158.1 Real Binary 
Date: 10/17/04

The Series in Order

"A" Law Magic
Logic As The Language Of Innate Order In The Universe
Real Binary
Real Binary Conversion
Binary Mapping of Universal Levels
Atomic Charge, Music and The Voids

The Language of Universe

Premise 1

Reality is based upon ratio 0 : 0, and no more.

From the start of mapping universal systems to a binary notation, I had to begin with a previous premise that universe, in reality, was no more than ratio 0 : 0.

To interpret this is to say that universe had a 0-shaped vortex of space beginning the curve of universe and eventually exact "copies" with an exact spin was created from the "first" 0 vortex. When we use the counting language of modern science by saying the word "copies" and we use the word "first" we embark on the only path of counting we really understand. However there really is no "copies", "first", "one" or "two". In reality there is just 0 and 0 and this doesn't imply one more 0. We could say zero and one zero but this doesn't mean one zero plus one zero equals two. Reality is 0 and another 0 cannot be added because the "other" 0 is the same 0.

Even modern binary notation, which cannot depict this 0 : 0 ratio, advances to the integer 1 and counts past 1. So, we wont limit our binary to mimic universes reality but we will also advance and we are forced to define the numbers 1 to, perhaps 9. Why just to 9? Because every other number past 9 can be reduced to a number between 1 and 9. Is there such a numbering scheme in reality? No there isn't but it's the next best option.

We could limit our reality-binary to 0 and 1 and it would be limited to reality's 0 and one 0. But where can we go from here? No further. We could not be permitted to count resonance states with 0 and 1. We could only differentiate two real states with this very real system because reality is an on, off, on, off system.

So let's also go beyond 0 to 1, the "measure of number". We say this because some ancient mathematicians have said that 1 is not the beginning of number. They mean that 2 is the beginning of number. This is ancient knowledge. This binary system, by including hypothetical numbers 1-9, will map resonances with 0 and 1. This fits with a quote from the following website, only to a certain limit:

In "Binary Code" by Dave Budden:

    Source: http://www.questacon.edu_au/html/binary_code.html

  • How do you send information with light?

  • To send information using lasers and optic fibres we first use a code of numbers that's understood by a computer. The code uses ordinary numbers to mean a letter in the alphabet, a colour in a picture, a note of music, or whatever you want. For instance, 1 might be 'a', 2 might be 'b', 3 might be 'c' and so on."

  • "We then need to convert them to something that can be understood by a computer. For this we use the binary number system."

  • The binary system

  • "Binary numbers are used to represent all information in the digital world. They're similar to our decimal system, which uses the digits 0 to 9, except binary uses only 0 and 1. Binary is handy because now we can easily use something physical to represent numbers. For instance we could use a laser. When it's on you know it means '1' and when it's off you know it means '0'. When we write numbers in decimal, it's the position or place of the number that tells us what its real value is. With 246 for example, the 6 at the end is six ones, the 4 in the middle is four tens and the 2 is two hundreds. Each place or position is 10 times greater than the previous position. The binary number system also uses place to give value, but as we have only 2 numbers to work with each place or position is only 2 times greater than the one before."

  • Decimal number 0 is binary 0
  • Decimal number 1 is binary 1

  • Now it's different:

  • Decimal number 2 is binary 10 (one two and no ones)
  • Decimal number 3 is binary 11 (one two and one one)
  • Decimal number 4 is binary 100 (one four, no twos and no ones)
  • Decimal number 5 is binary 101 (one four, no twos and one one)

  • Using lasers to send binary

  • "Say we wanted to send decimal number 5 which is 101 in binary. We take each digit one at a time: start with the laser on for '1', turn it off for '0' and back on again for the last '1'. We convert each number to binary, send it down the optic fibre with a laser, then convert it back. Computers can switch a laser beam on and off very fast, so we can send lots and lots of numbers at an incredible speed. Dave Budden

When Hard Logic Becomes Illogical

I see a problem developing with numbers 2-5. There is no number higher than 0 and 1 in universe.

Decimal number 2 is binary 10 (one two and no ones). The number 2 should indicate a resonance with 0 and the number 3 should indicate a resonance with 1. What connection does binary 10 (2) have with 0? Questionable at best. And what resonance does binary 11 (3) have with 1? Questionable at best.

