JULY, 2014
I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to remember
another dream. The first two days were wiped out of my mind by telephone
calls that woke\ me up.
DREAM - I was on 16th St, where my Father's house
was located. I decided to take a walk to the other end and see where it
I had to go quite far, and it was up a steep hill at the
other end.
At the top of the hill, stood several old men, selling
vases of several sizes - I stopped to look at the vases, and told them about my
Father's house at the other end of the road.
Going down the hill was rather fun. It reminded me
of the 'Roller Coaster Wars' I watched on television yesterday, where crazy
people ride crazier roller coasters and vote on whose roller coaster was crazier
than the others. (They are located in various countries around the world)
Going down the hill seemed to be on smooth wooden boards,
and I rather bent my knees so I was sitting on my own heels, and pushed off down
the hill really fast - and the ride was a thrill in itself with great speed.
When I reached the flat surface and ran out of speed, I
met a woman, dressed in maroon/purple who had a grid stretched out in the center
of the road. I didn't see it there on the way up, so I stopped to
talk to the woman. I want to say her name was Kathy, who I dreamt about
several days ago. The grid was the same color as the clothing she wore. Each of
the squares in the grid was 4x4 and the grid was made of rope 4 inches above the
ground. = 64 - chess board?
I stopped and had a conversation about the health
benefits of coconut oil, a topic I had just watched on television on the Jim
Bakker show before going to sleep.
Then it was time to complete my walk back to my Father's
house, and woke up.
7-3-14 - DREAM - I was in a room somewhere with a
small group of men, who were reading text about the Great Flood (the deluge) of
the world and the evidence to prove that it actually happened.
I didn't actually see the men, but they were showing me
books about the flood to show that it wasn't just in one place.
7-4-14 DREAM - My husband came home from
somewhere, wearing a very fancy heavy-weight white shirt - the type you need
expensive cuff links to wear.
I was in the laundry room when he came home, and he took
off his white shirt to be washed, and I saw that he had another white shirt
there that needed washing, and while I was getting it ready to wash, which had
to be done separately from all the other clothing - I heard the name Lord Baxter
come from somewhere up above.
I saw that I had three white shirts that needed washing
as well and even though my sleeveless white shirts had flowers all over them, I
knew that the color from my shirts would not come off onto his white shirts.
While I was doing this, in the laundry room I saw a
variety of colored pet birds, some flying from perch to perch and a couple
very young fluffy pet birds sitting in the corner of the room on a tiny little
round corner shelf.
NOTE: I was unable to determine which Lord Baxter this
was about.
7-4-14 i was meditating and saw the numbers
6 7 8, followed by a voice that said: "President Obama's construction site
is complete".
I then saw a sunny lit street with a young tree several years old.
The vision of the numbers scared me because today is day 9 of the above dream.
7-4-14 - In meditation I saw a check - #150
and then another check #77
#77 is the Gematria number for God
SIX THREE NINE equals 150
This was almost like an animated cartoon, except it was
also real.
I was standing on the moon with a man, and layers of the
moon started coming up off the ground, and as they started swirling around us, I
was counting them - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. The pieces were all white -
like the color of cooked egg white.
President John F. Kennedy delivered this speech, "Special Message to the
Congress on Urgent National Needs," on May 25, 1961 before a joint session of
Congress. In this speech, JFK stated that the United States should set as a goal
the "landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth" by the end
of the decade. Acknowledging that the Soviets had a head start in their space
program, Kennedy urged the U.S. to work diligently to lead the achievements of
space travel because "in many ways [it] may hold the key to our future on
Full Text of the Man on the Moon Speech Given By President John F. Kennedy
Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, my copartners in Government, gentlemen-and
The Constitution imposes upon me the obligation to "from time to time give to
the Congress information of the State of the Union." While this has
traditionally been interpreted as an annual affair, this tradition has been
broken in extraordinary times.
These are extraordinary times. And we face an extraordinary challenge. Our
strength as well as our convictions have imposed upon this nation the role of
leader in freedom's cause.
No role in history could be more difficult or more important. We stand for
That is our conviction for ourselves--that is our only commitment to others. No
friend, no neutral and no adversary should think otherwise. We are not against
any man--or any nation--or any system--except as it is hostile to freedom. Nor
am I here to present a new military doctrine, bearing any one name or aimed at
any one area. I am here to promote the freedom doctrine.
The great battleground for the defense and expansion of freedom today is the
whole southern half of the globe--Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle
East--the lands of the rising peoples. Their revolution is the greatest in human
history. They seek an end to injustice, tyranny, and exploitation. More than an
end, they seek a beginning.
And theirs is a revolution which we would support regardless of the Cold War,
and regardless of which political or economic route they should choose to
For the adversaries of freedom did not create the revolution; nor did they
create the conditions which compel it. But they are seeking to ride the crest of
its wave--to capture it for themselves.
Yet their aggression is more often concealed than open. They have fired no
missiles; and their troops are seldom seen. They send arms, agitators, aid,
technicians and propaganda to every troubled area. But where fighting is
required, it is usually done by others--by guerrillas striking at night, by
assassins striking alone--assassins who have taken the lives of four thousand
civil officers in the last twelve months in Vietnam alone--by subversives and
saboteurs and insurrectionists, who in some cases control whole areas inside of
independent nations.
[At this point the following paragraph, which appears in the text as signed and
transmitted to the Senate and House of Representatives, was omitted in the
reading of the message:
They possess a powerful intercontinental striking force, large forces for
conventional war, a well-trained underground in nearly every country, the power
to conscript talent and manpower for any purpose, the capacity for quick
decisions, a closed society without dissent or free information, and long
experience in the techniques of violence and subversion. They make the most of
their scientific successes, their economic progress and their pose as a foe of
colonialism and friend of popular revolution. They prey on unstable or unpopular
governments, unsealed, or unknown boundaries, unfilled hopes, convulsive change,
massive poverty, illiteracy, unrest and frustration.]
With these formidable weapons, the adversaries of freedom plan to consolidate
their territory--to exploit, to control, and finally to destroy the hopes of the
world's newest nations; and they have ambition to do it before the end of this
decade. It is a contest of will and purpose as well as force and violence--a
battle for minds and souls as well as lives and territory. And in that contest,
we cannot stand aside.
We stand, as we have always stood from our earliest beginnings, for the
independence and equality of all nations. This nation was born of revolution and
raised in freedom. And we do not intend to leave an open road for despotism.
There is no single simple policy which meets this challenge. Experience has
taught us that no one nation has the power or the wisdom to solve all the
problems of the world or manage its revolutionary tides--that extending our
commitments does not always increase our security--that any initiative carries
with it the risk of a temporary defeat--that nuclear weapons cannot prevent
subversion--that no free people can be kept free without will and energy of
their own--and that no two nations or situations are exactly alike.
Necessary Measures
(Continued from Page 1)
Yet there is much we can do--and must do. The proposals I bring before you
are numerous and varied. They arise from the host of special opportunities
and dangers which have become increasingly clear in recent months. Taken
together, I believe that they can mark another step forward in our effort as
a people. I am here to ask the help of this Congress and the nation in
approving these necessary measures.
The first and basic task confronting this nation this year was to turn
recession into recovery. An affirmative anti-recession program, initiated
with your cooperation, supported the natural forces in the private sector;
and our economy is now enjoying renewed confidence and energy. The recession
has been halted. Recovery is under way.
But the task of abating unemployment and achieving a full use of our
resources does remain a serious challenge for us all. Large-scale
unemployment during a recession is bad enough, but large-scale unemployment
during a period of prosperity would be intolerable.
I am therefore transmitting to the Congress a new Manpower Development and
Training program, to train or retrain several hundred thousand workers,
particularly in those areas where we have seen chronic unemployment as a
result of technological factors in new occupational skills over a four-year
period, in order to replace those skills made obsolete by automation and
industrial change with the new skills which the new processes demand.
It should be a satisfaction to us all that we have made great strides in
restoring world confidence in the dollar, halting the outflow of gold and
improving our balance of payments. During the last two months, our gold
stocks actually increased by seventeen million dollars, compared to a loss
of 635 million dollars during the last two months of 1960. We must maintain
this progress--and this will require the cooperation and restraint of
everyone. As recovery progresses, there will be temptations to seek
unjustified price and wage increases. These we cannot afford. They will only
handicap our efforts to compete abroad and to achieve full recovery here at
home. Labor and management must--and I am confident that they will--pursue
responsible wage and price policies in these critical times. I look to the
President's Advisory Committee on Labor Management Policy to give a strong
lead in this direction.
Moreover, if the budget deficit now increased by the needs of our security
is to be held within manageable proportions, it will be necessary to hold
tightly to prudent fiscal standards; and I request the cooperation of the
Congress in this regard--to refrain from adding funds or programs, desirable
as they may be, to the Budget--to end the postal deficit, as my predecessor
also recommended, through increased rates--a deficit incidentally, this
year, which exceeds the fiscal 1962 cost of all the space and defense
measures that I am submitting today--to provide full pay-as-you-go highway
financing--and to close those tax loopholes earlier specified. Our security
and progress cannot be cheaply purchased; and their price must be found in
what we all forego as well as what we all must pay.
I stress the strength of our economy because it is essential to the strength
of our nation. And what is true in our case is true in the case of other
countries. Their strength in the struggle for freedom depends on the
strength of their economic and their social progress.
We would be badly mistaken to consider their problems in military terms
alone. For no amount of arms and armies can help stabilize those governments
which are unable or unwilling to achieve social and economic reform and
development. Military pacts cannot help nations whose social injustice and
economic chaos invite insurgency and penetration and subversion. The most
skillful counter-guerrilla efforts cannot succeed where the local population
is too caught up in its own misery to be concerned about the advance of
But for those who share this view, we stand ready now, as we have in the
past, to provide generously of our skills, and our capital, and our food to
assist the peoples of the less-developed nations to reach their goals in
freedom--to help them before they are engulfed in crisis.
This is also our great opportunity in 1961. If we grasp it, then subversion
to prevent its success is exposed as an unjustifiable attempt to keep these
nations from either being free or equal. But if we do not pursue it, and if
they do not pursue it, the bankruptcy of unstable governments, one by one,
and of unfilled hopes will surely lead to a series of totalitarian
Earlier in the year, I outlined to the Congress a new program for aiding
emerging nations; and it is my intention to transmit shortly draft
legislation to implement this program, to establish a new Act for
International Development, and to add to the figures previously requested,
in view of the swift pace of critical events, an additional 250 million
dollars for a Presidential Contingency Fund, to be used only upon a
Presidential determination in each case, with regular and complete reports
to the Congress in each case, when there is a sudden and extraordinary drain
upon our regular funds which we cannot foresee--as illustrated by recent
events in Southeast Asia--and it makes necessary the use of this emergency
reserve. The total amount requested--now raised to 2..65 billion dollars--is
both minimal and crucial. I do not see how anyone who is concerned--as we
all are--about the growing threats to freedom around the globe--and who is
asking what more we can do as a people--can weaken or oppose the single most
important program available for building the frontiers of freedom.
All that I have said makes it clear that we are engaged in a world-wide
struggle in which we bear a heavy burden to preserve and promote the ideals
that we share with all mankind, or have alien ideals forced upon them. That
struggle has highlighted the role of our Information Agency. It is essential
that the funds previously requested for this effort be not only approved in
full, but increased by 2 million, 400 thousand dollars, to a total of 121
million dollars.
This new request is for additional radio and television to Latin America and
Southeast Asia. These tools are particularly effective and essential in the
cities and villages of those great continents as a means of reaching
millions of uncertain peoples to tell them of our interest in their fight
for freedom. In Latin America, we are proposing to increase our Spanish and
Portuguese broadcasts to a total of 154 hours a week, compared to 42 hours
today, none of which is in Portuguese, the language of about one-third of
the people of South America. The Soviets, Red Chinese and satellites already
broadcast into Latin America more than 134 hours a week in Spanish and
Portuguese. Communist China alone does more public information broadcasting
in our own hemisphere than we do. Moreover, powerful propaganda broadcasts
from Havana now are heard throughout Latin America, encouraging new
revolutions in several countries.
Similarly, in Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand, we must communicate our
determination and support to those upon whom our hopes for resisting the
communist tide in that continent ultimately depend. Our interest is in the
But while we talk of sharing and building and the competition of ideas,
others talk of arms and threaten war. So we have learned to keep our
defenses strong--and to cooperate with others in a partnership of
self-defense. The events of recent weeks have caused us to look anew at
these efforts.
The center of freedom's defense is our network of world alliances, extending
from NATO, recommended by a Democratic President and approved by a
Republican Congress, to SEATO, recommended by a Republican President and
approved by a Democratic Congress. These alliances were constructed in the
1940's and 1950's--it is our task and responsibility in the 1960's to
strengthen them.
To meet the changing conditions of power--and power relationships have
changed--we have endorsed an increased emphasis on NATO's conventional
strength. At the same time we are affirming our conviction that the NATO
nuclear deterrent must also be kept strong. I have made clear our intention
to commit to the NATO command, for this purpose, the 5 Polaris submarines
originally suggested by President Eisenhower, with the possibility, if
needed, of more to come.
Second, a major part of our partnership for self-defense is the Military
Assistance Program. The main burden of local defense against local attack,
subversion, insurrection or guerrilla warfare must of necessity rest with
local forces. Where these forces have the necessary will and capacity to
cope with such threats, our intervention is rarely necessary or helpful.
Where the will is present and only capacity is lacking, our Military
Assistance Program can be of help.
But this program, like economic assistance, needs a new emphasis. It cannot
be extended without regard to the social, political and military reforms
essential to internal respect and stability. The equipment and training
provided must be tailored to legitimate local needs and to our own foreign
and military policies, not to our supply of military stocks or a local
leader's desire for military display. And military assistance can, in
addition to its military purposes, make a contribution to economic progress,
as do our own Army Engineers.
In an earlier message, I requested 1.6 billion dollars for Military
Assistance, stating that this would maintain existing force levels, but
that I could not foresee how much more might be required. It is now
clear that this is not enough. The present crisis in Southeast Asia, on
which the Vice President has made a valuable report--the rising threat
of communism in Latin America--the increased arms traffic in Africa--and
all the new pressures on every nation found on the map by tracing your
fingers along the borders of the Communist bloc in Asia and the Middle
East--all make clear the dimension of our needs.
I therefore request the Congress to provide a total of 1.885 billion
dollars for Military Assistance in the coming fiscal year--an amount
less than that requested a year ago--but a minimum which must be assured
if we are to help those nations make secure their independence. This
must be prudently and wisely spent--and that will be our common
endeavor. Military and economic assistance has been a heavy burden on
our citizens for a long time, and I recognize the strong pressures
against it; but this battle is far from over, it is reaching a crucial
stage, and I believe we should participate in it. We cannot merely state
our opposition to totalitarian advance without paying the price of
helping those now under the greatest pressure.
In line with these developments, I have directed a further reinforcement
of our own capacity to deter or resist non-nuclear aggression. In the
conventional field, with one exception, I find no present need for large
new levies of men. What is needed is rather a change of position to give
us still further increases in flexibility.
Therefore, I am directing the Secretary of Defense to undertake a
reorganization and modernization of the Army's divisional structure, to
increase its non-nuclear firepower, to improve its tactical mobility in
any environment, to insure its flexibility to meet any direct or
indirect threat, to facilitate its coordination with our major allies,
and to provide more modern mechanized divisions in Europe and bring
their equipment up to date, and new airborne brigades in both the
Pacific and Europe.
And secondly, I am asking the Congress for an additional 100 million
dollars to begin the procurement task necessary to re-equip this new
Army structure with the most modern material. New helicopters, new
armored personnel carriers, and new howitzers, for example, must be
obtained now.
Third, I am directing the Secretary of Defense to expand rapidly and
substantially, in cooperation with our Allies, the orientation of
existing forces for the conduct of non-nuclear war, paramilitary
operations and sub-limited or unconventional wars.
In addition our special forces and unconventional warfare units will be
increased and reoriented. Throughout the services new emphasis must be
placed on the special skills and languages which are required to work
with local populations.
Fourth, the Army is developing plans to make possible a much more rapid
deployment of a major portion of its highly trained reserve forces. When
these plans are completed and the reserve is strengthened, two
combat-equipped divisions, plus their supporting forces, a total of
89,000 men, could be ready in an emergency for operations with but 3
weeks' notice--2 more divisions with but 5 weeks' notice--and six
additional divisions and their supporting forces, making a total of 10
divisions, could be deployable with less than 8 weeks' notice. In short,
these new plans will allow us to almost double the combat power of the
Army in less than two months, compared to the nearly nine months
heretofore required.
Fifth, to enhance the already formidable ability of the Marine Corps to
respond to limited war emergencies, I am asking the Congress for 60
million dollars to increase the Marine Corps strength to 190,000 men.
This will increase the initial impact and staying power of our three
Marine divisions and three air wings, and provide a trained nucleus for
further expansion, if necessary for self-defense. Finally, to cite one
other area of activities that are both legitimate and necessary as a
means of self-defense in an age of hidden perils, our whole intelligence
effort must be reviewed, and its coordination with other elements of
policy assured. The Congress and the American people are entitled to
know that we will institute whatever new organization, policies, and
control are necessary.
One major element of the national security program which this nation has
never squarely faced up to is civil defense. This problem arises not from
present trends but from national inaction in which most of us have
participated. In the past decade we have intermittently considered a variety
of programs, but we have never adopted a consistent policy. Public
considerations have been largely characterized by apathy, indifference and
skepticism; while, at the same time, many of the civil defense plans have
been so far-reaching and unrealistic that they have not gained essential
This Administration has been looking hard at exactly what civil defense can
and cannot do. It cannot be obtained cheaply. It cannot give an assurance of
blast protection that will be proof against surprise attack or guaranteed
against obsolescence or destruction. And it cannot deter a nuclear attack.
We will deter an enemy from making a nuclear attack only if our retaliatory
power is so strong and so invulnerable that he knows he would be destroyed
by our response. If we have that strength, civil defense is not needed to
deter an attack. If we should ever lack it, civil defense would not be an
adequate substitute.
But this deterrent concept assumes rational calculations by rational men.
And the history of this planet, and particularly the history of the 20th
century, is sufficient to remind us of the possibilities of an irrational
attack, a miscalculation, an accidental war, [or a war of escalation in
which the stakes by each side gradually increase to the point of maximum
danger] which cannot be either foreseen or deterred. It is on this basis
that civil defense can be readily justifiable--as insurance for the civilian
population in case of an enemy miscalculation. It is insurance we trust will
never be needed--but insurance which we could never forgive ourselves for
foregoing in the event of catastrophe.
Once the validity of this concept is recognized, there is no point in
delaying the initiation of a nation-wide long-range program of identifying
present fallout shelter capacity and providing shelter in new and existing
structures. Such a program would protect millions of people against the
hazards of radioactive fallout in the event of large-scale nuclear attack.
Effective performance of the entire program not only requires new
legislative authority and more funds, but also sound organizational
Therefore, under the authority vested in me by Reorganization Plan No. 1 of
1958, I am assigning responsibility for this program to the top civilian
authority already responsible for continental defense, the Secretary of
Defense. It is important that this function remain civilian, in nature and
leadership; and this feature will not be changed.
The Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization will be reconstituted as a
small staff agency to assist in the coordination of these functions. To more
accurately describe its role, its title should be changed to the Office of
Emergency Planning.
As soon as those newly charged with these responsibilities have prepared new
authorization and appropriation requests, such requests will be transmitted
to the Congress for a much strengthened Federal-State civil defense program.
Such a program will provide Federal funds for identifying fallout shelter
capacity in existing, structures, and it will include, where appropriate,
incorporation of shelter in Federal buildings, new requirements for shelter
in buildings constructed with Federal assistance, and matching grants and
other incentives for constructing shelter in State and local and private
Federal appropriations for civil defense in fiscal 1962 under this program
will in all likelihood be more than triple the pending budget requests; and
they will increase sharply in subsequent years. Financial participation will
also be required from State and local governments and from private citizens.
But no insurance is cost-free; and every American citizen and his community
must decide for themselves whether this form of survival insurance justifies
the expenditure of effort, time and money. For myself, I am convinced that
it does.
I cannot end this discussion of defense and armaments without emphasizing
our strongest hope: the creation of an orderly world where disarmament will
be possible. Our aims do not prepare for war--they are efforts to discourage
and resist the adventures of others that could end in war.
That is why it is consistent with these efforts that we continue to press
for properly safeguarded disarmament measures. At Geneva, in cooperation
with the United Kingdom, we have put forward concrete proposals to make
clear our wish to meet the Soviets half way in an effective nuclear test ban
treaty--the first significant but essential step on the road towards
disarmament. Up to now, their response has not been what we hoped, but Mr.
Dean returned last night to Geneva, and we intend to go the last mile in
patience to secure this gain if we can
Meanwhile, we are determined to keep disarmament high on our agenda--to
make an intensified effort to develop acceptable political and technical
alternatives to the present arms race. To this end I shall send to the
Congress a measure to establish a strengthened and enlarged Disarmament
Finally, if we are to win the battle that is now going on around the
world between freedom and tyranny, the dramatic achievements in space
which occurred in recent weeks should have made clear to us all, as did
the Sputnik in 1957, the impact of this adventure on the minds of men
everywhere, who are attempting to make a determination of which road
they should take. Since early in my term, our efforts in space have been
under review. With the advice of the Vice President, who is Chairman of
the National Space Council, we have examined where we are strong and
where we are not, where we may succeed and where we may not. Now it is
time to take longer strides--time for a great new American
enterprise--time for this nation to take a clearly leading role in space
achievement, which in many ways may hold the key to our future on earth.
I believe we possess all the resources and talents necessary. But the
facts of the matter are that we have never made the national decisions
or marshaled the national resources required for such leadership. We
have never specified long-range goals on an urgent time schedule, or
managed our resources and our time so as to insure their fulfillment.
Recognizing the head start obtained by the Soviets with their large
rocket engines, which gives them many months of lead-time, and
recognizing the likelihood that they will exploit this lead for some
time to come in still more impressive successes, we nevertheless are
required to make new efforts on our own. For while we cannot guarantee
that we shall one day be first, we can guarantee that any failure to
make this effort will make us last. We take an additional risk by making
it in full view of the world, but as shown by the feat of astronaut
Shepard, this very risk enhances our stature when we are successful. But
this is not merely a race. Space is open to us now; and our eagerness to
share its meaning is not governed by the efforts of others. We go into
space because whatever mankind must undertake, free men must fully
I therefore ask the Congress, above and beyond the increases I have
earlier requested for space activities, to provide the funds which are
needed to meet the following national goals:
First, I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the
goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and
returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this
period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the
long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or
expensive to accomplish. We propose to accelerate the development of the
appropriate lunar space craft. We propose to develop alternate liquid
and solid fuel boosters, much larger than any now being developed, until
certain which is superior. We propose additional funds for other engine
development and for unmanned explorations--explorations which are
particularly important for one purpose which this nation will never
overlook: the survival of the man who first makes this daring flight.
But in a very real sense, it will not be one man going to the moon--if
we make this judgment affirmatively, it will be an entire nation. For
all of us must work to put him there.
Secondly, an additional 23 million dollars, together with 7 million
dollars already available, will accelerate development of the Rover
nuclear rocket. This gives promise of some day providing a means for
even more exciting and ambitious exploration of space, perhaps beyond
the moon, perhaps to the very end of the solar system itself.
Third, an additional 50 million dollars will make the most of our
present leadership, by accelerating the use of space satellites for
world-wide communications.
Fourth, an additional 75 million dollars--of which 53 million dollars is
for the Weather Bureau--will help give us at the earliest possible time
a satellite system for world-wide weather observation.
Let it be clear--and this is a judgment which the Members of the
Congress must finally make--let it be clear that I am asking the
Congress and the country to accept a firm commitment to a new course of
action, a course which will last for many years and carry very heavy
costs: 531 million dollars in fiscal '62--an estimated seven to nine
billion dollars additional over the next five years. If we are to go
only half way, or reduce our sights in the face of difficulty, in my
judgment it would be better not to go at all.
Now this is a choice which this country must make, and I am confident
that under the leadership of the Space Committees of the Congress, and
the Appropriating Committees, that you will consider the matter
It is a most important decision that we make as a nation. But all of you
have lived through the last four years and have seen the significance of
space and the adventures in space, and no one can predict with certainty
what the ultimate meaning will be of mastery of space.
I believe we should go to the moon. But I think every citizen of this
country as well as the Members of the Congress should consider the
matter carefully in making their judgment, to which we have given
attention over many weeks and months, because it is a heavy burden, and
there is no sense in agreeing or desiring that the United States take an
affirmative position in outer space, unless we are prepared to do the
work and bear the burdens to make it successful. If we are not, we
should decide today and this year.
This decision demands a major national commitment of scientific and
technical manpower, materiel and facilities, and the possibility of
their diversion from other important activities where they are already
thinly spread. It means a degree of dedication, organization and
discipline which have not always characterized our research and
development efforts. It means we cannot afford undue work stoppages,
inflated costs of material or talent, wasteful interagency rivalries, or
a high turnover of key personnel.
New objectives and new money cannot solve these problems. They could in
fact, aggravate them further--unless every scientist, every engineer,
every serviceman, every technician, contractor, and civil servant gives
his personal pledge that this nation will move forward, with the full
speed of freedom, in the exciting adventure of space.
In conclusion, let me emphasize one point. It is not a pleasure for any
President of the United States, as I am sure it was not a pleasure for
my predecessors, to come before the Congress and ask for new
appropriations which place burdens on our people. I came to this
conclusion with some reluctance. But in my judgment, this is a most
serious time in the life of our country and in the life of freedom
around the globe, and it is the obligation, I believe, of the President
of the United States to at least make his recommendations to the Members
of the Congress, so that they can reach their own conclusions with that
judgment before them. You must decide yourselves, as I have decided, and
I am confident that whether you finally decide in the way that I have
decided or not, that your judgment--as my judgment--is reached on what
is in the best interests of our country.
In conclusion, let me emphasize one point: that we are determined, as a
nation in 1961 that freedom shall survive and succeed--and whatever the
peril and set-backs, we have some very large advantages.
The first is the simple fact that we are on the side of liberty--and
since the beginning of history, and particularly since the end of the
Second World War, liberty has been winning out all over the globe.
A second real asset is that we are not alone. We have friends and allies
all over the world who share our devotion to freedom. May I cite as a
symbol of traditional and effective friendship the great ally I am about
to visit--France. I look forward to my visit to France, and to my
discussion with a great Captain of the Western World, President de
Gaulle, as a meeting of particular significance, permitting the kind of
close and ranging consultation that will strengthen both our countries
and serve the common purposes of world-wide peace and liberty. Such
serious conversations do not require a pale unanimity--they are rather
the instruments of trust and understanding over a long road.
A third asset is our desire for peace. It is sincere, and I believe the
world knows it. We are proving it in our patience at the test ban table,
and we are proving it in the UN where our efforts have been directed to
maintaining that organization's usefulness as a protector of the
independence of small nations. In these and other instances, the
response of our opponents has not been encouraging.
Yet it is important to know that our patience at the bargaining table is
nearly inexhaustible, though our credulity is limited that our hopes for
peace are unfailing, while our determination to protect our security is
resolute. For these reasons I have long thought it wise to meet with the
Soviet Premier for a personal exchange of views. A meeting in Vienna
turned out to be convenient for us both; and the Austrian government has
kindly made us welcome. No formal agenda is planned and no negotiations
will be undertaken; but we will make clear America's enduring concern is
for both peace and freedom--that we are anxious to live in harmony with
the Russian people--that we seek no conquests, no satellites, no
riches--that we seek only the day when "nation shall not lift up sword
against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."
Finally, our greatest asset in this struggle is the American
people--their willingness to pay the price for these programs--to
understand and accept a long struggle--to share their resources with
other less fortunate people--to meet the tax levels and close the tax
loopholes I have requested--to exercise self-restraint instead of
pushing up wages or prices, or over-producing certain crops, or
spreading military secrets, or urging unessential expenditures or
improper monopolies or harmful work stoppages--to serve in the Peace
Corps or the Armed Services or the Federal Civil Service or the
Congress--to strive for excellence in their schools, in their cities and
in their physical fitness and that of their children--to take part in
Civil Defense--to pay higher postal rates, and higher payroll taxes and
higher teachers' salaries, in order to strengthen our society--to show
friendship to students and visitors from other lands who visit us and go
back in many cases to be the future leaders, with an image of
America--and I want that image, and I know you do, to be affirmative and
positive--and, finally, to practice democracy at home, in all States,
with all races, to respect each other and to protect the Constitutional
rights of all citizens.
I have not asked for a single program which did not cause one or all
Americans some inconvenience, or some hardship, or some sacrifice. But
they have responded and you in the Congress have responded to your
duty--and I feel confident in asking today for a similar response to
these new and larger demands. It is heartening to know, as I journey
abroad, that our country is united in its commitment to freedom and is
ready to do its duty.
7-6-14 DREAM I was taking a nap in my meditation chair and
I woke up to hear my cell phone ring in the office. Then I heard a man
talking so I sat up and looked into the office and Joe was laying on my
credenza talking on my cell phone.
Joe saw me looking at him and started laughing and said "This guy is trying
to tell me his name is Russ Weeks and he's trying to sell me some red
I knew we could go to the store and get some red peppers without ordering
them over the phone.
NOTE: RAPHEIM sent me two articles just this morning about capsicum as
brain food, and that is 'red peppers:
Russ Weeks. Who is Russ
Weeks? Joe Manchin III. governormanchin.com ..... Citizens
for Modern Government -
Statement of Waiver · Post Primary Report.
May 13, 2008 ... Marty
Wiseman, a political scientist
at Mississippi State University, said if ... on Republican Russ
Weeks, a former state senator, in November.
Sep 23, 2013 ... Not
that politics has
been all fun and games for the former Beckley ...Russ Weeks,
a Republican who had upset Wooton four years earlier.
Links are also provided to those candidates political positions.
... Political Positions
Voting Records Election Results PoliGu.com Logo Bar ... Russ
for the red peppers information.
7-7-14 - DREAM - I was at a place that was circular and a ceremony
was to be held.
A man, dressed in an all white suit was supposed to blow his horn, but
he couldn't find the little piece you had to blow in, though the rest of
his horn was tucked under his arm.
He kept going around the circle at the horn blowing stations looking for
the piece to blow in and couldn't find it.
Also missing was the man named Kenneth who was in charge of the black
horse the man dressed in white was supposed to ride while blowing his
I was feeling anxious for the man dressed in white because he was late
for the ceremony which was to have started already.
I was almost holding my breath in anticipation because the ceremony was
to start and couldn't until the black horse appeared and he blew his
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth -
Kenneth is an
English given name and
surname. The name is
an ... The name Cinaed
is partly derived from the Celtic *aidhu, meaning "fire".
A short form of ...
www.behindthename.com/name/Kenneth - i ...
Anglicized form of both COINNEACH and CINÁED. This name was
borne by the Scottish king Kenneth (Cináed)
mac Alpin, who united the Scots and Picts in the ...
7-8-14 - DREAM I was at a school in a city. One
of the students was outside, wearing his drum major uniform, carrying a long red
stick and marching around the neighborhood. I was told by someone that the drum
major was forced by his father to practice like no one else ever did, for hours
at a time, he was made to march around the whole neighborhood in preparation for
the program that was coming.
I watched him for a few minutes, but I wanted to see what was going on inside
the school, so I took a shortcut around the school itself because it had a
narrow pathway right up against the building.
I went inside the building and went to the classroom where my daughter was
Inside that classroom, the teacher was placing either the students or life-size
photos of the students into little rectangular boxes that was the classroom
I expected my daughter's placement to be at the upper left hand corner wearing a
gold crown, like she was a queen, but she wasn't there. I saw her in the
lower left hand corner, wearing a gold lame uniform or whatever one might call
it, and she curled up looking more like a baby wearing a footed onesy..
All the rest of the student were wearing darkish blueish silver outfits like
they were sitting in the dark. She was the only one wearing gold and
bright in the sunshine.
I didn't see any particular structure or placement plan - the rectangles were
placed okay, but the students were not in any way similar to each other as to
how they were dressed, just the color being the same.
7-8-14 - DREAM - I was looking at a bunch of black cartoon Felix the cats with
big mouths looking like they were taking giant bites out of each other. I
woke up and on the 'paused' TV screen was the picture of a giant sized man
taking a huge bite with open mouth from a bun covered with an onion and lettuce.
7-9-14 DREAM I went to a place I had never been before, and was
given a variety of bills to pay and I realized it was only right that I should
pay these bills and I did so willingly.
7-9-14 DREAM Before falling asleep, I was going over and over in my
mind how I was going to do my tax papers for the year, when all the income for
my business was my own money from another bank account - that's not income
because it's my own money.
