1999 - 2003
This is 2008 - fits right???
by Dee Finney
10-1-03 - I believe you are correct about something big about
to happen.
I had a dream about dominos all over the USA in intricate shapes and sizes woven skillfully all over the land. I saw a Halloween pumpkin carved with a very frightening face on it. Then a small domino triggered a chain reaction causing all of the dominos to fall throughout America. There were five cities with large dominos falling in them. I could see all this take place from above. The cities I saw were Dallas, Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles and Miami. After a brief period of time I saw 5 explosions with mushroom clouds come from each city but not at the same time. The triggering domino started in Washington D.C. I noticed larger dominos falling on Wall Street and 5 other buildings I felt were significant but cannot place what they are, only one stood out and it was Atlanta. The other cities these buildings were in are Seattle, Las Vegas, Baltimore and San Diego, maybe San Francisco. Eric
7-9-2001 - It looks like the situation is getting worse. Alan
Greenspan's manipulation of the interest rate hasn't affected the economy
for the better at all. In fact, the market continues to spiral downward.
More and more companies are laying off people, whether the media tells us
about it or not. My family and friends tells me they know of more and
more people who are getting laid off because business has slowed dramatically.
On the same topic, I listened to a radio interview in May, 2001, of John Coleman, a highly respected social researcher, who states that everyone should get out of the stock market and sell their homes before the prices drop.
Please listen to Dr. Coleman speak on these and many other topics:
here: |
DREAM - I roasted an entire bear in an enclosure outside my house, in it's entirety, with the fur on. When it was done, I went outside to carve it into pieces so I could eat some of the roasted meat. I gingerly started cutting it into small pieces starting at the tail end. I didn't want to keep any of the fur and skin because I didn't know how to tan it so I was cutting that into strips. All I wanted was the roasted meat. People who were obviously actors started flocking around to take the parts I didn't want. One man started dancing around me, wearing a bear-skin cape with arms on it to show me that bear skin was beautiful. I could already see and feel how soft the fur was, but I didn't want to keep any. I just wanted to cut it up as fast as possible before the wild animals gathered around. Then I discovered that the bears left front leg was completely missing. Whatever animal had killed this bear had ripped its front left leg off and ran off with it. I continued to cut the bear into small pieces, then I saw a beautiful bejeweled cobalt blue vulture grab a leg and tried to take it into my house but I chased it off. It couldn't fly with the heavy leg in its beak and ran off down the sidewalk. It went around the corner of the garage, and at the exact same moment, a male actor dressed in a cobalt blue Toucan costume of the same color with a huge fake yellow beak, came around the opposite corner of the garage and started tell me what to do. By then, other people had gathered, and I noticed some of my plants in the greenhouse had damaged and blackened leaves like a maddened crowd had run through the place. Yet, there were branches with new buds that could be re-rooted. The Toucan man gave me a golden brown cylinder 4" wide x 4" tall similar to a 45 record stacker which he told me I could use on my record player which was running over in a corner of my patio. It was playing a 33 1/3 record. I pressed the reject button and then placed the cylinder on the record so they could be stacked to play automatically. Women had gathered by now as well who were only concerned with sewing, crocheting and watching their daughters sing. I made friends with some of them. We were sitting around a large round table, and I found two miniature sized tools to keep in my purse in emergencies, a tiny crochet hook and a tiny ball-point pen. I had full sized ones in the house, but would keep these in my purse. We then discussed a large crocheted rug that I had made, showing them how it was finished off. The one woman showed me the front of her dress which was crocheted in a large oval of many colors. She complained that she was tired of being asked what it was called. Another younger girl wanted the leftover burnt wood platform that was under the roasted bear carcass. She made a comment similar to, "Waste not, want not!" I went back to carving the bear, making sure the bones were far enough away from the house so when the inevitable wild animals came around, they wouldn't come to my house.
Toucan symbolism The Blue Toucan in the Lion King movie is the guide of the animals to keep on them on the straight and narrow path. In the movie, "George of the Jungle" Tookie-bird, the Toucan is George's messenger. See also African Art by Mauze p. 84 & p. 67; a toucan (hornbill) presides over ploughing, sowing and harvesting. NOTE: In April, I had a Toucan vision: 4-15-99 - (I was struggling with a web page on my computer and couldn't get it to show the print on it's face no matter what I did. So I went to lay down and take a nap. ) VISION: I saw a vision of a TOUCAN with a really yellow beak, then I saw my web page and it was fixing itself in a vision (When I got up to go back to the computer, I went back to work on that web page and there was nothing wrong with it. )
Two Polar Bear Dreams - The Pole Shift symbolism
4-18-01 - DREAM - I was at a meeting with a lot of women I knew personally. These were all women who were abductees/contactees. There were 12 of us. I asked them, "Does anyone here know what it means to dream of polar bears? One woman said, "It stands for what is happening with the pole shift". I replied, "Oh duh! I was just listening to Gordon Michael Scallion talking about the pole shift before I fell asleep." I then decided I'd better go to the bathroom, after telling my son Tom to go take a shower because he was dirty. I noted that my other kids hadn't taken a shower in a long time either. I got to the bathroom, and before I could do anything, all the other women were standing in the doorway too, waiting. I said, "With 12 people in the house, we should have 12 bathrooms too." |
4-18-01 - Gordon Michael Scallion was on Art Bell. He talked about
his vision of the Pole Shift. The scene took place in summer because the
trees were blooming (to me this is Spring) The sun came up to about 11 o'
clock, then suddenly shifted to 2 p.m., but it didn't go from east to west,
it went ''south".
4-18-01 - VISION - I was drifting off to sleep and had a vision of a #10 envelope with Gordon Michael Scallion's name on it. The envelope opened at the top like it was slit open on top. Inside was 'one' message. (I don't know the significance of that.) I then heard a voice of a young woman, who was working in an office which seemed to be above me in the room. She said to me, "We need to have a meeting. We need to give you the passwords so that you can access the information." I agreed and thanked her, then fell asleep. DREAM - I was outside in a large subdivision type neighborhood. I saw a couple dogs coming down the street. I didn't think it was a good idea to just sit there, so started heading for the house I was near. When I stood up, I could see there were more dogs coming ... large dogs. I couldn't figure out why there were large dogs, but then saw that they were chasing two polar bears across the fields near the houses. I started to yell at the neighborhood children to get into their houses, then decided I'd better do the same myself. I turned to go into the house and discovered I was farther from the house than I thought. I started to run and turned back to look at the polar bears who were now coming my way, but then saw that the two polar bears were being chased or followed by two completely white beings ... seemed like teenage children, a boy and a girl. I got into the house, and a polar bear got into the house. I wrestled with it, then tried to show someone else who was in the house how large its eyes were. Then I realized it's eyes weren't as large as I thought, and looked carefully at it's face from above. It's eyes were round, and it's forehead sloped up to the top of it's head, starting right at the eyebrow. There was no forehead like a human has. I was struggling to hold the bear down and it was really hard. |
4-3-01 - DREAM - I went to work at A-C in West Allis, WI, a suburb of Milwaukee. This was just a day job to fill in for someone else. I went up the elevator to the 4th floor and a woman showed me the desk I was to work at for the day. It looked rather like a sewing machine table. It was really narrow, and someone else had filled it up with crocheted and knitted and embroidered garments and doilies. I was typing up some work which looked very much like the spiritual story I had worked on in the dream last night. The telephone rang and the man's voice on the phone asked to speak to a particular man who worked in the Compressor/Pump Department. I knew the person, but didn't know the phone number since it had changed