Days of Truth 


Days of Truth: Doorway to Global Awakening
September 15, 2002 and beyond

By Kiara Windrider

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These are the days of the great changes. The Mayan calendar refers to January 5, 1999, as initiating a cycle of galactic consciousness. The Aztecs referred to August 13, 1999, as the Day of Destiny, following which a rebirth of humanity would take place.  An ancient spiral of three-dimensional time ended on July 26, 2000. A calendar symbolically encoded in the measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza spelled September 17, 2001 as a Day of Truth, a planetary \\\"initiation\\\". The Hopis speak of the emergence of the Fifth World. The Book of Revelations promises a New Heaven and a New Earth. The Hindus predict the ending of an Age of Illusion, and a return to the Age of Truth.

The Age of Truth has already begun. In the seeming darkness that followed the events of 9-11, a great light has begun to shine forth, gently and gradually at first, slowly gathering momentum. In a torrent of unanswered questions and disturbing revelations, the light of truth is beginning to dawn. People are starting to ask difficult questions, questions that address the sleeping shadows both within us and around us, questions we are asking ourselves, our communities, our governments, our corporations, our world. How we answer these questions reflects how we choose to move forward. Will we move forward on a spiral of despair and death? Or in hope and resurrection?

We are moving out from the Daze of Illusion into the Days of Truth. What I am proposing this year, on the Sunday closest to the anniversary of the first Day of Truth on September 17, 2001, is for people to gather together to share our common truth. Let us come together as families, groups and communities around the world in celebration of our awakening truth, releasing old patterns of human relating, and opening to the possibilities of a quantum shift in planetary consciousness.

Here are some things each of us can do:

1. Sign the Covenant of Truth on, voicing your own commitment to the truth of your deepest Self, and the expression of that truth in the world. Pass it along to others in your life.

2. Take time to share with your family, friends, and loved ones what has most heart and meaning for you. What are you afraid of? What are your dreams and hopes? What do you need to say that hasn’t been spoken? An Age of Truth can only begin as we first light the candle of truth within.

3. Begin to ask ourselves some difficult questions about the state of our planet. When governments, institutions or corporations have become greedy and corrupt, are we willing to hold them accountable? Can we speak up for those who don’t have a voice, those who have suffered, those who are less fortunate than ourselves? Can we go beyond defensiveness and blame to examine our own part in collective karmic cycles?

4. Once we have identified some of the issues most directly relevant to our own communities and nations, initiate positive changes. Disclose the truth. Use the media. Create rallies and musical celebrations, bringing together voices that are willing to compassionately hold a new vision of justice and peace, a new paradigm for human possibilities.

5. Having acknowledged our own shadows, let us extend the hand of amnesty and forgiveness to each other, to ourselves, to our leaders, and to that which is of the old paradigm soon to fall away. Let us dissolve the long cycles of collective human karma in the light of grace.

We stand at the doorway of global awakening. May we walk through in truth, beauty, and freedom

Days of Truth

Planetary Initiation
by Kiara Windrider

Spirals of Time
by Kiara Windrider

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