99.73.1 Super Eggs and Egg Curves (MetPhys) 

Page 73

Sections List- 99 Electrons and Mythologies
Impossible Correspondence Index

99.73.1 Super Eggs and Egg Curves (MetPhys) 

From: MetPhys@aol.com
To: christian.lange2@tin.it
Subject: Super Eggs and Egg Curves (MetPhys) 
Date: 12/24/02


A Slice-form Super Egg
A Super Ellipse
Egg Curve (quartic)
Egg Curve (cubic)
Egg Curves and Ovals


99.73.2 Correction for 3168, 1/Pi exponentation (Iuliano) 

From: Jerryiuliano@aol.com
To: MetPhys@aol.com
Subject: Correction for 3168, 1/Pi exponentation (Iuliano) 
Date: 12/23/02


At least three Christian symbols have appeared; two of them indirectly. Several years ago, the Christian "Fish" appeared as crop formations. Dowsing within Winterbourne Stoke, the "Swastika" circle of 1989, (mentioned previous on this page), revealed the basic design of the "New Jerusalem" plan based on St. John's vision in Revelation. The total of the square footage of the circles in the Barbury Castle formation of 1991 was 31,680 feet, a number associated with the distance around the New Jerusalem. One tenth of that number is 3,168 which was associated with Lord Jesus Christ by the early Christians and previously to a figure in the pagan religion. A number "666" type crop formation appeared in 1993. The sixes were arranged in a triangle.

The number 3168 is related to the Feigenbaum constant through Beta(.37):in radians

( tan^-1 [31680/(37^2)]) + Pi = 4.669202465
K= cos 1/a(em)=[31680/(37^2)]^(-1/Pi)
a(em) = 1/137.03600636
K = collective unconscious

FEIGENBAUM CONSTANT = 4.669201609...rule of order in chaotic systems
F= 4.6692043132.....tan in radians
100/[(tan F).........................^ (1/Pi)] = 36.7872976 = K

GOLDEN MEAN = 1.618033989...rule of order in living forms systems
Phi = 1.618033989 = (1+sqrt5)/2...COS^-1 in degrees
[COS^-1[((sqrt 5 -1)/4)*1152]........^ (1/Pi) = 36.7872976 = K
1.152 =Egyptian tropical foot

FINE-STRUCTURE CONSTANT = a(em) =amplitude for an electron-photon exchange, rule of proton-electron interactions.
a(em) = 1/137.036000986...cos in radians
(cos 1/(a(em))*100.................................= 36.7872976 = K

COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS = 82944 = (288^2)...rule of brain/nervous/systems/symbolic

Prof. Leahy =(82944, logic cube) and Sephira Malkuth=(288 sparks-intoto)
82944................................... ^ (1/Pi) = 36.7872976 = K

COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS: Egyptian form, Cheops pyramid, Beta=.37
height = 486.256005976 feet = ht
base leg = 763.81 feet = bl...cos in radians
[cos [(10^(2*ht/bl))/(.37^2)]] * 100........= 36.7872976 = K

COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS : Pi form... cos in radians
[[cos[(10^((2/Pi)+(2/Pi))]/(.370000606^2)]*100 = 36.7872976 = K

COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS: Christian(666), Hebrew(288) form cos in radians...
cos[(10^(287.999975988/37))/(666^2)]........= 36.7872976 = K

NATURES CHARGED MASSES: proton,positive; electron,negative
pmev = proton million electron volts = 938.271998 (NIST 1998)
emev = electron million electron volts = .5109994691 (NIST = .510998902)
[(10*pmev)^[(1/Pi)*(emev^-(1/Pi))]]..........................= 36.7872976 = K

NATURES CHARGED MASSES: and the collective unconscious as the electrons carrier
pmev = 938.271998
emev = .51100091734
pmev * (emev^2) / 6.66..............................= 36.7872976 = K



99.73.3 Magic Square Phase Changes (MetPhys) 

From: MetPhys@aol.com
To: secretone144@hotmail.com
Subject: Magic Square Phase Changes (MetPhys) 
Date: 12/24/02

Math in the Media 07-0801

In Section- Poor Richard's Magic Squares

What is the author doing with the phase shift from left to right as shown in the Java animation (click on the image and wait for it to load).

I have never seen this phase shift before nor have I heard that it is part of this particular, valid, Ben Franklin magic square of 8x8. Luigi's musical mapping seems not to have this phase shifting but that needs to be confirmed.



99.73.4 Stakhov 's Fibonacci research (Tombuoyed) 

From: Tombuoyed@aol.com
To: Peace2go, Jerryiuliano, MetPhys
Subject: Stakhov 's Fibonacci research (Tombuoyed) 
Date: 12/23/02

Golden Museum in Russia, the English language index page
Abstract of a lecture given by the Russian mathematician Oleksiy Stakhov on his Fibonacci research

5. N/A


99.73.5 Re: Magic Square Phase Changes (Luigi) 

From: luigi.di-martino@ntlworld.com
To: MetPhys@aol.com
Subject: Re: Magic Square Phase Changes (Luigi) 
Date: 12/25/02

Hi Met

Just got back from a little christmas meal with the family and I noticed this addition to your electron section. I see a connection with the number 65 straight away. The mirror number of 65 is 70. Together these numbers add up to 135, very triadic!! If the 5 were a b5 then this would be the same tracing I have plotted over the Tzolkin grid, where the fundamental and tri-tone enjoy each other's company as long as it is across a 45 degree angle. If the 5 were a #5 this would then actually equal one of the augmented triangles which are born from the b5 positions (1 3 #5; C E G#, for example), a hand in hand job!

Happy new year to all


99.73.6 e and PHI for Christmas! (Tombuoyed) 

From: Tombuoyed@aol.com
To: Peace2go, Jerryiuliano, MetPhys
Subject: e and PHI for Christmas! (Tombuoyed) 
Date: 12/25/02

Bob & Bob & Jerry,

I came across this mathematical identity which I did not know before. It's quite amazing because it gives an exact correspondence between e and PHI. But it now behooves us all to learn about hyperbolic functions, their inverses and the Fibonacci hyperbolic functions. We have struck alchemal gold on Christmas morn!!!

PHI = e^[arcsinh (1/2)]


ln PHI = arcsinh(1/2)

Why does this work? It has to do with the Fibonacci hyperbolics. Check out

Hyperbolic Functions

But I'm still mystified about the identity in the first place.

sinh x = (e^x - e^-x)/2

sinh (0.5)= [e^(0.5) - e^(-0.5)]/2 = 0.521

or, more tellingly,

sinh(0.5) = [SQRT(e) - 1/SQRT(e)]/2

Look at how these numbers parallel PHI

The square root of e = 1.648721271 (same ballpark as PHI)

The inverse square root of e = 0.60653066 (thus close to 1/PHI)

Their difference = 1.042190611 (close to 1 as difference of above)

Take 1/2 of that number = 0.521095305 (corresponds to 1/2)

Thus sinh (1/2) = 0.521095305 (close to sin 30* = 1/2)

Now take the inverse hyperbolic sine of 1/2

and get 0.481211825

This is the equivalent of a hyperbolic angle in parallel to the circular angle of 30 degrees. What does it mean to have a hyperbolic angle?

Anyway 0.481211825 = natural log of PHI (exactly!!! No approximations here!!!)

If the inorganic realm is ruled by e and the organic realm of life is ruled by PHI, then this has got to be the Rosetta Stone which can translate between the inorganic and organic kingdoms. See my Goethe, Chaos & Complexity paper for the epistemological Rosetta Stone that Steiner provided

Goethe, Chaos & Complexity Paper

But even more amazing is my intuitional quantum jump now --- that using this correspondence between e and PHI will unravel the next layer of the Fine Structure Constant mystery. It is after all, a matter of life AND death, i.e. PHI and e.

Merry Christmas to all!


