( Photo from The Miami Herald Newspaper )
Aerial View of Circle
Sacred Peace Center · 1601 w 17th st ste F-2, #283 · Santa Ana · CA · 92706 |
The Tekesta Miami Circle
The Miami Circle was an important part of the town of Tekesta In August, 1998, excavations exposed an archaeological treasure consisting of a circle of holes chiseled into the limestone bedrock. Also found were pottery shards, stone axe heads, and other artifacts. The site was to be a parking garage for a $126 million high-rise luxury condo complex, Brikell Pointe, located where the Miami River joins Biscayne Bay near downtown Miami. Although the site is not eye-catching, it turns out to be a major U.S. archaeological discovery. The site had been an apartment complex and before that the homestead and trading post of the Brikell family, early Miami settlers in the 1870s. But now it seems that site held an important building that was part of the Tekesta Indian capitol town, also called Tekesta. This was possibly evidence that North America's first complex society may have arises well before that of the Calusa. The Significance of the Tekesta Miami Circle
Part 1.
Florida in the Paleoindian Period (13,500 to 9,900 B.P.) |
Art Bell's Miami Circle Photo Page
Wolflodge Listing of Fax Numbers to Call
Last summer (1998)
an ancient stone circle was uncovered during construction work in downtown
Miami. Volunteer archaeologists, under the direction of Robert Carr, director
of Miami-Dade County's Historic Preservation Division, began mapping the
site in July. Project surveyor, T.L. Riggs, has posited the theory that the
site may be Mayan. Others say that the site may be even older than the Mayan
sites, perhaps far older. Robert Carr said, "Nothing like this has ever been
found in Florida or the eastern United States. It represents a very important
page of missing history in this part of the world."
A controversy ensued, as the developers intended to destroy the ancient site in order to complete the 100 million dollar construction project. A few days before the planned destruction, Richard Hoagland and Robert Ghost Wolf traveled to Miami in an attempt to help preserve the site. They appeared on the Art Bell Radio Show on January 29. Richard had been communicating with Michael Lawrence Morton of "The Code Gang," and mentioned Michael's work on "The Code" connections of the Miami stone circle. On February 4, Michael appeared on the Art Bell Radio Show, along with Richard, Robert and others.
With the help of Art Bell listeners and many others, the destruction of the site was canceled, thanks to the sensitivity of the developers of the construction project. The plan at this time is to cut the circle out of the bedrock and move it in sections to another location. For various reasons some believe that the site should remain in its place. One of those reasons is based on the belief that the Miami stone circle is part of a worldwide grid system of ancient sites, and that their positioning has an effect on the planet itself.
This article contains the work of Michael Lawrence Morton, giving "The Code" connections to the Miami stone circle. Several e-mails from others about the site are included, along with various links to other sites.
"The Code" is explained in Part One of this series of articles.
Stone Circle of Mystery Buried Artifact Found at Miami Building Site
The First Native American People's site
December 28, 1998 (Miami Herald)
Miami's Ancient Circle to the Stars
Miami Herald, January
3, 1999
Archive Page
A Prophet Is Wihout Honor In His Own Land...
Miami Herald, Jan.
12, 1999
(South Florida is a treasure trove of early human habitation)
Coverage from Mexico Newspaper
THE PAST IN PERIL--Miami Herald--Sunday, January 17,1999
Miami Herald, Jan. 20, 1999--Bids to save stone circle underway
ARTIFACT - SHARK BURIAL (trying to get this link back)
Artifact--stingray tail spine (trying to get this link back)
Artifacts and other Information
SOLUTION PITS? (trying to get this link back)
SATELLITE IMAGES FROM 1995 (trying to get this link back)
Circle of Mystery
Buried Artifact Found at Miami Building Site
Mysterious Circle Discovered in Miami
Stone Circle of Miami -"Shining Light In Dark Places"
I just spoke by phone with RCH. He said a full show on this would hopefully follow, next week on Art Bell ... with myself (M.L. Morton) as one of the guests on the show ... and we *would* be mentioning the "Code" & gematria and such, etc !!!
-- Michael L. M.
Subj: I think we have a breakthrough !!
Date: 01/30/1999 2:47:18 AM Central Standard Time
From: Milamo
Well, Gang ... !!!!!!! Looks like we have a breakthrough !!!!
I got an email from a woman who's acting as a secretary for RCH ... this was about 4 or 5 days ago. The email said that RCH was interested in information on the 'Miami Circle' ... and could I send any such info to him through this lady ... she would fax it to him at his hotel in Miami !! And she gave the phone number of the hotel, where I could phone him ... which I did.
Hoagland described the location of the site to me over the phone, as best he could ... I then went back to the USGS map ... and did my best at figuring- out numbers for the site, based on a much more-accurate location than I had from only the stories in the press. I think I hit it right !!! Hopefully, I've got it right ... we'll see !! Hoagland had been out to the site himself earlier that day ... and had taken some photos from a distance.
Here are my figures I sent him, based on his description over the phone, after I studied the USGS map again :
Grid LAT 25 (deg) X 46 (min) X 11.07965608 (sec) North = 12741.60449 North
Grid LONG 111 (deg) X 18 (min) X 49.39741942 (sec) W.Giza = 98696.04401 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 80 deg 10 min 48.59741942 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 98696.04401 / 12741.60449 = 7.745966692
Notice the Grid Point Value would be the Square Root of 60. And the Grid Longitude would be a base-ten harmonic of Pi Squared.
The Grid Latitude would be a base-ten harmonic of the ratio between this circle's diameter, and the radius of the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge ... 48.66934411 Feet / 38.19718635 Feet = 1.274160449
One of Carl Munck's first decodings involved his awareness that the original Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge would have been made of 60 stones ... 30 uprights and 30 cross-pieces ... because when multiplied by the 360 conventional number of degrees on "any circumference" ... the number 60 produces the 21600 arc- minutes of latitude on Earth's polar circumference, and also the Grid Latitude of Stonehenge itself. [ 21600 is the product from multiplying together the numbers of Stonehenge's actual latitude] ... 51 (deg) X 10 (min) X 42.35294118 (sec) North = 21600 North
This implies that the designer(s) of Stonehenge were not only familiar with using 360 as the number of equal units on a circumference ... but that these designer(s) were also consciously *showing* it in both the layout of the structure (the number of stones on the Sarsen Circle, for example, as only one of the features of the site) ... AND, in the precise latitude/longitude positioning of the structure.
-- Michael
See corrected calculations and further explanation
1-30-99, 7:39 a.m.
Date: 01/30/1999 4:49:29 AM Central Standard Time
From: Code UFO
My work differs from that of Michael Morton in that Michael's work identifies specific geographic and geometric relationships while mine focuses on synchronistic relationships derived from calculating the alphanumeic values of key words and phrases. The work is based on the notion that numbers have both quantitative as well as qualitative values. This is an ancient concept underpinning the whole art/science known as Gematria. Traditionally, the english alphabet has been considered the least useful as a tool of Gematria. However, my work has led me to consider the possibility that the 26 letters of our alphabet may have a unique relationship with the Mayan Tzolkin grid matrix of 260 units (for details, see my web site at ). Numbers might be resonant symbols reflecting archetypal concepts residing in what Carl Jung called the collective unconscious. If so, this idea might partially answer the puzzle of how and why the Grid Point Values of ancient sacred sites appear to be intimately connected. We know there is an abundance of instances of the number "9" (or multiples thereof) within the key numbers connected to Carl Munck's "Code Of The Ancients". I've become nearly convinced that the number "9" is somehow intimately involved in the nature of the phenomenon we call "synchronicity". If that's true, then this may be an alternative way of validating the relationships between certain phenomena, be they persons, places, things or events. In the specific case of the "Code Of The Ancients" I feel very comfortable with the idea that the english alphabet may be a useful gematrian tool since it has already been established that much of the "Code" reflects the english metrology. Why, I don't know. Nevertheless, it appears to be the case.
The following calculations reflect possible MIAMI/MAYAN alphanumeric connections identified by the significance of the number "9". Also reflects other related Gematrian and Munck Code numbers.
"9 is the number of the mythic Lords of Time, the number representing the original Mayan galactic masters themselves." - Arguelles, The Mayan Factor
"9 = Magic number of the Maya. All relevant numbers compound to 9 (except the Special Number 260)". - Gilbert & Cotterell, The Mayan Prophecies
All alphanumeric values have been calculated using A=1 through Z=26.
Cross addition of multidigit numbers has been used to calculate single the digit value (ex: the single digit value of 54 is 9 by adding the two digits 4 and 5).
MAYAN = 54 (9)
FIFTY FOUR = 126 (9)
54 + 126 = 180 (9) (also, 1/2 of 360 degrees in a circle)
54 + 54 = 108 (9) (also, base ten harmonic of Grid Lat. of Miami Circle)
108 = 1/2 of 216 (9) (also, base ten harmonic of 21600, Grid Lat. of Stonehenge)
54 + 126 + 260 (Mayan Tzolkin) = 440 (musical note, "A" in standard CPS)
A = 1
440 + 1 = 441 (9)
54 = base ten harmonic of 5400, Grid Point Value of the Sphinx.
SPHINX = 90 (9)
90 + 54 = 144 (9) (also, Gematria number for speed of light)
SPEED OF LIGHT = 126 (same as alphanumeric value of FIFTY FOUR & FORTY FIVE)
126 + 144 = 270 (9) (also, 3 x SPHINX)
270 + 90 = 360 (9) (also, degrees in a circle)
90 + 126 = 216 (base ten harmonic of 21600, Grid Lat of Stonehenge)
90 + 126 + 54 = 450 (9) (also, base ten harmonic of MIAMI=45)
MIAMI = 45 (9)
FORTY FIVE = 126 (9)
45 x 2 = 90 (SPHINX)
90 x 2 = 180 (9) (also, sum of MAYAN=54 + FIFTY FOUR=126)
See Gary's Synchronicity City Site
From Michael M
Correction to Miami Circle Figures
Richard ...
I found a mistake I made in routine calculations, in which I inadvertently subtracted 30 seconds of longitude that I shouldn't have. However ... I've corrected the mistake ... and all is totally well and good !!! The new figures fit beautifully ... still ... with Stonehenge, and with other major Munck-matrix numbers !!
Here is my correction :
I now see *two* very strong possibilities here. The first :
Grid LAT ... remains the same .... 12741.60449 North = 25 (deg) X 46 (min) X 11.07965608 (sec) North
Grid LONG 111 (deg) X 19 (min) X 18.7190221 (sec) W.Giza = 39478.41761 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 80 deg 11 min 17.9190221 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 39478.41761 / 12741.60449 = 3.098386677
The Grid Point Value is the Square Root of precisely 9.6.
The Grid Longitude is an exact base-ten harmonic of (2Pi) Squared.
And as a reminder ... the Grid Latitude is a base-ten harmonic of the ratio between the radius of The Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge, and the possible diameter of this Miami Circle.
If we divide this Grid Point Value by the Grid Point Value of Stonehenge, we get the TANGENT of the Base Slope Angle of The Great Pyramid of Giza : 3.098386677 / 2.433467206 = 1.273239545 = TAN 51.853974 degrees
If we multiply this Grid Point Value by the TANGENT of the azimuth-of- orientation of "The Avenue" at Stonehenge ( 49.65408598 degrees), we get the TANGENT of the precise surface mileage (in statute miles) arc- distance from Stonehenge to The Great Pyramid !!! [ 2234.668733 statute miles] : 3.098386677 X 1.177245771 = 3.647562611 = TAN 2234.668733
Notice also :
The number 1.177245771 is the exact ratio between the radius of The Sarsen Circle (in Feet) at Stonehenge, and The Radian (deg) constant of circle/sphere math ... 57.29577951 / 48.66934411 = 1.177245771
[ Note ... The Radian (deg) constant is found by dividing 360 by 2Pi !!! ] ... 360 / (2Pi) = 57.29577951 degrees
The second strong possibility I see here :
Grid LAT 25 (deg) X 46 (min) X 11.07164822 (sec) North = 12732.39545 North
Grid LONG .... same as first strong possiblity .... 39478.41761 W.Giza = 111 (deg) X 19 (min) X 18.7190221 (sec) W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 80 deg 11 min 17.9190221 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 39478.41761 / 12732.39545 = 3.100627668
Here, the Grid Point Value is precisely a base-ten harmonic of Pi Cubed !!!
( This is a direct correlation with the Grid Point Value of the intersection-spot in Phoenix, over-which the UFO stopped and hovered on 03/13/97 !!! ).
This also correlates, inversely of course, to the *reciprocal* of Pi Cubed ... the HAARP, Alaska spot I calculated !
The Grid Latitude, here, is a base-ten harmonic of the TANGENT of the Base Slope Angle of The Great Pyramid.
And, as a reminder, the Grid Longitude, here, is a base-ten harmonic of (2Pi) Squared. Notice here : this Grid Longitude number of 39478.41761 *matches precisely* the Grid Latitude number (my figure) for that Phoenix intersection spot !!!
Also ... it could be that the diameter of this Miami Circle is 12Pi Feet .. or 37.69911184 Feet. If we divide 12Pi by 3.098386677 ... we get a base-ten harmonic of precisely one-half the Grid Point Value of Stonehenge ... 12Pi / 3.098386677 = 12.16733603 = 2.433467206 / 2 X 10
Suppose ... that we multiply the Grid Point Values of these two "strong possibilities" ... 3.098386677 X 3.100627668 = 9.606943456
That result is a base-ten harmonic of the circumference of The Sarsen Circle (in Feet) multiplied by the Pi constant !!! ...
[ 305.7985078 Feet X Pi / 100 = 9.606943457 ]
I'll be following-up on all of this in the next few days. There are many, many stunning connections involved, and I'll be forwarding you my information.
Thank-you very much, Richard, for this chance to work with you on this case. And I look forward to being on the coming Art Bell program with you !!
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) copyright 1999
Subj: Fwd: More to RCH from MLM ...
Date: 01/30/1999 9:54:13 AM Central Standard Time
Gang .. here's a copy of my latest to Hoagland ...
-- Michael
Richard ...
I also must say, after further consideration ... that there is a very significant possibility that the central Grid Point Value in this Miami Circle ... could be precisely Pi itself !!! :-)
On a north-south axis, if we assume the (2Pi) Squared base-ten harmonic Grid Longitude of 39478.41761 W.Giza, if we move about 15 Feet south of 25 deg 46 min 11.07 sec .... to exactly 25 deg 46 min 10.9272788 sec ... 25 (deg) X 46 (min) X 10.9272788 (sec) = 12566.37061 North
That would be a Grid LAT of exactly 4000 Pi, and the Grid POINT Value would be 39478.41761 / 12566.37061 = 3.141592654 = Pi
Only a close inspection at the site, of course, can tell us.
Michael L. Morton
(c) copyright 1999
Ruins in Miami tell of extinct tribe
Archaeologists can stay on site through Feb. 26
Subj: [earthchanges] Fwd: Re: Miami Circle
Date: 02/01/1999 2:09:24 AM Central Standard Time
From: (lee Chin)
Subject: Re: Miami Circle
Subj: [earthchanges] Fwd: Re: More on Miami
Date: 02/01/1999 2:12:45 AM Central Standard Time
From: (lee Chin)
Subject: Re: More on Miami
Thanks again and keep on screaming we are turning things around...could it be that the Art Bell Chat Club can become a real force in this world....your friends at Wolf Lodge
Subj: Save the Stone Circle in Miami, Florida
Date: 99-02-01 01:31:25 EST
To: fl_governor@eog.state.fl.u,,,,,, AHHPMX@SIVM.SI.EDU,,
Dear Sirs:
I recently became aware of a new discovery in Miami, Florida. It is the remains of an ancient, Pre-Columbian stone calendar. The developer has the necessary permits to bulldoze the site and erect an apartment complex on this very sacred site.
When that happens much knowledge will be lost forever. Once the site is destroyed we will never know what secrets we have lost. Please stop this develpoment from going forward. Let this site be saved for the expansion of our knowledge of the ancient peoples that once inhabited this land. Money could be found to buy this site from the developer to do this worthy work.
Please help to save this unique cultural heritage from being erased forever.
Thank you,
Wanda Patton
Date: 02/04/1999 4:55:46 AM Central Standard Time
From: Milamo
In a message dated 2/4/99 6:14:57 AM, Dee777 wrote:
<<Hi all: I convinced my good ol' friend Liz, new webmaster to Robert Ghostwolf to give us a link to our page. Joe says he will get the new Miami site numbers up as soon as he can.
BTW .......My most recent, "strongest possibility", as to matrix-valid numbers for The Miami Circle ...
Grid LAT 25 (deg) X 46 (min) X 10.9272788 (sec) North = 12566.37061 North = 4000 X Pi
Grid LONG 111 (deg) X 19 (min) X 20.48364154 (sec) W.Giza = 43200 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 80 deg 11 min 19.68364154 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 43200 / 12566.37061 = 3.437746771
Notice that 3.437746771 matches the number of regular Feet of height of the outer surface of The Sarcophagus in The King's Chamber inside The Great Pyramid (according to my proposed measurements). Also .... equals one-tenth Grid Point Value of Warm Mineral Springs (Florida), one-tenth the length in regular Feet of The King's Chamber (according to my proposed measurements), one-tenth of 3/5ths of The Radian (deg), and one-thousandth the polar radius of Earth in nautical miles.
-- Michael
Subj: Some Unifying Numbers ...
Date: 02/05/1999 9:35:29 AM Central Standard Time
From: Milamo
Regardless of my "strong possibility" for the Grid POINT Value of The Miami Circle ... 3.437746771 ... the base-ten harmonic of this figure is very important in the re-discovered planetary matrix.
The polar radius of Earth is 3437.746771 nautical miles. BTW ... isn't it interesting that a latitude minute on Earth 'just happens' to equal a nautical mile, while our convention of arc-minutes on 'any circumference' is equal to the polar circumference of Earth in nautical miles ? [ 21600 ].
We use a statute mile of 5280 Feet. Could there be a direct "connection" between our 360-degree convention ( number of equal segments on 'any circumference' ), and the 5280 Feet in a statute mile ?
Consider the mean (average) diameters of Earth and The Moon ... 7920 statute miles and 2160 statute miles. [ BTW ... notice that 2160 is a base-ten harmonic of 21600 ]. The ratio of those mean diameters is 3.666666667. Now ... consider the tetrahedron, and Richard C. Hoagland's "hyperdimensional physics" model of two interconnected tetrahedra, in a 3-D "Star-of-David" pattern, circumscribed in a rotating sphere. A tetrahedron has 720 degrees of total corner-angle on its surface. So, 2 tetrahedra have a total of 1440 degrees of corner-angle on their surfaces. Let's multiply 1440 times the ratio of mean Earth/Moon diameters ... 3.666666667 X 1440 = 5280
There's our connection between Feet in a statute mile, degrees on 'any circumference', nautical miles on the polar circumference of Earth, statute miles of mean Moon diameter, and the size-relationship between Earth and The Moon !!
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) copyright 1999
Subj: Based on RCH's GPS Readings ...
Date: 02/05/1999 2:29:01 PM Central Standard Time
From: Milamo
To: JMason4557, Dee777, JamesFuria, Code UFO
BULLETIN Re: The Miami Circle
I talked by phone with Richard C. Hoagland around noon today, Feb.5, 1999 ... and he gave me the GPS readings he (himself) took at the site of The Miami Circle.
Here, then, are my Munck-matrix figures for The Miami Circle, based on the GPS readings taken by Mr. Hoagland ...
