compiled by Dee Finney
updated 12-17-06
Is this the same man?
McVeigh in Prison
Definition: PATSY: A patsy is someone set up to take the fall for a crime in someone else's place.
Everyone knows the story of McVeigh and how he was
arrested and put into prison and put to death (was he really?) for the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK in 1995. But do you know the 'whole' story? Not by a long shot. I believe that even McVeigh didn't know the whole story. Pieces of what he believed is in various books - some of which came out after he supposedly died by lethal injection. See: DID MCVEIGH REALLY DIE? (Video) Before McVeigh was released from the Army, McVeigh was invited to join the top notch program of Special Forces, in 1991. The Training Complex was done at Camp McCall located on the ground of Ft. Bragg, NC. We were all told early on that Tim didn't pass muster in Special Forces and was released from the Army. But Tim tells a different story. He related his story to a 'fellow' inmate in a special deal to get a favor in return. Whether Tim told the absolute truth is another matter, but Tim said that he made a deal with the Major on duty at Camp McCall to work on a special project 'off' the books (Black Ops) project. He was told that the Department of Defense would not even know he was working for them. Not only that, but when he got his assignment, it would be up to him to do the task without contacting the Major except through a special phone number. He would need to use his own resourcefulness to get the task accomplished. His first task was to go home and act disgruntled and unhappy with the army. We'll all agree he did a pretty good job at that. His next task was to get involved in right wing rhetoric and ideology. When he got involved in that, all he had to do was wait for further instructions. He would be known as a 'sleeper' agent. Since 9/11 we've heard that term many times. While Tim was waiting for his assignment, he was forced to go to work because of lack of money, and he worked as a rent-a-cop for a security company in Buffalo, NY and joined the local National Guard at the same time. He got fed up with the routine rather quickly and resigned in May of 1992. Tim got involved in selling guns at gun shows and getting involved with anti-government zealots over the next few months. In August of that same year, during the raid by federal agents at Ruby Ridge, Idaho on Randy Weaver, he got the call from the Major he had been awaiting. Instructed to go to Niagara Falls, the Major met with him and told Tim that he needed to quickly get involved with the militant movement and squash their efforts to destroy America. Tim then began ranting against the ATF, the Ruby Ridge Incident and the "persecution" of David Koresh and his religious group in Waco, Texas. In early 1993, Tim was instructed to meet the Major in New Jersey. There he was introduced to a man who called himself 'Roberto' and was given files full of information about militant groups throughout the United States. It was a major crash course and Tim was fully quizzed on the material to make sure he knew it well. When he left the meeting with the Major and 'Roberto', he left with only an envelope full of cash. His task was set to infiltrate and report on the actions of those he met in the right wing anti-government movement across the country. Tim went to Waco to observe the raid on the Waco compound of David Koresh. All that is well documented and his photograph was taken there to prove his interest. He now had the perfect cover for his future involvements with militants against the government. In Tim McVeigh's Writ of mandamus, which was his defense motion after his arrest in 1995, it claims innocence and attempts to lay the blame for the blast on foreign nationals, including Andreas Strassmier and mentioning Iraq as a possible enemy state. He used every classic disinformation technique, providing clues and leads in directions other than what really happened. After Waco, Tim went to Arizona to live with his old army buddy Mike Fortier. Tim began experimenting with pot and 'speed'. This part of his life is well documented as well. He attended many gun shows, selling mostly maps, T-shirts, books, and survival type gear. From a gun show he attended in Tulsa, he got an invitation to join Roger Moore and his girlfriend on a ranch near Royal, Arkansas. Moore had a lot of money and Tim gathered a lot of information about the militant movement there. In April of 1993, Tim was visiting another army buddy Terry Nichols when the television began showing the attack on the Waco, Texas compound of David Koresh. Oddly enough, whole trying to contact the Major by phone, Tim saw the Major in the background of some scenes at Waco on television. Tim became very confused by this and began thinking about what was really going on. Tim went back to Arizona to stay with Fortier, but kept up his contact with Nichols and making his regular reports to the Major. The Major told Tim to prepare himself for an upcoming project whereupon Tim took off across the country once again, Tim made contacts with specific men he could work with in the future. In late 1993, the Major informed Tim that he was to prepare a strike team to do a domestic bombing event. The Major explained to Tim that he was merely an observer at Waco, easing Tim's mind for the time. After Waco, the patriot, militia and survivalist movements all grew in strength and some of the government people saw this as 'one of the largest threats to ever face the nation." After another meeting with the Major at a 'Soldier of Fortune' conference in Las Vegas, Tim gathered his contacts at Elohim City in Oklahoma, not far from the Arkansas border. Tim then began working with Reverend Mark Thomas, Reverend Robert Millar, Andreas Strassmeir, Dennis Mahon, Richard Guthrie, Pete Langan, Shawn Kenney, Kevin