by Dee Finney


Like most of the pages that I do, this is a subject that I dreamed about.  I started the page right after the dream, but knew I didn't have enough information and didn't finish the page.  

However, on 2-28-2000, I turned on the Art Bell show with guest host Rollye James who had a guest named Stan Tenen.  I listened half asleep until Stan Tenen began talking about the 27 lines that the Hebrew language was formed from and that it was shaped from the human hand and that all aboriginal people knew this also and was the beginning of language.

I knew instinctively that this was the information I was missing as the meaning to my dream of the Indian hand signs.

Excerpt from SECRETS OF THE HEBREW LETTERS by Cynthia Gage for Atlantis Rising, Issue #13, November 1997

By fusing mathematics and Jewish mysticism, Tenen has demonstrated that the first verse of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible generates a mathematical Torus. When a particular portion is removed from this 'doughnut', its shape mirrors the human hand. Tenen claims the Hebrew alphabet is based on the human hand, because it represents the function of differentiating self from other, inside from outside. "The alphabet links the inner world of the mind with the outer world of experience, just as our hands do," he says. "And," he continues, "The first letter of the book of Genesis -Bet- means 'house', something that distinguishes inside from outside; this is the most basic distinction you can make at any level of consciousness."

When Tenen broke the first word of Genesis into its 'subatomic particles' (the word is actually comprised of two smaller words, meaning "fire" and "six-edged thorn"), he took the "thorn" to mean a tetrahedron and constructed a model of it, placing the "fire," or torus "vortex" form, inside. Tenen noticed that the model, which he calls "The Light In the Meeting Tent" also reflected the polarity of perfect symmetry (the tetrahedron) and asymmetry (the vortex form). As he studied it, he discovered it was even more multifaceted than he had realized. "When I looked through the faces of the tetrahedron at the vortex, each view displayed a different letter in the Hebrew alphabet," he says. And," he mentions almost casually," I realized the 27 gestures that accompany the letters correspond to the 27 'preferred' pointing directions used in hyper-dimensional space."

Tenen has explored history using his theories and has found the same pattern again and again. "For example," he says, "You find it in Rumi's poem describing the Sufi Round Dance, in the Philippine Wine Dance (where you hold a wine glass in your palm and rotate it above and below your shoulder-the old Cleopatra dance), in the Grail Legend material, in William Blake's poetry, the Celtic Odin stories, in the weaving and basketry of Amerindian peoples and, literally, in every culture the world has ever seen"


1-27-00 - DREAM - I was in a house which was not mine but we were visiting. My son was there with me and some other people and T.M. (my teacher) was there. We were having a meeting. My son went into another room like a library and was picking out some books and magazines he wanted to read. I spotted a magazine that had some archaeological photos of a new find they had made in an Arizona canyon where some ancient tribe had carved like doorways in the mountain . . . more like picture frames and each frame had a hand gesture like telling a story with the hands. Everyone was so excited by this find. It had never before been seen by white man. I pointed this out to my son. We, by then had 5 books and the magazine.

T.M. pointed at the author of the smallest book. It was a black leather book and part of the name he read was Veritas. T.M. was very impressed by my sons' choice.  I had the companion book at home so I knew he liked the same subject matter that I did. (Veritas is the Latin word for 'Truth')

We then went into a small meeting and at the end T.M. went to sit in a high backed chair and he asked me to sit on his lap. He said that this was only going to happen once in our lifetimes so no one should get upset by this. I agreed to go along with it. So, I sat on T.M.'s lap and two other people put a basket on my lap with a high handle to which were tied 7 candles (each about 5" tall) so that the handle looked like a Menorah.  There was a yellowish cloth hanging down over the handle so that I couldn't see through the basket to whoever was on the other side of it.

Someone lit the candles and T.M. and I began to pray. I didn't know what else to pray, so I started praying the 'Our Father" and T.M. started chanting . . . not words, but high pitched sound which got more and more intense . . . just one long note.  I got to a point where I got really into the praying and said in the loudest voice I've ever spoken in, "THE POWER OF GOD!" and pushed my fist through the cloth on the basket and T.M. pushed his fist through the wall behind him. ( I remind you... this was VERY INTENSE!)  

I felt like I was flying through the air, upsidedown, backwards, flying through space. It was more intense than any thrill ride I've ever been on at a park.

I opened my eyes and we were no longer in the room. We had gone through the fabric of time and space and were in the canyon that I had seen in the magazine.  Above us, on a ledge along the walls of this purple, blue, and red canyon walls I could see the Indian doorway carvings.

People were up on the ledge and saw us below them and began throwing rocks at us.  I didn't know what we looked like but we were not the white humans we had been before. I had the feeling we were like Mammoth elephants, but we could have been like bigfoot. I don't know... just that that we were different.

We began to run away from these people up on the ledge as they threw rocks after us.

Somehow either the scene changed, or I began to see what was going on in the room we had just left. Everyone was so excited by what they had experienced that T.M. and I were gone that they wanted to do it again.  I was with them, observing, like I could see them but they couldn't see me.

We went out through a theatre and the manager of the theatre was angry because there was a mess left behind.  He said, 'whoever was sitting in seat 502 better clean up the mess there.'  I looked over and saw that there was  a white sheet and a lot of water.  

I stopped to help clean up and so did the others. One of the girls was acting strangely and she went behind the seats and was trying to retrieve something I was using for a cloth to wipe up the water. I managed to keep the cloth. Perhaps it was the cloth that had been on the basket in the beginning. I heard one of the boys say, "We've got to do that again!"  and I woke up.


