That wasn't the first GRID dream I've had. This has been on ongoing
thing for quite some time.
Studies on Ley Lines and the Grid Shift
by Dee Finney

8-5-02 - DREAM/VISION - I saw the world hanging in the sky,
like I was out in space.
There was a wide white track around the earth that looked like a
jagged square, as if
something had hit the earth and dragged along the surface as the earth
revolved. It wasn't
a perfect square. It resembled the picture above.
After I saw the globe with the white lines on it, then the globe
opened up into a view so
it showed the entire earth flattened out with the same type of white
lines on it to show me
that it was the entire earth that had the grid, not just one side.
Do not try to measure this image, it is not exact as I don't
remember the 'exact' image.
I feel it represents the GRID SHIFT |
3-1-92 - DREAM - I was asked to run and to hostess a party for a
prominent family on the borderline of Muskego and New Berlin in the valley
below Prospect hill. It was called a 'ROSE' party. The only people who
could come were those with special invitations of which their were 60. The
special catch was, we were buying 60 bottles of 'ROSE' wine and soaking
the labels off. The invitations were 8 1/2 x 11 sheets of paper. The
'ROSE' labels after removal from the bottles were to be pasted to bushes
around the city. Now the only way you could come would be to take your
invitation, drive around the city, find a label on a bush, paste it on the
invitation and then come to the party. To prevent someone from from
cheating our labels had a special mark on them which corresponded to a
special mark on the invitation, so people couldn't just go pluck a bush
either. somebody had to have both parts, our special label and the
specially marked invitation. then, when came, we had a special chart set
up which looked like this:
You take a legal size sheet of paper and draw a waving line
diagonally across the paper from lower left to upper right.
Then lines were drawn downward from top to bottom at 1" intervals.
(There were 4)
The 7 lines were drawn across the paper, some closer than others.
Some might be 1/4" apart and some might be 3" apart. It was random.
60 Tarot cards were chosen from a Tarot deck and shuffled and put in
a pile. On this grid that was created, along the lines, a particularly
along the waved line, a card drawn by an invitee to the party would be
marked and noted and then later when all the invitees had arrived, their
fortunes would be read to them.
NOTE: In the Arthurian Tarot Deck, the Queen of Hearts is the Grail
I showed N.H. a map of how to find the party house. It was at the
borderline of New Berlin/Muskego. You went out National Ave. to the top of
Prospect hill, then south down the hill on Fife Ave. to where it met
Oakland St. The house was at that point. (So was the liquor store)
At this point, I was in my 16th, cleaning off the green
table cloth to get ready to draw the lines on the paper. The refrigerator
was empty, ready to chill the wine.
The phone rang and it was my ex-husband Edward. (Edward means
"guardian") He had called to talk and when he overheard the plans for the
party, he asked if he could come. I wanted to blurt out, "No!", but I told
him that only the people who received the specially marked invitations
could come. Then David (David means "dearly loved")cut in on the line. He
said that he had just purchased the wine. The invitations, directions, and
instructions were all printed up, so all we needed to do was mail them
out, soak the labels off the bottles and go paste them on the bushes in
New Berlin.
NOTE: After I woke up from the dream, I drew up the chart and laid
out the Tarot cards such as the dream told me would be done. The results
were that this was a message that leads to deception, disappointment,
despair, frenzy, betrayal. Also authority overseeing, secret service,
vigilance, spying, examination, death failure, miscarriage, delay,
deception, folly, mania, extravagance, intoxication, delirium.
NOTE: 5 years and 180 days later, I had this dream on Aug. 25, 1997,
(I was getting ready to go to work, and a tall, blonde woman was going to
drive me there. We went out into this dark garage where there were swarthy
men with their vehicles. We went out into the narrow alley, and when we
went around a corner we came across a dark blue or black vehicle that was
so badly smashed, the top was caved in. One blonde man got out of the car.
He was okay. )
4 x 7 = 28 could mean the cycles of the Moon and the feminine
menstrual cycle. So 28 is associated with the moon, and the Moon
Goddesses's name is Diana. Almost every important date in Princess Diana's
life occurred on a date where there was a Solar eclipse in which case the
moon is between the earth and sun and blocks the "light". . The place
where Princess died was once noted as a place where they worshipped the
Moon Goddess.
5 days later, Princess Diana was killed in a similar accident in a
similar type place.
NOTE: Diana, Princess of Wales, Queen of Hearts, 1961 - 1997
At 4am (Paris time) Sunday 31 August 1997, Diana, Princess of Wales
died in hospital after being involved in a car crash which instantly
killed Dodi Fayed and the driver of the car. Diana's car was being chased
by photographers on motorbikes at high speeds when the crash happened in a
tunnel. Investigation of the accident also brought to light that the
driver of the car was more than three times over the (french) alcohol
limit. .
11-28-97 - DREAM On Friday night, we were supposed to move on
Saturday and we had not yet started packing. I wanted everyone to help. We
were on Jackson St. in an apartment on the 1st floor, but the back door
and into the yard was from my 16th house. I wanted m husband to help and I
went to the back door to cal him. I called his name , "Bill". I looked out
the door. He looked like, "Tim" from my UFO group. He had two male friends
with him, so I knew he would have to visit with them, so I asked my 3 sons
to help instead.
I went down into he basement to do laundry. There I found 3 pair of
green pants to be washed. I could tell there were things in the pockets.
One pocket had sand in it, one pocket had a tarnished necklace chain in it
and one pocket had a good necklace chain in it. I discussed the chains
with my son Michael. He said it belonged to a girl he knew.
I went out to the Jefferson St. side of the building door with my
old boss Tom. He said he would pay me to put everyone's name into the
computer and tell him which ones came back with the error code S18 so he
could remove them from the list.
I went then out the front door onto 16th St. to see what my children
were doing. My baby toddler girl was playing on the front lawn. I was
worried she would run into the street but the other kids said they would
watch her.
I then went back down into the basement where I saw Richard Nixon
and his wife Pat and a couple other people including a boy and a girl. I
was wearing an orange "power suit"' like Pat Nixon and wearing high heeled
shoes. She introduced me to the boy and the girl. I think the girls name
was Clare. We just said stuff like , "Hello, How are you and things like
This meeting had something to do with Richard Nixon's death. In a
passage room, I saw my daughter's pink clothing and took it with me. I
went up to the 3rd floor then where I was making arrangements for some
other people to move. In one of the apartments, in a cabinet door, I could
see there was a fire burning. I cold see right through the wood at the
"flame"'. I was able to warn them of the fire and we all went out on the
balcony through the French patio doors while the man chopped into the
cabinet door to put out the flames. Then he cleared out the smoke and
everyone was safe.
DREAM #2 - I wanted to go look at the new apartment and show it to
two other woman who were with me. We headed for the apartment up the
street in another building and I realized I didn't have the key. I was
carrying a bottle of beer which I thought was the key. I also had a yellow
bag which I was carrying which morphed into my ex-husband Edward. He
became too heavy to carry. I put him down on the sidewalk and asked him to
walk by himself. I still had the yellow bag in my hand. He was naked so I
handed him the yellow bag to cover his private parts with.
I looked at the building to see if someone could let us in. All the
apartments were dark except 301 where the nuns had lived. I rang the bell
for 301 and a woman came to the door to let us in. At this point, I knew
my master keys were in the office. In my hand now, instead of the beer
bottle, I had a matchbook with one half broken "blue" head on it which was
the apartment door key.
Another man came who had a "double key" which fit the side door. He
had this key because he was the organist for the church which was on the
1st floor. I put the double key which was a key inserted into the end of
another key and then into the lock which had a design on it like Fleur de
Lis or something. The door promptly opened and we all went upstairs to the
3rd floor to apartment #304 which was to be mine. I was told that "Sandy"
had gone ahead of us to prepare the apartment. (Sandy was the C.D.
secretary/seer who died in 1981)
When we got to the kitchen, the refrigerator shelves were crooked
and the shelves had gas jets in them. After some struggling with them and
adjustments, I managed to get the grids aligned and lit the flames which
were blue with the one blue broken match which the apartment door key
4-13-98 - NOTE: I had been searching on the web for information
about King Arthur and the Holy Grail)
DREAM - I was in the countryside and came upon this huge cemetery
which was a manmade hill. It was surrounded by posts about every 4 feet
with a wall between them and dirt piled up behind the wall. On top of the
wall were many, many sunflowers planted and they were all in bloom.
The dream began to show me that the posts represented hidden
information and they were showing me information and every line had a
highlighted word. And every highlighted word represented more hidden
information if clicked on.
I then went inside the building there which was like a huge cavern
and sunlight filtered into the dusty air in stream of light. There were a
lot of children playing in there with red and green fly swatters. They
were dropping them down off a balcony like darts in a game. Most of the
flyswatters had offset grids to hit the flies with. I wanted only the red
ones with straight grids. The handles were twisted spirals of metal.
7-12-98 - DREAM SCENES - (cannot remember a whole story) There was
danger from flooding from a plumbing pipe. We were able to cap if off
sufficiently and prevent the flood.
I had been doing laundry for other people. All I had left to do was
to iron two shirts, but there was so much interference from other people,
I was trying to decide whether to iron these two multicolor plaid shirts
on the 1st floor where I was, or to take the ironing board and the iron to
the 3rd floor where the man's HOME was. I decided I could finish the
ironing on the 1st floor. I held up a shirt I had finished ironing. This
one too was multicolored man't shirt. It was all water-stained below the
chest level.
I was in an apartment with a woman and we were going to look at
another apartment for rent. she said, "It seems awfully dark". I knew one
wall was all glass windows. I told her, "That's because it's a garden
apartment on the lower level." While I was waiting for her, she was in the
bathroom which was down 7 steps on a lower level.
Following seeing the water stained shirt, we were standing there and
a huge, horrific wind came out of the furnace grid which was on the
baseboard by the floor. The grid which was brown began to shudder and flap
violently and made a horrific noise and finally blew off. As it did, eons
worth of dirt fell on the floor - all brown crud dust. We knew we could
clean it up and everything would be fine.
I went to the store and bought myself a makeup kit. I opened it up
and it was full of hundreds of colors of eyeshadow and rouge and
multitudes of brushes. I was thrilled with it.
I went out on the street and met a woman on the corner whom I knew
well. Instead of giving her a Christmas present, I gave her $25 in cash.
She was perfectly content with that. She was waiting to catch a bus, so I
crossed the street and continued on my way.
I came to a set of shelves on which Christmas presents were being
stored for people until they were picked up. There was one there for me
from my brother. It was wrapped in green tissue paper. When I first opened
it, I thought all it contained was 3 oval bars of soap, yellow, green, and
white/pink. I was very disappointed at first, but as I opened it further,
I saw a makeup case and it contained hundreds of colors of eye shadow and
rouge and a multitude of brushes just like I had just bought. I was
thrilled to received it.
I was sitting in the house waiting for the right time to do
something, thinking I needed my husband and family to do it with.
A young girl was there who had become motherless. I took her in my
arms and cuddled her and comforted her.
While I sat there, my husband and two sons came home. I was dismayed
to see that all three of them were injured in one way or another. My
husband had a cast on his right foot, one son had no apparent injury, but
I knew there was something wrong in his heart area, and the second son had
a cast on the left foot. I knew then that I would have to do project
myself anyway, that they would be of no help.
I was outside the house, standing in the driveway with plans to go
to another state. I knew how to get there and that if I waited, a car
would pick me up and take me there, and that if I went now, I would have
to walk. There was a dark forest between me and main highway and there was
like a red warning flag hanging on one tree, so I decided to stay where I
was until a car was provided. I was VERY disappointed.
12-14-98 - DREAM - I lived on the East side of Milwaukee. There was
a lot of junk on top of an old silver sink sitting on a diagonal on the
corner. There was a lot of junk on it. Several people came by who I knew.
I helped them pick out things they might need like a big can opener.
I went to my apartment, there were lots of people there. They were
all in process of sorting things out. A little boy baby I was caring for
needed his diapers changed. When I took off his diaper which was like
see-thru plastic. There was more poop showing outside than there was
inside the diaper.
My ex-husband showed up...he sat in a bathtub full of soap water in
the kitchen. He looked pale and weak. He said he had contracted some kind
of disease that started with the letter "M" but sounded like "Bosnia". I
can't remember what it was. He said he was getting better.
He went upstairs then and I followed him but was waylaid by a little
girl I was taking care of who wanted to take her toys upstairs to play
with. I let her take her toys upstairs to play with. I let her take a
table and some books, but I wouldn't let her take any of her red-plastic
gardening tools. I told her they belonged outside.
Then my father showed up in a 1922 Model T. It needed some repairs,
but it was huge and it ran perfect. I was thinking maybe he'd let me drive
it. It had some rusty grid-like parts on the roof but was as big as a room
in a house inside.
2-19-98 - VISION - I was seeing a series of silver objects which had
previously been shown to me in dreams The one outstanding object was 4
square grids or screens with square holes moving along a long distance.
They all had silver handles on them or posts perhaps they were.
9-30-99 -
From: "P
I had a dream that is very strange and left me having a hard time
waking from it. I was sitting with a group of people and the older lady
next to me was non English speaking. I noticed something beside her head.
I looked closer and realized a grid was appearing. There was something on
the grid that first looked like little bugs, then maybe drops of water but
I never could identify what it was. I told her about it and she not only
couldn't understand my words but also couldn't see what I was pointing out
to her.
So I physically moved her closer to me. Then she was able to see the
grid appearing. It was becoming stronger. Her husband was on the other
side of the grid. I looked and saw the grid appearing all around us. I
held her close to me and broke through the grid. I thought it would be
like a spider web but it was very strong and I had trouble breaking out of
it. We got away from it into another group of people. Then I let go of her
and didn't see her again but a man, who knew all about the grid started
showing me other things. He just sort of disregarded the grid that i had
just broken through to get the woman out. He just acted like it was an
every day thing.
He then showed me another type of grid that he was wanting to send
someone in to explore. He felt they could penetrate that and explore then
report back. But it was an unknown area inside that grid. I was asked to
try but said no as I didn't belong there in the first place. The man said
I could stay and go into the grid. Non of the others were too keen on it
either although there was great interest. One little girl decided she
would go. I then recognised her to be my own child that wasn't born to me.
I tried to prevent her but she said she really wanted to do it and I was
told that she only appeared to be a child, she really wasn't. She went in
and I felt she was confronting all sorts of unknown beings and running
from them but that she was also gaining many treasures. It made me feel
like she had been taken from me in a sense but also with a knowing that
she wasn't really mine, she belonged to the whole group. I turned and went
back through the grid that I had brought the lady through. I could still
hear the others on the other side of the grid, and could hear the little
girl. I then heard a voice that made me believe that the little girl had
been successful inside the grid.
Then I woke up. It was a very hard one to shake off and regain my
faculties. I was very numb and clumsy for a bit both in thought and
When the Grid first appeared only I could see it. I could see it in
three dimension, it was like a physical thing as I had to break through it
to get the lady out. And I don't know why her and no one else. The grid
appeared between her husband and her self and then was behind us both and
I think then it went in front of us as well, as if to box us in. I had no
worry for me but had to get her out. Then we broke out of it and with the
people on the "outside" of that particular grid, they saw it as well, and
knew what it was but it didn't seem to have much bearing on them. Or
rather they didn't seem to give it much importance. It almost seemed as if
I was one of them but not really. Kind of like a family reunion where you
go and you know every one and you enjoy talking and sharing and maybe even
planning family things and then you disappear and it's like they are still
there but not really.
Who ever they were, they knew the grids. Those grids have meaning
and the new one, that the little girl who is mine went into, is very
12-21-98 - DREAM - I was working on a page about UFOs, copying and
pasting from one web page to another. I copied part of the page, then
skipped a section that showed a row of 4 C.D.s. I copies a few more lines
below that which were (take 1 line from row 2) and (insert line 6 from
column B) sort of thing.
When I was finished I went into a regular dream which began when I was
in the bedroom and a man appeared outside who was going to give me an
estimate to re-sash all the windows in the house. I was just going to go
pee and now I did'nt have time, so I opened the window where he was at,
told him, "I'll be right there," and then took a round laundry basket that
was blue and had grids on the outside. I planned to pee in it out of his
possible line-of-site. I took the basket to a hallway that couldn't be
seen from that particular window but as soon as I did, Scott, the
maintenance man from Milwaukee appeared in another room with a big grin on
his face and I knew I couldn't pee first. I was stuck.
