There's a new comet in the night sky,
Comet Swan. At present, it is too dim for the naked
eye, but "the comet is a spectacular sight through
binoculars or a small telescope," reports
Chris Schur of
Payson, Arizona. In Leeds, UK,
Tony Cook took
this picture of Swan's sinuous tail:
Ready to
see for yourself? Set your alarm
before dawn; the comet rises just
ahead of the morning sun. "Look behind
the back leg of the Great Bear,"
advises Cook. "You should be able to
make out a greenish fuzzball of 6th
magnitude." Sky maps:
Oct. 2nd,
Good news: The comet is swinging
around the sun and by the second week
of October it will be visible in the
evening sky at a more civilized hour.
Although it is not expected to become
much brighter than it is now, Comet
Swan should remain an easy target for
backyard telescopes for weeks to come.
more images:
from Chris Schur of Payson,
Arizona (9/30);
from Vincent Jacques of Breil,
France (9/28).
COMET OUTBURST: Astronomers report
that Comet Swan has suddenly increased
in brightness 4-fold, from magnitude
+6 to +4.5. This makes it a naked-eye
object in dark skies and a lovely
sight through backyard telescopes.
The cause of the outburst: A new vein
of volatile ice may have opened up in
the comet's nucleus. Solar heating
transforms this freshly-exposed
material into streams of bright,
reflective gas and dust. Indeed,
backyard telescopes seem to show new
tendrils of gaseous material in the
comet's long tail.
Topic: Need Sleuths, rumors of Russian discovered mega-comet
Hi Kent.. am looking now and mainly picking up what you
already have.. + a couple of Russian pages.
Comet prophecies may indicate the Hopi blue star Kachina - see
Will keep looking and post if I find anything
Yes that image intrigues me too.. looks like the images you
have ( LOL somewhere ) in your archives of late of the
Babylonian Sungod with wings.. the winged solar disk.. in fact
it looks identical to me.
ah found it at...............
The thing is : IS IT REALLY THERE or is it some magnetic
imprint to alert certain people to something. ( I use the
words magnetic imprint lightly I am not of scientific or
intellectual mind )
I am sure that you have this link :;read=93191
which in turn links to two other pages in Russian .. one
clearly shows a comet
but the other one doesn't seem to mention it as far as I can
see.. picture wise or the word kometa.
I reserve judgement but strange things happen of late.. will
keep looking
I have still found no other reference to the mega comet as
of 7 pm south african time.. maybe search a bit more .
« Last
Edit: September 28, 2006, 12:58:16 PM by tabi » |
bardo...other than the recent mantion of this guy, i can find
only one reference to nikolay fedorovsky...and it's over a
hundred years old...
hard to say at this point...will keep looking...
The medical department of the Society consisted of general
practitioners, dentists, pharmacists, veterinaries. The
persons bringing in
no less than 30 roubles were
simultaneously included to be the members of the Society, and
those bringing in 100 roubles became the honoured members. By
February, 1903 166 persons were the actual members of the
Society. The transfers of costs by doctors and
public figures
not only for own regional organizations but also for
professional associations in other provinces were the
feature of development of homoeopathic Societies
in the Russian Empire. Here we should mention Nikolay
Fedorovsky, YeEvgraf
Dyukov, the Boyanus family.
i think this is the original article...still have no idea as
to it's authenticity...
On September, 15th 17:30
To the Earth the huge comet moves!
Sensational opening was made by Russian scientist-astronomer
Nikolay Fedorovsky. According to its(his) calculations and
to the Earth the megacomet which will fall in the
end of October comes nearer.
" About the Tungus meteorite too anybody nothing knew, and
then it(he) has safely fallen in Siberia ", - writes Nikolay
The scientist has found out object in the end of August, it(he)
moved on a paraboloidal trajectory with suspiciously big
speed. Approximate calculations of speed have shown, that the
heavenly body applies at least for an asteroid.
Nikolay Fedorovsky has contacted the Kiev observatory, however
there have not confirmed and have not denied the fact of
approach(approximation) of an asteroid to the Earth.
" Very few people knows, that comets different on a
regular basis pass (take place) on the minimal distance from
the Earth. Pass(take
place) not noticed - whether poorly what
trifle flies around of a planet. To take even ?-?? in 95 year
", - marks(celebrates) ??.
white walks red...
weirder still...
check out this other fedorovsky...and his research topic...
Abstract: F7.00056 :
Experimental investigation of rock fracture under impact pulse
and static loading
that's big word speak for what might happen to mother earth if
she gets whacked with a big rock...
2005 14th APS Topical Conference on Shock Compression of
Condensed Matter
Sunday–Friday, July 31–August 5 2005; Baltimore, MD
Session F7: Poster Session I
5:30 PM–5:30 PM, Monday, August 1, 2005
Hyatt Regency - MD Suite 5:30-7:00pm, Mon
Chair: Gerrit Sutherland, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian
Head; Clint Hall, Sandia National Laboratories
Abstract: F7.00056 : Experimental investigation of rock
fracture under impact pulse and static loading
Preview Abstract
Yuri Petrov
Svetlana Atroshenko
Alexei Gruzdkov
Georgy Fedorovsky
Sergei Krivosheev
Alexander Utkin
Grigory Volkov
(Research Center of Dynamics of the St.-Petersburg State
For study of dynamic crack formation, shock loading in
microsecond range using magnetic pulse installation was
carried out. Testing specimens in the form of plate with the
middle through notch was used. The load was applied to the
faces of notch. The length of growing crack was established in
testing. Spall fracture was investigated under impact applied
to the end of rod specimens with determination of threshold
fracture amplitudes. Propagation velocities of longitudinal
and transverse waves in the mediums were measured using laser
interferometer. Initial density of materials was measured.
Static testing was conducted for identification of the main
characteristics of
dynamic and static strength of particular
rocks. Static testing was realized using rupture machine under
deformation velocity 10 mm/min
of rod and beam specimens
without notch, and also long plates and beam with notch, under uniaxial tension and three points bending. Investigation of
surface and profile fracture was carried out using microscopy.
The main parameters for dynamic range were determined using
analytical solution of corresponding crack problems of
mechanics for plate with notch and for rod subjected to
threshold load.
The main parameters of this approach are
incubation time, static strength and fracture toughness.
white walks red...
Subject: Comet - Here is my translation
9/28/2006 12:42:31 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time
Hi Kent.
If interested post it
ON 10.28.2006
Discoveries - this is fantasy. It is the well-known fact that
all large celestial bodies, located at a distance of up to 15
billion light years
from the sun, have long ago been
discovered. But the stars of special interest are not
represented, for simple reason, that is present
stage of the
development of science and the distance which makes their
careful study is impossible. And all reasoning and even in
scientific works as in this paper are of speculative nature.
In the essence thus far this is similar to the individual
study of each atom of
one molecule without the microscope. The
object, observed today at night (4:32 on Moscow), from all key
parameters is star. On all,
with exception of it's high-speed,
"star" is moving along the parabolic trajectory with the
suspiciously high speed. After hour observation,
I have fixed
the coordinates of "star". The approximation calculations of
speed showed that the celestial body pretends, as a minimum,
to be an asteroid. I mean I can pretend to have discovered
it... Only asteroid is anomalously large. Not -et, soon, this
is the fantasy:)
I caught myself in the thought, that I assume the nearing of
asteroid as the given. I ask myself, what it will do. Question
is in that "what". Interesting detail. In 1986 the Americans
noticed the asteroid of gigantic size, which was moving away
along the trajectory from the Earth. Without thinking long,
Yankee calculated it's trajectory, only not "forward", but
"back". It came out very interestingly. It has shown that, in
the fall of 1844, this comet had to inevitably collide with
our planet. It is not quite clear what deflected the asteroid
from the Earth. However,
in some historical sources of that
time is described "fiery body" observed in the sky above
Europe. The arrangement of cosmic bodies
and their
trajectories in that distant year, which was calculated then
by Americans is very similarly to the present disposition of
He spoke with Kiev observatory. They do not confirm and do not
deny the fact of the nearing of asteroid to the Earth. As the
Japanese -
there is neither yes or no. Also no one nothing
knew about the tunguska meteorite, and then it harmlessly fell
In Siberia. Almost no one
knows that the comets of different
densities are regularly passing at the minimum distance from
the Earth. They pass as unnoticed -
nobody notices what small
objects fly around the planet. To take at least Shvassmana-Vakhmana in the year 95. This time, similarly,
is flying something by no means small.
Determined the coordinates of the trajectory of body, until
its present point. Corridor is wide. Earth on the way. It is
necessary to recognize after 72 hours that my calculated of
speed are incorrect. The speed of object grew and "starry"
hypothesis it was necessary to cross out. Progression is
improbable. My "discovery" is also biggish for the comet, this
if we look optimistically. But if reasonably, then
nevertheless body falls for determination comet or asteroid.
Truth exceeding all conceivable and unthinkable sizes. I hope
for one additional error in the calculated of speed,
I raise old connections. It occurs, not all former researchers
populate the offices of NII - SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE.
The thanks
V.R. is evident, had to pass more than ten years so
that you finally it would cease to see in me the competitor:)
For long they discussed.
It occurred that observatories kept
silent about what and how I observed. Electronic telescopes
grasped my "mega-comet" (already and named it) long before the
"discovery". I do not pretend...:(on sent to V.R. of record
distinctly evidently motion of body towards the Earth.
What if
it must? Hypotheses start.
Thus far error in my calculations is too great in order to
speak about the precise coordinates of a hit spot of the
asteroid. But nevertheless
I did keep it and sketched on the
map the most probable points of impact of the mega-comet.
Thus. South pole. Global warming they did order? With a drop
of the comet in the region of southern terrestrial pole it is
secured for the long centuries. Consequences, I think, to
explain no one it is necessary. The Indian Ocean. The safest
for humanity and most dangerous for the planet version. The
asteroid fallen
into the water will raise the tsunami of such
height, which simply will wash off all located in coastal
states. Furthermore the temperature of water of world ocean
will rise. To what temperature? Even I do not know... this to
the geophysics. But in the fact that will be sufficient fish
soup to entire remaining peace - this is accurate. Continents
will remain entire but our petrol resources unavailable.
Europe. Tentatively - Germany. For the complete destruction of
this small, but very proud country, will be required few
minutes. To us will reach the blast wave, capable of
converting the large part of the territory of Russia into the
Russian field. Here to you and cinema with the
It is not certain, this only my assumptions,
He compared its calculations with the data from the
observatory from V.R. similarly, encounter with the Earth will
occur at the end of
October. Merry for us is in following
More than 200 letters from the different people arrived in
yesterday. They want details. They request to confirm the
information, which I
as yet do not have. Pose questions which
I thus far cannot answer. Everyone understands that time goes,
but the precise date of drop
is not established. I am occupied
by observation, but not by the composition of forecasts. After
several days on duty, tomorrow I leave
the capital. No, this
is not the capitulation:) This is the possibility to conduct
4-5 days with V.R. in the observatory. After this, it is
necessary to think, will appear more precise numbers and if it
occurs, even photographs. The thanks to all, who propose their
aid in studies.
After return. Judging from the fact that the mailbox is
overfilled many took interest in my trip. It passed
successfully. If we do not consider
three sleepless nights and
conversation on the face of scandal with one of the
representatives of astronomical association. There are
our century heroes, prepared for the science "although for
bonfire". To each it's. To me here it is - the detailed data
resulting from 4 sessions observations of the comet.
That that the speed of comet grows, by the evidently almost
naked eye. Catching
itself on what it began to receive
mega-comet as something its, native. Almost as the living
being. Soon let us be seen, everything to
this leads. I will
try to obtain oral permission for the publication of new
photographs. At the worst, I will publish without the
to me (to us) something to lose. There will
tomorrow be numbers and photographs. Today - to sleep. To
There are many letters. He is grateful to all - and those, who
supports, and thereby, who scolds. All can be understood. I
here lay out
the observatory photographs of comet. Some
details were explained. First of all, the dimensions of comet,
or more precisely its
nucleus, somewhat less than those that
we assumed earlier. But it is here with speed and trajectory
we proved to be right - we could
calculate the date of
encounter with the Earth. On Moscow - This is The evening-
night on 28 October. But the most interesting...
Structure. Precomputations make it possible to assume that the nuclear
composition is unstable. I.e., in simple language speaking,
the "density" of the nucleus of comet can be sufficiently
small. To what extent it is small - a question thus far
opened... I will say one -
it is obvious that the fate of
planet directly depends on this. Those remaining in the
observatory continue observations. I will hold all
in the
About the author:
About me.
Fedorov Nikolai.
I was born and grew in the family of scientists. Mom was
zoologist, and dad philologist. Naturally, in so far as
concerns training and
formation each of the parents it pulled
blanket to itself. But I, having once glanced into the
celestial sphere, when we were in vacation
in the south,
understood that neither habits of monkeys nor special features
of Bayron's versification interested me. I decided in the
second - astronomy will become the matter of my life. It can
be, this was somewhat naive - so think into 14 years, but here
already about 30 years from that moment of the matter proceed
precisely so - I actually am astronomer: And although with the
science in our country now not all in the order, to me
did not come and they do not occur of the thought to part with
the dear matter
against something something different. To this
moment all my searches could not pretend to the discovery, but
nevertheless several
theses and independent studies on my
calculation exists. True, only in the printed form - in
essence this form of publication in the
publications. But that that I recently revealed in the space
abyss, it forced me it will turn to the aid of worldwide
the Internet. Because only so I can describe TO ALL to
you about that which awaits you... I thank for help in the
creation of this site
of my friend of Vasiliy golubskiy.
There is a Light be hid THAT Light and it is not the sun.
More like inbetween light. We have become one big (roman)amphitheater
and the Gods are coming
for the games.
More like inbetween light. We have become one big (roman)amphitheater
and the Gods are coming for the games.
Global Gestalt And Planetary Sovereignty
B.R. McEwen
"Almost as the living being. Soon let us be seen, everything
to this leads."--Fedorov Nikolai.
« Last
Edit: September 28, 2006, 09:50:24 PM by Kent Steadman »
« Last
Edit: September 28, 2006, 10:07:34 PM by Kent Steadman »
I was given a vision 2 years ago of an asteroid hitting just
off the coast of Africa. The asteroid was half the size of
the African continent. Guess what happened. Vision was in
full color.
More Visions of Incoming Large Object It is reported in
January of 2005 that a very large planetary object is coming
into the solar system from the southern hemisphere, clouded
by gas clouds so the object can't really be seen, and
astronomers in the southern hemisphere
are talking about
this object yet. You can hear about it at: radio archives. This
fits in with my own dreams and visions and David Booth's
visions about an object coming from the southern hemisphere
and effecting Yellowstone to Blow. James McCanney started
talking about it in October of 2004.
Dee Finney had this one in 2004:
4-11-04 - DREAM - I was given the opportunity to go
to an observatory to watch Comet #8 go by the earth.
The man handed me a special mesh webbed headgear to
wear for the event.
I took off my baseball cap to put on the headgear.
It was shaped like a baseball cap on top but had tight
mesh face mask
over it like a welder's mask except this
had a narrow slit in front of the eyes to see the comet
and not get pocked in the
face by the debris that was
expected to be accompanying the comet flyby.
There had been 7 comets previous to this and
comets ARE dangerous.
updated 1-5-05 -INCOMING
Original message posted
From: Dee777 Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 11:42 AM
To: Subject: David Booth releases the Fatima
Prophecy from Sister Lucy ... |
David Booth -
proven psychic- had a vision in March of 2003. ...
David Booth and Wayne Green were kicked off of
the show on 3-18-04 for ... |
I was listening to Wayne Green and
David Booth again in their archived interview on , and went to look for what I
dreamed in March of 2003, which is the same
month that
David had his dreams: I had very interesting earth
oriented dreams and visions also:
David Booth - proven psychic- had a vision in
March of 2003. He saw himself in space,
looking down on the earth. He saw a dark, planetary
object coming from the south end
of earth - out of the southern Hemisphere. As this
planetary object came past earth,
the size of which would fit between the earth and
the moon - he saw the western end of
the U.S. blow up with fire and blasts of smoke and
ash. From there, the whole earth
rippled. Yellowstone had blown up.
Gordon Michael Scallion (psychic)- on March
16, 2003 - had a vision that two light-beings
showed him that Wyoming and Utah were glowing red.
The light-beings said, "This will
change the world in 18 months." (18 months from
March 16, 2003 = September, 2004) |
See: Asteroid Toutatis arriving
in September
What else is coming? - two comets
I was working for Ralph (the Jewish
Judge) in an office. (I used to work for him in the real
- in the real estate business)
He took out his briefcase (reddish
brown) and pulled out a 3 -ring binder and handed it to
me to work on. He showed me what
my password was to get
into the binder which had a lock on it.
Inside the binder was a series of
colored maps of the continents. Over each map was a
plastic overlay on which the changes were
to be made
with colored pencils. Each overlay had a rectangular
area marked out which overlay the coastlines of each
I was also given the colored pencils and
given the job of making the changes on the maps.
At the end of the day, I took the binder
of maps and the briefcase home with me and Ralph had
broken the lock on the briefcase.
(The seal was broken)
SEE the book of Revelation about the
3-30-03 - DREAM - I went outside in the
backyard and looked up into the sky. I saw 4 planets
lined up.
The earth was obvious as it showed the continents
and the oceans. The upper planet was labeled
The other two were of equal size and I thought maybe
one might be Jupiter.
I turned around and saw the same planets
reflected in the picture window of the house. I
hollered to my
husband, "Did you see that? Did you see that?"
He looked at me dumbfounded. He obviously had
not seen it.
I turned back to look at the sky again, and
now all the planets were jumbled together in utter
It appeared that there were more than the nine
planets we are familiar with, and none were in their
proper places.
Asteroid weapons :: So there is the scenario :: we get hit
with some massive asteroid YET IN REALITY ITS ONE OF THEIR NEW
sound familiar anyone???
While the latest Star Wars sci-fi saga makes its way to a
cinema near you, a true-to-life space drama is unfolding as a
new breed of weaponry may soon populate the heavens.
Military planners paint a picture of inevitability concerning
space weapons. Certain experts foresee a proliferation of
anti-satellites and space mines. Others suggest urgent need
for totally secure, jam-proof satellite links along with a
squadron of quick-reaction space bombers.
Perhaps more "out there", but openly discussed by military
space strategists, are orbiting laser and particle beam
weapons that focus killer rays of energy to zap satellites,
enemy warheads in flight, or even blast targets on Earth.
Then there are the thunder rods. Tossed down from orbit, these
long and slender kinetic-energy devices use their own mass and
very high velocity to create a destructive effect.
Lastly, for those looking for a celestial "big whopper" of a
weapon, how about using natural meteoroids? Good-sized
fireballs of metal could be sent to Earth, aimed at targets of
choice. These impactors leave a nice crater. Better yet, they
leave no radioactive debris.
Space-based weapons are the topic of a new report: Space
Weapons - Earth Wars. Authored by think-tank experts at RAND
-- dedicated to help improve policy and decisionmaking through
research and analysis -- the just released study was prepared
for the U.S. Air Force.
What's possible and sensible?
Space weapons have been hotly debated for decades. At present,
the Bush administration's interest in ballistic missile
defense has brought the question of their use once again to
the forefront.
The RAND study does not argue for or against space weapons
said Bob Preston who led the effort. Rather, the intent was to
sort through realities and myths surrounding space weapons.
"We wanted to provide an objective basis for grounding
discussion in physical realities and historical context,"
Preston told His observation after finishing the
task is that the subject of weapons in space "is both highly
polarized with people violently for and against the idea," he
Furthermore, those opposing views are complicated by
imprecision in definition, "and by rather loose understanding
of what's possible and what's sensible," Preston added.
Arguably, just about all use of space from the beginning has
been about national security, Preston said.
"Even civilian scientific uses were undertaken in large part
for security reasons in the context of the Cold War. There's a
pretty good point of view that says that almost everything
we've ever done in space has been predominately motivated by a
security perspective," the RAND analyst said.
Classic classes
RAND reviewed several distinct classes of weapons:
Directed-energy weapons, such as space lasers. They use
millions of watts of power and large optics to deliver a
speed-of-light knockout punch as a missile arcs over Earth.
Depending on the wavelength of the energy beamed out and
atmospheric conditions, an energy beam can destroy a target on
Earth's surface;
Kinetic-energy weapons against missile targets. This hardware
can ram headlong into a target in space or an object still
within the upper reaches of Earth's atmosphere;
Space-based kinetic energy weapons that slam into targets on
the ground, such as large ships, tall buildings, and fuel
tanks. Sleek and meteoroid-like in speed, these weapons attack
targets at steep, nearly vertical trajectories; and
Space-based conventional weapons capable of maneuvering to hit
terrestrial targets. These can carry and dispense rather
exotic packages of destruction, such as radio-frequency or
high-power-microwave munitions.
Pros and cons
Taken together, RAND analysts found space weapons having a
number of distinct advantages and disadvantages.
In the advantage column, space weapons can take out targets
that may be inaccessible to other weapons. While ships and
aircraft can take days to weeks to reach a far-flung
battleground, space-based weapons can respond in minutes to
several hours. Also, space-based weapons are less vulnerable
to attack.
On the other hand, there are shortcomings.
For one, an opponent can saturate a space weapon, overwhelming
the weapon's ability to fully thwart an attack. In addition,
the positions of space-based weapons are predictable. In this
regard, a weapon destroyed on orbit would leave a persistent
cloud of debris, posing a hazard to other satellites. Lastly,
large numbers of weapons are required to ensure that one of
them is in the right place at the right time.
Asteroid weapons
Even the notion of purposely diverting an asteroid toward
Earth as a weapon was examined by RAND specialists. "For
nations that already have nuclear arsenals, asteroid weapons
might be of only academic interest," the study notes.
There is no doubt, the study explains, that asteroids have
acted as big bruisers in the past. The Earth has the scars to
prove the point. However, to use asteroids as natural bombs,
the scale of the undertaking would be grander than that
required to build the first A-bomb via the Manhattan Project
in World War II, the RAND report points out.
"Aside from the limited range of possible effects and the
great uncertainty about the precision of an effect, one clear
argument against asteroids as weapons is that smaller, cheaper
means of acquiring an equivalent to a nuclear deterrent are
available," the study explains.
Asteroids as a space weapon of mass destruction "is likely to
remain safely in the realm of science fiction."
Waiting game
RAND's Preston emphasized that the opportunity to acquire
space weapons is not limited to the United States. While many
countries have only modest spacefaring capabilities, each
nation knows how space can benefit their security.
"There's probably nobody that's involved in space that doesn't
understand its security uses and isn't motivated to some
degree by its security uses," Preston said. Space-based
weapons could be a high-leverage, asymmetric response to U.S.
military strengths, he said.
In the report's summary, there is this observation:
"Before deciding to acquire or forgo space weapons for
terrestrial conflict, the United States should fully discuss
what such weapons can do, what they will cost, and the likely
consequences of acquiring them. The discussion should also
address whether other countries might acquire them, which ones
would be most likely to do so, and how the United States could
discern these developments and respond effectively."
For Preston, a personal view is that it's not obvious now
there's urgent need for the United States to defend itself in
space from things in space. "But its not unreasonable to
expect that you may have to before long," he said.
Peacetime uses
The prospect of space weapons and the growing military space
agenda engenders a wide variety of viewpoints.
Such is the case for America's first woman in Earth orbit,
Sally Ride. She recently underscored the fact that space has
been used for military purposes for decades. (Ride is the
former president of
Last month, Ride presented the annual Drell Lecture at
Stanford University, sponsored by the on-campus Center for
International Security and Cooperation (CISAC). After her NASA
tour-of-duty, Ride worked in the late 1980s as a CISAC science
fellow, serving alongside Sidney Drell, noted physicist and
arms control expert.
"Space is a real priority for national security," Ride said.
She is presently a physics professor at the University of
California-San Diego and director of the University of
California's Space Institute in La Jolla.
Today, U.S. intelligence agencies and the military count on
some 100 satellites as part of the country's national
security. These space-based assets snap detailed images day
and night, keeping an eye on global hotspots, even pinpointing
missile launchings around the globe for early warning
purposes. A satellite that in peacetime uses the global
positioning system (GPS) constellation of spacecraft for
navigation purposes, may in wartime utilize that same
capability to target bombs or remotely piloted vehicles, Ride
"The current landscape is that the United States has an
absolutely huge advantage over every other country in space
capabilities," Ride said. "It's hard getting to space. It's
hard developing things that work in space, and it's really,
really hard to get things to work reliably over long periods
of time in space," she added.
Ante up: Anti-satellites
The policy question going forward, Ride explained, might be
simplistically stated as: Does it make sense for the U.S. to
place weapons into space? One issue in this regard, she said,
is developing and placing in space anti-satellite weapons, or
ASATs for short.
Unless appropriate constraints are put on testing of ASATs,
there could be a problem, Ride suggested. High-speed run-ins
with space debris resulting from any ASAT testing could
cripple or destroy numbers of satellites in Earth orbit.
Ride recalled an encounter with space debris on her first
space shuttle voyage. A small but visible gouge in one of the
space plane's window appeared about halfway through the
flight. Later analysis showed that an orbiting fleck of paint
caused the pit, she said.
"A fleck of paint is not the same as a small piece of metal
traveling at that same speed. So, as soon as you start
increasing the amount of junk in low-Earth orbit, you have an
unintended byproduct that starts putting some of your own
quite valuable satellites at possible risk," Ride stressed
Preserve by prohibiting
One lawmaker is already pitching legislation before the U.S.
Congress that bans the weaponization of space. Congressman
Dennis Kucinich, a Democrat from Cleveland, Ohio, introduced
early this year The Space Preservation Act of 2002.
The bill is crafted "to preserve the cooperative, peaceful
uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by prohibiting
the basing of weapons in space and the use of weapons to
destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit, and for
other purposes."
In bill language, the terms "space-based weapon" and
"space-based system" mean a device capable of damaging or
destroying an object or person -- whether in outer space, in
atmosphere, or on Earth -- by (A) firing one or more
projectiles to collide with that object or person; (B)
detonating one or more explosive devices in close proximity to
that object or person; (C) directing a source of energy
against that object or person; or (D) any other undeveloped
Kucinich is shopping the bill through the halls of Congress
trying to gain support for the legislation, which also calls
for an international treaty to preserve space and prevent an
arms race in outer space.
Complicated distinction
Prying out differences between weaponization and
militarization of space is not easy.
"It's an important distinction," said Bruce Gagnon, head of
the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space in
Gainesville, Florida. "Weaponization I think is clear. Our
position is no weapons in space, at any level, period.
Militarization is more complicated," he told
Gagnon took part in last week's 10th Annual International
Space Organizing Conference and Protest, held at the
University of California in Berkeley. During the gathering of
peace movement leaders from 12 nations, various strategies
were discussed to block the nuclear arms race from ascending
into the heavens.
"While we accept some aspects of the militarization of space
for treaty verification, confidence building measures, etc.,
we are firmly against military space technologies that are
used for conventional war fighting," Gagnon said. "Satellite
systems that identify and direct war on Earth, which
essentially allow for 'full spectrum dominance' are not
acceptable in our view," he said.
"We want a de-escalation of all military systems for fighting
war on Earth or in space. We'd like to see the stabilizing,
treaty verifying satellite technologies commonly shared
globally. And, of course, no nuclear power in space for any
reason," Gagnon concluded.
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Edit: September 29, 2006, 02:38:43 AM by lar » |
"Man cannot discover the new world unless he has the courage
to lose sight of the shore."
« Last
Edit: September 29, 2006, 06:56:03 PM by Kent Steadman »
Hey Kent.. this one is about you... and some of your info which
may or may not be related to this mega comet sleuthing !
Hehe if I actually find anything about the Mega Comet of Oct 2006
I will post it ! But right now I can only presume that the
current thought patterns are still relating to 2012 !
Although this has passed its' sell by ' date it makes an
interesting read and has a South African Connection ! :
Excellent site showing orbit of Nibiru and much info
and brilliant slide show of the video at
The Anunnaki's original objective in coming to Earth was to mine
for Gold; an element they atomically dispersed in their atmosphere
in order to prevent core-produced heat from dissipating
excessively into space. Since 99% of Nibiru's orbital cycle is too
far from our sun to benefit from its heat, it has to retain its
internally generated heat in order to survive The Anunnaki first
extracted gold from the waters of the Persian Gulf area, but later
switched to land mining in South Africa and other locations due to
greater abundance of gold ore.
The Zetas report that the Anunnaki have access to a plant (or
tree), native to Nibiru, that prevents normal aging and bodily
deterioration. Sumerian texts referred to it as the Tree of Life.
Later, the Bible referred to it as Knowledge of The Tree of Life
in the Garden of Eden story. Only Anunnaki royalty had privileged
access to the Tree of Life (sometimes called Ambrosiac in Sumerian
texts). They absorbed this substance into their bodies by taking
baths soaked with this life extending plant. This special bath
water was the origin of the story of The Fountain of Youth (Z).
Apparently, Anunnaki royalty enjoyed extremely long lives.
Sitchin's research reveals that some members of the highest
echelons of the royal pantheon participated intermittently
throughout the entire 446,000 years of the Anunnaki's occupation
of Earth.
Some years back I also got a ' voice ' that said watch out for the
orbit of Pluto or a ' sun / planet that looks as if it is going
through the ' doorway ' - which lookes like a black stone slab
with no stars in it.. this is of course the club of Orion with
the four stars connected and of course also does suggest the words
hitting and smashing.. a worrysome connection for me
the star map i was using at the time was Dance of the Planets but
now it won't work with the new xp systems even with patches .

ROTFL in passing of course you know that ascended Master Walt
Disney has the 33 Club Door with what look like two watches on
either side.. only for the very rich and the 33 degree - ers I
suppose !!
*note PLUTO and the SUN with be in Capricorn in Dec 21 2012 From
2008 Pluto moves into Capricorn ( a goat headed Baphomet / Marduk
? )
see : The rebrith of Osiris at :
I am ( almost ) postitive that the black monolith of 2001 and 2010
is alluding to that part of the sky which resembles it The "
Orion Club "
Speaking of giants and gods and interbreeding with humans...
** for all divine threads read DNA..Ariadne the web weaver hold
the clew ( Ariadne is known as the 13th sign of the Zodian is
somewhere in the middle of Sagitattarius ,Scopio and Ophichius -
the center of the Milky way and possibly very relevant to the 2012
theory ?
* Before I trot off to bed a last search shows nothing more
enlightening on the mega comet other than what we see on this
topic.. The lasco cam still showed the same thing today on the
upper right but I am just going to look through the rerun of
images for the whole two days to see if there is anything else. If
there is anything I will come back here tonight before signing
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Edit: Today at 04:30:26 AM by tabi » |
This is a bit off track but one that I always try to bear in mind
: if we have problems translating Russian re this mega comet and
not being able to make much sense out of it then imagine how bad
the translations are of ancient writings. Oral traditions of
passing down secret transmissions of knowledge most probably have
gone very astray over the many years..
Evem if some form of extraterrestial life left something for us or
is sending us messages.. do we have anyone who is able to
translate.. ?
So I am thinking hard even on this.. not only on sleuthing comets
and other things !!
Investigation opens doorways of the mind .. you might not find
what you set off looking for, but you will certainly find
something else ?
Kent.. on your site today you have that Las cam shot .. I
saw that last night on the rerun of the day's images and thought
that maybe it was a glitch.... it was only on that one frame.
What do you think it is and IS it Venus that we can see on the far
right ?
I am no expert on translating this data so can you enlighten us as
to what it may or may not indicate...many thanks
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Edit: Today at 05:48:36 AM by tabi » |
hi Kent.. thanks.. having trouble connecting to the links
( the net for us is so slow today ) but here are some links.. will
add through the day
As we search for God and Creator maybe we discover our true
origins.. ........
meanwhile another link for anyone interested in the sub thread of
this topic :
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Edit: Today at 08:56:38 AM by tabi » |
Back to
On page "About me" there's an invisible block which browsers do
not show but which content is visible in a mode of viewing source
HTML code. And it is written there about Esoterics, the Cabbala
and the Armageddon. Also these three words are enlisted in
KEYWORDS section of the page (for websearch engines).
As soon as author positioned himself as professional astronomer,
it's a bit strange that his www-page has these occult-like
keywords and has not any scientific keywords.
And still there's not a single ASTRONOMICAL DATA on the comet's
location to the date, which is also very self-speaking fact,
because "numbers" is the language of science, and any real
astronomer would begin his story with numbers - not with nice and
over-artistic description of coming doom.
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Edit: Today at 09:12:53 AM by Kent Steadman » |
he has some good links too one of which is comets visible now
also shows c2006 M4
these are all access denied sites tho - need passwords
Hi Karfagen.. also found that
Fedorovsky Nikolay. The astronomer. I was born and has grown in
family of scientists. Mum was the zoologist, and the daddy - the
Esoterics a cabbala the Armageddon
I wonder why this person wanted to alert us to this.. a prophecy..
Nibiru again and Wormwood .. ?
M 4 is a globular cluster in Scorpio and a programming language
c/2006 would be B u and C = G ................Bug but hell this
is really pushing it !
M = 40
4 = D
D M on the gates = blood bloodshed juice of the grape
on the athbsh code it becomes M D = I Q ( value 110 ) to be
pious , submission to god and the initials of God and Cain
The letter D refers to ' scroll , tablet,page of a manuscript,
column of a book door , doorway . M refers to water and ocean and
rainwater , secretion of blood..
interesting thoughts arise from these two letters !
However the letter D has an astrological attribute of Venus
and the letter M is water.. which is really promising isn't it !
** I only work with Hebrew gematria and Qabala.. if numbers are
involved it could be the English gematria or GON or the Greek..
There are various interpretations .. the bottom link gives the
values and correspondances of various gematria codes.
link to the gematrias :
Note : the Letters Q M D = 144,00 which rings many an apocalyptic
bell ( Q = 100; M = 40 and d = 4 )
in capital letters the value of 144 is in thousands.
here is another url connecting the Maya to the number..
interesting read
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Edit: Today at 10:24:36 AM by tabi » |
I don't think C/2006 M4 ( SWAN ) is a candidate [Russian] although
I don't understand the angular trajectory.
Closest it gets to earth is 1 AU which is still way out there.
Obviously, author did not mean SWAN, which is well known and
widely discussed object.
What the author began his "dairy" with was the notion of the
"object discovered last night (28-aug-2006) at 4:32 Moscow time".
It's hard to believe professional astronomer could mistake SWAN
for unknown comet.
You know what, this all looks like some kind of training (game,
site promoting?)
Remember KBAT...? (a video restored from alien ship found in Kara
Guess this site is alike thing.
Eric Julien-2.
Of course, I can't be sure, just a sense...
LOL well isn't it amazing what one can make out of something.. ..
interesting human brain activity .. no two people will interprete
anything the same way...
well what ever this comet is or isn't I will stick with the qabala
version... water and blood on Venus !
Tabi.. signing off this thread for today.. hehe
hmm there is a Nostradamus prophecy about rivers / water running
red.. .. no doomsday
warnings here !
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Edit: Today at 12:06:51 PM by tabi » |
James McCanney
One of the last to jump on the Planet X
bandwagon was
James McCanney
with his book Planet X, Comets and Earth
Changes. Apparently Mr. McCanney saw the excitement over Planet X
and modified his 20 year old theory that comets grow into planets to
be Planet X friendly.
He states that Venus was once a comet and it took 500 years to
come through our solar system and humans on earth saw it pass Mars
and steal away its atmosphere.
You can listen to all his archives talking about Nibiru/Planet
X on his website.
EMAIL - 10-01-06
We really have NOTHING...but hype and
rumour, gossip. NO DATA. The Ozzie contact was on the
money...where do you start to look?
Well, all this stuff come in from south of
the ecliptic, up from below as you might say, towards the Galactic
center... taking the russian astronomer [alleged] guy's
observation date and time,,, you look south, as far down south as
wherever you happen to be, and if you are in the Antarctic, I
guess you look up...anywhere ;)) We are in the Northern
hemisphere so a bit pushed. They'll see it zooming in first down
in Oz, down at the South Pole....webcams at 50 paces? <grin> 5-10
secs it'll all be over, 20 secs and we'll register the blast,
goodnight Vienna.
Soooo,,,, SOUTH... that's the logical place
Mr Federoskiy or whatever would have been poking his telescope.
The following view if the night sky viewed from London around
splashdown time. It'll be a little different from the States, but
not much I think. Just so one can visualize what constellations
will be identifiable, but generally speaking anything incoming
should be coming up from just east of south, at first low on the
horizon. That's also the direction to keep one eye open on for a
ringside view. Well so much for the theory...Sculptor is at the
Galactic South Pole, just as Arcturus is North Pole,,, or is that
Ecliptic North Pole...yup I think so, anyways...leave that upto
the astronomers and astrologers and such to figure.
It's all speculative,,, mind you, so was
Hale Bopp, until we couldn't miss it. It missed us... phew.
Spectacular sight tho'.. put the fear of God into me for a few
months :))
and now my graphic...
Subject: Russian Comet
Date: 10/1/2006 7:33:00 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time
It looks as if we're not going to get an answer from the Russian
astronomer. I tried to google for the coordinates in Russian, but
no go. In looking back over his diary entries on
Nicolai Federovskiy has lots of email every day. So I imagined how
to find the location of this comet.

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