99.73.7 Re: e and PHI for Christmas! (MetPhys) 

From: MetPhys@aol.com
To: Peace2go, Jerryiuliano, Tombuoyed
Subject: Re: e and PHI for Christmas! (MetPhys) 
Date: 12/25/02

In a message dated 12/25/2 5:52:16 PM, TomBuoyed writes:

<< Anyway 0.481211825 = natural log of PHI (exactly!!! No approximations here!!!) >>

This is an excerpt from Source: File 90 Hyperphysics

" 0.31 Ratios Between Sirius and Sun

At title, "This is Getting Sirius", date 01/26/00, near the bottom of the page (38 scroll clicks) Richard is beginning to write of correspondence ratios put forth by Robert Temple (1997) such as Phi, the Fibonacci Series, the "discrepancy" of mass ratio 1.053 between our sun and Sirius, the Pythagorean comma ratio 256 / 243 and also decimal 1.0136 = the fine constant of physics, (last paragraph), also 137 relating to numbers 262,144 and 531,441. And moreover Robert Temple relates this Particle of Pythagoras (the numerical coefficient of the comma) to the 136 degrees freedom of the electron by Sir Arthur Eddington.

My webpages deal with these correspondences and more. Doczi has made a Diagram, which I have, which shows the "discrepancy" between Phi ("Other side", .618) and musical interval (.666 or 2 : 3, diapente, 5th) equaling 0.048. Could it be, that we are missing connecting with the "Other side" by a mere .048 decimal or its musical ratio equivalent, probably connected to light? And what is that ratio? Divide 2 by 3 in ratio 2 : 3 and you get .666. What ratio or its fractally harmonic ratio equivalent, is equal to .048? Would such a ratio have to be raised to power 2 / 3 as Newton plainly shows us?

After trying many ratios, I came up with two that may help you get started thinking. Of course these may be modified to align with other constants and ratios: (5 / 2)^2 / 128 = .0488281 and (6 / 5)^10 / 128 = .0483729. 128 is the number of magic squares in the 'highest' 7 level World. "



99.73.8 Figuring arcsinh(1/2) (Tombuoyed) 

From: Tombuoyed@aol.com
To: Peace2go, Jerryiuliano, MetPhys
Subject: Figuring arcsinh(1/2) (Tombuoyed) 
Date: 12/26/02

Why does arcsinh (1/2) equal natural log of PHI?

Start with y = sinh x

To get the inverse function, solve for x in terms of y.

sinh x = [e^x - e^-x]/2 =y

2y = e^x - e^-x

Multiply through by e^x

2ye^x = e^2x - 1

You get a quadratic equation in e^x

(e^x)^2 -2y(e^x) - 1 = 0

Solving that and discarding the negative solution, you get

e^x = y + SQRT(y^2 + 1)

Take ln of both sides:

x = ln [ y + SQRT(Y^2 + 1)] = ARCSINH x

When y = 1/2 then

x = ln [ (1/2) + SQRT(5/4)] = ln PHI

Now it seems so elementary, but there's gold in them thar equations I tell you!

This is the missing link between Leahy's creation ex nihilo BEFORE the beginning, and what we have now AFTER the beginning. The secret of time and Arthur's choice of timing are all in thar somewhere!



99.73.9 Roger Logan's PI/PHI (Tombuoyed) 

From: Tombuoyed@aol.com
To: Peace2go, Jerryiuliano, MetPhys
Subject: Roger Logan's PI/PHI (Tombuoyed) 
Date: 12/26/02

Roger Logan has a site where he finds PI and PHI to be compositie numbers and therefore can be calculated as the ratio of integers. He goes on to show that his composite satisfies, even elucidates Euler's equation.

Roger Logan's Index



99.73.10 e and PHI for Christmas! (luigi) 

From: luigi.di-martino@ntlworld.com
To: MetPhys
Subject: e and PHI for Christmas! (luigi) 
Date: 12/27/02

<< My webpages deal with these correspondences and more. Doczi has made a Diagram, which I have, which shows the "discrepancy" between Phi ("Other side", .618) and musical interval (.666 or 2 : 3, diapente, 5th) equaling 0.048. Could it be, that we are missing connecting with the "Other side" by a mere .048 decimal or its musical ratio equivalent, probably connected to light? And what is that ratio? Divide 2 by 3 in ratio 2 : 3 and you get .666. What ratio or its fractally harmonic ratio equivalent, is equal to .048? Would such a ratio have to be raised to power 2 / 3 as Newton plainly shows us? >>

I worked the.048 to be the pitch for the note G. Also its mirror number will be 8.952, which is the pitch D. Between G and D is an interval of a 5th (2:3).

