156.1 Logic As The Language Of Innate Order In The Universe
Date: 09/27/04
The Series in Order
"A" Law Magic
Logic As The Language Of Innate Order In The Universe
Real Binary
Real Binary Conversion
Binary Mapping of Universal Levels
Atomic Charge, Music and The Voids
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Logic As The Language Of Innate Order In The Universe
Jeremy Horne, Ph.D.
15 Copper Hill Court
Durham, North Carolina 27713
(919) 402-9470
e-mail: jhorne1@cris.com
Have you ever wondered about the reason for the convention that prioritizes or aggregates logical operators in parenthesis-free
expressions and what the consequences would be if the order were different and had an empirical foundation? Questioning such an
apparently mundane ground rule can lead to an upheaval of the way people have been thinking about a system. What if you learned
that the logic and its operators had more significance than representing the structure of arguments, that, indeed, they might
represent the structure of the cosmos, itself? In this essay, I argue that the complexity of relations between/among entities should
determine operational prioritization and that this complexity is the essence of the binary logic as the language of innate order in
the universe.
Our logic has assumed paramount importance as the foundation of modern computer science and much of artificial intelligence.
Binary logic usually is the first and most common logic students encounter, but they rarely encounter meaning beyond it being a
mechanical convenience for analyzing mathematical relationships and attempting to analyze ordinary language arguments. Yet,
exciting mathematical, neurophysiological, and psychological work recently done in binary logic suggests a connection between our
consciousness and the cosmos.
This essay is conjectural in some parts and cross-disciplinary. It does not purport to be a deep analysis of competing ideas, but I
wanted to tie together some crucial observations to create enough of a focal point for questioning present conventions, re-directing
pedagogy, and proffering groundwork for a philosophy of binary logic and consciousness.
The first section describes logical aggregation and its importance. Section Two briefly examines three examples suggesting that the
ease of logical thinking depends upon ordering of operators. Cases found in human learning theory and Boolean neural networks
suggest that each operator has a unique level of complexity. In Section Three, I propose a method for finding a natural order of
operators that more closely fits the way in which humans think, and Section Four advances a procedure to analyze a seemingly
unordered phenomena. The fifth section describes the philosophy upon which this proposed research scheme is predicated. Binary
logic's syntax displays a semantics of order in the universe, as biophysical and cosmological research indicate. The syntax,
itself, may be a semantic expressed by a deeper structure. Section Six suggests a direction in which research should proceed to
understand how the source of our being may be communicating to us.
Prioritization and its importance
In parenthesis-free expressions, such as p & q v r, the truth value of (p & q) v r is different than p & (q v r). Using commonly accepted
notation and by convention, the priority of operators is =, =>, v, &, and ~ in descending order of scope, or precedence. (Note that
these symbols aren't proper, because of their having to be ASCII characters. The "=" is equivalence, "=>" containment, and "v" or.)
That is, ~ affects only the adjacent variable, & affects only the variables on either side, v affects the & expression inside the
parentheses and the first variable outside, and so forth. So, p = q => r v s & ~t would be grouped p = (q => (r v (s & ~t))), and p v ~q = r
=> s would be (p v ~q) = (r => s), with = affecting every variable, and ~ affecting only one (e.g.: Stoll, 60; Copi, 219; Massey, 34-62;
Rosser, 19-23). The same occurs with arithmetic operators, as 9 + 5 x 4 + 3 would be [9 + (5 x 4)] + 3. It is generally recognized that
the prioritization of these relational operators in logic is patterned after mathematical ordering, conjunction being analogous to
multiplication, disjunction resembling addition, and so forth. Which operator has a greater scope than another is determined merely by
convention (Church 1992, p. 79-80; Exner 1959, p. 38- 40; Rosser 1978, p. 19; Margaris 1967, p. 26; Copi 1979, p. 219).
As to the values that the variables may assume, there are 16 relationships generated from the four ways (00, 01,10, 11) the two
elements in a basic linear order may be permuted. Each of these relationships may be seen as a way we describe how we know that
the first element is related to the second. For example, the value of p as 0011 (the "0" traditionally regarded as a "false," and 1 as
"true") can be related to the q value of 0101 as 0111 (0 or 0 = 0, 0 or 1 = 1, etc.), because the relationship is "or." In standard truth table
p |
q |
p or q |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |