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Recalibrated end/beginning date of the Mayan Calendar:
"November 19th, 2013 (the more accurate estimate)
November 26, 2013
or December 17, 2013"


"The speed of light is the square root of (1/uoeo) which are the magnetic permeability and electric permittivity of free space. Therefore, we may assume that the speed of light is the resonant velocity of free space."
A Different Point of View by John R. Majka, 1990


Our Space Agencies use Vedic Math techniques, yet, it is not taught in schools.
Websites: http://www.vedicmaths.org and http://www.jainmathemagics.com


Take Dirac's off-ramp this time.
12/28/04 Robert Grace


The most you can expect for your theories, in this "Day of the Thief", is to see it appear again, under new names, from a couple of other mainstream authors who will be advertised to be the most advanced minds of science.
12/06/04 Robert Grace


"We can be almost totally certain that whatever else happened, the universe we know began as a whole bunch of neutrons, and nothing but neutrons."
D.L. Hotson (PDF).


v2 / c2 = Phi = 0.618 = Golden Mean
Dr. Alex Kaivarainen


Web Article: "The infernal prime spiral". Renaud.html
"The best rational approximations for 2*Pi, given by the continued fraction 6+1/(3+1/(1+1/(1+1/(7+1/(2+...))))) are 6/1, 19/3, 25/4, 44/7, 333/53, 710/113, ..."

The number 6/1 (reminiscent of total axis) divided by 1/6th = 6/2 = 3.
19/3 (reminiscent of Quran base) divided by 3 world religious systems = 6.33333/2 = 3.1666666
25/4 reminiscent of 24 cycles, (mode 25), base 26 divided by 4 quadrants of 6 axis = 25/4 = 6.25/2 = 3.125
44/7 reminiscent of (4x11)/7 = 6.2857/2 = 3.142857
333/53 (reminiscent of 1/2 of 666) divided by 53 tones of the mercator scale = 6.2830/2 = 3.141509434
710/113 reminiscent of 1/2 of 1,420 MHz, the frequency of hydrogen = 6.2831/2 = 3.1415929204

10/28/04 Robert Grace


It has taken me 23 years, 10 months and 10 days of constant study to find out that reality is
the ratio 0 : 0 and no more. In other words, it's Spirit, and really can't be measured.
10/17/04 Robert Grace


If Neanderthal had survived until today, as they were then, they would be animal-like and blind but highly autistic and highly psychic, similar to what is called bigfoot. They could psychically sense you but they could not see to defend themselves.
10/23/04 Robert Grace


Matter wave scientists are monotonous
and lack all information content.
09/08/04 Robert Grace


Does the opposite viewpoints of Western science vs Eastern religion,
rest upon this opposition of the Platonic 4 vs. Quran's 19 of the doubling circuit of the torus?
If it does, can each opposing force be educated that the two opposite religious views
are simply the two opposite halves of a higher, unified torus topology?
Probably not, and so off to war.
08/23/04 Robert Grace


How utterly enlightened and confused would religious students be,
If Baptist Church became Islamic Mosque 19 of the High and Holy See,
And from each Holy Mosque, come students of the Life Force, dead and resurrected,
On the dark and cursed Christian Tree.
08/23/04 Robert Grace


Universe is not founded upon, tori, geometry, primes, number or platonic solids.
It has always been, and always will be founded upon Tao, that invisible, unknown.
08/23/04 Robert Grace


"Your eye needs at least 11...individual quantum chunks of light coming from a distant star before your eye can see that star." Fitzpatrick.
"It seems that the entire 10,000 unit torus cycles starting at the 11th dimension is...total chaos before the 11th dimension...total order and predictability...above the 11th dimension." J.Iuliano
"If this is 26-dimensional, as required by quantum mechanics for spinless strings, the 10 closed strings formed by the curling up of the 11-brane proposed by the author in Articles 2 and 5 and Reference 5 around higher, compactified dimensions possess 251 space-time co-ordinate variables." Article06.pdf, Phillips.


