51.1 Hypercubes 

51.2 How to make a hypercube: 

51.3 Diagram. Generation of a Hypercube from a Square Book: Robbin, Tony, Fourfield, N7433.8 R6

"Start with a line. Move this line in a direction perpendicular to the line one unit-distance (the same distance away as the length of the line). A square is thus defined from the starting line, its displacement, and the two new lines that have been created. Now displace this square one unit-distance in a direction perpendicular to the edges of the square. In doing so, a cube has been defined: the starting square, its displacement, and four new squares that have been created make up this cube. If the cube is to be confined to a page, some of those squares will be skewed; but that is just a matter of representation- they are in fact all identical squares. Even with this distortion of shape, the convention for portraying a cube on a two-dimensional sheet of paper is mysteriously effective. The placing of the third perpendicular so that it appears to lie between the other two on the same plane surprisingly provides the visual information needed to see the cube. Now move that cube one unit-distance in a direction perpendicular to each of the three perpendicular edges of the cube. The entire cube is extended in a direction that is mutually perpendicular to all the edges meeting at a corner. The cube and its displacement extrude six more cubes, so that the hypercube has a total of eight cubes, now called cells of the hypercube. Even though some cubes may be portrayed skewed, they are all identical and are all perfectly regular cubes. In the convention, again mysteriously effective, for portraying this hypercube on a two-dimensional surface, the fourth direction is placed perpendicular to the third, even though the third no longer lies perpendicular to the first and second".

By Tony Robbin
N 7433.8 R6

51.5 Gnostic Thinkers and their Living Symbolism 

"Gnostic thinkers sought for a living symbolism, which should adumbrate in some fashion the manner of being of the æons. From the region of polyhedrical matter, the ordering of which, though invisible to the eye, could yet be imagined in the mind, the symbolism could be pushed back a further stage- from the molecular to the atomic as we should say now-a-days. The regular solids were thus the eventuation in physical matter of certain systems of perfect equilibrium of "points' in space. These points were not pure mathematical abstractions, but actual centres of force, bearing certain relations to one another, equilibrated by a law of polarity or syzygy. This was the region of the atom. The atom was thought of as a living thing of force, a sphere, said by some to be a spherical ("conical") swirl, the most perfect figure, ever contracting and expanding, generative of all motions, while it is itself self-motive, and yet from another point of view "immovable", as pertaining to the "foundation of the earth". It is smaller than the small as matter, yet greater than the great as energy.

As was the atom and its combinations, then, as we should now-a-days say, which the Valentinian Gnosis envisaged in its æonology. I do not, however, for a moment suggest that any Gnostics philosopher thought of the atom in the same way as the modern physicist does; I, (the author), believe, on the contrary, that the most advanced of the Gnostics were shown this living symbol of world-formation in vision, and the various systems were efforts to explain such visions. Of course, any symbol is immensities removed from the reality, but the endeavor to imagine, or the privilege of being shown, the living type lying beyond the simplest types of physical matter-formation is at any rate nearer the reality than any dead physical shape. Thus the atom and its simplest modes of differentiated being, may be taken as symbols of the æon-world, the Pleroma, the world of life and light, beyond time and space, the undecaying heart of the eternities.

The following view may then be of interest to students of symbolism, who as a rule confine their attention to plane figures, and thus deal as it were with the "shadows of the dead". For a plane figure is, so to speak, only a shadow of a dead solid; it is the living system of force behind or within the latter which is the first spark of life in the series. In order to see this more clearly, let us take a familiar symbol, the interlaced triangles or "Solomon's Seal". In solids this symbol is represented by two mutually interpenetrated tetrahedra; from this union come the cube and octahedron".

(Note: We are back to B. Fuller's Synergetics again and hypershapes. These "mutually interpenetrated tetrahedra" are called the Star of David. After assembling a straw model of an octahedron inside a tetrahedron, I found that it only appears as an illusion, after tipping the enclosed octahedron, 45 degrees off both axis, after it has been placed within one larger tetrahedra).

"The dodecahedron and icosahedron come from the mutual congress of five tetrahedra, a quintuplication. Thus we have our five regular solids. The fundamental type is the tetrahedron, and the force system behind it consists of 2 pairs",

(Note: 2 and 2, B. Fuller).

"of atoms, or a double syzygy or couple in perfect equilibrium. The nature of the relationship of these atoms or spheres to each other, and of the interplay of their motions, is the mode of life or being of the symbol; and when this is learned then the symbol becomes alive and thus the forces which the "shadow" of the "dead" solid symbolizes, are in the hand of the solver of the "mystery'. One form of ancient magic, especially practiced in Egypt, consisted of a most complicated extension of this idea, which wandered far beyond the limits of the geometrical symbols. Needless to say that the vast majority, who practiced the art, had not the slightest idea of the 'reasons' of their performances. Magic for the general was never a rational thing. It consisted of an infinite number of "rules of thumb, and this side of it is consequently, and quite rightly, regarded by the present age of intelligent inquiry as a superstition".

51.6 The 4th Dimension 

"The intelligent student of symbolism will thus endeavor to free his(her) mind from the limitations of 3-dimensional space, and think "within" into the state of the so-called 4th dimension".

(Note: This is the first good hint as to where the next higher dimension really is- it is inward).

"For it is along this line of thought that there is any hope of the faintest conception of æonic being. As the matter is of first importance for a student of Gnosticism, and at the same time one of great difficulty, the following line of thought may be suggested as a preliminary exercise.

Think of an atom, or monad, as a sphere which generates itself, or swells out, from a point and refunds itself again into that point. This gives the simple idea of position".

(Note: Outer1T^0, 1 = 0(zero) dimension).

"Take 2 such spheres at the same moment of expansion, that is to say 2 equal spheres, and place them in mutual contact. This can be done in an infinite number of ways, so that they may be in any direction the one with the other".

(Note: Outer2T^-1, 2 = 1 dimension).

"Reduce these spheres in thought to mathematical points, and we have the simplest idea of extension- 1 dimension. The 2 points are the extremities or boundaries of a line".

(Note: Outer2T^-2, 2 = 1 dimension).

"Next, take 3 similar spheres and bring them into mutual contact. They can be placed in any direction the one to the other. Reduce them in thought to points, and we have 3 points not in a straight line, lying in a plane surface, or superfices of 2 dimensions".

(Note: Outer3T^-3, 3 = 2 dimension).

"Then take 4 such spheres and bring them into mutual contact. Reduce them in their turn to points, and their positions require space of 3 dimensions".

(Note: Outer4T^4, 4 = 3 dimension).

"Finally, take 5 such spheres and try to imagine how they can be brought into mutual contact, that is to say, how each one can touch all the rest",

(Note: Inner3T^-3, 5 = 4 dimension).

From O.E. Oeric, "Monadic substrate (substance) exists in a 5th Einsteinian dimension, i.e., a 4th spatial dimension".

The Invisible Landscape
By O.E. Oeric

Back to the author: "This cannot be imagined in 3 dimensions and requires the conception of another 'dimension'- something to do with the content of the spheres- the idea of 'through'."

(Note: So the author says... but, he indicates in the very next sentence, where this dimension really is...listen carefully).

"This does not seem to be so much a 4th dimension as an 'in'volution of perception, retracing the path we have so far followed".

(Note: What path would that be that we have traced? If we have eyes to see that we came from within, turned inside-out, then the path retraced is, of course, inward again, into the 7 Level Inner World, as I have stated plainly. And, according to Harold, File, "80 Shining Stranger", the 5 is contained by a minimum of 4 lines of force, therefore the only place the 5th dimension can possibly be is right in the middle of the 4 previous dimensions. Also note at this point, that the normal 90 degree rotation in space, from 4D (our 3-dimensions) to 5D (3 more dimensions) seems to change to 45 degrees because a line that is 90 degrees to 3 orthogonal axis' of the 4D world is a diagonal (45 degrees) across the 4D square. This is the same 45 degree angle as the 2nd concentric circle of the Consciousness Unit of David Wilcock and David Wilcock (half-sphere picture). Note that 90 / 2 = 45 / 2 = 22.5, which is the degree angle of the 3rd outermost circle of the Consciousness Unit (half-sphere picture). What this implies is that the 5D world requires a 45 degree rotation and the 6D world requires a 22.5 degree rotation, not 90 degrees. Does this picture imply that the 5D and 6D worlds are concentric spheres encompassing our 4D world? And why have we logically concluded that the 5D and 6D worlds are 'outside' our 4D world (concentric circles of the Consciousness Unit picture) and previous logic has led us to believe that the 5th dimension must be in the center of the 4-dimensional world? Has there been a turning-inside-out or is the logic incorrect? Please review 51.7 Table below and note we are moving from Outer Solid to Inner Solid. Does this resolve the inside / outside dilemma?).

Virtual Chaos Theory states that our present 4D world is the result of the canceling of two 3-Dimensions (3 + 4D + 3 = 10D theory). I postulate, that to add 3 more dimensions (higher consciousness in the form of onion-rings) to the present theory of 10D will create the complete octave of 13-Dimensions, the complete Octave (3 + 3 + 4D + 3 = 13), which, when canceled, creates the 5th dimension, namely a 3D world with a higher time rate. So we can see that our 4D world progresses in this manner:

(3 + 4D + 3 = 10D (4th dimension), 3 + 3 + 4D + 3 = 13D (5th dimension), 3 + 3 + 3 + 4D + 3 = 16D (6th dimension)...to 26D). The interaction of the hidden 13D creates the progressive 4D world.

© Copyright. Robert Grace. 1999.

(Continuing with the author's text):

..."For instance, 3-dimensional space is for normal sight bounded by surfaces; those who have inner vision (4-dimensional sight) say that the contents of an object- e.g., a watch- appear, in some incomprehensible way, spread out before them as on a surface".

(Note: Incomprehensible or not, no one can tell if this is true but lets stick to what we see here for a while and what the author postulates).

"If this is so, then 3-dimensional space, the 4th link in our chain, is the turning point, and hence, consciousness turns itself "inward" once more towards the point, which when reached (the point) will become the illuminable circumference, or Pleroma of consciousness- the nirvanic "atom", so to say'.

(Note: Does this inward-turning mean a turning inside-out thus resolving the above inside / outside dilemma of the 5D and 6D worlds?).

Book: Fragments of a Faith Forgotten.

(Note: Notice the point is not the next dimension but the goal. The next dimension should be called Inner3T^-3, inner 3, higher time. The dimension after that is another group of 3 dimensions with a higher time rate- T^-2 inside T^-1, inside T^0, 3 groups of 3, nested. Time rate is defined as rate of measurement of interval).

51.7 The Complete Cycle of Inner / Outer / Inner Breath of Universe 




Inner 0T^0
0 = 0 no.thing


Potential Idea

Outer 1T^-1
1 = 0(zero) dimension

Big Consciousness

Outer Point

Outer 2T^-2
2 = 1 dimension


Outer Line

Outer 3T^-3
3 = 2 dimension


Outer Surface

Outer 4T^4
4 = 3 dimension

<<<<< You are here,

Outer Solid

Inner 3T^-3
5 = 4 dimension

<<<<< entering here

Inner Solid

Inner 2T^-2
6 = 5 dimension


Inner Surface

Inner 1T^-1
7 = 6 dimension


Inner Line

Inner 0T^0
8 = 7 dimension


Inner Point

End/New Beginning


Manifest Idea

The Grand Cycle is a spiral, not a circle.

T = Time rate.
0 = zero, O = oh.
Exponents ^0 to ^4 are in accord with B. Fuller's dimensions.

(Note: Our worlds dimension is called the 3-dimensional world because of height, width and depth plus time. It is also called the 4th-dimension with time included. This is confusing. Einstein also called the next dimension (life after life) the 5th-dimension, or 4th spatial dimension including time. This is even more confusing.

Here is an exercise to see what has to be done to move into the next dimension and that would be the 5th Einsteinian dimension or 4th spatial dimension:

Take a step forward...you have just moved from the point (0) to 1D line. Take another step 90 degrees to that line and this is the 2D surface. Take a step up 90 degrees from both lines and this is the 3D solid world. Now we cannot nor ever will be able to take another step in the "space" dimension while we are on earth but can in the next higher time rate dimension...therefore we must take another 90 degree step in the "time" dimension here on earth and that is right in the middle of these 3. So draw 2 diagonal lines through the cube we have and that is the center or 4D world... which appears to us as a point.

The conclusion is: The next higher world is akin to a point in this dimension and its time rate is higher, hence we may conclude that the blues are bluer and the reds redder.

The next dimension should be called Inner 3T^-3, Inner 3, higher time rate. It follows- Now that we know that perception is turning inward again as introvert begins to excel extrovert and the higher world begins to steadily overcome the lower outer world, the dimension beyond the next will be another set of 3 with its own higher (faster time rate) and should be called Inner 2T^-2. The reason T^-3 becomes T^-2 is that we are ascending inward to the "0" point. The last dimension will be Inner 0T^0.

Here we have 7 levels of Universe, (Inner 0T^-1 to Inner 1T^-1) and the future 3 groups of 3 (3 x 3 = 9), Inner 3T^-3, 2T^-2 and 1T^-1, as the evolutionary planes of future being in Tertium Organum and Quartum Organum. And finally after billions of years we arrive at Inner 0T^0 (3 x 3 = 9) +1 = 10, the symbol for the marriage of consciousness (inner world, god) and energy (outer world, satan) as Unity.

"Deamon est Deus Inversus" (Deamon is God inverted)- A Roman saying.

We came from an Inner World of 7 Levels (Involution or the Fall of Spirit into matter), we have been turned inside-out and we are returning to the Inner World of 7 Levels (Evolution or The Rise of matter into Spirit). Don't hold your breath for this process to complete. We have 3 more levels of 7 to go, (Diagram in book: Quartum Organum), a matter of trillions of years if time does not exponentially compress. One more thing. In the moments just before the Big Bang of Consciousness (Outer 1T^-1), the Universal Potential was "sleeping in darkness" (unconscious), in its Inner last few seconds (Inner 0T^0) before "waking up" (conscious but nonmoral and unfeeling). Hence, we can see that the Big Bang was from unconsciousness to consciousness only. Any concentrations of matter are still trillions of years in the future of this event, in time, called past, which tries to catch up to the Present Presence of NOW or possibly an instant forming of the elsewhere mentioned 7 galleries of the 7 Level World).

Impossible Correspondence Index

© Copyright. Robert Grace. 1999