Right after that my husband/companion showed up who had been to the
hardware store pricing the parts. Before the two men could present their
estimate, my husband showed me a piece of paper with a number on it that
the estimate should come close to because he had done his own estimate.
The number was $217.42. The other men could only fill in the blank
number...their only leeway.
Scott said, "Man! If I would have know you did that estimate, I would
have looked at the number first!"
I went outside then. The men's van was a purplish color and really nice
looking, but when I got to the rear of it, it was just a hollow shell and
had nothing in it. The back doors were standing wide open.
My son Bill arrived and said he wanted to see the lake down the hill. I
knew it was 3 miles downhill on a winding road so I suggested that I drive
us down there.
The estimator's truck doors were rather sticking out quite far. I went
around the truck and discovered that when I slammed the doors shut, the
truck became a solid red fire truck.
10-4-99 - DREAM - by Dee
I was working in a large office. Nobody was there at
the moment I had ordered a lot of office supplies including a signature
stamp of my bosses name because he was rarely there and we didn't like to
wait around for him to show up to sign papers or sign things, so this
dark-haired and dark skinned man with dreadlocks who worked in our office
told me to order the stamp. I wasn't really expecting the stamp to arrive
with the rest of the supplies because it took 3 weeks for signature stamps
to get done.
There was nothing to do while I was waiting for the
supplies, so I got up and went over to my bosses desk which was black and
I began to straighten out a junk box he had on top of the desk. He had a
lot of fingernail files in the box. I really needed those, so I was
planning to help myself to one.
Just then the other women who worked in the office came
in and the office supply delivery arrived at the same time. I was glad
they arrived at a time it looked like I was actually working.
A maintenance repairman named Joe came in then also to
get a grid he was supposed to work on. We didn't know which one was
supposed to be repaired because there were 4 of them. There were three
together standing upright, leaning against the wall, and I had a 4th one
standing up by another wall and I stood there with my hand on it.
2-12-00 - After I lay down to take a nap, I closed my eyes and saw a a
shadow of a person hover over me and kiss me on the cheek. I felt the kiss
in the physical.
VISIONS: ( I saw something that was like a rocket but it went too fast
to really see it.
I then saw the word 'ELEMENTARY'
I then saw a grid-like structure which was stone grey, and behind it
flashed alternate colors of bright blue and lavender and back and forth
again and again.
I was impressed with the words ' Time and Space'
I then saw what looked like colored stars of red and blue rushing
through purple and blue time and space at incredible speed.
There was a break and the subject changed:
I heard rock and roll music and saw a crowded room full of dancing
people in black and white.
I heard a voice said, "All this must change"
I heard a strange noise and then saw a squirrel come running from the
right and he scurried over to my rock garden and was sniffing around.
NOTE: I have never seen a squirrel here because the orchard farmers
kill them all so they have a good crop.
9-21-00 - This whole thing started on 9-20-00 when I suddenly got
so tired, it was either lay down and take a nap or fall on my face.
The dream I had seemed rather dumb. It didn't start to make sense
until the next morning and I turned on the news.
9-20-00 - DREAM - I was in a house where other people lived. I had
a small kettle of various type and size peas and beans (like lima).
Each of these peas represented an event and time. (I've dreamed this
before). All these peas and beans were in a kettle full of water. I
was going to put it on the stove to cook because raw peas and beans
don't count. However, I spilled some water on the floor under the
sink. I then saw that it was dusty under the sink which meant I had to
wash the floor.
It wasn't enough to just wash the floor, it had to be
scrubbed. There were little square indentations on the floor like it
was a big grid ... it wasn't smooth. So the floor had to be flooded
and then scrubbed. So, I had to flood the floor, then scrub it.
I didn't want to use a white rag or towel because the
floor would have turned it black. But the floor was blue, so I flooded
it with water, then scrubbed it with a large dark blue towel which
didn't show the dust (dirt) so much.
In the dream I knew that the number of peas and beans
I had meant these events were going to all take place and be done by
the year 2012.
NOTE: I have several other dreams of peas and beans,
but none with the reference of 'time'. I tried to remember how many
peas and beans there were. I would say less than a hundred. They were
all floating and of various sizes.
9-21-00 - 3:00 a.m. - VISION - I saw a solitary person
standing in the blast of a nuclear wind. It was said to be a 1.58
2-18-01 - DREAM - (I hope none of this is true) I was in
the country somewhere. I was driving along a mountain road on
which a woman had driven off the edge and crashed into a gully
below. There were some reporters or investigators there. I
listened to their conversation. They were trying to figure out how
the accident happened, as from the crash evidence, it wasn't
obvious. One of the guys said, "What would it look like if she had
been going the other direction?" The second guy just gasped like
it was a horrible thought. According to what I heard, a woman had
been driving her car along the road and ran into the back end of a
propane truck, then careened off the highway into the gully.
The scene switched and I was now on a farm
where the farmer lived ,who owned or had something to do with
driving the propane truck that was in the accident. Here again I
was listening to the conversation between the farmer and the man
who was repairing the propane truck. I was hidden behind the
corner of a farm building, watching the men who were in the
driveway. The repairman was telling the farmer that the propane
truck had been hit on the left rear corner, then careened off the
highway. The farmer said, "All I care is that the truck gets
fixed fast. I need it." The repairman said that it would be done
The repairman and the farmer then both left the
scene and drove away. I wanted to see for myself what was going
on, so as soon as the men were gone, I rushed back to another barn
where I thought the truck was being kept. For some reason I had a
bottle of catsup in my right hand. I realized how stupid that was
by the time I got there, but I had it there to prevent myself from
doing something ... I don't know what.
I got to the steps of this small outbuilding
and set the bottle of catsup down on the ground. I ran into a
green grid fence of some kind which was protecting the steps ...
perhaps to keep other animals from going up the steps. It seemed
to be made of plastic. There were 5 steps going up to a small
porch, before getting to the door. I didn't see the green grid
fence at first, and when I hit it with my legs, I bounced back and
quite a few goats came running out from behind the building. I
immediately assumed that hitting the green grid fence set off an
alarm of some kind, or released the goats to scare someone from
entering the building.
But I wasn't scared enough by this not to climb
over the fencing, so I stepped over it and continued climbing the
The door to the building wasn't locked so I
just pushed it open.
Behind the door a white calf came to the door
and stuck it's nose out, and behind it was a purple donkey. I knew
immediately the donkey was named Eeyore as soon as I saw it. I
was afraid of large animals, but I was determined to see what was
going on in the building, so made myself get over my fear and
pushed my way past the white calf and Eeyore the donkey.
Once I got past Eeyore, I was able to see out
another door into an animal pen behind the building. In the pen
were dozens of starving calves. They were beyond just hungry. I
could actually see their ribs sticking way out underneath their
hide. They were too weak to even cry out in hunger. At the same
time I knew that the farmer was shooting six of them a day to feed
himself. I knew too that 6 calves a day would be too much meat
for just one man even as skinny as these calves were. There was
something else going on too, but I didn't know what .....
11-13-01 - DREAM - I was sitting in a bedroom office writing and my
Father came in from out in the garage. He put a multicolored afghan
over my shoulders - like the one I sit on in the car which I call 'my
afghan of many colors' i made it to meditate with because it has all
the chakra colors. He also brought in the mail. There was an envelope
addressed to Great Dreams Publications and a roll of stamps. In the
envelope was a crisp new $1 bill. I told him I had entered one of
those round robin contests where I sent $1 to someone and now I was
getting repaid by others. He also gave me a bicycle to ride which I
rode inside of a grid-like structure full of plants.
I was then typing on my keyboard at the computer and there were
beautiful vines growing in the keyboard. It was hard to type because
of the vine but they were really beautiful.
My Father also came into my yard then with a vial of water, which I
used to water a fruit tree which was blooming there. The flowers on
the fruit tree were white. There were some down low on the trunk as
well as in the branches. I watered the tree very carefully so it would
keep blooming. My Father was riding in a big old light brown car like
a model T and it seemed like he had a chauffeur because he was sitting
in the back seat.
While my Father sat in the office with me, I also told him my whole
Ted Danson flood dream.
I'm not sure if my Father gave me a black and green striped T shirt
or if it was someone else, but it was slipped on over my head, over my
other clothes. I was then told to raise my right arm.
Then my son Tom and a whole bunch of other kids and older people
came in. All the young people were wearing the same green and black
stripped T shirts and black pants or skirts.
Some of the older men were just watching and didn't have their
shirts on yet. They were observing on the sidelines like I was.
My son Tom and all the other young people formed a ring around a
huge rectangular table, raised their right arms and danced around this
table in a circle. It was a ritual dance of some kind.
I was then in my bedroom and my son Tom and another young man came
in and sat on the edge of the bed and again I told the dream about Ted
Danson and the 450 foot flood.
5-5-2002 - DREAM - A WORK NIGHT - I was manager of an apartment
building, scheduling maintenance work and doing other people's laundry
along with my own white and pink sweaters.
It seemed like most of the people in the building wanted their
bathroom plumbing fixed and or upgraded all on the same day. We had never
been so busy.
I made note that it had got steadily warmer outside and all of a
sudden everything iced over like an iceage. Someone scratched off a bit of
ice and there was a date revealed. It was 1-02-2022.
I continued to do the laundry. I was working with the Mexican
children. One man told me I should make it a point to work with the crime
issues in the town.
There had been a murder in the building, but someone said, 'Oh!
That's okay! The cops only have to move the body 8 feet to the morgue.
I took the laundry out to the yard to hang it outside. The Mexican
children's last laundry had been done 5 years earlier and was still
hanging on a trellis-grid-like tree structure made of tree branches. I
removed a little grey skirt and a white blouse that would fit a 5 year old
girl. I saw a problem on this trellis-grid. The bottom-most stick on the
right side was broken off and missing. Someone came from behind me and
said they would try and fix that by inserting a new stick into the grid.
Then I saw someone drive up to the curb with my Father in the right
passenger seat. The speed of the car stopping so fast made my Father's
body be thrown forward. He was wearing all beige clothes with a spring
jacket and smart-looking gentleman's cap. He looked like death warmed over
and he had violent dry heaves and was gagging.
While I was watching my Father be sick, a male friend of mine
quickly walked over, leaned over and gave me a quick kiss and whispered in
my ear, "The maintenance men left two pens n the bedclothes this morning."
Because my Father was there, all I could say was "I hope there was
nothing wrong with them," meaning I was hoping they weren't broken and
5-9-03 - DREAM- I was in a huge non-place room where a meeting had
been called. I was with a man named David D, who I used to work with at
A-C. I'm missing some details here I think, but something needed to be
I was shown the female pattern for the repair. It looked like this.
Then I was shown the male pattern for the repair. It looked like
Then I was shown there was only one female patch and it was inside a
jar of some kind of crystalline fluid, swirling in a circle. It seemed
that an angel would use it.
Then I was shown 25 of the male patches, but they were held up like
shields and all of a sudden all these men were on horses and the men and
horses became crysstalline - all lined up in a row like warriors.
David said that he didn't feel right about something about his job,
so I advised him, "If something doesn't feel right, the best thing to do
is to go forward and move on."
It was time to leave then and we crawled over a counter-like barrier
in the doorway - out into a dimly lit hallway where some teen girls were
walking by.
One of them ased, "Who are you?" and I answered, "ME". She said,
"Who is ME?" and I answered by pointing at myself , "ME!"
1-2-04 - DREAM - I was in a city with some friends. They were going to
the library and I said that I should probably go along because I needed
some books on statistics or at least basic math or record keeping.
I already had some books on basic math and I put them in my coat pocket
I saw the covers briefly. They had cute little Teddy bears on them. I had
three of them.
In order to go there, I had to take my son Bill with me and when I told
him that, he started to cry and told me his right arm hurt.
Every kid hurts himself, so I was just going to put new clothes on him
and go anyway, but when I changed his shirt and put his little brown
shoes on him, he cried again that his arm hurt.
So that forced me to take him to the doctor instead.
When I got to the doctor's office, he did the same thing I did and more
or less blew it off. Meanwhile Bill was still crying from the pain.
So I said to the doctor - maybe his arm is broken, don't you have an
x-ray machine or a fluoroscope to look at his arm? The nurse said they
did, so they looked at his arm and I saw this bright blue image of his
arm. The image was shaped like :
It was crisscrossed with a thousand or more cross-hatches
that looked broken in 3 places.
At that point I went back home to analyze the situation,
because I had seen that shape before in a dream.
So then the doctor came to the house and I was drawing on
a large piece of paper all the information. The doctor was now Geraldo
Rivera and sat down to investigate the problem.
First he took a swift drink of booze.
He asked me if I was aware of the time.
I drew lines like a 24 hour clock.
I said that Bill had dreamed that. Geraldo then sat down
and listed all the elements of the case like he was analyzing a dream.
He wrote:
fornication (which is how the arm broke)
________________________________________________> dirt
I knew that fornication meant sexual bonding.
I also remembered the cross -hatching from the patch of
the warrior from the grid dream I had seen recently and the patch was to
repair the grid.
6-21-2005 DREAM SNIPPET - Something exploded leaving a thinner than
spider web grid that imprisoned humanity. I looked up into the sky and
there was an intensely colored dark-rainbow in the sky.
compiled by Dee Finney |
"And I looked and. lo, a Lamb stood on Mount
Zion, and
with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his
Father’s name written in their foreheads. And I heard a
voice from heaven, like the voice of many waters, and
like the voice of a great thunder; and I heard the voice
of harpers harping with their harps. And they sang as it
were, a new song..." Rev. 14:1-3.
Hopi elders say that the Earth Mother will soon
"sing a
new song" or shift into a higher vibration. When this
happens the Earth’s grid will morph into a more complex
sacred geometric structure and all of life that is part of
the grid, including you and I, will be transformed.
7-29-02 - DREAM - I was sitting in a car with a blond woman who
was doing the driving. A dark haired girl we called Carol was sitting
in the back seat. A third woman with dark hair came up to the car and
get into the back seat with the child. The three of us women were
going to work on a project together. (The name Carol means
'song of joy')
But, before we did that, the little girl wanted to get out of
the car and play for a bit. Since she wasn't involved in the project,
we allowed her to put on her playclothes and get out and enjoy herself
for a bit. Her formal long dress and brand new red high-heeled shoes
were kept in the car to keep them clean.
The blonde woman and I looked over some of Carol's clothing,
which she was outgrowing - silver skirt and a brown skirt. We decided
they would have to be replaced.
While I was still in the car, I as embroidering a picture of a
river that was long. The picture was just of the river and I was
working with pink thread, taking stitches on a diagonal every 1/4" all
the way up the river. These pink stitches represented the reflection
of the sun as it set and shone on the waves of the water. I as
thinking that it was like 'the path'.
While we sat in the car, there was a sudden chill in the air
like fall was coming. An old woman came by who was taking her daily
walk and she commented on the change in the weather. She said, "There
is only 'two weeks' left to enjoy ourselves."
At that point, I was feeling a little chilled and thought about
putting ona light blue sweater over my sleeveless dress to keep my
arms warm.
I got out of the car and went into a garage-like place where
there were two radio chassis side by side. I began working with two
leads from one radio and touching them to two wire connection son the
other radio in order to produce the sound and worked on the tuning.
There was a tall man standing behind my right shoulder who was
watching me to see that I was doing it correctly. It also seemed like
he and I were the only two people who knew how to do this.
A phone call came in then, asking about the bright red shoes
that had been left in the car. The call came from a TV show which was
trying to determine who they belonged to.
It seems that this call came from a higher level and I told the
woman that the shoes belonged to Carol.
While I talked about the shoes, I could see them clearly in my
mind. They were sturdy high-heeled shoes - held together with what
seemed like an invisible wire and each shoe was facing in the opposite
direction, but side by side. They slid together in that position
while I watched. It was improbably that Carol could wear these shoes
any time soon since she was so young. (She appeared to be about 7 or 8
years old)
I was supposed to go sing at a concert and if I didn't hurry I
would be late, but this was just the rehearsal. I could hear the choir
practicing in the background while I as getting read to go there -
each successive passage was on a higher note. They left certain parts
blank, which I was seeing in my mind, where I and the other two women
would be singing solo - each of us with a particular word and note. It
was a beautiful song and I was anxious about doing it correctly, but
that was MY part to do.
12-17-07 - 7:21 a.m. DREAM - I was in a school somewhere where
a concert was going to be held.
I was in a small auditorium, and 21 young women, all dressed in
shimmering white gowns came in, each carrying a life-size bottle that
was a candle holder - 7 clear bottles were placed on the left, and 7
clear bottles were placed on the right. 7 clear blue bottles were
lined up in the center.
