An Experience
What's really going on?
by Dee Finney
updated 7-13-06

2-5-2002 - I was in the kitchen making breakfast. As I was flipping over
the scrambled eggs, someone telepathically yelled in my ear, the name -
'HEZBOLLAH'. It was so loud, there was no ignoring it.
I was busy this morning, but hours later, this thought keeps coming back
that I wouldn't have been told that if it wasn't important.
What is the connection to scrambling eggs or flipping eggs over? Why was
this told to me while I was doing this activity, rather than at some other time
- such as while I was watching the news about the Hezbollah, which has been
mentioned numerous times since the World Trade Center plane crashes.
President George W. Bush, has included the Hezbollah as a terrorist group
which he wants destroyed.
I understand that - but why was this particular group so significant that
I had to think about it and write about it? What is it about flipping eggs or
scrambling eggs? That we are thinking incorrectly about this group? That
our ideas are scrambled? Or that their ideas are scrambled?
I am aware that some of what you read on this page will anger you. I
am prepared for that. My point in doing this page is for information - not to
choose one side over the other.
Here is what I found on the internet:
Note that some of this information will be from 'their' perspective - not
just from the U.S.A. perspective.

SEPTEMBER 15, 2005: Orthodox Jews gathered outside the
United Nations in New York City, NY to express their opposition to the State of
'Israel' and Mr. Ariel Sharon, who was speaking in the United Nations.
Orthodox Jewish Rabbis and layman will gather, TODAY with G-d’s help,
across the street of the United Nation Headquarters. They will join in
expressing their opposition to the State of “Israel” and Mr. Ariel Sharon,
who will be speaking today in the United Nations.
While the United Nations is celebrating its 60th anniversary, they have
invited Heads of State of over 150 countries. Participating in this
commemoration, is Mr. Sharon as the Head of State of the State of “Israel”.
The State of “Israel” has been recognized and legitimized as the
representation and embodiment of the Jewish nation; this is patently and totally
false. The State of “Israel” is an embodiment of illegitimacy; it is the
antithesis of Judaism and can not be the representative of the Jewish People. In
fact, the leaders of the Jewish People, who have been and are steadfast in their
commitment to the Jewish religion, have always stood in opposition to the
creation and to the existence of the State of “Israel”. The Chief Rabbi of
Jerusalem, Rabbi J. Z. Dushinsky of blessed memory, forwarded a memorandum to
the Secretary General of the United Nations, in the year 1947 prior to the
establishment of the State, imploring the United Nations, not to allow the
creation of the so called “Jewish State”.
Two horrific evils have coalesced with the confiscation of the Holy Land
from the Palestinian people, and the creation of this State.
Firstly, this is a rebellion against G-d who has expressly forbidden us,
the Jewish people, from ending the G-dly decreed exile, by creating our own
State. This is regardless if the selected country to form this state in, is
populated or desolate, and regardless, if it is the will of the indigenous
population to help the Jews form their State, or if the State is being forced
upon them.
Secondly, this rebellion against G-d has been compounded immeasurably by
the fact that in order to create this state, a land has been taken, clearly
against the will of the indigenous population, the Palestinian people. Their
homes and properties have been confiscated and untold thousands have been
expelled etc. their suffering continues unabated until the present day.
Therefore, we pray, that the return of Gaza be a token beginning and
should usher in the day, when we should realize the transformation of the rule
over the entire Holy Land, back to its rightful rulers, - the Palestinian
People. We stress, not just Gaza and the West Bank, but the entire Holy Land.
Our passionate prayers are, that this should come about, speedily and
peacefully, without any further bloodshed, pain or suffering.
May G-d enlighten the Jewish individuals who have been led astray, to
understand G-d’s will and do His Will, with happy hearts.
Ultimately, may we merit to see the day, soon in our life time, when G-d
will reveal His glory and all humanity will serve Him in peace and harmony. AMEN
Date: Thursday, September 15, 2005,
Place: At the Isaiah Wall outside the United Nations Headquarters
(First Avenue beween 42nd 43rd Street), in New York City,
Time: 3:30PM
FROM: http://mb-soft.com/believe/txo/hezbolla.htm
Hezbollah - {hez' - bah - lah}
General Information
Hezbollah, or Party of God, is an informal umbrella group
of Shiite Muslim militants in Lebanon that advocates the creation of an
Islamic republic there. Formed in about 1983, it places Islam above Arab
nationalism and has demanded that Westerners leave Lebanon and that
Christians there be tried for crimes against Muslims. Hezbollah's more
than 5,000 members, subsidized and trained by Iran, are concentrated in
the southern slums of Beirut and al - Biqa (Bekaa) Valley; they become
martyrs if they sacrifice their lives in what is considered a holy war.
The organization has no formal structure; its fluid membership includes
such shadowy terrorist groups as Islamic Jihad, the Revolutionary
Justice Organization, Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine, and
the Arab Revolutionary Cells. Hezbollah groups have claimed
responsibility for the 1983 bombings of the U S embassy and marine
headquarters in Beirut, several hijackings, and the taking of Western
and Israeli hostages. In January 1989, after months of armed clashes,
Hezbollah signed a peace agreement with the mainstream Lebanese Shiite
group, the Syrian backed Amal (Hope).
The 1989 death of Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini and a Syrian
brokered Lebanese peace accord led to a decline in Hezbollah's influence
in the early 1990s. Hezbollah's tactics and shadowy nature frustrated
conventional political, diplomatic, and military strategies and
contributed to a U S foreign policy scandal, the Iran Contra Affair.
After the Persian Gulf War (1991), in an effort to end its international
isolation, the Iranian government persuaded Hezbollah groups to release
some hostages.
From: www.hizbollah.org/
Islamic struggle movement. Its emergence is based on an ideological, social,
political and economical mixture in a special Lebanese, Arab and Islamic context
As a result of this
background Hezbollah went through various decisive moments in its history. With
the most important moment being in 1982 the year of the Zionist invasion of
Lebanon. This invasion led to the occupation of the capital Beirut making it the
second Arab capital to be occupied during the Arab-“Israeli” conflict, with
Jerusalem being the first.
This crossroad speeded up the presence of Hezbollah as a struggle movement that
is totally affiliated in the long complicated and complex fight against the
Zionist enemy. The starting point of that struggle being the Zionist occupation
of Palestine, and then to many of the Arab lands in Egypt,
Syria and Jordan leading up to Lebanon.
All that led to the establishment of the identity of Hezbollah as a struggle
movement against the Zionists. Add to that many social, economical, political
and cultural ideals of the Shiaa in Lebanon. Another very important factor that
developed Hezbollah was the establishment of the Islamic Revolution in Iran that
was led by the late Imam Khomeini. This revolution consolidated new concepts in
the field of Islamic thought mainly the concept of Willayat Al-Faqih. The
revolution also generalized Islamic expressions against the west such as
arrogance, the great Satan, hypocrites and the oppressed.
With this crossroad
and with the historic tie between the Shiaas in Lebanon and in Iran, which is a
doctrinal tie. As well as of the reason that Iran hosts the second most
important religious school of the Shiaa in Qom with the second being the Al-Najaf
school in Iraq. But because of many obvious reasons Qom has occupied the number
one Shiaa school in the world today.
Due to that it was
only normal for the ideological doctrine in Iran to take root in Lebanon. This
tie was very quickly translated on the ground by direct support from the Islamic
Republic of Iran through its revolutionary guards and then to Hezbollah that was
resisting the “Israeli” occupation.
This religious and
ideological tie between Hezbollah and Iran following the revolution with its
stance towards the Zionist entity had a great effect on releasing vital material
and moral support to Hezbollah. This support speeded up the acknowledgement of
making Hezbollah one of the leading struggle movements against the Zionists. But
during and after 1985 Hezbollah was the only such movement in this field.
It was not by sheer
coincidence that Hezbollah turned into a struggle movement against the
“Israeli” occupation. Because Hezbollah’s ideological ideals sees no
legitimacy for the existence of “Israel” a matter that elevates the
contradictions to the level of existence. And the conflict becomes one of
legitimacy that is based on religious ideals. The seed of resistance is also
deep in the ideological beliefs of Hezbollah, a belief that found its way for
expression against the Zionist occupation of Lebanon. And that is why we also
find the slogan of the liberation of Jerusalem rooted deeply in the ideals of
Hezbollah. Another of its ideals is the establishment of the an Islamic
The Islamic Resistance
was able to direct very painful blows to the Zionist enemy forcing them to
withdraw step by step. One of the principal withdrawals is that of 1985 leading
up to the withdrawal from the Christian area Jezzine. And finally leaving the
enemy with no choice but to withdraw completely as a final solution to their
Hezbollah also used
one of its own special types of resistance against the Zionist enemy that is the
suicide attacks. These attacks dealt great losses to the enemy on all thinkable
levels such as militarily and mentally. The attacks also raised the moral across
the whole Islamic nation.
It is also vital to
state here, that the resistance gained high credibility amongst the people and
in all official statuses, both locally and internationally. The US also once
stated that the resistance is a justified movement in facing the “Israeli”
The resistance also
established an internal national axis in a way that was never witnessed in
Lebanon before. This matter is of vital interest when we notice how Lebanon is
divided into various religions, sects, ideologies, societies, cultures etc.
Today, Hezbollah is
one of the most prominent Lebanese political parties that has its presence in
the parliament with 8 MPs.
Hezbollah today also
commands respect politically after it proved its strength with its presence by
respecting the values of others in the field.
Hezbollah also sees
itself committed in introducing the true picture of Islam, the Islam that is
logical. Committed to introduce the civilized Islam to humanity.
Hezbollah also sees
itself committed in introducing the Islam that is confidant in achieving
justice, as well as introducing the Islam that protects all human rights.
Introducing the Islam that supports education, the Islam that offers medical
support. Hezbollah also has its own cultural plan to attract and convince
through civilized and humanitarian means as specified in the human rights laws,
far from any use of violence or coercion.
It should also be
clear that the kind of Islam that Hezbollah seeks is a civilized one that
refuses any kind of oppression, degradation, subjugation and colonization.
Hezbollah also stretches its arm of friendship to all on the basis of mutual
The Islamic path that
Hezbollah follows is one of a message that aims to establish peace and justice
to all humanity whatever their race or religion. Hezbollah does not have a
problem with anyone, but it feels responsible towards him or her to clarify the
true Islam far away of any fanaticism.
Hezbollah does not
wish to implement Islam forcibly but in a peaceful and political manner, that
gives the chance to the majority to either accept or refuse. If Islam becomes
the choice of the majority only then will it be implemented. If not it will then
continue to co-exist with others on the basis of mutual understanding using
peaceful methods to reach peaceful solutions. And that is how the case should be
to the non-Islamists as well.
Hezbollah - this is not in
English (I don't know what it says - but it's here for reference for whoever can
read this language.
- English site
Israel-Hezbollah War
The Hezbollah in America: An Alarming Network
National Review
August 28, 2000
Mohamad Youssef Hammoud, an 18-year-old Shiite Muslim from Lebanon,
arrived at New York's Kennedy Airport on June 6, 1992. He had come, accompanied
by two close male relatives, from Caracas, Venezuela, where each of them had
plunked down $200 for a counterfeit U.S. visa. American border guards caught the
fraud, and the trio did not exactly begin their American careers with
distinction; but they did begin them in character-with a crime. The U.S.
government also responded in character, just as it would many times over the
next eight years: It allowed them into the country.
Then followed a fairly typical sequence of events for illegal immigrants.
In November 1992, Hammoud claimed political asylum on the (dubious) grounds that
Israel's Lebanese allies were out to get him, making this fear his justification
for buying a fake U.S. visa. A year later, in December 1993, an immigration
judge turned down this transparent ploy and ordered Hammoud deported. To no
avail: Hammoud promptly filed an appeal, which permitted him to stay longer. In
December 1994, while still awaiting a verdict, he married an American named
Sabina Edwards, and this gave him legal standing to apply for permanent
residency. The Immigration and Naturalization Service did some sleuthing and
found both the marriage certificate and the woman's birth certificate
fraudulent, so in August 1996 Hammoud was again ordered deported, this time
within the month.
The resourceful Hammoud then went underground. In May 1997, he married a
second American, Jessica Wedel. In September 1997, while still married to Wedel,
he took a third wife, Angela Tsioumas. (That she was already married to another
man perhaps evened the score.) The INS, not too adept at record-keeping, mislaid
its file on Hammoud's earlier marriage fraud and never noticed that both of the
nuptial pair were married to others; so, on the basis of Hammoud's marriage to
Tsioumas, the agency granted him conditional residency in July 1998. Only in
October 1998 did Hammoud get around to divorcing Wedel.
To make matters even more interesting, the Hammoud-Tsioumas bond turns out
to have been a complete fiction, just a way for him to acquire citizenship and
for her to earn a few thousand dollars. Hammoud appears to have (truly) married
a woman in Lebanon in 1999; Tsioumas has bragged that, as soon as Hammoud no
longer needs her, she will marry other would-be Americans "for the right
One might imagine that Hammoud's desperate efforts to remain in the U.S.
signaled his deep affection for the land of the free; or, at any rate, his
longing to walk our streets paved with gold. But one would be wrong. Like so
many other Shiites from the shantytowns south of Beirut, this young man has
adopted the Ayatollah Khomeini's brand of extremist Islam and virulent anti-Ameri
canism. As a member of Hezbollah, the main Islamist terrorist and political
organization of Lebanon, Hammoud came here not as an immigrant, to become
American-but as a missionary, to bring Hezbollah's message into enemy territory.
He Says 8,000 Missiles Were Sent
YORK Israel said Sunday that Iran had supplied Hezbollah
militants in Lebanon with 8,000 missiles that could hit Israeli cities, and
warned Lebanon it would not tolerate any missile attacks from its territory.
Citing what he called reliable intelligence information, Shimon Peres,
the Israeli foreign minister, made the allegation in an interview with the
International Herald Tribune.
He also contended that North Korea had supplied Iran with a medium-range
missile and that the two countries were cooperating to develop a long-range
missile capable of hitting North America.
Mr. Peres, who is attending the World Economic Forum meetings here, also
distanced himself from a remark by the Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon,
who a few days ago said he regretted that Israel had not killed the
Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat, 20 years ago.
In making the charges against Iran and North Korea, Mr. Peres appeared to
be providing a timely backup to President George W. Bush, who sparked anger
in the Middle East last week when he charged that Iran, North Korea and Iraq
formed an "axis of evil" and were developing weapons of mass
Diplomats who asked not to be named said Mr. Peres had discussed the
intelligence data on Iran's alleged role in providing missiles to Hezbollah
during a meeting with Colin Powell, the U.S. secretary of state.
"Iran has given Hezbollah a collection of 8,000 Katusha missiles
with a range of between 20 and 70 kilometers over the last six months, and
those missiles pose a direct threat to Israel," Mr. Peres contended in
the interview.
In a warning that singled out Lebanon but may actually have been aimed at
Syria, which exercises suzerainty over Lebanon, Mr. Peres went on to say
that "if Hezbollah thinks that they will fire those missiles at Israel
from the Lebanon, then we have to warn Lebanon" that Israel would not
stand for it.
The Israeli foreign minister, who held two hours of talks in New York
with aides to Mr. Arafat and also met King Abdullah of Jordan, said that
Iran was working with North Korea on medium-and long-range missiles that
could threaten Europe and North America.
"Iran has received an old North Korean Shihab-3 missile with a range
of 1,200 kilometers," Mr. Peres said. "And now Iran, in
collaboration with North Korea, is trying to build a missile with a range of
10,000 kilometers that could threaten North America."
The missile allegations come at an extremely delicate moment in domestic
Israeli politics and in the region. Mr. Sharon is facing a threatened
resignation from a rightist member of his cabinet because the prime minister
met with a Palestinian delegation last Wednesday.
On Sunday in New York, when asked to rate the chances of a cease-fire
between Israelis and Palestinians on a scale of one to 10, Mr. Peres said
"between three and four on a scale of 10."
Mr. Peres grew visibly uncomfortable when asked whether he agreed with
the statement by Mr. Sharon last week in which the prime minister said he
regretted that Israel had not killed Mr. Arafat 20 years ago.
"I didn't make that statement. Mr. Sharon did, and I don't wish to
comment on Mr. Sharon's statements," he replied at first.
But when pressed to offer his personal opinion as to whether Israel
should have killed Mr. Arafat in the early 1980s, Mr. Peres offered a less
cryptic response. "No, I was against killing Mr. Arafat then, and I am
against it today," he said.
"At the time, Arafat had passed an Israeli Army position and our
soldiers had their rifles trained on him and could have easily shot him. But
Begin gave the order not to shoot Arafat, and Begin should be praised for
that decision," he said, referring to then Prime Minister Menachem
Begin. It was not clear if the episode occurred in 1982 or 1983.
A spokesman for Mr. Peres said the minister still saw Mr. Arafat as the
Palestinian leader.
Israel has virtually confined Mr. Arafat in the West Bank town of
Ramallah. Asked if this was constructive for the peace process, Mr. Peres
quoted Mr. Sharon as saying, "if he becomes a partner for peace then he
will not be confined."
Mr. Peres, when pressed whether he thought confinement was the best
approach, said, "I think it would be wise for Arafat to arrest the
people who killed an Israeli minister." He was referring to Rehavam
Zeevi, the Israeli minister of tourism who was shot and killed by
Palestinian gunmen on Oct. 17.
"The confinement," he added, "is more a matter of pressure
than punishment. We said that people in Ramallah had murdered an Israeli
minister in Jerusalem and we are telling Arafat who did it, and we demand
that he arrest them."
When asked if such an arrest could place Mr. Arafat at risk, Mr. Peres
said, "My answer is that to be a leader is sometimes not so easy."
Even as Mr. Peres spoke in New York, there appeared to be modest signs
that, despite his prudent assessment, a cease-fire might be becoming more
feasible. Among these sings were more moderate tones from Mr. Arafat and Mr.
Mr. Arafat on Sunday said in a statement that he condemned Palestinian
"terrorist groups" that attack Israeli civilians and said he was
"determined to put an end to their activities."
Mr. Peres, on Sunday, welcomed those remarks as a step in the right
Separately, Mr. Sharon defended his meeting with senior Palestinian
leaders and said he planned more such talks. This is despite harsh criticism
of Mr. Sharon from hard-liners in his cabinet.
In New York, Mr. Peres said that contacts with Palestinian officials
"always" brought progress, but he cautioned that real talks aimed
at establishing a cease-fire would resume only after Mr. Sharon returned
home from a visit to Washington, where he is expected to meet President Bush
on Thursday.
Secretary Powell was expected to meet with senior Palestinian officials
in Washington on Sunday.
Proud to Be on Terror List
NewsMax.com Wires
Sunday, November 4, 2001
BEIRUT -- Hezbollah leader Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah said Sunday the United
States included his group on its list of terrorist organizations because it
refused to relinquish its anti-Israel resistance and support of the
Palestinian people.
Nasrallah said it was "natural" and expected that the U.S.
lists Hezbollah as a terrorist organization "along (with) other
struggling and resistance movements," which are being faced "with
this violence and harshness exercised by Israel."
He said it was logical that Hezbollah be included on the list because
after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, it refused
to abandon resistance against Israel and provide support for the Palestinian
people in their struggle to liberate their occupied land.
"It is our pride that the Great Satan (U.S.) and the head of
despotism, corruption and arrogance in modern times considers us as an enemy
that should be listed on the terrorism list," Nasrallah said. "I
say to every member of Hezbollah (should) be happy and proud that your party
has been placed on the list of terrorist organizations as the U.S. views
He said both Arabs and Muslims viewed Hezbollah as "the title for
an honest, struggling and humanitarian resistance."
He blasted the United States for responding to Israel's wishes and
including Hezbollah and the Palestinian groups of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in its new list of groups
whose assets are to be frozen and thus accusing the Palestinians, who were
"defending their existence and security" as being terrorists.
Nasrallah said the U.S. "is lying when it says that its war is
not against Islam and the Muslims" while "it is engaged in a war
against every Muslim who refuses to bow and kneel to the U.S."
He warned against providing any kind of assistance to the
international coalition against terrorism and "those tyrants."
Copyright 2001 by United Press International. All rights reserved.
REPORT-Thursday, May 8, 1997 Vol. 3 - 128
By Steve Macko, ERRI Analyst
Officials say that the recent arrest of
a Saudi Arabian national believed to be connected to a deadly terrorist
attack in the Middle East in 1996 has given authorities a glimpse of what is
said to be a largely hidden network of terrorists that use Canada to raise
money, recruit members, provide a safe haven and plan additional terrorist
Many of the details of this operation
remain secret, but official reports, court papers and transcripts of
interviews with another individual accused of terrorism and deported in 1994
reveal what officials believe to be the pro-Iranian Hezbollah has
established a presence in Canada.
It is the opinion of Canadian officials
that Canada's open borders and its refugee policies make it easy for
suspected terrorists to enter the country to hide or to find an easy way to
get into the United States. The Saudi national, Hani Abdel Rahim al-Sayegh,
is accused of belonging to Hezbollah and taking part in the 25 June 1996
terrorist bombing of a military complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, that
killed 19 U.S. servicemen.
Court papers indicate that Canadian
intelligence officers believe that Hezbollah members in Canada helped al-Sayegh
find safe haven in the country last August.
Canadian intelligence learned a great
deal about the workings of Hezbollah in Canada from a man accused of being a
member who was deported from the country three years ago.
In a 1993 interview with agents of the
Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Mohammed Hussein al-Husseini said,
"Hezbollah has members in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, all of
Canada." The man gave details of how Hezbollah conducts surveillance of
important buildings in Canada, such as the CSIS' own regional headquarters
in Montreal. He told the agents who were interviewing him: "If
Hezbollah decided to get this building, it would get it."
The CSIS stated that it believed
Hezbollah was prepared to order al-Husseini to commit an act of terrorism or
violence in Canada or some other place. If Hezbollah did give such an order,
al- Husseini would have carried it out.
During the Persian Gulf War in 1991,
the CSIS was widely criticized for conducting investigations in Arab
neighborhoods, where residents felt unjustly singled out because of their
The former chief of strategic planning
at the CSIS and who is now a political risk analyst, David Harris, said,
"The situation in Canada is somewhat confused by the multicultural
aspect of Canada."
The United States, France and other
countries with large ethnic populations have also had trouble investigating
suspected terrorists without being accused of stereotyping minority groups.
Harris says that it is shortsighted to allow sensitivity to get in the way
of national security. He said, "The very fact that you've got a group
of people here with the track record for violence that Hezbollah has should
be of grave concern to Canadians."
In the U.S., officials say that there
was at least one Hezbollah cell in Canada in 1993. U.S. intelligence said
that at the time, the Canadian arm of Hezbollah was providing planning and
logistical support for terrorist attacks, perhaps in North America.
The CSIS recently gave its view of the
scope of terrorist activities in Canada in its annual report to Parliament.
The intelligence service said in its report that was filed on 23 April:
"Many of the world's terrorist group's have a presence in Canada."
The CSIS said that it believed that the
terrorist groups use Canada for fund raising, safe haven and recruiting
Canadian citizens in ethnic communities. They also provide "logistical
support for terrorism outside of Canada" and are developing the
potential for "terrorist actions in Canada."
The interviews with al-Husseini did
help to illustrate how Hezbollah operates in Canada. CSIS agents suspected
al-Husseini of being involved in the 1988 hijacking of a Kuwaiti airliner.
According to al-Husseini, Hezbollah is
made up as "a military organizational and popular apparatus." He
also said that "orders for these three units come from Iran, but final
approval is obatined from Hazzan Nasrallah and Sayid Fadlallah," who
are the political and religious leaders of Hezbollah." Al-Husseini
added that the cells were involved in "security activities, that is,
hostage taking and explosives."
Al-Husseini gave the CSIS the names of
people in Montreal and Ottawa who he said were members of Hezbollah. He also
said that the terrorist group had a security service that could "gather
information even on its own members, who are scattered all over the
Hezbollah is said to be capable of
conducting in-depth surveillance in Canada and has sent video back to
Lebanon because, according to al-Husseini, "Hezbollah wants to collect
information on Canada, on life in Canada, its roads and so on, in case
there's a problem with Canada."
Even with all of this great information
that was obtained from al-Husseini, the reliability of his information has
come into question. When questioned about al-Husseini, Gaetan Bais, the CSIS
spokesman, said that much of the information that was gathered in three
interviews with al-Husseini was gathered to support the suspicion that he
was a terrorist. Al-Husseini was deported back to Lebanon three years ago.
Canada really has not been a prime
target for Middle East terrorists. However, the country has been the victim
of a few incidents. In 1985, 329 people were killed when an Air India flight
from Toronto exploded off the coast of Ireland. In 1982, a Turkish military
attache was assassinated in Ottawa.
Before being arrested in March, al-Sayegh
had arrived in Canada by way of Rome and Boston. he was kept under close
surveillance for several months.
(c) Copyright, EmergencyNet NEWS
Service, 1997. All Rights Reserved. Redistribution without permission of ENN
is prohibited by law.
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Israel retaliates for Hezbollah attack
April 14, 2001
Web posted at: 1:31 p.m. EDT (1731 GMT)
(CNN) -- Israeli combat planes struck a pair of Hezbollah targets inside
southern Lebanon on Saturday in response to heavy fire targeting the Israeli
military near Shebaa Farms, the Israeli military said. One Israeli soldier
was killed, Israeli military officials said.
Hezbollah acknowledged launching a missile into a disputed area at the
foot of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.
"Our fighters today hit an Israeli tank inside a position they
attacked in the occupied Shebaa Farms," said a report on a Hezbollah
television station.
Israel Defense Forces officials said their warplanes launched airstrikes
in the border area and about a mile inside Lebanon.
Hezbollah said that Israeli soldiers fired back at their positions with
artillery shells as well.
Israel occupied Shebaa Farms and the Golan Heights from Syria during the
1967 Arab-Israeli War. But Syria, Lebanon and Hezbollah say the area
rightfully belongs to Lebanon and should have been part of Israel's
withdrawal from southern Lebanon last May.
The United Nations agrees with Israel that the area is Syrian land under
Israeli occupation.
Hezbollah, considered largely responsible for forcing Israel to withdraw
from its so-called "security border" in southern Lebanon, has kept
up the fight, seeking the return of Shebaa to Lebanon.
A Hezbollah attack on February 16 killed one soldier and wounded two
others near the border, and guerrillas captured three Israeli soldiers in
the Shebaa Farms in October.
CNN Producer Shira Medding contributed
to this report.
Lebanon Won't Freeze Hezbollah
Group Is a Resistance Movement, Not a Terrorist
Organization, Many Arabs Say
By Howard Schneider
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, November 9, 2001; Page A21
CAIRO, Nov. 8 -- Lebanon today rejected U.S. requests that it freeze the
assets of the militant Hezbollah organization, showing that a tricky diplomatic
war awaits the United States if the anti-terrorism campaign expands from
military strikes against the Taliban and Osama bin Laden to other movements
labeled as terrorist.
In the eyes of Lebanese officials and many Arabs in Lebanon and elsewhere,
Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization, despite its definition as such by the
U.S. government. In Beirut and beyond, it is considered a national resistance
movement whose guerrilla attacks forced Israel to end a two-decade occupation of
the southern Lebanese countryside and which is still needed to recapture a final
piece of Israeli-held land known as Shebaa Farms.
U.S. policy is based in part on a long memory of Hezbollah, particularly
its role in the 1980s in kidnappings, plane hijackings and bombings of a U.S.
Marine barracks and the U.S. Embassy in Beirut. But Lebanese Prime Minister
Rafiq Hariri on Wednesday told U.S. Ambassador Vincent Battle that the country
will stand by the group that made the Israelis leave Lebanese soil and that
plays a prominent role in Lebanese political life.
"The Lebanese position is clear on this subject. It is a decisive
position based on Arab and Islamic solidarity," Hariri said after a day in
which he conferred with other top Lebanese leaders, made an unexpected trip to
Damascus to consult with Syrian President Bashar Assad and met with Battle.
Hariri's cabinet formally committed to this policy in a statement today.
"And we are not about to change this policy under any circumstances because
it is based on national convictions," President Emile Lahoud added in a
separate declaration.
"The Lebanese government will continue to insist on the distinction
between resistance organizations and terrorist organizations," Battle said,
adding that Lebanon and the United States seem to be headed for "quite
difficult" conversations.
The open disagreement between the United States and Lebanon over the
nature of Hezbollah reflects a broader problem that the U.S.-backed coalition
against terrorism will face if it carries the fight beyond Afghanistan. While
the initial phase of the campaign has garnered support from many countries and
at least tolerance from Arab states, there is concern particularly among the
Arab countries that it will end up turning into an assault on groups and
organizations that oppose Israel.
In addition to Hezbollah, the Bush administration last week moved to
freeze the assets of the Islamic Resistance Movement, known as Hamas; the
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a Damascus-based movement that
recently acknowledged killing the Israeli tourism minister in retaliation for
Israel's assassination of its leader; and other groups opposed to the peace
terms accepted by the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat.
These groups enjoy no small degree of sympathy in such countries as
Lebanon and Syria, but also in Jordan and Egypt, which are close allies of the
United States. Action against those organizations, considered by many Arabs as
legitimate political movements fighting the Israeli occupation of Palestinian
lands, would likely fracture the current coalition and further fuel
anti-American sentiment in the region.
Even as Arab foreign ministers meeting in Damascus last weekend issued a
strong condemnation of bin Laden, they also laid down a marker of sorts, with
Farouk Charaa of Syria blasting the U.S. decision to put Hezbollah, the PFLP and
others on a par with bin Laden's group, al Qaeda.
"It is a shame for any country in the world to see with its own eyes
what Israel is doing and accuse those Palestinians or Lebanese who defend their
land of terrorism," Charaa said at the meeting.
Of the individuals and organizations included on the list of terrorism
targets so far, Hezbollah presents one of the trickiest diplomatic puzzles.
Its initial funding and inspiration came from the militant Shiite movement
that toppled the shah of Iran in 1979. Its initial aims were to set up an
Islamic government in Lebanon. In the last decade, however, Hezbollah's military
activity focused on the Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon until Israel
pulled back in June 2000. More recently, attacks have been limited to Israeli
positions in the Shebaa Farms area, which Syria and Lebanon say is Lebanese
territory despite a U.N. finding that Israel captured it from Syria in 1967.
The organization grew along other fronts as well, opening schools and
health clinics, operating a television station and electing members to the
Lebanese parliament. In many of its current activities, it is similar to other
Lebanese sectarian organizations, including the Shiite Amal party of Nabih Berri,
the speaker of parliament, that also maintain armed militia components but have
not been included on the U.S. list of terrorists.
Battle indicated in comments yesterday after meeting Hariri that the
United States is sensitive to the difficulties the Lebanese government faces
over Hezbollah and hinted that, unlike the uncompromising action against al
Qaeda and bin Laden, there may be room to maneuver.
Under the list published last week, the United States could freeze funds
in any financial institutions that refuse to seize Hezbollah's assets, which
could have a disastrous impact on Lebanon's financial ties to Europe and the
West. But Battle said it would be a "very, very long and technical and
difficult exercise" to freeze any assets.
Hezbollah officials, however, said they will not change their orientation.
"The U.S. lists don't bother us in the slightest," a Hezbollah
commander, Sheik Nabil Qaouk, was quoted as saying in Beirut's Daily Star
newspaper. "When America accuses Hezbollah, we take it as proof of the
credibility of our goals."
© 2001
The Washington Post Company
Hezbollah in North Carolina?
Feds: Charlotte Cell Aided Militants
By Paul Nowell
The Associated Press
C H A R L O T T E, N.C.,
March 28, 2001
— A Hezbollah "cell" in Charlotte provided
material support and resources, including cash and
equipment, to the Islamic militant group Hezbollah,
federal prosecutors alleged today.
An indictment handed down by a federal grand jury charged four people
with conspiring to provide the Lebanon-based group with cash, night
vision goggles, global positioning devices, mine detection equipment,
cell phones and blasting equipment.
The indictment does not allege that they provided weapons.
"We hope to send a clear message that North Carolina, the United
States and Canada are off-limits for illegal funding and procurement
activities by individuals or organizations that support terrorism,"
said Chris Swecker, special agent in charge of the FBI's Charlotte
Last summer, the same grand jury indicted 18 people on charges of
cigarette smuggling, money laundering and immigration violations. Six
have pleaded guilty to immigration law violations and charges are
pending against the remaining 12.
The indictment handed down Wednesday names six new defendants, none
of whom is in custody. Three are accused of aiding Hezbollah and the
other three face charges including cigarette smuggling and money
Profits from Cigarette Sales?
The three accused of helping Hezbollah were identified as Ali Adham
Amhaz and Mohamad Hassan Dbouk, last reported to be living in Vancouver,
and Hassan Hilu Laqis, whose last address was unknown.
The fourth man, Said Mohamad Harb, is among the group charged in July
and has been held without bond in federal custody since then.
The government contends that Mohamad Youssef Hammoud, named in the
original indictment, led a Charlotte-based group of Lebanese immigrants
who bought cases of cigarettes in North Carolina, which has a low
cigarette tax, and sold them at a profit in other states.
Prosecutors said the group diverted some of its profits to Hezbollah,
a Lebanese-based faction that has been named by the U.S. State
Department as a terrorist organization.
Today's indictment, which supercedes the one issued in July, means a
total of 24 people have been named in 77 charges related to cigarette
smuggling, immigration violations and aiding Hezbollah.
Copyright 2001 The Associated Press. All rights reserved
Hezbollah gets its way
Why Lebanon isn't euphoric about the impending pullout of Israeli forces.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Flore de Preneuf
May 13, 2000 | BEIRUT, Lebanon --
Israel has vowed to withdraw its troops from southern Lebanon in a few weeks, which will close a chapter
of violence and occupation that lasted for 22 exhausting years. But paradoxically, the prospect is causing more concern than euphoria in Beirut.
Only the Islamic guerrillas who have fought Israel to a standstill are
poised to celebrate -- with extra gunfire -- as the Israeli soldiers pull out.
The guerrilla group, known as Hezbollah ("The Party of God"), will be
one of the few Arab military groups ever to succeed in forcing Israel to back
down. In the past few days, Hezbollah has stacked three rocket launchers on a
pedestal on the Mediterranean seafront here and draped the installation with a
banner proclaiming loudly, "Resistance is the answer."
The guerrillas, backed by Syria and Iran, have tried the patience of the
Israeli public by inflicting a steady hemorrhage of human losses on Israel since
1985, when Israel established a 9-mile-wide "security zone" in
southern Lebanon. The painful casualties made Israeli Prime Minister Ehud
Barak's electoral promise to pull out by July 7 a hugely popular pledge in
Israel. At the same time, the war has earned Hezbollah patriotic credibility and
political support in Lebanon.
Hezbollah propaganda aside, the Israeli withdrawal raises more questions
in Lebanon than it answers. The dismantling of Israeli military outposts is only
in its early stages, but already there are jitters in Lebanon. The change
threatens to crumble a decade-old arrangement in which Syria ensured Lebanon's
stability and Lebanon was hostage to Syrian interests.
In editorials and student demonstrations in April, the Lebanese started to
challenge the overbearing presence of Syria in their country. Some 35,000 Syrian
troops, ubiquitous spies and interference in domestic affairs have made Syria
the de facto ruler of the area since the end of the Lebanese civil war in 1990.
The students -- mostly Christian supporters of exiled Lebanese Gen. Michel
Aoun -- have vocally equated Syrian occupation with Israeli occupation and
called for the end of both. The Lebanese army (loyal to Syria) crushed recent
demonstrations in which 14 students were injured and several arrests were made.
Some fear the crackdown could lead Lebanon into a new round of sectarian
Given all that, "people aren't sure how they should respond to
Israel's withdrawal," said Michael Young, a political analyst at the
Lebanese Center for Policy Studies in Beirut. "On the one hand, people hope
the situation in the south will be neutralized after the pullout," he said.
"On the other, people fear Syria will attempt to create violence."
Violence would help Syria preserve the status quo in Lebanon and maintain some
leverage against Israel in its bid to recover the Golan Heights.
Indeed, the guerrilla war waged by Hezbollah against Israel in southern
Lebanon has been at the heart of Syria's strategy to reclaim the Golan Heights,
a strategic wind-swept plateau that overlooks the Sea of Galilee and has been
under Israeli control since 1967.
Syria's calculation was that Hezbollah would bleed Israel until it agreed
to give back the Golan Heights in exchange for peace on its northern border.
Israel also envisioned a withdrawal from Lebanon within the framework of a peace
agreement with Syria. But that plan fell apart in March when Israel and Syria
failed to agree on the borders of the Golan. Barak then announced that he would
stick to his electoral promise and withdraw his troops from Lebanon anyway.
"The contingency plan became the plan," said Gebran Tueni,
publisher of Lebanon's biggest daily, An Nahar. Analysts now speculate that
Syrian President Hafez Assad will scramble for ways to sabotage the unilateral
Israeli withdrawal and keep pressure on Israel to hand back the Golan. "For
the first time the Syrians are reacting and not acting," said Tueni.
Assad has showed in the past few weeks that he may be willing and able to
keep up the pressure. One way of achieving this is to question the
comprehensiveness of the Israeli withdrawal and to challenge the new border
being drawn by United Nations cartographers. Shebaa Farms, for example, a
fertile patch of land near the ill-defined border between the Golan and Lebanon,
cropped up seemingly out of nowhere last week, all groomed to become an apple of
discord in diplomatic talks. (The Lebanese claim the farms are theirs, although
U.N. maps place them south of the border.)
A more likely scenario for post-withdrawal mayhem, according to analysts,
has Syria hiring new proxies capable of making Israeli lives unpleasant across
the fence. Some expect that Hezbollah will decide to rest on its laurels and
concentrate on politics after an Israeli withdrawal. But Lebanon shelters plenty
of other groups that could easily be persuaded to play Syria's game: hawkish
Palestinian refugees stuck in miserable dead-end camps in southern Lebanon, a
multitude of semiclandestine Islamic organizations, even freelance terrorists.
"All you need is someone lobbing the periodic Katyusha [hand-held
Soviet-made rockets] into Israel," noted one analyst. "It's a
perfectly credible line of threat."
After intense lobbying by Egypt and Saudi Arabia, the Syrians accepted
last week the idea of giving the U.N. Interim Forces in Lebanon a beefed-up role
in policing southern Lebanon after an Israeli withdrawal. But few analysts
predict UNIFIL -- a contingent of foreign "peacekeeping" troops that
has been in Lebanon since the outbreak of the civil war -- will be capable of
protecting Israel's border.
Israel has warned Syria that it will retaliate harshly against any attacks
and put the blame squarely on Syria's doorstep. "I don't recommend that
anyone, directly or indirectly, try to attack Israel, its residents or its army
after we withdraw," Barak told Israeli Army Radio on Monday. "Anyone
who tries to harm us will get what he deserves."
When the Israeli air force bombed two Lebanese electricity plants on May
4, after Hezbollah had killed an Israeli soldier, the Lebanese were infuriated.
The strikes, which caused power cuts and costly physical damage, gave the
Lebanese the feeling that, once again, they were being asked to pay the price
for unfinished business between Syria and Israel.
The threat of similar retaliatory attacks on Lebanese infrastructure after
the Israelis leave partially explains the noticeable lack of enthusiasm on the
eve of the pullout. That threat also fuels the current resurgence of anti-Syrian
sentiment here. Although few of Lebanon's problems would be solved if Syrian
troops marched home tomorrow, the Lebanese blame their Arab Big Brother for
keeping them in a state of war.
"When foreign powers want to wage war, they do it in our
country," complained a student at Christian St. Joseph University in
Beirut, who was active in the anti-Syrian demonstrations in April. "We've
been at war for 25 years although Lebanon has no weapons industry. We pay for
all the Arabs."
But the grumbling can only go so far. "Everything we do now can be
exploited as a possible point for Israel," said Tueni, who penned a
groundbreaking anti-Syrian editorial in March but urged the students to keep a
low profile in April. "We must wait until after July," he said in an
interview. If Christian students demonstrate in the streets, the Syrians can
bring out thousands of loyal Muslims -- and that will "bring back the kind
of sectarian conflict that served as a pretext for the Syrian presence in
Lebanon in the first place," he said.
salon.com | May 13,
puts pressure on Arafat
Thursday 1 June 2000
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has warned he is under intense pressure to
abandon negotiations and emulate the Hezbollah, which forced the Israeli army to
make a hasty retreat from southern Lebanon.
Mr Arafat said many of his supporters now believed the guerrilla fighters
in the militant Islamic group, Hezbollah (Party of God), had demonstrated that
the best way to deal with Israel was through the barrel of a gun. He said many
Palestinians had lost hope that talks with Israel would achieve results.
"The peace process has stopped completely," Mr Arafat said,
despite the fact that talks between Israel and the Palestinians were meant to
resume last night, at a secret venue in the Middle East. His remarks also came
on the eve of the summit in Berlin today between United States President Bill
Clinton and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, who are expected to discuss the
prospects for a renewal of peace talks with Syria after Israel's withdrawal from
Lebanon, as well as the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.
Mr Clinton had been hoping to broker a comprehensive peace in the Middle
East before leaving office later this year. But Mr Arafat said there was little
reason to be optimistic in the near future about Israel and the Palestinians
striking a deal.
In a meeting in the West Bank town of Ramallah with Israeli Environment
Minister Dalia Itzik, Mr Arafat said: "We've reached an impasse." He
did not believe that the two sides were close to reaching even a framework for a
peace treaty which, according to their own timetable, should be ready for
signing by September.
During his meeting with Mrs Itzik, Mr Arafat said: "You have to
understand what sort of pressure is being placed on me by the public. My public
perceives Hezbollah to be heroes who succeeded in getting the Israel Defence
Forces out of Lebanon and believe that that is the route we should take as
Mr Arafat stressed that he was also under pressure from the Arab world to
follow Hezbollah's example. "My situation is not simple, the pressure being
applied on me is coming from every direction," he said. "The
Palestinian people want to see results in terms of the release of prisoners. In
practice they see that nothing is moving."
Similar concerns are being voiced by Israeli Cabinet ministers.
"Nothing is moving and, if things continue this way, we will reach an
uncontrollable, very dangerous explosion that will be nothing like what happened
in the territories two weeks ago," one Israeli Cabinet minister, who
declined to be identified, told the Hebrew daily newspaper Ma'ariv. "The
Palestinian streets will erupt and that is liable to lead to a huge
Mr Arafat also said he was disappointed to find that the election last
year of Mr Barak as Israel's Prime Minister had not brought more hope. He
lamented the loss of Yitzhak Rabin, the Israeli prime minister assassinated in
Mr Arafat said Mr Rabin was a tough negotiator but also a man who honored
his word. "With him, a fight was a fight, and spat was a spat, a date was a
date and a word was a word," he said.
From: http://world.std.com/~camera/docs/oncamera/ochezb.html
June 16, 2000
by Andrea Levin
Whitewashing Hezbullah
The recent withdrawal of Israel from Southern Lebanon in the face of
a long and grinding conflict there with Hezbollah prompted a familiar
media phenomenon. A number of journalists rushed to put a friendly face on
the Iranian-funded, Syrian-coordinated group, passing over its record of
bloodletting and focusing on Hezbollah’s work as a social service
Under the almost lyrical headline “Helping
Hand of Hezbollah Emerging in South Lebanon,” (May 31, 2000), New
York Times reporter Susan Sachs led the way, recounting the
quasi-governmental activity of the Islamic organization, including its
provision of medical care, home reconstruction, fresh water and
insecticide-spraying. In addition, Sachs’ only reference to Sheik Hassan
Nasrallah, the group’s general secretary who regularly calls for
Israel’s destruction, is mention of his respectful attitude toward
Lebanese officials and the outpouring of affection for him.
Though Sachs admits that Hezbollah is “still considered by the
United States and other nations to be a terrorist group that bombed
embassies and kidnaped Westerners in the 1980's” the reporter is
misleading about the chronology of carnage. Hezbollah did, indeed,
specialize in deadly bombings in the 1980's, including two in Beirut on
the same day in 1983 that killed 241 American marines and 56 French
servicemen sleeping in their respective barracks.
But, contrary to Sachs, the bloodshed continued into the 1990's with
multiple bombings in Argentina of Israeli and Jewish community facilities,
one in March 1992 that killed 29 and another in July 1994 that killed 96.
At the time this last event occurred it was one of the worst terrorist
attacks ever in the Western hemisphere. (Notably, the New York Times did
not report the 1994 Buenos Aires bombing on its front page.) Hezbollah is
also credited with blowing a Panamanian airplane out of the sky the same
year killing 21 people. None of the perpetrators of these crimes have been
brought to justice.
National Public Radio eagerly picked up the New
York Times’ theme of a rehabilitated Hezbollah in its national
call-in program, “Talk of the Nation.” Breathlessly, Jerusalem
correspondent Jennifer Ludden reported: “...there is incredible
[Lebanese] public support for Hezbollah, especially at this point in time.
In recent years, a wide range of Lebanese, not just Shiite Muslims but
also Sunni Muslims and Christian Lebanese, have come to very much
appreciate these guerilla fighters putting their lives on the line. The
organization has had – under the leadership of Sheik Hassan Nasrallah
– it has transformed away from kidnapings and bombings that really
marked it in the 1980's (sic), and I think the Lebanese government does
not provide social services across the board as much as people would like.
Hezbollah has been filling a lot of gaps.”
When Ludden was asked by the program host whether Hezbollah now accepts
Israel’s “right to exist” she giggled slightly and responded,
“Mmm. Well, they stopped at the border. I think that, again, they have
been very, very cagey. You know, again, some of the foot soldiers will
talk about liberating Jerusalem, but I don’t think that the leaders see
this as a realistic goal.”
These are some of the many “cagey” statements of Sheik Nasrallah:
In a January speech he said, “When we speak about Jerusalem we don’t
want anyone to misunderstand. We do not mean East Jerusalem. We do not
mean the Holy Jerusalem...We do not mean Jerusalem, the city. When we say
Jerusalem, we speak of it as a symbol of all Palestine and the entire
nation that is under assault by the scheme of global arrogance and Zionism
that throughout the past 50 years has been implemented on our land. ...
Israel is a cancerous, usurping entity without legitimacy or legal
On June 2nd in a speech broadcast via telephone to a Palestinian rally
in Gaza, Nasrallah called on the Palestinians to “fight the Zionists
with stones, daggers, knives and bombs, expel them from the land, and make
them return to whence they came...” He urged Palestinians to undertake
suicide bombings such as the one perpetrated at Beit Lid in Israel where
22 young Israelis were murdered. In this particularly savage attack, bombs
exploded at timed intervals in order to kill those who rushed to help the
first victims.
When a caller to the NPR talk show challenged Ludden’s praise for
Hezbollah, noting that the group’s website contains language calling for
Israel’s elimination, the reporter responded, “I haven’t logged onto
the Internet site recently.”
At the same time Sachs and Ludden were deceptive
about Hezbollah, special credit is due Ray Suarez and Martin Himel for
sound and balanced coverage of recent Lebanon events on the Public
Broadcasting Service’s NewsHour. In a May 26th segment, the program gave
a clear sense of the aims of Hezbollah and the challenges faced by Israel,
reviewing key history and current concerns. The broadcast served as a
welcome reminder of what journalism can and should be.
Andrea Levin is Executive Director and President of
CAMERA - PO Box 428, Boston, MA, 02456.
Copyright © 2000 by the Committee for Accuracy in
Middle East Reporting in America. All rights reserved. This column may be
reprinted without prior permission.
- - - - -
- - - - - - -
the writer
Flore de Preneuf is a freelance journalist and photographer who covers
the Middle East. |
From: http://www.meib.org/articles/0112_l1.htm
A monthly
publication of the United States
Committee for a Free Lebanon
Has American Pressure Sidelined Hezbollah?
by Gary C. Gambill
According to the Lebanese daily Al-Nahar, earlier
this month the Lebanese Shi'ite Islamist movement Hezbollah agreed to suspend
its war against Israeli forces in the disputed Shebaa
Farms enclave.1 However, neither the
Lebanese nor Syrian governments have publicly confirmed the deal (according to Al-Nahar,
the lack of publicity was one of Hezbollah's preconditions) and Hezbollah
Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah has repeatedly declared in recent weeks that
no halt to the violence would be forthcoming.
Nevertheless, it appears that the unprecedented level of
American pressure on Damascus and Beirut to rein in Hezbollah over the last two
months may have produced results - Hezbollah has not launched an attack against
Israeli forces since October 22.
Demise of the Quid Pro Quo
In the immediate aftermath of September 11, the Bush
administration excluded Hezbollah, along with Syrian-backed Palestinian groups,
from its war on terror in order to secure the backing of Arab states. However,
from the very beginning, American officials were concerned that Hezbollah's
sporadic attacks against Israeli forces in the Shebaa Farms area, which had
provoked Israeli retaliation against Syrian forces in Lebanon twice before this
year, could undermine Arab cooperation in the war on terror by inflaming
anti-Israeli sentiments in the Middle East. Thus, the United States offered the
Lebanese government and its Syrian patron a quid pro quo: the US would not
demand that Lebanon deploy troops to the border area or freeze the group's
assets as long as Damascus and Beirut ensure that the group does not launch any
additional attacks against Israeli forces.
For the first month after September 11, the American anti-terror
campaign was strictly limited to the al-Qa'ida terror network. A September 24
executive order threatened sanctions against states or financial institution
that do business with 27 groups and individuals tied to bin Laden. Although
Hezbollah was included in the State Department's update of its list of foreign
terrorist organizations on October 5, this merely confirmed an existing
designation and carried with it no explicit threat of sanctions.2
On October 12, the Bush administration released an additional list of 39
individuals, which included the former head of Hezbollah's special overseas
operations, Imad Mughniyah, and two other Lebanese nationals, but no members of
the group's current leadership were mentioned.
Moreover, whereas American officials periodically raised the
issue of Syrian-backed Palestinian groups, there was virtually no criticism of
Hezbollah by US diplomats in Lebanon. The American ambassador in Beirut, Vincent
Battle, was even reported by one Lebanese newspaper to have told guests at a
recent dinner that Hezbollah has nothing to do with the terrorism that the US is
combatting.3 In fact, when one Lebanese
newspaper erroneously reported that American officials had demanded that the
Lebanese government freeze the assets of a list of individuals that included
Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah and his predecessor, Sobhi
Toufaili,4 Battle issued a heated
denial. "They are not included on the list," he told reporters on
October 19. "I won't say anything more about the lists ever again."5
The quid pro quo nearly fell apart when Hezbollah launched a
mortar attack on Israeli outposts on October 3 - its first operation in three
months. However, the attack did not cause any injuries or structural damage (in
fact, Lebanese press reports suggested that it was deliberately intended not to
do so), and American officials were apparently persuaded by Lebanese officials
that the operation was merely a symbolic response to several days of Israeli
violations of Lebanese airspace.
On October 22, however, Hezbollah launched a second attack on
Israeli forces in the Shebaa Farms area, this time causing considerable
structural damage. More importantly, shortly after the attack Hassan Nasrallah
declared that more attacks would be coming and Syrian Foreign Minister Farouq
al-Shara publicly defended the operation.
Immediately after the attack, Battle contacted President Emile
Lahoud and Prime Minister Rafiq
Hariri to issue what one Lebanese official described as "a strongly
worded message that sounded like a warning."10
In Washington, President Bush reportedly called Hezbollah a terrorist group of
"global reach" for the first time during a meeting with Israeli
Foreign Minister Shimon Peres.6
The Gloves Come Off
Over the next two months, the United States steadily escalated
pressure on the Lebanese government to act decisively to rein in Hezbollah. On
November 3, the Bush administration added Hezbollah to its September 24 list of
terrorist organizations - raising for the first time the threat of sanctions
against states and international financial institutions that decline to freeze
its assets. "The new executive order gave us more authority to act against
individuals, against organizations that are associated with these terrorist
groups, and against banks that facilitate the flow of funds for them," said
US State Department spokesman Richard Boucher.
However, Lebanese officials defiantly rejected US demands that
they freeze Hezbollah's assets in the country. "The country will not follow
the United States in freezing Hezbollah's assets because it views the group as a
resistance movement and not a terrorist organization," said Finance
Minister Fouad Siniora on November 6. "We stress that those who are trying
to liberate their lands are merely practicing resistance," he added.
Information Minister Ghazi Aridi called the classification "another useless
attempt by the Americans to curb anti-Israeli resistance."7
Meanwhile, Lebanese Foreign Minister Mahmoud Hammoud joined his Syrian
counterpart in canceling plans to attend a UN General Assembly session in New
In the weeks that followed, the US escalated the pressure. On
November 11, US National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice stated that Lebanon's
lack of cooperation in the war on terror could jeopardize its "integration
into the world economy" and put its economic "survival" at risk
in an interview on ABC. The Lebanese press subsequently reported threats by the
US to cut the $35 million in economic aid it provides to Lebanon each year and
to block Lebanon's attempts to organize an international donor meeting to bail
out the country's moribund economy (the Paris II conference has been repeatedly
postponed due to lack of interest).
Since mid-November, Lebanes President Emile Lahoud and other officials have
focused their diplomatic efforts on disputing the Bush administration's
contention that Hezbollah is a terrorist group with "global reach,"
emphasizing that its activities are confined to Lebanon.
However, in a December 9 interview broadcast by the Lebanese
Broadcasting Corporation International (LBCI), Ambassador Battle reiterated that
"Hezbollah is on the US list of terrorist organizations because it is a
group that carries out terrorist acts and is capable of staging them [with] vast
global reach." In an unusually direct affront to the Lebanese president, he
added that Lahoud's claim that the group's activities are confined to Lebanon
was "incorrect in light of the data available to the US
administration" and "did not convince the American government."
He pointed specifically to the fact that Hezbollah has trained members of the
Palestinian Islamist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad - both of which are
classified as terrorist groups by the Bush administration - and said that he had
raised the issue of "Hezbollah's activities that transcend Lebanon"
with Lahoud.
Later in the interview, Battle dropped a second bombshell
indicating that he had received new instructions from Washington. "The
Shebaa Farms are not Lebanese," said Battle, referring to the disputed
enclave where Hezbollah has concentrated its attacks against Israeli forces.
"They are simply an alibi."
Lebanese officials were stunned by Battle's unprecedented
remarks, but played them down publicly. The following day, Lahoud said only that
"Hezbollah has no activities that go beyond resisting Israel in the
framework of the Arab-Israeli conflict" - a carefully-worded statement that
did not actually dispute Battle's allegations (e.g. training Palestinian
fighters could be said to be within the bounds of "resistance" to
Not surprisingly, Hezbollah officials and members of its
parliamentary bloc condemned the ambassador's remarks. Deputy Secretary-General
Naim Qassem called Battle statements "disrespectful and offensive," MP
Muhammad Raad called them "Israeli-inspired blackmail," while MP
Ibrahim Bayan declared that the Lebanese government "should expel the
American ambassador." Interestingly, however, Nasrallah stopped short of
calling for Battle's expulsion. The Hezbollah leader challenged the US
ambassador to provide evidence that Hezbollah's activities go beyond resistance
to Israel - a sleight of hand (Battle said that the group's activities go beyond
Lebanon, not beyond resistance to Israel) intended to reframe the issue of what
the US finds unacceptable - rather than categorically denouncing him.
After meeting with Lahoud in Beirut on December 14, US Assistant
Secretary of State William Burns struck a conciliatory tone and carefully
explained that the US objects to particular policies of Hezbollah, not the
movement itself. "We do first recognize that Hezbollah has a number of
different dimensions, as a political party, as a social welfare
organization," said Burns, " but the United States continues to be
concerned about terrorist activities that go well beyond . . . the borders of
this country."
This did not elicit expressions of moderation from Hezbollah,
however. That same afternoon, speaking before thousands of supporters during the
Jerusalem Day rally in the Shi'ite southern suburbs of Beirut, Nasrallah
declared that "suicide bombings are the only way to defeat the
Zionists" and explicitly endorsed the killing of Israeli citizens.
"Pay no attention to those who say there are civilians and soldiers in
Israel," he said, "they are all occupiers and invaders, partners in
crimes and massacres."
Shortly thereafter, US Ambassador Vincent Battle asked Prime
Minister Rafiq Hariri to officially disavow Nasrallah's proclamation. The prime
minister subsequently remarked, "Lebanon's position is clear. It was
transparent in the April Accords [signed after Israel's 1996 Grapes of Wrath
campaign] that both sides should stage no attacks on civilians on both sides of
the frontier," but this statement was merely a reiteration of his
government's acceptance of a US-brokered quid pro quo in south Lebanon, not a
categorical rejection of violence against civilians.
The British EU Initiative
Amid this escalating war of words, the US backed a British
initiative to thwart Lebanon's goal of entering the Euro-Mediterranean
Partnership Agreement, which would establish a free-trade zone on both sides of
the Mediterranean by 2010. From an economic standpoint, relations with the
European Union are much more important than relation with the United States.
Over 80% of Lebanon's annual imports are from EU member countries, while its
comparatively meager exports to the EU exceed those to the US. Moreover, the EU
provides about one-third of economic aid received by Lebanon and accounts for
more foreign investment than the United States. Although the association
agreement would not have a direct short-term impact on the Lebanese economy, it
would have a potentially enormous indirect effect by boosting investor
confidence in Lebanon.
The association agreement was originally scheduled to be signed
in early December. However, on November 30 the British demanded that the
agreement include an explicit Lebanese commitment to combat terrorism during a
meeting of senior EU officials in Brussels. After London officially submitted
the demand on December 7, the EU delegate to Beirut, Patrick Renauld, announced
that a new clause in the accord would stipulate that Lebanon "agree to
cooperate with a view to preventing and repressing terrorist acts within the
framework of [UN Security Council] Resolution 1373." According to Renauld,
the anti-terror clause was "identical" to those included in EU
association agreements with Algeria and Egypt and had "nothing to do with
American demands regarding Hezbollah."8
While Hezbollah is currently not recognized by the UN as a
terrorist organization, Lebanese officials feared that this could change in the
future and prevent implementation of the association agreement. However, France,
which has long refused to condemn Hezbollah operations against Israel, remained
opposed to the clause. The next day, Prime Minister Hariri flew to Paris and met
with French President Jacques Chirac to negotiate an alternative acceptable to
the British. The French subsequently proposed a compromise whereby Lebanon will
sign a separate letter to the EU secretariat pledging to combat terrorism.
On December 12, British Ambassador to Lebanon Richard Kinchen
met with Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah in Haret Hreik, the first
time a senior British diplomat has met with a leader of the group. After the
meeting, Kinchen remarked that "there is still a cell or group [within
Hezbollah] which is terrorist according to British law" and that continuing
Hezbollah attacks against Israeli forces across the UN-drawn blue line go
"beyond any claim to be resisting foreign occupation of Lebanese
After Kinchen's meeting with Nasrallah, Britain tentatively
accepted the compromise. Later that day, the French ambassador in Beirut
announced that the agreement will be initialed in Brussels on December
20, but not actually signed, citing "technicalities involving the
drafting of the texts." However, just days later, Lebanese officials
announced that the initialing of the text had been postponed until January 10
due to a scheduling conflict.
While it is not yet clear why the initialing was postponed, it
is possible that the Syrians did not want the Lebanese government to sign a
letter to the EU committing to fight terrorism until after the EU had released
its list of designated individuals and groups linked to terrorism later in the
These concerns would have been warranted, as Britain was
lobbying for the inclusion of Hezbollah's "external security
organization" (the "cell or group" within Hezbollah to which
Kinchen referred) on the list. In fact, on December 27, the Associated Press,
citing an advance copy of the list it had received from EU sources, reported
that Hezbollah's "external security organization" was on the
list. But when the EU released its list of "persons, groups and entities
involved in terrorist acts" the next day, it conspicuously excluded
Hezbollah, even though two Palestinian groups (Islamic Jihad and Izzedine al-Qassam,
the military wing of Hamas) were included.
Lebanese officials were ecstatic. "This shows that the
position of Lebanon, which makes a distinction between resistance and terrorism,
has been understood," said Foreign Minister Mahmoud Hammoud the following
day. However, it is likely that the last minute exclusion of Hezbollah resulted
from some sort of understanding between the EU, the Lebanese and Syrian
governments, and Hezbollah to suspend attacks on the Shebaa Farms, at least
Whether Hezbollah would abide by such an understanding remains
to be seen. Whereas the group largely abided by the terms of the April 1996
agreement, which banned attacks on civilians by Israel and Hezbollah, the
comparison is misleading - the April 1996 accord was openly endorsed by both
Damascus and Beirut. Since neither has publicly committed to a cease-fire
against Israeli forces in the Shebaa Farms, the Lebanese and Syrian governments
have not staked their credibility on its observance and Hezbollah has no
face-saving justification for continued inaction.
For the time being, at least, the Lebanese regime is likely to rein in Hezbollah
out of pure self interest. Prime Minister Hariri is making a concerted effort to
drum up international support for holding the Paris II donor conference in
February or March. Until then, both he and the Syrians know that the United
States can and will derail the conference if the border with Israel heats up.
1 Al-Nahar (Beirut),
29 December 2001.
2 This list, compiled every two years, was
virtually unchanged from the one issued in 1999. US citizens are prohibited from
providing assistance to organizations on this list and American banks are
required to freeze their assets.
3 Al-Anwar (Beirut), 25 October 2001.
4 Al-Safir (Beirut), 18 October 2001.
5 The Daily Star (Beirut), 19 October 2001.
6 The Jerusalem Post, 24 October 2001.
7 The Daily Star (Beirut), 7 November 2001.
8 Agence France Press, 7 December 2001 and 9
December 2001.
© 2001 Middle East Intelligence
Bulletin. All rights reserved.
Hezbollah Warns Of Wider Conflict
- Vows To Enter Battle If Israel Crosses Into Palestinian Territory
- Israel Has Threatened Retaliation For Deadly Suicide Bombing
- Hezbollah Has Been Quiet Since Israel Withdrew From Lebanon
Lebanon, June 8, 2001
(AP) Hezbollah guerrillas, who have largely held their fire since
Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon a year ago, have warned they will renew
attacks against Israel if it invades Palestinian territories.
"An (Israeli) invasion of the Palestinian areas will lead to a flare-up
in the entire region," Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah told
Hezbollah TV Thursday night.
"If a war erupts in the region, this war will not be in Israel's favor
... We will not abandon the Palestinian people and we will be with them in
this battle. This is an ideological and religious commitment," the Shiite
Muslim cleric said during a nearly three-hour call-in show on Hezbollah's Al
Manar TV.
Israel has threatened retaliatory strikes against Palestinian areas after last
week's suicide bombing in Tel Aviv that killed 20 young Israelis and the
bomber. It was the deadliest Mideast terror attack in five years.
But eight months of violence have subsequently subsided after cease-fire calls
by both Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian leader Yasser
Hezbollah led the war against Israel's 18-year occupation of southern Lebanon
that ended last May. The militant group, whose fighters control the Lebanese
side of the border with Israel, says it has hundreds of rockets with a range
of 14 miles inside Israel.
Since the withdrawal, Hezbollah has fired no rockets into Israel. But the
guerrillas have killed three and captured other three Israeli soldiers in the
disputed Chebaa Farms area and denied Israeli accusations they were operating
in Palestinian territories.
Nasrallah said Hezbollah maintains an "old relationship and
coordination" with Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the two militant Islamic
Palestinian groups that have carried out a series of deadly suicide bomb
attacks in Israel.
He urged Palestinians to continue the fight against the Jewish state and Arab
and Islamic states to provide them with help.
"We are helping the (Palestinian uprising) as much as we can,"
Nasrallah said, adding Hezbollah "will not be late" in providing
"a different kind" of military assistance.
He did not elaborate, saying only, "We are constantly consulting with
(Palestinian) leaderships and forces which are participating in the intefadeh,"
or the uprising.
Nasrallah reported slow progress in negotiations through foreign
intermediaries to swap the three Israeli soldiers and a reserve colonel lured
and captured in Beirut with an unspecified number of Lebanese and other Arab
prisoners in Israel.
"If we reach the point where we consider that the four (Israeli
prisoners) we have are not enough and that more are needed, then this matter
will become a priority for us," Nasrallah said.
He reiterated Hezbollah's demands that any prisoner swap must include the
release of all Lebanese, other Arab, Palestinian and Iranian prisoners held in
He said four Iranians, who vanished in 1982 during Israel's invasion of
Lebanon, must be included in any exchange. Iran, which backs Hezbollah, also
accuses Israel of holding the four men, including two diplomats. Israel denies
the claim.
Lebanon says Israel holds 13 Lebanese, including two Hezbollah leaders.
In addition, Palestinian and Arab groups have given Hezbollah lists of more
than 1,500 prisoners they want released in any swap.
The Associated Press. All Rights
Lebanese Government, Hezbollah Agree on Cooperation
BEIRUT, July 17 (Xinhuanet) -- Lebanese resistance guerrilla group
Hezbollah has agreed not to harm the government's economic recovery
plan as long as the government promises not to interfere in its
resistance against Israel, local media reported on Tuesday.
After a meeting with Prime Minister Rafik Hariri at weekend,
Hezbollah, or Party of God, said that the two sides have reached an
understanding on future cooperation.
A senior Hezbollah official said that the group would not mess
with the government's economic plans while the government will not
interfere in the resistance in any form.
According to the agreement, any disagreement between the two
sides in the future will be dealt with through direct dialog and
will not be exposed to the press. "There should be no
disagreement over the resistance or strategic relations with
Syria," the official said.
In addition, Hariri will meet with Hezbollah officials to solve
differences on social and economic issues in the coming days.
Hezbollah spearheaded resistance before Israel withdrew from
south Lebanon in May 2000. It vows to continue fighting against
Israel as long as the Jewish state occupies the Shebaa Farms, which
Lebanon and Syria say belong to Lebanon.
But Israel says that it occupied the farms area in the 1967
Middle East War and the issue should be resolved in its future
negotiations with Syria.
The pro-Hariri newspaper, Al Mustaqbal, has criticized Hezbollah
for what it called "ill-timed" operation against Israel, saying
that it "might undermine the government's efforts to draw foreign
Last week, Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah said
that the group is willing to extend "a hand of cooperation" to the
government and has no intention to topple Hariri's government.
'Limits' on Hezbollah
BEIRUT, Lebanon -- Lebanese President Emile Lahoud has promised to place
restrictions on the activities of the Islamic extremist Hezbollah group,
according to a visiting U.S. congressman Sunday.
Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., told reporters in the Lebanese capital Beirut
that Lahoud "has conveyed a strong message of limitation on the reach of
Hezbollah which I will take back to our State Department."
Hezbollah is on the list of foreign terrorist organizations which is
published by the U.S. State Department. The United States believes it was behind
the 1983 suicide bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, which killed 241
people, and the bombing of its embassy there. But it is a legal political party
in Lebanon, with representatives in parliament and a network of social service
Issa, who was among a four-member Congress delegation on a tour in the
region, reminded reporters of President George W. Bush's declaration of war
against "terrorist groups with global reach."
He added that Lebanon -- which says that Hezbollah is a legitimate
resistance organization, not a terror group -- had given assurances that it
would ensure the group's activities were localized in nature.
Issa said the congressional delegation would hold meetings back at the
State Department and on Capitol Hill.
He said the delegation had "substantial meetings" in Beirut and
Damascus where they met with Syrian President Bashar Assad on Saturday and that
leaders in both countries showed "willingness to enforce restrictions
against any organization" that was involved in "terrorism with global
"I believe that discussions here and in Syria will lead to these
limitations," Issa told reporters after meeting with Lebanese Prime
Minister Rafic Hariri. "Lebanon like any other country has to do what it
can as quickly as it can and as well as it can."
He said leaders in the region were dedicated to the war against terrorism
and may even be helping more than the Americans would expect in that war.
In a statement released after the meeting, President Lahoud called on the
U.S. to have "an objective vision" for solving world crises,
especially the Arab-Israeli conflict, following the war on Afghanistan.
Lahoud reiterated condemnation of terrorism but noted again that it should
not be linked to legitimate resistance.
Lebanon has refused to freeze the group's assets as requested by
In Damascus Saturday, Congressman Issa called on the Lebanese government
to engage in dialogue with Washington over reforms needed to be undertaken by
Hezbollah so that it would be removed from the U.S. terrorist list.
Hezbollah, which forced Israeli troops to pull out of south Lebanon last
year after 22 years of occupation, pledged to continue fighting until Israel
also relinquishes the disputed border area of the Shabaa farms.
Copyright 2001 by United Press International. All rights reserved.
bin Laden and the Hezbollah - (c)
2001 by Linda Moulton Howe
Hezbollah threatens Haifa

Smoke rises from Beirut international airport after it was hit by Israeli
warplanes today.
Photo: Reuters
July 13, 2006 - 10:00PM
Page 1 of 3 | Single
Hezbollah guerillas threatened today to attack the major Israeli port
city of Haifa and its surroundings with rockets if Israel strikes the
Lebanese capital Beirut and its southern suburbs.
Such a strike would be the deepest ever into Israel by Hezbollah guerillas,
who fired volleys of rockets against towns of northern Israel during the
past day.
It was not clear if Hezbollah rockets have the range to hit Haifa, located
about 30 kilometres south of the border.
The Israeli army said several Hezbollah rockets overnight had landed more
than 20 kilometres south of the border, showing that Hezbollah has managed
to extend its missiles' range.
"The Islamic resistance warns against targeting civilians and the
infrastructure," a statement read on Hezbollah TV said.
"It [resistance] specifically announces that it will quickly shell the
city of Haifa and nearby areas if the southern suburbs and the city of
Beirut are subjected to any direct Israeli aggression," the statement
Earlier today, the Israeli army warned Lebanon to evacuate all residents
from a southern Beirut neighbourhood where it believes Hezbollah leader
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah lives, Israeli media reported.
"We have we passed on a warning to Lebanon to evacuate all civilians
from the [southern] neighbourhood of Beirut, which is a Hezbollah stronghold
and where Nasrallah lives, and where the organisation's headquarters and
weapons stockpiles are," the Ma'ariv NRG news website quoted a senior
army official as saying.
Israel Radio carried a similar report.
The army said it had no comment on whether Nasrallah was a target for
An Israeli helicopter gunship killed Nasrallah's predecessor, Sheik Abbas
al-Mousawi, in 1992.
Rockets fired at northern Israeli town of Safed
Lebanese guerillas fired three rockets at the northern Israeli town of
Safed today and seven people were injured, one seriously, witnesses and
medics said.
The rockets hit an immigrants' absorption centre and a college. Another
rocket fell near a gas station.
Safed had not been targeted by rockets since the 1990s.
Israel bombs Beirut airport
Israel today bombed Beirut's international airport and enforced a naval
blockade of Lebanon, a day after Hezbollah captured two Israeli soldiers and
killed eight.
Israel's heaviest air campaign against Lebanon in 24 years smashed the
airport's runways and also targeted Hezbollah television.
The newly refurbished Rafik al-Hariri International Airport is named
after the slain former prime minister.
A police officer said there were no casualties when missiles fired from
fighter jets hit the runways before dawn, leaving large craters in the
Lebanese anti-aircraft batteries frantically fired at the invading planes
and the airport was shut, forcing flights to be diverted to the nearby
Mediterranean island of Cyprus.
Lebanon said today the airport would remain shut for at least 48 hours.
"The airport will be partly operational within 48 hours, but reopening
the airport is a political decision that will be decided by the
cabinet," Transport Minister Mohamad Safadi told reporters.
"The runways have all been hit, although some less than others,"
he said.
"The closure of the airport has inflicted losses of $5 million only for
today. This does not include damages, which will be determined later,"
an airport official said.
Dawn strikes kill dozens
The airport attack followed dawn air strikes on Hezbollah targets in
Beirut's southern suburbs and across southern Lebanon, which killed 34
civilians, including eight young children, and wounded 52 people, security
sources said.
Ten members of one family were killed in Dweir village and seven family
members died in Baflay.
With Lebanon's sea and air links cut, Hezbollah retaliated against Israeli
"massacres" by firing 60 Katyusha rockets at Nahariya in northern
One civilian was killed and at least 21 were wounded.
"In response to the massacres of civilians in the south and assaults on
[Lebanese] infrastructure, the Islamic resistance bombarded ... the
settlement of Nahariya in northern occupied Palestine with 60 rockets,"
said a statement by Hezbollah.
Israel's Magen David Adom ambulance service said a 40-year-old woman was
killed when a rocket hit her house.
Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said the two soldiers had been
seized to force Israel to release Arab prisoners.
Israel insisted it would discuss no such swap and instead launched its
military offensive.
In Canberra, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said the Australian
embassy in Beirut had been closed because of the worsening security
In Jerusalem, Israeli Defence Minister Amir Peretz said Hezbollah would not
be permitted to return to its previous positions along the Israeli border.
Israel has long demanded the Lebanese Government disarm Hezbollah, which is
an avowed enemy of the Jewish state.
The violence was the worst between Israel and Lebanon since 1996 when
Israeli troops still occupied part of the south.
It coincided with an major Israeli offensive into the Gaza Strip to retrieve
a captured soldier and halt Palestinian rocket fire.
Despite the flare-up in Lebanon, Israel signalled no let-up in its Gaza
assault, mounting an air strike that destroyed the office of Palestinian
Foreign Minister Mahmoud al-Zahar.
The Israeli shekel lost as much as 2 per cent against the dollar in
early trade. Pressure on the Lebanese pound increased.
Attack on Hezbollah TV station
Two hours after the airport raid, an Israeli helicopter fired a missile
at the headquarters of Hezbollah's al-Manar TV in the Beirut suburb of Haret
Hreik, wounding six people.
Israeli aircraft later attacked an al-Manar transmission tower south of
Baalbek in eastern Lebanon, witnesses said.
Israel had promised a "very painful" response to Hezbollah's
action of seizing two soldiers and killing eight.
The Israeli assault will increase domestic pressure on Hezbollah, which has
refused to disarm in line with a 2004 UN resolution, and add to
international calls on the Lebanese Government, led by an anti-Syrian
coalition, to act.
"Either Hezbollah are stupid, or they don't care," said Michael
Karam, editor of a Lebanese business magazine. "Now we've got no
airport, so no tourism and no prosperity."
Hezbollah's cross-border attack yesterday, for which Israel holds the Beirut
Government responsible, tore up tacit understandings that had limited border
violence for six years since Israeli troops withdrew from south Lebanon.
"The Lebanese Government has now become a buffer squeezed between
Israel and Hezbollah," said Amal Saad Ghorayeb, a Lebanese academic and
author of a book on Hezbollah.
Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora has said his Government did not
endorse the Hezbollah attack.
Apart from the Israeli attack on the Foreign Ministry building in Gaza, a
separate air strike near Deir el-Balah in the central Gaza Strip killed an
Islamic Jihad militant and wounded another gunman.
The White House condemned the Hezbollah attack and blamed Syria and Iran.
Syria said Israeli actions were to blame for guerilla attacks.
Russia and France condemn strikes
France and Russia today condemned Israeli army strikes on Lebanon as
"We obviously condemn this disproportionate act of war which also has
two consequences," French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy said
on Europe 1 radio.
"The first is to force anyone wanting to now enter Lebanon to go either
by sea or by Syria," he said.
"The second consequence is to run the risk of plunging Lebanon back
into the worst years of war with the departure of Lebanese who will want to
flee while they were in the process of rebuilding their country."
In Moscow, Russia also slammed Israel's "disproportionate use of
force" against Lebanon and Palestinian territory, saying that civilians
were being made to suffer.
"One cannot justify the continued destruction by Israel of the civilian
infrastructure in Lebanon and in Palestinian territory, involving the
disproportionate use of force in which the civilian population
suffers," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement that also condemned
The ministry described the situation as "extremely worrying" and
Israel's bombing of Beirut's international airport as "a dangerous step
on the road to military escalation."
"We firmly reaffirm support for Lebanon's sovereignty and territorial
integrity," the statement said.
Moscow also condemned the abduction of Israeli soldiers by Palestinian
militants and Hezbollah.
"All forms of terrorism are completely unacceptable," the
statement said, calling for the "immediate and unconditional
release" of the soldiers.
"All sides involved in the current events should take rapid measures to
stop the region sliding into open conflict."
Hezbollah forces Lebanon closer to war
By Megan K. Stack and Rania Abouzeid, Tribune Newspapers:
Los Angeles Times; staff writer Megan K. Stack reported from Cairo and
special correspondent Rania Abouzeid from Beirut
Published July 13, 2006
BEIRUT -- Hezbollah has long been described as a
"state within a state," a Shiite mini-government in Lebanon
boasting close ties to Iran and Syria, the country's largest political
party and its most potent armed force.
But Wednesday's move across the border to capture two Israeli soldiers
went a step further: Hezbollah acted as the state itself, threatening to
drag Lebanon into a war.
The country's elected government was still in meetings
Wednesday, arguing over what to say in public, when Hezbollah chief Sheik
Hassan Nasrallah stood before television cameras with a threat for the
ruling elite.
"Today is a time for solidarity and cooperation, and we can have
discussions later. I warn you against committing any error. This is a
national responsibility," said the Shiite cleric, looking every inch
the head of state.
Any criticism of the capture of the two Israeli soldiers would be
tantamount to colluding with Israel, Nasrallah said.
"To the Lebanese people, both officials and non-officials, nobody
should behave in a way that encourages the enemy to attack Lebanon, and
nobody should say anything that gives cover to attack Lebanon," he
Nasrallah framed the raid as a noble strike on behalf of Lebanon and Arab
nationalism. Its goal was to free Lebanese and other Arab prisoners held
in Israel, he said, by forcing Israel into a prisoner swap.
Crossing the border to capture soldiers was a carefully planned move by
Hezbollah, which failed in a similar operation late last year. But the
move was also an audacious departure. Since Israel withdrew from southern
Lebanon in 2000, Hezbollah has generally limited its attacks on Israelis
to a small patch of land known as Shebaa Farms, which Hezbollah claims as
Lebanese territory.
In Lebanon, the action solidifies the group's position as independent of
government control at a time when it was under increasing pressure to give
up its arms.
In the broader region, the move lends Hezbollah the credibility of taking
up the cause against Israel at a time when other Arab leaders are standing
silently by.
Despite Nasrallah's call for unity, opinion in Lebanon was quickly
Fireworks, cheers and cries of "God is great!" rang through the
streets of the heavily Shiite southern suburbs of Beirut.
But in the polished eateries of Beirut's downtown, newly rebuilt from the
ruins of civil war, some diners grumbled.
"What's happening now is dragging Lebanon into the unknown. Nobody
has the right to draw Lebanon into such a conflict," former President
Amin Gemayel, a right-wing Christian, complained to the Lebanese
Broadcasting Corp.
Copyright © 2006, Chicago
Israel labels Hezbollah operation an 'act of war'
The World Today - Thursday, 13 July , 2006
Reporter: David Hardaker
ELEANOR HALL: The ABC's Middle East Correspondent, David Hardaker,
is in Jerusalem, and I spoke to him about the latest developments a
short time ago.
So, David, just what do we know about the capture of these Israeli
soldiers in the north? Is it clear they're even alive?
DAVID HARDAKER: Eleanor, they were captured in what's regarded as
disputed territory. It's called the Shebaa Farms district, a district
which was seized by Israel from Syria in 1967, so going back 40 years.
But that area is now claimed by Lebanon, and indeed with Syrian
So are they alive? The abductors say they are. However, there was an
instance in 2000, where three Israeli soldiers were abducted. Four
years later, they were traded for some 100 Arab prisoners, and it
turned out that indeed those three soldiers had been killed almost
immediately after they were taken.
ELEANOR HALL: Now, Israel has called this Hezbollah operation an act
of war by Lebanon. What's the significance of this terminology?
DAVID HARDAKER: Prime Minister Olmert is wanting to make the Lebanese
Government absolutely responsible, whatever has happened inside its
territory. And an act of war places the Israeli response on a
different footing to it being an act of terrorism. In other words,
Israel now regards itself as at war with Lebanon, rather than involved
in a fight with Hezbollah.
What's interesting about this is that United States has been careful
indeed to call this a terrorist act, rather than an act of war
committed by a state. So Israel and the United States are actually
differing on this key issue, and I think that that is going to provide
a pointer to how this issue is played out, because it would appear at
first blush that the United States is not backing Israel's elevation
of this dispute to a war.
ELEANOR HALL: Lebanon's Prime Minister has of course denied all
knowledge of the Hezbollah operation and says any Israeli incursion
will be met by force. I mean, how far could this escalate?
DAVID HARDAKER: He has denied all knowledge, and indeed has accused
Israel of threatening the entire Lebanese population for something
that they're not responsible for.
What I think we're going to see from now is as a result of the
Israeli, special Israeli Cabinet meeting, they made very little
comment except to say that they will do whatever they need to do.
The sources close to the Government are saying that Israel is not keen
to get bogged down in south Lebanon, as it did when it occupied it for
some 20 years, and therefore it will adopt a strategy of air strikes,
hitting key Hezbollah targets, and for that matter not only in Lebanon
but also in Syria.
ELEANOR HALL: Is Syria likely to respond to this? I mean, Syria's of
course withdrawn from Lebanon, but are these Israeli attacks likely to
inflame Syria?
DAVID HARDAKER: This is really the key question. Already they have one
front of war as such with Gaza in its south. Now there's a war front
to the north with Lebanon. If it were to provoke Syria into an attack,
that would mean war now on three fronts, which would be severely
pushing the Israeli Defence Force's capacity, and they indeed called
up 6,000 reservists.
To provoke Syria into an attack, there would be some dialogue between
Israel and the United States on that, because that is then spreading
this conflict, which stemmed from the kidnap of one soldier to,
indeed, a regional conflict.
ELEANOR HALL: Well, at the same time as we've got this action in the
north, Israel has been intensifying its operation in Gaza. What's the
latest there?
DAVID HARDAKER: Well today, really while the world's attention has
been on its battle with Hezbollah, in Gaza Israeli forces have killed
23 more people, including a strike on one house, which is alleged to
be owned by a key Hamas figure, where the man was killed but so was
his wife and seven children. So there have continued to be a large
loss of life in the Palestinian Territories.
ELEANOR HALL: How has the Hamas Government responded to the Hezbollah
DAVID HARDAKER: Well, the Hamas Government issued a statement of
congratulations, as did other fellow travellers in the region. Islamic
groups like the Muslim Brotherhood also issued their congratulations.
And a large number of Hezbollah followers in the southern suburbs of
Beirut, who were firing guns and passing out sweets to motorists in
the street. So, by and large, it's been seen as a moment of triumph
for Hezbollah.
ELEANOR HALL: Is it clear that this Hezbollah kidnapping is linked to
the Israeli operation in Gaza in response to the kidnapping of the
Israeli soldier there?
DAVID HARDAKER: The genesis of this operation, according to the head
of Hezbollah - that's Hassan Nasrallah - actually started five months
ago. Now, he has said today that they conceived of a plan five months
ago to free one key Hezbollah prisoner who's held in an Israeli jail.
It seems that in the last few days the two actions in a sense have
come together, that what is happening in Gaza has been picked up by
the Hezbollah leadership in Beirut. And indeed today the leader of
Hezbollah said that the entire action was designed as an act of
support and solidarity with the Palestinian people, and he said that
the two captured soldiers would be put in the same category, if you
like, as the other captured soldier Gilad Shalit.
So I think that it appears that the two operations may have started
separately, but they certainly have come together and they certainly
have the same aim, which is the release of prisoners held in Israeli
ELEANOR HALL: Now, you say that Israel has responded to similar
situations in the past by negotiating on the release of prisoners. Is
it possible that negotiation for prisoner release could happen still
in these circumstances?
DAVID HARDAKER: Israel's Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, is publicly
maintaining today, as he has all along, that he will not negotiate
with terrorists.
It has, though, become evident that there have been some backchannel
negotiations going on, particularly through the Egyptians. And
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarek said today that he was very ... had
been very, very close to concluding a deal which did involve the
release of prisoners, only to see it scuttled at the eleventh hour.
So there are, there's definitely a public statement, which is coming
from the top of the Israeli Government, which may be different to
what's in fact happening below the surface.
ELEANOR HALL: And that's the ABC's Middle East Correspondent, David
Hardaker, in Jerusalem.
Hezbollah, or Party of God, is an
informal umbrella group of Shiite Muslim ... HEZBOLLAH
is an Islamic struggle movement. Its emergence is based on an ...
www.greatdreams.com/hezbollah.htm - 106k
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Hamas were targeting Americans, he writes. ... Hezbollah
in Lebanon, Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Israel, the Osama bin Laden ...
www.greatdreams.com/hamas_database.htm - 21k - Cached
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This religious and ideological tie between
Hezbollah and Iran following the ... NEW YORK Israel said
Sunday that Iran had supplied Hezbollah militants in . ...
www.greatdreams.com/iran_database.htm - 135k - Cached
- Similar pages |
The CSIS stated that it believed Hezbollah
was prepared to order al-Husseini to commit an act of terrorism or
violence in Canada or some other place. ... ...
www.greatdreams.com/terrorism_database.htm -
146k - Cached
- Similar pages |
President George W. Bush, has included the
Hezbollah as a terrorist group which he wants destroyed. ...
http://www.greatdreams.com/hezbollah.htm ...
www.greatdreams.com/political/lady-grey.htm - |
Israel's animosity toward Iran stems not
only from the Iranian leadership's anti-Israel statements, but also
its support of armed groups like Hezbollah and ...
www.greatdreams.com/iran.htm |
The Hezbollah are stationed in
Lebanon, Syria and Iran Will the MidEast War ... ... Hezbollah's
more than 5000 members, subsidized and trained by Iran, ...
www.greatdreams.com/war/tulghur-iran.htm |
... off contracts with rogue
nations like Iran, which funds the terror groups Hezbollah and
Hamas and is suspected of giving sanctuary to Al Qaeda leaders." ...
www.greatdreams.com/political/french-connection.htm |
A group called Saudi Hezbollah
claims responsibility. Eventually, the Clinton administration drops
the investigation because it does not want to upset ...
www.greatdreams.com/political/american_ports.htm |
Just this past week Hezbollah
leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah exhorted his ... He cited the
Lebanese guerrilla group Hezbollah, which battled Israeli
troops ...
It was Tehran that had funded and directed
Hezbollah since its inception. ... President George W.
Bush, has included the Hezbollah as a terrorist group ...
Security ???? You Are a Suspect You Are a Suspect 11/14 ...
Hezbollah Proud to Be on Terror
List. NewsMax.com Wires Sunday, November 4, 2001 ... It was the
deadliest Mideast terror attack in five years. ... ...
Israel said that the missiles might end up
in the hands of Lebanese Hezbollah guerrillas Hezbollah,
which is close to Syria , fought an 18-year guerrilla ...
HEZBOLLAH This religious
and ideological tie between Hezbollah and Iran ...
NEW YORK Israel said Sunday that Iran had supplied Hezbollah
militants in ... ...
www.greatdreams.com/political/stalemate.htm |