The Universal Time Cycle and How it Works!
compiled by Dee Finney
The Mayan Calendar was never about time, |
compiled by Dee Finney
12-15-08 - NAP DREAM/VISION - I was laying on the
sofa and someone asked me what comes next after the end of the Mayan
Calendar? I said that I didn't really know. I never
seriously studied what comes next.
So, the person gave me a blank calendar - it had a lot of squares on it, it was quite wide and deep but there were no numbers and writing on it. They were leaving it to me to fill in the spaces. 12-30-08 - DREAM - I was working on a large circular piece of stone - at least 5 feet across, and inscribing circles, triangles and lines onto this stone and then inserting pieces of silver around the edges of the stone and into the lines and polishing it. This was a very big job and took a long time to do. (It looked very much like the Mayan calendar) Later on, I was in process of moving from one place to another, and had everything but the food packed. I asked my two sons Michael and Ken to bring me a box to put the cereal boxes into for the moving. At the same time, I was putting on a belt made of stone and sinew. The stone was black - about 2 1/2 inches in length with beveled edged corners and the sinew strung through its length. I also had stone earrings that were also strung on sinew about 2 feet long of similar black stones strung together. Ken told me that a man in the basement had stone or silver to give us, but I didn't want Ken to go down there alone, so I was going to go myself, even though I was already dressed to travel with all my jewelry on.
The basement stairway was all made of greyish stone - this was
not a modern wooden home.
Recall that Xmas day 25th brought in the "8" resonance at higher level NOTE: I don't see any point in correlating the Mayan calendar to the English/American calendar. It's been changed too many times. I put this together in the year 2000.
Version 2: The Mayan consciousness is divided into 13 levels
Version 2: The Shamans had the information of consciousness - the
reasons for living and sharing reasons with each other IAN XEL LUNDGOLD PART III - VERSION I Version 1: Indigenous calendars, though
physical also includes spiritual aspects and thus were shunned by the
Catholic church Version 2:
Corporations were guaranteed all the rights of individuals, and now people
are also Corporations. corporations overcame government. You
can't have ethics unless you have some 'power' first. If you are
running for your life, 'ethics' has no place in it, but if you are
standing your ground 'ethics' comes first. IAN XEL LUNDGOLD PART IV - VERSION I
Version 1: There is a third Mayan calendar - The TUN calendar
VERSION 2 Version 2: During the 5th
night when art was discovered - Neanderthal went extinct
Version 2: The Mayan calendar was never a calendar - it was a
meter - keeping track of creation, the flow, the rate, and the intent of
Version 2:
anything came into my life that I didn't intend - peace of mind went and
mind took over.
Version 2: Americans are hypnotized. That's why
we can't see our nose on the front of our faces. In nature this
doesn't happen. Nature doesn't run on a regular schedule - it
doesn't run in a repetitive nature. It constantly throws you curves.
Version 2: have an intent what you will be in the future.
When you are paying close attention to what's actually going on and having
an intention, you are set you manifest your future. Attention - then
intention - is integrity.
Version 2 As things go faster and faster, you will become more and
more certain than you can manifest your own future.
IAN XEL LUNDGOLD PART X - VERSION 1 680,000 years ago we had the Ilonian Ice Age. VERSION 2 680 thousand years ago was the Ionian ice age. Some people want - no motion - no change - They
think that people out on the fringe can't do what they say is possible,
especially related to intuition. IAN XEL LUNDGOLD PART XI VERSION I - OF 16 In WWII all life did not go extinct. People had predicted nuclear winter and it didn't happen. The Jewish people did not go extinct. There was no 30 year war like when Rome fell. Things are getting better. Back when - women had no rights - now even animals have rights. Things are getting dramatically better, and you should expect it to get even better. All this accelerating is happening and it's getting faster and faster. The
mind: The mind is a tool that consciousness uses to distinguish
difference and similarities between things. Some people think they
'are' their mind - get over that right away. The mind has a 'flicker
frequency.' It is used in subliminal advertising. The mind
works in a series of pictures. The 'flicker frequency' is 24 frames
per second. That is how fast your mind works. It is the speed limit
of the mind. You can still clearly remember traumatic events in your
life. That is a demonstration of that you are not your mind. This
'flicker frequency - 24 frames per second is as fast as your mind can
work. When the mind is self-preservating - it has a built in safety
over-ride system. The first stage is called 'stress'. When
your mind is not sure of what's coming, it sends you a signal, which is to
get up and walk away. Animals do this really well. Humans, parents,
and teachers would have us not get up and walk away so we have adapted to
stress. How much stress can you handle? The business world demands
that of us.
80% of what goes wrong with your body starts with stress. It's
a pandemic. VERSION 2 (OF 18)
IAN XEL LUNDGOLD PART XII VERSION I - VERSION 1: Go home and build a light-bulb. There is a source
for stress. The stress just keeps building. If you can't handle the
stress, the mind goes into fight or flight. All logic is suspended -
there is no similarity or difference anymore. A drop of adrenaline in your
system, and you have to flee or fight to preserve your idea of survival. This
is desk rage, road rage, Columbine High School, terrorism, and all wars. That's
what this is and this is on mass increase also. If you can't fight
or run away, what's left? One last ditch effort to survive -
unconsciousness. Animals use this technique - they play dead.
It is a survival technique. It is the mother of all addictions and
the father of all suicides. It is a denial of experience. All
addictions are a chosen method to stay unconscious. This is the kind
of thing that is going to happen in the future because of acceleration
because things are going to happen faster and faster. This is why
the world looks like its going to pieces.
IAN XEL LUNDGOLD PART XIII VERSION I - We can afford to forgive them because we have greater understanding
of the reasons for that. [The church]
IAN XEL LUNDGOLD PART XIV - VERSION I - This will become more and more critical as we move forward.
How do we find our intuition? Usually it is fleeting - it comes
quickly and then goes away - unfortunately the mind jumps in and starts
making excuses. It is not our friend. The mind would rather be right
than be alive and will make different decisions. VERSION 2
IAN XEL LUNDGOLD PART XV - VERSION 1 - ENTRAINMENT: When a mother and baby are together and the baby
is nursing, their heartbeats start beating together - that is entrainment.
It's a natural matching up - even cuckoo clocks will be ticking and
tocking at the same time within a week. 13 and 20 - It's a weave of
those two numbers. Only what you know from inside is for your
VERSION 1: The pattern of history shows us that things are
getting better and better. We are evolving and that will go forward
into our future too, because this 'Ethics' will overcome 'Power'.
NATIONAL CYCLE - 1st Day - 3115 BC - The very first 'Day' of the 'First
Some form of life is producing these [crop circles] as a
ramp-up. Crop circles are a good interaction with extraterrestrials.
Very ethical. Nobody gets hurt - nobody 'has' to look. The crops actually
grow better the next year. It's a soft touch. People get
impressions from them. They are talking to their intuition. IAN XEL LUNDGOLD PART XVIII- VERSION 2
On my website, are the health articles you should read.