All numbers "this side" and mirror numbers from the "other side" equal 9. One side flows anti-clockwise to the other but not necessarily at the same speed as such. "This side" does not necessarily complete any equation from what I figure, which is why both sides are needed to be taken into account before a real picture will emerge. The 4.5 (tri-tone) place in the scales is half of 9, which is why it is an axis point of its own, 2 x 4.5. So, the Phi that equals approx 1.618 this side is related in some way to a Phi that is approx 7.382 on the other. Such is the power of the 9, and although it makes no logical sense I am putting my money on that being a reasonable deduction to make.

The scales emerge in pairs from the central tri-tone axis, one male and one female, yet not as equal in shades of light/dark. That equality only exists when the Dorian pair emerge from the center. Until then there is unbalance. This is why the center itself can be seen as the Dorian aspect of the third member of the augmented triangle, C E G#/Ab, for example. The C and Ab are visible partners but the E is intersecting at the 4.5 point of both sides. Balance exists at this point.

If scales are merely shades of vibrational qualities then it is easy to show that they emerge from the 4.5 points. I wrote in originally giving some of these examples, but I do have it written as a pdf file too. This system repeats itself through many experiments and is not only about music in the compositional sense, but should be looked at scientifically as a possible "stamp" of Nature.



99.73.11 Fibonnacci goddess (luigi) 

From: luigi.di-martino@ntlworld.com
To: Susoni_17@hotmail.com, CodeUFO@aol.com, MetPhys
Subject: Fibonnacci goddess (luigi) 
Date: 12/27/02

Hi again!

Here is another quick reference to the note F#, or rather, the blue/green color. Notice the star of David, a shape that can be associated with the center axis point of the good ole major scale. F# happens to be the same frequency as the color blue/green. F is green and G is blue, so that just about says it all! F# is also the 11th overtone either side of the fundamental C note.

The Fibonacci Goddess



99.73.12 muon / electron and ZPE field (JerryIuliano) 

From: Tombuoyed@aol.com
To: MetPhys
Subject: muon / electron and ZPE field (JerryIuliano) 
Date: 12/27/02


Concerning the muon (m) , electron (e) ratio relationship, m/e where:

1998 NIST muon = 105.6583567 mev
1998 NIST electron = .510998902 mev

the golden mean (1.618033989..) is involved in the ratio, m/e:

Let muon = m = 105.656399 mev
Let electron = e = .510998902 mev

then it can be demonstrated, cos in degrees:
[((cos 288)/100)+1] ^ 1728 = m/e

the golden mean can be shown as:
[(cos 288)*2]+1 = 1.618033989..

Interestingly, 1728 or 12 cubed is also related to the golden mean:
[(cos 1728)*2)+1 = 1.618033989...

So by substitution:
[((cos 1728)/100)+1] ^ 1728 = m/e

NIST value m/e = 206.7682657...
1728 value = m/e = 206.7644346..
or 99.9981471% of NIST value.

Using golden mean only (phi) = 1.618033989
[[(phi-1)/200]+1]^1728 = m/e

Interestingly the Egyptian tropical foot (1.152) can create the ratio:
[((cos 1152)/100)+1] ^ 1728 = m/e

So does the Platonic cycle (25920):
[(( cos 2592)/100)+1] ^ 1728 = m/e

So does prof. Leahy's dream number (2808):
[((cos 2808)/100)+1] ^ 1728 = m/e

So does Christ's number (3168):
[((cos 3168)/100)+1] ^ 1728 = m/e

So does R. Tomes master harmonic (34560):
[((cos 3456)/100)+1] ^ 1728 = m/e
Cycles in the universe and harmonics theory

Using exact 1998 NIST values for m and e one can derive the root:cos in degrees
cos^-1[[((m/e)^(1/1728))-1]*100] = 71.99993527

