End of the Roman Empire


"I believe banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies!

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency,
1st by inflation, then by deflation, the banks & corporations that will grow up around
the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless
on the continent their fathers conquered."

- Thomas Jefferson 1802


compiled by Dee Finney
Editors Note: I don't personally agree with all the details written by other authors
Decide for yourself!

NOTES are taken from Dr. Bill Deagle show of October 21, 2008 - interviewing Eric Phelps
Dr. Bill Deagle's show is on

Eric. Phelps researcher and author - 'Vatican Assassins'

VIDEO - Eric Phelps - Why he exposes the Jesuits

10-27-08 - Today, I was sitting on the sofa winding yarn into a ball so it wouldn't get tangled, and it came to me that
I had been working on a web page about the book of Daniel prophecies and that they are going to come true AGAIN
in the United States. 

I'll post it here so you can see what it is so I don't need to do two pages on the same topic:



I had about 40 dream/visions during the night -  revolving around 3 brothers who were having experiences that were like a ring of coincidences.  It all seemed to revolve around the prophecies in the book of Daniel coming true. All their experiences were individual to themselves, but then they met and discovered that they were all having the same experiences.

When I was having these dream/visions, I saw a long word starting with the letter M in all of them, but as soon as the dream/vision was over I couldn't remember what it was.  I get the impression that I'm not supposed to know exactly what it was, or I would remember at least one of them.

(Note: The name Melchizedek just jumped into my head)

The last dream/vision I saw was in black and white, or there was snow on the ground.  There was a black tall spired church in the corner of a big white area with a lot of shards of wood scattered about. I don't know if there had been an explosion or a big disaster of some kind - but it was destroyed and there were no people there.

I then had a dream in which I was walking through a mall somewhere and was stopped by a tall blonde man.  He said, "Remember me? My name is  ____  (unremembered), and I'm the brother of _____ (name unremembered)  Something happened in a meeting at your house that I need to tell you about."

(Tall blonde men I meet in hallways all look similar to one of the lightbeings I saw in a vision several years ago, one of whom is named Alex) 

Then a whole group of people surrounded me, all sitting on chairs, and they all wanted to tell me about something that happened to them, but they refused to tell me what it was. 

I said, "What do you think - that I'm a psychic or something?  I'd like to be but I'm not that kind of psychic. If you want me to do something about this, you have to tell me what it is?"  I was very upset at that point.  But they wouldn't tell me.

I was awake and thinking about all this stuff, trying to remember what it was about and then another series of visions started.

I saw some shiny magazines laying in front of my computer desk on the floor.  I saw the number 25 on one cover. Then I saw the letter A, then the letter T, then the letter L on another one and the city Atlanta, Georgia came into my head.

I still don't know what this is, but it has to be important or I wouldn't have seen all this.

Magazines come once a month, or every other month, or every 3rd month by subscription, so that isn't a lot of help to determine the timing of what is going to happen either.  I'm at as big a loss to 'know' what this is myself, but when I start my research perhaps the picture will come clear.

I will start with the prophecies of Daniel


NOTE:  While I was working on this page with the prophecies of Daniel and the destruction of the temple, I got so super tired I had to lay down and close my eyes for a nap.  (This was around 6:30 a.m. and it was still dark out)

As soon as I closed my eyes, I was seeing the outline of the prophecies of Daniel, but I couldn't read it because the print was too small.  I asked for the print to be made clearer and larger so I could see it, but all it did was highlight some of the sentences with white light a letter at a time and scan across the sentence.  But it didn't get any clearer.  I apologized to 'them' and said, "I'm sorry, but I just can't read that print."  and it gradually faded.

A voice in my head then said, "Was that our fault or your fault!"

I apologized again and said, "It was probably my own fault because I don't have good eyesight."

Then I fell into a dream.  In the dream I was in a house and there was a knock at the front door.  I opened the door and there was a UPS truck right on the porch and the driver said, "Here are a couple of packages for you including some knitting yarn."

I thanked him and said I was surprised he could drive the truck on the porch and he commented, "You might want to clear off your porch to make it easier for us."

I closed the door and another knock came at the door.

I opened the door and this time, there was a tall blonde man and six little children - each child carried a tiny brown and whit spotted kitten and the 6th one carried a fuzzy brown and white spotted bunny rabbit - just a little bigger than the kittens.

Each child bent down and dropped a kitten and then the bunny on the floor which all scampered to the far corners of the room and under the sofa.  Then the children all ran back outside and they left.

I know I'd have a hard time catching all those kitten and the bunny and while I was thinking about that, there was another knock at the door (the third knock)  and this time it was my daughter.

I told her about the kittens and the bunny being dropped off inside my house, and she asked, "And what does the bunny represent to you?"

I said, "The Easter Bunny"

And she asked, "And what does the Easter Bunny represent?"

Instead of giving her the answer she expected, I said, while grinning, "I'll get the true picture one of these days."

and woke up.



DANIEL was among the Jews who were taken captive into Babylon about 2600 years ago. He rose to a high position in the Babylonian government. Daniel saw and described the great world empires that were to come. He also prophesied about a Messiah.

The following outline is a much more simplified outline than the one I saw in the vision, but it is helpful:

Finally, the book may quite satisfactorily be organized in a more detailed fashion along these lines. Note that in the following outline the Aramaic section constitutes a chiasmus (or reverse parallel) while the Hebrew section involves a straightforward parallel.


Introduction: This section functions, in part, as a sort of de ja vu reminder of Joseph, designed to establish Daniel as trustworthy before his people even though he is a high-ranking government official.


Prophecies related to Gentiles (Aramaic)




Prophecy of four world empires




God's power to deliver his servants (from fiery furnace)




God's judgment on a proud ruler (Nebuchadnezzar)




God's judgment on a proud ruler (Belshazzar)




God's power to deliver his servant (lion's den)




Prophecy of four world empires


Prophecies related to Jews/or, Israel in relation to the Gentile kingdoms (Hebrew)




(Antiochus) Antichrist and prophecies about Gentiles




The end times and the Jews




Antiochus-Antichrist and prophecies about Gentiles




The end times and the Jews

A few conclusions are in order. First, when an author gives such a major clue as a shift in the very language he uses to communicate his message, the wisest course of action is to allow such to shape the outline of the book. Second, the Aramaic section of the book contains an interesting chiastic pattern in which the various parts mirror each other. To some degree, we should expect the corresponding chapters also to interpret one another. Thus, as we intimated earlier, the prophecies in chapter 2 need to be read in the light of the prophecies of chapter 7, and vice versa. Third, at the same time, the chiastic parallels do not necessarily indicate precisely the same message. For example, in chapters 4 and 5, the judgments on the proud rulers differ in severity and outcome. Fourth, the chiastic pattern in Daniel illustrates a phenomenon not often observed by modern-day interpreters. Few New Testament scholars today see chiasmus in that corpus, for example, even there is strong evidence that many books are arranged on a chiastic pattern (e.g., Galatians, Titus, Romans, Ephesians, etc.). As many as one third of the Psalms have been arranged chiastically as well. In the least, we ought to be open to this organizational principle, especially in places where a more traditional outline ends up in a dead end.

10 toes - 10 zone world of the New World Order - from the frightening image dreamed by Nebuchadnezzer


The dream of Nebuchadnezzer


Nebuchadnezzar's statue vision in Daniel 2

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Nebuchadnezzar's statue vision is a story from chapter 2 of the biblical Book of Daniel.

According to this story, Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylonia, is troubled by recurrent nightmares that he refuses  to tell his dream interpreters. But the text is clear that he threatens his dream interpreters with death and destruction of their property if they do not tell him the dream, as well as the interpretation. When they cannot do this, the king then orders the destruction of all wise men in his kingdom.

This apparently includes Daniel, who then goes to the king and asks him for a chance to tell him what his dream was, and the interpretation of it (2:16). This is apparently granted, for then the God of Heaven reveals the dream and the interpretation to Daniel (19), who thereupon explains it to Nebuchadnezzar as presaging what shall be "in the last days" (Aramaic:באחרית יומיא) (28).

Aramaic language

An unusual feature of the text occurs in verse four, where it is stated that the dream interpreters addressed Nebuchadnezzar in Aramaic, already the official language in use at the time. From this point, the remainder of the chapter and the entire text of Daniel through the end of chapter 7 continues in Aramaic rather than Hebrew.[1] It could be that the original significance of the words "in Aramaic" in verse 4 was only to indicate  what language the text was in, though it is of course possible that it might also refer to what language the dream interpreters spoke. The literary structure of the Book of Daniel helps explain the use of Aramaic in Daniel 2.

The dream

Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar that he dreamed of a large, brilliant statue or idol standing before him. This statue had a head made of fine gold, a chest and arms of silver, a belly of brass, legs of iron, and feet made partly of iron and partly of clay.

Then a stone, cut out without the use of hands, enters the dream. It strikes the statue on its feet of iron and clay, smashing the entire idol into dust. As the wind blows the dust away, the stone becomes a great mountain that fills the whole earth.

The statue is often depicted by modern artists as a figure with its arms crossed. The origin of this depiction is uncertain.

Daniel's Interpretation

After telling the king what his dream was, Daniel then tells him what it means. Nebuchadnezzar himself, king of Babylonia, is the gold head of the statue. After Babylonia will come another empire that is of inferior quality to his, presumably represented by the chest and arms of silver. After that empire will come a third one of brass, followed in turn by the fourth empire of crushing iron, that crushes all others. This fourth empire will later be divided, however, and end up as the feet and toes that are partly clay and partly iron.

"And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed:  and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever." (v. 44, KJV).

(This is explained as the meaning of the stone cut from the mountain without hands, that smashes the idol to pieces.)

Nebuchadnezzar was shown an enormous statue and was told that it depicted what was to take place in the future.

He was told that the God of heaven had given him dominion, power, might and glory. He was made ruler over man, beast and birds. Nebuchadnezzar, and thereby Babylonia, was represented by the symbol of the head of gold.

After Babylonia, another kingdom — symbolized by the chest and arms — would arise. Just as silver is inferior to gold, somehow this kingdom will be inferior to Babylonia.

Then a third kingdom — the belly and thighs of brass — will rule over the whole earth.

The iron legs represent a fourth kingdom that will be strong as iron. It will crush and break all the other kingdoms.

The iron and baked clay "feet and toes" represents a divided kingdom (verse 41). It will have some of the strength of iron, i.e. it will be partly strong and partly brittle. The toes that are a mixture of iron and clay (42) thus represent a mixture of peoples that will not remain united (43).

While these kingdoms exist, God will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. It will crush all the other kingdoms and bring them to an end, but 'not by human hands', ie. this is to be accomplished by divine, not human means (45).

The statue in the vision thus represents a series of earthly kingdoms that will start in the days of Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia and end with the establishment of God's kingdom.


Identification of the four kingdoms

Scholars have proposed two alternative views regarding the identification of the four kingdoms in Daniel 2.

One view has traditionally been more prevalent among Christian scholars, at least as far back as Hippolytus (including Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, and Martin Luther); it has also been supported by some Jewish expositors (including Japet Ibn Ali, Saadia, Rashi, Abraham Ibn Ezra). It is supported by modern scholars such as E. J. Young and Gerhard Pfandl. The sequence is as follows:

  1. Babylon
  2. Medo-Persia
  3. Greece
  4. Rome

Another view has been more popular among Jewish scholars, at least as far back as Flavius Josephus, and has support from 20th century Biblical scholars such as H. H. Rowley, as well as conservative Christian scholars such as Gurney and Walton. The proposed sequence is:

  1. Babylon
  2. Media
  3. Persia
  4. Greece

Discussion of views

A modern interpretation of the 4 kingdoms is associated with the theory that the book of Daniel is a pseudepigraph dated to the mid-second century BC, concerned primarily with the Maccabean era and the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes. The vision therefore terminates in the Hellenist era, and the "kingdom" represented by the stone could then refer to the Hasmonean dynasty set up by the Maccabees, after their defeat of the Seleucid forces.

Nevertheless, other Christians do not accept this interpretation, because Jesus is said in Matthew 24 to have quoted Daniel as a prophet who foretold future events. Some scholars believe that Jesus placed the fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy at the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70,; others think he was describing the "end of the age" (Matt. 24:3), immediately preceding Judgement Day. Therefore, their identification of the metals in the statue with empires tends to differ somewhat from the above-mentioned view of the scholars. Instead, the vision is  considered to be about the development of Babylon and its successors, from the time of Nebuchadnezzar all the way to the future day when God's eternal Kingdom will be established.

The identification of the gold head is not disputed, as the text clearly indicates that it represents Nebuchadnezzar himself, and by extension, the Babylonian Empire. However, in this view, the second kingdom, represented by the chest and arms of silver, is identified with the combined Medo-Persian empire (which commenced when the Persian king Cyrus the Great defeated Babylon.) The third kingdom, represented by the belly of brass, is thought to be the Hellenic empire of Alexander and his successors. The fourth kingdom of iron legs then becomes the Roman Empire.

The Kingdom of God (represented by the stone that destroys the statue) may be considered in a spiritual sense, as the kingdom set up by Jesus through his death and resurrection during the time of the Roman empire; or alternatively as the literal and physical kingdom that Jesus will set up at his second coming, in which case the feet and toes of part iron and part clay must represent the nations which take the place of the Roman empire until the end of time.

Aside from the scholarly view that the book was written in the time of Antiochus IV, the chapter itself claims to take place in the "second year of Nebuchadnezzar". This could refer to 604 BC, the second year he reigned in Babylon, or it might also possibly mean 587 BC, the second year of his reign over Judah after deposing his last puppet, king Zedekiah.

Mormon Interpretation

The story in Daniel 2 has significant meaning to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who believe that the true church was restored to the earth in the "latter days" through a modern prophet, Joseph Smith, in 1830.

Spencer Kimball explained in 1976, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was restored in 1830. ...This is the kingdom, set up by the God of heaven, that would never be destroyed nor superseded, and the stone cut out of the mountain without hands that would become a great mountain and would fill the whole earth."

Kimball agreed with the view of most Christians that the third kingdom represented that of Alexander the Great, the fourth represented the Roman Empire, and the feet of iron and clay represented a group of European nations, which were the great political powers at the time the Mormon church was founded.

Jehovah's Witnesses Interpretation

In the Jehovah's Witnesses' interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream, the statue is said to represent the following kingdoms:

  1. The gold head - Babylon
  2. The silver breast and arms - Medo-Persia
  3. The copper belly and thighs - Greece
  4. The iron legs - Rome
  5. The feet partly of iron and partly of molded clay - Anglo-American dual power

The Anglo-American power is seen as the last dominant world power, emerging from a part of the
Roman Empire (the iron legs) first as the British Empire, and then with the formation of the
United States of America, to develop into the present-day special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom. The dual nature of iron and clay (hard and soft), seemingly incompatible materials, is said to indicate the dual aspects of 'hard' and 'soft' power - military strength and diplomacy - both of which have been used to full effect by the USA and UK, while also hinting at inherent differences and even weaknesses in the relationship between the two powers.

The "kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and ... not be left to other people, but it shall break in
pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever", in verse 44 of the prophecy, is said by Witnesses to be the heavenly kingdom established by God, with Jesus as appointed King, which will ultimately bring to an end human rulership.

Jehovah's Witnesses also believe that the sequence of world powers in Nebuchadnezzar's dream parallels that given in the vision in the Book of Revelation Chapter 17, verse 10 which speaks of "seven kings: five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet arrived". (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece having "fallen" by the time Revelation was written; Rome was the world power at the time - "one is" - while the British Empire and subsequent emergence of the United States was then yet to come, hence "the other has not yet arrived".)

Revelation 17

The Woman and the Beast
 1 One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, "Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits on many waters.
With her the kings of the earth committed adultery and the  inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries."

 3 Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a desert. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns.
The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and   pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. 5This title was written on her forehead:

6 I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus.  When I saw her, I was greatly astonished.
Then the angel said to me: "Why are you astonished? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman and of the beast she rides, which has the seven heads and ten horns.
The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not, and yet will come.
 "This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits.
They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for a  little while.
The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to
his destruction.

 12"The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast.
They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast.
They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers."
 15 Then the angel said to me, "The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages. 16The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire.
For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to give the beast their power to rule, until God's words are fulfilled.
The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth."


Hesiod's Five Ages

The first extant account of the successive ages of mankind comes from the Greek poet Hesiod's Works and Days  (lines 109-201)

The Golden Age is the only age that falls within the rule of Cronus. It is said that men lived among the gods, and freely mingled with them. Peace and harmony prevailed during this age. Humans did not have to work to feed themselves, for the earth provided food in abundance. They lived to a very old age but with a youthful appearance and eventually died peacefully. Their spirits live on as "guardians". Plato in Cratylus (397 e) recounts the golden race of men who came first. He clarifies that Hesiod did not mean men literally made of gold, but good and noble.

He describes these men as daemons upon the earth. Since δαίμονες (daimones) is derived from δαήμονες (daēmones) (=knowing or wise), they are beneficent, preventing ills, and guardians of mortal men.

The Silver Age and every age that follows fall within the rule of Cronus' successor and son, Zeus. Humans in the Silver age lived for one hundred years as infants. They lived only a short time as grown adults, and spent that time in strife with one another. During this Age humans refused to worship the gods; Zeus destroyed this race for its impiety. After death, humans of this age became "blessed spirits" of the underworld.

Men of the Bronze Age were hard. War was their purpose and passion. Not only arms and tools, but their very homes were forged of bronze. The men of this age were undone by their own violent ways and left no named spirits but dwell in the "dank house of Hades".

The Heroic Age is the one age that does not correspond with any metal. It is also the only age that improves upon the age it follows. In this period lived noble demigods and heroes. It was the heroes of this Age who fought at Thebes and Troy. This race of humans died and went to Elysium.

Hesiod finds himself in the Iron Age. During this age humans live an existence of toil and misery. Children dishonor their parents, brother fights with brother and the social contract between guest and host (xenia) is forgotten. During this age might makes right, and bad men use lies to be thought good. At the height of this age, humans no longer feel shame or indignation at wrongdoing; babies will be born with gray hair and the gods will have completely foresaken humanity: "there will be no help against evil.Ovid's Four Ages

The Roman poet Ovid (1st century BC - 1st century AD) tells a similar myth of Four Ages in Book 1.89-150 of the Metamorphoses. His account is similar to Hesiod's with the exception that he omits the Heroic Age.

Ovid emphasizes the justice and peace that defined the Golden Age. He adds that in this age, men did not yet know the art of navigation and therefore did not explore the larger world.

In the Silver Age, Jupiter introduces the seasons and men consequentially learn the art of agriculture and architecture.

In the Bronze Age, Ovid writes, men were prone to warfare, but not impiety.

Finally, in the Iron Age, men demarcate nations with boundaries; they learn the arts of navigation and mining; they are warlike, greedy and impious. Truth, modesty and loyalty are nowhere to be found.

Historicity of the Ages

These mythological ages are sometimes associated with historical timelines. In the chronology of Saint Jerome the Golden Age lasts ca. 1710 to 1674 BC, the Silver Age 1674 to 1628 BC, the Bronze Age 1628 to 1472 BC, the Heroic Age 1460 to 1103 BC, while the Iron Age was considered as still ongoing by Hesiod in the 8th century.

Ages of Man in other cultures

In the Old Testament Book of Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar has a dream of a statue made of the four metals which is interpreted by Daniel. Whether this story derives from a common literary tradition with that of the classical accounts is uncertain, but it utilizes the same four metals to describe changing periods of history. It also describes the changing character of mankind during the four ages[1].

The Hindu and Vedic writings also make reference to four ages termed: Satya (Golden), Treta (Silver),
Dwapara (Bronze) and Kali (Iron). According to the Laws of Manu these four ages total 12,000 years in
declining order and 12,000 years in ascending order (for a total of 24,000 years in one complete cycle,
and are equivalent to seasons of history or seasons of man. The timelines for the four ages as given by
Swami Sri Yukteswar in his book Holy Science, and by Lori Pratt in her series of articles entitled Astrolgical World Ages are roughly: 11,500BC to 6700BC descending Golden Age, 6700BC to 3100BC descending Silver Age, 3100BC to 700BC descending Bronze Age, 700BC to 500AD descending Iron Age. The cycle then bottomed out and began the ascending phase with the Iron Age lasting from 500AD to 1700AD. The renaissance marked the rough transition from the lowest age into the next highest age. We are now said to be in the early stages of the ascending Bronze Age which they also term the atomic or electrical age.

There are also many other references to various types of world ages or Ages of Man in Hopi (worlds),
Mayan (suns) and other cultures of antiquity. Giorgio de Santillana, the former professor of the history
of science, mentions approximately thirty ancient cultures that believed in the concept of a series of ages and the rise and fall of history, with alternating Dark and Golden Ages. This information is documented in the book Hamlet's Mill by de Santillana and von Dechend in 1969.


Picture from:

Roman Empire has been divided into ten kingdoms. 

These ten correspond to the ten horns of Daniel's beast.

Rev. 17:12:...."And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no Kingdom as yet...."
Ten kings who are the men that control the Earth....the "International Bankers."
They do not have a kingdom yet. Do they? You see it is very clear.
They are kings and yet they have no kingdom.
They are not king in the usual sense of the term but they are kings in the sense that they control the Earth.
From the Scripts of Patmos

Regionalism: Sneaking America Into World Government
March, 1996 (revised December, 2000)
by Jackie Patru Council on Domestic Relations (CDR)

Governance - as opposed to Government - means "control by rules, restrictions and regulations". That's a far cry from our elective, representative form of government where laws are to be passed only by elected officials – legislators – and only in pursuance of the Constitution. Regional Governance is a ‘layer’ – or layers – of government run by nameless, faceless and usually ruthless appointed bureaucrats who are insulated from the election process, and therefore accountable only to those who appoint them. And they will not bite the hand that feeds them.

The rules and regulations being promulgated via regional governance are mandates trickled up from self-selected world policy makers at the United Nations to the federal, state and local levels. Regional Governance is the method whereby would-be world rulers intend to control every aspect of our lives.

Without the full implementation of Regional Governance, their plan for world dominance cannot succeed. The following quotes should dispel any doubts about the veracity of the previous statement. From the book published in October of 1995 – in celebration of the UN’s 50th Anniversary – titled Our Global Neighborhood - The United Nations Report of the Commission on Global Governance : [emphasis added]

"REGIONALISM - The UN must prepare for a time when regionalism becomes more ascendant world-wide, and even help the process along. It is committed to doing so; the Secretary-General has called repeatedly for a strengthening of regionalism in global governance, in development no less than in peace and security."

"The development of global governance is part of the evolution of human efforts to organize life on the planet, . . . we are convinced that it is time for the world to move on from the designs evolved over the centuries and given new form in the establishment of the United Nations nearly fifty years ago."

Could they have stated their aims more clearly than that?

On a worldwide scale, the globalists have divided the planet into ten regions. The divisions may have changed from the map we’ve seen. North America – Canada and the U.S. – being Region 1; South America being Region 6. Given the present and ongoing Summit[s] of the Americas being held, it appears the ultimate plan is to unite the ‘Americas’ into one region... one nation, as in the European Union, with one currency. [See related links below for: Summit of the Americas and the Organization of American States


Statement from Eric Phelps:   CFR  - Knights of Malta - run the show
The real head of the CFR is ArchBishop  Edward Cardinal Eagen       who sat between John McCain and Barack Obama at the  Al Smith dinner in October of 2008 prior to the election - promoted by CNN television

Council on Foreign Relations

Council on Foreign Relations
Formation 1921
Headquarters New York, NY

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an American nonpartisan foreign policy membership organization founded in 1921 and based at 58 East 68th Street (at Park Avenue) in New York City, with an additional office in Washington, D.C. Some international journalists and American paleoconservatives believe it to be the most powerful private organization to influence United States foreign policy. It publishes the bi-monthly journal Foreign Affairs. It has an extensive website, featuring links to its think tank, The David Rockefeller Studies Program, other programs and projects, publications, history, biographies of notable directors and other board members, corporate members,
and press releases.

Early history

The earliest origin of the Council stemmed from a working fellowship of about 150 scholars, called "The Inquiry,"  tasked to brief President Woodrow Wilson about options for the postwar world when Germany was defeated.

Through 1917–1918, this academic band, including Wilson's closest adviser and long-time friend Col. Edward M. House, as well as Walter Lippmann, gathered at 155th Street and Broadway in New York City, to assemble the strategy for the postwar world. The team produced more than 2,000 documents detailing and analyzing the political, economic, and social facts globally that would be helpful for Wilson in the peace talks. Their reports formed the basis for the Fourteen Points, which outlined Wilson's strategy for peace after war's end.

These scholars then traveled to the Paris Peace Conference, 1919 that would end the war; it was at one of the meetings of a small group of British and American diplomats and scholars, on May 30, 1919, at the Hotel Majestic, that both the Council and its British counterpart, the Chatham House in London, were born. Although the original intent was for the two organizations to be affiliated, they became independent bodies, yet retained close informal ties.

Some of the participants at that meeting, apart from Edward House, were Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Harold Temperley, Lionel Curtis, Lord Eustace Percy, Christian Herter, and American academic historians James Thomson Shotwell of Columbia University, Archibald Cary Coolidge of Harvard, and Charles Seymour of Yale.

About the organization

From its inception the Council was non-partisan, welcoming members of both Democratic and Republican parties. It also welcomed Jews and African Americans, although women were initially barred from membership. Its proceedings were almost universally private and confidential.[11] It has exerted influence on U.S. foreign policy from the beginning, due to its roster of State Department and other government officials as members; as such, it has been the focus of many controversies (Perloff 37, et passim). A study by two critics of the organization, Laurence Shoup and William Minter, found that of 502 government officials surveyed from 1945 to 1972, more than half were members of the Council.

Today it has about 4,300 members (including five-year term members), which over its history have included senior serving politicians, more than a dozen Secretaries of State, former national security officers, bankers, lawyers, professors, former CIA members and senior media figures. As a private institution however, the CFR maintains through its official website that it is not a formal organization engaged in U.S. foreign policy-making.

In 1962, the group began a program of bringing select Air Force officers to the Harold Pratt House to study alongside its scholars. The Army, Navy and Marine Corps requested they start similar programs for their own officers.

Vietnam created a rift within the organization. When Hamilton Fish Armstrong announced in 1970 that he would be leaving the helm of Foreign Affairs after 45 years, new chairman David Rockefeller approached a family friend,  William Bundy, to take over the position. Anti-war advocates within the Council rose in protest against this appointment, claiming that Bundy's hawkish record in the State and Defense Departments and the CIA precluded him from taking over an independent journal. Some considered Bundy a war criminal for his prior actions.

Seven American presidents have addressed the Council, two while still in office – Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

Journalist Joseph Kraft, a former member of both the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, said the Council "comes close to being an organ of what C. Wright Mills has called the Power Elite – a group of men, similar in interest and outlook, shaping events from invulnerable positions behind the scenes."

Economist John Kenneth Galbraith resigned in 1970, objecting to the Council's policy of allowing government officials to conduct twice-a-year off-the-record briefings with business officials in its Corporation Service. The Council says that it has never sought to serve as a receptacle for government policy papers that cannot be shared with the public, and they do not encourage government officials who are members to do so. The Council says that discussions at its headquarters remain confidential, not because they share or discuss secret information, but because the system
allows members to test new ideas with other members.

Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., in his book on the Kennedy presidency, A Thousand Days, wrote that Kennedy was not part of what he called the "New York establishment":

"In particular, he was little acquainted with the New York financial and legal community-- that arsenal of talent which had so long furnished a steady supply of always orthodox and often able people to Democratic as well as Republican administrations. This community was the heart of the American Establishment. Its household deities were Henry Stimson and Elihu Root; its present leaders, Robert Lovett and John J. McCloy; its front organizations, the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations and the Council on Foreign Relations; its organs, the New York Times and Foreign Affairs."

Morgan and Rockefeller involvement

The Americans who subsequently returned from the conference became drawn to a discreet club of New York financiers and international lawyers who had organized previously in June 1918 and was headed by Elihu Root, J. P. Morgan's lawyer; this select group called itself the Council on Foreign Relations. They joined this group and the Council was formally established in New York on July 29, 1921, with 108 founding members, including Elihu Root as a leading member, geographer Isaiah Bowman as a founding Director, and John W. Davis, the chief counsel for J. P. Morgan & Co. and former Solicitor General for President Wilson, as its founding president. Davis was to become Democratic presidential candidate in 1924.

Other members included John Foster Dulles, Herbert H. Lehman, Henry L. Stimson, Averell Harriman, the Rockefeller family's public relations expert, Ivy Lee,[19] and Paul M. Warburg and Otto Kahn of the investment bank Kuhn, Loeb.

The Council initially had strong connections to the Morgan interests, such as the lawyer, Paul Cravath, whose pre-eminent New York law firm (later named Cravath, Swaine & Moore) represented Morgan businesses; a Morgan partner, Russell Cornell Leffingwell, later became its first chairman. The head of the group's finance committee was Alexander Hemphill, chairman of Morgan's Guaranty Trust Company. Economist Edwin F. Gay, editor of the New York Evening Post, owned by Morgan partner Thomas W. Lamont, served as Secretary- Treasurer of the organization. Other members related to Morgan included Frank L. Polk, former Under-Secretary  of State and attorney for J.P. Morgan & Co. Former Wilson Under-Secretary of State Norman H. Davis was a banking associate of the Morgans. Over time, however, the locus of power shifted inexorably to the Rockefeller family. Paul Cravath's law firm also represented the Rockefeller family.

Edwin Gay suggested the creation of a quarterly journal, Foreign Affairs. He recommended Archibald Cary Coolidge be installed as the first editor, along with his New York Evening Post reporter, Hamilton Fish Armstrong, as assistant editor and executive director of the Council.

Even from its inception, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. was a regular benefactor, making annual contributions, as well as a large gift of money towards its first headquarters on East 65th Street, along with corporate donors (Perloff 156). In 1944, the widow of the Standard Oil executive Harold I. Pratt donated the family's four-story mansion on the corner of 68th Street and Park Avenue for council use and this became the CFR's new headquarters, known as The Harold Pratt House, where it remains today.

Several of Rockefeller's sons joined the council when they came of age; David Rockefeller joined the council as its youngest-ever director in 1949 and subsequently became chairman of the board from 1970 to 1985; today he serves as honorary chairman. The major philanthropic organization he founded with his brothers in 1940, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, has also provided funding to the Council, from 1953 to at least 1980.

Another major support base from the outset was the corporate sector; around 26 corporations provided financial assistance in the 1920s, seizing the opportunity to inject their business concerns into the weighty deliberations of the academics and scholars in the Council's ruling elite. In addition, the Carnegie Corporation contributed funds in 1937 to expand the Council's reach by replicating its structure  in a diminished form in eight American cities.

John J. McCloy became an influential figure in the organization after the Second World War, and he held connections to both the Morgans and Rockefellers. As assistant to Secretary of War (and J. P. Morgan attorney) Henry Stimson during World War II, he had presided over important American war policies; his brother-in-law John Zinsser was on the board of directors of JP Morgan & Co. during that time, and after the war McCloy joined New York law firm Milbank, Tweed, Hope, Hadley & McCloy as a partner. The company had long served as legal counsel to the Rockefeller family and the Chase Manhattan bank. McCloy became Chairman of the Board of Chase Manhattan, a director of the Rockefeller Foundation and Chairman of the Board of the CFR from 1953 to 1970. President Harry S. Truman appointed him President of the World Bank Group and U.S. High Commissioner to Germany. He served as a special adviser on disarmament to President John F. Kennedy and chaired a special committee on the Cuban crisis.

He was said to have had the largest influence on American foreign policy of anyone after World War II.
 McCloy's brother-in-law, Lewis W. Douglas, also served on the board of the CFR and as a trustee for the Rockefeller Foundation; Truman appointed him as American ambassador to Great Britain.


There are two types of membership: life, and term membership, which lasts for 5 years and is available to those between 30 and 36. Only U.S. citizens (native born or naturalised) and permanent residents who have applied for U.S. citizenship are eligible. A candidate for life membership must be nominated in writing by one Council member and seconded by a minimum of three others.

Corporate membership (250 in total) is divided into "Basic", "Premium" ($25,000+) and "President's Circle"  ($50,000+). All corporate executive members have opportunities to hear distinguished speakers, such as overseas presidents and prime ministers, chairmen and CEOs of multinational corporations, and U.S. officials and Congressmen. President and premium members are also entitled to other benefits, including attendance at small, private dinners or receptions with senior American officials and world leaders.


Board of directors

The Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations is composed in total of thirty-six officers.
Peter G. Peterson and David Rockefeller are Directors Emeriti (Chairman Emeritus and Honorary Chairman,
respectively). It also has an International Advisory

 Board consisting of thirty-five distinguished individuals from across the world.

Co-Chairman of the Board Carla Anderson Hills
Co-Chairman of the Board Robert Rubin
Vice Chairman Richard E. Salomon  
President Richard N. Haass  
Board of Directors  
Director Peter Ackerman  
Director Fouad Ajami  
Director Madeleine Albright  
Director Charlene Barshefsky  
Director Henry Bienen  
Director Alan Blinder  
Director Stephen W. Bosworth  
Director Tom Brokaw  
Director Sylvia Mathews Burwell  
Director Frank J. Caufield  
Director Kenneth Duberstein  
Director Martin Feldstein  
Director Richard N. Foster  
Director Stephen Friedman  
Director Ann M. Fudge  
Director Helene D. Gayle  
Director Maurice R. Greenberg  
Director J. Tomilson Hill  
Director Richard Holbrooke  
Director Karen Elliott House  
Director Alberto Ibargüen  
Director Shirley Ann Jackson  
Director Henry Kravis  
Director Jami Miscik  
Director Michael H. Moskow  
Director Joseph Nye  
Director Ronald L. Olson  
Director James W. Owens  
Director Colin Powell  
Director David Rubenstein  
Director George E. Rupp  
Director Anne-Marie Slaughter  
Director Joan E. Spero  
Director Vin Weber  
Director Christine Todd Whitman  
Director Fareed Zakaria  










Corporate Members


Notable current council members

Notable historical members

Source: The Council on Foreign Relations from 1921 to 1996:Historical Roster of Directors and Officers

 List of chairmen and chairwomen

 List of presidents


Source:The Council on Foreign Relations from 1921 to 1996: Historical Roster of Directors and Officers


The Council has been the subject of conspiracy theories, partly due to the number of high-ranking government officials in its membership, its secrecy clauses, and the large number of aspects of American foreign policy that its members have been involved with, beginning with Wilson's Fourteen Points. The John Birch Society believes that the CFR plans a one-world government. Wilson's Fourteen Points speech was the first in which he suggested a worldwide security organization to prevent future world wars.

For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well- publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

David Rockefeller, "Memoirs" autobiography (2002, Random House publishers), page 405

Historian Carroll Quigley included the CFR in his discussion of the Anglo-American Establishment's efforts to shape international developments during the 20th century. His book "Tragedy and Hope" was cited by conspiracy theorists as showing that the CFR was engaged in a conspiracy against American interests, though Quigley himself denied this.

Assistant Secretary of Commerce David Bohigian says that there is no truth to the rumors. Senator Kit Bond, who is a member of committees that would have to authorize funding for a NAFTA superhighway, has said that there are no plans for a North American Union and the theories are not valid.However, Rep. Ron Paul has said that Congress has provided "small amounts" of money to study the feasibility of such a highway. Paul also suggested that because the funding constituted "just one item in an enormous transportation appropriations bill... most members of Congress were not aware of it."Rep. Virgil Goode introduced a resolution in September 2006, with 21 co-sponsors, to prohibit the building of a NAFTA superhighway and an eventual North American Union with Canada and Mexico. The resolution remains in committee.

In 2005, CFR task force co-chairman Robert Pastor testified in Congress in front of the Foreign Relations Committee: "The best way to secure the United States today is not at our two borders with Mexico and Canada, but at the borders of North America as a whole." The CFR task force he headed called for one border around North America, freer travel within it, and cooperation among Canadian, Mexican and American military forces and law enforcement for greater security. It called for full mobility of labor among the three countries within five years, similar to the European Union. He also appeared at a CFR forum called "The Future of North American Integration in the Wake of the Terrorist Attacks" on October 17, 2001, discussing the prospect of North American integration in the wake of the September 11 attacks. Conservative commentator Phyllis Schlafly wrote of the 2005 report, "This CFR document, called 'Building a North American Community,' asserts that George W. Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin 'committed their governments' to this goal when they met at Bush's ranch and at Waco, Texas on March 23, 2005. The three adopted the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America and assigned 'working groups' to fill in the
details." The document advocated allowing companies to recruit workers from anywhere within North America and called for large loans and aid to Mexico from the US. It called for a court system for North American dispute resolution and said that illegal aliens should be allowed into the United States Social Security system through the Social Security Totalization Agreement. The report called for a fund to be created by the US to allow 60,000 Mexican students to attend US colleges. The report says the plan can be carried out within five years. Other members of the task force included former Massachusetts governor William Weld and immigration chief for President Clinton, Doris Meissner.

Pastor wrote in Foreign Affairs:

"The U.S., Mexican, and Canadian governments remain zealous defenders of an outdated conception of sovereignty even though their citizens are ready for a new approach. Each nation's leadership has stressed differences rather than common interests. North America needs leaders who can articulate and pursue a broader vision... Countries are benefited when they changed these [national sovereignty] policies, and evidence suggests that North Americans are ready for a new relationship that renders this old definition of sovereignty obsolete."

Pastor appeared at a CFR-sponsor ed symposium at Arizona State University on issues that would face the next president.

See also



The Council for National Policy

Source URL:

[Comments in Red by Eric Jon Phelps]

With the onset of the McCarthy era 50 years ago [pro-Nazi Roman Catholic Senator Joseph McCarthey having been trained by Jesuits at Marquette University and advised by Georgetown University Jesuit Edmond A. Walsh during that American Inquisition], any perceived threat to U.S. sovereignty from the British Round Table and its American branch shifted to an obsession with the Soviet Union [recognized early in 1933 by 33rd Degree Freemason FDR with Jesuit Edmond A. Walsh at his right hand in the White House]. Roy Cohn, who was legal counsel to Sen. Joseph McCarthy during the anti-Communist Senate investigations of the 1950s, would later become a member of the John Birch Society and a principle figure in the JBS intelligence gathering operation, the Western Goals Foundation.  Out of the latter emerged the core group which, in 1981, formed the present
Council for National Policy
-- a consortium of high-level political, corporate and evangelical leaders which is  the primary coordinating body and funding conduit for Christian Right projects [
merging the 14th Amendment American Empire's Rorman Catholics and Reformation Bible rejecting, apostate Protestant and Baptists into Jesuit directed right wing fascism aided by Papal Knight of St. Gregory, CFR member, press mogul Rupert Murdoch via his Fox News Network]. Sara Diamond's book, Roads to Dominion: Right-Wing Movements and Political Power in the United States
, notes:

        "Before and after the formation of the John Birch Society, corporations played a major role in rallying the public to the anticommunist cause." 1.

In 1947, the Taft-Hartley Act granted corporations the right to distribute literature to counter labor union
organizing -- a movement they blamed on the communists. To reduce the cost of producing and distributing anti-Communist materials, [
cartel-capitalist] corporations turned to non-profit organizations such as the John Birch Society (JBS).  By 1963, corporations were spending an estimated $25 million per year on anticommunist literature... Some corporations circulated print and audio-visual materials produced by the John Birch Society; other corporations produced their own in-house literature...By the early 1960s, the Nation magazine reported that there was a minimum of 6,600 corporate-financed anticommunist broadcasts, carried by more than 1,300 radio and television stations at a total annual budget of about $20 million... Leading sponsors included Texas oil billionaire H.L. Hunt and Howard J. Pew of Sun Oil. The corporate sector's massive anticommunist propaganda campaigns created a favorable climate for the mobilization of activist groups like the John Birch Society. 2.

On the other hand, or rather the other side of the dialectic, super-capitalists such as John D. Rockefeller would come to understand the potential of using labor unions to corporate advantage -- as a means of controlling the opposition. The Rockefeller interests have not overlooked and have made good use of the monopoly of labor that is afforded to unions, to effect monopolies of industry that would be recognized as  illegal if they had been effected by a monopoly of machinery.  [CFR/Centrally-controlled] Labor unions have proved to be a powerful weapon for the Rockefeller Empire in extending its world conquest; and subsidized unioneers are always in the forefront of the emissaries that they send out into newly conquered territories.  With Marxism as a shibboleth, they are rapidly accomplishing a world-wide subjugation of the "peasantry" [i.e., the destruction of the middle class born out of the Protestant Reformation].   This has earned for wily John D. Jr. a reputation for "liberalism". It is more appropriately called "Rockefellerism". 3.

In the long march toward a new social order [i.e., toward returning the world to the pope's inquisitional,
corporate-fascist, feudalistic Dark Ages
], ultra-right and left-wing agitation propaganda [the Jesuits, via their high-level Knights of Malta and Scottish Rite/Grand Orient Freemasons, ruling both right-wing fascism and left-wing communism] serve not only to polarize and destabilize society, they create a diversionary conflict to prevent recognition of the true conspiracy [spearheaded from the Rome ruled by the Black Pope].  Lest an informed and united citizenry form an alliance against them [the Jesuits], principles of conflict management are employed by the power elites: The plan, I think, is the old one of world dominion in a new form.  The money-power and revolutionary power have been set up and given sham but symbolic shapes ("[Cartel] Capitalism" or "Communism") and sharply defined citadels ("America" or "Russia" [both ruled by the Black Pope, Lenin readmitting the Jesuits into Russia in 1922 after over 100 years of banishment
]).  Such is the spectacle publicly staged for the masses.  But what if similar men, with a common aim, secretly rule in both camps and propose to achieve their ambition through the clash between those masses?  I believe any diligent student of our times will discover that this is the case. -- Douglas Reed 4.

In his essay on the unseen hand behind This Age of Conflict, Ivor Benson reveals the natural partnership that exists between ostensibly opposing forces -- for example, the fascist Rhodes-Milner Round Table [designed by Cecil Rhodes after the Jesuit Order] and Fabian socialists [ruled by English Jesuits who, via their Fabians, founded the pro-Irish Catholic, "Home Rule" British Labor Party which, in turn, promoted the Black Pope's Bolshevik Revolution thus neutralizing Rome's old enemy, the Russian Orthodox Church  and its protector, the Romanoff Czars] -- to secure a common objective, namely, the subjugation of mankind [under a pope of Jesuit making]: Significantly Julius Wernher, of the Wernher-Beit conglomerate that supported [33rd Degree Freemason] Milner's effort to precipitate the Anglo-Boer War [which killed approximately 30,000 Protestant Boer women and children in concentration camps while killing 100,000 British soldiers, further destroying the Protestant Anglican/Presbyterian British peoples in accordance with the Jesuit Order's wicked Counter-Reformation Council of Trent], contributed substantially to the funding of the [Fabian socialist-communist] London School of Economics and socialist movements everywhere, all vehemently "anti-capitalists," continued to receive massive support from the most powerful "capitalists."

It was because of the absence of any fundamental antagonism between the philosophies of [Freemasons] John Ruskin and of Karl Marx that it was possible for the "Brave New World" ambition, so actively promoted by [33rd Degree British Freemason Cecil] Rhodes and his heirs, to be absorbed into the socialist [socialist cartel-corporate fascist] world-power vortex with hardly a sign that anything untoward had happened.  In fact, the international socialists, instruments of the most highly concentrated financial power [centered in Jesuit-ruled Rome, London and New York City], were able to take over the Rhodes-Milner establishment [which financed the international socialists and continued the Order's world socialist agenda via its "Royal Institute of International Affairs" (RIIA) founded in 1919 dedicated to the  destruction of the once Protestant British Empire], complete with its worldwide network of organizations--- the Rhodes Scholarship Trust, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilaterals, etc.---and continue to run it as if still under its original management; indeed, it simply gave the socialists a new Dimension for the exercise of their incomparable skill in the arts of deception [as per the Vatican's perfected Hegelian Dialectic, controling both sides of a created conflict thus benefitting from the purposed outcome of that controlled conflict]. 5.


  1. Initial List of Rhodes Scholars 

    Prominent Rhodes Scholars. ... Rhodes also told Stead that scholars
    should possess the following traits: "smugness, brutality, unctuous rectitude, and tact .

Carroll Quigley [the personal friend and fellow professor of Jesuit Edmund A. Walsh of Jesuit Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.] and colleagues of like sympathy with the Rhodes agenda [Jesuit Georgetown University-educated Bill Clinton being also a Rhodes Scholar] have widely propagated the belief that the American branch of the Round Table organization is exclusively the liberal Eastern Establishment [directed by the Council on Foreign Relations overseen by the New York Archbishop as advised by the Jesuits at Fordham University].  However, The Belmont Brotherhood revealed that the Anglo-American Establishment [ruled by Jesuits in London, Washington and New York City via the Roman Catholic Cardinals of those cities], which represents the interests of the aforesaid corporations, also launched the ultra-conservative movement in the United States, the John Birch Society being a pioneer of the extreme right of this dialectical process.

Produced in 1977 by a group of former high-ranking JBS members, "The Belmont Brotherhood" refers to the National Council at Belmont, Massachusetts where JBS national headquarters were originally located.

Various sources cited therein document that the early members of the John Birch Society were also  members of the liberal Establishment they pretended to oppose, and represented in great measure the corporate interests of America, which are advanced by the oaths of loyalty to one another in a secret brotherhood -- organized Freemasonry [
controlled by the Black Pope ruling the White Pope and his Vatican hierarchy].  This 12-page report concluded with the perceptive observation that the John Birch Society represents the most diabolical form of the [Jesuit Order's Roman Catholic Bavarian-based] Illuminati conspiracy:

You may object:  "Look at all the great things [Founder, Robert] Welch has done - he has exposed the Illuminati."   Baloney. The Illuminati was merely a branch of the Conspiracy.  How can one attack the Illuminati without attacking the diabolical power behind it: organized Freemasonry [controlled by Rome]? Welch has provided the most valuable service of all time to the Conspiracy.  He founded an organization to neutralize millions of Americans from discovering what the true power behind the Illuminati really was.   And we concede the Masons chose an extremely clever man to do the job.  Welch, with the help of the Belmont Brotherhood, plays his role very effectively." 6.

The Introduction to a 1967 reprint of John Robison's Proofs of a Conspiracy (a 1789 expose of the Illuminati), published by the Birch-owned Western Islands publisher, disallowed that there could be present connections between the Illuminati and Freemasonry.  According to the JBS, the Illuminati are  the forefathers of Communism, but not of Freemasonry, which is held in the highest regard as a patriotic organization by the John Birch Society.   [Welch was a 32 Degree Freemason who, on his deathbed, was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church for a job well done---for promoting the pope's "Anti Communist Crusade."]

"Robison, a former Mason himself, found that 'this impunity [from authority by maintaining the Masonic rule of secrecy] had gradually encouraged men of licentious principles to become more bold, and to teach doctrines subversive of all our notions of morality.' Let us be quick to say that Freemasonry in England, America and elsewhere has historically, and today is, quite another kind and its members characterized by high standards of morality and spirituality... The true purpose of the [Illuminati] Order was to rule the world. To achieve this it was necessary for the Order to destroy all religions, overthrow all governments, and abolish private property...This is exactly what the Communists have been doing since 1848!  Please note that Robison makes it clear that the Illuminati Order was quite distinct and separate from Freemasonry... [the] conspiracy [was] conceived not by Masons as Masons, but by evil men using Freemasonry as a vehicle for their own purposes [the Jesuits using Freemasonry for their evil purposes]... In the realm of ideology,  certainly the line from the Illuminati Order to the Communist Manifesto is straight and unbroken...

"Let it be stressed that the present publication of Robison's work is not intended to open old wounds or create new animosity or distrust toward Freemasonry, whose adherents today certainly number among our staunchest patriots and anti-Communists... The conspirators have long since discarded Freemasonry as their vehicle.  [Oh really?]  If clever conspirators could use - of all groups - so fine a group as the Masons, we must open our minds to consider what infinite possibilities are available to them in our own present day society. Their main habitat these days seems to be the great subsidized universities, tax-free foundations, mass media communications, governmental bureaus such as the State Department [ruled by the Archbishop of New York  as declared by Edmond Paris in his 1965 work, The Vatican Against Europe], and a myriad of private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations..." 7.

Contrary to the JBS position on Freemasonry are the facts of history.  Organized Freemasonry has proven  itself over centuries to be a secret society which foments revolution wherever it establishes a base of operation. That Masonry binds its initiates to a code of conduct antithetical to patriotism is the subject of a lengthy and well-documented series offered by the Ministry of Biblical Defense and titled America's Subversion: The Enemy Within.  Facts substantiated by the writings of Masonic scholars and determined by U.S. state legislature  investigations provide abundant proof that, within the United States, there is a fifth column dedicated to the overthrow of its constitutional government.  The Constitution of Freemasonry, written in 1721 by Dr. John Anderson of Aberdeen, Scotland, laid the groundwork for universal treason, rather than loyalty to country:   James Anderson's son, Dr. James Anderson, in 1721 went about rewriting Freemasonry's Constitutions for the Grand Lodge of England.  However, the precedence for obstruction and perversion of justice would later be documented in Freemasonry's expansion to American soil, both in a structure of oaths and in practice.  American soil would also witness the murder of Capt. Morgan who revealed Masonic secrets to the public and who was murdered pursuant to Masonic oaths of retribution.  Such oaths include in the Royal Arch degree the concealment of crimes by fellow Masons, murder and treason not excepted.  [The Jesuits were behind the murder of Captain William Morgan for it caused 50,000 low-level, northern Freemasons to leave the lodge, many of whom were true patriots unsullied with the Order's Illuminized Freemasonry.]  Dr. James Anderson's improvements to written constitutions of the time in England have evidently not so much altered the underlying substance of Freemasonry as it has in serving the interests of providing a strategic or tactical move at the time.

"Dr. James Anderson was born in Aberdeen in about 1680. After becoming a minister in the Church of Scotland, he made his way to London.  In 1721 he started rewriting Freemasonry's Constitutions 'in a new and better method'.  He claimed he was asked to do this by the new Grand Lodge of England (founded in 1717 when four lodges came together under one authority), but he may have suggested it himself..." (p. 36 Inside the Brotherhood, Martin Short, 1989)

Masonry's Aberdeen spirit had entrenched itself on American soil.  Oaths of secrecy, oaths swearing penalties of death for breaches of secrecy, oaths swearing to obstruct and pervert justice, oaths swearing to cover-up crimes of fellow Masons, crimes not excepting murder and treason, had defined an esoteric, inner value system, veiled by exoteric principles of charity and brotherhood.  The "blue code of silence" which has even in modern times eaten away at America's law enforcement community, countenancing drug dealing and even murder by sworn officers of the law, in principle has reflected Masonic code subverting justice, not excepting murder, not excepting even treason. 8.


John Birch Society founder, Robert Welch, was succeeded upon his death in 1983 by the former Congressman Larry McDonald.  Lawrence Patton McDonald was a cousin of George S. Patton, Jr., the famous general who was killed in an automobile accident at the conclusion of World War II. 9.

According to Conspiracies of World War II by J.S. Craig, "The common rumor in Germany at the time was that Patton was assassinated due to his wish to join forces with Germany and attack Russia.  Patton had openly admitted that the Allies had defeated 'the wrong enemy' and repeatedly praised German industry and the discipline of its people." 10.  E. H. Cookridge also recorded Gen. Patton's pro-Nazi attitude and subsequent demise in Gehlen: Spy of the Century :An Expose of the CIA's Recruitment of High-Level Nazi Espionage Agents: ...General Patton was dreaming of rearming a couple of Waffen SS divisions to incorporate them into his US Third Army "and lead them against the Reds." Patton had put this plan quite seriously to General Joseph T. McNarney, deputy US military governor in Germany, who had relayed Marshall Zhukov's complaint that the Third Army was too slow in disbanding and confining German units in its [Roman Catholic Jesuit haven of the] Bavarian sector. "What do you think those  bolshies think?" said Patton. "We're going to have to fight them sooner or later. Why not now while our army is intact and we can kick the Red Army back into Russia?  We can do it with my Germans..."

McNarney, petrified, reported this to his political advisor, Robert Murphy, who promptly asked Patton to come and see him.  Patton was not in the least subdued.  "He inquired with a gleam in his eye", Murphy later wrote, "whether there was any chance of going on to Moscow, which he said he could reach in thirty days, instead of waiting for the Russians to attack the United States."  The outcome of this and other indiscretions was that  [Knight of Malta and creature of Archbishop Spellman then in Europe] Eisenhower relieved Patton of his command on October 2, 1945. Two months later he was fatally injured in a car crash [or rather he died of a fatal injection of cyanide as ordered by SMOM OSS director, Wild Bill Donovan, according to ex-OSS agent  Douglas Bazata to which knowldge he confessed in 1979]. 11.

Reinhard Gehlen was one of Adolf Hitler's chief intelligence officers, solely in charge of espionage against the Soviet Union.  In 1945, Gehlen offered the United States his considerable experience, expertise and archives on Russia and satellite countries in return for immunity from prosecution as a war criminal.  The newly established Central Intelligence Agency formed the "Gehlen Organisation" which was Gehlen's former network for anti-Soviet espionage.  Located in West Germany and funded by the CIA, the Gehlen Organisation became the most powerful espionage establishment in Western Europe.  In 1979, Gen. Patton's cousin, Congressman Lawrence McDonald, founded the Western Goals Foundation as a front for the JBS intelligence network.  McDonald directed the organization until his untimely death [more correctly, his murder] in the downing of the Korean airliner, KAL 007 in 1983, the year he succeeded [32nd Degree Freemason] Robert Welch as JBS Chairman.

Western Goals was discontinued in 1986 following a power struggle for McDonald's position.  According to the Interhemispheric Resource Center GroupWatch, files of which are available on the Public Information Research database, Western Goals had worked with Reinhard Gehlen: McDonald formed a foundation branch in West Germany in 1981.  The organization, called the American-European Strategy Research Institute, was set up  with a $131,982 injection from the U.S. office.  That figure represented more than a third of Western Goals'  operating budget at the time...

The German affiliate is Western Goals Europe E.V.(5) This German branch is also known as the American-European Strategy Institute. It acknowledges working with Reinhard Gehlen, a former Nazi who has been honored by the elite lay Catholic organization, the Knights of Malta (SMOM).(8)  SMOM gave its highest award of honor, the Gran Croci Al Merito Conplacca, to Gehlen in l948.  Gehlen, who was not a Catholic, was awarded the honor because of his efforts in the "crusade against godless Communism."  Gehlen headed Adolf Hitler's spy operations against the Soviet Union during World War II.  After the war, he and his spy apparatus --staffed mostly by former Nazis--were recruited by the CIA [many of which were brought out of East Germany  under the guise of the Berlin Airlift in 1948].  He became the first director of the BND, West Germany's intelligence agency [that acted as a secret link between the CIA and the KGB via the East German SSD]. 12.

Western Goals drew on both private and official government files to become one of the largest and most influential private intelligence operations in the U.S.  According to GroupWatch, Western Goals was able to bypass legal restraints placed on government intelligence agencies: ... groups like Western Goals allow "the ultra-right [to keep] tabs on its 'subversive' domestic opposition..."(10)  In Western Goals' case, this service was apparently not performed only for like-minded private groups.

Elton Manzione quotes an East Coast police intelligence source as saying that Western Goals had a reputation of acting as a "clearinghouse" for some police departments whose intelligence-collecting functions were restricted by laws such as the Freedom of Information Act.  Manzione noted that both the CIA and National Security Agency have received information from John Rees' Information Digest (see below). (8)... According to a 1976 investigation by the New York Assembly's Office of Legislative Oversight, Information Digest was supplying information to the FBI, CIA, and the National Security Agency. 13.

The internal spying nature of the John Birch Society became known when its espionage against private citizens in connection with the LA Police Department was discovered: The final straw for the police commission occurred two months earlier, when it was discovered that files previously ordered to be destroyed had been squirreled away by  an intelligence officer, Jay Paul, with the approval of his superiors.  Investigators with search warrants seized ninety cartons of files from his mobile home and other locations.  Paul was in the process of feeding this data into  the computers of Western Goals, a private organization headed by Congressman Larry McDonald, and was also involved with Research West, an operation founded by ex-FBI agents which sold information to corporations. 

Typical of the files in these cartons was a four-decade dossier on a state supreme court judge, compiled to assess his possible bias against police intelligence practices. 14.

Birch Society member, John Rees, whose Information Digest supplied information to the FBI, CIA, and the National Security Agency, was one of the earliest members of the Western Goals Foundation and its principal espionage agent.  Instrumental in obtaining Rees' entrance to Western Goals was [JFK co-conspirator assassin] J. Peter Grace, who was also chairman of the Order of the Knights of Malta in the United States and president of W. R. Grace and Co. from 1945 until three years before his death in 1995. 

Profiles of J. Peter Grace in Who's Who in America list as his credits: Bachelor of Arts from Yale University in 1936, Assistant Secretary at W. R. Grace (1936), President and CEO (1945), Newcomen Society, Council on Foreign Relations, Knights of Malta (American Chapter of the Board of Founders), Knights of Malta President, [
backer of the Jesuit assassination traniners at the School of the Americas] address: 1114 Avenue of the Americas. 15.

J. Peter Grace & Operation Paperclip

Considering that the Newcomen Society and CFR to which J. Peter Grace belonged were branches of Cecil Rhodes's eugenics club, The Round Table [the Jesuit Order being the primary promoters of eugenics as per Leo Lehman's Behind the Dictators (1943)], it is not out of character that Grace would be involved in Project Paperclip -- a post World War II CIA arrangement to remove classified information from dossiers so that former SS members and 900+ Nazi scientists could emigrate to the U. S.  Hundreds of war criminals would find employment within government agencies and companies such as W. R. Grace chemical company whose president was J. Peter Grace.  The Covert Action Information Bulletin documents the close relationship between Reinhard Gehlen, the CIA, Knights of Malta and the Vatican, which had smuggled Nazi war criminals out of Europe through the infamous "rat lines." 

On November 17, 1948 SMOM awarded one of its highest honors, the Grand Cross of Merit, to Reinhard Gehlen, the Nazi chief of intelligence on the Soviet front [who betrayed the Protestant German Armies in the East into the hands of Jesuit-ruled Joseph Stalin]. He was subsequently installed by the Americans as the first chief of West Germany's equivalent of the CIA, the Bundesnachtrichtdienst (BND: federal secret service),  under West German Chancellor Adenauer, a devout Catholic [and a Knight of Malta whose brother-in-law was American Knight of Malta John J. McCloy] who had received the Magistral Grand Cross personally from SMOM Grand Master Prince Chigi.

After the appointment of [Fordham Jesuit University-trained] Knight of Malta William Casey as head of the Central Intelligence Agency, and another Knight, James Buckley, as head of U.S. propaganda against Eastern Europe at Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, several historians noted with interest President Reagan's call during the summer of 1982 for a "crusade" against the "Evil Empire" in Eastern Europe. [including Balkans. ....JP] 16. 

The CIA also funded Nazi/SMOM fronts, Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe:  "The present head of the Order in the United States is a prominent businessman, J. Peter Grace. Prior to 1971, Grace was associated with Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe, both of which had been established by Reinhard Gehlen and funded by the CIA." 17.

The Covert Action Information Bulletin describes the manner in which Radio Liberty, under the supervision of Grace and other prominent figures, functioned as a front for ex-Nazis: In 1950, the American Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism was created.  [What a joke!  The USSR lay in ruins and was not a threat at the time to the people of the United States.]  The trustees included J. Peter Grace, Charles Edison, William Henry Chamberlain, H. J. Heinz II, Isaac Don Levine [the pope's Masonic Jewish American historian who  whitewashed the dictatorship of Joseph Stalin in 1931 just before FDR recognized his brother Mason's murderous Soviet government], and Eugene Lyons. The Committee (now known as Radio Liberty), under the guiding hand of the CIA's [Knight Templar and CFR member] Frank Wisner, funded numerous emigre "research institutes'' which, according to [Jesuit Boston College-trained] John Loftus [see UNHOLY TRINITY], were "little more than front groups for ex-Nazi intelligence officers.''14 18.

