ECLIPSE 1999 -
by Joseph E. Mason
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Crop Circles
Solar Eclipse
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The solar eclipse of August 11, 1999 might well be one of the
most important events in human history. At the very least, it will
be one of the most incredible "coincidental" symbolic events of all time.
It could be far more, perhaps the Ascension, the Transformation, the
return to the Golden Age, the change of the Ages from Pisces to Aquarius,
the return of the Avatar, or the second coming of Christ.
In this article I will review the various connections and symbols involved and give links to other sites with related information. I will also suggest possible interpretations and meanings, with the hope that help in this area will come from others. I have followed this story since early 1994. From the beginning, I was astonished by all the dream, myth, religious, and other implications which stretch far back into history. It is so extensive, I hardly know where to begin.
Brief Overview
There are various coincidences concerning the time and location
of the eclipse. The date, August 11, coincides with a number of events
in the crop circle phenomena and in a few other ways. The time, 11:11
a. m., has extensive "coincidental" associations. The location,
specifically - where the eclipse shadow strikes land at Cornwall, the
southwestern tip of England, has the most incredible legendary and symbolic
associations, including the Arthurian legends of the Quest for the Holy Grail.
The Crop Circle Connection
The Grail legends are often said to combine Christian beliefs with other mythology, primarily Celtic. The crop circles have often portrayed pre-Christian or esoteric European symbols, such as the Celtic Cross of 1988, the Irmesul ancient German Tree of Life of 1991, the Dharmic Wheel of 1992, the Quabalistic Tree of Life of 1997, and the 1998 Beltane Wheel.
At least three Christian symbols have appeared, two of them indirectly. Several years ago, the Christian "Fish" symbol appeared as part of a crop formation. Dowsing within the Winterborn Stoke Swastika Circle of 1989, revealed the basic design of The New Jerusalem Plan, based on St. John's vision in Revelation. The total of the square footage of the circles in the Barbury Castle formation of 1991 was 31,680, a number associated with a distance around The New Jerusalem. One tenth of that number, 3,168, was associated with "Lord Jesus Christ" by the early Christians, and previously to a figure in the Pagan religion. A "666" type crop formation appeared in 1993. The sixes were arranged in a triangle.
Update July 5, 1999: An incredibly significant symbol appeared as a crop formation at the end of May, 1999. It was the Menorah, the lampstand with seven lamps mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments. It clearly seems related to the Tree of Life crop circle formation, which appeared in the same area in 1997.
Ancient Number Codes
In Revelation 13:18, 666 is said to be the number of man. The number was associated with the sun in Greek Gematria. 3168, 666, and other numbers involved with the crop formations were part of a very ancient system of numbers. The system is explained in our article, Code of the Ancients. Some of the ways the numbers appear in crop formations is explained in Part Seven.
Legendary Connections
I have never been a member of, nor a believer in, any particular religion, but my dream-quest has led me to feel that there are many "truths" in religions, myths and dreams, especially the symbolism of them. It seems to me that they are all related. I also feel that the Mayan scholar, Hunbatz Men, was correct in saying that the Sacred Symbols will be newly understood as the earth changes come into manifestation. You will see in this story that there are a number of clues suggesting that one is advised to follow their own course in developing beliefs, rather than following others. The beliefs do not "have" to be the same. Major symbols involved are the lion and king. I will give some opinions, based on by best guesses, as to the meaning of the symbols, but I hope all who read this will be "Lion Kings," and go by their own inner guidance. The question is sometimes asked, "Whom does the Grail serve?" It seems to serve people and groups in their own unique ways at different time periods. I do think the dream/spirit realm is communicating something about the new ways the Grail will serve us as we move in to a New Age.
Most of the crop formations have appeared in the Wessex Triangle, one corner of which is marked by Glastonbury Tor. Glastonbury is just northeast of Cornwall. The brilliant work of scholars and investigators suggest that the Grail stories are more than legendary and symbolic. The Biblical, Joseph of Arimathea, is thought to have brought The Holy Grail or Royal Bloodline to the West, landing at Cornwall. I will review some of the evidence and give links to other sites covering the subject.
The Grand Cross Alignment -
The Sphinx, The Zodiac, The Four Living Creatures
and The Twelve Tribes
Prior to and during the eclipse the planets will align in a Grand Cross, pointing to Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio. In ancient times Scorpio was symbolised by an eagle. Scholars say that these Zodiac signs marked the positions of the solstices and equinoxes during the Age of Taurus. They also aligned in a similar way during the Ages of Leo and Scorpio, and will again in the Age of Aquarius, as the signs are 90 degrees apart from each other.
The Sphinx, as the lion/man, may represent the Zodiac Ages from Leo to Aquarius. These Zodiac signs are the Four Living Creatures of Ezekiel and Revelation - the lion, the ox, the man, and the eagle (see Ezekiel 1 and Rev. 4:6-8). This symbolism was well known prior to Ezekiel, in the ancient near east. It is also associated with the twelve tribes of Israel. There is evidence, including Biblical sources, indicating that some of the Tribes traveled to the British Isles long ago. The signs of the Zodiac are said to be within the natural landscape around Glastonbury. The area is also called, "The New Jerusalem."
Lost Tribes of Israel Study Maps," very informative. He traces the history and travels of the ancient Hebrews. Prior to the Exodus, and again later, some of the Hebrew people traveled to other lands, including into western Europe and the British Isles. Through marriage, the Royal Bloodline was reunited in Britian, that is, the married pair were of the bloodlines of the two twin sons of Judah, Pharez and Zarah.
Judah was associated with the lion, because he is called "a lion's whelp" in Genesis 49:9. The scepter, the ruler's staff ,will remain with him, that is, his bloodline, until one comes to whom it belongs. Daniel Walsh pointed out that the four main tribes and their symbols are these:
Judah - Lion
Ephraim - Ox or Bull
Reuben - Face of a Man
Dan - Eagle
Daniel referred to Numbers 2:1-33. The Twelve Tribes are set up in quadrants in their encampments around the central Tabernacle. Each quadrant has three Tribes, with a leading Tribe for each. The Tribe of Judah is on the East, the Tribe of Reuben is on the South, the Tribe of Ephraim is on the West, and the Tribe of Dan is on the North.
When the Tribes set out on the march, Judah was the lead Tribe, followed by the others in the same order given in the camp positions. The Levites are an extra group in the center with the tent of meeting, or Tabernacle, and they are not numbered among the people of Israel.
This seems to be yet another "coincidence" to add to the list. The Tribes of Israel correspond directly with the Grand Cross and Zodiac in the heavens at the time of the eclipse, over an area with the Zodiac signs in the landscape, and over a people thought to have the Royal Blood of the Ancient Hebrew Kings.
Judah, then, as the leader, can in the grander sense, be thought of as representing mankind, or the path of mankind in spiritual evolution.
Nostradamus Prophecy
The Nostradamus quatrain, C10, Q72 may to be related to the eclipse:
In 1999 and seven months
From the sky will descend a great terrifying King
Who will resuscitate the great King ANGOLMOIS.
Before and after, Mars reigns happily.
In the seventh month of 1999, the planets will be in the Grand Cross alignment, and a lunar eclipse will occur. The following month, the great solar eclipse will take place. Joan Sckrabulis has written a great book about the 1999 eclipse, called The Lost Covenant. ANGOLMOIS, Joan says, means, SANG + LION + SOLOMON, giving - "Blood of the Lion, Solomon".