We have now started the 4th "Day" of the Galactic Consciousness Cycle of the Mayan calendar as of Dec 4th, 2004. For those not yet familiar, In the Mayan calendar there are 9 distinct levels of consciousness development that are each separated into 7 sections of time called "Days" and 6 periods of "Night". These 13 equal sections of time each have particular intentions that create similar effects during the time they occur. The effects of these "Days" and "Nights" of the Mayan calendar through-out creation, is very similar to the occurrence of the seasons, spring, summer, fall and winter here on earth. Each of the seasons has its own effects that WILL come to pass when its time has come. By studying the record of astro-physics and the evolution of our own planet next to the Mayan calendar we can plainly see a repeating pattern formed and even today, continuing to unfold. It is during this 4th "Day" section of time in each of the previous 7 Consciousness cycles that the foundations have been laid for the structure of new consciousness to be erected. The Greek civilization was built during one of the 4th "Days". That
particular 4th "Day lasted nearly 400 years and produced the
developments of Art, Theater, Philosophy, Advanced Mathematics,
Architecture, Politics and codified Laws. These developments did
become the foundation of civilization. The next 4th "Day" was between
1873 and 1893. It was during this 20 year period that many new
developments occurred that have become the foundation of our current
civilizations consciousness. Included amongst them are; the telephone, The 4th "Day" we have just begun, will continue until November 28th, 2005. It is during this 360 day period that once again, new foundations of consciousness shall be laid. In this case, the foundations laid will have to do with ethics and sustainability with new perspectives on human relations as well as our more fully realized position as stewards of our planet and solar system. The Orange Revolution going on in the Ukraine, as this paper is being
written is a wonderful example of these new perspectives. In a seeming
miracle, as millions gather in brotherhood against a corrupt
government, crime of all types has stopped in the whole country. The * Note * There is a twenty times acceleration with each repeat of the cycles of consciousness so each of the "Days" or "Nights" are twenty times faster each time as well. In effect, more and more happening in less and less time. This is why time seems to be speeding up. So what should we look forward to in the next 360 days or so of this 4th "Day"? 1. Dramatic swift change and a huge polarization in the consciousness of the public. 2. The complete failing of the western economic system and governments. 3. Cities will become unsustainable and awash in chaos. 4. Religious fundamentalism will rage against any personal freedoms. 5. Medical science will slow, may stop, and may even reverse the human aging process. 6. Free energy (5th dimensional energy) will be demonstrated as a fact. 7. Levitation (anti-gravity) will become understood. 8. Movies and TV will become holographic projections. 9. Teleportation of objects will begin. 10. Telepathy will become an acknowledged means of communication in some persons. 11.The schedule and pattern of the evolution of consciousness will become known and studied for application world wide. 12. Ethical conduct and the importance of personal and organizational integrity will be the natural and sustainable state of consciousness of most people that survive the turmoil. These will be the foundations of consciousness that will carry us forward in the evolution of mankind's consciousness. And although there will be upheaval and many persons will "opt out" of their physical existence during this period, it should be noted that more good has always happened in creation than bad or we would not still be surviving at this time. The intent of creation to evolve over these last 16 billion years is a huge momentum that nothing, not even the evil plans of our current overlords can thwart. Please understand that the persons who are planning our total enslavement are all part of this evolution. They are only players in this unfolding. They are merely playing their part to; by demonstration and necessity, steer some consciousness away from what is doomed to failure and to drag the rest down with them in order to clear the decks for the continued evolution. So what to do with these circumstances approaching? Very simple, follow what the Hopi people have been giving as advice. 1. Know where your water is coming from. Most cities import 90% of their water over long distances. 2. Know where your food is coming from. (Know your garden) Again, cities import all food. Most cities have only a 3-4 day supply of produce and meat in stock. 3. Know all your relations. In the cities the vast numbers of persons are strangers to one another and so are not responsible to and for one another. This basically means, get out of the cities to be near fresh water and
land to grow your food if you want to survive. If a person's life
style, status and holdings are so important that they can not imagine
making such a move, this then is why they may not survive. Some types These measures, even if they sound frightful are something that you can prepare for without having to take drastic immediate actions. When it is time to move you will know, but you must be basically prepared to make that move and here are a few suggestions. 1. Have a full tank of gas and 10 gallons in your trunk along with 2 gallons of water for each person that will be in the vehicle. Gas lines are no fun when you gotta run. 2. Have 5 lbs of rice and 5 lbs of beans for each person along with some simple spices, dried soups, fruit ect. 3. Get camping gear including shelter, cookware, flashlights (lots of batteries) and a first aid kit. 4. Have a plan to meet your loved ones and a planned route out of the city and toward some rural area where your face and smile are known. Actually, most of us that will be making these journeys will find that it produces a great freedom and a rebounding of personal worth and well being. (I just did this recently so I know from personal experience.) Imagine a world dotted with "Burning Man" or "Wood Stock" (for us oldsters) type settlements where people have gathered together to help each other over come great difficulties. This will be similar to what is going on in the Ukraine with the Orange Revolution but on a much larger scale. Remember above all, that these changes are not only unavoidable but are in the best interest of our continued evolution. You are going to become the manifestation of the statement "We are the ones that we were waiting for." and then, the waiting, is over. And now for the best part, Choose Your Destiny. For those of you who were wondering how all the chaos and advancements in consciousness could be happening at the same time. Here is your answer; During this 4th "Day" the new foundations of consciousness that lead
to the future evolution of mankind are laid down. The future of our
destiny contains the conscious co-creation of our reality. The persons
who will take those completing steps will do so by creating their own
reality as they go. "What you pay attention to is what you become
conscious of." Your consciousness is your total experience. What you
pay attention to, then becomes your experience doesn't it? As we walk
forward from this point what you pay attention to will become even
more important as more and more becomes possible in every moment. Once Do you doubt that from your experience? Oh yeah? Let's take another look. What has most shown up in your life so far, is what you have intended
or believed. Take your first breath for example. Ever since your first
breath you have been intending to get your next one and evidently it
has arrived or you would be dead. You have intended approximately
21,600 or so breaths each day and you got every one of em too! I'll
bet you have intended to eat at least once a day haven't you? And if
the meal has showed up every day then you probably intended to
eliminate the waste from your body haven't you? How bout your
intention to learn to walk and talk and then your intent to remember
how to do those things? You get the point? The vast majority of your
life experience has been due to your intention and the manifestation
of that intention. Now with more possible in every moment, it is ever
and ever more likely that your exact intent is what will manifest in
your life. Trust that you do intend your reality into being and grow
like you have only dreamed. Doubt you can or should intend your own
reality and you will be at the mercy of fate my friends. And fate is
extremely fickle as has been amply demonstrated by billions who have We have only begun to learn the odds stacked against basic survival.
Between the unthinking greed of some here on earth, environmental
threats and disasters and panicked people committing mass murder, the
only way through what is coming is going to be from your own intention
to survive. And the success of that endeavor or the level of comfort The point here is that all the rest of you have made choices in your lives that do not include those deathly experiences other than to hear about it going on somewhere over the horizon. This is you, creating your own destiny just as the guys over in the Iraq hole are. We are already doing this creating you see? But, with very little trust that we humans are actually able or supposed to be doing it. (Really a weird situation isn't it?) This mind set or belief in human in-ability (the victim, I am created rather than an "I CREATE" view point) was brought forward from times past when much less was possible in any given moment and a persons intention was not as straight a shot to an available possibility as it is today. Then there have been those pesky religious dogmas railing against any individual's spiritual abilities for centuries. The 4th "Day" is the time when the two realities of victim and Creator begin to really diverge. Eventually, maybe by the 4th "Night" something akin to the rapture just might start to happen as people leave one reality for the other completely and just flat disappear. But for right now; "We are the ones we have been waiting for" and the waiting period is over. Now people, it is all very good for me to sit here and tell you these
things. I do think that anyone could come up with sage advice with
enough time and thought given to develop it. But sage advice is not
good enough during these times. This is going to take actions not just Just to let you know, I am now on to much BIGGER intended manifestations that you will be hearing about soon. This is not for or about me, myself or I, this is a test and demonstration that what I am saying actually works in the real world, only then is it actually valuable. Intending all of you the very best through our greatest tests. In service to the God~Us Ian Xel Lungold, 12 Ahau, Bearer of the Codex |
4th NIGHT The Beginning of the Fourth NIGHT of the Galactic
Underworld - Integrating the Fourth DAY and preparing for the breakthrough
of the Fifth DAY |
The above article is Copyright
by Carl Johan Calleman. * * * Carl Johan Calleman is the author of The Mayan Calendar
(Garev, 2001) and The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of
Consciousness (Bear and Co, 2004). His web page is For further info see also and |
2008 and the Fifth Night "In The Mayan Calendar and the
Transformation of Consciousness, the Swedish biologist
Carl Johan Calleman, a cancer specialist and former adviser
for the World Health Organization, raised the discourse on the
ancient time-science of the Maya to a new plateau. According
to Calleman’s thesis, the nine levels of the most important
Mayan pyramids – The Temple of the Inscriptions in Palenque,
The Pyramid of the Jaguar in Tikal, and the Pyramid of
Kukulkan (Quetzalcoatl) in Chichen Itza – represent a model of
time, from the origin of the universe to the upcoming
phase-shift, in which each step, or “Underworld”, is twenty
time more accelerated in linear time than the one preceding
it. “The nine-story Mayan pyramids are
thus telling us that consciousness is created in a
hierarchical way and that each Underworld stands on the
foundation of another,” writes Calleman. The initial level,
starting thirteen hablatuns or 16.4 billion years ago,
proceeds from the inception of matter in the “Big Bang,”
through the development of cellular life on Earth. During
the second step, beginning thirteen alautuns or 820 million
years ago, animal life evolved out of cells. The third
underworld, starting thirteen kinchiltuns or 41 million
years ago, saw the evolution of primates and the first,
rudimentay use of tools by human ancestors. During the
fourth underworld, beginning thirteen kalabtuns or 2 million
years ago, tribal organization began among the ancestors of
Homo sapiens. During the next underworld, starting thirteen
piktuns or 102,000 years ago, Homo sapiens emerged,
developing spoken language. The sixth underworld comprises
the Great Cycle of thirteen baktuns, beginning 5,125 years
before the approaching birthdate, when we created
patriarchical civilization, law, and written language –
Calleman calls this the National Underworld. The seventh
step, dubbed the Planetary Underworld, thirteen katuns or
256 years, beginning in AD 1755, introduced
industrialization, electricity, technology, modern
democracy, gene splicing, and the atom bomb. Our knowledge
became Faustian power over the physical world. The eighth
level – the Galactic Underworld – thirteen tuns or 12.8
years, began in 1999, with the development of the Internet
into a global communications infrastructure. The final step,
thirteen uinals or 260 days, will lead, Calleman believes,
to the attainment of “nondual cosmic consciousness” across
the Earth. By the end of this Universal Underworld, humanity
will have crossed the threshold of the abyss, confronting
the shadow projections of the Apocalypse, to become
conscious creators of reality. -Daniel Pinchbeck
6TH DAY The Sixth Day of the Galactic Underworld begins...