Grid LAT 25 (deg) X 46 (min) X 9.391304348 (sec) North = 10800 North
Grid LONG 111 (deg) X 19 (min) X 19.83320063 (sec) W.Giza = 41828.22014 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 80 deg 11 min 19.03320063 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 41828.22014 / 10800 = 3.872983346
The Grid Point Value is precisely the Square Root of 15, and the Grid Latitude is exactly one-half the Grid LAT of Stonehenge !!
If the diameter of The Miami Circle is, in fact, 37.5 Feet ... this would make a lot of sense ... because the (Square Root of 3.75) X 21600 = 41828.22014 !! [ The Grid LAT of Stonehenge is 21600 ].
Also ... the Grid LAT of The Great Sphinx is ... the (Square Root of 375) X [The Radian (deg) Squared] = 19.36491673 X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951) = 63571.27161 North = 29 (deg) X 58 (min) X 37.79504852 (sec) North
So ; assuming Richard C. Hoagland's GPS readings are correct, I can now say that we have a Munck-matrix valid site here !
The Miami Circle appears to be a major site in the re-discovered ancient planetary matrix !!!
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) copyright 1999
In a message dated 2/6/99 5:11:53 PM, Milamo wrote:
Continuing with updates on The Miami Circle, recall that Richard C. Hoagland gave GPS (global positioning satellite) readings to me over the phone on Feb.5, 1999 ... readings that he had taken himself.
Again, here are my figures for Munck-matrix valid coordinates, based on Mr. Hoagland's GPS readings ...
Grid LAT 25 (deg) X 46 (min) X 9.391304348 (sec) North = 10800 North
Grid LONG 111 (deg) X 19 (min) X 19.83320063 (sec) W.Giza = 41828.22014 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 80 deg 11 min 19.03320063 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 41828.22014 / 10800 = 3.872983346
Notice that the Grid POINT Value is precisely the Square Root of 15, and the Grid LAT is exactly one-half of Stonehenge's Grid LAT of 21600.
There were 15 original stones *inside* the Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge, in the "horseshoe" arrangement ... 5 pairs of uprights, or 10 stones ... plus a lintel stone across each pair of uprights ... 5 more stones, for a total of 15 original stones comprising the "horseshoe".
There are 10800 nautical miles, or 10800 arc-minutes, on each latitudinal hemisphere of Earth.
Also on Feb.5, 1999, Louis Mejia reported to me via email and also by phone, that he had heard from an archaeologist at the site, that the correct diameter of The Miami Circle is 37.5 Feet. If the diameter is, in fact, 37.5 Feet ... this would make a lot of sense. The Seip Mound, in Ohio, has a Grid Point Value of exactly 3.75 (Munck), and The Great Sphinx of Giza has a Grid Latitude of the Square Root of 375, times the Square of The Radian (deg) constant of circle/sphere math.
Let's multiply the Square Root of Seip Mound's Grid Point Value ... times the 21600 Grid Latitude of Stonehenge : (Square Root of 3.75) X 21600 = 1.936491673 X 21600 = 41828.22014
There's the Grid LONG of The Miami Circle, according to Richard C. Hoagland's GPS readings !!
Notice that 3.75 is "two octaves" below 15 (see the work of James Furia, regarding the musical-frequency aspects of this ancient planetary matrix).
By OCTAVES, we mean *doubling* or *halving* in terms of frequency ... 3.75 X 2 X 2 = 15
Of course, we note that 15 is the "Square of the Square Root of itself". This is only one example of the *self-referentiality* of this ancient matrix, a real sign of intelligent design.
The Grid Latitude of The Great Sphinx shows the same base-ten harmonic ... 375 ... encoded along with The Radian (deg) Squared ... [Radian (deg) Squared] X (Square Root of 375) = (57.29577951 X 57.29577951) X 19.36491673 = 63571.2716 North = 29 (deg) X 58 (min) X 37.79504851 (sec) North
That's *exactly* where The Great Sphinx is centered, north of the equator. The Square of The Radian (deg) is used in calculating areas and volumes of circular/spherical geometric forms ... because The Radian (deg) refers to the RADIUS of the given forms.
In fact, the polar radius of Earth was designed (or assigned) to be 60 Radians (deg) in distance ... 3437.746771 (nautical miles) = 60 Radians (deg) in nautical miles.
If we divide the Grid POINT Value of The Miami Circle into the number 60 ... 60 / 3.872983346 = 15.49193338 = Square Root of 240
The Square Root of 240, in terms of arc-degrees, is the *precise* azimuth-of- orientation of 'The Avenue of the Dead' at Teotihuacan in Mexico. The number 240 ... multiplied by the Square of The Radian (deg) ... gives the generic 'Volume of a Sphere' in Cubic Degrees ... 240 X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951) = 787873.5239 Cu. deg
The Seip Mound site, in Ohio, has a square earthwork attached to the circular earthwork that encloses the mound itself. The baseline (one side) of that square earthwork is exactly 1080 Feet long ... a base-ten harmonic of the 10800 Grid LAT of The Miami Circle. The mean radius of The Moon is 1080 statute miles.
Throughout this matrix, we are finding redundant evidence of the use of 360 degrees on a circumference, base 10, the Pi constant, and The Radian (deg) constant. I also see evidence of a direct geometric relationship between the nautical mile and the statute mile. Notice that the ratio of mean diameters of Earth and The Moon is 3.666666667 ...
In statute miles ... 7920 / 2160 = 3.666666667
Now, we know that a tetrahedron has 720 degrees of total corner-angle on its surface, so two tetrahedra have 1440 degrees of total corner-angle on their surfaces. Think of Richard C. Hoagland's model of "hyperdimensional physics" with two interconnected tetrahedra in a 3-D "Star-of-David" pattern, circumscribed in a rotating sphere (planetary body). Let's multiply 3.666666667 times 1440 ... 3.666666667 X 1440 = 5280 ... number of Feet in a statute mile.
Recall that the polar circumference of Earth is 21600 arc-minutes of latitude. We have a convention that says "any circumference" has 21600 arc-minutes on it, or 360 degrees. [ 21600 / 1440 = 15 ]. Interesting, eh ?!
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) copyright 1999>>
Herald Staff Writer
Miami-Dade County Mayor Alex Penelas on Friday stepped firmly into the controversy over the preservation of the Miami Circle, saying he favors saving the mysterious stone artifact at the downtown site where archaeologists discovered it late last year.
Curator from D.C. weighs in on Circle
But feds apparently powerless on issue
Uncovering a 2,000-year-old mystery in downtown Miami
Subj: The Miami Circle ... Toward Awareness of a Unified Field ...
Date: 02/09/1999 2:58:26 AM Central Standard Time
From: Milamo
A Key Toward Understanding a Unified Field
As Displayed in The Ancient Planetary Archaeomatrix
Re-discovered by Carl P. Munck, Sr.
After further study, based on the GPS readings given to me over the phone by Richard C. Hoagland on Friday, Feb.5, 1999 ... I have concluded that The Miami Circle site is a major part of the ancient planetary archaeomatrix, re-discovered by Carl P. Munck, Sr.
First, again, here are my figures for Munck-matrix valid coordinates of longitude and latitude, using a prime meridian passing through the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza :
Grid LAT 25 (deg) X 46 (min) X 9.391304348 (sec) North = 10800 North
Grid LONG 111 (deg) X 19 (min) X 19.83320064 (sec) W.Giza = 41828.22014 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 80 deg 11 min 19.03320064 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 41828.22014 / 10800 = 3.872983346 = Square Root of 15
Connections To Stonehenge
The Grid LAT of 10800 is exactly one-half the Grid LAT of Stonehenge [ 21600 ], and is also one-half the polar circumference of Earth in nautical miles.
The Grid POINT of Square Root of 15 refers directly to the 15 original stones *inside* The Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge, comprising the "horseshoe" arrangement of 5 pairs of uprights and a cross-piece on top of each of those 5 pairs.
If, in fact, the diameter of Miami Circle is 37.5 Feet ... this number would equate to precisely one-half the total number of stones making-up The Sarsen Circle and The Horseshoe ... 60 + 15 ... or 75 original stones.
As Munck first observed in his decoding of Stonehenge, the 60 original stones on the circumference of The Sarsen Circle *encoded* the precise latitude of Stonehenge itself ... because 60 times 360 degrees on "any circumference" ... 360 being our conventional number of equal segments on any circumference, in our geometry ... multiplies to 21600, which is the precise number we get when we multiply the actual numbers of degrees times minutes times seconds, of Stonehenge's latitude !! The number 21600 is also "displaying" for us the polar circumference of Earth in latitude minutes or nautical miles.
Stonehenge's Grid Point Value (Munck) is 2.433467206, and if we divide that into The Miami Circle's Grid Point Value ... 3.872983346 / 2.433467206 = 1.591549431
The number 1.591549431 is precisely 1/36th of The Radian (deg) constant of circle/sphere mathematics, based on a 360-degree circumference, of course.
And, 1/36 is a "base-ten harmonic" of the reciprocal of 360. By "base-ten harmonic", we simply mean a function of powers-of-ten ... moving the decimal point to the right or to the left.
We can see that the designers of both Stonehenge and The Miami Circle were very consciously-aware of using 360 degrees on a circumference, and were also using The Radian (deg) constant of 57.29577951 degrees.
Connection To Bimini Shark Mound
The skeleton of a shark, oriented due east-west, was found by archaeologists at the center of The Miami Circle. Almost exactly due east of the site, on the shore of North Bimini Island in the Bahamas, The Shark Mound is situated at a Grid Point Value (Munck) of precisely 2/3rds of the Pi constant.
The Grid LONG (Munck) of this effigy mound is the Square of 360 ... or 129600 W.Giza !! Its Grid LAT is 1080 times The Radian (deg) constant ... 129600 / 1080 Radians (deg) = 2.094395102 = 2Pi / 3
[ Latitude of The Shark Mound is 25 deg 44 min 56.25403806 sec North.
This is only 01 min 13.13726629 sec south of The Miami Circle latitude ].
If we multiply The Miami Circle Grid Point Value times 2/3rds of Pi ... 2.094395102 X 3.872983346 = 8.111557352
That number is very directly related to the apparent original dimensions, in Feet, of The Great Pyramid (Munck) :
Original Cubic Feet Volume of The Great Pyramid 8.111557352 = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Original Length X Original Height X (Pi Cubed)
One Side at Base
= ---------------------------------------------------------------
754.5275746 X 480.3471728 X (Pi Cubed)
I have also found the number 8.111557352 to be the Grid Point Value of a quite conical dome of granite ... labeled "Granite Hill" on the official USGS topographical map, 7.5-minute series Gettysburg (PA) Quadrangle ... just to the south of Route 30, a few miles east of Gettysburg, PA. Here are my Munck-matrix figures for "Granite Hill" : Grid LAT 39 (deg) X 51 (min) X 4.462656608 (sec) North = 8876.223994 North = (Square Root of Volume of a Sphere) X 10
Grid LONG 108 (deg) X 17 (min) X 39.21568627 (sec) W.Giza = 72000 W.Giza = 1000 total arc-degrees of Earth's Precession, or 2.777777778 Precession
Cycles of 25,920 years each cycle.
Grid POINT Value 72000 / 8876.223994 = 8.111557352
Now, consider the huge dome of granite comprising Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA. The peak of this mountain is at a Grid Point Value (Munck) *identical* to the Grid Point Value of Stonehenge ... 2.433467206. Stone Mountain's Grid LAT is precisely one power-of-ten greater than the number of nautical miles of the polar radius of Earth, or exactly three powers-of-ten greater than the precise length in regular Feet of The King's Chamber inside The Great Pyramid of Giza (Morton), and also three powers-of-ten greater than the Grid Point Value of the natural spring at Warm Mineral Springs, Florida (Munck). Stone Mountain's Munck-matrix figures :
Grid LAT 33 (deg) X 48 (min) X 21.70294679 (sec) North = 34377.46771 North = 600 Radians (deg)
Grid LONG 115 (deg) X 16 (min) X 45.46545668 (sec) W.Giza = 83656.4403 W.Giza = (Square Root of 216,000) X 180
[ W.Greenwich 84 deg 08 min 44.66545668 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 83656.4403 / 34377.46771 = 2.433467206 = Stonehenge Grid Point Value
[ Note : 216,000 is the Grid Longitude of The Octagon Circle at Newark, Ohio, and is one power-of-ten greater than the Grid Latitude of Stonehenge. ]
Consider, now, possible interactions of granite and limestone. This would be evident at Giza, certainly, but maybe this would also be important at (or between ?) other key sites around the Earth. We already know that quartz crystal, found in granite, can be used for radio reception ... wireless electronic communication. Today we use silicon chips in computers. Could it be that ancient information is literally stored in some sort of planetary granite-limestone based "matrix" ? Note that The Miami Circle is in limestone bedrock.
Connections to Speed-of-Light ... Speed-of-Sound ... and Temperature
Let's multiply the Grid POINT Value of The Miami Circle by its Grid LONG ... 3.872983346 X 41828.22014 = 162,000
The number 162,000 is Bruce Cathie's "theoretical maximum" speed-of-light in nautical miles per second ... *before* the light is slowed-down by 'mass' and 'atmosphere' ... i.e., slowed-down by the presence of celestial bodies, like Earth.
( See B. Cathie's book, "The Harmonic Conquest of Space" ).
Now recall the figure 34.37746771 ... a base-ten harmonic of Earth's polar radius in nautical miles. Let's multiply it by 32 ... or, by five powers-of-two ... 32 X 34.37746771 = 1100.078967
This number is the speed-of-sound in Earth-air at around 50 degrees Fahrenheit ( "geo-average" Earth atmosphere temperature ? ) in terms of Feet per second.
Notice that 32 is the freezing-point of water on the Fahrenheit scale. Also recall the length of The King's Chamber in regular Feet (Morton), inside The Great Pyramid of Giza, as 34.37746771 Feet.
Now divide 162,000 by the Grid LAT of The Miami Circle ... 162000 / 10800 = 15
The number 15 is the Square of 3.872983346, which we recall is the Grid POINT Value of The Miami Circle.
I also find the number 32 ... in terms of arc-degrees ... displayed on the 212-degree-arc of the main circular earthwork around the site of Seip Mound, in Ohio. If we subtract 32 from 212, we get 180 ... the arc-degrees on one-half circumference. Of course, notice that 212 degrees Fahrenheit is the boiling point of water !! Attached to this main circular ( 212-degree ) earthwork around Seip Mound, is a square earthwork with a baseline (one side) length of exactly 1080 Feet. Notice that 1080, besides being the mean radius of The Moon in statute miles, is one power-of-ten less than the Grid LAT of The Miami Circle. The Grid LONG of Seip Mound is 32400 W.Giza (Munck), and 32,400 is the Square of 180.
[ Of course, 180 is equal to Pi Radians (deg). ]
The Grid Point Value of Seip Mound is 3.75 ... a base-ten harmonic of 37.5 ... the apparent diameter (still technically in need of confirmation), in Feet, of The Miami Circle.
Here are Munck's matrix-figures for Seip Mound in Ohio :
Grid LAT 39 (deg) X 14 (min) X 15.82417582 (sec) North = 8640 North
Grid LONG 114 (deg) X 21 (min) X 13.53383459 (sec) W.Giza = 32400 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 83 deg 13 min 12.73383459 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 32400 / 8640 = 3.75
I also notice that if we divide 212 by 32, we get 6.625.
Could there be an intentional encoding, here, of the diameter in Feet of The Miami Circle ? The reason I ask, is because ... 6 X 6.25 = 37.5
I'm viewing the decimal point, there, as possibly indicating a "separation" of 6 and "625". Then, I'm using two powers-of-ten less than 625 as a factor in the multiplication. Is it likely that this is more than "random coincidence" ?
Now divide 162,000 by the Grid LAT of Seip Mound ... 162000 / 8640 = 18.75
That would be the radius of The Miami Circle, in Feet.
The Emerald Mound, in Mississippi, has a Grid LAT identical to the Grid LAT of The Miami Circle ... 10800 North. Here are Munck's matrix figures for it :
Grid LAT 31 (deg) X 38 (min) X 9.168081494 (sec) North = 10800 North
Grid LONG 122 (deg) X 22 (min) X 50.29806259 (sec) W.Giza = 135000 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 91 deg 14 min 49.49806259 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 135000 / 10800 = 12.5
Notice that 12.5 is exactly double 6.25.
A base-ten harmonic of 3.75 and 37.5 ... (the Square Root of) 375 ... is encoded in the Grid LAT (Munck) of The Great Sphinx of Giza ... Grid LAT 29 (deg) X 58 (min) X 37.79504853 (sec) North = 63571.27163 North
(Square Root of 375) X [ Radian (deg) Squared ] = 19.36491673 X ( 57.29577951 X 57.29577951)
Grid LONG 11.77245771 (sec) E.Giza
Grid POINT Value 63571.27163 / 11.77245771 = 5400
Notice that 5400 is the arc-distance on Earth, in nautical miles, from either pole to the equator.
Consider, also, that 54 is a base-ten harmonic of 5400 ... and the Sine of 54 is precisely one-half of the Phi constant ... The Golden Section :
SIN 54 = 0.809016994 = 1/2 X 1.618033989
Connections to "The Eye" At Poverty Point, Louisiana
One of the glyphs found at The Miami Circle appears to be a depiction of an eye. The Motley Mound, at the Poverty Point, Louisiana complex of mounds and earthworks, has been identified by Munck as an "eye" in a profile of a human face. This huge face profile can only be recognized, as such, from an aerial view !!
The Grid LAT of Motley ("The Eye") Mound is *identical* to the Grid LONG of Seip Mound ... 32400, and the Grid LONG of Motley ("The Eye") Mound is *identical* to the Grid LAT of The Bimini Shark Mound ... 61879.44189.
Here are Munck's matrix figures for this Louisiana mound :
Grid LAT 32 (deg) X 39 (min) X 25.96153846 (sec) North = 32400 North
Grid LONG 122 (deg) X 32 (min) X 15.85026699 (sec) W. Giza = 61879.44189 W.Giza = 1080 Radians (deg)
[ W.Greenwich 91 deg 24 min 15.05026699 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 61879.44189 / 32400 = 1.909859317 = 1 / 30th of The Radian (deg)
Notice the expression ( 1 / 30 ) ... this is the reciprocal of the number of glyphs that have reportedly been found at the site of The Miami Circle. This was reported to me by phone, from Richard C. Hoagland.
Earth Precession and "19.5"
Let's multiply Earth's 25920-year Precession Cycle by 19.5 (degrees latitude) ... 19.5 X 25920 = 505440
The major geometric model for Hoagland's "hyperdimensional physics" involves two tetrahedra in a 3-D Star-of-David pattern, circumscribed in a rotating sphere (celestial body, such as Earth). The total number of corner-angle degrees on the surfaces of two tetrahedra is 1440 degrees ... 505440 / 1440 = 351
Let's divide that number by 15 ... the Square of the Grid POINT Value of The Miami Circle ... 351 / 15 = 23.4
Besides being very close to Earth's angle of rotational (axis) obliquity ... the number 23.4 is exactly double 11.7 ... and 117 is a base-ten harmonic of 11.7.
Now ... divide 117 by 19.5 ... 117 / 19.5 = 6
That's the number of vertices, of the two circumscribed tetrahedra, that touch the rotating sphere at 19.5 degrees north and south latitude. The other two vertices touch the sphere at the poles.
Now ... divide 505440 by the number of arc-degrees on "any circumference" ... 505440 / 360 = 1404
Now ... subtract that number from 1440 ... 1440 - 1404 = 36
Notice that the Cosine of 36 is equal to the Sine of 54, and recall ... SIN 54 = 0.809016994 = exactly 1/2 of 1.618033989, which in turn is the Phi constant or The Golden Section.
Also notice that Munck's Grid POINT Value for 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars ... = ( 36 / Pi ) Radians (deg).
Then, notice that if we divide the Grid POINT Value of 'The Face' into the Precession Cycle of Earth, in years ... 25920 / 656.56127 = 39.4784176 = Precisely the Square of Double-Pi .Notice that 360 degrees = 2Pi Radians (deg)
The Miami Circle is showing itself to be a major key toward an understanding of an apparently self-referential, self-evident Unified Field ... on a trans-planetary scale ... involving the precise latitude and longitude positions of ancient mounds, pyramids, stone circles, effigies, monuments, and certain natural sites.
This Unified Field apparently also involves particular numbers of speed-of-light, speed-of-sound, temperature, Earth Precession, planetary energy upwellings, "hyperdimensional physics", The Golden Section or Phi constant, the Pi constant, and The Radian (deg) constant based on a circumference of 360 degrees.
We are apparently re-discovering hard empirical evidence of lost ... and suppressed ... very advanced knowledge and technology, from some common distant heritage of ours.
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) copyright 1999
Some of you may be interested in helping save what could be the most important archeological discovery on the North American continent to date...
The Miami Circle - a 38 foot diameter "circle" of ancient runes on a 2.2 acre site in downtown Miami. The Circle was unearthed by accident while starting construction of a luxury condo highrise. At first it was thought to be merely a 500 year old site used by the Tequesta indians who lived there.
There is now increasing evidence it could be much, much more important than that....
Art Bell, a nighttime radio talk show host with an estimated worldwide listening audience of 10 to 16 million recently interviewed Richard Hoagland, formerly with NASA and assistent to Walter Cronkite, and Robert Ghostwolf, native american spiritual leader who are both trying to prevent the mayor of Miami and a local developer from building a $100+ million luxury condo complex on top of what could be one of the most sacred, mysterious, and important archeological sites in this country, perhaps the world....
Archeologists from all over have already confirmed that the site does indeed contain extremely ancient ruins and needs further investigation.
Some archeologists have said this find could rival Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids...
They need help urgently. The press so far has ignored this (except for Miami Herald) and unless people act quickly, this site could be bulldozed and forever destroyed.
Web site to look at is:
and (look for links to the Miami Circle)
also related articles in the Miami Herald (Click on Miami/Dade county to search)
Excerpt from a recent article:
An expert from the prestigious Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., joined the battle Monday to save the Miami Circle, urging South Florida's leaders to protect the 38-foot-diameter stone artifact -- and the entire 2.2-acre site -- for future generations.
``Someone has to do something,'' said Dr. William Sturtevant, curator of ethnology in the Smithsonian's Department of Anthropology. He visited the downtown archaeological dig last month. ``It's a crying shame if there isn't time and money to do a thorough investigation.
The site was scheduled to be bulldozed 2 weeks ago but thanks to tens of thousands of Art Bell listeners who faxed the Mayor of Miami, the developer Michael Baumann, the Governor of Florida Jeb Bush, the First Lady, the Smithsonian, news media and others, the site received a "stay of execution" until the end of this month.
Now the "powers that be" in Miami are talking about removing the stones from the site to "display" elsewhere.
This is not acceptable -- the site is there for a reason and must not be removed from its context.
Every Tuesday evening there is a candlelight vigil held at the site, called Bricknell Point, a 2.2 acre strip of land alongside the mouth of the river that flows through Miami.
If you are interested in being part of this movement to save the Circle, please email me your address so I can include you on an update list and give you fax numbers of the people who need to be contacted about this.
We are making progress .. and with each day, each new discovery about the Circle, there is more evidence that this could be vitally important to our understanding of our origins....
But as Art Bell said last night, we cannot let up even for a minute now. We must keep up the pressure on certain key people and let them know the citizenry does not want yet another archeological site plowed under to benefit .... development.
Please pass this on to everyone you know and if you have contacts in the media, ask them to please check into this story.
Please email me the addresses of anyone who would be interested in receiving updates about this important situation.
Co-ordinator, Art Bell Chat Club
Sarasota, FL
Star Bright
(Linda P.)
15 Paradise Plaza #322
Sarasota, FL 34239
941-955-8085 Phone
Subj: the CIRCLE
Date: 02/09/1999 10:30:48 PM Central Standard Time
From: (Star Bright)
Hello Friends,
This list is growing ... now over 50 people receiving these updates. I would like to have 10,000 so keep referring to me the email addresses of those you think would be interested in knowing about this.
One of my strengths is the ability to get news out to people in a timely and comprehensive way ... and I'm happy to make a small contribution this way :-)
I am also receiving web links from some people, which contain great information. Since there quite a few links I'll put up a web page tonight that will contain this information plus the links. The URL will be
Last night (2/8/99) on Art's show he interviewed Richard Hoagland, Robert Ghostwolf and archeologist Jim Adams from the National Park Service at the Dade Heritage Trust. Although the phone connection with Jim Adams was bad, Art managed to ask this question:
"Could this discovery potentially be as important to the US as Stonehenge is to England and the Giza Plateau is to Egypt?" ... and Jim's answer was "Yes"
Also - we have heard that the faxes to the First Lady are working and we have her attention. There is a new number for the White House that faxes directly to Hillary Clinton's personal office: 202-456-2461
Fax to Gov. Jeb Bush (whose family has a deep interest in archeology and preservation): 850-487-0801
Mayor Carollo of Miami 305-854-4001
and a new one:
Mayor Pinella 305-375-3618
Mayor Pinella is mayor of Dade County (where Miami resides) and, contrary to Mayor Carollo, he has come out quite strongly saying "we must not move the site -- it needs to stay where it is, it would be disastrous to move it."
We need to fax letters of support to Mayor Pinella for his profound grasp of the importance of this situation. Sample below:
"Dear Mayor Pinella,
Thank you so much for your support in preserving the Miami Circle intact and in its original position.
As a concerned citizen I support you 100% and hope you can continue to do all within your means to help preserve this site until we have conclusive evidence of its value to posterity. "
Also last night we heard that Michael Baumann the developer of the site paid $8 million for the 2.2 acre site and now wants $126 million in compensation for giving it back again. I would take this for now as an unconfirmed report, although Richard Hoagland did say it is so, but to exercise caution, let's file it away as information and await confirmation. This is very disturbing if true.
Everyone agrees that the developer needs fair and reasonable compensation if the site is to be preserved. I have heard that there are several ideas as to how to do this, although details are not forthcoming yet. Certainly we have enough people to form our own "Circle Preservation" group and raise whatever funds are necessary. Hopefully that will not be $126 million!!
>From Art Bell's web site, here is a report of Gita who recently visited the Circle.
Unfortunately shortly after her visit, another fence was erected around the Circle site so people cannot get anywhere near the site without standing in traffic.....
One wonders what it is they do not want us to find....
>from Art Bell web site:
"Gita, born in Mexico, is currently a Mayan healer and wisdom keeper trained by Mayan shaman don Jacinto. Gita came to the site because of a vision she received during a healing ceremony in California. After hearing news about the Miami circle two weeks later, she was moved to visit the site where she realized this was the circle she had seen in her vision. Here we see Gita performing ceremony and prayer at the site for those who gathered. She prayed for enlightenment, compassion and gratitude for the preservation of what she felt was a sacred site. 2/08/99 "
More soon, stay tuned....
Subj: Compromise?
Date: 02/09/1999 10:14:10 PM Central Standard Time
From: Code UFO
From Linda's letter:
<<Now the "powers that be" in Miami are talking about removing the stones from the site to "display" elsewhere.
This is not acceptable -- the site is there for a reason and must not be removed from its context.>>
Aye, thar's the rub. We can probably figure on it being nearly impossible to convince the powers that be of the significance of the location. They're bound to see that as so much woo-woo. But I have an idea...
How about suggesting the architectural design of the condo be changed to accommodate the site? The building could be raised, say 20 feet off the ground by having it sitting on pillars. The open area beneath the building could be landscaped into a garden situation with pathways and benches... all surrounding the stone circle and maintained by the developer. Just a thought.
Subj: [earthchanges] Re: Compromise? It may cave in!!!
Date: 02/09/1999 11:42:04 PM Central Standard Time
From: (Mondra Rose)
> How about suggesting the architectural design of the condo be changed to accommodate the site? The building could be raised, say 20 feet off the ground by having it sitting on pillars. The open area beneath the building could be landscaped into a garden situation with pathways and benches... all surrounding the stone circle and maintained by the developer.
Hi Gary;
Great idea, but the problem with Florida land, especially in southern Florida is not only it's low altitude, but it's foundation is nearly all fossilized coral and limestone. The pilons and pillars would put a lot of stress in a very small area and I don't know if it could take it or not.
Central Florida is always having sink holes open up and drop down several feet- sometimes an area of 1/2 a block just drops down as much as 30 feet in a VERY short time with little or no warning. People lose their cars, yards, swimming pools, and so forth. It doesn't usually happen unless the water table gets low, but your plan might not be able to 'hold it's own weight'. Also, there's the thing of parking, and vandalism. Isn't that a darn shame?
I will be in Florida for the next week, and may get to go to the site myself, but I don't know yet. Will let you folks know if I do- sometime after the 17th when I have my hands on a computer again.
Love and Light;
includes fax numbers of Florida authorities
Mark Diamond writes: The hall was not big enough to hold the assembled crowd of hundreds that showed up to hear Bob Carr detail his findings at the Miami Circle site. People spilled out the doors trying to catch a glimpse and hear his lecture. At the end of the lecture too many people had questions and comments for the time allotted for. Reactions were varied. One gentleman who suggested that not unlike Tienamen Square demonstrations, that a non-violent protest be staged, even if people had to chain themselves to bull dozers. Another introduced himself as an attorney for international law, and hinted that a pact existed to save sacred sites of indiginous peoples,signed by the United States and other nations, might be called upon to help intervene in the demolition or removeal of the Miami Circle. |
Subj: CIRCLE update 2/10/99
Date: 02/10/1999 4:54:41 PM Central Standard Time
From: (Star Bright)
Hello Everyone,
We're growing ... our own Circle is expanding as like-minded people get involved :-)
I put up a web site:
that has links to other relevant sites as well as the fax numbers I currently have.
Please send me any relevant links/information you have for inclusion there.
There are some great pictures of the Miami Circle including the candlelight vigil held last night. I believe this will be a weekly event until this situation is resolved.
We must keep up the pressure .. even increase it. I heard a brief mention of the Circle on our local radio station this morning (Tampa Bay) .. just one time. This needs to be discussed on radio and TV. Only our pressure to the media will bring that about, and it needs to happen soon.
One list member pointed out that (FL Gov.) Jeb Bush's parents are visiting Egypt this summer and have a deep interest in archeology ... faxes to him could mention this connection.
Faxes should be brief -- 2-3 paragraphs at most, and very polite. I think we should re-fax every couple of days.
Also Richard Hoagland on Art's show Monday evening mentioned this bombshell:
In an article in the Museum of Archeology magazine in 1969 they said that when the original apartments were built on the Bricknell Point site in 1948, a shaft was discovered that was 9 feet in diameter, 30 feet deep to where they measured.. and appeared to have no bottom....
Hoagland said he would be passing out copies of this article at the Candlelight Vigil, however I have not heard any more about it. When I know more, I will let you know. (I am not entirely sure of the name of the magazine, above, but it was something like that :-))
More soon, I wanted to get this much out.
Star Bright (Linda P.)
15 Paradise Plaza #322
Sarasota, FL 34239
941-955-8085 Phone
Subj: Trouble with the Circle...
Date: 02/11/1999 10:17:02 PM Central Standard Time
From: (Star Bright)
Folks, this thing is heating up. For some unexplicable reason, the developer Michael Baumann is now taking a "hard line stance" and has announced he wants no further delays and.... will accept no offers! to sell the site .. he just wants to go ahead with the building asap (!)
On this page:
There is a list of Dade county council members who will be meeting tomorrow, Friday at 3:30 pm EST to discuss this issue. There needs to be at least 7 members present. Apparently these people are on our side, but it is vital that they attend the meeting to discuss how to save the Circle.
Their phone and fax numbers are on the above site ... some of you start at the top, others from the bottom and phone or fax as many as possible to show your support and urge them to be at the meeting to help save the Circle.
Members of the public are also urged to attend this meeting.
We're nearing the crux of this, folks -- keep up your pressure on the White House and Gov. Bush.
No one can figure out why the developer, at first cooperative, has done such an about-face.
Hoagland says despite everything he remains very optomistic about the outcome of this due to the "groundswell" of support from so many different areas.
But it sounds like we will have to act fast and decisively to keep a potential disaster from happening.
PS Michael Morton plans to be in Miami next week as do many others. I will try to go there myself if possible.
Subj: Re: Fwd: Miami Circle - Time is Short! URGENT !!!!!
Date: 02/13/1999 3:12:14 PM Central Standard Time
From: Code UFO
In a message dated 2/13/99 8:23:53 PM, Milamo wrote:
<<Such a move would cost the county at least $8 million -- the price Baumann paid for the land -- and likely more, First Assistant County Attorney Murray Greenberg told commissioners.>>
No problem! Get one million Art Bell listeners to send in 8 bucks! Hell, make it 10 and we'll save the circle!
Subj: VERY URGENT Miami Circle UPDATE - Time is Short!
Date: 02/13/1999 3:43:17 PM Central Standard Time
From: (Star Bright)
We must go all out to put pressure on those who can and must act to stop this destruction of the circle.
Last night on Art Bell's show, Art interviewed Richard Hoagland and Harvey Ruben of the Miami Circle Task Force.
They urged everyone to keep the pressure up on Gov. Jeb Bush, who so far has not reacted despite his parents' known involvement with, and interest in Egypt and archeology.
Jeb's number: 850-487-0801 (fax)
Also a new fax number:
The Teamsters Union 202-624-8722
In particular they need to hear from those who are members ... the gist being that they (T.U.) should take a second look at their backing of the development at Brickell Pointe ...that if they realized all the implications, given their history, they would probably want to withdraw their support.
Also I just heard from Kelly Park that someone she knew heard a brief news report indicating that First Lady Hillary Clinton had (finally) become aware personally of what is going on in Miami.
We need to keep faxing the First Lady to fan this spark of interest into a flame.. :-)
White House Fax Number: 202-456-2461 (direct fax to the First Lady)
And in light of what Mr. Michael Baumann, the developer, is quoted as saying below.. namely that he is "very concerned" about doing the right thing (which he still thinks is moving the stones away...) I think we need to fax him as well: 305-375-8183
He MUST be made to understand that his "solution" will only make people more upset, not less!
Here is the email I just received ... at the end I have one more suggestion for someone to fax ... something that may be the key to turning the tide once and for all....
Forwarded by Star Bright <>
---------------- Original message follows ----------------
From: Louis Mejia <>
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 08:54:08 -0500
Subject: Re: Miami Circle - Time is Short!
--Time is critical now. See Herald story and pass along...
Mason called on to remove Circle Delicate job could begin Monday By MARTIN MERZER and DON FINEFROCK
The developer who owns the riverfront site occupied by the Miami Circle plans to hire a Coconut Grove stonemason to slice the archaeological treasure into at least 28 pieces and cart it to a storage site. The work could begin Monday.
The mason, Joshua Billig of Rockers Stone and Supply, acknowledged Friday that he has no experience working with archaeologically significant sites.
The rock, known as Miami oolite limestone, can be fragile and has been described by federal officials as ''not stable.''
''It's going to require some patience and Zantac [stomach acid reducer] on my part,'' Billig said. He said he hopes to clear topsoil, drill pilot holes and perform other preparatory work outside the Circle's perimeter Monday morning. Preservationists, schoolchildren and others have worked feverishly in recent days to preserve the Circle and its 2.2-acre site.
''We've finally run out of time,'' said archaeologist Robert Carr, director of Miami-Dade County's Historic Preservation Division.
''They're cutting it out? Damn,'' said William Sturtevant, curator of ethnology at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., and a leading critic of the plan to move the Circle. ''That's a disaster. They're going to destroy whatever is there.''
Billig and other representatives of developer Michael Baumann said the objective is to save the Circle, not destroy it. Baumann and Miami Mayor Joe Carollo have said that moving the Circle is the most equitable solution to the political, legal and public relations storms that surround it.
''Basically, Mr. Baumann is very concerned about doing it right,'' Billig said. ''That's what he keeps stressing to me. He feels that if he can get it out of the ground, he will do the right thing.''
Late Friday, five Miami-Dade commissioners and Mayor Alex Penelas met to discuss options for saving the Circle, but they came to no firm conclusion Commissioners Katy Sorenson, Jimmy Morales, Miguel Diaz de la Portilla, Javier Souto and Natacha Millan attended -- two short of the quorum needed to take action.
Penelas wrote a letter to Carollo indicating the county's willingness to work with city officials to preserve the Circle. Miami commissioners are scheduled to meet Tuesday to discuss the Circle, and Penelas wrote that he plans to attend to ''show my support and solidarity with your government.''
''It is in the best interest of this community for both governments to work together in concert with the developer to find a solution to this challenge,'' he said. ''Without a doubt, we have an opportunity to preserve a piece of national history for future generations to enjoy, study and learn from.''
Miami-Dade commissioners touched briefly Friday on the county's power of eminent domain -- a legal proceeding that could force Baumann to sell his property to the county -- but they did not explore that option on the advice of attorneys.
Such a move would cost the county at least $8 million -- the price Baumann paid for the land -- and likely more, First Assistant County Attorney Murray Greenberg told commissioners.
''There is not a state in the union that is more favorable to property owners than Florida,'' he said.
Meanwhile, County Manager Merrett Stierheim announced that the J.I. Kislak Foundation would provide a grant of about $40,000 so Carr and his aides can create a mold of the Circle before it is moved. They experimented with molds several weeks ago.
Prime parcel of land
Carr said he met Friday with Billig and other representatives of Baumann, who plans to build the twin-towered Brickell Pointe residential and commercial development on the valuable parcel of land. The site sits on the south bank of the Miami River just east of the Brickell Avenue bridge and north of the Sheraton Biscayne Bay Hotel.
''The developer has made it clear that he would like to begin moving the Circle some time next week,'' Carr said.
The 38-foot-diameter stone circle, believed to be a sacred or ceremonial site occupied hundreds of years ago by the Tequesta tribe, was discovered during a routine archaeological examination of the site. Experts believe other artifacts remain to be found nearby.
Baumann had promised to give Carr and his aides access to the site until Feb. 26, but he had not specifically guaranteed not to move the Circle before then.
Ray Casas, a spokesman for Baumann, said no work would be conducted Monday, but he had no information about subsequent days.
Nevertheless, Billig said he was told to begin preliminary work Monday ''if not sooner.'' As of late Friday, Billig did not have a signed deal with Baumann, but he said he expected to land the contract.
''I really believe I'm the most qualified person to do this job,'' Billig said.
Well known locally as a mason, Billig, 40, generally builds stone walls, arches, stairways ''and anything unusual or interesting,'' he said. He is the brother of Amy Billig, who disappeared March 5, 1974, at the age of 17 and was never found. She was the focus of an unrelenting family search for more than two decades.
Mason expresses confidence Billig said he has considerable experience quarrying local rock. Has he ever worked on other archaeologically significant sites or anything with the public interest generated by the Circle?
''Not exactly, but I've worked with people who have,'' he said. ''I'm a buff. I read archaeological magazines. I've been intrigued by things like this.''
He said workers will use a backhoe to cut a four-foot-deep trench around the Circle. Then, using a diamond-tipped hydraulic chain saw, they will cut 28 to 30 pieces of rock. Each piece will be five feet wide, five to six feet long and four feet deep.
Only the outer part of the circle -- which includes most of the formation's stone carvings -- will be excavated, at least initially.
''The interior circle is worthy of study,'' Billig said. ''I'm going to get as much of it as I can.''
Oolite a delicate rock
Finally, a 40-ton crane will lift each 5- to 10-ton piece of rock onto a flatbed truck, which will carry the pieces to a storage site yet to be determined.
Billig said the bedrock around the Circle appears somewhat hard. But such terms are relative -- whoever crafted the Circle almost certainly punctured the rock with a wooden stick tipped by a sharpened shell or stone.
Created over 10,000 years, Miami oolite limestone forms the bedrock throughout South Florida. Its primary building block is a minute particle called an oolith or ooid, terms derived from the Greek oos, or egg.
''They call it 'oolitic limestone,' '' wrote environmentalist/author Marjory Stoneman Douglas in her classic The Everglades: River of Grass, ''because it is no more fused together than a lot of fish eggs.''
Robert Ginsburg, professor of marine geology and geophysics at the University of Miami, said oolite has to be handled with great care.
''The upper part of the rock generally is harder, so that could help, Ginsburg said. ''It will depend on how far down it goes.
In April 1995, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration told Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart that federal experts consider Miami oolite ''not stable.''
''Oolite rock poses a potential cave-in hazard because of the high angle of fracture that occurs when it is broken, as can happen during excavation operations,'' the agency said. ''This high angle . . . can lead to a cave-in.''
Herald staff writer Cyril T. Zaneski and Herald research editor Elisabeth Donovan contributed to this report.
Herald senior writer Martin Merzer can be reached by e-mail at
For more detailed coverage and photos, log on to
Star again:
Lastly, we need to fax Art Bell himself, and this is why:
A few months ago, Art conducted some experiments with his listening audience of 12+ million in "mass mind" focus or prayer, if you will, to make things happen ... or not.
He did it six times .. in EVERY case, what we focused on, prayed about, came about.
One was saving Dannion Brinkley from death when he had been given hours to live. He made a full recovery and his doctors still can't figure it out.
Another was a "request" for a mass UFO sighting over a major American city .. a few days later Phoenix experienced a rash of UFO sightings that were witnessed by tens of thousands of people at a time (the press tried to bury this one...)
Another was making rain in Texas to end a severe draught (within hours of Art's asking his listeners to focus on this, clouds appeared seemingly from nowhere and literally flooded the affected areas) ... and again a request for rain in Florida to put out some fires. I was listening live the night he did this one, and within 1 hour, although the sky had been crystal clear and no rain predicted at all, I suddenly heard.... a downpour of rain all around... by morning the fires on the East coast were quenched.
The incredible success of these experiments literally freaked Art out .... and he has since been afraid to try it again. Several of his friends, including Dannion Brinkley, Brad Steiger, and last night psychic Sylvia Browne among others ..have urged him to continue, but he remains "afraid" of the power that he sees being unleashed.
However.. praying to control the weather is one thing and could have repercussions, but praying to save the Circle ... I cannot see how this could in any way "backfire" and cause problems.
So please fax Art at 775-727-8499 and tell him "fear not" and to please ask his listeners on his Monday evening show to focus their energies and prayers toward preserving the Miami Circle :-)
And try to get as many others involved in this as possible over the next 48 hours!
I'll be putting this email on the web page for those who need to refer it to others.
Mason called on to cut, move Circle (2/13/1999) Delicate job could begin Monday The developer who owns the riverfront site occupied by the Miami Circle plans to hire a Coconut Grove stone mason to slice the archaeological treasure into at least 28 pieces and cart it to a storage site. The work could begin Monday. Save The Miami Mystery Circle
CNN FAX IS: 404-681-3578 CBS FAX IS: 305-789-4202 Brickell Pointe Ltd. Michael Baumann Fax 305-375-8183 Political Figures: Governor Jeb Bush of Florida 805-488-4441 Fax 850-487-0801 Lt Governor Frank T Brogan 850-488-4711 Fax 850-921-6114 Congressional Representative Rep Ileana Ros-Lehtinem 202-225-3931 or 305-275-1800 Fax 202-225-5620. To use e-mail form go to enter 33173-1435 in the zip code information section. Senator Connie Mack 202-224-5274 Fax 202-224-8022 to use e-mail form go to Senator Bob Graham 202-224-3041 White House Executive Order to make it a park: President Clinton First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton First Lady Office of Chief of Staff Clara Shin 202-456-7698 Science and Technology Policy Dr Neil Lane, Advisor to the President 202-395-7347 TV Station Fax Numbers WFOR-4 Fax # 305-477-3040 WTVJ-6 Fax # 305-789-4202 WPLJ-10 Fax # 305-325-2480 WSVN-7 Fax # 305-795-2746 Make the site a park- Dept of Interior: Bureau of Land Management 202-208-3100 Get site listed for historic preservation: National Trust of Historic Preservation 1-800-944-6847 press 9 to leave a message Other Historical and Archaeological Resources: Smithsonian Museum of National History Office of Architectural History and Historic Preservation, Cynthia R. Field, Director Amy Ballard, Historic Preservation Specialist 202-357-2064 email: AHHPMX@SIVM.SI.EDU The Archaeological Conservancy President Mark Michael 505-266-1540 National Geographic Society, Editor: Mark Holmes Gilbert M. Grosvenor, Chairman 1-800-647-5463 202-857-7000 Fax 202-775-6141
Date: 02/14/1999 10:34:17 AM Central Standard Time
From: ESmith0788
Yes! Please advise everyone to go to the web site! The web site has become a sort of "mission control" or gathering place for everyone.Have posted an informative article for volunteers/ demonstrators. Am also encouraging everyone to use the message boards to coordinate activities! Am receiving updates and information from various community leaders faster then i can post it to the web.
Am going to post a message right now..asking someone to man the phones for anyone needing information regarding today's activities. Please check for the number as i will be posting it.
The Mayor of Miam-Dade county Penelas has reported system failure. I think his email server crashed....
Am sending the word out to everyone to urge everyone to concentrate on getting the Governor's attention thru emails, phones, faxes. Vice-President Gore is also a very good possibility, but Becky, Greg Bush and I had a talk last night and really felt that at this point Governor Jeb Bush was our best bet....Please help us spread the message to everyone urging them to contact Florida Governor Jeb Bush to use his powers to stop the descration & destruction of the Miami Circle.
Thank you for your help and support. Would like to include your link on our "Friends of Miami" webpage as soon as i can post it.
In love and service,
Eve Marie Smith
Voice: 305-238-8189
Subj: NBC Ch.6, WTVJ-TV Miami. phones, email
Date: 02/14/1999 5:38:48 PM Central Standard Time
From: Code UFO
NBC Ch.6, WTVJ-TV Miami
Main Office
(305) 374-6666 MIAMI-DADE
(954) 525 3331 BROWARD
FAX (305) 789-4202
News Tip Line 930-TIP6
*6 From your BellSouth Cellular Phone
#6 From Your AT&T Cellular PhonePeacock Patrol
The viewer feedback we receive is an important source of information for us, and please rest assured your email is being shared with the appropriate executives at NBC 6.
News Managers, Assignment desk, Comments about News Programming, Questions about news stories:
NBC 6 Investigates:
VP News, Ramon Escobar:
Video Tape requests
Community Affairs, Public Service Announcements, Community Calendar
About NBC 6:
Subj: NBC coverage of Miami Circle
Date: 02/14/1999 7:17:29 PM Central Standard Time
From: Code UFO
Sunday, 2/14/99
5pm West coast time:
Just spoke with a reporter at NBC affiliate Ch6-WTVJ in Miami. They have a crew on the site right now. They are ready to cover the destruction of the artifact if that project should go through.
I asked if the "relocation project" was still slated to begin Monday and he said they've been receiving conflicting information on that. They are attempting to contact the mayor to see what he knows.
The reporter I spoke with seemed somewhat surprised that someone all the way across the country was informed and interested in this story. I asked about the possibility of national TV coverage. He said the execs at NBC decide if a story is important enough to go national. Then the local affiliates make a further diecision as to whether it's of any interest to their local viewers.
So my guess is if NBC distributed the story to the local affiliates, the affiliates would probably opt for the more important cat-stuck-in-a-tree- rescued-by-firefighters story.
The WTVJ News tip line listed on the previous email is not working. It can, however, be accessed by dialing 305-379-6666. A recording will prompt you to then press 6599.
-GVT >>
Subj: Latest....
Date: 02/15/1999 4:22:17 AM Central Standard Time
From: (Star Bright)
Florida, Monday 2/15 5 am
I just heard on local radio 970 WFLA a one-sentence report on the Miami Circle that said the man in charge of bulldozing the Circle has just quit! He does not want to desecrate the site!!
Keep faxing Gov Jeb Bush .. the word is he is our best hope for a permanent stay of execution!
Subj: NUFOIA: MIAMI CIRCLE !! New Info !!
Date: 02/15/1999 6:02:36 AM Central Standard Time
From: (Thomas Buyea)
The Miami Circle ---The developer has given the go ahead to start digging ---> BUT THE "EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR" has "REFUSED TO DIG"!! --->
Saying He Has Received A Message From His Soul not to ! Hundreds of people are holding a protest at the site now and plan on blocking the bulldozers if they come.
Tom Miami, Florida USA UFOlogist
South Florida Representative CAUS Org.
PO Box 14-4097 Miami,Fla. 33114
President Clinton, and the First Lady,
We the People are asking you publicly for your help in an urgent matter. We the People want to remind you of your Executive order 13007.
Mr. Clinton as President you signed an executive order to facilitate Native American access to sacred sites on federal lands and to promote greater protection of such sites.
We the People are in need of your assistance in an emergency matter to Save the Miami Circle from destruction.
The Miami Circle is thousands of years old, and part of the heritage of everyone in America. Mr President this is urgent, as the developer is ignoring all attempts to listen to reason, and thinks himself beyond the consequence of the law.Local Politicians seem unable to find the correct venue to act, and act quickley.
The order requires federal agencies to "accommodate access to and ceremonial use of Indian sacred sites by Indian religious practitioners," to "avoid adversely affecting the physical integrity of such sacred sites," and to "promptly implement procedures" to enforce the order.
"President Clinton has taken an important first step to protect some of our holy lands," said Suzan Shown Harjo, president of The Morning Star Institute, a national organization promoting native peoples' cultural and traditional rights. "We look forward to immediate actions by the federal agencies to back up the president's good words."
Two years ago, representatives of the Morning Star, the Tribal Leaders Coalition and the National Congress of American Indians had proposed a similar bill that would have provided stronger protection for such sites, but it died in Congress.
FYI: White House Press Office, 202/456-2100. Harjo, The Morning Star Institute, 403 Tenth St., S.E., Washington, DC 20003, 202/547-5531, 202/546-6724 (fax).
Executive Order 13007 May 24, 1996
THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release May 24, 1996
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, in furtherance of Federal treaties, and in order to protect and preserve Indian religious practices, it is hereby ordered:
Section 1. Accomodation of Sacred Sites. (a) In managing Federal lands, each executive branch agency with statutory or administrative responsibility for the management of Federal lands shall, to the extent practicable, permitted by law, and not clearly inconsistent with essential agency functions, (1) accomodate access to and ceremonial use of Indian sacred sites by Indian religious practitioners and (2) avoid adversely affecting the physical integrity of such sacred sites. Where appropriate, agencies shall maintain the confidentiality of sacred sites.
(b) For purposes of this order:
(i) "Federal lands" means any land or interests in land owned by the United States, including leasehold interests held by the United States, except Indian trust lands;
(ii) "Indian tribe" means an Indian or Alaska Native tribe, band, nation, pueblo, village, or community that the Secretary of the Interior acknowledges to exist as an Indian tribe pursuant to Public Law No. 103-454, 108 Stat. 4791, and "Indian" refers to a member of such an Indian tribe; and
(iii) "Sacred site" means any specific, discrete, narrowly delineated location on Federal land that is identified by an Indian tribe, or Indian individual determined to be an appropriately authoritative representative of an Indian religion, as sacred by virtue of its established religious significance to, or ceremonial use by, an Indian religion; provided that the tribe or appropriately authoritative representative of an Indian religion has informed the agency of the existence of such a site.
Section 2. Procedures. (a) Each executive branch agency with statutory or administrative responsibility for the management of Federal lands shall, as appropriate, promptly implement procedures for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of section 1 of this order, including, where practicable and appropriate, procedures to ensure reasonable notice is provided of proposed actions or land management policies that may restrict future access to or ceremonial use of, or adversely affect the physical integrity of, sacred sites.
In all actions pursuant to this section, agencies shall comply with the Executive memorandum of April 29, 1994, "Government-to-Government Relations with Native American Tribal Governments."
(b) Within 1 year of the effective date of this order, the head of each executive branch agency with statutory or administrative responsibility for the management of Federal lands shall report to the President, through the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, on the implementation of this order. Such reports shall address, among other things,
(i) any changes necessary to accomodate access to and ceremonial use of Indian sacred sites;
(ii) any changes necessary to avoid adversely affecting the physical integrity of Indian sacred sites; and
(iii) procedures implemented or proposed to facilitate consultation with appropriate Indian tribes and religious leaders and the expeditious resolution of disputes relating to agency action on Federal lands that may adversely affect access to, ceremonial use of, or the physical integrity of sacred sites.
Section 3. Nothing in this order shall be construed to require a taking of vested property interests. Nor shall this order be construed to impair enforceable rights to use of Federal lands that have been granted to third parties through final agency action. For purposes of this order, "agency action" has the same meaning as in the Administrative Procedures Act (5 U.S.C.551[13]).
Section 4. This order is intended only to improve the internal management of the executive branch and is not intended to, nor does it, create any right, benefit, or trust responsibility, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or equity by any party against the United States, its agencies officers, or any person.
Hi Y'all! Remember Art Bell's mind experiment? Let's do it!!
Charlette LeFevre
Seattle Art Bell Chat Club
Please pass this on
A Plea For Help From Bobby C. Billie, Spiritual Leader of the Independent Traditional Seminole Nations.........Enact Executive Order13007
We are calling for a Prayer across the nation 1 Minute one mind. The scheduled time is at 8:11 PT Monday Evening Add again Tuesday Evening same time 8:11PT and Wed evening 8:11 PT Preserve the site, Activate the Circle, and Stop Baumans Bullies by peaceful means.
Yes it would be 11:11 East Coast Time
Let us also remind the President
in the Light......... Robert Ghost Wolf
Following is a call for support from Bobby C. Billie, Spiritual Leader, Independent Traditional Seminole Nation of Florida:
Please Help US!
The archeologists are taking over the speaking to Indigenous People's say so, but they don't know anything about our way of life, our sacredness, but they making reports what they think it is.
Once they write the way they think it is and they become so-called experts, write it down, and study it and then become written so called history and then the government has to go by what they say, so that is where we are now.
They dig up our ancestors, cover it one time, and dig it back up and they tell this history again and again, over and over. So, are we going to sit and watch the Non-Indian people doing this to us over and over? I don't think so. It is time to do something.
It is over seven months; no so-called recognized Indian Tribe have stepped in to save our sacred ground. To stop this. Nobody has done anything over seven months. So I finally arrived on the site on February 9th, but they have removed most of the stuff and they have talked to the county and city commissioners and owners, and to each other as to were the artifacts should go. So everything was planned out when I came. A lot of Non-Indigenous people and some Indigenous people in Miami are concerned to try and stop this, but they won't be able to do it. We heard, February 12, they gonna start bull- dozing on Monday, February 15th, So I'm asking the Native American Indians, all Indigenous people of this country, I'm asking for help for letter writing to the people to let them know how you feel your sacred ground being destroyed over and over. I think we all Indigenous People need to get together to make a strong stand to save what belongs to us. I need your letters written the way you feel and the way your heart feels and we have very short time, so I urge you to write this to these people. Legal action from Indigenous People needs your support to save your sacred ground.
Bobby C. Billie
of the Independent traditional Seminole Nations
Urgent letters by fax if possible:
Vice President, Al Gore
The White House,
Washington, DC 20500
Fax- 1202-456-2461 City of Miami Mayor
Joe Carollo
3500 Pan America Dr.
Miami, FL 33133
Fax: 305-8854-4001
Senator, Bob Graham
Courthouse Tower
44 W. Flagler St. Suite 1715
Miami, Fl
Fax: 305-536-6949 Miami-Dade County Manager
Merrett Stierheim
111 NW 1st St 29th Fl
Miami, FL. 33128
Fax: 305-375-1262
Governor, Jeb Bush
Office of the Governor
The Capitol
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001
Fax: 850-487-0801 Miami-Dade County Mayor
Alex Penelas
111 N.W. 1st St., Room 2910
Miami, FL. 33128
Fax: 305-373-6039
Secretary of State
Katherine Harris
PO 02 The Capital
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
Fax: 850-487-2214
Bobby C. Billie
Fax: 904-471-9897
Mailing Address:
710 N Oleander Ave
Daytona Beach, Fl 32118
"President Clinton has taken an important first step to protect some of our holy lands," said Suzan Shown Harjo, president of The Morning Star Institute, a national organization promoting native peoples' cultural and traditional rights. "We look forward to immediate actions by the federal agencies to back up the president's good words."
Two years ago, representatives of the Morning Star, the Tribal Leaders Coalition and the National Congress of American Indians had proposed a similar bill that would have provided stronger protection for such sites, but it died in Congress.
FYI: White House Press Office, 202/456-2100. Harjo, The Morning Star Institute, 403 Tenth St., S.E., Washington, DC 20003, 202/547-5531, 202/546-6724 (fax).
Dade Heritage Trust
Miami River Circle Friends To Call for State Intervention to Protect Burial Remains on Miami Circle Archaeological Sacred Site
For Immediate Release:
February 14, 1999
Contact: Becky R. Matkov, Dade Heritage Trust, 358-9572
Dade Heritage Trust, Miami River Circle Friends To Call for State Intervention to Protect Burial Remains on Miami Circle Archaeological Sacred Site
(MIAMI)-- The Dade Heritage Trust, Urban Environment League and supporters of preserving the sacred site of the Miami Circle will hold a press conference at 12 p.m. Monday, February 15,1999, in front of the archaeological site to call for immediate State intervention to protect the burial remains that may exist on the sacred site of the Miami Circle archaeological site.
The Miami Circle archaeological site faces imminent destruction by a developer’s proposal to slice out the carved stone structure believed to be a ceremonial site and to destroy the remainder of the site as he prepares for the construction of a high-rise residential complex.
The developer of the proposed Brickell Pointe project has denied the County’s request for a delay in the construction to allow further study of the Tequesta Indian sacred site, where human teeth and other burial and ceremonial artifacts of have uncovered.
"The bulldozer is literally at the gate. We’re making a direct appeal to the Governor to respect the rights of Native Americans to not desecrate this land and to respect the dead of these ancient people," said Becky Roper Matkov, executive director of the Dade Heritage Trust.
Miami-Dade Preservation Director and archaeologist Bob Carr has said the site is of national significance. The stone circle is the only known surviving example of a Tequesta ceremonial structure and is a unique discovery in Florida and possibly all of North America.
Those interested in helping save this irreplaceable historic site are urged to contact national, state and local officials for support. Contributions to support the efforts to preserve the site may be made to Dade Heritage Trust's
"Save Our Circle Fund"
190 S.E. 12th Terrace
Miami, FL 33131
Please call 305-358-9572 for more information.
Tuesday, February 16, 1999
Developer eager to build; backer sees potential deal
The developer of a downtown project that endangers the Miami Circle remains determined to begin construction despite recent setbacks and the hint from a key financier Monday that it may be time to consider selling the site, the developer's attorney said.
View of the Miami Circle with Nighttime Visitors
Date: 02/16/1999 11:16:32 PM Central Standard Time
From: (Thomas Buyea)
There is no way to describe the comedy of errors this city commission meeting was. The best way to get an idea of how unprofessional this group of elected officials were, May be to listen to Richard Hoagland report on it on the Art Bell show tonight. First, Not only were the city of Miami Mayor and commissioners at the meeting , But also the mayor and County Manager of Miami-Dade County. The first action taken was for the Miami Mayor to announce that the audience Would NOT be allowed to have any input. And that all discussion would be between city and county officials only. Then they went on to explain that the city and co. attorneys had advised them that they could not mention the term eminent domain ( The city condeming and consfiscating the land at fair market value ) Due to the liability created if the threat of confiscation were to CAUS the banks financing the project to back out of their contracts. The figure quoted was a liability of up to $50,000,000 . So the City and County spent two hours talking about if they wanted to and if it was worth it to condemn the land and save the Circle but without actually saying that was what they were talking about. The county admitted that they wanted to save the Circle and would do it on their own if the city would step aside, The City wanted to be involved but didn't want to admit that they were in favor of saving the circle ( Due to liability problems) Unless the County would sign a not hold liable contract with the City in case the City was sued.
At the end of the meeting after the mayors got in an argument, They agreed to hold another meeting on Thursday (This time at the County commission chambers ) At which they would ask the County commissioners for a not hold liable contract and try to come to a decision on what to do before time runs out. The developer's lawyers were there taking notes and smiling a lot.
Tom Miami, Florida USA UFOlogist
South Florida Representative CAUS Org.
PO Box 14-4097 Miami,Fla. 33114
you may need plug in provided on page
Date: 02/18/1999 1:51:27 AM Central Standard Time
From: (Louis Mejia)
This is the latest from the Mayor- Dade County.
Memorandum from Office of the Mayor
Press Conference 2-17-99.
To: Honorable Chairwomen & Members of the Board of County Commissioners
Discovery of the formation that has become known as the Miami Circle presents this community with a rare opportunity to preserve a piece of national history for future generations to enjoy, study and learn from. I have had the opportunity to visit the site, as well as discuss its significance with archeological experts and Native Peoples. As a result I believe more fervently than ever, that it would be a tremendous mistake to move this formation from the site.
In furtherance of this, yesterday, along with Commissioner Katy Sorenson and County Manger Merrett Stierheim, I appeared before the Miami City Commission. Each of us went in good faith to propose the formation of an intergovernmental partnership to preserve the site. At this meeting, we expressed the sentiments of the County Commissioners that attended the special commission meeting on Friday, February 12th, that there was a sincere willingness on the part of this government to partner with the city to reach a resolution of this issue.
At yesterday’s meeting we received no indication that the City of Miami has a real commitment to preserve the circle or any willingness to stand side by side with the county to work out this issue. While I would like to thank Commissioners Teele and Regalado for their supportive comments, clearly, the City fell significantly short of a policy commitment.
The City has suggested that this Board execute an indemnity or “hold harmless” agreement between the City and the County prior to a formal relationship being forged on this issue. In light of the City’s unwillingness to clearly and conclusively state their intentions to save the circle, I cannot and will not recommend that the County enter into an agreement of this type with the City at this time.
I no longer wish to participate in games of political gymnastics between the County and City governments. While we posture and pontificate a historical site grows closer to its last days of existence in its rightful location.
Although, I would much rather work with the City, given the urgency of this situation Miami-Dade has no choice but to once again take the lead and proceed with a compelling effort to stop development of this site.
After counseling from the County Attorney and consultation with the County Manager, it is clear that there is only one option left if this government is serious about preserving the site. I will appear at tomorrow’s Board of County Commissioners meeting and urge the Commission to institute legal proceedings to stop the development and acquire the site for the enjoyment of present and future generations.
I have been counseled that in this case a “Slow take” eminent domain action is the best strategy for this government. In this instance a “Slow take” action minimizes the fiscal exposure to the government; the posting of a bond is not required at the time of filing. Additionally, while a jury is determining the projected price of the property, we would be within the right of this government to decline the purchase of the property if the jury ’s value determination is not in the County’s best interest.
The County’s injunctive action if granted would immediately stop all action on the site. I have requested that these suits be filed as early as Thursday afternoon. While I do not relish recommending that the County enter into litigation; I believe that we have exhausted almost every possible resource and option available to us at this time.
Candlelight vigils, emergency commission meetings and infinite discussions with the developer will not save this endangered ancient artifact. Given yesterday’s discussion with the City’s commission, the onus is clearly on Miami-Dade County government. State and Federal authorities have indicated a willingness to cooperate but only after a local government decides as a matter of policy to preserve the site.
As you may imagine this decision has not come easily. I have struggled with the possible ramifications of what this action may mean for our government and this community. This involves balancing public policy issues against cultural concerns.
As a public official and native Miami-Dade Countian, I feel an overwhelming responsibility to save this historic formation. I realize that many may criticize this course of action. However, I must follow my conscience. This is not only a piece of Tequesta history; it is a piece of our community’s history. Consequently, I refuse to be identified or linked with the desecration of the circle. On the contrary, I would rather our community be known as a community that saved a historic structure and created a beautiful cultural attraction and tribute to our history for citizens to enjoy.
The cry of the people of the city, county and the nation have been clear, we must do something immediately to save the circle. Accordingly, at this time I see no other alternative for this government.
BREAKING NEWS "Miami-Dade County" Mayor Alex Pinellas wants to file an EMINENT DOMAIN LAW SUIT IMMEDIATELY to STOP the construction over the MIAMI CIRCLE.
Keep the pressure on the commissioners to vote for it Feb 18th!
We're almost there, folks, thanks to your efforts in phoning and faxing!
We are asked to continue to fax these 3 people over the next 24 hours:
Jeb Bush 850-487-0801
(mention in the fax that there is tons of evidence indicating that the Miami site is of the utmost historical value)
The First Lady, Hillary Clinton 202-456-2461
The Teamsters Union (they were financially backing the builder, Michael Baumann and will probably withdraw their funding if they understand that the people are against it. Jimmy Hoffa Jr is in Miami right now, meeting with people from both sides....)
Teamster fax: . (202) 682-0900
The media has finally started covering the story ... CNN did a report, so did NBC. We need to keep faxing the news stations -- contact your local ones as well to let them know the public is interested in this.
We are very very close to a conclusion now, so we must keep up the pace to make sure the outcome is the right one :-)
The Miami-Dade County Commission just voted ten to zero, To file the Eminent Domain Law Suit to SAVE the Miami Circle !!!
It is going to be a fight through the courts now and it is going to take time and money.
Tom Miami, Florida USA UFOlogist
South Florida Representative CAUS Org.
PO Box 14-4097 Miami,Fla. 33114
Subj: Re: Miami Miracle.......
Date: 2/19/99 2:48:04 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Aurauranet
May Great Spirit be at peace this night knowing that his children have done something in his name. We have walked the beauty path, against all odds, not caring what was put before us that might tell us NO. We kept walking through the grass.........
The voice of the people and their prayers were heard and we were answered. I was told that at sundown last night and again at dawn this morning a dolphin swam up the mouth of the Miami River and gave its call. At the same time an Osprey circled the Miami Circle four times clockwise and four times counter clockwise before flying off to the South and dissappearing into the mist.
Grandfather has answered, Grandfather has heard, and Granfather is happy that his children have taken this action along the path of Heart.
All of you bless you, be content that you have power to stop the darkness that seems to threaten the swallowing of the whole of the world and its people. We have a choice on the outcome and we are making a difference. Let us keep the flame lit
Fox has offered to air an independent documentary on this quest of the people...March 2. We at Wolf Lodge Foundation are raising the funds to film this incredible story of the People and the Miami Miracle.............the real story.
Aho mitakyue oyasin..we are all relations
Robert Ghost Wolf
In a message dated 2/18/99 8:32:45 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
<< I found your site while looking into the Miami Circle. I mean no disrespect; however, I am not a scientist and do not understand your information on the Circle. However, I sincerely believe this find has an importance of great magnitude. I have never heard of such a construction by any other Native American Tribe in North America. Would it be possible for you to briefly explain your findings about this site in layman's terms? We are trying to preserve the property and need as much information as possible to convey to the governmental agencies.
Thank you,
Bill Harms >>
Hi, Bill ...
Thanks much ... I appreciate your interest in this work. Yes ... I'll be glad to try to help you, and others, to understand the "matrix numbers", etc, etc. I won't do it ALL right here in this email ... totally ... I can continue it in 'chunks', maybe, (?) as time rolls on. [ The Dade County Commission vote at 10-1 in favor of saving the site where it is ... is great news, of course ! ].
One of the main things to understand about this deeply ancient, re-discovered Archaeomatrix ... re-discovered by Carl P. Munck ... is that this matrix of sites all over the world, is "showing us" the number 360 ... specifically, the number 360 in-relation to circles. Think of drawing a circle on a piece of paper. What you have done, when you have drawn that circle, is ... you have drawn its circumference ... the actual curved line of the rim of the circle itself. That circumference clearly shows the boundaries of that circle .... its curved edge. We have a convention of using 360 degrees-of-arc on a circumference. But, we more-or-less take that conventional number for granted.
Where did this "convention" of 360 degrees on a circle originate ? Very good question !!
Here is how Stonehenge "shows" the number 360 in-relation to a circumference : Munck realized that The Sarsen Circle originally had 30 uprights and 30 cross- pieces making up its circumference ... 60 original stones on The Sarsen Circle itself. Munck wondered if the designer(s) of Stonehenge ... regardless of its age, and regardless of when humans were *supposed to have* known about geometric numbers according to mainstream science ... might have used the number 360 in association with a circle. Wonder and Curiosity ... so important !!
He multiplies the 60 (stones) on The Sarsen Circle times the number 360 ... 60 X 360 = 21600.
Now ... that "happens to be" the number of arc-minutes on any circumference, according to our conventional geometry. But, it also "happens to be" the actual polar circumference of Earth ... in nautical miles, and in latitude minutes. Isn't THAT fact, alone, rather "curious" ? It "just happens" that there are 21600 latitude minutes, otherwise known as nautical miles, on Earth's polar circumference (?).
Motivated by such curiosity, Munck wondered if maybe the latitude of Stonehenge itself might be somehow "encoded" with a connection to the number 21600. He noticed that Stonehenge was situated at approximately 51 degrees 10 minutes North. He also knew, of course, that our "convention" uses 60 minutes in a degree and 60 seconds in a minute ... for latitude and for longitude measurements on Earth's curved surface ... a way of locating things on the huge, curved surface of the Earth.
He tried dividing the number 21600 by 51 ... the degrees of latitude of Stonehenge : 21600 / 51 = 423.5294118
Then he tried dividing that figure by 10 ... the number of minutes : 423.5294118 / 10 = 42.35294118
Munck then looked-up the most accurate latitude for Stonehenge that he could find. He used a British Ordnance Survey map ... and found that Stonehenge's latitude is indeed 51 deg 10 min 42.353 sec ..... !!!
This is a good example of how a site can "show" its position on Earth ... in terms of latitude and/or longitude. Keep in mind, here, that we are simply OBSERVING ... regardless of the opinions and/or the attitudes of the so-called scientific establishment. And, we are using simple math.
When Richard C. Hoagland phoned me with the GPS readings (global positioning satellite) he had taken for the site of The Miami Circle, the closest "Munck-matrix numbers" I found for it were 41828.22014 W.Giza and 10800 North. Now .... I'll explain this :
Hoagland said his GPS instrument longitude showed 80 deg 11.317 minutes, and his GPS instrument latitude showed 25 deg 46.157 minutes.
Munck has discovered (re-discovered) that our current prime meridian ... dating back to the end of the last Ice Age ... actually passes through the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza. This means that we must adjust our longitude readings accordingly ... so in this case, we add 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec onto the W.Greenwich reading ... and we'll do that a little bit later, here, in our figuring ... as you will see. First, let's convert the GPS latitude in degrees and minutes, into degrees, minutes, and seconds. Take 0.157 minutes and multiply by 60, to get the number of GPS latitude seconds : 0.157 X 60 = 9.42 (sec)
So ... we have a GPS reading for latitude of 25 deg 46 min 9.42 sec North, for The Miami Circle.
Munck's work with the Archaeomatrix indicates that the latitudes and longitudes of the sites are encoded in a multiplication ... the multiplied product ... of the given site's actual latitude and longitude numbers : [ Number of degrees X Number of minutes X Number of seconds ]
Yes .. this is from direct observation of many sites around the world, along with the use of the best maps available.
Let's multiply the observed (from Richard C. Hoagland) GPS latitude numbers : 25 (deg) X 46 (min) X 9.42 (sec) North = 10833 North
We know, from Munck's work, that 10800 is a major Archaeomatrix number ... it is exactly one-half the 21600 Grid Latitude of Stonehenge.
So ; apparently the precise (and intended) number of latitude seconds would be : 10800 / 25 / 46 = 9.391304348 seconds
That is only 2.9 Feet south of the 9.42 sec GPS reading.
Now ... let's convert the GPS longitude in W.Greenwich degrees and minutes, to W.Greenwich degrees, minutes, and seconds. Take the 0.317 minutes and multiply by 60, to get the number of W.Greenwich longitude seconds : 0.317 X 60 = 19.02 W.Greenwich seconds At this point, we convert the W.Greenwich longitude to W.Giza longitude.
We add, in this case, 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec onto the W.Greenwich longitude, to adjust to W.Giza longitude. [ Note ... the longitude variance between Greenwich, England and the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza is exactly 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec ].
So ... 80 deg 11 min 19.02 sec becomes ... 111 deg 19 min 19.82 sec W.Giza
Now ... multiply ... 111 (deg) X 19 (min) X 19.82 (sec) W.Giza = 41800.38 W.Giza
We now look for the closest Archaeomatrix figure to 41800.38. The closest one I know is 41828.22014, and there are ways to "test" this probability. Let's test it against the 21600 number from Stonehenge (its Grid LAT) : 41828.22014 / 21600 = 1.936491673
This number is the Square Root of 3.75, and 3.75 is the exact Grid Point Value of Seip Mound in Ohio ... a known Archaeomatrix site (Munck).
Now, we can put that information together with the reported diameter (reported to me through reliable sources) of 37.5 Feet for The Miami Circle itself !! Here, we have another decimal harmonic indication.
Now ; let's check this indicated probability for the Grid LONG of The Miami Circle : 41828.22014 / 111 / 19 = 19.83320064 seconds W.Giza
That is only 1.2 Feet west of the 19.82 sec W.Giza GPS reading.
The Grid POINT Value is the ratio of the Grid LAT to the Grid LONG ... always greater-than-one .... 41828.22014 / 10800 = 3.872983346
Apparently, the Square Root of 15 is the Grid POINT Value of The Miami Circle. This refers directly to the original 15 stones comprising the "horseshoe" arrangement inside The Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge ... 5 pairs of uprights, with a cross-piece over each pair !! A total of 15 stones.
The Grid Point Value of Stonehenge (Munck) is 2.433467206 ... so let's try finding an archaeomatrix connection to a decimal harmonic (maybe ?) of *that* figure to the Square Root of 15, through the Pi constant : 3.872983346 X Pi = 12.16733603
That number is precisely 5 times the Grid Point Value of Stonehenge ... 12.16733603 / 5 = 2.433467206
Recall the 5 pairs of uprights, with a cross-piece over each pair, making up the original "horseshoe". Visualize yourself looking, from ground level, at the "horseshoe" ... from just inside The Sarsen Circle itself. Can you see a SYMBOL of the Pi constant ... in each pair of uprights-with-lintel !?!
If we add the number of stones on the original Sarsen Circle, to the 15 original "horseshoe" stones, we get 75 stones. And, the number 75 is exactly double the apparent diameter, in Feet, of The Miami Circle : 75 = 2 X 37.5
These are a few examples of how this re-discovered 'Archaeomatrix' works.
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) copyright 1999
Railroad turntable or water tower ? As far as I know photographs of the area going back to about 1900 have been examined and they do not show anything like that.. But every one out there hang on because the future of the circle is not set in STONE yet !! The City of Miami Mayor ( in his ultimate wisdom and in my opinion paid off ) Has started some kind of lawsuit against "Miami-Dade County" ( the County that Miami is located in & the ones who have the restraining order against the developer ) ) To stop the preservation and proceed with the construction !!
Tom Miami, Florida USA UFOlogist
South Florida Representative CAUS Org.
PO Box 14-4097 Miami,Fla. 33114
The City of Miami is now filing a lawsuit, Claiming that The County (Miami-Dade County) does not have the aprox. $50,000,000 that it will take to buy the site under condemnation ( even though the developer only paid $9,000,000 for it ) And wants to cancel the restraining order and start construction.
You people in other parts of the Country are about to get a dose of the Cuban politics that this area has had to live with ever since the federal & state governments gave away this part of the USA to Cuban immigrants 25 years ago.
Tom Miami, Florida USA UFOlogist
South Florida Representative CAUS Org.
PO Box 14-4097 Miami,Fla. 33114
Statement Released by Karlos Rodriguez
First and foremost I thank the Ya Ya the creator for the opportunity he has given to all of and to me especially, I thank Ya Ya for all the kindness and courage that the people of Miami have shown in the effort to protect this sacred Circle. I thank all of you for the time you have spent and the battles that have been fought in defense of this sacred Circle.
You have all shown pride and bravery when there were no monetary rewards. You have shown strong spirit and great love when it was not absolutely necessary. There are not enough words that I can speak that would express the gratitude that we truly feel for all of you that have participated in this effort.
We would like to emphasize the monumental importance that this site holds for all indigenous people from the four winds. From the sub Artic to Tierra Del Fuego, this site is sacred to all indigenous people from all nations. The Miami Circle contains the sacred soul of the continent.
The Taino Tribe of Jatibonicu feel a custodial responsibility for the heritage of the Tequesta people which is the same heritage of the Taino People of the Caribbean and Florida. We want to protect the heritage of the common indigenous people.
It is not reasonable or feasible to dismantle the Circle and move it to another place. This Circle was here before Columbus or any of his ancestors ever lived, or any other explorer ever set foot in the Americas and here it should remain. To dismantle this site is to commit sacrilege.
Would the people of Rome bulldoze the Vatican? Would the people of England bulldoze Stonehenge? Would the people of Egypt bulldoze the Pyramids? Would the countries of Central America bulldoze the sacred Mayan temples? Then why would local, state, or federal government permit anyone to bulldoze this consecrated Circle? To the Taino and all indigenous people this site is as important as all those other monuments; It holds the same spiritual significance.
What happens to this site will dictate events that will come in the future. This Circle encompasses the power of many animal spirits. Destruction or desecration could trigger disastrous events for Florida and the Caribbean. Most important as the Tekina for the Taino Tribe of Jatibonicu we ask that all the people of Florida and the world look into their hearts and pray for the protection of the sacred Power that makes up this Circle.
Enough is enough, we need to stop the destruction of the antiquities not just in Florida, but in the world. Once they are lost, they can never be reclaimed. Those of you who have worked hard to save this site, we ask that together we continue until the last battle has been won.
This site should be made into a sanctuary for people of all nations. A place where people can come and feel the wonder and beauty it possesses. It is rare as a people that we have the opportunity and the honor to preserve and protect such a unique and historical site for future generations.
On a final note, I ask the politicians to pay attention to the profound effect this consecrated site has on the people. Rather than continuing the destruction, let us begin the reconstruction of this monumental sacred Circle.
Thank you and thank Ya Ya and may the Great Giver of Breath bless us all.
Those interested in helping save this irreplaceable historic site are urged to contact national, state and local officials for support. Contributions to support the efforts to preserve the site may be made to Dade Heritage Trust's
"Save Our Circle Fund"
190 S.E. 12th Terrace
Miami, FL 33131
Subj: Reinforcing Discovery re: Miami Circle ...
Date: 02/22/1999 9:15:53 AM Central Standard Time
From: Milamo
I've just (today, 02/21/99) figured out that the Grid LONG of Woodhenge # 2 ... at Cahokia, Illinois (the complex of mounds and other earthworks) ... is identical to The Miami Circle's Grid LONG ... 41828.22014 W.Giza.
I was looking through Carl's "Whispers From Time" (self-published) today ... and I noticed his sketch (diagram) of Woodhenge # 2. He has the center of Woodhenge # 2 almost exactly at 90 deg 04 min 28 sec W.Greenwich ... which is approximately 121 deg 12 min 28.8 sec W.Giza. He doesn't have the Grid LONG for the Woodhenge # 2 site published, to my knowledge ... but I'm now confident it's ... 121 (deg) X 12 (min) X 28.80731415 (sec) W.Giza = 41828.22014 W.Giza ... same as my figure for The Miami Circle Grid LONG !!
This means Woodhenge # 2 at Cahokia has a Grid POINT Value of ... 54286.72105 / 41828.22014 = 1.297849176 That is *exactly double* a decimal harmonic of The Moon Pyramid (at Teotihuacan, Mexico) Grid Point Value of 6.489245875 (Munck) ... 0.648924588 X 2 = 1.297849176
Notice what happens when we multiply this figure by the diameter, in Feet, of The Miami Circle ... 37.5 (Feet) X 1.297849176 = 48.66934411 ... the precise radius of The Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge, in Feet (Munck) !!!
If, in fact, there are 30 holes (as now reported) along the ircumference of The Miami Circle ... of various sizes and shapes, apparently indicating that variously-shaped-and-sized monoliths once stood in these holes ... notice this interaction of 30 with the number of holes (48) on the circumference of Woodhenge # 2 at Cahokia : 30 X 48 = 1440
Now let's divide 1440 by the four cardinal directions, to which The Miami Circle site is aligned ... 1440 / 4 = 360 ... the number of arc-degrees on "any circumference" according to "our" conventional geometry.
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) copyright 1999
P.S. To order Carl Munck's materials ... call 1-800-243-1438 ... or go to
Subj: NUFOIA: Miami-Circle in DANGER !!
Date: 02/23/1999 1:15:04 PM Central Standard Time
From: (Thomas Buyea)
Developer Michael Baumann and City of Miami Mayor Joe Carollo have now officially teamed up tp find a Judge to reverse the Temporary Restraining Order that Miami-Dade County has protecting The Miami Circle, and allow construction to begin.
Tom Miami, Florida USA UFOlogist
South Florida Representative CAUS Org.
PO Box 14-4097 Miami,Fla. 33114
The City of Miami has hired a law firm at $150 an hour, To try to block Miami-Dade County from seizing the land the circle is located on. And if Miami-Dade County is successful with it's eminent domain suit, The City of Miami intends to sue for it's loss of One point one million dollars a year in lost property taxes on the $100,000,000 condominium that was to be built on the site.
Tom Miami, Florida USA UFOlogist
South Florida Representative CAUS Org.
PO Box 14-4097 Miami,Fla. 33114
In a message dated 2/26/99 7:19:55 AM
Milamo wrote:
MORE EVIDENCE .... England's Woodhenge And The Miami Circle
England's Woodhenge has a Grid LAT (Munck) *identical* to the Grid LAT of The Miami Circle ... just as Woodhenge # 2 at Cahokia, Illinois has a Grid LONG (Munck) *identical* to the Grid LONG of The Miami Circle !!
All three sites are ancient circular structures, with various post-holes (and/or megalith holes) in the ground (and/or in the bedrock).
What are the odds that these two "Woodhenges", on separate sides of The Atlantic Ocean, would each have an Archaeomatrix LAT/LONG number which, when combined, gives the precise LAT/LONG numbers for The Miami Circle site ?!
In Carl P. Munck's newsletter # 44 of Feb/Mar 1998, he discusses England's Woodhenge. It is comprised of 6 concentric circles of post-holes. It also has 2 post-holes that are within the central ring, 2 post-holes outside all the concentric rings, and 6 post-holes within the rings that are 'apparently' out-of- alignment (sorry, Carl ... you missed one of the 'out-of-alignment' post-holes).
If we take these numbers and multiply ... 6 X 2 X 2 X 6 = 144, a major gematrian number redundantly encoded within this re-discovered ancient matrix.
If we take the 156 post-holes of the 6 rings, and the 8 post-holes 'within' the rings, we have 164. If we then subtract the 2 post-holes that are *outside* the rings, we end up with 162, referring to Bruce Cathie's "theoretical maximum" light-speed of 162,000 nautical miles per second.
Based on the scale shown on Carl's sketch of the site (in his newsletter), I think the diameter of England's Woodhenge could be 144 Feet, as an average.
The Grid POINT Value (Munck) of this site is 2.5, and if we multiply that by 144 ... 2.5 X 144 = 360, the arc-degrees on any circumference.
Here are Munck's matrix numbers for England's Woodhenge :
Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 11 (min) X 19.2513369 (sec) North = 10800 North
Grid LONG 32 (deg) X 55 (min) X 2.454545455 (sec) W.Giza = 4320 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 01 deg 47 min 1.654545455 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 10800 / 4320 = 2.5
As Munck points out in his newsletter article, the *outer* ring of England's Woodhenge has 60 post-holes, just as The Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge originally had 60 stones ... 30 uprights and 30 cross-pieces. And, of course, 60 X 360 = 21600, the Grid LAT of Stonehenge itself ... exactly double the 10800 figure.
If we multiply the Grid POINT Values of the two Woodhenges, and divide the result into the Grid POINT Value of The Miami Circle :
3.872983346 / (1.297849176 X 2.5) = 3.75 / Pi
We get a decimal harmonic of the diameter, in Feet (37.5), of The Miami Circle ... divided-by the Pi constant. The number 3.75 is also the Grid POINT Value of Seip Mound in Ohio, as I've discussed in earlier articles.
The Area of a Circle ... Divided by Five Circle Sites
I wanted to see if I could come up with a "string" of Grid POINT Values, involving The Miami Circle site, England's Woodhenge, Woodhenge # 2 at Cahokia, and Stonehenge ... relating them to the generic formula for Area of a Circle, and hopefully also to at least one other significant Archaeomatrix number. Carl Munck suggested to me over the phone, a couple of days ago, that I see if I could involve the Cuicuilco site (Mexico) in such an equation. I tried Cuicuilco's Grid POINT Value (Munck) of precisely one-half Radian (deg) or 28.64788976 ... and it also "happens" that Cuicuilco's Grid LONG is identical to the generic Area of a Circle, or 10313.24031 Square Degrees, if we let The Radian (deg) be equal to a given RADIUS :
Pi X ( 57.29577951 X 57.29577951) = Pi X 3282.80635 = 10313.24031 Square Degrees
So ; here is a string of the Grid POINT Values of all 5 of these circular structures, relating directly to Area of a Circle (generic) ... and notice what we also find :
10313.24031 / 3.872983346 / 2.5 / 1.297849176 / 2.433467206 / 28.64788976 = 11.77245771
We find a very important number in the Archaeomatrix. This number is the TANGENT of the statute mileage of 90 arc-degrees of Earth's polar circumference, or the arc-distance in statute miles from either pole to the equator. This figure is 6214.855279 statute miles ... possibly the actual mileage at the time this particular matrix was "dedicated" ... around the end of the last Ice Age.
The number 11.77245771 is also the Grid LONG *and* the actual longitude in arc-seconds, to the east *and* to the west of the Giza prime meridian ... of The Great Sphinx and The Chephren Pyramid, respectively (Munck) !!
Recall, also, that 5400 is the Grid POINT Value (Munck) of The Great Sphinx, referring directly to the 5400 nautical miles of arc-distance from either pole to the equator. As a last thought here, I give you this ... 5400 / 360 = 15, the Square of the Grid POINT Value of The Miami Circle.
And, this ... 5400 / 144 = 37.5, the diameter, in Feet, of The Miami Circle. This tends to add support to the possibility that the average diameter of England's Woodhenge is 144 Feet.
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) copyright 1999
Subj: The GPS Readings for The Miami Circle ... Explained ...
Date: 02/28/1999 4:02:46 PM Central Standard Time
From: Milamo
When Richard C. Hoagland phoned me (on Feb.5,1999) with the GPS readings (global positioning satellite) he had taken for the site of The Miami Circle, the closest "Munck-matrix numbers" I found for it were 41828.22014 W.Giza and 10800 North. Now .... I'll explain :
Hoagland said his GPS instrument longitude showed 80 deg 11.317 minutes, and his GPS instrument latitude showed 25 deg 46.157 minutes.
Munck has discovered (re-discovered) that our current prime meridian ... dating back to the end of the last Ice Age ... actually passes through the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza. This means that we must adjust our longitude readings accordingly ... so in this case, we add 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec onto the W.Greenwich reading ... and we'll do that a little bit later, here, in our figuring ... as you will see. First, let's convert the GPS latitude in degrees and minutes ... into degrees, minutes, and seconds. Take 0.157 minutes and multiply by 60, to get the number of GPS latitude seconds : 0.157 X 60 = 9.42 (sec)
So ... we have a GPS reading for latitude of 25 deg 46 min 9.42 sec North, for The Miami Circle. Munck's work with the Archaeomatrix indicates that the latitudes and longitudes of the sites are encoded in a multiplication ... the multiplied product ... of the given site's actual latitude and longitude numbers : [ Number of degrees X Number of minutes X Number of seconds ]
Yes .. this is from direct observation of many sites around the world, along with the use of the best maps available. Let's multiply the observed (from Richard C. Hoagland) GPS latitude numbers : 25 (deg) X 46 (min) X 9.42 (sec) North = 10833 North.
We know, from Munck's work, that 10800 is a major Archaeomatrix number ... it is exactly one-half the 21600 Grid Latitude of Stonehenge.
So ; apparently the precise (and intended) number of latitude seconds would be : 10800 / 25 / 46 = 9.391304348 seconds. That is only 2.9 Feet south of the 9.42 sec GPS reading.
Now ... let's convert the GPS longitude in W.Greenwich degrees and minutes ... to W.Greenwich degrees, minutes, and seconds. Take the 0.317 minutes and multiply by 60, to get the number of W.Greenwich longitude seconds : 0.317 X 60 = 19.02 W.Greenwich seconds
At this point, we convert the W.Greenwich longitude to W.Giza longitude. We add, in this case, 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec onto the W.Greenwich longitude, to adjust to W.Giza longitude. [ Note ... the longitude variance between Greenwich, England and the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza is exactly 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec ].
So ... 80 deg 11 min 19.02 sec becomes ... 111 deg 19 min 19.82 sec W.Giza.
Now ... multiply ... 111 (deg) X 19 (min) X 19.82 (sec) W.Giza = 41800.38 W.Giza.
We now look for the closest Archaeomatrix figure to 41800.38. The closest one I know is 41828.22014, and there are ways to "test" this probability. Let's test it against the 21600 number from Stonehenge (its Grid LAT) : 41828.22014 / 21600 = 1.936491673
This number is the Square Root of 3.75, and 3.75 is the exact Grid Point Value of Seip Mound in Ohio ... a known Archaeomatrix site (Munck).
Now, we can put that information together with the reported diameter (reported to me through reliable sources) of 37.5 Feet for The Miami Circle itself !! Here, we have another "decimal harmonic" in operation.
Now ; let's check this indicated probability for the Grid LONG of The Miami Circle : 41828.22014 / 111 / 19 = 19.83320064 seconds W.Giza. That is only 1.2 Feet west of the 19.82 sec W.Giza GPS reading.
The Grid POINT Value is the ratio of the Grid LAT to the Grid LONG ... always greater-than-one .... 41828.22014 / 10800 = 3.872983346
Apparently, the Square Root of 15 is the Grid POINT Value of The Miami Circle. This refers directly to the original 15 stones comprising the "horseshoe" arrangement inside The Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge ... 5 pairs of uprights, with a cross-piece over each pair !! A total of 15 stones.
The Grid Point Value of Stonehenge (Munck) is 2.433467206 ... so let's try finding an archaeomatrix connection to a decimal harmonic (maybe ?) of *that* figure to the Square Root of 15, through the Pi constant : 3.872983346 X Pi = 12.16733603
That number is precisely 5 times the Grid Point Value of Stonehenge ... 12.16733603 / 5 = 2.433467206
Recall the 5 pairs of uprights, with a cross-piece over each pair, making up the original "horseshoe". Visualize yourself looking, from ground level, at the "horseshoe" ... from just inside The Sarsen Circle itself. Can you see a SYMBOL of the Pi constant ... in each pair of uprights-with-lintel !?!
If we add the number of stones on the original Sarsen Circle, to the 15 original "horseshoe" stones, we get 75 stones. And, the number 75 is exactly double the apparent diameter, in Feet, of The Miami Circle : 75 = 2 X 37.5
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) copyright 1999
Subj: Re: The GPS Readings for The Miami Circle ... Explained ...
Date: 3/3/99 12:09:42 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: (Louis Mejia)
For Immediate Release- 3-3-99
TribaLink Organizes a March to Tallahassee to Save Ancient Circle
For more information contact Louis Mejia or log on to, for full story and photos.
(Miami, FL) The now famous Sacred Circle in Miami will be the focus of a Community March to Tallahassee on March 9, 1999. TribaLink International is calling on all Native groups, environmentalists, conservationists and concerned citizens to meet in Tallahassee for a public demonstration to convert the land of the Sacred Circle into a Heritage Park. We will be presenting Jeb Bush and our government leaders with thousands of letters and petitions signed by people all over the world in favor of preserving our cultural heritage.
The strange circle formation has been covered in every major news media including CNN, NBC Today Show, National Public Radio, The New York Times, Associated Press, El Tiempo in Colombia and even in an Italian Newspaper. The public outcry and the plea of school children, as well as thousands of letters written to public officials from President Clinton to Mayor Carollo has stopped any potential destruction and development on the site. An emergency injunction filed by Miami-Dade County lawyers has given Circle supporters a ray of hope. But lawyers for the City of Miami and the developer and are taking a hard stand. They state they are willing to fight to continue construction of the $100 million commercial site and the City of Miami fears losing a tax windfall, as well as a lawsuit from the developers.
"Discovery of the Tequesta Indian Site Circle has presented us with a unique opportunity to physically connect to our past as we look towards our future.
Such an opportunity is indeed, quite rare and presents this community with an awesome responsibility to do what is right while balancing public policy interests. I would like to see the site preserved for the many generations of Miami-Dade Countians. I find it untenable that anyone would suggest that we excise a newly discovered piece of our communities history without fully exploring all options to save it," said Mayor Penelas at the Task Force meeting on February 5th.
A court hearing on the future of the Circle has been set for April 12 and 13 before Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Fredricka Smith. The county is seeking to buy the property through an eminent domain proceeding that could take six to nine months. The Dade Community Foundation and Dade Heritage Trust have set up separate funds to collect the money needed to pay for the Sacred Circle and the Miami Circle Outreach Group is working as a clearinghouse of information for this campaign.
The March to Tallahassee is a show of support for Bobby C Billie, spiritual leader of the Independent Seminole Nation of Florida, who has been fighting for the protection of Native sites around Florida and has been a key figure in saving the Sacred Circle. "You have to understand how the Natives feel about this issue. This is Sacred Ground for everyone. I would not go to your church and destroy your foundations and burn your Bibles," shared Billie.
TribaLink International is a news agency for Native issues and the environment and was one of the first groups that broke this story to the national media. Plans are in the works for a "Save our Circle Concert" scheduled for late April. For more information please call Louis Mejia at 305-667-6399 or email- . Please visit the TribaLink web address at for all the latest detail
Subj: A Nice "Lock" on The Miami Circle ...
Date: 03/08/1999 3:22:37 PM Central Standard Time
From: Milamo
Here's a nice "lock" on the coordinates for The Miami Circle, in the ancient 'Archaeomatrix'. [ This extensive 'matrix' has been re-discovered through the pioneering work of Carl P. Munck, Sr. ]
I have decoded the 'Archaeomatrix' numbers for The Miami Circle, and I've posted these figures in several articles on the Internet, as many of you know. Here, then, is further evidence (below) of the intentional *precise* positioning of The Miami Circle, in terms of latitude and longitude coordinates ... within a truly 'planetary system' of sites. Again, I point out that the GPS readings that Richard C. Hoagland took, and which he phoned to me on Feb. 5, 1999 ... have turned out to be accurate to within approximately 2 to 3 feet of the actual 'Archaeomatrix' coordinates, in my opinion.
With England's Woodhenge, Cahokia's Woodhenge # 2, Mexico's Cuicuilco, and the Big "360" Circumference ... 360 / 2.5 / 1.297849176 / 28.64788976 = 3.872983346
Here we have the number 360, the key figure for circle/sphere geometry in our math system (number of degrees on a circumference) ... divided-by the Grid POINT Values of three major ancient *circular* structures, all of them documented by Carl P. Munck, Sr. as part of the 'Archaeomatrix' ... equating to the precise Grid POINT Value of The Miami Circle itself (M.L. Morton), the Square Root of 15 !!!
The Cuicuilco Site in Mexico
Carl P. Munck, Sr. has shown that Cuicuilco (about 12 miles south of Mexico City) actually "shows" the number 360 as its Grid LAT ... 19 (deg) X 18 (min) X 1.052631579 (sec) North = 360 North
Not only that ... it "shows" the generic Area of a Circle [based on The Radian (deg) as given RADIUS] as its Grid LONG ... 130 (deg) X 19 (min) X 4.175400935 (sec) W.Giza = 10313.24031 W.Giza
[ Pi X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951) ] = 10313.24031 Square Degrees. = (Pi X "r" Squared) ... the generic formula for Area of a Circle.
[ W.Greenwich 99 deg 11 min 3.375400935 sec ]
So ... Cuicuilco's Grid POINT Value is exactly one-half The Radian (deg) ... 10313.24031 / 360 = 28.64788976
Direct to The People Via Stonehenge ...
If we divide the Grid POINT Value of The Miami Circle by the Grid POINT Value of Stonehenge, we get exactly 1 / 36th of The Radian (deg) ... 3.872983346 / 2.433467206 = 1.591549431 = Radian (deg) / 36
This number is *also* the Grid POINT Value of the very center of The United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., according to my measurements of the official USGS 7.5-minute series topographical map. Apparently, The U.S. Capitol Building is centered on a valid 'Archaeomatrix' grid point.
Here are my matrix-valid figures for the coordinates of The U.S. Capitol Building (center) ...
Grid LAT 38 (deg) X 53 (min) X 22.34359483 (sec) North = 45000 North
Grid LONG 108 (deg) X 08 (min) X 32.72492347 (sec) W.Giza = 28274.33388 W.Giza = 9000 X Pi
[ W.Greenwich 77 deg 00 min 31.92492347 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 45000 / 28274.33388 = 1.591549431 = Radian (deg) / 36
This speaks for itself, in many ways ... directly to The People of current-day Earth. Just think about it.