I found a page about A Magical Sword." The last line of the above Nostradamus Quatrain may be related to Eliphas Levi's statement that the blade of the magical sword should be forged in the hour of Mars, with new tools.
The Sphinx is The Father of Terror
Around 1994, I saw a Richard Hoagland Vedio about the Face On Mars. Richard and other scientists found evidence suggesting that the structures in that area of Mars, called Cydonia, are monuments build by intelligent beings many thousands of years ago. The geometry and mathematics indicated a link between the structures on Mars and the ancient monuments at Giza in Egypt, the pyramids and Sphinx. The word, Cairo, means Mars. The ancient Arab word for the Sphinx means "the Father of Terror." Could this be related to the "great terrifying King" in the Nostradamus quatrain?
The Sphinx as The Zodiac
It seems likely that the Sphinx is related to the Zodiac Ages Leo (the lion) and Aquarius (the man). Recent investigations suggest that it was build much earlier that previously proposed. It was probably build in the Age of Leo, and faced East, aligned with the Zodiac sign of Leo on the spring equinox. Directly behind, at 180-degrees was Aquarius. As the equinox point has moved through almost six Ages covering some 12,960 years, the alignment of the Sphinx will be 180-degrees reversed from the original.
Some researchers believe that the Sphinx originally had wings and the hindquarters of an ox, to represent the two other Zodiac signs, Scorpio and Taurus. Others say it is a criptogram of the Zodiac.
Judah and The Sphinx
Verses in the Book of Genesis (49:9, 10) suggest that Judah may be related to the symbolism of the Sphinx, and this is related to his status of being the King:
Judah is a lion's welp; from the prey, my son, you have gone up.
He stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as a lioness; who dares rouse him up?
The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet,
until he comes to whom it belongs;
and to him shall be the obedience of the peoples."
The part reading "until he comes," is sometimes translated as, "until Shiloh comes." As I understand it, some churches teach that Shiloh referres to Jesus Christ, and the verse indicates His second coming. But, others say that shiloh was a word meaning simply a person. I also read that Shiloh was a place where the Temple of the Levites was placed at one time.
Edgar Cayce -
The Sphinx and The Hall Of Records
The great American prophet, Edgar Cayce, predicted that a chamber would be found in the right shoulder of the Sphinx in 1998. Some say the prophecy has been fulfilled. Cayce said that the "Hall of Records" would be found, revealing the entire ancient history of the earth. The writings are from the time of Atlantis.
The Royal Bloodline and the Rightful King
The idea of the Royal Bloodline of Kings and the dispute as to the "rightful king," is found extensively throughout history. My personal experiences with dreams and "coincidences" also led to these legends. I believe the legends carry very important symbolic messages about mankind. The symbolism involved in the solar eclipse, in terms of the location, time (11:11 a.m.), and the Grand Cross alignment of the planets, seem quite connected to the Royal Bloodline of Kings.
The Egyptian dispute between Osiris, Typhon-Seth (or Set), and Horus is one of them. H. P. Blavatsky wrote that the Cain/Able/Seth story in Genesis was based on the Egyptian version, as was the story of Esau and Jacob. Jacob took the name Israel, and his sons became the basis of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. One of his sons was Judah, from whom came the Biblical Royal Bloodline of Kings, leading eventually to Jesus. Some say Judah's brother, Joseph, and his bloodline became the rulers during the time the tribes were in Egypt.
Chapter 38 of Genesis tells the very stange story of the twins, born of Judah and Tamar. Tamar was married to Judah's first son, and later to the second son. Both were apparently unfit, and therefore were killed by God. Judah promised Tamar that she would marry his third son, but he delayed for a long time. In frustration, Tamar hatched a plot. She dressed up like a harlot, and waited by the city gates. She offered the unsuspecting Judah sex for a price. Judah offered a kid from the flock, but Tamar wanted a pledge to make sure the kid would be brought later. Judah gave her is signet, staff and cord, to be retrieved later when the kid was delivered.
Later, Judah sent his friend with the kid, to retrieve his items. The "harlot" was nowhere to be found. Months later, it was reported to Judah that Tamar was pregnant from playing the harlot. Judah was angry, saying "Bring her out, and let her be burned." Tamar presented the signet, staff and cord, exposing Judah as the one who had made her pregnant.
When the time of delivery came, a strange, breach birth of twins took place. A hand came out of the womb. The midwife bound the hand with a scarlet thread. The hand withdrew back into the womb, and then the other twin, Perez (meaning "breach"), was born first. The other twin, Zerah, was then born, who became known as "Zerah of the Scarlet Tread."
At the battle of Jerico, there was only one family in the city that helped Joshua and his men. This was the family of Rahab, who lived in the walls. She signaled to the spies by placing a scarlet thread in the window. This is said to signify Zerah of the Scarlet Tread, and his bloodline. Rahab was later part of the Royal Bloodline, as she had a child by Boaz, the son of King Solomon.
Both Tamar and Rahab are listed in the genealogy of Jesus Christ, as given on the first page of the New Testament (Matthew 1-16).
I believe it is significant in terms of symbolism, that the "pretend harlot" and the real harlot in the genealogy are part of the Royal Bloodline. Revelation 17 speaks of the harlot of Babylon, with whom the kings of the earth have commited fornication. They become drunk on her wine, which causes fury, and give over their "royal power to the beast" until the words of God are fulfilled.
When the New Jerusalem comes, the kings of the earth bring their glory into it (Rev. 21:24). This could be related symbolically to Judah in Genesis 38 and 49, as the verses in Revelation seem to indicate a change in the kings of the earth. Remember, the Scepter, the ruler's staff, stays with Judah - who "fornicated with the harlot" - until the person comes to whom it belongs. That person, it seems, is the "rightful King."
My own research led to the conclusion that the harlot of Revelation 17 has the same meaning as Kali in the eastern religions. Dee and I have recently created a page that explains the connections, and apparent meaning. The harlot/Kali seems to represent the furious consciousness of mankind during our warring time cycle. A karmic or "judgment" function is involved, which seems to be a way of learning.
In the Sumerian story of Enlil and Enki, there is also a dispute as to who is the rightful ruler, perhaps suggesting that this symbolism goes back to the dawn of history.
Lawrence Gardner, a brilliant scholar has recently produced some very interesting and significant material concerning the Royal Bloodlines. You can find information at these sites:
The Hidden History
of Jesus and the Holy Grail -
Part 1 - Nexus Magazine
Additional Interpretations of Nostradamus C10, Q72
Note: Dee forwarded this e-mail to me on 1-1-99:
Subj: Dream in the night 25./26.12.1998
Date: 98-12-28 12:37:16 EST
From: GeReOn
To: dee777@aol.comHi Dee,
I've had a rather uncanny dream that really disquiets me. Normally I don't remember dreams very often, but the remembering of that dream came up at morning two times. Therefore I began to write it down in my diary and to think about the meaning of it. I dreamed of a terrible atomic war. I was anywhere in the US (although I live in Germany) at work. Suddenly I looked through the window and saw a mighty mushroom cloud. I showed it to my colleagues but they won't believe it. Then we experienced several additional explosions of atomic bombs so realistic and detailed in the landscape around us. There were very lightish flashes and it seemed like new suns were borne in the heaven.
I think that it not has to be an atomic war. The "bombs" can also show impacts from asteroids. It reminds me of the Nostradamus quatrain, C10, Q72:
"In 1999 and seven months
From the sky will descend a great terrifying King
Who will resuscitate the great King ANGOLMOIS.