Knights of Malta & the Conquest of Latin America

"In addition to Casey, and James Buckley, its current members, or Knights [of Malta], after the feudal fashion, include Lee Iacocca, John McCone, William Buckley, Alexander Haig, Alexandre de Marenches (the chief of French Intelligence under Giscard d'Estaing, himself a Knight of SMOM), Otto von Hapsburg, and various leaders of the fascist P-2 Masonic lodge in Italy.  While its organizational funding is relatively modest, its leverage is maximized by the presence of its Knights in key positions in other private and governmental structures throughout the world." 19.

William Russell Grace founded W. R. Grace & Co. in Peru in 1854 [and received the Statute of Liberty for the
American Empire as mayor of New York City in 1886
].  The long history of W.R. Grace & Co. chronicles its global expansion and penetration of Latin America, in which region the Knights of Malta would later rebuild the Nazi network to conduct fascist operations [now ruling the American Empire via the CFR and its agent, President George W. Bush, whose father and uncle are both Knights of Malta
]. 20.

[As of 1986] Grace, whose aides include another Knight of Malta, former United States Treasury Secretary William Simon, runs an organisation called Americares, of which he is chairman.  A primary objective of Americares is to raise money for aid to Central America.  The agency in charge of distributing this aid is the Order of Malta, working through its field organisation in El Salvadore, Guatemala and Honduras. 21.

AmeriCares, with the help of Friends of the Democratic Center in Central America (Prodemca), conducted an advertising campaign in the U.S. on behalf of La Prensa. The ads for La Prensa solicited funds from the public to pay for the shipment of newsprint to Nicaragua. (28) Prodemca was a neoconservative group that provided U.S. government grants to La Prensa and sponsored pro-contra aid ads in U.S. newspapers using funds from Oliver North's secret aid network. (28)

William Simon and Prescott Bush Jr. are also members of the Knights of Malta, and Simon was also on Prodemca's national council.  Both Prodemca and the Knights of Malta were involved in efforts to support the contras and/or private sector opposition groups in Nicaragua [for the purpose of killing off the true nationalists in Nicaragua further enthroning Communist dictator Daniel Ortega]. Simon, who was Treasury Secretary under Richard Nixon, was also the chairman of the Nicaraguan Freedom Fund (NFF), a fundraising organization set up in l985 by the Washington Times, a newspaper owned by the Unification Church [and backed by the Knights of Malta].  The NFF was established to raise funds for the contras.(12,17)... 22.

From 1982-95, J. Peter Grace (CFR) was Chairman of the Advisory Committee of AmeriCares, which included William E. Simon (CFR), Treasury Secretary under Richard Nixon [who was backed by another Knight of Malta Elmer H. Bobst, the CEO of Warner Lambert]. The Honorary Chair of AmeriCares is [Polish Roman Catholic Knight of Malta] Zbigniew Brzezinski (BB/CFR/TC); Ambassador-At-Large is Barbara Bush and the Advisory Committee includes: [Knight of Malta] Prescott S. Bush, Jr. [brother to former Pres . George Bush (CFR)], 335

Mason Gen. Colin L. Powell (ret.) (CFR [and 33rd Degree Mulatto Freemason]) and Sol M. Linowitz (CFR/TC),  chairman of Xerox Corp and officer of the World Future Society. Sol Linowitz was also a representative to the Organization of American States and co-founder in 1964 with [Knight of Malta and P2 Lodge member] David Rockefeller (CFR) of the International Executive Services Corp, an international business development organization for which Linowitz and Rockefeller received the Medal of Freedom Award in 1998 [from Jesuit-trained Freemason President Bill Clinton, Clinton being proclaimed one of the three "Masons for Peace" when in Israel in 1995, including Yitzak Rabin and King Hussein]. 23.

The Council on Foreign Relations was funded by the Rockefeller family and has functioned as its agency almost from its inception in 1919. The CFR and its British counterpart, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, were jointly founded by American and British Round Table members following the Paris Peace Conference [at Versailles when the Order guaranteed another war with Germany in twenty years by wickedly blaming Protestant Germany for inciting World War I].  According to The Round Table, "Attendees included British and American secret society members who worked for the British Secret Service or the first U.S. central intelligence agency the INQUIRY." 

The historic meeting was described in Rockefeller "Internationalist": The Man Who Misrules the World. 
"Conversations between Gen Tasker H. Bliss, Col. E. M. House, Prof. Archibald Cary Coolidge, Whitney H. Shepardson, Dr. James T. Shotwell and others of the American delegation, and British officials such as Sir Robert Cecil, Lionel Curtis, Sir Valentine Chirol, Lord Eustace Percy and Harold Temperley, led to a dinner meeting at the Majestic Hotel, Paris, on May 30, 1919.  It was formally agreed that an organization should be created for the study of international affairs.  The first two resolutions set forth the proposed form and substance of the undertaking:  'RESOLVED: That those present undertake to form an Institute entitled The Institute of International Affairs.  Founded in Paris in 1919 comprised at the outset of two branches, one in the United Kingdom and one in the U.S...'" 24.

CFR member J. Peter Grace's collusion with the Rockefeller exploitation of Latin America was documented in Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil:

"David [Rockefeller] made plans to absorb Nelson's old Inter-American Council and the Latin American Information Committee into the Business Group for Latin America.  What emerged was the Council for Latin America (now called the Council for the Americas), which united more than 200 corporations with more than 80 percent of U.S. investments in Latin America into a common business front [i.e., monopolistic, Cartel-Capitalist, Jesuit fascism].  David set up the council in a Manhattan townhouse across the street from the mansion Junior had give the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) [ruled by the Archbishop of New York City] ...

"David was not just a brother of one of the best known Americans in Latin America, and not just president of the Chase Bank.  He also represented the Council for Latin America... Note 32... J. Peter Grace, chairman of W. R. Grace & Company and another leading figure in David's Council for Latin America." 25.

During the period of the Boland amendment's ban on U.S. government involvement in Latin America, a network of private right-wing groups worked to subvert leftist governments by supporting rebel organizations such as the Nicaraguan Contras.  Among these was the Western Goals Foundation whose principals included, besides Larry McDonald, John Rees, Roy Cohn and [CFR member] Gen. George S. Patton III, other persons of note with associations to Nazis, subversive organizations, organized crime, the FBI and CIA:

Major General John Singlaub (ret.) [Singlaub] became CIA deputy chief in South Korea during the Korean War and served for two years in Vietnam during the 1960s.  At that time, he was commander of the Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force, known as MACSOG.  In that role, he was one of the commanders of Operation Phoenix [led by Opus Dei and Knight of Malta William Colby later to head the CIA], although he denies having had a part in that program's infamous assassination and counterterror aspects.  In 1978, as chief of staff of the United Nations Command in South Korea, he publicly condemned the decision of [33rd Degree Freemason] President Jimmy Carter to reduce the number of U.S. troops in the country.  He was then forced to retire. (8,9,10) 26.

Operation Phoenix was a terrorist and drug operation in Southwest Asia which would form the experiential basis for the later theatre of operation: Latin America.  Professional assassinations manager Felix I. Rodriguez met with Bush aide Donald P. Gregg, officially and secretly, at the White House.  Gregg then recommended to National Security Council adviser [CFR member] Robert "Bud'' McFarlane a plan for El Salvador-based military attacks on a target area of Central American nations including Nicaragua.  Gregg's March 17, 1983 memo  to [NSC adviser Robert] McFarlane said: "The attached plan, written in March of last year, grew out of two experiences: "--Anti-Vietcong operations run under my direction in III Corps Vietnam from 1970-1972.  These operations [see below], based on...a small elite force...produced very favorable results."...

[CIA assassinations manager Felix I.] Rodriguez followed his CIA boss [JFK assassin] Ted Shackley to  Southeast Asia in 1970.  Shackley and Donald Gregg put Rodriguez into the huge assassination and dope business which Shackley and his colleagues ran during the Indochina war; this bunch became the heart of the "Enterprise'' that went into action 15 to 20 years later in Iran-Contra. Shackley funded opium-growing Meo tribesmen in murder, and used the dope proceeds in turn to fund his hit squads.  He formed the Military Assistance Group-Special Operations Group (MAG-SOG) political murder unit; Gen. John K. Singlaub was a commander of MAG-SOG; Oliver North [now a Roman Catholic and Knight of Malta] and Richard Secord were officers of the unit.  By 1971, the Shackley group had killed about 100,000 civilians [who were Buddhist nationalists who hated the Order's anti-Buddhist, CFR-installed, Communist Chinese government evidenced by a civil war with China in the past which means that Richard Nixon and Mao Zedong were working together---as did Hitler and Stalin in WWII---eliminating Vietnamese nationalists who were enemies of the Black Pope's Communist China] in Southeast Asia as part of the CIA's Operation Phoenix. 27.

The World Anti-Communist League

In the late seventies, John Singlaub became head of the World Anti-Communist League, in which capacity he engaged the services of J. Peter Grace and AmeriCares to supply arms to the Contra rebels in Nicaragua: At the same time, Americares seems to share certain interests with the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), now directed by ex-Major General John Singlaub, who in 1978 was required to resign for defying the President.  When the White House failed to win Congressional support for funding the Contras in Nicaragua, [pro-Knight of Malta] Ronald Reagan enlisted the support of the World Anti-Communist League and others.  American journalists have legitimately wondered how much of this money and material is in fact being provided by J. Peter Grace's Americares organisation and distributed through the Knights of Malta. 28.

The World Anti-Communist League (WACL) was founded in 1966 as the public reations arm for the governments of Taiwan and South Korea to continue Hitler's policy of forming a unified front against communism [while the very Knights of Malta who backed Hitler ensured the defeat of the Nazi German Armies via Hitler's betrayal of his troops, thus destroying the historic Protestant Lutheran peoples of Prussia]. According to Inside the League, "It has since become something far more important: an instrument for the practice of unconventional warfare -- assassinations, death squads, sabotage -- throughout the world."  Not only did the WACL adopt the techniques used by Nazis, but the Eastern European Nazi network as well:

"When most people think of Nazis, two images are evoked: aging war criminals, the Josef Mengeles and Klaus Barbies living in frightened obscurity somewhere in South America, or else of disenchanted youths, who, in brown shirts and jackboots, vandalize synagogues and march through city streets.  But there is a third type of Nazi, who is far more powerful, public, and dangerous than the other two: these are the Croatians, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Latvians who carried out the German-dictated massacres, who never faced a Nuremberg, and who joined the World Anti-Communist League.

"The participation of these Eastern Europeans in the Holocaust remains one of the least-told stories in modern history.  The reason this is so is simple: many of them were recruited by American and British intelligence, brought into the United States and Canada, allowed to rise to prominent positions in their emigre communities, and ultimately to revise history...  Through their front groups and their involvement in American politics, the Nazi collaborators have blended in and become respectable."

"If one wants to find Nazi collaborators, it is only necessary to examine the European chapters of the World Anti-Communist League.  With the creations of the World Anti-Communist League, there came into existence a worldwide network of fascism..." 29.

The first American League Chapter of the WACL was the American Council for World Freedom (ACWF),

founded in 1970 by Lee Edwards, former director of Young Americans for Freedom, the youth organization of the John Birch Society [which sounds like the Masonic "Young Turks" who murdered the Orthodox Armenians (1915-1923)]. Edwards attracted many members of the New Right [financed by J. Peter Grace and now directing the Bush Administration], such as Reed Irvine and Richard Viguerie, also Unification Church president, Neil Salonen.  When the ACWF resigned from the WACL in 1975, due to mistrust from the Latin American League, convicted Nazi collaborator and racialist Briton, Roger Pearson, served as the American League president for three years: ...Pearson has traveled in New Right circles for many years, formerly as an editorial associate for such mainstream organizations as the [SMOM and Opus Dei controlled] Heritage Foundation and the American Security Council... On the other [hand], he is a white supremacist who warns of the dangers of whites breeding with 'inferior' stock... [as Whites should in fact marry Whites, Blacks should marry Blacks, Mexicans marry Mexicans,
as per God's purpose in creating the races, which position does not have to be hatefully racist, but biblically racist
] and bragged to an associate about his alleged role in hiding Nazi doctor [Bavarian Roman Catholic and Jesuit coadjutor
] Josef Mengele, the infamous 'Angel of Death' of the Auschwitz extermination camp.  He is also the man who, as world chairman of the World Anti-Communist League in 1978, was responsible for flooding the European League chapters with Nazi sympathizers and former officers of the Nazi SS... 30.

Pearson, a member of the British Eugenics Society, was educated at the [RIIA controlled] London School of Economics, which was funded by fellow eugenicists [33rd Degree Freemason and Detroit Jesuit Coadjutor] Henry Ford [who also helped to build the infrastructure of Freemason Joseph Stalin's USSR] and the [Jesuit-ruled, pro-Irish Home Rule] Fabian Society for the purpose of training an elite caste to govern a new social order:

"Obtaining his bachelor of science in anthropology from the University of London in 1951 and his master's in economics in 1954, Pearson showed an early interest in eugenics...He wrote several books on the subject, including Eugenics and Race and Race and Civilization." 30.

Pearson was relocated to the United States in 1965 by Willis Carto, head of the anti-Semitic Liberty Lobby, and became editor of Carto's magazine, Western Destiny.

Roger Pearson's successor as head of the American WACL was John Singlaub, whose high level and government connections restored an appearance of respectability to the WACL.  Serving on the advisory board were such notables as Howard Phillips of Conservative Caucus, Andy Messing of the National Defense Council and [Knight of Malta] Fred Schlafly, husband of [Dame of Malta] Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum. The membership also included several high-ranking military officers such as Lt. Gen. Daniel O. Graham, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency and former member of the advisory board of CAUSA USA, the political arm of Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. With the help of Oliver North, John Singlaub would enable the Contra resistance in Nicaragua, assisting [Knights of Malta] David Rockefeller and J. Peter Grace with the [Black Pope's] corporate takeover of Latin America:

In 1984, Singlaub headed a Pentagon panel called to make recommendations on conducting military activities in Central America.  The panel's report urged the U.S. to emphasize nonconventional, counterinsurgency warfare strategies.(9,10)  Under the [SMOM-dominated] Reagan administration, Singlaub received assistance and guidance from White House and National Security Council (NSC) officials for his "private" contra-supply activities.  He identified former NSC aide Oliver North as his liaison to the White House. 32.

Lt. Col. Oliver North [now in 2008 most beloved on fascist Fox News Network]

A diagram found in Oliver North's safe showed [Western Goals executive director] Linda Guell's name written above the words "Western Goals."  The note on the diagram said that Guell worked with CAUSA (a political arm of the Unification Church) and its head, Bo Hi Pak, and made trips to Germany and South Korea.  The word "money" was written over Guell's name, with an arrow pointing to Rob Owen, North's courier to the Contras.  Arrows were also drawn from Owen's name to Guell's and from Andy Messing -- a private Contra supporter and head of the National Defense Council Foundation -- to Western Goals. The diagram was drawn at the bottom of a letter from Fawn Hall to "Phil [Mabry] and Randy," dated April 18, 1985. (4,20) Guell is now working with [Knight of Malta] John Singlaub at the Singlaub Freedom Foundation... 33.

Daniel Graham

Lt. Gen. Graham (see Govt Connections) is director of the defense lobby High Frontier. (9,14)  He is also a member of the World Anti-Communist League--an organization which until recently was headed by John Singlaub.  Graham is a former member of the advisory board of CAUSA USA, the political arm of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church... Daniel Graham has written pamphlets for Western Goals.  Graham is former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency... John Singlaub, Daniel Graham, and Mildred Jefferson, are members of the national policy board of the American Freedom Coalition, a political organization with extensive ties to the Unification Church... 34.

Sherman Unkefer

Larry McDonald, John Rees, and Sherman Unkefer were members of the John Birch Society... Sherman Unkefer served as an adviser to Chile's regime under [Roman Catholic Jesuit/Opus Dei-advised] Augusto Pinochet [who was put into office after the Knights of Malta using their CIA murdered the nationalist Salvatore Allende in 1971]. Unkefer reportedly worked closely with Chile's secret police organization, DINA. 35.

Mildred Jefferson

John Singlaub, Daniel Graham, and [possible Dame of Malta] Mildred Jefferson, are members of the national policy board of the American Freedom Coalition, a political organization with extensive ties to the Unification Church... Dr. Mildred Faye Jefferson, physician; President, Right to Life Crusade [evidencing that the abortion agitation was birthed and led by Jesuit temporal coadjutors after the wicked Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision influenced by the Jesuits at Georgetown University for the further annihilation of White Angol Saxon Protestant and Baptist culture], National Right to Life Foundation: Trustee, St. Louis University [it being a Jesuit University]; Diplomate, American Board of Surgery; Father Flanagan Award, Boys Town, Nebraska; graduate Harvard Medical School; honorary degrees from 26 institutions. 36

Financing Revolution

Funding for the U.S. branch of the World Anti-Communist League has come from beer baron [Knight of Malta] Joseph Coors and Texas oil billionaires Nelson Bunker Hunt and William Herbert Hunt.  In 1966, [JFK assassin] H. L. Hunt was approached for funding Vatican anti-Communist operations in Latin America, a project in conjunction with the Unification Church which he discussed in a later interview:

"'I was approached by Paolo Cardinal Marella, who said he spoke for the Pope and asked if I would supply members of my [20,000 member] Youth Freedom Speakers' movement who spoke Spanish to be sent south [to Latin America] to engage in speechmaking and activities.  I was told the Pope was thinking in terms of 11 million dollars a year support for the entire movement against communism in Spanish-speaking countries [evidencing that Rome seeks to drive South American Roman Catholics into right-wing, anti-Jew, Jesuit fascism which cannot happen if the Bible is read by these targeted peoples].' ........ The project was now centered in New York, at the Asian Speakers Bureau, with the Free Pacific Association, Inc., on Riverside Drive [another front for the Rev. Moon's Unification Church]." 37. Funding for the Western Goals Foundation was provided by corporations and wealthy John Birch Society members, a primary benefactor being [Knight of Malta] Nelson Bunker Hunt

Another major funder of Western Goals was industrialist [
and possible Knight of Malta], Roger Milliken, a member of JBS and of the Board of Directors of [Knight of Malta-directed and staffed] W. R. Grace Co.  Deering-Milliken and Deering-Milliken Research Corporations also funded Western Goals. 38.


Nelson Bunker Hunt's membership in the John Birch Society is mentioned in Ominous Politics, with reference to the Texas billionaire's contribution to the Moral Majority: "Hunt, whose Birch Society background is documented by Conway and Siegelman in Holy Terror, also made a contribution of $1 million to the Moral Majority in 1981, according to Perry Dean Young." 39.

In the same year, William Herbert and [Knight of Malta] Nelson Bunker Hunt provided the start-up money for the Council for National Policy, "a highly secretive coalition which represents the entire spectrum of New Right corporate executives, TV preachers and former high ranking government and military leaders.  The Council for National Policy is considered the primary coordinating body--and funding conduit--for Christian Right projects." 40.

Nelson Bunker Hunt, who was president of the CNP in 1982-83, is among several of the John Birch Society/Western Goals Foundation principals and associates who also served on the newly-formed CNP Board of Governors: Singlaub, Graham, and Jefferson are/were members of the board of governors of the Council for National Policy (CNP), a secretive policy-oriented umbrella organization for the rightwing in the United States. Other Western Goals members who are/were on the Council's board of governors include: Sherman Unkefer, Hans Sennholz, and Robert Stoddard.

The group's financial backer Nelson Bunker Hunt is on CNP's board too, as was Larry McDonaldOliver North has also been a member of the CNP since its inception. 41.

[Note: Robert Stoddard is listed in "The Belmont Brotherhood," as Chairman of the Board of the Worcester Telegram and Gazette, whose editors belong to the local Committee of the CFR [proving that the Archbishop of New York controls the Republican New Right via the CFR's Council for National Policy].]  Howard Phillips of the USCWF [WACL] board is chairman of the Conservative Caucus and on the board/executive committee of the Council for National Policy. 42.

Major F. Andy Messing, Jr., USAR (Ret.), former chair of the Conservative Caucus, is on the USWCF board, on the board of the Council for National Policy and was the head of the National Defense Council Foundation. 43. 

 [(Linda) Guell worked with CAUSA (a political arm of the Unification Church) and its head, Bo Hi Pak, and made trips to Germany and South Korea.  The word "money" was written over Guell's name, with an arrow pointing to Rob Owen, North's courier to the Contras.  Arrows were also drawn from Owen's name to Guell's and from Andy Messing--a private Contra supporter and head of the National Defense Council Foundation--to Western Goals.] 44.

J. Peter Grace (CFR) of W. R. Grace Co was on the [CNP] board of governors as of 1986. (7) 45. J. Peter Grace is chairman of W. R. Grace and Company which focuses its business activities in Latin America.  He heads the U.S. chapter of the Knights of Malta, was a board member of Prodemca (Friends of the Democratic Center in Central America) and also a member of the CFR. 46.

William Simon (CFR) and Prescott Bush Jr. are also members of the Knights of Malta, and Simon was also on Prodemca's national council. Both Prodemca and the Knights of Malta were involved in efforts to support the Contras and/or private sector opposition groups in Nicaragua.  Simon, who was Treasury Secretary under Richard Nixon, was also the chairman of the Nicaraguan Freedom Fund (NFF), a fundraising organization set up in l985 by the Washington Times, a newspaper owned by the Unification Church...

[NOTE: Regarding his creation of the Washington Times, which received an award from the CNP in 1988, Rev. Sun Myung Moon stated in 1991: "No matter how proud Americans might be, making noise over all four corners of the world, that is bad. They will fall down... God has made it so that Americans have no choice but to bow down.  A new America is about to take off, following Reverend Moon... From this time on, the next important point is the  revival of the Christian church.  [Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor] Father [Moon] does not regard this as his own responsibility.  This is America's responsibility.  To support that, Father [as though Moon is a priest] created the Washington Times." 47.]

[William] Simon is or was connected with two other think tanks that were influential in policy formation in the early years of the Reagan administration, the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. (12,45)  Simon is or was a member of the elitist rightwing policy formation group, the Council for National Policy.(46) 48.

[Knight of Malta] Frank Shakespeare was U.S. Information Agency director and director of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty.(13)  During the Reagan administration he served as ambassador to Portugal from 1985 to 1987, and then as ambassador to the Vatican [after Reagan treasonously recognized the Sovereign State of Vatican City thus openly submitting to the temporal power of the pope in  preparing for a coming Concordat between Rome and the U.S.]. (13); chairman, The Heritage Foundation; has served in executive positions in the communications industry for more than 30 years; former president, CBS Television Services [at the time of the JFK assassination]. 49.

Dr. Edward Teller (CFR) was a Hungarian-born American physicist [and papal court Jew who was a member of the CFR] who became the architect of the hydrogen bomb.  During World War II he was a member of the MANHATTAN PROJECT for the development of the atomic bomb. 50.  Teller was a member of the Citizens Legal Defense Fund for the FBI, Ad Hoc, an advisor to the Western Goals Foundation, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and member of the Board of Governors of the CNP. 51.

Another major benefactor of the Council for National Policy is 33[rd degree] Mason Richard DeVos, president of the Amway Corporation, which also funded the Aspen Global Change Institute.  DeVos serves as a judge for the [pro-Vatican] Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion, on the Board of Directors of (33rd degree Mason) Robert Schuller  Ministries [Schuller being a dear friend of Pope John Paul II as well as a friend of hatefully racist, anti-White, Black Freemason and NOI leader Louis Farrakhan, a co-conspirator in the murder of Malcolm X], and as Trustee of (33rd Mason) Gerald R. Ford Foundation.  Richard DeVos is also a member of the Newcomen Society and the Round Table. 52.

S.R. Shearer has traced Nelson Bunker Hunt's affiliation with a fascist order to the Clivenden Set, another name for the Rhodes-Milner Round Table:

Hunt, the CNP's (21) third president after Tim LaHaye and Tom Ellis - and just before [Freemason and pro Knight of Malta] Pat Robertson - is also a member of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, a racist "brotherhood" modeled after the Hospitalers [Knights of Malta] which is based in Scotland and tied to [33rd degree Mason] Senator Jesse Helms.  The Order has been linked to Lady Malcolm Douglas Hamilton.  She and her husband, Lord Malcolm Douglas, were the hosts to Rudolf Hess, Hitler's third in command, when - in 1940 - Hess made his secret flight to England.  Hess was seeking to meet with the British aristocratic and "High Church" circle known as the "Cliveden Set." (22)  Sympathetic to Hitler's war aims - including his policies towards the Jews - the "Cliveden Set" tried to get England out of the war it had declared against Germany in September, 1939 - after Germany had invaded Poland.  Hess was arrested and imprisoned. (23) [brackets added] 53.

[Georgetown Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor] Carroll Quigley's history of the Rhodes' Round Table, aka Cliveden Set (Cliveden being the home of Lord Astor), admitted to the society's appeasement policy dating back to the Treaty of Versailles: Since 1920 it has been called by various names, depending on which phase of its activities was being examined.  It has been called "The Times Crowd," "the Rhodes crowd," the "Chatham House crowd," the "All Soul's group," and the "Cliveden set."... Those who are familiar with the activities of the 'Cliveden Set' in the 1930s have generally felt that the appeasement policy associated with that group was a manifestation of the period after 1934 only.  This is quite mistaken. The Milner Group, which was the reality behind the phantom-like Cliveden Set, began their program of appeasement and revision of the [peace] settlement as early as 1919. 54.

The Belmont Brotherhood documents that the founding JBS National Council was entrenched in the Eastern Establishment it purported to despise.  Nor is its progeny, the Council for National Policy, a conservative, anti-Communist organization, but rather a globalist organization, anti- American and unpatriotic in the extreme.  Noting the curious crossover tendencies between right and left in the World Anti-Communist League, authors of Inside the League offer the following insightful analysis:  The first enemy for both political extremes is the center [i.e., the historic White Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Middle Class which must be driven into the extreme of the New Right's Jesuit fascism].  Both ultra-leftists and ultra-rightists have the same primary objective: to polarize the country, to implement the breakdown of the governing system, and ultimately to create a situation of chaos where armed conflict will be between the right and the left, the center having been discredited by its failure to prevent it [or rather driven into
the extreme right without which there will be no successful overthrow of the Protestant Constitution and US government intended to be replaced with a fascist military dictator

Little wonder that terrorist after terrorist, and terrorism expert after terrorism expert, have agreed that the purpose of both Red and Black terror is to destroy the open, democratic forms of liberal government, and to replace them with something elitist and totalitarian.  Rightist terror seeks "the brutal intervention of repressive forces."  Leftist terror seeks the same, believing that only complete repression will bring a self-satisfied, quiet bourgeoisie to a flash point, a revolutionary "critical mass."  [Right on target dear author.]

If this is the objective of the World Anti-Communist League [driving both Roman Catholic Europe and Roman Catholiczed America into right-wing Jesuit fascism], then it goes a long way toward explaining the strange alliances it has formed.  [Indeed, "extremes meet."]  It is this very pursuit of international polarization and its ability to embrace openly about the League's true nature.  [Remember, during the Jesuit Order's Thirty Years's War (1618-1648) the "League" was Roman Catholic and the "Union" was Protestant.]  Some have even suggested a secret sponsorship by the Soviet Union or other communist governments, employing it as the ultimate agent provocateur.  [Of course, as the USSR is in fact a fascist regime functioning under the guise of communism.  The systems of fascism and communism are the same as both were authored by the Jesuits.  Fascism is "pro-God;" Communism is "anti-God, yet both are identical in their maxims and financed by the same western cartel capitalists who are the pope's modern Crusaders---high Knights of Malta and Illuminized Freemasons.]  The idea may not be as absurd as it first sounds.  The open antipathy--and, in some cases, hatred -- for the United States and
Western democracy that can be found in the League are outlooks that could easily be manipulated by the Soviets, if they haven't already." 55.

We  contend that Soviet communism was merely one phase of the global dialectic, fascism and communism being two expressions of the same conspiracy.  Nicholas Murray Butler of the English-Speaking Union has informed us:
"Communism is the tool by which Britain's international finance is knocking down national governments in the interest of world government, world police and world currency." 56.

The true conspirators are identified in The New Unhappy Lords:  If the facts concerning the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council on Foreign Relations be accepted, it will be seen that the proper study of political mankind is the study of power elites, without which nothing that happens can be understood.  These elites, preferring to work in private, are rarely found posed for photographers, and their influence upon events has therefore to be deduced from what is known of the agencies they employ.  There are dozens of such agencies, and financial support received from one or other or all three big American foundations - Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford - provides an infallible means of recognizing them. 57.

The real conspiracy is neither exclusively communist nor fascist, but elitist, inexorably moving society through progressive deconstruction and redefinition to a Third Way society, in which a partnership of government and business [that partnership is by definition Jesuit fascism] will subjugate and control an enslaved workforce to serve its own purposes.  That the final world empire is a composite of these forms is a concept which finds basis in Bible prophecy, specifically the hybrid "beast" of Daniel 7:3-6 and Revelation 13:1-2:

"And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a BEAST RISE UP OUT OF THE SEA, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a LEOPARD, and his feet were as the feet of a BEAR, and his mouth as the mouth of a LION: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat and great authority." (Rev. 13:1-2)

Students of Scripture will have discovered these identical beasts in Daniel 7:

"And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse from one another.  The first was like a LION, and had EAGLE'S wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made to stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.  And behold another beast, a second, like to a BEAR, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.  After this I beheld, and lo another, like a LEOPARD, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it..." (Dan. 7:3-6)

Daniel 7:17 disqualifies the interpretation that these beasts symbolize the existing Babylonian and future Medo-Persian, Greek and Roman empires described in Daniel chapter 2. These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth. Dan. 7:17 Since the beasts of Daniel 7 necessarily refer to four future (from Daniel's perspective) world empires, a plausible interpretation has been proposed with reference to the present century.  Nazi Germany was known for its Panzer (Panther or Leopard) divisions in World War II, and the symbol of Communist Russia is the Bear which has "devoured much flesh."  The Royal Arms of England displays the Rampant Lion, "made to stand upon the feet as a man" and the Unicorn, symbolizing the union of England and Scotland respectively.  This is also the symbol of the British-Israel Movement.  The Eagle whose wings were plucked in Daniel 7:4 is an obvious reference to the United States, which government from its inception was the vehicle through which the English Freemasons planned to establish the new world order.  [Interesting, but this explanation is subjective and speculative.  The four kings are the founders of the four world empires sspoken of in Daniel 2.  Those kings must be, as a matter of history, Nebuchadnezzer of Babylon, Cyrus of Persia, Alexander of Greece and Augustus, the first Emperor of the Roman Empire.]

The Masonic axiom "Ordo ab Chao" (order out of chaos) will find a measure of fulfillment in Daniel 7:7:

"After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth; it devoured and break in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it; and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns."  [This is the Roman Empire, its ten horns are ten kings who will give their political power to the coming Beast/Antichrist.  In the days of these ten kings, "the little horn," being the Antichrist will come to power.  (Dan. 7:8) (Rev. 17:12-13)

The Christian Response

A. K. Chesterton said in Candour,

"At times Capitalism and Communism would appear to be in conflict, but this writer is confident that their  interests are in common and will eventually merge for one-world control. That policy outlined previously in Woodrow Wilson's Point Six has never been dropped... [A most excellent conclusion!]

"Capitalism and Communism, in terms of power, are merely their twin mechanisms to destroy the sovereignty of Christian nations [composed of Protestant peoples]They will merge them into the projected super-state, where their financial power will exercise full sway and masterdom through that monopoly of atomic energy which is being sought with such feverish and fiendish persistence.  They are selling us into slavery and using our material resources for their own nefarious world-wide purposes.  To say that in exposing their plans for world domination we are playing the Kremlin's game is to act as an unconscious agent of Christendom's betrayal."   [Another great conclusion! Well done!]

[The following conclusions are some of the very finest I have ever been privileged to read.  EJP]

Using religion to control the masses is an essential fact of World Revolution, the dynamics of which are extensively treated in the online version of The Union Jack.  Regardless of one's interpretation of Bible prophecy and ignoring  the author's broad brush of Fundamental Christianity, the concepts articulated in Chapter 3 provide insight that is  desperately needed if Christians would escape the dialectical trap that has been laid for them.  No quarter may be given to the shock troops of agents provocateur that have been unleashed upon the Church [the true Bible-believing Church of the Lord Jesus Christ which is His body,  I Cor. 12:12-13)], wearing the dual masks of patriotism and Christianity, and whose assignment is to incite Christians against their own government [this being a perfect description of the Jesuit Order's Temporal Coadjutors in all walks of life]:

Though their facts in most cases may be 100 per cent true, their method of USE produces an effect contrary to that supposed by the user, and his constant harangues on "what's wrong in Washington" builds a revolutionary state of mind in the American people and creates false antagonisms and loss of confidence, the effect of which will destroy the American government instead of restoring constitutional guarantees [as per the "modus operandi" of Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Alex Jones]. So the patriots gain respect for their vast knowledge of facts while they [the Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors] use them [the misled yet sincere patriots] to mold "American opinion" against America.

This is [Freemasonic] British Israel at work, and it multiplies its strength by turning Americans  against America by turning the truth into a lie, and at the same time reserves to itself respectability under the cloak of Christian terminology and the American Flag.  It conceals itself within the very  thing that it seeks to destroy... The effect of the activities of these Christian fronts is to create counteraction against the United States government, which in turn builds the revolution to a point where the people themselves overthrow their own government, thinking all the time that they are patriots.  [Brilliant conclusion!]

The purpose of the right wing as used by British Israel is to create and encourage a revolutionary state of mind and then the people will bring down their own government.  The anti-Communist movement as it exists in the United States is peculiarly anti-American; while parading with the American Flag it is developing a pseudo nationalism to wreck the American government, just as Hitler did in Germany [precisely as per the modus operandi of the Jesuit Order's Freemasonic White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan funded in 1915 after the lynching of the innocent Jew, Leo Frank].  Of course the claim of these people is that they want to get back to constitutional government and most of them sincerely want to, but they do not realize that the EFFECT of their actions is to destroy that which they believe they save.  [Totally Agreed.]  If they could understand the esoteric (hidden) purpose of their organizations, they would not be so anxious to be led to the slaughter.  They should realize that as revolution increases constitutional government decreases.  Government by crisis is a dictatorship...

Conspiracy always has a DUAL nature.  It has the right wing and the left wing [as per the Order's Masonic Hegelian Dialectic].  It has the peace groups and the war groups.  It has the religious and the atheist.  It has the white race and the black race [the leaders of both sides being directed by the same Masonic masters, just as the brave Malcolm X said the anti-Jew, White KKK and the anti-Jew, Black NOI had the same "paymasters"].  It has those in power and those out, it has those at the top and those at the bottom... Those in power such as in America today inaugurate socialistic programs and protect the street rioters thus creating the revolution from the top.  Then the right wing dutifully calls it Communism and proceeds to heat up the sham.  The dilemma is that the real issue and the  real power is never revealed and this is the dilemma that puts those at the top and those on the bottom on the same side -- the wrong side of constitutional government.  [BRAVO!  Well said!]

The effect of this fictitious confrontation is confusion and deception which is fuel for the revolutionary fire, and the result of it is the destruction of constitutional government and not the preservation of it. A bewildered people is the desire of world revolution and constructive criticism of government can come only when the people know fact from fantasy. [Freemasonic, Jesuit-backed] British Israel is a cancer which controls the mind through confusion.  With control of the mind the control of the body is automatic.  [First comes the pope's spiritual power, then the pope's temporal-political power; and vice versa, first comes salvation in Christ via the gospel of Christ heard from the Word of God, then comes Constitutional government from those believers using Biblical maxims for the spreading of
the gospel while instituting security of life, liberty and property bringing blessing from God and physical prosperity.
If one has a basis for truth which is the true gospel and God's redemptive purpose, then he can see that there is a clear pattern to be seen through [Freemasonic, Jesuit- backed and most damnable] British Anglo Israel confusion which can be recognized through their consistent goal which is world government, under whatever name.  Their strength is in twisting truth into a lie [which is called in history, a "Jesuitism"
]. . . The thing that makes spiritual bondage complete is that the people don't know it, and if they don't know it they will not resist it, but will embrace it.

The purpose of posting this series of exposes on the [pro-Rome, pro-Jesuit, pro-Knights of Malta, apostate Protestant, Reformation Bible-denying] Christian Right is to provide information upon which basis Christians may examine the roots of this movement and to reevaluate the leaders, religious and otherwise. Those who function as facilitators of the dialectical process, who create unrest and distrust of government, are in direct violation of Scripture: 

"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the power that be are ordained of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation." (Romans 13:1-2)

May we instead turn to Scripture for our admonishment and examples, recalling that the apostles led no political movement, much less an insurrection against the Powers That Be, as is the custom of self-appointed leaders of the so-called Christian Right.  Future reports on the Council for National Policy will demonstrate that its members are mere creatures of the [pope's CFR-ruled] Eastern Establishment, who derive their principles from the devilish wisdom of [Jesuit-directed] Freemasonry  rather than pure and peaceable wisdom of God's Word [the AV1611 King James Bible for English- speaking peoples].  In striking contrast to their inflammatory rhetoric were the apostle Peter's instructions to the persecuted New Testament churches -- words that were penned under the reign of terror of the infamous Emperor Nero:

"Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man, for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king as supreme;  or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as servants of God. Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king."  (I Pet. 2:13-17)

[We Reformation Bible-believing White Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Protestant and Baptist Calvinists regard it our duty to resist any tyrannyical government functioning outside of its Biblical and constitutional limitations.  Governments do not have the right to persecute and kill its own subjects/citizens any more than a husband has the right to persecute and kill his own wife.  There are Biblical bounderies for both divine institutions (marriage and government) that if crossed must result in Biblical resistance to sinful tyranny "unto blood" if necessary (Hebrews 12:4).  We are no advocates of the wicked Armenian/Jesuit doctrine of "Unlimited Submission" seemingly set forth above.  The late Pierre van Paassen, international war correspondent during the Twentieth Century wrote of the Calvinists:

"It was Calvinism which formed the hosts who resisted and overcame the worldly dictatorships of France, the Netherlands, and Great Britain.  It was Calvinism which broke the chains in which the spiritual dictatorship of Rome and the Jesuits sought to enslave western Europe.  To be an 'elect of the Lord'  was not a mere theological phrase with which the Inquisition had to reckon, but a political fact, a thousand times tested on the the battlegrounds of freedom."   Days of Our Years, Van Paassen (New York: Hillman-Curl, Inc., 1939) p. 24]

Brother Eric Jon Phelps


End Notes

1. Sara Diamond, Roads to Dominion: Right-Wing Movements and Political Power in the
United States, Guilford Press, 1995, p. 52.

2. Ibid.

3. Emanuel Josephson, Rockefeller "Internationalist" - The Man Who Misrules the World,
NY: Chedney Press, 1952, p. 37.

4. "This Age of Conflict," Ivor Benson,

5. Ibid.

6. The Belmont Brotherhood,

7. James Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy, Western Islands Publishers, 1976, 1789, Introduction.

8. "America's Subversion: The Enemy Within," Sonny Stermole, Ministry of Biblical Defense,

9. "Watchman on the Wall," Warren P. Mass, The New American, August 29, 1988, .

10. "Conspiracies of World War II," J. S. Craig,

11. E.H. Cookridge, Gehlen: Spy of the Century, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1971, pp. 127-28.

12. Interhemispheric Resource Center, GroupWatch, Western Goals Foundation, References: 5. Letter from Sean Steinbach and Dominik
Diehl, May 22, 1987. 8. Elton Manzione, "The Private Spy Agency," The National Reporter,
Summer 1985.

13. Ibid., References: 10. Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson, Inside the League:
The Shocking Expose of How Terrorists, Nazis, and Latin American Death Squads
Have Infiltrated the World Anti-Communist League (New York, NY: Dodd, Mead &
Co., 1986); 8. Elton Manzione, "The Private Spy Agency," The National Reporter, Summer 1985.

14. Ibid., References: Donner, Protectors of Privilege, pp. 245-89; Joel Sappell, "Jay Paul,"
Los Angeles Times, 30 April 1984, Part II, p. 1,6.

15. Who's Who in America, 1976-1977, 1992-1993.

16. "Nazis, the Vatican and the CIA," Covert Action Information Bulletin, Winter 1986,
No. 25, pp. 27-38,

17. Michael Biagent, Richard Lincoln & Henry Lincoln, The Messianic Legacy, Dell Publishing, 1986, p. 361.

18. "Nazis, the Vatican and the CIA," op.cit.; Reference: 14 John Loftus, The Belarus Secret,
ed. by Nathan Miller (New York Knopf, 1982), pp. 106-107, 178. [and see UNHOLY TRINITY by Loftus]

19. Ibid.,

20. Grace History,

21. The Messianic Legacy, p. 361.

22. Interhemispheric Resource Center, GroupWatch: AmeriCares Foundation, References: 12. The New Right Humanitarians,

The Resource Center, l986; 19. Private Organizations with U.S. Connections in
Honduras, The Resource Center, l988.

23. "Medal Of Freedom Awarded To IESC Co-Founders David Rockefeller
And Sol Linowitz," PR Newswire, January 13, 1998.

24. Rockefeller "Internationalist", pp. 237-38.

25. Gerard Colby with Charlotte Dennett,Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the
Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil, HarperCollins 1996,
pp. 474, 539, 887.

26. Interhemispheric Resource Center, GroupWatch: Western Goals Foundation,; 8. Elton Manzione, "The Private Spy Agency,"
The National Reporter, Summer 1985. 9. The New Right Humanitarians, the Resource
Center, 1986. 10. Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson, Inside the League: The

Shocking Expose of How Terrorists, Nazis, and Latin American Death Squads
Have Infiltrated the World Anti-Communist League (New York, NY: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1986).

27. Anton Chaitkin, George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, Chapter XVIII,

28. The Messianic Legacy, p. 361.

29. Inside the League, pp. 12-13, p. 45.

30. Ibid., pp. 92-3.

31. Ibid., p. 93.

32. Interhemispheric Resource Center, GroupWatch: Western Goals Foundation,

33. Ibid.

34. Ibid.

35. Ibid.; Council for National Policy Membership Directory, 1984-85.

36. Ibid.

37. "Nazis, the Vatican and the CIA," op.cit; ; Ref. British Guardian Weekly

38. Interhemispheric Resource Center, GroupWatch: WGF,

39. John Saloma, Ominous Politics: The New Conservative Labyrinth, NY: Hill & Wang, 1984,
p. 53; Perry Deane Young, God's Bullies: Power Politics and Religious Tyranny, Holt,
Rinehart & Winston, 1982, p. 79.

40. Interhemispheric Resource Center, GroupWatch: Council for National Policy, Reference: 5. New Right Humanitarians (Albuquerque, NM:
The Resource Center, 1986); Ominous Politics, p. 47; Sara Diamond, Spiritual Warfare:
The Politics of the Christian Right; Boston: South End Press, 1989, pp. 106-7; Russ Bellant,
The Coors Connection, Boston: South End Press, 1988, p. 35.

41. Interhemispheric Resource Center, GroupWatch: WGF,

42. Interhemispheric Resource Center, GroupWatch: WACL, ;
Inside the League, p. 152.; 1996 CNP Membership Roster.

43. Ibid.

44. Interhemispheric Resource Center, GroupWatch: WGF,

45. Interhemispheric Resource Center, GroupWatch: CNP, ;
Reference: 7. Letter from Paul M. Weyrich, tres of the CNP, Jan 28, 1986.

46. Interhemispheric Resource Center, GroupWatch: AmeriCares Foundation, ; Who's Who in America, 1976-1977, 1992-1993.

47. "The Unification Church and the Land and the Sea," speech by
Rev. Sun Myung Moon, June 1, 1991, Belvedere, New York, ; The New York Times, March 23, 1988 as cited
by Russ Bellant in The Coors Connection, p. 39.

48. Interhemispheric Resource Center, GroupWatch: AmeriCares Foundation,; References: 12. The New Right Humanitarians,
The Resource Center, l986. 45. David Ivon, "International Freedom Foundation,"
Covert Action Information Bulletin, #31, Winter 1989. 46. Phone interview with
investigative reporter Sidney Blumenthal, Sep 20, 1990.

49. Interhemispheric Resource Center, GroupWatch: CNP,;
Reference: 13. Penny Lernoux, "Who Knows? The Knights of Malta Know,"
The National Catholic Reporter, May 5, 1989; Council for National Policy Membership
Directory 1988.

50. Grolier's Encyclopedia,

51. Thinking Globally and Acting Locally: Part III: The Politics of Transformation,
Ronald Miller, Distant Drums, Vol. 5. No.2, May 1983, p. 7.

52. David Harris, The Council for National Policy; Templeton Foundation:; Who's Who in America, 1992-93.

53. S.R. Shearer, "An Ominous New Direction for Western Christianity,"

54. Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, NY: Books in Focus, Inc., pp. 4, 232.

55. Inside the League, pp. 114-15.

56. Eric Samuelson, "What About Those Pilgrims?",

57. A.K. Chesterton, The New Unhappy Lords, Ch. XXIV,

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing 

Eric Phelps:  The Ceasar of Rome is the Pope. He owns the money

Eric Philps:  The Pope of the United States is the Cardinal of New York




Jordan Maxwell - Knights of Malta took the Temple Mount -
set up the abomination of desolation in Jerusalem

This is the html version of the file

The Roman Catholic Church

Although the CIA began as a mostly Protestant organization, Roman Catholics quickly came to dominate the new covert-action wing in 1948. All were staunchly conservative, fiercely anti-communist and socially elite. Just a few of the many Catholic operatives included future CIA directors William Colby, William Casey, and John McCone. Another well-known personality from this period was William F. Buckley, Jr., editor of the National Review and gadfly host of TV’s Firing Line.

Buckley, it turns out, served as a CIA agent in Mexico City, and his experiences there served as fodder for his Blackford Oakes spy novels.  

There were several reasons for this influx of Catholic elites. First, Wisner (himself a Wall Street lawyer) had an
extensive and glamorous circle of friends to recruit from. Second, Italy was in constant crisis in the 1940s, both during World War II and after. Throughout this troubled period, the American intelligence community’s greatest ally in Italy was the Roman Catholic Church.

The Roman Catholic Church, of course, is one of the most anti-communist organizations in the world. The Marxist doctrine of atheism threatens Catholic theology, and its equality threatens the Church’s strict tradition of hierarchy and authoritarianism. When Hitler invaded Communist Russia, the Vatican openly approved. Jesuit  Michael Serafian wrote: "It cannot be denied that [Pope] Pius XII's closest advisors for some time regarded Hitler's armoured divisions as the right hand of God." (11) But Hitler persecuted Catholics as well, and ultimately drove the Church to the Americans. In 1943, the Vatican reached a secret agreement with OSS Chief Donovan — himself a devout Catholic — to let the Holy See become the center of Allied spy operations in Italy. Donovan considered the Church to be one of his prize intelligence assets, given its global power, membership and contacts. He cultivated this alliance by sending America’s most prestigious Catholics to the Vatican to establish rapport and forge an alliance.

After the war, half of Europe lay under Communist control, and the Italian communist party threatened to win
the 1948 elections. The prospect of communism ruling over the heart of Catholicism terrified the Vatican.

Once again, American intelligence gathered their most prestigious Catholics to strengthen ties with the Vatican.
Because this was the first mission of the new covert action division, the American Catholic agents acquired
positions of power early on, and would dominate covert operations for the rest of the Cold War.

At a public level, the U.S. government sunk $350 million in social and military aid into Italy to sway
 the vote.

On a secret level, Wisner spent $10 million in black budget funds to steal the elections. This included
disseminating propaganda, beating up left-wing politicians, intimidating voters and disrupting leftist

The dirty tricks worked — the Communists lost, and the Catholic Americans’ success permanently secured
their power within the CIA.
The Knights of Malta

The Roman Catholic Church did not forget the American agents who had saved them from both Nazism and Communism. It rewarded them by making them Knights of Malta, or members of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM).

SMOM is one of the oldest and most elite religious orders in the Catholic Church. Until recently, it limited its membership to Italians and foreign heads of state. In 1927, however, an exception was made for the United States, given its emerging status as a world power.

SMOM opened an American branch, awarding knighthood or damehood to several American Catholic business tycoons. This group was so conservative that one, John Raskob, the Chairman of General Motors, actually became involved in an aborted military plot to remove Franklin Roosevelt from the White House.

SMOM has also been embarrassed by knighting or giving awards to countless people who later turned out to be Nazi war criminals. This is the sort of culture that thrives within the leadership of SMOM.

Officially, the Knights of Malta are a global charity organization. But beginning in the 1940s, knighthood was granted to countless CIA agents, and the organization has become a front for intelligence operations.

SMOM is ideal for this kind of activity, because it is recognized as the world’s only landless sovereignty, and members enjoy diplomatic immunity. This allows agents and supplies to pass through customs without interference from the host country. Such privileges enabled the Knights of Malta to become a major supplier of "humanitarian aid" to the Contras during their war in the 1980s.

A partial list of the Knights and Dames of Malta reads like a Who’s Who of American Catholicism:

• William Casey – CIA Director.
• John McCone – CIA Director.

• William Colby – CIA Director.

• William Donovan – OSS Director. Donovan was given an especially prestigious form of knighthood that has only been given to a hundred other men in history.

• Frank Shakespeare – Director of such propaganda organizations as the U.S. Information Agency, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. Also executive vice-president of CBS-TV and vice-chairman of RKO General Inc. He is currently chairman of the board of trustees at the Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank.

• William Simon – Treasury Secretary under President Nixon. In the private sector, he has become one of America’s 400 richest individuals by working in international finance. Today he is the President of the John M. Olin Foundation, a major funder of right-wing think tanks.

• William F. Buckley, Jr. – CIA agent, conservative pundit and mass media personality.

• James Buckley – William’s brother, head of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty.

• Clare Boothe Luce - The grand dame of the Cold War was also a Dame of Malta. She was a popular playwright and the wife • of the publishing tycoon Henry Luce, who cofounded Time magazine.

• Francis X Stankard - CEO of the international division of Chase Manhattan Bank, a Rockefeller institution. (Nelson Rockefeller was also a major CIA figure.)

• John Farrell – President, U.S. Steel

• Lee Iacocca – Chairman, General Motors

• William S. Schreyer – Chairman, Merrill Lynch.

• Richard R. Shinn – Chairman, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.

• Joseph Kennedy – Founder of the Kennedy empire.

• Baron Hilton – Owner, Hilton Hotel chain.

• Patrick J. Frawley Jr. – Heir, Schick razor fortune. Frawley is a famous funder of right-wing Catholic causes, such as the Christian Anti-Communist Crusade.

• Ralph Abplanalp - Aerosol magnate.

• Martin F. Shea - Executive vice president of Morgan Guaranty Trust.

• Joseph Brennan - Chairman of the executive committee of the Emigrant Savings Bank of New York.

• J. Peter Grace – President, W.R. Grace Company. He • was a key figure in Operation Paperclip, which brought Nazi scientists and spies to the U.S. Many were war criminals whose atrocities were excused in their service to the CIA.

• Thomas Bolan – Of Saxe, Bacon and Bolan, the law firm of Senator McCarthy's deceased aide Roy Cohn.

• Bowie Kuhn – Baseball Comissioner

• Cardinal John O'Connor – Extreme right-wing leader among American Catholics, and fervent abortion

• Cardinal Francis Spellman – The "American Pope" was at one time the most powerful Catholic in America,
an arch-conservative and a rabid anti-communist.

• Cardinal Bernard Law - One of the highest-ranking conservatives in the American church.

• Alexander Haig – Secretary of State under President Reagan.

• Admiral James D. Watkins – Hard-line chief of naval operations under President Reagan.

Jeremy Denton – Senator (R–Al).

• Pete Domenici – Senator (R-New Mexico).

• Walter J. Hickel - Governor of Alaska and secretary of the interior.

When this group gets together, obviously, the topics are spying, business and politics.

The CIA has also used other religious and charity organizations as fronts. For example, John F. Kennedy -- another anticommunist Roman Catholic who greatly expanded covert operations -- created the U.S. Peace Corps to serve as cover for CIA operatives. The CIA has also made extensive use of missionaries, with the blessings of many right-wing, anticommunist Christian denominations.

Paulson is a Knight of Malta 9 banks to receive aid

President George Herbert Walker Bush is a Knights of Malta - created Project Omega

Schriever Air Force Base

Underground City
2 1/2 miles down
super computers here
beyond your imagination
per Dr. Deagle

Colorado Springs Population

This is a 4-part video by Dr. Bill Deagle

There are around 1500 underground cities in the world now - 2008
132 are in the U.S.
We also have bases on Mars and the Moon
Project Omega - in Colorado
22 Cities in the U.S. have pre-positioned Nukes
Los Angeles is one of them




Nine banks receive aid from The American Government  73 billion dollars which will no doubt escalate to 3-4 trillion dollars

Lehman Brothers was not saved by the government - reasons why are below

These banks are not run by Jews - though Jewish names seem to be the head

Goldman Sachs receiving $10 billion bailout - run by Knights of Malta - 
           Lloyd Blankfein CEO Makes $68.2 + million per year
Gary D Cohn, President and Co-Chief Operating Officer, Makes $27 + million per year -
Gary D Cohn, career -   Jon Winkelried  - Jon Winkelried career - Makes $27+ million per year, John H. Bryan, Claes Cahlback,  Stephen Friedman, William W. George, Rajat K. Gupta, Lois D Juliber, Lakshmi N. Mittal, Ruth J. Simmons,  John F.W. Rogers, Secretary to the Board -  James A Johnson, CFR - chairman of the board of trustees,

          Brookings Institution - member of the Trilateral Commission - member of the Bilderbergers
          He is the real power behind Goldman Sachs - From 1991 to 1998, he served as chairman and chief executive officer of the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), the quasi-public organization that  guarantees mortgages for millions of American homeowners. Previously, he was vice chairman of Fannie Mae (1990-1991) and a managing director with Lehman Brothers (1985-1990).

Morgan Stanley Dean Witter news-   receving $10 billion bailout - John J Mack - chairman CEO - Roy J. Bostock - Board of Directors for 4 companies - career -  Erskine B. Bowles - career - Sir Howard J. Davies  -  C. Robert Kidder - Donald T. Nicolaisen - Charles H Noski - Hutham S. Olayan -  Charles E. Phillips Jr., -  Griffeth Sexton - Dr. Laura D. Tyson -  Board of director backgrounds -  merged with Dean Witter
          It is a bank holding company 
          10 % is owned by China  - Japan owns  21%
Morgan Stanley Plans Additional Layoffs
             New York Times, United States - 11-12-08
            The layoffs, mentioned at a financial services conference Wednesday, would be in addition to the thousands of jobs cuts that Morgan Stanley has already announced

Merrill Lynch - now merged with Bank of America - John Thain - CEO
               Ex-Merrill Lynch CEO Stan O'Neal to walk out with $161.5M - Second-highest paid Wall Street boss retired after firm suffered largest loss.
             “We believe that we are in a very comfortable spot in terms of our capital,” Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain told analysts July 18, after the bank wrote down $9.4 billion and sold a 20 percent stake in Bloomberg.
               Investors were likely cheered to hear that. The worst was over! Except that last night, after the markets closed, Thain whispered into the darkness that, er, actually Merrill is writing down $5.7 billion more and also  — just for good measure — would also like to offer $8.5 billion worth of shares to anyone who is interested.

Bank of America’s takeover of Merrill Lynch will lead to thousands of job losses, Merrill CEO John Thain told Bloomberg Television on Monday.

J.P. Morgan -Chase - receiving $ 25 billion bailout -  Vatican banker in the 20th century -  J.P Morgan bailouts date back to 1893 continuation of the Chemical bank run by the Knights of Malta  -    
             Decorations of the New Chemical Bank; Paintings of the Four Elements---Problems of Color in Pictures Sixty Feet Away from the Beholder.  December 30, 1906
           James S. Dimon CEO  J Peter Grace - Head of Knights of Malta under Spellman (died at the age of 81 in 1995)

Bank of America receiving $ 25 billion bailout - Kenneth Lewis -CEO
            - consolidating other banks under them -
            BANK OF AMERICA MERGER APPROVED; Consolidation With the Atlantic National to Become
            Effective About July 15. RESOURCES OF $125,000,000 Atlantic to Be Continued at 257 Broadway as a Branch--Executives to Continue.

Citi Bank receiving $ 25 billion bailout - Sanford I Weil - (he left the position in 2006)  
           Sir Winfried Bischoff - Knight of the British Empire - not an American
           Sir Charles O  Prince 3rd,  educated at Georgetown University - Jesuit school (he stepped down in 2007)
Robert B. Willumstad

11-16-08 - Citigroup is laying off 50,000 people - taking their employment rate down from 350,000 to under 300,000 employees.

Wells Fargo  receiving $ 25 billion bailout  originated in San Francisco - Jesuit - John Stumpf - purchased Wachovia -
           Robert Steele - CEO is Dick Kovacevich
           working with Bank of America to set up a mutual transaction program - coast to coast
           they are setting up a world wide currency. There is a lot of money being offered to get Wachovia - 'lots'.

Bank of New York Mellon receiving $ 2-3 billion bailout - Robert P Kelly - CEO -
            trained at St. Mary's University - Halifax, Nova Scotia

State Street Corp. receiving $ 2-3 billion bailout - Ronald Logue - CEO -
            Jesuit trained at Boston College -
            Board of Directors of Federal Reserve Bank at Boston
            Total Compensation $7.73 mil (#189th - Ronald E Logue has been CEO of State Street (STT) for 2 years.
            Mr. Logue has been with the company for 16 years .The 60 year old executive ranks 11 within Banking
            Education College: Boston College BS '67  Graduate School: Boston College MBA '74

Layoffs start at Fidelity
Boston Herald, United States - 11-12-08
By Jay Fitzgerald Fidelity Investments today began its much-dreaded layoffs, as employees in Boston and across the country were informed this morning and ...
Fidelity breaks job cut news to workers


The Jews are being blamed for all the money woes but its really the Fed Bank of Reserve of New York City - made billions in his job  -
             all the Jews who had their money in this bank have lost everything they had because they were
             refused a bailout like the Jesuit banks.  George Herbert Walker IV (born April 1969) is a Managing Director at Lehman Brothers and is a second cousin to U.S. President George W. Bush.  George Herbert Walker Bush the IV -
         grandfather trained by Jesuits at Stoneyhurst in England

Washington Mutual - Kerry Killinger -  Allan Fischman  (a jew)  the new CEO - 
             walked away with 19 million dollars for 3 weeks work
J.P. Morgan-Chase bought Washington Mutual during the bank crises -
             worth 307 billion -   bought for 1.9 billion dollars by J.P. Morgan-Chase

Bank of America bought all the mortgages of Countrywide Mortgage company.
Federal Reserve Bank - Vatican controlled J. Pierpont Morgan
Jacob Schiff -  J.P. Morgan hated his guts - died in Rome in 1913  - he was a Papal Knight - and pushed the federal reserve act.
The New York Bank stores all the Vatican's gold. 

Timothy F. Griner,  william W. McDonaugh,  a CFR member and bilderberger.  Gerald E. Corrigan, trained at Boston College - Jesuit
Corrigan came from Goldman Sachs originally,  they have token Jews up front, but its a Jesuit bank.