November/13/2008 from MayanCalendarCode Website
In summary,
The power systems built by the Age of Powers, -like dominoes- are about to fall one by one.
According to Calleman:
The Mayan prophecies recorded that we are on a Schedule of Creation; it is unfolding faster and faster right in front of our eyes. All there is left to do is: NO Fear, Stay on the path to Intuition by being Ethical and using the highest level of Integrity.
That is the only possible way to go through the "Eye of the needle". How Exopolitics - the science of relations between our human civilization and other intelligent civilizations in the Universe - will be the paradigm of the Sixth Day, including possible open contact by our civilization with an ET civilization, ending a planetary quarantine since a solar system, Mars and Earth cataclysm of 9500 BC.
How the discovery of intelligent Life on Mars in NASA photos by Andrew D. Basiago, formally announced Dec. 28, 2008 by the Mars Anomaly Research Society (MARS) may a part of this Sixth Day paradigm.
6TH NIGHT November 8, 2009, the beginning of the Sixth
night Before going into the specifics of the upcoming sixth night of the Galactic Underworld, November 8, 2009 – November 2, 2010, I feel I should clarify some of my basic points of departure for understanding the Mayan calendar, since the various ideas that are currently proposed for this vary significantly. There are for instance those that believe that the end date of the Mayan calendar only marks the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new. On my own part I however think that we are approaching something much more profound than just a point in a cycle that again will be repeated. Thus, there is overwhelming empirical evidence that we are approaching a point in time when nine evolutionary levels of the cosmic plan are simultaneously going to be completed. This is in accordance with the only Mayan inscription from ancient times, the Tortuguero monument, which describes what will happen at the end date. This would imply that we are approaching not another cycle or another shift, but the end to all shifts, something that all evolution has been a preparation for and a build-up towards. Only such an end to all shifts would conceivably provide the basis for a harmonious eternal peace on Earth. What is about to transpire now is in other words not something that has ever happened before in the history of the universe. Maybe this impending, partially unknown, causes the widespread denial that I feel dominate many people at the current moment. Rather than facing a tremendous change in our socioeconomic relationships (since any change in human consciousness also implies a change in our relationships) many prefer to fantasize about some physical or astronomical event, that purportedly is going to happen on some specific date. In reality the Mayan calendar is however not about something that will happen on a singular date, but a description of a divine plan for the evolution of consciousness where quantum shifts between calendrical energies bring about shifts in consciousness. Human consciousness will continue to be transformed step by step in accordance with this plan until we come to the real end date of the process of creation, October 28, 2011. At this date the highest quantum state of the universe will be attained ( 13 Ahau) when the shifts disrupting the harmony will come to an end. Obviously, we are not there yet. In this plan for the evolution of consciousness we are now approaching the sixth night of the Galactic Underworld, the eighth of the nine Underworlds, which will begin on November 8, 2009. If my understanding of the Mayan calendar is correct we will in this coming night be witnessing the most significant transformation of consciousness ever in the history of mankind. What is exciting about this is that a relatively clear picture of how a new world may be born is now finally becoming evident. On the other hand, what is also becoming increasingly clear is that this birth is likely to become very demanding. For this reason it becomes all the more important to understand how some of the difficulties ahead actually serve the delivery of this new world even though it may not always seem that they do in the moment. If people can gain a realistic understanding of how this new world will be born people may be able to keep a hope for the future, which is based on something more than mere wishful thinking. Unfortunately, much confusion reigns about the Mayan calendar and many that present themselves as experts on this deny the ancient Mayan knowledge that there are nine cosmic forces that are about to manifest, and that it is these, and nothing else, that explains why a new world will be born. Thus, what will happen in the time ahead cannot be understood from the sixth night of the Galactic Underworld alone. The overlapping with the cycles preparing for the ninth, and highest, level in the cosmic evolution scheme; the Universal Underworld (see Figure) with the energy of the sixth night will also need to be taken into consideration. Because of this overlapping, and the speed-up of time associated especially with the latter Underworld, not only do I think that the upcoming period will be unusually intense, but also energetically quite complex.
At the time of this writing (October 26, 2009, 9 Lamat) we are still in the latter part of the sixth day, the period of flowering in the process from seed to mature fruit in the Galactic Underworld, which precedes the sixth night. As I predicted in an earlier article some economists have now started to say that the “global economic recession” (or the worst of it) is already over. There are however certain things currently going on in the world that belies this and are more in line with the prediction I made earlier of a further economic downturn, especially expressed in a fall in the value of the US dollar, as the sixth night begins. (November 8, 2009 is when the quantum shift in energy takes places in the Heavens, but there is always an uncertainty as to when the new energy lands in the world). This prediction was based on the observation that nights, at least in the second part of an Underworld, usually mean at the very least a slowdown of economic growth. An indication of such an impending downturn at this upcoming night is for instance that there has been a rush for gold, which for the first time passed the magical limit of USD 1000/troy ounce. Moreover, an index of insider trading shows that people knowledgeable about the actual basis for valuing US stock tend to think of this as highly overvalued. Most importantly, increasingly higher voices are now raised in almost all corners of the world for the replacement of the petrodollar system and thus also of the use of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency. These various indices thus do not indicate that the “recession” is over, but if anything that an intensification of the economic decline, especially in the indebted West, is imminent. It seems that investors are escaping assets in the form of paper or digit values, which is exactly what we would expect from this late phase of the Galactic Underworld, when a shift in consciousness amounting to a shift from abstract to concrete economic values is taking place. I thus believe that what is happening in the world’s economy is something much more profound and fundamental than a temporary recession. What is happening is instead a direct consequence of the particular transformation of consciousness that the Galactic Underworld is bringing. Consciousness in my view is primarily a relationship to the World Tree, which exists on many different levels of the cosmos and causes synchronized shifts on these different levels. What this means is that the shifts in consciousness that give new directions to our lives will also directly affect the world and society at large and how we relate to this. A shift in consciousness is hence not something that only happens in our heads, but also simultaneously external changes in the relationships of the world. If this argument is true we should expect an even further escape from abstract values as the sixth night begins, a shift that may be expected to especially severely hit the western economies of the United States and the United Kingdom, which remain the financial centers of the world and control much of its banking activities. At the present time these nations, and especially the United States, are so indebted that there really is no need to present an explanation as to why there would be another downturn in its economy. All that is needed is something to trigger what is going to happen one way or another. While many things may trigger such a downturn, and the media will place all the emphasis on this trigger, the deeper reasons for a downturn is in my view best understood from the Mayan calendar, since this explains its underlying reasons in how the human mind is influenced by shifts in cosmic energy. From a Mayan calendar perspective the ongoing decline in economic growth reflects a stepwise adaptation to the end of the economic cycles that will be associated with the Mayan end date (or beginning date of a new world if you like). If the downturn of the economy is part of a process creating the conditions for the birth of a new world a relevant question to ask is how deep it is going to be. Even if it seems clear that the value of paper money, and especially the US dollar, will be hit, it is still somewhat of an open question how far-reaching the consequences of this will be. I think this can only be understood from a study of what might be the nature of the new world to be born. When it comes to understanding this it seems however that there are actually no ancient Mayan sources to consult. The Mayan sources only say that Nine Underworlds are going to manifest as the calendar comes to an end, but there is no ancient inscription, which talks about what will follow upon this. Because of this dearth of material I suggest that we turn to sources from the large Abrahamic religions such as the Bible or the Quran, which do say something on the matter. If we combine these with our understanding from the Mayan calendar I feel we may gain some idea of what is to come. Hence, the Quran says this in Surah 82:17-19: “And what will explain to thee what the Day of Judgment is? Again, what will explain to thee what the Day of Judgment is? (It will be) the Day when no soul shall have power (to do) aught for another: For the command, that Day, will be (wholly) with Allah.” I believe this disappearance of dominance may refer to the Universal Underworld, which brings a consciousness of oneness and transparency to our whole beings and all of our past actions. If we take this seriously it would imply that all chains to people dominating others would need to be