Before and after, Mars reigns happily."And here is the original french version of the quatrain:
"L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra un grand Roy d'effrayeur:
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur."The rearrangement of the original word "ROY D'ANGOLMOIS" results in "LORD SION (of) GOYAM" or "SION LORD (of) GOYAM". This leads to the famous "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion" that was launched at August 10, 1906, exactly 93 years before the Great Solar Eclipse of 1999. The term "goyam" or "goyim" means "human cattle" and is the description of the socalled "gentiles" or notjewish mankind.
Another possibility to rearrange only the term "ANGOLMOIS" results in "LOGOS MANI" and reminds of gnostic terms: LOGOS means Christ and MANI refers the persian Holy Prophet Mani who established the manichaean movement which was gnostic and christian in nature. One branch of the manichaeans were the Cathars and the Bogomils in medieval times.
The second possibility follows The Second Coming which will be with the Total Solar Eclipse at August 11, 1999 But why should the meaning of the Nostradamus quatrain cannot be both versions. The Second Coming would surely evoke the powers of the Beast for their final effort to control mankind.
I believe that "seven months" (sept mois) points to september 1999. Perhaps following the eclipse there will be a major impact from heaven in september which cleans the earth with fire and surely throws mankind into chaos for a while.
I don't know. Perhaps mankind will be able to manage the neccessary cleansing without the help of terrifying events and the nostradamean prophesies remain unfulfilled. We alltogether will determine our destiny.
Hoo, Mitakuye Oyasin
The number 93 is also associated with Aleister Crowley's message about "the Advent of the New Aeon." The number seemed to be encoded in a crop circle event:
The Sephirotic Tree of Life crop formation of 1997
Update, 4-19-99
GeReOn now has a great web site about the eclipse:
Others say that in an old European writing, Jesus was called the "terrifying King," and therefore the Quatrain predicts the Second Coming of Christ.
Update 4-19-99
Sherry recently offered to assist me in my search for material. I thank her for the help. She found these pages with the writings of William Henry. The old European writing I mentioned above was on Franks Casket.
Nostradamus & the King of Terror - Franks Casket, by William Henry
King of Terror = Peacemaker & Christ - On The Trail Of The Peacemaker
Update, July 5, 1999: Some writers are interpreting the Quatrain as refering to the Cassini space probe to Saturn, which will swing by the Earth on August 18, 1999, 666 days after its launch. It carries 72 pounds of plutonium dioxide. An accidental crash to Earth would be a great disaster. Plutonium is named after the planet Pluto, known to the Greeks as Hades, the brother of Zeus and god of the Underworld. See:
Nostradamus quatrain C10, Q74 also seems related:
"The year of the great seventh number accomplished,
it will appear at the time of the games of slaughter,
not far from the age of the great millennium,
when the dead will come out of their graves."
Another Nostradamus quatrain, C2, Q28, along with dream-visions and "coincidences" seem to suggest that recent events surrounding the death of Princess Diana are related:
"The last son of the man with the Prophet's name
Will bring Diana to her day of rest.
At a distance they wander in frenetic grief
Delivering a great people from ruin."
Dodi Fayed's father is self-made billionaire Mohamed Al-Fayed!
Maureen B. Roberts, PhD, had a great visionary experience at the time of Diana's death. It is now on-line at:
The Diana Myth
- From Fairytale Princess to Grail Queen,
by Maureen Roberts, Ph.D.
In Maureen's experience, Diana corresponds to The Queen of Hearts of the Arthurian Tarot Deck, who is The Gail Queen.
My path to the eclipse connection started in late 1993, when a voice in my dream said, "The Merkabah will not come for another five years." I did not know the meaning. I later found out it means "four-wheeled chariot," and that it is related to Ezekiel's "Wagon," i.e., the Four Living Creatures. Later, I found out about the eclipse and Grand Cross, which is aligned with the same Four Living Creatures in the zodiac. Next, I read that it was expected at 11:11 a.m. exactly. I had followed 11:11- related coincidences for several years by that time.
Update note, November 21, 1998
I received this e-mail this several days ago:
Subj: Re: Your listing in Site Map
Date: 98-11-17 19:33:50 EST
From: (Claire Yogananda)
To:<<Kabbalists called it The Merkabah, meaning "four-wheel chariot.">>
Actually, Merkaba is a compilation of Egyptian words. All the component syllables are Egyptian words. Mer means "place of ascending." Ka is spirit-soul and Ba is earth-self. You can see the connection here.
Update, November 26, 1998: After a dream, my partner, Dee, created a page that includes information about the Merkabah:
Prior to 1993, I had a series of dreams and coincidences which led me to create various drawings. They finally all came together when I realized that the shapes could be combined from four triangles with circles at each corner, similar to the great Barbury Castle crop formation of 1991. They can be positioned to match three basic diagrams - The New Jerusalem Plan, a Teutonic Cross, and a pyramid as viewed from above with a special cross upon it with five circles, one at each corner and one at the apex. Four wheel-like shapes (the circle with two rings in the Barbury formation) are upon each face of the pyramid. The number codes involved include - 3, 3, 3, and 9; or 3, 6, 9; and 5-4 or 4-5 -
"Coincidences" led me to read Ezekiel, and I was astonished how well the pyramid design of my drawing matched with his description of the Four Living Creatures. Months later, near the end of 1993, I had the dream voice message, "The Merkabah will not come for another five years." I then learned that the Merkabah refers to the Four Living Creatures. This was all prior to learning of the Solar eclipse and Grand Cross of 1999. To me, the drawing above was another amazing "coincidence," in a long chain of them. The other related drawings, based on the same four triangular shapes, are near the bottom of my article, about the Crop Circle Mystery.
Note, 1-2-99: I have now created a series of articles that explain this more clearly:
Another dream, which "coincidentally" seemed related to the story about Judah and Tamar in Genesis 38, fits into the picture. That dream-coincidence happened in 1992. Judah is directly related to the "Royal Bloodline" of Kings, associated with the Grail legends. Some say the real Holy Grail is the Royal Bloodline, that is, Jesus had children, and the Bloodline has continued to this day. When I met Dee online a year ago (June 1997), she told me of her dream about Judah. I then informed her of my dream-coincidence. In my search, I have found other dreams which clearly seem related, such as a person dreaming that he was of a bloodline descended from a King. I will give the details of these dreams, along with some theories about their connections and meanings.
Various major or archetypal symbols are involved in this material, such as the lion, king, crown, royal power, harlot, trees, the tau, sword, spear, rock, twins, communion, the Trinity, the rose, and others. Alchemical and duality symbols are also major, such as sun/moon, king/queen, twins, and god/goddess. In addition, sacred geometry and ancient/Gematrian numbers are related.
The connections are quite various and vast, yet related like puzzle-pieces. For this reason, I will cover the major areas in this article, while continuing my research. I plan to update and add to this article as time-zero approaches.
Astrological Analysis
NewsScope - An Astrological Analysis of News
By Michael O'Reilly
The Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999
As we collectively edge toward the next age, a powerful astrological event is scheduled which should set the geopolitical tone for the last few months of the present millennium. A total solar eclipse takes place on August 11, 1999 with several outer planets dangerously poised to challenge the status quo. On the day of the eclipse Mars and Saturn are opposed to each other, and squaring the Leo eclipse. Simultaneously, Uranus in Aquarius is also opposed to the eclipse.