What is the significance of the number 1728?
It is used in the study of elliptic curves and is called a j-invariant. From the book,"Modular Forms and Fermat's Last Theorem" by Cornell, Silverman and Stevens, page 17: Theorem.. Let E and E' be elliptic curves defined over an algebraically closed field K, then E is K-isomorphic to E' if and only if j(E) = j(E'). Two special types of elliptic curves are those with j-invariants 0 and 1728:

E: (y^2) = (x^3) + Ax....j = 1728
E: (y^2) = (x^3) + B....j = 0

1728 is used uniquely in the study of modular forms of these elliptic curves. These curves are doubly periodic and thus exist on the plane of the torus and exist as a fractal, Feigenbaum's double period "bifurcation constant" (F = 4.669201609..). Just as the integer 37 is the "librarian" of the natural numbers, F is the "librarian" of the chaotic field (ZPE unbroken field..288 sparks in-toto), which is analogous to the mythological "field" of the 288 sparks from UN-broken vessels, KABBALIC). The mathematical factors of the ZPE field (288 sparks) are: the unconscious collective (Hebrew /Leahy..82944) ,chaos organizer F, the temperature regulator Beta (.37) and the amplitude of photon-electron interactions, the fine-structure constant: tan in radians:

[[(.37^2)/a(em)]^((Pi^2)/4)]/sqrt(tan F) = 288
F= 4.669203617...
a(em) = 1/137.036000986...

From the Sephira Malkuth (288) to Leahy's triple logic cube (82944 surface area):
[[(.37^2)/a(em)]^((Pi^2)/2)]/tanF = 82944
a(em) = 1/137.036000986...

The area of the triple logic cube times Feigenbaum (F) as a function of Beta (.37) and fine-structure:
(.37^2)/a(em) = [82944^(2/(Pi^2))]*[(tan F)^(2/(Pi^2))]

To simplify to Beta (.37) origin:
.37 = [82944^(1/(Pi^2))]*[(tan F)^(1/(Pi^2))]*sqrt a(em)
a(em) = 1/137.036000986..

To set up the equation for the "absorption" into the ZPE field (288 sparks total) accomplished by Pi exponentials:
.37^Pi = (82944^(1/Pi))*((tan F)^(1/Pi)) * (a(em)^(Pi/2))

The pre-absorbtion equation, which by coincidence??? is Cheops related:ht,bl
(.37/sqrt a(em))^Pi = (82944^(1/Pi))*((tan F)^(1/Pi))
.37/sqrt a*(em) = 10^(ht/bl) ..ht = 486.256005975,bl=763.81
Churchward/Ramsey (1910 expedition)....
height ....= 486.256 English feet
base leg = 763.81 English feet

The action of the equation into the "absorption" is accomplished by Leahy's "thinking NOW, created 100", and the cosine action of the dimensionless fine-structure constant, which when applied cancels Feigenbaum (F)..the only route out of the ZPE chaos...along with Beta (.37) and the pi exponentials:
137.036000986^(Pi/2) = (82944^(1/Pi)) * ((tan F)^(1/Pi)) / (.37^Pi)

The singular act of cosineing the inverse of fine-structure constant, 137.036000986, causes all factors of the pre-absorbtion equation to disappear as artifacts of the continually angular regeneration (cusps)...("thinking NOW,created 100" )of fine-structure:
cos 137.036000986 = (82944^(1/Pi))/100


.37 Beta,anomalous exponent for second order temperature phase transitions

fine-structure constant =1/137.03999935..=a(em)


99.73.13 Calculating the Phi Mirror Side (MetPhys) 

From: MetPhys@aol.com
To: luigi.di-martino@ntlworld.com
Subject: Calculating the Phi Mirror Side (MetPhys) 
Date: 12/30/02

In a message dated 12/30/2 2:34:34 PM, luigi.di-martino@ntlworld.com writes:

<< ----- Original Message -----
From: MetPhys@aol.com
To: luigi.di-martino@ntlworld.com
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 4:28 AM
Subject: Calculating the Phi Mirror Side

Dear Luigi,

The Magnificent Perfect Square

Formula found on this page, above:

Phi^2 = b^2/1+m^2
54.493924 = b^2/1+m^2

If the premise that a forward phi 1.618 has a reciprocal phi 7.382 (Di-Martino), one side adding to the other = 9's (in other words, 1.618 + 7.382 = 9.999), each side representing one of two sides of universe, then by extrapolation, we should be able to apply this premise to any equation that contains phi, by subtracting each side from 9's which should produce this sides reciprocal, or the math of the mirror side: >>

It is the same with the inversions in music or the mirror partners of the number sequences (indigs), in that one side added to the other side is always equal to 9. It will also apply to the first 9 numbers, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = 45, that is 4.5 to me and only half of the story.

