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Alchemists Enchiridion of Basilius Valentinus, Printed 1692

Basil Valentine was a monk and a practicing Alchemist who refers to Lully, another Alchemist of that time in the 17th Century when man thought it possible to make gold from lead and healing argentums and powders that restored old bodies to new life after having caused teeth, hair and fingernails to first fall out, a small price to pay for the overall improvements. It was reported and documented from several quarters of the world, that certain Alchemists did indeed, do what is alleged. Therefore, I present to you, the Alchemal formulae I have, of Basil Valentine, which Index below, summarizes. The complete work is 1 1/4 inches thick. All original "f"s, such as "His laft Teftement", are changed to "s". All spelling errors are left as is. All unknown words are left as is. All capitalized words are left as is. All illegible words are guessed at and placed in parentheses ().




The Contents of the first part of the book.

The first Chapter treateth of the aetherial liquor of Metals.
The 2. Chap. treatheth of the seed of Metals.
3. Of metalline nutriment
4. Of the shop, or the ossicine of Metals.
5. Of the egression and ingression of Metals.
6. Of the dissolution and reduction of Metals.
7. Of the ascension and descension of Metals.
8. Of the respiring Metals, or quick Oar
9. Of the expiring, or dying Metal.
10. Of pure and fine Metal.
11.Of the impure Metal.
12. Of the perfect Metal.
13. Of the imperfect Metal.
14. Of the Soap Metal.
15. Of the inhalation, or the inbreathing.
16. Of the exhalation and the outbreathings.
17. Of co(ru or ni?)scation, adhalation, or glittering.
18. Of solium and spolium, shimmer and glower.
19. Of the suliginous, vapours and ashes.
20. Of the Metalline water, or lie.
21. Of the seed, and of the hull of the seed.
22. Of the shining, or fire rod.
Chap. 23. Of the glowing rod.
24. Of the leaping rod.
25.Of the sureilla, or striking rod.
26. Of the trembling rod
27. Of the falling, or nether rod.
28. Of the superior rod.
29. Of resting vapours, or sediments.
30. Of the weather salt,
31. Of the stone salt.
32. Of the Subterranean Pools.
33.Of the Metalline Gold, or of the Metalline bed.
34. (o)f Metalline streams.
35. Of Chalk, or stone Meal.
36. Of the blast.
37. Of the brittle stuff
38. Of the blank fire.
39. Of the Mine glue.
40. Of corroding stuff to eat stones thorow (through?).
41. Of having materials used for a sledd, dray.
42. Of the frost in the Mine-works.
43. Of the flaming fire.
44. Of the roafting fire.
45. Of the corroding fire.
46. Of the glowing fire.
47. Of the Lamp fire.
48. Of the cold fire.
49. Of the warm fire.


The Contents of the Second part.

1. Chap. Of Mines and Clifts what the middle works of Oars are.
2. Of the general operations of several Metals.
3. Of stones, rocks, flints of Gold, and their striking courses.
4. Of the oar of silver, and its running or striking passages.
5. Of Copper oar, its stone, and striking passage.
6. Of Iron oar, its stocks, floats, fallings and striking pasages.
7. Of Lead oar, its mine, and striking pasages.
8. Of Tin oar, its stocks, floats, fallings and striking passages.
9. Of Mercurial oar, and its pasages.
10. Of Wismuth, Antimony, Sulphur, Salt, Saltpeter and Talk (Talc?).
11. Of a comparion between Gods Word and the Minerals.
12. How Jewels are wrought, the blessings God bestows upon Miners.
13. Of the essence of Gold.


The Contents of the third part, being a Declaration of the XII Keys.

The first is declared.
The second Key declared.
The third Key declared
The rest are declared according to the course going on in that part.


The Contents of the forth part concerning the parts (culors?) made of the
(T.?) Metals, how they may be prepared with profit.

First of the Sulphur of Sol, whereby Lune is ting'd into Gold.

The particular of Lune, of the extraction of its Sulphur and Salt.
The particular of Mars, how its Sulphur and Salt are extracted.
The particular of Venus, how its Sulphur and Salt are extracted.
The particular of Saturn, how its Sulphur and Salt are extracted.
The particular of Mercury, of its Sulphur and Salt.
Of the Oyl made of Mercury, and its Salt.
Of the particular of Antimony, its Sulphur and Salt.
A short way to make Antimonial Sulphur and Salt.


The Contents of the Practick Treatise, together with the XII Keys and Appendix.

Of the great Stone of the Philosophers.

Of the first Key.
Of the second Key.
Of the third Key.
Of the forth Key.
Of the fifth Key.
Of the sixth Key.
Of the seventh Key.
Of the eighth Key.
Of the ninth Key.
Of the tenth Key.
Of the eleventh Key.
Of the twelfth Key.
Of the first matter of the Philosophers Stone.
A brief Appendix and plain Repetition or Reiteration, wherein is treated of the Philosophers Sulphur, Salt, and Mercury, and also of Antimony, Copper-water, Common Sulphur, Calx vive, Arsenick, Saltpeter, Salamoniac, Tartar, Vinegar, and Wine.
A Philosophick Work upon Sol, added (within?) the former Translation.


Then follow the conclusion and experiment.

The first Section treats of Sulphur, and the (set??)ment of Philosophers.
2. Section. Of the philosophers Vitriol.
3. Section. Of the Philosophers Magnet.
Allegorical expressions betwixt the holy Trinity, and the Philosophers Stone.
Of Sulphur of Saturn
Of Sulphur of Jupiter.
Of Sulphur of Mars and Venus.
Of Sulphur of Sol.
Of Sulphur of Mercury.
Off Sulphur of Lune.
Of Sulphur of Antimony.
Of Sulphur of Vitriol.
Of common Sulphur.
Of Vitriols, first of the Vitriols of Sol and Lune.
Of Vitriol of Saturn and Jupiter.
Of Vitriol of Mars.
Of Vitriol of Venus.
Of Vitriol of Mercury.
Of common Vitriol.
Of the Vulgar Magnet.
A Philosophick Work upon Vitriol by another.
To bring quick Mercury to a Lunar, fixation by another.


The contents of the fifth and last part.

Treateth of the great Medicinal virtue of the Metalline and Mineral Salts.

Of Aurum Potabile.
A description of the fiery Tartar.
Of the Salt of Tartar.

A treatise concerning the Microcosm or the little World which of mans body.
Of the Mistery of the Microcosm and its Medicinal parts belonging unto man. (part omitted and inserted by RG)

Manual Operations.
Quick or unslaked lime.
Philosophers Stone.
Gold Calx
The Water.
Spirit Wine with Philosophers Tartar.

Manual Operations- Fuller Explaination.

Spirit Wine.
Spirit Mercury.
Tincture on Men/Metals.
Tincture on White.
1 oz of Gold Srom 1/2 oz.
Mercury of Gold.
The Water.
Salt of Gold.

Second Treatise, first tincture, root and Spirit of Metals and minerals.

Things Natural/Supernatural.
Tincture and root of Metals.
Spirit of Mercury.
Spirit of Copper.
Spirit and Tincture of Mars.
Spirit of Gold.
Tincture of Silver.
Soul or Tincture of Pewter.
Spirit of Saturn or Tincture of Lead.

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