"Solar wind plasma is either transparent to EM waves, or non- transparent, as the
case may be, according to what is called the plasma frequency". Reiser.
..."the same mechanism which prevents radiation from emerging from a plasma also
prevent outside radiation from penetrating into it". Reiser.
"The energy that is transmitted through space travels not with the speed of the
waves, but with the speed of the group-velocity" Reiser.
..."in plasmas, when an external magnetic field is applied, both longitudinal and
transverse waves intermingle and may even interfere with each other, no distinctions
can be made between the two". Reiser.
"Space is occupied by a 4th state of matter- plasma or electrified gas. The Van
Allen Belt is one such plasma".
"Super-dispersive plasmas exhibit both group-wave and constituient-waves. Group-waves
are a result of superimposed constituient-waves. Particles are manifestations of
group-waves accompanied by guiding-waves (Schrodinger's psi-waves) which travel faster than the particle and tells it where to go". (Sir Joseph Thompson, Beyond
the Electron, Oliver Reiser, Integration).
"The velocity at which the disturbance or energy moves is called the electron group-velocity,
the velocity of the waves or the wave velocity. The velocity of the energy lags
far behind that of the waves; the waves guide the energy. The greater the waves velocity, the smaller the energy. The product of the two speeds, in EM phenomena,
is always c^2. In other words, the velocity of light is a mean between group-wave
velocity and constituent probability guiding-wave velocity". Sir J.J. Thompson.
"c is the geometric average of the tachyon speed. It represents the maximum velocity
of half the tachyons". Koppitz.
"Microwaves sent through plasmas may attain a velocity greater than c. The velocity
is proportional to the density of the electrons in the plasma".
"Some plasmas (helium) at superconducting temperature are capable of producing and
transmitting vortex rings through space".
Cosmic Humanism and World Unity
Ray Tomes Comments:
"In my model, every particle is spread throughout the entire universe".
..."Feynman and Wheeler got very close to this model. They realized that some processes
in particles required that there be both an incoming and outgoing electromagnetic
wave to work. They ignored the dreadful quandary that the incoming wave had to know that it needed to arrive on time and so had to start somewhere else
before it knew it was needed!
What they missed was that these incoming and outgoing "photons" were not something
happening to the electron, they ARE the electron".
"The incoming wave doesn't need to know when to come for the very simple reason
that it is always coming and always going. That is what a standing wave is. Two
waves going in opposite directions. Of course the outgoing wave is just the incoming wave after it has passed through the centre". Paragraph 8.
© Copyright. Robert Grace. 1999
By Oliver Reiser
113. R2775c