This fixed-signed configuration, called a Grand Cross by astrologers, is comprised of very antagonistic archetypes, guaranteeing that military, economic, political, and possibly religious factions will be in extremely tense relationship to each other, battling in whatever means available.
These planets share remarkable similarities to the solar eclipse of August 6, 1990, which coincided with the Persian Gulf War. The United States, as the self-proclaimed global cop, will undoubtedly be deeply involved with a major military operation during the 1999 solar eclipse because the Grand Cross planets activate the U.S. Midheaven (located at 16 degrees Leo, the very location of the eclipse).
All the planets in this Grand Cross point to some kind of showdown. Both Mexico and Russia staged their founding revolutions the last time Uranus was in Aquarius, and we can expect these countries to be experiencing major upheavals.
Perhaps Iraq will be revisited, but Iran and the Pan-Islamic movement should likewise be on the march. And within the United States, the religious right will be readying itself for its greatest political entry to date, a viable candidate for the next Presidential election.
August 11 Synchronicities
On July 31, 1990 I discovered an old computer printout I had made
several years before. I was amazed by how it fitted into various symbols
that had come my way. It was composed of three pictures, one of which
was a spiral portion of the Mandelbrot Set, created from a fractal program.
My mind was suddenly flooded with various symbolic associations, and I began
to write my thoughts down in my notebook. I started a correspondence
with crop circle investigator, Pat Delgado, later that year, and, among other
things, sent him some of the ideas about symbolism within various
chaos/fractal patterns.
I felt a little foolish at the time, for obvious "rational" reasons.
But, I was experimenting with dreams and coincidences, which sometimes
seemed to involve the crop circle formations.
In late 1991, I received The Circular, Vol. 2, No. 6 (F). A depiction of the Mandelbrot Set was on the cover. "No!," I thought, "It couldn't be . . . not the Mandelbrot Set as a crop formation!" But, sure enough, there inside the newsletter, was a photograph of the formation that appeared on August 11th, in Oxfordshire (G). This "Grandaddy of all (Julia) Sets," had appeared near Cambridge, where Benoit Mandelbrot went to school. Some thought it a hoax, but researchers pointed out that the formation was incredibly intricate, tapering down to single stalks of wheat where the circles touched. I later read Gerald Hawkins's (H) analysis of the formation. It was not a regular Mandelbort, such as those produced by a program on a computer. Some of the "buds" were "clipped," in a way that demonstrated musical notes, as with other formations.
Note July 5, 1999: The Mandelbrot Set formation also fits with the Tree of Life and Menorah crop circle formations, and to the Egyptian Scarab Beetle. A Scarab Beetle-like crop formation appeared with the Menorah formation.
On June 6, 1992, the summer issue (No. 6) of "The Cereologist" (I) arrived. On the second page, "Editorial Notes," the following was included:
That's funnyA hair-raising coincidence has been noticed by Mr Brian Grist.
In The New Scientist for 11-17 August 1990, this letter was printed.Corn and chaos
The formations of corn circles are growing in complexity each summer.
How long before we see a complete Mandelbrot set?
Martyn Hughes
WiltshireExactly a year later, 12 August 1991, the Mandelbrot set cropmark appeared
near Cambridge. Who or what is reading The New Scientist?____________________________________
The formation was found on the morning of August 12th, but it was probably created the night before. The coincidence, never-the-less, seemed significant. Similar coincidences are quite common in crop circle investigations. Some have called them "Cos-Cos," for Cosmic Coincidence!
Crop circle researchers have noted that in past years, the most important crop formations seem to appear as the last, or one of the last, of the season. They also are said to point the way toward pattern types that will appear in the following year(s). This was the case with the Mandelbrot Set formation, as various fractal/Julia Set formations have appeared since 1991. (J)
The year prior to the Mandelbrot formation was significant. Prior to 1990 the formations were simple circles and rings. In 1990 they became more complex, and rectangular "box" shapes appeared for the first time. 28 major "pictograms" appeared that year. The last double pictogram appeared on August 11. The formation was similar to a number of others, and seemed to impart a "duality" symbolism. The central circle was divided by a line. In The Sacred Symbols of Mu, a ring bisected by a line is shown in several places as an ancient glyph. On page 106 it is shown as part of three glyphs from the Oriental Naacal writings of the Sacred Inspired Writings, The Books of the Golden Age, with their meanings, like this:
Ring = Hun - The Creator is one.
Ring bisected by a line = Lahun, two
- He is two in one.
Ring with two parallel lines = Mehen, man - These two engendered the son,
mehen - man.
Interestingly, a triangular shape on page 276 seems to have the same meaning. The letters, "A," "U," and "M" (as in the chant, "Aum," or "Om") are shown in the corners of the triangle, like this:
A - (at the top) - Ahau, Masculine - Father
U - (on the lower left) - Feminine - Mother - She
M - (on the lower right) - Mehen - The engendered - The Son - Man
According to Churchward, the Hindus included this inscription for more than 2,300 years. It came originally from the Naacals, who were driven out of India by the Brahmins, and the meaning of the symbol became distorted. It conveys the identical meaning of Niven's Mexican tablet No. 2379.
The triangular crop formation that appeared at Barbury Castle in 1991, may be related. The circular glyphs at the corners of the triangle are said to have parallels in alchemical signs, like this:
North - The Sun, sulphur
Lower left - The Moon, salt
Lower right - Mercury, quicksilver
A very similar glyph was found in an old book of the works of Georgius von Welling(1655-1727) - The Magical Qabbalistical, and Theosophical Writings of Georgius von Welling on the Subject of Salt, Sulfer and Mercury. I found a reference to von Welling's work on this site:
Database of alchemical manuscripts - Manly Palmer Hall
Note 12-26-98: I also found a similar concept on this page:
Grand Rosicrucian Alchemical Formula
Other people, including myself, found a drawing very similar to the Barbury Castle triangle in Manly Hall's, The Secret Teachings of All Age: AnEncyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic & Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy.
On August 10 and 11, 1994, the great Spider Web crop formation appeared next to the ancient stone circle called Avebury. It was said to have appeared in two parts over the two nights (K) .
On August 17, 1994, I received issue #12 of The Cerealogist. On page 13 was an article called A Weird Story. Credit is given to William La Parl of Hopkinton, Massachusetts for sending the story, which was taken from The Winnipeg Daily Free Press of September 10th, 1886. It was first printed in The Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette. This is the story -
A Weird Story
Helena, a pleasant little village of Northern Ohio, is situated on the Pennsylvania railroad about 30 miles from Toledo, and has been, during the week, a Mecca for the curious-loving persons of Northwestern Ohio, of whom I was one, and of what I saw and heard I propose to give a true account.Arriving in town I was at once asked if I wished to see the haunted house and the mysterious ring, and upon answering in the affirmative was conducted to a lumbering vehicle, on which for a small consideration I was to be taken to see the sights. A drive of nearly two miles brought me to the edge of a forest, where I was asked to alight. I did so, and followed my guide into the woods, and was surprised to find nearly 200 persons standing in a circle around something which seemed to cause them great bewilderment. In a moment I had joined the group and was looking at a ring of fresh-tramped earth 44 feet in diameter, with the line of the circumference about two feet wide.
This, then, was all that had drawn hundreds of people daily from far and wide - a ring of earth. But how did it come there? What caused it? Men looked wise and said horses tramped it. Others said spirits and the majority gave it up. But there was a ring as round as a dollar, and measuring 22 feet in every direction from the centre. Not a track could be found inside or outside the circle; it was true as a die.
I asked one of the most intelligent-looking men standing by me to tell me the story of the mysterious ring, and in a solemn tone of voice he told me this: "Just twenty-eight years ago there came into this vicinity a very rich young man from Schellsburg, Pennsylvania.
"He had plenty of money, which he carried in a buckskin belt, and which he exhibited on all occasions. His object, he said, was to buy an entire section of land. He remained around here for some time, and at last mysteriously disappeared. Nothing was ever heard of him, but in the centre of the circle you see here his blood-stained belt was found empty. Then, twenty-eight years ago, a ring like this was formed in the same place, the same size. The affair caused a great deal of excitement at the time, and his friends came on from the east. Detectives were placed at work, but neither man nor his body could be found. Three men were suspected of the crime of murdering him, but the evidence was not sufficient to warrant their arrest.
"Well, fourteen years rolled around; the man and the crime were forgotten. Then one of the suspected men died and for the second time the mystic ring appeared. Excitement grew intense and the thing was talked over the entire county. Now another fourteen years has passed and August 11 another of the suspected men died, and that morning the third ring was discovered, the one you see here today, and the people are more excited than ever. Do you wonder at it that three perfect circles have been formed around the place where the bloody belt was found, formed by the horses's feet, and on the morning of the death of the victim and two of his suspected assailants! I tell you, nothing like it has ever been heard of before anywhere. I am a good member of the church and all that, but I can't explain these rings. Can you?"
I confessed that I could not explain the rings. I found on careful examination that the story was true in every respect, and is vouched for by the editor of The Belleville Enterprise, who has made a careful study of the subject in all its aspects. He says in his paper: "These are strange occurrences, but they are the veritable truth, as we took great pains to find out the correctness of the reports."
The story has spread, and has grown in proportion to its flight, yet I only give what the best informed and most conservative men in the vicinity say on the subject.
The people in the neighborhood have commenced an excavation of all the spots inside the circumference of the circle, and hope to unearth the skeleton, or some other tangible evidence of the crime. They are in earnest and think the time has come for action.
Near the ring stands a deserted house, said to be haunted; but the story of the house I may give at another time, for it is a story full of interest, though not as weird as the story of the three rings.
This is a strange story indeed, but not so different than the crop circles we are seeing, some hundred years later. Again, we have the August 11 date. The numbers 22 and 44 are significant, I believe. 44 is a harmonic of 440, the cycles per second of the central "A" note in music. Such numbers are also part of our measuring systems handed down to us from the ancients. For example 4 x 440 = 1760, yards in a mile and 12 x 440 = 5280, feet in a mile. There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, which some say came from God. There are 22 paths on the Quabalistic Tree of Life, which correspond to the major arcana of the Tarot cards (B).
On August 11, 1996, the Oliver's Castle crop formation appeared (L). A very great controversy began when a young man claimed that he had video taped the creation of the pattern. The video shows two balls of light flying above the field, as the crops lay down. Many believe the video is a fake, while others believe it is genuine. (M)
I found the following in an article by Simon Burton (N) -
The Mayan avatar, Quetzalcoatl, the Plumed Serpent died in 999 CE. The Aztec Teoamoxtli, or sacred painted book depicts the last departure of Quetzalcoatl during an eclipse. According to the Mayan calendar one of the likely dates given for the beginning of the Mayan Great Cycle in 3113 BCE was also the 11th August. Maybe it is also an auspicious date for its culmination...
The Article is titled, "From the Heart of the Sun." He also discusses the "11:11" sunspot cycle.
Update, 3-9-99: I received this e-mail from Sherry:
Subj: August Cross
Date: 99-03-09 15:38:35 EST
From: Sherry
To: JMason4557
Thought you might find this interesting...Aztec prophecy the correlates to the same date as the August it from a newsgroup.
Subject: End of Aztec Calendar
There is an excellent book out on the end of the Aztec Calendar (August 13, 1999) It's entitled "Day of Destiny," by John Mini. I e-mailed Art Bell and suggested he interview John. I also talked to Jennifer Drumm who is associated with John Mini and she said that it has been talked about, but it just hasn't happened yet and she thinks that if others emailed it might help. The following is from the back cover of the book:
August 13, 1999 was forecast by the Aztecs to be a profound turning point in human history. Why were Aztec culture and spiritual practice highly focused on this date, which for them was hundreds of years in the future? As you read Day of Destiny you will discover:
*Why August 13, 1999 could be a pivotal day in human history.
*How the Aztec Sun Calendar directly relates to physics, geometry, astronomy and physiology.
*How to heal the psychological trauma created by the inquistion of the Middle Ages, which still haunts us today.
*Over 500 illustrations to guide you on an adventure into the rich and fascinating world of the Aztecs.
*Simple and powerful exercises to help create a sense of honor, meaning, purpose, health and vitality in your life.
*How to get in touch with your indigenous nature, which allows you to see, hear and fell in extraordinary ways, giving you heightened awareness and consciousness.
*The Aztec Sun Calendar is a fascinating puzzle that is assembled piece by piece throughout the course of this book. It reveals profound insights into the interconnectedness of our universe, and the vital importance of August 13, 1999.
The following was posted to an e-mail list recently:
Date: 98-05-22 13:28:21 EDTSeveral years ago I worked on theories about a comet seen during the last Total Eclipse of the Pysean age. This comet if seen on August 11 1999 would make a close approach to earth by September and carry with it debris with would fall on the earth…. These debris would cause global fires and on major piece would fall into the Atlantic Ocean causing the "new maps of the US and Europe" to become a reality. This event would cause the "Ring of Fire" to simultaneously erupt. Its even possible that this event would cause the earth to literally rock to and fro like a drunkard and cause the sun to rise in the west, setting in the east…
The debris from the comet would wipe out all satellites in space and could jeopardize the lives of anyone on spaces stations as well in Earth's Orbit….
I worked on these theories and then decided to put them away and pursue an education in computers only to find in 1998 that scientists have found a chilling comet in the exact place where my drawings showed it to appear (possibly the same comet at its farther orbit)….. This event has shaken me to again pick up my dusty notebooks and begin my studies again…. I do recommend that we continue to watch the Signs in the Heavens for the Warnings of our future and to prepare our hearts and lives for the possibilities that may come.
As you can see, there are a number of indications that the date of August 11 is important, especially if you believe coincidences are meaningful, as I do. There may well be other pointers which I have overlooked. If you know of others, please send me a note about it, so I can add it to this article.
I am inserting an extra note here. I composed the above paragraphs yesterday, June 20, 1998. Today I received an e-mail about new crop formations that have appeared. Some say that one of the formations seems to suggest a comet coming toward the earth (see diagram below).
Update, July 5, 1999: A comet was discovered on April 16, 1999, by Austrailian, Steven Lee. It will pass by the Earth from mid-August 1999 to early 2000. Some writers claim Comet Lee could cause disasters. Others feel that the Comet was predicted by Nostradamus in his "1999" quatrain. See:
Personally, I do not believe the world will be greatly damaged by a comet, a pole shft, flooding, or other disasters. My theory is that these things are mostly symbolic, and that the earth changes will be wonderfully positive, other than stresses along the way, mostly caused by fears. But, I could be wrong, and I do not intend to withold any information based on my interpretations.