broken before this. The last book of the Bible, the Book of Revelation 21:4-5 also describes a new world to be born: “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.” This would seem to imply that all chains to the past would need to be broken for the new world to be born. Taken together it would seem that as pre-requisites for the birth of a new earth we would need to free ourselves from the chains to the past as well as from chains to other people. To some these changes may look so great that it might even be more comfortable to fantasize that the world would come to an end than to go through all of the necessary changes turning our world upside down. Certainly, there is also a tremendous amount of people in power, who do not want to see such a transformation towards equality and harmony coming about. These quotes may however give us a hint about how difficult the economic downturn may become. Will money for instance disappear completely? I think the answer to this is that money will disappear to the extent that it no longer chains the world to the past. In practice, this probably means that all thinking about profitable investing etc seem to be somewhat beside the point, since the emerging new world is not likely to be a growth economy based on the drive for accumulation of abstract values. More likely, the new world is going to be one based on sharing and care-taking of all members of society as the unity consciousness of the Universal Underworld, presumably after much turmoil, eventually is established. The more immediate time period in the sixth night will then be when the practical expressions of this transformation will need to be tested out and implemented. This may from the perspective of the current world seem unthinkable. Yet, we shall remember that there is no such thing as an eternal human nature and that our perception of reality, and what we are propelled to create, always varies between the different Underworlds. The human beings of the Regional, National, Planetary and Galactic Underworlds are completely different in their approach to life and the universal human being that will be created by the Ninth and Universal Underworld will represent the crowning step of the evolution of consciousness. Thus, she is then likely to embody a different perception of the world and different qualities compared to previously. So how in practice will this transition come about from a human being, who essentially looks after herself to one that sees the unity of all and shares the fruits of creation? Such a transformation of our experience of life may now seem as impossible as the fall of the Berlin Wall once seemed. But similarly to how the fall of the Berlin Wall ultimately was a reflection of a transcendence of an east-west polarity in human consciousness the new world to be born is designed to result from a transcendence of the inner and outer walls maintained especially by the western mind. Thus, my suspicion is that during the first half of the sixth night the world’s economy will increasingly slow down and the consumption of the US population will no longer be able to keep the industrial engines of the world going. Yet, because of the indirect effects of this downturn, no part of the world can expect to be untouched. In this downturn it will then come a point when it will start to dawn on many people that it will never be possible to resurrect the old growth economy and that there will be never be any return to a “business as usual.” At that point very radical socio-economic solutions will need to be explored for people to survive also in a literal physical sense as it becomes obvious that it is the nature of the economic relationships and the chains to the economy of the past that cause this situation. We may for instance ask what will happen if major portions of the population in economically significant countries like will not be able to pay their mortgages? Will these people then have to leave their houses in mass so that countless houses owned by banks will sit empty when people are out on the streets? This is the kind of situation that has already appeared in the some car manufacturing suburbs of Detroit. Hence, this scenario is not hypothetical, but has already to some extent happened on a limited scale. What likely will happen then is that demands will be raised for a moratorium on all debts, so that people will no longer have to pay to the banks to stay in their homes. Maybe this will be preceded on a larger scale on a larger scale as some nations see it necessary to push for the cancellations of national debts as a means of stabilizing the world. If such a moratorium on debts is instituted it would in fact be like cancelling the power of money as it exists now. It would mean a shift into an economic system, which no longer is enslaved by the past. This would then obviously also mean an end to the borrowing of money effectively creating a break for the growth economy. Instead what would be emphasized is that the needs of people are met in the present moment (returning to the theme of cutting the chains of the past). This of course would be nothing short of a revolution, and most likely a worldwide such, since the worlds’ economies at the current time are so deeply entangled. Most likely this would spread from the US to much of the rest of the world. Such an enormous transformation of the world’s socio-economic system would then be likely to take place in the time period between July 17, 2010 (the Cosmic Convergence)* and the beginning of the Seventh day of the Galactic Underworld (November 3, 2010). Naturally, it would have repercussions for all of the systems of dominance that the world has inherited especially from the National, but also the Planetary, Underworld. Energetically speaking this time period, July 17-November 3, 2010, is created through the overlap of the pre-Universal Underworld and the Galactic Underworld.** What this revolutionary time period most likely is going to amount to is a corresponding decrease of governmental and national authority (not that of any particular government, but governmental authority as such, something which humanity has inherited from the National Underworld). It will seriously come into question what we need governments and national borders for “when no soul shall have power (to do) aught for another.” My vision for the time period from the Cosmic Convergence until the beginning of the seventh day of the Galactic Underworld is thus a total overhaul of human civilization. This then would also be a time to make choices of path individually. Why would this particular time period, July 17, 2010 – November 2, 2010, bring such a revolutionary transformation? Well, there are two earlier time periods that are noteworthy as parallels to this upcoming one. One is AD 1498-1617, the Renaissance, which in a broad sense meant the overturning of the feudal system that saw the Vatican as the ultimate source of worldly power and the beginning of the modern era. The other is 1986-1992, which carried a revolutionary wave of democracy (including the fall of the Berlin Wall) resulting in a world whose hemispheres were no longer separated. We may also notice that these two revolutionary time periods gave rise to new expressions of spirituality, in the first case the Reformation and in the second the Harmonic Convergence*** that became somewhat of a starting point for the eclectic spirituality of our own time. I feel it is an open question whether this transformative revolution between July 17 and November 3, 2010 will be violent or not. What seems clear however is that people will be divided as to whether they want to flow with the incoming energies leading towards a new world or if they will resist them and seek to hold on to or go back to the system of the past. How they relate to this change will however also depend on the understanding people have of the Mayan calendar and the cosmic plan, which at the current time only a very small minority is aware of at least in its true form as a manifestation of nine cosmic forces. People at large may in fact never recognize any conscious warning signals for what is to come. Yet, inasmuch as they understand that the large-scale changes emanate from a divine plan this would mean that a spiritual awakening could take place. If this happens they will not be inclined to look at the changes around them as just meaningless chaotic events as they surely will be presented by the dominating media. Considering that this is all about the participation in a process of evolution of consciousness there is a great danger in people believing that the Mayan calendar is about a singular date (such as December 21, 2012) when some event will happen, whether this is made up as a “pole shift”, “galactic alignment,” “Planet X,” “end of the world” or “shift in consciousness.” This is an incredibly naïve view of an essentially religious, or superstitious, nature where changes are believed to simply fall down upon the human beings from the sky without their active and conscious participation in the processes leading up to a state of unity consciousness. In reality, there is overwhelming evidence that the Mayan calendar describes sequential shifts in consciousness, which will begin to be experienced at an even higher frequency after July 17, 2010 and even more markedly so after the beginning of the actual Universal Underworld on March 8, 2011. Only at October 28, 2011 will the shifts come to an end and a unity consciousness stabilize that will provide the basis for a millennium of peace. This frequency increase incidentally also explains such a tremendous overhaul of all systems of dominance could take place in such a short period of time. A recommendation I would like to make, in addition to ethical living and telling the truth, is to learn to flow with the ninth level ( Stay in the middle of the river with a focus on the manifestation of the new world!
* In my earlier books I have
vacillated when it comes to the duration of the Universal
Underworld, sometimes thinking that it will be a tzolkin round of
260 days and sometimes that it would be a twentieth of the
Galactic Underworld, which would amount to 13 x 18 = 234 days. As
we are now getting close to the final transformation scenario I
have come to lean over to the idea that the Universal Underworld
will indeed be 234 days long placing its beginning at March 8,
2011 and the beginning of the preceding pre-Universal Underworld
at July 17, 2010. The uncertainty with this is that there seems to
be no ancient Mayan source describing such a 18 day oxlahunkin
time period, even if it would seem to be the logical one. On the
other hand the ancient Maya did not have to deal with the
transformation scenario into a new world and so may have ignored
it, while it still may become very important in our own time.
There is however a precedent to how a cycle only became followed
by the Maya as its effects became a reality. This is the so-called
Short Counts of 13 katuns, which were not observed in Classical
Mayan times presumably because their effects were then not yet
strongly felt. Only later in Post-Classical times did the effects
of these short counts become so strong that they became the
dominating cycles followed by the Maya and so came to replace the
Long Count as the central calendrical cycle. Thus, if the
Classical Maya did not base their calendars on the Short Counts
they would have had even less reason to take a 18 day cycle into
account, which to them would have an effect only in a very distant
future. ** What is played out here is
the interaction between overlapping time periods produced by
dividing the Galactic Underworld into 13 and 20, respectively, as
a parallel to the energetic overlaps of the trecena and the uinal
in the tzolkin. If the Galactic Underworld of 4680 days is divided
by 13 it generates a day or night of 360 days, but if it is
divided by 20 it generates a wave movement totaling 234 days. *** The Cosmic Convergence called for on July 17-18 is thus a direct parallel to the Harmonic Convergence in the sense that what the Harmonic Convergence was to the Galactic Underworld the Cosmic Convergence will be to the Universal Underworld. This means that the Cosmic Convergence may not only become the beginning of a transformative political period similarly to what happened in 1986, but also the first breeze of a spiritual awakening that will later be fully expressed in the Universal Underworld. |
Collapsing Tower Newsletter 08 What’s important to understand is that the Seventh day of each Underworld represents the fruition of that particular Underworld, and also introduces the theme of the next one. Each of the nine Underworlds is a step in the evolutionary progression to the attainment of cosmic consciousness in the Universal. Each step begins with the sowing of the seed-idea of each Underworld in Day 1 and evolves during the course of the thirteen Days and Nights of the particular Underworld, culminating in the fruition of the seed-idea in the Seventh Day. The seed idea of the next Underworld is then introduced toward the end of the prior one. In order to illustrate this let’s look at the evolution of life and consciousness during the course of the National Underworld, what’s known as the historical period, from 3115 BCE to the present, which culminates in 2011 in what the Maya called “the end of (linear) time.” This doesn’t imply the “end of the world” as doomsayers and many religious fundamentalists maintain, but rather the end of 5,000 years of egoic domination: materialism, separatism, and hierarchy, along with the progressive disconnectedness these have produced. According to Calleman, the purpose of the National Underworld was the evolution of civilized consciousness. It began with the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt and culminated in the organized nations of today. This was a dualistic Underworld in which the Light favored the left-brain hemisphere, the masculine mode of consciousness, and the West. It gave rise to written language, major constructions, patriarchal religions, science and fine art. It began during the Seventh Day of the prior Regional Underworld wherein the fundamental tone of the National Underworld was established—male domination and war. This was when the goddess/nature-based cultures of the Regional Underworld came under the domination of the male gods of war. During Day Seven of the National Underworld the unitary Planetary Underworld began, with the primary purpose of evolving global consciousness. It was initiated by the Industrial Revolution and ushered in materialism, industrialism, communication technology, democracies, republics, and the idea of globalism. During the Seventh Day of this Underworld communication technology reached great heights with the creation of the World-Wide Web, personal computers, international satellite communication and international trade. Also during the Seventh Day of the Planetary Underworld the seeds of the dualistic Galactic Underworld were sown, with the evolutionary aims of transcending the material frame of life and consciousness, and also the balancing of the dualities established during the National Underworld—between East and West, the left- and right-hemispheres of the brain, spirituality and materialism, and men and women. Thus, we must neutralize the imbalance that was established during over 5,000 years of the National Underworld—the dominance of the West, left-brain hemisphere, materialism, and male domination— in less than 5,000 days in the Galactic Underworld. It’s no wonder that this is a time of great stress and conflict. The old order resists and fights the evolutionary thrust of the Divine, yet its efforts will be futile. Thus, during Day Seven of the Galactic Underworld we’re likely to see very significant signs of balance between East and West, as well as a more balanced consciousness. The balancing of the left- and right-hemispheres of the brain will also lead to gender equality and, also, the rise of spiritual awareness that will transcend duality, as well as the opening of psychic capabilities such as telepathy that will come to supplant materialistic technology. The final or Universal Underworld begins during Day Seven of the Galactic Underworld, the evolutionary aim of which is the manifestation of cosmic consciousness. The transcendence of ego separateness, time, hierarchy and all these represent occurs. By the Seventh Day of this Underworld, that is only 260 days long, we arrive at the promise of the Mayan Calendar: adual cosmic consciousness, Self-realization, and co-creation with the Divine. It seems unimaginable that we can arrive at this point in less than three years. It’s essential to remember that time radically speeds up twenty-fold with the entrance into each new Underworld. Thus, the pace of events in the National Underworld was based on thirteen Heavens, each approximately 400 years long. In the Planetary Underworld the pace of events was based on approximately 20-year long Heavens, and in the Galactic Underworld the pace speeded up to 360 days, and, finally, 20 days in the Universal Underworld. If you look back at the last Newsletter that predicted events for the Sixth Day of the dualistic Galactic Underworld based on the Sixth Day of the dualistic National Underworld, the marked increase of the pace of events becomes clear. The economic collapse that began during the Fifth Nights into the Sixth Days of both Underworlds is happening at a greatly accelerated rate in the Galactic Underworld. We are only three months into this current Sixth Day and the economic decline is dramatically accelerating at a pace that shocks most people. This decline has consequences that go beyond the economic realm, and particularly for Europe. Calleman predicted that the Armageddon drama would take place in Central Europe during the Fifth Night of this Underworld. Although this didn’t happen despite the escalating Muslim violence since the 2005 rioting in Paris that has spread to other European nations, there is the likelihood of escalating major Christian-Muslim conflict—a modern Crusades scenario—now that the European economy is showing significant signs of collapse. Because the Muslim population is increasing at a much more rapid rate than the European population, coupled with the severe economic downturn, the possibility of explosive religious/ethnic conflict looms. If the Crusades that began in the middle of Day Six of the National Underworld have predictive value for events in the current Sixth Day, it’s possible that by the Sumer of 2009 major conflict could ensue, with the likelihood of international repercussions. Occurring in parallel with all of the catalytic difficulties we are facing, and likely will face, are very positive evolutionary movements that lead to transcendence of materialism, disconnectedness, and all of the egoic manifestations that have wreaked pain, war, and inequity for millennia. These positive movements are also transpiring at a highly accelerated pace. In The Mayan Calendar—The Transformation of Consciousness Calleman states: The Galactic Underworld is more about telepathy and intuition than technology, and although many will resist the change, the emphasis of the future will be less on things and gadgets, as was the case in the Planetary. Because of the blindfolded consciousness that ruled the latter, all nature was assumed to exist only for human beings to exploit based on economic calculations of the left-brain hemisphere. Although the intuition of the right-brain hemisphere in the Galactic Underworld may indeed lead to technological advances, the overall emphasis of human endeavor is now about to shift. Despite humankinds immense technological advances up until now, the advances it has made in attaining an inner state of happiness have been very small, and this will become increasingly evident. The main purpose of the current Underworld is to remedy this imbalance, this state of Koyaanisqatasi. The frame of consciousness that is now emerging will simply not allow us to deny the existence of a living cosmos. If we do there will be a backlash of some kind. This is the reason for the urgency of delivering the message of the Mayan Calendar. Because of the nature of this Underworld’s yin/yang polarity, its Days will bring forth intuitive, rather than analytical, expressions of the human mind, and may often seem to appear out of the blue. Nonetheless we will see a return to the enchanted cosmos, and we will, thorough our increasingly more open senses, become sensitive to its true spiritual energy. Because of their different locations in relation to the World Tree, however, different parts of the world are likely to be affected differently by the Galactic Underworld. Thus, we may expect, at least initially, that in the Western Hemisphere the Galactic Underworld will generate a fascination with the new technology and the new economy, while the focus in the east—India, China, and Russia (the leading edge will gradually move north)—will be directed more toward spiritual enlightenment. As the Galactic Underworld progresses, the effects of the energy shifts between different tuns (360 day periods)—Days and Nights in the creation sense—will be increasingly more marked. Predictions for the Seventh Day of the Galactic Underworld From the mid-Seventeenth through the Eighteenth Centuries Europe experienced The Age of Enlightenment. The human mind was freed from much of the oppression of the Church, reason transcended dogma and an exciting era of free exploration was initiated. Philosophical and scientific speculation bloomed, and the seeds of humanism began to germinate. Individuals began to identify with humanity as a whole rather than with nation states. At the mid-point of the Seventh Heaven of the National Underworld, during Day One of the Planetary Underworld, the Industrial Revolution began and the world radically changed. The French and American Revolutions created deep changes on the societal level and brought with them fundamental changes in how people viewed themselves. All of the changes reflected a new sense of freedom—from monarchy, religious hegemony, and superstition. It wasn’t, however, enlightenment on a spiritual level. In the Seventh Day of the Galactic Underworld spiritual enlightenment on a mass scale is designed to emerge—not in the sense of enlightened (or free) thought, but a transcendence of thought. In the Planetary Underworld the left-brain hemisphere, the thinking mind, was freed from the yoke of dogma. In the Galactic Underworld the left- and right-brain hemispheres achieve balance, and transcend both the thinking mind and materialism and technology, and the seeds of cosmic consciousness begin to germinate as we enter the Universal Underworld. More and more individuals realize their unity with All-That-Is. Predictions for the Seventh Day of the Universal Underworld The Universal Underworld is approximately 260 days in