Then I fell asleep
I found myself in my Father's 16th St. house. A very buxom black woman
came into the house and she was to be my new business manager.
She sat at the kitchen table on a round backed wooden chair.
I looked in the mirror and saw myself as a young tall red haired young woman
with a short bobbed hairdo.
I said to the black woman, "That's what I used to look like when I was
young -(obviously not really) but she looked like a really good young
friend of mine OR my granddaughter Christiana.
My husband Jim came into the room and talking like the black woman wasn't there
and couldn't hear him, he said, "Boy! If that woman turned around fast,
her boobs would knock you right out!"
I tried to ignore him like he hadn't said it and if he didn't say it, she
couldn't have heard it.
All of a sudden, the young red haired young woman was standing in front of me,
telling me that she was going to the doctor to find out if she was pregnant.
She walked out the front door and her husband/boyfriend was on the front porch
to take her to the doctor, and she said to me, "You want to name them?
hehehe" like she knew she was going to have twins because she had already
been practicing getting pregnant.
I was going to say, "Have you been having symptoms?" but I didn't get to
say it.
I said to her, "Sure!"
and woke up
7-10-14 - DREAM I was watching a group of dark brown numbered bricks
revolve slowly clockwise.
These bricks needed to be moved one at a time such that the #1 would be touching
the #2 brick, or the #20 brick touching the #21 brick, etc.
None of these bricks were currently in the right position, and no brick could be
moved if it meant moving a brick so it touched a numbered brick that wasn't
adjacent to its number.
NOTE: I have dozens of dreams just like this over the years.
7-11-14 - DREAM - I was living in a one story house, but not my real life
house. The man across the street was transplanting trees alongside his
property line and he fell and hurt himself.
I ran out into the street to make sure he was okay, and I asked if he was
bleeding, and there was no blood on his shirt. He said he had hurt his
right shoulder on the back, and he pulled his shirt back at the collar and there
was a huge triangular dent in his skin, but there was no blood - just a deep
He and I were both relieved that he wasn't bleeding.
I then went back into my own house where my little girl was wearing brown boots
that were too big for her, and she was clomping around the bedroom in them.
When she took the boots off, I tried them on myself, but they were too small for
me, and I had to stand on my toes in them, so I was clomping around the bedroom
in them as well. Unfortunately, my husband and the man across the street
came into the room while I was doing that and I felt really dumb.
I went out into the living room then, where a tall, thin woman was looking out
the patio door looking east. There was a huge storm cloud in the sky -
not the whole sky, but a huge cloud that was getting darker and darker. I
got closer to the patio door and saw that the cloud was reflecting on our blue
car out on the street, which made our car look black, so I commented on that.
But, the cloud was not getting closer to us, and it didn't rain.
I woke up to the sound of something loud rumbling outside... not a cloud, but a
truck of some kind.

7-11-14 - NAP DREAM I was in a house somewhere and I looked out the
window into the sky I saw double edged wheel in the sky - a very large one -
that looked like and old fashioned bicycle wheel.
When I went to the other side of the house and looked out the window into the
sky, I saw a smaller sized duplicate of that same double edged wheel.
I don't know if it was a reflection or just 'another' smaller wheel in the sky.
NOTE: It came to me later that it was a wheel within a wheel.
Hubble sees 'wheel within wheel'

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By Dr David Whitehouse
BBC News Online science editor |
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A stellar "wheel within a wheel" is how
one astronomer described it.
It is an unusual galaxy called Hoag's Object. The Hubble view of the
galaxy is the most detailed image ever obtained of this object. It
may help astronomers unravel how such strange objects form.
The entire galaxy is about 120,000 light-years wide, slightly larger
than our Milky Way Galaxy.
The blue ring - which is dominated by clusters of young, massive
stars - contrasts sharply with the yellow nucleus of mostly older
This unusual galaxy was discovered in 1950 by astronomer Art Hoag.
Hoag thought the smoke-ring-like object resembled a planetary
nebula, the glowing remains of a Sun-like star.
But he quickly discounted that possibility, suggesting that the
mysterious object was most likely a galaxy.
Big smash
It was not until the 1970s that observations confirmed this
prediction, though many of the details of Hoag's galaxy remain a
The galaxy is 600 million light-years away in the constellation
What appears to be a "gap" separating the
two types of stars may not be a gap at all but contain star clusters
that are almost too faint to see.
Curiously, an object that bears an uncanny resemblance to Hoag's
Object can be seen in the gap. It is probably a background ring
Ring-shaped galaxies can form in several different ways. One way is
through a collision with another galaxy. Sometimes the second galaxy
speeds through the first, leaving a wave of star formation in its
In Hoag's Object, however, there is no sign of a second galaxy,
which leads to the suspicion that the blue ring of stars may be the
shredded remains of the galaxy that passed nearby.
Some astronomers estimate that the encounter occurred about two to
three billion years ago.
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Wheels within Wheels Planets & Asteroid belts rotating within the rotation of
Bigger Planets and larger Asteroid Belts.
The rotations are from almost perfect circle but the most common form of
rotation is in the shape of an Oval or elliptical orbits.

God did all that for a Reason!
However bring it down to a smaller picture, Our solar system!
Our Solar system for example controls our gravity, our weather pattern our tides
for example, the moon alone is evidence of this.
The Elliptical cycles of the planets as viewed from the SUN against the back
drop of the Stars, provide for us a massive clock AND when measuring this Clock
in frequencies it become evident that this is a musical Clock if you will.
Jesus said in GOD’S
WORD® Translation (©1995)
Jesus replied, “I can guarantee that if they are quiet, the stones will
cry out.”
The Heaven’s or the rotation of the Heavens when measured as a frequency are
Musical. As we shall see later, there is Music in the markets as Music is
just numbers in time.
A musician friend said to me “when speaking of his Guitar” he sees it as a grid,
What do we see above and on the videos “Grids” All the planets, asteroid
belts, comets, black holes, dust & gas clouds positioned all moving within the
Frequency it was designed.
Relating this back to the Markets
The Markets whether they be Stock, Futures, Commodities or Currencies all
resonate a frequency. They all have Cycles within Cycles.
The cycles within the cycles are numbers and numbers in time.
When one views and goes back and examines and matches the market moves, to the
cycles and the Synodic cycles (view from the SUN), of the planets, one can find
that the cycles and market moves closely resemble mathematical musical
frequencies say of G Major of g Minor or whatever they are. This is
probably why musicians can time the market well i.e. it is simply playing
them a tune.
It is possible to project these cycles hours, days, weeks, months, years and
decades etc. into the future.
This is because the musical clock in our solar system does not change but rather
indicates to us when a cycle is about to change. Say from UP to Down.
By using this knowledge one has a distinct advance over the majority that do
Possible trade will increase to over 90 success rate – the average broker and
trader is a mere 60% – Not worth backing your hard earned God given money or
wealth on! To be a good steward of your wealth is to know the Wheels
within Wheels or Cycles within Cycles that God has put there for us to use.
Global Positioning System
The author of the website has thought over many years that this was a type of
global positioning system when thought of as an Orb of Planet Earth.
For Example, when you have an wooden old orb of Planet Earth you have the earth
hanging as it were from the top of frame and the curved frame (usually wooden)
holding the bottom of the earth Orb. The frame is always at an angle to show the
AXIS of the earth. When this frame is extended around the whole orb you have
latitude. When you add another frame on an horizontal basis you now have
longitude. Hence if the two frames moving you have a very precise global
positioning system.
What has this to do with Ezekiel Chapter one. Gann was able to realised
that what was being described what a Position system when related to Earth and
everything in the universe. And a Second and just as importantly a wheel within
a wheel is also a cycle within a cycle or cycles. A time frame within another
timeframe and in relation to price, a price achieved within the building to a
greater or lesser price depending on the trending.
Fibonacci Spirals – Wheels within Wheels – Spirals within Spirals
He may have also realised that the Fibonacci Sequence is a Spiral and the Spiral
leads to oneness in eternity and out to eternity. Here is a exceptionally good
video explaining spirals or as Ezekiel saw it wheels within wheels spirals
within and on top of spirals by Charles Gilchrist.
In relation to investing God’s way, GOD has given us a longitude and latitude
positioning system. He has given us timeframes within timeframes and the
mathematics to work out a price and then using that to calculate precisely a
greater or lesser price depending on the trend.
Gann worked out that the Latitude was Price from $0.00 to whatever price the
security gets too and, Longitude is Time. Time is the unit of time, under what
you are studying or working with, be it seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks,
months, years or centuries and so on.
These are Critical Tools, God has provided for the astute investor and trader.
The ability to Measure Time and Price, Space and Volume, and therefore Cycles.
In Fact these tools is critical in achieving an higher investment
performance percentage.
Gann developed his Square of 4, Square of 9 and he called his master calculator
his wheel of 24 he also made the hexagon to illustrate that the stocks may move
differently than what you may be expecting.
He called the master chart the (Wheel of 24) due to there being 24 hours in a
day. So it is possible to use the tool on a intraday basis.
Below are computer screen shots of the tools that Gann used by hand.
We will start with the Master Wheel of 24 first. By clicking on the chart you
can enlarge it for a better view.

As you can see around the edge each day of the year is there giving us longitude
and the price is in the middle of the circle given us Latitude. Therefore Time
and Price by Degrees.
Square of Nine:

Square of Four:

Hexagon Chart:

This next video, I watch with the sound down because I do not understand w
DREAM: In the dream, I made up my own song, using the tune to DEAR ONE:
BUT, I made up my own words about Easter, and one sentence was: IF THERE
trying to explain it to the son of my friend inside a church that had shiny
yellow flowered paint on the domed ceiling, and told him that if there is no
resurrection its like having Easter with no colored and dyed Easter eggs and
everything is just dull pale white like the original chicken or duck laid egg.
I wish I could remember the rest of the words to the song because I actually saw
them written out.
The Resurrection of the Dead
12Now if Christ is preached, that
He has been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no
resurrection of the dead? 13But
if there is no resurrection of the dead, not even Christ has been raised; 14and
if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is vain, your faith also
is vain.…
Cross References
1 Corinthians 15:12
But if it is preached that Christ has
been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no
resurrection of the dead?
1 Corinthians 15:14
And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your
Treasury of Scripture
But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen:
Corinthians 15:20 But
now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits …
John 11:25,26 Jesus
said to her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believes …
Acts 23:8 For
the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, neither angel, …
Romans 4:24,25 But
for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him …
Romans 8:11,23 But
if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you…
Corinthians 4:10-14 Always
bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that …
Colossians 3:1-4 If
you then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, …
Thessalonians 4:14 For
if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also …
Timothy 4:8 From
now on there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which …
Hebrews 2:14 For
as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, …
Hebrews 13:20 Now
the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, …
Peter 1:3 Blessed
be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ…
Revelation 1:18 I
am he that lives, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for ever …
Christ Dead Life Persons Raised
Resurrection Risen Rising
Since this is going to go on a blog page, I'll tell the full story of how this
dream came about.
I'm currently reading a book by the name "The Power of the Magdalene".
It's really a story of some people who gathered other people together to
do past-life remembrances of the time about 2,000 years ago when Jeshua
benJoseph was alive and the Essene's group was working.
I opened to the book to my current bookmark placement, and the page was quoting
a woman who thought she lived in that time period. In that lifetime, she was a
The woman, under hypnosis, said she saw a tall, thin man who was talking to
others, and it looked like his head was glowing. She realized that was
Jeshua benJoseph, and the glow around his head which was pink colored was his
aura, which in that lifetime she could see on other people - their auras.
Then she saw him again, and he didn't look quite the same - and he had large
holes in each foot - she realized that Jeshua benJoseph was not in his
physical body that time - but that he had bilocated there the second time.
I stopped reading at that point, because earlier, I had read that Mary Magdalene
had been taught information by Jeshua benJoseph that few people knew.
So, I went deep into meditation to see if I could astral travel.
I found myself in a room that had a wooden wheel divided into what should have
been 12 parts. There was supposed to be a man in each section.
The man at the head of the circle was named Arthur.
I noticed that the circle wasn't a true circle, but wasn't, there was one
section missing.
I looked at each section and the section missing was number 7.
When I woke up from that dream, the thought "Knights of the Round Table" came
into my mind.
7-13-14 3 DREAMS I Drempt of two different political
wheels, and a family circle. All were happy events.
722 different wheels
7-13-14 -DREAM - I was downtown somewhere in Milwaukee, in a very large multiple
story apartment building, that was being cleaned and remodeled.
I was in the basement, when all of a sudden, I got extremely weak and slumped to
the floor. I knew it was because of some drug some man had given me.
I wanted to go home immediately but didn't know where I had left my purse in one
of the upstairs rooms.
I wanted to take a cab because I was afraid I'd pass out on a bus and cause a
problem for myself. A cab driver wouldn't even notice if I fell asleep in
the back seat of the cab.
I went upstairs and looked in one of the rooms I had been in, but it
wasn't there.
Out in the hall I met a boy around 10 years old. He pointed out that the
elevator wasn't there and there was no door on it either, so I had to take the
Down on the first floor, I met a woman who seemed to have some authority.
She showed me a beautiful large room where a rich woman had just moved out of.
I said to her. "This room is beautiful enough to have parties in. "
She agreed.
I seemed to have some kind of authority in this building too but apparently
wasn't the manager because I didn't have keys - unless they were in my purse.
I then told the woman I needed to find my purse. I didn't tell her about
the drug though - I didn't even know what it was or why it made me pass out.
ERSEY CITY, N.J. (AP) - A gunman who killed a rookie officer responding to a
report of an armed robbery at a drugstore early Sunday never tried to rob the
store and instead lay in wait for police, telling a witness to watch the news
because he was "going to be famous," authorities said.
Lawrence Campbell shot Officer Melvin Santiago in the head shortly after he and
his partner arrived at the 24-hour Walgreens at around 4 a.m., Jersey City Mayor
Steven Fulop said. Other officers returned fire at Campbell, killing him.
Campbell, 27, of Jersey City, was one of three suspects wanted by police for a
prior homicide, Fulop said.
Fulop said Campbell was carrying a knife when he walked into Walgreens and asked
for directions to the greeting card aisle. He assaulted an armed security guard
at the store and snatched his gun, Fulop said.
According to Fulop, Campbell approached a witness and apologized for his
conduct, then said to watch the news later because he was "going to be famous,"
then waited for officers to arrive and shot Santiago with what police believe
was the guard's weapon.
"Today was a horrible day for Jersey City," Fulop said.
Dozens of officers stood single file at the entrance of the hospital and saluted
as Santiago's flag-draped body was carried into an ambulance. A handful of
younger officers consoled one another as they walked away. Santiago, 23,
graduated from the police academy in December.
Fulop was there when Santiago's body arrived at the hospital. As Santiago's
mother identified the body, Fulop said, she "just keep repeating the badge
number and saying that it's not possible."
Santiago is the first Jersey City officer killed in the line of duty since
Detective Marc DiNardo died in July 2009 during a raid on an apartment while
searching for suspects in a robbery.
"It is a tragic situation when any officer is killed in the line of duty," Fulop
said. "Melvin was an officer who represented everything one would want to see in
a police officer. I know the entire city's thoughts and prayers are with the
Santiago family during this difficult time and we mourn together."
Jean Belviso, who has been delivering newspapers for 10 years, was driving
through the Walgreens parking lot when she said saw a man wearing burgundy
sweatpants and a baseball cap walk out of the store. A police cruiser pulled up
in front of Walgreens, and the suspect began shooting, the 61-year-old Belviso
"We thought he was running, coming toward us," said Belviso, who was riding
along with a friend. "He kept on shooting."
Bullets flew through the cruiser's windshield, 13 in all. The suspect was shot
multiple times, and officers slapped handcuffs on him, Belviso said.
Campbell's body remained on the ground next to the bullet-riddled cruiser for
more than five hours after the shooting before it was placed in a coroner's van
and taken away.
Markeisha Marshall, a spokeswoman for Walgreens, said the company was "deeply
regretful" over the officer's death and extended its sympathies to his family
and friends. The store has round-the-clock armed security, Marshall noted.
Police are also searching for another man who they believe was involved in the
previous homicide with Campbell, Fulop said. They have been aggressively seeking
Daniel Wilson for the last three days, Fulop said.
The Jersey City Police Benevolent Association said in a statement that their
hearts were heavy over Santiago's death.
"Patrolman Santiago knew the risks associated with this job, yet he put himself
in front of danger in order to keep Jersey City safe," the association said.
"Words cannot adequately express our feelings about this senseless tragedy."
