JULY 1, 2011
7-1-11 DREAM i was living in my New Berlin house and it was a beautiful spring day. I went outside and pulled the weeds out in the garden. I looked out over the fields across the street and saw that they had been newly plowed, disked and replanted with grass seed, and I knew that in a day or two the sprouts would e coming up bright green and beautiful.
My daughter (happy birthday Jeanne) and her little brothers were outside playing. She was wearing a beautiful hand crocheted dress I had made for her, the top of which was a crocheted heart on filigree pattern, surrounded by flowers.
Unfortunately, the dress had gotten as dirty as she did, so I gave her and her brothers a good washing and showering right out on the lawn, knowing that i twas good for them to be clean even if they were outside. Soon her dress would be pure white again too.
8-2-11 - TWO DREAMS
I met two armless black women who stood in front of me naked and they looked beautiful because they felt beautiful. The key was that their consciousness inside told them they were beautiful just the way they were so they were inside and out.
i moved into a new house with my husband Jim. We met two people who looked Mexican and it turned out they lived next door. I noticed that we couldn't see their house from inside out house because our own garage blocked th view in their direction.
Inside the house I found two dead mice near the laundry so I gathered up my husband's laundry to wash it. Jim wanted to have sex on the kitchen floor but I felt like a dead man walking so all i could do was cuddle with him, then I got back up to do his laundry.
That's when I discovered that the plumbing in this house was not done properly and there was no hot water in the bathroom, so I had to haul hot water in buckets from the kitchen to the bathroom in order to wash his dirty clothes.
While I did that, I discovered a greenish black kitten in the house that wasn't mine and when I threw it out the back door, there were more black cats out there too that I didn't know.
7-3-11 - DREAM - I don't remember enough to get anything worthy out of it, but it ended where I was managing a very large apartment complex and we didn't have our own lawn equipment, and I told the maintenance man we needed the landlord to loan us the 'arm reaper'.
7-4-11 - a series of dreams - I'd wake up and go right back into the continuing dream.
I was living in a second floor apartment. It was early morning and I got u to get ready for work and went into the closet and couldn't find a dress to wear for work. All I had in my closet was a dozen pairs of chartreuse shorts to work outside in.
I decided I would order a dress to wear from a catalog and got out a catalog and the order blank, but when I got done with the order blank, i had a picture o f a young man in blue work overalls to work outside in. I didn't have the order number of the item either, so I started writing in the margins and on the back, actually writing down the dream I was in and about my life.
I was waiting for the mailman and didn't have the order ready.
Just then, several men from work came into the apartment to use the bathrooms, and told me that there was no work, that everyone had gone out for a pizza breakfast at the restaurant nearby.
I was glad to hear that, but then all the women from work came in to use the bathrooms too, and I felt grateful to have to many friends who felt right at home in my apartment.
Gradually the women left and then the men left and I still didn't have anything to wear to work.
There was a snowstorm brewing out front and I suddenly had a 4 year old son in the apartment and he wanted to play outside. I told him he couldn't play outside because there was a storm, but he looked out the back window and showed me that it wasn't snowing and that it was warm outside. I looked out the back window and saw that there was no snow, and there was a wash line hanging in the backyard with a dozen pair of green shorts with yellow flowers all over them hanging on the line.
So I let my little boy go outside and play in the backyard and then the mailman came to pick up my order for new clothes. He came inside to warm up because it was snowing out in front still.
He started asking me what I was doing, and I told him I was writing another book, that I was always writing. I told him I should pick up a new hobby, perhaps painting on glass or something. He was very encouraging to me to do what I wanted to do.
I didn't want the mailman to leave because he was young and tall and handsome. He wasn't wearing a uniform, just nice clothes, and to get warm we got into bed together eventually. I laid at his feet. He had taken off his shoes and his feet were green - the same color as the shorts I always wore, and I caressed his feet with my left cheek very lovingly, and I had a little boy sitting on the bed cuddled with my right arm, and caressed his little cheek with my right cheek. This little boy was about a year old or less, maybe 8 months old.
The mailman and I lay there talking about family. He said he loved his family which apparently was all men and I said I knew that family was important.
Just then, the landlord walked into the apartment unannounced. He was a very large Jewish man, with a shaved bald head. He didn't actually watch the mailman and me laying in the bed but he had observed us as he walked by.
While the landlord talked, I could see that a very large boned woman who looked like Aunty Mame had come into the room behind him and was standing over by the door.
The landlord started to comment that he noticed that I always had a series of men around to make sure my car got fixed if it needed it. He also said that divorced women always got charged too much for car repairs, and while he talked, I had a vision of a woman in court talking with her attorney to make sure she got enough money to have her car fixed if it needed it and she was very upset about it, both sad and angry at the same time.
The tall, bald man was not judging me, just commenting about how lucky I was to have a man to take care of me, and I agreed with him.
Meanwhile the tall mailman lay in the bed with me at his feet and the baby.