length, with each Day and Night less than three weeks
long. The rate of change, therefore, is astonishingly fast
compared even to the Galactic Underworld. In
The Mayan
Calendar: The Transformation of Consciousness
Calleman states: This paradox, of course, is not easily resolved by someone whose mind is still dominated by the dualities generated by lower Underworlds. The ego was established to serve the dualist mind in navigating their changing waters and to maintain a sense of continuity for the individual is the midst of them simply can not survive at the high frequency of the Universal Underworld. The ego is not consistent with the unitary field of light that will be ruling the world. In a dualist frame of consciousness, the ego was an important tool for survival; in a unitary frame of consciousness, it will jeopardize the survival of the individual. In an Underworld dominated by unity and enlightenment, acting and thinking based on a dualist frame of mind will become impossible. At the frequency change that will prevail in the Universal Underworld, with shifts between Days and Nights every twenty kin (days), the mind has to be disengaged if it is not to lead the individual to complete heartbreak or total collapse. Even with proper preparation, for a person who is well aware of the workings of the cosmic plan, the conflict between the five-thousand-year-old dualist mind and the unitary consciousness of the Universal Underworld can only be successfully resolved in one way—through the excision or “slaying” of the ego and the ensuing creation of space for the enlightened way of being to take over… By 2011 the dominance of the dualist mind will wither, and all the conflicts of humanity originating in lower levels of consciousness will be resolved. From the perspective of the enlightened state, the old order will no longer be real. The advanced technologies developed by the dualist mind will find the place they were always meant to have, in service to humanity and the living cosmos, not as tools of domination. By then not only the old monarchic rule, but also democracy, will be a thing of the past (if everyone lives in unity and harmony with the Divine, why elect someone to rule them?). All hierarchies will have crumbled. With the end of duality, the dominance of one soul over any other will naturally come to an end, and so there will be no need for a government (which is like the ego of the nation) to steer people through conflicting interests. All human beings will, in a much deeper sense than at present, be recognized as having equal value—each as her or his own manifestation of the Divine. In the process of climbing the universal level of consciousness, all limiting thoughts will disappear. What then? Callenan believes that “the end of time” doesn’t mean that a new cycle will begin. It’s the end of the Mayan Calendar, the end of cycles. An again, none of this necessarily implies the “end of the world”. It’s certainly the end of the world how we’ve known it, but it doesn’t mean a “new game” won’t start. It’s possible that we’ll have the option of merging with the Divine and create on a non-physical level of existence. Calleman also suggests: With the ego slain in the Universal Underworld, the Heavens will favor a consciousness that is devoid of inner conflicts and produces no external conflicts. The year 2012 in particular, however, will be required for this inner state to settle in a number of individuals who have not been fully prepared for it. For the final settling of the enlightened consciousness of the Universal Underworld, the celebrations on the occasion of the Venus transit of June 6, 2012, will be very important. They will be expressions of gratitude to the divine cosmos for having brought us to where we are. Getting to 2011 Given all of the catalytic events we must deal with that are predicted for 2009 and 2010, and likely at least part of the Universal Underworld of 2011, the obvious question that will arise for every person reading this material is: Can I make such a monumental change in under three years? It’s clear that in the context of what’s been discussed in this and the last Newsletter that this is a very legitimate question. To be completely realistic, many people, for a variety of reasons, may not get through the next couple of years. The purpose of this current Newsletter is to provide you with a very workable formula, not only for survival in the time ahead but for developing very positive polarization of consciousness and ego transcendence. About two weeks before I started writing this material I asked for spiritual guidance and help in finding the most effective method for evolving during these turbulent times. The “veils” between our world and higher, more subtle, planes of existence is quite thin now. There is spiritual help available if we simply ask. It’s very important to understand that higher beings of light must be asked to assist us, and answer our requests through the faculty of intuition, while beings of darkness come unbidden and operate through the channels of thinking and emotion. A few days later an individual in my weekly discussion group handed me a copy of Conversing With the Future, Visions of the Year 2020 by Jenna Catherine. His only comment was, “I think you might find this interesting.” I did, but only after I set aside my judgment of the author’s New-Age style. I found many of the concepts quite profound and realized that the book was a significant part of the answer to my earlier request for assistance. It’s very much worth reading. I’ve incorporated a number of the concepts Jenna Catherine presents in her book, particularly her treatments of joy, fear, and energetic flow, with those I discuss in The Collapsing Tower, in what I consider a succinct and practical formula for survival and ego transcendence. The Fundamental Polarity: Joy Versus Fear Joy Joy is a state of consciousness, not an emotion. It’s synonymous with the spiritual light or pure love of Essence that underlies all of creation, and is experienced as a flowing aliveness that creates an awareness of universal inter-connectedness. It’s physically experienced as vibrant health and can be thought of as the fundamental agent for healing. On the everyday level we experience it as deep connectedness, humor, and laughter, a lightness of spirit that simply feels good. Joy is neither frivolous nor self-indulgent. It’s our
spiritual birthright. To experience and bask in it may be
the basic meaning of life. During a vision quest in the
Southwestern desert many years ago I had the experience of
the entire universe pervaded by a living, lilting
laughter—a universal joy that connected everything to
everything else. I knew then that my goal in life was to
maintain that state of awareness. Of course it only lasted
for a moment, but it was a glimpse of eternity that I knew
I had to find my way back to. And it appears that this
might be the promise of the Mayan Calendar. However, to
participate in the fruition of this promise we must be
more than passive recipients of universal grace. We must
become active co-creators in our own salvation. If we
simply wait for delivery, it won’t be salvation that
comes. Joy expands, flows, and connects. Fear, on the other hand, is the energy that contracts, stops, and disconnects. When fear is denied and/or unexpressed it prevents you from feeling love and creates a powerful filter through which your perceptions become distorted. You then experience life through the eyes of fear. It’s essential to know when the transition from joy to fear occurs, but one of our greatest problems is that we’re so used to fear that we assume it’s normal. Jenna Catherine repeatedly stresses that when fear is blocked and not allowed to flow, we block the flow of all other feelings. In order to experience flow, therefore, we must be willing to experience the entire emotional spectrum. In The Collapsing Tower I build the case that nearly all fear comes from the ego, which is simply a temporary stage in the evolution of consciousness that we’ve mistakenly identified as the essence of who we are—the true or eternal Self. When you examine the functions of the ego it becomes evident how fear-based it is. The ego maintains its integrity by creating separateness (I not-I) by contracting and disconnecting from others, the environment, and even the physical body housing it. It then preoccupies itself with controlling everything that threatens its illusion of sovereignty. What psychology call “ego-defenses” are central to this purpose. Thinking, however, is its main strategy to maintain fear-based control. And this is the crux of our problem: To experience joy we must experience a free flow of energy, but thinking/controlling blocks this. This is why every enlightened human being has maintained that the ego is our greatest block to spiritual evolvement, and that we must transcend it in order to evolve. Giving up control, therefore, is the key to creating energy flow and joy. This is tantamount to giving up the methods we use to mitigate fear, and these can be quite subtle, such as giving up illusions of predictability. For example, when we define something we place it in a category and believe we’re accounted for it, i.e., “know” it and can predict its behavior. When we “define” or name a disease-entity, for example, we reduce fear by creating the illusion we have some control over the disease. This goes back to the ancient superstition that if one names an “elemental entity” one has control over it. The same is true when we define a person. We think we know the person and can safely predict his or her behavior. Thus, thinking in this manner is driven by fear. We attempt to “understand” or predict conditions or people by placing them in some familiar category from the past. We essentially create “cages” in which to place people or conditions in order to render them safe. The problem is that we can never really know anything or anyone in this way. With regard to people, in particular, we blame them for being unpredictable when they don’t act in accordance with the category we’ve caged them in. We say we can’t “count on them”, and frequently use this as a justification for feeling betrayed. When we define something we limit it and block energetic flow. This can occur, as Jenna Catherine points out, in some subtle ways. For example, when we have an expectation or prediction, we are essentially shutting ourselves down, blocking flow, by defining and restricting possibilities. Similarly, “wondering” is also a form of control, because when we wonder we perceive through a filter. The ego also controls memory to maintain its sense of identity. It does this by holding onto beliefs and filtering memories of the past through them. This creates a sense of static permanence, blocks energetic flow and aliveness, and imprisons us in a past based on limiting beliefs. The fact is, however, that we’re not who we believe we are, but who we feel we are. Thought blocks feeling and prevents us from knowing who we are. Because thought constricts flow it creates fear and disconnectedness. Therefore we must practice knowing by feeling and intuition, which is a higher octave of feeling, as opposed to knowing by thinking. This can, at least at first, cause anxiety because it threatens the egos illusion of control, but it also opens us up to a reality of greater possibilities and an increased experience of energetic flow and aliveness. Dream Prior to writing the next section of this Newsletter I had a lucid dream. I was walking down a beach with several people at night and noticed two bright shooting stars. We sat on a sand dune to watch the ocean. Suddenly a fireball passed overhead. Someone