Crowley and the Philadelphia/Montauk-Project Connection
Note added January 23, 1999: Dee forwarded this e-mail from Gereon Kraemer on January 10th:
Hi Dee
Examining the coincidences of the Solar Eclipse 1999 event for a long time now, I request your suggestions about a recently discovered concern: In the book "Pyramids of Montauk, Explorations in Consciousness" the authors describe an event reported by a man named Amado Crowley (who claims to be a son of Aleister Crowley):
Aleister Crowley conducted a ritual at August 12, 1943 (the date of the historic Philadelphia/Montauk-Project) at a stonecircle in Lands End, Cornwall, called "Men-An-Tol". The ritual should produce a line of "rough water" between this point and Montauk-Point/Long Island across the Atlantic Ocean.
If you don't posses the book look at:
I've visited this Men-An-Tol last year on a journey through South England. Indeed there stands a stone with a hole (called "quoit") where you can crawl through. The point is that the path of the eclipse is exactly this line across the Alantic Ocean:
It starts at +41.04° north / -64.58° west in the Atlantic Ocean some 300 miles east of Long Island (exactly the very same latitude of Montauk Point which is precise +41.04° north). It then "climbs up" across the Atlantic Ocean to +50.10° north / -6° west (that is the peak of the curve at Lands End, Cornwall, 11:11 MET). I.e., the eclipse describes a curve: first climbing up with its peak at Cornwall, than descending through France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Black Sea, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and finally India - ending in the Bay of Bengal at +17.35° north / +87.09° east (that is approx. the longitude of Mount Everest).
Why have the Sun and Moon the urge to climb up together in a cosmic marriage this path? How and why could Crowley anticipate this 56 years before in a magic ritual and what has he done with it? Has he put a message in the earthgrid in expectancy of to be awoken by the eclipse 56 years later?
Any ideas/suggestions?
Expactant GeReOn
In searching for "Men-An-Tol" just now, I found a very interesting article about a spiritual journey to Cornwall, which includes an event at Men-An-Tol:
Bethlehem, Nazareth, Emmanus...., by Rev. David E. Bumbaugh
Synchronicities About 11:11
In 1990, I spoke with a young friend of my son's, and mentioned
that coincidences had been happening to me constantly for about half a year.
He said that he had experienced a strange phenomenon for quite some
time. Very, very often, when he looked at a clock, it would be 11:11
a.m. or p.m. I made a note of it in my notebook, and promptly forgot
I happened to come across the note some four years later. By that time, "11:11" had become quite significant to me. I had written an article that included it in 1993, and sent it to a number of people. The material just kept coming, and I kept writing. In the later part of 1996, I finally got on-line. Not having a web site, I planned to send the article to an e-mail group. In December that year, I had another coincidence about 11:11. I found out that America Online (AOL) had a section about Art Bell's radio program. I found the site, called ParaScope. I clicked on "Messages," and a list of folders came up. I clicked on a folder labeled "Enigma." Another list of folders came up. One of them was labeled, "11:11."
There were some 45 posts, mostly from people reporting the strange phenomenon of seeing "11:11" on clocks and such constantly. There are many more posts now. Here are a few examples:
Subject: 11:11-2yrs nowDate: Sun, Jul 13, 1997 16:27 EDT
I cant believe it. I have been shown this number now for a couple of years. Everytime Im home or driving or anything its like someone tells me to look at a clock and its always 11:11. What is it supposed to mean ? I'll have to read all the messages now .!
Thanks for this catagory,
Subject: read this!!! its scary!!!
Date: Wed, May 21, 1997 21:54 EDT
I cant get over it but i've started to see the number 1111 everywhere. I was playing mario 64 and i looked at my status and it said 111 stars 1 coin and 1 life. It scared me. The other night i looked at my clock and it said 1111. I knew then i was special or this enigma was part of me. I have weird dreams and cannot explain alot of things. My mom was born 11-11-61. Its weird. If you add 1+1+1+1+6+1.... it =11!!!! If anyone has any info on this then help. Email me if you have anything that could help. I'm only 13 and i'm scared. Thanks for your time in reading this.
Subject: Numerical messages
Date: Mon, Sep 22, 1997 20:13 EDT
Hi....I have been receiving messages from Spirit for many years now thru numbers. 11:11first appeared to me in 1978 & I even signed & titled a drawing with the number 11:11. Spirit is just speaking to us and any way it can to get our attention it will. The same password number I use on my ATM card is the same number that spirit will talk to me on car tags that are passing in front of me. .....I listen...I stay alert. If you live your life with the knowledge that Spirit will gladly guide you if you stay open...the same with dream symbology....the symbols will appear and repeat until you decipher the message that is being sent. A dream will repeat. Numbers will repeat until the message is understood. Spirit does not give up on us.
Subject: Re:11:11 numbers
Date: Mon, Mar 31, 1997 00:40 EST
When I first saw the subject of 11:11 on this site, I began to get chills. I then looked at the details of what has been written about it in this section. As I read through various people's experiences, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. For those people who have entered notes here scoffing at this subject, please try to understand. I don't "believe" in anything at this point related to those numbers. I have not "tried" to make it happen. I have not considered thinking about it until it happens. When it "happens", it happens. I cannot control it.
About 5 or 6 years ago, this began with a flourish, without warning, and without invitation. I was watching TV alone at night. My wife and children had gone to sleep. As I was surfing the channels, ... all at once the strangest feeling came over me, ... I was looking at 11:11 pm and channel 11 on the display at the bottom of my TV. All I could do was to stare at the numbers. It was almost like someone was "calling" me, but I could not hear. I almost hollered outloud, "What do you want?" But, I did not. Since that time, whenever I see those numbers it is almost like someone is calling me. I stop what I'm doing and just stare at the numbers. It is not, as some of you have said, that the 11:11 is the only number I see, ... that it not true. I see the other numbers just like everyone else. The problem is that when I see 11:11 I have the sense that someone is trying to tell me something. It is almost like watching TV with earplugs in both ears. I can see what is going on but I cannot hear.
The clock is not the only place I have been "spooked" by this number combination. I have been at a baseball game, when the batter's number on the back of his jersey is 11, and the count on him is 1 and 1, and there is 1 out. The numbers just keep coming like that, and when they do I get a very eerie feeling. When, the 11th of some months, ... not all, arrive, I find that my desk calendar shows 11 on one side and 11 on the other, ...again the 11-11 combination. I also stare at the clocks when they are 11:11 just to make sure I get through it. I wait until they say 11:12. I work a lot on a computer at work, .. not data processing but in the day to day business. At the bottom of the screen is the time of day, and whenever e-mail arrives, the time of day is associated with it.
Many times I stare in wonder at my computer when the time of day is 11:11 or when I receive and e-mail at 11:11. Only one time have I had anything "unusual" during one of those experiences. After seeing 11:11 come up on a clock, ... I waited for it to go the the next minute, but to my surprise ... the next minute was 11:16. I stared at the clock all the time, but "lost those 5 minutes", ... or the 11:11 had stayed on the clock for 6 minutes.
For those who have experienced this phenom, I empathize with you for I understand your problem. As I said before, I don't ask for it, I don't beg for it, I don't wish it to happen, .... IT JUST HAPPENS. There are times when I'm "hooked" looking at those numbers when I get an overpowering feeling for doom and gloom, and perhaps impending disaster, but I don't know what it means. I don't feel that this is a "religious experience" nor do I have a feeling that I'm feeling any sort of grand psychic experience. I don't know what it is and sometimes I wish that I did not feel what I do. Thank goodness for you people who have had the courage to share your experiences with the 11:11 (or should I say your 11-11 experiences) with the rest of us. For those of you who feel that we are "nuts" I hope you do not experience it, because if you do your life will be changed permenantly. I would be glad to share my experieces with any of you. I am serious, and will not deal at all with "fringe" ideas. Thanks for listening.