I woke up wondering why the mailman had green feet.
7-5-11 - DREAM - I was working in a big farmhouse, and we saw some tornado clouds coming from the east, so we yelled at the people to get into the house, which they did, but the women were screaming in fear. We knew they would be safe inside the house.
Then we started giving the children sugar mixed with pieces of fruit so they wouldn't get diseases. One little child got orange. A man who looked like Richard Hoagland got something dark blue.
Then a big , tall black man started coughing in my direction and I saw a big chunk of bloody sputum come out of his throat and down his tongue and I was told he had diphtheria. I was deliberately blowing out air in his direction to make sure that I didn't catch what he had. (In real life both he and I have had the shots)
A 90 year old woman who was in charge of taking the fees for these sugary concoctions lost the check that had been left o the table. She wasn't too worried, as she said, "I sometimes didn't cash the checks because they were for just 75 cents anyway. Meanwhile, there were scraps of paper on the floor and they were wet so I couldn't sweep them up. I was still looking for that check so the child didn't get sick.
7-6-11 DREAM I was in my apartment, working on a large screen computer, trying to come up with a plan to sell clothing that came from various countries.
I put up a map of a country, and then a couple pieces of clothing that came from that country in various sizes - all women's clothing.
In a few minutes, I only had maps and then refugee camps set up by the UN, and it wasn't long - all I had was endless refugee camps where they had nothing to sell, they didn't even have enough for themselves.
Where did it end? It just kept going until I woke up. There was no end to the refugee camps.
7-7-11 DREAM I was sitting in a office by the reception desk, where I sat against the wall on a settee type couch.
Across from me, behind the reception desk sat three men,, one of which was David who I worked with back in the early 90's.
I saw him and wiggled my finger at him to come over and sit with me and the other guys made noises like they were asking him, why would I want him instead of them.
So I said, "David and I used to work together back in the 80's (it was actually the 90's)
So, David came over and sat by me, and I noticed he was wearing a red, blue and white polo shirt.
I turned to the right for a moment and when I turned back, a different man was sitting next to me, wearing a light blue, silver, and white polo shirt and he had really white hair. He was taller than I am and muscular too.
I woke up and the phone rang immediately.
7-7-11 - DREAM - I was working in a basement garage working in an office on the side by the wall. I had several telephones where I took calls. I also taught classes there. A book was mentioned with the author's name Krajcik, and the name RED ICE was mentioned.
(Red ice is a radio show on the internet)
Evidently one of the classes I taught was taken from pages taken from a religious book that we only used 'some' pages from and I had made copies of them which I kept upstairs in my main office.
There was a scene in the basement where I was attempting to connect a long water hose to a connection on the washing machine and the coupling wouldn't fit - they were either two different sizes, or were corroded and just wouldn't turn into each other. I didn't know why it wouldn't fit but the water just couldn't be turned on until we made that connection.
It was 6 p.m. and my friend from upstairs, Diane , called me and said she was still in her office and was sorry for being late, but needed a copy of the pages. I told her I would make her a copy even if she was late.
Three little blonde bys about 5 or 6 years old came into the basement. They looked like triplets, and they immediately started making chalk lines on the garage walls with wide pieces of yellow chalk. I had to chase them out of the basement and ended up going upstairs to my other office.
While I was upstairs, I stood at a counter while some other people were talking and I mentioned the author's name Krajcik and said I should have gotten the book when I had a chance, and asked someone to go steal a book catalog from the book store so I could order it.
At that moment, I realized someone was standing right next to me with his hand o top of my head, and I turned to face the person, and it was a cop dressed in a khaki colored uniform and the silver star on his chest was staring me right in the eye.
He kept his hand on the top of my head the entire time he talked to me about stealing the catalog - he was about 7'4" tall or more, but as he moved away from me, he became shorter and shorter as his arm got longer and longer until finally he was about 4 feet tall which was the same size as the other men i the room.
I didn't feel so intimidated as I had when he was 6'4" tall and finally he broke the connection between his hand and the top of my head and I could think for myself again.
I went into my office to find the folder which contained the pages I had copied from the book so I could make more copies for those who wanted to study them..
The name RED ICE stuck with me after I woke up.
I kept thinking this book was religious.
7-8-11 DREAMI was visitng my husband on his lunch hour where he worked.
I was wearing a tight fitting blue dress and leaned over my husband's shoulder to see what he was working on, and looked up to see who else worked in the office, and two desks over was this muscled, tall, black guy, with short cropped hair and a neat mustache. He was wearing a soft golden shirt and his muscles showed through the cloth,. He looked up from his desk that ha da large screened computer on it,, and looked over towards us and whispered, "Who is this visitng us ?
My heart started racing super fast at that moment, and I woke up to cough so I could breath again.
I closed my eyes again and was right back in the dream, but now I was working in the office too.
It was lunch time, and I was left in the office to answer phones while everyone else went into the lunchroom.
I knew that the bosses name was William Smith. The head secretary was Carole Hapke. She taught me everything I knew at Allis-Chalmers. She was the best secretary ever.
Carole told me the boss wanted me to come into the lunch room too because he wanted me to pick out the foods that were going to be sold in the vending machines. She said that everyone got that chance and it was my turn.
I noticed that she took a pad of paper into the lunch room too, so I decided I should take notes also, so I went through a couple drawers to find one and came up with one that someone else had written on previously, and written on a slant at the top was the name of the company written in pencil. I couldn't make out the exact name, but I did read Manufacturing Engineering Colk Inc. I scanned down the rest of the writing to see what city or telephone number it had, but I couldn't make out anything else beyond the name.
At that point, I looked up and looked out the window and could see a large tree with a bright red light shining through it. I thought it was the sun, but then I saw another red light below that, and then another, and by then I could see five red lights shining through the tree branches.
I turned and saw my husband looking into a cabinet for something, and I called his attention to the tree and he said he didn't see anything unusual about the tree.
I looked back at the tree and now protruding from behind the tree was this brilliantly lit red butterfly. It was larger than the tree itself.
For me - that was a UFO, showing itself as a harmless butterfly.
7-10-11 DREAM I was with Betty White, probably in a European town, The streets were very busy and very narrow with brick buildings on both sides. The traffic moved very fast too.
That's all I remember.
I was with my new husband. He had shortly cut blonde permed hair.
At first we were in our first floor home office. We were watching a demonstration of some newly designed black jeep-like plows but without the plow blades on, They were very strange to watch when you are used to seeing vehicles with evenly spaced wheels.
It was so dismal outside, I made sure we had the lights turned on in the office, so I looked up and counted at least five small lamps hanging on the wallpapered wall.
I looked under my desk where I had a small refrigerator, and I had a six-pack of beer in gold cans under there in case my husband got thirsty.
The scene changed and now we were inside a car going somewhere.
My new husband was driving and I was sitting in the back seat right behind him.
He was watching the road very intently. because the weather was so dismal and misty outside, The wheels of our car were right up against the short cropped grass alongside the road. All of a sudden my new husband asked me if I had anything to drink back there.
Again I had a small refrigerator in the floor of the car, so I reached inside and retrieved one of the gold cans of beer I had inside if it,
I popped the keyhole opener on top of the can and handed it to my new husband over the seat to him. Then even before he took a sip, I realized something and said, "Oh, you can't drink and drive" and grabbed the can back from him.
Immediately I saw the gold can surrounded by hundreds of multiple curly threads in hundreds of bright colors.
and I woke up.
7-11-11- I was in the basement of a huge old school. Everything was painted beige.
I was with my long time friend Barbara and we had something going on where we were trading perfume and lotions that would have been wonderful, but I didn't smell anything. I just 'knew' they were wonderful.
We then met a Mexican woman who had some copies of really old Mexican magazines with drawings in them that were about three feet high by two feet wide. I really thought they would be good for our own community school to learn from. She had collected them from someone else, but since she had to walk home, she didn't want to get them wet since it was raining outside.
I needed a ride home as well, and Barbara had a car - a large blue station wagon, so we offered to give the woman a ride but she didn't want to wait for us to close up the school which seemed to be our job. So, she left the building without her magazines and we saw her walking off down the street through the rain.
Barbara got her car, but I had to go ba ck into the building because my job wasn't done yet.
Back inside the building I heard some noise and met a tall blonde man wearing a beige trench coat. I will call him Paul because he looked like a TV character from One Life to Live and As the world Turns that he has been on. He looks really handsome but has a wounded heart from being abused as a child.
I didn't think he wanted he Mexican magazines, but he was threatening for some reason anyway like he wanted to be the last one out of the school or something.
At the end he grabbed a broom to threaten me with, so I grabbed a broom also, and he was more threatened by my broom than I was threatened by his. I was willing to do battle with the brooms. He just wanted to escape.
He looked really scared when I gave him the opportunity to leave the building, and there were plenty of exits but he was afraid to try them and he scrambled back and forth like a frightened mouse with no exit.
He finally headed for an exit and I let him go and opened my eyes, not wanting to go back into the dream to confront him again.
7-11-11 - I was in my Father's 16th St. house and it was time to make breakfast. Joe was there and so was my daughter.
I went into the kitchen and over the stove on the north wall were two broken yellow moons pasted over whole white moons. On the east wall was a yellow moon that was more whole but broken on one side.
I looked on that table and asked my daughter if we had a whole yellow plate and she said, "No!" so I couldn't fix the broken moon on the wall.
I asked Joe what he wanted for breakfast. He said hash browns, hamburgers, and a third item I can't recall.
I went to the refrigerator in the pantry and both the hash brown potatoes and the hamburger patties were in a large glass baking dish. The hamburger was blue with high points on the top and I wondered if I turned the hamburger over, it would turn red.
7-12-11 nightmares
these nightmares came after watching these two videos about Reptilians and freaking out.
dream 1 - I was watching a large ball of colored threads spin counter-clockwise and all the blue threads were deleted.
dream 2 - I was pregnant with a very small baby and I felt like I was in labor but didn't know if I was going to deliver the baby or poop. I was in the hospital and they came and got me and took me into the delivery room. The doctor said she could see the baby was smearing her little face into the poop.
dream 3 - Someone was fishing inside my mouth with a large hook and pulled out a huge blue fish - the size of a Northern Pike.
7-13-11 DREAN I was in the car and then went to a second place where there were things growing on the bottom of the pond that sent up bubbles every so often. There was a pier on the edge of the pond where one could lay down and watch the bubbles come up. It was a long time between bubbles. I had realized what patience one would have to have between bubbles, but it was worth it.
While we waited, it got very cold and two feet of snow came down and somehow formed a star pattern over where whatever was on the bottom of the pond was.
There was about five feet of water over this star pattern, and I was afraid that kids would go out there and fall into the water so I wanted to suggest that we put up a post in the center of the sunbow star pattern with a keep off the ice sign on it, maybe with a Santa and Christmas wreath.
Just before I went to make the request, a woman who lived nearby drove her car over the edge of the pond by the pier and destroyed the idea that the kids would be in immediate danger, but I still wanted to warn her not to drive on the pond, nor should the kids go out in the center of the snow star and play.
Of course, the woman wouldn't listen because she had just drove her car over the edge of the pond, even where it was five feet deep, so I had to assume there was ice on the pond or it wouldn't have held up her car, but in spring, the kids would be in danger.
There was a group of men in the hardware store who listened and they didn't think it was a bad idea, but I woke up before I found out if they were going to do it.
Even so, those little creatures in the pond needed to be protected.
**********]NEWS ABOUT THE TUNING - ROV said there are seven sisters here at this time working on the tuning.. I know of five of them. I am one of them, brought in as a walk-in at age 32 or 33 on 1-1-70. There are apparently 2000 people here working on the tuning. We were told it was not a good idea to meet, though I know that four of my sisters already work together.
Apparently the people working on the tuning are all channellers of some sort. The TUNING is also called Ascension, but not every channeler gets the same information between it depends on how clear they are. Mikki Wedel is only one of five stage seven channellers - to see her working.
I am psychic as well, and can do automatic writing very clearly - which makes me like a stage two or three channeler, but I know I'm still developing at a great rate of speed since I've been working on it since 1981, however, I'm working on a project for Arizona - Earth Mountain View Educational Research Center and we are going to work on longevity and education, along with a myriad of other fun things to do. See:
All of a sudden the TUNING became even more fun. It's not as remote as I thought, and we were told it will come 'soon' but 'soon' is one of those fuzzy terms that nobody knows what it means.
7-14-11 - DREAM - i WAS IN AN OFFICE IN A TALLL BUIDING WITH AN ELEVATOR. In the office, I was working on a computer and lining up photographs from top to bottom starting with a variety of black airplanes, going down to many buildings at the bottom. There were a lot of photographs and took quite awhile to scroll down through the pictures.
A young boy came into the room and I scrolled down through the pictures for him, but it took too long for him to be that patient.
I then went to the first floor and called for the elevator, and when I pushed the button, that same scroll of pictures came up and one had to ascend and descend through those pictures to be in the place you wanted to be.
7-16-11 - ANOTHER STUPID DREAM - I was working in an office somewhere in a large building. I had come in from outside with snow on my coat and boats, but this was yellow snow, not white, and it is tuck to everything.
I expected it to melt but it didn't - instead it seemed to grow and attach itself to everything.
I hung my coat in the closet, and put my boots on the floor and went to my desk to work, hoping the snow would melt off my coat but it never did, and when I attempted to put my coat back on, this yellow snow would drop off in clumps and grow where it landed. I just couldn't do anything with it.
I was attempting to send a letter to two people, a man named Robert and a woman named Linda who lived in different places.
I remember the zip code of Robert who lived in 21004-4.... I don't recall specifically what the letter was about but it seemed political and religious at the same time and was about soliciting money for something.
I desperately wanted to put my coat and boots on and go home, but I just couldn't get rid of that yellow snow because if I did, I'd leave a trail of it no matter where I went and it would grow there even more.
note: yellow snow can be caused by air pollution of various kinds, including pollen or particles of other types.
The zip code 21004 is in southern Maryland. There didn't seem to be anything noteworthy about anything I found there except schools and foreclosed homes.
check out the location in this dream
7-16-11 meditation I was basically just resting my eyes and saying the Lord's prayer, and suddenly I was looking at what looked like an e-mail or web page that was about the Orion Prophecy. I couldn't make out all the words, but I saw the word STAR, and the words ' according to."
i was staying in a hotel or apartment building that had maid service. It as Sunday (which it is) and I thought about volunteering to be a rental agent for the building or calling my previous locksmith boss and volunteering to work on Sun day s because I had nothing else to o=do on Sundays.