These people all show up at the Bohemian Grove in California, and also at the grove in Germany
Also see:

Deut. 28 - the tail of all nations   - the Jews run nothing - they are only token up front - called bag men
There are only 12 million Jews in the world today

Meyer Lansky - money handler of the Mafia - (died in 1983)   Lucky Luciano  (died in 1962)
House of Rothschild - history
The Council of Europe
Another holocaust is expected by the Jews in America
The Devolution of Germany -  pdf  easily readable at 300% power on pdf

The Jews always serve a white Jesuit master above them



U.S. Pledges Top $7.7 Trillion to Ease Frozen Credit


By Mark Pittman and Bob Ivry

Nov. 24 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. government is prepared to provide more than $7.76 trillion on behalf of American taxpayers after guaranteeing $306 billion of Citigroup Inc. debt yesterday. The pledges, amounting to half the value of everything produced in the nation last year, are intended to rescue the financial system after the credit markets seized up 15 months ago.

The unprecedented pledge of funds includes $3.18 trillion already tapped by financial institutions in the biggest response to an economic emergency since the New Deal of the 1930s, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The commitment dwarfs the plan approved by lawmakers, the Treasury Department’s $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program. Federal Reserve lending last week was 1,900 times the weekly average for the three years before the crisis.

When Congress approved the TARP on Oct. 3, Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson acknowledged the need for transparency and oversight. Now, as regulators commit far more money while refusing to disclose loan recipients or reveal the collateral they are taking in return, some Congress members are calling for the Fed to be reined in.

“Whether it’s lending or spending, it’s tax dollars that are going out the window and we end up holding collateral we don’t know anything about,” said Congressman Scott Garrett, a New Jersey Republican who serves on the House Financial Services Committee. “The time has come that we consider what sort of limitations we should be placing on the Fed so that authority returns to elected officials as opposed to appointed ones.”

Too Big to Fail

Bloomberg News tabulated data from the Fed, Treasury and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and interviewed regulatory officials, economists and academic researchers to gauge the full extent of the government’s rescue effort.

The bailout includes a Fed program to buy as much as $2.4 trillion in short-term notes, called commercial paper, that companies use to pay bills, begun Oct. 27, and $1.4 trillion from the FDIC to guarantee bank-to-bank loans, started Oct. 14.

William Poole, former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, said the two programs are unlikely to lose money. The bigger risk comes from rescuing companies perceived as “too big to fail,” he said.

‘Credit Risk’

The government committed $29 billion to help engineer the takeover in March of Bear Stearns Cos. by New York-based JPMorgan Chase & Co. and $122.8 billion in addition to TARP allocations to bail out New York-based American International Group Inc., once the world’s largest insurer.

Citigroup received $306 billion of government guarantees for troubled mortgages and toxic assets. The Treasury Department also will inject $20 billion into the bank after its stock fell 60 percent last week.

“No question there is some credit risk there,” Poole said.

Congressman Darrell Issa, a California Republican on the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said risk is lurking in the programs that Poole thinks are safe.

“The thing that people don’t understand is it’s not how likely that the exposure becomes a reality, but what if it does?” Issa said. “There’s no transparency to it so who’s to say they’re right?”

The worst financial crisis in two generations has erased $23 trillion, or 38 percent, of the value of the world’s companies and brought down three of the biggest Wall Street firms.

Markets Down

The Dow Jones Industrial Average through Friday is down 38 percent since the beginning of the year and 43 percent from its peak on Oct. 9, 2007. The S&P 500 fell 45 percent from the beginning of the year through Friday and 49 percent from its peak on Oct. 9, 2007. The Nikkei 225 Index has fallen 46 percent from the beginning of the year through Friday and 57 percent from its most recent peak of 18,261.98 on July 9, 2007. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is down 78 percent, to $53.31, on Friday from its peak of $247.92 on Oct. 31, 2007, and 75 percent this year.

Regulators hope the rescue will contain the damage and keep banks providing the credit that is the lifeblood of the U.S. economy.

Most of the spending programs are run out of the New York Fed, whose president, Timothy Geithner, is said to be President- elect Barack Obama’s choice to be Treasury Secretary.

‘They Got Snookered’

The money that’s been pledged is equivalent to $24,000 for every man, woman and child in the country. It’s nine times what the U.S. has spent so far on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to Congressional Budget Office figures. It could pay off more than half the country’s mortgages.

“It’s unprecedented,” said Bob Eisenbeis, chief monetary economist at Vineland, New Jersey-based Cumberland Advisors Inc. and an economist for the Atlanta Fed for 10 years until January. “The backlash has begun already. Congress is taking a lot of hits from their constituents because they got snookered on the TARP big time. There’s a lot of supposedly smart people who look to be totally incompetent and it’s all going to fall on the taxpayer.”

President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal of the 1930s, when almost 10,000 banks failed and there was no mechanism to bolster them with cash, is the only rival to the government’s current response. The savings and loan bailout of the 1990s cost $209.5 billion in inflation-adjusted numbers, of which $173 billion came from taxpayers, according to a July 1996 report by the U.S. General Accounting Office, now called the Government Accountability Office.

‘Worst Crisis’

The 1979 U.S. government bailout of Chrysler consisted of bond guarantees, adjusted for inflation, of $4.2 billion, according to a Heritage Foundation report.

The commitment of public money is appropriate to the peril, said Ethan Harris, co-head of U.S. economic research at Barclays Capital Inc. and a former economist at the New York Fed. U.S. financial firms have taken writedowns and losses of $666.1 billion since the beginning of 2007, according to Bloomberg data.

“This is the worst capital markets crisis in modern history,” Harris said. “So you have the biggest intervention in modern history.”

Bloomberg has requested details of Fed lending under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act and filed a federal lawsuit against the central bank Nov. 7 seeking to force disclosure of borrower banks and their collateral.

Collateral is an asset pledged to a lender in the event a loan payment isn’t made.

‘That’s Counterproductive’

“Some have asked us to reveal the names of the banks that are borrowing, how much they are borrowing, what collateral they are posting,” Bernanke said Nov. 18 to the House Financial Services Committee. “We think that’s counterproductive.”

The Fed should account for the collateral it takes in exchange for loans to banks, said Paul Kasriel, chief economist at Chicago-based Northern Trust Corp. and a former research economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

“There is a lack of transparency here and, given that the Fed is taking on a huge amount of credit risk now, it would seem to me as a taxpayer there should be more transparency,” Kasriel said.

Bernanke’s Fed is responsible for $4.74 trillion of pledges, or 61 percent of the total commitment of $7.76 trillion, based on data compiled by Bloomberg concerning U.S. bailout steps started a year ago.

“Too often the public is focused on the wrong piece of that number, the $700 billion that Congress approved,” said J.D. Foster, a former staff member of the Council of Economic Advisers who is now a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation in Washington. “The other areas are quite a bit larger.”

Fed Rescue Efforts

The Fed’s rescue attempts began last December with the creation of the Term Auction Facility to allow lending to dealers for collateral. After Bear Stearns’s collapse in March, the central bank started making direct loans to securities firms at the same discount rate it charges commercial banks, which take customer deposits.

In the three years before the crisis, such average weekly borrowing by banks was $48 million, according to the central bank. Last week it was $91.5 billion.

The failure of a second securities firm, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., in September, led to the creation of the Commercial Paper Funding Facility and the Money Market Investor Funding Facility, or MMIFF. The two programs, which have pledged $2.3 trillion, are designed to restore calm in the money markets, which deal in certificates of deposit, commercial paper and Treasury bills.

Lehman Failure

“Money markets seized up after Lehman failed,” said Neal Soss, chief economist at Credit Suisse Group in New York and a former aide to Fed chief Paul Volcker. “Lehman failing made a lot of subsequent actions necessary.”

The FDIC, chaired by Sheila Bair, is contributing 20 percent of total rescue commitments. The FDIC’s $1.4 trillion in guarantees will amount to a bank subsidy of as much as $54 billion over three years, or $18 billion a year, because borrowers will pay a lower interest rate than they would on the open market, according to Raghu Sundurum and Viral Acharya of New York University and the London Business School.

Congress and the Treasury have ponied up $892 billion in TARP and other funding, or 11.5 percent.

The Federal Housing Administration, overseen by Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Steven Preston, was given the authority to guarantee $300 billion of mortgages, or about 4 percent of the total commitment, with its Hope for Homeowners program, designed to keep distressed borrowers from foreclosure.

Federal Guarantees

Most of the federal guarantees reduce interest rates on loans to banks and securities firms, which would create a subsidy of at least $6.6 billion annually for the financial industry, according to data compiled by Bloomberg comparing rates charged by the Fed against market interest currently paid by banks.

Not included in the calculation of pledged funds is an FDIC proposal to prevent foreclosures by guaranteeing modifications on $444 billion in mortgages at an expected cost of $24.4 billion to be paid from the TARP, according to FDIC spokesman David Barr. The Treasury Department hasn’t approved the program.

Bernanke and Paulson, former chief executive officer of Goldman Sachs, have also promised as much as $200 billion to shore up nationalized mortgage finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, a pledge that hasn’t been allocated to any agency. The FDIC arranged for $139 billion in loan guarantees for General Electric Co.’s finance unit.

Automakers Struggle

The tally doesn’t include money to General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler LLC. Obama has said he favors financial assistance to keep them from collapse.

Paulson told the House Financial Services Committee Nov. 18 that the $250 billion already allocated to banks through the TARP is an investment, not an expenditure.

“I think it would be extraordinarily unusual if the government did not get that money back and more,” Paulson said.

In his Nov. 18 testimony, Bernanke told the House Financial Services Committee that the central bank wouldn’t lose money.

“We take collateral, we haircut it, it is a short-term loan, it is very safe, we have never lost a penny in these various lending programs,” he said.

A haircut refers to the practice of lending less money than the collateral’s current market value.

Requiring the Fed to disclose loan recipients might set off panic, said David Tobin, principal of New York-based loan-sale consultants and investment bank Mission Capital Advisors LLC.

‘Mark to Market’

“If you mark to market today, the banking system is bankrupt,” Tobin said. “So what do you do? You try to keep it going as best you can.”

“Mark to market” means adjusting the value of an asset, such as a mortgage-backed security, to reflect current prices.

Some of the bailout assistance could come from tax breaks in the future. The Treasury Department changed the tax code on Sept. 30 to allow banks to expand the deductions on the losses banks they were buying, according to Robert Willens, a former Lehman Brothers tax and accounting analyst who teaches at Columbia University Business School in New York.

Wells Fargo & Co., which is buying Charlotte, North Carolina-based Wachovia Corp., will be able to deduct $22 billion, Willens said. Adding in other banks, the code change will cost $29 billion, he said.

“The rule is now popularly known among tax lawyers as the ‘Wells Fargo Notice,’” Willens said.

The regulation was changed to make it easier for healthy banks to buy troubled ones, said Treasury Department spokesman Andrew DeSouza.

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank said he was angry that banks used the money for acquisitions.

“The only purpose for this money is to lend,” said Frank, a Massachusetts Democrat. “It’s not for dividends, it’s not for purchases of new banks, it’s not for bonuses. There better be a showing of increased lending roughly in the amount of the capital infusions” or Congress may not approve the second half of the TARP money.

To contact the reporters on this story: Mark Pittman in New York at; Bob Ivry in New York at

Last Updated: November 24, 2008 13:26 EST


U.S. backs away from plan to buy bad assets

Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:15pm EST

By David Lawder

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Bush administration on Wednesday largely abandoned its plan to buy up toxic mortgage assets and said it will focus its $700 billion financial bailout fund on making direct investments in financial institutions and shoring up consumer credit markets.

The U.S. Treasury Department initially promoted the financial rescue package approved by Congress last month as a vehicle to buy illiquid mortgage assets from banks and other institutions to spur fresh lending.

However, that plan never got off the ground and U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson told a news conference asset purchases were not the most effective use of the funds.

"This is not going to be the focus," he said. Paulson added, however, that the Treasury would continue to examine the usefulness of "targeted" purchases.

Treasury has already tapped the fund to inject capital into banks and ailing insurer American International Group (AIG.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz). Paulson said he was considering a second round of preferred share purchases in both banks and non-bank institutions which, in a fresh twist, would match privately raised funds.

He also said the Treasury was working with the Federal Reserve on a plan to help restore credit flows to U.S. households by using financial rescue funds to lure investors back to markets for securitized debt, such as car loans, student loans and credit cards.

The administration's shifting focus disappointed Wall Street and U.S. stock prices tumbled sharply. The Dow Jones industrial average .DJI closed down 408 points, or 4.7 percent.

"This hasn't done the Treasury's credibility a world of good," said Alan Ruskin, chief international strategist at RBS Global Banking and Markets in New York. "Basically, they found that the market would applaud direct capital injections more readily than understanding the complexities of reverse auctions to buy assets, so it's a pragmatic choice."

Paulson was unapologetic, saying that by the time the rescue bill was passed on October 3, it was clear the asset purchase plan would take too long and would not be sufficient to calm roiling markets.

"I will never apologize for changing a strategy or an approach if the facts change," he said.

The $700 billion financial sector bailout is the United States' marquee effort to combat a credit crisis spawned by rising U.S. mortgage defaults that is now wreaking economic damage worldwide.

To help ease the crisis, the U.S. Treasury and bank regulators on Wednesday issued "guidance" for banks encouraging them to lend and to rein in any compensation plans that might lead executives to take excessive risks.

Earlier on Wednesday, Canada announced a plan to buy up another $41 billion in insured mortgages and other steps to try to free-up credit.

Paulson said the U.S. Treasury was duty-bound to help prevent mortgage foreclosures, but he warned that further aid would likely mean a significant government subsidy, signaling a lack of support for a Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. proposal for more aggressive aid to borrowers. 

The regulator for the two largest U.S. mortgage finance companies -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- unveiled a plan on Tuesday to cut payments for hundreds of thousands of homeowners behind on their payments. That plan, however, would not touch the many loans held by mortgage investors.

Paulson sidestepped questions on whether the Treasury would use bailout funds to help struggling Detroit automakers, as the industry and some lawmakers have called for.

While he said the industry was a "critical" one for the United States, he said the purpose of the program was to provide financial system stability.

He said one option would be to amend legislation to allow $25 billion already approved for efficient vehicle production to be made available more quickly.

So far, the Treasury has focused on providing capital to federally regulated banks and thrifts, but Paulson said it was looking to broaden the effort to cover financial institutions that do not have a federal bank or thrift charter.

"Although the financial system has stabilized, both banks and non-banks may well need more capital given their troubled asset holdings, projections for continued high rates of foreclosures and stagnant U.S. and world economic conditions," he said.


The Treasury has allocated $250 billion of the bailout funds to inject capital into banks and thrifts and it has earmarked another $40 billion to shore up AIG, leaving just $60 billion to dole out before it would have to ask Congress to release the final $350 billion.

Paulson said he had no timeline for that request, which means the decision could be left to the incoming administration of President-elect Barack Obama, who takes office on January 20.

He also signaled he would not seek to increase the overall size of the bailout fund. "I still am comfortable that, with $700 billion, we have what we need," he said.

With an aim to restoring credit for households, Paulson said the Treasury and Fed were considering setting up a program to increase liquidity for top-rated asset-backed securities, but he provided few details.

"The initial shock of abandoning TARP is hitting stocks, but the support for consumer-level lending may be a silver lining as it goes to the root of what's ailing the economy, namely personal consumption," said Brian Dolan, chief currency strategist at in Bedminster, New Jersey.

(Additional reporting by Patrick Rucker)


Is the Federal Reserve Engaged in Acts of
Economic Warfare Against America?

by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) In 1942, German intelligence officers rounded up skilled Jewish prisoners and launched Operation Bernhardt, a clever scheme designed to counterfeit hundreds of millions of dollars worth of British Pounds and destroy the British economy by flooding it with counterfeit money. Located in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, Operation Bernhardt was, even by modern standards, a runaway success that resulted in the creation of forged bank notes worth 132 million British Pounds.

This "economic warfare" operation resulted in a devastating economic effect on the British economy. You can read the true history of this operation here:

It is important to note that Operation Bernhardt was an act of war, specifically pursued for the purpose of destroying Britain's economy by creating so much new money that the value of the money already in circulation would plummet. This was considered a strategic attack, just as effective as carpet-bombing tank factories or mowing down soldiers on the field with German-made MG42 machine guns.

What does all this have to do with the Federal Reserve?

Today, the Federal Reserve is engaged in an eerily similar operation, counterfeiting trillions of dollars in U.S. bank notes and flooding the U.S. money supply with money created from nothing. The result, of course, is the same as was intended by Operation Bernhardt in 1942: The economic destruction of the target nation. Only this time, the target is the United States of America.

Hilariously, the Fed claims it's doing this to save the economy. Yet the laws of economics tell us that flooding the money supply with trillions of dollars in new money actually harms the economy. And the Fed has been hard at work causing this harm: $250+ billion two weeks ago, $600+ billion last week and $900 billion earlier this week! It's beginning to crank up the printing presses to the tune of a trillion dollars a week, and by doing so, it's contributing to the destruction of the U.S. economy at a pace the Third Reich could have barely imagined.

Has the Fed declared war on the working class?

If the actions pursued by the Federal Reserve were being masterminded by Al-Qaeda, they would be denounced as acts of war. In World War II, such actions were deliberate acts of war. Targeting the economy for destruction by flooding the money supply with counterfeit currency is, by any measure, a threat to any nation.

So why is the Federal Reserve engaged in actions that, if committed by other nations, would warrant a military response? This is not an idle question. I'm not asking this in a satirical way. I'm quite serious about this: Why is the Fed committing acts of economic warfare against the United States of America? (The Fed, by the way, is a private company. It is not, as you've been led to believe, part of the U.S. government.)

The answer is obvious. You've probably already figured it out: The Federal Reserve is at war with America. It's an economic war, of course, not a bombs-and-bullets war. The casualties, though, are just as real: Savings accounts, retirement funds, bank accounts, jobs, businesses, pensions and much more.

By counterfeiting trillions of dollars like a Sachsenhausen operation on steroids, the Fed is carpet-bombing the U.S. economy with an unprecedented flood of fiat currency, causing the exact same economic destruction intended by the Nazis in World War II (but on a much more devastating scale). And it's doing this as part of a new economic war.

Class warfare has begun

What war? The war between the wealthy elite and the working class. The Fed is working hard, of course, to protect the wealthy elite. Over a trillion dollars of taxpayer money has already been earmarked to bail out the rich, elite bankers who lost other people's money in a series of idiotic bets on fictitious financial instruments.

And what are these bankers doing with this taxpayer money? According to an Associated Press report published yesterday, executives of the failed insurance company AIG were sent on a $440,000 retreat "to a posh California resort" less than one week after the U.S. government bailed them out. At the spa, AIG executives enjoyed spa treatments, massages, organic food buffets and bodywork therapy, all while the American taxpayers footing the bill were slaving away in real jobs, doing real work.

That's how this new class warfare is taking shape: YOU (the working class) get all the debt, all the losses, and all the financial burden. THEY (the wealthy elite) get all the profits, all the luxury spa treatments, all the tax breaks and billions of dollars in free money from the Federal Reserve.

In the 1942 Operation Bernhardt, the Germans literally planned to load hundreds of millions of dollars in British Pound bank notes and air-drop them over London. The resulting chaos, it was believed, would shut down the British economy, halting the flow of money needed by Britain to fund its war effort. In the United States today, the Fed is taking a different approach: Air-dropping trillions of dollars into the laps and bank accounts of wealthy bankers and financial institution CEOs, concentrating the massive creation of fiat currency into the hands of less than 1% of the population.

And just to make sure the economic carpet-bombing is a complete success, the Federal Reserve and U.S. government are conspiring to create more than a trillion dollars in new money each week, then flood those funds into banks, businesses and insurance companies. This will, of course, devastate the value of the dollars being saved, held or earned by the wage slaves who labor their lives away under this economic regime. (That would be you and me.)

It's a brilliant plan... if you're interested in destroying a nation. This kind of attack would bring almost any nation to its knees. It's an act of war that requires no violence, no bombs and no destruction of real infrastructure. And yet it achieves what every war in history has ever sought to achieve: The transfer of power from the hands of the many to the hands of the few.

The Federal Reserve, in effect, has become a modern-day economic Third Reich, and it has set its sights on the U.S. economy.

Acts of economic terrorism?

Perhaps a more accurate metaphor here would be that the Fed's creation of trillions of dollars of new money is "an act of economic terrorism" against the United States. In fact, the terrorists who masterminded 9/11 are no doubt watching this whole thing with a great sense of satisfaction. The U.S. government is now doing to its own people what the terrorists could never have accomplished: The destruction of a large portion of its economy, its currency and the savings of its people.

The economic losses of 9/11 pale in comparison to the financial destruction that has been unleashed onto America by the Federal Reserve. Two days ago, the market reaction resulted in the wipeout of $2 trillion in retirement savings of the American people. Yesterday's market drop added another $2 trillion (or so) in losses. And this is possibly just the very beginning. There is no limit to the economic destruction that can now be unleashed upon America by the Fed's counterfeiting operation.

Yet, amazingly, it wasn't "terrorists" who put this plan into place. Who was it, exactly? Your Congressional representatives! In a grand, historical betrayal of the American people, members of your own U.S. House of Representatives and Senate voted to unleash this economic assault on America, violating the wishes of 99% of the American people (who are aligned against bailing out the rich on the backs of the poor).

Of course, to hear them explain it, their actions are meant to save the taxpayers. Yep, that's their plan: To save YOU, the taxpayer, by confiscating your money and handing it over to the wealthy elite. And whatever money can't be stolen from the taxpayers will be counterfeited by the Fed's money-creation machine.

The Real Agenda: A Massive Transfer of Wealth

We are not watching an economic rescue, friends. We are watching an economic coup. Creating and dumping trillions of dollars into the money supply is an act of war. But it's a war with a specific purpose.

What's happening right now is that the United States is being taken over by King Henry and his accomplices. More than fifty percent of the housing and nearly twenty percent of the entire U.S. economy is now controlled by one person -- Henry Paulson -- and that person answers to no one. He isn't elected, he can't be removed from office, and he's subject to no law.

King Henry controls unlimited funds. He can print any amount of money, or confiscate any amount from the taxpayers (by spending taxpayer dollars to bail out his rich friends). If the Federal Reserve is the new Third Reich, King Henry is its Hitler.

The economic war has already been lost by the People. It was lost on September 30, 2008, when Congress surrendered the U.S. economy to King Henry. The People now own nothing but paper money and ephemeral digital account numbers, all of which could be turned into worthless digits overnight by a single decision from King Henry.

In this economic bailout and the Fed's unlimited creation of new money, America has suffered the greatest act of economic terrorism in our nation's history. Note carefully that it wasn't conducted by the Nazis, Saddam Hussain or Al Qaeda. It was, in fact, put into place by 172 Democrats and 91 Republicans in the House, and a similar majority in the U.S. Senate. (See the complete list below.)

So what can YOU do right now?

A system of exchange is not dependent on the dollar alone. Commerce will survive the collapse of one currency. Trade will go on after this economic chaos passes, and businesses will continue to be an important part of our economic future.

People will still need food, clothing, nutritional supplements, fuel, services, computers, tutoring, services, pet products, children's products, cars, MP3 players and much more. The end of the U.S. dollar is NOT the end of the world. It is simply the end of one empire..

In my view, the best way to financial survive this economic warfare being conducted by the Federal Reserve against the People is to create your own economic abundance by owning (or launching) your own independent income sources.

In fact, I've written an entire report on how to accomplish this. It's called How to Build Your Financial Safety Net. Due to this economic crisis, I've decided to release it at no charge, and it's available right now at:

Read it if you want to be empowered, informed and insulated from the demise of the dollar. Using the strategies you'll find in that report, you can drastically limit your losses in this economic carpet-bombing of the U.S. economy. In fact, I believe you can emerge with greater wealth than you had when it all started.

You probably won't be getting paid in dollars, however. Expect a new currency to be the future system of exchange in America. But building reliable income streams now is a smart way to survive the coming economic implosion that will put corporations, governments and non-profits out of business. (If you work for a paycheck, your paycheck may be in danger right now.)

What's Really Radical

By the way, do you think this article is radical? Some people have told me that my reporting on the economic situation is "radical." You know what I told them?

I said imagine two households. One household balances its budget, spends only what it brings home in income and has no debt. The other household spends twice as much as it earns. It owes $50,000 on credit cards and borrows money from loan sharks to meet the minimum payments on its credit cards.

Which household is "radical?"

Now consider this: The second household sneaks into the first household and steals money to pay its own debts. On top of that, it has a counterfeit cash printing machine in the basement, and it's cranking out thousands of dollars a week just to attempt to pay off its credit cards. It's immune to the law because it buys off the local police for criminal immunity.

Which household is headed towards financial disaster? Which household has a real future, and which one doesn't?

That second house, of course, is the United States government. My reporting on the U.S. financial situation is downright tame compared to what's really going on behind the scenes. I can't get radical enough to accurately describe the degree of deception and outright theft that's taking place in Washington right now.

History will show that not only were my warnings accurate, they were understated by a wide margin. Reporting the truth is a delicate thing. People can only stomach so much truth at any one time. Few people can handle the whole truth, which is why I usually refrain from reporting it. There are things stated in this article that only hint at much bigger stories that will someday be told by others.

Only the most open-minded, skeptical thinkers can even mentally consider the real truth of what's happening in our world today. Most people have been brainwashed into living in a fictional world, and they are unable to even consider truths that threaten their grip on reality. As Morpheus explained, "The mind has trouble letting go."

As a result, the public has to be led by the hand from one realization to the next, little by little, until they attain the ability to see the world as it really is rather than the illusion that has been constructed for them by the very people running this financial scam.

Below, I have a riddle for you. Here you'll find an anagram. If you can figure out what this means (and if these words mean something to you), then you're probably among the very few who are truly informed.

Advice Kid, Free Snef J., Jean Loxes

Video: How Money Creation Actually Works

Check out this video to see how the Fed (and the fractional-reserve banking system) creates money out of nothing:

How Congress Voted

Here is the list of those Congressional representatives who surrendered your economic future to King Henry. A "Y" means a "Yes" vote (in favor of the financial bailout legislation).

This is, in essence, a list of those who have betrayed the People by conspiring to instigate acts of economic warfare against We the People. ("N" means they voted No. "Y" means they voted Yes.")

Democrats - Cramer, Y; Davis, Y.
Republicans - Aderholt, N; Bachus, Y; Bonner, Y; Everett, Y; Rogers, Y.

Republicans - Young, N.

Democrats - Giffords, Y; Grijalva, N; Mitchell, Y; Pastor, Y.
Republicans - Flake, N; Franks, N; Renzi, N; Shadegg, Y.

Democrats - Berry, Y; Ross, Y; Snyder, Y.
Republicans - Boozman, Y.

Democrats - Baca, Y; Becerra, N; Berman, Y; Capps, Y; Cardoza, Y; Costa, Y; Davis, Y; Eshoo, Y; Farr, Y; Filner, N; Harman, Y; Honda, Y; Lee, Y; Lofgren, Zoe, Y; Matsui, Y; McNerney, Y; Miller, George, Y; Napolitano, N; Pelosi, Y; Richardson, Y; Roybal-Allard, N; Sanchez, Linda T., N; Sanchez, Loretta, N; Schiff, Y; Sherman, N; Solis, Y; Speier, Y; Stark, N; Tauscher, Y; Thompson, Y; Waters, Y; Watson, Y; Waxman, Y; Woolsey, Y.

Republicans - Bilbray, N; Bono Mack, Y; Calvert, Y; Campbell, Y; Doolittle, N; Dreier, Y; Gallegly, N; Herger, Y; Hunter, N; Issa, N; Lewis, Y; Lungren, Daniel E., Y; McCarthy, N; McKeon, Y; Miller, Gary, Y; Nunes, N; Radanovich, Y; Rohrabacher, N; Royce, N.

Democrats - DeGette, Y; Perlmutter, Y; Salazar, N; Udall, N.
Republicans - Lamborn, N; Musgrave, N; Tancredo, Y.

Democrats - Courtney, N; DeLauro, Y; Larson, Y; Murphy, Y.
Republicans - Shays, Y.

Republicans - Castle, Y.

Democrats - Boyd, Y; Brown, Corrine, Y; Castor, N; Hastings, Y; Klein, Y; Mahoney, Y; Meek, Y; Wasserman Schultz, Y; Wexler, Y.
Republicans - Bilirakis, N; Brown-Waite, Ginny, N; Buchanan, Y; Crenshaw, Y; Diaz-Balart, L., N; Diaz-Balart, M., N; Feeney, N; Keller, N; Mack, N; Mica, N; Miller, N; Putnam, Y; Ros-Lehtinen, Y; Stearns, N; Weldon, Y; Young, N.

Democrats - Barrow, N; Bishop, Y; Johnson, N; Lewis, Y; Marshall, Y; Scott, Y.
Republicans - Broun, N; Deal, N; Gingrey, N; Kingston, N; Linder, N; Price, N; Westmoreland, N.

Democrats - Abercrombie, Y; Hirono, Y.

Republicans - Sali, N; Simpson, Y.

Democrats - Bean, Y; Costello, N; Davis, Y; Emanuel, Y; Foster, Y; Gutierrez, Y; Hare, Y; Jackson, Y; Lipinski, N; Rush, Y; Schakowsky, Y.
Republicans - Biggert, Y; Johnson, N; Kirk, Y; LaHood, Y; Manzullo, N; Roskam, N; Shimkus, N; Weller, Y.

Democrats - Carson, Y; Donnelly, Y; Ellsworth, Y; Hill, N; Visclosky, N.
Republicans - Burton, N; Buyer, N; Pence, N; Souder, Y.

Democrats - Boswell, Y; Braley, Y; Loebsack, Y.
Republicans - King, N; Latham, N.

Democrats - Boyda, N; Moore, Y.
Republicans - Moran, N; Tiahrt, N.

Democrats - Chandler, N; Yarmuth, Y.
Republicans - Davis, N; Lewis, Y; Rogers, Y; Whitfield, N.

Democrats - Cazayoux, N; Jefferson, N; Melancon, Y.
Republicans - Alexander, Y; Boustany, Y; McCrery, Y; Scalise, N.

Democrats - Allen, Y; Michaud, N.

Democrats - Cummings, Y; Edwards, Y; Hoyer, Y; Ruppersberger, Y; Sarbanes, Y; Van Hollen, Y.
Republicans - Bartlett, N; Gilchrest, Y.

Democrats - Capuano, Y; Delahunt, N; Frank, Y; Lynch, N; Markey, Y; McGovern, Y; Neal, Y; Olver, Y; Tierney, Y; Tsongas, Y.

Democrats - Conyers, N; Dingell, Y; Kildee, Y; Kilpatrick, Y; Levin, Y; Stupak, N.
Republicans - Camp, Y; Ehlers, Y; Hoekstra, Y; Knollenberg, Y; McCotter, N; Miller, N; Rogers, N; Upton, Y; Walberg, N.

Democrats - Ellison, Y; McCollum, Y; Oberstar, Y; Peterson, N; Walz, N.
Republicans - Bachmann, N; Kline, Y; Ramstad, Y.

Democrats - Childers, N; Taylor, N; Thompson, N.
Republicans - Pickering, Y.

Democrats - Carnahan, Y; Clay, N; Cleaver, Y; Skelton, Y.
Republicans - Akin, N; Blunt, Y; Emerson, Y; Graves, N; Hulshof, N.

Republicans - Rehberg, N.

Republicans - Fortenberry, N; Smith, N; Terry, Y.

Democrats - Berkley, Y.
Republicans - Heller, N; Porter, Y.

Democrats - Hodes, N; Shea-Porter, N.

Democrats - Andrews, Y; Holt, Y; Pallone, Y; Pascrell, Y; Payne, N; Rothman, N; Sires, Y.
Republicans - Ferguson, Y; Frelinghuysen, Y; Garrett, N; LoBiondo, N; Saxton, Y; Smith, N.

Democrats - Udall, N.
Republicans - Pearce, N; Wilson, Y.

Democrats - Ackerman, Y; Arcuri, Y; Bishop, Y; Clarke, Y; Crowley, Y; Engel, Y; Gillibrand, N; Hall, Y; Higgins, Y; Hinchey, N; Israel, Y; Lowey, Y; Maloney, Y; McCarthy, Y; McNulty, Y; Meeks, Y; Nadler, Y; Rangel, Y; Serrano, N; Slaughter, Y; Towns, Y; Velazquez, Y; Weiner, Y.
Republicans - Fossella, Y; King, Y; Kuhl, Y; McHugh, Y; Reynolds, Y; Walsh, Y.

Democrats - Butterfield, N; Etheridge, Y; McIntyre, N; Miller, Y; Price, Y; Shuler, N; Watt, Y.
Republicans - Coble, Y; Foxx, N; Hayes, N; Jones, N; McHenry, N; Myrick, Y.

Democrats - Pomeroy, Y.

Democrats - Kaptur, N; Kucinich, N; Ryan, Y; Space, Y; Sutton, Y; Wilson, Y.
Republicans - Boehner, Y; Chabot, N; Hobson, Y; Jordan, N; LaTourette, N; Latta, N; Pryce, Y; Regula, Y; Schmidt, Y; Tiberi, Y; Turner, N.

Democrats - Boren, Y.
Republicans - Cole, Y; Fallin, Y; Lucas, N; Sullivan, Y.

Democrats - Blumenauer, N; DeFazio, N; Hooley, Y; Wu, Y.
Republicans - Walden, Y.

Democrats - Altmire, N; Brady, Y; Carney, N; Doyle, Y; Fattah, Y; Holden, N; Kanjorski, Y; Murphy, Patrick, Y; Murtha, Y; Schwartz, Y; Sestak, Y.
Republicans - Dent, Y; English, N; Gerlach, Y; Murphy, Tim, N; Peterson, Y; Pitts, N; Platts, N; Shuster, Y.

Democrats - Kennedy, Y; Langevin, Y.

Democrats - Clyburn, Y; Spratt, Y.
Republicans - Barrett, Y; Brown, Y; Inglis, Y; Wilson, Y.

Democrats - Herseth Sandlin, N.

Democrats - Cohen, Y; Cooper, Y; Davis, Lincoln, N; Gordon, Y; Tanner, Y.
Republicans - Blackburn, N; Davis, David, N; Duncan, N; Wamp, Y.

Democrats - Cuellar, Y; Doggett, N; Edwards, Y; Gonzalez, Y; Green, Al, Y; Green, Gene, N; Hinojosa, Y; Jackson-Lee, Y; Johnson, E. B., Y; Lampson, N; Ortiz, Y; Reyes, Y; Rodriguez, N.
Republicans - Barton, N; Brady, Y; Burgess, N; Carter, N; Conaway, Y; Culberson, N; Gohmert, N; Granger, Y; Hall, N; Hensarling, N; Johnson, Sam, N; Marchant, N; McCaul, N; Neugebauer, N; Paul, N; Poe, N; Sessions, Y; Smith, Y; Thornberry, Y.

Democrats - Matheson, N.
Republicans - Bishop, N; Cannon, Y.

Democrats - Welch, Y.

Democrats - Boucher, Y; Moran, Y; Scott, N.
Republicans - Cantor, Y; Davis, Tom, Y; Drake, N; Forbes, N; Goode, N; Goodlatte, N; Wittman, N; Wolf, Y.

Democrats - Baird, Y; Dicks, Y; Inslee, N; Larsen, Y; McDermott, N; Smith, Y.
Republicans - Hastings, N; McMorris Rodgers, N; Reichert, N.

Democrats - Mollohan, Y; Rahall, Y.
Republicans - Capito, N.

Democrats - Baldwin, Y; Kagen, N; Kind, Y; Moore, Y; Obey, Y.
Republicans - Petri, N; Ryan, Y; Sensenbrenner, N.

Republicans - Cubin, Y.

The Most Powerful Man
In The World?

The "Black" Pope

Count Hans Kolvenbach — The Supreme Superior Jesuit General

 RICK MARTIN - Saturday, April, 15, 2000

 So, you thought you were pretty well informed by now about all of the main players on the "conspiracy" playing field? You’ve maybe been hearing for years about (or bumped into on your own) the various elements of society who control our world from behind the scenes.

You’ve gotten familiar with the role played by, for instance, the Khazarian Zionists (who invented the word "Jew" to disguise their adopted heritage, as distinguished from the biblical Judeans), or the role played by the Banksters (banking gangsters) controlling the economies of the world, by the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the Committee of 300 (the 17 wealthiest so-called "elite" families)—the Rothschild's in England and Rockefellers in America and Bronfman's in Canada, and on and on, comprising the physical power structure of the New World Order puppets under the direction of darkly motivated, other-dimensional "master
deceivers" commonly known as Lucifer or Satan and their "fallen angel" cohorts.

While all of those details contribute to understanding the Larger Picture, what you are about to read fills in a most important Missing Link in this entire structure. And I don’t mean a little side issue; I mean a link so central—yet so well hidden from general public view, and for so long—that even the most studied of "conspiracy theory" scholars probably have not put together much of the information that is going to be presented here.

To call the following outlay "controversial" and "sensitive" is about as mild an understatement of the truth of the matter as can be made! This missing link changes the entire slant of the entire playing field!

After months of anticipation and weeks of preparation, I was finally able to speak with Vatican Assassins author Eric Jon Phelps on Tuesday, March 14. There was simply no other way to cover Eric’s historic masterpiece spanning, literally, five centuries, than to just ask questions covering huge spans of time and major historical events. It took us almost four hours to accomplish the task, yet we could easily have gone on for another forty.

We here at The SPECTRUM are simply unwilling to reduce the importance of this work by presenting it in a too distilled fashion. In fact, in order to share this material with at least some of the pertinent backup, Eric has granted us permission to print (directly after the interview) several excerpts from his soon-to-be- published book which will help you in understanding certain aspects of this magnificently important and broad-sweeping story. The missing link is surely a central link.

Let’s call this story the "Jesuit-Vatican connection" to the unfolding New World Order agenda. You make up your own mind just how absolutely central, yet well hidden, has been this link! There’s a good reason the secret Vatican library is so extensive and yet remains so intact from outside intrusion, despite the many others who would like to possess such a collection of information detailing much "censored" data about our true, otherworldly cultural heritage.

When one reads a work like Vatican Assassins, one can’t help but reflect back on the purposely "adjusted" and watered down and boring moments in high school history class. Meanwhile, the true history of what has  gone on is dynamic and full of calculated intrigue.

In this business, I’ve heard and read a lot of things. But when I had to pick my jaw up off the floor during the reading of certain historical portions in Eric’s book—well, let me just say that Truth certainly is stranger, and far more interesting, than the many fictions we’ve been led to believe are historical fact. And yet The Truth does fit together like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

This book SHOULD be a best-seller, but it is hardly likely to achieve such general attention—considering how well controlled and censored is the publishing business. Thus is the reason for our lengthy presentation of this most astonishing and critically important material here in The SPECTRUM.

We are in a time of Truth being revealed from all directions. And there is probably no more fundamental, mind-rattling, and previous notions-shattering example of that than what is being presented here. The interview is directly followed by a number of pertinent excerpts from Eric’s eye-opening book—which will be available July 1.

[Editor’s note: It should be noted up-front that the information presented below is the studied opinion of Eric Jon Phelps. We here at The SPECTRUM find much about his presentation of his historical research which meshes with and expands upon Truth which has been presented by many other authors in these pages and elsewhere. And that is good; Truth is Truth is Truth, and should all mesh.

However, for the peace of mind of our unique readership—which typically has cultivated a more aware spiritual perspective than the general public—we do not want to give the impression that we agree with (or wish to promote) some collateral aspects of Eric’s presentation having to do with his personal "religious" convictions. The focus of those convictions follows a much more biblically conventional (literal) path—in stark contrast to the unconventional, questioning, wide-angle vision of his historical material.

Generally such opinions are simply allowed to stand on their own—for you to sort and interpret as you see fit—rather than being singled-out to be addressed editorially. However, in this case, the practical side of Eric’s stated religious convictions include the condoning of some degree of violence (or violent protest) and use of armaments. And such convictions are very much the opposite of our philosophical position—for many reasons, not the least of which is the obvious Adversarial bait-and-entrapment which would result from choosing what we would consider to be low-frequency responses to schoolroom Earth’s current challenges.

Yet, if the perceptive reader penetrates "between the lines" thoughtfully, there is glimpsed a recurring
commendable spiritual message in Eric’s commentary—of "Have the courage to speak The Truth" and "God helps those who help themselves"—which we certainly DO agree with wholeheartedly and have long supported enthusiastically.

We are in the time of the Great Awakening on this planet. The Light of Truth, intensifying with each passing moment, is nudging many to step forward and share what they know. Will such ones follow that nudge or continue to hide in fear? The answer to that question is perhaps the most important aspect of schoolroom Earth’s relentless testing at this critical time.

One last-minute footnote before beginning this interview: The Arts & Entertainment (A&E) cable television channel just started to air—on Easter Sunday evening!—a new two-hour documentary called: The Vatican Revealed. Tape it so you can study it carefully; within the lines of dialog and some of those people chosen for commentaries are many, many clues to the true power of the Vatican over world affairs. It would, of course, be much more revealing to watch the A&E program AFTER having read and digested the following.]

Martin: Before we begin, let me say a few words. The topic of your book is so comprehensive and covers, literally, all aspects of global control by the Jesuits, dating back to 1540. I would like to begin our conversation with a very important point of clarification so that our readers have something to hold onto while reading the historical narrative we are about to present. Let me also add that your book is one of the most compelling, dynamic, genuinely educational historical documents I have ever read. I want to tell you, I am impressed!

You, literally, link every major global conflict and political assassination to the hands of the Jesuit Order. The Jews, as with many other groups you mention, have been the unwitting pawns in this Jesuit Agenda. Today, the present. I’m going to start here, and then we’re going to go way back in time and work our way up. But, I want to start HERE because it will give a foundation for going back in time.

Today, who is the Superior General of the Jesuits, the so-called "Black Pope" [black here refers to hidden, evil activities, not to race or color] who gives the orders to the actual Pope. Is it still Jean-Baptist Janssens?

Phelps: Janssens, Frenchman. No, he passed away in 1964. Then Pedro Arrupe came to power. Then, after Arrupe died, in 1988, I believe, the present Jesuit General is Count Hans Kolvenbach. [See photo nearby.] I call him Count Hans Kolvenhoof.

Martin: Let’s discuss this position of "General" and, in addition, who is this person, Count Hans Kolvenbach?  Who does he serve? What are his origins? Where does he hail from?

Phelps: The present General is a Dutchman, his nationality is Dutch.

Martin: Where is he? Physically, where is he?

Phelps: He resides in Rome, at the headquarters of the Jesuits, called the Church of Jesu. So, the Jesuit General resides in Rome at, what I just called, the Jesuit headquarters.

Martin: The Church of Jesu, is that near the Vatican?

Phelps: It’s not far from the Vatican, right. It’s in the same general area. It’s headquarters of the Knights of Malta.

Martin: Is it part of Vatican City, proper?

Phelps: Right, I believe, yes it is.

Martin: Where does Satan fit into this picture, and what is the ultimate goal of the Jesuits, the so-called Society of Jesus?

Phelps: The Jesuit General, and the other high Jesuit Generals, they are sorcerers. They are Luciferians, and they worship what they would call Lucifer. They do not believe in Satan. They believe in Lucifer.

Now, according to Alberto Rivera, he was invited—because he was a top Jesuit at the time in the late ’60s—he was invited to a "Black Mass" in Spain where there were quite a few top Jesuit Generals present. And he called it a "Black Mass". Well, when you’re involved in a "Black Mass", you’re involved in the worship of Lucifer, all dressed in their black capes and so on.

Martin: I’m fascinated by Count Hans Kolvenbach because nobody in the world knows who this person is. I’ve never heard the name.

Phelps: Let me just tell you that you can see his picture and his top Jesuits—just a second and I’ll get the book. The name of the book is called Jesuits: A Multi-Biography, by Jean Lacoutre, and that is available, usually, in the bookstores. It was published in 1995.

Jean Lacoutre is a Frenchman. He was a communist, is a communist. On the last page of the pictures in it, that is right adjacent to page 343, you see Peter Hans Kolvenbach. He’s the Jesuit General, and he looks  like just a very evil individual. There’s a Black man, who’s a high Jesuit, he’s a 29 Superior Jesuit with his cosmopolitan General staff. One of the General staff looks like Ben Kingsley of Shindler’s List. There are six White men, and one Black man. And that’s his General staff.

Martin: What is the process of choosing a successor General?

Phelps: The High Jesuits elect him, and he’s elected for life—unless he becomes a "heretic".

Martin: And the so-called "High Jesuits" represent what group?

Phelps: I would say that they’re the "professed", the high 4th Degree. When a Jesuit is professed, he is
under the Jesuit Oath; he is under the "Bloody Oath" that I have in my book.

Martin: Do we have permission to reprint that Oath in our paper?

Phelps: Of course, absolutely.

Martin: One of my questions has to do with the Oath and it’s similarity to the Protocols Of The Learned
Elders Of Zion
, and I wrote that question before I got back to the Protocols portion of your book.

Phelps: The Jesuits obviously wrote the Protocols because they have carried out every protocol in that little handbook. They have carried everything out. And, Alberto Rivera says—and he was a Jesuit—he was greatly maligned, not helped at all by the Apostate, Protestants, and Baptists in this country; he was helped, somewhat, by Jack Chick. Jack Chick published his story in six volumes, titled Alberto I, II, III, IV, V, & VI.

Alberto Rivera says that it was Jews aligned with the Pope who published the Protocols. Well, I tend to feel that it was just the Jesuits themselves because they, and they alone, were the ones who were able to bring this to pass.

They’re the ones in the government. They’re the ones behind professional sports. The owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers is a Knight of Malta. The owner of the Detroit Lions is a Knight of Malta. All your top owners of these ball clubs, for the most part, are Knights of Malta, getting the people whooped up in this hoopla over games and sports, while they’re busy creating a tyranny. So, that was one of the things in the Protocols—that they would create "amusements".

Another one they used was Walt Disney, 33rd-degree Freemason—Disneyworld, Disneyland. Another one was Milton Hersey, with Hersey Park. They create all of these amusements and games and pastimes to get the people drunk with pleasure, while they’re busy overthrowing the Protestant form of government.

Martin: Where does Las Vegas factor into all of this?

Phelps: Las Vegas, well, for the most part, is controlled by the Mafia. But all the high Mafia families are Roman Catholic, and they are ALL subordinate to the Pope or to the Cardinal of New York, which is Cardinal O’Connor—because the Commission, the Mafia Commission resides in New York.

Frank Costello was a member of the Mob Commission, and he was intimate, personal friends with Knight of Malta, Hollywood mogul, Joe Kennedy. And that has not changed.

So, the High Knights are good, dear brothers with the High Mafia Dons—the Gambinos, the Lucchese, the Columbos, all of them. And they control Hollywood, not the Jews. It’s only Jews who are front-men who are involved in Hollywood and working for the Mafia and for the Cardinal, just like in politics it would be Arlen Spector. Arlen Spector was Spelly’s [Cardinal Spellman’s] Jew in the assassination [of President Kennedy], and he would never say a word about it.

Martin: Now, as we go through here, if there’s anything that you don’t want me to print, please let me know because, literally, I’m going to print everything we say in this conversation.

Phelps: That’s fine, that’s fine with me because it needs to be said.

Martin: Let’s get back to Count Hans Kolvenbach. I want to shine the spotlight on this guy for just a little bit here. Let’s talk about him. What does he do? Who is he? Let’s talk about his position as "General".  How do they exercise this control over the Pope? Does the Pope know he’s a pawn?

Phelps: Ok, one question at a time. So, which question do you want me to deal with?

Martin: Let’s just shine the light right on the Count.

Phelps: The Jesuit General, ok.

Martin: Let’s start there, and you tell me everything you want to tell me about that position.

Phelps: The Jesuit General is the absolute, complete, and total dictator and autocrat of the Order. When he speaks, his provincials move. The provincials are his major subordinates. There are around 83 provincials right now.

As I understand it, the Jesuit Order has divided the world into 83 regions. Ok? For each region, there is a Jesuit provincial. There are 10 provincials in the United States. There is one for Central America. There is one for Ireland. They’ve divided up the world into these provinces.

So it’s old Babylonian provincial government, centered in Nebuchadnezzar or the Jesuit General himself; so  it’s strictly a Roman form of government where all the states or provinces are subordinate to this worldwide sovereign.

The Jesuit General exercises full and complete power over the Order. He meets with his provincials. When they decide to start a war or an agitation, he gets the information from the provincial of that country, how best to go about this, the demeanor of the people, and then he uses legitimate grievances to foam an agitation—like the 1964 Civil Rights Movement. That was ALL a Jesuit agitation, completely, because the end result was more consolidation of power in Washington with the 1964 Civil Rights Act that was written by [the longtime President of the University of Notre Dame, the Reverend] Theodore Hesburgh.

The Jesuit General rules the world through his provincials. And the provincials then, of course, rule the lower Jesuits, and there are many Jesuits who are not "professed", so many of the lower Jesuits have no idea what’s going on at the top. They have no concept of the power of their Order.

It’s just like Freemasonry. The lower  have no idea that the High Shriner Freemasons are working for the Jesuit General. They think that they’re just doing works and being good people. But the bottom line is that the  high-level Freemasons are subject, also, to the Jesuit General because the Jesuit General, with Fredrick the Great, wrote the High Degrees, the last 8 Degrees, of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry when Fredrick protected them when they were suppressed by the Pope in 1773.

So, you have the alignment with the Jesuit Order and the most powerful Freemason they had in the craft, Fredrick the Great, during their suppression. That is an irrefutable conclusion. And then, when you see the Napoleonic Wars, the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars carried out by Freemasonry, everything Napoleon did, and the Jacobins, whatever they did, completely benefited the Jesuit Order.

It’s to this end that Alexander Dumas wrote his The Count Of Monte Cristo. The Count is the Jesuit General. Monte=Mount, Cristo=Christ. The Count of the Mount of Christ. Alexander Dumas was talking about the Jesuit General getting vengeance when the Jesuits were suppressed, and many of them were consigned to an island, three hours sailing, West, off the coast of Portugal. And so, when the Jesuits finally regained their power, they punished all of the monarchs of Europe who had suppressed them, drove them from their thrones, including the Knights of Malta from Malta, using Napoleon.

And Alexander Dumas, who fought for the Italian patriots in 1848, to free Rome from the temporal power of the Pope, wrote many books and one of the books was to expose this, and that was The Count Of Monte Cristo.

So, when you read that book, bear in mind that it’s really a satire on the Jesuit Order regaining their power in France. The Count of Monte Cristo has an intelligence apparatus that can’t be beat. Well, that’s the Jesuit Order.

But the Count doesn’t get what he really ought to have, or his last wish, and that’s the love of woman. He gains back all of his political power; he gains back everything he lost; but he doesn’t have the love of a woman. And THAT is the Jesuit Order. They have no women. They have no love of a woman. Because to have a wife, to have a woman, means you have an allegiance to your wife and family, and you cannot obey the General. That’s why they will NEVER be married, and that’s one of the great KEYS to their success.

They can betray a nation and walk away. They can betray all the Irish Catholics getting on the Titanic, and walk away. They can betray us in Vietnam and walk away. They can betray us every time we go to the hospital and get radiated and cut and drugged, and walk away, because it’s "for the greater glory of God"—Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam: the greater glory of the god who sits in Rome.

Martin: What is the ULTIMATE goal of the Jesuits?

Phelps: Their ultimate goal is the rule of the world, with the Pope of their making, from Solomon’s rebuilt Temple  in Jerusalem. That’s their ultimate goal.

Martin: And why is Solomon’s Temple rebuilt so important?

Phelps: Because the Jesuits have always wanted that. When Ignatius Loyola first started the Order, one of the first things he did was, he wanted to go to Jerusalem and set up the Jesuit headquarters there. So, he went there, he tried to do it and failed, came back, went to school, started his Latin studies, etc. Maybe it might be a good idea to just review a little bit about Ignatius Loyola.

Martin: Yes.

Phelps: Ok, Ignatius Loyola was a Spanish soldier, and he was wounded at a battle between the French and the Spanish, and his leg was shattered. Well, the French General, because Loyola was very brave in conflict , ordered his own doctors to attend Loyola. So they set the leg and sent him back to his home—which, of course, he was royalty to the Counsel of Loyola in Spain, in the area of the Basques.

Loyola, through his series of desiring to regain his leg—it had healed improperly, so he made a rack where he would stretch the leg, with severe, horrible, awful pain—and trying to stretch this leg to get it back to normal shape, he endured awful, terrible pain. He had it rebroken, again, a couple of times and it still did not heal properly, so he had a perpetual limp. He could no longer be the courtier among women, and as a result, he went into this depression, and he then had this vision of the saints, etc., etc., and he wrote his spiritual exercises.

I will stop at the spiritual exercises, just for a minute, but I’ll take up from there. Loyola then wanted to form an army, but when this happened with his spiritual exercises, those spiritual exercises would be basic training for all of his Jesuits. That’s what they will ALL go through. That’s what every Jesuit goes through today.

One of the maxims of the spiritual exercises is that if my superior says "black is white and white is black", then that’s the way it is. That is in his spiritual exercises. That is what is quoted in JFK, when Kevin Costner is telling his people: "Hey, people, we’ve got to start thinking like the CIA. Black is white and white is black." That was a Jesuit giveaway that the Jesuits produced that movie, because they’re quoting Ignatius Loyola in that movie from his spiritual exercises.

So, Loyola had an indomitable will. He had a will of steel, and he set his mind to regain back what the Papacy had lost to the Reformation. And so, he went to the Pope, and the Pope in 1540 then created the Jesuit Order. But this man is a soldier, he’s a lawyer, and he put together a legion of soldiers and warriors to get back what Rome had lost, as well as institute a World Government for the Pope, from Jerusalem. This was in 1540.

He started the Order in 1536. He was arrested by the Inquisition, and he was released, and he went to the Pope; he threw himself at the feet of the Pope. He would be completely at his service. The Pope chartered him, and that Pope was Pius III. The Pope chartered them, created the Jesuit Order; now he has Papal protection, and they began their awful history of deeds of blood. And war after war after war after war, they’re all attributed to the Jesuit Order in some way. Catholic nobles, with lots of money, donated castles and schools and money to the Jesuit Order.

Virtually everything they own has been given to them or stolen by them. Of course, they stole all of the fortunes of the Jews in World War II. They stole all their gold, all their assets and everything, whenever they went into a country. What’s just been released is NOTHING compared to what they’ve taken.

In Edmond Paris’s book, printed by Ozark Publications, called The Vatican Against Europe, it gets into great detail of what they did. It calls it—the last 30 years of war is all attributable to the Jesuits, their massacres of the Serbs and Jews, etc. But Edmond Paris did not understand that the Jesuit General—and this is one of the most important points I want to make about Von Kolvenbach—the Jesuit General is in complete control of the international intelligence community: that’s the CIA, the FBI, the KGB, the Israeli Mossad, the German BND, the British SIS. The Jesuit General is in COMPLETE CONTROL of the entire intelligence apparatus—FBI, every bureaucratic agency in this country, all of it; he is in complete control of it.

So, whenever he wants to find something out about an individual, they put in the Social Security number, and everything from all of the intelligence apparatus kicks-in and he and his provincials can review everything about that man. Credit cards, you name it, everything that’s attached to Rome’s social security number, which FDR put upon us in 1933 with the help of Spellman; at the time, I believe he was Archbishop, or maybe it was Cardinal Hayes—but Rome was behind FDR in putting him in office.

The couple of things that he did was implement social insecurity, the income tax, and recognizing Joseph Stalin’s bloody Jesuit USSR government. So, with the giving of us the Social Security number, that is Rome’s number—that’s why I refuse to use it—and that’s why they want everybody using it for everything: driver’s license, tax return, credit card, everything you do, that number is you and that number is Rome’s number.

Martin: Let me just back-up here for a minute. What comes to mind is Louis Freeh, head of the FBI.

Phelps: Roman Catholic, good altar boy. Probably a Knight of Columbus; I can’t prove it. But anybody with that kind of power has got to be a Knight of Columbus.

And the Knights of Columbus implement Jesuit politics. And Louis Freeh was the one behind the Waco atrocity and the Oklahoma City bombing atrocity. And his top sniper was a Japanese Roman Catholic named Lon Horiuchi.

So, it’s Roman Catholics in control, Knights in control of the FBI, who carried out all of this killing. And those two men, Louis Freeh and Lon Horiuchi are personally accountable to Cardinal O’Connor of New York. And Cardinal O’Connor of New York is the most powerful Cardinal in the country. He is the military vicar. And that’s why Bush kissed his fanny for going to Bob Jones, because Cardinal O’Connor is the King of the American Empire. And he rules his Empire from that Palace, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, "the little Vatican".

Martin: And is he in contact, do you think, with Kolvenbach?

Phelps: Of course. O’Connor himself is not a Jesuit, but the Jesuits are like the SS of the Catholic Church. They maintain order.

And the ones closest to him who maintain order are the Jesuits of Fordham University. Now, one of them—the  head of Fordham University, I believe he is an Irishman, is also a member of the CFR [Council on Foreign Relations]. And I have that right here in the Annual Report of the CFR of 1993. Those Jesuits at Fordham maintain semblance and rule over the Cardinal in New York. And, of course, the powerful Jesuits of Fordham include Avery Dulles and John Foster Dulles, one of the writers of the book on the Second Vatican Council.

Martin: Let’s back-up now, let’s go back. What’s the Council of Trent?

Phelps: The Council of Trent was the response of Rome to the Protestant Reformation. Remember—the Protestant Reformation brought us all of the political liberty that we know of today. There’s no such thing as national sovereignty without the Reformation. There’s no such thing as private rights without the Reformation. There’s no such thing as the Law of Nations, as we know of it today, of Montesquieu and the others, without the Reformation.

So, when the Reformation came with their doctrines of salvation by grace through faith alone, and that there was no need for the priesthood to go to Heaven—that all we need is salvation in Christ, and Romans 1:17: the righteous shall live by faith. When the Reformation came, it completely stripped Rome of its spiritual power. The priests were no longer wanted because the people were getting the word of God in a Bible, specifically in Holland, England, and Germany. And so, with these great revivals breaking forth and the Reformation happening, nations were breaking away from the power of the Pope. The Holy Roman Empire  was breaking up. Charles V, the Emperor, resigned and became a monk and a gardener. So, the Lord was moving mightily in breaking the power of the Holy Roman Empire, started by Charlemagne and the Pope.

Well, this was not good for Rome because they were losing lots of money. The nations were not paying "Peter’s pence" anymore, which today we call "foreign aid" in this country. And so the Pope was very upset about his.

What’s he going to do? These nations are breaking away from us; they’re not under our temporal or spiritual power; and it’s very important to remember that the Pope claims two powers—spiritual and temporal—and with the breaking of his spiritual power, he then lost his temporal power. In other words, he no longer had the ability to rule the people through the king of the country, because the king was breaking away, like Henry VIII.

So, Henry VIII broke away from the Roman Church and formed the Church of England; he no longer was subject to the Pope. This was happening in England, in Germany, in Holland, and other places.

As a result of this, the Devil raised up Ignatius Loyola with his demonisms, his "spiritual exercises" and—because Loyola had been a member of the Spanish Alumbrados, which is what we call the Illuminati today, and he used the Jesuit Order to attempt to regain back what had been taken by the Reformation—what the Lord had done through Luther, Calvin, and Knox. And, by the way, Luther, Calvin, and Knox—none of those men died violent deaths. They all lived to older age and died peacefully, amidst the power of the Jesuit machinations.