since I worked there before. One of the older draftsmen was going by, on his way out to go home, and I grabbed him by the hand and asked for the phone number. He said it was 444-4439, but that it was going to change on Friday when the man got a new job. I thanked him and went back to telephone to tell the man on the other end the number. As it was, the man was gone, and a young woman was on the phone now, rather inept and I had to keep repeating the number until she understood it. It was now quarter to 5 and my daughter was working there too, so I told her to get her coat on and get ready to leave. Everyone else had already gone for the day by now. The coat room was down some steep stairs. I saw my own red coat hanging on a hangar down the stairs. I went with my daughter so she could get her coat on. I had forgotten something at my desk, and this was a one way stairway, so I had to go all the way down, outside, and back up another stairway to get back to the desk. On the way back up the stairs, suddenly, there appeared in my right hand, two crystal and ceramic bears. One looked like amber, the other was ceramic. The amber one looked rather like a teddy bear sitting down, the other was a walking bear. I was so thrilled. I could hardly believe that had happened like magic. I got back to the desk, and there was an older, white-haired woman standing at the desk. She was going over the crocheted and knitted garments. It turned out that she was the person who had made them. I apologized for working at her desk. She said that she was just a day worker to and it was no problem. In order to look at her work, I had to set my two bears down, and the woman moved them around so it looked like they were for sale with her stuff. I found them and grabbed them back. I wasn't about to give them up for anything. They had appeared like magic and they were mine to keep. I then went back down the steep stairway to get my coat which I saw was still hanging on the hangar. In order to put my coat on, I had to put the two bears down, which I did. I took my coat off the hangar and discovered that my coat was in shreds. In fact, all the material coats hanging there, were in shreds. All the threads had come apart and everything just fell to the floor. I was astonished and besides that, it was cold and dark out and I wouldn't have a coat to wear home. I didn't know where my daughter had gone by now either. All the people were gone, and all the material goods were gone. I went to pick up my bears to take them home and they had disappeared too. I started to cry at my loss, and I woke up crying. |
3-13-01 - Yesterday the stock market lost over 400 points. I
wasn't thinking about that at bedtime, but had this dream anyway.
DREAM - I was with one of my sons, walking through the woods. We saw 'bear' spoor on the ground in a trail. We knew that to follow bear spoor, one would sooner or later come upon a bear ... and sure enough, the bear spoor got closer and closer together and larger and larger and soon the bear spoor actually was shaped like a large bear ... one bear after another ... all the way to the house we were going to live in. Inside the house, was a large refrigerated room, with a large glass door edged in chrome. This refrigerated room was to keep the bodies of the dead bears in, and if we ever got any live ones we didn't kill, we were supposed to call the zoo and they would come and get them. I heard a noise and sensed something at the door on the patio. I went to look out the door which was a large patio door, and sure enough, there was a large bear, standing on his hind feet, waving his front paws in the air. It was pretty scary.
2-20-2001 - Since I put this page up, Allen Greenspan has been very
busy changing the interest rates of the banks and thereby forcing the stockmarket
to go down, down down.
Just before George W. Bush took office in January, 2001, he was going around the country talking about the recession that was coming, so that he could blame William J. Clinton for it. I too believe that it was Clinton's re-nomination of Allen Greenspan which brought us to this place of a lower stock market. We lost a couple thousand dollars in the market ourselves because the pension plans of companies are based on playing the stock market just like everyone else. We are not the only one of course. Today, I had this dream which I think says it all. |
2-20-01 - DREAM - I was at my 16th St. house, but it wasn't old fashioned
like it was when I grew up.
