The Self Reliant Home Plans
A 4 year study of a Do-It-Yourself Home, designed
for maximum efficiency, maximum interdependent cycling, maximum
natural energy use and production, least cost and labor and maximum
esthetic beauty. Over-all, complete plans will be available upon
- Proven home, fish production and methane designs from research
- An 8 sided, octagonal home which can be built anywhere, off the
grid and away from all city zoning regulations. Ideally, the home
should be built on a slight slope for gravity assisted water flows
from the house to methane tank to the garden which is on bottom
land. A woodlot should be located above the elevation of the house
for easy log transportation to the house.
- 1/3 of the home is greenhouse within the octagonal for winter
food and fish quarantine tanks. The living room has an in-the-wall
salt water tank for clam, oyster, lobster, mollusk and pearl
production, and an in-the -wall fresh water fish tank, insulated
from outside weather. Only 2 clear acrylic, 1/2 inch thick, 24 x
48 inch plexiglas sheets are necessary for the fronts. The rest of
each tank can be thin, flexible acrylic plastic bonded to the
plexiglas, sides and back reinforced behind with heavy plywood,
with a 1/16th inch space between plastic and plywood for colored
paper or background picture. The bedroom, kitchen, bathroom have
access thru the center court. Kitchen and greenhouse accesses to
the outside.
- A small octagonal center court in the home allows for food
stocks and herbs to be grown by the light of the roof skylight
plus access to the attic fish tanks which use a series of sand
filter chambers and plants as water filters as the water is
circulated in a serpentine fashion thru the sections. Appropriate,
tank-level doorways provide easy harvesting of attic tank plants
for the methane digester and garden. Overgrown tank plants and the
residue of the methane digester make excellent garden compost and
fertilizer. A lift-door in the floor descends to a dark, octagonal
area under the court floor, for canned-food storage. A simple
ladder stored against the wall is for accessing both the water
tanks above and the food storage below.
- Bathroom uses an efficient, water-less toilet and has a
waterfall-pool basin from the attic fish production tanks. The
aerated water then goes out to the methane tanks, greenhouse
plants and the garden as overflow.
- The home only uses 1-12v pump for well water to the attic tanks
and is split off for human use, 2-12v fans for circulation of air
and the common 12v kitchen appliances plus 1-12v methane gas
compression pump.
- Warm water is achieved by circulating grids of water line thru
the attic before use in the kitchen / bathroom. Cooking
instruments are only sterilized by 212 degree water for 10
minutes. If hot water is needed it can be occasionally boiled, on
the gas stove.
- Battery electricity storage is accessed from the outside and are
sealed from the interior of the home. The batteries take the
energy from either wind, water or solar panels.
- Talapia, South American tropical fish production is in the
attic. Gardens love warmed nutrient filled water from the attic
fish tanks which fills the whole attic. Fish can be seen thru the
clear acrylic plastic sheet from all rooms. Room lighting can be
either efficient fluorescent lights or gas lights. The lights are
in the attic to keep the fish swimming upright in the 1 ft. deep
octagonal tank of 20 tons of water, which doubles as a water suppy
in case of an accidental fire. Gas lighting on the room walls can
be for spot lighting or decoration.
- Basement rock heat / cold storage (100 tons = 4 ft deep under
the concrete pad floor) maintains 65-68 degrees all year with a
necessary small wood stove backup. Heat is collected from sunlight
during the winter and cold during the summer, thru vent control.
Cold is collected from a lowland pipe directed into the basement
rocks. Cold pipe is either too small to crawl thru or a steel grid
covers the pipe end next to the rocks.
- Stackwood walls are made of 2 ft. logs of any diameter, cut from
local wood, using newspaper or flameproof insulation between the
outside / inside. Mortar / concrete at the ends of the 2 ft. logs.
- 12" x 12" x 13' posts (4 feet in the ground) and
12" x 12" x 9' beams are easily made and lifted. After
"wilting" a cut tree for 6 months (letting it dry after
cutting), posts and beams may be cut by ax or chainsaw-attachment
and lifted by tripod with block and tackle.
- All Tromp Wall glass south-side roof and walls for solar heating
of the home interior and attic fish tanks. Double glass uses a 2
ft. space between to collect heat in winter and is covered inside,
in summer, with reflective translucent foil.
- A roof snow trapdoor for ice in the summer. Ice storage uses
expandable walls to accommodate expanding ice. Shovel it
down..pack it tight. Provide a low drain in a floor-to-ceiling,
metal box with flexible sides, inside of which is a smaller metal
box with shelves for food storage, at the bottom of the larger
box, which is surrounded by ice water.
- Methane gas production plans from organics of the garden and
fish tank water from the attic tanks. A complete overview of
handmade tank, flametrap, storage and 12v compression pumps will
be available.
- Organic French Intensive raised bed gardens are arranged in
series, layed out in 4' x 8' grids you can walk around to avoid
soil compacting hard-pan
- Companion planting techniques and biologic / botanical controls
for pests.
- 20 year old addresses for RV 12v electrics, gas lights, antique
gas stoves, gas refrid, tools and much more. Addresses for well
drilling machines you can roll anywhere.
- With your computer and a Google Search Page, you can find all
the books you need on any subject. Parts can be found through the
Tomcat Directory of Manufacturers, also found in every good
library's Architectural Department.
- 20 year old, worn drawings were hand copied with pins and hand
tools, on new paper Masters, which can be downloaded from the
internet. They have a 1/4 inch = 1ft. scale but don't use them for
precise measurement. Use them for concepts only. The drawings have
a minimum of outside dimension measurements. Octagonal
calculations are on the drawings. All interior items are numbered
and listed.
- A Step 1, Step 2 etc. Schedule Page is provided. A Notes Page is
provided explaining fish tank, methane tank, garden items,
calculations and procedures.
- Plans and Help Pages will be delivered as printouts when the
transaction clears. Use your printer.