excitedly pointed and said, “Look at the comet!” I said that it wasn’t a comet, but a space ship. Without any warning I found myself in a warehouse-like building knowing I was being held captive by aliens. In the distance I saw one of them. He was large and had the menacing appearance of a medieval depiction of the devil. A thin, dark-haired man, somewhat disheveled and badly in need of a shave approached me. I intuitively know he’s a “stooge” of the devil/alien and has been enlisted to seduce me into the devil’s service. I found it odd that I didn’t experience any fear. I asked him, “Are you aware that you’ve sold your soul to the devil?” The man pulls back from me and I see tears and fear in his eyes. “Let me ask you a couple of questions”, I said. “The first one is, ‘What did he promise you in exchange for your soul?’ and the second is, ‘Did he deliver?” At this the man began to sob uncontrollably. I hugged him and said, “Look man. I’m just trying to help you.” Suddenly the devil/alien appeared. He looked menacing and quite angry at this turn of events. I found it odd that I felt little fear, but knew that if I didn’t handle this situation right my mind could cause fear and things could go very badly for me. I detached from my thoughts and focused on the alien/devil and the sensations and feelings in my body. I noticed that he didn’t like this and tried to look more menacing. However, I detected some fear and confusion in his eyes. He withdrew slightly. He said, “Stop it! What are you doing?” I continued to observe. He really didn’t like this, and I noted that he backed off a little more. Then I pointed at him and started to laugh. He seemed ridiculous to me. I could now feel the fear coming from him, and he appeared to get a little smaller. I looked over at the dark-haired man and noted his confusion. Then I woke up to my alarm clock ringing. Interpretation: I interpreted the alien/devil to symbolize the ego. This is consistent with the Hindu interpretation. The devil represents fear, domination, and materiality. I took the dark-haired man to symbolize human bondage—“selling his soul” for false promises of power, material gain, and the like. The man sobs when he realizes he’s been tricked. I saw the central idea of the dream as my detached observation of the devil/ego. He didn’t like this and it brought fear to his eyes. This was accomplished by observing him and whatever feelings and sensations I had, but keeping thoughts detached. This is the key method for disempowering the ego. If I had allowed fearful thoughts to enter he would have gained control over me. The fact that I laughed at him instead was very significant. I took that to be an instruction of how best to deal with the ego—that humor and joy could be used as an effective weapon against the “forces of darkness” depicted by the ridiculous figure of the devil. That his fear increased and he began to shrink I felt was the evidence that the ego/devil was fed by thoughts of fear and destroyed with joy. Two-Stage Formula to Transcend the Ego and Increase Positive Polarization These two stages entail 1) increasing joy (connectedness and universal flow) and 2) transmutation of negative feeling/emotion into positive flow. 1) Increasing Joy Many people are conflicted over feeling joy. Frequently they think it’s frivolous and that seriousness is more “adult”, or they think they’re causing others to feel bad by expressing or even feeling joyous. In her book Jenna Catherine makes the interesting observation this this conflict is evident in the “jerky” way many people laugh. Most laughing is controlled, restrained, and the result is a staccato jerkiness, as if they were afraid of losing control. When we control laughing we block joy and flow, which is our essential nature and birthright and rob ourselves of a powerful healing energy. Jenna Catherine also notes that we must learn to feel joy/humor on the cellular level, and that this is a very powerful method of healing. We are fully capable of “tuning in” to our bodily organs and feeling the emotional energies operating at this level. By seeing our cells and organs as sentient entities we can establish an energetic flow with them. By doing this we interconnect with them and thereby create joyousness that is healing. This is particularly important for individuals who have diseased cells or organs, because the cause of nearly all disease is disconnectedness. When a part of the physical body (or psyche) is wounded, hurt, or diseased we typically isolate or disconnect it from the totality of ourselves. All this does is make the condition worse. To heal we must do the reverse and flow loving compassion to the damaged part and establish a healing flow. As we proceed toward the fruition of the Mayan Calendar in 2011 I suspect that standard allopathic medicine, which is based on fear and assaulting sick cells and organs with dangerous drugs, will be replaced by the conscious creation of joyous flow. In our daily living we must seek opportunities for creating more joy. I’ve noticed that people are spending more time connecting with friends and family as the economy worsens—staying home and playing board games and eating at home rather than going out and spending, for example. Many people have told me how much more joyful and rewarding they find these activities. In a similar vein, many people are finding service work a source of joy and rewarding replacement for more self-serving activities. We can also extend moments of joy. We don’t have to rush through these moments to get on with the “more important things in life.” Perhaps the creation of joy is the most important thing in life. After all, it connects us with the source of life, promotes psychological and physical health, connects us with others and Nature, and creates positive life experiences. Jenna Catherine offered a good general rule that I think is important and useful: “When fatigue, disorientation, resistance are in control of us, and nothing seems to ‘go right’, we are bucking and resisting the flow of universal energy. When we are peaceful, productive, in rhythm with our environment, we are aligned with the flow.” 2) Transmutation of Fear and Negativity into Free Energy You can refer to The Collapsing Tower and prior Newsletters for additional treatment of this subject. The central idea, supported by modern physics and quantum mechanics, is that universal energy is the medium from which everything that exists is created. This energetic substrate has a number of different names: Akasha, Tao, Orgone, Vril, Ether, and many others. This energy is infinitely malleable and from it come all the manifested forms of the phenomenal world. On the emotional level these forms are the spectrum of all emotions and feelings, and on the physical level we perceive them as objects, including biological life forms, and experiences. Thus everything in creation can be considered structured universal energy. It is thought that structures universal energy into all of the forms we know. Thought-forms maintain the integrity and functioning of everything on the physical, biological, and psychological levels of existence. Thus, if the form of the thought changes, then the structuring of the universal energy changes. If the thought-form is detached from the structured universal energy it maintains, then that structure “de-structures” or dissolves back into free universal energy, which we experience as flow or joy—and it is this point that is the key to transmutation or, to use the old term, “alchemy”. This is the purpose of the Buddhist method of detachment. It’s not to change one thing into another thing, such as lead into gold, but to transmute leaden structured universal energy into the spiritual gold of the flowing universal energy of joy by removing the influence of thought. Let’s now consider the method of transmuting fear and other negative emotional states into the free energy of joy. First of all it’s important to understand that all thoughts—beliefs, expectations, evaluations, and the like constrict, structure, and dam up universal energy into thought-forms. When we base our identities on a system of beliefs, therefore, we feel tight and constricted and limit our perceptions to conform to those beliefs. Such belief-based thought-forms create corresponding emotions. Confusion arises from this, because most people don’t discriminate themselves from beliefs about themselves or the emotional energies these beliefs generate about themselves. For example, if a person has been taught to believe he’s bad and unacceptable he’ll likely have belief-generated self-hatred. He may spend his life hating himself, and do things to justify this self-hatred, not realizing its all derived from a negative belief he accepted that probably has nothing at all to do with who he really is. Furthermore, not only do the emotional reactions he has toward himself have to do with beliefs about him, the emotional reactions he has toward others are generated by his beliefs about himself. Thus, he projects his self-hatred onto others. Whether the fear and other negative emotional states—which are based on fear—that we carry within us are generated from corresponding beliefs we’re adopted or created, or are the result of empathic contagion from others or the general collective is quite irrelevant. All negativity can be transmuted to joyful flow by using the following method: 1) Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Be aware of your breathing, feelings and sensations in your body, and any constriction along the central vertical axis. Note particularly constriction in your throat, chest, solar plexus/diaphragm, abdominal area, and pelvic/genital area. These areas of constriction reflect blocked emotional flow. Don’t be concerned about exactly what emotions are blocked. To start with, however, we’ll work to transmute only one negative feeling. We’re looking to open up blockage, regardless of what is blocked, in order to increase flow. 2) Become aware of the feelings in your body, and select one that you want to unblock. It could be sadness, fear, guilt, hate, or anger for example. Notice where in your body that feeling seems to constrict. If you can’t find a corresponding constricted area just be aware of the feeling. 3) Breathe a little deeper. Breathe into the constricted area where the feeling seems to be located, or just breathe into the feeling if you can’t locate the physical constriction. 4) Now, become aware of the feeling as simply energy—not labeled as fear, anger, etc., but just energy. Keep breathing into that structured energy “mass”, and also become aware of the sensations in your body. 5) Fully embrace the structured energy with your breath. Fully feel the energy and any associated sensations. 6) Allow thoughts, images, or memories to simply be there. Don’t suppress or focus on them. Let them drift by. Keep your focus on your breath, the energy you’ve been embracing, and the sensations. As you do this for a minute or two you may notice the energy changing, as well as the sensations. Keep letting your thoughts drift by and maintain your focus. Breathe a little more deeply and notice how this affects the feeling of the energy. Don’t try to stop anything, or make anything happen. 7) As you continue to do this you may feel an emotional release. You could also feel energy coming out of your fingertips, feet, or face—or your body may tremble. Don’t try to control any of this if it happens. Keep your focus on your breath and observe what’s happening. Continue your breath and observation for a few more minutes. 8) As the original structured energy becomes de-structured you may begin to experience a floating sensation, a flow in and around your body. Flow is different than defined or structured emotional reactions. Flow is subtle and constant, while emotional reactions are like bursts of energy. 9) Be still and breath normally for a few minutes.