McCarthy, and Michael Brescia and others. Nichols was also invited to meet with them at Elohim City. Langan had not been known to Tim, but was vouched for by Strassmeir and Guthrie. The first thing they had to do was raise money and select a target. Guthrie, Langan and Tim McVeigh began robbing banks to raise cash. Brescia and others were also convicted of robbing banks in other actions after the Oklahoma bombing. Tim left a deliberate paper trail by sending letters to his sister Jennifer, telling her about the group of people he was with and what they believed. He also asked her to launder some money for him. Tim was making sure that others outside the group knew what he was doing and that he hated the government. That was his cover for world-knowledge in the future. Tim almost got caught in November of 1993 when Nichols young son was found dead. Nichols and Tim both performed CPR on the boy, who was 2 years old, but they couldn't save him. Tim was accused of killing the boy by Nichols wife Marife. During the investigation, Tim told the police that his name was Tim Tuttle by mistake. During Tim's anger at Marife, he got all excited and distraught and only by some fast-talking, he convinced the police that using the name Tuttle was not a 'bad' thing, that using an alias was sometimes necessary in his business. In early 1994, Tim worked closer with Pete Langan and Richard Guthrie, making more definite plans as to what could be done to overthrow the United States government. His infiltration into the militant groups seemed assured. The bank robberies afforded him the perfect cover for receiving the money from the Major so he always had cash handy. The group expanded and new members expanded and became the Aryan Republican Army in months ahead. Tim met David Lynch at a gun show and began a relationship with him and buying 'Meth' from him, saying he needed it in order to fulfill his mission. His use of 'Meth' is documented. Tim stated that the U.S. military regularly issues speed to it's pilots and Special Forces who are required to be awake and on duty for hours and even days at a time." Tim thought of his drugs as 'tools' to keep his mind sharp. Tim received a government badge from the Major in case he got arrested, and Tim was afraid someone might see it, so he treated it like a prank. At the same time his bank robbery group started using FBI and ATF windbreakers and listening to police scanners while planning their future robberies. The Major provided the radio frequencies for the FBI and ATF. Tim had the badge in his wallet when he was arrested on April 19, 1995. In April of 1994, Tim met with Strassmeir and Mahon and discussed possible targets for the bombing they would work on. The targets included were Oklahoma City, Tulsa, OK, and Fort Smith Arkansas. Tim was intrigued by the Murrah building because it had also been a target of Richard Snell who was on death row in Arkansas. Richard Snell and other members of the Covenant, Sword, and Arm of the Lord group had also targeted that building. Richard Snell's date with death was April 19, 1995. During that time, Pete Langan rented a house in Pittsburg, Kansas, which the group used as an ARA (Aryan Republican Army) Safe house. When Tim was in prison, he laughed about how stupid federal agents were because they never figured out what was really going on. Tim used the Kansas house to sell his drugs from. Tim met the Kehoe family at a gun show. The Kehoes were a Christian Identity family in the Spokane, Washington area and were Meth dealers as well. He also met Steven Colbern, a patriot and Meth manufacturer. Colbern had a degree in chemistry. Tim came away from that relationship with a recipe for the really big bomb. Tim again went to Elohim City. Strassmeir was the security head there, and Mike Brescia was second in command. Tim stated that he liked Brescia a lot because he had brains and guts. At that point Tim and others began experimenting with creating bombs and test exploding them in the desert. They continued doing bank robberies for more funds and made the final decision of what building they were going to bomb and when they were going to do it. At this time, Karen Anderson, who was Roger Moore's girfriend asked Tim and the others to do a contract for murder on Roger. As she was into pornography and a good businesswoman, dealing with all kinds of weapons, jewelry, gold and silver, she wanted out of their relationship. In November of 1994, Guthrie and Brescia robbed Roger Moore, taking all their valuables from the house, but they decided not to kill Roger. Tim made sure he was in public at a gun show in Akron, Ohio when the robbery went down. The group then used their information to blackmail Karen Anderson. Tim was upset at his loss of control of the group because of the change of plans, but admitted that Strassmeir's decision was a 'stroke of genius' because the 'heat' from a murder investigation would have been very intense and they didn't need that kind of attention. Tim, Langan and Guthrie robbed a bank in Des Moines, Iowa on November 11, 1994. When relating this information to his prison inmates, he is quoted as saying, "The Feds are like Keystone cops, they can't do shit unless they have some informant doing their job for them. I was all across the country doing these jobs. I'm the best wheel-man around." Tim continued doing his gun shows in various states and robbing banks and then returning to their safe house in between. Tim related to his prison inmates that coordinating the planning and strategic aspects of the bombing and dealing with the criminal and fringe elements, each with their own egos and agendas was a daunting task. He is quoted as saying, "Our mission required skill, timing and adherence to a stringent schedule. These guys were, for the most part, life time fuck-ups, not trained and disciplined soldiers, ready for action