Videos & Articles About BOLS/ORBS With Crop Circles
compiled by Dee Finney
All About 2012 |
11-30-08 - EXTRATERRESTRIALS & CROP CIRCLES This is the most incredible dream I've ever had in my life. DREAM # 1 - I was driving a car in a city and kept turning right at corners. Not all the corners were right angles - some went on a diagonal street. All of a sudden, I was looking at a computer screen typing on a web page about extraterrestrials. When the word extraterrestrial was shown, it was a whitish-yellow color compared to the other words. I woke up suddenly and the news was on the TV in the room. I got up and went to my computer and went to google and typed in the word 'extraterrestrial' to see if I could find something related to the dream. There were two Wikipedia pages and the third page was my own 'extraterrestrial page about UFOs. Joe got up too and we were sitting at our computers laughing about how often our web pages are either #1 or right below Wikipedia. It's hard to beat them. Sometimes Crystalinks beats us but recently we've been beating her too in our web page searches. I then looked at my e-mail and there was one from my friend Daphne about a couple of crop circles which some people say is about a comet coming in December 2012, bringing in the Christ Child. The e-mail had photos of the two crop circles - one from 2008 and one from 1996. Joe and I recognized both crop circle photographs and I wanted to know what Joe had said on the crop circle forum of cropcircleconnector.com because he is there every day during the season. So we went to look at his posting for this 2008 crop circle. All he had said was, "Wow!" I was disappointed that he hadn't given an interpretation of the crop circle from 2008. In 1996 - neither one of us had been posting on the internet yet. We didn't meet until 1997 and then got together to start our website greatdreams.com. That's basically how I spend my time - I dream at night and then research what I dream about and then do a web page about my research. Joe recognized the two crop circles as being on my 2012 page, so I went to google.com and typed 2012 and there was my page as #3 under two Wikipedia pages. We laughed again and I clicked on the link and scrolled down the page and found those two crop circle photos under several Mayan looking crop circle photos. I decided to look to see what I had saved in my 1996 crop circle folder and was shocked to find out that I didn't even have a 1996 folder, though I had all the other years. So I went to cropcircleconnector.com and went to look at their 1996 crop circle archives. I found the archives for 1996 and was surprised to see how sloppy some of the crop circles were that year, while others were brilliantly beautiful and clear. Joe and I talked about why that is and about how movies and even crop circle hoaxes can be inspired to put certain symbolisms into their work. By then it was after 3 a.m. and I was getting tired again, so I left my computer on and went back to bed. I wasn't quite as tired as I thought I was and lay there - saying in my mind, "Take me back to my extraterrestrial dream so I can finish it." "Please take me back to my extraterrestrial dream so I can finish it." All of a sudden I was back in the extraterrestrial dream. DREAM # 2 - I was looking at the computer screen again and all the words were about extraterrestrials and the word extraterrestrial was yellowish-white as before. I couldn't actually read the other words and suddenly the words were being spoken out loud and the yellowish white word 'extraterrestrial' became the head and face of Alex. I was stunned to see his face there and I went to save the words he was saying, so I clicked on 'SAVE' with the mouse and forgot to put .htm at the end of the title of the page. and the computer had a great deal of trouble saving the file. It seemed to take forever and finally, the file saver gave me another chance to put .htm at the end of the file name and it saved his words for me. So, then, I opened the file again and instead of words, the whole screen was a picture of a beautiful farm field and in the middle of the field was a tiny white orb forming a crop circle. I cried out, "Oh my God!" and because I was in my bedroom, I had to run to the office where I expected to find Joe, but at his computer sat Daphne at Joe's computer and for some reason, I called her Bonney and I yelled, "Come quick and look at my computer screen." So we ran back to the bedroom, where my computer screen now covered the whole wall and then became a movie screen in a theatre. The white orb was still creating a crop circle, but I forgot to look at the pattern it made because the orb became a green extraterrestrial driving a 6-wheeled small vehicle. The green extraterrestrial and the vehicle came off the screen onto the stage of the theatre and drove across the stage and Bonney and I both exclaimed that our parents both had machines like that when we were kids. Both of us had even driven the machines ourselves. Mine wasn't driven by gas or electricity, it was driven by hand by moving the throttle stick back and forth by hand. Now the back two wheels became two-wheels in tandem - one behind the other instead of across from each other, so they would make one thin line when driven in a field and the green extraterrestrial drove down off the stage onto the theatre floor and I could see that the rows of seats in the theatre were bright purple but there were no people there. Then the green extraterrestrial drove his machine out of the screen and onto the chair next to where I was sitting. Bonney and I were both starting at the little green extraterrestrial and his red and black vehicle and he started to look blurry and then rather electrical and he gradually turned into a black 6-legged Daddy long legged spider walking across the chair. We both wanted to capture him and keep him safe and I suddenly woke up, knowing I'll never be able to kill a Daddy long-legged spider because he might be an extratraterrestial in disguise.
- Posted 2007
Over the last few years, we have seen
orbs of light in many types of photos. Some of these
orbs were claimed to be angels, some were claimed to be
UFOs, ...
www.greatdreams.com/orbs/orbs_of_light.htm DOWSING FOR GHOSTS
Aug 27, 2006 ...
The first time we tried it, the number of
orbs we photographed was not
... There is another
large reddish
orb off to the right - higher up.
... www.greatdreams.com/orbs/dowsing_for_ghosts.htm These are not the same ones that form or visit crop circles.
Former British Royal Air Force official saw Alien Orb create Crop Circle by David Kingston I have been researching the Crop Circle phenomena since I saw my first one in 1976. I had been on a "night watch" for UFO's on Clay Hill in Warminster. Three separate orbs of approximately six feet in diameter of coloured light had been weaving around and above us for some three hours on the top of Clay Hill, merging at times into a single globe and then separating again above us, suddenly one of the orbs descended to some thirty feet above us and then flew down into a field at the base of Clay Hill. As dawn broke I noticed a flattened circle in a field of wheat. On inspection there were no broken stalks just a perfectly flattened circle some thirty feet in diameter. At that particular point in time I had seen and had knowledge of the famous "Tulley UFO Nests" in 1966 at Australia but had not heard of anything of a similar nature in this country. There then appeared to be a lapse in the appearances of any Crop Circles despite my search and request for any information on them until the early 1980's. In my search and research for them during that period of time I uncovered a mention of them in early French literature (800AD). The Bishop of Lyon at that time had written to the local parish priest who was taking over his parish just outside of Lyon. The contents of the manuscript were basically to warn the new priest that there had been "devil worship" by his local parishioners who were collecting seeds out of "flattened circles" and using them for fertility rites. I spoke to quite a few farmers who remembered seeing "odd shapes" in their fields or their parent's fields when they themselves were young but no real proof. I uncovered information from a second world war pilot who had been returning to RAF Tangmere after an aerial reconnaissance mission over Germany, as he approached the grass runway at his base he saw two flattened circles in the nearby growing cereal crop and photographed them not knowing what they were. I tried in vain to locate these two black and white photographs, which the pilot remembered were handed on the aerial reconnaissance film but once again to no avail. The pilot remembers seeing the film with the German aerial photographs and the two crop circles on it at his debrief which were then sent to the Air Ministry Intelligence at Whitehall. During the early 1980's there were simple circles appearing in cereal crops ranging in sizes from ten to thirty feet in diameter but as we moved into the latter half of the eighties more complex shapes started to form which generated a lot of media attention. We had a definite evolution happening with the Crop Circle Formations or Crop Glyphs as they were called and lots of theories being put forward as to the causes ranging from meteorological effects, military experiments through to UFO's and encounters of the human kind. They were, and do not only appear during the hours of darkness, they were and still do not only appear in just summer cereal crops, but in grass, stinging nettles, winter crops such as beet and kale, sugar cane, underwater in rice paddy fields in Japan, in the snow 13,000ft up in the mountains in Afghanistan, in fact world wide, not just restricted to Southern England as quite a few people believed such as the two famous Doug & Dave. These two hoaxers had claimed to have made all the crop circles in England since 1970's; little did they know then the extent of the formations. Yes, each year we do have formations that are man made, this is in no dispute with any of the researchers, but this does not account for remaining ones for which there appears to be no logical explanation. With my investigations into the UFO enigma since the 1950's I felt, and still do, that there is a link and in 1988 I started up my own research unit called Crop Phenomena Investigations. Since that period I have been working with several institutes including the famous Dr. William Levengood's laboratory in America. He is a biophysicists and with his team carry out research on all samples sent to him from around the world that are taken out of Crop Circle Formations including the ones from this country. He has had his research papers published in several scientific journals worldwide. What do we really know in regards to the formations? Fact, we know from the scientific research that I am involved in that they are (the genuine formations) formed by an energy, which has the ability to alter the molecular structure of the plant without damaging it and the ability to alter the growth rate and pattern. This same energy has produced numerous photographic anomalies. Fact, There is a distortion in the earth's electromagnetic field, sometimes a ghost image a short distance from the original formation. Fact, spheres of light have been recorded on film in the formations, also military helicopters seen flying over these spheres apparently taking quite a keen interest in them. Fact, the energy involved appears to be benign and to my knowledge is not used on this planet. Fact, some formations radiate a frequency at approximately 7.5hz in the electromagnetic spectrum but this can vary from formation to formation. Many researchers and the BBC Television whilst filming in a formation have recorded it. I, recently using the aid of a computer and a specialised programme, have discovered that these beautiful creations of art in the fields are capable of producing the most unusual sounds and music. Fact, this same frequency has been picked up many times in close proximity to UFO sightings. Fact, despite several ploughings after the crop has been harvested the shape of some of the formations have remained, in some cases, in the soil for at least six months. This cannot be achieved by "crop formations" made by humans. Fact, in some of the formations, compasses rotate at will denoting a magnetic anomaly present, camcorders, cell phones and other battery run equipment have displayed a discharged battery state when this is not the case. Fact, crop outside of the formation does not display the same characteristics changes in cell structure as the crop found inside. Fact, there is no level of consistency, in some formations we have the sound factor, the magnetic anomalies, photographic anomalies and the lasting impressions in the soil but this is not to say you will find one or all of these in the next formation you visit but it can still turn out to be part of the genuine article. Fact, if no human being goes into a formation the crop will continue to grow and the farmer will not lose any crop, only possibly what the birds will eat by the downed seeds. Fact, farmers have combined the formations from their fields to avoid damage by the members of the public when they have occurred only to find another one appear a short distance away the following day. Fact, mineralogist Sampath Iyengar of Technology of Materials Laboratory examined the degree of crystallinity (the ordering of atoms) in soil samples taken from within the formations using X-ray diffraction and a scanning electron microscope. He was shocked to find a temperature of between 1,500 and 1,800 degrees F would be required to alter the soil crystallinity to the level found and this of course destroy any plants in the formation. Fact, each year human beings causing untold criminal damage to crops create a large number of formations, and my sincere sympathy goes out to the landowners. I just wish more landowners would prosecute these criminal vandals. Scientific papers have been recently released on the research carried out by Dr. William Levengood and are available to the general public for a small fee to cover the costs of package & postage from the United States of America. I have the research laboratory's address on my web site. Lucy Pringle, a fellow researcher, has carried out over the past seven years the physical and physiological effects the formations have had on human beings. I would like to thank her for allowing the use of her superb aerial photographs that she takes to accompany my article. So what are we left with? Beautiful geometric patterns in the fields, which defy our laws of logic, physics and reasoning but none the less, keep appearing worldwide. This does not include the large number that are man-made. They appear to have a very spiritual, profound effect on all who visit or research them; perhaps if nothing else this is their reason. Like the UFO scenario, there have been cover-ups with the Crop Circle Formations, they are a mystery which one day mankind will know, for the truth is out there, if you know where to look. About the writer: David Kingston started research into UFOs in 1950's whilst serving in the Royal Air Force as part of my role in RAF Intelligence. Mr. Kingston was stationed on Christmas Island in the Pacific Ocean, the site for Britain's first nuclear tests, when he experienced and logged my first sightings. The military name that his group classified them by as well as documenting them was "tele-metre discs". Mr. Kingston also witnessed and recorded them at two secret testing sites in Australia before travelling to several other military bases around the world, both British and American, that were experiencing UFO's. He says "this information was shared between both American and British Air Intelligence, the Americans documenting it at that period in time in "Project Blue Book"." David Kingston ended up my Royal Air Force service contract by being stationed at the headquarters of the American Strategic Air Command (S.A.C.) in this country at RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire attached to their intelligence. This was a base from which 24-hour global patrols flew regular global flights and the crews witnessed many UFOs on their missions, which they reported to me. He started my own investigations of the Crop Circle phenomena after seeing my first one at the foot of Clay Hill at Warminster, Wiltshire. Mr. Kingston further documents that he has carried from those early days research programmes on behalf of many, (BLT Research Team based in America, led by Mr. William Levengood ), to name just one. FROM: http://www.agoracosmopolitan.com/home/Frontpage/2008/01/04/02078.html
Nancy Talbott Monday, August 21, 2001, 3.15 am On August 8th, 2001, I arrived at the v/d Broeke home in southern Holland to begin a two week research project in conjunction with US parapsychologist Dr William Roll and the Parapsychological Services Institute Inc. Dr Roll, whose work with recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis (RSPK) phenomena had led him to question whether there might be a human consciousness element involved in the crop circle process (similar to that documented by him in multiple poltergeist and haunting cases), wanted to gather geomagnetic and electromagnetic data at the v/d Broeke home and at recent crop circle sites where Robbert v/d Broeke had had pre-cognitive intuitions of their arrival. For my first 10 days in Holland Robbert and I visited several formations in the area which had occurred prior to my arrival, gathering the baseline data which Dr Roll's protocol required. During the nights we bicycled out to the fields with the night-vision camcorder and several flash cameras, in order to carry out photographic experiments. For years Robbert has been taking flash photos at night inside crop circles which, when developed, show single or multiple strange semi-opaque orbs and other light phenomena not usually visible to the naked eye. He has found that such experiments are most productive in new crop circles, but that - in some cases - unusual lights/orbs can be photographed even weeks or months after the initial event. More recently he has discovered that he can actually see quite a few of these light objects before they are photographed and has also noted that many of the objects now being caught on film are not only much brighter and more dense, but are much more complex in structure. I, too, seem to have become more sensitive to the presence of the objects, often seeing brief flashes of light which - when I can get off a shot or two in their direction quickly enough - result in the objects apparently being caught on film.
New USA Crop Circles
On Nov. 30th Port Arthur News reporter Guiseppe Barranco contacted BLT with the information that a possible crop circle had been found 2-3 days ..... On the night of August 20-21st 2001, Robbert and I had decided not to go into the fields and were at his parents' home. Mr and Mrs v/d Broeke had retired to their bedroom on the first floor at the front of the house at around 11.30pm. Robbert's younger sister, Madelon, had gone to her bedroom on the second floor at the back of the house around this time also, leaving only Robbert and me in the kitchen downstairs. The kitchen window was open and looks out over the 80'-long back garden, at the end of which is a chain-link fence and a 4'-deep trench which runs along the edge of the farm field immediately beyond. By 3.00am Robbert and I had been in the kitchen discussing the crop circles, their possible causative mechanisms and origins, what they might mean, etc. for several hours. I was tired from weeks of tromping about the fields during the days recording data and then nights of flash photography and videography, and realized that I felt pretty much like I was - or might have been - chasing my tail. I recalled my first visit with Robbert and his family back in 1998 and an incredibly dramatic light display I had witnessed with Mr and Mrs v/d Broeke on my second night in the house. And I thought about all of the other really peculiar incidents on return trips, occurring with increasin frequency - and all of the work that has been done to document and attempt to understand these events - and it suddenly seemed to me that the phenomenon was just too complex, too elusive, too difficult to study. I suppose partly out of fatigue and partly out of frustration I decided to go up to bed, telling Robbert that I was tired of all this "pussy-footing" around and asking, "why can't this phenomenon be more obvious, more direct?"
Crop Circle Reported In Sabine Pass, Texas
I was sleeping in Robbert's old bedroom which is
on the second floor at the back of the house, over-looking the
garden and farm-field. The bed is placed so that it faces directly
out through two floor-to-ceiling glass doors which go out to a
small balcony overlooking the garden and farm field beyond, and
there are thin, gauzy curtains hanging at these glass doors. The
farm field is clearly visible from the bed. Robbert was still in
the kitchen downstairs.The tiny town of Sabine Pass was hit hard by Hurricane Rita. While clean up in the community is well ..... Once upstairs, I pulled the curtains closed (leaving one o the doors open), changed into my nightgown and propped myself up with pillows to read in bed for a while. The lights were on and the room was well-lit. At about 3.05am I heard a few cattle nearby bawling raucously, as cattle do when they are disturbed. From years of talking with farmers and ranchers who have had crop circles (and other unusual events) occur on their properties, I immediately realized that this bawling might be a sign that something strange was afoot and, in the back of my mind, thought "I should go to the windows and pull back the curtains because I might see something." Whether because of fatigue or some sort of intuition, I stayed in bed and did not pull back the curtains. The cattle quieted down for a few minutes but, at about 3:10am they started up again. And again I thought I should go to the windows and open up the curtains... and, again, I stayed put (in my notes from that night I have written that I was "scared"). After a minute or so the cattle were quiet again. Then, at about 3:15am, a brilliant, intense white column, or tube, of light - about 8" to 1' in diameter - from my vantage point-flashed down from the sky to the ground, illuminating my bedroom and the sky as brilliantly as if from helicopter searchlights. My room was so bright I can't, in retrospect, understand how I could so very clearly see the "tube" of light outside - its distinct edges - but I could, for about a full second, and there seemed to be a slight bluish tinge along the sides of the tube. Then this tube of light disappeared and both my room and the outside went dark. While the tube of light was there it was so bright I couldn't see exactly where it was touching down and wasn't sure how close it was. Approximately one second of total darkness elapsed and then a second tube of the same brilliant white light, slightly edged in a bluish tint, appeared slightly to the left of where the first tube had been. Again the room and the outside lit up spectacularly, somehow leaving the intense tube of light clearly visible for about one second. Then, after another second's darkness the third and final tube descended to the ground. There was no sound at any time during the light incident (the neighbour's cattle were now quiet), nor did I smell anything out of the ordinary at all.
The Alien At Crabwood Farm House
An interesting characteristic of crop circle formations is that each year the 'best' formation seems to be 'better' ..... There was also no physical sensation of exposure to increased electromagnetic energy (such as the tingling I had experienced a few years prior in this same house during an earlier encounter). The entire light display took 5-6 seconds; if the bawling cattle are considered to be part of this situation the total time would be about 10 minutes. By the time the third tube of light flashed down to the ground I was half out of bed, yelling to Robbert, who was still downstairs in the kitchen. He, at the same time, was running up the stairs to get me, having witnessed the event from the first-floor kitchen Windows. From the kitchen he could see that the tubes of light had hit the bean field, just beyond the fence at the back of the garden, and he reported also that the sky had lit up like daylight when each column of light had occurred. He, however, had seen only two tubes of light, apparently because he had jumped up after the second one, leaving the kitchen to come and get me upstairs. He further indicated in the drawing he made immediately afterward that these tubes of light were spiralling down to the ground. (Actually, when I got out the drawing I had made shortly afterward, I have also indicated a spiralling motion inside the tubes of fight.) Robbert had perceived the tubes of light as being smaller in diameter than I had, but he also saw them as definite, contained, columns which remained the same width all the way down. Neither of us saw anything in the overcast sky from which these tubes of light had originated. Later that night, Robbert reported that he had heard the dog next door barking furiously just prior to the appearance of the light-tubes. Our yelling back and forth to each other up the stairway had awakened both Madelon and Mrs v/d Broeke, who both emerged into the halfway in excited states. Robbert and I were equally agitated, due to our shared impression of the stunning force of the energy involved... and our mutual, clear, impression of it's purposefulness. All four of us went immediately to the glass doors at the back of the house off the dining room (directly underneath my bedroom doors), somewhat timidly, not certain of what else we might expect. Looking out these glass doors we could see nothing up in the sky and after a minute or so Robbert went to the back door off the kitchen and stepped out; I joined him and, tentatively, also went outside. So far as we could tell, everything seemed oddly normal and very dark - looking up we could see only an overcast sky. We headed for the back fence and the farm-field and there, just over the fence about 15' into the bean-field - just barely visible in the darkness - was the new crop circle. When we turned my flashlight onto the field we could see that half of the crop in the downed area was laid away from us and the other half was laid toward us, and I thought I could faintly see steam rising from the freshly-downed beans (which I attributed to the interaction of the tubes of light with a heavy night-time dew covering the crop). At dawn the next day, from my bed, I could clearly see the new circle, which turned out to be, in fact, an ellipse of about 35' in length (running East/West) and 20' in width (North/South diameter), with a 20'-long pathway adjoining the northern edge which ended in a crossbar (like the capital letter "T"). Measurements and photographs were taken and a visible difference in leaf colour inside the downed crop areas was observed to be due to the fact that some of the plants were laid away from us, showing the undersides of the leaves, and in other areas the plants were laid toward us, showing us only the tops of the leaves, thus reflecting the light differently. Along this flow-line near the centre of the formation plants growing immediately next to each other were cleanly bent over at their bases in opposite directions, with no visible damage to either the plants or the beans. There was a slight swirling of the plants in the 'epicentre' area which, in this case, occurred in the south-eastern quadrant, considerably West from the actual geometric centre of the ellipse. The northern half of the string bean plants (heavy with beans) were swept counter-clockwise in what looked to be one wide sweep all the way around the ellipse and back along the southern edge. The eastern and western edges of the ellipse were slightly squared, ending abruptly at a row of beans on either side and leaving the plants in these rows along the edges totally unaffected. The pathway off to the North was laid away from the ellipse to its end, the crossbar at the end being laid left (West) and right (East) in simple single sweeps. The width of all the pathways was one row of beans only, about 1 to 1.5' wide.
5 Myths About Sports Conditioning That Are
Holding You Back:
In life we are surrounded by numerous myths and half-truths, the Loch Ness Monster, Big ..... We were unable to go into the field until the evening, due to the need to obtain permission from the farmer and to our lack of a ladder to help us negotiate the fence and the steep ditch on the other side. On the evening of the 21st, at about 6.00pm, we did go in and carried out a number of procedures. The compass showed no deviations within the laid crop (nor at control locations outside the new event) and the electromagnetometer registered a steady 0.2m, the same reading I obtained at the control locations and at all of the other crop circle sites I had tested in the past two weeks. No EM spikes were noted. Examination of the plants showed them all to have been bent over at the base and no broken or split stems were seen. There was no visible trauma to the stems or leaves, or the very healthy-looking beans beneath them. The soil appeared relatively dry both inside and outside the laid-crop area and was fine-grained and dark in appearance (mineralogical characterization of the soil in this field a year previously by BLT lnc.'s consulting mineralogist, Dr Sam lyengar, had indicated that this field is very well maintained, high in organic content and very low in clays). Because of the Foot and Mouth disease which has been prevalent in Holland (as well as in other western European countries) during the summer of 2001, and the subsequent likelihood that US customs would not allow importation of either plants or soils from Europe into the US, no attempt was made to take soil or plant samples. I did, however, harvest a few handfuls of beans and enjoyed them at dinner a few nights later. So far, I've noted no sequelae. In preparation for one new BLT study, which will evaluate the effects of various energies on normal (non-crop circle) plants and soils, I have had many discussions with microwave and laser experts who are convinced that the crop circles and at least some of the associated light phenomena are simply either "mistakes" by the military and/or industrial research community and/or perhaps pranks by one or another of these groups on the citizenry. If they are "mistakes" it would seem - particularly in light of the recent ghastly events in New York, Washington DC and Pennsylvania - that we are all in more trouble than was immediately apparent. And the idea that they might be pranks strikes me as perhaps even more frightening, and for the same reason: idiots at the helm is hardly a comforting image. What I suspect, instead, is that these highly trained and proficient microwave/laser engineers just aren't really "tracking" the available facts yet... like the majority, it seems, of the rest of the population.
ICCRA Gives Crop Circle Lecture At Camp
Chesterfield, IN
CHESTERFIELD – The mention of crop circles sends the average person’s mind to the movie “Signs,” where Mel ..... On the other hand, in recent conversation with one of the new scientists participating in ongoing BLT Inc. studies, a man highly regarded by his academic colleagues, the idea that we are instead perhaps dealing with a "new kind of energy," something not seen before, has been discussed. I suspect this idea is much more reflective of reality than is the notion of an inept or adolescent military/industrial research group gone amok. Was the occurrence of this crop circle related to my frustration over the elusiveness of the phenomenon and my wanting a more obvious indication of the agency involved? It did occur within 10-15 minutes of my having stated my disgust, and it did occur in the closest growing plants (string beans, the first time a circle has been reported in this crop) to my physical self - the whole incident clearly visible from my room; in fact, the very bed I was sleeping in. It was also placed dead-centre between the North and South boundary lines of the v/d Broeke property and about as close to their perimeter fence as possible. Robbert and I, from our slightly different vantage points, were each quite convinced of both the intense power AND THE PRECISION of the light "tubes" - both of us perceiving the incident as "deliberate, on purpose." Are our perceptions - not just of this current event, but of multiple crop circle experiences over many years - simply anthropocentric? What are the chances that this recent amazing display was just coincidental? And if it was, why have similar events - the crop circles and all the stunning light phenomena associated with them - been occurring for the last 25-30 years, with increasing frequency and complexity, all over the world? And why repeatedly in fairly precise locations? Why don't they occur everywhere? And what are the light objects? Are they in fact becoming more complex too, perhaps mirroring the evolution in design of the flattened plants? Are Robbert and I (and, apparently, many other people) victims of our imaginations? Or is it possible that human faculties are capable, at least in some situations, of recognizing external consciousness and/or purpose in energy-forms or life-forms currently unknown to us and un-named? Robbert and I perceived these light tubes as "on purpose." Was there a consciousness in those light columns? Or, was there a consciousness directing them? Was it our sub- or unconscious? If not ours, was it Jung's collective unconscious? Was it a consciousness inherent in Nature? Or was it from another dimension, galaxy or, perhaps, directly from the Almighty? Robbert and I don't know. What we suspect is that the answers to these questions - in fact the actual pursuit of these answers will greatly affect human awareness. What we hope is that 21st Century humanity will recognize this possibility soon and join in the effort to uncover new aspects of reality we may currently only faintly imagine. |
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OMNI - Are Extraterrestrials Steering Us |