The officer's stepfather, Alex McBride, said Santiago was "very proud" to be a
police officer, following in the footsteps of his uncle. McBride said he had
been in Santiago's life for 14 years, noting that his stepson had wanted to be a
police officer since playing the "Call of Duty" video game.
"Melvin was the best kid," he said, choking up as he sat hunched over on a
plastic crate in an alley outside the family's apartment. "I watched him
graduate from high school. He joined every sport, everything. He never did no
harm to nobody. And he was full of life."
Gary Nahrwold, 24, recalled his friend Santiago first saying a decade ago that
he wanted to become a police officer. Nahrwold also hopes to join the force and
said he won't be discouraged by Santiago's slaying.
"It just gives me more purpose to do it," he said. "I'm not going to be deterred
by some senseless crimes."
7-14-14- DREAM - All I remember is that I was living in a reddish wood
cabin somewhere
7-14-14- NAP DREAM - I was sitting on a rope swing - on a little board and
the wing was indoors in a cabin and I was happy.
7-15-14 - DREAM - I was in my New Berlin house. It had been sold,
but I was still in the house - because no money had changed hands yet. I
knew I had to move but had no funds to put down on a different place to live and
it was too early in the day to do anything. It was just before 8
But, that was not the worst problem.
Outside, leaning on the house was a piece of tree trunk - at least 10 feet
across. This piece of tree trunk was sitting on the ground, but it was
leaning against the house at the base of the second story of the house with a
shredded piece about a foot tall - actually touching the house.
I didn't know how that piece of tree trunk got there or where it came from, but
it had to be moved without damaging the house and I had no idea how that could
be accomplished or how big the equipment would have to be to move a tree think
piece that large. (At this point I'm not even thinking about how it got there -
just knowing the danger of moving it away from touching the house)
A woman showed up - evidently a friend, and told her the problem, and was
wringing my hands with great trepidation about all these issues, the lack of
money, no transportation, too early in the day to call anyone, etc.
While I was telling her this, I noticed in the living room that there were two
different types of vines growing in pots that were on little tables in the
northeast corner of the room by a window.
Both vines looked healthy, but they were different, one had very fine tendrils
hanging from branches where new leaves would grow off of, and the other one had
stronger branches on it with some leaves I don't recall the shape of. Both
vines in pots were on tables about three feet high, each on their own table and
side by side.
I would take these vines on their tables with me when I moved.
All of a sudden some work men came into the house and were walking around
looking at the walls and ceilings and estimating what had to be done.
I looked at the ceiling - the light fixture had been removed and wires were
hanging out of the hole in the ceiling. So there was no light in the
house, only light from outside the window as the sun had come up though I
couldn't see it.
I knew they didn't have any authority to do anything about my dilemma, so I
didn't speak to them, just watched what they were doing.
Then I heard a noise out in front of the house - the boss had arrived, and it
was Chris (our current new landlord from California)
He had a bright orange bulldozer with him and he was looking at the piece of
tree trunk and he was going to try to move it by himself. He was the new
owner of the house, so he had the authority to move this piece of tree, and
since he was the expert, he also knew the danger of moving the piece of tree and
I could see he was looking up at the top of the piece of tree trunk that was
leaning on the house that he now owned.
I was in such a panic, I didn't know what to do, and it wasn't his problem that
I had no money to move - it was a matter of getting the funds that would release
me from my dilemma, and it was still too early in the day to find out where
those funds were so I could use them to find a new place to live.
I woke up suddenly, and within moments, Christ drove by our house on his
bulldozer pulling a spraying machine.
A coincidence? Maybe the sound of the bulldozer had created the dream in
the first place, plus our tree experiences with him recently.
www.greatdreams.com/treeol.htm - Similarto
The Tree of
Life Crop Circle Formation
This article explains the extraordinary Kabalistic Tree of
Life crop circle formation. The dates and coordinates had apparent
connections to Crowley's New Aeon, ...
www.greatdreams.com/treelife.htm - Similarto
LIFE - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
LIFE. 1-23-98 - VISION - As I was falling asleep, I was watching two
little girls playing with a ball of light. They ended up standing on the
ball of ...
www.greatdreams.com/plum-tree.htm - Similarto
I then noticed a palm tree growing
in the yard near the plum tree and
I knew that palm trees can't grow
in Wisconsin so I didn't know how it got there. I then saw ...
May 8, 2014 ... TREE OF
LIFE AS OF MAY 8, 2014. Dee Finney's blog. start date July 20, 2011.
today's date May 8, 2014.
www.greatdreams.com/Qabalah/hod.htm - Similarto
HOD - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that
is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of
life also in the midst of the garden, and ...
www.greatdreams.com/trees.htm - Similarto TREES AND
Trees and
Bushes of the Bible. Genesis 1:10 And God called the dry [land] Earth;
and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw
that [it ...
www.greatdreams.com/treedrms.htm - Similarto
This is our Chinaberry tree in
the back yard. The beautiful orange berries, dry into fluted bead-like
nuts with two seeds within. Catholic nuns make rosaries out of ...
www.greatdreams.com/iceage_and_tree.htm - Similarto
5-5-02 - A WORK NIGHT - DREAM - I was manager of an apartment building
scheduling maintenance work and doing other people's laundry along with my
own ...
www.greatdreams.com/sacred/cut-banded-tree-two.htm - Similarto
May 9, 2009 ... It
was a painting of a pine tree trunk.
As he showed me this painting, it became more and more brilliantly colored -
just the trunk of the tree -
with ...
Jun 26, 2014 ... NOTE:
Joe Mason says it represents the shattering of the vessels,
which .... Dee Finney's blog May
16, 2012 page 219 THE TIME OF JACOB'S .
Oct 27, 2013 ... 1
1 And their father Israel said to them, “If it must be so, then do this:
Take some of the best fruits of the land in your vessels and
carry down a ...
Feb 3, 2012 ... Dee
/Finney's blog ...
opaque (Qlippot), obstructing our view of the upper source Worlds of the
Olam, after the "shattering of Vessels"
7-15-14 NAP DREAM I was looking at a couple of web pages of
collections of articles about Trees - but not physical trees - spiritual trees,
and I tried to copy them into my own web page, They were laid out in
columns - at least 5 across.
www.psychicsuniverse.com/articles/spiritual.../spiritual-power-... - Similarto
The Spiritual Power
of Trees -
Psychics Universe
Sep 8, 2013 ... Trees have
an interesting role in the world of spirituality.
Many people may instantly think about the practice of decorating a
Christmas tree,
but ...
odb.org/1999/04/11/spiritual-trees/ - Similarto Spiritual
Trees | Our Daily Bread
Apr 11, 1999 ... Godly
men and women are compared in Scripture to sturdy, healthy trees,
planted by the rivers of water, laden with fruit, and full of leaves
lightomega.org/Ind/Pure/Spiritual-Nature-of-Trees.html - Similarto
The Spiritual Nature
of Trees -
Light Omega
The inner being of a tree is
both a part of the Earth and an individualized life-form that has
feeling, consciousness, and a capacity to commune with the state of ...
www.platbos.co.za/articles_spiritual.html - Similarto
Platbos indigenous forest | Trees as Spiritual Teachers
Trees as Spiritual Teachers.
By Melissa Krige. Trees and
forests are a prerequisite for life on our planet. Referred to as the
lungs of the Earth since they produce ...
- Similarto
The Healing Power of Trees: Spiritual Journeys
Through the ...
The Healing Power of Trees: Spiritual Journeys
Through the Celtic Tree Calendar
[Sharlyn Hidalgo] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
academic.evergreen.edu/n/nadkarnn/cv/pdfs_new/Nadkarni;...pdf - Similarto Trees and Spirituality:
An Exploration; - Academi...
Trees and Spirituality:
An Exploration;. From a talk at the Olympia. Zen Temple March 3, 2002.
By Nalini Nadkarni. Trees are
Earth 's endless effort to speak to.
www.deseretnews.com/.../Trees-of-life-They-are-powerful-attract... - Similarto Trees of
life: They are powerful, attractive spiritual ...
Jan 23, 2010 ... But
then trees have
always been a powerful and attractive spiritual
And the nice thing is, to locate one, you need only look in your own ...
- Similarto Tree Spirits
for Spiritual Growth
- Michele Knight
Our ancient forefathers and foremothers recognized the spirit indwelling
all things alive. Tree spirits
are some of the most profound sages on this planet, with the ...
www.in5d.com/the-healing-tree.html - Similarto
The Healing Tree |
in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and
Apr 26, 2011 ... Apart
from being the home of animals and birds, trees were
also thought to embody a spirit, and people would leave offerings to the spiritual ...
www.sacredcamelgardens.com/trees/main.php - Similarto Spiritual Life
of Trees -
Sacred Camel Gardens
Spiritual Life of Trees.
Wisdom About Trees.
presented by Adi Da Samraj, founder of Fear-No-More Zoo. The Tree Is
the Fundamental Structure · Two Birds in the ...
www.speakingtree.in/ - Similarto
Speakingtree.in | India's first Spiritual Networking
Watch Satsangs Videos, Connect to spiritual gurus
for inner peace by mediation & learn to meditate with ... Speaking Tree India's
first spiritual networking
www.csmonitor.com/.../A-Nobel-Peace-Prize-winner-finds-spiritua... - Similarto
A Nobel Peace Prize winner finds spiritual values
in planting ...
Jan 24, 2011 ... Nobel
laureate Wangari Maathai, who founded the Green Belt Movement, says spiritual values
are the key to healing ourselves and our ...
www.yourspiritexpressedforsuccess.com/.../spiritual-success-tea... - Similarto Spiritual Success
Teachings from Trees |
Your Spirit ...
Spiritual Success
Teachings from Trees.
By admin. 18 Oct. What are you feeling ready to stop hanging onto in
your life and just let go? I'm feeling the Earth ...
https://twitter.com/SpiritTrees - Similarto Spiritual
Trees (SpiritTrees) on
The latest from Spiritual
Trees (@SpiritTrees).
Open minded and aspiring | journeying through this chapter ignoring
expectations | #3rdeyetribe # goodvibetribe.
www.kew.org/plant-cultures/plants/tamarind_spiritual.html - Similarto
PLANT CULTURES - Tamarind in sacred and spiritual life
In Sanskrit texts tamarind is referred to as the tintrini tree.
Legend connects it to Usha, the daughter of the goddess Parvati. In
honour of Usha, tamarind may be ...
- Similarto
The Spiritual Element
of Trees in
Symbolism Library Forum
Aug 31, 2005 ... Trees hold
a special significance as both practical providers and powerful
spiritual presences
and have witnessed life on earth over large ...
1. Trees as spiritual antennas.
Anil K. Rajvanshi. Director, Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute
(NARI),. P.O. Box 44, PHALTAN-415523, Maharashtra.
7-16-14 DREAM I was aligning chapter titles onto a webpage.
That reminds me that I have six books waiting for me at Barnes & Noble. I
should go get them.
7-17-14 - DREAM - I was with a man who looked like E.J. on the TV show "Days of
Our Lives" - very handsome but without moral conscience, who had a father
who was the same demeanor but ugly besides. The both had endless stashes
of money and did anything they could not to pay taxes on their income.
We were told there was a flood coming, but the building we had was not ready for
The edge of the roof of our building had many, many arches - about 4 inches
across, and E.J. said he could take care of that problem and had to build - out
of wood, the exact opposite shape to fit into those arches to seal off the
These arch fillers were painted bright blue.
E.J. did that really fast with no problem at all.
Keystone (Masonic Keystone, Royal Arch Symbol)
The keystone is
a significant symbol in the York Rite of Freemasonry, where it figures in
the unfolding symbolic tale of Hiram the builder. In masonic lore, Hiram is
the inventor of the keystone, and its significance is lost upon his
assassination. The ritual narrative centered around this stone recalls the
biblical “stone the builders refused,” as the uninitiated, not knowing the
purpose of the oddly-shaped stone, consign it to the rubbish heap. It is
only rediscovered when King Solomon inquires after its whereabouts.
The letters inscribed are short for the coded phrase: “Hiram The Widows Son
Sent to King Solomon,” an obvious cipher, the meaning of which is likely
In masonry, the
keystone is the stone that holds together a stone arch. The oddly-shaped
keystone is a feat of early engineering, allowing builders to incorporate
windows, doorways, and other building elements to a building without
sacrificing strength. The main benefit of this innovation is to allow
for much more natural light in a structure.
the stone is the last placed, completing the arch created by the pillars Jachim
and Boaz. It is analogous to coagulation in the alchemical process, an
emblem of completion. Astrologically, the keystone represents the
summer solstice- the sun entering the sign of Cancer at its highest point in
the northern sky, as illustrated below:

The Meaning of Masonry
W. L. Wilmshurst
Chapter IV
Freemasonry, under the English Constitution, reaches its climax and
conclusion in the Order of the Holy Royal Arch. There exists a variety of
other degrees ramifying from the main stem of the Masonic system which
either elaborate side-points of its doctrine or re-express its teachings in
alternative symbolism. These, while of greater or less merit and interest,
are beyond our present consideration, and, indeed, are superfluities tending
rather to diffuse the student’s attention than to deepen his insight into
the central purpose of the Craft. The taking of additional higher degrees
may be indulged in almost indefinitely, but to what purpose if the initial
ones, which contain all that is necessary for the understanding of the
subject, remain imperfectly assimilated? It is a fallacy to suppose that the
multiplying of degrees will result in the discovery of important arcane
secrets which one has failed to find in the rites of the Craft and the Royal
Arch. The higher degrees indeed illustrate truths of much interest and often
set forth with impressive ceremonial beauty, the appreciation of which will
be the greater after and not before the meaning of the preliminary ones has
been thoroughly absorbed; whilst the pursuit of “secrets” is certain to
prove illusory, for the only secrets worth the name or the finding are those
incommunicable ones which discover themselves within the personal
consciousness of the seeker who is in earnest to translate ceremonial
representation into facts of spiritual experience.
It was accordingly a sound instinct that prompted those who settled the
present constitution of the Order to exclude these supplementary refinements
and to declare that “Masonry consists of the three Craft Degrees and the
Holy Royal Arch and no more”, for within that compass is exhibited, or at
least outlined, the entire process of human regeneration; so that after the
Royal Arch there really remains nothing more to be said, although what has
been said is of course capable of elaboration.
The completeness of regeneration theoretically postulated in those four
stages is marked, it should be observed, by the very significant expression
used in connection with a Royal Arch Chapter, which is interpreted as
meaning “My people having obtained mercy”, which in its further analysis
signifies that all the parts and faculties (“people”) of the candidate’s
organism have at last, and as the result of his previous discipline and
ordeals, become sublimated and integrated in a new quality and higher order
of life than that previously enjoyed in virtue of his merely temporal
nature. In a word, he has become regenerated. He has achieved the miracle of
“squaring the circle”—a metaphorical expression for regeneration, as shall
be explained presently.
Although but an expansion and completion of the Third Degree, of which at
one time it formed part, there were good reasons for detaching the Royal
Arch portion from what now forms the Degree of Master Mason. The two parts
in combination made an inconveniently long rite, whilst a change in the
symbolic appointments and officers of the temple of initiation was
necessary, as the ceremony proceeded, to give appropriate spectacular
representation to the further points calling for expression. Despite this
re-arrangement the Royal Arch is the natural conclusion and fulfillment of
the Third Degree. The latter inculcates the necessity of mystical death and
dramatizes the process of such death and revival therefrom into newness of
life. The Royal Arch carries the process a stage farther, by showing its
fulfilment in the “exaltation” or apotheosis of him who has undergone it.
The Master Mason’s Degree might be said to be represented in the terms of
Christian theology by the formula “He suffered and was buried and rose
again”, whilst the equivalent of the exaltation ceremony is “He ascended
into heaven”.
The Royal Arch Degree seeks to express that new and intensified life to
which the candidate can be raised and the exalted degree of consciousness
that comes with it. From being conscious merely as a natural man and in the
natural restricted way common to every one born into this world, he becomes
exalted (whilst still in his natural flesh) to consciousness in a
supernatural and illimitable way. As has been said in previous papers, the
purpose of all initiation is to lift human consciousness from lower to
higher levels by quickening the latent spiritual potentialities in man to
their full extent through appropriate discipline. No higher level of
attainment is possible than that in which the human merges in the Divine
consciousness and knows as God knows. And that being the level of which the
Order of the Royal Arch treats ceremonially, it follows that Masonry as a
sacramental system reaches its climax and conclusion in that Order.