A 5th has the inversion of a 4th, and both add up to 9. Likewise with the 2nd and the inversion partner of a 7th etc. It is uncanny that number sequences behave the same way. What is Phi if not a journey of some kind, plotting itself out as it "invisible" inverts itself in some other dimension.

<< OR should we let this side alone and just subtract the mirror side from 9's and then square them, add the 1 to (m) and then divide one by the other for the reciprocal mirror of this side? >>

Wow, you got me well and truly cross-eyed on that one!! Let's just say that my Maths is crap enough to leave such certainties for mathematicians to deliberate. I do see that the 9's are junction points and I have traced a sine wave that runs through them. There must be something that completes cycles, and that something is the 9, and a cycle consists of a "both sides" journey.

<< Similar calculations for both sides:

Phi^2 = b^2 / 1 + m^2
b = y intercept = 1.887659927790808
slope m = 0.600857665500921

54.493924 (phi^2) = 1.887659927790808 (b) / 0.600857665500921 (m)

(b) Subtracted from 9's
= 8.112340072209191

(m) Subtracted from 9's
= 0.399142334499078

(m) squared 0.399142334499078 = .15931469318 + 1
(b) squared 8.112340072209191 = 65.810061447

54.493924 = 65.810061447 / .15931469318 + 1 =

414.08218428 the reciprocal mirror of (54.493924) Phi^2
or the mathematics of the other side? >>

Ohh right, now I getchya. Yes I would not dismiss that. This is very Vedic in in some ways in approach. They have sums which they calculate by doing a Vertical and Crosswise sutra and your calculations remind me of that. To me, in my uneducated way, I see 54.49 as having the number 44.50 as its partner. This is because of the sine wave movement I see running between both sides.

Number Swapping 9 (JPG)

(I've sent you a diagram of what I mean, the 9's swapping over either side of the mirror in order to find their partners on the other side). Also section 99.57.14 deals with the triangle and anti-triangle numbers. The letter Z is mentioned. Perhaps one can superimpose an anti Z too and this would produce a swastika image. Even in these triangle structures everything adds up to 9. Who is to say for definite? The only definite thing in my mind is that the 9 rules! It is "God" of the universe and it is the perimeter keeper of the Neutral Center. Anything that comes gushing out of this center is a 9 in duality -male/female- major/minor- light/dark etc etc. At the 4.5 point it creates itself another axis in order to keep itself seeing both sides simultaniously. That's how it seems anyway. Sorry I can't contribute to the maths a little more. That is why two or more heads are better than one!

Lui >>


99.73.14 Planet Music (MetPhys) 

From: secretone144@hotmail.com
To: MetPhys@aol.com
Subject: Planet Music (MetPhys) 
Date: 1/02/03

hi met,

hey i just stumbled into your planet music link (!!) mucho excellent! is this all your 'gathering' here? how i missed it before who knows, but I'm going to spend a little time here reading the links, some of which I'm familiar. the beginning planet/music cipher grid is very cool, I've been messing with this kind of concept (searching for the correct 'ordering' or the 'music of the spheres') for a couple 3-4 years in a (semi?) conscious way : ). have you read hans cousto's book: the cosmic octave, origin of harmony? he assigns the notes thus:

mercury D 141.27 hz 30 octave in audible frequency
venus A 221.23 hz 32 octave in audible frequency
earth C# 136.10 hz 32 octave in audible frequency
mars D 144.72 hz 33 octave in audible frequency
jupiter F# 183.58 hz 36 octave in audible frequency
saturn D 147.85 hz 37 octave in audible frequency
uranus G# 207.36 hz 39 octave in audible frequency
neptune A 211.44 hz 40 octave in audible frequency
pluto C# 140.25 hz 40 octave in audible frequency
moon (synodic) G# 210.42 hz 29 octave in audible frequency
moon (sid) A# 227.43 hz 29 octave in audible frequency

he seems to say the sun tone is 32,312.52 hz; 252.44 hz in medium musical range.