Two maids came in the room I now recognize as actresses from The Young and the Restless TV show who are normally extremely rich and have jobs running large corporations.
They asked me why I was still in bed because it was almost noon.
I was sitting on my bed with a large, tall pill bottle in my hands, looking at the pills, and I removed one that looked like water had eaten away at the color.
The one maid said she was a nurse and wondered shy I had the pills. I didn't really know because I hate pills and don't take them if I don't have to and I certainly didn't want to. Except for the one bad pill in the bottle, I didn't take any of them. The bottle was full.
The maids wanted the beds made up by noon. I had two single beds in the room that I thought were extraordinarily narrow by bed standards and I wondered how one could sleep without falling off.
Then the laundry service man came and brought a folded man's shirts that a workman would wear. It was blue. I put it on top of the back of my folding desk. I laid it next to my clothes as the shirt belonged to my husband. I noticed that there were no clothes in the closet at all.
The maids said they wanted to listen to THE EDGE, and I commented, "John Stokes"? and the taller maid said, "Yes! John Stokes". His radio show is on at noon during the week, so I knew then it was noon. (Except today is Sunday and he's not on)
I wanted to go to lunch with my friend Sandy, who met me outside at my car.
I got into the car, and a maid or cleaning lady was out by the car and she told me she kept candles in the trunk of her car and I didn't think that would be a good place to keep candles because the heat of the sun would melt them during the day.
I got back out of my car to make sure there were no candles in the trunk of my car, and there couldn't have been because the car was a station wagon that doesn't have a trunk.
The cleaning lady's gear was all bright red and so is my purse and my purse sat right next to her red cleaning gear. (I noted that she was Mexican as well)
I opened up my purse and right inside was my car keys and building keys, with a bright red plastic watch fob type thing attached to it, and I commented that was the reason it was red because otherwise I would have a hard time finding my keys amongst all the other stuff in my purse that was full to the top.
The cleaning lady pointed out a variety of bugs that were crawling away, a millipede, another wormy thing similar to it, a black water bug, two very pale flies that were long (that one sees by water and two mosquitoes - born in water.
The two mosquitoes got on the backs of the long place water flies, and I started to wonder if they were mating and I looked to see if the black bugs had mosquitoes were trying to mate with the bugs and they weren't - just with the flies that were their own color. Then I wondered if those were male and female mosquitoes doing the deed and figured they probably weren't.
7-17-11 - DREAM - the first dream of the night was taking place in a closet of sorts with color of the chakras - yellow, green and blue - and it was determined that blue was the chosen color to be because it was the highest one in evidence, and the other colors were removed.
Blue seems to be the chosen color this month.
7-2\18-11 - DREAM I was living and working in a city or town with a group of women. I had been reviewing the used clothing and furniture stores and found that the Salvation Army stores which were close by were very good places to shop. One of them down the street from our office sold socks for a mere five cents a pair, so that's where I sent one of the women to buy some. One of the other Salvation army stores had socks for sale for fifty cents each. Prices for other items went up accordingly to value.
One of the women I worked with who looked like my previous friend and co-worker Janet Carlson (who I've dreamt of many times) came rushing into the building, saying that she had been harassed by a really mean guy. She looked really frightened.
I went to the window with her and she pointed out the guy, and 'mean' is a kind word to say about him. He apparently was a member of a gang and wore his baseball cap or whatever it was down on his eyes so his eyes were narrow and squinted.
A few minutes later I heard the guy say that he got initiated into his gang by having to eat raw possum right out of a live possum's throat. That is ' mean'.
I told him I was calling the cops right then and there because he refused to leave us alone.
Janet's sister or companion who looked similar to my friend and co-worker Judi didn't want to believe that Janet could be so upset, but I assured her she was.
We eventually got to business and I was told that Sharon and her husband Bill had found a place to live as best they could, and had formed a 'matrix' together. What I actually saw was a yellow squire up Bill's nose, whatever that means.
Apparently we were making progress.
NOTE: During the night, right before that dream, it felt like I got stung by a bee or a spider underneath the covers on the back of my arm. In the morning, we looked at my arm and there was no mark there. If that was the signal for an earthquake to come, that will not be good.
a night for sorting things out
#1 I had 8 brides in identical dresses in miniature with lace dresses, I was making sure their dresses were perfect.
#2 I had right similar women in bright yellow dresses and made sure they were all perfect
#3 I asked my daughter to help me sort out jewelry that was in a large rather flat see thru plastic box. She had her own way of sorting things in the jewelry parts and when I got back, she had separated the different types with different colors of sphagnum moss, I didn't want the sphagnum moss colors mixed together either, I wanted everything separated into the baggies and while I was gone, she found eight red plastic roses and gathered them together.
#4 I was in the kitchen of my house and standing together right stood pheasant males and put then together, but while I did that that a live male pheasant flew down from a high shelf and fell down to the ground at my feet and I woke up.
7-30-11 DREAM I was living in large country house with my husband. We were in an area of hills and valleys. He tended to drive too fast for my taste, so when we went for a drive, I asked him to take the slower valley road, but unfortunately, when we did that, the valley road was all mud and long flooded tracks. We just barely made it through safely and got back home okay.
After we got home, we rescued an injured bird and put it in a large cage to keep it safe. It recuperated quickly and was very fat.
We went to dinner, which was made by someone else and came wrapped in a silver foil pouch. At the counter where we ate, two little black boys had their dinners similarly wrapped.
Everything in the dinner pouches was very fat and consisted of sausages, fried rolled somethings I couldn't identify and at the bottom was rich baked and frosted desserts that nobody had any appetite left to eat. The boys liked my dinner better than theirs, so they wanted mine instead. There was plenty of food, so I gave it to them. In the trade off, I took a bag of corn chips and stashed them in a dresser drawer for later so I wouldn't have to share.
We had been told that our fish was 76 percent pollution these days and it wouldn't be long until it was 96 percent pollution. Nothing cooked was really good for us anymore.
The men in our district were the rescue workers, for both fires and EMT work. Our son Michael went out on the call and when he came back, he brought in the local newspaper and put it on the chair for when we were done eating.
I could see it across the room as the newspaper rather turned and settled on the chair. It seemed to roll over a bit and as it did, I could see the whole front of the newspaper was the face of a wild tiger.
7-31-11 DREAM I was in the country somewhere with a group of friends. It was spring and nothing had begun to grow yet As we drove down the road, people waved to us, and I noted that the men were out power pruning bushes that had never been pruned in years of growth. Everything was a getting a fresh new start .
7-22-`` DREAM - I was at a school where there was a team of sports players - who were lined up for honors after the game. Two of them were named Hapke and Harmony.
Over in a storage area was a nasty sound coming and I saw a whole group of cats and kittens laying around a black dog. The dog wasn't doing anything, he was just there and the cats were laying around him.
As soon as I noticed that situation, the dog got up and walked away and I got a large triangle shaped broom and started sweeping out that area and found lots of bird droppings along the walls along with large sheets of open newspaper, which I started sweeping out into the hallway. The bird droppings were hard to remove because they stuck to the walls along the baseboards, but I was determined to clean up that area. I'm pretty sure I was successful.
7-23-11 DREAM I had a brand new baby. I realized I had only nursed him once that day.
The baby was sleeping soundly on the inside half of the bed with my Father who was also sleeping
When I walked through my baby's bedroom, I looked fondly at two little blue pair of plastic pants for little boys that hadn't been used yet.
My husband and I then went on a 400 mile trip to visit relatives and were driving two cars. He drove a blue one, and I was driving my 1965 Maroon colored Ford.
We were right on the edge of a town and I noticed that my gas tank gauge said E, so I stopped driving on the edge of the road across the street from a small cottage.
My husband took both cars to go get gas for my car. I don't know how he did that.
It had snowed a lot, but in front of the cottage was a fresh pile of
sand the government had dumped there using a small child's size bucket.
The man who lived in that house and his friend came home and invited me inside while I waited for my husband to come home.
Both men arrived in a very narrow SUV, and it almost rolled over twice as the vehicle was so narrow for two such large men to be in.
On the way inside, the driver of the vehicle asked me if I had any food with me and I said, "No! I also said, "When we go anywhere we usually take food with us, but this time, even though we were driving 400 miles to visit relatives, we didn't bring any food at all." (Apparently we didn't put gas in the cars either)
The man questioned whether I had breast fed myself, and I said, "No! Though I could have if I wanted to." (How he knew I had a new baby I don't know because I didn't have him with me)
Then I started wondering where my baby was and why it was taking my husband so long to get gas for the cars. We were very close to the town.. I t was within easy walking distance. Where was my baby?
The man's wife came home from work then. She was a very nice woman with a very protruding face and aquiline nose. She sat down on the edge of the bed with me (why was I in the bed?) Then her daughter arrived. She looked just like her mother, though younger. She was very happy and they sat on the edge of the bed with me and hugged and laughed together.
I couldn't help but wonder where my husband was and why it was taking him so long to come back.
7-23-22 a nap dream I was at my Father's 16th St. house, and my first husband went to get the car, and when he pulled up, he was pulling a white car on a white wagon behind a silver car.
there were a lot of men out there watching him pull the car up, but he said he wanted to talk to me privately and asked me to go up on the balcony in the next building over.
I agreed to do that, and he went up the stairs first. There were a lot of stairs, very steep and I took most of them two at a time because the stairs weren't all that large.
When I got up to the balcony, I expected it to be open air, but it was a shabby room, full of old newspapers, tissues, paper bags, lots of paper goods, but we weren't alone. There was a guy up there, watching TV and he was watching a colorful game show.
We couldn't just tell him to shut if off and leave, so I told him I was good at game shows, but he rather ignored me.
My husband used that opportunity to try to talk to me, and all he asked me was, "How was the sex last night?"
Since there was no sex last night, I had no answer for him, and I rather beat around the bush trying not to answer the question. He repeated the question several times, and I still had no answer.
It got very frustrating, and I thought he might ask me if I wanted to have sex with him, but he never did. I don't know what I wo9uld have answered to that question because he never asked it.
#1 I was in an auditorium wearing a yellow dress. A group of men in yellow uniforms came on stage, and as soon as they saw my yellow dress, they vanished.
# 2 I was in an auditorium wearing a pretty blue dress. A group of men in uniforms the identical color came on stage and as soon as they saw my dress, they all vanished.
#3 I was in my house and my son Michael came down from his bedroom and complained to me that if he wore a blue uniform and met another man in the same color uniform, he would vanish from sight.
#4 - I was on a farm somewhere. It was the fall of the year, and the men were all out deer hunting. The grass was all mashed down and brown from people walking on it, and there were so many hills, I couldn't see anyone else. I came to three different very large dogs who were friendly but they made me nervous, so I called my husband to please lock up the dogs in the house.
I no sooner did that, and I came across two cow heads laying on the ground talking to one another. One cow head said to the other, "He could see I was standing there talking to him."
Then I went into the kitchen of the house, picked up my new baby an d sat him on the kitchen table, sat on a chair next to him, and just held him in my arm s and cuddled him.
7-24-11 DREAM I was in my apartment building, listening to the radio and they started talking about my PayPal dispute that I hadn't fulfilled an order. They were really ragging on me and my bad business practices and weren't aware that I never saw the order come in. But, I was feeling good that someone was finally noticing me.
I went out into the lobby where my husband was helping paint it beige. He had a radio taped to his left ear with many antennas on it. I couldn't get his attention because he was listening so intently to his radio.
I finally yelled his name and he heard me and I told him about being talked about one the radio, but he was listening to a different station and didn't know anything about it.
I told him that being talked about even though it was negative was better than being ignored. He didn't care and went back to his painting.
I went to the front door of the lobby and discovered that the front door was off its hinges and people couldn't get in. So, I managed to get the door open and found that the repairman was on the other side and hadn't been able to get in. so I left him to fix the hinges by himself and went to check on the other people who were painting the walls in the lobby.
I discovered that Brendan from Big Brother TV show was helping to paint the lobby. I went over to him to tell him I saw him on the show, and told him about being on the radio and it was nice to get any kind of publicity. I turned around for just a second and when I looked back he had vanished.
7-25-`11` - A CRAFTY IDEA - DREAM i was living in a house or apartment with my husband som where. For some reason my husband had not allowed me to do crafty type projects because we were too busy, so I had spent years collecting things like scraps of yarn, fabric, felt, embroidery thread, all sorts of things to make kids toys by hand. I demonstrated to him by description that I had boxes the size of old television boxes full of these scraps' I had been saving and this was the time to get all that out and make kids toys with them to sell to other mothers who didn't have time to do such things or might like to buy for a gift for another child or grandchild.
He reluctantly agreed that it was a waste to not use these things to do good for others, so I told him that it meant that we'd have to go into the business of making toys for children in the future and he agreed.
NOTE: After I woke up from this crafty dream, I remembered all the craft magazines I've been saving for years in my attic as well and that there are crafty things men like to do also like make blocks, and other small toys for boys with wood, as well as bird houses and other neat things.
Since we are planning to have craft shops in our community, that would be a perfect idea to turn one of those shops into a crafty children's shop.
During meditation today, I had a vision of a beautiful woman with black hair in an all white bedroom. She was wearing a white floor length gown with a red, white and blue top on it, made of triangles like I have at the top of this web page:
The tuning is a big topic these days, which is akin to Ascension. We are not allowed to meet other people who are actively working towards the tuning they tell us, though it seems to be no problem to meet other people working towards Ascension, which I don't understand. We are told that if a person working on the tuning meets another person working on the tuning and their energies don't match perfectly, the energy of one person will cancel out the energy of the other person and that would not be a good thing. It doesn't seem to matter that millions of people are getting murdered in other countries, however. They just want good people to meet good people which really makes no sense to me. It's a lonely life.
I also had a vision of a man who looked like my son Michael, who had a mustache and a beard and was smoking a pipe. To my knowledge, Michael has never smoked. Maybe he does and I just don't know it, or it was symbolic?
I was looking at military men on a stage wearing beige uniforms. There was a desire to be with one of the military men.
In the next dream, there was a feeling of guilt for wanting to be with a military man.
The next dream was back to the first dream and feeling the desire to be with a military man.
The next dream was when I was in the presence of a military man I actually dated twice in real life, once when we were teens, and again when we were in our 60's. (He has since deceased about five years ago)
Again there was guilt for wanting to see him again and be with him.
The men in the blue uniforms were taken away.
7-27-11 DREAM I went to visit my friend Michelle and took a bag of popcorn seeds with me and told her we had felt hungry so we came to visit her.
She put a piece of bread in the toaster and the toaster shorted out electrically.
I had a notebook to write in and eggs yolks were spilled all over the sheets so I ripped those out and threw them away so I gave the left over pictures to Amanda to p[lay with.
I was looking around and discovered that a set of silver keys the size of mailbox or small lock keys I had given him were never used so I took them all back. There were at least a dozen of them.
There was a young boy there - toddler age. I had him over a bed and pretended that he was bombing from a plane over Africa.
I then went to a meeting room that was large and had only men in it.
I sat at the back with a man with a large mustache. He matched the Jewish man with the large black mustache I had seen in a previous dream behind a window.
The men were reading verses about God on a double paged bright red pamphlet. The first sentence on the page said, "The men who walk with God - and that was followed by a long sentence about money.
The last verse on the page was also complicated and started off "Whoever walks with God - and that sentence was also about money.
I told the man I was going to write that down, so he read it to me again.
Neither of the verses had a Bible reference on them.
7-27-11 - MEDITATION - i saw a vague statement. I thought the last word was objection or that was a person's name that was similar.
Then I saw the same woman from the bedroom earlier, she was beautiful with black wavy hair and smiling. She was wearing a bright blue street dress but holding up a pure white gown.
7-28-11 - MEDITATION: I was watching a pretty blonde girl in a sky blue dress sitting at a table slicing a piece of raisin bread carefully in half lengthwise. One of the raisins must have been touch or in the wrong place because she gave the knife a harder jerks than before and the whole bread broke into dozens of pieces.
Right after I saw that, I was told, "It was a medically caused problem.
Since I don't eat bread at all and haven't since 1985, I don't knowhow that relates to me, so I'm at a loss for meaning here.
The next voice I heard was: Sunday school = Sunday chat.
I rather like that. It sounds more like a discussion group rather than one person dictating what to believe.
7-29-11 - DREAM - I was in a house somewhere, sitting at a table working on drawings of the layouts of the buildings for our Arizona community plans, and Rush Limbaugh came to the window, needing to plug in some kind of gizmo he had - maybe something like a cell phone or something. The plug on the cord didn't match any plug outlet I had near the window, so I invited him in to try other plug outlets I had in the kitchen.
He had a black book with him that had a window in the front of it that showed the title of the book, which was 11:plus some words in a sentence which I didn't read. It was the number 11 that was important.
He walked around the kitchen trying to find an appropriate outlet, and I realized then I was only dressed from the waist up. I went to a drawer to find some pants to put on and only found a dress which I slipped on over my skirt.
Just then, Rush Limbaugh came out of the bedroom and grabbed me from behind wanting to have sex with me.
Right at that moment, I was holding some crocheting and one stitch had slipped and I asked him to wait a moment until I put that stitch back in place - and I started to wake up with a voice in my head singing a song named INTEGRITY.
7-30-11 DREAM I was in my office at work very early in the morning. I had 5 pages of notes I had taken while listening to George Kavasilis on the internet and I was making 6 copies for friends to read, particularly my friend Nancy who worked in another office down the hall. I wanted to get this done before the other people came in to work.
While I was getting the copies correlated on my desk, some other secretaries came in and we were talking about what was going to happen that day.
My friend Diane was sitting at her desk with a pot of dirt and in the pot was two geckos that were digging in the dirt and I started to see ugly bugs accumulating. I tried to help her bury the bugs, but I couldn't stay there and help her for long.
One of the other girls said we had a meeting and she forget to get the donuts for the meeting and needed to go back out a
and get them. We both needed to go to the bathroom and comb our hair as well.
While I was sitting at my desk sorting out papers and making sure I had al the copies, and setting aside little note slips with more notes on, one of the men who was interested in what I do came into the office to talk to me.
I told him that while he was out on vacation, I had been talking to George Kavasilis and that he had put me in a trance of some kind. He was rather intrigued by that.
Just that quick, I was sitting in a car in the woods with this guy and there was a gathering of men in the woods, some black and some white. I didn't know what they were meeting about but I could tell it was quite clandestine.
I was trying to be very quiet so nobody would come over to the car and ask what I was doing there.
Just that suddenly, I was in a little house in the woods, standing by the door which had come off the hinges. The screen door fell off as well, and I leaned both doors against the house, hoping they wouldn't blow away.
While I was doing that, a silver blue car - I didn't recognize what type it was - came slowly along a private road on the other side of our road and I worried about who that might be. I had never seen a car on that road before.
All of a sudden, I was back in the office and there was a piano next to the copier machine, and a man was playing some of the lowest notes and automatically, the piano automatically played a musical scale up and down the keyboard all by itself. It was pretty neat to watch. This had something to do with the copies of notes I had wirtten as well about George Kavasilis.
7-30-11 MEDITATION - When I went into meditation, I asked to see a picture of our community on Dec. 21, 2012 and I saw a woman carrying an unpainted park bench from one place to another.
I can't say I know what that means.