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) copyright 1999
Tuesday March 9 2:56 PM ET
Tests: Miami Circle Site At Least 2,000 Years Old
By Jim Lonny
MIAMI (Reuters) - Scientific tests on charcoal found in the mysterious Miami Circle, a dusty Indian relic at the heart of a fierce political battle, suggest the site was occupied by humans at least 2,000 years ago, archeologists said Tuesday.
The tests were the first done on artifacts found at the site and the first scientific indicator of the age of the nondescript 38-foot circle. It was found last summer on a downtown plot of land where a developer wants to erect a $100 million condominium.
A series of man-made basins and holes hacked into the limestone bedrock on one of Miami's priciest parcels of real estate at the mouth of the Miami River, the Miami Circle has become the focus of a war between city and county governments, and developers and preservationists.
Native-American groups have adopted the circle as an illustration of America's ill treatment of sacred Indian sites. The circle is believed to be the foundation of a ceremonial lodge constructed by indigenous Tequesta Indians before they vanished in the decades after European occupation of Florida.
The Miami-Dade County Commission on Feb. 18 voted to attempt to buy the 2.3-acre (0.92-hectare) parcel of land and obtained a court order preventing construction at the site. The court order came over bitter opposition from the city of Miami, which stands to lose millions of dollars in tax revenue if the condominium is not built.
The Florida cabinet, made up of the governor and other executive branch leaders, was considering Tuesday a proposal to use state money to help buy the land.
Carbon-dating tests were completed on two small bits of charcoal, probably created by Tequesta fires, said John Ricisak, a Miami-Dade County historic preservation specialist.
The tests showed that a sample found in one of the basins that form the circle was 1,800 to 2,100 years old, Ricisak said. A charcoal sample found in the earth that covered the circle was 1,850 to 1,990 years old.
``It tells us that the occupation of the site...goes back probably 2,000 years,'' Ricisak said. ``It does not come anywhere near proving that the circle itself may also be that old.''
Experts had previously said the circle could be 500 to 800 years old.
Carbon dating measures the amount of carbon 14, a slightly radioactive isotope of carbon found in all organic matter, remaining in ancient material. It enables scientists to determine the age of fossils and other artifacts by comparing the test results to an international standard.
Ricisak said testing was to be done on other Circle artifacts, including bone, shell and the skeleton of a shark. But it was unclear whether it would be possible to test the limestone bedrock into which the formation is carved.
Scientists also were trying to determine the origin of two basalt ax heads found at the site.
Basalt is a rock of volcanic origin that does not occur naturally in Florida. The two nearest possible sources are the Appalachian Mountains of eastern North America and the highlands of Guatemala, scientists said.
4-24-99 The would be condominium developer ( on the Miami Circle property ) Went to court today to try to get Miami-Dade county's law suit to prevent building the condominium thrown out, The Judge refused to throw it out !!
Apr 25, 1999 MST (#1 of 1)
County wins first round on Circle
By PETER WHORISKEY Herald Staff Writer
The county's effort to acquire the Miami Circle property passed its first major legal test on Friday as Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Fredricka Smith ruled that the county has a ``substantial likelihood of success'' in pursuing its eminent domain case.
The judge also upheld a temporary injunction blocking construction on the site of the Miami Circle, believed to have been part of an ancient Tequesta Indian encampment.
``Considerations of public policy and public interest dictate that the temporary injunction be maintained,'' Smith wrote.
None of the issues in the case have been decided, including the county's contention that the city violated its own regulations on archaeological preservation -- making the city permit illegal. Both the city and attorneys for developer Michael Baumann have disputed the accusation, saying all applicable rules were followed.
The ruling now clears the way for further legal wrangling and a full-blown jury trial that could come as early as June. Among the key issues: whether the county has the right to seize the property at the mouth of the Miami River and, if so, how much should Miami-Dade pay.
The county will then have the option of purchasing the two-acre parcel in downtown Miami, believed to be a prehistoric Tequesta Indian site.
``It's a positive ruling for the county,'' Assistant County Attorney Tom Goldstein said. ``It allows us to pursue the case and preserve the site.''
``Today's ruling vindicates the county's decision to proceed with eminent domain,'' Penelas said late Friday. ``Now it is incumbent upon us to work closely with the city and the developer to try to reach a settlement.''
Attorneys for Baumann, who has planned to build twin towers on the land, could not be reached for comment.
Miami Mayor Joe Carollo, who was briefed on the ruling by City Attorney Alex Vilarello, said that while the city lost in court Friday, the ruling could pose problems for the county soon. Carollo said the ruling could force the county to pay the full value of the property to take over the land or withdraw from the lawsuit.
County officials have said the property will cost at least $8 million to acquire -- that's how much the developer paid for the land -- and possibly much more.
County attorneys plan to advise Miami-Dade commissioners at their regular meeting Tuesday that Miami intends to sue the county to block seizure of the parcel.
At a ceremony Thursday, Penelas presented a check for $1,120 to the Dade Community Foundation toward the purchase of the Circle land. The money came from contributions from Penelas and members of his staff. The county mayor urged managers and employees in private companies to follow his example and donate money to ``save the circle.''
Herald staff writers Tyler Bridges and Alfonso Chardy contributed to this report.
TribaLink News Network
Urgent News Flash
Indigenous Amazon Elders from Ecuador to Share the Secrets of the Rainforest at Parrot Jungle April 30th.
(Miami, FL) Seven Indigenous Amazon Elders from the Pastaza Rainforest of Ecuador will be in Miami for a special Rainforest presentation and informal discussion at Parrot Jungle (11000 SW 57 Ave) this Friday, April 30 at 12 noon. The delegation is visiting the United States for the first time and will present a series of lectures and workshops in Miami, Gainesville, Tallahassee and Washington, D.C. from April 30 to June 5, 1999. A special Spanish presentation will be held at Shasta Books on Sunday, May 2 at 4 pm
(2749 Coral Way)
With the Rainforest background at Parrot Jungle, the Amazon Elders will share their experience living in the Rainforest and how they use plant medicine to heal their sick.
The delegation also wants to inform the North American public about the urgent and immediate problems associated with the worldwide ecological crisis that is happening in their land and share the wisdom of Indigenous cultures which have endured for thousands of years. They also want to help us develop and formulate educational tools for the defense of our: Right to Breath Good Air, Drink Pure Water and to Bestow upon Our Children a Healthy Environment.
Some of the Elders who are visiting Miami are from a special mountain called Witaway Urco, which means "Sacred Mountain of Medicine" in The Quicua Language. This Mountain has been the Sacred Spiritual Heartland for the local Natural Indigenous People since before history. Now the mountain has a rural Indigenous school called Juri-Juri, outside of Puyo in San Jacinto.
The delegation members include:
Flavio Santi-33- Flavio was re-elected in 1999 as Director of Social Promotion and Communications for CONFENIAE - The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities from the Amazon of Ecuador. He was also director in 1996. This democratic organization represents over 200,000 people from seven distinct Indigenous nationalities.
Christina Gualinga-58- A longtime Women's rights organizer and current Administrator and Director of the Bi-lingual - Bi-cultural Indigenous school called Juri-Juri, outside of Puyo in San Jacinto.
Rafael Santi-51- Founder of "U N I"- The Natural Indigenous University at Lluchin River. He is an expert trained since childhood in the flora and fauna of Traditional Rainforest Medicines. Mr. Santi administers the affairs of the Amazanga community in San Jacinto where he happily lives with his wife and children and works at the Natural University.
Beatrice Gualinga-60- Traditional Elder spokeswoman from the ancient rainforest community of Sarayacu.
Bolivar Santi-56- Traditional & official representative from the community of San Virgilio and the Pashpanshu Biological reserve, which is at the headwaters of the Curaray River. He is an authority on sustainable products and medicines from the rainforest.
Leonardo Viteri-47- Founder and Director of the Amazanga Institute and representative of the Organization of Indigenous Peoples of Pastaza, OPIP.
Paul Toala Gualinga-26- Paul has worked for The Nunguli Project for 4 years. He teaches the Indigenous science of Biodiversity in Traditional Community Gardens. He will be coming to share his technical expertise and seek a broader base of international support for this important work in Ecuador.
Our lungs of the Earth, the Rainforest are in grave danger and we need to heed the words of wisdom of the Indigenous Elders who live in this Sacred land.
For this reason TribaLink International, The Center for Participate Education, the Pachamama Alliance and other organizations are helping to make aware the extreme conditions our brothers and sisters from South America are experiencing.
TribaLink International is a news agency for Native American issues and the environment and is dedicated to informing the international media and the public about current affairs within the Indigenous community. For more information please call Louis Mejia at 305-667-6399 or email- . Please visit the TribaLink web address at for all the latest details.
Expenses for travel from Tallahasse to Washington D.C. and back to the Airport in Miami still need to be raised, plus the participating in the Amazon Forum in Washington. Donations are most welcomed. Please make contributions payable to: Flavio Santi and send to: RR 3 box 150-D Monticello, FL 32344. You may also call 850-997 6042
Also visit the following web address for more info:
For information on the Tour, please contact: Peter Rathvone at THE CENTER FOR PARTICIPATE EDUCATION A-212 Oglesby Union, Tallahassee Fl. 32306-4027 (850) 644-6577 fax 0814 For event dates & schedule call 850- 531 7775
Subj: From M.L. Morton ... Miami Circle Math !!!
Date: 06/19/1999 5:03:11 PM
I won't "physically" be there on Sunday ... Father's Day ... 'Father Sun' Day ...the 20th of June, 1999 ... at the event in Mary Brickell Park. But ... I offer this to you ... this information ... this set of symbols. I ask that you print-out, photo-copy, and distribute these 'sets of language-symbols' ... alphabet and numbers ... to others. I ask that you pass these out at the gathering on 'Father Sun' Day ... to help get this information regarding The Miami Circle "out there to The People". This information is only *part* of our lost and suppressed heritage as humans. But, this 'part' is "of the whole" ... which is very important.
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
[ Note : the following is taken from a hosted website of my material ...... ]
-- MLM
My Latest Updates
Re: The Miami Circle
by Michael Lawrence Morton
The Bimini Shark Mound, on North Bimini Island in The Bahamas, has been decoded via 'archaeocryptography', by Carl P. Munck, Sr. Munck is the pioneer in archaeocryptography. He re-discovered a very ancient "geo-math matrix" ... apparently a very advanced network of ancient sites ... including pyramids, stone circles, mounds, and other earthworks. These sites/structures are evidently precisely located, and are closely inter-related to one another through the actual *numbers* involved in their exact latitudes and longitudes ... the actual degrees, minutes, and precise fractions of arc-seconds. Remarkably, to say the least, this "mathematical precision" is being revealed as a self-evident empirical fact ... in case after case, site after site, and is supported by the latest satellite- accurate maps available ... including the (revised) 1983 North American Datum USGS topo maps of the 7.5-minute Series.
Bimini Shark Mound
Following are Carl Munck's figures (1992) for The Bimini Shark Mound, in terms of its latitude/longitude. Bear in mind, for those readers new to this material, that one of Munck's primary discoveries is a prime meridian, keying the longitudes in this 'matrix', running through the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza. The longitude variance between this Giza prime meridian and the Greenwich meridian, is exactly 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec.
Grid LONG 110 (deg) X 22 (min) X 53.55371901 (sec) W.Giza = 129600 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 79 deg 14 min 52.75371901 sec ]
Notice the number 129600 ... this is the Square of 360, and 360 is 'our' conventional number of degrees-of-arc on one circumference.
Grid LAT 25 (deg) X 44 (min) X 56.25403807 (sec) North = 61879.44187 North
Notice that the number 61879.44187 is exactly equal to ... 1080 X Radian (deg). The Radian (deg) is the number of arc-degrees ( 57.29577951) equal to the (straight-line) radius distance of the same given circle or sphere ... assuming 360 arc-degrees on one circumference. Notice that the number 1080 "happens to be" exactly 3 times 360.
Grid POINT Value 129600 / 61879.44187 = 2.094395103
Notice that 2.094395103 is precisely 2/3rds of the Pi constant ... 2.094395103 = (2Pi / 3)
Indeed, this re-discovered planetary 'matrix' is mathematically based, on a circumference of 360 degrees, The Radian (deg), and the Pi constant.
Ties to The Miami Circle
In January of 1999, I received an email from Richard C.Hoagland, asking me if I had any info (data) on The Miami Circle. This was a pleasant surprise, because I had sent him some emails in late 1998 regarding this same site, although at that time I had only just ordered the USGS topo map ( Miami Quadrangle, 7.5-minute Series), because I intuitively felt that this structure would likely be in Munck's re-discovered matrix.
On Feb.5th, 1999, Richard Hoagland gave me GPS readings over the phone, which he had taken himself. As it turns out, these GPS readings appear to be accurate to within 2 to 3 Feet, of my own assessment to-date of matrix-valid coordinates for The Miami Circle (Morton, 1999). Following are the matrix- valid figures from my assessment to-date [ See Matrix Message #38].
Grid LONG 111 (deg) X 19 (min) X 19.83320064 (sec) W.Giza = 41828.22014 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 80 deg 11 min 19.03320064 sec ]
Grid LAT 25 (deg) X 46 (min) X 9.391304348 (sec) North = 10800 North
Grid POINT Value 41828.22014 / 10800 = 3.872983346
Notice that this Grid POINT Value is the Square Root of 15. Double the Square Root of 15 is the Square Root of 60, and the number 60 is 'our' number for time *and* arc-distance in terms of seconds in a minute. [ Also, of course, minutes in an hour and minutes in an arc-degree].
[ See my article, "Stonehenge ... Circular Data Base" ]
The number 6 ... a decimal harmonic of 60 ... is the factor which, when multiplied by 60 ... gives 360, 'our' number of arc-degrees on one circumference.
In my research as part of my assessment of The Miami Circle, I found that I disagree with Carl Munck regarding the apparent Grid LONG and Grid LAT of Cahokia Woodhenge # 2 ( a circular structure, with postholes in the ground).
I find its Grid LONG to be 41828.22014 W.Giza ... identical to the Grid LONG of The Miami Circle. This finding, of course, is significant in terms of such precisely matching numbers.
Grid LONG 121 (deg) X 12 (min) X 28.80731415 (sec) W.Giza = 41828.22014 W.Giza
I find its Grid LAT to be 54000 North ... exactly 5 times 10800; and recall that 10800 is The Miami Circle Grid LAT.
Grid LAT 38 (deg) X 39 (min) X 36.43724696 (sec) North = 54000 North
Grid POINT Value 54000 / 41828.22014 = 1.290994449
Notice that if we divide this Grid POINT Value into the Pi constant, we get the Grid POINT Value of Stonehenge (Munck, 1991) ...
3.141592654 / 1.290994449 = 2.433467206
My assessment also shows that the Grid POINT Value of The Miami Circle is *exactly* 3 times the Grid POINT Value of Cahokia Woodhenge # 2.
Now ; if we divide 54000 by the Grid LAT of Stonehenge ...54000 / 21600 = 2.5
The number 2.5 is the Grid POINT Value of England's Woodhenge (Munck, 1998) ... located not that many miles to the east of Stonehenge. England's Woodhenge has 60 postholes on its outer ring.
Its Grid LAT is 10800 ... *identical* to the Grid LAT of The Miami Circle.
Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 11 (min) X 19.2513369 (sec) North = 10800 North
Grid LONG 32 (deg) X 55 (min) X 2.454545455 (sec) W.Giza = 4320 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 01 deg 47 min 1.654545455 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 10800 / 4320 = 2.5
"Go Low" Earth Circle in Germany
Munck has also found the Grid LAT for a large earth-circle near Bonn, Germany. As to why it's called "Go Low", I don't know, but it's Grid LAT is exactly 27000 North, or one-half the 54000 Grid LAT I'm finding for Cahokia Woodhenge # 2.
Grid LAT 50 (deg) X 20 (min) X 27.00000 (sec) North = 27000 North
Carl Munck also writes that this structure has 2 circles. The outer circle is 656 Feet in diameter, and the inner circle is 328 Feet in diameter ... for an exact 2 to 1 ratio ... just like 54000 to 27000. Additionally, I propose that 328 is an approximation ... either an intended approximation by the designer/builder, which is very doubtful, or simply a typical approximation by the archaeologist(s) who reported on the site. The number 328 is very close to 328.280635, a decimal harmonic of the Square of The Radian (deg) ... 3282.80635 square degrees. It also follows, then, that 656 is an approximation of 656.56127 ... which is not only 1/5th of the Square of The Radian (deg), but is the Grid POINT Value of 'The Face' on Mars at Cydonia (Munck, 1991).
The Panther Mound in The Everglades
Another discovery by Carl Munck involves the Panther Mound in the Florida Everglades. He found an official USGS 7.5-minute topographical map ... named "Panther Mound" Quadrangle. This feline effigy has a Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1994) of precisely 30Pi ... 94.24777961 ... which is an exact match of the azimuth- of-orientation, in arc-degrees from True North, of The Great Sphinx of Giza (Munck, 1992). Notice the 'feline' association to The Great Sphinx. Here are Munck's figures for The Panther Mound ...
Grid LONG 111 (deg) X 53 (min) X 47.68624548 (sec) W.Giza = 280538.1822 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 80 deg 45 min 46.88624548 sec ]
Grid LAT 25 (deg) X 34 (min) X 3.501885366 (sec) North = 2976.602561 North
Grid POINT Value 280538.1822 / 2976.602561 = 94.24777961
Munck also notes the length of this effigy mound as 5400 Feet. The number 5400 is the Grid POINT Value of The Great Sphinx of Giza (Munck, 1991) !! Here we also have a decimal harmonic reference to the number 54000.
The Panther Mound can only be recognized from the air ... overhead. Of course, the USGS topo maps are compiled from overhead photographs.
The Newark, Ohio Earthworks Tie-In ...
The number 54000 is also found through Munck's archaeocryptography work on the earthworks at Newark, Ohio. His Grid POINT Values for The Octagon Circle and for The Observatory Circle, are ... 243.3467206 and 91.18906529 ... respectively. He multiplies those numbers, with the Grid POINT Value of Stonehenge ... 243.3467206 X 91.18906529 X 2.433467206 ... = 54000, again !!!
Panther Mound Times The Miami Circle
If we multiply the Grid POINT Values of Panther Mound and The Miami Circle ... 94.24777961 X 3.872983346 = 365.0200809
The number 365.0200809 is what Munck calls the "Ancient Solar Year" in Days. He has found this number (and its decimal harmonics) in many instances throughout his research.
I have found a decimal harmonic of this number ... as the Grid POINT Value of Edward Leedskalnin's Coral Castle, near Homestead, Florida. Here are my figures for Coral Castle ...
Grid LAT 25 (deg) X 29 (min) X 58.80922897 (sec) North = 42636.691 North
Grid LONG 111 (deg) X 34 (min) X 41.23807207 (sec) W.Giza = 155632.484 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 80 deg 26 min 40.43807207 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 155632.484 / 42636.691 = 3.650200809
This Grid POINT Value is a decimal harmonic of the "Ancient Solar Year", in Days (Munck, 1992).
One possibility as to "when" our solar year was 365.0200809 Days, is that this figure could be the actual length of the solar year at the time this particular 'planetary matrix' was "dedicated". Munck agrees that this is a good possibility.
This "dedication" could possibly have taken place after the land had settled, after the cataclysmic event known as The Great Deluge (see Zecharia Sitchin's research on this, in his series of books called "The Earth Chronicles"). I think it is also possible that this "Ancient Solar Year" figure could be the actual length of the solar year just-prior-to (or, at-the-time-of) The Great Deluge.