Subject: Re: possible answer reply
Date: Thu, Mar 12, 1998 15:45 ESTFor once, the Fashing season begins in the 11th month, on the 11th day, the 11th hour and 11th minute.
Fashing, (or carneval- from CARNAL or flesh) originated in the mid-evil time, when strict rigid religious laws prohibited any outlet of human "frolics". It was the one season where people disguised themselves, so as they pretend to be someone, or something else, to "let it all hang out." After that, on Ash-Wednesday, it was back to the old routine.
This was designed to maintain a healthy disposition, which does not say much for the rest of the days, where these rigid religious mandates had to be observed.
On Ash-Wednesday, people walked in "sacs and ashes", and repented (or whee supposed to) for all their sins and misbehavior.
5-2-99: Dee created four pages with 11:11 postings and e-mails:
Shortly thereafter, I went online, planning to post my article to my e-mail group. But first, I read my e-mail. David P, a member of the group, had sent a post about a dream of seeing two suns. This was yet another "coincidence," because I had mentioned the symbolism of two suns in the article. I wrote an explanation concerning my use of the "two suns" symbolism, and then sent my article in three parts to the group.
A few days later, on New Year's Day 1997, our group received a series of e-mails titled, "The Vision." The writer, Doug Taylor, spoke of a vision-like dream, and 11:11 connections. We now have Doug's writing at our GreatDreams site:
A key part of Doug's dream-vision was the part where a light came down from the sky, and he raised his hand and said, "I told you in my word, you felt me in your spirit, behold . . . I show you my return!" In recent months, as my quest led me toward the Arthurian Grail legends, I learned that the return of King Arthur is considered by some to equate symbolically to the return of Jesus or other Avatars. Other knowledgable people say that King Arthur was a real historical figure, and that he was of the Royal Bloodline of the Biblical Kings. Doug's dream-vision may be suggesting that all of us are symbolically returning Kings of the Royal Bloodline.
Near the end of 1997, I took another look at the AOL ParaScope 11:11 folder. There were a few responses to my 11:11 postings. This one was especially interesting:
Subj: MB: 11:11 Solar Eclipse (part 5)
Date: 97-12-29 16:19:09 EST
*** Response to your Message Board Posting ***Joe -
Very interesting! I'm sorry this reply is a little late. I, too, "experence" 11:11. The oddest experence was finding it carved in a family sword, passed down from oldest son to oldest son in my family. Due to this, I am tring to prove a "family link.' Everyone I know who experences 11:11 has family members who do the same. If you, or anyone reading this, would be interested in sharing stories of about 11:11, please E-mail me directly.
I sent an e-mail to the person, and asked for more information about the sword. He responded with this:
Subj: 11:11
Date: 97-12-30 14:07:45 EST
Hello Mason -You want to know about the sword, well, here it goes. For as long as anyone can remember, there has been a broad sword passed down in my family. Due to tradition, it was passed from eldest son, to eldest son when the time was right. Last month, I recieved the sword due to the death of my father. I could not stand to look at the sword, because it brought back so many memories. Recently, when I forced my self to unseath it, I knew something was wierd. I chose to ignore the feeling, and continued to clean the blade. I found, near the handle, 11:11 carved in the blade its self. My question is, who carved it?
Who ever it was must have been (1) related to me and, (2) experencing 11:11. Somehow, I know this is imporant. I have sen 11:11 as long as I can remember. Now, I learn one of my ancesters also did! This is quite confusing.
The sword, of course, is an important symbol. It is said that Jesus will return with a sword. In Revelation 1:16, a sharp two-edged sword issues from the mouth of the Son of Man. In the Arthurian legends, The Lady of The Lake involves the sword, Excalibur, and the future King withdraws the sword from the rock. These legends are directly related, of course, to The Holy Grail. The Tarot deck has a suit called Swords. There are many versions of the very ancient Tarot, one of which is the Arthurian Tarot Deck. One of the cards is the Queen of Hearts, the Grail Queen.
Another person has a web site about his similar number experiences -
Like some others, J'lahan experiences the number 111 in coincidental ways. The number 111 was associated with the sun by the ancient Greeks. Remember too, that 11:11 is also related to the sun in terms of its sunspot cycle.
As I was preparing this article just now (6-20-98), another synchronicity happened. I checked the link to J'lahn's site, and happened to notice he spoke of the number 37. He decided to experiment with the phenomena of seeing numbers frequently, and used a calculator to generate a random number. It came up as 37. He did start to notice this number too, then realized later that 37 + 37 + 37 = 111. It struck me that this is a major number in the work of Joan Sckrabulis concerning the eclipse and the Magic Square of the Sun. The other numbers associated with this Magic Square are 6, 36, 111, and 666. The number 37 relates to the "cross" of the planets during the eclipse, in terms of the numbers in the four corners of the Magic Square of the Sun (6 + 31 = 37 on one diagonal and and 1 + 36 = 37 on the other).
At the end of World War One, it is said, the Armistice was signed on 11-11 at 11:11 a.m. In terms of this "symbolic" story-line, there was a significant change in rulership in Europe brought about by the war. Prior to the war, kings, and the like, ruled most of the countries. Not one dynasty was left in power at the end.
Lucifer's Rock
Note: I received an e-mail on January 23, 1999, from CALENdeRsign. This is an excerpt:
"The centre line of this last darkening before the year 2000 will strike the Teufelstein (Lucifer's Rock) in Styria/Austria, which as a calendar was used in stoneage to observe planet Venus, the morning star, once revered as the Goddess of love and sexuality. Venus, Aphrodite, Ishtar, Freya and Lucifer were some names of that Goddess of love, because it’s period of visibility lasts 260 days and correspondends to the pregnacy period of women."
The Great Meteor Shower
The depiction above is from a 1979 Star Gazers' Gazette. An
article tells of the
Great Meteor Shower of 1833, when the earth
crossed a comet's path. You can
find people all over North America that were witnesses to the most
spectacular meteor shower in recorded
history. Heaven rained stars at a rate of 20,000 per hour.
"The next great event like the night of 1833 won't be until November, 1999."
The Revelation 11:11 Connection
My own experiences with 11:11 are not like the others. It is a long
story of dreams and coincidences that led to Revelation 11:11, and its apparent
meaning. I explained part of it in a series of e-mails, that was later posted
as an article -
Revelation 11:11 - Humanity's Leap to the Heart Chakra
I have now created a more detailed account, with many graphics, in a series of articles that begin with this page:
Humanity On The Pollen
Path - Part One
Symbols of the Chakras and the Midpoint
Part of the dream-coincidences are related symbolically to Solara's concept of the opening of the "11:11 Doorway" in the belt of Orion.
Notes, Dreams, and Developing Articles
I have quite a large data base of information concerning the 1999 solar eclipse, and related subjects. Most of it is in the form of e-mails to and from various individuals. I will eventually sift through the material and create additional articles. I have made this information available on this page:
Many of the e-mails include material already covered in this article and my articles about Humanity On The Pollen Path. I also have additional data from e-mails and web pages about dreams that seem related to the subjects on this page -
Go to Eclipse-Related Dreams Page
I have started an additional article that has related symbolism -
Mithraic Iconography and The Changing of the Ages
I plan to continue writing articles about the eclipse and related symbolism, using the above resources and others.