The Council of Trent consists of 25 Sessions. Those 25 Sessions accurse and condemn all the doctrines of the  Reformation. It condemns anybody who does not believe that the literal Jesus Christ is in the host [holy communion bread], and that his literal blood is in the wine. That’s called transubstantiation. Anybody who does not believe that is an accursed anathema. Anybody who believes that their salvation is outside the Catholic Church is accursed anathema. Anybody who believes in justification by grace through faith—anathema, accursed. Anybody who believes that the Pope is not the vicar of Christ—accursed, anathema. You see, all of these doctrines were being put forth as a result of reading the Bible, which produced the Reformation, and so the Jesuits accursed everything that the Reformers were preaching. This is all in Law called the Council of Trent.

In the 4th Session, which is probably the most important Session, the Jesuits condemn freedom of speech,  freedom of the press, and freedom of conscience. So, no man has the right to choose his own religion; no man has the right to publish what he feels is the truth; and no man has the right to freedom of conscience.

Those rights were secured by our Baptist/Calvinist forefathers in the First Amendment. The man who wrote the First Amendment was James Madison, who was a Baptist/Calvinist, and he was told by that Baptist/ Calvinist in Virginia, Doc. John Leland: "If you don’t secure all those rights, Virginia will not ratify the Constitution." Virginia was a Baptist/Calvinist state.

So, we have a warfare between the Council of Trent and the doctrines of the Reformation, particularly as outlined by John Calvin in his Institutes Of The Christian Religion. Calvin [1536] wrote the Institutes Of The Christian Religion, he finished it when he was 27, and he dedicated it to the King of France. And because the Jesuits so hated him, he was driven from France and he resided in Geneva to the day of his death, when he became Governor of Geneva. It’s Calvin and his Institutes Of The Christian Religion vs. Loyola and his Council of Trent, if you want it sewed-up in two major documents.

Martin: Council of Trent was what year?

Phelps: From 1545-1563, eighteen years. And Trent is a little town in Italy. So, it was a Council that took place in the town of Trent, Italy.

The Presbyterian Westminster Confession And Faith that was finished in 1648, after the 30 Years War, is another extension of Calvin’s Institutes, and is what the Church of Scotland and the Covenanters went by when they resisted the powers of Rome and England. That document is a major document, and it’s not the new Westminster Confession, it’s the old one of 1648, where they called the Pope the man of sin, that Roman Anti-Christ, and they also denounced anti-Christian tyranny.

And that it is their duty, to use what they call "the sword of the spirit", which is the Word of God, which we read in Ephesians, Chapter 6, and "the sword of just defense"—the gun, the sword.

So, us Calvinists believe that there is a time for peace and a time for war, and we do not refuse to go to the battlefield when it’s necessary. It was the Calvinists who gave us our political liberty in England with Cromwell. He was a Calvinist and an independent Baptist. It was Calvinists in Holland who gave the Dutch their political liberty, with William of Orange, and later his son, Prince Maurice, and then later, in our great country, when it was Washington, the Freemason who did not go into that Masonic Lodge that last 30 years of his life—in his own words—who was a Baptist and a Calvinist. He was baptized in the First Baptist Church of New York by one of his captains, Pastor Gano, all surrounded by Calvinists.

That’s why they didn’t surrender at Valley Forge; that’s why, when they were naked, when they went through the snow, barefoot, they endured that because they were Bible-believing Calvinists and they refused to submit to the tyranny of King George, who was controlled by the Jesuits.

And that is the soul of our country. If we lose that soul, we’ve lost everything. And those very same Baptists, in the Second Amendment, secured their right to bear arms, because they secured the right, the "sword of just defense". And the "sword of the spirit" is contained in the First Amendment, the right to have the Bible never taken from them. The two swords of Calvinism are secured in the First and Second Amendments. Without those first two Amendments, all the others are nothing.

Martin: Well, I got to my question #2. So, let’s go to #3 of the seventy. (laughter)

How does Shriner Freemason President Harry Truman’s signing into law of the Emergency War Powers Act of 1950 factor into the Jesuit Agenda?

Phelps: First of all, Harry Truman, who the Japanese called "Dirty Harry"—when they heard the movie Dirty Harry came out, they thought it was a movie about Harry Truman, according to my Japanese pastor friend, Daniel Fuji, who has passed away.

Harry Truman was put in office by the Jesuits, the Pensergast Democratic machine in Missouri. Harry Truman takes over after FDR’s murder, because he was murdered in the home of Bernard Baruch. When he did that, he then finished up the war with the hoax called the dropping of the nuclear bombs, to purposely create this greater hoax called the Cold War, that would enable the Vatican to knock over country after country after country, and replace the leaders with dictators, subordinate to the Pope. That was the purpose of the Cold War.


At around 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time, the butler brought FDR and his party their lunch.
At that moment, Roosevelt seemed agitated and flinched in his chair. An assistant
asked the President if he needed help. FDR's head went forward. He gripped his
head with his left hand and said, "I have a terrific headache." They would be his
final words. The President collapsed and lost consciousness.

The President's physician, Dr. Bruenn, who had accompanied him to Warm Springs,
was summoned to the President's bedroom, where he had been moved. Roosevelt
struggled to survive, but his breathing had stopped. Despite desperate attempts at
artificial respiration and a shot of adrenaline into his heart, the President was
pronounced dead at 3:35 p.m.

And so, when Harry Truman in 1950 signed into law the Emergency War Powers Act, the Cold War was in full force. They were building bomb shelters, etc. So the nation was in kind of a frenzy.

When he signed this into law, it put the whole country under military or martial law, and that’s when the flags in every courtroom, state and federal, began to be changed. And every state flag and every U.S. flag is now trimmed in gold fringe. And whenever you see a flag trimmed in gold fringe, that means that it is the flag of the Commander-in-Chief. Now, if it’s the state flag, it means that’s the flag of the governor, as Commander-in-Chief. And if it’s the federal flag, or the national flag, more correctly, it’s the flag of the Commander-in-Chief in Washington.

So, all your courts are nothing more than courts of military rule. They all proceed with summary procedures. The jury has no power of jury nullification. And they are simply enforcing the laws of the Empire, which I call 14th Amendment America, which is a military-style, King of England-style country. The courts are nothing more than courts of the king’s bench, as you can see in Blackstone’s Commentaries.

And the banks, as you walk into every bank, they all have a flag trimmed in gold fringe. The bank is what England would call, in Blackstone’s day, the king’s bank. So, we have the king’s bank, and we have the king’s bench. And it’s run according to military rule, according to Berkheimer’s great work Military Rule And Martial Law, published in 1914.

When Harry Truman did this, there was a consummation of a great plan to put us under the Emergency War Powers Act and, actually, a war rule. "Daylight savings time" is what was called "war time". This country only went to daylight savings time during World War II, and they called it, at that time, war time. So, nothing’s changed. We’ve never gone back to not turning back our clocks. We’re still on war time. The income tax is a war tax. It was called a victory tax in 1942.

So, people are paying a war tax, they’re under war time, they’re under an emergency war powers act, and the courts are war courts.

Martin: Regarding the assassination of President John Kennedy, which could take this entire interview, you say that the assassination was ordered by the Jesuit General, executed by Pope Paul VI, and carried out by the "American Pope", Francis Cardinal Spellman—who, in turn, used the Knights of Malta, Shriner Freemasons, Knights of Columbus, and Mafia Dons, including the FBI and CIA, to carry out the order from Rome. Would you explain why you believe your particular theory on the assassination to be an accurate representation of the facts?

Phelps: Sure. Alright, number one: The powers that be are properly outlined [in his book], and proven through two centuries of showing how it’s all been put together. Now, as to why, I will be conservative and stick with Fletcher Prouty’s reasons, that he outlined in his JFK and also his other book called The Secret Team.

The reason why Kennedy was assassinated was he wanted to end the Vietnam War, and he wanted to end the rule of the CIA. That begets two questions: Did Rome want the Vietnam War? And, did Rome control the CIA? The answer is yes on both counts.

We know, on its face, that the Vietnam War was called "Spelly’s War"—Cardinal Spellman’s war. He went over to the warfront many times and he called the American soldiers the "soldiers of Christ". The man who was the Commander of the American forces was a Roman Catholic, CFR member, possibly a Knight of Columbus, I don’t know, but he was General William Westmoreland.

So, Westmoreland was Cardinal Spellman’s agent to make sure that war was prosecuted properly. And another overseer of Westmoreland was Cardinal Spellman’s boy, Lyndon Baines Johnson. Lyndon Baines Johnson was a 33rd-degree Freemason. He was also part of the assassination, with J. Edgar Hoover, another 33rd-degree Freemason.

And Johnson went to Cardinal Spellman’s death at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and the picture can be seen in Cooney’s work The American Pope. So, Johnson was completely at the beck and call of Cardinal Spellman through Cartha DeLoach, the 3rd-in-control of the FBI. According to Curt Gentry, in his Hoover: The Man And The Secrets, DeLoach had a phone at his bedside direct to Johnson, and Johnson could call him anytime. DeLoach was a Knight of Malta, subject to Spellman.

Spellman wanted the Vietnam War, why? Spellman was controlled by the Jesuits of Fordham. Why did the Jesuit General want the Vietnam War? The people of Vietnam, the Buddhists, were unconvertible. They would not convert to Catholicism. They didn’t need Rome.

There had been a Jesuit presence in Vietnam for centuries, so it had been decided that about a million or so Buddhists would have to be "purged". They would later continue this purge of Cambodia, with Pol Pot, and the purge is yet for Thailand. It was a purging of Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam of all these Buddhists, just like they purged the Buddhists of China with Mao Zedong, because Mao Zedong was completely controlled by the Jesuits. So, they wanted the Vietnam War.

The other thing is that Rome is in control of the drug trade. The Vatican controls all of the drug trade—all of the heroin, all of the opium, all of the cocaine, everything going around in Columbia.

Columbia has a concordat with the Pope. A concordat is a treaty with the Pope. Hitler had a concordat.  Mussolini had a concordat. Franco had a concordat. They want to set up a concordat here, which was the reason for Reagan formally recognizing the sovereign state of Vatican City in 1984. The greatest traitor we ever had was Ronald Reagan.

So, they had a concordat. Columbia has a concordat. Do you think that drugs running out of Columbia, with a country that has a concordat with Rome, is not controlled by Rome? If Rome didn’t want the drug trade out of Columbia, they’d end the concordat. The whole drug trade is run by high Mafia families out of the country of Columbia, subject to the Jesuit General.

And the Jesuit General ran the Opium trade, a couple of centuries ago, out of China. They ran the silk trade, the pearl trade. The movie Shogun is but a slight scratching of the surface of the Jesuit "black ships" that trafficked in all of this silk and pearls and gold and opals and everything they could pull out of the East, including opium.

The Vietnam War was to consolidate and control this huge massive drug-trade that would inundate every American city with drugs, being brought in by the CIA with their Air America, and then distributed by the Trafficante family throughout the United States—Santos Trafficante out of Miami.

So we have the Mafia and the CIA working together in the drug trade. We have the Mafia and the CIA working together in the assassination of Kennedy.

The first reason why the Jesuit General [at that time, Jean-Baptist Janssens] wanted Kennedy out of the way was because he was going to end the Vietnam War.

The second reason is, he wanted to end the reign of the CIA, because the CIA had betrayed him in the person of McGeorge Bundy, by not giving the cover to the Cuban patriots to retake Cuba from that Roman Catholic, Jesuit-trained, grease-ball bastard—he was a bastard, his father was a Nazi—Fidel Castro.

Kennedy was betrayed by the CIA at the Bay of Pigs invasion, which sacrificed all the patriots on the shores of the Bay of Pigs there, so Castro had no real opposition. This was the same tactic, used by the CIA and the KGB at the top, working together with Angleton controlling it, in the Hungarian Revolution, when the CIA fomented that revolution, and then betrayed all of those patriots into the hands of the Soviet army and KGB, which infuriated certain top CIA officials.

It’s the same tactic: you raise up a revolution and you sacrifice the men who truly want to resist. When that happened, when McGeorge Bundy stopped the air cover of the Bay of Pigs invasion, that ended that resistance to Castro and it enthroned him into power. And, of course, it was meant to be by the Jesuits because they HAD trained him. So now Kennedy looks bad. He’s got egg all over his face. What does he want to do? He signs a Memorandum, according to Fletcher Prouty, and takes all of the power away from the CIA, and gives it to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The CIA was built by the Knights of Malta. One of the founders of the CIA was "Wild" Bill Donovan, an Irish Roman Catholic, who are the most fanatical, and his brother was a Dominican priest, Vincent. So, the CIA was founded by this high Roman Catholic, the first head, to solidify the Catholic or the Vatican control of it.

I’m not against the Catholic people; I’m against Rome’s hierarchy. The American Catholic people know NOTHING of what’s going on. And if they did, there would be a march on St. Patrick’s tomorrow morning. So, as I’m against the hierarchy, I’m showing that Kennedy was against the Vietnam War, and he was going to do away with the CIA.

Well, the Jesuits had brought in all of their top Nazi SS soldiers into the CIA because the Jesuits were using the SS to kill the Jews in Europe. When the Einsatzgruppen went into Russia, the Jesuits followed with the SS and purged Western Russia of all its Jews. That’s why Stalin deliberately killed 40,000 of his best officers. That’s why he kicked out his best generals, purged them, because he wanted to make sure that the Red Army would lose with the advance of the German army, because following that would come the SS and purge Russia of the Jews that Stalin so hated. And by the way, justice is often poetic because Stalin’s daughter married a Jew.

Now, the CIA was composed of the SS. The CIA now was an arm—and the intelligence arm—of the Vatican.  The Knights of Malta were throughout. Casey was a Knight of Malta. Angleton was a Knight of Malta. The Knights were through and through. Angleton manned the "Vatican desk", and that is a desk within the CIA that has a direct link to the Vatican.

So, Kennedy wanted to end this "intelligence community". That was the end of him.

Thus for anyone attempting to end the CIA, and attempting to end the Vietnam War, and also because he attacked the Jesuits’ Federal Reserve Bank by printing United States Notes, they got rid of him. They killed our only Roman Catholic president.

And it’s another piece of poetic justice that a Roman Catholic—not Protestants, like Harry Truman, FDR,  and others—it’s a Roman Catholic who truly sought to resist the temporal power of the Pope in this country. And in many ways, even though Kennedy was, in fact, a socialist and communist, at least he resisted the temporal power of the Pope. And for that we should be thankful and remember his name.

But what have they done to his name? They’ve slammed it. They drag it into the dirt. Every time you see it on TV, they parade before you his womanizing, which I don’t deny, but my goodness, can’t we give him some credit where credit is due? That’s why they got rid of John F. Kennedy.

EDITORS NOTE:  This isn't true. The CIA was responsible. Many death-bed confessions have come out recently.  (2008)

And then, of course, as soon as he’s assassinated, John McCone, the head of the CIA, the following day goes to the White House and they reverse Kennedy’s Memorandum of reversing the Vietnam War and make a full-scale, carte blache war.

The CIA then is tremendously and heavily funded, because it was a CIA war. And there they tried all of their new technology, their anti-gravity machines, their men who they’re trying to make like the "million-dollar man". They tried out all their new technology in Vietnam. It was a great experimental theater, and Kennedy knew this. He knew it, and he knew that the American people had no idea what was going down, and he still tried to resist it, against his father’s warnings. Because his father was the most powerful Knight of Malta in the Empire.

Martin: Any theories on why they took out junior?

Phelps: Yes. According to Tom Kuncle, in his publication, John F. Kennedy, Jr. wanted to find his father’s real killers, and he had the power to publish the conclusion. So, they took him out right away. They would not allow that to happen.

Martin: Why haven’t you been taken out?

Phelps: Because I am immortal—until the Lord is done with me. I am a Calvinist and a Baptist, and we believe in the sovereignty of God. And as long as we are operating in His Will, they cannot touch us, regardless of their power.

Martin: Which is why we’re having this conversation.

Phelps: Which is why we’re having the conversation. Don’t think for one moment they’re not tapping this phone. They know this. The issue is here. We’re talking about a providential, sovereign God who wishes to move, using second causes, men, just as the Devil does.

The Devil always uses second causes, men. So, it’s one group of men vs. another group of men, and one path leads to evil, and the true, almighty God leads to goodness.

The problem is, with us, there are very few men who want to believe God anymore. Nobody believes He can deliver anymore. It’s just a handful of us who say: "Well, we’re going to do His Will; we’re going to trust Him in His Power."

And like the Hebrews getting ready to be thrown into the fiery furnace of Nebuchadnezzar, our God is able to deliver us. We’re going to tell the truth!

Martin: Let’s see here. I can throw away a lot of these questions. So much of it seems, in a way, irrelevant to our current times because there’s so much going on now. But, good grief! I was just stunned to read in your book of all the historical things that have happened as a result of these evil people. You dedicated the book to four Roman Catholics who, I’m sure, no one has ever heard of: Charles Chiniquy, Jeremiah Crowley, Emmett McLaughlin, and Alberto Rivera. Why them?

Phelps: Because those Roman Catholic men were priests; they left the priesthood and told the truth about  what was really happening. And all four of them, except one, I think Emmett McLaughlin, paid with their  life. Chiniquy was the great exposer of the Jesuit assassination of President Lincoln, when he wrote his masterpiece Fifty Years In The Church Of Rome in 1886. He proves that Lincoln was assassinated by the Jesuits, and that it was covered-up by our government at the time.

Jeremiah Crowley: that priest was a great Irishman who came here and, seeing the corruption of the Archdiocese in Chicago, that it was so corrupt, he left it and exposed it. And, of course, he later came to Christ and became a Bible-believer, which they would call a Protestant. Protestants today don’t believe the Bible. Protestantism of today is an empty shell, it’s nothing. But, back then, in 1912, they believed the Bible.

Crowley, then, exposed many things, and one of the things he exposed, that helped me with this, was that  he warned that the Jesuits, with their Knights of Columbus—which, he says, the Knights of Columbus, named after Columbus, who he tells us was a Spanish Jew and a pirate and a deflowerer of young girls— that Columbus was no Christian.

He has a tremendous section in his book on Columbus. That the purpose of the Knights of Columbus was to fulfill Jesuitical politics, and part of those politics was to restore the temporal power of the Pope because, you remember, the Pope had lost that in 1870 and they wanted to get it back. And they got it back with Mussolini in 1929.

Well, in the book that Crowley wrote in 1912, he says that Taft and Teddy Roosevelt were all cow-towing to the Pope and the Cardinals of New York. And he said they’re going to use our military to restore the Pope’s temporal power around the world.

And THAT was absolutely correct. That is American foreign policy. And the Council of Trent is the American foreign policy of today. That’s what’s going on in Serbia and Bosnia. It’s the Council of Trent—the Jesuits using the American Air Force to bomb those orthodox people to smithereens. But, that was Crowley’s great contribution.

Next, Emmett McLaughlin wrote several books. He wrote The People’s Padre; he wrote Crime And Immorality In The Catholic Church, showing that Catholic nations are more lawless and more criminal than Protestant nations, and he proved it with statistics from the jails.

Emmett McLaughlin also wrote another book called The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln, where he, again, shows that Lincoln was assassinated by the Jesuits. So, Emmett McLaughlin came out of the Catholic Church. To my knowledge, he never was born again. He never was saved, but he did tell the truth. He married a nun, and lived a virtuous and honorable life after he left.

The last one was, of course, Alberto Rivera, who was greatly hated by the Vatican because he was a very high Jesuit who came out and, in the late ’60s, about 1969, exposed the power of Rome in the ecumenical movement, that Rome controlled Kathryn Kuhlman; that Rome controlled Billy Graham; that Rome controlled, virtually, our government—Ronald Reagan.

Reagan, when he took the Oath of Office, faced the obelisk, indicating that this country will ultimately have a concordat. So, Alberto Rivera converted to Christ, wonderfully, and he started a ministry called The Anti-Christ Information Center, out of Los Angeles.

They tried to kill him five times. A dentist jammed a needle up between his teeth, trying to give him an infection in the brain. When he passed out, about a year or so later, they couldn’t figure it out. Everybody was praying for him. And this was discovered when he went to another dentist. He had it removed.

He was pushed in front of a subway train. They tried five times to kill the man, and finally he died, I believe, of cancer, in a hospital, about three years ago. But these four wonderful, great, Catholic priests did their best to expose the power of Rome and its attempts to destroy our sovereign, Protestant, Bible- believing nation. And so, to them, I dedicate it.

Martin: What compelled you to write this book? What started it for you?

Phelps: I was always taught to be a patriot, a patriot first and foremost—America first, and everybody else second. Later, when I came to know the Lord, at 17, I realized the Bible taught the same thing—that the Lord had instituted nations. The Lord never instituted world governments; that’s always the result of the Devil’s working.

So, being a patriot and a nationalist—believing in national sovereignty—I was saved at 17, went into the Air Force, was garrisoned in a nuclear weapons area for three years in Germany, came back and started to go to Bible college.

When I went to Bible college, the issue of the King James came up, as far as it being an archaic version. And that’s what I used and I had never given it a thought. Well, some were using NIV, some NASB, and  I thought: "Well, maybe it’s just a modern version of what I have here." And I thought: "Well, if they want to use that, that’s fine, but I’ll use the King James."

I found that the underlying Greek text for the King James, the Textus Receptus, was the Greek text of the Reformation. It represents 95% of the existing manuscripts that we have today. The Greek text that underlies all these other versions—there’s a Westcott and Hort Greek text, which I then discovered was  really a conspiracy to adulterate the Textus Receptus in England, led by Brooke Foss Westcott and Anthony Hort, who were Maryolitors, Mary-worshippers.

Later, I found out that they had invited Cardinal Newman to sit in on the revision committee. Well, Cardinal Newman was a traitor to the Anglican Church, with his Track 90, which blew-off the Anglican Church. He then left England and he was then a Cardinal by Pius IX.

So, here we have Cardinal Newman, and E. B. Pusey, had been invited to sit on this revision committee, the end result being a Greek text that had been produced that was pro-Jerome’s Latin Vulgate. Jerome’s Latin Vulgate is the basis for the Jesuit’s Reheims-Douay text, that was put out in 1582, that was attempting to rival William Tyndale’s English text, which later became the King James Version of 1611.

So now I see this awful Jesuit hand in my Bible college, attempting to deprive me of the Word of God, the authorized version of 1611, in it’s present edition of 1769. Now I thought "Well, here the Jesuits are, what else have they done?" And the next thing I was led to was the Lincoln assassination. And I can remember reading Burke McCarty’s The Suppressed Truth About The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln, and weeping in the back room, when I was in college.

Martin: For me, one of the most compelling portions of your book was the series of revelations about Lincoln. I was stunned by that.

Phelps: That’s what they did. Remember, Lincoln was not going to go along with the 14th Amendment  He wanted those Southern states to re-enter the Union on the same footing that they had left, which would have left us with a federal Republic as Washington had established it. This the Jesuits would not allow. It would be converted into an Empire. The states would be subordinate provinces to Washington. And the 14th Amendment would accomplish this with the reversion of citizenship. And Lincoln was re-elected, and he was ready to end this, and that’s why they killed him. Kennedy was ready to implement his things; they would not let him be re-elected.

Martin: This is a total aside. Have you ever come across The Jefferson Bible?

Phelps: The Jefferson Bible—and maybe you know this—is Matthew, Mark, and Luke. And Thomas Jefferson, being the Deist, being the pagan that he was, cut out all the supernatural from those three gospels. Jefferson was a Deist; he was involved with the French Freemasons who were involved in the French Revolution, and he was not here at the writing of our Protestant Constitution. So, the Lord put him out of the picture. Jefferson was just used to help with the Revolution—because the Lord does use the unGodly for good things. But Jefferson copied much of the Declaration Of Independence from the Mechlenburg Declaration, written by Calvinistic Presbyterians of North Carolina, when they seceded, when that county of Mechlenburg seceded from the Colonies.

Martin: Never heard of it.

Phelps: Yes, you’ll find it in Presbyterian writings. You can find it from D. James Kennedy; he has a thing on it. And Jefferson copied, at the end: "...and to this end we devote our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

That was copied directly from the Mechlenburg Declaration. Jefferson was a plagiarist; he was a high Freemason; and he was out of here at the time of the writing of our Constitution. And the reason why the people of Virginia did elect him to office was because he was a State’s Rights man. He wanted limited powers in Washington, and that was a good thing. And when Jefferson was elected, he undid everything the king-president John Adams did, with his Alien & Sedition Laws, because John Adams wanted to be a king, and Jefferson undid it, and Jefferson got two terms for that.

Martin: I’m looking at some things that are a little further back now. The Secreta Monita. What’s the significance of that?

Phelps: The Secret Instructions [excerpts at the end of this interview] are the handbooks that are given to the professed Jesuits, those under extreme oath. [The oath is presented in full at the end of this interview.] And it tells them how to conduct their plans, subjugating peoples and nations to the Jesuit General, and thus, to the temporal power of the Pope. It tells how they are to deceive. It shows how they are to swindle rich widows out of their fortunes, like they did with Astor’s second wife who survived the Titanic catastrophe. It shows their general approach on how to do things.

This particular book cannot be known, and if it’s ever published, they will deny it’s existence. But when you see the works that the Jesuits have done, it’s in complete agreement with the Secreta Monita.

There is a very interesting section in Edwin R. Sherwin’s book The Engineer Core Of Hell, written in 1886 I believe—another suppressed work. It’s usually in the archives of all the older libraries back  here. And he shows how this Secreta Monita was discovered in South America by a Mason, and the Mason managed to escape to a lodge after being shot. He turned the Secreta Monita over to the lodge, and then these certain Freemasons saw the Secreta Monita. There are certain low-level Freemasons who believe that the Jesuit Order is their enemy, so that’s why it was taken to the lodge and then published. But the high-level Masons, of course, work with them. The Secreta Monita was discovered once that way. It was published in Holland. Then, in 1857, reprinted by England.

Martin: Pascal’s Provincial Letters had a devastating impact on exposing the Jesuits. Why?

Phelps: Blaise Pascal was a Huguenot, a French Calvinist. So here we have another fearless man. He doesn’t fear death; he’s going to tell the truth. So Blaise Pascal wrote a series of letters that were written to and from provincials, and he wrote them in a satirical manner, that of course excited that wonderful French mind. The French, of course, came to the conclusion that this was absolutely the truth, and then they moved to suppress the Jesuits again. But his Provincial Letters are considered a classic. Blaise Pascal also wrote some other great works, too.

Martin: Pope Ganganelli-Clement XIV abolished the Order entirely in 1773, and was murdered as a result.

Phelps: Correct; he was poisoned.

Martin: The Order was similarly abolished 39 times from different kingdoms throughout Europe. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that something was terribly wrong with this group!

Phelps: Right. Are all those people bigots? Are all those people brainwashed bigots and fanatical Protestants who abolished the Jesuit Order?

You find the greatest resistance to the Jesuits in Catholic countries, by Catholic monarchs. And that’s why the Roman Catholic monarchs and nobility of today don’t dare resist them. The Kennedys won’t touch them. The monarchs of Europe won’t touch them. The Hapsburgs won’t touch them, because the Jesuits have vindicated their power in the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars—well, then they went to suppress the Jesuits again in Europe and they were, for the most part, kicked-out of Europe in the 1800s. All the nations of Europe banned them. Germany banned them in 1872. And so, World War I and II, the second Thirty Years War, was pay-back for this. And ever since then, nobody touches them.

Pope Ganganelli abolished the Jesuits with a Papal Bull; the Jesuits call it a "brief". It is not a brief; it is in the Library of the Bulls, and it is called Dominic Ac Redemptor Nostor. That is the name of a bull. And when he abolished them, he abolished them forever—that they were not to talk about their abolition, that they were not to teach. He confiscated all of their wealth and land and property. For the most part, the Dominicans took it over, which is why the Dominicans had their penis cut off during the French Revolution. That’s what the Jacobins did to them. It was payback by the Jesuits: "You don’t dare take our property from us, boy. And you don’t dare take Inquisition from us." Jacobins killed nearly every Dominican in France.

Martin: Why was the assassination of William of Orange so significant?

Phelps: Williams of Orange was the father of religious liberty. William of Orange is the man who gave the Jews the freedom to come to Amsterdam. And the Jews called Amsterdam, "the new Jerusalem".

William of Orange was a Catholic to begin with. Remember when he was in the forest, hunting with the king of France, and the king of France lay bare to him their plans to destroy all the Protestants in Holland, William kept silent. And that’s why he was called "William the taciturn" or "William the silent".

So, he harbored all of this in his heart, and he went back to Holland determined that he would deliver the Calvinists and the Protestants from this annihilation. William went to Germany with his German wife, and he, according to Motley in his The Dutch Republic, raised an army of Germans and they did not succeed in liberating Holland. And so, it was the Dutch themselves who joined William of Orange in an attempt to  liberate the country, which they ultimately did as the "wild beggars of the sea".

So, William was a great inspiration. He delivered flight from the seige of the fanatical Roman Catholic
Spanish, lead by the Jesuits, when the Lord providentially delivered and sent a strong wind over the dikes,
and flooded the whole area, and flooded the Spanish soldiers.

And then, after that happened, He sent another strong West wind and blew the water back over the dikes.
This is a historical fact! Why don’t we hear this in history? For the same reason we don’t hear when Louis XIV brought his army across the river into Holland to kill all those Dutch, in 1672, right around there, that the river, right where the army was crossing, thawed out, and the whole French army went to the bottom of the river, as a result of the prayers of those Protestants of Holland. We’re not taught that either!

The assassination of William of Orange was probably the second most significant act of Jesuit dominance, next to the murder of Coligny at St. Bartholomew’s Massacre. Because it was first St. Bartholomew’s massacre, and then the murder of William of Orange. And, of course, William of Orange was shot by a Jesuit-controlled assassin, Balthazar Girard, in his own house. And the last words of William, of course, were: "God be merciful to these poor people."

Martin: What is the Royal Institute of International Affairs?

Phelps: The Royal Institute of International Affairs is the same as the American Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The Royal Institute runs England and the British Empire, what was once the extension of the British, just as the CFR runs our country. They’re sister organizations.

Martin: Where are they based?

Phelps: They’re based in London.

Martin: And who is their head; do you know?

Phelps: I don’t know right now. The John Birch Society wrote a lot about that, and they did expose the CFR and the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Allan Stang has written a lot about that.

Martin: What was the "Gunpowder Plot" of 1605?

Phelps: The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 was the Jesuits attempt to destroy what William Howitt—and Howitt was the great writer who wrote A Popular History Of Priestcraft, 1835—he said it was a Jesuit attempt to destroy our Great King Solomon, King James I, along with the entire Protestant Parliament. Because remember, Elizabeth I had expelled the Jesuits from her empire, and if they were ever caught they were to be drawn and quartered.

After she died, the conspiracy went on there that went on with William Cecil. They named Mary Queen of Scott’s son as the King of England, rather than Elizabeth’s son, because Elizabeth had a son who was the Earl of South Hampton, Wriothesley, and that was the son of Edward Devere, who we know as William Shakespeare.

There was no William Shakespeare. The man was Edward Devere. He ran the Globe Theater. He was the Lord Great Chamberlain to Queen Elizabeth, and he secretly had a son who was the Third Earl of South Hampton. He was the rightful heir to the thrown, not King James VI of Scotland.

You can find all this documented in two great works: the first is called Shakespeare Identified and the author is Looney. The explosion of that book is called This Star Of England, written by Carlton and Dorothy Ogborn, in 1952, and it’s a 1200-page work, and in it they explain all the plays of Shakespeare, and that they are, in the words of Hamlet: "A brief abstract and chronicle of the times." Nothing but history.

And then there’s another book, Wasn’t Shakespeare Someone Else?, written by Tweeny, and in that book he evaluates the 150 sonnets. In those sonnets Edward Devere put his name: Vere or Uvre or Vere—he puts his name in acrostics throughout all the sonnets. And the last couple sonnets he puts his name in double acrostics. It’s amazing, showing that he wrote the sonnets.

Martin: Why were the Jesuits so upset about the Edict of Nantes, and what was it’s significance?

Phelps: Ok, the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes—it can be spelled Nantes or Nantz. Anyway, the Edict of Nantes was put forward by King Henry IV. King Henry IV was a Roman Catholic, but he converted to Protestantism and he became a Huguenot. But he was not allowed to take the throne of France until he renounced his Protestantism. So, for the sake of the kingdom, he renounced his Protestantism, and in 1610, I believe, issued forth the Edict of Nantes.

The Edict of Nantes guaranteed religious freedom to all the French. That included the Protestant, Calvinist, Huguenots, which of course included those who would have followed Admiral Coligny, who the Jesuits murdered with that she-wolf, Catherine de Medici. With the Edict of Nantes we have religious liberty in France. This cannot be. France is a cornerstone of Jesuit power, so it cannot allow this to be in place. The Council of Trent condemns it, because it’s freedom of conscience.

So, after they murder Henry IV with Ravaillac, when they stabbed him through his heart, according to Sully in his memoirs, they murdered Henry IV for this, and also for attempting to reinforce the Dutch. They then, in 1685—when the Beatles are singing about the "Sun King" in their "white" album, they’re singing about Louis XIV. And that’s telling you that the Beatles are Jesuit-controlled. The Sun King, Louis XIV who reigned, who rules over France for, I believe, 60 years, he, because of his Jesuit confessor, Pere La Chaise, revokes the Edict of Nantes, and with that, no more religious freedom in France.

And then they sent their French dragons out and beheaded and killed every Huguenot they could find, driving 500,000 Frenchmen out of the country, the wealth of France, the manhood of France, all left for Holland and England. That destroyed France. From then on, France became a nothing nation.

The French Revolution could never have happened had not the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes taken place. Because now, there’s no Bible in France. And to this day, the French have never published a French version of the Textus Receptus. Number one, all French Bibles have been produced in foreign countries, when they’ve been translated from the Greek Textus Receptus into French; France has never done it. That shows the Jesuit power over France to this day.

And the French have probably been the most manly, the strongest, the most gracious, the most determined in kicking the Jesuits out of their country. They’ve kicked them out, to my knowledge, three times—and again, they come back, foment wars, kill off the rulers, etc. Drive Eugene Sue into exile; he dies of a broken heart. Drive Calvin into exile; he can never return to France. All the great Frenchmen are driven into exile.

So we have, as American patriots, we have a great camaraderie for the French. They helped us in our American Revolution. And why did they help us? Because they’ve been expelled from France. Why did Spain help us? Why did they help finance our Revolution? The Jesuits had been expelled from Spain. So payback came for Spain and France, for helping this heretic, Protestant nation come into existence, with the Napoleonic Wars, when they killed Louis XVI and drove the Bubons from the Spanish thrown. That was payback.

Martin: For 30 years of war, from 1618-1648, you state that the Jesuits, through Ferdinand II, killed-off 10 million people. That’s quite a statement.

Phelps: That statement comes from Ridpath’s History Of The World, published in 1899. And that is his encyclopedia of his history of the world. That was common knowledge in 1899. The 30 Years War was hell on Earth for Europe. Two-thirds of Germany was brought back to Rome. It was leveled, plundered, and destroyed.

Wallenstein and Tilly were the fanatical Roman Catholic generals who raped, pillaged, and plundered everything in their path. But the Lord raised up certain great generals like Gustavus Adolphus from Sweden. He was called the "Snow King" and he was the one who ultimately, he paved the way for the victory of the 30 Years War.

But without that Protestant victory of the 30 Years War, the peace of Westphalia, which the Pope was not invited to, there would have been no modern era as we know it today. According to any historian, the modern era begins in 1648. That is when the 80 Year War in Holland ended with Spain. That is when the 30 Years War ended with Ferdinand II and the Protestants of Germany, and Sweden, and so-on.

1648 is the wonderful year in which the Modern Era began, when inventors could go to Germany and say: "Well, you know, maybe the Earth isn’t flat." And maybe Leeuwenhoek could invent the microscope in Holland, and now, later on, James Clerk Maxwell, who was a Bible-believing, Protestant Presbyterian, he can write his treatise called Electricity And Magnetism, the father of what we know today about electricity and magnetism. Now, science can blossom and bloom. Now we can have literature. Now we can have great writers, like Sir Walter Scott, who writes great works like Ivanhoe and Peveril Of The Peak. Now we can have Charles Dickens, another Protestant, who writes A Tale Of Two Cities, one of London and the other of Rome. We have great literature surfacing as a result of the Modern Era.

But the Jesuits, in their determination to destroy the Reformation and the Modern Era and bring us back to the Dark Ages, seek to reverse the effects of the Modern Era, and thus, what was brought about by the 30 Years War. And to know the 30 Years War is to understand the second 30 Years War, which started in 1914 and ended in 1945.

Martin: In 1639, the Jesuits were also expelled from Japan. Apparently the Jesuits never forgot that.

Phelps: They never forgot it. For over 200 years they have been expelled. And remember the words of Lincoln: "The Jesuits never forget nor forsake."

So, payback time was coming for Japan. The Emperor had expelled them, so that dynasty was targeted. Ultimately, the Emperor would be destroyed or his dynasty would end. And so payback time was the mass fire-bombings by the American Air Force, financed by the Jesuits, as the Jesuits own Lockheed, Boeing, McDonald-Douglas, and Grumman, and they used their B-29 to firebomb Japan to smithereens. You can get the fact that the Jesuits control these aircraft companies from Avro Manhattan’s The Vatican Billions.

Martin: I’m trying to get a little more current here, but some of this older stuff is also so fascinating, I’m going back and forth here. Our readers are just going to have to be a little flexible in their reading. (laughter)

Phelps: Right.

Martin: In 1649 there was the Irish Massacre. What was it, and let’s discuss the hatred between the Protestants and Catholics in Ireland, as a result of the Irish Massacre.

Phelps: Ok. Of course, we believe in freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of the press. That is an outgrowth of Protestantism, because all Protestants were defending their right to believe the Bible in the face of Rome’s expectations to believe the priests and the decrees of the Popes.

Many of the Irish were born-again. They came to know the Lord. Much preaching was done up there.  In fact, Patrick, of St. Patrick’s Day, was no Catholic. He was a Protestant. And so, he was a great Protestant preacher of Ireland, and many, many Irish came to know the Lord. And their point of location was primarily in the North, in Northern Ireland, which today is Ulster, Belfast, etc.

Well, the Jesuits, in fulfilling their Bloody Oath that we are making and waging relentless war on all Protestants, and all political liberals, they hatched-out the plot to kill all the Irish Protestants in Ireland with the O’Neil family. And I wonder if that O’Neil family was related to Tip O’Neil?

In 1641, the massacre began, carried out by Roman Catholic nobles and the mobs in Ireland. When they started that massacre, it continued from 1641 to 1649. The massacre ended when they killed 150,000, but they still taught the Catholic children to kill the Protestant children. So, Irish Protestants were being massacred, enmasse, for 8 years.

This is NEVER told whenever anybody is ever talking about Oliver Cromwell, when Cromwell came up with his Puritan Army and ended that, when he took Drogheda, and killed every living thing in Drogheda—men, women, children, animal, everything.

Ones say: "Oh, the beast Oliver Cromwell. Look what he did to Drogheda!" What about those beasts killing those Irish Protestants for 8 years, bashing out the brains of the little babies, smashing them up against the walls like they did, led by the priests?

This was just like they did in Croatia with the Serbs in World War II, when they gouged-out the eyes of all the Serbians, where one particular priest had 23 kilos worth of eyes. They were doing the same thing to the Irish Protestants.

So, when Cromwell came up, and it was vengeance for the Irish Massacre, and the Irish Massacre was NOT started by the Protestants, it was started by the Jesuits according to Fox’s Book Of Martyrs. And you can find the whole narration there, which was a classic that all Englishmen used to read with the King James Bible.

Martin: Do you believe that Great Britain is truly Protestant-controlled, Jewish-controlled, or Jesuit-controlled?

Phelps: Jesuit-controlled.

Martin: Why?

Phelps: Well, let’s go back. To understand today we have to go back to the Napoleonic Wars.

When Napoleon came to power, he was brought to power in Corsica. When the Jesuits were suppressed, one of their main outposts during their suppression was the Isle of Corsica. The Jesuits, remember, had finished the High Rites of Freemasonry with Frederick the Great, and then used their French Freemason Napoleon to execute their vengeance.

However, the Jesuits were also protected during their suppression in England. A very wealthy landowner—and you can find this in Ridpath’s History Of The World—gave his wonderful, beautiful estate Stonyhurst to the Jesuit Order. And from then on, the Jesuits received protection by King George III, and you will find that in Mitchell’s The Jesuits. Mitchell is an English historian.

Ok, so the Jesuits are now protected by King George III. Well, they’re going to uphold his throne. The Jesuits use the English army and navy in the resistance of Napoleon, as both sides are controlled, so that the Jesuits can control the outcome.

The end result is that, after Napoleon accomplishes everything that the Jesuits want him to do—the expulsion of the Knights of Malta, the driving of the Roman Catholics from their throne, imprisoning the Pope for 5 years, etc.—Napoleon is then ordered to abandon his army in the snows of Russia, killing all of those French and German patriots, so that there are very few patriots left in Europe to resist the tyranny coming in France with Louis XVIII, who the Jesuits will put back on the throne.

Louis XVIII was in exile, in England, in King George’s own parlor, waiting for the end of the Napoleonic Wars. So, the Jesuits put Louis XVIII back on the throne. He readmitted the Jesuits, started the Inquisition, just like they did with Ferdinand VII when they restored him to power in Spain after the Napoleonic Wars.

And where do these monarchs get their protection? From King George III. King George was used by the Jesuits to restore their power in Europe, after the Napoleonic Wars, after they punished the Pope and the monarchs.

So, it’s been, really, from 1795, right around there, that the Jesuits have controlled England. They’ve controlled the Knights, they’ve controlled the King. All throughout the 18th century, now, England will never go to war with France again. England will side with the French during the Crimean War. England will be on the side of the French during World Wars I & II. England and France are together, both controlled by the Jesuits—even though France is predominantly a Catholic country, and when England was, at least on it’s face, a Protestant country. Why should both be working together, both having the same foreign policy. Why? Because the Jesuits control both countries.

When Rothschild sent that note, via Roost, into London, saying that Napolean had won the Battle of Waterloo, that’s when the stocks plummeted, and all the Jesuits bought all the stocks up, there in London, and got control of the Bank of England. The Jesuits then made London their commercial center of the world, and Rome their religious center, aiming that one day Jerusalem would be both.

So now the Jesuits are in control of England. After the Napoleonic Wars, we have the Congress of Vienna in 1815, and guess who’s there? All the representatives of King George. England is represented at the Congress of Vienna, the settlement after the Napoleonic Wars. If England was truly Protestant, they would have never went there. Now the Jesuits are in control of England throughout the 1800s, and they use the British Empire to further the power of the Pope. England has been under Rome’s control, the Pope’s control, since, at the very latest, 1850. And I say since 1795.

Martin: Let’s talk about Elizabeth II.

Phelps: Elizabeth II is a wicked, evil queen. She is the head of the Knights of Malta in England. She curtsies to the Lord Mayor in Old London, and she goes and visits the Jesuits of Stonyhurst and kisses their derričres. She has complete allegiance to the Jesuits of Stonyhurst, and will do anything they tell her to do, or they’ll get rid of her just like they got rid of all the rest of the monarchs in Europe.

Martin: So you see her as a pawn.

Phelps: She’s just a pawn, sure. She’s nothing. Remember, White men rule the world. Evil, White, sodomite, homosexual men rule the world, and these are the High Jesuits, with their High Knights of Malta and High Freemasons, they rule. And these women who are involved are just pawns in their game, like the queen, the queen of Holland, just to give the appearance that these nations have a sovereign monarch, when in fact, they’re just tools.

England has done some awful, terrible things, but all of the things that they have done increase and benefit the Jesuit Order. They never resisted Napoleon III. Napoleon III was a fanatical Roman Catholic Freemason, subject to the Jesuits, who was the King of France for 18 years, second Empire. England never resisted him. They fought with him in the Crimean War. And Napoleon III dedicated all of his ships to the Virgin Mary. England has been on the side of the Jesuits since 1815, no later. So, that means that the British Secret Service is totally working for Rome, all throughout the 1800s.

Martin: How did the Jesuits regain control of the Vatican in 1814?

Phelps: Remember that they were in control of Napoleon. A Jesuit by the name of Abbie Sieyes—you can find him, again, in Ridpath’s History Of The World—Abbie Sieyes was a Jesuit-trained individual, and I believe he was a Jesuit. He was on the Directory, and he was also on the Consulate; he was the second counsel. Napoleon was the first; he was the second. He was the advisor and director of Napoleon. Abbie Sieyes, being the Jesuit that he was, ordered Napoleon to imprison the Pope for 5 years, and he did! So, the Pope was in prison for 5 years until 1814, when he restored the Jesuit Order. The Pope, prior to that, was killed. They brought him over the mountains of the Alps, and he died through that debacle.

The Jesuits thoroughly humiliated the papacy. They used their French soldiers to overturn St. Peter’s chair, and they found, written in Arabic: "There is no other God but Allah, and Mohammed is his  prophet." And THAT is what is under St. Peter’s chair today. That was stolen from some kalif during the Crusades.

So, they completely intimidated the Pope and showed their power. The Pope then restored them with a Papal Bull, calling upon the vengeance of the Apostles Peter and Paul, blah, blah, blah, for anyone who would ever suppress the Jesuit Order ever again. When the Jesuits were "reinstalled" in all their power, that’s when they were in control of the Pope, and from then on they have been. Any Pope who resists them gets punished or murdered. And all the Popes know it. When Pius IX wanted a liberal constitution for the Italian people in 1849, all of the Italians were delighted. Here is a liberal Pope; he’s going to give us constitutional rights; we’re going to have a constitution.

The Jesuits raised up a revolution with Garibaldi and their Freemasons, and drove Pius IX from his throne. He had to stay in Gaeta for about a year. When he returned to Rome, under the protection of Napoleon III’s French army—actually, it was the republic’s army that would later be his "army of the empire"—but they returned with a French army, protecting the Pope, he became the most fanatical absolutist, pursuant to the wishes of the Jesuits.

So, Piux IX was punished. But the Popes who don’t obey, like, what was it, In God’s Name, the Pope who was murdered after 33 days, when he didn’t go along with the Jesuit Order, they ended his life.

[Editor’s note: Eric is here referring to the very well researched and deeply insightful 1984 Bantam Books gem (that’s very hard to find, for "some" reason!) by David A. Yallop, called In God’s Name, which details the author’s thorough investigation into the murder of Pope John Paul I the night of September 28-29, 1978 after John Paul had been digging into the massive web of corruption surrounding the Vatican Bank. For all of you who look for clues, note well the choosing of day 33 since his election for the execution of the murder.]

When you steal from the Vatican, like the Cardinal did at the PII Lodge, they killed him (Kalvi), and they hanged the other guy, beginning with the admiralty jurisdiction, at their first bridge of the sea. So they have their assassins everywhere to carry out orders. They are machines. They are the perfect "Manchurian Candidates" and they will kill popes, cardinals, presidents, kings, and kaisers, to maintain Jesuit power. They are utterly ruthless—just like they said they would be in the Protocols: "We are merciless."

Martin: As you look around the world today, who do you see opposing them?

Phelps: It’s interesting. I have a friend who makes quite a few trips to Haiti. I told her about the Jesuits. She got to questioning a few people, and she found that Papa Doc had expelled the Jesuits from Haiti.

Martin: No kidding?

Phelps: That’s right. Isn’t it interesting, his son was also driven from power and the guy put in his place, I believe it was Aristide, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a complete pawn of the Pope and the Jesuit Order—for which reason, when those Haitians wanted to drive Aristide from his power, this filthy, Jesuit-controlled government in Washington put an embargo against Haiti, wrecking the country. See how the U.S. government uses its military, political, and financial power to maintain the temporal power of the Pope? And that’s not only in Haiti; it’s everywhere. Russia is another example.

Martin: Don’t you see, coming up soon in Israel, some of these powers coming head-to-head over the rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple? Don’t you see some conflicts with the powers that be?

Phelps: Which powers are you talking about?

Martin: I don’t know; there seem to be so many involved.

Phelps: We first have to remember the creation of the nation of Israel. World War I prepared the land for the people. World War II prepared the people for the land. World War III, the battle of Armageddon, will "prepare the people for their messiah"—with national repentance and realizing that "Jesus, the messiah, is the savior and will deliver them".

The present government of Israel was set up by the High Masonic Rothschild-controlled Jews, and Rothschild has had an alliance with the Jesuit General since 1876, with Adam Weishaupt. This is the very same Rothschild powers who betrayed the Jews into the hands of the Nazis, killing many Jews all throughout Europe, betraying their own Jewish people. These are the very same powers who run the nation of Israel today.

I read a very interesting paragraph by Mark Lane in his book Plausible Denial when he tells about a Jew in Israel who wrote about certain criminal Jews, involved with the Nazis, who are now with the Mossad, something along those lines. The man who wrote the article was gunned-down in front of his home.

So, Rome controls the Israeli government. It controls the Israeli government through the Mossad.

Who trained the Mossad? Reinhard Gehlen.

We find that fact in Loftus’ work The Secret War Against The Jews in most telling, telling detail.

So what do we have? We have high-level treason and betrayal of the Jewish race; that is there in Israel today, by their own leaders, who are loyal to Rome and the Jesuit Order. And to show this, we have a great big Rockefeller edifice in Jerusalem; we have an ophthalmology center in Jerusalem run by the Knights of Malta. There’s nothing but Knights of Malta, high-level Freemasonry, and the Jesuit Order running all of Israel.

So what’s going to happen, I believe, with the Dome of the Rock is, that has got to be removed—somehow, someway. It’s on the Temple site; it has to be removed.

If I was the Jesuit General, I would make— somehow, someway—American bombers do it. Because I want to create universal hatred for this nation of the United States, because in the United States there are more Protestants and more Jews than any country in the world, and "we’ve" got to kill all those people. So what better way than to create a Jihad, a Moslem fanatical attack against the United States, coupled with a Chinese invasion from the East. That’s what I think is going to happen.

The Jews are not going to destroy that Temple site because, if they do, Rome will destroy their efforts of rebuilding the Temple.

Because, if Moslems control all of Jerusalem, that Temple will never be rebuilt. It has to stay in Jewish hands—because the Jews, and rightfully so, need their own homeland. They’re entitled to the nation. And they haven’t had their own Temple of worship. They are rightfully entitled to that.

But what they don’t know is that they are being used by the Jesuits to rebuild their own Temple, that they would love to have rebuilt, for the Pope, so he can sit there and be the man of sin, the Anti-Christ of the Book of Daniel, Chapter 9. That’s what I see coming for Israel.

The assassination of Rabin? He wanted to give away too much. He probably wanted to give away some of Jerusalem. The Jesuits will never allow that. So, his bodyguards just step aside and the Mossad kills him. And nothing more is ever heard

Rome’s—the Jesuit General’s—international intelligence community carries out all high-level
assassinations, kills anybody who’s against their program. And Cromwell knew this, back in his day, and that’s why he protected himself—160 of his finest "ironsides" as his bodyguards, and no one got to him.

So anybody who’s going to resist the Jesuit Order has to be doing it as a matter of a "religious" conviction—being protected by God and good men who are loyal to Him. If it’s simply political, with a hired Secret Service, you can forget it.

Martin: Let’s go back to St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York. Why is that so significant? You talk about the American Pope. Again, that person is?

Phelps: Cardinal O’Connor.

Martin: Now, what is his role in the United States?

Phelps: Ok, remember first that this title "American Pope" was gotten from Conney’s work. John Conney wrote The American Pope, I believe in 1988, so a lot of this information is from that document.

The American Pope is the Cardinal of New York. He is the most powerful Cardinal in the United States. He is what’s called "the military vicar".

The military vicar is in command of all of the military orders within the United States, they being the Knights of Malta and the Knights of Columbus. He is also in command, and privately, of "the Commission" because Cardinal Spellman was an intimate of Joe Kennedy, and Joe Kennedy was an intimate of Frank Costello.

We also see that it was Cardinal Spellman who enabled "Lucky" Luciano to be released from the prison in New York, to return to Italy in 1946. And this was because of the Luciano Project that I mentioned in my book. But Lucky Luciano, his Mafia on the East Coast, worked in conjunction with the U.S. Navy, supposedly to protect the Eastern seaboard from German U-boat attack.

So, as payback? Cardinal Spellman releases Lucky Luciano—that filthy, wicked, evil, heartless spiritual bastard, who compelled young girls into prostitution, probably one of the cruelest things any man could do. He is released and sent back to Rome.

When the Kennedy assassination comes up, the Cardinal needs a favor. After all, he’s released Luciano. So now the Mafia gets to participate: Jack Ruby, Carlos Marcello, Santos Trafficante, all the High Dons participate. Why? Because that Cardinal in New York controls the Commission.

And that Commission, you know what it controls? All of the trucking, all the supermarkets, it’s power is beyond our wildest imagination, second only to the Knights of Malta. And, of course, they all control the Federal Reserve Bank.

The Cardinal controls the Federal Reserve Bank through the Council on Foreign Relations. The Council on Foreign Relations belongs to the Cardinal. Spellman was not a member of it, during his day, but two of the most powerful members were Knights of Malta: Henry Luce and J. Peter Grace, and also William F. Buckley, to this day. William F. Buckley is indeed one of my enemies, because I name him, and he is a powerful multi-billionaire who participated in the Kennedy assassination, just like Iacocca, another Knight. Both of those men are subject to Cardinal O’Connor and will do ANYTHING he says.

Martin: Do you know who is head of the Knights of Malta, now?

Phelps: Yes; his name is Flynn. He took over when Grace died in ’93. Flynn is head of the American branch. The head of the worldwide branch, the international Knights of Malta, is Andrew Bertie; he’s an Englishman. And you can find that in the National Catholic Reporter, when you go after their various articles on the Knights of Malta.

Martin: Do the Knights of Malta actually meet, actually hold meetings with the Jesuits?

Phelps: Oh, sure. Remember that Alexander Haig is a powerful Knight of Malta. His brother is a Jesuit.

So, sure they have meetings. The High Knights of Malta, who meet in their palace on Aventin Hill, in Rome, of course, meet with the Jesuit General, and so on. And Count von Hoensbroech, who was a German Noble who became a Jesuit for 14 years—he wrote a two-volume work called Fourteen Years A Jesuit. His father was a Knight of Malta. Yes, the Jesuits work in conjunction and have regular meetings with the Knights of Malta.

The Knights control the money. The Knights control the banks. They control the Bank of Canada, Federal Reserve Bank, Bank of England; they control the banking. They were the ones who were behind the sinking of the Titanic, with the creation of the White Star Line, J.P. Morgan and others.

Martin: Alan Greenspan, then, would be?

Phelps: Alan Greenspan is a Jew, probably a Freemason, because he is the leader of the Temple called the "Federal Reserve Bank" and they always put Jews in the forefront—so that they can blame all of what they do on the Jewish race in this country, to create an anti-Semitism everywhere, just like Charles Coughlin, the radio Jesuit priest of the ’30s did.

Greenspan, Bloomenthal, Warburg, and all those Jews need to be publicly rebuked, because they are creating the mass genocide of the Jewish race in the United States. The Jews are being blamed right now for the foreign policy in Bosnia. Madeline Albright—she’s a Jew—they’re blaming her for what’s going on in Serbia. I’ve got a good Serbian friend who blames her. I said she’s just a pawn of the Jesuit CFR. Don’t blame the Jewish people. It’s these Jewish "pawns" who are loyal to the Pope and the Jesuits who are doing this.

The Zionists—the Jesuits are the Great Zionists. They control all of the historical High Zionists—Theodor Herzl, David Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir. Zionism is a Masonic term, coined by the Jesuits. They are the rulers; they are the Protocols; they are the Elders of Zion. So the Zionists are, indeed, evil and wicked; but they are controlled by Rome. The Jews are not all Zionists.

I remember when I went to Jerusalem and Israel in 1976, and a lady said to this particular man that I had met: "You’re more of a Zionist than we are!" And I thought: "What does that mean? I don’t understand that."

I only later understood why Yasser Arafat says he doesn’t hate the Jews; he can’t stand the Zionists. And I’m thinking: "What’s the difference?" I, later, learned that there is a great difference between those Zionists and the other Jews. The Orthodox Jews can’t stand the Zionists.

So what’s the difference? The Zionists are socialist communists, controlled by Rome. They are atheists, just like the Jesuits, although they’re being used to rebuild the nation of Israel. They are the enemies of the Jewish people, per se.

There’s no conflict going on in the Middle East. There’s no conflict going on with the Arab nations. All of the Arab nations are under the command of Masonic kings or Iotollas. Saddam Hussein is no enemy of George Bush; they’re both brothers, brothers of the lodge. That whole thing was set up to kill off a whole bunch of Arabs for the protection of the Zionist state of Israel.

Martin: Well, Bush and Saddam were business partners. We’ve covered that in recent past issues of our newspaper.

Phelps: Sure. That’s why they never killed Saddam. They could have easily killed him. The CIA can kill anybody they want to. They could have easily killed Saddam and got out. They could use their own Arab agents in there. Saddam was a very important tool.

Martin: Still is.

Phelps: Still is, sure. They keep the Arab peoples and nations at bay by controlling them through their leaders. Or, when they start to get out of control in their Moslem fanaticism, they then foment a war and kill off a whole bunch of them. Make sense?

Martin: There was a statement you made in your book about the Jesuits controlling the Nation of Islam, and that was almost a surprising statement to read. I would think that someone like Louis Farrakhan would be pretty adamant.

Phelps: Yeah, he would hate me for that one. Well, let’s think a little bit here:

Chicago is ruled by the Archbishop of Chicago, a Cardinal. It was Cody; I don’t know who it is now. Do you think anything goes down in Chicago without the Cardinal’s approval?

Where was the Nation of Islam founded? Chicago.

Where is Louis Farrakhan’s—that murderer’s—mansion? Chicago. He lives like a king.

What does he hand out? He hands out the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion to all of deluded Black Nation of Islam people, so that they can hate the Jews, just like the Klu Klux Klan.

That’s right. Those three little tidbits, right there, prove that the Nation of Islam is totally under Jesuit control. They are going to be used to foment anarchy and agitation, because they have an army called "the fruit of Islam", and they have millions of rounds stored in all the major cities—guns stored everywhere, so that they can start the race war. And when that happens, you see, then the brothers in Washington can implement Martial Law, suspend the Constitution, and now the Jesuits have what they want.

So, they use these Blacks in the North, who hate the White people, for their own destruction, for the destruction of the Black people themselves. And the Nation of Islam is part of that.

When I was in the Air Force, and in jail for about 10-15 days, about 10 years ago, the Nation of Islam was paramount, or tried to be paramount, there. All the Blacks in jail become Moslems. It’s a "hate the White man" religion. Every White man is a White, blue-eyed Devil. And they’re playing—the Zodiac killer, back in California many years ago, all Moslems. So it’s a "hate the White man" religion, designed to foment agitation and unrest.

Martin Lucifer King was intimately involved with them. The only problem is, Malcolm X got on to it. He realized he was being used and he separated from it. Then he ceased to be an agitator.

Martin: Malcolm X was way ahead of his time.

Phelps: Yeah. Malcolm X was a good guy.

Martin: Yes, he was.

Phelps: Malcolm X, even though he was used by the Jesuits, because he hated the King James Bible, he was a great agitator. When he went to Mecca, he changed.

Martin: Yes, he did.

Phelps: And when he came back, he stopped being an agitator. He stopped hating the White man. He started to set up the African-American Movement. And as a result, he was assassinated by the high leaders of the FBI and the Nation of Islam.

And what do they both have in common? High-level Shriner Freemasonry.

And so, we have the Masons in control of the Nation of Islam and the Klu Klux Klan—one agitating Blacks, and the other agitating Whites, to the glory of the Jesuit Order. The other Civil Rights Movement had the Jesuits behind that—with LaFarge. Jesuit LeFarge was a great mover and shaker of the Civil Rights Movements. And that agitation resulted in amalgamation, race-mixing, the destruction of a White race and a Black race, producing a nation of hybrids that cannot maintain free government.

