up and fell asleep again immediately.
I went back outside, and noticed that Debe's Dad's big old white car was parked in the garage. The car was painted with rainbow triangle waved spiral shapes on it all over. It was beautiful. The car was like big old Buick like from the 70's and in perfect condition with a beige leather interior.
I didn't ask permission, but I wanted to sit in the car just to see what it was like inside. So I tried to open the front passenger door and couldn't. I then noticed that there was tan painter's tape holding both front side doors shut from the inside.
So I went back outside and Debe's whole family and Mom were still there sitting by a picnic table.
I asked Debe's Dad what happened to his beautiful car and he looked puzzled. I said, "How come you have both right side doors taped shut on the inside? He didn't even know what I was talking about.
The blonde girl who was with Debe started to say something,, and Debe shushed her, and Debe's Dad still looked puzzled about it because he didn't even know about it. Apparently there was some incident with the cops that involved Debe and the girl the night before.
(I know that doesn't make sense, but that's how it came out.)
We all sat down at the picnic table then, and Debe handed me a very large wide gift bag that was hot on the bottom and had it on my lap.
I started taking out the contents from the bag and it was an entire dinner for everyone seated around the table.
There we large tray of hamburgers, about 8 of them, a tray of hot dogs, bout 8 each, buns, condiments, and a large wicker basket that continued 8 smaller wicker baskets, each one with a different kind of fruit in it, decorated with some kind of greenery and tiny white flowers. I remember strawberries, pineapple, watermelon, and lots of other fruits - each in a separate little round basket. I set it all out on the table and everyone as so hungry, they all started grabbing food and chewing down.
It was great fun.
Thanks you Debe for a great birthday gift. :-)
I went into normal meditation, then asked to go to the 5th Dimension - year 2014 to see Earth Mountain View community.
The first thing I saw was a man who came from beside me and jumped up into the picture, then a guy in a green shirt came from the left and jumped up into t picture. One said to the other, Want to play this game?" and the other said, Yes!" Each one fastened something on their side of the screen, then both dove off the screen back to the side of me.
I again asked too see the year 2014 - the dimension Earth Mountain View Community.
Now I saw the same screen with a paper box in front of me. A hand opened up the box and the box was empty.
I asked again, same thing, and the box started to open from the left and the lid spring back into place - I knew the box was empty
I asked once more - something. This time the box was address in black crayon like a kid scrawled it from second grade and the last address on the box was WISCONSIN.
By now, I knew I wasn't going to get an honest answer. I was being prevented from seeing the truth by these two clowns, one in the blue shirt and one in the green shirt.
As soon as I gave up, I saw a colorful little book in blue and green - I couldn't read the title, but at the bottom it said 101. It was probably Astral Travel 101.
pisses me off. How can you trust anything when spirits are playing games with you.
I was working in a rather large office with other women. The boss turned out to be Dr. Bill Deagle from nutrimedical.com.
We were all given what looked like an aptitude test, maybe for promotion, but it consisted of some math, perhaps for accounting aptitude or for figuring out things mathematically, and part of it was to do a drawing of quite large picture for artistic aptitude.
I noticed that some of the women were given an object to draw around and some not. The object I saw on some of the papers looked like a Cheshire cat smile or fat lips, depending on who drew it. One could make that into whatever you wanted, some older drawings I fo9und in a file cabinet had turned that smile into a person, some made animals, some made rocks. I saw that some drawings included trees, animals, rivers, all kinds of things. Some drawings were very simple and bland colors, others had used blended coloring on some objects, like animals had clack tails, some were just plain brown. Every drawing was different, yet similar.
I felt very intimidated.
When the boss came aro9ound, I was carrying the pad of paper with me plus a shopping list of things I needed like paint, yarn, string, some very odd things not necessarily related to work.
The boss said, "When are you going to do a focal painting for me?
I resounded by saying, "Is there a deadline on this project?" and he just looked at me and didn't really answer. I just knew he expected it to be done.
At some pint a few minutes later, I went to a lounge on a lower floor where there was a TV set which was larger than the one we had upstairs, and I thought I would get a clearer picture of what was going on in the office.
Then I saw into the next room what looked like spotlights, and one of them shown on a fireplace clock, and the clock had a ring of diamonds round it and there was the focal piece I knew the boss wanted - something with diamonds around it.
I turned on the TV and the show was of Phil Donahue. Phil was sitting on a couch with a woman, and a man talking with them, and then he invited an old man to sit next to him. The other man was sitting there in the center and didn't move over and had his legs crossed and the old man tripped over the outstretched leg and fell onto the couch and sat on the other man's hand which he never moved to make room for the 4th person.
Then as I watched, they invited another man to sit on the same couch, now five people and nobody wanted to move over and make room, and these old men had long white beards and they all looked like they were aging as they sat there and they added more and more people onto the couch and nobody wanted to move down to make room. There were probably seven or more by the end, and I woke up laughing because it was so funny to see all these old guys trying to squeeze in between Phil and the next guy and nobody wanted to shift over to make room.
PREVIOUS DREAMS OF TESTS: http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0oGdWy_z_VOV1YAfeyl87UF?p=site%3Agreatdreams.com%20%20dream%20%20test&fr=slv8-att&fr2=sfp
see: http://www.greatdreams.com/blog/dee-blog95.html TIME IS AN ILLUSION
I actually started out meditating and went to the 6th dimension healing temple where I fell asleep and found myself riding a bus.
I was crocheting something with a rather small ball of brown yarn. I wasn't looking at what I was crocheting, so maybe I was making a string. I don't know.
From the bus window, I was watching a mother and child, both were wearing bright red winter clothes and the child was in a carrying seat. She was arguing with another woman and it didn't look good from anyone's viewpoint.
The woman next to me on the bus seat told me to mind my own business and leave her alone because I had bumped her arm, so I just kept watching the woman in red.
All of a sudden, we were at the end of the bus line and everyone had left the bus but me and a young woman.
As we got off the bus, I said, "I have no idea where we are, and she aid 21st and Thurston. I didn't know where that was either.
She said she was meeting her mother who lived in a dial up apartment building. I assumed that meant there was a telephone outside the building and you called the person living there and they buzzed you in the door. Apparently that was correct as we could see people standing at the door doing exactly that.
I said, "I'll walk with you " because these people were all stranger to her, but tome also.
All of a sudden, the young woman cried out, "Oh, there she is," and I saw a woman in a black coat standing by the doorway of a store in the mall that was there.
So the girl ran off, leaving me standing in front of this mall that was outdoors in an unkempt alleyway that had brick that was painted baby blue and mossy worn off.
I had shoved my crocheting in my pocket, and noted that I wasn't carrying a purse, and assumed I had money in my pocket and I'd just go into one of the stores or a restaurant and get something to eat.
and woke up.
Where is 21st and Thurston? http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0oGdW6aWPdOhiAAP9il87UF?p=21st%20and%20Thurston&fr=slv8-att&fr2=sfp
12-26-11 - dream - waiting for?
I was in my New Berlin house. There a lot of men and boys in the house, ex military guys, and their sons mostly. However, the women had already done their work preparing for what was cooing as well. I even had fake guns laying around on tables which I played with just so others knew I was ready.
One of the men challenged my husband that I hadn't been gardening like I should, and I had to accept the challenge and prove to him that I was grading, but in secret.
I took my husband and the challenger guy outside, and showed them that I did my gardening in between and behind objects so nobody could see the gardens from the road, nor from the air. They were well hidden.
We went back inside where everyone else was waiting.
All of a sudden, a man came into the kitchen by the back door and brought with him a large elephant over 7 feet tall - a real live elephant.
The men started hollering, "Get the boys! so they can see."
I ran upstairs and found my son Michael in the Master bed and told him about the elephant. Then air went into the other rooms and in the back bedroom, I found the whole room full of boys of all ages, some wrestling wit each other, and some watching , cheering, and giving pointers to the wrestlers. It was all in fun.
I told the boys to go downstairs and see the elephant, and they were reluctant to give up their wrestling, but finally they did, except for five little blonde boys, all of which looked pretty much identical, wearing shorts outfits in brown, yellow, and red plaid wool.
I couldn't imagine why they were wearing wool. The outfits looked brand new. None of these five boys moved so much as a muscle. They were like little toy dolls.
I wanted to grab them by the arm and pull them off of the sofa they were sitting on. They almost seemed plastered in or pasted in place where they were.
I couldn't just grab them, so I cajoled them, and not one of them even blinked when I told them that they might even get a ride on the elephant downstairs.
SEE" http://www.greatdreams.com/blog/dee-blog32.html
12-26-11 - DREAM - I started out with mediation and met the Pleiadians and told them I was going t other 8th dimension to the healing temple for my eye problem.
I then fell asleep. I found myself sitting in a car as a passenger with a man I assume was my husband. We were in the left turn lane waiting to turn. Ahead of us was another car facing us, also waiting to move - either left or straight ahead and he beeped at us like we were in his way.
I asked the driver of my car if he has his left turn blinker on and he aid, "Yes" but I couldn't hear it or see the left turn light.
We had a choice of two streets, a diagonal one, and a sharp left, but we didn't move at all.