1-27-00 - I had gotten up and typed up the dream where T.M. and I went through the fabric of time and space through prayer and chanting. I was thinking about this and I heard a voice that sounded like Asa. . . the Patriarch of the One Life to Live TV show I watch every day.  He said, "This is what you've been waiting for. This is the discovery. This is the turn!"

Sign Language

Sign Lanugage is recognized as gestural communication used as an alternative or replacement for speech. Sign languages resemble oral languages in every way other than their modality. As with oral languages, sign languages are acquired spontaneously and have highly intricate, rule-governed grammar and phonology. The three classes of features that make up individual signs are hand configuration, movement, and position to the body. Sign languages include those of Trappist monks, who have a rule of silence, and Plains Indians, where speakers of mutually unintelligible languages communicated freely. Australian aborigines and people of Sudan and the Sahara also have a complete sign language. Many languages have conventionalized body gestures elaborated to accompany or supplement speech, e.g., the Neapolitan gesture language. The widely used manual language of the deaf, or language of signs, was first systematized in the 18th century by the French abbé Charles Michel de l'Épée. It was brought to the United States by T. H. Gallaudet. As with any sign language, only a small percentage of signs suggest the form of thought they represent. Many dictionaries of signs have been compiled, including the American sign language developed for the deaf. Often the language of signs is taught along with lipreading and with a manual alphabet, i.e., a method of forming the letters of the alphabet by fixed positions of the fingers in the air

Subj: HAND
Date: 03/01/2000
From: Code

Hi Gang,

Like Dee, I was listening to Stan Tenen on Art's show the other night. As Dee stated on her excellent new web page... (


<< I turned on the Art Bell show with guest host Rollye James who had a guest named Stan Tenen.  I listened half asleep until Stan Tenen began talking about the 27 lines that the Hebrew language was formed from and that it was shaped from the human hand and that all aboriginal people knew this also and was the beginning of language.

When Tenen broke the first word of Genesis into its 'subatomic particles' (the word is actually comprised of two smaller words, meaning "fire" and "six-edged thorn"), he took the "thorn" to mean a tetrahedron and constructed a model of it, placing the "fire," or torus "vortex" form, inside. Tenen noticed that the model, which he calls "The Light In the Meeting Tent" also reflected the polarity of perfect symmetry (the tetrahedron) and asymmetry (the vortex form). As he studied it, he discovered it was even more multifaceted than he had realized. "When I looked through the faces of the tetrahedron at the vortex, each view displayed a different letter in the Hebrew alphabet," he says. And," he mentions almost casually," I realized the 27 gestures that accompany the letters correspond to the 27 'preferred' pointing directions used in hyper-dimensional space." >>

That evening I did a little work on the alphanumerics of HAND, using the English alphabet. Stan once told me there was a connection between the English alphabet and the Hebrew alphabet but he seemed reluctant to explain just what that connection actually was. Anyway, here are some the interesting correlations I found:

HAND =27

That was a nice one right off the bat!

Also, please take a look at the attached graphic.

Does anyone have any photos of paintings of Catholic saints?

I thought I recalled having seen pictures of some saints raising their hand in the 3-finger configuration as shown in this illustration. Can anyone verify that for me? Also, if you have any pictures like this, is the person raising their right or left hand? If my recollection is correct, I wondered what this "hand sign" might mean. It would be interesting if it related to the following:

HAND = 27

BOTH HANDS = 72, mirror 27

27 + 27 = 54 = TONE = VOICE = BREATH



89 + 70 = 159 = THE FIRST BREATH

JESUS = 74
Do Jesus and Lucifer each represent a HAND OF GOD?



HAND x 2 = 54 = VOICE

Is English somehow connected to the voice of God through our two hands? Is this a clue to the connection between the English and Hebrew alphabets?




The Hebrew alphabet is composed of 22 letters but, with the vowels included, the number of letters is 27. The number 27 is also encoded in the structure of the English alphabet and can be found by combining A+Z=27, B+Y=27, C+X=27, and so on through the entire alphabet.


HAND x 2 = 54 = VOICE



74 + 27 = 101

101 is the beginning of the series of 101 through 191. These 3-digit numbers with a 1 on each side of the center number have been turning up a lot lately. Check this out:

Let's assume for the sake of discussion that JESUS(74) and LUCIFER(74) each represent a hand of God. Then go back to the "hand sign" of the three fingers:


JESUS = 74 = 11

LUCIFER = 74 = 11

GOD = 26 = 8

Think of the two 1's on either side of the 8 as being 11.

Could the three raised fingers represent GOD(26=8) in the center, dividing the dual nature of good and evil as represented by JESUS(74=11) and LUCIFER(74=11)?

And finally, considering the whole hand:


Is the Mind of God communicated through the Hand? In a sense, this would relate back to Tenen's idea about the "universal" language (pre-Tower Of Babel) having been a language of the hand through certain configurations of the FIVE FINGERS.


Picket Wire Canyon People

The Sun Clock

Petroglyphs of the Canyon People

The Dineh - People of the Canyon

Ancient Ogam in Oklahoma

Fragment of the Secret Doctrine of the Blackfoot Indians

The History of Sign Language

The Two Handed Manual Alphabet Used by Many Sighted Deaf People

Vicars American Sign Language Course
An on-line course of basic sign language.

A Basic Dictionary of ASL Terms
A dictionary with both animated and text definitions.

Sign the Alphabet
An on-line activity from

ASL Activities, Books, and Teaching Materials

American Sign language Teachers Association

The Deaf Resource Library
an online collection of reference material and links intended to educate and inform people about Deaf cultures in Japan and the United States as well as deaf and hard of hearing related topics.