That is what they proposed to do in the first Reconstruction, but it failed; so they succeeded in the second Reconstruction in the ’60s. The Jesuits are masters of the races. They know their strengths and their weaknesses.

The only race who successfully resisted the Jesuit Order is the White, Anglo-Celtic, Saxon race, with a Bible in one hand and a gun in the other. And so they’ve got to take the Bible away, they’ve got to take the gun away, and they’ve got to destroy that race. And that’s what they are essentially doing here. I know that’s a racist statement, but I’m sorry, it’s just the way it is. That’s history, and that’s what they’re

Martin: The relationship between Communism and Freemasonry. Where do the Jesuits fit into Communism and Freemasonry?

Phelps: Let’s, first of all, look at the relationship of Jesuitism to Communism. The Jesuits perfected the tenets of Communism on their reductions in Paraguay, for 150 years, from 1600-1750.

Martin: What is a reduction?

Phelps: A reduction is a commune. In Israel they would call it a kibbutz. In Joseph Stalin’s Russia they would call it a commune. In New York they call it a village. In France, Paris, they called it a commune. It’s communal living where everybody is equal in their finances, in the labors; you have no great, no small,  no rich, no poor—everybody is small, and everybody is poor, and everybody is controlled by a dictator. That’s the essence of Communism.

The Jesuits, on the reductions in Paraguay, which were the communes, had a central bank, and it was "each according to their ability and each according to their need". And so, the Guarani Indians that were the subjects—and there were some 200,000 of these South American Indian natives who were slaves of the Jesuits, putting their goods into world commerce and trade. They were living under the tenets of Communism, perfected by the Jesuits, as outlined in Plato’s Republic and Sir Thomas Moore’s Utopia. The Jesuits perfected it on their reductions.

With that, they then introduced Communism in 1848 through Karl Marx. They tutored him in the British Museum, according to Alberto Rivera, an ex-Jesuit.

So Marx, the Jewish Freemason, was to be the one to put forward this Communism for the world, so that Communism would look like a Jewish brain-child, so that Communism could be blamed on the Jews. Well, what’s not told is that the Jews involved in the implementing of Communism were Masonic Jews. Karl Marx was a 33rd-degree Freemason, a worshipper of Lucifer, whose father wanted nothing to do with him, because his father was a Baptist preacher.

Jewish Freemasonry, controlled by the Jesuits, implemented Communism in Russia. Lenin, the half-Jew, was a Freemason. That civil war that took place from 1917-1922, for 5 years, was given the appearance that it was primarily Yiddish. I mean, they’re on the streets of Russia talking Yiddish; they had Yiddish signs; and it was wanted to give the impression to the world that this revolution was of Jewish origin.

For 10 years after the revolution, the Jews faired very well, but in 1922, Joseph Stalin, that great Jew-hater, who was educated by Jesuits in Georgia—which was a country south of Russia and, therefore, the Emperor’s banning of the Jesuits from Russia, his Ukase, did not reach to Georgia. So the Jesuits stayed in Georgia, trained Joseph Stalin, brought him in after the Revolution, and made him Secretary of the Communist Party in 1922, until he died in 1953.

The Jesuits used Freemasonry and, of course, Stalin was also a brother Freemason. They used Freemasonry to implement Communism in Russia, and from there, China, and from there, throughout the world.

When Germany had their revolution after World War I, their Communist revolution—remember, they requested an armistice—they had never been beaten on the field of battle.

The Germans were foisted into that war; they never started World War I. It was started by France and Russia and England, for the purpose of destroying Germany, because Germany had expelled the Jesuits. During that war, the Germans requested an armistice to stop this Communist revolution in Germany.

And who lead the revolution? The German Freemasons.

According to the Kaiser, in his memoirs, it was German Freemasonry that got him off his throne and deposed him. He had to go into exile in Holland. He wrote his memoirs in 1935.

So the relationship between Jesuitism, Communism and Freemasonry we see evolving and expanding from the 1600s to the ultimate achievement in the Bolshevik Revolution.

In my book, I parallel the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution, and they are identical. It was French Freemasonry that caused the French Revolution and the Jacobins, and it was the Freemasons in Russia, with Bolsheviks, who caused the Russian Revolution, with their Bolsheviks, leading and ending in Joseph Stalin. In France, it ended with Napoleon; in Russia, it ended with Stalin. And so, that’s the relationship there.

Martin: Why was Eugene Sue so significant?

Phelps: Eugene Sue wrote his masterpiece The Wandering Jew, and in that masterpiece he weaves a fantastic story from India to England to France, of the power of the Jesuit Order and their attempt to destroy the Rennepont family, a French Huguenot Protestant family, and acquire a fortune that’s due to be inherited by the members of that family on a certain day, at a certain time, in a certain year.

Well, that fortune is held, in trust, by a Jew, for which reason the book is named The Wandering Jew. It tells of the power of the Jesuit Order in that book, and how the Jesuits mercilessly killed all these members of the Rennepont family so they could not inherit their fortune.

The only one, I believe, they didn’t kill was a priest, whose name was Gabriel, who was a decent and a righteous Catholic priest who repudiated the Jesuit Order. He ordered the Jew to burn all the securities, that totaled something like $212 million, that would have rightfully been this French family’s.

So, the Jesuits didn’t get it, nor did the French family get it. It’s written with such drama and feeling that you cannot put this book down. It was translated into many different languages. As a result, the French, and other nations, had their French Revolution, the second French Revolution of 1848. But because it was not lead by Godly men, it benefited the Jesuits.

Whenever you have a revolution led by unGodly men, it’s just like a man who’s on a horse, trying to be pushed off the horse, and as he’s pushed off, another dictator takes his place. That’s exactly what happened in France, and Italy, and the nations who were involved in that second French Revolution.

But Eugene Sue had motivated the people of France to expel the Jesuits, and they were finally expelled in 1880 by a French Freemason, in the 3rd Republic, Leon Gambetta. So, they’re all Freemasons who resist them, but they pay with their lives, like Garfield, like Gambetta, Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt really didn’t resist them; he just was killed by them.

Martin: Again, I’m jumping around.

Phelps: Ok.

Martin: What was Operation Mongoose?

Phelps: Operation Mongoose was purely "black ops" in the words of Fletcher Prouty. Of course, Fletcher Prouty I consider the authority on what Operation Mongoose was. Operation Mongoose was to "give the appearance" of resistance to Castro’s government by attacking Cuba but, in effect, solidified his reign there. That’s what it ultimately produced. And that’s what the Knights and the CIA ultimately wanted. Ok?

The agreement that Kennedy made over the Cuban missile crisis in 1962—first of all, there was no missile crisis. There’s no such thing as nuclear war. There’s no such thing as a nuclear attack. That’s all a hoax. It’s just as much a hoax as going and landing on the Moon. It’s a hoax.

Nuclear war, that fear, was the basis for the Cuban missile crisis. And out of that hoax, Kennedy strikes a secret deal with Khrushchev that, if you keep the missiles out of Cuba, we won’t bother Castro anymore. Well, that’s what the Jesuits wanted anyway. They wanted to solidify Castro in power.

So that whole theatrical performance solidified Castro’s power in Cuba. And the question is: Why would the Jesuits create this fanatical power in Cuba, run down the Cuban people, put them in poverty, imprison them at random, create a living hell down there, drive out the Mafia—the Mafia could no longer have their casinos in Havana?

Why would the Mafia give up their casinos? For the international drug trade to be developing out of Vietnam.

Therefore, if the Mafia is leaving, and we don’t have a bunch of American tourists going down to Cuba anymore, and Cuba is really a secret country—the Bible is not allowed there, missionaries are not allowed in, obviously under Jesuit control, Castro was trained by Jesuits—what’s the purpose of Cuba under Castro?

It’s purpose is as a landing base for foreign invasion. They have hundreds of vehicles, underground, in underground caves there, ready for a massive invasion to the East Coast, primarily the South. Because the last of the Protestants in this country are in the South.

Cuba will always be under a dictator and will never go back to freedom, because it is to be a landing base. And you know what? It could very well be a landing base for a Jihad that the Moslems will foment against us, because they’ll come right across from Africa to Cuba, get reinforced, and then go landing into Florida, with all their 5th-Column Cubans in Florida and Miami right now. Sounds wild, but—.

Martin: That’s a sobering thought.

Phelps: Yes, it is. Sounds wild, but I’m telling you, all the geography is in place. However, they can’t pull this all off until they get your guns. So that’s why they’re constantly creating these gun issues—people shooting people, the Columbine High School bit—to justify the confiscation of all the guns. And when that happens, then they can do what they want to do.

Martin: There are a lot of strong Americans out there.

Phelps: The only problem is this: they’re not united and they can’t be lead. Americans are leaderless because they do not follow. They all think their opinions are equal, and they’re not. I would follow General Patton anywhere. I wouldn’t question an order of his. We don’t have men like that today, for the most part, because we don’t have leaders like that today.

Martin: I found your account of Patton’s assassination fascinating, also your speaking of the Jesuits’ poisoning of him.

Phelps: A member of the OSS came out in the Spotlight [newspaper] and said that. His name was Zapata, that agent. He said he was given a contract on Patton for $10,000. He didn’t kill him, but he knows the guy who did. So, Patton was murdered, and General Vlasov was murdered, and both of them hated the Jesuits’ "Grand Inquisitor", Joseph Stalin. They would have united together to eradicate Russia of that dictator, but the Jesuits would not have it because Russia is theirs. They must control the Orthodox Church to bring it back to Rome. That’s why they got rid of the Romanoffs.

Martin: Patton’s take-out was ordered by "Wild" Bill Donovan? Did I read that?

Phelps: That’s right. Wild Bill Donovan was the head of the OSS at the time. And if you get Anthony K. Brown’s The Last Hero, it’s on Wild Bill Donovan. He is in the Vatican at the end of his life, in a picture, walking in the Vatican to receive one of the highest medals from the Pope, for a "lifetime" of intelligence service to the Vatican. That is in The Last Hero and the picture is mesmerizing. I want to put it in my book.

The OSS is nothing but an arm of the CIA and the Vatican, and that’s why they took out Kenendy. They kill all the generals who don’t "play ball".

Martin: Let’s talk about the CIA and the FBI some more. What can you tell me about their relationship to Count von Kolvenbach?

Phelps: Well, based upon the past, if the CIA and the FBI carried out the assassination under Spellman, and Janseens was the Jesuit General then, the same power structure is in place. So, von Kolvenbach, through his Knights of Malta and Jesuits, control the FBI and CIA. And his liason of control is now Cardinal O’Connor in New York.

Martin: Some time ago, with Gunther Russbacher and others, there was talk about a split in the CIA, of  different factions. Some even say there is a third faction in the CIA that has split off. What’s your opinion about factional divisions within the CIA?

Phelps: I think it’s true. I know that Angelton was the mole. Angelton was the one who betrayed all those CIA agents in Russia, in which the vast majority of them were killed, when he gave all that information to that KGB kingpin on a farm in New York, in a van, stuffed with all the highest, top secret CIA documents. Ok?

Colby comes along as the Director of the CIA—I know his brother, he lives nearby me—Colby comes along as the Director of the CIA and what does he do? He fires Angelton. Bad news for Colby.

Martin: Yeah, it was.

Phelps: They filled him up with lead. Eric Timm, he was also against Angleton; he was history. That’s all told in Anthony K. Brown’s work Treason In The Blood. There’s a whole little chapter on Eric Timm and some of the other guys in the CIA who were against Angelton. They all died. So there’s a faction in the CIA that knows that something is rotten in Denmark, and they don’t quite know what it is. Hopefully, they’ll read my book and see that the CIA is just an arm of the Jesuit Order and Knights of Malta, carrying out the Council of Trent and the Pope’s temple power, and will REVOLT, and start to tell the truth themselves.

It’s the same way in the FBI. My father lectured at the FBI Academy. He wanted to be in the FBI, but his parents were Communists, so he was not let in by J. Edgar Hoover. But the FBI has low-level agents who wonder just what’s going on. A lot of them didn’t approve of what happened in Waco.

They need to come out and tell the truth. This whole "house of cards"—and that’s what it is, this is not an undefeatable, invincible monster—it’s a house of cards; it plays on FEAR. If men would tell the truth, and come out and tell what they know, and not be afraid, this whole house of cards would crumble. That’s what they need to do.

Martin: Who is Avery Dulles?

Phelps: Avery Dulles is the son of John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, I believe, under Eisenhower. Avery Dulles is a Jesuit, and he was the nephew of the head of the CIA during the Kennedy assassination, who was Allan Dulles. And Allan Dulles was a Freemason, also called "the gentleman spy" in the book The Gentleman Spy.

Martin: What was Angelton’s role in the Kennedy assassination?

Phelps: Angelton was the one who was to "investigate" it on the part of the CIA. (laughter)

Angelton also, I believe, was liaison to the Warren Commission—no, that was Dulles. But Angelton and Dulles were working together on that, because Angelton was the Chief of Counter-Intelligence and he manned the Vatican Desk, and he manned the Israeli Desk.

See how they’re maintaining the Zionists in power, with the Israeli Desk? So, they saved Israel’s hide in the ’73 war, because Kissinger almost lost it for them. Alexander Haig gave them, the Israelis, those anti-tank missiles, and got them in their hands before the Egyptians got into Israel and disabled them. That was Alexander Haig, Knight of Malta, for which reason he was also the Supreme Allied Commander for NATO, promoted over 260 of his peers.

Martin: Do you know anything about Haig’s statement "I’m in charge now!" Do you remember that?

Phelps: Yeah, I do. I don’t know all of the implications, but I’m sure it fits in with him being, in fact, in charge in the Nixon White House.

Martin: Ok, I want to go back to the Kennedy assassination, and I’m going to just mention some names: Clay Shaw, Jim Garrison, J. Peter Grace, Henry Luce, E. Howard Hunt, John McCone. Why are they so important to this story?

Phelps: Give me one and we’ll start with one.

Martin: Let’s start with Clay Shaw.

Phelps: Clay Shaw was a Knight of Malta. He was the head of the international trade mart in New Orleans. Roman Catholic, homosexual, multi-millionaire, lived lavishly, etc. Clay Shaw was the personal friend of David Ferry. David Ferry was a CIA agent, and was also a pilot for Carlos Marchello—the CIA and the Mafia together. Clay Shaw also was a friend of Lee Oswald, and Garrison proves it.

Here we have Clay Shaw, who was in the CIA. It was admitted by Richard Helms that Clay Shaw was a "contract agent" for the CIA, and the highest security involved in the Kennedy assassination, because he gets an attorney for Dean Andrews who’s subpoenaed by Garrison. So, if Clay Shaw is involved, he’s a Knight of Malta, he’s high CIA, and he can’t go down.

That’s why the court was packed. The judge was biased against Garrison. The defense of Shaw was unlike any before. There was a guy behind, whispering to the defense attorney. That’s not allowed in a courtroom defense.

Shaw HAD to be found innocent, because if he was found guilty, now the CIA is going down. Now we’re going to have a revolution. So, Clay Shaw had to be found not guilty.

But it wasn’t many years after that, he died under suspicious conditions and never had an autopsy. He died of lung cancer. But he’s part of the brotherhood, and the Jesuits are very powerful in New Orleans.

Martin: John McCone.

Phelps: John McCone was a very powerful industrialist, and one who was part of the military-industrial complex, before he became the head of the CIA. He later went on to become part of, I believe, ITT.

John McCone was another Knight of Malta, head of the CIA, and participated in the Kennedy assassination by virtue of him being its head. And he’s Knight of Malta.

Angelton is a Knight of Malta. Henry Luce is a Knight of Malta. William F. Buckley is a Knight of Malta. And William F. Buckley then ran the National Review—and what does he do? He blames Oswald as the lone assassin.

Where was the picture concocted, for Oswald, as though his head is put on this body that’s not his? It was concocted, probably, I believe, in the Time-Life Building, when they did that, because Time-Life has a whole  bunch of CIA agents in it. And, remember, Time-Life is right across the street from St. Patrick’s Cathedral, where Cardinal Spellman was ruling from.

So, Spellman was overseeing the whole thing, with Henry Luce. And, if you get Luce And His Empire, there is a picture in there of Cardinal Spellman, Luce, Grace, Clare Boothe Luce, and Dean Rusk, on the 1963, 4-year anniversary of Time magazine in the Waldorf Astoria, only months before the Kennedy assassination. And there’s Dean Rusk, the architect of the Vietnam War, according to the words of his own son.

Ok, who’s the other one? Howard Hunt. Howard Hunt is a CIA agent, of course.

He said he was never in Dallas the day of the assassination, but Mark Lane proved that he was. Thank God for Mark Lane. Here’s another Jew getting in the way of the Vatican. Just like Daniel Ellsberg—here’s another Jew getting in the way of the Vatican’s Vietnam War.

You see Jews who are getting in the way of the Vatican, and the Jesuits are furious about it. So here’s Mark Lane; he’s openly defeated William F. Buckley in court before; now he proves that Howard Hunt is a CIA agent, in Dallas the day of the assassination.

The jury came forward with that verdict, and who is Howard Hunt? Howard Hunt is a personal friend of Henry Luce, a correspondent for Time-Life. He’s a personal friend of William F. Buckley. He goes to one of Buckley’s parties at the New York Yacht Club. He knows them both. He knows two of the High Knights.

And guess what? Guess what Howard Hunt is called? He’s called "Knight". (laughter)

I wonder what he was—Knight of Columbus, or whatever. But he’s involved with the brotherhood.

So he was there on the day of the assassination, intimate with Luce and Buckley. Just as the chart says on my web page. And by the way, your readers need to look at my web page.

Martin: I’m going to mention a few more names.

Phelps: Oh, J. Peter Grace we forgot. J. Peter Grace was the head of the Knights of Malta in 1963. He is the head of W. R. Grace, and he’s one of the largest shipping tycoons in the world, in control of all the shipping in South America. Grace is a powerful man, or was a powerful man.

Martin: Has anyone filled his shoes?

Phelps: Yes, Flynn is head of the Knights of Malta now, down in Florida where there new office is. They moved from New York to Florida, I think Bocca Raton. They have 11 Knights of Malta on the W. R. Grace board.

And, of course, guess who owns Taco Bell? W. R. Grace.

So now we see W. R. Grace involved in the poisoning of America with fast-food chains, so everybody gets heart disease, clogged arteries, so they can go to bypass surgery and further enrich the medical profession, while carrying out their medical inquisition. Isn’t that clear? So not only are they going to kill all of the American people, but they’re going to make billions doing it.

Martin: I’m sure they’re laughing all the way to the bank.

Phelps: They sure are. And where Grace did his banking, W. R. Grace, they did their banking at Chemical Bank in New York. Guess who runs Chemical Bank? Knights of Malta.

Martin: Jim Garrison was a very brave guy.

Phelps: Yes, he was. He lost his marriage. He lost his children. He suffered greatly through this, doing what he did.

Martin: Ok, I want to talk about the movie JFK. You mention the Jesuits, in control of Time-Warner, produced Oliver Stone’s movie JFK. What was the reason for this? To just further cement, subliminally in the minds of the American people, their absolute power?

Phelps: I think that might be part of it. But, I think it’s a test. It’s a test: tell the American people the truth to see what they will do about it. And they did nothing.

And that was the end of Garrison, or Kevin Costner’s speech, in the courtroom, when he said "It’s up to you." And he looks directly into the camera. So, he’s looking at us.

That was a call to do something about it. It’s a test. What will we do? And you know what was done? Nothing. The men in power, the men in the know, the men who could have said something, did nothing. So that was the purpose of the movie.

Meanwhile, they interweave all these Jesuit subliminals all throughout the movie: "Black is white, white is black"—when Garrison is at the restaurant, talking to his people—that’s Ignatius Loyola. David Ferry shows pictures of his Catholic uniform there, and Satan pictures in his apartment, all very much Jesuitism.

There were a couple of other things I noticed that I can’t quite remember. Oh, they had a subliminal "study the past". It goes on there, it’s on a building or something, "study the past". And they said: "It’s like Caesar; he’s not in the loop." Well, Caesar was murdered by those close to him. And the ones who murdered Caesar were the priests of Rome. There’s all kinds of subliminals in that movie which point to the power of the Jesuit Order, all over. The assassination—right after they take his body out of Parkland Hospital, they’ve got the
cross on it, the crucifix. That is a very unique, Jesuit crucifix.

When I was at a Jesuit retreat in Redding one day, I just wanted to walk through the place. I wanted to see where these sinners rule from, so I thought I would walk through the place and check out the rooms. It just so happened that the Jesuits were on the second floor, by themselves. So I went to the first floor and the third floor, and looked into the rooms. They were little, tiny rooms, and on every bed is a crucifix with a crucified person on it. It’s not the Jesus Christ of the Bible; it’s their Jesus Christ. And that’s the same exact crucifix that was put on the coffin, in the movie, when they’re shipping the coffin out.

And get a load of this: the guy who came to give Kennedy the Last Rites, Oscar Hubert, his superior was the Bishop of Dallas, by the name of Thomas Gorman. Bishop Thomas Gorman was a Knight of Malta, answerable directly to Cardinal Spellman.

Martin: Let’s talk about Cardinal Spellman. Who was he? Why was he so important? You say, in the book, he really was the man behind it.

Phelps: Right.

Martin: Why do you say that?

Phelps: Cardinal Spellman was, first, very much involved in politics all of his life. Remember, he was trained by the Jesuits at Fordham. He was trained by Jesuits at the American College in Rome. When he came back here, he was taken care of by Nicholas Brady and his wife, multi-billionaires in control of Union Carbide, and various banks, multi-multi-billionaires.

Spellman was part of getting FDR into office, although I believe Cardinal Hayes was the Cardinal. Guess who FDR names as his international agent, during World War II? Francis Spellman. Francis Spellman was throughout the war-front during World War II, going to and from the Vatican, the Allied Army, etc. And, with that, he built a huge network of contacts. He, also, of course, had contacts with the mob.

So, by the time of the Kennedy assassination, we have Cardinal Spellman here, who helped the Nazis get into the United States, with the FBI.

I met one of those Nazis about 6 months ago. I call him Pete. He showed me his Nazi SS overcoat, which is a beautiful overcoat—I’d love to have it. And it was the FBI who brought all of these High Nazis in and resettled them, and gave them money to settle.

Who did that? Francis Spellman, by helping those criminals escape the theater of Europe so that they could not be prosecuted. It’s called the "Vatican Ratline" that Loftus writes about in his Unholy Trinity.

So, Spellman is involved in getting the SS out, helping the Ustashis. Spellman is involved in this whole second 30 Years War of the Vatican in Europe, outlined by Edmond Paris in his Vatican Against Europe.

And so, he is in a perfect place to carry out the assassination. He has contacts with the Knights of Malta in England, with the Knights he controls in America; he has his Jesuit contacts who trained him at Fordham and Rome; he was a personal friend of Pius XII during the war.

He was a personal friend of the secret cold-warrior, Montini, Pius VI. So he is the perfect man, with all of the connections, to carry it out. He has contacts with the CIA, the Knights from the CIA, the Knights from the FBI, in the person of Carthe DeLouthe, who still lives. He had contacts with high-level Freemasonry, with people like J. Edgar Hoover and their raving against Communism, Communism, Communism—international, Godless, Jew Communism.

He and Hoover are bosom, probably bed, partners. And so, Spellman is in a place to be in control of the CIA, the FBI, the Mafia, and through Freemasonry, the Dallas Police Department—like they control every major city’s P.D. And so he carries it out.

And then he’s also in control of the press, in control of Time and Life, with Henry Luce, so the press never gets it. He’s in control of CBS, with a man named Frank Shakespeare, who was the head of CBS at the time.

So you think Walter Cronkite is going to tell us the truth? No way. He’s in control of CBS, NBC, ABC. They have stocks in it, for heaven’s sake. So, there’s no way the story’s getting out. And he’s in control of the CIA to hit and kill anybody who wants to come out and tell the truth, which is why there’s over a hundred dead witnesses over the last 30 years.

That’s why they took out Fensterwald, in 1992, outlined in the book by that CIA agent First Hand Knowledge, by Morrow. He was a CIA agent. He was in on the Kennedy assassination. He completely outlines it in his book, and he tells of that relationship of the CIA to killing Fensterwald. He dedicates his book to Fensterwald.

So, how’s it getting out? This is only getting out by fearless preachers, who preach the Word of God, and aren’t afraid of telling the truth politically, trusting God that He will move and do His part, now that we’ve done our part.

Martin: FBI Director Hoover, Earl Warren, Gerald Ford, Johnson—Jesuit tools?

Phelps: Jesuit tools. All 33rd-Degree Freemasons. And remember, the Council of the 33rd Degree is located in Washington. They control all of the Shriners in this country. Washington is controlled by the Jesuits from Georgetown.

The capital of the United States is at Georgetown University, not the White House.

And if you go into the president’s office at Georgetown, you will see a picture of Bill Clinton, kneeling at the grave of Timothy Healy [past president of Georgetown], while the present president, Donovan, who is on the Walt Disney Board, is standing behind him.

I wanted that picture; I wanted a copy of that picture. Those people threw me out of that office. They would not let me have a copy of it. I sent another person, a lady, up there. They would not give it to her.  I want that picture, for my book, of Bill Clinton kneeling at the grave of these Jesuits. Can’t get it. But if you go in the president’s office, it’s there.

Georgetown is the capital. They control all Freemasonry. In fact, if you go to Maryland, they’ve got the great big lodge across from a great big Jesuit institution, in Baltimore—a great huge Shriner Lodge is across the street from a Jesuit University. And they’re enemies?

Martin: I want to talk about Bill Clinton in a minute, but before we get to him, who is Cartha DeLoach?

Phelps: Cartha DeLoach—his sir name was Deke. He was the 3rd-in-command of the FBI at the time of the Kennedy assassination. Cartha DeLoach was the real head of the FBI. Hoover was a wimp. His queer buddy, Tolson, who was nothing, was second in command.

So Hoover and Tolson were just figure-heads. The real head of the FBI was Cartha DeLoach, the Knight
of Malta, Roman Catholic, subject to Cardinal Spellman.

Cartha DeLoach fabricated evidence, covered-up evidence in the FBI, in the Kennedy assassination. That was proven by Jim Garrison. Cartha DeLoach went on to retire. He went on to work for a huge industry corporation called PepsiCo, which the Knights of Malta control, and which have ranches in Communist China, which they set up. And he still lives.

Cartha DeLoach wrote a book called Hoover’s FBI. You can get it at the bookstores. In that book he tells about the Secret Service, the FBI, and the Jesuits.

Martin: Why do you refer to the Kennedy assassination as the "Achilles’ Heel" of the Jesuits?

Phelps: Because, if it’s ever known that the Jesuits killed our first Roman Catholic President, if the Roman Catholics of Northeastern America ever find that out, and ever believe it, the Jesuits are finished here.

This country is the keystone to implementing the temporal power of the Pope around the world. If this country would expel the Jesuits, and we get back our national sovereignty, and we started to be self- governing once again, we would have our liberty, and the Jesuits would be out, and we would begin to experience REAL financial prosperity, and real living.

So, if that is known that the Jesuits are the ones behind it, that Rome carried this out, the Catholics of the Northeast would have a revolution. We would have another revolution because American Roman Catholics are not like Catholics in any other country: they think. They have their own opinion. They believe in freedom of conscience. They believe they have the right to express themselves.

Catholics in Poland don’t believe that. Catholics in Italy wouldn’t dare believe that. But the Catholics here do. They have a lot of Protestant principles. They don’t really comprehend this whole idea of universal, world-wide temporal power of the Pope. They think it’s just a religion.

But, if those Catholics in New York, if those two million Roman Catholics knew that Spellman was behind it, and O’Connor has covered it up, we’d have a revolution! Because it’s the Roman Catholics, unfortunately, who only do anything about things. The Protestants don’t do anything. They’re all a bunch of wimps, a bunch of cowards. They don’t do anything.

It’s the Roman Catholics who apparently have built our major cities. They built our skyscrapers. They’re the great steel workers. They’re the ones, apparently, with the guts enough to bring about a change. The only problem is, they’re unGodly because they don’t know the Lord. They don’t read the Bible. They don’t know Christ. They’re not born-again. If they would get born-again, and come to know Christ, with their determination and their resistance to tyranny, we’d have another Reformation. And a  lot of people’s heads would be going on trial, and to the block, for treason.

Martin: I’m going to go back, now. How did the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion, authored, according to you, by the Jesuits, further the Jesuit Agenda?

Phelps: Ok. To anwer that, we probably ought to look at the different Protocols. Now, to my mind, I believe there’s 20 or 30 Protocols; I can’t quite remember. But the Protocols further the agenda of the Jesuit Order in that Russia would be taken and, in the fall of Russia, in the Bolshevik Revolution, two major things would happen: The Romanoff dynasty would be removed. Now, of course, the Czar was not killed at Ekaterinburg; we know that from the book The File On The Czar. We know that his daughter died in the state of Virginia [not very long ago]. We know his son, Alexi, became a member of the KGB, later came to New York, and he put out what was called The White Paper. The Royal Family was not killed, because they were Knights of Malta.

So, the Knights of Malta took the Royal Family out, faked their death, and then after they had taken the Romanoffs out, the Orthodox Church no longer had a protector, because Church and State are one in Russia.

Now the Jesuits were free, with their Bolsheviks, to kill-off the Orthodox leadership that was anti-Rome. That’s why they killed 5,000 priests and nuns, during the revolution, of the Orthodox Church. They just beheaded all the anti-Catholic, anti-Pope leadership of the Orthodox Church.

They got rid of the Romanoffs, and then the next thing they did, they began to purge Russia of its Protestants, in general. They purged it of its Lutherans; they burned down the Lutheran Church; imprisoned the Baptists; sent them off to Siberia. They even destroyed two Jewish communities during the ’20s, which we’re not told.

The Jews fared well for 10 years, until the purges of Stalin in the ’30s. But the Jesuits accomplished the killing-off, the getting rid of the Romanoff dynasty and their protectorate of the Orthodox Church, the beheading of the Orothodox Church, so they could bring Orthodox Moscow back to Rome. And remember, Moscow is considered the "Third Rome". The first is Rome; the second is Constantinople; the third is Moscow. And you can find this, you can find the Jesuit alliance with the Bolsheviks in a book called Descent Into Darkness by a priest named Zatko, who taught at Notre Dame University in the ’60s.

And so the Jesuits were given formal re-entry into Russia in 1922, after the Bolshevik Revolution and Civil War, and from then on—the Russian College was erected in Rome in 1929, so they could prepare Russian Jesuits to rule Russia. And that’s what they’ve done, and they’ve ruled through the KGB, just like they rule this country through the CIA and the FBI.

The Protocols outline this. Remember, the Protocols were discovered in Russia, and translated by an Englishman, Marsden. But what it also did—because then they set-up the huge gulag system, the huge concentration camp system, that gave the Jesuits practice to do this in Europe.

But their great accomplishment was, in the process of pulling all of this off, they blamed it on the Jews, and in so doing, justified in the eyes of the European people the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe—because it’s the Jews who did this in Russia! The Jews killed all the Christians in Russia! The Jews sent them off to Siberia! After all, wasn’t Trotsky a Jew? Wasn’t Lenin a Jew? It’s all the Jews! So, they fell for the bait.

So they blamed it all on the Jews, purged Europe of its Jews, so Europe is primarily Roman Catholic now. It’s a Roman Catholic block, and it will be the army of the Anti-Christ, with its European Union.

The Jews, then, were forced out of the nations to Israel. And remember, during World War II, when the Jews tried to escape and they were desperate to get out of Germany, do you think Jew-controlled Russia would let the Jews in? If the Jews really controlled Russia, they could have gone right into Russia. They were not allowed. Stalin would not allow any Jews to go into Russia. Churchill would not allow any Jews to go into England. And that criminal, FDR, would not allow any Jews to come into America. They were not allowed to escape.

They were either to be killed or funneled down through Israel, to be killed by the Mufti, that was working with the SS, Eichmann. Loftus is right. There is a secret war against the Jews, and all of the intelligence communities are waging it.

And the Jews don’t perceive it because their Rabbis, the majority of their Rabbis, are traitors. I talked to a Rabbi in Lancaster County and I told him to look out for the Jesuit Order. He says "Oh, they’re some of my best friends!" Well, that explains it. The Rabbis betray their own people at the hand of these inquisitors. And that’s what they did in World War II, and they’re going to do it here.

Martin: Let’s talk about Garfield and McKinley. Why were they assassinated?

Phelps: I think Garfield was assassinated on a monetary issue; he was resisting the banking plans of the Jesuits. He was a radical, red Republican, too, you know, so they got rid of their own. I’m not familiar with all of the details. All I know is Burke McCarty in the book The Suppressed Truth About The Assassination Of Lincoln named McKinley and Garfield as other victims of the Jesuit Order. And had the Lincoln assassination been solved, that would never have happened. The other important issue is that Garfield was a Freemason. So, they assassinate their own Freemasons, when they want to.

Martin: Going back to Lincoln, who was John Surratt?

Phelps: John Surratt was the young man, 20 years old, who called time outside of Ford’s Theater. He was a mastermind of the assassination. John Surratt was helped by the priests of Washington to escape Washington, went up into Canada, was taken care of and housed by the priests, by the Bishop of Montreal, and then he was ferried across the ocean in The Peruvian, in a steamer called The Peruvian, and he went to, I believe, Ireland, then into England, then he went to Rome, to the Pope’s Vatican there. He joined the Zouave army, and he was stationed in Alexandria, Egypt, until he was found and arrested.

In 1867, he was brought back and stood trial in Washington. There a woman was involved in the picking of the jury, and a High Roman Catholic was put on it. And because it’s no murder to kill a heretic, the jury was hung in the first trial and Surratt went free. And he was also free in the second trial, because there were two trials. He died in 1914, I believe, at the age of 72, and they gave him, of course, a very, very, pompous funeral, a High Requiem Mass that are usually only given for priests and nuns. Evidently, he deserved it.

Of course, John Wilkes Booth, he was never killed. Corbett never killed Booth in the barn. Booth escaped Washington with a password, according to Finis Bates’ work The Escape And Suicide Of John Wilkes Booth. He escaped to Kansas, and on his death bed confessed to his physician that he was John Wilkes Booth who shot Lincoln. And he escaped with the help of a Masonic password. So just like there was a patsy for the Lincoln assassination, there was a patsy for the Kennedy assassination.

Martin: Why is April 15th so significant?

Phelps: (laughter) Well, April 15 was the day that Lincoln called out troops on the South. It was the day that Lincoln died. He was shot on the 14th and died on the 15th. It’s the day that the Titanic was sunk. And it’s the day all the 14th Amendment citizens of this empire, like the good serfs that they are, go to confession once a year and confess to the government with their tax returns. Beware the Ides of April.  (laughter)

Martin: Let’s talk about the Cold War. Why did that come about?

Phelps: We had the end of World War II. We had the purging of the Jews and the Protestants, for the most part. The British Empire was destroyed, it’s wrecked, which was essentially the empire that the Gospel went  to China with. Modern missions were founded on the British Empire.

So, that Protestant Empire, even though it was controlled by Rome, was done. We have America in huge financial debt, out of isolationism. We have a Russia that’s taken over by the Jesuits, through Joseph Stalin. Of course, the great beneficiary of World War II was Russia—Russia was the only country that won. But the Jesuits are not finished with their purgings and their installings of dictators loyal to the Pope, around the world. I mean, they pretty much have South America. They pretty much have Africa. But they don’t have the East, and the Orthodox nations, and the Buddhist nations.

So, the purpose of the Cold War was to kill millions of these heretic, orthodox Buddhists, and to install in their country dictators that will carry out the Inquisition, who are loyal to the Pope.

One of those dictators was Joseph Stalin. And he was given the nuclear device in 1943 by the U.S. government, by the U.S. army. And you can find that in The Unseen Hand by Ralph Epperson. He did a lot of good documentation.

So, they gave him the bomb. I shouldn’t call it "the bomb" because they gave him the nuclear device so that he could detonate it and create the illusion that Russia now has nuclear capability, when a wheel-barrow was a great invention in Russia.

I mean, the Russian soldiers, when they went into Germany and they found toilets, they were dipping their bread in the toilets and eating their bread out of toilets. In Russia they were just savages. They didn’t have technology; they had nothing. All the technology they ever got was given by Vatican- controlled Western corporations, whose inventors were Protestants.

So, the Cold War has to continue under Stalin. And we have to divide up the world into two factions, so we’re going to put Roman Catholic NATO on one side, and we’re going to put Communist-controlled Warsaw Pact on the other.

But in the process of so doing, they put Protestant East Germany under Communism to purge the Protestants of East Germany out of the country. That’s why they sent them to Siberia. They put Protestant-Lutheran Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia under Communism, so they deported them all to Siberia. They put the Mennonites of Russia further under Communism, deporting them to Siberia. They deported the Baptists of Russia to Siberia, because they could only do—wimpy, gimpy, powerless, Russian army that it was—we could easily have beat it into the ground, if it had not been financed and supported and built by Henry Ford and Western corporations.

So, wimpy, gimpy Russia has this nuclear device, right? And oh, if we decide to go to war with Russia, well, we might get bombed! There’s mutual, assured destruction. So to keep that from happening, we won’t fight ’em, and we’ll let them purge the world of all its Protestants. That’s the purpose of the Cold War.

The Cold War then went into China, and the U.S. 7th Fleet, according to the Birch Society, and they’re  right about this, blocked Chiang Kai-Shek from being able to go into China and take over the country. So, Mao Se-Dung could get in control, get in power, and then carry out his inquisition against the land owners, against the Buddhists, against all the Protestant missionaries who were in China—just like the good Jesuit pawn that he was.

And, of course, the intimidation idea was that you can’t go to China—why, there’s millions of people there! Meanwhile, the Japanese whipped the Chinese to death in their war with China, when the Japanese went in. The Chinese had no technology. They had no organized army. They were easy to beat.

But the idea we were sold was: Oh no—China is a great, powerful nation, and now they even have the bomb! Stalin gave them a bomb, so we can’t fight them anymore. So we won’t do anything to them, while they’re murdering 50 million people. And remember the "baby-boomers" of the United States, we would have fought the world. We would have rid the world of tyranny, had we had leadership that would have led us to that. But we had this farce, called the nuclear, mutual assured destruction. We had this farce called the dropping of the bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Whatever it was, it wasn’t dropping nuclear bombs—and Edwin Corley does a pretty good job in his The Jesus Factor, in trying to tell you what else it was.

And so, we have this nonsense Cold War, which enables Rome to put up all their dictators, their Communist dictators, all of them loyal to the Pope—including Ho Chi Minh. Ho Chi Minh had a secret deal with Pope John XXIII, and he was under the advice of a Roman Catholic Bishop all throughout the war.

The purpose of the Cold War was to carry out the Council of Trent, and to tie the hands of the American Protestants; and it was also used to unite the Protestants and Catholics of America against Communism. Protestants and Catholics should unite on nothing. We are different. The Catholics have a final authority—that’s the Pope. The Baptists and Protestants should have a final authority—that’s the Bible. We don’t unite on anything. We don’t agree on anything. We don’t agree on America’s national purpose, so we don’t unite. We’re not uniting with abortion; we’re not uniting with Communism; we don’t unite against the Black or the Civil Rights Movement.

You see, all these things were used to unite Catholics and Protestants together here, so that, ultimately, Rome would be in control of all the Protestant denominations through the National Council of Churches and the Royal Council of Churches. And that’s what they got. They took Princeton; they took Dartmouth College. All the great Protestant Universities are now in the hands of the Masons and the Jesuits. Harvard has a Jesuit House. They’re controlled. And so, wherever they control education, they control the politics. And they control the education in China, Russia, all the Communist countries. Now that they have all of the dictators installed all throughout the world, they don’t need the Cold War anymore. So now they can proceed with their next agenda, and that’s the unification of Europe, the building up of Russia,
and the destruction of the Western Empire. And that’s their next agenda.

Martin: How do you see that unfolding?

Phelps: What’s that?

Martin: The destruction of the Western Empire.

Phelps: As far as the actions of overthrowing the government and having a tyranny, is that what you  mean?

Martin: Right. What do you see life like here in the next 5 or 10 years?

Phelps: It’s hard to put a date on it; it’s hard to put a year on it. But I would say it’s going to continually become more and more a matter of "central power" in Washington. You’re going to have less and less power in the Congress. And one of these days, the Congress is going to be closed. And all we’re going to have is a Commander-in-Chief. We’re going to have some form of absolutism, with the President becoming now a dictator.

Martin: Do you think George Bush, Jr. will be that person?

Phelps: He could be. I won’t say he will be, but he could be. It will be someone like him—with complete allegiance to Rome, just like his father. His grandfather helped set up the CFR. His uncle is a Knight of Malta. It will be someone like him.

And he WILL be the next President. They’ve already chosen him in the College of Cardinals. Everything else is a show. Jesuit-trained Buchanan is a show. Roman Catholic McCain is a show. The Black Roman Catholic Keyes is a show, although he tickles me. He advocates abolition of the 14th Amendment. If that happens, what are the Black people going to do? They’re not citizens; they have no rights! Dred Scott comes into play. He’s a fake.

So, what I see is more and more centralization of power in the hands of the President. The Supreme Court is just a rubber stamp. He becomes the king. The courts are nothing more than the courts of the king’s bench. The Federal Reserve Bank will remain in power. Everything will be monitored and controlled by Washington, unless some of God’s men start trusting God and get in control of the state and cause it to secede. The only answer to this is state secession, leaving this Union—it’s not a Union, it’s an Empire—leaving the Empire that began in 1868, assuming national sovereignty, once again. And the first state that would do this, I’m moving there. Because I don’t want to see the FBI anymore. I don’t want to see the CIA. I don’t want to see any of these national bureaucracies anymore.

Martin: Montana seems close. Arizona seems close.

Phelps: Well, when they do it, I’ll move there. But that’s what would happen if things continue as they are. We’ll have race war. We’re going to have the Moslems fighting the Klu Klux Klan. Whites siding with the Whites; the Blacks siding with the Blacks. It’s going to be a blood-bath everywhere. And that will justify Martial Law, and the military, and the whole nine yards, and also foreign occupation; we’re going to have that too. And you know how foreigners are in a foreign country. They rape the women. They couldn’t care less about the social strata of the country. They have no mercy on the people. They have a foreign tongue. And that’s what they’ll do. And that’s all the more reason for a state to secede.

I’ve advocated that Pennsylvania should secede for the last 15 years. We have our own deep-water ports; we have our own agriculture; we have our own heavy industry; we have coal; we have everything we need to be a sovereign nation. We don’t need this Empire anymore. The only problem is, Pennsylvania is COMPLETELY controlled by the Jesuits.

Every major city is under their control. And so, the place is slated for destruction—all the Mennonite and Amish counties of Southeastern Pennsylvania. Everything else is Catholic: Pittsburgh, Scranton, Philadelphia, Harrisburg—all Roman Catholic. The Roman Catholic people, too, will also be sacrificed. They will be killed too. Let them not think that they’re going to be delivered because the Jesuits run the show. According to the Jesuit Molina, in the tape I just sent you, it is lawful to kill—and they will kill as many Roman Catholics as necessary to bring this plan to fruition.

Martin: Define the Jesuit term: Universal Absolutism.

Phelps: Define it? That means worldwide, universal, over every nation, absolute power. Absolutism is their great doctrine, that absolute power resides in the hands of the General. He is limited by no constitution. He is limited by no law.

This is the Great Doctrine of Divine Right, the Divine Right of Kings that was so fought against by the Calvinists. We Bible-believing Calvinists believe in the Rule of Law. The Law is king. Rutherford’s "Lex Rex". The Jesuits believe the king is the law—Louis XIV: "I am the law". So, it’s going to be a universal, world-wide king who, himself, is the law. All authority will be in him, as he rules the world from Jerusalem, as the Beast.

Martin: Are we talking about the present Pope, or are we talking about Count von Kolvenbach?

Phelps: I’m saying that what’s in position now will ultimately bring in the future Pope, whoever he is, and
whatever it may be, as a Universal Absolutist—the Universal Monarch of the World, in Jerusalem.

Martin: Symbolic? Or you’re saying literal?

Phelps: I’m saying that will literally happen. There will be a Pope, who will be killed; he will receive a mortal wound. And this is going to happen in the 70th week of Daniel. He will receive a mortal wound, according to Revelation 13.

This is the Beast, and he will come back to life. He comes back to life, mid-trip, at the very time that Satan and his angels are cast out of Heaven by Michael and his angels. At this time, Satan goes and he indwells the Beast, this Pope. Now he comes back to life, just like Christ. He was dead; now he’s resurrected.

And what is he going to do? He’s going to destroy the Catholic Church. He’s going to destroy the Vatican; and he’s going to go down in Jerusalem and demand to be worshipped as God, for three and a half years.

That’s why the Vatican is indestructible. No one can destroy the Vatican. All the armies in the world couldn’t destroy it. It has been determined that it will be destroyed by the Anti-Christ. And he, alone, can do it.

That’s why, when the Yugoslavians wanted to mount an air attack against the Vatican in World War II, a bunch of clouds came over the airport and they couldn’t take off, because they were going to bomb the Vatican. The world will not allow that to happen. The Vatican will only be destroyed by the man of sin, the Beast, the coming Universal Monarch, the ex-Universal Pope.

The Vatican has the most extensive library in the world, the most priceless and extensive library. It goes for miles, underground, in the Vatican.

Martin: Wouldn’t you love to go in there.

Phelps: I would love to. Talk about finding sunken treasure.

Martin: We’ve almost covered it. I almost don’t want to dilute this conversation with the FDA and AMA. Let’s talk about them just briefly.

Phelps: Ok. World War II, produced of course by Rome, caused the Nazi experiments on the people in the concentration camps—the Jews, the Gypsies, the Socialists, primarily the Jews. But they experimented with things like fluoride. They experimented with things like EDTA chelation, which is THE treatment of choice for anybody with heart disease. They experimented with poisons. They experimented with surgeries. They experimented with all kinds of things on these people. They also experimented with vaccinations and immunizations.

There’s a book called The Nazi Doctors. Everything that was learned by them was integrated into the
American Medical Association, after the war. That’s why we all have our municipal water supplies fluoridated. That’s why they’re all chlorinated, because chlorine decreases oxygen, and therefore causes cancer, because cancer grows in an anaerobic state—it’s a virus, converting cells into mutants that are anaerobic.

Ok. All of Europe is using ozone to clean their water supplies. Here they use chlorine. They want us with cancer. And how do we get cancer? With the vaccinations and immunizations, where they inject us with live viruses, like the hepatitis vaccine—every one of them has the HIV virus, SV-40.

What they’re doing is what they learned in Nazi Germany. They implemented here and they continue their research in the CIA. There’s a two-tape set called The CIA And The Virus Makers which show how the CIA helped to create the HIV virus and various other viruses. They get into Robert Gallo, the world’s foremost virologist.

Robert Gallo is a Jesuit. He’s a Roman Catholic, Italian, the world’s foremost virologist—and yet not controlled by the Brotherhood, by the Company? Ridiculous. He’s under their control! He’s doing all the research, and he doesn’t want to be blamed for it—as the WONDERFUL Jew, Len Horowitz, proved. Again, we’ve got Jews getting in the way—Jews blowing their cover.

Martin: I’ve interviewed Len many times. He’s a very courageous guy.

Phelps: Great guy. And he’s right on target. And he hits the Knights of Malta in his book Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola. He was a great encouragement to me when I saw him do that, when I read his book.

So, hey, let’s just take it the whole way. Let’s just go right to the Jesuit Order. And what the Jesuits did with the Cold War, with their Inquisition in the East, they carry out with their war on the American people in the West, with their Medical Inquisition—cut, burn, and drug. And that’s what it is.

Personally, I have my own home where I use ozone oxygen. I use ultraviolet blood irradiation. I can show you how ultraviolet blood irradiation incapacitates Lupus. It destroys Hepatitis. It destroys Meningitis. It destroys HIV.

This is a very simple procedure; I do it every day. It can easily be done by any medical doctor, and they won’t do it. Because, when you kill off the virus, you don’t have the diseases. You are thwarting what they wanted to do with their vaccinations and immunizations.

That’s why they want to make a law. That’s why that filthy Ted Kennedy, that Knight of Columbus, wants all these vaccinations and immunizations—when it should be a religious tenet of everyone: "It’s against my religious convictions to put foreign pathogens into my bloodstream. It’s going to make me  sick by the time I’m 40. It’s going to give me plaque build-up and heart-disease. I’m not going to do it."

In the meantime, they’re suppressing all the things that reverse it: soft lasers, hyperbaric chambers, ultraviolet blood irradiation, oxygen ozone, north-pole magnetic therapy. All the things working together that would easily reverse it, they suppress, and consider it a crime. Make sense?

Martin: Rife technology.

Phelps: When I was in the office of my friend, William, in Maryland, he told me that he had a guy from NSA [National Security Agency] come in and talk to him about his blood irradiation, and told him: "I think that it would be wise for you to stop this."

Now, this guy who runs the clinic there in Maryland is an ex-Navy Seal. He’s no pushover. So he says to the NSA guy: "Well, why do you say that?"

And the NSA guy said: "You know how Royal Rife died? We put poison on his tooth-brush."

This guy was from NSA. So, that was a threat. Well, now, some people get scared, and some people get upset, angry. William is one of those guy who gets upset and angry, and it furthers him that much harder.

So, mysteriously, the head of the Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation Foundation died, about 3 or 4 months ago, in his apartment, with no autopsy. So they almost destroyed the foundation, but now he is in the process of securing capital—and he will, I’m sure, very shortly, and it’s going to be untouchable. The machines will be put out and it will have UVC and UVA to do the blood, and we’re going to kill-off all the viruses in the bloodstream. And we’re going to teach the medical doctors how to do it. We’ll provide the machines for  them. And we’re going to end this tyranny. And we’ll also educate them—no more vaccinations and immunizations.

There are only two things I’m a member of in this country: one is the national anti-vaccine society, and the other is Gun Owner’s of America. Those are the only two organizations that are really worth supporting.
If you get the vaccinations away from the people, they’re not going to be sick. And if you maintain guns in
the hands of the people, they can still use them against the tyrants. And if they go to church and read the
, they’ll have all the spiritual zest and zeal to do it.

Martin: We haven’t even talked about Nikola Tesla in this conversation.

Phelps: Yeah. He was deliberately thwarted by the FBI, all his papers stolen in 1943. J.P. Morgan destroyed him. J.P. Morgan was one of the kingpins in the Titanic sinking.

Nikola Tesla was a wonderful man. He came here for freedom. He was a Serbian Orthodox—a curse to Rome. The father of A.C. current. He developed a whole system of Universal Power, that we would need no coal or any of that. So, one of my other goals is to perfect the electromagnetic motor. When my book gets out, then I will be working with some men in perfecting electromagnetic motors, and they will be out, without a patent, privately.

Martin: We’re just about there. Let’s talk about Bill Clinton. How do you see Bill Clinton in relationship to the Jesuits? And how do you see Al Gore? What can our readers glean from what you’re saying about their power base?

Phelps: Well, we must remember: where did Bill Clinton come from? How did he become Governor? His father was a powerful political figure, because his mother was nothing. So, he came from nothing to being something, through some powerful political figure, probably the Kennedys.

It’s rumored that John Kennedy was his father; could be. In any event, Clinton was trained by the Jesuits  of Georgetown. He was the class president of his junior year, I believe. His senior year, he was not re-elected because the student body said he was "too close to the Jesuit faculty".

So, he was groomed by the Jesuits to be a powerful political leader. He was put in place in Arkansas, runs that scam there, while he’s Governor, in the drug trade, belonging to Rome, working with Reagan in the drug trade, and Bush. Then he’s made President.

Remember the picture of him at Georgetown, kneeling at the grave of Timothy Healy? That says it all. He is the complete and total pawn of the Jesuit Order ruling from Georgetown University. He does anything they want him to do. He hasn’t resisted a thing.

That’s why he’s untouchable. He can commit any crime. He can do any act of evil, and never be prosecuted, because they’ll call on traitors like Arlen Spector to vindicate him. And, of course, Arlen Spector was Spelly’s Jew in the Kennedy assassination—evil, wicked, lifetime Senator from Pennsylvania, which shows me that there are no elections anymore. Nobody voted for Arlen Spector who I know. He’s a gun-grabber. So, they made him a life-time Senator. They made Teddy Kennedy a lifetime Senator.

Bill Clinton is completely at their beck and call. He will get out of office. He will live happily ever after, unless he starts talking. If he starts talking, he’s done. He is NOT a Baptist. He is loyal to the Jesuit  Order.

Martin: Ok, let’s talk about God and His Agenda.

Phelps: As I understand the Bible, I believe we are in what’s called the Dispensation of Grace. I’m a
 dispensationalist. Now, there are those who say that dispensationalism was a brain-child of the Jesuits. Could be, could be Jesuits were involved with that. But I believe the Bible teaches this, because God deals with men in different ways, at different times.

He commands Abraham to sacrifice a lamb, but not me. We don’t do that now. He commands Noah to build an ark. We don’t do that now. He commands Moses to receive the Law of Sinai. We’re not under  the Law; it’s for the Nation of Israel. He commanded his son to announce that the Davidic kingdom was ready to be established on Earth—repent, for the Kingdom is at hand. The Kingdom, promised to David,  is about to be established, and that’s why they called him Son of David.

And now we live in the Dispensation of Grace, called the present Evil Age, of Galations, Chapter 1:4, and the Dispensation of Grace of Ephesians, Chapter 3. During this particular period of time, this stewardship, the Gospel says that the Lord Jesus Christ died for the sins of our world; he was buried and rose again.

And God commands all men, everywhere, to repent and believe on His name that they might be saved. But there is no other name under Heaven whereby we must be saved, save the name of Jesus. During this time, this good news of forgiveness of sin and free pardon, and we can be with the Lord for eternity,  is going to every nation, Jews and Gentile. And during this Dispensation of Grace, Jews and Gentiles are regarded as one, in the body of Christ, when they’re saved.

Now, according to Romans, Chapter 11, there is what is called the "fullness of the Gentiles". There is a
fullness that is a predetermined amount of people who are going to be saved. We call them "the elect".  We call ourselves the elect of the Lord.

Now when that elect, that predetermined number, is saved, then God will begin to deal with the nations and Israel, once again. And that will begin, according to Daniel, Chapter 9, when the Prince shall come, shall confirm a covenant with many for one week. That is the 70th week of Daniel. The first 69 weeks have been fulfilled, from the decree, to rebuilding Jerusalem, to Messiah the Prince, the day Christ declared himself the Messiah of Israel, was 69 weeks of years. After that the Messiah would be cut-off, and Jerusalem would be destroyed. That is the gap between the 69th and the 70th week. The temple is  not destroyed; the city is not destroyed; the Messiah is not cut-off, during the 69th or the 70th week. There’s a gap between those two weeks, and that gap has gone to nearly 2,000 years. In the year 2032, it will be 2,000 years. Because Christ was crucified in 32 A.D.

Ok, during this dispensation, God is saving Jews and Gentiles out of all nations and placing them in the body of Christ, by the power of His Holy Spirit, as the Gospels preached. When the predetermined number comes to fruition, then the Lord will take out his Bible-believing church, and everybody else is left to go through what is called "the time of Jacob’s trouble", in the Book of Jeremiah, or the Great Day of the Lord—the 7-year tribulation, talked about in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 4-19.

That 7-year tribulation will be when the Lord begins to judge this world for its rejection of the Messiah, and for their sins, having not been taken care of, not having been saved; although there will be many people saved during this time.

The Jews will be tremendously persecuted. The vast majority of them will be murdered, and there will be a remnant who will repent at the end of the Tribulation, at which time the Messiah will come and they will look upon him, whom they pierced, and weep because they will realize that the one who is going to save them from all these Gentile armies pouring into Israel, is the very one they crucified.

When the Lord Jesus destroys all the Gentile armies, he will then set up the Davidic Kingdom that he came  to set up—the born-again nation of Israel.

Can a nation be born in a day? Isaiah, Chapter 66—they will be born-again, they will inherit all the promises, and Christ will sit down in the Kingdom with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, just like he talked about, and he will eat the fruit of vine again. Because he said: "I will not eat this henceforth, til ye say, ‘Blessed is he that come in the name of the Lord’ until I eat it anew with you in the Kingdom." Then he will drink wine; he will eat the fruit of the vine; he will break bread; and he will be Messiah, King of the World at that time, ruling the world from Jerusalem.

So, what we have coming is more unbelief, more persecution, less faith, less manhood, less guts, and we have more persecution from the Jesuit Order, more monetary control. We have another scenario of the World Government, under the Pope from Jerusalem, and that’s what the Jesuits want. And, ultimately, God in His providence, has allowed for 42 months for that to happen: 1260 days.

So that’s what I see coming. But what I believe is, I don’t believe that the doctrine of the coming Anti-Christ should be used as fatalism—that we should: "Well, that’s coming, so we can’t do anything about it. The bastards are coming to take us out."

That’s an excuse to cowardice. We need to do our duty. We need to resist evil in ourselves and around us, and as long as we have breath. And part of resisting that evil is resisting the Jesuit Order. It’s resisting anti-Christian tyranny. It’s resisting absolutism. It’s resisting criminals who are in your government.

We have a civil responsibility, and that’s to make sure government punishes evil and rewards good. And when it doesn’t punish evil anymore, it’s no government. We don’t know allegiance to it anymore. We withdraw our allegiance, and we assume our own sovereign power.

And that’s exactly what the Covenanters did with Scotland when they withdrew their allegiance from, what was it, King James II, or Charles II; they withdrew their allegiance and the English settled there and, ultimately, many of those Covenanters were killed. But in the glorious Revolution of 1688, they got their liberty.

Another thing is, all these men—they want to win right now. They want to do something and experience the win. We have no guarantee of that. Why not just say the way it is, resist the tyranny, and if we get killed in the process, then praise God—I mean, isn’t Heaven a little better than this place? What’s the  big fear? All these men do not know the Lord, as far as trusting Him in the midst of a storm. They’re full of fear; they’re full of terror; and they’re all afraid to die.

So, hopefully, with the true preaching of the Gospel—and ultimately there will be some preachers who will arise who will encourage us to do right and not fear death, and to resist these powers of evil—hopefully that will begin to change and there will be men who will call for secession, and states will begin to leave this Union, like Chechnya, and these others, and then the Lord will intervene for us.

If we honor Him, He’ll honor us. If we fight for His causes, He’ll bless us. And we need to stop looking at the odds. We’ve always been outnumbered. We’ve always been outgunned. And that’s the way God likes it, because then, when we win, obviously He did it.

So that’s what I see for the future, and I see there’s a great vacuum right now that needs to be filled. And it can be filled with the men of God telling the truth, or it can be filled with Jesuits advocating everybody give-up, lay down their guns, and submit to this New World Order, under the Pope.

* * *

The following are direct excerpts from the forthcoming book by Eric Jon Phelps called Vatican Assassins.

The Jesuits – 1540

Their Purpose And Oath

The purpose of the Jesuit Order, formally established by the Pope in 1540, is to destroy the Protestant Reformation. They call it the Counter-Reformation. Nicolini of Rome wrote:

"The Jesuits, by their very calling, by the very essence of their institution, are bound to seek, by every means, right or wrong, the destruction of Protestantism. This is the condition of their existence, the duty they must fulfill, or cease to be Jesuits." [Footprints of the Jesuits, R. W. Thompson, 1894

Extract from Jesuit’s Oath

To this end the professed Jesuits have obligated themselves with an oath, part of which was published in 1899, and reads:

"I do now renounce and disown my allegiance as due to any heretical King, Prince or State, named Protestant, or liberals, or obedience to any of their laws or magistrates or officers.

"I do further declare that the doctrine of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots, and other of the name Protestant or Liberals, to be damnable, and they themselves to be damned who will not forsake the same.