Notice that the Grid POINT Value of The Octagon Circle (Munck), 243.3467206, is a decimal harmonic of Stonehenge's Grid POINT Value of 2.433467206. Now ... let's multiply the grid POINT Values of Panther Mound, Bimini Shark Mound, and The Miami Circle ...
94.24777961 X 2.094395102 X 3.872983346 ... = 764.4962695
Divide this figure by Pi ... 764.4962695 / 3.141592654 = 243.3467206
... Grid POINT Value of The Octagon Circle, again !!
Recall, now, that Stonehenge's Grid POINT Value, multiplied by my newfound Grid POINT Value for Cahokia Woodhenge # 2 ... equals Pi ...2.433467206 X 1.290994449 = 3.141592654
In Carl Munck's newsletter of June/July 1995, he shows very conclusively that the azimuth-of-orientation of Hoosick Mound, in Eastern New York State, is exactly 320.2314485 arc-degrees from True North. When that figure is divided-by 1.290994449 ...
320.2314485 / 1.290994449 = 248.0502134
We get the Grid POINT Value of The Great Pyramid of Giza (Munck, 1991). And that figure is precisely the Cube of (2Pi).
A Tie to "Granite Hill", near Gettysburg, PA
... If you look on the Gettysburg (PA) Quadrangle ... official USGS Topographical Map, 7.5-minute Series, you'll see a conical hill labeled "Granite Hill" ... just on the south side of Route 30, a few miles East of Gettysburg, PA. I think this "hill" is a legitimate part of this matrix. My Grid POINT Value for it is ... 8.111557352 ... which is the multiplied product of The Miami Circle Grid POINT Value times Bimini Shark Mound Grid POINT Value ...
3.872963346 X 2.094395102 = 8.111557352
Granite Hill's numbers are definitely matrix-valid. [ See my article on this, on ]
Grid LAT 39 (deg) X 51 (min) X 36.19909502 (sec) North = 72000 North
Grid LONG 108 (deg) X 17 (min) X 4.834544659 (sec) W. Giza = 8876.223994 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 77 deg 09 min 4.034544659 sec ]
The number 72000 is exactly half of 144000 ... see my article, "The King's Chamber and The Sarcophagus" ... I think the cubic volume ... in *regular inches*, not "pyramid inches", of the outer dimensions of The Sarcophagus in The King's Chamber (within The Great Pyramid) ... is 144,000 cubic inches. Please see that article at ....
The number 8876.223994 is a decimal harmonic of the Square Root of the Volume of a Sphere ... using The Radian (deg) as the RADIUS of any given sphere.
-- Michael L. Morton
NOTE: Copying and circulation of this paper is encouraged, but please include the author's copyright. Thanks ~ MLM
© 1999 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~Archaeocryptographer
To contact the author please e-mail above
or telephone: 412-819-0202 Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
== • For more information on this and related material, please visit the following website •
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and also view ... /gem3.htm, /gem5.htm, /gem9.htm, and /gem10.htm etc.
To order Carl Munck's materials ... call 1-800-243-1438 [in Seattle, WA: 425-455-1053 + outside USA dial prefix: 00 1 206] ... or go to
Posted at 2:45 p.m. PST Tuesday, November 2, 1999
Archeologists make new finds at Miami Circle
MIAMI (Reuters) - Charred wood fragments suggesting the construction of dugout canoes and carbon-dating tests on bones and charcoal show that the downtown Miami Circle was probably the site of a thriving American Indian town, archeologists said Tuesday.
Nearly two weeks after starting an extensive survey of a weedy patch of prime riverfront land in Miami's banking district, archeologists also said they had found more holes similar to those that form the Circle, a suspected Indian relic about 2,000 years old.
``It tends to suggest there may be other features similar to the Miami Circle that are out here,'' Florida archeologist Ryan Wheeler said.
As he spoke, Wheeler stood at the edge of the 2.2-acre site at the juncture of the Miami River and Biscayne Bay, where the discovery of the ancient stone formation halted construction of a $100-million condominium.
The site flashed to international fame when archeologists last year found a series of basins and holes, apparently hacked into solid rock with sticks or Conch shells, forming a perfect circle 38 feet in diameter.
Experts theorize the circle was formed by post holes probably dug by members of the Tequesta tribe as the foundation for a ceremonial lodge or priest's house centuries ago, before the arrival of Europeans in Florida.
The discovery pitted conservationists and Indian groups, who consider the site sacred, against developers who were ready to bulldoze the land to build a glitzy condominium tower and commercial project.
Miami-Dade County ultimately stepped in and halted construction to preserve the circle then worked a deal with the developer to buy the land for $26.7 million.
Work crews using augers have dug about 100 new holes in a grid pattern across the site during the last two weeks, aiming to authenticate a theory that the site was a Tequesta Indian village dating back thousands of years.
The holes, dug into a layer of rich black earth called ''midden,'' produced pieces of pottery, bone and shell tools and other remnants of human life, Wheeler said.
``It's filled with animal bones, it's filled with shells, mostly the things that are byproducts of people's meals,'' he said.
In a six-foot-deep trench near the river bank, workers unearthed raccoon bones, brownish remains of a sea turtle, a compacted pile of clam shells probably left over from a feast, and charred wood fragments likely resulting from the construction of a dugout canoe.
``You can see shell tool marks on them,'' Wheeler said.
New carbon-dating tests on bits of charcoal and bone collagen collected from the circle's holes and from on top of the bedrock indicate the artifacts average about 1,850 years old and the site may date back as far as 100 BC, archeologist Bob Carr said.
``We know from the depth of the deposits that occupation of this site may have begun as early as 500 BC and certainly right up until the period of Spanish contact,'' Carr said. ``This was a continuously occupied site.''
Experts intend to use ground-penetrating radar within the next few weeks in an attempt to find other circle-like features beneath the weeds and dirt.
The ultimate preservation of the circle remains uncertain, Carr said.
Florida's government has pledged $15 million toward its purchase but Miami-Dade County must raise the remaining $11.7 million. It needs to collect about $2 million in donations within the next four weeks to meet a Nov. 30 deadline for payment of the initial $20 million to the developer.
Archaeologists confirm Miami Circle about 2,000 years old
By MAYA BELL, Sun-Sentinel
Web-posted: 8:47 p.m. Nov. 2, 1999
Archaelogist says land under Interstate 4 span linking Seminole and Volusia counties could prove to be a 10,000-year-old bridge into area's past
Gary Beiter, an archaeologist with the Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research, digs through dirt and limestone in a trench located at the site of the 2,000 year old Miami Circle Tuesday in Miami.
MIAMI -- Forget the septic tank theory. New scientific tests confirm the notion that Miami's earliest inhabitants carved the mysterious circle into the limestone at the mouth of the Miami River about 2,000 years ago and were part of a thriving riverfront village, archaeologists announced on Tuesday.
"The circle would certainly appear to be ancient," said Ryan Wheeler, of the state's bureau of archaeological research. "It also seems to be the product of Native American hands."
Wheeler's pronouncement of authenticity, along with the results of radiocarbon dating on pieces of charcoal and animal bone found imbedded in or near the circle, should shut down skeptics who suggest that the odd, manmade depressions forming the circle are actually remnants of modern urban construction -- namely the drainage field from a 20th century septic tank. That, at least, was the theory postulated by one prominent archaeologist in a scholarly journal.
"Science is telling us it's older," said Bob Carr, who was Miami-Dade County's archaeologist when the circle was uncovered during a routine inspection of a riverfront construction site last year. "The tests certainly dispel the growing urban myth that this is some kind of modern construction. There is no evidence of that whatsoever."
Indeed, radiocarbon testing puts the average age of four out of five specimens evaluated so far at about 1,850 years old, Carr said. The fifth, part of shark skeleton believed to have been buried as an animal offering, is much younger, dating back to about 1650 A.D., which would have been during Florida's Spanish period.
Wheeler arrived at the site three weeks ago, after the state dispatched him to give an independent opinion of the circle's authenticity. He said he and his team have made some other titillating discoveries, among them more manmade holes similar to the ones that form the circle. The holes, some stuffed with shells and rocks, suggest that "there may be other features similar to the Miami Circle out there," he said.
Thirty-eight feet in diameter, the circle is actually a series of holes, some large and oval-shaped, some small and perfectly round, carved into the soft limestone bedrock. Carr and other archaeologists believe the Tequesta Indians or their ancestors dug the holes to hold posts for some sort of ceremonial lodging, such as a priest or counsel house. The newly discovered holes suggest other structures.
Other recent discoveries suggest a community of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of ancient people settled at the river's edge as early as 500 B.C., and thrived there until the Spanish arrived in the early 1500s. The rich dark deposits, Wheeler said, hold "debris from everyday life" -- bones, shells and the byproducts of meals. Charred fragments of wood with telltale marks from shell tools suggest an early canoe-making industry, he said.
But, on Tuesday, it was the conclusive evidence from radiocarbon dating that added an air of excitement to the tedious work of digging. While a handful of pieces of charcoal and bone may not sound like a large enough sample on which to draw any conclusions, they're plenty scientifically and statistically -- especially since the dated artifacts all were gathered from different spots but similar depths near or in the circle.
In addition to consistency, Carr said they show that the site has been intact for almost 2,000 years, remaining undisturbed even when six apartment buildings -- and their septic systems -- were built in 1950 and then demolished last year to make way for two luxury highrises.
"Now we have the scientific proof to back up what we've been saying all along: that this circle is not only authentic but it's a very important part of Florida's heritage," Carr said.
The circle could still become just a fleeting memory of Florida's heritage. While archaeologists may have plenty of evidence proving the site worthy of saving, they aren't close to having what's needed most to make preservation a reality: money.
Gov. Jeb Bush and the Florida Cabinet pledged $15 million toward the purchase, provided state archaeologists verified its authenticity. The county promised to kick in $3 million, vowing to raise the remaining $8.7 million from the scores of people and organizations who clamored to save the circle.
But Miami-Dade County has raised a mere pittance -- $20,000 -- of that $8.7 million. The county has less than three weeks to raise $2 million to meet its initial $20 million payment to developer Michael Baumann, due Nov. 30.
"Despite the impressive finds and developments announced (Tuesday), we are no closer to preserving the Miami Circle and, in fact, are on the brink of losing it, because funds are only trickling in," Miami-Dade Mayor Alex Penelas said in a prepared statement.
"If we we don't raise $2 million in two weeks, there's going to be two highrises here in the year 2000," Carr said.
Maya Bell can be reached at or 305-810-5003.
Published Friday, March 17, 2000, in the Miami Herald
Circle given $1 million
Foundation helps to repay loan on historic site
The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation has voted to give $1 million toward the preservation of the Miami Circle, the largest private donation to date to pay for the land.
The gift will help the county repay an $8.7 million loan that clinched the sale of the archaeologically significant site in downtown Miami in November. The county has two years to repay the loan.
Florida International University and the J.I. Kislak Foundation have promised $10 million to pay for a museum at the site.
''We think this is intrinsically important for the site and what it represents about the city and county's determination to reverse a long pattern of obliterating this area's history, said Hodding Carter III, foundation president. ''We're very happy to be participating in what is a joint effort to preserve and provide access to a valuable site.
Miami-Dade County Mayor Alex Penelas applauded the contribution and hopes others will follow.
''I urge the community to take this positive lead and continue contributing to this highly important cause that will ensure that this ancient site is appropriately protected for future generations, Penelas said in a statement Thursday.
Now known worldwide, the Miami Circle was discovered in 1998 as construction crews prepared to build a high-rise commercial development on the south bank of the Miami River, near Brickell Avenue. It is believed to have been carved by the Tequesta Indians, a native group that once ranged throughout South Florida, or their ancestors. The site may open to schoolchildren and visitors by the end of the year.
The bulk of the $26.7 billion Circle purchase was paid for by the state and county.
The sale, however, wasn't completed until the $8.7 million loan came from the Trust for Public Land, a national conservation organization based in San Francisco.
The Knight Foundation grant will help repay that loan.
An initial fund-raising campaign raised hopes but not enough money to make a large dent in the purchase price. About $44,000 in private donations went toward the initial purchase, said Juan Mendieta, Penelas' spokesman.
Apart from the foundation's grant, raising money has been frustrating, County Commissioner Katy Sorenson said.
''Initially, there was a lot of excitement about the discovery of the Circle, but a lot of people didn't have the resources and money to make sure it was preserved. And I think they all thought somebody else would do it, said Sorenson, who lobbied Congress this week to make the Circle a part of Biscayne National Park. ''Hopefully, we'll get there. The Knight Foundation serves as a reminder we still need to raise these funds.
The foundation, established in 1950, supports organizations in communities where the communications company founded by the Knight brothers publishes newspapers, including Miami. But it's wholly separate from and independent of those newspapers.
Copyright 2000 Miami Herald
Published Friday, March 24, 2000, in the Miami Herald
$1 million OKd for Circle
Another piece of the Miami Circle money puzzle fell into place Thursday when a key group of Miami-Dade commissioners and others agreed to set aside $1 million in federal transportation dollars for the archaeological site.
The Metropolitan Planning Organization voted 9-4 to place the Circle on a list of transportation projects in the pipeline for federal money, over the strong objections of Hialeah Mayor Raul Martinez and others.
``I think it is a total waste and misuse of taxpayer money,'' said Martinez, one of four MPO members who voted against the proposal.
``This MPO should not use transportation money to pay for the Circle, not when we have so many needs in our community.''
But county officials defended the move, saying the purchase of the Miami Circle property at the mouth of the Miami River clearly qualified as a ``transportation enhancement'' project under federal guidelines.
The types of projects eligible for money under the federal program include bicycle and pedestrian improvements, historic preservation, archaeological research and highway and scenic beautification, officials said.
``This fully qualifies,'' County Manager Merrett Stierheim said.
Other communities have used the federal program to finance similar projects, including the acquisition of an Indian village in Virginia, MPO members were told.
Experts believe the ring of stone carvings known as the Miami Circle was carved by Tequesta Indians who once lived in South Florida and fished Biscayne Bay. Evidence suggests the carvings may be 2,000 years old.
County officials said the project qualified for federal funding under a category that allows for acquisition of ``scenic sites.''
The property could become a ``gateway'' for a bicycle and pedestrian trail along the river from Biscayne Bay to Miami International Airport, they said.
Robert Carr, the former county archaeologist who led efforts to save the Circle, said the property could become a tourist mecca. ``We get calls now from as far away as Australia from people interested in seeing this site,'' he said.
But that didn't mollify Martinez and other critics who said saving the Circle was not the issue.
``This is not the place to get the money from,'' Martinez said. ``If the county needs the money, find it somewhere else.''
Miami Beach Mayor Neisen Kasdin agreed. ``I think it is in order to look somewhere else,'' he said.
In the end, the two mayors were outvoted.
Miami-Dade Commissioners Gwen Margolis, Bruno Barreiro, Betty Ferguson, Dennis Moss, Dorrin Rolle and Katy Sorenson voted to earmark the money, as did MPO members George Berlin, Richard Krinzman and Frank Wolland, the mayor of North Miami. Miami-Dade Commissioner Natacha Millan, Perla Tabares Hantman, Martinez and Kasdin voted against.
Michael Spring, the county's director of cultural affairs, hailed the vote as a ``key turning point'' in the county's efforts to preserve the Circle.
The county borrowed $8.7 million from the Trust for Public Land in November to complete the purchase of the $26.7 million property from developer Michael Baumann. The rest of the money came from the state of Florida and a county program for parks.
The county must repay $2 million of that loan by November. The Knight Foundation recently agreed to provide $1 million.
County officials don't expect the federal transportation money to be available until 2003 at the earliest. But now that the $1 million is in the pipeline, Stierheim and Spring said the county can make a temporary allocation of other money to cover the loan payment.
``That will give us the $2 million we need to make the payment on the loan,'' Spring said. ``This is very good news.''
Published Saturday, May 6, 2000, in the Miami Herald
Exploration of Miami Circle to resume
Visitors may be allowed on site
Bulldozers and backhoes will return Monday to the Miami Circle, the startling urban relic now reburied under a protective layer of gravel.
After a year of inactivity caused by political and financial complications, work is resuming to map and explore the 2.2-acre riverfront site and eventually exhibit the 38-foot-diameter stone Circle. A precision, high-tech survey began this past week.
``This property wasn't purchased just to lie fallow and remain fenced and restricted,'' John Ricisak, a Miami-Dade County archaeologist and the project's field director, said Friday. ``It was bought because it has so much potential for the public.''
Within a few weeks, the mysterious site in the center of downtown Miami should be clear of mounds of debris left behind by demolition crews and new forests of weeds delivered by unrelenting forces of nature.
Then, archaeologists and other scientists will return -- shovels, brushes and cameras in hand --to examine more of the property in search of other relics and intriguing patterns.
By midsummer, small groups of schoolchildren and others may be allowed to visit the dig, their imaginations free to wander. Who really inhabited this riverbank 2,000 years ago? How did they live? Why did they carve the Circle and who knows what else?
``Everywhere we clear the soil, we're finding more man-made holes,'' Ricisak said. ``I expect we'll find many more patterns, and patterns superimposed on other patterns.''
Discovered in 1998 as construction crews prepared to build a high-rise commercial development, the Circle soon attracted worldwide attention. A grass-roots campaign ultimately saved it from destruction.
The Circle consists of 26 basins and other holes carved into limestone on the south bank of the river east of the Brickell Avenue bridge. Experts believe it is about 2,000 years old and was carved by the Tequesta tribe that once ranged through South Florida.
But no one knows what purpose the Circle might have served, and no one knows what other artifacts might be concealed under soil and debris.
Seeking answers, archaeologists and others are carefully examining some of the thousands of other holes believed to exist on the property. Most were made by humans -- experts can determine that from tool markings within the holes, and are several inches in diameter, perfect for anchoring posts.
In some cases, other patterns already can be discerned.
One area about five yards northwest of the Circle and smack on the edge of the original riverbank contains six holes carved in a semicircular design. Archaeologists also found tools and burned limestone, Ricisak said, suggesting that early residents manufactured dugout canoes there.
Now under way is a comprehensive, extraordinarily precise survey of that area and, soon, the rest of the property.
Conducted by Stephen Kilmon, owner of Vialink Inc. of North Miami, the project employs Global Positioning System satellites and portable computers to measure each hole from at least 60 angles and with a degree of accuracy that approaches one-five-thousandth of a foot.
The objective: a three-dimensional diagram of the entire parcel of land.
``When you see hundreds of holes, they don't necessarily speak out to you, but we're looking for patterns than might stick out,'' said Christopher Eck, director of the Miami-Dade Historic Preservation Division.
``We're hoping to discern evidence of structures that might have been there.''
Kilmon's project could take a year to complete. He said the $100,000 cost is being absorbed by his company.
``We view it as a community service,'' Kilmon said. ``[Miami-Dade Mayor] Alex Penelas was on TV asking for help, so we're helping.''
Pressured by schoolchildren, preservationists, American Indians and other groups, Penelas led the campaign to save the Circle from developers. The state and county eventually cobbled together loans and grants to buy the property for $26.7 million, but scientific work was suspended as those efforts slowly moved forward.
County officials and others hope the Circle will serve as the gateway for a bicycle and pedestrian trail along the river from Biscayne Bay to Miami International Airport, though the precise nature of an interpretative display remains under discussion.
At any rate, scientists will need many years to fully examine the site. They hope to temporarily reexpose the Circle soon and reexamine it, though it will reburied once again to protect it from the elements.
``Nothing will happen very quickly,'' Ricisak said, ``not just because this is a government operation, but because there is a scientific need to proceed slowly. We think it's very important that the work we do here is first rate.''
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