Then 21 young men came in - 7 stood on the left in front of the
7 clear bottle candle holders, 7 stood on the right in front of the 7
clear bottle candle holders, and 7 stood in the center in front of the
clear blue candle holders.
The bottles would hold the 'light'.
The men were introduced as the Global Union Tune Group.
To tune up, the men all crooned one magnificent note.
I wish I had perfect pitch so I could tell you which note it
was. I woke up exactly at 7:21 a.m. the same numbers that were noted
throughout the dream.
What its going to take to be successful!!! |
Ps 33:3 Sing unto him a new song; play skillfully
with a loud noise |
He put a new song in my mouth,
a song of praise to our God;
many will see and fear
and will trust in the Lord.
Psalm 40:3 |
2-1-09 - DREAM - I was looking at a large table cloth that was
embroidered in fine detail everywhere. The pattern was made up of little
squares, some of the squares broken up into smaller squares, and each
square had the image of a man in old fashioned clothing, or just words
that someone said that had been remembered.
Then the tablecloth vanished and I was looking at the brown table
itself which was very shiny, and on this table - on the left was a line of
sky blue discs and on the right was a much smaller line or orange discs.
Then the blue discs started flying across the table at the orange
discs - of course there were fewer and fewer orange discs as they got hit
by the blue discs.
I woke up with the thought that it was about the Blue and Orange
2-7-09 - DREAM - It seemed I was in England in a very old
house. The sofa in the livingroom was an ugly yellowish color and
I was determined to fix that so the sofa cushions were all taken
off and changed to brown and white tweed, but not put back
together until a 'gentleman' from America came to visit. Then we
quickly put the sofa back together like a puzzle. . I was afraid
of a short circuit fire in the corner of the house. I made dinner
for a group of people, which was all cooked in the oven. I opened
the oven to show the people the dinner, and it was all American
meats except for a tall dark loaf of bread which broke in half and
fell apart when I looked at it. At the end I was looking at a
grid-like puzzle and I knew I had to take out #65 to eliminate the
danger there.
8-13-09 -
I was 18 in
this dream.
I and my
standing in
a hallway
waiting for
his family
to gather
for a
wedding that
was coming
up. His
father came
up to us and
put his arms
around the
both of us
and from
just inches
from my ear,
he rather
and said, "I
assume the
two of you
have had sex
I didn't
answer out
loud, just
nodded a
bit. He
said, "I
don't want
coming up to
me at the
wedding and
telling me
that they
have videos
of you
having sex
I assured
him there
wouldn't be.
father left,
and then the
mother or
female older
came up to
me and
handed me
that were
going to be
used at the
wedding. I
said that I
would take
them to the
corner store
and have all
put into
them so they
would be
good to go
for the
wedding. My
was acting
all weird
like all he
wanted to do
was go have
sex right
then, but we
had to get
ready for
the wedding.
So my
went to do
else for a
few minutes,
and I had a
with some
other young
people who
worked in
about a
powder blue
car I
admired that
used to be
across the
street all
the time.
They noticed
that the car
was parked
down the
street a bit
like it
belonged to
someone else
They left
and I opened
up the lid
on the first
and it was a
child type,
with only 8
colored keys
in it. I saw
that and
decided I
getting new
for a
that a child
would play.
Just at
that moment,
a really
skinny girl
came into
the hallway
from outside
and I saw my
and her
come in
right behind
her, and
they started
teasing me
like my
had been on
a date with
her or
girl, and I
kidded them
back like I
knew it was
a joke the
whole time.
I was
inside, but
kept my face
serious like
I believed
It was
all a big
joke, but I
had to go
get the
for the
keyboards so
they could
be played at
the wedding.
That was
because I
didn't even
meet those
people until
I was in my
40's, and
never went
with the
family. In
fact, I
never met my
Wondering if
this is
I just got
this e-mail
right after
I wrote down
my dream:
I just got
the heads up
that this is
my first
post from
the new
What's that
No idea.
But I do
is here.
Now that the
cosmic dust
has settled
from that
and from
what I can
assess, the
divide that
the ascended
talked about
for so long
has finally
drawn the
line in the
This means
that for all
you warrior
out there
held the
frequency of
light to
create a
vortex for
energy to
flow into
grid ...and
are squeaky
clean from a
decade of
& purging
all but your
finally be
able to hold
light (love)
in your
lives and
bodies to
these higher
In other
words, as of
the August 6th
(give or
take a few
days), you
have been
cut off from
the lower
realms of
fear, lack &
How is this
You may be
any or all
of the
You may
feel lighter
in your
from those
mental wars
bondage. You
may have
interest in
"out there"
or even in
what I have
to say)
because you
peaceful &
to hold and
of what's
happening in
the external
You may
suddenly and
be feeling
of your
state or the
state of
others. You
may have
begun to
notice the
return of
passion, an
increase in
a desire to
move forward
again, an
interest in
play, a
you may be
seeing more
of) color,
sudden &
bursts of
about your
next steps,
profound and
a shift in
and/or new
maybe for
the first
may have no
doubt that
ascension is
real and
that you
levels of
to get here.
You may be
able to look
at the whole
journey in
and with
as if it
were someone
else who
suffered for
so long. If
so, a
in order
because you
are moving
on to become
the living
teachers and
examples of
a new era, a
of divine
is the new &
Now, all
this stuff
may not
be happening
at once...or
maybe it
is...but the
of this
latest and
shift seems
to be the
in our
field. It is
but also
very subtle
at this
point (tho
growing), so
if you can
access it,
you can
expand its
with your
And as well,
we will most
likely be
ebbing and
flowing for
a bit until
ground here.
energy can
feel like
your mind is
in a
than your
you are able
to think
clearly and
with great
yet your
body & life
may still be
a mess.
seems to be
the ability
to have this
expansion in
mental space
& clarity
Kind of like
at the same
exact time
you feel
with it all.
(I secretly
imagine this
is what it
feels like
to be a
rainbow : ))
From here we
able to make
a clear
thinking and
also imagine
will be a
very helpful
tool for the
The opposite
may be true
too, where
you bump up
against an
old thought
form that
would have
you, yet you
feel no
if you go
for it...which
clearly, I
do not
If any of
this is true
for you,
know that
spiritual &
stability is
first to
arrive and
will lead
you to
balance all
resides. As
always, the
layers are
last to
adjust (the
most dense),
but in this
case, the
states of
that we will
in this new
will create
flow of full
required to
bring these
suits into
And not a
minute too
On the
can still be
sloppy. If
you are
wild and
around the
lower 2
(from lower
neck &
etc.) along
with the
brightness &
know that
the body
still needs
and care to
catch up.
The Loss of
yet common,
phenomena at
this stage
of the game
is a lost
interest in
all things
Things like:
& rituals,
etc. may no
longer have
any appeal
to you, and
if so, this
normal. In
fact, if
interest is
this is a
of grounding
in 5th
meets spirit
in a
is akin to
there, done
the t-shirt.
What's next?
It's not
will feel
this way all
at once, or
that these
things won't
exist any
more, its
just that
those of us
who held
this energy
and are now
moving on to
levels of
personal and
As well, the
next wave
will be
our old J O
B 's with
their new
passion and
interest all
those things
that once
set us on
fire. In
as we
existed in
levels of
prior to the
shift, so
too will we
exist in
levels of
in the new &
the Wheat
from the
important to
keep in mind
is just
one stop
on the way
to full
mastery and
that there
is a big
and what we
ascension. I
am hearing
that these
two paths
are now
parting, and
that this
truth will
soon become
dimension is
one layer
of our
is very
common for
humans to
get stuck
here and to
mastery is
the be all,
in fact, the
purpose of
ascension is
master both
AND material
lead us to
but it is
only through
the process
of merging
the physical
(spirit &
matter) that
we attain
And just as
can serve as
to the real
go of
know that
the same
holds true
It is just
as easy to
to) caught
up in the
logic of
doing the
visceral &
required to
get us
is really
just some
fancy word
to describe
the demented
required to
achieve and
our full
... and this
means on
This state
of being
resides in
promote ego
and western
the true
Source of
of which are
only half of
the whole.
The fully
from the
energies and
of both
spiritual &
east & west,
male &
matter &
for the Next
As of the
August lunar
eclipse (and
with the
help of the
Sun) there
has been
quite a bit
of forward
fiery energy
available to
us which is
the return
of creative
Because we
are still
clearing our
1st and 2nd
it is also
to channel
energy in a
way. If it
is not
this fast
current can
easily be
for, or
feelings of,
If you have
been feeling
and wanting
to do a lot
of things,
but with not
energy to do
that this
will settle
as we
complete our
On a higher
level you
may feel
ready to
through the
gate, yet in
needed to
support our
new ways of
living and
being are
still being
set up as
the energy
into the
What to do
in the
You may
already be
feeling this
urge, but
while we are
in this
space of
the unseens
us to wrap
things up
from our
complete any
organize our
lives and
ourselves up
with strong
so we are
prepared to
handle a
rush in
Time to pull
together all
elements and
tie up loose
up what was
so that what
is can
easily enter
our lives,
animate our
and take us
next level.
The rushing
our need to
get things
done is
really just
of the end
of a cycle
and the
arrival of a
new one, but
it is
serving good
purpose. If
we can wrap
things up
we will
any lower
systems from
our past,
and that we
so that all
will be
sealed in
The Return
of Planetary
Humanity was
created to
hold the
of serving
as Earth’s
race. The
knowledge of
divine and
science that
is now
available to
those who
through the
cycle of
clearing and
grid that is
making this
will begin
the physical
of our
As we begin
to create
our higher
that will
carry the
vibration of
home, we
will quickly
(& in some
together in
soul purpose
with our
brothers and
sisters of
with our
hearts and
our balanced
will begin
phase of
the building
blocks of 5th
in 3d
And now that
we are
in the new &
true, we
will be like
life for the
first time.
Starting new
new realms,
learning new
with magic,
and as
to even
states of
The real
journey has
only just
there is so
much more to
Are you
ready to
live the
life of your
Until next
written by Joe Mason
November 28, 1992
The following is a brief outline of some of the ideas that
have come to me concerning a very great change coming to our world. In
most cases dreams were involved, my own, or those of others. Often
coincidences occurred, usually the accidental finding of a similar concept
elsewhere, such as in myths or the dream of another person. I have a very
large stack of material supporting these ideas. I have no way of knowing
for sure if any of this is valid, but I do feel like I was led to them. My
hope is that others will find more connections and verifications to some
of the ideas through their own dreams, inspirations or studies.
1. Truths will slowly
be revealed that will drastically change the world view. Many are ancient
teaching. There will be resistance to this, but eventually the symbols
will be newly understood and fit into scientific discoveries.
2. The change in world
view toward unity and love will completely transform our world in
unbelievable ways.
3. We will learn that
we are creating the
reality here and
have the power to have it as we wish. We are the Demiurge, the
craftsman/builders, a sub-deity. This is depicted sometimes as a swastika
with a "builder" symbol ( right angled square) in each quarter.
Counterclockwise represents a negative creation, and clockwise (going
east) is positive. Similar symbols are four couples around a square, the
octopus, which is negative, and the eight-pointed star, a positive, unity
4. Our thoughts and
beliefs create the reality. They are prime movers of the 'orgone' or low
energy fields that form patterns around which physical matter coalesces.
Time and cause/effect are part of the creation here. On a higher level of
reality, this creation can be viewed as an eternal now, each moment
created through rapid vibrations. The new beliefs involve a conquering of
fear and belief in evil.
Simply by believing that our existence is blessed and good, will lock-out
evil, or negative activity. This is the 'giant' or "Titan" that will be
defeated. The battle of good over evil is a question of what we chose to
believe. Symbolically this is shown as a tree individually, or a great
tree collectively. The Tree of Knowledge represents the beliefs that
create the Tree of Life,
that is, the reality.
5. Our Oversouls, or
Higher Selves, are involved in the creation. Each of us are
reincarnational, or focus personalities of the Oversoul. Our other
personalities exist in the past and future from our viewpoint. The
Oversoul, a very powerful consciousness unit, is symbolized as a
circle of interlocking
rings that resembles a flower. Each 'petal' is a focus personality.
6. The order of
consciousness is a hierarchy. This can be viewed as a pyramid, with humans
at the base, oversouls above, on up to the One, or God at the top. The
entire structure is God and Her/His manifestations, thus "All-That-Is" is
a more true concept of God. (see Ephesians 4:6)
7. All-That-Is is
within each unit of consciousness and matter. Each unit is like a seed,
containing the pattern of the All within it. The Creator manifests as
dual, or male/female. This is across scales from subatomic to macrocosmic.
The Feminine aspect generates, or gives birth to the Masculine. The
Masculine is radiated out into space-time. The physical reality is the
Male aspect or a part of it. The Spirit reality is the Generating, or
Female aspect. Each aspect has a part of the other, that is, each male has
part of the female and vice versa. The Yin Yang myth is true.
Yin Yang Symbol

8. In the
creation of mankind, the relative balance of the dual aspects creates the
Son, in a
Trinity, or three-part relationship. This is the meaning of the
Barbury Castle pictogram.
The 1991 Barbury Castle Pictogram

It's the subatomic
unit, or smallest particle of matter in our creation. Larger gestalts
of consciousness and matter are built up from these units. The central
circle represents the One Deity. The two rings are the Dual aspects. These
are the invisible energies creating the Triangle, or three-sided pyramid.
The north circle, a male/sun symbol, is the Masculine aspect within us.
The southwest circle is the feminine aspect, or Holy Spirit. Adam and Eve
are the equivalents; they are one, and within us. The ratchet spiral
represents the son in a cycle of time. In dreams and myths the
relationship of the aspects is often shown as mating or marriage. This is
the meaning of the Virgin Birth and is symbolized by the "Y" within the
Triangle. I saw this in a dream as the part of the woman's body where the
legs meet. It's the Generating world giving birth to this one.
Applicable myths are the Pythagorean Tetraktys, Tao Teh Ching 42, the
Christian Trinity and similar teachings found world wide. Ancient glyphs
show this as a circle with ring inside a triangle, a "Y"-shape, Eye in a
triangle, the letters "AUM" in a triangle representing "the Father and
Mother engendered the son, Man." The animal symbol is the face of the
bison or ox. The horns
represent the dual aspects, like antennas. (see Psalms 92:10) The Salvador
Dali painting "Christ of St. John of the Cross" has this symbolism.
Christ of Saint John of the Cross

9. The
great change involves a change in the
Duality balance.
This is multidimensional and all encompassing. It's part of a universal,
pre-ordained Plan. It is considered an evolutionary leap for mankind. We
are going from a male dominant to a more balanced condition of the two
aspects. Our "lost aspect" is a question of "forgetting." It was there all
along, but we "forgot" it for a purpose for a cycle of time. The change
involves an "awakening," or "remembering" of the lost aspect.
In terms of the human mind, rational, analytical thinking
is a male attribute. Intuitive, psychic abilities are a feminine
attribute. The change will increase the feminine abilities, bringing new
knowledge about the nature of reality. A joining of the realities,
spiritual and physical, will be achieved.
10. We will learn that
the dream reality is essential in the creation of daily reality. Events
here are planned there. Infinite idea potentials exist there that can be
manifested here. We unknowingly operate there nightly, planning individual
and collective events. The great change will involve
coincidence or
simultaneities that seem accidental. They are planned in the dream state
and contain symbolism. As we begin to learn the symbolic language of the
dream-world, we will understand the meaning of events in daily life. An
ancient symbol of our collectiveness is the
spider, as placing a
thread between each of us. The modern dream symbol of this is the
computer, with each of us hooked up to the central control system.
11. This world of ours
has been involved with an experiment of consciousness for a cycle of time.
We have been working with the Father, or Masculine aspect; the aggressive,
thrusting outward attribute, that can become negative and violent. The
great change involves a
transmuting of
this warring attribute to the positive. This is accompanied by the
death of the Male War Gods, or a belief fin them, and an awareness of the
Mother/Father Deity. The ancient symbol of the Dual deity is a circle
bisected by a line, which has appeared in many crop patterns. Major
symbolic numbers are
nine and multiples
(18, 36, 54, 72, 108,
28 and
12. The warring-cycle,
on a large scale, probably started with Sargon I of Akkad, (now southern
Iraq) about 4,320 years ago. (432
is a cycle of time number) Babylon is a symbol of disunity.
13. A period of stress
on a global level started with WW1 in 1914. This was the beginning of the
apocalyptic cycle. A symbolic event preceded this in 1912, the sinking of
the Titanic.