There are a number of crop circle formations that may be related to the 1999 eclipse.
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The suggestion of three overlapped spheres with the Star of David crop circle formation could well indicate an eclipse. The Star of David may suggest the Royal Bloodline, as well as the Heart chakra. This brings to mind an idea I had about The Sephirotic Tree of Life crop formation of 1997.
The three lower spheres of the central pillar, in
descending order, represent the sun/son, the moon, and the earth. Another
crop formation was found in the same area that fits with the sun/son sphere
of the Tree. The pattern is based on six interlocking circles in a ring,
like The Flower of Life. In this case, six crescent moons were incorporated
into the design. The central pillar of The Tree of Life represents a "balance"
of duality attributes from the left and right pillars. It has been suggested
that the right and left pillars of the Tree correspond to the two trees that
stand up in Revelation 11:11.
There is also speculation that the Tree of Life is symbolically related to the chakras, with the right and left pillars corresponding to the channels (or "spine snakes"), called ida and pingala, and the central pillar corresponding to sushumna. Ida and pingala are said to interlace, like a double-helix, around the chakra centers. The two channels are associated with sun and moon, or male and female.
A solar eclipse is the perfect symbol of the same idea on a solar system basis. The ancients generally associated the sun with the male attribute and the moon with the feminine attribute. Joseph Campbell pointed out that the timing of our Easter celebration is based on very ancient concepts. After the equinox, we wait for the first full moon. Easter is the Sunday following the two celestial events. On that day, the setting sun and full moon can often be viewed at the same time. Equinox means "equal nights," indicating that the time of darkness and light are equal. So, the symbolism indicates a time of duality balance in terms of light/dark and sun/moon.
Easter, of course, is the celebration of Christ's death and resurrection. Joan Sckrabulis and others have suggested that the great Solar eclipse of 1999, with the Grand Cross in the Heavens, represents a crucifixion in space of the planet Earth.
Update, May 11, 1999:
crop circle formation was reported on May 3, that clearly suggests an
Update, August 8, 1999:
The Menorah crop circle
formation appeared at the end of May, 1999. This is extremely significant.
The Menorah is the golden lampstand with seven lamps. It connects directly
with Revelation 11:11 via the two olive trees, the two anointed, that stand
beside the Menorah in Zechariah 4. The two olive trees stand up after 3 1/2
days in Revelation 11:11. 3 1/2 is related to the universal, elementary idea
of the midpoint of the seven
chakras. The Menorah crop circle formation is related to the
Tree of Life, which is
related to the chakra
system. In Revelation 1:12, 13, Saint John saw one like a son of man
standing amid seven golden lampstands.
Update, August 10, 1999: A Crescent Vortex crop circle formation appeared at Hackpen Hill in early July, 1999. Andreas Muller found that the pattern fit the "Saros-Cycle 145," an encoded diagram connected to the phenomenon of the sun-eclipse. The first solar eclipse of this cycle was in the year 1639 and the last will be in 2648.
Update, August 8, 1999: A number of web sites are providing live webcam coverage of the eclipse. The links are on these pages:
Related Articles by Joseph E. Mason
Humanity On The Pollen Path Series
On The Pollen Path - Part One
Symbols Of The Chakras And The Midpoint
On The Pollen Path - Part Two
Triangles Within Triangles
On The Pollen Path - Part Three
The Great Sri Yantra Coincidence
On The Pollen Path - Part Four
Dreams of Stars And Circles
On The Pollen Path - Part Five
Crop Circles and The New Jerusalem Plan
On The Pollen Path - Part Six
The Four Living Creatures or Merkabah
Joe Mason's Other Related Articles
11:11 - Humanity's Leap to the Heart Chakra
The Tree of Life Crop Circle Formation
Other References
Dee Finney's Pages
King Arthur and The Holy Grail
Other Sites
The Cross, the Tau, the Total
Solar Eclipse
Joan Sckrabulis
1999 Eclipse - THE UPRISING
PHOENIX - 1999 Eclipse
August 11, 1999 - "The
Day of the Millennium"
(Incredible "222" coincidences)
by Stacey Nelson
Solar Eclipse 99: Grid Magnetics
go to Zero,
Time for Heart's Re-Pent?
Dan Winter
Cariel Quintly's
(Tour to England for the Solar Eclipse in
Message From Heaven - 12:12 Dream
Incredibly Strange Coincidences - The Millennium Eclipse
The Window into the Thrid Millennium, by Ken Kalb
Total Solar Eclipse of 1999 August 11 - Fred Espenak
Scientific Proof for the Single Greatest Moment of All Time
by David Wilcock
Scientific Proof for the Single Greatest Moment of All Time
byDavid Wilcock
August 11 Eclipse - Chrysalis Foundation
Star Gazing, Sword In the Stone, Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse,
King Arthur & the Holy Grail
In The Light of Truth by Abd-Ru-Shin
Thinking of You on Judgement
by Eric Francis
Millenia - Seven Signs to The Millennium
(the alignment may cause
Light-Walker - Grand Cross and Total Solar Eclipse on August 11, 1999
The Book of Going Back By Night
EclipseWatch: Last Total
Solar Eclipse
of the Millennium - Astronomy Now
The Hidden History
of Jesus and the Holy Grail
Laurence Gardner
Of The Grail Kings
Laurence Gardner
Bloodline, Starfire, and the Anunnaki
Laurence Gardner
Of The Holy Grail
Laurence Gardner
The High History of the Holy Graal
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn -The Kerubim - Four Living Creatures
and The Quest for the Holy Grail
By Kenneth Knight
The Holy Grail
An On-line Book by Paul Royse
THE HOLY GRAIL - University of Rochester
Jesus and St Joseph of Arimathaea
The Tree Of The Knights Of The Round Table
The Rosicrucian
(conspiracy theory)
by James P. Dawson
of the 11:11 Experience
by John Ramses
ETM - Are You Ready?
(Includes "The Vision" at 11:11
Doug Taylor
11:11 Activation on the Spirit Web
Light Worker - 11:11 Global Meditations
Atlantis - The Lost Continent Finally
(Atlantis is also the future and relates to worldwide mythology)
Keys Under the
Decoding the Hall of Records
Article by Ray Mardyks
A Tripartite World
and Triune Logic
by Iain MacAnTsaoir
Nine Waves of Creation
by Iain MacAnTsaoir
"Leonids", by Raymond Mardyks
Nostradamus and the
1999 King of Terror - Gene X
(Cassini Probe)
Accident Risks from
the Cassini Space Mission
by Michio Kaku, Ph.D.
The Cassini Debate -- and Beyond
Stop Cassini: NASA'S Deadly Plutonium Probe
Psychics: Prophecy for the New Age
(Comet Lee)
Is The Comet
C/Lee Nostradamus Comet?
Millennium frontier
Comet Lee - News
Eco-Sustainable Products
1999 Total Solar Eclipse and Time Zones
Grand Cross Astrology Pattern of August 1999
Zodiac Astrological Chart for Aug 11 Eclipse
Search Argos - Limited Area Search of the Ancient and Medieval Internet
Search Maps of England with Multi Media Mapping
This page was last updated August 10, 1999. It was started on June 14, 1998.
If you have any questions or comments e-mail Joe Mason.
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