I didn't know what the problem was, whether we had the green light to go or not.
The dream changed, and I was sitting on the sofa with my spiritual teacher and he asked me what I wanted to do today. (Today's my birthday) I gave me a sly grin and told him, "Something fun!"
He resounded, "How come you are so different than anyone else?" He was very pleased with my answer.
12-26-11 NAP DREAM - I and my husband lived on farmland near a river where there was an old but little used Indian trail that ran alongside the river.
we took our horses down to the river for exercise in the water from time to time.
We knew the government owned land next to us, just over a slight hill, and one fine sunny day, we noticed that there was a new 12 foot fence with barbed wire at the top in front of a government building which was close to the river.
I decided I would check out what as going on over there, since this fence was new. I carried a rifle loosely crooked over my arm because this was also land used for hunting by the locals for rabbits and birds and such.
As I walked along the river, I used the end of the rifle to move some stones that was loosely lying alongside the river, left there by flood waters of the springtime.
When I came close to the fenced in area, there were about 12 women in nondescript tan short-sleeved uniforms in the fenced in area - evidently just walking or playing with a basketball.
For every women in the fenced in area, there was a well-armed guard carrying a rifle and a scary looking side-arm in a holster. I also saw an older man in a blue government uniform with them, and they were now all walking toward me.
I made sure that it didn't look like I was about to use my rifle against them, carrying it very loosely over my arm so they wouldn't think I planned to use it. I really didn't even know how - it was just for show - just in case.
I came up to the men, and I was still on the Indian trail. That's how sloe the government fenced in area was to the river.
I stopped within ear and eye-shot of the fenced in area and waited until they came up to me, whereupon they wanted to know what I was doing there.
I told them I was following the Indian trail and that I lived just on the other side of the hill nearby and we were wondering what danger we were in having those prisoners so close to us.
The man I the blue uniform who looked very familiar - I probably had seen him on TV at some point - said to one of the other armed guards, "Ummm1 Maybe we should go over to the Country Seat and discuss this"
and I woke up
NOTE: This is the second county seat dream I've had this month.
12-27-11 - MEDIATION: I was practicing Time Travel again, this time trying to get to 2015. I was asking to see Earth Mountain View in Scottsdale, AZ and couldn't see anything. I was told by a faint voice that it wasn't there. Upon further questioning. the voice said that Scottsdale wasn't there either.
NOTE: I'm asking other people who time travel to confirm or deny what I got to see if what I got was valid.
I was working in what seemed to be a hospital. Apparently I was a supervisor and the only other workers there were young men.
Each young man carried a black train engine with him, some made of thicker metal than others, but each train engine was the same height as the person.
It was raining very hard outside and nobody wanted to get wet. I found a piece of yellow oilcloth that was waterproof and tore it into 1/3 and 2/3 size pieces for one guy who was complaining, and told him he could put one part around his shoulders and the other over his head if he didn't want to get wet.
There was some complaint between them also about what they were getting paid and whether the others knew how much they got on their income statement.
I wanted to know what to do next.
First I heard: Check O'Reilley history
Then I saw a box that contained a book. It was upside down to me but I could see it said APPROVAL NEEDED
The box turned around and all I read was 855 but I knew I was related to the O'Reilly comment.
DREAM - I was with John McBain, a detective cop from One Live to Live TV show.
We were leaving the school and needed to cross the parking lot to his car which was way at the back end all by itself.
The only other car in the lot was a dull red car facing the back of the parking lot, but parked dead center.
John and I started heading of his car and my right shoe fell off. My shoes were black slip ones.
I said, "Wait! I have to go back and get my shoe, and turned around to hop back to my shoe, hopping on my left foot.
As I hopped I could see shredded metal all over the parking lot but more in the area where I had to hop on one foot, and felt grateful that I had at least one shoe on.
On the way to my shoe, I saw two signs.
The first sign said: Republican national Committee.
The second sign was a picture of a fist, with pointed finger, similar to the one that says Uncle Same needs you, but this one said, "The DEMS need you.
and I woke up.
`12-28-11 - MEDITATION - I wanted to go to Sedona in 2015 to see if was there.
I FOUND MYSELF IN A DREAM WHERE I WAS IN RA-SUN's HOUSE with his daughter Leo. (pronounced LAYO)
12-29-11 - DREAM HOW NOT TO PICK A GUY - DREAM - I don't know where I was, but I was in charge of hiring a singer for some reason.