anytime or anywhere." He had some nasty remarks to say about Fortier, saying that, 'his only claim to fame is being a speed freak and rattin' on me." On the other hand, he praised most of the ARA men, saying that they drilled and practiced the bombing in the desert. Tim claimed to have made dry runs of planting the bomb and getting away, with Guthrie, Langan, Stedeford, and McCarthy. Langan called himself Commander Pedro, and later, in a video, Langan was discovered to be a cross-dressing homosexual and Tim never suspected him of being a 'fag or a rat'. On March 17, 1995, Tim was introduced to a man who was called 'Poindexter' in Las Vegas by the Major. Poindexter was the Major's personal choice to build the bomb. Unfortunately, while in Las Vegas Cheyne Kehoe passed him $7,900 in counterfeit money in exchange for owed money on Meth sales. Tim was almost caught for passing 'bad' money when he tried to use two $20 bills to buy munchies at a gas station. Tim faked being shocked and gave the man a real $100 bill and drove away, 'like a bat outta hell'. That kind of 'fuck-up' could have been disastrous for "The Mission". In April, 1995, Tim met with Strassmeir and Brescia and gave them $12,000 to buy a box-type truck to use as a decoy Ryder truck. They painted it exactly like a Ryder truck and used it as a decoy so people would see them in the decoy truck in various places. A few days later, they went to Oklahoma City to check it out. Since it was Sunday the City Federal Building was closed, so they decided not to drive by it. They met Guthrie and drove around in Guthrie's car, check out highways out of the city to make sure there was no construction zones in the way. Then they drove back to Kansas to stay in their safe house. Members of the ARA camped in Geary State fishing Park at Junction City, Kansas with the Ryder truck, and then the decoy painted box truck made to look like the Ryder truck was brought in. This was meant to confuse investigators later - and it did. Tim bought the yellow Mercury Marquis for $250 on April 14th at Junction City, Kansas. He told his prison buddies that he bought that car on purpose for a getaway vehicle. Guthrie tinkered with the car to make sure it was good enough for a backup getaway car. When Tim rented the motel on April 15th, he and Stedeford both used the name Bob Kling and Robert Kling when ordering Chinese food and to rent the Ryder truck, telling them he would pick it up on the 17th. They had also rented a Ryder truck in Arizona and drove it to Kansas by Cheyne Kehoe who owed Tim money. He used the name Tim Tuttle there. John
Doe #2 - is still not identified. Neither is John Doe #1 - It was
NOT Tim McVeigh
The arrangements for moving the Ryder trucks, the fake Ryder truck and various vehicles were all discussed with the group, bomb making materials, and get away vehicles moved into place. Tim made a last minute call to the Major to let him know that everything was in place. Poindexter was driving Tim's personal SUV and intentionally avoided being seen after having brought Tim to the storage facility they had in Herington, Kansas. Witnesses reported seeing at least 5 men and several vehicles at Geary Lake around the Ryder truck 'prior' to Tim actually picking up the 'bomb' vehicle. The second Ryder truck and fake decoy truck did them well in confusing authorities and witnesses alike. Tim states to his prison mates about whether Nichols participated in this, "Hell, no, he was a no-show, but I wasn't all that surprised. He and Mike (Fortier) were men who liked to talk tough but in the end their bitches and kids ruled." When they headed for Oklahoma City, they were driving two Ryder trucks, a pick up truck, and Langan's white Buick, followed by Poindexter. McVeigh called the Major to tell him when they were going to arrive at the warehouse where the bomb was going to be assembled. The Major wanted to inspect the finished bomb late that night. Poindexter, supposedly on the orders of the Major, added military type explosives to the bomb mixture, and with the help of Tim and Guthrie, they built a 7,000 pound bomb. They went out to eat and dropped Guthrie off. Tim and Poindexter went back to the warehouse and the Major showed up with 'Roberto' from New Jersey. Roberto walked around the warehouse while Tim and the Major talked and then walked up behind Poindexter and cut his throat from ear to ear. The Major was heard to say, "Solder, he was only hired help, not one of us." The body was loaded into the Ryder truck along with the bomb. They placed a padlock on the door and they all left the warehouse for the night. Meanwhile other 'elite' members of the group had installed C-4 explosives in the Murrah building to make sure maximum damage was caused from the explosion. Tim was given a hand-held transmitter to use to detonate those explosives. The whole point was to mislead and confuse investigators. Early the next morning, the group met at the warehouse, and equipped themselves with headsets and radios so they could communicate while in separate vehicles. Other members of the ARA were already stationed in various locations near downtown around the Murrah building. McVeigh parked the Ryder truck in the handicapped zone in front of the Murrah building. He then quickly walked away and detonated the bomb when he was safely away. (Remember that Poindexer's body was in the truck, and an extra leg that couldn't be identified after the body parts were brought together later.) Tim was expecting Guthrie to pick him up with the SUV, and not seeing it, he headed for the cheap Mercury vehicle and made his get away. (Remember that there was no license plate on the back of the vehicle) The blast and its aftermath killed 168 men, women, and children and seriously injured 509 others. McVeigh, according to what he
told his prison buddies, saw this event, in his
mind, as a 'success'.
Did Tim McVeigh lie to those he befriended before the bombing in order to get their help? An individual who says he knows the reason for the bombing tells the public a different reason for the bombing: "While it is true that each of us has a justifiable cause to be wary of our government, a paranoia based upon lies and misconceptions can only lead to unnecessary trouble. After the bombing word got out that it was just a matter of revenge for Waco and Ruby Ridge. The truth is that the intended message was that law enforcement agencies and their agents could no longer be tolerated to break laws for the purpose of enforcing laws. It is difficult to get this message across when certain members of a certain group decide to break laws to get that message across. One lesson that can well be learned from the actions of the participants in the bombing is that all forms of resisting a corrupt and tyrannical government must meet with public approval. I for one am exhausted with the mentality of some persons that they can openly commit crimes against the people in the name of "Patriotism." It is no longer going to work for those who would commit radical crimes in the name of "Patriotism" to commit such crimes for the purpose of defrauding the country into believing that "Patriots" are a degenerate bunch of idiots. I have no trouble believing that SFU (Special Forces Underground) had participants in the bombing, I merely speculate as to who they represented." The SFU was formed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, on August 23, 1992, and is conservatively estimated to have between 100 and 300 members; though no one can say with any accuracy how many members it really has. They are recruited almost exclusively from active duty and former military personnel with training and experience in covert operations. McVeigh also revealed to his prison companions that Strassmeir had the same position as he did in infiltrating militant groups, but wasn't successful at first. [What seems obvious to this editor is that 'others' are also out there doing the same thing in other groups.] Though the government was reluctant to arrest Strassmeir in 1995, the group led by Millar kicked Strassmeir out of Elohim City and though Strassmeir attempted to get into other groups, he couldn't find a home in any and eventually moved to Germany. After the fact, we now know that Carol Howe, who was Dennis Mahon's girlfriend at Elohim City. She was paid $125 a week to pass along bits of information to ATF handlers. She made reports from September 1994 through March 1995. She provided information about the ARA members at Elohim City and all about the plans for the bombing. She even knew the target date and told the ATF handlers all this information. The big question then is, "Who are 'the others unknown' to the Grand Jury investigating the Oklahoma bombing? She knew who they all were. Rev. Robert Millar, the founder of Elohim City denied even knowing McVeigh after the Oklahoma bombing event. Eventually, he died in May of 2001. Three other men suspected of being involved in the Oklahoma bombing, Guthrie, a man named Trentadue who possibly was thought to be John Doe #2 and an attorney connected with Trentadue were all individually, but similarly found hanging from bed sheets in their cells in jail. All were said to be suicides, except that Trentadue was obviously beaten to a pulp by 'himself' while hanging himself in Oklahoma City. When questioned about dying, Tim wasn't afraid of the execution and dying. He made sure that his body was not autopsied after the injection. He stated, "I am a patriot and my death will be revenged. What I have started will not die with me. I will die proudly for a cause far greater than any current US government can envision." Many people who have watched the execution are certain they saw Tim breathing 'after' he was pronounced dead. McVeigh himself, told his prison buddies that he knew that the CIA and other US agencies involved in covert missions had developed drugs to create the illusion of death in the human body and to disguise signs of life. Tim would be administered these drugs by his executioners, and once his body was released to his legal representative, a squad of medical personnel would revive him. He would then undergo reconstructive surgery, and be rewarded for his efforts and loyalty to those he served. See
page 192 of "Secrets
Worth Dying For" by David Paul Hammer and Jeffery William Paul.