14. Another pair of
symbolic events occurred in the late 1960's; the moon landing and the
great leap of Bob Beamon in the Olympics in Mexico City. They symbolized
the great evolutionary leap for mankind. The Gulf War also contained
15. The film "2001:
Space Odyssey" symbolically portrayed the great change. An unknown
intelligence, represented by the obelisk, controls evolution from apes to
man, developing rational intelligence. When the obelisk is found on the
moon millions of years later, it communicates to space that it is time for
the next evolutionary step. The computer, HAL, represents the collective
selves not connected, an artificial intelligence with no heart. The
astronaut Dave's experience represents the lone spiritual journey. He goes
to the heart of the craft and disables HAL. The computer breaks down and
sings, "Daisy, Daisy . . . on a bicycle built for two." The Daisy is a
symbol of the Oversoul and the bicycle, the aspects balanced.
Daisy-like crop patterns
appeared in 1991, along with a flower profusion in England.
Bicycle-like crop
patterns appeared, such as those at Pepperbox Hill and the "insectograms."
The film ends with Dave transformed into a baby in a bubble heading back
to earth. A new cycle of
evolution begins.
16. East is the
direction of enlightenment. When you awake from the dreaming and things
"dawn" on you, the sun is rising in the east and the morning star, Venus,
shines for awhile. The two lights are the symbolic equivalent of Adam and
Eve, that is, a large male/rational aspect, and a small female/intuitive
one. In the film, "2010,"
the sequel to "2001," the earth receives
two suns.
Symbolically, this is the balancing of the aspects involved in the great
17. There may be an
actual equivalent to the obelisk. Recent satellite photographs revealed a
perfect ring of circles at the Yucatan. They are the Sacred Cenote holes,
or natural wells. The wells are now thought to mark the spot where the
great meteorite struck 65 million years ago that caused the extinction
of the dinosaurs and other large species. Core samples revealed
crystalized quartz 1,100 meters below ground.
Scientist J.J. Hurtak claims to have had a spiritual visitation in
1973. He wrote "The Keys of Enoch," telling of a great evolutionary leap
for mankind. A map of the Yucatan is shown in the book, called "The Sacred
Grid". Lines are drawn between megalithic sites revealing a three-part
triangle. It's quite similar to the
Castle pictogram. Dr. Hurtak was told that this area had triangular
grids of crystal and is a communication point with the heavens. It will be
involved in a grid shift and alignment effecting the changes here.
The Sacred Grid

Some dowsers say that the energy grid is associated with
naturally sited, underground quartz. There may be a seven-mile wide
crystal underground at the Yucatan functioning like a radio oscillator,
effecting the energy grid.
18. The
Pleiades and
Orion are major symbols
in the great change. (see Job 38:31) The Pleiades, commonly called the
Seven Sisters, has six readily visible stars, with a dimmer seventh, known
as "the Lost Pleiad." This is associated with the seven days of creation,
which are not yet completed.
I dreamed of a similar concept, then later found it in "The Keys of
Enoch." After six aeons of time, six fields of light come together, so
that on the seventh day, the transmutation is added by the Seventh Ray.
This involves subatomic levels of body chemistry. The north circle in the
Barbury Castle pictogram may represent the six fields of light coming
together. The "ratchet spiral" may represent the six aeons of time. The
Seventh Ray may be the Southwest circle, or it could come through the
center of the north circle, which is like an
This July (1992) I sent these and other ideas to Roberta Ossana, editor
of "The Dream Network Journal." She called me on the telephone and shared
a dream she had three
weeks prior. In the dream, she visited a house with a large family. Seven
sisters came out, and one was a foot taller than the others. There was a
mother and father and one son with a wife. The son did volunteer work at
a prison. His wife was going to be accepted into the family of women and
is easily assimilated. The mother said, "Soon, my husband will retire, and
we will own the bank." In my opinion, Roberta paid a dream visit to the
Adamic Household.
19. An important symbol
of the change is the Tau,
depicted at a "T" with two trees and a flower on top, or as a split-trunk
tree with three branches at each end. The two trees, I believe, represent
the dual aspects and the two ways to knowledge, rational and intuitional.
20. The change may be
related to the seven
chakras. We have been operating in the lower three and will enter the
fourth, the heart chakra.
This is associated with a symbolic lightning strike, and may enable us to
reach the upper four chakras. The critical level is three and a half,
that is, the point between the third and fourth chakra. This is shown
symbolically in many ways, such as the Egyptian seven nodal points with
the 'swallowers' mouth between the third and fourth, the Chinese coiled
serpent with three and a half turns, and the 35th year as the mid-point in
the life of a man of three score years and ten. (the approximate age of
Jesus at crucifixion, and Buddha when awakened.)
This is related to
Revelation 11:11. The two trees lay dead for three and a half days and
then a breath of life from God enters them, and they stand up on their
The meaning of the "swallower" seems to be about reincarnation. If you
are still in the lower three levels of consciousness development at the
time of your physical death, you must be reborn and try again. Above level
three, you go on to more advanced realms of consciousness. The great
change may involve an en masse advance beyond the third level. At that
point, "death will be no more," that is, you will not experience the
death/rebirth of reincarnation.
21. At this time, in
the sleep state, we are reading our
Akashic records, the
accumulated knowledge from past lives.
22. The future of Man
is an en-masse achievement of a Christ-Self level. We will be Trinitized
Powers with miraculous abilities. We will manifest loving kindness and
forgiveness. It may be considered as the ability of the focus personality
to knowingly use the powers of the Oversoul.
23. A symbol of our
condition in this cycle is "prisoner or hostage." It is prevalent in
dreams and was a Gnostic concept. (also see Isaiah 42:7 and 42:22)
24. A symbol of the
higher abilities is
"King" or "Royal Power." (see Rev. 17:17 and 21:24)
25. Another tree symbol
is the tree held by the Dreaming God, or The Tree of Life in the Garden of
Eden. In the great cycle of time, mankind has experienced many "trees,"
both good and negative. It was all for a purpose involving the knowledge
of good and evil. The Tree of Life represents all the good and positive
that can and will be manifested here, as the Kingdom of Heaven on EArth,
or The New Jerusalem. It is God's Dream for mankind.
We have been prevented from grasping the Tree of Life until now. It is
now available and we each must grasp our share.
26. The shares of the
Tree of Life are being revealed now through crop patterns, UFO activity,
art, channeling, events, simultaneities, etc., and primarily dreams. There
is much confusion and contradiction, but it will begin to become more
clear in the coming years, as pieces of the puzzle are put together. In
the process, myths and religions will be explained and newly understood.
We will realize that we are One and part of the Creator's manifestations.
27. Other dimensions of
reality are also involved. The UFO's and E.T.'s are primarily from these
other dimensions. Marian
apparitions and similar phenomenon are from these other dimensions.
Our beliefs about them strongly influence how they appear to us. A more
direct contact will be the norm in the future.
28. Strange phenomena
will increase and may take various forms, such as clouds forming symbolic
patterns, objects raining from the sky, and spiritual apparitions.
If anyone reading this wishes to see the details of how the ideas came
to me, I am willing to present them. Some of it is strongly convincing in
my opinion, because it came in dreams of people who were not aware of the
concepts at the time. Also, the coincidences constantly happened, as if to
confirm the concepts. There is a definite predictive pattern. It is my
wish to find a serious scholar to look into it.
Joe Mason
Oakdale, California
[end of original 1992 Outline sent to Pat Delgado]
Many of the details of these 28 points are listed on various pages on My own
particular thoughts are written on the
Pollen Path pages.
Others are linked from the
crop circle page or
the coincidence page.
Many of these concepts come to people in dreams when they don't even know
anything about these changes coming. Coincidences constantly happen to
these people and myself to confirm these concepts. There is a definite
positive pattern.
Joseph E. (Joe) Mason
If you have any questions about this page, contact
Joe Mason
The URL of this page is:
6-10-09 - DREAM - I was in the backyard of my
16th St. house. We had a really bad storm and the water froze under
the shingles of the garage, which raised them up really high (they
were emerald green) The next morning, the ice all thawed and the
shingles started sliding off the roof. I was going to run into the
house to tell my Father about it, when I heard a strange noise. And
when I looked a huge baby eagle with its white baby feathers and a
naked neck and head flopped down onto the roof of the garage. This
baby eagle was about 2 feet long so I knew it was going to be a huge
eagle when it was grown.
NOTE: This might relate to the grid shift and
alignment that is coming:
Also see:
Also note this:
The "Phoenix" is already stirring in its nest,
deep below the surface of our planet....
As it did 12,500 years ago, the Earth will
readjust the accumulating burden of ice in the polar regions which
has thrown it out of its delicately poised spinning balance.
In taking flight as the "Phoenix", the entire
crust of the Earth will break free of the weak, liquid bonds which
hold it fixed to the core of the earth. Briefly, the surface of our
planet will slide over its fluid bearings of molten magma 200-400
miles below the surface, shifting the polar ice caps to the
temperate zones where they will melt. A great portion of the Earth's
surface will be radically changed by severe earthquakes, hurricane
wind storms, and huge tidal waves.
This event was remembered by the ancient
Egyptians as the flight of the Phoenix. They built the Great Pyramid
to memorialize the last flight and transmit into our consciousness
the certain knowledge that it would come again. It is coming. The
past will become the future.
6-12-09 - DREAM - I was moving into a new
apartment in a building where we also worked and this apartment
was the first floor between my female boss and my male boss who
was also her boss.
I wasn't quite done moving in yet, and was
standing in the hallway with a couple objects on which there was a
large round ticking clock.
My male boss walked by and stopped to admire
the clock which was ticking quite loudly. I hoped he wouldn't
notice that were late for work and when he admired the clock, I
offered it to him to put in his office and he accepted. I could
always get another clock and this clock seemed to please him. I
pointed out to him that the clock had some dust inside the body of
the clock and that it would need to be cleaned and he said he
would take care of it. (I didn't notice what time it was on the
clock but it seemed very important to the boss to have it so he
walked away with it to his office)
Pink Floyd: Time:
More about Pink Floyd
Michael Jackson: Remember the Time
Cindy Lauper: Time After Time:
Billy Joel: The Longest Time:
Also see:
This article speaks of the number 432 that is found in
worldwide myths and religions.
Most often, it appears as a
cycle number.
I went into my apartment for a moment and saw
that it had no furniture and had some clothing in piles, but
nothing was hung up. I wondered if I would even be able to find my
My roommate was cooking a meal, and she
needed something fixed and it took a screwdriver. I asked her if
she had a tool drawer in the kitchen cabinet, and started opening
all the drawers in the kitchen looking for a tool drawer and saw
that she had no tools whatsoever so we couldn't fix whatever was
broken unless we had a screwdriver.
The telephone rang then, and I answered it
and there were two male voices on the phone and it was hard to
distinguish what each person wanted, except one old man said he
was depressed and that's why he decided to call and he started to
read a prayer - but I couldn't make out which prayer it was or a
Bible verse perhaps because the other man was talking at the same
time and I couldn't focus on either voice. Then my roommate
picked up the extension of the phone and started talking too, and
the old man must have hung up and I let my roommate talk to the
remaining man.
I walked down the hall to my female bosses
office and saw that she was working on some computations about
electricity and a couple large monetary numbers were highlighted
in yellow highlighter. Another man walked in who was in charge of
electricity and she showed him her computations and told him that
she would pay half from one account and pay the other half from
another account. He seemed pleased that she had figured out how
to pay for it, and that pleased her that she had figured it out.
The number was really large - in the billions, and I wondered what
people were going to have to sacrifice so she could take 'their'
money to pay the electric bills.
The man had a notebook with him and on the
page that was showing was a series of doodles, and each doodle was
the letter S in cursive writing and each S was in a different
shape, neatly drawn with three lines in the letter S followed by
the letters 'elf' in plain print (which makes the word Self) and
I wondered how many ways one could draw the letter S in cursive
and still have it be recognizable.

The man then turned the page and that page
had a full page of doodles of the sun that his uncle had done and
each sun had a different size and shape and the last one was
really large and misshapen, and my female boss said to the man,
"Henry! I hope you aren't trying to be like your uncle Harold!"
Henry said, "Uncle Harold was trying to
prepare Humanity!........
and I woke up.
Joe suggested this might be about the Eagle
of Zeus which is the first thing I looked up, but an hour or so
later, when I was sitting on the sofa watching TV, all of a
sudden, I got the thought "the Storm Bird Zu".
The name Henry means: The boy's name Henry
is pronounced HEN-ree. It is of
Old German origin, and its meaning is "home
Norman name that is a
royal name (for eight
kings) of
England and
The name Harold means:The boy's name Harold \ha-ro-ld\
is pronounced HARE-uld. It is of
Scandinavian origin, and its meaning is "army
Herald is also literally "one who proclaims".
Photos above from images
Relating to the photos above is the page
of Poleshift dreams and visions:
and a
special dream I had recently in 2010 called A STAR NAMED HADES
3-14-10 - DREAM - This was another grid-like dream, of
which I've had many recently, but this one was strictly about
This grid was set up like in cross-stitch marks numbered
below, but the pilots themselves were in groups of 5 within that
So the grid across would have been 5 plain markers -
5 markers representing a pilot, 5 plain markers, 5 markers
representing a pilot, 5 plain markers, 5 markers representing a
pilot, ending with 5 plain markers. It took 5 rows to
complete one grid section. The first and last row of the grid
across and down is more complicated, plus the dividing row of
grid markers between pilots . Those rows would have been:
rows one through 5 - 5 markers between the pilots only,
= 20 markers x 4 = 80 rows
six through 11- 5 markers for the pilots only with 5 extra
markers between the pilots
= 55 markers x 5 = 275 rows
twelve through 17 - markers all the way across plus 5
extra markers before and after the pilots
= 65 markers x 5 = 325 rows eighteen through 23 - same as row
= 55 markers x 5 = 275 rows
twenty-four through twenty-nine - same as rows 12-17
= 65 markers x 5 = 325 rows thirty
through 35 - same as rows 6-11
= 55 markers x 5 = 275 rows thirty-six
through forty-one - same as rows 12-17
= 65 markers x 5 = 325 rows forty-two
through 47 - same as 6-11
= 55 markers x 5 = 275 rows
forty-eight-through fifty-three - same as 12-17
= 65 markers x 5 - 325 rows
fifty-four through 59 - same 6-11
= 55 markers x 5 = 275 rows 60-through
65 - (last row) same as row 1-5
= 20 markers x 4 = 80 total markers =
2835 total pilots = 25 Two of the pilots were numbered 240
and 245 respectively - in the same last row of pilots I am
assuming then there were probably 10 grids of pilots total
would equal 2500 pilot markers assuming total 28,350 markers
in 10 grids also assuming 250 pilots in 10 grids the
pilots themselves make 625 markers in one grid in 10 grids
equals 6250 markers for the pilots 65 rows per grid 6500
total rows for 10 grids The question is: Where are all
these pilots going to fly to?
27 Mar 2005 2:05 p.m. PST
USN Pacific early war carrier squadrons: Scout
and Bombing squadrons and Fighter and Torpedo
squadrons had 18 each on strength, with a general
reserve of 8 aircraft carried aboard. At the start
of the war, a carrier had 4 squadrons as above.
Typically operational at any one time (without
regard to damage due to operations, combat, etc.)
was 12-14, the remainder down for various
maintenance activities. This is the Fleet Carrier
organization. Land-based USN and USMC squadrons had
generally the same organization, but combat erosion
drove squadron strengths down significantly, to the
point that early in the war, the VF and VMF
squadrons on Henderson rarely could put more than
6-8 aircraft up on one mission.
Later in the
war, and with the introduction of light and escort
carriers the aircraft strength could be quite
different, especially with the introduction of the
TBM in a bombing and torpedo role. Generally, light
carriers tasked with CAP would be 'fighter heavy' in
their equipage (up to 48 aircraft) while escort
carriers might be a wild mix, given their role as
maids of all work AND carrying replacements for the
bigger ships.
'Enterprise' late in the war was tasked as a
Night Operations carrier and had about a 1/3
to 2/3 ratio of TBM's (radar equipped) to
fighters, generally a TBM/fighter pair working under
the FDO until close enough to target that the TBM's
radar could guide the fighter to an intercept. She
also had some TBM's equipped for night bombing
operations, but I'm not sure of the number.
USAAC fighter squadrons were organized initially
as USN (18 aircraft; 24 pilots) but as the war went
on, the USAAC organization changed as roles were
more defined, the escort squadrons remaining at
about that number, while point-defense and ground
attack units were reduced to 12 aircraft per
USAAC bombing squadrons started the war with 12
aircraft each, but with the advent of the bombing
campaign in Europe, were reduced in some cases to 9,
due to the basing requirements and the difficulty in
assembling larger squadrons prior to proceeding to
target. Medium and light squadrons stayed at the 12
Generally, a squadron would carry 1/3 more pilots
on strength than aircraft.
Please bear in mind that all the foregoing are
optimum organizational/administrative numbers. Cases
can be found in which a 'squadron' consisted of 4
very different aircraft, or 24 of all the same type.
Wartime needs dictated many ad hoc arrangements.
Sorry, I don't know anything about
Allied/Japanese/German organization.
'Squadron,' in Quick, is defined as (first
definition) 'Two or more flights (USAAC) or
Divisions (USN; USMC) organized under a common
headquarters, of the same or similar types of
aircraft.' A 'flight' typically is two airplanes,
but could be four.
Battle of Britain RAF worked on the following
basis: A full strength squadron would have 20
aircraft and two reserves, plus 16 operational
pilots, and would be expected to fly 12 aircraft,
either as four flights of three or three flights of
four. If the strength fell below 9 they should have
been relieved and posted to another Group, however
some squadrons suffered exhaustion from persistent
combat and heavy losses, and were far from efficient
before being withdrawn. Some squadrons lasted 4 to 6
weeks, others had to be replaced after only a week
to ten days. On 2.9.40 seven squadrons were reduced
to less than half strength, and by 7.9.40 it was
impossible to exchange squadrons quickly enough as
their strength in operational pilots ran down.
A system of grading squadrons was introduced in
early September: A 11 Group, plus Duxford and
Middle Wallop, maintained constantly at a minimum of
16 operational pilots. Those in 10 and 12 Group had
non-operational pilots in addition “as convenient”.
B Most of 10 and 12 Groups, kept up to strength a
strength of 16 operational pilots plus six
non-operational pilots - to relieve 11 Group
squadrons. C In the quieter parts of the country,
a minimum of three operational pilots act as leaders
(except three named squadrons, which had eight),
used for training pilots as replacements for 11
This dream seemed to be a continuation of the
pilot dream above though related to the earth.
I was shown some small blue rectangles
representing people, and then some larger brown
rectangles representing some other type of creation
- and both types of rectangles were empty.
What 'they' were telling me is that CREATION
3-16-10 - DREAM - I was looking at a closeup of a grid
network of rectangles connected by thick black lines at some
light blue rectangles sandwiched above and between some larger
brown rectangles that was lower down. (See above dream)
Somehow I knew that the light blue rectangles were soldiers.
NOTE: Notice that the previous dream was about pilots, and
now soldiers. It will be interesting to find out what the
brown rectangles represent.
3-19-10 - DREAM - I was observinig a chaotic, multi-colored grid
which represented various factions of aliens-extraterrestrials.
I was able to move them around at will as to which color was
more prominent. There was no definite pattern at any time.
I then went into an office where men were working on drawings of
lines which would eventually become blueprints. I took a
red pen and made certain lines more prominent, but was careful
not to 'change' the lines in any way except to darken them.
While I was doing this, I was watching a film about a man who
was demonstrating hairpieces for men. He looked familiar
to me, but I can't remember his name. He was tall and thin
and bald to begin with, but he modeled these hairpieces to make
himself look more human. I noticed that there was series
of projector lamps and boxes to make it look like he was in a
different place than he actually was, and this series of
projector lamps and boxes had to be precisely placed to hide the
fact of where he really was broadcasting from. Was this
Project Bluebeam?
This is not the first time the Trinity Crop Formation has been
shown to us by the circle-makers, nor is it the first we've written
about it. However, since there seems to be a repetitive theme shown
here so early in the year, it seems more important than perhaps we've
given notice before.
Here are some things we and others have writtem but not posted
From: Juli:
Date: Tue Nov 21, 2000
Subject: 333 and Jesus' return............
I have one question I seem to see the number 333 on my alrm
clock signs addresses and so on.... just wondering if there is a
meaning .
Response from Joe Mason:
You may know that I have written about my "dream-coincidence
theories." I regard the "coincidences" as guideposts or confirmations.
You can see what I mean by reading this:
Humanity On The
Pollen Path
In answering your question about 333, I had intended to mention
that some people report seeing 111, 222, 333, and 444, (and others) in
addition to 11:11.
I also intended to mention the 1991 Barbury Castle crop circle
I included information about the formation in these articles:
The Trinity
The Pleiades
and the Seventh Ray on the Seventh Day
There were some very significant dream-coincidences about the
formation, including certain numbers. I now need to add 333, because
that was the length of the "ratchet" or Mercury spiral. It was in the
position of "The Son" of the Trinity. The total square footage of the
circles was ten times 3168, a number associated with "Lord Jesus
Christ" by the early Christians.
See: Code of the
Dee just told me that 3:33 a.m. is a common time that UFO
abductees report waking up and recalling special dreams.
Are these coincidences just accidental and meaningless? I think
Regards and best wishes,
Joe Mason
Hello Sir Haddington.
I presume that you are THE John Haddington, the crop circle
researcher. I am delighted to hear from you.
It is a long story, but let's start here:
I hope you don't mind . . . we quoted from one of your articles.
I sent an article about this to you via snail mail several years ago.
I wrote an article about the crop circles in 1992:
Circle Mystery
I tried to point out that dreams and coincidences seem to
sometimes be predictive of crop circle formations. We continue with
this work, as illustrated on this page:
A massive, yet mostly ignored, "coincidence" phenomenon raging
is -
One apparent crop circle link is here:
Clynt King - 11:11
Crop Circle, Canada-FNEN Great Lakes & Ontario Region
I pointed out other 11:11 possibilities in my article:
Humanity On The
Pollen Path
Solara, the apparent originator of the "11:11 Doorway" material,
suggested that the two pair of rectangular boxes next to pathways in
certain crop circle formations, such as the "First Pictogram,"
indicate the "11:11".
Strangely, although I have never been a believer in any
religious system, my 11:11 - related coincidences led to Revelation
11:11, and its apparent basic meaning . . . that Humanity has been on
a time cycle path that corresponds to the chakra levels. We are near
the 3 1/2 midpoint and a leap to the fourth - heart chakra level of
consciousness evolution.
The greatest and most "confirming" coincidence, among many, is
associated with the great Sri Yantra pattern that appeared grooved
into an Oregon lake bed in 1990:

Oregon Sri Yantra
aerial photograph |
Oregon`s sri yantra. A gift of the Circlemakers
In Part Six of my "Pollen Path" article, I mention another 11:11
Humanity On The
Pollen Path - Part Six
This concerns the crop formation that appeared at Old Sarum
around 1992. The idea is that the formation represents the dream of
the "frightening image" of Nebuchadnezzar in the Book of Daniel, as
representative of the ages, corresponding to the Hindu Yugas,
symbolized by gold, silver, bronze, and iron. The "11:11" of the
formation are the "feet of part iron, part clay," the divided kingdom,
at the 3 1/2 point.
The article is a work in progress. Part six was designed to lead
into the 1999 solar eclipse article, with its "11:11" timing and other
"coincidental" associations. Old Sarum, you may know, is associated
with a special communion. This, I felt, might connect with Glastonbury
being at one corner of the "Wessex Triangle," and other possible "Holy
Grail" symbolism.
There are many other parts to the story that I plan to include.
One example is the "Circuit Board," or "Grid" crop formation that
appeared several years ago. It had seven lines inside a rectangle. The
midpoint, the middle line, extended out beyond the rectangle, and
connected to a circular shape. An "L" shaped pattern was near the
It seems to follow the "Pollen Path" sand painting and Egyptian
symbolism of the midpoint of seven. The "Judgment Seats" of the
Egyptians were "L" shapes, said to be a "builder" glyph used later by
the Masons. Four of them form a swastika.
Revelation 11:11 connects directly with the Menorah, as the two
olive trees stand next to it in Zechariah 4. The Menorah, it seems, is
connected symbolically to the Tree of Life. If you wish to follow a
bit more, please read these related articles:
The Tree of Life
Crop Circle Formation
The Menorah
Crop Circle Formation
Crop Circle
Formations As Chakras
The Pleiades
and the Seventh Ray on the Seventh Day
I'm sure you know a lot about "coincidences," such as when you
found the shamanic mandala that seemed to connect with the Charm
Bracelet/Dharmic Wheel formation. I read an article several years ago
in "SC" that spoke of "Cos Cos," meaning "Cosmic Coincidence."
There is nothing new, of course, about "coincidences," but I
think we humans have much more to learn. If we follow dreams,
coincidences, and crop circles closely, perhaps patterns of meaning
will come into focus, concepts that may form a consensus one day.
Thank you for the great work you have done. I hope we keep in
Highest regards and best wishes,
Joe Mason
To split a Granite block in two, a quarryman first chisels a
line where the split is to occur. This scoring of the surface gives
the stone 'memory'. The next step in this process is to drill small
holes along this line to accept the wedges that exert internal
pressure on the stone, then it will split along the line of 'memory'.
Ley lines are pathways for memories around and throughout our earth.
These memories are seen in
to a series of like elements or with a combination of such
relationship qualities: mountains, lakes, bays, fault lines, plutons,
composition of earth minerals, holy places, cities, conflicts, etc.,
... .
Augmenting these series are natural and or cultural events, that
coalesce to create a ley. These events drill karma or memory deep into
Ley Lines. A contemporary example of a karmic hole drilled into a ley
is the destruction of the World Trade Towers along the City Ley.
Indigenous cultures honored ley lines as a benefit to the People
by placing stone constructions (such as piles or standing stones) and
ceremonial centers along leys. These culturally specific actions were
utilized to focus tulleric energy. This was done to promulgate
of the individual and society. The prodigious stone construction
efforts by the English shows the important role of Ley's influence.
Ley lines are the nervous system of the earth and impact the
nervous systems of biology. Ley Lines are wave forms drawn as a line,
they spiral and undulate like human DNA. It is thought that this
morphogenetic resonance field facilitates the transmission of memories
held by the land into the cellular memory of the body through the DNA.
Leys that are kinked or blocked can create a geopathic condition
affecting DNA, health and social peace. Leys free of encumbrances
(karma as such) conversely carry grace and power that benefits health
and social peace by connecting our biology with that of the living
healthy earth.
Community disconnection from place leaves these pathways open to
manifestations of chaotic toxicity. Leys range in size from
planet-wide to local. The hierarchy of leys are analogous to the
electrical transmission grids. Leys are drawn as straight lines to
indicate the center of single or multiple stranded wave forms. The
nodes where these waves cross describe its line form. Node points
along leys are sequentially spaced; like DNA, with PHI (1:1.618...)
being one such proportion.
Humans as a
PHI base biology, naturally resonate with similar 'wave forms'. It
is therefore surmised that PHI proportioned leys are in resonance with
the human and thus affect human cellular memory. Chromosome 21, is a
Phi proportioned bar in human DNA. It is also on chromosome 21 that
carries Alzheimer, ALS, Downs syndrome, and MS. It follows therefore
that unresolved karmic memories negatively impact the nervous system
through 21 and other chromosomes.
Reconnection with place
and naturally occurring phi based cycles
bring our bodies -in phase-
and returns the memory of who we once were--
a healthy planet... healthy people.
In this regard the People and the Land are one.
Landscape Alignments have been variously described as ley lines,
dragon paths, and song lines depending on the culture and location.
The practice of geomancy concerns itself with directing or deflecting
these currents of earth energy that affect our lives, both positively
and geopathically.
Many of these alignments can be quite toxic if negatively
impacted by events along its course - and conversely so. Alignments
often follow fault lines and granite outcroppings. They contain
associative Radon and other tuleric emissions. While these are
beneficial in short exposures to health, they can cause cancerous
growth with long term exposure, due to their exaggerated and focused
Ley lines have a very specific patterns associated with them.
Ley Lines can be dowsed and are traditionally associated with historic
European megalithic sites. Alignments are spontaneously generated by
nature and are visibly discerned. When culturalized, as was the case
in England, alignments become ley lines.
An alignment typically comprises a synchronous pattern of
similar features, natural and/or cultural, that coalesce in a linear
pattern across town or around the planet. Ley energy while at times
are 'Alignments', are not always visibly marked in the landscape. Ley
energy is a dowseable linear
phenomena that exists everywhere and considered the nerves of the
living earth. There is much to the subtle quality of the unseen earth
energies. Researchers have found ley lines in micro and macro scale.
One such researcher ventured to say that if one were to draw all
existing ley lines, on an area map, it would result in a map covered
in graphite. So we can see how discernment and identification of the
features are so necessary.
Geomancy is the study of the unseen earth. Alignments differ in
that they can be identified coursing through mountain and vale, gorge
and gap, highway and city in a line curving with the sphere of the
earth. England and much of Europe had a highly developed megalithic
system that utilized the tuleric energy of Ley Lines - thought to
maintain fertility in animal and plant.
There also was a highly developed earth energy transmission
system used throughout the ancient world. This system harnessed and
utilized transmission leys, storage containers, control centers and
receiver stations. Tools of megalithic culture, tuleric management:
were standing stones, layered mounds, dolmens, calendar circles and
human built building structures.
In the case of landscape alignments tuleric management is based
on: mountains, geologic deposits, erosion patterns, fault lines, water
features, celestial features, and often relate to unconsciously
created human features.
Alignments, as I stated, are synchronous in nature. For example
in New England there is an alignment of granite deposits that connects
five granite out croppings created in different geologic periods.
A cultural example of an alignment can be seen connecting Tanta
Egypt, Askalon and Jerusalem Israel, Amman Jordan, Bagdad, Kabul
Afghanistan, and Kashmir India. Perhaps a suitable name for this might
be : A Silk Road or Arabic Alignment. While important to life,
alignments tend to be crucibles of one sort or another. Along these
lines a spontaneous alchemical process occurs of a nature that defies
simple explanation.
The above is a brief summation culled from thirty years of
research and innumerable studies. Detailed information regarding
Alignments and Leys can be found in my book Gaia Matrix.
Most social and environmental structures possess a
spontaneously occurring alignment that speaks to memory ingrained into
the community. These memories speak to its sense of place, state
harmony, and potentiality.
Adrian's Path
A couple of days ago, the idea popped into my mind that the
Galapagos Islands are shown at the tip of the projection from the
beak of "The Dove" in the image of "The Return of the Dove," from
"The Book of Knowledge, The Keys of Enoch."
[the graphic above of the map with dove]
The book was written by James J. Hurtak, after a spiritual "Light
Being" appeared to him in 1973.
In my 1992 "Outline," I mentioned the "Sacred Grid" at the Yucatan.
See #17 of the Outline:
Predictive Outline of Ideas About the Great Change
The items in the Outline are based on dreams and coincidence, not so
much on "normal" logical thinking. In many cases, more fact-based
ideas come in time. It is my feeling that such things have a
meaning, even if symbolical only.
It would be a stretch to say Adrian is related, but the material is
still worth telling.
Part of the idea of the Dove and Sacred Grid is that certain areas
of the Earth will serve as communication points from greater grids
in space after a grid shift and alignment. The "Monuments" on Mars
are part of the greater grid in our solar system.
Adrian's path brushes right by the southern point of the Sacred Grid
in Guatemala, marked by the ancient site of Kaminal Juyu.
Juyu (map)
In our Tree of Life article, we spoke of coincidences about strange
X-ray bursts coming from the left-most star in Orion's Belt, Zeta
More recently, we referenced the story of Stan Romanek's Mystery
Equations, given by supposed ETs, which show a wormhole between
Orion's Belt and the Earth:
Stan Romanek's
Mystery Equations
Orion is shown "upside-down," as it appears in the Southern
Hemisphere. The wormhole extends from Zeta Orionis to the Earth.
There was reportedly a great gamma ray burst from the direction of
the center of the galaxy 44.6 hours after the December 26, 2004,
Indonesian earthquake.
It was the brightest gamma ray burst ever recorded, releasing more
energy in a tenth of a second than the Sun emits in 100,000 years.
The shape of the Earth's ionosphere changed temporarily, distorting
the transmission of long-wavelength radio signals.
There may have been a strong "gravity wave" that arrived prior to
the gamma rays that set off the earthquake.
Paul LaViolette, in his 1983 Ph.D. dissertation, proposed that
gravity waves could induce tidal forces on the Earth which could
induce earthquakes and produce polar axis torquing effects.