As has also been already shown, to attain that level involves as its
essential prerequisite the total abnegation, renouncement and renovation of
one’s original nature, the surrender of one’s natural desires, tendencies
and preconceptions, and the abandonment and nullifying of one’s natural
self-will, by such a habitual discipline and self-denial and gradual but
vigorous opposition to all these as will cause them gradually to atrophy and
die down. “He that loveth his life shall lose it, and he that hateth his
life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. Except a corn of wheat
fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die it bringeth
forth much fruit”. As with a seed of wheat, so with man. If he persists in
clinging to the present natural life he knows, if he refuses to recognize
that a higher quality of life is here and now possible to him, or is
unwilling to make the necessary effort to attain it, he “abideth alone”,
gets nowhere, and only frustrates his own spiritual evolution. But if he is
willing to “die” in the sense indicated, if he will so re-orientate his will
and silence his natural energies and desires as to give the Vital and
Immortal Principle within him the chance to assert itself and supersede
them, then from the disintegrated material of his old nature that germ of
true life will spring into growth in him and bear much fruit, and by the
steppingstones of initiation he will rise from his dead self to higher
things than he can otherwise experience.
This necessity of self-dying is not, we repeat, the physical death of the
body but a mystical death—in life of everything except the body- is the
first and fundamental fact to be grasped before one may hope to realize or
even to understand the mystery of the Royal Arch Degree. “Mors janua
vitae”; death to self is the portal to true life. There is no other
way. It is the unescapable law and condition of the soul’s progress.
But since it is a process involving a “most serious trial of fortitude and
fidelity” and a grapple with oneself from which the timorous and
self-diffident may well shrink, the Mystery-systems have always exhibited an
example for the instruction, encouragement and emulation of those prepared
to make the attempt and the necessary sacrifice. To hearten them to the task
the Initiatory Colleges have held up a prototype in the person of some great
soul who has already trodden the same path and emerged triumphant therefrom.
It matters nothing whether the prototype be one whose historic actuality and
identity can be demonstrated, or whether he can be regarded only as
legendary or mythical; the point being not to teach a merely historical
fact, but to enforce a spiritual principle. In Egypt the prototype was
Osiris, who was slain by his malignant brother Typhon, but whose mangled
limbs were collected in a coffer from which he emerged reintegrated and
divinized. In Greece the prototype was Bacchus, who was torn to pieces by
the Titans. Baldur in Scandinavia and Mithra in Graeco-Roman Europe were
similar prototypes. In Masonry the prototype is Hiram Abiff, who met his
death as the result of a conspiracy by a crowd of workmen of whom there were
three principal ruffians. In the Christian and chief of all systems, since
it comprehends and re-expresses all the others, the greatest of the
Exemplars died at the hands of the mob, headed also by three chief ruffians,
Judas, Caiaphas and Pilate. If in Masonry the mystical death is dramatized
more realistically than the resurrection that follows upon it, that
resurrection is nevertheless shown in the “raising” of the candidate to the
rank of Master Mason and his “reunion with the companions of former toils”,
implying the reintegration and resumption of all his old faculties and
powers in a sublimated state, just as the limbs of the risen Osiris were
said to reunite into a new whole and as the Christian Master withdrew His
mutilated body from the tomb and reassumed it, transmuted into one of
supernatural substance and splendour.
We have, therefore, now to consider how the Royal Arch Degree exhibits the
attainment of a new order of life. But it may be as well to say in advance
that for those unhabituated to looking beyond surface-values and material
meanings the exposition about to be given, dealing as it will with the
profound spiritual truths and advanced psychological experience allegorized
by the external ceremonial, is likely to present some difficulty of
comprehension and acceptance. The Royal Arch, however, would not be the
Supreme Degree it is did it not move upon a supremely high level of thought
and instruction. It was not compiled to accommodate the elementary
intelligence theoretically characterizing the philosophically untrained
neophyte. It presupposes that its candidate has passed through a long,
strenuous period of purification and mental discipline, in the course of
which his understanding has become very considerably widened and deepened,
whilst his fidelity to the high inward Light which has conducted him safely
so far, has induced in him a humility and docility fitting him for what
still awaits him—the attainment of that Wisdom which is concealed from this
world’s wise and prudent, but is revealed unto babes. It is a rite of
initiation dealing less with his gross corporeal nature and his ordinary
temporal mentality (which have been the subject of purification in the
earlier degrees) than with the higher reaches and possibilities of his
understanding and consciousness. As it is, what can be said here can at best
be but a partial and incomplete exposition of a theme calling rather for
disciplined imagination and reverent reflection than for reasoned argument.
Certain things must perforce be omitted from explanation entirely, whilst
others are mentioned with diffidence and at the risk of their being
misunderstood or rejected by such as do not yet realize that in these
matters “the letter killeth, the spirit vivifieth” and that “spiritual
truths must be spiritually discerned.”
Before interpreting the Ceremony itself it is desirable first to indicate
four noteworthy features connected with this Supreme Order and
distinctifying it from the three grades leading to it. In speaking even of
these incidentals the before mentioned difficulties of both exposition and
apprehension will already make themselves felt.
First, no one can be received into a Chapter without first having attained
Master Mason’s rank.
Second, the circular symbol of the Grand Geometrician, which in the Second
Degree shone high above in the ceiling of the Temple, and in the Third
Degree had moved downwards and burned as a glimmering ray in the East to
guide the candidate’s feet into the way of peace, has now descended
completely to the chequer-work floor, where it rests as the centre and
cubical focus of the entire organism and bears the Sacred and Ineffable
Name, as also those of Solomon and the two Hirams.
Third, the constitution of the Assembly is no longer one of seven officers,
but of nine, who are grouped in three triads about the Central Sacred
Fourth, the Assembly, regarded as a unity, is no longer designated a Lodge,
but a Chapter.
The first of these points—that none but a Master Mason can enter the Royal
Arch—has already been accounted for. It is not feasible, nor is it within
the law governing the process of spiritual evolution, for any who has not
experienced the stage of mystical death to have experience of that which
lies beyond that death. As an unborn physical infant can know nothing of
this world, in which nevertheless it exists, until actually initiated into
it by birth, so the embryonic spiritual child cannot be born into conscious
function upon the plane of the Spirit until it has become entirely detached
from the enfolding carnal matrix and tendencies to which it has been
The second and third points can be considered together. The re-arrangement
of the factors constituting the ceremonial temple are symbolic of a
structural re-arrangement which has occurred in the candidate’s own
psychical organization. This has undergone a repolarization as the result of
the descent into it of that high central Light which at first but shone as
it were in his “heavens”, afar off and above him, illumining the
dormer-window of his natural intelligence. Consider deeply what this change
implies. The Day-star from on high has now visited him; the fontal source of
all consciousness has descended into the very chequerwork material of his
transient physical organism, not merely permeating it temporarily with
light, but taking root and becoming grafted there substantially and
permanently. In theological language, God has become man, and man has become
divinized, in virtue of this descent and union. In Masonic terms, the Vital
and Immortal Principle resident in the candidate has at last superseded his
temporal life-principle and established him upon a new centre of
incorruptible life. Now, and perhaps only now, becomes thoroughly
appreciable the necessity for the earlier purifications, discipline,
self-crucifixion and death of all the lower nature. How could the purity of
the Divine Essence tabernacle in the coarse body of the sensualist? How
could the Eternal Wisdom unfold its treasures in a mind benighted or caring
for nothing but base metals and material pursuits? How could the Universal
Will co-operate with and function through the man whose petty personal will
blocks its channel, antagonizing it at every turn with his selfish
preferences and disordered desires? A Master Mason, then, in the full sense
of the term, is no longer an ordinary man, but a divinized man; one in whom
the Universal and the personal consciousness have come into union. Obviously
the quality of life and consciousness of such an one must differ vastly from
that of other men. His whole being is differently qualitated and geared upon
another centre. That new centre is described as the Grand Geometrician of
man’s personal universe, inasmuch as its action upon the organism of whoever
surrenders himself to its influence causes a redisposition of functional and
conscious faculty. The knowledge of this fact was with the wise ancients the
true and original science of Geometry (literally “earthmeasuring”;
determining the occult potentialities of the human earth or temporal
organism under spiritual stresses). “God geometrizes” wrote Plato, with
intimate knowledge of the subject. Many of the Euclidean and Pythagorean
theorems, now regarded merely as mathematical demonstrations, were
originally expressions, veiled in mathematical glyphs, of the esoteric
science of soul-building or true Masonry. The well-known 47th Proposition of
the First Book of Euclid is an example of this and in consequence has come
(though few modern Masons could explain why) to be inscribed upon the Past
Master’s official jewel. Again, the squaring of the circle—that problem
which has baffled so many modern mathematicians—is an occult expression
signifying that Deity, symbolized by the all-containing circle, has attained
form and manifestation in a “square” or human soul. It expresses the mystery
of the Incarnation, accomplished within the personal soul.
Under the stress then of the Geometrizing Principle now found symbolically
integrated within the candidate’s temporal organism, a re-distribution of
his component powers has become effected. His repolarized condition is
symbolized by an equilateral triangle with a point at its centre, and such a
triangle will be found, worked in gold, upon the sash worn by the Companions
of the Order. The significance of this triangle is that the tripartite
aspects of him who wears it (that is, the spiritual, psychical and physical
parts of him) now stand equalized and equilibrated around their common
Life-Principle at the centre, fitted and equipped for Its purpose. Yet each
of these three divisions, though in itself unitary, is philosophically
triadic in composition when subjected to intellectual analysis. “Every monad
is the parent of a triad “is another maxim of the Ancients, who anticipated
the modem Hegelian proposition of metaphysics that thesis, antithesis and
synthesis are the essential ingredients of a given truth. Hence it comes
about that the three aspects of each of the three sides of our equilateral
triangle are ceremonially personified by the nine officers of the
Chapter-three in the East representing the spiritual side, three in the West
figuring the soul or psychical side, and three subordinate links connecting
these other two. (These will be further and more conveniently treated of
later when the symbolic nature of the officers is dealt with).
The fourth point to be noticed was the change of designation from “Lodge” to
“Chapter”. The word “Chapter” derives from Caput,
head. The reason for the change of name lies, however, much deeper than in
the fact that the Royal Arch stands at the head or summit of the Craft. It
has reference in a twofold way to the capitular rank and consciousness of
the Arch Mason himself. In virtue of his headship or supremacy over his
material nature he has passed beyond mere Craftwork and governing the Lodge
of his lower nature, which he has now made the docile instrument and servant
of his spiritual self. Henceforth his energies are employed primarily upon
the spiritual plane. The “head” of the material organism of man is the
spirit of man, and this spirit consciously conjoined with the Universal
Spirit is Deity’s supreme instrument and vehicle in the temporal world. Such
a man’s physical organism and brain have become sublimated and keyed up to a
condition and an efficiency immensely in advance of average humanity.
Physiological processes are involved which cannot be discussed here, beyond
saying that in such a man the entire nervous system contributes to charge
certain ganglia and light up certain brain-centres in a way of which the
ordinary mind knows nothing. The nervous system provides the
storage-batteries and conductive medium of the Spirit’s energies just as
telegraph wires are the media for transmitting electrical energy. But the
true Master Mason, in virtue of his mastership, knows how to control and
apply those energies. They culminate and come to self-consciousness in his
head, in his intelligence. And in this respect we may refer to a very
heavily veiled Scriptural testimony, the import of which goes quite
unperceived to the uninstructed reader. The Gospels record that the Passion
of the Great Exemplar and Master concluded “at the place called Golgotha in
the Hebrew tongue; that is, the place of a skull”; that is to say it
terminated in the head or seat of intelligence and in a mystery of the
spiritual consciousness. The same truth is also testified to, though again
under veils of symbolic phrasing, in the reference to the sprig of acacia
planted at the head of the grave of the Masonic Grand Master and prototype,
Hiram Abiff. The grave is the candidate’s soul; the sprig of acacia typifies
the latent akasa (to use an Eastern term) or divine germ planted in that
soil and waiting to become quickened into activity in his intelligence, the
“head” of that plane. When that sprig of acacia blooms at the head of his
soul’s sepulchre, he will understand at one and the same moment the mystery
of Golgotha, the mystery of the death of Hiram, and the meaning of the Royal
Arch ceremony of exaltation. It is a mystery of spiritual consciousness, the
efflorescence of the mind in God, the opening up of the human intelligence
in conscious association with the Universal and Omniscient Mind. It is for
this reason that the cranium or skull is given prominence in the Master
Mason’s Degree.
With this premised we proceed to considering the Ceremony of Exaltation.
Again the candidate is in a state of darkness. But the reason of this
darkness differs entirely from that which existed at the Entered Apprentice
stage. Then he was but an ignorant beginner upon the quest, making his first
irregular benighted efforts towards the light. Now, he has long passed
beyond that stage; he comes with all the qualifications and equipment of a
Master Mason. Long ago he found the light he first sought, and for long he
has been directing his steps and nourishing his growth by its rays. And
more; after all this intimacy with it he has known it recede from him and
disappear in the great ordeal of dereliction of the Third Degree, when, in
the “dark night of the soul” and utter helplessness of all his powers, he
learned how strength could be perfected out of weakness by the potent
efficacy of the Vital and Immortal Principle within him, in whose presence
the darkness and the light are both alike. His present initial deprivation
of light is the darkness of the Third Degree carried over into this further
experience. It betokens rather a momentary failure to adjust his perception
to the new quality of life he is now entering upon, just as a new-born child
is unable at first to coordinate its sight to objects before it. For a
while, but only for a brief while, the candidate feels himself in darkness;
but he is really blinded rather by excess of light than by lack of it.
In this condition he undertakes the opening out of a certain place which he
proceeds to enter and explore, keeping touch meanwhile with his companions
by a cord or life-line. The symbolism of all this is singularly rich in
allusion to certain interior processes of introspection well defined in the
experience of the contemplative mystics and well attested in their records.
The place entered emblematizes once again the material and psychical
organism, a dense compact of material particles coating the more tenuous
interior spirit of man as a shell surrounds the contents of an egg. “Roll
away the stone”, it will be recalled, was the first injunction of the Master
at the raising of Lazarus. This obstruction removed, the psychical organism
becomes detached from the physical and the mind is free to become
introverted and work exploratively upon its own ground, to search the
contents of its own unplumbed depths, to probe deeper and deeper into
itself, eradicating defects and removing rubble, pushing in and in by the
energy of a persistent will, yet retaining contact the while with the outer
physical nature by a subtle filament or life-line which prevents their
entire separation. The position is the same as when the body sleeps whilst
the mind is dreaming and vividly active, save that in dreams the will is not
functioning as a consciously directive instrument as is hypothetically the
case with one who, having attained Mastership, has all his faculties under
volition and control. Yet all this interior work, so rapidly summarized and
symbolically enacted in the Ceremony, is not the work of a day nor the
casual task of a weakling. The ancients referred to it as the twelve labours
of Hercules, whilst its arduousness is further graphically described by the
initiate poet Virgil in the sixth Aeneid and by more recent illuminates.
Nor, even when its nature is fully apprehended, is it a work to be lightly
undertaken. Throughout the Ceremony the utmost humility is enjoined upon the
candidate as the essential qualification for entering upon this process of
self-exploration. He is bidden to draw nigh to the Centre, but to halt and
make obeisance at three several stages, at each of which he is told he is
approaching more nearly to that central Essence, that holy ground of his
being upon which only the humble can walk, that “earth” which only the meek
shall inherit.
It is in this state that the introverted mind, groping for its own
foundation and centre, reaches at length the bedrock of its being. As the
symbolic ceremony exhibits the grasping of an emblem embodying the Word of
Life, so literally and in fact the questing mind, in coming upon the Vital
and Immortal Principle animating it, “lays hold on Eternal Life”. It
discovers the Lost Word, the divine root of its being, from which it has
hitherto been so long dissociated. It fails to realize the fact at first,
for “the Light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not”.
Presently that darkness will disappear; when “the day (the new
consciousness) dawns and the shadows (the old mentality) flee away”.
Therefore it is that this work of the introverted mind and the discovery it
makes, are exhibited as taking place darkly and amid subterranean gloom.
There remains, therefore, one concluding psychological process—to extrovert
that knowledge and bring it forward into formalized brain-consciousness, so
that what the spirit and the soul already know interiorly the outer mind may
also know exteriorly. Subjective awareness does not become knowledge until
it has been cerebrated and passed through the alembic of the brain and the
logical understanding. When it has so passed through and become formalized,
a reciprocal and reflex action between the inner and outer natures is set up
resulting in the illumination of the whole. This extroversion of subjective
perceptions is symbolically achieved by the return of the candidate from the
subterranean depths to the surface and there rejoining his former
companion-sojourners and effecting a unification of all his component parts.
It is then that the Mystery is consummated. The Great Light breaks. The
Vital and Immortal Principle comes to self-consciousness in him. The Glory
of the Lord is revealed to and in him, and all his flesh sees it.
So far as it is possible for symbolic ceremonial to portray it this
consummation is represented by the restoration to light and the revelation
that then meets the candidate’s gaze. His condition differs now from any
that has preceded it. It is not merely one of illumination by the Supernal
Light. It is one of identification with It. He and It have become one, as a
white-hot iron is indistinguishable from the furnace-flame engulfing it. At
the outset of his Masonic quest the predominant wish of his heart was Light.
The impulse was not his own; it was that of the Light Itself—the primal
Light of light, the Divine Substantial Word-seeking self-development in him.
Consciousness is that Light become self-perceptive by polarization within an
efficient physiological organism. Man provides the only organism adapted to
the attainment of that self-perception; but only when that organism is
purified and prepared sufficiently for the achievement. In the Royal Arch
that achievement is hypothetically effected.
The condition attained by the illumined candidate is the equivalent of what
in Christian theology is known as Beatific Vision and in the East as Samadhi.
It is also spoken of as universal or cosmic consciousness, since the
percipient, transcending all sense of personal individualization, time and
space, is co-conscious with all that is. He has entered the bliss and peace
surpassing that temporal understanding which is limited to perceiving the
discords, antinomies and contrasts characterizing finite existence; he has
risen to that exalted state where all these find their resolution in the
blissful concord of the Eternal. He is in conscious sympathy and identity of
feeling with all that lives and feels, in virtue of that universal charity
and limitless love which is the corollary of perceiving the unity of all in
the Being of Deity, and which at the outset of his progress he was told was
the summit of the Mason’s profession. He sees too that there is a universe
within as well as without him; that he himself microcosmically sums up and
contains all that manifested to his temporal intelligence as the vast
spacial universe around him. He is himself conscious of being the measure of
the universe; he realizes that the earth, the heavens, and all their
contents, are externalizations, projected images, of corresponding realities
present within himself. As the perfected head of creation, he beholds how he
sums up in himself all the lower forms of life through which his organism
has passed to attain to that perfection. The four symbolic standards
exhibiting the lion, ox, man and eagle are a very ancient glyph, declaring
among other things the story of the soul’s evolution and its progress from
the passional wild-beast stage to one which, while still sensuous and
animal, is docile and disciplined for service, and thence to the stage of
human rationality, which at length culminates in upward-soaring
spirituality. Similarly the displayed banners of the twelve Israelitish
tribes are again but figures of their prototypes, the twelve zodiacal
sections of those heavens which could not exist or be discernible to the
outward eye were they not also the phenomenalized aspect of a reality
cognizable by the inward eye; whilst, gathered beneath these emblems, are
those who represent the tribes of no terrestrial nation, but are the “tribes
of God”, the heavenly hierarchies that constitute an archetypal canopy or
holy royal arch above the visible creation and that mediate to it the
effluences of that all embracing triune Spirit of Power, Wisdom and Love in
which the entire composite structure lives, moves and has its being.
”In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth was
without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And God
said, Let there be light, and there was light.” With these words begins the
Sacred Script which is the sacramental token of that Living Word by whom all
things were made, and are still in the making, and whose life is the light
of men. The candidate who recovers that lost Word, in the sense of regaining
vital organic integration into it, and who, therefore, is one with its Life
and its Light, is able to verify this old creation-story in its personal
application to himself. He stands in the presence of his own “earth”—the
stone vault or dense matrix out of which his finer being has emerged and of
his own “heavens” or ethereal body of substantialized radiance which (as the
iridescent sash of the Order is meant to denote) now covers him with light
as with a garment. He is able to discern that it was himself who at first
was “without form and void” and who in virtue of that Fiat
Lux! has at last become
transformed from chaos and unconsciousness into a form so perfect and lucid
as to become a co-conscious vehicle of Divine Wisdom itself.
With this symbolic attainment of Beatific Vision at the restoration to
light, the effective part of the Royal Arch Ceremony as an initiatory rite
concludes. What follows upon it is anti-climax and allegorical exposition of
a similar nature to the traditional history in the Master Mason’s Degree.
This takes the form of a mythos or dramatic narrative by the three
sojourners, describing their release from captivity in Babylon, their return
to Jerusalem under an impulse to assist in rebuilding the destroyed national
temple, their work among its ruins and the discovery of an ancient and
apparently important archive. The perspicacious mind will not fail to
perceive in this historical or quasi-historical narrative an allegory of the
spiritual process which has been going on within the candidate himself. It
is he, as it is every human soul, that has been in Babylonian bondage, in
captivity to the Babel-confusion of mundane existence, the tyranny of
material interests, and the chaos of his own disordered nature. It is he
who, in revolt from these, has in reflective moments “sat down and wept by
the waters of Babylon”—the transient flux of temporal things and “remembered
Zion”, in a yearning for inward freedom and permanent peace of heart. It is
he who finds the temple of his old natural self worthless and in ruins, and
realizes that upon its site he must rebuild another and worthier one. From
within himself comes the urge of the inward Lord (Kurios) which (under the
mask of Cyrus the king) bids him forthwith depart from his captivity and go
up to his true native-land and re-erect the Lord’s house. It is himself who
discovers among the rubble of his old self the plans and the material for
the new structure. And ultimately when that new structure is completed and,
when from natural man he has become reorganized into spiritual man, it is he
who is able to perceive the wonders of his own constitution, to behold his
own “earth” and his own “heavens” now fused into a unity to which both his
material and his spiritual nature were necessary contributors.
The constitution of the Chapter as first revealed to the candidate is,
therefore, a symbol of his perfected organism. He sees that it is polarized
East and West; the East occupied by the three Principals, signifying his
spiritual pole; the West, occupied by the three Sojourners, his psychic and
materialized pole; each triad being the reflex of the other, yet each triad
being an organic unity in itself. St. John testifies to this (and the
ceremonial rite is made conformable to the teaching of that great Initiate)
when he writes : “There are three that bear record in heaven, and these
three are one.
And there are three that bear witness in earth, and these three agree in
one. The meaning of this metaphysical assertion is that, just as a ray of
white light splits up (as in the rainbow) into three primary colours which
still remain organically united, so both the self-knowing Spirit in man and
his psychical nature, although monadic essentially, are prismatically
dissociable into a trinity. The Spirit in man in its triple aspects is,
therefore, appropriately typified by the three Principals. They represent
the three high attributes of the Spirit—Holiness, Royal Supremacy,
Functional Power—referred to in the title of the Order; Holy-Royal-Arch. The
middle and neutral term of these three must be considered as differentiating
itself into a passive and an active, or a negative and a positive aspect;
although all three act conjointly and as one (as is in fact the case with
the three Principals of a Chapter). These three aspects of monadic Spirit
are personified as Haggai (passive), Joshua (active), with Zerubabel as the
middle term from which the other two issue and into which they merge. For
the central Majesty is in one of its aspects silent and withdrawn and in the
other functionally active and compulsive.
So too, with the triad of Sojourners at the other pole. They represent the
unitary human Ego or personality also in its threefold aspects. They are the
incarnated antitype or physicalized reflex of man’s archetypal unincarnated
and overshadowing Spirit. Hence they are designated Sojourners, as being but
transient consociated pilgrims or wayfarers upon a plane of impermanence, in
contrast with the enduring life of the deathless spirit whose projection
upon this lower world they are. Psychologically, human personality is
distributed into a passive negative subconsciousness and an active positive
intelligence, linked together by a central co-ordinating principle, the
combined three constituting man’s unitary individuality. My ego with its
central and directive power of will is my principal sojourner; my
subconsciousness with its passive intuitional capacity, and my practical
intelligence with its active and connecting powers of thought and
understanding, are my assistant sojourners. Let me see to it that, like
their symbolic representatives, they are kept clothed in white and so able
to reflect and react to their correspondences in the eastern or spiritual
pole of my being.
The nexus or connecting medium between man’s spiritual and bodily poles is
represented by a third triad impersonated by the two Scribes and the
Janitor. The more important of these scribes is attached to the East pole
and is as it were its emissary towards the West; the other is associated
with the Western pole and his activities are directed Eastwards; whilst the
Door-keeper is the point of contact with the world without. In one of their
many significances they typify the middle term between Spirit and Matter-the
astral medium or psychic bridge, in virtue of which contact between them is
Heavily veiled beneath the sacramentalism of a council of the Jewish
Sanhedrim, the Royal Arch Ceremony therefore exhibits in a most graphic
manner the psychologic rationale of the final stage of regeneration. To the
literalist, unacquainted with the fact that, in both Sacred Writ and the
teaching of the Mysteries, surface appearances are always intended to be
transposed into spiritual values and that quasi-historic characters are
meant to be impersonations of philosophic facts or principles, some
difficulty may be felt on being asked to translate the quasi-historicity of
the ceremonial text into the spiritualized interpretation here offered. The
education and enlightenment of the understanding is, however, one of the
deliberate intentions of Initiatory Rites, and until the mind is able to
rise above merely material facts and habituate itself to functioning in the
truer realm of ideas which materialize into facts and make facts possible,
there is small chance of its profiting from Rites like those of Masonry,
which are of wholly negligible value but for the spiritual force and
vitalizing energy of their inherent ideas. It may, therefore, be both
helpful and a corroboration of what has been said if we scrutinize the
Hebrew names of a Chapter’s officers; what they yield upon analysis will
demonstrate that those officers impersonate ideas rather than represent
1. “Zerubabel, prince of the people.” The name literally means “a
sprouting forth from Babel, or from among the people”. “Babel” and “people”
are two forms of expressing the same idea and the English word is almost
identical with the Hebrew one. Society as a whole, the multitude, “the
people” (“bebeloi” as it is in Greek), at all times of the world’s history
constitutes a Babel of confused aims and interests. But there are always
individuals intellectually or spiritually in advance of the crowd and whose
ideas, teachings or example shoot ahead of it, and to such leaders the name
Zerubabel would apply. But this illustration does not express the deeper
sense in which the word must be construed, which is one of personal
application. The individual is himself a mob, a chaos, a multitude of
confused desires, thoughts, passions, until these are brought into
discipline. But, present even amidst these and sprouting up from among them,
the ordinary man is conscious of a higher and spiritual element in him,
which he may cultivate or disregard, but which in his best moments flames up
above his lower disordered nature, convinces him of the errors of his ways,
and entices him to live from that higher level. That loftier element is
expressed by the word “Zerubabel”; it is the apex and focus point of his
spirituality as distinguished from his ordinary carnal intelligence; the
summit of all his faculties, the “prince” of his “people”. Those same
faculties or “people” are referred to in the word meaning “My people having
obtained mercy” (or become regenerate), and in the text “The people that sat
in darkness have seen a great light”.
2. “Haggai the Prophet.” As has been shown before, the spiritual
principle differentiates into a passive and an active aspect. “Haggai”
represents the passive aspect and signifies at once the blissful and
self-contemplative nature of the spirit. It is called “the prophet” because
of the power of insight and omniscience characterizing that which transcends
the sense of time and abides eternally, and because it projects into the
lower intelligence intuitions, foreglimpses and intimations of a prophetic
nature. From the same word is derived the Greek word “hagios,” holy.
3. “Joshua, the son of Josedek, the high priest.” personifies the
active executive aspect of spirit. Literally Joshua means the “divine
saviour”, and Josedek “divine righteousness”, whilst the “high priest”
connotes a mediatorial factor between man and Deity. The title in its
entirety therefore intimates that the human spirit or divine principle in
man functions intermediately between Deity and man’s lower nature to promote
the latter’s salvation and perfection. We have previously shown how the
Master Mason must be his own high priest and “walk upon” the chequered
floor-work of his elementary nature by learning to trample upon it. Thus the
Three Principals form a unity figuring man’s spiritual pole in its triple
aspects; they represent the summit of his being as it lives on the plane of
the Spirit—holy, royal, supreme—blissful because in a state of holiness or
wholeness; royal because a son of the King of all; powerful because of its
power to subdue, transmute and redeem all that is below its own purity and
4 & 5. Ezra and Nehemiah.
In the great Mystery system of Egypt, which long anteceded the Hebrew
system, the regenerate candidate, who had achieved the highest possible
measure of self-transmutation of his lower nature, was accorded the title of
Osiris. It was the equivalent of attaining Christhood. The nature of the
perfectioning process and the rituals in connection therewith are, thanks to
certain modern scholars, available to us and are recommended to the student
who desires to know how arduous and real that process was and the extremely
high degree of regeneration aimed at. In Hebrew the title Osiris became
changed into Azarias (and sometimes Zeruiah) and still further corrupted
into Esdras and Ezra, the name of the senior Scribe of the Royal Arch. To
understand the significance of the two Scribes Ezra and Nehemiah it is
necessary to recall that, in the Biblical account of the return from
Babylonian captivity, these two were leading men. Transposing this
historicized narrative into its spiritual implication, Ezra and Nehemiah
personify two distinct stages of the mystical progress made by the candidate
who essays to renounce the Babel of his lower nature and, by reorganizing
himself, regain his native spiritual home and condition. “Nehemiah” (whose
place in the Chapter is in the South West) is a figure of a certain measure
of that reorganization and return. Like his Biblical prototype, he
symbolizes the candidate engaged in rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem, and
occupied in the great work of self-reconstruction, from which he will not be
beguiled into coming down by the appeals and blandishments of the outer
world. “Ezra” (whose position is in the North East) indicates a much more
advanced measure of progress from West to East. The discerning student who
will peruse the Biblical books of Nehemiah and Ezra (including the
Apocryphal books of Esdras) in this light, and with this key to their true
purport, will not fail to profit by the instruction they will yield. Hence
too they are called “scribes”; both of them are recorders of, and testifiers
to, distinct but representative experiences encountered in the inner man at
different stages of the “great work” of self-integration and journeying from
a Babylon condition to the spiritual Jerusalem.
Here we bring to an end our examination of the true meaning and purpose of
the Royal Arch Ceremony. Dealing as it does with a supreme human experience
which none can fully appreciate without undergoing it, it is the greatest
and most momentous rite in Masonry, and no one who studies it
comprehendingly and in its sacramental significance will withhold admiration
either for the profound knowledge and insight of the now unidentifiable
mystic and initiate who conceived it or for the skill with which he compiled
it and cast his knowledge into dramatic expression. The pity of it is that
those who practise the rite make no effort to penetrate its meaning and are
content with the unenlightened perfunctory performance of a ritual which
even exoterically is singularly striking, beautiful and suggestive. The
least reflection upon it must suggest that Masonry is here dealing with the
building-work of no outward structure, but with the re-erection of the
fallen, disordered temple of the human soul; and that even assuming that it
but memorialized some long past historic events, those events can have no
vital bearing upon the life, character or conduct of anyone to-day and would
not justify the existence of an elaborate secret Order to perpetuate them.
But if those events and this rite be symbolic of something deeper and
something personal; if they sacramentalize truths perpetually valid and
capable of present realization in those who ceremonially re-enact them, then
they call for fuller and more serious attention than is usually accorded.
Moreover, if the Royal Arch be the symbolic representation of a supreme
experience attained and attainable only in sanctity and by the regenerate,
it follows that the Craft Degrees leading up to and qualifying for it will
take on a much deeper sense than they commonly receive and must be regarded
as solemn instructions in the requisite preparation for that regenerate
condition. The Craft work is unfinished without the attainment forth
shadowed in the Royal Arch. That attainment in turn is impossible without
the discipline of the preliminary labours, the purification of mind and
desire, and that crucifixion unto death of the self-will which constitute
the tests of merit qualifying for entrance to that Jerusalem which has no
geographical site and which is called the “City of Peace” because it implies
conscious rest of the soul in God. For many, the suggestion that the
attainment of such a condition is possible or thinkable whilst we are still
here in the flesh may be surprising or even incredible. But such doubt is
unwarranted, and the Masonic doctrine negates it. As has been already shown
to the contrary, that doctrine postulates not the absence but the possession
of the material organism as a necessary factor in advancing the evolution of
the human spirit; that organism is the vessel in which our base metal has to
be transmuted into gold; it is the fulcrum furnishing the resistance
requisite for the spirit’s energizing into unfoldment and
self-consciousness. Physical death is therefore not an advancement of, but
an interference with, the work of regeneration. “The night cometh when no
man can work,” and when the soul merely passes from labour to refreshment
until recalled to labour once more at the task of self-conquest. It is but
figurative of that necessary dying to self which implies the voluntary
decreasing assertiveness of our temporal nature to permit of a corresponding
ascendancy of the spiritual.
But if in the hands of its present exponents Masonry is now rather a dead
letter than a living effectual Initiatory Rite capable of quickening the
spirituality of its candidates, it still remains for the earnest and
perspicuous aspirant to the deeper verities an instructive economy of the
science of self-gnosis and regeneration. For such these papers are written,
that they may both learn something of the original design of the Order and
educate their imagination in the principles of that science. And to such, in
conclusion, may be commended that Temple-hymn of the Hebrew Initiates, which
of all the Psalms of David refers with most pointed reference to the
subject-matter of the supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch of Jerusalem and
the personal attainment of the blessed and perfected condition which that
title implies :
I was glad when they said unto me, let us go up into the house of the
Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem. Jerusalem is builded
as a city that is compact together; Thither the tribes go up, the tribes
of the Lord. .. .
For there are set thrones of judgment, the thrones of the house of
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem ! they shall prosper that love it.
Peace is within her walls and plenteousness within her palaces.
For my brethren and companions’ sake I will say,
Peace be within thee.
(Psalm CXXIL)
In those few lines is sketched all that is implied in the symbolic spectacle
that greets the eyes of the Royal Arch Mason at the supreme moment of his
restoration to light. Exalted into and become identified with the supreme
bliss, peace and self-consciousness of the All-Pervasive and Omniscient
Spirit, he sees how he has “gone up” out of the Babylon of his old complex
and disordered nature and upon its ruins has built for himself an ethereal
body of glory, a “house of the Lord”. He sees how this ecstatic condition
and this new-made celestial body are the sublimated products of his former
self and its temporal organism. He sees how each separate part and faculty
of that old nature, or as it were each of the zodiacal divisions of his own
microcosm, has contributed its purified essence to form a new organism, “a
new heaven and a new earth”; and how these essences, like twelve diversified
tribes, have assembled convergently and finally coalesced and become fused
into a unity or new whole, “a city that is compact together”. And it is this
“city”, this blessed condition, which mystically is called “Jerusalem”,
within whose walls is the peace which passeth understanding and whose
palaces reveal to the enfranchised soul the unfailing plenteousness and
fecundity of the indissoluble trinity of Wisdom and Love and Power from
which man and the universe have issued and into which they are destined to
The antithesis of this “heavenly-city” is the confused Babylon city of this
world, of which it is written to all captives therein, “Come out of her, My
people, that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her
plagues!” (Rev. xviii. 4). And, in a word, the Royal Arch Ceremony
sacramentally portrays the last phase of the mystical journey of the exiled
soul from Babylon to Jerusalem as it escapes from its captivity to this
lower world and, passing the veils” of matter and form, breaks through the
bondage of corruption into the world of the formless Spirit and realizes the
glorious liberty of the children of God.
The Possibilities of the Masonic Order | The
Deeper Symbolism of Masonry | Masonry
as a Philosophy | Further
Notes on Craft Symbolism | The
Holy Royal Arch | The
Relation of Masonry to the Ancient Mysteries
7-17-14 NAP DREAM I was sitting on an expensive chair between my
husband on my right, and a woman on my left who was a wedding planner.
My daughter came before me, and knelt down on one knee to give her a blessing on
her coming marriage.
I felt extremely honored to do so and did so.
Then her groom to be, her Knight came before me, dressed for battle with his
helmet in his hand, because he was already ordered to go to war, and would have
to leave quickly, and he hoped they could wed before he left for battle.
I woke up suddenly - knowing that war was imminent, and that my husband had not
shared his plans for war, and he, the King was the one who had given this
Knight, my future son-in-law his battle orders.
7-18-14 DREAM - I was living in the country somewhere an i was the mile of
winter. We had been told that the best thing in the world to eat
after walking in deep snow was fresh radishes from the store.
I knew that was as about as unusual a thing as one could think of - radishes in
the snow, but we were hungry and the snow outside was over three feet
deep, and the hill between us and the grocery store was a long way up the hill.
It was a challenge but if we were going to get the best thing in the world to
eat after walking in the snow - it would be worth it.
The snow wasn't all that cold, but it was deep and hard work to climb a hill and
the prize would be fresh radishes. That is if the store actually had fresh
radishes when we got there. :-)
So, the prize in mind, we were climbing the hill through three feet of snow, and
telling other people our secret, so they could share in the pleasure of eating
fresh radishes in the snow. :-)
It's no wonder I was hungry when I woke up.
7-19-14. I was given the names MARY JANE'S ADVENTURE and MARY RUPP
while I was remembering this dream.
I went to visit a female friend. She was a chubby woman with long dark
hair, and she showed me her new baby.
The baby was beautiful to behold, and she looked a lot like her Mom, dark hair,
beautiful face, a little chubby.
The baby was sleeping, and my friend had some things to do while I was there,
and she gave me the baby to hold, which was a big thrill for me. My
motherly instincts arise instantly around little babies.
My friend said she had something to do that couldn't wait so she left the room,
and no sooner was she out of the room, the whole building started to shake -
not terribly hard, but it was vibrating so much that particles were falling off
the ceiling, which must have been one of those popcorn ceilings that are bumpy
to look at.
Everything was getting covered with this popcorn bits of the ceiling, so I ran
to a closet, hoping to find some sheets to cover things with, and when I did
that, I discovered two old men laying on beds in the bedrooms, and they weren't
covered, just laying on the beds napping or resting.
So, I had to cover the men first because they weren't even aware something was
going on.
Instead of finding sheets, I found lacy table cloths, so I grabbed those.
There was no time to look for sheets - the men had to be covered so they didn't
wake up to find all this particle stuff falling on them and nobody helping them.
So, I covered the baby and the men with lacy table cloths, and down further in
the stack were some other white sheets - a little late to cover everything else
that already had white ceiling particles all over it, but I did the best I
Once the particles stopped falling, I sat down to write down some notes about
what happened, and I numbered them, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and each of those numbers
were descriptions of what I had done and with what, and that's when I was given
the names.
Date: July
25, 2014 at 14:22:53
From: Polydactyl
in N. Bay
Subject: Bay Area
quake? It's probably nothing.. |
Bay Area: Deformation, Seismos, and
POINT PINOLE CREEP dropped (sudden but small)
CHABOT shows tiny compression trend
Most of the strainmeters are blank (Marin Headlands, Ohlone, Ox
RUSSEL Dilatometer shows sudden DROP
*not sure if any of these are equipment problems)
PARKFIELD CREEP UP! (not much compression on graphs)
HIGHWAY 46(C461)
VINEYARD SEISMO showed some disturbing blobs - what type quakes
are these?
Some quakes on Portugese Canyon, Stone Canyon (parkfield), Hope
Ranch, Middle Mt, and Point Pinole. A different signature shows
up on a number of seismos between 11-12: KHMB Horse Mt, KRMB Red
Mt., KSXB Camp Six, etc.:
Also Casa Benchmark and Devil's Postpile, Mammoth Lakes, Deadman
Creek (latter two, smaller signatures).
SAN JUAN BAUTISTA graph showing big compression (west of
Hollister) unless it's one of those that can be 'stomped on' by
hikers, lol.
Grey Butte and Mammoth look like 'gas' on spectrograms but not
much on spectros, at all. SAFOD Main Hole Parkfield is the only
spectro showing some 2Hz activity. Given the Russell creep
'stop' and Fremont creep 'up' and Pinole, St. Vincent 'tiny
compression,' maybe there will be another small East Bay Quake,
otherwise my money is on SJB.
Recent CA NV maps shows a big v-shape of micros from Big Bend to
Isabella, and lots of micros along the Parkfield. My take is
that we might have another Hollister type quake but further WEST
at SJB, or further south around Hearst Castle latitude.
After all that, my reason for posting is what is going on with
the big wedge shape of micros above Big Bend?
Will Kellis-Borik ever get their day in the sun?
Just for the record, and maybe it's heat, the N. Bay is a little
too pensive QUIET today, for a Friday!
7-20-14 I dreamed about people in layers color. Anita Dobson was dark
i remember hearing Mikki say, "I regretted letting him into my body the
moment i did it."
I was standing behind Mikki as she was going into a store to buy some Indian
feathers for a ceremony.
Her hair had waist length or longer black braids like the Indian she is.
She wiped her feet on the black entrance carpet so her shoes were clean before
she entered the store.
I was at my old job in Milwaukee. I went into my old office and told the
blonde office girl, "I used to work here. If you need help, I can
help you."
I then saw the new boss to the left - a handsome younger man. He looked at
me with disdain because I was offering to help his secretary.
So I left the office and went down to another office where I heard a radio
playing some music. I was going to talk to the people working in that
office, but the radio was too loud, so I went to shut it off, and I couldn't do
that until I pulled the plug out of the wall, which I did.
Then I went to sit down and straightened out my dress to do so, and the man to
my left was more interested in what my butt looked like than what I had to say.
I wish I could remember who he was, because I recognized him, and he looked
Indian as well.
I woke up and heard Joe talking like he was on the telephone with someone.
He only calls TJ or Michael. Joe said, "Yeah! What's wrong?"
When I was fully awake, Joe was sitting at his computer and I asked him who he
was talking to, so I'd know what was wrong too, and he said, "I'm not talking to
anyone." so what I heard was in the spirit realm.
One should never say 'come in' to a spirit because you don't know who it might
be, so I said to the knocking on the wall, "I'm ready for a message'. I said it
a couple times and the message was: "you've lost a friend".
What does one say to that? Who was it? Did someone die? So?
That's happened before? Since I've lost many friends in the past and still
know lots of people who I consider to be my friends... all I can do is wait and
see who it was.
It came to me later that it might be that my ex-husband Ed just died, he
was very ill. with stomach issues.
7-21-14 DREAM - I had the same or similar dream I've had before
where I was using rays of light to rearrange words on a board
In another dream I was riding in a car and taking care of someone else's little
7-23-14 - DREAM 1 - I was in a large meeting hall with a bunch of tall
men. There was a tall red-headed handsome man on my left about 7 feet tall
if I was my current height - and a guy on my right said to me... "here is
a guy who will take the humdrum out of your life."
I said to the guy, "My life is not going to be humdrum by any means. I am
creating a community for a lot of people to come together with like minds and we
are going to have a wonderful healthy life... " and I sat down on a red
covered bench
near the red-headed guy to continue telling them about the community and I woke
up for just a minute...
DREAM 2 - I was now with my husband and I felt like I was in my 20's...
and news came that there was going to be a flood in our area and we were going
to have to move and quickly.
So, we got into our car and started to drive through the countryside which was
extremely hilly and forested, and I told my husband, "We don't have to take the
first house we see if I don't like it do we?" and he said, "No!"
Just then a large orange bull dozer was coming the opposite direction but on our
side of the road.
The bulldozer pulled off the side of the road and just missed us ... we didn't
even slow down, so my husband was defensive driving with skill.
The road then came to a very narrow place in the road that had been hand cut
into a canyon - very high straight sides on both side, just barely wide enough
for the car, and I wondered how the bull dozer got through there because the
hand cut canyon was not wide enough to have 'that' bulldozer go through it.
My husband slowed down the car a bit because apparently there was a door at end
of the canyon made of metal, and it was closing, and I could see the metal door
was being closed by a man and he was on the other side of the door... and it
closed all the way.
I looked down at my feet, and I didn't have shoes on, and I was wearing red
socks, the left sock had a huge hole in the toe, that doesn't mend easily
with a needle and thread.
NOTE : Joe said this might have been the straight and narrow gate:
I was looking at a computer screen of lines showing the cards of hearts,
searching for the Ace of Hearts and I couldn't find the Ace with the ONE HEART
on it, the most important one.
At the end, I spotted the Ace of hearts and when I reached for it, the whole
screen went black.
I was looking at a computer screen of lines showing the cards of diamonds,
searching for the Ace of Diamonds.
Note: The hearts were red, the diamonds were gold.
As before, when I spotted the Ace of Diamonds, the screen went blank.
Note: It was suggested by a friend that I might have been looking for the
leaders of the problem makers in Iraq like the cards that were put out some time
http://www.clicktogamble.com/cards/Iraq/Ace-Hearts.html he is
who is the new one?
7-24-14 - I woke up to the song, "Lazy Mary, Will You Get Up, we need the
sheets for the table." and there was a grid of tiny squares in front of me I had
to move around in some fashion.
7-25-14 DREAM - I was somewhere with a man, practicing a song we
wanted to be perfect, but parts of it needed more practice than other parts, so
we were practicing the parts more than the whole song.
7-25-14 DREAM I was somewhere with a group of young boys - probably
10 to early teens, wearing dark blue uniforms - like scouts wear. I didn't
see anyone's faces, just the uniforms from the neck down, and they all sang a
song called, "New Song".
Later on, a similar group of boys, wearing yellow uniforms, marked Pike's Peak
on the front were singing a song. Again, I didn't see anyone's faces, just
the uniforms from the neck down.
Later on, two maintenance men in grey blue uniforms came to check the water
systems, and using a timer, made sure that everything was working properly.
And we passed the test.
www.greatdreams.com/sacred/sing_a_new_song.htm - Similarto
were, a new song..."
Rev. 14:1-3. Hopi elders say that the Earth Mother will soon " sing anew
song" or shift into a higher vibration. When this happens the
Earth's ...
www.greatdreams.com/gem13.htm - Similarto
New Bible Codes Discovered - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Reciting of Hallel (Psalms of praise). ... www.greatdreams.com/
imprisoned_and_freedom.htm -. SING A NEW
7-29-02 - DREAM - I was ...
Jun 11, 2014 ... This
can be seen of the following grounds: (1) the use of new
song (s?ir h?adas? ) in
the OT; (2) the nature of the songs in the book of ...
www.greatdreams.com/sacred/132.htm - Similarto
numbers 132 and 248 - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Jul 20, 2001 ... new
song" or shift into a higher vibration. When this happens the
Earth's grid will morph into a more complex sacred geometric structure
and all ...
www.greatdreams.com/grid-dove.htm - Similarto
GRID SHIFT AND ALIGNMENT - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
new song" or shift into a higher vibration. When this happens the
Earth's grid will morph into a more complex sacred geometric structure
and all of life that is part ..
www.greatdreams.com/numbers/72/72.htm - Similarto
Number 72 and the Code of the Ancients
Sep 4, 2011 ... ...
the voice I heard was like the sound of harpers playing on their harps, and
they sing a new song before
the throne and before the four living ...
May 27, 2012 ... And
they were singing a new song before
the throne and before the four living creatures and before the elders. No
one could learn that song ...
Jun 1, 2013 ... I
had a tree with me by the name of POWER, .... Dee Finney's blog February 8,
2012 page 131 GLOBAL FATE . ... SING A NEW
SONG - THE ...
Dec 5, 2011 ... Verses
1-3 A song of praise for redeeming love is a new
song, a mystery hidden from ages and generations. Converts sing a new
song, very ...
Apr 12, 2013 ... 3
And they sung as it were a new
song before the throne,
and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that
song but the ...
www.greatdreams.com/sacred/third-fire.htm - Similarto
Oct 3, 2002 ... A NEW
SONG-Rev 14:3. A NEW HEAVEN-Rev 21:1. A NEW EARTH-Rev 21:1. NEW
www.greatdreams.com/sacred/144.htm - Similarto
9 I will sing a new song to
you, God. On a ten-stringed lyre, I will sing praises to you. 10 You are
he who gives salvation to kings, Who rescues David, his servant, ...
www.greatdreams.com/haarp_database.htm - Similarto
HAARP DATABASE - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
www.greatdreams.com/prophecy.htm ...
3 And they [the 144,000] sung as it were a new
song before the throne,
and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that
song but the ...
www.greatdreams.com/whales2.htm - Similarto
Mar 13, 1999 ... The
only way all these animals can keep up with the latest version of the
song is by learning the new
song parts from other
whales-almost ...
www.greatdreams.com/432.htm - Similarto
The Cycle of Time Number 432 - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
... was like the sound of harpers playing on their harps, and they sing
a new song before
the throne and before the four living creatures and before the elders.
www.greatdreams.com/cut_and_banded_tree.htm - Similarto
THE CUT AND BANDED TREE - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
And they sang a new song,
saying "Worthy art Thou to take the book , and to break its seals; for
Thou wast slain, and didst purchase for God with Thy blood men ...
THE TUNING ... There's Power in the Blood, Since Jesus Came Into My
Heart, Sweet Hour of Prayer ... When They Ring the Golden Bells,
www.greatdreams.com/cinnamon.htm - Similarto
Cinnamon Buns and the BeaST - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Jun 5, 2003 ... See:
Sing a New Song. The
Connection to Awareness: Physical Level is the densest mass of energy
(matter) and is involved with physical ...
Jun 7, 2013 ... SING
THE TUNING · www.greatdreams.com/sacred/ sing_a_new_song.htm. In
pursuance of this design, God raised up his Son ...
www.greatdreams.com/israel_database.htm - Similarto
ISRAEL DATABASE - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
THE TUNING. In pursuance of this design, God raised up his Son Jesus to
be not only a Light to lighten the Gentiles, but the glory of his ...
www.greatdreams.com/time_cycle_database.htm - Similarto
TIME CYCLE DATABASE - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
In the greater reality, there is no time, so the reincarnational ...
www.greatdreams. com/plpath5.htm -. SING A NEW
least 20 times we are ...
www.greatdreams.com/weather/weather_anomalies.htm - Similarto
WEATHER ANOMALIES - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
www.greatdreams.com/Christians-against-aliens.htm -. SING A NEW
old woman came by who was taking her daily walk and she ...
Mar 12, 2014 ... They
sang a new song and
these are the words they sang, "You (Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God) are
worthy to take the scroll, and to open its ...
www.greatdreams.com/holy_grail_database.htm - Similarto
HOLY GRAIL - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
THE TUNING. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first
resurrection: over these the second death hath no power: but they shall
be .
www.greatdreams.com/bible_database.htm - Similarto
BIBLE - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
THE TUNING. The Bible says, "Sing, O ye heavens; [these are the heavenly
choirs] for the LORD ... In the Bible's book of Revelation, it is ...
www.greatdreams.com/native_american_database.htm - Similarto
NATIVE AMERICAN DATABASE - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
www.greatdreams.com/apache/ Apache-treaty-Victorio-1877.htm. SING A NEW SONG -
THE TUNING. The Elders of the Native American Hopi nation say that ...
www.greatdreams.com/flood_database.htm - Similarto
FLOOD DATABASE - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
Oct 10, 2013 ... Dee
Finney's blog. start date July 20, 2011. today's date October 11, 2013. page
Aug 23, 2013 ... Dee
Finney's blog. start date July 20, 2011. today's date August 23, 2013. page
547. TOPIC: REVELATION AND THE HORSES. I was watching ...
Tommy Tune came out of the bedroom, hauling a heavy yellow plastic bag full of
clothes over his shoulder. The woman said to him, "Did your brother call
you?" and the scene panned over to the corner of the room where this
ancient dark glossy black skinned man stood with his wife beside him.
The man had a white beard that came half way down his chest, but he was bald
headed on top with a very high odd-shaped forehead. He was wearing ancient
clothing similar to a dark blue robe. He had his arms folded in front of
him and his wife was holding onto his arm.
This dark black glossy skinned man started to smile and changed form a couple
times like he had appeared in several generations and I immediately knew his
name was THOTH.
i immediately opened my eyes and looked at the clock, rather in shock, saying,
"Oh my God" and it was 1:44 a.m.
I really felt shocked that I had just seen what THOTH looked like. It blew
me away.
I told Joe this part of the dream and the name of the song Time to say
Goodbye, and Joe started to sing the song, as sung by Andrew Bocelli. and
I told him, "Oh my God! That's exactly how I was singing it in the dream
VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohXI3po8hK0
144 is a very important number as is 144,000 in the book of Revelation:
Twice in this book, mention is made of a group consisting of 144,000. In chapter
7:1ff John heard of 144,000 (12,000 each from twelve different Israelite tribes)
servants of God who had been sealed on their foreheads. They were thus obviously
redeemed people.
Also, the apostle saw a “great multitude, which no man can number” out of every
nation. These too were redeemed individuals who had been made white in the
Lamb’s blood (v. 14). They had victoriously triumphed over tribulation, and they
served God continuously in his temple.
Some feel that these two groups are really the same people — just from different
Again, in Revelation 14:1ff, John saw the Lamb on Mount Zion. With him were
144,000, sealed with the Father’s name upon their foreheads. This great
multitude had been “purchased out of the earth,” and they were said to be the
“firstfruits unto God and unto the Lamb.”
The “Jehovah’s Witnesses” have almost no concept of the distinction between the
literal and the figurative language in
the Bible. And so, they literalize the number 144,000 in these two contexts, and
ridiculously argue that only 144,000 people will gain heaven.
A Watchtower publication states that “the final number of the heavenly church
will be 144,000, according to God’s decree” (Let
God Be True, p. 113). The balance of
saved humanity, they contend, will live on God’s glorified earth.
It should be noted that the term “thousand” is used nineteen times in the book
of Revelation, but not once is it employed literally in this document.
The 144,000 in Revelation 7
There are some minor differences of opinion among reputable Bible scholars as to
the identity of the 144,000 in Revelation 7.
John T. Hinds argued that the number referred to those who were saved from the
physical nation of Israel (112).
Others, like J. W. Roberts, felt that this company is spiritual Israel, i.e.,
the church (71). Some think this group represents the martyrs who have given
their lives for the cause of Christ.
Be that as it may, it is generally acknowledged that:
“The number is obviously
symbolic. 12 (the number of the tribes) is both squared and multiplied by
1,000 — a twofold way of emphasizing completeness” (Mounce, 168).
144000 is a natural number.
It has significance in several religious movements. In the Mayan calendar, a
baktun is a period of 144,000 days.
Reuben Simeon Levi Judah ...
144000 is
a natural
number. It has significance in several religious movements. In the Mayan
calendar, a baktun is
a period of 144,000 days.
The number 144,000 has religious significance for Christians because
of its use in the Book
of Revelation of the New
Testament, where it appears three times:
saying: "Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we
have sealed the servants of God on their foreheads." And I heard the
number of the sealed, a hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed from
every tribe of the
of Israel:
12,000 from the tribe of Judah were sealed,
12,000 from the tribe of Reuben,
12,000 from the tribe of Gad,
12,000 from the tribe of Asher,
12,000 from the tribe of Naphtali,
12,000 from the tribe of Manasseh,
12,000 from the tribe of Simeon,
12,000 from the tribe of Levi,
12,000 from the tribe of Issachar,
12,000 from the tribe of Zebulun,
12,000 from the tribe of Joseph,
12,000 from the tribe of Benjamin were sealed.
Then I looked, and behold, on
Zion stood the
and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on
their foreheads.
And they were singing a new song before the throne and before the four
living creatures and before the elders. No one could learn that song
except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. For it is these
who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are
It is these who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These have been
redeemed from mankind as firstfruits for God and the Lamb, and in their
mouth no
lie was
found, for they are blameless.
The numbers 12,000 and 144,000 are variously interpreted in traditional
Christianity. Some, taking the numbers in Revelation to be symbolic,[1]believe
it represents all of God's people throughout history in the heavenly Church.[2] One
suggestion is that the number comes from 12, a symbol for totality, which is
squared and multiplied by one thousand for more emphasis. Others insist the
numbers 12,000 and 144,000 are literal numbers and representing either
descendants of Jacob (also called Israel in the Bible) or others to whom God has
given a superior destiny with a distinct role at the time of the end
of the world.[3] One
understanding is that the 144,000 are recently converted Jewish evangelists sent
out to bring sinners to Jesus Christ during the seven year tribulation period.[4] Preterists believe
they are Jewish
Christians, sealed for deliverance from the destruction
of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Dispensationalist Tim
LaHaye, in his commentaryRevelation:
Illustrated and Made Plain (Zondervan,
1975), considers the 144,000 in Revelation 7 to refer to Jews and those in
Revelation 14 to refer to Christians.[5]
Jehovah's Witnesses
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that
exactly 144,000 faithful Christians will be resurrected to heaven to spend
eternity with God as spiritbeings.
They believe that this number is made up of first-century Christians, and other
servants of God since then who were "anointed" (or became part of "spiritual
Israel"), rather than being composed of literal descendants of Jacob.[6] Witnesses
believe that the 144,000 have been selected by God since Pentecost 33
CE. They believe the 144,000 (which they consider to be synonymous with the
"little flock" of Luke
12:32) will serve with Christ as king-priests for a thousand years, while
all other people accepted by God (whom they identify as the "other sheep" of John
10:16 and "the great crowd" of Revelation
7:9,14), will be given an opportunity to live forever in a restored paradise on
earth. According to the Witnesses, the first of the 144,000 were resurrected as
spirit beings in 1918 and others who die after 1918 are immediately resurrected
to heaven.[7][8] Nearly
12,000 Witnesses worldwide—an increase of more than 3,000 since 1995[9]—claim
to be of the anointed "remnant" of the 144,000.[10] The
"remnant" is considered to constitute the faithful
and discreet slave of Matthew
24:45 and Luke
12:42, with teaching authority over Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide. In
practice, all doctrinal and organizational decisions are made by the Governing
Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, which is said to represent that "slave class".[11][12]
The Christian Skoptsy sect
in Russia believed
that the Messiah would
come when the Skoptsy numbered 144,000.[citation
The Christian-based sect founded by Reverend Sun Myung Moon believes the 144,000
represents the total number of saints whom Christ must find "who can restore
through indemnity the missions of all the past saints who, despite their best
efforts to do God's Will, fell prey to Satan when they failed in their
responsibilities. He must find these people during his lifetime and lay the
foundation of victory over Satan's world" according to the Exposition
of the Divine Principle, page
144,000 is alleged to have been the number of Sahaba of Muhammad,
though other totals have been given.[13] The
number is also given as the total number of prophets
in Islam,[14] although
this has also been reported as 124,000 or
244,000. The actual number of Prophets or Sahaba (Companions) is not known,
however, 25 names have been mentioned in the Qur'an.
Age movements
The number 144,000 is also significant in various New
Age religious movements.
- The Church
Universal and Triumphant teaches
that Sanat
Kummara and the Lords of the
Flame also brought 144,000 souls with them from Venus.
- The new age
religion called Raëlism also
states that there are 144,000 chosen people to continue humanity in case of
an upcoming disaster.[15]
- The satirical Church
of the Subgenius believes
that somewhere between 144 000 and 144 people will be taken with the Xists
aboard the pleasure saucers.
144,000 Gone is
a 1984 song by Agent
144,000 is
the title of:
- a song
written and performed by California-based neo-psychedelic rock band Silver
- the eighth
track of Tribal
Seeds' 2009 album The
- Songs
mentioning 144,000 in
the lyrics include:
4th Chamber by GZA from
the 1995 album Liquid
Swords ("Rollin' with the
lands, the tribe's a hundred and forty four thousand chosen. Protons,
electrons always cause explosions.")
G.O.D. (Gaining One's
Definition) by Common ("Cuz
when the trumpets blowin', 24 elders surround the throne. Only 144,000
gon' get home.")
It's Your World/Pop's
Reprise by Common ("Be
that last one of 144,000, be the resident of that twelfth house. Be
eternal." Lonnie Lynn a.k.a. Pops.)
Fire in the Sky by
Beast 1333 ("Atrocities approaching and 144,000 of us will be chosen.")
Share This by Soul
Position from the 2003
album 8
Million Stories (album) ("I
saw the stairway to heaven, and counted one-hundred and forty-four
thousand steps.")
Other uses
7-26-14 DREAM I was in a place unknown and a mancame up to me
and said I had to have a shot and he gave me an injection in my right shoulder
blade, and it hurt so much, I woke up for an instant and shifted on my pillow
and the pain vanished.
The shot was called "sol mariner" .
Then, I and the man and the other people who had gotten the "sol mariner" shot
lay on the lawn awaiting the event, and I woke up again.
It was after I woke up that I realized that the man was President Clinton as he
looked when he was President.
NOTE: When I looked up "Sol Mariner" all I got was in Spanish about a
When I took the quotes off, I got the Ancient Mariner.
Apr 24, 2014 ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRGnoFf2cZQ&feature=
youtube_gdata_player ...
The Shoulder-Blades Chakra
As described in Taoism,
the Gai Pe center is located between the fifth and sixth thoracic vertebrae,
between the shoulder-blades and opposite the heart chakra. This is a region of
hot (yang) energy pertaining to the will. This centre also works with the heart
chakra in the front of the body to activate happiness, peace, love and joy [Chia,

Spokes/Petals: Hindu
Tantra -
12; Tibetan
Buddhism -8; Tansley - 12; Paulson -
Element: Hindu
Tantra -
Air (Smoke-coloured Star); Tibetan
Buddhism -Mind or Spirit
Colours: Hindu
Tantra -
Smoke coloured (petals: red, vermillion, yellow, blue-yellow, and white); Tibetan
Buddhism -White; Paulson -

Associated Psychological states:
Open and Balanced:
You have a feeling of freedom and a deep sense of the meaning of life and the
universe [Chia,
p.211], and feel your will to be in
harmony with the Divine Will [Brennan,
p.76]. You have a well-developed
will-power and a willingness to really live life [Paulson,
p.70]; you are driven to embrace your
life, enjoy it, learn from it, use it to grow personally, and discover your
Divine origins [Paulson,
Overactive: You
are impulsive and lacking in caution, especially in situations where caution is
required [Paulson,
Malfunctioning: (e.g.
active but rotating anti-clockwise) You see the universe as a hostile place, and
you react aggressively to your environment [Brennan,
Blocked: You
lack will-power and motivation; you have a fear of life and cannot put your
heart into actions [Paulson,
p.70]. You feel burdened, hopeless, and
full of melancholy [Chia,
p.211], and sometimes even lack the
will to live [Paulson,

The Shoulder-Blade Chakra at different octaves
Because this is such a complex chakra, it might be interesting to look at it as
it functions in several different octaves of being: gross, subtle, and causal
On the etheric-body level,
this centre acts as a pump that sends chi energy to higher centres [Mantak
Chia, Awaken
Healing Light, p.210].
On the gross and lower subtle emotional and mental
levels, it is as Barbara Brennan explains, the centre of ego-self and
will-power; the centre from which we act in the external physical world [Brennan,
pp.76-7]. When this centre is
over-active it produces an immoral, irresponsible individual [Tansley,
Radionics & the Subtle Anatomy of Man, p.41].
While on the higher
subtle and causal levels,
this is the Angel-chakra, the centre that governs the angel-wings that enable
spiritual travel and also protect the traveller[Mantak
Chia, Awaken
Healing Light, p.210]. This symbolic
reference to wings and to spiritual flight links also to the Egyptian representation
of the Ba
or Soul as a human-headed bird,
as well as winged deities such as Isis and Maat, and to the symbolic association
in both Tantra and Kabbalah of
the Anahata or Tifaret(respectively)
with the element Air.
Chakra balancing

major and minor Chakras | Notes
on Psychological terms
7-28-14 DREAM 1 - I was given a gift of a ship by an old man who
couldn't sail anymore. This ship was not on the water either, but in
storage, and I had to move it inch by onch to my house, and then when I had the
ship, I looked exactly like my beautiful neighbor, who was tall and thin,
dressed in blue ans white sailor's casual clothes. It made me feel really
DREAM 2 I was in Wisconsin, and was given the gift of my neighbor's car, which
was still in their garage next door at the Andersons. Because I was still
busy with the ship, my friends Mikki and BB went to get the car keys for me, and
then I had to retrieve the car,
For some reason, I was also given the house key, and told that Ishould go over
to the Anderson's house with that key and see if there was anything in that
house I could use myself.
I didn't feel right doing that surreptisiously, but didn't want anyone to see me
sneak over there either. I was totally happy with just the car.
7-28-14 DREAM I was working on the ship, moving it on the ground,
amongst what looked like leaves.
MEDITATION: I was looking at my score card of working on the ship, and my
current score appeared to be 85.
7-29-14 DREAM I was keeping records of something happening on long
strips of paper such as calculator paper, but I was writing them by hand, in
I woke up for some reason, and heard something made of cardboard shift in the
room all by itself. Since it was dark in the room, I may never know what
it was.
7-30-14 I had a series of visions showing me that my pendulum has swung
way to the right.
That makes me feel really happy.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pendulum - Similarto Pendulum -
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A pendulum is
a weight suspended from a pivot so that it can swing freely. When apendulum is
displaced sideways from its resting equilibrium position, it is ...
7-31-14 DREAM I was reading on a screen about Mary Magdalene
and Yeshua that they were looking for a place to live that had running water.
Dee's Dream Index Page