The whole 26 letter alphabet can be reduced to numbers 1-9. What about the 0? Since 0 isn't a number and number 2, represented by binary 10, is the beginning of number, why do we call number 2, binary one-zero? The logic, I believe, goes back to the original description of the "first two" binary numbers. We are speaking of 0 and 1, or binary zero and one zero (binary one-zero). Perhaps we can justify binary 10 to be resonant with 0.

It gets worse with number 3. Number 3 in binary is 11. What can we say about binary 11 resonating with 1? Is binary 11, 11 times 1 or is it 2 times 1? Does this imply that number 3 is 2 times 1?

Speaking of logic, this hard logic is beginning to sound a little illogical.

Picking Up The Pairing Again

Beginning at the beginning, I implied that 0 and 1 was the beginning of the pairing

0 and 1,
2 and 3,
4 and 5,
6 and 7,
8 and 9.

which leads to even numbers 2,4,6 and 8 relating to 0 and odd numbers 3,5,7 and 9 relating to 1. We might say this is the beginning of Plato's tetraktys of odd and even integers. The only problem we have, is that the traditional tetraktys begins with the number 1, and not 0.

Developing The New Binary Language

Does regular binary agree with the odd/even split of numbers 0-9?

  • Decimal number 0 is binary 00000000
  • Decimal number 1 is binary 00110001
  • Decimal number 2 is binary 00110010 (one two and no ones)
  • Decimal number 3 is binary 00110011 (one two and one one)
  • Decimal number 4 is binary 00110100 (one four, no twos and no ones)
  • Decimal number 5 is binary 00110101 (one four, no twos and one one)
    I have to add:
  • Decimal number 6 is binary 00110110
  • Decimal number 7 is binary 00110111
  • Decimal number 8 is binary 00111000
  • Decimal number 9 is binary 00111001

Regular binary values (ex: 00110101 or 00110100) don't seem to lean toward even or odd numbers exclusively.

Mark Washington adds more information in this separate paper:

  • "While the above stipulated that all forms of imbalance can be viewed as the number one Nature seems to use not only one but three – which is nonetheless two offset by one. This paper, in its simplest, looks at Nature as constructed around use of the base of the natural log: "sequential" structures embodying two-three relationships and/or structures. Though an oversimplification, where it occurs, the mechanism or engine of evolution would be atomic stability periodically thrown into a short-lived ionic imbalance forcing it to a higher stability when a + or -1 is neutralized. Evolving biologically upwards, Nature fundamentally consolidates her gains. An equation has been offered which gives a view on how to achieve base e: "

  • e = [2n + 3m] / [n + m]

  • "where n = the number of binary computations and m = the number of tri-valued computations. The interesting question is that if it is true that two is a unit of stasis and balance while three a force catalyzing change; and if it is true that the undergirding quantum structure of the universe is based on 2-3 entities, on the most fundamental level – the interface between subatomic and atomic particles – is Nature a computing entity designed to evolve and would AI be aided by a computing system resting upon base e?"

Real Binary will not be used for designating + or -, nor nothing / something, or for evolutionary changes of balanced system and unbalanced system, but it will be used to describe a musical universal system based upon two's and three's.

As Mark Washington mentions,

  • "Alan Turing devised the binary code which was employed by John von Neumann to develop the computer language used in almost every computer today. However, both Turing and von Neumann felt that the binary code was not the most efficient. Both felt that e, (2.7) the base of natural logarithms, was the ideal computer language. Though unrealizable in practice, von Neumann developed a model which can be designed as a multi-level network of binary/ternary elements. In it simplest, it is literally a sequence of two's and three's."

In article, "Binary information pyramids", by Marc Washington, he says,

  • "There is a relationship between the computer's and the Universe' information pyramids: (1) Bits: Nature's binary alphabet is up quarks and protons one and down quarks and electrons zero. The proton-electron pair is the binary unit (BU) distinguishing one element from another. Thus, the periodic table is stair-cased from one (hydrogen) to 92 (uranium) BU's where the difference between one element and the next is a BU multiple. Perspective #1: Particles are letters, elements are words, molecules are sentences, DNA is a module of instructions, and the DNA cell is full of modules of instructions which together are a program for life (for example, yours or mine) written in binary code."