Eugene Podkletnov proposed that a "Superluminal Gravity Wave,"
traveling beyond light speed, can produce a longitudinal
gravitational wave that travels forward with the burst. See:
Was the Asian Tsunami Caused by a Galactic Superwave?
I do not know how much of this, if any, is connected by intelligent
design. But I do pay attention to such things and find them
I will place some related links and notes below, should anyone be
interested in studying this more in depth.
Joseph E. (Joe) Mason
Reference Material:
Here is a shortened article about "The Return of the Dove":
Return of the Dove
The author was asked to take down the article, but left a bit of it.
The more full article, without most of the graphics is on the
archive site:
Return of the Dove
Note that the grid (Pyramid Matrix), discovered by Carl Munck, seems
to have been predicted back in 1973 by J. J. Hurtak via the Light
Code of the Ancients
Pyramid Matrix
Some of the Mars material is here:
Geometric Observations of Cydonia, Mars
The Tree of Life
Crop Circle Formation
(This includes information about Orion's Belt and coincidental
bursts from space.)
11:11 -
What Does it Mean?
(This includes Stan Romanek's Mystery Equations, the 11:11 Doorway,
and the 11:11 AM connection to the end of the Mayan Calendar)
Note also that December 26, 2004, can be figured as related to Mayan
numbers, such as 13, 26, and 144:
12 x 26 = 312
12 x 26 x 24 = 7488
7488 = 144 x 52
7488 = 13 x 576
52 = A Mayan Century in years, a deck of cards
144 = Light (alphanumeric or Word meaning)
576 = Prophecy and Gospel (alphanumeric or Word meaning)
144 + 576 = 720 (total angle degrees of a tetrahedron. 72 = Divine
Multiples of 13 (like 39) are often a multiple of the tetrahedral
number, 19.5.
312 / 19.5 = 16
7488 / 19.5 = 384
The number 312 is part of the "triplet" series:
312 + 576 = 888
Numbers to Resuscitate the Dead - Lazarus and Awakening the
Sleeping Giant
The number 888 is Greek Gematria for "Iesous" (Jesus).
Impact Image of a Dove on a Window in Sedona, October 10, 2004
Figuring the time between dates -
Calculate duration between two dates
Duration calculation results
From and including: Sunday, October 10, 2004
To, but not including : Sunday, December 26, 2004
It is 77 days from the start date to the end date, but not including
the end date
Or 2 months, 16 days excluding the end date
Alternative time units
77 days can be converted to one of these units:
6,652,800 seconds
110,880 minutes
1,848 hours
11 weeks
If December 26 is included, then we have 78 days between events.
That's a deck of Tarot cards 13 x 6).
78 + 144 = 222
39 + 72 = 111
39 x 72 = 2808
See Dr. Leahy's report of a dream with key 2808:
Report on a Dream &
Related Matters & the God Particle
Aetheric Coronal Elements
There is a mystery in the corona of the sun. The surface
of the sun is about 8000 degrees F. About 100,000 miles
above the surface the temperature is over a million
degrees. This is the corona and the photosphere from which
most of the solar heat and light is received on Earth.
There are a number of theories regarding magnetic
convection of energy from the sun to the corona as surface
radiation cannot account for the heat transfer, but the
convection theory falls apart when the over all heat
budgeted is considered. There is too much energy in the
As most of the heat and light arriving on Earth comes from
the area of the corona in the middle of the face of the
sun or the direct line between the core of the sun and the
Earth then there is a possible transfer of energy of the
nuclear fires at the core of the sun to the corona
bypassing the intervening gases of the body of the sun.
Orgone is a term coined by Wilhelm Reich to define
aetheric or fourth dimensional matter. From Hermetic
teachings there are one hundred elements making up the
aetheric periodic table of elements, slightly more than
the ninety-two naturally occurring elements of the third
dimension. The attraction between the aetheric proton and
electron is magnetic.
Ionized aetheric material strips electrons off physical
material when the aetheric material move at right angles
to the motion of the electrons. Electric current strips
off aetheric electrons, magnetically ionizing orgone and
creating a magnetic field.
The particle or magnetic monopole behind ferromagnetism is
the fourth dimensional electron. A fourth dimensional
electron is about a thousand times the volume of the third
dimensional electron. The fourth dimensional electron is
behind the phenomena of "spin" in atomic physics. Once
grasped the conception of dovetailing dimensions is easy
to visualize. James Clerk Maxwell saw it clearly 150 years
ago but the Illuminati did not allow the simplicity of
"nested" dimensions to be taught. Oliver Heaviside altered
Maxwell's equations in such a way as to hide the aetheric
action of magnetism and express electromagnetism as
entirely created by the properties of the third dimension.
The exclusion of Aether has stunted the development of
higher dimensional physics. Einstein's theory further
obscures the simple understanding of aetheric influences.
In Relativistic terms the fourth dimension is
incomprehensible to the human mind. That is exactly what
the Illuminati intended. Aether or Orgone is easy to
The special elements which make up the corona are
permanently ionized orgone. In the same way that iron,
cobalt and nickel are the three physical elements which
are ferromagnetic, the elements in the Aether may be their
orgone equivalents.
The unpaired electron which imparts the ferromagnetic
characteristic is held in position by an unpaired aetheric
electron. The ferromagnetic elements create aetheric
ionization. As iron, cobalt and nickel are elements
number, 26, 27 and 28, the size of these atoms is similar
and size has something to do with holding of the aetheric
electron. Possibly the physical atom size matches the
aetheric electron size.
Aetheric Coronal Elements likewise are a match to the next
higher dimension's electron. As the attraction between the
fifth dimensional electron and proton is not defined by
physical science someone will have to give that bonding
energy a name. Maxwell's intuition was that there had to
be another density or dimension surrounding and containing
the fourth dimension as the fourth dimension forms and
shapes the third dimension. The creation of undefined
atoms in Bose-Einstein Condensates near absolute zero
indicates the separation of fourth dimensional constraints
on the condensate atoms. Still there is something holding
the atoms from flying apart and that is possibly the fifth
Superconductivity is also an absence of aetheric
constraints on the flow of electrons.
ACE is permanently ionized aetheric material in the same
way iron is always magnetic. Something pouring out of the
core of the sun interacts with the ACE and the plasma of
the corona to create heat and light. ACE keeps the Earth
During a total solar eclipse when the majority of
photosphere light is blocked, the corona is visible. A
portion of the corona is being illuminated by energy from
stars beyond the sun by the same higher dimensional energy
ACE is the preferred power source on most advanced planets
as it is non-polluting and it can be adapted for any use.
A few grams of ACE can heat and light a house. A kilogram
of ACE can power a UFO. The technical prowess of the
artisans of Nibiru was such that they were able to fuse
the large quartz crystals and fashion the crystals of the
ancients. ACE powered tools were able to cut granite like
butter. ACE powered tools were able to lift and position
megalithic stones which are found worldwide. One of the
feats of advanced civilizations is to create the
inertia-less lifting of any mass.
Gary N said: The crystal, yes, it does fit my picture,
though the crystal latice shape might have to be from
hydrogen in a different phase, to produce the shape I
believe exists there. I suspect JL knows what shape I
think the crystal would be, maybe you too lizzie?
On the Double-Triangle
Now out of the plane, the sacred, living system of
geometry continues to unfold in three dimensions. It is
paralleled by the Platonic solids (and the
The 8-vertices of the double-tetrahedron also define a
cube. (The original seed-point is actually tetrahedral. It
combines with its projection, 1-4, to produce the
The 6-faces of the cube also define the vertices of an
The octahedron "jitterbugs" into first an icosahedron, and
then into a cube-octahedron.
Fuller calls the cube-octahedron the vector-equilibrium
because it holds twelve radial vectors in equilibrium
around its center. This unique twelve around one pattern
is the "Thirteen Petaled Rose" referred to in the
introduction to the classic kabbalistic work, the Sefer
Zohar, the Book of Splendour.
The cube-octahedron is the simplest 3-dimensional form
that can pull through itself like a torus. When it does,
it becomes encased in a dodecahedron, which splits open
and throws out new seed to restart the process.
The dodecahedron, the Greek model of the universe,
consists of a swirl of 10-tetrahedra. These are the new
seed-points that start the process over again. (As can be
seen on the LAH Swath drawing, the letters of the first
verse of the Hebrew text of Genesis line up on the
vortices on each face to specify the tips of the
The whole process takes nine "triangular" stages. Another
sacred form that expresses this same process of life is
the Sri Yantra. The Sri Yantra is the creation mandala in
the eastern traditions. It consists of 9-interpenetrating
triangles, representing the union of the male and female
principles. In the center of the Sri Yantra is a "bindu",
toroidal point. The perimeter of the Sri Yantra is said to
lie on a hypersphere.
Broken Relativistic Symmetry Groups, Toroidal Moments, and
Sperconductivity in Magnetoelectric Crystals
A connection between the creation of toroidal moments and
the breaking of the relativistic crystalline group
associated to a given crystal is presented in this paper.
Indeed, if magnetoelectric effects exist, the interaction
between electrons and elementary magnetic cells appears in
such a way that the resulting local polarization and
magnetization break the local relativistic crystalline
Therefore, a Goldstone boson responsible for the
production of toroidal moments is created and,
consequently toroidal phases arise in the crystal. The
list of the Shubnikov groups compatible with this kind of
phases is given and possible consequences in
superconductor theory in magnetoelectric crystals are
Multiferroic Materials
Multiferroics are materials in which at least two of the
ferroelectric, ferro/antiferromagnetic and ferroelastic
phases coexist.
Though the mechanisms that allow ferroelectricity and
ferromagnetism seem to be incompatible, there are a select
few materials in which ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism
are both present. In these materials, the ferroelectric
and ferro/antiferromagnetic phases are coupled in such as
way as to produce a cross phenomenon known as the
magnetoelectric (ME) effect. This allows manipulation of
the magnetic phase with an external electric field and/or
manipulation of the electric phase with external magnetic
field. The integration of the ME effect into device
technology would have substantial implications.
The Geometry of Color
Three primary colours are created by the three relative
tilting angles of the primary tetrahedron controlling the
toroid in a dodecahedron. These colours have an activating
or accelerating effect. The complete hexadynamic geometry
of colour coding is based on the fact that the toroid, if
oriënted by the tetrahedron's "merkaba" complement, makes
different angles with the dodecahedron. This creates the 3
secondary colours, which have a rather calming or
inhibiting effect.
What kind of crystal? Magnetite? Tourmaline?
- Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:55 am
mague » Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:42 pm
Oh wow. Lets clean up the mess a bit. Arc-us you are right,
but both sides need to be debunked.
Anthropologist judging everything by using their own (modern
western) culture are the worst. Those guys had not the
slightest clue what the Dogon tried to tell them. Its
embarrassing to say the least.
Until today the old-school scholars use techniques like
trance, ecstasy, dreams and mental disciplines like
meditation. Those who care to understand those people will
recognize that those people do not necessarily divert between
physical and spiritual presence. It doesnt matter if one wants
to belief into spiritual mind connections, those people do.
And when they tell you that a certain god/spirit/entity now is
present in the room, then they mean it literally. They do not
honor the positive possessed person symbolically, for those
people the god/spirit/entity is really present. As real as the
pants they wear. We may discuss how much sense this makes, but
for those people it is their reality and some
authors/anthropologist really have the nerve to interpret this
reality within their private reality. There is a reason for
replies like this one:
- Fri May 02, 2008 2:44 am
Grey Cloud » Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:03 am
Excellent post, Mague.
If I have the least bit of knowledge
I will follow the great Way alone
and fear nothing but being sidetracked.
The great Way is simple
but people delight in complexity.
Tao Te Ching, 53.
Grey Cloud
- Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:47 am
- Location: NW UK
SpaceTravellor » Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:48 am
Hi good People,
- In the question of how the Dogon People came to knowledge of
Sirius and its lost companion stars, there are just 3
possibilities in my mind: Either they were physically or
spiritually visited by extraterrestrials who told them a lot
of things, or some Dogon Tribe individuals got this knowledge
by the ancient traditional spiritual ways by
Oannes, accordingly to Berossus, a Babylonian priest of the
13th century B.C.:
"At first they led a somewhat wretched existence and lived
without rule after the manner of beasts. But, in the first
year after the flood appeared an animal endowed with human
reason, named Oannes, who rose from out of the Erythian Sea,
at the point where it borders Babylonia. He had the whole body
of a fish, but above his fish's head he had another head which
was that of a man, and human feet emerged from beneath his
fish's tail. He had a human voice, and an image of him is
preserved unto this day. He passed the day in the midst of men
without taking food; he taught them the use of letters,
sciences and arts of all kinds. He taught them to construct
cities, to found temples, to compile laws, and explained to
them the principles of geometrical knowledge. He made them
distinguish the seeds of the earth, and showed them how to
collect the fruits; in short he instructed them in everything
which could tend to soften human manners and humanize their
laws. From that time nothing material has been added by way of
improvement to his instructions. And when the sun set, this
being Oannes, retired again into the sea, for he was
amphibious. After this there appeared other animals like
Oannes.", end of quote.
- Cetus or Oannes..jpg (13.71 KiB)
Oannes, the Sea God? The Whale Constellation? In the roughly
direction of Sirius?
Quotations, remarks
and questions.
Focus points:
1. At first they led a somewhat wretched existence and lived
without rule after the manner of beasts.
2. But, in the first year after the flood.
3. appeared an animal endowed with human reason, named Oannes,
4. who rose from out of the Erythian Sea (???)
5. He had the whole body of a fish, but above his fish's head
he had another head which was that of a man, and human feet
emerged from beneath his fish's tail.
6. He had a human voice, and an image of him is preserved unto
this day. (What image?)
7. He passed the day in the midst of men without taking food.
8. He taught them to construct cities, to found temples, to
compile laws, and explained to them the principles of
geometrical knowledge.
9. He instructed them in everything which could tend to soften
human manners and humanize their laws.
10. When the sun set, this being Oannes, retired again into
the sea, for he was amphibious.
Dogon believe that the brightest star in the sky, Sirius (sigi
tolo or 'star of the Sigui), has two companion stars, pō tolo
(the Digitaria star), and ęmmę ya tolo, (the female Sorghum
star) (Flower, Seed?) respectively the first and second
companions of Sirius.
Sirius, in the Dogon system, formed one of the foci for the
orbit of a tiny star, the companionate Digitaria star. When
Digitaria is closest to Sirius, that star brightens: when it
is farthest from Sirius, it gives off a twinkling effect that
suggests to the observer several stars. The orbit cycle takes
50 years.
But why would Sirius be such an important guiding star of
Wisdom and “origin of Life”? Why is it that Sirius apparently
shows up in many mythological telling and myths?
- Can one use a modern Star Atlas map in order to solve the
meaning of myths? I think so. But of course, you have to have
an idea or a hypothesis in order to do so. My idea here is to
locate the Sirius Star, and se where it is located accordingly
to the Pole Star that we all use in order to navigate on the
celestial Heaven.
Star Navigation.
The actual North Pole Star hasn’t always been the guiding
star. Because of the processional movement the processional
Earth Axle point moves 1 degree every 71.6 year in the
circumpolar circle. So, in order to locate and orientate the
Sirius star accordingly to the center in the circumpolar
circle and thereby get a positional line which takes the
circumpolar movement out of equation, we thereby gets a star
guiding line which directionally relates the Sirius star to
all other stars in our Galaxy.
The Galactic Ruler
When drawing a line from Sirius in the constellation of Canis
Major, through the circumpolar center and further on to the
Vega star in Lyra, and further on to the constellation of
Sagittarius, one gets a general guiding line to the center of
our Galaxy and by making a 90 degree angle on the line in the
circumpolar center and prolonging this line, we get the 4
cardinal directions in our galaxy, Sagittarius (Galaxy
Center), Gemini (Gemini/Sirius) Pisces and Virgo. Thereby we
have the 4 spoke Galactic Wheel, which in ancient times very
often was divided into 4 more directions of the 4 Animals,
Eagle, Bull, Lion and Horse (Or other local animals).
The Sirius-Vega Ruler-Line: On midnight Jan. 3 and July 3 the
Ruler Line roughly marks the Earth orbital position comparing
to the center of our Milky Way Galaxy and away from our Milky
Way galaxy center. The 90 degree angle from the celestial Pole
marks increasing galactic power and decreasing galactic power
That is: By positioning the Sirius star in our Galaxy, we have
got the knowledge of the generally cardinal directions in our
Milky Way Galaxy and maybe thereby confirmed that the Dogon
People really learned a lot from the Oannes/Sirius source.