Notice how the experience of flow feels. When you are in the Flow you are in direct connection with the creative substrate that underlies all existence. In this state your intentions and thoughts have much more power than in the typical state of constriction in which most people live. There is also great healing potential here, because you have a greater ability to make connection with the organs and cells of your body. By maintaining the joyful universal flow of life you can influence cells, organs, others, and different life-forms by focusing on them with the intention of bring them into the Flow with you. This is the essence of healing. The truth is that no one heals anyone or anything. The Flow does it all. We can only serve as facilitators to bring others into the Flow when we are there ourselves. The more joy we can experience the greater the Flow we can likewise experience. This is how avatars and great spiritual adepts heal simply with their presence. To attain this level of service takes a great deal of practice and focus. We can, however, move in this direction with diligence. The more of us who do this, the greater the influence we exert on the human collective. In the difficult times we are in, and will be in, this will be our greatest protection and guarantee of survival and spiritual development. From a state of joy we manifest positive conditions in life. Things naturally go right. We don’t have to plan positive life experiences as they flow naturally to us, and we to them. Thus, it not necessary to do anything, because simply being in the flow of joy is sufficient. Also, as we cultivate more joy in our lives and transmute negative emotions we become more positively polarized, and this serves as a protection against negativity. On the physical plane opposites attract, such as the negative and positive poles of a magnet or male and female biological bodies but this doesn’t seem to be the case on the nonphysical, where like attracts like. Positively polarized beings are attracted to one another, and likewise for the negatively polarized. Dissolution of Negative Thought-Forms Thought-forms are structures that are created from the universal flow of energy—just like any other structure. The difference between these and any other structured forms is that they exist on the mental plane and are maintained in existence by an even higher plane—the causative. My guess is that it would take a very evolved Self-realized being to operate on the level required to dissolve thought-forms. Thus, from our perspective they could be considered more or loss eternal. However, we do have choice in the quality of thought-forms we identify with and entertain. We serve that with which we identify. The existence of powerful negative and positive thought-forms on the higher mental plane may serve our spiritual development. They are truly the agents of creation, and depending upon which of these we identify with we co-creators in the furthering of love and Light or fear and Darkness. It’s in this choice that we have power and hold the keys to our destiny and the destiny of our planet. Planetary Healing Through Human Interconnectedness When we choose thought-forms that create joy, love, cooperation, and connection we choose to co-create with the Great Beings of Light that exist on the highest planes. We align with lesser beings of Darkness when we identify with thought-forms that create fear, separateness, domination, and disconnection. When we choose to increase our joy and the joy of others, either through the seeking of sources of joy and/or transmuting negative emotions to joyful Flow, we are doing the greatest service for ourselves, others, and the planetary eco-system. As mentioned in a prior Newsletter human disconnectedness and the resulting negative thought-forms have a powerful negative effect on all life forms. |
Summary. A previous study found a relationship between the number of earthquakes in the lower mantle and the structure of the Mayan calendar. As predicted by a model proposed by Calleman (2004), the number of earthquakes alternated in successive 360-day periods corresponding to the Days and Nights of the Galactic Underworld. The present study investigated the strength of this alternating pattern beginning in 1973. The data show that the pattern weakly appeared in 1991, but faded away only to reappear in 1996. It increased in strength from 1996 up to the present. These observations indicate that the pulses of the universal consciousness field proposed by the model were felt perhaps three years before the onset of the Galactic Underworld. The magnitude increased with each successive Underworld Day, and the trend suggests that it will continue to increase in the future. As described in Carl Johan Calleman's book, "The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness", the Mayan calendar consists of nine embedded cycles, or Underworlds, all ending on the same date. A cycle is subdivided into 13 equal intervals, each ruled by a particular deity representing certain principles. Calleman sees opposing characteristics or yin/yang traits in successive pairs of intervals in a cycle, and describes an Underworld as a sequence of six Day/Night pairs plus a final Day. We are currently in the Galactic Underworld spanning the interval from January 5, 1999 to October 28, 2011. An earlier report found a relationship betweeen the Day/Night structure of the Galactic Underworld and earthquake activity in the lower mantle next to the earth's core. Each Day or Night of the cycle has a duration of 360 of our 24 hour days. Earthquakes in the lower mantle were counted for each of the Days and Nights up to the present, and the counts were observed to vary as a function of the Day/Night structure. A wrinkle was thrown into the study by a controversy regarding the actual end date of the calendar. Calleman maintains that the end date is October 28, 2011, while the more conventional view is that the end date is December 21, 2012. A change in the end date obviously alters the time span occupied by the fixed length Galactic Underworld. Therefore, the earthquake counts were obtained for the Day/Night intervals corresponding to both end dates of 2011 and 2012.
For the 2011 end date, almost all of the Night counts are higher than the Day counts, while the converse is true for the 2012 end date. The phase shift in the counts over Days is obviously a result of the 420-day difference in the end dates. The observed oscillations over Days and Nights were taken to be consistent with predictions made by a physical model proposed by Calleman. Figure 1 Although the observed patterns were consistent with the model, the disagreement over the calendar end dates resulted in an ambiguous conclusion. It is possible that a better understanding of the overall structure of the earthquake data might help in our interpretation of the results. The purpose of this study is to create such a wider context. To begin, a visual representation of the actual distribution of lower mantle earthquakes was created. Figure 2 shows a histogram of quake frequency from 1973 to the present, and Figure 3 shows the same data smoothed with an exponential filter (coefficient= .001) and a moving average filter using a triangular kernel with a width of 300 days. Figure 2![]() The figures clearly show an increase in the frequency of earthquakes over time. Further, there appears to be a step-wise increment at around the 4200 day point and again, at around 8800 days. These may represent actual increases in earthquake frequency, but might also be an artifact if more sensitive detection technologies were introduced around these times. Figure 4 shows the data of Figure 2 smoothed with a sliding rectangular window with a width equal to the Galactic Underworld Day; that is, 360 of our days. Selections from this data were used to create Figure 1. Thus, this is the wider context that we want to examine.
The periodicity of the earthquake count shown in Figure 4 was measured using a Hann window and a Fourier transform on 4096 data points. Data was extracted starting at points 4230 and 8334, and the resulting power spectra are shown in Figure 5. The figure shows a relatively large spectral component in the second interval at 745 days/cycle, while the first interval has a much weaker and broader peak component. The 745 days/cycle corresponds well to the alternating pattern of Figure 1 where each point is the number of quakes in successive 360-day intervals. The latter is close to half a cycle at the peak frequency.
Figure 5
In the previous study, Figure 1 was created by conceptually placing a single measurement window over the data of Figure 4 at the start of the first Day of the Galactic Underworld. The window was subdivided into seven (2012) or eight (2011) adjacent 360-day segments depending on the available Days and Nights. The counts corresponding to each segment were used to create the lines in the graph. It is of interest to see whether or not the oscillating patterns of Figure 1 are unusual. This was determined using a spectrum measurement obtained with a Hann window and an 8-point Fourier transform. The strength of the alternating pattern is proportional to the power of the highest frequency component of the spectrum. Figure 6 shows how the magnitude of this component varies as the start of the measurement window is positioned over successive days in Figure 4.
Figure 6
The graph of Figure 6 is specifically designed to show the occurrance of the oscillating pattern seen in Figure 1. The pattern appears if the earthquakes are appropriately distributed in time according to a chosen segment width of around 360 days. The larger the value on the graph, the greater the amplitude of the pattern at that point in time. Clearly, the pattern is a relatively recent phenomenon. There is a tendency for the pattern to appear between days 7000 to 9000, but the most interesting events begin to occur after about the 9000th day. The successive sharp peaks indicate that the pattern is periodic, and the consistent growth in amplitude says that the pattern is becoming more pronounced as old data from Figure 4 is moved out of the measurement window on the left and new data enters on the right. Figure 7 shows the oscillatory patterns corresponding to the two right-most peaks of Figure 6.
Figure 7
The legend of Figure 7 shows the start dates of the patterns as January 18, 1999 and January 28, 2000. If these are used as start dates for the Galactic Underworld, the calculated end dates are November 10, 2011, and November 19, 2012, respectively. These dates are not very different from the disputed end dates of October 28, 2011, and December 21, 2012. It is not surprising, then, that Figure 7 appears similar to Figure 1 which is based on the disputed end dates. Figure 6 suggests that the two patterns are part of a larger sequence of patterns that appears to be growing in amplitude with each successive Underworld Day or Night. On the basis of this physical evidence, it is reasonable to consider the possibility that both end dates are meaningful. Both were approximately derived using earthquake data that point to the existence of a single underlying wave-like process. The disputed end dates may both be in the Mayan record because the record may be more about the single underlying event than about the elements of which it is composed. The results of Figure 6 were obtained using a 360-day window segment, but they are not affected much if the width is changed to 365 days. Therefore, alternative interpretations based on the solar year are not excluded. FROM: