Buckminster Fuller's "bowtie 9" number arrangement seems to suggest the pattern
and limit of oscillation around a limit point 0 (Boscovitch). Describing it in
words, the bowtie shape has "0" in the middle with two diagonal lines through the
"0", numbered 1-4 in 4 directions so the number progression, twice around, would be:
The Void Theory by Steven L. Comee
"mathematically, has created 15 types of voids for elementary particles and 1 quasi-particle.
Visually, these voids can be represented by 15 groups of 4 coordinates x,y,z and
t(time) in binary form (1,0). "0" represents a missing dimension, a "0" charge or states of nuclear particles".
By rearranging groups of 4, Comee describes the symmetry of dimension and atom.
(Note: Creating a separate gravity field now becomes a matter of using binary notation
which describes dimension, charge and particles and applying it to a pattern, be
it Tzolkin (searl.asc), klienian bottle, toroid, at the ratios of musical scales
or other symmetric mirror frequencies, in groups of one or more single, set or supersets
of the previously mentioned patterns or hard shapes, causing a pumping action
in one direction only).
"Inner wavesets can be selected with specific harmonic frequencies and number, low/high
frequency cutoffs, internal modulations or selected component frequencies". T.E.
Bearden, A Redefinition of of the Energy Ansatz, Aug. 1992).
(Note): Knowing that just any frequency represented by "1" or "0", on or off, will
not resonate with the pulse of 9, which reflects numerically, the pattern and
path of matter oscillating.
Knowing that the bowtie 9 numbers 1-4 are only symbolic number relationships and
no oscillating frequency value can be ascribed to them.
In an attempt to link binary notation with the frequency of atoms, a symbolic notation
of the bowtie 9 configuration is necessary.
1 second = 1 number interval
1 = on, 0 = off
(number) = pulse arrives at a number including 0.
Counting begins at 0 in all cases.
Pulse at 1/2 sec, 1 time around = 64 pulses.
1(0),0,1(1),0,1(2),0,1(3),0,1(4),0, >
Pulse at 1 second, 1 time around =18 pulses.
1(0),0(2),1(3),0(4),1(4), >
Pulse at 1 1/2 second, 1 time around = 12 pulses.
1(0),1(1 1/2),1(3),1(4 1/2), >
1(3),1(1 1/2),1(0),1(1 1/2),
1(3),1(4 1/2),1(3),1(1 1/2),
Pulse at 2 seconds, 1 time around = 8 pulses.
1(0),1(2),1(4),1(3), >
Notice, at least in these 4 groups, the progression of (numbers) excluding the pulse:
1/2 second:
1 second:
1 1/2 second:
0,1 1/2,3,4 1/2,3,1 1/2,
0,1 1/2,3,4 1/2,3,1 1/2,
2 seconds: 0,2,4,3,
If it were not for the extra "0" and the two 4's of the bowtie 9, the pattern would
be symmetric. Even though the pattern is not symmetric there is something about
it that suggests Scheradzad number arrangement. The ratios vertically and horizontally are also clues to using one number progression against another.
What is established so far, is only that:
Phi = .618 = 6+1+8 =1+5 = 6 and
Pi = 3.1416 = 3+1+4+1+6 = 1+5 = 6.
© Copyright. Robert Grace. 1999