  • "Perspective # 2: (2) Bytes: Eight bits make a byte. Particles come in bytes. Murray Gell-Mann found patterns involving particles groups of eight. Yochiru Nambu writes: "Each group of mesons, baryons, and antibaryons forms a group of eight." Atoms also come in bytes. In the 19th century, John Alexander Reina Newlands noted that similar elements occur at intervals of eight - his "law of octaves." Every round of eight produces similar elements. Computers, atoms, and particles have symbols, or bytes made of eight bits; (3) Field: Atomic symbols combined together represent a field. H2O, CO2, and other molecules, biomolecules, and DNA are fields; (4) Record: the DNA cell as a whole (as a microcosm of the whole organism) and/or living organisms are records written in binary code. (5) File: A family plants or animals is a file. Organisms are algorithms written in binary code."

Real Binary Language

Real Binary will map the resonance based upon the octave interval of 7-9 notes, only. The present system is unsuitable except for 2 concepts.

"This paper, in its simplest, looks at Nature as constructed around use of the base of the natural log: "sequential" structures embodying two-three relationships and/or structures."

"John Alexander Reina Newlands noted that similar elements occur at intervals of eight - his "law of octaves.""

Previously we premised that the electrons, neutrons and protons called leptons and hadrons, were parts of two octaves of music scales. Each octave was of 8 notes. Each electron, photon and quark was composed of two octaves or 16 notes. Each pair of electrons, photons and quarks had a total of 32 notes each.

Therefore, each note A-G with sharps and flats, and all integers from 0-9 may be better represented by 0-1 digits binary, then scanned for a resonant or non-resonant condition. Scanning means comparing the Real Binary with binary strings of PHI, PI or Fibonacci Series, forward and backward.

What is a "Resonant condition"?

The objective is to convert words and numbers to binary strings so you can compare it to binary PHI, PI or the Fibonacci Series. If a series of reasonable length over 4 digits can be established, either forward or reversing your group against PHI, PI or Fibonacci, you may say that these strings are in resonance.

An Example of a "Resonant condition".

  • Present binary defines capital A = 01000001 and a small a = 01100001.
  • What if universe doesn't recognize 8 bits?
  • What if universe just recognizes 0 being resonant with 0?
  • What if universe just recognizes 1 being resonant with 1?
  • What if universe just recognizes A as odd 1?
  • What if universe just recognizes B as even 2, resonant with 0?
  • In Alphanumeric systems A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6, G=7, etc.
  • There is only 0 and 1.
  • If the previous system A = 01000001 does not sound resonant with binary 1, then what does?
  • We premise that universe recognizes 0 = 0, 1 = 1, A = resonant with 1 and B = resonant with 0. "Similar elements", "octaves".
  • How should the next A be recognized? It should be binary 1. "Similar elements", "octaves".
  • How should the next B be recognized? It should be binary 0. "Similar elements", "octaves".
  • How should the next C be recognized? It should be binary 1. "Similar elements", "octaves".
  • How should the next D be recognized? It should be binary 0. "Similar elements", "octaves".
  • How should the next E be recognized? It should be binary 1. "Similar elements", "octaves".
  • How should the next F be recognized? It should be binary 0. "Similar elements", "octaves".
  • How should the next G be recognized? It should be binary 1. "Similar elements", "octaves".
  • How do we tell the "difference" between a B note and a D or F note? We don't need to. We just need to detect the resonant condition. There is only two conditions: In resonance or out of resonance. In phase or out of phase.
  • In this theory, musical notes are paired as Major to minor.
  • In this theory, musical scales are paired as two parts of a whole system.
  • In this theory, musical scales move forward and backward in complimentary juxtaposition.
  • In this theory, musical scales deliver information from the future and past in complimentary juxtaposition.
  • These features of the scales demand strings of information be reversed against itself or against other string parts.

Are you ready to Go To:

The Converter (Text / Binary)

Impossible Correspondence Index

© Copyright. Robert Grace. 2004