When knowing these information’s of the 4 galactic directions,
the basics for building their villages and temples was stated
and by building accordingly to these information’s, the Dogon
People – and all other cultures in the World – could follow
the rules below on Earth of Heavenly above.
Thereby “He taught them to construct cities, to found temples,
to compile laws, and explained to them the principles of
geometrical knowledge. He made them distinguish the seeds of
the earth, and showed them how to collect the fruits; in short
he instructed them in everything which could tend to soften
human manners and humanize their laws”.
That is: By following the heavenly rhythms, the people would
learn everything about their individual and cultural
connection to the Heavenly Creation Powers and also get the
knowledge of the seasonal changes and of the vegetable and
animal rhythms as well.
But coming that far, we still have the question of HOW the
Dogon People got the knowledge of the Sirius Star System, and
my suggestion is this: Individuals in the Dogon Tribe – and
individuals from all other cultures – visited the Sirius
System by Spiritual Travelling out-of body journeys, AND, if
there were/are beings living on this system, they maybe also
have visited Earth by the same way and means many times in the
past. And maybe they still are?
The more Speculative
Oannes appeared in the first year after the flood. He had a
human voice, but the whole body of a fish, and above his
fish's head he had another head which was that of a man, and
human feet emerged from beneath his fish's tail.
“He”, a supposedly anthropomorphic being told them this? Or
was this being really 2 beings? A male voice coming from the
Heavenly waters in the direction of certain Star
Constellation? From, after which Flood did “he/this voice of a
man”, first appear?
Mythologically, “Flood” mostly means “heavenly rivers or
streams” And the biggest heavenly flood/river/stream is of
course the Milky Way River encircling the Earth hemispheres,
which again connects us to the Sirius Star and the direction
in the Milky Way Galaxy. Can it possibly be that there is a
deeper connection to the Sirius Star – or maybe even to its
lost companions?
What happen when a star explodes? That, of course, depends of
what kind of a star it is. With a mass nearly equal to the
Sun's, Sirius B is one of the more massive white dwarfs known
and Sirius B will steadily cool as the remaining heat is
radiated into space over a period of more than two billion
years. A white dwarf forms only after the star has evolved
from the main sequence and then passed through a red giant
This occurred when Sirius B was less than half its current
age, approximately 120 million years ago. The original star
had an estimated 5 solar masses and was a B-type star (roughly
B4-5) when it still was on the main sequence. While it passed
through the red giant stage, Sirius B may have enriched the
metallicity of its companion.
Image of Sirius A and Sirius B taken by the Hubble Space
Telescope. Sirius B, which is a white dwarf, can be seen as a
faint dot to the lower left of the much brighter Sirius A.
Sirius B Digitaria quotes and remarks:
“Then we are introduced to the enigmatic Po Tolo, "Star of
Fonio" and known here as "Digitaria." This is stated to be the
"origin of all things."
When a massive star explodes, it radiates out a lot of energy
that influences its surroundings. This kind of cosmic energies
comes in 2 forms: Either radially out in all directions from
the center or a more directed form as in “cosmic lighthouses”.
Quote: “Some odd facts, such as the knowledge that Sirius B is
spinning and discarding matter, for instance, data established
long after 1950, are hard to explain”.
- Could it somehow be the case, that the explosion of Sirius B
“once upon a time” did influence a pre-Milky Way galactic
molecular cloud of gas and dust and caused this to swirl,
concentrate and heat up the swirl(s?) until the compressed
swirl(s) exploded and thereby formed our Milky Way galaxy -
and possible neibourgh galaxies? If so, the term of “origin of
all things” could be very likely. (But very often, the same
term is mythologically stated for both the Earth, as Mother
Earth, and for Milky Way, as the Great Mother Goddess, as
illustrated below here)
- Familar Sky.Milky Way.jpg (32.57 KiB)
Milky Way contours with the “male” human or animal “deity” to
the left and the “female” to the right.
Of course, if suggesting such a possibly ancient Sirius B
influence, we have to consider the time scale of the Sirius B
explosion and compare this timescale to the Milky Way Creation
– and even have to reconsider how accurate the actual time and
distance measuring are before accepting the possibility.
(Redshift method; Standard Candle method etc .etc.) But cinse
I´m not a mathematsian, I´ll just leave this to other
It is said above: “Sirius B may have enriched the metallicity
of its companion” when it colapsed/exploded.
Quote: “Much more interesting is the Dogon concept of
"Sagala," supposed to be shiny and metallic. It is a feat of
tremendous imagination to name and give physical properties to
white-dwarf material”, answers the modern astrophysicists and
And what does “the female Sorghum star” means”? I`v just
image-googled “sorghum” and get a special flower native for
Africa and very rich on seeds. If specifically concentrating
on the “female” aspect this once again also can point to the
Earth and Galactic Mother deities, but I´m not sure where to
place this “sorghum”. ... 2&aq=f&oq=
Quote: “It shows at the very least that to verify this
innocent and (native mythology, my remark) folk data, Western
Man has to put some massively sophisticated instrumentation on
a rocket and blast it into earth orbit”.
- And, at the very most, it shows that it is not necessary to
“go out there” in tin-cans in order to gain Cosmic and
Universal knowledge for a lots of money when you can get it
for nothing else than the Dogon Tribe and all other Native
People have done for thousands of years.
Quotes from:
Grey Cloud
- Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:47 am
- Location: NW UK
SpaceTravellor » Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:53 pm
@Grey Cloud,
I hope you are armed because I'm wielding Occam's Razor.
- And I have just sharpen my Sword . . .
First a correction: Berossus wasn't 13th century BCE more
like 2nd or 3rd. I think that it might be Eusebius who is
quoting Berossus quoting Sanchuniathon that you are
That’s what very often happen when you quote a quote . .
1-3. They are post-catastrophe survivors. This being
(human) came from a nation/society not affected by said
I don´t know about the post-catastrophe survivors business. I
se this more as a kind of natural evolution/spiritual
4. Erythian Sea. Nobody seems to know where this is but my
guess would be the Persian Gulf/Indian Ocean.
Grey Cloud, if you should look after a mythological Erytian
sea and not a geograpical sea, where could the the root of
Erytian + mythological water then lead to?
Regarding your # 6-10, I think you maybe here got somewhat
astray from the mythical Oannes myth to something medieval?
Wiki: Oannes was the name given by the Babylonian writer
Berossus (Oh no, not again!) to a mythical being who taught
mankind wisdom.
- Fri May 02, 2008 2:44 am
lizzie » Sun Aug 02, 2009 9:48 am
Stars travel in groups or streams, moving through space in
the same direction. Our sun with many other stars travel
together in the Canopus Stream. The Ursa Major Stream
contains Sirius A and B, and the Big Dipper, as well as
about 160 other major stars and their companions. Because
of their position at the very head or leading edge of this
stream, the stars known as Ursa Major or the Big Dipper
actually lead the remaining stars on their sojourn through
space. The third, the Hyades Stream, contains the Pleiades
and many others. At one location, all three streams
intersect ... our sun is located at this point.
The vast streams of stars encompassing many light years
all reside within an arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. To be
exact, it’s not an official arm like the Sagittarius or
Perseus arm, but a smaller offshoot called a spur — in
this case, the Orion Spur, because it juts out from the
Orion Arm of the galaxy.
At the junction point where the Orion Spur meets with the
larger galactic arm can be found one of the vastest stars
known in the galaxy, Betelgeuse. A supergiant radiating
unbelievable amounts of heat and energy at a distance of,
fortunately for us, 520 light years, Betelgeuse knows no
equal in sheer volume or area of influence.
Betelgeuse is a first generation star, and actually gave
birth to some, not all, of the stars in the Orion Spur in
which we reside. Like some immense cosmic mother, its
enormous magnetic field most likely envelops all life
forms within the Orion Spur.
One might ask, "How could a star as far away as Betelgeuse
have an effect on us?"
The Mayan based their calendar on the core number of 52,
claiming it to be in resonance with and of major
significance to our world. (The principle of resonance
ensures that when two objects have the same natural
frequency, as one object emits a sound wave, the other
will begin to vibrate in accordance with it.) A bit of
research into the processes of certain stars and planets
verified that indeed 52, give or take a few digits,
repeatedly occurs in the cycles of things
Has Betelgeuse imprinted its cycle of 5.2 on everything
within its vast reach, literally laying down the resonant
code to which all other stars in the Spur and their
planets must adhere?
If Betelgeuse is laying down the "mother" frequency for
the etheric plane due to its tremendous magnetic
influence, can we create a higher vibration in our own
etheric bodies by consciously tuning into its frequency?
Will Betelgeuse Go Supernova in 2012?
In this essay I discuss the recent news of the possibility
that the star Betlegeuse (Orion’s right shoulder) will
soon go supernova in the context of the 2012 Mayan
Seeing Red: Will Betelgeuse Go Supernova in 2012? ... a_2012.pdf
- Posts: 1594
- Joined: Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:55 am
kevin » Sun Aug 02, 2009 9:56 am
Good to see you back illuminating this place like the star
There's a lot to look through in this, but keep in mind the
ophamalos stones, and the points they are/were upon, and the
sound going through them, like a feathered wind.
- Posts: 529
- Joined: Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:17 am
lizzie » Sun Aug 02, 2009 8:19 pm
Junglelord said: Reading the book about antigravity by
Paul Laviolette, and the work by TT Brown and the effects
of the solar, lunar and cosmic cycles on petrovoltics and
his timely.
Gary N said: Regarding the previous posting about the 12
around 1 and the weave circles, I see there was another
one before those that was the tetrahedron. The quadrupole
is built in to the fabric of space, cool. We must alter
the unit in our head to synch with the whole.
Kevin said: The omphalos stones will have been placed on
the most relevant points in a sort of mainframe matrix
that will be of universe. Thus longitude and latitude are
best thought of as the lines of the weave, and the
crossing points where the Ophamalos stones were placed to
act as oracle antennae, receivers and transmitters of a
knowledge based universal system.
Crop Circle Language
Two poles exist in Stage 1. In Stage 2, eight poles exist
in total. In Stage 3, sixty four poles exist, and finally
in Stage 4, five hundred and twelve poles exist. The
picture directly above is a stage 4 formation of 512 poles
or 256 separate universal patterns. One can see that a
larger spherical pattern emerges and comes as a result of
the combined 512 poles.
When a long magnet is curved around itself and its
positive and negative poles touch each other to form a
ring, the poles dissolve. There is no longer a centralized
negative and positive pole in single localized areas.
So what happens?
The video below shows how a magnetic field creates a lotus
flower pattern which comes as a result of two vortexes of
ether, spinning in opposite directions. They create
standing waves in the gold mean spiral.
Geometry and counter rotating magnets: Counter rotating
magnets open dimensional doorways in the hyprdimensional
merkaba energy field created during the 2012 galactic
alignment through phase conjugation.
Dodecadiamond Sphere - "Twelve Around One"
The Dodecadiamond Sphere is technically called a Stellated
Dodecahedron. It consists of 12 pentagons. The 12
pentagons are joined together in a sphere with raised
diamond shapes on, and along each edge, thus creating 12
crowns or nodes. All of the platonic solids can be seen
within the Dodecadiamond Sphere; the Cube/Hexahedron,
Tetrahedron, Octahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron. A
double six pointed star or Star Tetrahedron can also be
seen from the 12 crowns or nodes, thus creating the
perfect Mer Ka Ba.
The Mer Ka Ba is a spiral of energy that can move us from
one dimension to another. It consists of counter- rotating
fields of energy that surround each living thing. The Mer
Ka Ba is made up of two star tetrahedrons, one male and
one female.
The Merkabah is also the shape of the Star of David which
can be seen within the Dodecadiamond Sphere.
Why has Tom Bearden given up on Phase Conjugation? ... econj.html
This follows the work of Keely and the entire field of
music and resonance. By creating interference patterns
(constructive or destructive), you can affect energy or
The ideal free energy device would use a tuned waveplate
or a geometry that produces such a wavefront that it would
"interfere" with incoming energies to produce side effects
as specified in the neutral Aether Spectrum.
That is one of the reasons for our interest in "Magic
Squares", because they form the geometries that can act as
kaleidoscopic multipliers or dividers of these incoming
energies or simply Aether/gravity to keep it simple.
Keely also indicates that in a differentiated mass (such
as a "conditioned" magnet), all of the "knotholes" or
nodes of interference are removed. Once this is done, the
mass becomes essentially superconducting because of the
instant communication of force throughout its aggregate
When that occurs, change of one single molecule will
instantly change all other molecules of like composition
because the aggregate has been attuned to a harmonious or
"differentiated" condition.
The point here is that phase conjugation is extremely
important to our quest for free energy devices because it
defines the practical application of frequency to produce
The first part of the oath illustrates the creation of the
Cube of Space. The Cube of Space serves as a matrix for
reality by organizing geometrically, the twenty-two
letters of the Hebrew alphabet. (Page 61)
The alchemical secret is threefold, or rather, that there
are three transformations in one. The inner transmutation,
revelation involves the refining of the cerebrospinal
energies (kundalani) so that more light may be absorbed
and transmitted to the DNA. The outer transmutation, the
demonstration, is the ability to use those energies to
effect transmutations of physical states, including the
elements. The third transmutation is that of the quality
of time itself, from the darkness of the Iron Age to the
splendor of the Golden Age.
The prima material was likewise not just any matter, but
matter that had been enlivened enough so that it could
retain the charge of memory required to effect
transformation. This transmutation on one level appears to
be a geometric rearrangement of the elemental structure of
the substance upon which it is acting.
Could the alchemy of cosmological time be a geometrical
arrangement of planets and alignments to the fixed stars?
The book Cymatics, by Hans Jenny, demonstrates the concept
of how natural structures can be created and changed by
the wave patterns of sound. (Page 63)
Reminiscent of both the ogdoad of Hermopolis, city of the
god Thoth or Tehuti and the Gnostic systems of Basilides
and Valentinus, the eight-rayed star would become the
special symbol of Mary, mother of Jesus. To the
Pythagoreans it symbolized the regeneration of the cosmos,
being, as Eratosthenes declared, the “double polarity of
the elements that produces stability.” The
seventeenth-century alchemist Basil Valentine claimed that
the eight-rayed star symbolized the philosophic mercury
and the completion of the first state of the Great Work. –
The Mystries of the Great
Cross of Hendaye – Alchemy and the End of Time –
Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges
The Tree of Life - The Eight Rayed Star – the Star of David
The Kabalistic Tree is sometimes called The Sephirotic
Tree of Life. The circles or spheres are called sephiroth.
A single circle or sphere is called a sephira. The
teachings about the Kabalistic Tree of Life are very deep
and complex. The ten spheres and 22 paths of The Tree
generally represent the nature of the forces behind
Creation on all levels, from microscopic to macrocosmic.
The Tarot Cards are also associated with The Tree.
The design is based on a ring of six interlocking circles.
In the formation that appeared with the Tree of Life, the
plants were laid down in a manner that formed a
pinwheel-like design, with six crescent moon-like shapes.
He showed that the Mandelbrot Set formation is similar to
the Kabalistic Tree of Life, except for the top circle,
which is Keter, the Crown, the One Source is "missing." He
suggested that this may mean that "Keter is moving into
A group of German researchers made a convincing argument
about the bent pathway in the triangular 1991 Barbury
Castle formation. By deciphering a number of formations,
they theorized that a message was being given about star
patterns in the area of the sky known as the "Winter
Hexagon." Further, a triangle was indicated in the stars
of Orion, which are within the Winter Hexagon. The top of
the triangle is located at the left-most star in Orion's
Belt, known as Zeta Orionis. Another star is located near
the edge of the imaginary triangle in the sky, and it is
in the exact position of the bend or kink in the Barbury
Castle triangular crop formation. The triangle in the sky
is at an angle of 19.5 degrees.
The location of the star and the angle of the sky triangle
are especially significant for a number of reasons. The
research of Richard Hoagland, Robert Bauval, Adrian
Gilbert, Graham Hancock, and others indicate that the
three great pyramids at Giza represent the stars of
Orion's Belt, and that the passageway from the King's
chamber pointed to those stars. The stars represented the
God, Osiris. The Queen's chamber passageway is thought to
have pointed to the bright star, Sirius, representing the
Goddess Isis.
Richard Hoagland discovered, incredibly, that all of the
Apollo moon landings were precisely timed to the positions
of the same stars. Either the Belt Stars of Orion or the
Star Sirius were aligned with the horizon or at 19.5
degrees at the exact time of the landings.
The geometry and hyperdimensional mathematics found in the
monuments on Mars , according to Hoagland and his
associates are related to the Giza Pyramids, to the
ancient sites in England where most of the crop formations
have been appearing, and to the Barbury Castle crop circle
formation of 1991.
One of the conclusions is that there is an energy that
exists within planetary spheres, including the sun and
stars, by which they are created from another dimension.
The energy inside the planetary spheres is shaped like two
interlaced tetrahedrons. In a two-dimensional
representation, this is like a Star of David inside a
circle. One tetrahedron touches the surface of the
planetary sphere at the north pole and the other touches
at the south pole. Three points of each tetrahedron touch
the surface of the planetary sphere at 19.5 degrees north
and south.
Scholars have pointed out that the Egyptian figures are
one of many symbols of the Trinity. The birth of the
falcon-headed Horus, is associated with the coming of a
new age. For many years a woman known as Solara has been
teaching about the opening of the "11:11 Dimensional
Doorway" in the Belt of Orion.
Pages 35 and 36 of the book have photographs of pyramidal
formations on Mars taken by Mariner 9 in 1971. Enoch told
Dr. Hurtak that these are part of a grid network in our
solar system. The earth also has a grid. There will be a
grid shift and alignment between the two grids, as the
earth changes unfold. This will happen when the earth
enters an electromagnetic null zone.
Around 1993, I started corresponding with Geoffrey
Farthing, the secretary of the Blavatsky Trust in England.
I had found an amazing number of connections in H.P.
Blavatsky's, Isis Unveiled, volume 2. I explained to
Geoffrey that dreams and crop formations seemed to be
related to Blavatsky's concepts, and that a Great Change
seemed to be near. He sent me his book, Deity, Cosmos and
Man, which gives an outline of Esoteric Science, as
presented in the vast works of H.P. Blavatsky.
Geoffrey also told me that Blavatsky associates the
Sephirotic Tree of Life with everything else in her works,
which involve myths and religions from around the world.
When the Sephirotic Tree of Life appeared in the crops in
1997, I felt that it was quite profound and meaningful.
Unlike most of the crop formations, this pattern is well
known; there is no question about what it is.
Debbie says that the Tree of Life is like a map defining
Creation and the origins of Spirituality. There are ten
Sephiroth/spheres of existence and 22 connecting pathways.
The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters.
(Note: In The Book of Knowledge, The Keys of Enoch, Dr.
Hurtak explained that the 22 Hebrew letters, which are
called, "Fire Letters," are used as a code in creation.
Debbie goes on to explain that there are also 22 Tarot
cards that make up the Major Arcana. Each is assigned to a
path on the Tree. The spheres/sephiroth on the left side
of the Tree are feminine and those on the right are
masculine. The ones in the middle row indicate a balance
of the duality attributes. Two of the sephiroth on the
sides are called HOD and NETZACH, representing Mercury and
Venus, or the Head and the Heart, or the Intellect and
Emotions. The lateral path joining the two is represented
by the Tarot card known as The Tower. This card depicts
people falling from a tower and being struck by lightning.
The Trinity is a common link to almost everything we are
seeing. The Apollo moon landings were precicely timed so
that the belt of Orion or the star Sirius were aligned at
the horizon or at 19.5 degrees, the tetrahedral point
found by Richard Hoagland's team in the
geometry/mathematics of Mars. Those stars, of course,
represented the Osiris and Isis. Hoagland also shows how
the Mars monuments connect to the Giza monuments, and to
the Barbury Castle pictogram. Also, an overlay of the
Cydonia region of Mars matches point-for-point with the
ancient sites in the Wessex triangle.
There is a definite pattern that I have been documenting
for about six years. The forms of it match best with H.P.
Blavatsky's explanations in Isis Unveiled, vol. 2.
A few days ago, I found another great connection in the
quatrains of Nostradamus. It is in Century 4, Quatrains
28-33. This concerns the theories of alchemists about the
sun (sulfer), the moon (salt), and Mercury (quicksilver).
The glyphs on the corners of the triangle of Barbury are
said to parallel these alchemical signs.
Their work involved the attempt to transmuting elements,
such as lead into gold, and finding a substance that gave
eternal life. This became centered on cinnabar, the Hell
Fire Stone, which is the ore of mercury, sulfuric sulfide.
There were six steps on the ratchet/Mercury spiral of
Barbury. The angle from the center of the triangle to the
southwest corner was at 120 degrees. From that point to
the center of the ratchet, it was 108 degrees, a
mythical/Gematrian number. 120 is a tetrahedral point. 120
x 108 = 12,960, six raised to the fourth power times ten,
and half the precession number. Divided by the six arcs,
it is 2,160, six to the third times ten, and the number of
years in one Zodiac Age.
Light into Matter
Whether you embrace the gospels from the perspective of
faith, or via decoded midrash physics and allegory, the
results are (can be) identical, because the allegory as
well as the literal interpretation incorporate ancient
wisdom teachings regarding the evolution and refinement of
human of consciousness leading to eternal life.
Were the Synoptic gospels events depicting historical
events or are they an astronomical/astrological allegory
incorporating both ancient wisdom teachings and the
quantum physics of light? Also, is what is written in the
heavens (stars) truly made manifest on the Earth?
In 5 B.C., according to my research, a change of Ages
(Aries to Pisces) occurred which was also the end of one
"Great Year" (or Great Year of Plato which is 25,920 years
of astronomical precession) and the beginning of a new
Age. Additionally, there was the appearance of a, once in
over 40,000,000 years, celestial configuration in the form
of a Seal of Solomon and the start of a new religion
(Christianity). All of these spectacular events share a
common origin... the science of the stars!
For almost two thousand years archaeologists, astronomers,
Egyptologists and religious scholars have been looking,
without success, for the biblical Star of Bethlehem and
the "missing" capstone of The Great Pyramid. The essence
of the information and charts published here is that the
Star of Bethlehem and the capstone of The Great Pyramid
are both ancient astrological configurations.
The Star of Bethlehem
Chronology of a Star
Over the centuries an enlightened community of astronomer
priests (Magi) could gradually construct a planetary
ephemeris for the unobservable planets. The frequent
passages of the inner planets, continually transiting
'sensitive degrees' in the zodiac, would reveal, over
time, the astrological locations of the distant planets.
Their distance from the Earth, perhaps, could not be
precisely calculated, however, the planets' precise
locations within the astrological wheel (and their orbital
patterns) could, eventually, be determined.
The astrological aspects (parallels) depict the solar version
of the Kabbala - "Tree of Life" or "Paths to God"
Any student of the mysteries will recognize the pattern
displayed by the planets as one which mirrors the Tree of
Life and the various "paths" to higher consciousness,
which are depicted also in this ancient graphic.
- Posts: 1594
- Joined: Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:55 am
lizzie » Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:19 am
Kevin said: There's a lot to look through in this, but
keep in mind the ophamalos stones, and the points they
are/were upon, and the sound going through them, like a
feathered wind.
The Creative Breath of Gravity
Gravity is a unique field phenomena that functions under
complex laws. Earth's gravity is hers alone, for it
contains all the vibrations of all materials and life
forms of this planet. It breaths in overtones the cycles
and energies unique to this watery blue address in space.
Gravity holds it all together. It uplifts and puts down.
It translates the cosmic music into tones human beings can
understand. It is a creative center which closely
resembles the great cosmic center which we call the "Eye
of God"."
Gravity begins with a centering of a point of potential
energy upon a strong central axis. The potential center of
earth, provided by both the sun and the galaxy, is a
seeded replica of that which centers Universal forces. Its
axes are compounded to serve the activities of MIND. The
WORD is spoken. Life dwells in the center and expresses to
the outer edge of its sphere of influence. From the
totality of the sphere it signals and receives. It
performs like a self-conscious broadcasting station.
Keely's Physics
"He (Keely) showed that "the sympathetic streams of energy
are composed of triple currents of vibratory flow. This
applies to magnetic, electric, gravital and cerebelic
(brain and mind) flows... Since these flows are
vibrational in nature and are tuned to their respective
spheres, Keely believed this was the basis for the term
"music of the spheres".
Gravity is actually a triple connective radiation rather
than a flow. It is an eternally existing force entering
all forms of matter. Keely believed that gravity is the
basic source from which all matter emerges.
Keely called the stream coming into the earth at the poles
from the sun the "polar stream". The 3 currents in this
polar stream are magnetism, electricity and gravity".
(Note: Elsewhere in Vogt’s book, Reality Revealed, he
describes magnetism as the information from the
1st-dimension, electricity is 90 degrees to it and
following or the 2nd-dimension, and gravity is shown to be
generated by the first matter of universe, the primordial
substance. In still another explanation that is plausible
to me, electricity and magnetism are described as dead
forces after gravity feeds the earth its Life Force from
the sun).
"The fundamental conception of universe is force
manifesting itself in rhythmical relations".
"Keely believed the above definition of force applied to
the entire manifest universe, including matter, mind, and
all forces of energies... All streams of energy, called
"sympathetic streams", by Keely, consist of 3 currents of
force... The vibrational relations under which the streams
of force act are universally expressible by the
mathematical ratio of 3rds"...
POSITIVE 33 1/3, enharmonic (+)
HARMONIC 66 2/3, polarizing (-)
DOMINANT 100, Control (etheric)
"Energy streams feeding matter again consist of 3 currents
of force coded according to the triple vibratory scheme;
where these triple currents meet they form a center of
force and are maintained in a state of mutual attraction.
This attractive force is gravity. The focal point of this
force is defined as a "neutral center".
The total number of possible forms of atomic subdivision
from the basic triple stream are found by simple
combinatorial mathematics; namely, 1 x 2 x 3 = 6.
Within each of these levels were even finer modes of
energy vibration. His final energy liberator was able to
dissociate 27 levels of matter.
The triple stream which feeds the atom splits into 3
distinct currents and each becomes the "dominant" current
for each of the 3 interatomics making up the atom.
"One axiom which is repeated throughout my researches is
that the "finer the force, the greater the power".
Similarly, Keely held that the "higher controls the
lower". Thus the vibrations of the ether control gasses;
the vibrations of gasses can control solid matter".
"Atoms, planets, stars, etc., are thus seen to be
vibrating energy structures held in equilibrium by the
sympathetic streams sustaining them. By disturbing
(altering) this oscillatory equilibrium via resonant
impulses, Keely was able to perform his wondrous feats of
scientific magic".
(Note: The keyword here is to alter or disturb the
equilibrium of matter. Musically this means using the
dissonant frequencies and not the consonant. No one I know
has ever understood this or attempted to employ the
concept. If mass is in harmonic equilibrium, the only two
ways to affect it is to resonate with the frequency or
disturb it).
"All masses are related harmonically to each other by the
simple fact that matter is in harmonic equilibrium. Thus
all forms of matter are related sympathetically to one
another. By altering these sympathetic relations,
practical results are obtained".
"The quiescent (motionless, quiet) range of oscillation of
an atom is 1/3 of its diameter vibrating at 20,000 cy/sec.
By striking a chord representing the 3rd, 6th and 9th of
the scale in octaves, Keely was able to alter the
sympathetic stream's harmonic relations".
"The 6th note in the scale reduces the range of molecular
vibrations thus increasing solidification. This applies to
the negative current (harmonic (-) atomic level) going
into the mass".
"The 9th note expands the atom making the mass less dense.
Dissociation does not take place until the atom reaches
2/3 of its diameter. This is done by controlling the
radiating current (enharmonic (+) molecular level) to the
- Posts: 1594
- Joined: Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:55 am
mague » Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:36 am
Hi lizzie,
to much mainstream. As long as they stick to the concept of
gravity there wont be any insight. Gravity doesnt exist.
Actually "gravity", pressure and density are attributes of the
same force. And the force is an attribute of the space itself.
Its the void force.
- Posts: 383
- Joined: Fri May 02, 2008 2:44 am
mague » Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:40 pm
Look mom, no gravity !

Do you think a water flee inside the water sphere is able to
leave it ? Or does it need a rocket to escape ? My bets are on
the rocket. The flee has not enough power to escape the
surface tension.
The sphere is not attracting objects placed outside. Actually
it is pushing them off. What we observe is that the void force
is pushing. The void force forces the surface. What we observe
as free fall towards center is a pressure towards center.
The optimal form for deep sea submarines is the sphere. The
sphere is optimal to withstand high pressure. The sky is full
of spheres. Because they are under extremely high pressure by
the void force.
Sun(s) do show incredible high energies. No matter if we think
electricity or fusion. What makes people think this could work
without a force strong enough to keep those energies within a
certain frame ?
Ergo: gravity is a myth. No matter how you look at it. From
Newton to Dr. Neo-eso scientist. Pure silliness.
The truth is that the classic elements earth, water, air and
fire radiate out of certain spots/knots with all force and
energy the spot/knot allows and the fifth ring, the void, is
confining it appropriate.
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Pythagoras (fl. 530 BCE) must have been one of the world's ... The 6th
century BCE philosopher.
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Fairbanks, ed. and trans. ... Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans: Passages in
the Doxographists. Aet "Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, Fragments and
Commentary" provided by the Hanover Historical...
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refuge in Nova Scotia
Sacred sites and Power places of
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Temple Mount Organization
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Interpres: Archives of Professor
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Marcus Williamson's Rennes
The Etheric
Weather Engineering of Trevor James Constable
The UPUAUT Project by Rudolf
The Alchemy Website
Sacred Geometry Discovery
The Philosophers Stone:
Recovering the Perpetual Paradigm
Sri Yantra
Sri Yantra 2
Inner Geometry
The Melodies of the
Washington Monument
11:11 and its
Connection to Revelation 11:11
Coincidence and the
INITIATIONS - Attaining the State of the Christ
The Fibonaci
Cencept of Creation Numbers
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lines,crop circles,ascended masters,saint germaine
Mystical World Wide Web Ley Lines : Related Sites BACK 2 The Mystical-WWW
Subject Grid BACK 2 Mystical-WWW Ley Lines Sig Lonegren's GEOMANCY SITE
Described by many as Mr. Geomancer, world famous dowser who lives part of
the year in Glastonbury UK. Earth energy info, labyrinths,
Roleplayer #25, August 1991 Laying It On The Line Ley Lines: An Alternate
System of Magic by Tim Keating Ley lines, also called force lines or mana
lines, are invisible power lines that conduct magical energy. In a world
where ley lines are common, much of the land is magically barren
Robert Todd Carroll ley lines Ley lines are alleged alignments
of ancient sites or holy places such as stone circles, standing stones,
cairns, and churches.
The Geo Group - Questions Answers What is The Geo Group? What is the
Seattle Ley Line Project? How can I get a map of the Seattle ley lines and
power centers? What are ley lines, power centers and other Earth energies?
Some of the keywords are of recent coinage and others are of ambiguous
meaning. In discussing the subject, it has become apparent that the use of
words like 'ley lines' can brand one as a nut in some archaeological
Ley Lines/Earth Energy Lines The term 'ley lines' was coined by Alfred
Watkins when explaining his theory that ancient sites around Britain had
actually been constructed or formed giving alignments between and across
the inhabited landscape of Britain. Bibliography:
U Underwood, Guy The Pattern of the Past Abacus 1972 Keywords: natural
sacred sites, megaliths, mounds, petroglyphs, houses of worship,
funerary-cemetery-burial sites, archaeoastronomical observatories,
symbolic landscaping, ley lines, religious iconography, freemasonic
Mystical World Wide Web Ley Lines :
The stone circles of Dartmoor South West England has many ancient stone
circles, standing stones, and stone rows. On the open moorland of Dartmoor
many have survived relatively undisturbed. That they form systems of
alignments - known as ley lines - is not widely known.
Mystical World Wide Web Earth Energies ARTICLES The theory that a location
or site possesses supernatural energies which can sometimes be marked by
stone circles, standing stones, etc. The term quot;Earth Energiesquot; is
connected with topics from Fen Shui to Ley Lines and fundamentally argues
that Planet... Bibliography:
D Devereux, Paul Earth Lights Turnstone, 1982 Keywords: natural sacred
sites, megaliths, mounds, petroglyphs, houses of worship,
funerary-cemetery-burial sites, archaeoastronomical observatories,
symbolic landscaping, ley lines, religion, myth, folklore, cosmology,
UFOs, Atlantis...
Kryon Channeling -
Kryon and science
Leedskalnin and Coral Castle
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Rudolf Steiner Archive
Kundalini and It's
Alchemy Lab
Alchemy and Ormus
Crop Circles
9, 1999 - BY DAVID ICKE
New World Order and
Planetary Mysteries