"I do further declare that I will help, assist and advise all or any of His Holiness’ agents, in any place where I shall be, in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, Ireland or America, or in any other kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my utmost to extirpate the heretical Protestant or liberal doctrines, and to destroy all their pretended powers, legal or otherwise."
 [Errors of the Roman Catholic Church, 15 Contributors, 1894]

* * *

In 1981, one of our heroes, Alberto Rivera, disclosed the oath he took as a professed Jesuit. We read:

Ceremony Of Induction And Extreme Oath Of The Jesuits

(Given to a Jesuit of minor rank when he is to be elevated to a position of command.)

Superior Speaks:

"My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler among the Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren: to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the reformers, to be a reformer; among the Huguenots (French Protestants) to be a Huguenot:  among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist: among the Protestants (those who protest and disagree with the Roman Catholic institution), generally to be a Protestant: and obtaining their confidence to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence (violent emotion) in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to descend so low as to become a Jew among the Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.

"You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealously and hatred between states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in communities, provinces and countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace;

"To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly in concert with your brother Jesuit who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected;

"Only that the church might be the gainer in the end in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace, and that the ends justify the means.

"You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every source: to ingratiate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in parliament and legislatures, and in the judiciaries and councils of State, and to ‘be all things to all men’, for the Pope’s sake, whose servants we are unto death.

"You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice (one who has no training), a neophyte (a newly ordained priest), and have served as a coadjutor (worked as a helper), confessor and priest, but you have not yet been invested with all that is necessary to command in the army of Loyola and in the service of the Pope.

"You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated (made secret or holy) his labors with the blood of the heretic; for ‘without the shedding of blood no man can be saved.’

"I, _____, now, in the presence of Almighty God, the blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles, St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and sacred hosts of heaven....

"I, furthermore, promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war,
secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do.

"That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard (a dagger) or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or superior of the brotherhood of the holy faith, of the Society of Jesus." [Double-Cross: Alberto, Part 2, 1981]

* * *

In addition to the Oath, the Jesuits have a guidebook entitled Secreta Monita. To the author’s knowledge it has only been disclosed to the world twice: once in the 1600s and once in the 1800s. Because of the magnitude of its contents as it relates to our subject, The Secret Instructions Of The Jesuits (1857) is reprinted in its entirety [in Vatican Assassins].

[Due to the length of this material, we here at The SPECTRUM will only present a few excerpts and chapter headings, but this should be sufficient to give you a pretty good idea of what is contained within them. For the full presentation, refer to Vatican Assassins. The portions your are about to read have not, to our knowledge, been printed in any modern-day newspaper.

What you are about to read, The Secret Instructions Of The Jesuits, was first published in 1669 by the venerable and learned Dr. Compton, Bishop of London. In Vatican Assassins we read:]

His arguments on their authenticity, and his character as a scholar and divine, are a sufficient guarantee  that he would never have given his name and influence to sustain a work of dubious authority, or calculated to mislead the public.

We have only to add that the last American edition, published at Princeton, and this one which we publish, are taken from the translation which was published in London in 1723, and dedicated to Sir Robert Walpole, who was afterwards Lord Orford, and who had the high honor of being prime minister of George I and George II.



Chapter 1: How the Society must behave themselves when they begin any new foundation.

V. At their first settlement, let our members be cautious of purchasing lands; but if they happen to buy such as are well situated, let this be done in the name of some faithful and trusty friend. And that our poverty may be the more colorable gloss of reality, let the purchases, adjacent to the places wherein our colleges are founded, be assigned by the provincial to colleges at a distance; by which means it will be impossible that princes and magistrates can ever attain to a certain knowledge what the revenues of the Society
 amount to.

VI. Let no places be pitched upon by any of our members for founding a college but opulent cities; the end  of the Society being the imitation of our blessed Saviour, who made his principal residence in the metropolis of Judea, and only transiently visited the less remarkable places.

VII. Let the greatest sums be always extorted from widows, by frequent remonstrations of our extreme necessities.

VIII. In every province, let none but the principal be fully apprised of the real value of our revenues; and let what is contained in the treasury of Rome be always kept as an inviolable secret.

Chapter II: In what manner the Society must deport, that they may work themselves into, and after that preserve a familiarity with princes, noblemen, and persons of greatest distinction.

I. Princes, and persons of distinction every where, must by all means be so managed that we may have their ear, and that will easily secure their hearts; by which way of proceeding, all persons will become our creatures, and no one will dare to give the Society the least disquiet or opposition.

II. That ecclesiastical persons gain a great footing in the favor of princes and noblemen, by winking at their vices, and putting a favorable construction on whatever they do amiss, experience convinces; and  this we may observe in their contracting of marriages with their near relations and kindred, or the like. It must be our business to encourage such, whose inclination lies this way, by leading them up in hopes, that through our assistance they may easily obtain a dispensation from the Pope; and no doubt he will readily grant it, if proper reason be urged, paralleled cases produced, and opinions quoted which countenance such actions, when the common good of mankind, and the greater advancement of God’s glory, which are the only end and design of the society, are pretended to be the sole motives to them.

V. Above all, due care must be taken to curry favor with the minions and domestics of princes and noblemen; whom by small presents, and many offices of piety, we may so far byass, (bias) as by means of them to get a faithful intelligence of the bent of their master’s humors and inclinations; thus will the Society be better qualified to chime in with their tempers.

VII. Princesses and ladies of quality are easily to be gained by the influence of the woman of their bed-chamber; for which reason we must by all means pay particular address to these, for thereby there will be no secrets in the family but what we shall have fully disclosed to us.

XV. Finally,—Let all with such artfulness gain the ascendant over princes, noblemen, and magistrates of every place, that they may be ready at our beck, even to sacrifice their nearest relations and most intimate friends, when we say it is for our interest and advantage.

Chapter III: How the Society must behave themselves towards those who are at the helm of affairs, and others who, although they be not rich, are nothwithstanding in a capacity of being otherwise serviceable.

I. All that has been before mentioned, may, in a great measure, be applied to these; and we must also be industrious to procure their favor against every one that oppose us.

II. Their authority and wisdom must be courted for obtaining several offices to be discharged by us; we must also make a handle of their advice with respect to the contempt of riches; though at the same time,  if their secrecy and faith may be depended on, we may privately make use of their names in amassing temporal goods for the benefit of the Society.

Chapter IV: The chief things to be recommended to preachers and confessors of noblemen.

VI. Immediately upon the death of any person of post, let them take timely care to get some friend of our Society preferred in his room; but this must be cloaked with such cunning and management as to avoid giving the least suspicion of our intending to usurp the prince’s authority; for this reason (as has been already said) we ourselves must not appear in it, but make a handle of the artifice of some faithful friends for effecting our designs, whose power may screen them from the envy which might otherwise fall heavier upon the Society.

Chapter V: What kind of conduct must be observed towards such religious persons as are employed in the same ecclesiastical functions with us.

Chapter VI: Of proper methods for inducing rich widows to be liberal to our Society.

I. For the managing of this affair, let such members only be chosen as are advanced in age, of a lively complexion and agreeable conversation; let these frequently visit such widows, and the minute they begin to show any affection towards our order, then is the time to lay before them the good works and merits of the society. If they seem kindly to give ear to this, and begin to visit our churches, we must by all means take care to provide them confessors by whom they may be well admonished, especially to a constant perseverance in their state of widowhood, and this, by enumerating and praising the advantages and felicity of a single life: and let them pawn their faiths, and themselves too, as a security that a firm continuance in such a pious resolution will infallibly purchase an eternal merit, and prove a most effectual means of escaping the otherwise certain pains of purgatory.

IV. Care must be taken to remove such servants particularly as do not keep a good understanding with the Society; but let this be done by little and little; and when we have managed to work them out,  let such be recommended as already are, or willingly would become our creatures; thus shall we dive  into every secret, and have a finger in every affair transacted in the family.

Chapter VII: How such widows are to be secured, and in what manner their effects are to be disposed of.

I. They are perpetually to be pressed to a perseverance in their devotion and good works, in such manner, that no week pass in which they do not, of their own accord, lay somewhat apart out of their abundance for  the honor of Christ, the blessed Virgin, or their patron saint; and let them dispose of it in relief of the poor, or in beautifying of churches, till they are entirely stripped of their superfluous stores and unnecessary riches.

XIII. Let the confessors take diligent care to prevent such widows as are their penitents, from visiting ecclesiastics of other orders, or entering into familiarity with them, under any pretence whatsoever; for which end, let them, at proper opportunities, cry up the Society as infinitely superior to all other orders; of the greatest service in the church of God, and of greater authority with the Pope, and all princes; and that it is the most perfect in itself, in that it discards all persons offensive or unqualified, from its community, and therefore is purified from that scum and dregs with which these monks are infected, who, generally speaking, are a set of men unlearned, stupid, and slothful, negligent of their duty, and slaves to their bellies.

XIV. Let the confessors propose to them, and endeavor to persuade them to pay small pensions and contributions towards the yearly support of colleges and professed houses, but especially of the professed house at Rome; not let them forget the ornaments of churches, tapers, wine, and things necessary in the celebration of the sacrifice of mass.

XV. If any widow does in her life-time make over her whole estate to the Society; whenever opportunity  offers, but especially when she is seized with sickness, or in danger of life, let some take care to represent to her the poverty of the greatest number of our colleges, whereof many just erected have  hardly as yet any foundation; engage her, by a winning behavior and inducing arguments, to such a  liberality as (you must persuade her) will lay a certain foundation for her eternal happiness.

XVI. The same art must be used with princes and other benefactors; for they must be wrought up to a belief, that these are the only acts which will perpetuate their memories in this world, and secure them eternal glory in the next.

Chapter VIII: How widows are to be treated, that they may embrace religion, or a devoted life.

Chapter IX: Of increasing the revenues of our Colleges.

XV. Let the confessors be constant in visiting the sick, but especially such as are thought to be in danger; and that the ecclesiastics and members of other orders may be discarded with a good pretence, let the superiors take care that when the confessor is obliged to withdraw, others may immediately succeed, and keep up the sick person in his good resolutions. At this time it may be advisable to move him by apprehensions of hell, and at least of purgatory; and tell him, that as fire is quenched by water, so sin is extinguished by acts of charity; and that alms can never be better bestowed than for the nourishment and support of such who by their calling profess a desire to promote the salvation of their neighbor.

XVI. Lastly, let the women who complain of the vices of ill-humor of their husbands, be instructed secretly to withdraw a sum of money, that by making an offering thereof to God, they may expiate the crimes of their sinful help-mates, and secure a pardon for them.

Chapter X. Of the private rigor of discipline in the Society.

Chapter XI. How our members are unanimously to behave towards those who are expelled from the Society.

I. Since those that are dismissed, do frequently very much prejudice the Society by divulging such secrets as they have been privy to; their attempts must therefore be obviated in the following manner. Let them be prevailed upon, before they are dismissed, to give it under their hands, and swear that they never will, directly or indirectly, either write or speak any thing to the disadvantage of the Order; and let the superiors keep upon record the evil inclinations, failings and vices, which they, according to the custom of the Society, for discharge of their consciences, formerly confessed: this, if ever they give us occasion, may be produced by the Society, to the nobility and prelates, as a very good handle to prevent their promotion.

VIII. Let the misfortunes, and unlucky accidents which happen to them, be immediately published; but with entreaties for the prayers of good Christians, that the world may not think we are hurried away by passion: but, among our members, let these things, by all means, be represented in the blackest colors, that the rest may be the better secured.

Chapter XII. Who should be kept, and favored in the Society.

Chapter XIII. How to pick out young men to be admitted into the Society, and in what manner to retain them.

V. Let them be allured, by little presents, and indulgence of liberties agreeable to their age; and, above all, let their affections be warmed with spiritual discourses.

VI. Let it be inculcated, that their being chosen out of such a number, rather than any of their fellow-collegiates, is a most pregnant instance of divine appointment.

VII. On other occasions, but especially in exhortations, let them be terrified with denunciations of eternal punishment, unless they accept of the heavenly invitation.

VIII. The more earnestly they desire admission into our Society, the longer let the grant of such favor be deferred, provided at the same time they seem steadfast in their resolution; but if their minds appear to be wavering, let all proper methods be used for the immediate firing of them.

Chapter XIV. Of reserved cases, and causes of dismission from the Society.

Chapter XV. Of our conduct towards nuns and female devotees.

[It is noted in the pre-publication copy of Vatican Assassins from which these excerpts are being extracted that one of the pages is missing from this section of the instructions.]

Chapter XVII. Of the methods of advancing the Society.

I. Let our members chiefly endeavor at this, always to act with humanity, even in things of trifling moment; or at least to have the outward appearance of doing so; for by this means, whatever confusions may arise in the world, the Society of necessity will always increase and maintain its ground.

VII. The favor of the nobility and superior clergy, once got, our next aim must be to draw all cures and canonships into our possession, for the more complete reformation of the clergy, who wheretofore lived  under certain regulation of their bishops, and made considerable advances towards perfection. And lastly, let us aspire to abbacies and bishoprics, the obtaining which, when vacancies happen, will very easily be effected, considering the supineness and stupidity of the monks; for it would entirely tend to  the benefit of the church, that all bishoprics, and even the apostolical see, should be hooked into our hands, especially should his holiness ever become a temporal prince over all. Wherefore, let no methods be untried, with cunning and privacy, by degrees, to increase the worldly interests of the Society, and then, no doubt, a golden age will go hand in hand with an universal and lasting peace, and the divine blessing of consequence attend the catholic church.

VIII. But if our hopes in this should be blasted, and since offences of necessity will come, our political schemes must be cunningly varied, according to the different posture of the times; and princes, our intimates, whom we can influence to follow our councils, must be pushed on to embroil themselves in vigorous wars one with another, to the end, our Society (as promoters of the universal good of the  world,) may on all hands be solicited to contribute its assistance, and always employed in being mediators of public dissensions; by this means the chief benefices and preferments in the church will, of course be given to us by way of compensation for our services.

IX. Finally, the Society must endeavor to effect this at least, that having got the favor and authority of princes, those who do not love them at least fear them.

EDITORS NOTE:  I haven't seen any proof for the following, but others believe what it says. 
Posting for posterity:

Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, the General of the International Military Order of the Society of Jesus, commonly known as “the Black Pope”, ordered the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, with the advice and consent of his General Staff, composed of five assistants (each representing a hemisphere and under whom are many advisory Provincials), an advisor (resembling the likes of a military commander to warn him of any faults or  mistakes), and his confessor (to ease his conscience and absolve him of his many sins).

         Why?  Because the appointed time has arrived for the Jesuit General to destroy both the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, secretly using his CIA/Nazi-trained, Masonic Zionist Mossad in conjunction with his CIA/Nazi-trained, Masonic Islamic Intelligence Agencies, including Osama bin Laden’s MAK and Pakistan’s ISI, while shrouded in the confusion of a huge aerial war yet to come.  This will enable the General’s crusading Knights Templars (the present day Shriner Freemasons) to rebuild Solomon’s Temple — for the Papal Caesar in Rome’s Vatican.  And how could the Black Pope destroy these Moslem Mosques, they comprising the third most important Islamic religious site in the world behind Saudi Arabia’s Mecca and Medina, without causing an uncontrollable Moslem holy war, called a “jihad”, resulting in the destruction of Pope Pius XII’s creation of Zionist Israel?  (Remember, Israel was admitted into the New York-based United Nations in 1949 through the efforts of Jesuit-trained Francis Cardinal Spellman – the darling of Pope Pius XII who, after his Jesuits carried out the Jewish Holocaust in Europe and then driving the survivors to Palestine, intended, under the guidance of his Jesuit confessor, Augustin Cardinal Bea, to make Jerusalem an international city – while governed by the Papal Caesar’s Chaim Weizmann and his Masonic Jewish Zionists.)  The Black Pope must cause a war using a country he also wishes to further destroy.  Enter the “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment American Jesuit Empire created in 1868 on the ruins of George Washington’s Calvinist Republic, the last political stronghold of the Protestant Reformation with freedom of conscience, freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

        Here was the “Father General’s” plan.  In synchronizing his worldwide overt and covert factions to work the Order’s evil ends of the Vatican’s Counter-Reformation in restoring the Papal Caesar as the absolute Universal Monarch of the World, the Black Pope used his Masonically-controlled, fanatically anti-Jewish Race, Islamic Intelligence operatives under the domestic control of the CIA (Osama bin Laden having been directed, financed and trained by the CIA for at least ten years — just like Jesuit-trained and CIA-financed Fidel Castro before he, like bin Laden, became a false enemy of the CFR-controlled American government) to be openly and notoriously instructed as Islamic pilots at the Venice Airport (a Florida facility used by the CIA since 1948) in order for Archbishop Egan’s controlled American Press to spread the prepared news release that the doomed airliners were hijacked by “Arab terrorists” in the employ of Osama bin Laden when in fact, to the horror of the American pilots, the airliners had been taken over and guided to their targets, remotely controlled by American Military Intelligence operatives overseen by the Black Pope’s CIA/NSA. 

        The Mussulmans in training never boarded the airliners involved in the September attacks evidenced by the absence of Islamic names on all four passenger lists. There was no fight between the passengers and the "hijackers" on flight 93, as reported by the deceived wife of the late Jeremy Glick. For flight 93 was shot down by an F-16 fighter, blowing off its wing which landed at least six miles away from the main wreckage! And if the inexperienced "hijackers" had boarded all four airliners, the novices never would have been able to navigate the planes into the targets unless they had been crack fighter pilots according to a group of highly professional, both civilian and  military, American aviatorsArchbishop Egan's CFR-controlled American Press then placed the blame for these acts of high treason and murder squarely on the shoulders of the Black Pope's Saudi prince and CIA operative, Osama bin Laden, including his al-Qaeda Network secretly working for the Jesuit General's International Terrorist Network. Tens of thousands of "heretic and liberal" Americans perished, thereby justifying a war between the Moslem World and "the Great Satan".

(Has not American technology, developed through the Protestant right of freedom of conscience as applied to science, brought wealth and prosperity to the once poverty stricken, barren wilderness of Saudi Arabia, the cultural center for the religion of Islam?  And if so, why would not Saudi Arabia, in a gesture of thankfulness, give economic aid to their brother Moslem Arab Palestinians enabling them to relocate to other surrounding Islamic nations of their choice?  Would not this further secure the peace of the Jewish People now in their own land, having been persecuted and mass murdered for the last two thousand years, whose right to the land through the Abrahamic Covenant has never been abrogated by them or disannulled by Almighty God who gave it to this “seed of Abraham” in Genesis 17: 7, 8? 



A Papal conspirator in the assassination of Israel’s Masonic Prime Minister, Yitzak Rabin, Freemason Shimon Peres, who was educated by Jesuits as a youth in Poland and now the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Zionist Israel, is being welcomed to the Jesuit General’s Council on Foreign Relations, based in New York’s Harold Pratt House, by its Masonic Chairman of the Board, Peter G. Peterson, and by one of its Directors, Leslie H. Gelb, on September 29, 1993.  Shimon Peres also holds shares in the PLO's public phone company, Paltel, in conjunction with the Bin Laden Royal Family of Saudi Arabia and Yassir Arafat! Since there is an obvious Bush/Bin Laden business connection through the CFR,s Carlyle Group headed by Edward Cardinal Egan's Knight of Malta Frank C. Carlucci, why should not there be a similar connection between Peres, Bin Laden and Arafat? For they are all in the same Masonic Brotherhood's "Invisible Empire" overseen by the sovereign
Grand Master and Commander of all - the Black Pope.

 A Papal mass murderer of Jewish People, “Chairman” of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and professional agitator, Freemason Yassir Arafat is also being welcomed by the Archbishop of New York’s Council on Foreign Relations in the person of one of its “Presiders”, Lee H. Hamilton, on January 20, 2000.

Could it be that neither the Masonic Jewish Zionists in the person of CFR-controlled Shimon Peres nor the Masonic Moslem Palestinian Liberation Organization in the person of CFR-controlled Yassir Arafat, both being secret agents for the Black Pope, truly want to resolve this Jesuit agitation? Do not the ongoing and unfair international negotiations, like the historic Treaty of Versailles, always promote more intense resultant agitations, furthering the agenda of Rome’s Papal Caesar who intends to rule the world from a Third Temple in Jerusalem?  Indeed, this unceasing agitation is necessary if the Pope is to be the Universal Monarch of the World!)

        The Black Pope now has a perfect war between two Peoples he wishes to destroy.  For both Peoples, the White and Black Protestants and Baptists along with the Jewish Race of North America, and the Semitic Moslems of the Middle East, are condemned by the Jesuits’ evil and wicked Council of Trent, they having been historically the greatest enemies of the Jesuit Order’s “infallible” Pope, who, since the days of Innocent III (1215), has claimed to be the one true God on earth.  According to Motley’s The Dutch Republic, it was America’s White Anglo-Saxon Protestant-Calvinist Dutch Reformed forefathers, known as the “Wild Beggars of the Sea”, who gave religious liberty to Bible- based Western Civilization.  These godly and fearless sailors, in stoutly resisting Papal tyranny, wore an Islamic Crescent – not a Cross – on their caps with the immemorial inscription written below:

 “Rather Turkish Than Popish”.

The institutions to be destroyed on September 11, 2001 were the Banking and Military centers of “the Great Satan” – the Pope’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon overseen by his Knights of Malta – supporting and protecting the Pope’s Zionist government of Israel.  There, the Jewish People, in the midst of whom are the Lord’s beloved Jewish Race, known as “the holy seed” with Biblical promises yet to inherit including the fulfilling of the Abrahamic and Davidic Covenants under their returning Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, have been set up to be ultimately betrayed, as they are UNKNOWINGLY living under the secret government of the Black Pope, publicly overseen by his Masonic Jewish Zionists in conjunction with certain of his Masonic Talmudic Rabbis, who betrayed their own Jewish People, both racially and religiously, into Hitler’s Death Camps during World War II!

Its subterranean storehouse of gold quite possibly having been previously removed to the New York Federal Reserve Bank, the World Trade Center was sacrificed, INTERNALLY IMPLODED, using surgically placed Composition C5 charges detonated by the New York Archbishop, Edward Cardinal Egan, through his unified American Intelligence Community.

Cardinal Egan’s American Intelligence Network includes the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the Secret Service, Military Intelligence, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Mafia Commission.  Years ago these agencies and criminals all worked together in carrying out the Kennedy Assassination and Cover-up under the control of their former master, Francis Cardinal Spellman.  The World Trade Center’s Masonic Twin Towers, Jachin and Boaz, were sacrificed in EXCHANGE for the future destruction of the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.  This mass murder has ignited American blind patriotic rage as calculated, that rage being now directed by the Black Pope’s CFR-controlled Press, including his CFR-controlled Masonic Jewish Zionists, against the Islamic Middle East Peoples — among whom reside the Masonic Moslem branch of the Jesuit General’s International Terrorist Network.  This act of secret Papal terrorism has been used to justify a massive foreign war, a secret Papal Crusade,
while the tools of the Jesuit Order have tyrannically implemented domestic martial law by means of the “USA PATRIOT Act” in America and the “Bomb Bill C-36 Act” in Canada.  Sadly, cooler and more informed, truly patriotic heads have not prevailed. 
God help us!


    "In I Kings 7:15,16 we are told that the two pillars (Jachin and Boaz) measured 18 ...
    Solomon even gave his two pillars personal names,
    Jachin and Boaz, ...
  1. DREAM OF 33 

    ... the most prominent being two tall pillars, called Jachin and Boaz, leading to a five-pointed star or pentagonal altar known as the ‘Blazing Star’. ...



    Freemasons regard the left hand pillar (Boaz) as representing strength, while the right hand pillar (Jachin) is set up to establish righteousness. ...

           This attack was an act of war carried out by the slaves of the Black Pope, both domestic and foreign, thereby enabling the White Pope’s American fascist puppet, George W. Bush, to declare a “war on [Islamic] terrorism” – to the exclusion of Roman Catholic terrorism led by secret Jesuits such as Fidel Castro of Communist Cuba and Gerry Adams of the IRA – with no specific enemy nation in sight.  (For Washington, D.C. is secretly ruled by Edward Cardinal Egan from St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York.  As the country’s “Military Vicar” and most powerful American Archbishop, Egan is aided by Georgetown University and Fordham University Jesuits including the learned and seasoned, eighty-two year old, Avery Cardinal Dulles.)  This massive retaliation, to last between four to ten years being another Papal Crusade against the Islamic Peoples in rivaling those of the Dark Ages, has now been declared.  It will be waged by Cardinal Egan’s CFR-controlled Commander-in-Chief, George W. Bush, having been advised of his role to play during his most  recent visit with the Baal-worshipping, cannibalistic (believing the unbiblical doctrine of transubstantiation), absolute dictator in the Vatican, Pope John Paul II.  

 New York’s Edward Cardinal Egan, being the “Archbishop of the political Capital of the World”, the master of the Council on Foreign Relations and thus controlling all the agencies comprising his unified American Intelligence Network, has used six primary tools in igniting this secret Papal Crusade.  They are President George W. Bush, ex-President George H. W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Advisor to the President Condoleezza Rice, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan, and CIA Director George Tenet, all being members of the Archbishop’s Council on Foreign Relations.  The following Bill of Particulars justify our charges:

 1.    The “terrorist” attacks were predicted and exposed well in advance of September 11, 2001.  Dr. Garth Nicholson, Ph.D., a foremost researcher of the Gulf War Syndrome investigators, reported to Pentagon officials that he had confirmed intelligence indicating that on Sept. 11, 2001 a “terrorist” strike against the Pentagon would be made.  Their sources included individuals in key intelligence positions, the Mafia, and one high-level African diplomat. The warning was passed on to, among others, the National Security Council (Condoleezza Rice) but is was ignored. Dr. Leonard Horowitz, an award  winning author of several tremendous books, also made a valiant effort to alert the government, but to no avail.

 2.     On Friday, September 7, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, a brother to the President, issued an Executive Order in which members of the Florida National Guard were activated, “for the purpose of training to support law-enforcement personnel and emergency management personnel in the event of civil disturbances or natural disaster.” The Bush Dynasty, including the former Director of the CIA and business partner of the Gulf War’s Saddam Hussein, Shriner George H. W. Bush, not only knew the attacks were coming but actively participated in them.

 3.     On Sunday night, September 17, 2001, in the Providence of the risen Son of God, CBS’s television program titled “60 Minutes” revealed that President Bush’s close associates had suddenly, and inexplicably, sold all their airline stock only a few days before the “terrorist” attacks. The story was subsequently buried by the CFR-controlled Press, which includes CFR- controlled CBS. Again, the CFR/CIA-controlled Bush Dynasty, had a foreknowledge of the coming mass murder and thus stand indicted of high treason being the agents of Edward Cardinal Egan.

 4.     President and Papal Agent George W. Bush controlling the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) sent the Urban Search and Rescue Team to New York City THE NIGHT BEFORE the attacks occurred! One FEMA official, Mr. Tom Kennedy, told Press icon, CFR member and player in the Kennedy Assassination, Dan Rather, on September 11, 2001, “We’re currently one of the first teams that was deployed to support the City of New York in this disaster. We arrived on late Monday night [that is, on September 10, the NIGHT BEFORE] and went right into action on Tuesday morning.”

 5.     Osama bin Laden and his band of “Terrorists” could not have pulled off the  “sophisticated” operation of four simultaneous air hijackings, and precision directed attacks, without the support of one or more “intelligence organizations [which includes the CIA and its Director, CFR member George Tenet].”  This was the expert testimony provided by past CIA Afghanistan operations director and bin Laden’s intelligence advisor, Milt Bearden, interviewed by Dan Rather on September 12, 2001.  In fact, when pressed by Dan Rather to endorse the theory of bin Laden’s culpability, Mr. Bearden stated, “If they didn’t have an Osma bin Laden, they would invent one.”

 6.     On October 31, 2001, the French daily “Le Figaro” reported that Osama bin Laden had met with a high-level CIA official in July 2000.  At that time, bin Laden was already being sought for trial due to his involvement in two U.S. Embassy bombings and the U.S.S. Cole attack. The meeting was held in bin Laden’s private suite in the plush Dubai Hospital built by American construction companies for the care of the Order’s Masonic royal Moslem families running Islam’s unified Middle East Intelligence Community and Terrorist Network on behalf of the CIA. Though he could have been killed – like the CIA’s Fidel Castro – according to President Bill Clinton’s intelligence findings, on July 14th he was released and left Dubai on his private jet.  Osama bin Laden is a creature of the Black Pope’s CIA and has remained so to this day.

 7.     Osama bin Laden took his direction and money from the CIA for ten years. During this time, approximately five (5) billion dollars was funneled to his organization through black op budgets (financed by the Black Pope’s International Drug Trade) into a CIA operation known as Maktab al-Khidamar—the MAK. It is clear, as a MAK mercenary army leader, bin Laden’s fortune vastly increased during that time. Since, like the Mafia, “Once in the CIA, always in the CIA”, bin Laden’s MAK is merely an extension of the Black Pope’s International Intelligence Community and Terrorist Network. And if the CIA controls the Intelligence Network of Afghanistan, then it controls the Intelligence Agencies of Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya and Turkey. Indeed, the words of Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar were correct when he said in an interview contained on page thirty-four in the November issue of Free American: 

“America controls the governments of the Islamic countries…It should stop trying to impose its empire on the rest of the world, especially on Islamic countries.” 

8.    Aaron Swirsksi, one of the architects of the World Trade Center, said they designed the towers to withstand airplane collisions. “I designed it for a 707 hit,” he said.  The collapse of the buildings came as a complete “shock” to him and his colleagues. Van Romero, a demolition expert, former director of the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center, and current Vice President for research at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, said that the manner in which the Twin Towers collapsed resembled those of controlled implosions used in planned demolition. “My opinion is, based on the videotapes, that after the airplanes hit the World Trade Center there were some explosive devices inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse,” Romero said.  NBC News interviewed people who had escaped "ground zero" on September 11, 2001. One unidentified man said "We were stuck on the stairs for a while. I came down from the 85th floor.  When we were just about to leave the building, there was a blast."  A woman’s testimony followed:   “I got stuck on the stairs.  When we got to the lobby there was a blast,” she said. 

 Further, the demolition of the North Tower of the World Trade Center, floors 22, 23, and 24, destroyed massive FBI evidence against CFR member James Giffen, the CEO of the CFR’s Mobile Corporation, for illegal oil swaps between Iran and Kazakhstan.  There was also evidence against CFR member and Shriner Freemason Alan Greenspan – the Jewish Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Jesuit General’s Federal Reserve Banking System – involving GOLD PRICE FIXING.  Greenspan’s Masonic Jewish Zionist partners in crime included the CFR’s Morgan Stanley & Company and the CFR’s Goldman Sachs & Company.  The evidence shows that those floors exploded and were destroyed minutes before the explosions from the airplane, and suggests that the airplane crashes were simply a “ruse of war”.  Obviously, the Intelligence Community of Archbishop Edward Cardinal Egan IMPLODED the buildings which not only suppressed and destroyed evidence, but also resulted in the death and burial of at least forty-two of his loyal Knights  of Columbus and several honest FBI agents.  Indeed the Archbishop followed the great Jesuit maxim of “the ends justify the means.”

 9.     On September 11, 2001, President Bush, with the full knowledge of CFR member and the intimate friend of Archbishop Egan, Vice President Richard Cheney, was in Sarasota, Florida (the home of the Venice Airport, a CIA facility, that had openly and notoriously trained Islamic pilots thereby enabling the Black Pope’s CIA to blame its contract agent, Osama bin Laden, for the destruction of the WTC).  The President was “reading to children in a classroom at 9:05 a.m. when his chief of staff, Andrew Card, whispered [the news] into his ear, according to an Associated Press release of September 12, the day after the attack.  The President briefly turned somber before he resumed reading…[Next] President Bush listened to eighteen Booker Elementary School second-graders read a story about a girl’s pet goat…before he spoke briefly and somberly about the terrorist attacks.”  Here we have America’s Commander-in-Chief calmly talking for about thirty minutes before he leisurely responded to the country’s greatest national security crisis in history along with its accompanying tragedies.  And no wonder, for he had been briefed by Pope John Paul II during his visit to the Vatican only weeks prior to our national disaster!  CFR member and CIA Director George Tenet had also kept the President advised.

 10.     Many journalists have reported that the bombing of Afghanistan, allegedly intended to punish the Taliban for affiliations with bin Laden, is simply a cover for the Taliban’s destruction of Afghanistan’s opium crop thus the curtailing of the Black Pope’s International Drug Trade. The Taliban also withdrew its former support for an oil pipeline to be built by CFR Henry Kissinger and CFR George Shultz’s Unocal Corporation through Afghanistan from the vast Caspian Sea oil fields. September 11 provided a great excuse to pursue the Jesuit Order/CFR’s illegal drug traffic along with its petrochemical, economic, and “national security” martial law objective. More importantly, this pipeline is necessary for the fueling of the war machine of our future invader, the massive Red Chinese Army, under the command of the Company of Jesus.

 We, the American people, thanks to our Popish, prostitute Press, have been hoodwinked into fighting this war even as we were deceived into fighting the Pope’s war against the Japanese People  during World War II, the consummation of the Jesuit General’s Second Thirty Years War waged from 1914 to 1945.  For the attack on Pearl Harbor was no surprise to the nation’s most visible Shriner Freemason, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, even as the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon was no surprise to the nation’s most visible Skull and Bones member, the wicked and evil mass murderer, President George W. Bush.

 If the foregoing scenario is true, we believe the American People, deceived by our own Jesuit/CFR-controlled government, will fall into the trap of fighting a lengthy, large scale Middle East War, resulting in at least six things that will further our country’s demise including the scrapping of our Reformed Protestant Constitution, while thoroughly benefiting the Jesuit Order’s Counter- Reformation. They are: 

1.     Worldwide anti-Jewish fury on a grand scale, especially in America, as a result of the Black Pope’s openly agitating, secretly CFR-controlled, Masonic Jewish Zionists and thus, the beloved Jewish People of Israel being blamed for the Papal Caesar’s international Jesuit Crusade; 

2.     The destruction of both the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque – blamed on American Military forces – thereby enabling the Pope’s Shriner Freemasons to rebuild Solomon’s Temple, while simultaneously unifying Islamic fury, coordinated and directed by the Black Pope’s Masonic Moslem Intelligence Agencies in conjunction with his Masonic North American Intelligence Agencies, against the “heretic and liberal” American and Canadian Peoples of North America, we having been paganized through the Jesuit Order’s Bible-rejecting and deceptive educational systems, controlled Press and demoralizing theater movies; 

3.     The killing of millions of fanatical Moslems who would otherwise attack Israel when the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque are destroyed in Jerusalem, not to mention the possible destruction of Mecca and Medina, further securing the peace of the Papal Caesar’s Zionist government of Israel.  That false peace will be maintained by the united European nations, their unity brought about by the Club of Rome in the person of the Spanish Knight of Malta and Commander of NATO forces during the bombing mass-murder of Orthodox Serbs in Yugoslavia, JAVIER SOLANA. These united, predominantly Roman Catholic, European nations will compose the Pope’s revived Holy Roman Empire, the new “Sword of the Church”.  At this time the Black Pope will have no more need for the drugged, exhausted, bankrupt, amalgamated and demoralized American People of his “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment American Empire; 

4.    The tyranny of a White American fascist military dictator having arisen out of the “New Right” Republican Party due to anarchy giving way to a race war as a result of Negro and Hispanic rioting in our major cities coordinated by the Black Pope’s Masonically-led and racist Black army of the Nation of Islam. He will use America’s existing concentration camp system to kill millions of Jews, “heretics and liberals” pursuant to the Jesuits’ evil Council of Trent – just as Hitler  “the Austrian” and homosexual drug addict destroyed apostate Protestant Germany with the help of FDR's USAF and Churchill's RAF - further justifying our nation's destruction;

5.     The betrayal and defeat of our armies fighting a two-front war which we cannot win, one in the Middle East and the other possibly in the Far East against China, just as Napoleon betrayed his army in Russia in 1812, and just like Hitler betrayed his army in Russia one hundred and thirty years later, both treasonous dictators having been under orders from the advisors of the Black Pope; 

6.     Massive invasion and attack into North America, China and Russia storming the West Coast while China and a united Moslem host march into the Southeast Coast, known as “the Bible belt”, using the Bahamas and Cuba as staging bases.  Our Jesuit-controlled leaders carrying out the nation’s immigration policies, in establishing a huge resident “fifth column” of Chinese, Moslem, Hindu and Hispanic aliens within our borders, have betrayed us Americans. The heart- breaking result will be the subjugation of the last apostate bastion of the Protestant Reformation and will compel Europe to unite reviving the old Holy Roman Empire – under the Papal Caesar. 

This scenario is the answer as to Who and Why we were attacked on September 11, 2001, Bloody Black Tuesday.  But after all, we apostate, Bible-rejecting White People deserve it, as I have said on this web page and in my book, Vatican Assassins: “Wounded In The House Of My Friends.  The Jesuit General’s “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment American Empire has been used to fulfill the Papal Caesar’s evil Council of Trent by oppressing and destroying “heretic and liberal” Bible believers, peoples and governments of at least eighty nations during the last one hundred years.  Called by Jesuit John Courtney Murray and Knight of Malta Henry R. Luce “the American Century”, the Knights of Malta and Shriner Freemasons on Wall Street restored the Temporal Power of the Papacy (which Power was destroyed in the glorious Nineteenth Century)
by financing Mao Tse-tung’s Communism, Stalin’s Communism, Hitler’s Nazism and the Fascism  of Mussolini, Franco and Castro. 

We Americans have it coming, and now that we have leapt into this trap of a Middle East war with the Moslem World, advocated by our Pennsylvania Senator and Shriner Freemason, the infamous Arlen Specter (who was “Cardinal Spellman’s Jew” having authored the magic single-bullet theory of the Warren Commission and served as President Clinton’s defender while on trial in the Senate), apparently the righteous Judgment of the risen Son of God is about to unfold.  Our beloved country, the only nation in the history of the world to be founded on the Bible of the Protestant Reformation, will be turned into a nightmarish police state and a Nazi/Soviet concentration camp hell-on-earth because we have forgotten the God of our White American Protestant and Baptist- Calvinist founding fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Whose Spirit inspired these words:         

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,
but have everlasting life. 

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world;
but that the world through him might be saved. 

He that believeth on him is not condemned:
but he that believeth not is condemned already,
because he hath not believed in the name
of the only begotten Son of God.

– John 3:16-18

 As an addendum to Vatican Assassins: “Wounded In The House Of My Friends” consult “Jesuit
Vatican Tyranny
”, a twenty-one-page article, at:




The Society of Jesus was thenceforth recognized as the chief opposing force of Protestantism. The Order became dominant in determining the plans and policy of the Rowish Church. The brotherhood grew and flourished. It planted its chapters first in France, Italy and Spain, and then in all civilized lands. The success of the Order was phenomenal. It became a power in the world. It sent out its representatives to every quarter of the globe. Its solitary apostles were seen shadowing the thrones of Europe. They sought, by every means known to human ingenuity, to establish and confirm the tottering fabric of Rome, and to undermine the rising fabric of Protestantism. They penetrated to the Indus and the Ganges. They traversed the deserts of Thibet, and said, "Here am I," in the streets of Peking. They looked down into  the silver mines of Peru, and knelt in prayer on the shores of Lake Superior. To know all secrets, fathom all design, penetrate all intrigues, prevail in all counsels, rise above all diplomacy, and master the human race, — such was their purpose and ambition. They wound about human society in every part of the habitable earth, the noiseless creepers of their ever-growing plot to retake the world for the Church, and to subdue and conquer and extinguish the last remnant of opposition to her dominion from shore to shore, from the rivers to the ends of the earth." [Ridpath’s Universal History, John Clarke Ridpath, 1899]

* * *

The Jesuits are the true authors of socialist-communism. The economic system of the Dark Ages was feudalism consisting of the few rich landowners and the many poor peasants. It was a sin to make a profit by anyone other than the feudal lords. Thus, if the world is to be returned to the Dark Ages, the Protestant middle class must be destroyed. Socialist-communism accomplishes this, having yielded its bitter fruit in both Great Britain and the United States. The great deception is that the Jews are the authors of communism. (After all, is not Zionism Jewish communism?) The facts are that the Jesuits  used their Masonic Jews to introduce it in 1848 and again in 1917 with the Bolshevik Revolution.

The Jesuits then moved their Shriner Freemason FDR to recognize Russia’s bloody government in 1933. The Jesuits then financed Russian communism with their Knights of Malta on Wall Street. This enabled Joseph Stalin to carry out the purges of the Thirties.

Having deceived the world into believing communism was of Jewish origin, the Jesuits then used Hitler to implement "the Final Solution to the Jewish Question"—pursuant to the evil Council of Trent. The result was the mass murder of European and Russian Jewry at the hands of the Jesuit-controlled SS.

At the close of the Second Thirty Years War (1945) the Jesuits, with their Vatican Ratline, helped top Nazis to escape to South America. And where in South America? To the old dominion where socialist-communism had been perfected by the Jesuit fathers—to the nation of Paraguay.

The Jesuits entered Paraguay in the early 1600s, sent by the kings of Spain and Portugal. They  established their supremacy over the natives called "Guarani Indians" and did not allow them to mix with the Spanish or Portuguese. It was among this people that the Jesuits established their communes called "reductions".

* * *


The Jesuits, now formally suppressed by the Pope, were allied with Frederick the Great of Prussia and Catherine of Russia. The Jesuit General was in control of Scottish Rite Freemasonry and now sought an alliance with the Masonic House of Rothschild in England. To accomplish this he chose a Jesuit who was Jewish by race—Adam Weishaupt. Weishaupt was a brilliant instructor of Canon Law—the evil Council of Trent—at a Jesuit university in Bavaria. We read:

"From the Jesuit College of Ingolstadt is said to have issued the sect known as ‘the Illuminati of Bavaria’ founded by Adam Weishaupt. Its nominal founder, however, seems to have played a subordinate though conspicuous role in the organization of this sect." [Occult Theocracy, Lady Queenborough, originally published in 1933]

On May 1, 1776, the Order of the Illuminati was officially founded in the old Jesuit stronghold of Bavaria. The Company would now use the Jewish House of Rothschild to finance the French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon the Freemason with his Jesuit-trained advisor, Abbe Sieyes. In spite of the historical writings of the Jesuit Abbe Barruel, who blamed the Rothschilds and Freemasonry for the Revolution, it was the Society of Jesus that used these very tools to carry out the Revolution and punish the monarchs  who dared to expel the Jesuits from their dominions.
The Jesuits, having been expelled from the Spanish Empire, found refuge in Corsica. From there they raised up their great avenger, Napoleon Bonaparte.

* * *

Lately, it was George Washington who was so beloved by France’s General Lafayette. During the Revolution our great chieftain took the "boy General" under his wing for which cause the Frenchman named his eldest son, George Washington Lafayette. With this same endearing love the Roman Catholic Lafayette warned:

"It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country, the United States of America, are destroyed, it  will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies of civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe."

* * *

Napoleon was captured by the English and banished to the island of St. Helena. There, his Memoirs were written which accurately described his masters, the Jesuits:

"The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious order. There chief is a general of an army, not the  mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is: POWER. Power in its most despotic exercise. Absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms: and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses....

"The general of the Jesuits insists on being master, sovereign, over the sovereign. Wherever the Jesuits are admitted they will be masters, cost what it may. Their society is by nature dictatorial, and therefore it is the irreconcilable enemy of all constituted authority. Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a meritorious work, if committed for the interest of the Society of the Jesuits, or by the order of the general." [Fifty Years In The Church Of Rome, Charles Chiniquy, 1968, reprinted from the 1886 edition, quoting Memorial Of The Captivity Of Napolean At St. Helena, General Montholon]

* * *

The Knights of Malta and the Jesuits work together!

(Truth seeker, this may seem irrelevant now, but it is important for you to be aware of this connection. As we shall see, the Knights financed Lenin and Hitler from Wall Street, also using their Federal Reserve Bank headed by Masonic Jews, Warburg in particular.) The Knights negotiated the Concordat (a Papal treaty) between the Pope and Hitler in the person of Franz Von Papen. They also helped top Nazis to escape to North and South America after World War II in the persons of James Angleton and Argentina’s President Juan Peron.

In America, the Knights, with their OSS, later the CIA, were behind "Operation Paperclip". After World War II, top Nazis and scientists were illegally secreted into the United States. Many were placed in the top-secret military installation in Tonapah, Nevada known as "Area 51". The  perfection of the Nazis’ anti-gravity aircraft (flying saucers) was to be completed there, among other secret technologies. "Operation Paperclip" was overseen by America’s most powerful Knight of Malta, J. Peter Grace. J. Peter Grace was subject to the Jesuit-trained Archbishop Spellman, as the American headquarters for the Knights was and is St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York.

* * *


Our founding Fathers knew of the Jesuit intrigue directed at the new Protestant Republic of these United States of America. In 1816, John Adams wrote to President Jefferson:

"Shall we not have regular swarms of them here, in as many disguises as only a king of the gypsies can assume, dressed as painters, publishers, writers, and schoolmasters? If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on Earth and in Hell it is this Society of Loyola’s." [The New Jesuits, George Riemer, 1971]

* * *


A personal friend of Professor Morse believed his warning of this Jesuit conspiracy. He was President Abraham Lincoln. We read:

"The Protestants of both the North and South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the Jesuits, if they could learn how the priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion...are nothing else but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon III, and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our Constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy  here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free." [Fifty Years In The Church Of Rome, Charles Chiniquy, 1968, reprinted from the 1886

* * *

The Jesuits — 1868-1872

This new nation would be a centralized republic with the President exercising powers of an absolute monarch. The old Federal Republic of Washington would be converted into a huge centralized Empire, with the ten planks of the Masonic Communist Manifesto replacing the Ten Commandments of Moses.

In order to accomplish this, the Constitution had to be amended—"by hook or by crook". It would be amended in accordance with the Masonic cry of both French Revolutions. "Liberty" would be the Thirteenth Amendment. "Equality" would be the Fourteenth Amendment. "Fraternity" would be the  Fifteenth Amendment. We now will examine the Fourteenth Amendment, as it was the coup d’etat.

* * *


Even thought he acted the tyrant in keeping Maryland from seceding and raised the Army of the Potomac to "put down the rebellion", there is evidence that he had a change of heart. Accordingly to many, Lincoln was converted to Christ after viewing the battlefield at Gettysburg. He later joined the Presbyterian Church in Washington and had several spiritual conversations with his close friend and converted priest, Charles Chiniquy. We read:

"I will repeat to you what I said at Urbana, when for the first time you told me your fears lest I would be assassinated by the Jesuits: Man must not care where and when he will die, provided he dies at the post of honor and duty. But I may add, today, that I have a presentiment that God will call me to Him through  the hand of an assassin. Let His will, and not mine, be done! The Pope and the Jesuits, with their infernal Inquisition, are the only organized powers in the world which have recourse to the dagger of the assassin to murder those whom they cannot convince with their
arguments or conquer with the sword.... It seems to me that the Lord wants today, as He wanted in the days of Moses, another victim.... I cannot conceal from you that my impression is that I am that victim. So many plots have already been made against my life, that it is a real miracle that they have failed, when we consider that the great majority of them were in the hands of skillful Roman Catholic murderers, evidently trained by Jesuits. But can we expect that God will  make a perpetual miracle to save my life? I believe not. The Jesuits are so expert in those deeds of blood, that Henry IV said that it was impossible to escape them, and he became their victim, though he did all that could be done to protect himself. My escape from their hands, since the letter of the Pope to Jeff Davis has sharpened a million daggers to pierce my breast, would be more than a miracle." [Fifty Years In The  Church Of Rome, Charles Chiniquy, 1958, originally published in 1886]

[Further along:]

Of the Jesuit hand in Lincoln’s murder we read:

"I feel safe in stating that nowhere else can be found in one book the connected presentation of the story leading up to the death of Abraham Lincoln, which was instigated by the "black" pope, the General of the Jesuit Order, camouflaged by the "white" pope, Pius IX, aided, abetted and financed by other "Divine Righters" of Europe, and finally consummated by the Roman Hierarchy  and their paid agents in this country and French Canada on "Good Friday" night, April 14, 1865, at Ford’s Theatre, Washington, D.C." [The Suppressed Truth About The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln, Burke McCarty, 1973, originally published in 1924]

* * *

THE JESUITS — 1945-1990

The Great and Terrible Second Thirty Years’ War was now over. Europe, Russia, North Africa, China, and  Japan were "a universal wreck" thanks to the Company of Jesus. Millions of "heretics" had been "extirpated" pursuant to the Jesuit Oath and the Council of Trent. Unlike the Treaty of Westphalia ending the First Thirty Years’ War, the agents of the Jesuits controlled the negotiations at Yalta and Potsdam ending the second Thirty Years’ War.

It was time to apply the Jesuits’ Hegelian Dialectic worldwide. It would be known as "the Cold War". The thesis and antithesis would be "the Free World in the West" verses "the Communist Block in the East".  The American Empire would head the West, and the Russian Empire would lead the East. Both sides would be financed by the Jesuits’ International Banking Cartel centered in London and New York—the Federal Reserve and Chase-Manhattan Banks in particular.

The synthesis would be the destruction of the American Empire through the so-called "ending of the Cold War". The illusion of ending the Cold War would legally enable Rome’s Corporate Monopolies, federated together in New York City under the leadership of the Council on Foreign Relations, to give Russia and China high technology and financial backing. The giving of these necessities would perfect the War Machines of both economically communist and politically fascist giants for the purpose of invading North America, it containing the majority of the world’s
Protestants, Baptists, and Jews. It is for these reasons that the financial might of Hong Kong was given to Red China, along with an American Naval Base in Long Beach, California. It is for these reasons that the Panama Canal, built with American blood, sweat, tears and Yellow Fever, was given away to Panama to be manned by Chinese soldiers imperiling the American navy. It is for these reasons that the Jesuits in control of Washington have established  nationwide gun registration for the purpose of nationwide gun confiscation just as they did in Hitler’s  Germany. It is for these reasons that the Jesuits, with their international corporations managed by the Knights of Malta, have financed and continue to build both the Russian and Chinese War Machines, while influencing American Presidents to close down scores of military installations across the country. These facts spell invasionmassive invasion by millions of foreign soldiers, with no God and no mercy. And if the Jesuits can manage to blow-up the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and blame the American Empire for it, the Arabs will declare a holy war against "the great Satan". The private wealth of Americans using International Business Corporations with bank accounts in the
Bahamas will be seized just as they were in Castro’s Cuba. (The Knights have moved all their wealth into European banks denominated in Franks and Marks as well as Eurodollars, thereby escaping the coming American economic catastrophe.)

Meanwhile, as the Jesuits, with their American dictator’s internal police (FEMA) and foreign invaders, are "extirpating" "the execrable race" of American "heretics" and "liberals", the European nations will be driven to lay down their historic differences and unify.

This unification will restore the Holy Roman Empire, for which reason the Jesuits are rapidly rebuilding  Rome. When the smoke clears, China will control the East, Russia will control the North, and a unified R.C. [Roman Catholic] Europe will control the West. The Pope’s International Intelligence Community will see to it that Jerusalem is declared an international city with Solomon’s rebuilt Temple in her midst. World government will ensue and the Jesuits’ "blessed despotism" of the Dark Ages will have arrived, with the Pope being the Universal Despot of the World, so appropriately described in the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion, while being the World Authority of The Documents Of Vatican II.

* * *

The Jesuits — 1963


"It is of faith that the Pope has the right of deposing heretical and rebel kings. Monarchs so deposed by the Pope are converted into notorious tyrants, and may be killed by the first who can reach them.

"If the public cause cannot meet with its defense in the death of a tyrant, it is lawful for the first who arrives, to assassinate him." [Defensio Didei, Jesuit Suarez, Book VI. C 4, Nos. 13, 14]

Freed remembers what apparently passes for polite conversation when men such as Colby and Cline get together. "It was quite bizzare" Freed said, "for the subject they chose was, ‘When is it acceptable to assassinate a head of state?’ Colby presented what he said was a theological and philosophically sound approach. The Catholic Church, he said, had long since wrestled with this question and had, to Colby’s mind, emerged with a sound concept: "It is acceptable" he said, "to assassinate a tyrant." [Plausible Denial, Mark Lane, 1991, p. 85]

"A conspiracy is rarely, if ever, proved by positive testimony. When a crime of high magnitude is about to be perpetrated by a combination of individuals, they do not act openly, but covertly and secretly. The purpose formed is known only to those who enter into it. Unless one of the original conspirators betray his companions and give evidence against them, their guilt can be proved only by circumstantial evidence...and circumstances can not lie." [Special Judge Advocate John A. Bingham, quoted in The Trial Of The Conspirators, Washington, 1865]

This chapter will examine the forest, not the trees. The hundreds of works covering the assassination can be reduced to a few simple facts. These facts viewed in the context of the previous chapters lead us to the "Lion" in his "Den of Iniquity" that had the power to execute Kennedy’s murder and successfully cover it up. That Lion was the Cardinal of New York and his Den of Iniquity was St. Patricks’ Cathedral, "the Little Vatican", and home base of the American Branch of the Knights of Malta. From the death of Cardinal Spellman in 1967 until now (1999), the succeeding "Lions" having kept the assassination covered-up were: Cardinal Cooke (himself a Knight of Malta) and Cardinal O’Connor, a former Navy Chaplain during Spellman’s Vietnam War, and presently the Archbishop of New York.

Knowing that President Kennedy was not going to escalate the Vietnam War, the Intelligence Community began to prepare for his assassination. Roman Catholic Lee Oswald was chosen to be a patsy.... As a CIA agent, he had been sent to Soviet Russia by Allen Dulles in 1959, supposedly as a defector. Knowing that the CIA (OSS) and the KGB (NKVD) had worked together during WW-II, Oswald apparently took a vacation for nearly two years. During that time he married a Russian whose uncle was a Colonel in the KGB.

When he returned to the American Empire in 1962, he associated with CIA agents Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, David Ferrie, Guy Banister, Count George DeMohrenschildt, and Clay Shaw. Oswald was CIA, and related to a Jesuit. Emannuel Josephson tells us:

"An interesting angle is presented by the Lee Oswald involvement. His cousin is reported to be a Jesuit priest. And it is a matter of record that Lee Oswald was invited to address the Jesuit college in Springhill, Alabama, on the subject of his activities, two weeks before the Kennedy Assassination. The Jesuit involvement closely parallels that in the Lincoln Assassination." [The Federal Reserve Conspiracy And Rockefellers, Emanuel M. Josephson, 1968]

Jim Garrison clearly proved the CIA was involved in the assassination through Clay Shaw. He writes:

"...we discovered Shaw’s extensive international role as an employee of the CIA. Shaw’s secret life as an Agency man in Rome, trying to bring Fascism back to Italy, was exposed in articles in the Italian press.... To me among the most significant revelations were...the confirmation by both Victor  Marchetti and Richard Helms that Clay Shaw had been an agent of the Central Intelligence Agency." [On The Trail Of The Assassins, Jim Garrison, 1991]

And who was the Director of the CIA in 1963? It was Knight of Malta John McCone. Prior to that McCone had been a defense contractor who had formally headed the Atomic Energy Commission. Later in 1970, he was a board member of ITT while remaining a CIA consultant. Marchetti tells us:

"[The] ITT board member who later admitted to a Senate investigative committee that he had played the key role in bringing together CIA and ITT officials was John McCone, director of the CIA during the Kennedy administration and, in 1970, a CIA consultant." [The CIA And The Cult  Of Intelligence, Victor Marchetti, 1975]

Cardinal Spellman’s soldier, John McCone, Director of the CIA, participated in the Kennedy assassination.

Jim Garrison and others have proved that the FBI was also involved in the assassination. He writes:

"I already had concluded that parts of the local Dallas law enforcement establishment were probably implicated in the assassination or its cover-up. But now I saw that the highly respected FBI was  implicated as well." [On The Trail Of The Assassins, Jim Garrison, 1991]

Cardinal Spellman had two agents in the FBI. The first was the Shriner Freemason and brother-Cold Warrior, J. Edgar Hoover. According to Loftus, Hoover had cooperated with the Vatican Ratlines resettling Nazi war criminals in the Northeast. Why would he not cooperate with Spellman now? How could he refuse?

More importantly, Spellman’s key man in the FBI was Knight of Malta, Cartha DeLoach. As the third in command, DeLoach was in a position to supervise the assassination and suppress evidence. Garrison proved DeLoach did in fact suppress evidence.

After the assassination we see a telling relationship between Johnson and DeLoach. DeLoach was known as Johnson’s man in the FBI and the President would call him any time of the day. Curt Gentry writes:

"Lyndon Johnson couldn’t sleep. Late at night he had his aide, Marvin Watson, telehone the DeLoach bedroom. The president had suddenly become convinced that the murder of his predecessor had been a conspiracy and wanted more information from the FBI." [J. Edgar Hoover: The Man And The Secrets, Curt Gentry, 1991]

This is the Cartha DeLoach who had signed a five-year contract with Lee Iacocca’s Ford Mercury in connection with the series, "The FBI". Both DeLoach and Iacocca were Knights of Malta, subject to Cardinal Spellman during the Kennedy assassination. Later DeLoach went on to be a director of PepsiCo. And according to Col. Prouty, that company also participated in Kennedy’s assassination. We read:

"Nixon was in Dallas with a top executive of the Pepsi-Cola Company, Mr. Harvey Russel, the general counsel. Nixon was a legal counsel to that corporation. That top executive’s son has told of Nixon’s presence in Dallas at the time of the assassination, and Russell has confirmed the accuracy of his son’s account. Later, sometime after the shooting, Nixon was driven to the Dallas airport by a Mr. DeLuca, also an official of the Pepsi-Cola Company. In addition, the son of another Pepsi-Cola executive was in Dallas at that time and had dinner with Jack Ruby, Oswald’s killer, the  night before JFK was murdered." [JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, And The Plot To Assassinate John F.
, Col. L. Fletcher Prouty, 1992]

DeLoach, Iacocca, and the Knights of Pepsi, now PepsiCo, all worked together.

At the time of the assassination in Dallas, the Catholic priest, Oscar Shubert, was sent from Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Dallas to administer "Last Rites" for the President. Knowing that Kennedy’s wounds were wounds of entry, he reported everything to his superior. Shubert’s superior was the Bishop of Dallas, then The Most Reverend Thomas Kiely Gorman, DD.  According to Martin Lee’s article entitled "Who Are The Knights Of Malta?" appearing in the October 14, 1983 edition of the National Catholic Reporter, Thomas K. Gorman was a Knight of Malta. Being a brother Knight he reported directly to Cardinal Spellman, and kept him appraised of what was happening in Dallas.

At the time of the assassination in Dallas, roughly 12:30 P.M. in the afternoon, all the telephones went dead in Washington, D.C. for about 30 minutes. How could this have happened? Someone at ITT had to be responsible, as it served the Washington area. In 1963, one of the VIPs of ITT was Francis D. Flanagan. You guessed it. Flanagan was a Knight. Later, McCone, with his brother knights, coordinated a deal between the CIA and ITT to better work together.

The author knows there were several Knights of Columbus involved in the Kennedy assassination. They were working for the FBI in particular. But the only notable Knight who was involved was Senator Edward Kennedy in that, through his silence, he was consenting to his brother’s murder. Maybe this is what has driven the perpetual Senator from Massachusetts to his ruined alcoholic life. Let us take a few moments to pray for the Senator that he might have a change of heart, that he would tell all, and that we might protect him. For he too was subject to the power of Cardinal Spellman.

Lastly we know that the Mafia was involved in the Kennedy assassination. The Mafia, CIA, FBI, and Office of Naval Intelligence has been working together throughout World War II. Jack Ruby was a mafioso and David E. Scheim makes it perfectly clear in his Contract On America that the Mob had at least two motives: the Kennedy brothers assault on Organized Crime and the loss of the Mob’s gambling paradise in Cuba.

But those were not the reasons. The Mafia Dons were promised that they would make more money than Havana could ever produce, through the explosion of the international drug trade made possible  by the Vietnam War. If they helped eliminate Kennedy, Johnson would escalate the war and, thereby, the drug trade. The CIA would bring the drugs in from the Golden Triangle, distribute them to the Mafia families, and both would profit.

More importantly, the Mafia’s Commission had a favor to repay. Cardinal Spellman, through FDR, had arranged the release of "Lucky" Luciano because of "Operation Underworld" mentioned in the previous chapter. Now the Cardinal needed a favor. If refused, Spellman could use the entire  intelligence community which he had helped to organize, to eliminate any mob boss. If agreed to, new gambling centers would open up, Atlantic City in particular.

Clearly, if the President was removed, everybody would acquire more power and wealth, the intelligence community would become more absolute, and the Cardinal would be even more  respected by his peers in Rome. The rest is history.

Later, in 1964, for the first time in history, the Pope of Rome set foot in Fourteenth Amendment America. Cardinal Spellman had performed well and was rewarded by a visit from his Master, fellow Cold Warrior and Vatican Ratline handler, Cardinal Montini, who was now Pope Paul VI.

There is yet another reason for the removal of President Kennedy. He wanted to arm Israel. Loftus writes:

"In September 1962 Kennedy decided to supply Israel with defensive ground-to-air missiles capable of stopping aircraft, but not the Egyptian offensive missiles. It was the first arms sale by the U.S. Government to Israel.... Kennedy promised the Israelis that as soon as the 1964 election was over, he would break the CIA ‘into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds’.... With Kennedy’s assassination in November 1963, the Israelis lost the best friend they had in the White House since Truman departed." [The Secret War Against The Jews, John Loftus, 1994]

And why did the Vatican’s Jesuits not want any arms sales to Israel at this time? Why did the Jesuit-controlled President Johnson turn his back as the Egyptian army moved up through the Sinai desert to prepare its assault on Israel in 1967? Because the attack upon Israel had to be provoked. That attack was provoked by the Jesuits’ International Intelligence Community through Egypt falsely perceiving the weakness of the Israeli army and the supposed abandonment of Israel by the American Empire.

The six-day war, engineered by Knight of Malta James Angleton, had one primary purpose: the taking of Jesusalem along with the Temple Mount. The apparent lack of military hardware on the part of Israel provoked the planned attack by Egypt. Therefore, Israel launched a preemptive strike and, in six days, the holy city was in the hands of Rome’s Zionist government.

Had Kennedy armed Israel, the Egyptians would never have been emboldened to maneuver for war. With no provoked war, there would have been no Israeli attack. With no Israeli attack, Jerusalem would never have been taken by the Zionists, controlled by the Jesuits’ Mossad. With Jerusalem in Arab hands, the Zionists could never rebuild Solomon’s Temple—unbeknown to them—for the Jesuits’ "infallible" Pope "Who opposeth and exalted himself above all that is called God, or that  is worshiped; so he is God sitteth in the temple of God [Solomon’s rebuilt temple], showing himself  that he is God." [II Thes 2:4]

It is safe to say that the Jesuit General, using the Pope with his most powerful Cardinal in the American Empire, assassinated President John F. Kennedy in 1963.

For it was Cardinal Spellman, "the American Pope" in command of his soldiers, the Knights of Malta, who oversaw the assassination.

And it was the Knights of Malta, using the Central Intelligence Agency, who aided in the actual assassination of the President. Those Knights were: CIA Director, John McCone, CIA officers William F. Buckley, and Henry Luce.

In 1963, both William F. Buckley and Henry Luce were personal friends of CIA agent Howard Hunt. We read from Mark Lane’s Plausible Denial on page 270, concerning Time and Life magazines, of which Henry Luce was the owner:

"I (Howard Hunt) had them typed up on a typewriter (fabricated official cables), and they were xeroxed, and the xeroxes were eventually shown to a person of Mr. (Charles) Colson’s confidence, and in Time and Life." Hunt, after swearing that he had never been involved in a disinformation effort to embarrass Kennedy, had now testified that he had merely sought to doctor and create evidence to prove that Kennedy was a murderer.

Again in Plausible Denial we read of Hunt’s connection with pompous William F. Buckley, Jr. on page 207:

"(G. Gordon) Liddy completed his testimony perfectly, stating that while he no longer associated with Hunt, he did see him last, he recalled, when both men demonstrated their support for another former CIA officer, William F. Buckley, as Buckley celebrated the anniversary of his television show at the New York Yacht Club."

Dear truth seeker, Hunt was close to both powerhouses, Buckley and Luce. Hunt was also working with two of his fellow criminals in the future Watergate scandal, G. Gordon Liddy (Jesuit-trained) and Chuck Colson.

And in 1985, it was Mark Lane who proved in Miami’s federal court that Hunt was in Dallas the day President Kennedy was murdered. Therefore, the conclusion was obvious. The CIA, with its agent, E. Howard Hunt, had killed the President. In the words of the jury’s forewoman, Leslie Armstrong, found on the inside cover and page 322 of Plausible Denial, we read:

"Mr. Lane was asking us to do something very difficult. He was asking us to believe that John Kennedy had been killed by our own government. When we examined the evidence (for 65 minutes)  we were compelled to conclude that the CIA had indeed killed President Kennedy." Hunt had been part of it, and that evidence, so painstakingly presented, should now be examined by the relevant institutions of the United States Government, so that those responsible for the assassination might  be brought to justice.

No political event or circumstance can be evaluated without the knowledge of the Vatican’s part in it. And no significant world situation exists in which the Vatican does not play an important explicit or implicit role. — Avro Manhattan, “Protestant” Knight of Malta, English Historian and Agitator, 1960, The Vatican And World Politics.

The Jesuits offer the world at large a system of theology by which every law, Divine and human, may be broken with impunity, and by which the very Bulls of Popes may be defied. It is a ghastly religion; it is a religion to be abhorred by all honest and honorable men. — M. F. Cusack, Converted Nun of Kenmare, 1896, The Black Pope.

The Jesuits laugh at us; and during their hilarity, the rattlesnake is coiled at our feet, climbing to strike us in the heart. — Edwin A. Sherman, American Shriner Freemason, Friend of Charles Chiniquy, 1883, The Engineer Corps Of Hell.

You could call Eric Jon Phelps a controversial author. We know him as a consummate researcher, a beloved friend, and a gentleman who lives his truth. Our readers will know him best as my interviewee in our now infamous May 2000 issue of The SPECTRUM—the issue that is known far and wide as the “Black Pope paper.  (See Black Pope article below)

Eric is also the author of the blockbuster book VATICAN ASSASSINS, an incredibly well researched historical manuscript which shows the reader, in astonishing detail, where the TRUE diabolical power and control of this planet resides—at least that controlling layer which is in the physical dimension.

VATICAN ASSASSINS likewise acquaints the reader with a number of priceless old documents and historical manuscripts that “certain ones” have done their very best to remove from almost all of the world’s library shelves. Most of these documents are so rare that just getting these back into public access and circulation is a great service to all students of history thirsty for The Truth.

There has been so much interest in what Eric has to say that we decided to revisit a number of issues and ask him to answer some dangling questions. After all, the kind of connections which Eric makes are an entire level deeper than what we are used to hearing in the “conspiracy theory” arena. Moreover, we have noted, with some degree of surprise and “unveiling” over the past year or so, just who all have come forward to attack Eric’s work—groundlessly and hysterically (but never to his face). These ones know who they are and have, by their unprofessional and irrational actions, convincingly revealed just who they really work for, while pretending to be presenters of Truth!

While it was my intent to focus the majority of the conversation on the present day, there were some unresolved issues from the past that likewise required clarification. On June 18, 2001, I had an opportunity to sit down with Eric Phelps, face-to-face, and prevail upon him to answer a few key questions. Let’s see what he has to say.

Martin: Our last interview—the “Black Pope” issue of The SPECTRUM—went around the world a few times. It’s also been on the Internet for quite some time. The manuscript of VATICAN ASSASSINS has been distributed, but still no book. What’s happening with the book? Why is it taking so long to come out in book form?

Phelps: The reason why it has taken a year to finalize the book is because there were several historical mistakes that were corrected by some of the readers of the manuscripts, the first and second manuscripts.

There was a Japanese individual named Toichi [Ryu] who corrected me on some of the Japanese history regarding the Emperors and the Shogans, for which I thanked him and made the necessary changes.

There were a few other similar changes that I had to make with regard to dates, places, and some times; just a polishing-up of the manuscript, so that it’s ready now.

We had one individual who was a Jesuit for 10 years. He got out of the Jesuit Order. He read the manuscript. He greatly approved of it. And he sent us a list of corrections, which we incorporated into the manuscript. So, there have been many people who have added their polishing touches to it, for which I am thankful.

[Editor’s note: Wisdom Books & Press (877) 280-2866 is accepting advance orders for VATICAN ASSASSINS, the 700-page book, which should be completed by the second or third week in July. The cost for this huge volume is only $34.95, which includes a gift CD-ROM containing 13 rare books mostly “missing” from the world’s library shelves.]

Martin: I would like to concentrate this conversation largely on the present day. But, before we get to the present, I would ask you to, once and for all, clarify something for our readers who may be still confused about The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion.

There have been many sources and many reciting's of The Protocols. They’ve been called a fraud. They’ve been called a forgery, which means that there was a document that preceded it that it had to be based on. Everyone seems to point to the Jews, or the  Khazars, as the authors of The Protocols, and yet your research indicates otherwise.

Who, in your opinion, authored The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion?

Phelps: Cardinal Bea was the confessor of Pope Pius XII (Hitler’s Pope), a very powerful Jesuit and Cardinal within the Vatican. According to Alberto Rivera, when speaking with Cardinal Bea, Cardinal Bea said to him that The Protocols were written by Jews loyal to the Pope.

I do not believe Jews wrote The Protocols. I do not believe Alberto Rivera was told the whole story, because he did not have a “need to know”. Withholding information has always been standard procedure for the Jesuits.

I believe men who were loyal to the Pope wrote The Protocols, and the men who were loyal to the Pope who wrote The Protocols were the Jesuits, according to Leo Lehmann—the ex-Irish Catholic priest who became converted to Christ and set-up the mission there in New York City, Converted Catholics For Christ. He said that the Jesuits wrote The Protocols, and that this is no new attempt of deception, based on their document that they wrote concerning their attack on the Jansenists, which was called The Secrets Of
The Elders Of Bourg-Fontaine.

So, the Jesuits wrote The Protocols like they wrote The Secrets Of The Elders Of Bourg-Fontaine, and the language of The Protocols is identical to The Secret Meeting At Cheiri [1825].

However, I have a quotation from a very brilliant and Godly, born-again, Bible-believing, Irish Roman Catholic priest I referred to a moment ago. He wrote a book entitled Behind The Dictators, first written in 1942, and there were two editions after that. I have the 1945 edition. Dr. Leo Lehmann says that the Jesuits wrote The Protocols. But before I get into that, I would just like to read to you who Dr. L. H. Lehmann was.

“He was born in Dublin, Ireland, and received his primary education there from the nuns and Christian brothers. He began his study for the priesthood at Mungret College, Limerick, and at All Hallows College, Dublin. In 1918, he went to finish his theological studies at the  University of Propaganda Fide in Rome, where he was ordained a priest in 1921. He later  studied at New York University from which he received the degree of M.A.

“After four years as a priest in Cape Town, South Africa, Dr. Lehmann was recalled to Rome to continue negotiations at the Vatican courts concerning a legal case in which he had been engaged, while a student in Rome, on behalf of many American bishops and priests against  the Jesuits. He later returned to South Africa, but was transferred to the United States in 1927 and appointed pastor in Gainesville, the university city of Florida. Dr. Lehmann is now  director of Christ’s Mission in New York City and Editor-In-Chief of The Converted Catholic magazine.”

So, here is a born-again, Bible-believing man who had been an Irish priest, who had run-ins with the Jesuits, who knew EXACTLY what they were all about. When you’re involved in litigation within the Vatican, you know the law. And you know the history of who you are opposing.

Here is what he had to say about the origin of The Protocols. This is found in his book, Behind The Dictators, on page 15:

“Although first published in Russia in 1903, The Protocols Of [The Learned Elders Of] Zion had their origin in France and date from the Dreyfus Affair, of which the Jesuits were the chief instigators. They were planned also first to take effect in France, by the overthrow of the ‘Judaic-Masonic’ government of the French Republic. But the discovery of the gigantic fraud of Leo Taxil, who had been openly supported by the Jesuits, the concluding of the Franco-Russian alliance, along with the Vatican’s difficulties with the French
government at that time, made it more opportune to have them appear first in Russia.

“These Protocols of supposedly Jewish leaders are not the first documents of their kind fabricated by the Jesuits.

“For over a hundred years before these Protocols appeared, the Jesuits had continued to  make use of a similar fraud called The Secrets Of The Elders Of Bourg-Fontaine against Jansenism—an anti-Jesuit French Catholic movement among the secular clergy.”

Phelps: I might also add that the Jansenists were what we would call, really, Catholic Calvinists. They believed in the sovereignty of God. They believed in justification by faith. They believed in many Biblical doctrines, and therefore the Jesuits hated them and later got the Pope to issue a Bull against them.

The Jesuits so hated the Jansenists, of which Blaise Pascal was one, that they concocted this document, The Secrets Of The Elders Of Bourg-Fontaine, against them.

Martin: What year was this?

Phelps: This was in the 1600s, I believe, in France. It may have been the late 1600s, because Blaise Pascal wrote his Provincial Letters in the later 1600s.

[Editor’s note: Eric brings to our attention a VERY interesting person here, much like the great Nikola Tesla of a few hundred years later. Blaise Pascal, 1623-62, was a great mathematician, physicist, theologian, and man-of-letters, born in Clermont-Ferrand, France. In 1647 he invented a calculating machine, and later the barometer, the hydraulic press, and the syringe. Until 1654 he spent his time between mathematics (remember Pascal’s triangle and other intriguing mathematical and geometric discoveries?) and the social round in Paris, but a mystical experience that year led him  to join his sister, who was a member of the Jansenist convent at Port-Royal, where he defended Jansenism against the Jesuits in Lettres Provinciales, 1656-7.]

Now, I’ll go back to my reading:

“The analogy between the two forgeries is perfect—the secret assemblage in the forest of Bourg-Fontaine; the plan of the ‘conspirators’ to destroy the Papacy and establish religious  tolerance among all nations; the alleged plot against Throne and Altar, and the setting up of  a world-government in opposition to the Catholic Church. There is the same dramatization of the negative pole of the historic evolution of the world, in order to bring out, by contrast, the positive Christian [Catholic] pole, around which all conservative forces—the monarchy, the aristocracy, the army, the clergy—must gather to save the world from Satan’s

Phelps: Is this not identical to The Protocols? Except in The Protocols, it’s Communism. Both documents want a world government, under someone other than the Pope. So, it betrays the Jesuit hand throughout, in The Protocols, based upon The Secrets Of The Elders Of Bourge-Fontaine; and furthermore, after this document, The Secrets Of the Elders of Bourge-Fontaine, the next major document that we have is Leone’s The Jesuit Conspiracy—The Secret Plan Of The Order, which was published in 1848.

In this document, Jesuit Leone was 19 years old and a novitiate in Cheiri, Italy, where he, when he was snooping around in a back room, became trapped when Jesuit General Roothaan and his provincials came in another room and he listened to this conversation  between the General and his provincials—in the mid-1830s, around 1834—and while he was hiding, he was taking notes.

They betray that the Jesuit General was intent upon setting-up a World Government by controlling the Roman Catholic hierarchy, the Pope, all the monarchies, and thus all the governments of the world. And that is in Leone’s great work, The Jesuit Conspiracy, published in 1848.

It was published in several languages. It went all throughout Europe, which contributed to the people rising-up against the power of the Jesuits in 1848, with the Second French Revolution. But that revolution was controlled, the leadership of it was controlled, and the end result was more power for the Jesuit Order in Europe.

Martin: You mention that The Protocols were an outgrowth of the Dreyfus Affair [1890s]. And prior to that we have the Council of Trent [twenty-five sessions of the Council of Trent from 1545-1563]. Can you put this in perspective?

Phelps: Ok. The Jesuits were busy creating Jewish hatred in Germany and in France in the late 1800s. There was a man referred to in Ridpath’s Universal History Of the World—I only found this here—he called his work “the solution to the Jewish question”. Hitler came along, later, and had the FINAL solution to the Jewish question. So, they were fomenting anti- Jewish hatred in Germany, and they were fomenting anti-Jewish hatred in France.

Martin: Who are they?

Phelps: The Jesuits. The Jesuits were fomenting this in both countries because, at this time,  the Jesuits had been expelled from Germany in 1872, and they had been expelled from France in 1880. So now they’re going to go after the Jews through their agents in these two countries.

In France, they started the Dreyfus Affair, and that was in the 1890s. The Dreyfus Affair had several purposes. It was to create anti-Semitism—anti-Jewish hatred in France.

I hate to use the word anti-Semitism. There are many Semites other than Jews. And it was also calculated to create war with Germany, because Captain Dreyfus was accused of treason in handing secrets over to the German government. It was all a frame.

He was completely framed. He was sent to Devil’s Island for 10 years, and suffered the horrible tortures of Devil’s Island for that period of time. And then, later, when he was brought back, he was vindicated and found “not guilty”, and the Jesuits were blamed for having done this. So this became universally known in France, which ultimately caused the Jesuits to be expelled, again, in 1901.

The Dreyfus Affair is a major European conspiracy with the Jesuit hand, against the Jews, attempting to foment a war between France and Germany. Because, remember, the French hated the Germans as a result of the trouncing that they got in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. And they wanted vengeance for that.

So, we play on the people’s vengeance, create this issue between Germany and France, we use the Jews to do it so we can get some anti-Jewish fervor going, which ultimately manifests itself in 1942 with the Vichy government in France, when they help the Nazis  round-up all the Jews in France and send them to Auschwitz.

And it’s at that time, in 1942, in the Petain, that the Jesuits were formally readmitted into France. That’s the significance of the Dreyfus Affair.

Martin: And what is the significance of the Council of Trent in relation to all of these?

Phelps: The Council of Trent puts heretics—which us Bible-believers are, all Protestants and all Jews—puts all of us under more than 100 curses because of what we believe:

We believe in justification by faith.

“Accursed be all who believe in justification by faith.”

We believe that Baptism is simply an outward sign of salvation, and that it is not necessary for salvation.

“Accursed be all those who believe that.”

We believe that, when we eat of the Lord’s supper, the bread and the wine are NOT the literal body and blood of Christ, as the Council of Trent teaches, therefore we are accursed because we do not believe in transubstantiation.

And we also believe that man has a right to his own judgment. He has a right to read the Bible and make his own decisions as to what it means; that the Bible should be in the language of the people, because this the foundation of freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press.

All of these things in the 4th session of the Council of Trent are condemned, anybody who believes in: freedom of speech, and freedom of conscience, and freedom of the press.

So, those maxims of the Council of Trent are brought into The Protocols when The  Protocols condemn freedom of conscience; they condemn freedom of the press; they condemn national governments and national sovereignty.

You see, Bible-believers, we believe in national sovereignty.

We do not believe in World Government.

We believe America should be governed by Americans.

We believe Japan should be governed by Japanese, etc.

We do not believe, we do not want, a European Union.

We do not want a combination of governments under Centralized Government.

We believe in national sovereignties, which is the reason why the South seceded and left the United States, because they wanted to set-up their own national sovereignty; it was a Protestant maxim upon which they acted.

Ok, so Trent effects The Protocols. Trent effects The Secrets Of The Elders Of Bourge-Fontaine. Trent effects The Secret Plan, written by Leone in 1848. And hence, now we have the doctrines of Communism effecting Marx and his Communist Manifesto, because Marx was tutored in the British Museum BY JESUITS.

Martin: Who was behind the Council of Trent, The Secret Plan, etc. Who were the men behind these, historically?

Phelps: Well, Diego Laynez went on to be the Jesuit General after Loyola; Laynez was the second Jesuit General. He was the MASTER-MIND of the Council of Trent. Laynez was a Jesuit by allegiance, and a Jew by race. This is very important. And it’s the result of Laynez being a Jew, when this was brought to light in 1593, that the Order passed a statute that NO JEW COULD EVER BE IN THE JESUIT ORDER AGAIN. This is VERY important. This is why Weishaupt was not a Jew. It was against the constitutions of the Order for a Jew to be in the Order.

Martin: And what relation does Weishaupt have to all of this?

Phelps: Weishaupt was the promoter of the Illuminati, with the House of Rothschild for the punishment of the Catholic monarchs of Europe, and the Pope, for suppressing the Jesuit Order.

So, Weishaupt did not act alone. Weishaupt was under the supervision, at least initially, of Jesuit General Ricci, who died in 1775 in Italy. Weishaupt was under orders.

Martin: Who is Jesuit General Roothaan?

Phelps: Jesuit General Roothaan was the General of the Society from the 1830s to the mid-1850s. Jesuit General Roothaan was the one who oversaw The Secret Plan At Chieri, of which Leone overheard and then wrote about.

Martin: So this is KEY to what we are talking about?

Phelps: Extremely key.

Martin: And who is Peter Beckx?

Phelps: Peter Beckx was the Jesuit General in the late 1800s and early 1900s. He was the one who gave the order and oversaw the sinking of the Titanic.

Martin: Let’s talk about that now. Why have you drawn the historical conclusion that the Jesuits sank the Titanic?

Phelps: Because they benefited. And they were present, on site, on the ship, prior to it’s sinking. When we have a powerful organization that is working together, such as the Jesuit Order, and the power that they had prior to their suppression, and that they had never changed, and they are still working toward a World Government under the Pope, we look  for the Jesuit Order in these national crises that arise—and in this issue, the Titanic.

We must ask the question: Even though we can’t place where they are at the moment, did the Jesuit Order benefit from this? And the answer is: Yes, they did.

They benefited because it paved the way for the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank, which they own and control, by proxy, through the Knights of Malta, with their various trusts and so on. They never own anything outright; they always own it through a trusted third party.

How do we know that the Jesuits control the Federal Reserve Bank? Because the Federal Reserve Bank was used to finance the second “Thirty Years War”—from 1914 to 1945—in which everything that transpired fell out for the benefit of the Vatican, everything.

Then, of course, when we discover that the most powerful man in Ireland, the Jesuit Provincial Francis M. Browne, was on the Titanic taking pictures of all those who would be going down. And then, right before it departs Queenstown, Ireland, to set out for the North Sea, “the lucky priest departed off the ship” in the words of Martin Sheen, who narrated Secrets Of The Titanic.

It was more than luck; it was planned that way. Martin Sheen has been to the Jesuit Novitiate at St. Jacques, in Warnersville, Pennsylvania. Martin Sheen is a bosom buddy of the Jesuits.

The men who went down were wealthy Jews who were resisting the establishment of a centralized bank in America, particularly John Jacob Astor who was a personal friend of Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis. And Brandeis greatly resisted the establishment of the central bank.

Martin: Astor, Guggenheim, and Straus were three Jewish men who went down with the Titanic. Why do you focus so much of your attention on Astor?

Phelps: Astor was the wealthiest Jew in the world, some say the wealthiest man in the world. But he was, most definitely, the wealthiest Jew. He did not have more money than the Pope.  But he was the wealthiest man in the world and he was using his wealth NOT in accord with  the Jesuit Order.

Now, later, his son, John Jacob Astor IV, became part of the money trust, which can be found on the Internet; and so the Jesuits had access, now, to the Astor fortune. They control it now. But, at that time, they got rid of Astor because they wanted his fortune, and they wanted to end his resistance to the establishment of a national bank. And they do this pursuant to The Secret Instructions, that they will take the fortunes of widows and other people who resist  them.

And that is what they did in Eugene Sue’s The Wandering Jew. That story revolves around a French Protestant family, the Renneponts, and the Jesuits killing-off every member of the Rennepont family, so that they can have the fortune when it would be opened up at a certain day, at a certain time in Paris. And the man who held the fortune in trust was a Jew. So, that’s why they got rid of Astor.

Martin: What was that quote from the movie JFK about the Titanic?

Phelps: I believe Oliver Stone was overseen by the Jesuits, who control Hollywood. And, therefore, a lot of the lines were authored by Jesuits.

One of the lines authored by the Jesuits was when Garrison was sitting at the table and he said: “People, we’ve got to start thinking differently. We’ve got to start thinking like the CIA. White is black, and black is white.”

That is DIRECTLY from Ignatius Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises. [Ignatius Loyola was the founder of the Jesuit Order in 1540.] When he tells the people that they believe the hierarchical Catholic Church and believe white is black and black is white, if the hierarchy says so. That’s right out of the Spiritual Exercises.

Well then, when one of the associates, Bill, of Garrison’s staff, is approached by an FBI agent, and the FBI agent is trying to win him over to their side, that FBI agent says: “There’s going to be millions of people who are going to die. Besides, you’ve got to get away from Garrison. He’s going down with the Titanic.”

That is a clue, right there, that the same men who were behind the Kennedy assassination, attempting to frustrate Garrison’s investigation, were the same men who sunk the Titanic.

Martin: I’m looking at the front-page headline from a little-known rag-sheet, and the current headline that I’m reading says: “Khazarian Zionists Are The Anti-Christ.” Now, what can you explain to our readers about who might be behind such a headline, and what is the AGENDA of such a headline?

[Editor’s note: Some of you readers who may be familiar with the publication should know that Rick is referring to the June 13, 2001 issue of the CONTACT newspaper.]

Phelps: We know that the Jesuits, in their agendas, hate the Jews.

And you add: “Eric, you say that the Jesuits set up Zionist Israel.”

The Jesuits control the Masonic Jewish Zionists who control Zionist Israel. They HATE the Jewish race. And when I speak of Jews, I’m not speaking of Judaism. I’m not speaking of their evil religion, that openly and notoriously rejects Jesus as the Messiah; even Josephus realized Jesus was the Messiah.

I’m talking about the RACE. And when I’m speaking of the Jewish race, I’m speaking of the descendants of Jacob, through his 12 sons, and their physical descendants. That’s what I mean when I speak of the Jews.

Many, many Orthodoxes today believe there is no such thing as the Jewish race. They are in error about that, because in Romans IX, X, & XI, it speaks specifically about the Jewish race, that Christ was a Jew; that Christ spoke in John, Chapter IV, we know whom we worship for salvation is of the Jews.

So, he identified himself as a Jew. The Apostle Paul identified himself as a Hebrew of Hebrews, an Israelite, etc. So the terms Jew, Israelite, and Hebrew are all synonymous terms; they are the physical, racial descendants of Jacob. And, therefore, the Abraham covenant and promises apply to them, and they have not been fulfilled to this day. They are in the great diaspora—they are in the great dispersion.

And so, Satan, not wanting them to inherit these promises, has set-out to destroy the Jewish race any way he possibly can. And his greatest tool in the destruction of the Jewish race is the Jesuit Order.

Martin: Are you saying that this headline that I just read to you has an agenda behind it?

Phelps: Absolutely.

Martin: And what is that agenda?

Phelps: The agenda is to create world-wide anti-Jewish fury, in every nation of the world, so as to drive all the Jews back to Israel for their final annihilation when the Jesuits bring in the armies of the Earth and when the antichrist, the risen Pope, brings in the armies of the Earth in his last, mad attempt to destroy all of the Jews, so that they cannot inherent the promises given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Martin: If there is an intelligence community behind this publication, it’s easy enough to draw the conclusion, from what you’re saying, that the Jesuits, who control the intelligence community, would be specifically behind this agenda to foment hate and agitation against the Jewish race.

Phelps: Absolutely. Especially the American Jews, because there are more American Jews, here in this country, than there are in Israel. And one of their agendas in the next 10-20 years is to create anti-Jewish fury, and to drive the American Jews back to Israel, killing millions of them, as well, here, because they’re planning to bring their Roman Catholic Fascist dictator to power—just like they did with Hitler in Germany; just like they did with Stalin in Russia; just like they did with Franco in Spain; just like they did with Mussolini in Italy. They have the same exact agenda here. They’re going to do it through the Republican, “New Right” party, of which George Bush is now the head.

Martin: At one point, you made a comment privately concerning the Right-Wing militia movement possibly being influenced with another agenda. Can you talk about that?

I’ll just say up-front that this is going to strike at the heart of many people’s belief system. And some may have difficulty with what you say.

Phelps: The Right-Wing militia groups—the posse comitatus, etc., Ku Klux Klan, the Minutemen, they all have one thing in common: they all hate the Jews. That puts up a flag for me. And if they all hate the Jews, that tells me that they have been imbibed, or indoctrinated, with hatred for the Jews. They all hate the Jews; and as an aside, so do the Black Moslems [Muslims]. Louis Farrakhan openly hands-out The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion and blames all our problems, and all the Black man’s problems, on the Jews.

So, the Right-Wing posse comitatus groups are all controlled by the Jesuits because they are all anti-Jew, and they have NOTHING TO SAY ABOUT THE JESUIT ORDER. NOTHING!

Martin: Wouldn’t you say that most of the groups just don’t have a clue about the Jesuit Order?

Phelps: Not their leadership. A lot of these groups have Catholics in them. There’s not a Catholic around who doesn’t know the power of the Jesuit Order, in their educational power, and the power of government.

We have Drinin in Congress; we have McLaughlin who was writing speeches for Nixon for $35,000 a year. We have Jesuits all throughout the government. There’s not any intelligent Roman Catholic who’s involved in these Right-Wing Movements who doesn’t know the power of the Jesuits.


So, this Timothy McVeigh thing—is that what we’re leading to?

Martin: Well, no, but go ahead.

Phelps: This Timothy McVeigh thing—here’s another Irish Roman Catholic sacrificed, just like Kennedy, for the sake of attempting to create a national backlash or agitation against the Right-Wing Movement people, because a lot of the Right-Wing Movement people are true patriots who want their liberty; they want to maintain their guns; they want freedom to educate their children as they wish; they’re decent people, but they are not aware that the leadership is controlled by the Vatican.

So, the Jesuits in control of Clinton fomented the Oklahoma City bombing to justify going after these Right-Wing, conservative, many of them Bible-believing, people in this movement, for their round-up and extermination. But it didn’t quite work.

So, they imploded the building. They got rid of Timothy McVeigh. That whole execution could have been stayed with one phone call from the Archbishop of New York to the Bishop of Oklahoma City, and he wouldn’t do it.



Before McVeigh was released from the Army, McVeigh was invited to join the top notch program of Special Forces, in 1991. The Training Complex was done at ...

That was the purpose of the Oklahoma City bombing, the creation of anti-Right-Wing feeling. And the people at the top, controlling the Right-Wing organizations, will betray their own people, just exactly as the White Russians were betrayed during the Communist Revolution from 1917-1922.

Their own leadership will betray them—just as Hitler betrayed his armies to the East, cut-off supplies, would not allow them to take Moscow, froze them in the snows of Russia; just as Napoleon betrayed his armies in the East, abandoned 250,000 men; that’s exactly what’s going to be done to our Right-Wing patriotic people who are the only bulwark against tyranny in this country today.

Martin: We’re almost to the present day. But, before we get to the present day, let’s stop for a minute, once again, and talk about JFK’s assassination. I’m going to mention a few names, and then let’s talk about the Jesuit influence behind that assassination and the reasons why.

John McCone, head of the CIA; Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York; Henry Luce; Carthe DeLouche; and E. Howard Hunt. Why are these names important? What are their relationships? And WHY would you point the finger at someone like the Archbishop of New York, Cardinal Spellman, of all people, to place the responsibility for the JFK assassination directly at the Vatican? How can you justify that?

Phelps: We know we’re looking at a conspiracy, so we ask the question, again: Who benefits? Who benefited from the death of JFK? Well, we know, according to the works of the great Fletcher Prouty, JFK was going to end the Vietnam War in 1965. We also know that JFK was going to end the reign of the CIA, and all of their military, covert operations were going to be handed-over to the Army Chiefs of Staff. Therefore, the CIA benefited, and those who wanted the Vietnam War benefited.

We now must ask the question: Who wanted the Vietnam War? Well, we know that many factions did, but we see, openly and in our face, Cardinal Spellman wanted the Vietnam War. Cardinal Spellman’s man in Vietnam was Diem. Diem was a fascist Roman Catholic, persecuting the Buddhists. And his brother was head of the Secret Police. So, Diem was Cardinal Spellman’s man in Vietnam. Diem was assassinated because Kennedy withdrew the CIA representative out of Saigon.

The other thing is, Cardinal Spellman, throughout the Vietnam War, would travel over there at the war-front and he’d call the soldiers the “soldiers of Christ”, according to Avro Manhattan, in his great work Vietnam: Why Did We Go? So, Cardinal Spellman wanted the Vietnam War, and if Cardinal Spellman wanted the Vietnam War, the Pope wanted the Vietnam War, and if the Pope wanted the Vietnam War, the Black Pope wanted the Vietnam War, the Jesuit General.

Martin: Who was?

Phelps: Jean Baptiste Janssens. He died in 1964. From 1964 to 1983 or so, it was Pedro Arrupe.

Martin: So you’re saying that Janssens had an agenda.

Phelps: Jean Baptist Janssens had an agenda, and that agenda was to annihilate as many Buddhists as possible, because the Buddhists have always been the enemies of the Jesuits. When the Jesuits took Japan in 1873, what did they do? They outlawed, they made it so that the government of Japan would not support the Buddhist religion anymore. Buddhism has ceased to be the state religion. So they’ve always been the enemy of the Buddhists.

The other thing about the Vietnam War is that it created a $220 billion dollar debt for the American people, and that debt was incurred by the Congress, who borrowed that money from the Jesuits’ Federal Reserve Bank.

So the Jesuits made big money. They killed lots of “heretics”. They preserved the CIA.

Because, remember: the CIA was initially founded and set-up by one particular man, Reinhard Gehlen, who was a Nazi General, who was Hitler’s most sinister General. And so, he incorporated all of the Nazi intelligence apparatus into the CIA in the West. It was also incorporated into the KGB in the East. They were called “Freedom Fighters”; they were really working for the KGB, these SS, Nazi men. If the Jesuit General controlled the KGB, he controls the CIA.

Kennedy was getting in the way. Kennedy also did not want the voucher system for public schools, of which George Bush is a great promoter. The Vatican wants the American taxpayer to pay for Catholic schools because, remember, Roman Catholicism, left to itself, without government support, crumbles. It has nothing to offer. There is no freedom of speech, no freedom of press.


They are simply to obey their hierarchy, and in America that’s not good enough. Catholic people don’t want that in America. Catholic people, for the most part, enjoy freedom of press, and freedom of speech, and freedom to make a profit; all of those things the Vatican does not want. A case in point is all of South America and Central America.

Martin: Well, why do you think—other than the fact that there have been 100-200 people killed who knew anything about the JFK assassination—why do you think it’s never come out?

Phelps: Because the American branch of the Knights of Malta, of which McCone was a member, Henry Luce was a member, William F. Buckley was a member, Lee Iacocca was a member, Cartha DeLoach of the FBI was a member, etc. They control the press! And they controlled CBS, at that time, with a man named Frank Shakespeare, who was a Knight of Malta. The Knights control ABC, CBS, and NBC, and Time/Life; that’s why Time/Life attempted to destroy the Zapruder film.


I might also add, throughout the publication of “The Black Pope” interview we did back in May 2000, and my first two manuscripts since that time, there has not been one Roman Catholic who has emailed me, or attempted to contact me in any way, denying that Cardinal Spellman did this; not one. But we have several clandestine Jesuits who are in complete agreement, and who admit that this is exactly what was done.

Martin: Let me ask you about Opus Dei. We’ve been accused of hiding Opus Dei in the background as being the real power behind the Vatican, and therefore, the power over the Jesuits. Have we conspired to withhold the mention of Opus Dei in our discussions?

Phelps: No. Opus Dei is a subordinate organization to the Pope, who is in control of the Knights of Malta, and therefore there are Knights of Malta in Opus Dei.

The Jesuits control Opus Dei through the hierarchy of the Pope and through the Knights of Malta. Opus Dei is composed of prominent Roman Catholic businessmen and politicians who have given themselves over to “God’s work”—that’s what Opus Dei means—for making the Pope the Universal Monarch of the world, ruling the world from Solomon’s rebuilt temple in Jerusalem.

An example of this is the former head of the FBI, Louis Freeh, was a member of Opus Dei.

And so, we now understand the Waco incident, where those White Protestants were killed; it was the work of the Opus Dei. And we also have to remember that the sharpshooter, one of them there, was a Japanese Roman Catholic, Lon Horiuchi.

But Opus Dei is determined to create a World Government under the Pope. Opus Dei was created in the 20th Century, whereas the Knights of Malta were created in the 11th Century, and the Jesuits were created in the 16th Century, in 1540, with Ignatius Loyola.

So, the super-secret society of the Jesuit Order, in control of the Knights of Malta, were in existence nearly 500 years before Opus Dei. Opus Dei, like the Knights of Columbus, is a subordinate organization to the Jesuit Order.

Martin: Ok, now that we have some of these things put temporarily to rest—until the book comes out!—let’s talk about the present day.

There are a few things happening that everyone needs to be aware of and concerned about. I’ll just mention a few countries, and then we can begin: Israel, Cuba, China, North Africa, and Japan. What’s happening with our relationship with these countries? How are we going to be sucked-in to a conflict? And what are the ramifications going to be? Lines in the sand are being drawn, alliances are being created between powerful nations, and why should we be concerned about that?

That’s a big question.

Phelps: That’s a big question. I’ll try to deal with a piece at a time, if I may.

I’m going to start with the 14th Amendment American Empire that was established in 1868 after the Jesuit Order destroyed the Federal Republic or the Confederate Republic of sovereign nation states that Washington established in 1789.

The Jesuits have used the 14th Amendment American Empire to restore the temporal power of the Pope over all nations around the world for the last 100 years. And that’s why they have garrisoned American troops throughout the world. That’s why they have laid upon us an iniquitous and sinful federal income tax, with which they finance these crusades around the world.

So, their American Empire has served them well in the restoration of the temporal power of the Pope around the world, especially over Orthodox Russia, Buddhist China, Buddhist Japan, South and Central America through the CIA; this is the purpose for the British and America Empires. They used the British Empire in the 19th Century to do this, and they used the American Empire in the 20th Century to do this. So they take the most powerful Protestant empires, and the wealthiest, harness their governments, and use such for their own purposes.

Alright, now that America has been used for its purpose, it is time to destroy it. And we must remember that America is the haven for the Jews of the world, which the Jesuits have accursed; it is the haven for Bible-believing Protestants, called “heretics”, who the Jesuits have accursed; and it is the haven for peoples of many, many different races who simply want to have some liberty in life, which are called “liberals”, which the Jesuits have accursed.

The United States is a refugee nation, made up of many, many nationalities now. We are no longer a White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant nation, as we were. We are composed of a host of different nationalities, with a host of religious beliefs, and thus this nation has been fragmented and agitated and is a disconcerted mess, with no real national purpose anymore.

The Jesuits have fired-up the Negro agitation of the Civil Rights Movement. They continue to fire that up with Hollywood, with such movies as Roots, etc.

They don’t tell the whole story of Malcolm X. He was an agitator to begin with. When he came back from Mecca, he changed his story and denounced the Nation of Islam, along with the Ku Klux Klan, stating that “they both had the same paymasters”. And he was absolutely right. They have agitated and broken apart this country, so we have no more national purpose.

The next thing that they’ve done, they’ve disarmed us. They’ve closed-down over 100 military bases. We have no domestic defense. The foreigners, the Mexicans come across the borders by the thousands, and the major corporations hire them, and they do their work for them, which is all illegal. It should be punished by law. But we have no punishment by law in this country anymore.

So we have the reign of crime. We have all of these illegal immigrants. We have the destruction of the White race. When this nation ceases to be White, it will cease to be great, because there is not a nation in the world that’s a nation of color that can compete on the international scale of business and trade and commerce; they can’t do it.

A nation that was once White, but is now a nation of color, is Cuba. Cuba used to be a prosperous, beautiful place, but now, with all the amalgamation and inter-racial marriage, it’s 95% Black; it’s under a Roman Catholic, Jesuit-trained Dictator named Fidel Castro; and it is a miserable place to live. And that is EXACTLY what this country is going to be like if it continues on the track it is now on.

The Jesuits have determined to destroy this American Empire that they have used for the last 100 years. So what they are doing now is, they are going to break apart the Empire.

And how are they doing this? Well, one of the things they’ve done is they’ve created this issue where an American submarine hit this Japanese fishing boat, killing all the Japanese on the boat, I believe, and the skipper was court-martialed. But nonetheless, it was a deliberate act of murder, because with that kind of technology on a submarine, you just don’t hit a boat. And you just don’t have some civilian driving the submarine either. That’s ridiculous. So they are creating agitations with nations like Japan, with this incident.

They’re creating deliberate agitation with nations like China, with the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. They’re creating agitations with China, Japan, which will ultimately result in Japan and China uniting. With the military power of China, with the economic power of Japan—when already Hong Kong has been given to China, which now, because of that financial might, China is able to take control of the Panama Canal; they control the canal locks through Hutchen Wimpoa, a Chinese corporation. They are now
building the largest shipping dock in the world in the Bahamas, owned by the Red Chinese. The Red Chinese now have the Long Beach Naval Station, which is now Cosco.

So they are in a position now to be able to establish a beach-head when they invade.

The thing is: Does China have the fleet to do it? No, China doesn’t have the fleet right now to do it, but Russia does. Russia has the largest merchant marine fleet in the world. And we are very much deceived into thinking that China and Russia are enemies. They are not enemies; they work together. They are controlled by the same Jesuit Order. The Jesuits run Peking; they also run Moscow. They run the dictator of China and they run the dictator of Russia. It doesn’t matter who he is. It doesn’t matter what their names are. The Jesuits control them, and if they resist them, they’re out! Just like in the United States.

So, they’re breaking apart the American Empire. They’re creating a huge coalition of Oriental nations for our invasion.

Now, let’s talk about Africa. There are 700,000, as I understand it, Chinese troops in Somalia. Chuck Colson, one of the conspirators in the Kennedy assassination and the Watergate cover-up, is now the false Bible-believer, the false Protestant. He’s working for the Jesuits because the head of his prison fellowship is a Roman Catholic.

Colson now is being used to try to get an American military force into the Sudan to save these Black Christians, who in fact are Black Roman Catholics. If that is accomplished, if that is done, we are now going to have a large military force in the Sudan, and there’s a large military  force in Somalia. What do you think it would take for those two military forces to clash?

And if those military forces clash, we will have an escalation in Africa, which I believe is what the Jesuits want. Because, if that happens, there can be a surgical strike into Jerusalem for the blowing-up of the Dome of the Rock. The Moslems, the Muftis, have known that was the intent of the Zionists for years, the blowing of the Dome of the Rock, so that Solomon’s Temple can be rebuilt. And you can find this information in Pierre van Paassen’s great work, written in 1939, called Days Of Our Years. So, with this coalition with the 14th Amendment American forces against the Chinese forces in Africa, this could

Now, what would happen as a result of the destruction of the Dome of the Rock? Well, the Moslems regard the Dome of the Rock as the third most important holy place in their religion. They would call for a Jihad against “The Great Satan”, the United States. And with a Jihad, a Holy War, against the United States, they would then go across Africa to West Africa. There will probably be a coalition of ships ready at that time, to be ferried across the Atlantic Ocean into Cuba. And Cuba will be the landing base, the staging base for the invasion of the Protestant American South, the last real Protestant bastion of liberty in the world.

Remember: according to the Koran, it is no murder to kill a Christian; in fact, it is a virtuous act.

So, here we’d have all of these Moslem troopers, millions of Moslem troopers will be landing in Miami, landing in New Orleans, landing in the South of the United States, coupled with a Cuban military force, coupled with, probably, also a Chinese military force coming from the West Coast, and coming up through the Panama Canal to unite with them in the attack of the American South. With the blood bath that will ensue, this whole coalition of nations: China, Russia, Cuba, the Arabs, they will carry out the destruction and annihilation of this North American population, WHICH INCLUDES CANADA; it definitely includes Canada.

It is for this reason, because the government is controlled by the Jesuits, the government of the United States is seeking our total disarmament and the abolition of all gun ownership. This is why the Jesuit Conference, for years, has been anti-gun-ownership, meaning handguns, rifles, and shotguns.

So, to have the American people completely disarmed, our military cut way down, we have no Navy any more, really, to speak of; we have no Army—it’s a totally demoralized Army, with this forced integration; and we have Black supremacy in the Army.

I was there, in Germany, for 3 years. I watched it with my own eyes. So, we have a demoralized American Army that doesn’t know what to fight.

Martin: Let me just jump-in here to say that Bush is beefing-up the military, reversing what was done previously by Clinton. How can you say we have a weak Army when we’re about to spend billions beefing up our defenses? Is this just a show?

Phelps: That’s just a show. Because the Jesuits who controlled Clinton are the same Jesuits who control Bush. And remember, we were already scaling-down with Carter and Reagan and Ford.

And so, this whole idea of re-armament, it might be for some super-system of preventing missiles from coming in, an anti-ballistic missile system, but that’s ridiculous, because we know there is no such thing as universal nuclear war. We have no evidence that incoming nukes can detonate a specific target.

We don’t know EXACTLY what transpired at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but they have contorted that into the hoax of thermo-nuclear war, which I do not believe can happen. Bruce Cathie doesn’t believe it can happen; William Cooper doesn’t believe it can happen; and other physicists don’t believe it can happen. Other physicists don’t believe it’s possible, which now limits us to a standing army of men who know how to fight, which we do not have. We don’t have it anymore.

So, with all of these hordes of invaders coming in, and a disarmed population, it would be a piece of cake. Remember that Spain was invaded by 4 million Moslem troopers. They landed in the Canary Islands, and from the Canary Islands they then invaded Spain, and they were led by a Roman Catholic Archbishop who was backing Franco! This is in the 1930s.

If they did it in the ’30s, won’t they do it now? And if they used Moslems to kill Orthodox Serbians just recently, in the 1990s, wouldn’t they use Moslems to kill Protestant Americans? If they used Moslems to kill Roman Catholic Spanish, wouldn’t they do the same thing here? Sure they would. So that’s what is happening in the United States.

Martin: What just happened in Europe with Bush going over there and theoretically being given a hard time by the European community? What do you see happening in Europe right now?

Phelps: Well, not believing the press is our first maxim of reading.

Remember, a unified Europe is a Vatican brainchild. That all originated with the Jesuits in the Vatican for the reuniting of the Holy Roman Empire, which our friend Leo Lehmann said is exactly what the Jesuits wanted in 1942—a reunited Holy Roman Empire with a Catholic Germany at it’s core.

Martin: And you base all of your conclusions just on this one person?

Phelps: No, no, no, no—this is a certain topic, and he adds to the color we’re given.

Martin: I know that, but I asked the question that way because not all of our readers will be aware of the extent of the bibliography supporting the contentions of your research in VATICAN ASSASSINS.

Phelps: Ok. The Jesuits want a unified Europe. The Bible-believers of England are greatly resisting it, but the Jesuit-controlled Tony Blair will, ultimately, bring England into that Union. And Bush is helping to co-ordinate that, because the Federal Reserve Bank, the largest bank in the world, is one of the greatest contributors, or players, in international trading.

Martin: Are you saying that Alan Greenspan is a pawn of the Jesuit Order?

Phelps: Absolutely. Alan Greenspan is a Masonic Jewish Zionist and a pawn of the Jesuit  Order. And the Jesuits are very careful to have visible Jews at the head of the Federal Reserve System so they can blame all the evils of the Federal Reserve Bank on the Jews.

We’re never told, for example, that the head, right now, of the most powerful Federal Reserve Bank—because there are 12 of them—in New York is a man named McDonough. He’s an Irish Roman Catholic. He’s a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He’s a friend, a bosom-buddy of O’Hare, who is the President and Jesuit of the 4th Vow of Fordham University.

Why are we not told that about the Federal Reserve Bank? It’s always Jews, Jews, Jews. Jews are just pawns. They’ve always been the bankers for the Pope. The Masonic Jewish bankers are the bankers for the Pope. And before the Rothschild's, it was the Fuggers.

Martin: Who are the College of Cardinals who choose the Pope?

Phelps: The College of Cardinals is REALLY the Roman Senate. The Pope is really the Caesar. And so this military Caesar is elected by Roman Senators, as to who will be their leader for World Government under the 7th Roman Caesar, who’s yet to come. And so, the ones who do the electing are the Cardinals.

Martin: Now, those who see the current Pope see a very frail man. Has he served well? Is that why he’s been allowed to stay on so long?

Phelps: He’s done very well. He’s served the Jesuit Order perfectly. This supposed rift between him and Arrupe, and suppressing the Jesuits with their Liberation Theology in Central America, is all for public consumption. That Pope is completely emasculated with regard to the power of the Jesuit Order.

The Jesuit Order has proven its power with the Napoleonic Wars, the killing of Pope Pius VI, the imprisoning of Pius VII, the restoration by Pius VII.


Just like Hitler fashioned his Third Reich around the Papacy, the Secret Police or the SS were modeled after the Jesuits, and the Jesuits are the Secret Police of the Vatican Empire. They keep things in order. Without the Jesuit Order, the Vatican and the Papacy and the hierarchy would fall apart.

Martin: Who issued the Papal Bull suppressing the Jesuit Order?

Phelps: Pope Clement XIV.

Martin: Let’s talk about that.

Phelps: Pope Clement XIV was a Franciscan. His name was Ganganelli. He was elected Pope due to the influence of the Bourbon monarchs—the Bourbon King of Spain, the Bourbon King of France, and the Braganzas of Portugal. Those insisted that a Pope would be brought to power who would suppress the Jesuit Order, because the Jesuits were busy making billions in South America, and never gave a dime to the Portuguese King and the Spanish King.

Martin: How were they making money in South America?

Phelps: They were making money in South America with their Reductions.

Martin: What are Reductions?

Phelps: Reductions are like communes; they’re like a Kibbutz in Israel or a commune in Russia.

Martin: And what years are we talking about.

Phelps: We’re talking between 1600-1750, roughly 150 years of these Reductions, where these Garani Indians were putting hides and tallow and clocks and the Paraguay herb and many, many commodities into international shipping and trade—which the Jesuits shipped all around the world with their “Black Ships”, and had HUGE commercial profits with which they started banks in Europe and then funded wars. And one of the projects that they funded were the Napoleanic Wars.

Martin: This Pope, Ganganelli, suppressed the Jesuits with a Papal Bull?

Phelps: That’s right. Dominus Ac Redemptor. That was the Bull. That is its formal name.

Martin: What is a Bull?

Phelps: A Bull is a legal document that the Pope speaks within his most powerful method of speaking. It’s sealed with “the seal of the fishman”. A “brief” does not have that seal. A brief is a less powerful document; it can be overruled with a Bull.

Martin: So, this Pope, in 1773, issued the Bull eliminating the Jesuit Order forever?

Phelps: Forever! After a 4-year investigation of all their intrigues, of all their power, of all their wealth, of all their buildings, everything, after a 4-year investigation they were abolished by Clement XIV. And, remember, Clement XIII was about to do the same thing when, the night before, he was poisoned.

So, Clement XIV was brought to power then and, after a 4-year investigation, he suppresses them. And when he did so, he said: “This suppression will be my death.”

Martin: And it was.

Phelps: And it was—14 months later, he died. He was poisoned by the Jesuits with a poison called Aquetta.

It’s a slow poison that caused his intestines to have terrible, terrible pain. And when he was embalmed, the intestines exploded and they could not have an open-casket for viewing this Pope. The flesh fell off of his fingers; his fingernails turned black; his skin turned black; all his hair fell out; so they decided they could not have an open display of the Pope in his garb. So they had a closed casket.

Martin: So, this Papal Bull, which was a PERMANENT dismantling of the Jesuit Order, was later overruled?

Phelps: Right.

Martin: Now, how can a permanent disbanding of the Order be overruled at all?

Phelps: The Jesuits came out and said this was not a Bull. Even though, according to Thompson in his Footprints Of The Jesuits, and according the Cusack’s The Black Pope, even though they said it was a Bull, and Thompson said it was in the Library of the Bulls in Rome, even though it’s a Bull, the Jesuits came out and said it was a brief. And, therefore, Pope Pius VII, upon their restoration, he instituted a Bull restoring the Jesuits, which “overruled the brief”. That’s what they teach.


Martin: Ok, we’re jumping all over the place here, but we’re just going to go with the flow. How did the Jesuits, in England, issue their instructions to the Queen? Where is their seat of power in England, specifically?

Phelps: I believe their seat of power in England is Stonyhurst University. An English Lord, Thomas Well, gives Stoneyhurst to the Jesuits in, I believe, 1795—about the time of the French Revolution and just before the Napoleonic Wars.

Stonyhurst became their seat, their fortress from which they would control England. And they were brought into England and helped at that by King George III. King George was the bosom-buddy of the Jesuits. And the English monarchs have been their bosom-buddy ever since. King George reigned for quite a few years; I believe he reigned for nearly 40 years. And Victoria enjoyed the very same thing; she ruled from 1837-1901.

So, through the rule of George and Victoria, they completely controlled England through Stonyhurst. Today they run England through the Royal Institute for International Affairs. And the Cardinal, who they rule through, is the Archbishop of Westminster.

So, they have the Archbishop of Westminster in England, and they have the Archbishop of New York in the United States. They rule England through Stonyhurst. They rule the United States through Georgetown and Fordham. They rule England through the Royal Institute for International Affairs. They rule the United States through the Council on Foreign Relations.

It’s an identical system in both countries because it is an Empire. It is a Vatican Empire. That’s how they rule.

In Russia, they rule Moscow through the Patriarch of the Armenian Church. So, the Patriarch is like the Archbishop in London and New York. And it’s the Patriarch, there in Moscow, who oversees the KGB and the inquisition there, called the gulag. Agagianian was the Patriarch who was appointed a Cardinal by Pope Pius XII, the very same year, 1946, that Cardinal Spellman was made Cardinal for the American Empire.

Martin: How does the Mafia figure into all of this?

Phelps: The Mafia is run by Italian Roman Catholics, Sicilians primarily. And the Mafia takes care of all organized crime. They took care of the booze, before it was legalized. They took care of prostitution, the drug running, gun running, all the crime is organized by the Vatican, through the Mafia families—the five Mafia families of New York.

It’s interesting that the Mafia Commission out of New York is in the same location, and not far from, the Archbishop of New York. So the Archbishop is very close to his mob bosses.

Spellman used his mob bosses in the invasion of Sicily, using Lucky Luciano, called Operation Underworld. Here’s Spellman working with Lucky Luciano for a “successful Naval invasion” of Sicily, for which reason he is influential and causes the release of Lucky Luciano in 1946 to go back to Italy. So we have the relationship of Cardinal Spellman and the mob. And if Cardinal Spellman had that power, every Cardinal afterward has the same power. They don’t lose any power.

Now, one of the most obvious connections between the Archbishop of New York and the mob is Frank Sinatra. Frank Sinatra was a good bosom friend with Gambino. Gambino was murdered with a vaccination, with a flu shot. They wanted him out of the way, so they murdered him with a flu shot. Frank Sinatra was also a Knight of Malta, who is subject, then, to the Archbishop of New York. So, you have the Archbishop controlling the Knights of Malta. Frank Sinatra is one of them, and Frank Sinatra is a good friend of a mafia don.

Martin: Let’s talk about Princess Diana. Do you think the Jesuits were behind her take-out?

Phelps: Absolutely, because the Jesuits control the British Secret Service.

Martin: Let’s talk about Princess Diana. Why was she a threat to the Jesuits?

Phelps: She was a threat in that if she had married a Moslem, Dodi Fayed, that would have overturned the Throne of England, because she still had rights through her children. Because her sons would one day occupy the British throne, and if she is alive with a Moslem Prince as a husband, we have a problem in England. Because everybody knows that the Queen Mother, really, has a lot of control over the King. And there would have been an Islamic, Arab influence on the Queen, who would influence her son, who would
be King, who is now Prince.

Martin: So you think that the powers that be, within the Jesuit Order, knew that she was pregnant with Dodi’s child?

Phelps: I believe so; and that’s why they got rid of her—absolutely. And they sent a message to all the other British nobility by saying: “If you do this, we’re going to do the same thing to you.” Furthermore, they buried her in the cemetery, on the Windsor property, where only dogs are buried. She’s buried with dogs.

Martin: What kind of symbolism is that?

Phelps: Because she was a “Moslem dog” in their eyes.

Martin: In the recent June, 2001 issue of The SPECTRUM, we shared an article from Sherman Skolnick in which he not only mentions the Jesuits, but he talks about the incredible financial influence, and power, and control in California and elsewhere by the Japanese Mafia, called the Yakuza. Is there any relationship between the Yakuza and the Jesuits?

Phelps: Absolutely. The Jesuits control the Yakuza. To understand this, we have to go back in the history of Japan. Japan had, wonderfully and righteously, expelled the Jesuits from their Empire around 1619, give or take a few years. The Jesuits were forbidden to ever enter Japan!

The Japanese, then, kicked-out the Portuguese; they kicked-out the Spanish. The only ones who could ever trade with Japan were the Dutch, the Protestant Dutch. Well, when the Jesuits were beginning to get control of our country, they got control of Polk. And Polk was responsible for the sending of Commodore Perry to Japan.

Martin: What year?

Phelps: 1853-1854. He then opens up Japan to international trade. So now “foreigners” can enter into Japan. Foreigners then began an agitation and a revolution in Japan. The reigning Emperor of Japan, who was a young man about 35, wanted to get rid of the Jesuits and these foreign powers, so he was assassinated.

According to Ryu Ohta, my friend in Japan, the Japanese had been taught that he was killed by Sassoon House—the Jews. But the Emperor was really killed by the Jesuits, because the son of this Emperor later went on to rule Japan from 1873 to 1912, and this Emperor was the grandfather to Hirohito.

This Emperor was a young boy at the time he came to power. He ruled for all those years. The Jesuits during that time dis-established the Buddhists as a state religion, and made tremendous inroads in power in Japan, controlling the Dynasty, because they were going to use Japan to foment a war with the United States for the purpose of eliminating as much Buddhism as they could from the Far East, and weakening the American Protestants, and many other purposes, such as killing off Protestant missionaries in the Far East—whereas the Japanese Army never persecuted the Catholic missionaries. And this is according to
the Jesuits’ own magazine America, written and published in 1943 or 1944.

This is where the Jesuits got their power over the Emperor, and thus the Yakuza. So now, the Jesuits have that power, they maintain that power. They maintained power over Hirohito. And thus, they have power over the Yakuza today, in Japan and California.

Martin: There was a book written many years ago called Tai Pan. Now, would a Tai Pan, symbolically, be the equivalent of the Black Pope?

Phelps: Sure. It’s a Secret Society. It’s a Japanese Secret Society that really rules.

Martin: Theoretically they would rule independently.

Phelps: They rule together with the Monarch.

Martin: Which would be the real Black Pope?

Phelps: The Black Pope. Remember, the Black Pope is in control of the Monarch of Japan.

Martin: We need to explain to our readers that the Jesuit Order is NOT a religious order, it is a MILITARY ORDER.

Phelps: It is a military order. When they dawn religious garb to get into a country to talk about Christ and God and so forth, they really want to capture the power and wealth of every country, to submit every country to the temporal, Earthly, political power of the Pope.

Martin: I don’t want to get too far off-subject here, but would you say “As with the Jews, so with the Yakuza”?

Phelps: Correct. As with the Masonic Jewish Zionists, so with the Masonic Yakuza. They’re all Masonic. Masonry unites all religions into one.

Martin: And behind the scenes the Jesuits are pulling the strings?

Phelps: Pulling the strings because they wrote all of the Masonic rites.

Martin: For our Masonic scholars out there, on what do you base that?

Phelps: We know that, according to several citations I reference in the book VATICAN ASSASSINS, the Jesuits wrote the first 25 degrees of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry, from the College of Clermont, which was changed to the College of Louis LeGrand, in Paris, France.

Martin: What year?

Phelps: 1754. That is a fact. The Jesuits wrote those rites.

Martin: Do you have any names behind that?

Phelps: Oh, I believe Chevalier Ramsey was, Chevalier de Bonneville was one. Remember the Bonneville automobile, and Pontiac? Those were Jesuits. And we have Adam Weishaupt, who was a Jesuit, who was a Mason. And it was the Rothschild Luciferians. So we have many dovetails of the Jesuits being Freemasons.

And we know, according to our hero Alberto Rivera, that Pedro Arrupe was a Mason, and Pedro Arrupe was a Jesuit General. Pedro Arrupe was a Mason AND in the Communist Party of Spain when he was a Jesuit General.

So, we also know that the Jesuits were involved in the writing of the last 8 degrees of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, with Fredrick the Great in Prussia, while Fredrick protected the Jesuits and gave them the ability to live in his country, while they were being suppressed by the Pope.

Martin: Let’s circle back around to the Yakuza. According to Skolnick, the Yakuza own many, many businesses in this country, many, many banks are owned and controlled in California and elsewhere by the Yakuza. Now, are you saying that’s just a front?

Phelps: They’re just a front, like any other Mafia, like the Italian Mafia, which is the foremost Mafia in organized crime.

Martin: Which J. Edgar Hoover said “Didn’t exist.”!

Phelps: Which he said didn’t exist. It’s all baloney. It is just a front. They hold the property, they hold the money for the Vatican.

Martin: So the Yakuza would be the 3rd trusted party that we talked about?

Phelps: That’s right, they’re the 3rd trusted party. And I tend to also believe that there is some kind of hand involved in the murder of Bruce Lee with this. Bruce Lee was not going along with the Catholic Church.

Martin: And he was giving away secrets.

Phelps: He was giving away martial arts secrets, and so on, and he was not going along with the Vatican. Remember, he had a rift with Hollywood, and most of his films were made in Hong Kong.

Martin: And his son was also killed not long ago.

Phelps: His son was then killed on a movie-making set also. So his son knew something. And evidently, just like Jackie Kennedy, Linda Lee doesn’t open her mouth. So there are two murders here that the Secret Societies are involved in.

Martin: You don’t talk too much about Bobby Kennedy. Has your research uncovered any names behind Bobby Kennedy’s assassination?

Phelps: Well, we know that Officer Thane Eugene Cesar really pulled the trigger, shot him in the back of the head with a twenty-two. And Officer Cesar was an employee for Lockheed Corporation. The Jesuits, according to Avro Manhattan, control Lockheed.

So, just as Lee Iacocca dispatches his security chief to drive the bullet-ridden limousine of Kennedy from Washington to Cincinnati to get repaired, even so, some Knight of Malta in charge of Lockheed Corporation, I don’t know who it was, dispatches Officer Cesar to be a guard of Robert F. Kennedy—who then, in turn, shoots and kills him. And Sirhan was a scapegoat, just like Oswald was a scapegoat.

Martin: What do you have to say about Earl Warren?

Phelps: Earl Warren was in the hands of the Jesuits when he was the governor of California. Earl Warren was one of the sinister individuals behind that evil and terrible Japanese concentration camp system. That was his brainchild. He was behind the anti-Jap agitation in World War II.

The Japanese are decent, law-abiding, peaceful people, for the most part. They had all their farms taken from them. They were in control of all of the produce, and they had it all stolen from them by Roman Catholic, Knight of Malta-controlled corporations—just as was done to the American Indian. They went into their burial grounds and stole all their gold, and used their missions to send it back to Rome.

So, Earl Warren was a part of this. He was a good boy, so they named him and put him on the Supreme Court. He was the Chief Justice.

He was a 33rd-degree Freemason involved in the Kennedy assassination, forced amalgamation, forced race-mixing with the Supreme Court decision in 1966, forced integration with the Brown vs. The Board Of Education in 1954.

Martin: I’m going to ask you now a very important question, one that will be on the minds of many people: Why should our readers not feel that you are merely substituting the word JESUITS for JEWS in terms of fomenting hatred and animosity toward Jesuit people? Why is that not so?

Phelps: Well, first of all, there’s a tremendous difference between the Jesuit Order and the Jewish race.

We don’t know exactly who the Jewish race is. I sure don’t know. I think only God knows who it is. But it’s a civilization of people who are engaged in commerce and trade, and they have cultures, they have communities.

Jesuits are an army. They’re soldiers. They’re under oath. When you become professed of the 4th Degree, they give you The Secret Instructions.

According to another gentleman, he says there’s a degree beyond the 4th Degree, where it’s absolute Luciferianism. This is according to Jim Arrabito, who died mysteriously in a plane crash in Alaska on September 2, 1990. Jim Arrabito was one of the chief guys in the Seventh Day Adventists, and he was a master of Jesuit history. You can get his videos, Secrets Of The Jesuits, from L.L.M. Productions.

But anyway, the difference between the Jews and the Jesuits is strictly—one is a people, and one is an Order determined to subvert all nations to the jurisdiction of the Pope.

And, in light of the documents that I provide with the book version of VATICAN ASSASSINS—I have over 4,000 pages on CD-ROM, with four distinct different histories showing the history of the Order—that’s exactly what they were doing then, and that’s exactly what they’re doing now.

Martin: So what’s different about what you’re saying? Rather than just being another wild conspiracy theory, it’s your position that you’ve really proven that this is a fact, and not fantasy?

Phelps: Other men have proven the fact. I just reiterate what they’ve said.

If you read The Black Pope, by Cusack, she says the very same thing. She was a nun, a converted nun to Christ in 1896.

Martin: And why is she so important?

Phelps: Because she was a nun intimately involved with priests, and especially Jesuits, prior to her conversion to Christ. She would know; she was on the inside.

Martin: Why is that book so important?

Phelps: Because it has been suppressed and stolen out of every library in the world! There is only one in existence that I know of, that’s publicly accessible, and that is in the British Museum.

It’s also accessible on the CD-ROM included with the book VATICAN ASSASSINS, for those of your readers who would like it. But, other than that, it’s a suppressed document. Griesinger, Thompson, Cusack, Nicolini—those are the four major histories of the Jesuit Order, and all four are on the CD-ROM [along with a number of other rare and otherwise “missing” research documents].

Martin: So you’re saying that the time-lines that you put forth, and the conclusions that you draw, are really based on historical experts over the last two centuries? This is not just your position?

Phelps: Absolutely. I’m standing on the shoulders of giants, as a little cricket. These people are brilliant and Godly. Nicolini, an Italian Roman Catholic, converted to Christ, involved in the Italian Revolution of 1848, had to flee for his life, was in exile in England, and there he wrote his great History Of The Jesuits, warning England that if the Jesuits sought to destroy England under Elizabeth, they would surely do the same thing under Victoria.

Martin: And they have.

Phelps: And they have. We have the great Theodor Griesinger, who was the great German who wrote The Jesuits as a history told by the German people—823 pages of meticulous documentation of all their doings in all the countries. And he was the one, I learned, who said the Jesuits could very well be planning a second Thirty-Years War, another Thirty- years War. And he wrote that, the second edition was in 1873.

[Editor’s note: And remember that the second bloody and diabolical “Thirty-Years War” did indeed happen, between 1914 and 1945, as Eric mentioned earlier in this interview in conjunction with financing it through the setting up of the Federal Reserve Bank fraud.]

So, these learned people have made quite clear and quite evident the purpose and power of the Jesuit Order.

We haven’t had anybody in the 20th Century write an extensive history of what they’ve  accomplished from 1900-2000. I would hope that somebody who knows these histories, who knows grammar and spelling and is able to write nice prose (unlike myself) would be able to do this, and write a real modern history of this. Ridpath came close to it, but he ended his work in the mid-1850s, with his Ridpath’s Universal History [Of The World]. We have not had a significant historian do this modern work for us.

Martin: And why is that?

Phelps: Because these Jesuits have all these colleges and universities bought and paid for! And these universities won’t get grants if they start to expose the Jesuit Order.

Now, with all these “hate crime” laws, anything truthfully said about the Jesuit Order will generate attempts to contort it into some kind of a hate crime, which is NOT what we’re doing. We are merely telling the truth.

Martin: What is your solution to the Jesuit problem in America? What would you like to see, ultimately, happen in this country?

Phelps: In this country, what I would like to see happen is exactly what happened in England in the 16th Century, when several Jesuits left the Order. They were intelligent, powerful Jesuits, involved in the conspiracy to overthrow England.

They told the powers-that-be about what they were supposed to do, and as a result, the government of England expelled the Jesuits from their dominions, because they were regarded as traitors and conspirators in the overthrow of legitimate government—of self- rule, of nationalism; a country should be ruled by its own people.

The solution here would be the expulsion of the Jesuit Order, that they would be outlawed and banned.

There would be period of grace where certain Jesuits could come forward, tell what they know. But why would the Jesuits want to do that when this government is controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations, which is controlled by the Jesuits? The government is controlled by the Jesuits through the mob and high-level Freemasonry.

Martin: Proposing the expulsion of the Jesuits, the difference between that and racial persecution, such as with the Jews, yours is based on treason, which is a lawful conclusion based on your research concerning what their true aims and objectives are—namely, the overthrow of this government.

Phelps: The usurping of this government, the controlling of this government for their own purposes. And then using this government, with a coalition of other governments they control, for the annihilation of the “heretic” and “liberal” population of this country, pursuant to the Council of Trent, that every Pope swears upon his coronation to uphold.

Martin: Thank you so much for taking this time to clarify these many points about the Jesuit Order. Our readers will really appreciate this as you offer much food for both thought AND action!

Note: The following is extracted from the July 10, 2001 issue of The SPECTRUM newspaper. Permission is hereby granted to anyone to quote The SPECTRUM in whole or in part, so long as full credit of this source is given, including contacting address and phone number. The SPECTRUM, P.O. Box 1567, Tehachapi, CA 93581; phone: 1-877-280-2866 toll-free; and see our website.

 List of Jesuit Generals 

Superior Generals of the Society of Jesus

(According to The Historical Catechism, chiefly relating to the English Province of the Society,
Edited by George Oliver, St. Nicholas Priory, Exeter, 1838 amplified by current research)


  1. Ignatius Loyola, ("Jew") 1 April 1541 - 31 July 1556 (65 yrs at death)
  2. Diego Laynez, ("Jew") 2 July 1558 - 10 Jan 1565 (53)
  3. Francis Borgia, 2 July 1565 - 1 October 1572 (62)
  4. Everard Mercurian, 23 April 1573 - 1 August 1580 (?)
  5. Claudius Aquaviva, 19 Feb 1581 - 31 Jan 1615 (72)
  6. Mutius Vitelleschi, 15 Nov 1615 - 9 Feb 1645 (82)
  7. Vincent Caraffa, 7 Jan 1646 - 8 June 1649 (65)
  8. Francis Piccolimini, 21 Dec 1649 - 17 June 1651 (69)
  9. Alexander Gottifred, 21 January 1652 - 13 March 1652 (58)
  10. Goswin Nickel, 17 March 1652 - 31 July 1664 (82)
  11. John Paul Oliva, who had been elected Vicarius Generalis perpetuus cum jure
            succedendi 7 Junii 1661 was immediately invested with the government of the
            Society at Nickel's death. He died 96 November 1681 (81)
  12. Charles de Noyelle, 5 July 1682 - 12 Dec 1686
  13. Thyrsus Gonzales, 6 July 1687 - 19 Nov 1705 (78)
  14. Michaelangelo Tamburini, 31 Jan 1706 - 28 February 1730
  15. Francis Retz, 30 Nov 1730 - 19 Nov 1750 (78)
  16. Ignatius Viconti, 4 July 1751 - 4 May 1755
  17. Luigi Aloysius Centurioni, 30 November 1755 - 2 October 1757
  18. Lorenzo Ricci, 21 May, 1758 - 24 Nov 1775 (72)
    The brief of Clement XIV for suppressing the Society, dated 21 July 1773 was put in execution 16 August.
  19. Stanislaus Czerniewicz, permitted by Catherine the Great to reign for life as
              "Superior General for Russia" 17 Oct 1782 - 21 Oct, 1785 (57)
  20. Gabriel Lenkiewisz, 8 October, 1785 - 21 October 1798 (77)
  21. Francis Karew, 12 Feb 1799 - 4 Aug 1802 (71 )
  22. Gabriel Gruber, 22 Oct 1802 - 6 April 1805 (67)
  23. Thaddeus Brzozowski, elected in 1805, would serve as head of the whole
              Society when it was restored 7 August 1814 by the Bull of Pope Plus VII Solicitudo omnium Ecclesiarum, but would never remove to Rome because the Russian Government refused him permission to leave, died 5 Feb 1820.
  24. Aloysius Fortis, 18 Oct 1820 - 29 Jan 1829 (81)
  25. John Roothaan 1829-1853
  26. Pieter Jean Beckx, 1853-1887
  27. Ludovico Martin, 1892-190l
  28. Franz Xavier Wernz, 1907-1914
  29. Vladimir Ledochowski, 1915-1942
  30. Jean-Baptiste Janssens, 1946-1964
  31. Pedro Arrupe, 1965-1981 (removed by Pope John Paul II)
  32. Paolo Dezza, Giuseppe Pittau, 1981-1983 (appointed by John Paul II)
  33. Peter Hans Kolvenbach, 1983 -

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1 List of Jesuit Generals






What is a Jesuit?

Officially known as the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits are a Catholic religious order of men founded in 1540 by Ignatius Loyola. Their mission is to go anywhere and do anything to "help souls," especially where the need is greatest, particularly where certain people or certain work was neglected. Though frequently associated with education, the Jesuits were originally a missionary order. Today, the Jesuits are the largest missionary order in the world. Currently, there are 23,000 Jesuits worldwide and about fifty who are active on the SLU campus.

What does "Jesuit" mean?
The term was originally coined as a putdown by people who felt there was something terribly arrogant about a group calling itself the Society of Jesus, whereas previous religious orders had been content to name themselves after their founder (e.g. Benedictines, Franciscans, Dominicans). Later the title was adopted as a shorthand name by members of the Society themselves, as well as by other favorable to them. (Taken from "Do You Speak Ignatian," by Geroge W. Traub, SJ)

What makes an education Jesuit?
In the summer of 2002, the Society of Jesus in the United States published Communal Reflection on the Jesuit Mission in Higher Education: A Way of Proceeding. Addressed to their colleagues in Jesuit higher education, the Jesuits invited them to an inclusive, local discussion on the essential characteristics of higher education in the distinctive Catholic and Jesuit tradition, yet open to the values and convictions of other members of our communities who join them in their mission.

The some key characteristics of Jesuit higher education that the Jesuits offer for further reflection and discussion are:
  1. Dedication to human dignity from a Catholic, Jesuit faith perspective.
    For the founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius of Loyola, God can be found in all things, because all of reality is an arena of God's self-revelation.

  2. Reverence for and an ongoing reflection on human experience.
    This is key to The Spiritual Exercises. It is premised in the belief that one can discover God's presence in one's life and the freedom to respond to that presence through a series of prayer exercises and through personal conversation.
  3. Creative companionship with colleagues
  4. Focused care for students
    Cura personalis (care of the person) has been a characteristic of Jesuit education throughout its 450 years.
  5. Well-educated justice and solidarity.
    This characteristic was clearly addressed by the Society's current head, Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, at a national gathering at Santa Clara University in 2000:
    "The real measure of our Jesuit universities lies in who our students become. Tomorrow's 'whole person' cannot be whole without a well-educated solidarity. We must therefore raise our Jesuit educational standard to educate the whole person of solidarity for the real world. Solidarity is learned through 'contact' rather than through 'concepts.' When the heart is touched by direct experience, the mind may be challenged to change."
Who is Ignatius?
St. Ignatius of Loyola StatueSt. Ignatius of Loyola StatueIgnatius of Loyola (1491-1556) was the youngest child of a noble Basque family fiercely loyal to the Spanish crown, and was raised to be a courtier. Trying valiantly to defend the fortress town of Pamplona in 1521, a French cannonball shattered his leg and led him to reconsider his way of life. While he recuperated from his wounds at the family estate, he had only two books to read, the Life of Christ and the Lives of the Saints. The books he read and the daydreams he entertained had a great effect on him, so much so that he decided to lay aside his sword of war and take up what he called the "sword of Christ."

This change in life plans led him to seek an education at the University of Paris. There, he formed a circle of friends who, with time, decided to band together and dedicate themselves to the greater glory of God and the good of all people. When their efforts to go to the Holy Land met with disappointment, they decided to place themselves at the service of the Pope, who could send them throughout the world, wherever there was a need. Wherever the Jesuits went throughout the world, their mission remained the same: To "seek the greater glory of God and the good of humanity."

What is Ignatian Spirituality?
Like all Christian spirituality, Ignatian spirituality provides a person a method to integrate one's relationship to God and to the world. Ignatian spirituality, like other Christian spiritualities, bases its integration on a particular insight into the person of Jesus and His relationship to the world. Being a companion with Jesus on his mission gave Ignatius of Loyola's life a sense of purpose and meaning. It is just such companionship that lies at the heart of Ignatian spirituality.

The characteristics of Ignatian spirituality are the characteristics of Ignatius' spiritual life. A brief summary of these characteristics might include:
  • an awareness of being created and redeemed by God's love,

    the understanding that Jesus initiates this redemption within the ordinariness of the world, demonstrating that the world is a good place to live and work,
  • a desire to work as a companion of Jesus to continue this mission in the world,
  • the practice of continual prayer and discernment to discover how God speaks to the soul,
  • the discovery of the presence of the Spirit in community.
(from the Web site of the Maryland Province Jesuits)

What are the Spiritual Exercises?
Ignatius collected his formative experiences of prayer into what became known as his "Spiritual Exercises." He offered these to men and women of his time as helpful means for them to attend to God's call, choosing to live committed lives of Christian service. The Exercises invite the "retreatant" to "meditate" on central aspects of Christian faith (e.g. creation, sin and forgiveness, calling and ministry) and especially to "contemplate" (i.e. imaginatively enter into) the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. With the help of a spiritual guide, the goal of the Exercises is the attainment of spiritual freedom and the power to act out of the promptings of God's spirit in the truest core of one's being -- to act ultimately out of love.

(from "Do You Speak Ignatian?" by George Traub, S.J.)



Sovereign Military Order of Malta

Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta
Sovrano Militare Ordine Ospedaliero di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme di Rodi e di Malta
Flag of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Motto"Tuitio Fidei et Obsequium Pauperum"  (Latin)
"Defence of the faith and assistance to the poor"
Anthem: "Ave Crux Alba"  (Latin)
"Hail, thou White Cross"

Capital Magistral Palace, Rome
Official languages Italian
 -  Prince & Grand Master Fra' Matthew Festing
Currency Scudo

The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta (known as the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM), Order of Malta or Knights of Malta for short) is a Catholic order based in Rome, Italy. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is a sovereign subject of international law.

It takes its origins from the Knights Hospitaller, an organization founded in Jerusalem in 1050 as an Amalfitan hospital to provide care for poor and sick pilgrims to the Holy Land. After the conquest of Jerusalem in 1099 during the First Crusade, it became a Catholic military order under its own charter. Following the loss of Christian territory to Islamic conquerors of the Holy Land, the Order operated from Rhodes (1310-1523), and later from Malta (1530-1798), over which it was sovereign.

Although this state came to an end with the ejection of the Order from Malta by Napoleon, the Order as such survived. It retains its claims of sovereignty under international law and has been granted permanent observer status at the United Nations. SMOM is considered to be the main successor to the medieval Knights Hospitaller.

Today the order has 12,500 members, 80,000 permanent volunteers, 13,000 medical personnel including doctors, nurses, auxiliaries and paramedics. The goal is to assist the elderly, the handicapped, refugees, children, the homeless, those with terminal illness and leprosy in five continents of the world, without distinction of race or religion.Through its worldwide relief corps, Malteser International, the Order is also engaged to aid victims of natural disasters, epidemics and armed conflicts.

Name and insignia

The full official name is Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta (in English) or Sovrano Militare Ordine Ospedaliero di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme di Rodi e di Malta (in Italian). Conventionally, they are also known as the Order of Malta. The Order has a large number of local priories and associations around the world but there also exist a number of organizations with similar-sounding names that are unrelated, including numerous fraudulent (self-styled) orders seeking to capitalize on the name

In ecclesiastical heraldry, the Order of Malta is one of only two Orders whose insignia may be displayed in a clerical coat of arms. (Laypersons have no such restriction.) The shield is surrounded with a silver rosary for professed knights, or for others the ribbon of their rank. Members may also display the Maltese Cross behind their shield instead of the ribbon (Noonan 1996).

International status of the Order

Coat of Arms of the Knights, from the facade of the church of San Giovannino dei Cavalieri, Florence.
Coat of Arms of the Knights, from the facade of the church of San Giovannino dei Cavalieri, Florence.

With its unique history and unusual present circumstances the exact status of the Order has been the subject of debate: it claims to be a traditional example of a sovereign entity other than a state. Its two headquarters in Rome, namely the Palazzo Malta in Via dei Condotti 68 (where the Grand Master resides and Government Bodies meet), and the Villa Malta on the Aventine (which hosts the Grand Priory of Rome, the Embassy of the Order to Holy See and the Embassy of the Order to Italy), are granted extraterritoriality.

Flags of Knights Hospitaller in St. Peter's Castle, Bodrum, Turkey   (from left to right : Fabrizio Carretto (1513-1514); Amaury d'Amboise (1503-1512); Pierre d'Aubusson (1476-1503); Jacques de Milly (1454-1451)
Flags of Knights Hospitaller in St. Peter's Castle, Bodrum, Turkey
(from left to right : Fabrizio Carretto (1513-1514); Amaury d'Amboise (1503-1512); Pierre d'Aubusson (1476-1503); Jacques de Milly (1454-1451)

However, unlike the Holy See, which is sovereign over the Vatican City, SMOM has had no sovereign territory (other than a few properties in Italy with extraterritoriality only) since the loss of the island of Malta in 1798. The United Nations does not classify it as a "non-member state" but as one of the "entities and intergovernmental organizations having received a standing invitation to participate as observers". For instance, while the International Telecommunication Union has granted radio identification prefixes to such quasi-sovereign jurisdictions as the United Nations and the Palestinian Authority, SMOM has never received one. For awards purposes, amateur radio operators consider SMOM to be a separate "entity", but stations transmitting from there use an entirely unofficial callsign starting with the prefix "1A". Likewise, for internet identification the SMOM has not sought, nor been granted, a top level domain (such as .com, while Vatican City uses its own domain (.va).

There are differing opinions on whether a claim to sovereign status has been recognized. Some say it has. Other experts in international law do not. The latter include Ian Brownlie, Helmut Steinberger, and Wilhelm Wengler. Even taking into account its ambassadorial status among many nations, such a claim is sometimes rejected.

Wilhelm Wengler, a German Professor of International law, addresses this point in his book "Völkerrecht", and rejects the notion that recognition of the Order by some states can make it a subject of international law. Conversely, Professor Rebecca Wallace, writing more recently in her book "International Law", explains that a sovereign entity does not have to be a country, and that SMOM is an example of this. This position appears to be supported by the number of nations extending diplomatic relations to the Order, which more than doubled from 49 to 100 in the 20 year period to 2008. The Holy See in 1953 proclaimed "in the Lord's name" that the Order of Malta was only a "functional sovereignty" - due to the fact that it did not have all that pertained to true sovereignty, such as territory.

Foreign relations with the SMOM      diplomatic relations      other relations
Foreign relations with the SMOM      diplomatic relations      other relations

SMOM has formal diplomatic relations with 101 states (many of which are non-Catholic), and has official relations with another 5 countries, non-state subjects of international law like the European Community and International Committee of the Red Cross, and a number of international organizations. Its international nature is useful in enabling it to pursue its humanitarian activities without being seen as an operative of any particular nation. Its claimed sovereignty is also expressed in the issuance of passports, licence plates, stamps, and coins. The coincidence of Rome being the capital of the Italian Republic, the Holy See and the Order of Malta leads to a high density of diplomatic instances in the city.

The coins are appreciated more for their subject matter rather than for use as currency, however, their postage stamps have been gaining acceptances among UPU member nations. Starting in 2005, SMOM issues stamps with the euro as the unit of postage, while Scudo (pl. Scudi) remains the SMOM's official currency. Also, in 2005, the Italian Post made an agreement with SMOM to deliver most classes of mail internationally except for Registered, Insured and Express Mail. Prior to the Italia Post agreement, the following countries recognized SMOM stamps for franking purposes:

Argentina, Austria, Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Comoros, Congo, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Gabon, Georgia, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, Hungary, Italy, Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Liberia, Lithuania, Macao, Madagascar, Mali, Nicaragua, Niger, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Săo Tomé & Príncipe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somalia, Togo and Uruguay.

A Knight of Honour and Devotion in 21st century habit
A Knight of Honour and Devotion in 21st century habit

 Governance of the Order

The proceedings of the Order are governed by its Constitutional Charter and the Order's Code. It is divided internationally into various territorial Grand Priories (6), Sub-Priories (5), and (47) national associations.

The supreme head of the Order is the Grand Master, who is elected for life by the Council Complete of State. Fra' Matthew Festing was elected by the Council as 79th Grand Master on 11th March 2008, succeeding Fra' Andrew Bertie, who was Grand Master until his death on 7th February 2008. Electors in the Council include the members of the Sovereign Council, other office-holders and representatives of the members of the Order. The Grand Master is aided by the Sovereign Council (the government of the Order), which is elected by the Chapter General, the legislative body of the Order. The Chapter General meets every five years; at each meeting, all seats of the Sovereign Council are up for election. The Sovereign Council includes six members and four High Officers: the Grand Commander, the Grand Chancellor, the Grand Hospitaller and the Receiver of the Common Treasure. The Grand Commander is the chief religious officer of the Order and serves as "Interim Lieutenant" during a vacancy in the office of Grand Master. The Grand Chancellor whose office includes those of the Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is the head of the executive branch. He is responsible for the Diplomatic Missions of the Order and relations with the national Associations. The Grand Hospitaller's responsibilities include the offices of Minister for Humanitarian Action and Minister for International Cooperation. He coordinates the Order's humanitarian and charitable activities. Finally, the Receiver of the Common Treasure is the Minister of Finance and Budget and directs the administration of the finances and property of the Order

Prior to the 1990s, all officers of the Order had to be of noble birth, i.e. armigerous for at least 100 years. However, Knights of Magistral Grace (i.e. those without noble proofs), may make the Promise of Obedience and may, at the discretion of the Grand Master and Sovereign Council, enter the novitiate to become professed Knights of Justice. The latter are religious, essentially monks practising the triple vow of poverty, chastity and obedience, although seldom living in monastic community. Worldwide there are over 12,500 knights and dames, a small minority of whom are professed religious. Others choose to be a "Knight of Obedience". Membership of the Order is by invitation only and solicitations are not entertained.

The Order's finances are audited by a Board of Auditors, which includes a President and four Councillors, all elected by the Chapter General. The Order's judicial powers are exercised by a group of Magistral Courts, whose judges are appointed by the Grand Master and Sovereign Council.

Military Corps of the Order

The Order's official website states that it was the hospitaller role that enabled the Order to survive the end of the crusading era; nonetheless, it retains its military title and function. As a sovereign body it has the right to maintain a military force, and does so at its Rome headquarters.

Commonly referred to as The Military Corps of the Order, the military force in its present form was raised in 1877 and has enjoyed a continuous existence since that date. Armed and uniformed members of the Corps attend grand ceremonials of the Order, and stand guard around the coffins of high officers of the Order before and during funeral rites.[11] By agreement with the Italian Government in 1877 the Military Corps came into being under the official title of 'Auxiliary Military Corps of the Italian Army - Sovereign Military Order of Malta', to assist the Italian army's injured or sick (in peace or war). In 1908 the agreement was modified so that the Corps, whilst remaining the official military unit of the Order, and under the command of the Order, also became a fully integral part of the Italian army. Fausto Solaro del Borgo, President of the Italian Association of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, stated in a speech given in London in November 2007:

I believe that it is a unique case in the world that a unit of the army of one country is supervised by a body of another sovereign country. Just think that whenever our staff (medical officers mainly) is engaged in a military mission abroad, there is the flag of the Order flying below the Italian flag.

The Corps has become known in mainland Europe for its operation of hospital trains, a service which was carried out intensively during both World Wars. As part of the post-World War Two peace treaty 36 military aircraft of the Italian Airforce were transferred to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, and flew under the Order's flag, to allow the Military Corps to continue its medical function within the (then limited) Italian armed forces. One of these aircraft, still in Order colours, is preserved in the Italian Museum of Aeronautics.

See also


  1. ^ Riley-Smith, 170
  2. ^ As the Order's website states here, "Its programmes include medical and social assistance, disaster relief in the case of armed conflicts and natural catastrophes, emergency services and first aid corps, help for the elderly, the handicapped and children in need and the provision of first aid training, and support for refugees and internally displaced persons regardless of race, origin or religion."
  3. ^ Pseudo Orden und ihr Auftreten in Österreich 1996-2008
  4. ^ ARRLWeb: DXCC Entities List (Current, 1A0-9Z)
  5. ^ See the report at the BBC News website for details.
  6. ^ The Order's official website lists them in this table.
  7. ^ Sovereign Order of Malta - Official site
  8. ^ SMOM Plates
  9. ^ Sovereign Order of Malta - Official site
  10. ^ The Coins of the Sovereign Order of Malta
  11. ^ This photograph shows four members of the Corps standing guard at the coffin of a deceased Grand Master of the Order.
  12. ^ a b
  13. ^ Ordine di Malta - Sito Ufficiale - Archivio Fotografico (Italian)

 External references

  • Riley-Smith, Jonathan, The Atlas of the Crusades. Facts On File, Oxford (1991)
  • Cohen, R. [1920] (2004-04-15). in Julie Barkley, Bill Hershey and PG Distributed Proofreaders: Knights of Malta, 1523-1798. Project Gutenberg. Retrieved on 2006-05-29. 
  • Noonan, Jr., James-Charles (1996). The Church Visible: The Ceremonial Life and Protocol of the Roman Catholic Church. Viking, p.196. ISBN 0-670-86745-4. 
  • Read, Piers Paul (1999). The Templars. Imago, p.118. ISBN 85-312-0735-5. 
  • Tyerman, Christopher (2006). God's War: A New History of the Crusades. Allen Lane, p.253. ISBN 0-7139-9220-4. 
  • Wallace, R.M.M (1992). International Law, p.76. 

 External links


October 25, 2008

The Federal Association of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta (commonly known as the "Order of Malta").

The Order of Malta is a lay, religious order of the Catholic Church. It is a Hospitaller order, founded in Jerusalem during the eleventh century. Members of the Order seek to glorify God through his or her work with the sick and the poor and witness of the Catholic faith.

There are approximately 12,500 Knights and Dames of Malta around the world. They belong to one of 58 national associations or priories. There are three national associations in the United States: the Federal Association is based in Washington, DC; the American Association is based in New York; and the Western Association is based in California.


Knights of Malta
Shadow government  Quotes


Holy Smoke and Mirrors The Vatican Conspiracy by David G. Guyatt [2000]

The Knights of Malta were also responsible for helping thousands of the worst Nazis and members of the SS escape to freedom down these Ratlines, thus evading justice and avoiding the hangman’s noose at Nuremberg. PRINCES OF PLUNDER By David Guyatt

Opus Dei is a subordinate organization to the Pope, who is in control of the Knights of Malta, and therefore there are Knights of Malta in Opus Dei.

    The Jesuits control Opus Dei through the hierarchy of the Pope and through the Knights of Malta. Opus Dei is composed of prominent Roman Catholic businessmen and politicians who have given themselves over to “God’s work”—that’s what Opus Dei means—for making the Pope the Universal Monarch of the world, ruling the world from Solomon’s rebuilt temple in Jerusalem.

    An example of this is the former head of the FBI, Louis Freeh, was a member of Opus Dei. And so, we now understand the Waco incident, where those White Protestants were killed; it was the work of the Opus Dei. And we also have to remember that the sharpshooter, one of them there, was a Japanese Roman Catholic, Lon Horiuchi.

    But Opus Dei is determined to create a World Government under the Pope. Opus Dei was created in the 20th Century, whereas the Knights of Malta were created in the 11th Century, and the Jesuits were created in the 16th Century, in 1540, with Ignatius Loyola.

    So, the super-secret society of the Jesuit Order, in control of the Knights of Malta, were in existence nearly 500 years before Opus Dei. Opus Dei, like the Knights of Columbus, is a subordinate organization to the Jesuit Order. Maniacal World Control Thru The Jesuit Order: Well-Hidden Soldiers Of Satan 

The Order of the Garter is the secret inner group which is an elite group within the Order of St. John of Jerusalem which is the British part of the Knights of Malta. The Knights of the Garter are the leaders of the Committee of 300. They are diabolical men. Lord Peter Carrington, who is a member of the satanic Order of Osiris and other demonic groups is a member of the Order of the Garter. Lord Palmerston is an example from history of another similar example of a Knight of the Garter who was totally corrupt, pretended to be a Christian, and practiced Satanism. Bloodlines of the Illuminati 4. DuPonts

J. Peter Grace was the head of the Knights of Malta in 1963. He is the head of W. R. Grace, and he's one of the largest shipping tycoons in the world, in control of all the shipping in South America. Grace is a powerful man, or was a powerful man......Flynn is head of the Knights of Malta now, down in Florida where there new office is. They moved from New York to Florida, I think Bocca Raton. They have 11 Knights of Malta on the W. R. Grace board.  And, of course, guess who owns Taco Bell? W. R. Grace.  So now we see W. R. Grace involved in the poisoning of America with fast-food chains, so everybody gets heart disease, clogged arteries, so they can go to bypass surgery and further enrich the medical profession, while carrying out their medical inquisition. Isn't that clear? So not only are they going to kill all of the American people, but they're going to make billions doing it. The Black Pope: Interview of Eric Jon Phelps

John McCone was a very powerful industrialist, and one who was part of the military-industrial complex, before he became the head of the CIA. He later went on to become part of, I believe, ITT.

    John McCone was another Knight of Malta, head of the CIA, and participated in the Kennedy assassination by virtue of him being its head. And he's Knight of Malta.

    Angelton is a Knight of Malta. Henry Luce is a Knight of Malta. William F. Buckley is a Knight of Malta. And William F. Buckley then ran the National Review-and what does he do? He blames Oswald as the lone assassin. The Black Pope: Interview of Eric Jon Phelps

The Jesuits obviously wrote the Protocols because they have carried out every protocol in that little handbook. Alberto Rivera says that it was Jews aligned with the Pope who published the Protocols. Well, I tend to feel that it was just the Jesuits themselves because they and they alone, were the ones who were able to bring this to pass.

    They're the ones in the government. They're the ones behind professional sports. The owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers is a Knight of Malta. The owner of the Detroit Lions is a Knight of Malta. All your top owners of these ball clubs, for the most part, are Knights of Malta, getting the people whooped up in this hoopla over games and sports, while they're busy creating a tyranny. So, that was one of the things in the Protocols-that they would create 'amusements'.

    Another one they used was Walt Disney, 33rd-degree Freemason-Disneyworld, Disneyland. Another one was Milton Hersey, with Hersey Park. They create all of these amusements and games and pastimes to get the people drunk with pleasure, while they're busy overthrowing the Protestant form of government........ the High Knights are good, dear brothers with the High Mafia Dons-the Gambinos, the Lucchese, the Columbos, all of them. And they control Hollywood, not the Jews. It's only Jews who are front-men who are involved in Hollywood and working for the Mafia and for the Cardinal, just like in politics it would be Arlen Spector. Arlen Spector was Spelly's [Cardinal Spellman's] Jew in the assassination [of President Kennedy], and he would never say a word about it.---Eric Jon Phelps

Well, the Jesuits had brought in all of their top Nazi SS soldiers into the CIA because the Jesuits were using the SS to kill the Jews in Europe. When the Einsatzgruppen went into Russia, the Jesuits followed with the SS and purged Western Russia of all its Jews. That's why Stalin deliberately killed 40,000 of his best officers. That's why he kicked out his best generals, purged them, because he wanted to make sure that the Red Army would lose with the advance of the German army, because following that would come the SS and purge Russia of the Jews that Stalin so hated. And by the way, justice is often poetic because Stalin's daughter married a Jew.

    Now, the CIA was composed of the SS. The CIA now was an arm-and the intelligence arm-of the Vatican. The Knights of Malta were throughout. Casey was a Knight of Malta. Angleton was a Knight of Malta. The Knights were through and through. Angleton manned the 'Vatican desk', and that is a desk within the CIA that has a direct link to the Vatican.   Eric Jon Phelps

The present government of Israel was set up by the High Masonic Rothschild-controlled Jews, and Rothschild has had an alliance with the Jesuit General since 1876, with Adam Weishaupt. This is the very same Rothschild powers who betrayed the Jews into the hands of the Nazis, killing many Jews all throughout Europe, betraying their own Jewish people. These are the very same powers who run the nation of Israel today.

    I read a very interesting paragraph by Mark Lane in his book Plausible Denial when he tells about a Jew in Israel who wrote about certain criminal Jews, involved with the Nazis, who are now with the Mossad, something along those lines. The man who wrote the article was gunned-down in front of his home.

So, Rome controls the Israeli government. It controls the Israeli government through the Mossad.

Who trained the Mossad? Reinhard Gehlen.

We find that fact in Loftus' work The Secret War Against The Jews in most telling, telling detail. So what do we have? We have high-level treason and betrayal of the Jewish race; that is there in Israel today, by their own leaders, who are loyal to Rome and the Jesuit Order. And to show this, we have a great big Rockefeller edifice in Jerusalem; we have an ophthalmology center in Jerusalem run by the Knights of Malta. There's nothing but Knights of Malta, high-level Freemasonry, and the Jesuit Order running all of Israel. 

So what's going to happen, I believe, with the Dome of the Rock is, that has got to be removed-somehow, someway. It's on the Temple site; it has to be removed.

    If I was the Jesuit General, I would make- somehow, someway-American bombers do it. Because I want to create universal hatred for this nation of the United States, because in the United States there are more Protestants and more Jews than any country in the world, and 'we've' got to kill all those people. So what better way than to create a Jihad, a Moslem fanatical attack against the United States, coupled with a Chinese invasion from the East. That's what I think is going to happen.

    The Jews are not going to destroy that Temple site because, if they do, Rome will destroy their efforts of rebuilding the Temple.  Because, if Moslems control all of Jerusalem, that Temple will never be rebuilt. It has to stay in Jewish hands-because the Jews, and rightfully so, need their own homeland. They're entitled to the nation. And they haven't had their own Temple of worship. They are rightfully entitled to that.

    But what they don't know is that they are being used by the Jesuits to rebuild their own Temple, that they would love to have rebuilt, for the Pope, so he can sit there and be the man of sin, the Anti-Christ of the Book of Daniel, Chapter 9. That's what I see coming for Israel.

The assassination of Rabin? He wanted to give away too much. He probably wanted to give away some of Jerusalem. The Jesuits will never allow that. So, his bodyguards just step aside and the Mossad kills him. And nothing more is ever heard.

    Rome's-the Jesuit General's-international intelligence community carries out all high-level assassinations, kills anybody who's against their program. And Cromwell knew this, back in his day, and that's why he protected himself-160 of his finest 'ironsides' as his bodyguards, and no one got to him. The Black Pope: Interview of Eric Jon Phelps

The American Pope is the Cardinal of New York. He is the most powerful Cardinal in the United States. He is what's called 'the military vicar'. The military vicar is in command of all of the military orders within the United States, they being the Knights of Malta and the Knights of Columbus. He is also in command, and privately, of 'the Commission' because Cardinal Spellman was an intimate of Joe Kennedy, and Joe Kennedy was an intimate of Frank Costello......And that Commission, you know what it controls? All of the trucking, all the supermarkets, it's power is beyond our wildest imagination, second only to the Knights of Malta. And, of course, they all control the Federal Reserve Bank.

    The Cardinal controls the Federal Reserve Bank through the Council on Foreign Relations. The Council on Foreign Relations belongs to the Cardinal
. Spellman was not a member of it, during his day, but two of the most powerful members were Knights of Malta: Henry Luce and J. Peter Grace, and also William F. Buckley, to this day. William F. Buckley is indeed one of my enemies, because I name him, and he is a powerful multi-billionaire who participated in the Kennedy assassination, just like Iacocca, another Knight. Both of those men are subject to Cardinal O'Connor and will do ANYTHING he says........Remember that Alexander Haig is a powerful Knight of Malta. His brother is a Jesuit.

    So, sure they have meetings. The High Knights of Malta, who meet in their palace on Aventin Hill, in Rome, of course, meet with the Jesuit General, and so on. And Count von Hoensbroech, who was a German Noble who became a Jesuit for 14 years-he wrote a two-volume work called Fourteen Years A Jesuit. His father was a Knight of Malta. Yes, the Jesuits work in conjunction and have regular meetings with the Knights of Malta.

    The Knights control the money. The Knights control the banks. They control the Bank of Canada, Federal Reserve Bank, Bank of England; they control the banking. They were the ones who were behind the sinking of the Titanic, with the creation of the White Star Line, J.P. Morgan and others. The Black Pope: Interview of Eric Jon Phelps

The Knights of Malta and the Jesuits work together! (Truth seeker, this may seem irrelevant now, but it is important for you to be aware of this connection. As we shall see, the Knights financed Lenin and Hitler from Wall Street, also using their Federal Reserve Bank headed by Masonic Jews, Warburg in particular.) The Knights negotiated the Concordat (a Papal treaty) between the Pope and Hitler in the person of Franz Von Papen. They also helped top Nazis to escape to North and South America after World War II in the persons of James Angleton and Argentina's President Juan Peron.

    In America, the Knights, with their OSS, later the CIA, were behind 'Operation Paperclip'. After World War II, top Nazis and scientists were illegally secreted into the United States. Many were placed in the top-secret military installation in Tonapah, Nevada known as 'Area 51'. The perfection of the Nazis' anti-gravity aircraft (flying saucers) was to be completed there, among other secret technologies. 'Operation Paperclip' was overseen by America's most powerful Knight of Malta, J. Peter Grace. J. Peter Grace was subject to the Jesuit-trained Archbishop Spellman, as the American headquarters for the Knights was and is St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York. Direct excerpts from the forthcoming book by Eric Jon Phelps called Vatican Assassins.

Another tie in between the Kennedy's and the Knights of Malta concerns the Hospice movement. The Kennedy Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction and Bioethics (located at the Jesuit’s Georgetown Univ.) is helping fund the Knights of Malta’s hospice movement in America. In Oct. 1978, the first annual meeting of the National Hospice Organization took place. Sen. Edward Kennedy was one of the two keynote speakers. What is the hospice movement which is being conducted by the Hospitallers (one of the names the Knights of Malta go by)? It is a movement to allow old people "The Right to Die.’

    The Knights of Malta have an ancient history of running drugs and in administering mind altering drugs in their hospitals instead of giving medicine. This ancient activity was carried forth into modern times when their St. Christopher’s hospital in London began giving patients Brompton Mixture until they died. Brompton Mixture consists of heroin, cocaine, alcohol, tranquilizers, and chloroform water. This mixture is given in the Knights of Malta hospitals to patients every three hours until they die. Euthanasia, or "mercy killing" may seem like a merciful idea, until a person finds out how the people at the top of the Euthanasia movement view things. They view things similar to the Satanist Adolf Hitler. This view is that it is merciful to get rid of unwanted people. Although the "death" hospice movement seems benevolent at first, it is the conclusion of where the program will end up that is the kicker. Hospice, Inc. which is linked to the elite is also provided funding by the Kaiser Foundation. Bloodlines of the Illuminati 6. Kennedy


Blackwater: Knights of Malta in Iraq
Aftermath News, Oct 01, 2007



Emblem of the Order of St John, the English Protestant ecumenical branch of the Order of Malta, which is a Catholic secret society integrated with the elaborate super-structure Freemasonry.


lackwater is more than just a “private army”, much more than just another capitalist war-profiteering business operation. It is an army operating outside all laws, outside and above the US Constitution and yet is controlled by people within and outside our government whose allegiance is primarily to the foreign Vatican state. In other words, Blackwater is a religious army serving the Pope in Rome through the Order of Malta, which is itself considered under international law, as a sovereign entity with special diplomatic powers and privileges. Like Blackwater, the Order of Malta is “untouchable” because it is at the heart of the elite aristocracy.

The Knights of Malta is not merely a “charitable organization”. That’s just an elaborate front, as should become clear to you later. As the name Sovereign Military Order of Malta confirms, it is a military order based on the crusader Knights Hospitaller of Jerusalem and is interwoven with Freemasonry. Most people have never even heard of SMOM, much less that it is a part of Freemasonry. But that is the way the aristocratic elite like it.

Knights HospitallerOne of the symbols of the military orders of the Vatican, the double-headed eagle emblazoned with the Maltese cross, signifies omnipotent royal dominion over both East and West. The orb signifies temporal dominion over the globe of Earth, and the scepter signifies control over the spiritual and religious impulses of humanity. This eagle symbol is used in the masonic rite of Memphis and Misraim, under which it reads, “Order Out of Chaos”, the Hegelian method of crisis creation. It is found on the seals of many European and Eurasian nation states including that of Russia, indicating direct Vatican control over those countries. It symbolizes the desire of a predatory elite with virtually unlimited resources, to totally dominate the entire world under a New World Order global government system using secrecy, manipulation, coercion and terror with the ends justifying the means.

See: Double-Headed Eagle Symbol at Wikipedia

Roman Red ShieldThe two-headed eagle emblem of the Byzantine Empire (Roman Empire) on a Red Shield was adopted in 1743 by the infamous goldsmith Amschel Moses Bauer. He opened a coin shop in Frankfurt, Germany and hung above his door this Roman eagle on a red shield. The shop became known as the “Red Shield firm”. The German word for ‘red shield’ is Rothschild. After this point, the Rothschilds became the bankers to kings and pontiffs alike, among the richest families in the world. Ever since, they have financed both sides of every major war and revolution using the Hegelian Dialectic to engineer society toward their New World Order.

The Rothschilds and their agents, such as the Rockefellers, have been engineering America and its foreign policy almost since its inception. They and their Skull and Bones Wall Street partners staged and funded both sides in WWII, and out of that hellish nightmare was born their infant global government, the United Nations, and their tool of tyranny, the CIA. The father of the CIA, “Wild Bill” Donovan, was a Knight of Malta. In order to be a director of the CIA you must be a crusading Knight of Malta and it doesn’t hurt if you are a member of Skull and Bones either. In order to reach the highest levels in the Pentagon establishment, you must be an illuminated Freemason and/or a Knight of one order or another. Notable US military members of SMOM include top crusading generals such as Alexander Haig, William Westmoreland, and Charles A. Willoughby, an admitted Fascist.

Other notable members include:

  • Reinhard Gehlen (Nazi war criminal)

  • Heinrich Himmler (Nazi war criminal)

  • Kurt Waldheim (Nazi war criminal)

  • Franz von Papen (Hitler enabler)

  • Fritz Thyssen (Hitler’s financier)

  • Rupert Murdoch

  • Tony Blair

  • Pat Buchanan

  • William F. Buckley, Jr.

  • Precott Bush, Jr.

  • Edward Egan (Archbishop NY)

  • Licio Gelli

  • Ted Kennedy

  • David Rockefeller

  • Phyllis Schlafly (Dame)

  • J. Edgar Hoover

  • Joseph Kennedy

  • Henry Luce

  • Thomas ‘Tip’ O’Neill

  • Ronald E. Reagan

  • Giscard d’Estaing

  • Allen Dulles

  • Avery Dulles

  • Frank C Carlucci

  • Nelson Mandela

  • Rick Santorum

  • Phyllis Schaffly

  • Juan Carlos (King of Spain and Jerusalem)

  • Oliver North

  • George H.W Bush

  • Augusto Pinochet

  • William Randolph Hearst

  • Francis L. Kellogg

Such a list should make you sit up and pay attention, but it is only the tip of the iceberg unfortunately. Then we come to another SMOM member, important to what is transpiring in Iraq. Educated at the Jesuit Georgetown University, former Pentagon Inspector General Joseph Edward Schmitz, Blackwater’s operations chief, is a member of both SMOM and Opus Dei. All the top Nazis in our government are connected in some way to the Vatican, Jesuits and Knights of Malta and have been for decades, as were the Italian Fascists and German Nazis of WWII. After all, what was their favorite symbol after the swastika? The Maltese Cross of course!

These SMOM knights are behind most of the trouble in the world and they must be exposed as the criminals that they are. They are not nice people helping the poor, though they use good people in the lower ranks as useful idiots. They are behind drug-trafficking, assassinations, most wars, communism, fascism, feudalism, theocracy, Nazism, Zionism, globalization, crime-syndicates, major terrorist events, a new torture inquisition, total information surveillance, economic collapses, social demoralization and seek to completely enslave the human species in a global Big Brother totalitarian regime as they kill off the majority of us in the process. In fact, all of it has either come to pass or is in the process of being implemented. We are on the brink of WWIII which has been entirely staged by these profoundly evil men. Therefore, we have no time left for pussyfooting around.

But don’t take my word for it, do you your own research, find out and expose them yourself before these dirty Blackwater mercenary thugs are allowed to patrol American streets and confiscate guns during the next staged disaster. We can’t let this happen in America.


Further Google the Following:

P-2 freemasonry, Gladio, Nazi Concordat, Vatican CIA, Knights Templar, Order of the Seraphim, Order of the Garter, Hospitallers, Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, SMOM, Knights of Rhodes, Illuminati, 9/11, Jesuits, Opus Dei, Black Pope, Maltese Cross, Fascism, Zionism, Blackwater Katrina, etc

Combine these in various searches to uncover the linkages.

The highest levels of Freemasonry, including and especially, the Knights of Malta and the Royal Orders of Chivalry are guided by the Vatican, the hub of both religious and temporal power on planet Earth.

. . .

Former Pentagon Inspector General Joseph Edward Schmitz
Former Pentagon Inspector General Joseph Edward Schmitz quit in 2005 to work for Blackwater.
He is a member of Opus Dei and Knights of Malta. At least $2 trillion went “missing” from the Pentagon during his watch.

The Knights of Malta in Iraq?

Malta Star | Sep 29, 2007

An American investigative journalist compared the US firm Blackwater, the biggest security services provider in post war Iraq, to the Knights of Malta.

The company is currently in the midst of a controversy after some of its 20,000 personnel stationed in Iraq killed a number of civilians.

In his book, ‘Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army’, Jeremy Scahill links the modern security firm to the Knights of Malta.

The writer argues that “Blackwater’s employees… share the same religious zeal of ancient crusaders”, the Egyptian weekly newspaper Al-Ahram reported.

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Related Information

Bush’s Shadow Army

Blackwater has repeatedly cited Rumsfeld’s statement that contractors are part of the “Total Force” as evidence that it is a legitimate part of the nation’s “warfighting capability and capacity.” Invoking Rumsfeld’s designation, the company has in effect declared its forces above the law — entitled to the immunity from civilian lawsuits enjoyed by the military, but also not bound by the military’s court martial system. While the initial inquiries into Blackwater have focused on the complex labyrinth of secretive subcontracts under which it operates in Iraq, a thorough investigation into the company reveals a frightening picture of a politically connected private army that has become the Bush Administration’s Praetorian Guard.

Pope Benedict with SMOM Grandmaster Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie
Pope Benedict with SMOM Grandmaster Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie

Knights of Malta
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, also known as the original Sovereign Military Order of St. John of Jerusalem, is a closed fraternity of the Roman Catholic Church. Its initiated members must be Catholic and have served in the military. They participate in secret ceremonies and feudal ritual dress, and embrace a strong class/caste mentality as part of their initiation into Rosicrucian dogma.

The upper grades are fastidiously aristocratic and must be able to display a family coat-of-arms dating back at least 300 years in unbroken succession from father to son. The Sovereign Grand Master of the order is recognized as a head of state, and his authority is ensured by his secular ranking as a Prince, and his ecclesiastical ranking as a Cardinal. Under international law this organization has independent Sovereign status, which assures nationalistic loyalty from its members, above and beyond allegience to their own country–they also have Permanent Observer status at the United Nations. The current Grand Master, Andrew Willoughby Bertie, is descended from Mary Stuart (Mary Queen of Scots) which places him firmly in the Sion/Grail historical scenario.

The order and its members have been proven to be linked with the “Rat Run”, the post-WWII escape route used by high-ranking Nazis and death camp scientists from defeated Germany to the Americas. Sovereign Knight of Malta passports were issued with false identities that allowed escape from prosecution for war crimes.

The privatisation of security in Iraq threatens more than innocent civilians
The killing of 11 civilians in Baghdad two weeks ago has once again put Blackwater on the spot. The US security firm first came into the public eye in early April 2004, when four of its personnel were killed and mutilated by mobs in Falluja. Although Iraqi religious parties denounced the attacks at the time, Bush gave the town four days to deliver the perpetrators before ordering an all-out attack, one in which thousands of Falluja inhabitants perished. In his book, Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army, American investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill links the modern security firm to the Knights of Malta, an offshoot of the Knights Templar. Blackwater’s employees, he argues, share the same religious zeal of ancient crusaders.

US Theocons Fight Battle in Iraq
Many has been written about the privatization of the Iraq war, but in his new bestseller book Jeremy Scahill sheds much needed light on the ideological roots of the largest US private mercenary firm and its links to the theocons and the Christian militia Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Prince, writes Scahill, shows how “politically powerful Christian fundamentalists and Neocons are pressing forward with their battle for what they call ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy.’” He has connections with conservative Catholic groups and funds rightwing organizations through his Freiheit Foundation. Senior Blackwater executives such as Joseph Schmitz do not only subscribe to the theocon ideology but are also members of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, a Christian militia that had a mission of defending territories the Crusaders captured from Muslims.

Schmitz, says Scahill, “comes from one of the most bizarre, scandal-plagued, right-wing political families in US history.” The Sovereign Military Order of Malta began as a Christian charity in Al-Quds in 1080 to provide care for poor and sick pilgrims to the Holy Land. After the conquest of the holy city in 1095 during the First Crusade it became a Catholic Military Order. After the Muslims restored Al-Quds, the Order operated from Rhodes and later from Malta where it administered a vassal state under the Spanish viceroy of Sicily. The Order’s fighters, known as the Knights Hospitaller, helped the Crusaders in raids on Muslim countries near the coasts of Italy, including Tunisia, Libya and Morocco. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is now a state located in Rome and is recognized by 50 countries worldwide.


Joseph Edward Schmitz is the son of the late John G. Schmitz, former California State Senator, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, and U.S. Presidential candidate (1972). Columba Bush’s sister is married to John P. Schmitz, a beneficiary of the fellowship programs subsumed under the Carl Duisberg gesellschaft and the brother of Joseph Schmitz, currently the head of the Blackwater security outfit. John P. Schmitz has close links to the elder George Bush, the 9/11 milieu…

Joseph E. Schmitz: Georgetown, Opus Dei and Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Joseph Edward Schmitz is an American lawyer, former Inspector General of the Department of Defense and executive with Blackwater USA, a private contractor providing security services to the U.S. military.Schmitz attended Catholic schools as a child and Georgetown Preparatory School while his father served in Congress. He is a member of Opus Dei and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

General Joseph Schmitz member of the Sovereign Order of Malta
In addition to Prince, “A number of Blackwater executives are deeply conservative Christians, including corruption-smeared former Pentagon Inspector General Joseph Schmitz, who is also a member of the Sovereign Order of Malta, which Scahill describes as ‘a Christian militia formed in the eleventh century [to defend] territories that the Crusaders had conquered from the Moslems,’” Chris Barsanti wote in a review of the book for In These Times. Blackwater USA is the brainchild of Erik Prince — a former Navy SEAL and son of Edgar Prince, a wealthy Michigan auto-parts supplier — described by Scahill as a “radical right wing Christian mega-millionaire” who is a strong financial backer of President George W. Bush, as well as a donor to a host of conservative Christian political causes.

In the 1980s “the Prince family merged with one of the most venerable conservative families in the United States,” when Erik’s sister Betsy — nine years his senior — married Dick DeVos, whose father Richard, founded the multilevel marketing firm Amway. The two families exercised enormous political influence both inside and outside Michigan. “They were one of the greatest bankrollers of far-right causes in U.S. history, and with their money they propelled extremist Christian politicians and activists to positions of prominence,” Scahill writes.

The picture that proves ‘torture flights’ are STILL landing in the UK

Its registration number, clearly visible on the fuselage, identifies it as a plane which the European Parliament says has been involved in ‘ghost flights’ to smuggle terrorist suspects to shadowy interrogation centres abroad. Records show the plane is owned by Blackwater USA, a CIA contractor described as ‘the most secretive and powerful mercenary army on the planet’.

The European Parliament report describes these as shell companies operating as subsidiaries of Blackwater USA, ‘an important contractor for the CIA and the US military’ which bases the planes in Malta….Tracking technology shows that the plane was en route from Canada to Greenland two days before it was sighted at Mildenhall: the internet software does not extend beyond American airspace, but the expert explained that its route would be consistent with a refuelling stop in the Arctic – it only has a range of about 2,000 miles – followed by a further refuel in East Anglia, before heading to Malta.

More Resources:

[Knights of] Malta ‘is Blackwater’s Operational Base’

World’s Most Notorious Merc to Oversee Blackwater?




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Europe Unhinged

by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert

Sunday  October 26, 2008

United States of America – It can now be reported that the President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, the current head of the European Union, under an emergency decree, has frozen various Vatican bank accounts tied to the East German Nazi Stasi/DVD Deutsche Bank and the 'secret' trust accounts linked to the Bush-Clinton-Blair-Merkel worldwide crime syndicate.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy

Sarkozy's actions come on the heels of a secret U.S.-French Intelligence Report, which has recently tied German Chancellor Angela Merkel and rogue members of the European Union's financial group to at least twenty (20) ILLEGAL wire transfers out of the Deutsche Bank to various 'secret' accounts headquartered at the Vatican.


Angela Merkel and Pope and Tony Blair

(L pic) Getty Images and (R pic) AP/L'Osservatore Romano, HO

The major co-conspirators in this latest ponzi scheme and direct transfers of STOLEN U.S.-French Treasury funds are none other than current East German Stasi/DVD agent 'Black' Pope Benedict and former British Prime Minister, war criminal and Dunblaine pedophile, Tony Blair.

Reference: One can now conclude that former British Prime Minister Tony Blair's sudden conversion to Roman Catholicism was a financial decision made to accommodate the transfer of STOLEN U.S.-French Treasury funds that were parked at the East German Stasi/DVD Deutsche Bank and now ILLEGALLY reside at the Francis X Driscoll Trust account in Rome.

Folks, guess who has power of attorney on these accounts representing the Bush-Clinton-Blair-Merkel Crime Family:

1. CIA Bush family attorney, Victoria Toensing and her husband Joseph Genova.

Telefax number (202) 289-7706

2. Noted 9/11 co-conspirator, former LOSER Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton's personal confidant and 7/7 London bombings terrorist suspect, who now calls herself a "Countess", Eva S. Telege aka Teleke aka Teleki. 

Telefax number 421 743 420 638

3. CIA priest, Father John O'Brien

Telefax number (920) 921-1309

4. Noted East German Nazi Stasi/DVD agent and U.S. Military infiltrator, the alleged Colonel Dana V. Wilcox

Telefax (804) 272-0921