these are 'year' or 'orbit' tones.

so having played with indian musicians i know they do tune up to around a C# which is their SA tone. and so it would seem to make sense with the C# as the 'earth tone'.

also the 'sun tone' would seem (i don't know at the moment 'exactly' the 'note' ascribed to 252.44 hz so doing some intuitive approximation here) to be close to a B1/2-flat in the arabic/turkish system, which is a very important note within the system, being considered a beautiful and 'mysterious' tonic to improvise from; the 1/2 flats open 'the music' up to another whole dimension within expression and literally, one could say; gives it 'life'.

anyway, thanks for the page of 'fun' and wisdom! i will gather some things to share as soon as am able.

peace tc


99.73.15 Planet Music (MetPhys) 

From: MetPhys@aol.com
To: secretone144@hotmail.com
Subject: Planet Music (MetPhys) 
Date: 1/2/03

In a message dated 1/2/3 2:54:02 AM, secretone144@hotmail.com writes:

<< have you read hans cousto's book: the cosmic octave, origin of harmony? he assigns the notes thus: >>

No I haven't but I've seen his planet note arrangements and other persons arrangements. I was never sure if Cousto or Barbara Hero or the others were really correct so I began file 97 Planet Music to find all the theories pertaining to planet music, to find what worked.

The "beginning planet/music cipher grid", in File 97, is just a Table with numbers in linear arrangement that will look very ordered across the grid. I just wanted to show what planet resonated with the sun in a scale of 7 notes. Of course it would be the 7th planet but I know it is not that simple. For instance, there is the asteroid belt, more properly called a lunoid belt, as per my own theory, which seems to represent the "register shift note" F#. This F# is Luigi's point of balance, you might say, so the solar system may be proceeding from this balance point....perhaps, then again perhaps not as the whole system may be ingressing (moving inward) with its long term egg spiral around the toroidal vortex surrounding the sun.

I'm really glad I inspired you to send your interpretation of the page. You seem to know what you're talking about but I want to see if you can develop your theory to the point where it begins to make sense to someone like me who still can't quite get ahold of what you see. Try to make it very plain and simple with lots of explanation and diagrams if you have to. Some of us need these things.



99.73.16 Whittaker's Scalar EM and Music (MetPhys 

From: MetPhys@aol.com
To: luigi.di-martino@ntlworld.com
Subject: Whittaker's Scalar EM and Music
Date: 01/05/03

Hi there Luigi,

Source: Fogal Transistor- Charged Barrier Technology Download.

This is an excerpt from the core of Scalar Electromagnetic Theory. Scalar is the expanding/contracting, compressing/rarefying sphere of scalar pairs of EM (hidden...hidden thru the mirror).

I would like to invite you to copy this whole email and add your music comments as to your musical definition of

bidirectional EM-
phase-locked harmonic series-
two scalar potentials-
hidden biwaves-

Understanding Scalar EM is very easy, musically, once we replace the complicated physics terms with musical terms, right?


"First, by Stoney ibid. and Whittaker 1903 ibid., every scalar potential is comprised of hidden pairs of bidirectional EM waves, with the pairs in phase-locked harmonic series."

Now see:

E.T. Whittaker, "On an Expression of the Electromagnetic Field Due to Electrons by Means of Two Scalar Potential Functions" Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Series 2, Vol. 1, 1904, p. 367-372.

"Here Whittaker shows that any EM wave or field pattern can be expressed as two scalar potentials (rather than the conventional scalar potential and vector potential)."

"By Whittaker 1903, each of those two scalar potentials is further comprised of biwaves in harmonic series."

"So rigorously, even an "ordinary EM wave" is comprised of hidden biwaves."


Page 73

Sections List- 99 Electrons and Mythologies
Impossible Correspondence Index

© Copyright. Robert Grace. 2002