compiled by Dee Finney
The Great
Eclipse of 99
The alchemist's schematized body is the offspring of the marriage between
the archetypal Sun King,
seated on a lion on a hill to his right, and the archetypal Moon Queen,
seated on a great fish to his left. "Its father is the Sun", says the tablet,
"its mother the Moon".
5-20-02 - DREAM - I don't have all the details of this dream. There
is probably a good reason for that. The dream was about the earth
marrying. The other planets were witnesses.
I saw a chart of the days of the week. The groom had not yet arrived.
I was sitting in a car, waiting for the groom to arrive, with the
people who were representing the other planets. |
"The Hindu tradition sees Kundalini as the divine Mother of all form.
Coiled in sleep at the base of the spine, the serpent power of the Goddess
Kundalini gives life. When she awakens and begins to rise, the forces within
(Shakti) merge with the powers on high (Shiva), consummating the sacred marriage.
From this union of earthly and heavenly energies comes spiritual rebirth
and wholeness. This same phenomena has been recognized and described (in
indigenous semantics) by nearly every culture in the world."
The Book of Revelation and the central theme of this final book of the
New Testament is also the alchemical wedding, the union of all opposites,
particularly the union of conscious and unconscious, the goal of Individuation.
"Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of
the beast,
for it is the number of a man: His number is 666."
- Revelation 13:18
"In the Second Book of Chronicles, the weight of the gold that was brought
as tribute to King Solomon was 666 talents. This was a fitting tribute for
the king, because in the ancient world, 666 was universally understood to
be the number of the masculine principle. It was the "Yang" or "solar" number
and represented reason, power, right and might: "banners waving in the sun."
In its extreme it represents the tyrant.
The offsetting "feminine" principle (based on the ancient practice of gematria,
a system which was used by the School of Pythagoras, by Plato and by numerous
other intellectuals in the ancient world) bore the number of 1080, the "lunar"
or "yin" number, based on the radius of the moon. As 666 represented the
fire power of the sun, 1080 represented the waters of the feminine. In Greek,
both "Holy Spirit" and "Earth Spirit" have the value of 1080. The sum of
the letters in the Greek word for dove was 801, an anagram of 1080, making
the dove a perfect symbol for both the goddess and the Holy Spirit. Each
principle--masculine/feminine, fire/water, positive/negative energy was dangerous
by itself, but harnessed with its opposite, they operated in harmony, like
the positive and negative charges in electricity. The focus of the Greek
philosophers was on balance in all things. When the numerical values of the
two opposing principles, 666 and 1080, were added together, the resulting
sum was 1746, the number designating the "sacred marriage" represented by
the two triangles intertwined.
11, 1999 -
To make progress it is essential to try to understand
what circles, U-shaped settings and trilithons meant symbolically?
The most promising answer to these questions, based on the
latest research into ancient peoples and their religions and which accord
with all the known facts of science, archaeology and anthropology, are
outlined here.
First we emphasise that no complete answer can
ever be deduced because the builders, who have been so long dead, left
no literature to guide us. Nevertheless because the Stonehenge people
worked with symbols and integrated symbolic meanings into the stones, scholars
have identified enough meanings, using parallels from early agrarian cultures
elsewhere, to reconstruct an outline of the lost mythology. The formulation
of these concepts into a coherent and unified theory is due to the physics
professor Dr Terence Meaden, an archaeophysicist.
(1) To commence, Stonehenge, Avebury and the other stone
monuments of Western Europe were built over 4 millennia ago in an era when
Neolithic farmers believed in an Earth Mother and a Sky Father. With
this knowledge, scholars in ancient religions, proficient in the interpretation
of archaic artforms, see that the ordered stones of Stonehenge could constitute
an open-sky temple implicitly dedicated to the worship of the Earth Mother.
This is because the monument is heavy with feminine symbolism. Above
all, the several concentric circles and the U-settings appear to represent
the womb of the Earth Mother while the middle trilithon arch in the outer
circle is her vulva (refer to the plan of Stonehenge given on the previous
Stonehenge Building web page).
Hence, it seems that a major purpose of the 35 narrow arches
(30 in the outer circle, 5 in the inner great trilithons) is to emphasise
still more the femininity of the monument; and that as with Hindu
temples throughout the world the object of the cult is placed
in the womb of the temple at its focal point. At Stonehenge the Cult
Stone has been inaptly called (since the 17th century) the Altar Stone.
It is the biggest of the Welsh stones and, when freshly scraped and wetted,
glistens in the sunshine because of its myriads of mica mirrors.
(2) Next, the axis of the monument is directed at the rising
sun on midsummer's day. It is only on midsummer morning that the rising
sun penetrates the middle-arch of the womb to illuminate the internal Goddess
Stone with its radiant energy. Watchers would see the stone sparkling
in the reflected light of the Sky God, serving here in his role of the
Sun. This constituted a dramatic spectacle in which the actual Marriage
and Consummation of the Gods was witnessed.
Hence the inferred Creation Myth of the Stonehenge and Avebury
Peoples is that Earth Mother and Sky Father came together to beget
the world, and that the midsummer spectacle was the anniversary and dramatic
re-enactment of the primordial event.
In other words, the ongoing fertility myth could be that by
their annual mating God and Goddess guaranteed the success, the safety and
the fertility of the people's uncertain world which was forever at risk from
sterility, weather, disease and wild animals. It may reasonably
be conjectured that it was much the same at other stone circles throughout
the British Isles---wherein the simple circle is also a womb or genital shrine
to the Earth Mother---but that Stonehenge and Avebury in England, Maeshowe
in Scotland, and Newgrange and Knowth in Ireland were the pinnnacles of the
builders' achievements in expressing in stone and light the concept of the
Marriage of the Gods, a belief that was certainly widespread throughout the
Ancient World in one form or another (for two examples refer to the bottom
of this page).
The visitor should also note that at Stonehenge shortly
after sunrise a second effect took place --- in fact, it still does.
The phallic shadow cast by the Heel Stone (a stone which is arguably the
Sky Father's lithic personification on earth) also enters the vulvar arch
to encounter the female cult object --- the Womb Stone or Cult Stone.
Hundreds of believers waiting on the encircling bank could see this
spectacle happen to their entire satisfaction. This is demonstrated
in the photograph immediately below which was taken from the point
of view of an observer at the Heel Stone.
Visitors to Stonehenge may view this sunrise spectacle from
the roadside at 5 a.m. summer time on days when the sun rises bright
and clear and casts a sharp shadow. The best dates are
from 18 to 24 June annually. Come and
see for yourself this summer. (No permission is necessary because you
can view this from the roadside. Try to arrive no later than 4.45
Hence, to put it poetically, the Heel Stone may be considered
the Sky God's representative on Earth not only because of this 'manifestation
of his powers' but because there is a carved head on the stone
as well.
A good colour photograph of this
head has been reproduced in two books: (1) Stonehenge: The
Secret of the Solstice and (2) Avebury: The Secrets of
the Stones. This photograph will be added to these web pages at
a later update.
The next photograph shows another recently-discovered
face-carving at Stonehenge, which leads us to pose an unanswerable question:
Although we can never know, one may ask
was it the person whose face is sculptured
into the side of trilithon stone 54 ?
Whoever this was, it must have been an
influential personage to have had facial
features preserved forever in this fashion.
update 9-14-2013
Modern researchers have puzzled for centuries over the striking stone
construction known as Stonehenge. But now researchers have discovered new
aspects of the site, including a processional road, that may eventually help
unravel some of its mysteries.
are many theories about why ancient peoples
constructed the prehistoric megalithic monument, which is estimated to have
been built between 3000 and 1520 B.C. Located outside Salisbury,
England, Stonehenge is the focus of ongoing
research projects coordinated by English Heritage, a cultural
preservation agency.
One of those projects recently uncovered
previously hidden sections of an ancient pathway that researchers
led directly to the site from the Avon River in the nearby town of Amesbury.
Known as the Avenue, the pathway is
believed to have been built sometime between 2600 and 2200 B.C.,
according to English Heritage. Over time,
parts of the road were obscured, and a modern road called A344 was built
across it, reports LiveScience. The new road has made it almost
impossible for researchers to confirm the purpose of the Avenue, according
to LiveScience.
In an effort to answer some of these questions, researchers carefully
began removing the paved A344. While the banks of the original path had long
since eroded away, archaeologists were excited to find traces of two
parallel ditches that once ran on either side of the path. These ditches
connected segments of the Avenue bisected by A344.
“And here we have it –- the missing piece in the jigsaw," Heather Sebire,
properties curator and archaeologist at English Heritage,
said in an interview with BBC History Magazine. "It is very exciting to
find a piece of physical evidence that officially makes the connection which
we were hoping for."
While the purpose of the Avenue is not exactly clear, Sebire told
LiveScience she believes it was involved in ancient processions to and from
the site.
“It was constructed in 2300 BC so is a later addition to the stone
circle, but people would have processed along it to the monument," Sebire
told BBC Magazine. “It’s quite a dramatic finding.”
At least one researcher unaffiliated with English Heritage believes
the excavation could help confirm a theory that the Avenue leading to
Stonehenge was built along the solstice axis. As archaeologist Mike
Parker Pearson told National Geographic, this means that the direction of
the Avenue moving away from the monument
points toward where the sun rises on the midsummer solstice, the longest
day of the year. But if you turn, the path leading back toward Stonehenge
points toward where the sun sets on the midwinter solstice, the shortest day
of the year.
Around the Web:
Ancient path leading to Stonehenge discovered - NBC
Ancient Road Leading to Stonehenge Found - LiveScience
When was Stonehenge built and by who? - Bradshaw Foundation
Magic circles: walking from Avebury to Stonehenge | Travel | The ...
Path to Stonehenge Discovered, More Than a Mile Long
'Missing Piece' Emerges in Stonehenge Mystery
The concept of Sacred Marriage between an Earth Mother and Sky Father
appears to have been quasi-universal, especially in early or primitive
agricultural societies.
Very many examples are known worldwide, not only from the vast
Indo-European regions but from the Americas, Africa, the Far East and
Oceania. Two non-Indo-European examples are given for introductory
purposes. These are important because the descendants of the believers
have explained the meanings to anthropologists.
(1) A petroglyph carved by the native Americans
of Southern California shows the rays of the Sky Father
or Sun entering the womb-like labyrinth of the Earth Mother.

(2) From Tennessee comes another
Indian stone carving which shows the phallus about to enter the yoni of the
Earth Mother as a sign and appeal for the fertility of the land and its peoples.