Admission from mainstream:
"In string theory, strings are notes."
Michio Kaku 06/27/04 (c2cam)


God doesn't play dice. She plays music.
01/01/01 R. Ayana


The impossible mathematics of string theory is
do, re, me, fa, so, la, te, do, in a spiral.
07/03/04 Robert Grace


Einstein was Precisely Backward, Deliberately.

186,283 mps was attributed to light instead of to non-dimension space,
Space dragging was attributed to mass instead of to non-dimension space,
Space twisting was attributed to mass instead of to non-dimension space,
Geodetic precession was attributed to mass instead of to non-dimension space,
Gravity was attributed to mass instead of to non-dimension space,
Time was attributed to 4D instead of to 0D gravity,
Light bending was attributed to gravity instead of to optical, non-dimension space,
All because non-dimension space could not easily be measured, therefore the measurers were not needed.
05/19/04 Robert Grace


There is no physics in the present moment.
06/15/04 Douglass A. White


All the diverse measurements of the atom, from the weak, gravitational force constant to the strong force constant, are the measurements from the wide, weak, sweeping funnels of space around the atom, down to the strong, tightly-wound, centers of the vortexes.
04/27/04 Robert Grace


Base 9
 g0na.D 1D 2D 3D Gravi.D 5D 6D 7D 8D g0l.D 1D' 2D' 3D' Gravi.D' 5D' 6D' 7D' 8D' go0.Dness' 1D" 2D" 3D" Gravi.D" 5D" 6D" 7D" 8D" g0.Dness"
Base 11
 g0na.D 1D 2D 3D Gravi.D 5D 6D 7D 8D 9D 10D 11D g0l.D' 1D' 2D' 3D' Gravi.D'  5D'  6D'  7D'  8D'  9D'  10D'  11D'  go0D.ness"  1D"  2D"  3D"


I would like to thank Eric M. Francis for naming 144 files plus 83 pages of Emails as "Illucid." I'm sure he read all of it before making his pre.judgment. Also, I would like to add that I get some most insightful truths from his website, which he calls "crank". Over the years, I have also been analyzing the hard science that Francis believes in and find it "seriously wanting."
03/01/04 Robert Grace


Non-space itself, or Aether-non-substance cannot compress and go through the close-packed toroidal Anu centers. However, as spherical geometry indicates, vertexes and edges within invisible tori, are the paths and nodes of energy and consciousness. It is these that can be compressed through the centers of the vortexing Aether. The more that unconsciousness is organized and compressed, the more it appears as conscious.
02/25/04 Robert Grace


"...a cloud of dust being affected by a repeated non-linear force will separate into rings with orbital periods which match the harmonics of the forcing period."
Ray Tomes


Mars JPL Rover Predictions

1. JPL's Rover will report no technical hardware or machinery found in Gusev crater, namely, because it doesn't exist.
2. Some people will still see strange shapes in the rocks no matter how close the Rover camera gets or what the spectrometer indicates.
3. Gusev crater and all round Mars craters, assumed to be meteor craters, will be found to be lightning blast craters, after several years of study.
4. The feed channel to Gusev crater, said to be a water channel, will be found to have the signatures of a lightning blast, after several years of study.
5. There will be no water signatures on the surface or within 10 feet of the surface, nor will there be any forms or constructs with water signatures, that was created by water, hydrogen being misinterpreted as a water signature.
6. There may be water signatures in deep Mars interiors, as is on all planets.
7. All surface liquid signatures detected will lead to the conclusions that Mars had the same atmospheric liquids and gasses as Jupiter does today; hydrochloric, sulfuric, nitrogen, helium and hydrogen signatures, after several years of study.
8. All surface rocks and surface just below the thin layer of sand, will show the signatures of super-hot, blast-heat from a past Sun nova of our Sun or the past Sun period of Mars itself, after several years of study.
9. Pockets of bacterial, fungal or virii life force only, may be detected.
10. Nothing that we call life, will be found, this mission, certainly no plant, animal nor human sized life will be found, dead or alive.
01/09/04 Robert Grace


If UN.NATURAL THEORY uses NATUR.AL geometry to both describe and measure how NATUR.AL Phi, pi and "e" creates structural NATURE on Mars, why do you conclude that the NATUR.AL structures on Mars, described by NATURAL geometries of NATURE, is artificial and UN.NATURAL?

Dr. Crater concludes:
1. The mound geometry conforms to a rectangular grid.
2. The geometry is not commonplace, but unique.
3. The geometry is not unproductive, but rich.
4. The geometry conforms to a recognizable mode of architectural aesthetics and is capable of expressing symbolic meaning.

Of course the geo.metries do this. This is the NATURE of geo.metry.....and geo.logy....it is geo.metric, unique, rich in expression and expresses symbolic meaning. Why did you pass up what NATURE can do and present an UN.NATURAL cause of Extra.terrestrial alien creation?
2003 Robert Grace


Gravity is space which is vortexing to keep protons packed tightly in its centers. Since this centering power of space is exactly what the strong force is supposed to be doing, the conclusion is that the strong force is that unknown entity, gravity. Therefore Einstein's concept of, "gravity", need not be unified with the concept of "quantum physics".
2003 Robert Grace


The Master Unification Equation is that galaxy sized forces and quantum forces are acting exactly the same, only, the one is cycling very much faster than the other.
2003 Robert Grace


String Theory will become the Anu Theory and this will produce the Toroid Universe Theory,
governed by Trinary Relativity.
2003 Robert Grace


"e" is recognized as a universal constant which governs exponential growth or the base factor of natural logarithms (e-1 = 1.71828) that given enough data grow literally like spiraling toroidal spheres.
2003 Robert Grace


"In returning to consider the very early physical universe created by a rotating fifth dimension, matter did not yet exist; the only physical activity was the intense, very high frequency vibration of the immaterial and electromagnetic fifth dimension. Note from the above picture (In the PDF Doc and the above "Creation: Bang of Total Information") that as the fifth dimension rotates to sweep out more and more 4-d space-time, 3-d space, represented by 2-d latitude lines of small circles, continues to increase in sizeÑso accounting for the known expansion of astronomical space that is also not an explosion."
Preview (Cache Text)
Physics Unification (PDF   (file missing)
Fifth Dimension (Cache Text)


If you could truly believe in something new, everyday, you would always have something to believe in, but it would never be worth fighting for, because that which you believe in, would change everyday.

2003 Robert Grace


So far, I have found that discriminating truth has no place in this living hell. If you want your theories to prosper, you must align them with the successful, perverse and already accepted lies. Your lies will then be promoted as future fact.

2003 Robert Grace


God is a toroidal, unconsciousness using binary holography, weaving a virtual, digital reality, and you are "the other half" of the holographic, binary code, evolving.

2003 Robert Grace


Some call it Zero Point Physics, Still Point Physics or Neutral Physics.
Lui calls it Mirror Physics.
Or all together, The Mirrored, 2D Asymmetric Rotation, Zero-Neutrality Physics.


I asked God, "What is the best religion on the planet?"Ê
"Which one is right?"Ê
And Godhead said, with great love, "I don't care."
Mellen-Thomas BenedictÊ
Is that hilarious or what?


If you hear someone proclaiming that matter is somehow in command of space and gravitation, imagine this person at a funeral, proclaiming that the dead body in the casket is in command of the living people.

2003 Robert Grace


At the mere velocity of light, the "time" quantum would yield a "distance" quantum for a photon. If, for instance, the time quantum is 10^-54 seconds, then the distance between steps, or distance quantum, would be about 3 x 10^-45 meters at the speed of light. Woops! Your measuring instruments are already lagging far, far behind that which can't even be measured. If you blinked your eye, the Aether has renewed itself a billion times.

2003 Robert Grace


What is the meaning of the gaps in music, in evolution and the gap between quantum and macro physics.....octorock a friend, said, "...they consider the leaps in evolution as local steps, iterations of possibility, meaning that there is little possibility for a form in between, that the total system of Nature will not allow forms in between, meaning that forms in Nature must progress through evolution with those gaps, and that those gaps are there because everything within that gap is unstable,
or 'not possible'."

2003 Robert Grace


If you wish to make the universe obey your commands,
you must also, synergetically, obey the commands of the universe.

2003 Robert Grace


Gravity is not a property of space.
Gravity is what space does, namely, space gravitates toward matter,
and this is not occurring because matter is so strong that space can't help but fall toward it.
This is occurring because space is vortexing already and matter is just
the solid trash that collects in the center of this vortex of space.

2003 Robert Grace


Even in galaxies crossing paths, you will never, ever see two stars
directly colliding with each other, for like objects and absolute arguments are always repulsive.
If you do see a picture of two stars colliding, it is a hoax.

2003 Robert Grace


3D human perception always concludes that gravity is a function of matter, because a 3D human will not see from the 4th dimension (from space) but will always make judgments from the 3rd dimension (from earth).

4D human perception sees gravity from the 4th dimension. The 4th dimension is space and gravity is not a function of space but is what space does, namely, space gravitates toward matter. Looking from space, a 4th dimensional being will see gravity as the rate of the flow of space into matter, at 9.8 m/s/s, commonly known by 3D human perception, as gravity. Since the flow of space and gravity are exactly the same thing, we can conclude that gravity is also the 4th dimension.

A 3D human (earth view) will say that gravity is caused by mass, as if mass were the higher cause and gravity were the resultant.

A 4D human (space view) will say that space does not only fall into mass but it falls into mass in a vortex shape or a spiraling shape around mass. A 4D being would know that this happens around all atomic mass and aggregates of atomic mass such as earths. A 4D being would also know that this vortex of space is the cause of mass in the center of these vortexes, and would therefore conclude that gravity is the cause of mass (4D) and not the other way around, i.e., mass is the cause of gravity (3D).

From this we can also conclude that gravity, or space rotation is the cause of rotating mass in the center (4D) and not the other way around, i.e., rotation is the cause of gravity (3D).
2003 Robert Grace


"Not Christian, Muslim or Jew, not Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi or Zen.
Not any Religion or Cultural System. I am not from the East or the West, not out of the Water or up from the Earth, not Natural or Ethereal, not composed of Elements at all.
I do not Exist, am not an Entity in this World or the Next, did not descend from Adam and Eve or any Origin Story. My place is the placeless, a trace of the traceless. Neither Body nor Soul.
I belong to the beloved, I have seen the Two Worlds as One and that One call to and know, First, Last, Outer, Inner - only that breath breathing Human Being"
Sufi Mystic Rumi


It's not the trinity of Einstein's presumptions of energy, matter and light, that exists, but it is energy, consciousness and the transference velocity of space that exists and consciousness is not a form nor derivative of energy.
02/24/03 Robert Grace


The free energy device of the future is us.
02/23/03 Luigi Di-Martino


It's truly odd that the deeper I look into important phenomena of science, the more it seems that these phenomena don't really exist at all. Space is absolutely nothing with something in it, light doesn't travel, time...non existant, gravity...not what it appears to be, a four-dimensional space-time manifold XYZ-T does not physically exist anywhere at any time, four dimensional traces of particles do not physically exist anywhere at any time and space and time need not be "orthogonal". Must we solidify and quantify everything?
02/05/03 Robert Grace


Boeing: Use 2 counterbary discs
10/15/02 Robert Grace


"It is as if empty space behaves like a vast piece of superconducting metal"
Scientific American Magazine January, 2002, Mathematics and Universe, pg. 21


We were born with nothing (o), but by incredible fortune, this nothing is the very basis for understanding everything
10/01/02 Robert Grace


Excerpt 1
" Gravitational energy, or potential energy, is purely energy of position; that is, for any two specific masses, the mutual gravitational energy is determined solely by their spatial separation. But energy of position in space cannot be propagated in space; the concept of transmitting this energy from one spatial location to another is totally incompatible with the fact that the magnitude of the energy is determined by the spatial location. Propagation of gravitation is therefore inherently impossible. The gravitational action is necessarily instantaneous as Newton's Law indicates, and as has always been assumed for purposes of calculation. "

Excerpt 2
" The behavior of gravitation is exactly opposite (of EM behavior). The gravitational effect remains constant at any specific location but varies if the mass moves from one location to another, unless the movement is along an equipotential line. If the gravitational energy at point A is x at t1, it remains x indefinitely (providing that no changes take place in the masses responsible for the gravitational effect). If the mass is allowed to fall to point B it arrives there with a gravitational energy z, which is determined solely by the conditions existing at point B and is completely independent of the magnitude of the original gravitational energy x and also independent of the nature of the events that have taken place along the route. "
Reciprocal Systems by Dewey Larson

What Does This Mean Concerning Gravity?

The only explanation for the instantaneousness of gravity is that we live in a musical-logarithmic space which is fractal, meaning that a local position "here" is the same as a position "over there", and the independent nature of gravity can only be explained by recognizing gravity as the next higher, completely independent dimension (the 4th) and this instant, independent nature can be called the renwal of universe every instant, or NOW of the 4th dimension. In other words, gravity is cause = effect with no delay at all. From this insight, if the Sept 2, Gravity Velocity Test results is any other conclusion than instantaneous, it is not viewing nor measuring gravity properly.
09/28/02 Robert Grace


Tapping ZPE requires backward thinking, in doubles and halves and a sharp square wave doesn't hurt either.
02/03/02 Robert Grace
An Example of Doubles and Halves with Light


"The Mind of God is Music" Michio Kaku 9/13/02
Michio finally catches up with what we knew for some time


The vacuum is balanced, neutralized dynamics (0 dynamics) and perfectly symmetric until you learn about all the ways to asymmetrically unbalance it to produce power
02/03/02 Robert Grace


Nature will remove those who do not advance to the approaching, higher brain function: Supra-rational Autism
01/04/02 Robert Grace


Clarke's Second Law: "The only way of discovering the limits of the possible
is to venture a little way past them into the impossible."


If all the attributes of Special Relativity Theory were mirrored, i.e., paradoxial space contraction, time dialation, relative observations and mass increase, the picture would end up with no space contraction, no time dialation, no space, no time, no motion and no mass and only one observer, all of which are attributes of 4D Gravity (FDG). This simply means that FDGravity transmits instantly because 4D gravity is the intersection-result of two opposing, "relative" wave fronts which cancel to 0 time, 0 space, 0 motion and 0 mass.
6/21/02 Robert Grace


Faster Than Light velocity (FTL) cannot be observed but doesn't mean it is non-existant. Reverse Light Speed can be observed and is called Effect then Cause.
6/25/02 Robert Grace


General Relativity and its subluminal light speed problems are only one half of the picture, not between subluminal and superluminal velocity, but between forward and backward light, with "c" as the mediant. General Relativity (GR) will be superceded by a totally new concept called Trinary Relativity (TR) that not only takes account of two, relative, accelerating observers, and their mirror universes but nullifies them thru a common center.
7/02/02 Robert Grace

Postulate #1 Since there is no experiment we can do that can determine whether it is we who are moving, or the ground, or both, the most that any observer can do is to determine their speed relative to something. As such, Trinary Relativity recognizes that relative velocity from the TR view, is zero, nullifying both source and observer.
7/12/02 Robert Grace

Postulate #2 The speed of light is always observed to be the same however we, or the source, might be moving, therefore, in Trinary Relativity, both moving source and observer, have a common zero velocity, zero time, center.
7/12/02 Robert Grace


Some say these projects are all, half-finished. The other half is understood, only by intelligence.
4/19/02 Robert Grace


"By definition of Esthetics, the longer you contemplate on anything the more beautiful that thing is."
Professor Hossein Arsham Zero Saga


When you master staying awake during sleep, you will master soul travel from your present-past to the present-presence
4/16/02 Robert Grace


Tapping ZPE, requires doped-wire impurities and slightly detuned frequencies
4/15/02 Robert Grace


"Conventional conceptualizations about "gravity" are locked to relativistic considerations and constraints. Newton denied in personal writings any knowlege of or ascent to the notion of "attraction". There is at present probably not a single physics textbook which attends to this error in reporting. Newton himself may have been an unwitting participant in sustaining the delusion of attraction in the Principia while denying it personally in private communications to others." See Newton: The Third Book of Optics.
Bernard Pietsch


"At the beginning of the century Quibell's expedition to Saqqara discovered the tomb of an Ancient Egyptian architect from which they extracted a set of wooden boards covered in carving. Judging by the number of niches in which the panels stood, there were originally eleven of them. The order in which the panels were placed in the tomb of Hesi-Ra follows what is known as the Lucas sequence. They are the figures obtained from adding and subtracting the ordinal numbers that form the Golden Section sequence. The images presented on the panels follow the same pulsating rhythm or, as the Ancient Egyptians themselves said, the KA-BA rhythm."


My friends and I have long known that the Word of Creation is the Tone of Creation. The author below asks also:

"What profound physics in the creation called space works to bring about the resonances, tones, and amplitudes of gravitic vibrations. Is there an ether, not bound to light, but to sound, where the velocity of light simply doesn't matter."


"Here is the quintessential crux of the biscuit, the number of phases in an electrical system is analogous to a magic square of that number of side units."


Some intelligent friends have said, "It seems that we are not evolving anymore". Knowing the times, it appears we are moving from the 4th sub-level of the 4th Major Plane, into the 5th sub-level, of 7, of the 4th Major Plane of Evolution, called the Age of Leo / Horus, not Aquarius. I might conclude that "not evolving anymore" may mean that we are in a transition from gravity to its antithesis, antigravity. This transition seems to be the same thing as what we call Ascension, or in other words, the outside becomes the inside, invisible become visible, humans become psychic (moon, female), universe soon begins contracting from evo.lution into invo.lution or invo.lvement. Involvement with our own Soul Qualities?
3/28/02 Robert Grace


"The ordinary copper conductor, with its extraordinarily fast reaction time of the electrons, will not give you time enough for any noticeable amount of "free" potential energy to move onto the circuit, without current, before you can switch away."
Bearden on The Free Energy Collector


The beginning of the known universe is the end of the last beginning and the beginning of the next end, which only lasts for, not nano, pico, femto, atto, zepto or yoctoseconds in each state, but is so fast as to be beyond human measure. For all intents and purposes, universe has no time unit. Time units are a human invention.
3/16/02 Robert Grace


I read somewhere that Einstein's formula is mostly quoted in the abbreviated version E=mc2 but it should actually be written E2=m2c4. Is that true?

The expression E = mc2 is the rest energy of an object of rest mass m. In motion, the object's total energy is a sum of its rest energy and its kinetic energy. That is E = [(p2c2) + m2c4]1/2 where p is the object's momentum. You get this more general equation for energy using something called the momentum-energy 4-vector, which you will learn more about if you study special relativity. The 4 vector contains four components: three spatial components of momentum and one time component of momentum. E is just the magnitude of this vector. If you square both sides of the equation, you get: E2 = (p2c2) + (m2c4). Notice that you get E2 = m2c4 if the object has zero momentum; that is, if the object is at rest.
Answered by: Philip Zell, Ph.D. Physics, ACT, Inc.

The 2 equations:
a. E=mc2
b. E2 = m2c4
differ only if there is a physical meaning to negative mass and/or energy values. In a. a negative mass value implies a negative energy value only. In b. the same negative mass value has both negative and positive energy solutions. Also, b. allows for both positive and negative solutions for energy even if mass is positive. Whether negative mass and energy values have any useful connection to reality is another question.
Answered by: Paul Walorski, A.B.Physics



By working, striving at this play
I found, that what
By trying hard,
Was what I tried to simply say.
02/11/02 Robert Grace


Tapping ZPE requires backward thinking, in doubles and halves and a sharp square wave doesn't hurt either.
02/03/02 Robert Grace


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More Thoughts on Gravity

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© Copyright. Robert Grace. 2001