The first two guys came in wearing new black tuxes - Murray B, and Eddie Wolfe. They were really short but looked good. The third guy who came in,, I recognized as one of the stars on a TV show as a doctor. He wore a regular cotton shirt, showing his tanned and muscled arms, was way taller than the other two, and had a big smile. As far as I was concerned, he had the job. That's is until I found out that my co-worker GiGi (from One Life to Live TV show) decided he was going to live at her place. I wasn't going to allow that to happen and started letting him know that I wanted him for myself.
Then he sat at the kitchen table land cut the top off my asparagus plant and I got angry that he was stupid, and when I found out he was already rehearsing for another TV show, and sold heavily discounted waffles on the side , I didn't want him anymore. Then n top of that, he tried to steal checks out of my checkbook. Fortunately, these were already ruined checks, to good ones.
I went into the kitchen and on top of the refrigerator, I had, under lights, three asparagus plants that already been cut off, and were sprouting little plants all around the bottom. Now I had a fourth one to put up there.
Then, three other men came in who were older, with good paying jobs and intelligent, and I started looking at them instead. Better to have someone steady who had their own money.
I was shown a fabulous collection of plastic and glitzy jewelry. It looked like I could add to what I already have by adding the glitzy shiny stuff to my business.
that's when the dream started.
DREAM - I went shopping at a nice large box store and ended up somehow in the jewelry department of the ladies clothing section.
They had long glitzy shiny gold coated stuff with feathers hanging all over the walls. It was getting late in the day, and they started taking the inventory down to change it over and dropped a lot of stuff on the floor between racks, so being cognizant of these things, I quickly went around between the aisles picking up the lost and dropped items, holding them in my hands, not trying to hide them.
Suddenly, one of the older women grabbed me by the arm, and talking like she was going to have me arrested for theft, and she took me upstairs to meet the owner. Apparently, somebody upstairs liked what they saw and offered me a job, and before we left the building to get dinner, we had three partners and 5 clients, and all these people were black and well dressed and they all had money. One of the clients was a funeral director, and he had wooden beads hanging from his walls all over the funeral parlor. While I was being interrogated about the glitzy stuff I was carrying and the woman hired me, a tall young black man, caring a plastic bag of fresh green pot, put a blue feather into my hair.
I asked the woman who hired me if she had money for the inventory, and when she didn't answer, I asked her if she had a 'bit' of the money for inventory, and admitted she only had a 'bit' for inventory.
I knew I had a 'bit' of inventory, but my stuff is the real stuff and I couldn't sell it. Why? Because it wasn't glitzy?
As I was waking up from this dream, I was with glitzy dressed women, dripping in gold clad jewelry and feathers and high heeled shoes like I used to wear, and their dresses were gold sequined and colored sequined and dripping with jewels as I said.
I woke up and it was exactly 4:32 on the clock.
Hmnnn/1 was walking around with a blue feather in my hair too. :-)
12-31-11 - DREAM - I'm not certain what city I was in, perhaps Milwaukee, WI on 16th St I was out in front of my Father's house, and I saw a huge pall of smoke rising from what looked like three red and white airplanes laying side by side on a slight incline at the end of the street.
I ran down there, and was one of the first people to enter the planes.
I expected to see all the people sitting in their seats dead, but they were all lying in individual hospital type beds. All the people were older and were all traveling for the same reason. My job was to paint with whiteout type fluid why they were traveling and paint on their flight manifest that reason. Every one of them was flying to Las Vegas to gamble for the same reason, though as soon as I woke up I couldn't remember exactly what I had painted on the manifest where their hands were - like I had been painting on their own fingers.
Seems like the following is a separate dream because I woke up briefly between the dreams.
When I finished the job on the 300 people, evidently 100 per plane, I went to the insurance company to tell them about what I had seen and done.
While I was there, I heard about a missing baby case, and they were going to charge the baby's father for killing the child and then I found out that the mother had just been to Paris while her child went missing. I thought that was rather suspicious.
Inside the insurance company, they sent a chubby woman down to talk to me about what I had seen and done with the planes, and then they called another man down to hear my story as well. I told the woman that the planes were red and white like a barber pole.
The insurance company was a horrible mess, not well taken care of and it was up to me to tell the maintenance3 crew that they had better get on the job and make the outside look good.
Another man was called down to listen to my story, and he talked to the chubby woman more than he talked to me.
Meanwhile another man came in, with a big smile on his face. He had come to return eight dollars to the insurance company for over paying him.
He said down after saying what a great insurance company this was and then his agent came down to talk to him and started examine him like he was sick and I got rally worried about this place, that you had to be examined to give any money back to the insurance company. *********
I woke up at exactly 3:00 a.m.
I didn't find any airplanes on yahoo.com or google.com that matched the paint job I saw on these airplanes. The closest to them were Polish planes'