I was working on a computer in the diningroom area, looking for a modified gecko. hmmm. I went out into the back yard where the water was so high, there was a long pile of stones about 3 feet high, where the sidewalk was supposed to be . There were deep pools of water on both sides of the stone walkway where I could see fish swimming. There were small fish near the surface, but I could see what looked like a salmon way down deep. My children and their friends were playing out on the walkway and some were swimming in the water. j I then saw a big black bear ambling along the walkway back by the garage. I started hollering at the kids to get into the house without telling them there was a bear. They started towards the house but not as fast as they would have had they been scared. So, I had to holler, "Get in the house!" and wave them on quite a few times. Finally, they all got into the house. My mother was the last one inside, and still nobody closed the doors. By then, I could see and hear the neighbors across the alley screaming, "Bear! Bear!" and they were all panicked about getting into their own house. Everyone was safe at my house, and I went from door to door in my house, shutting them. It was quite difficult like their was heavy air pressure behind the doors. I went inside and hollered at my Mother about her being the last one to get into the house, and she started hollering at me for hollering at her. At no time did anyone see the bear so they still weren't aware it was there. 3-10-01 - This one says even more about the economy: 3-13-01 - Yesterday the stock market lost over 400 points. I wasn't thinking about that at bedtime, but had this dream anyway. DREAM - I was with one of my sons, walking through the woods. We saw 'bear' spoor on the ground in a trail. We knew that to follow bear spoor, one would sooner or later come upon a bear ... and sure enough, the bear spoor got closer and closer together and larger and larger and soon the bear spoor actually was shaped like a large bear ... one bear after another ... all the way to the house we were going to live in. Inside the house, was a large refrigerated room, with a large glass door edged in chrome. This refrigerated room was to keep the bodies of the dead bears in, and if we ever got any live ones we didn't kill, we were supposed to call the zoo and they would come and get them. I heard a noise and sensed something at the door on the patio. I went to look out the door which was a large patio door, and sure enough, there was a large bear, standing on his hind feet, waving his front paws in the air. It was pretty scary. and this one: 3-15-01 - DREAM - I was sitting in a room. A man came in and said something about the stock market. I didn't understand the words/terms he used, but he said that it was 29 to 9 or 9 to 1. |
2-2-89 - DREAM - I was given piano music to practice the scales. My husband got mad at me because I usurped the piano and kept practicing. His sister came in with patterns for baby clothes ... 5 boys and 1 dollie. I practiced the music which came with those too. He walked into the other room, angry. I followed him to give him a kiss, but he said not to bother him when he was talking. I left and was shown huge earth movers that were being sold. I was told that even as high priced as these were now, money was being budgeted now for their replacement - 2022.
I realized that by the year 2022, all of our money would go to the government and the government would be supplying all our needs.
I then followed my husband outside where he prepared to park the car for the night. He backed over the dog, "Coco" which never flinched or moved. He put the car in the garage and I closed the door on the bus we had.
This is a series of visions given to me by spirit.
#1 - I was standing in a livingroom it seemed. There was a door on the right and a door on the left at the end of the room. A big black bull with horns came trotting through the right door, through the end of the livingroom and out the left door.
On his back
was a yellow duncecap. On the duncecap was a design in blue. The center
was a solid blue hexagon, surrounded by a space of yellow with a blueline
hexagon around that. On the outside of the blueline hexagon were 5
solid hexagons, one on each side. On the top of the duncecap tip was a solid
blue hexagon, and in each of the two bottom corners of the duncecap was another
blue solid hexagon.
#2 - I saw a map of the Eurasian Continent including Russia and China with the duncecap design placed on the border between Russia and Europe. It was very large.
#3 - A voice said, "It's all economic."
#4 - I heard the word Rhombus. I didn't know what a rhombus figure looks like. When I looked it up, it resembles a 4 sided parallelogram. (A square that is slanted)
#5 - The voice said, "It's a very dangerous situation. It means starvation of many people. So many that it harms everyone.
#6 - The voice said, "Look in your oven. See the black at the bottom. That will be the color of the sky over San Francisco. The clock gable will "roll". (Not toll...but roll)
#7 - I heard the voice of President Lyndon Johnson say, "The dollar will be turned into a Franc."
#8 - A voice said, "The land along the Mississippi will sink and along with it, the economy of the United States."
#9 - A voice said, "The skies over New York will turn black as well. BE PREPARED!
5-14-99 - VISION - I saw 6 children climbing up the back of the head of a huge black bear.
NOTE: This was about the Bear stock market which occurred for the following 6 weeks.
Date: 9/7/2001 12:18:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: A "Psychic Dream" is simply a dream that causes you to immediately wake up and startles you to no end. You never forget psychic dreams, though it may take some time before you know the significance of the dream. I had a psychic dream on the morning of August 27, 2001 at 6:04 a.m. EDT (USA). I dreamt that a great ship was sinking by the bow. I spoke to someone on board who apparently knew that the ship was sinking as he said, it will sink at 6:30. I immediately suspected it was the stock market going under. Here are the numbers so far: Dream Date: August 27, 2001 Dow Open: August 27, 2001 10422.76 Nasdaq Open: August 27, 2001 1912.70 The markets have NOT closed higher than those numbers since. We may never see those numbers again! We shall see... If you in the market, please know that I consider myself VERY psychic. Albertus Magnus Defendus (Governance)