Invictus |
McVeigh Put to Death Oklahoma City Bomber Says Nothing Prior to His Execution By Geraldine Sealey June 11 — Six years after committing the deadliest act of terrorism on U.S. soil, a silent, defiant Timothy McVeigh was executed today before hundreds of victims and family members, leaving only a written statement that concluded: "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul." With his eyes staring straight at the ceiling, McVeigh, 33, was pronounced dead at 7:14 a.m. local time in Terre Haute, Ind., said prison warden Harley Lappin. McVeigh chose not to make a final statement, but released a copy of the 1875 poem Invictus, in his handwriting. The convicted Oklahoma City bomber was the first federal prisoner executed since 1963. "It's over," said Janice Smith, whose brother Lanny Scroggins died in the bombing. "We don't have to continue with him anymore." In Washington, President Bush gave a brief statement marking McVeigh's death. "The victims of the Oklahoma City bombing have been given not vengeance, but justice, and one young man met the fate he chose for himself six years ago," he said. McVeigh's lawyer, Rob Nigh, said the execution may not ease people's wounds. "If killing Tim McVeigh does not bring peace or closure to them, I suggest to you that it is our fault," he said. "We have told them we would help heal their wounds in this way. We have taken it upon ourselves to promise to extract vengeance for them. We have made killing a part of the healing process." ‘We Are Ready’ For all the public attention surrounding the execution, the act itself was carried out clinically, methodically and with little fanfare. Shortly after 7 a.m., McVeigh boosted himself on the execution gurney and was strapped down by prison officials, the warden said. Wrapped tightly in a light gray sheet, McVeigh strained to look around the facility trying to make eye contact with the various witnesses to his execution, said reporters who watched him die. The execution began when a prison official said: "We are ready." When the chemicals began dripping through the yellow and gray intravenous tubing into his right leg around 7:10 a.m., McVeigh's skin and lips became pale. Minutes later, witnesses said McVeigh made a few spasm-like movements. As he took his final breaths, he made no additional movement and was described by one media witness as "seeming proud." Just a few moments later, he was pronounced dead. Along with four witnesses for McVeigh — including two of his attorneys — 10 media witnesses and 10 victims' representatives who watched from behind glass in the execution facility, about 200 bombing survivors and victims' relatives watched McVeigh die on closed-circuit television in Oklahoma City. As he lay dying on the gurney, he stared up at the ceiling into the camera that relayed his image miles away to Oklahoma City, where some observers said he appeared to be "glaring" at them. Witnesses said he died with his eyes open, fixed on the ceiling. Attorney General John Ashcroft was in Oklahoma City to meet with victims and family members, but did not watch the execution. For one survivor, there was justice in watching McVeigh die over the closed-circuit broadcast, but no closure. "When I die and they lay me in my grave, I'll have closure," said Kathleen Treanor, whose daughter and in-laws died in the bombing. McVeigh's body was taken away from the execution facility for cremation, and his ashes will be spread in an undisclosed location. At McVeigh's request, no members of his family traveled to Terre Haute. Getting What He Wanted As prison officials quietly followed the letter of the federal prison protocol that detailed how McVeigh was to die, reporters and protesters gathered outside, swelling the usually quiet town of 60,000 residents. Members of the media have maneuvered around the expansive prison grounds on golf carts. Although the atmosphere might seem circus-like at a glance, prison officials have taken great steps to maintain order and dignity. They said the execution marks not just the end of one man's life, but recalls the deaths of the scores of others who perished in the 1995 bombing. If McVeigh was to be believed, he got exactly what he wanted. One retired federal marshal who guarded McVeigh for 18 months during his 1997 trial said he was not surprised about the Gulf War veteran's professional, soldier-like demeanor during his execution. "In my mind, I could almost see Tim McVeigh putting the restraints on the table himself," said Larry Homenick, a retired Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal. "When we would transport him, we had to use shackles and leg irons, and there were a number of times I was struck with [the observation that] he almost wanted to put them on himself. He just felt he was a part of that process, and he never resisted." McVeigh had legal challenges available to him that would have taken years, but he ordered his attorneys to withdraw the rest of his appeals last December. Since then, he has expressed no remorse for the bombing, and called the 19 children killed in the blast "collateral damage." He admitted in a book that he and Terry Nichols carried out the 1995 blast that killed 168 people with no one else's help. He did put up a final fight when the FBI disclosed just days before his first execution date, May 16, that it had failed to disclose thousands of pages of documents to his defense before his 1997 trial. Ashcroft delayed the execution, and McVeigh's lawyers petitioned for another delay. McVeigh surrendered to today's date with death after U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch and a federal appeals court in Denver rejected his requests. On April 19, 1995, just after 9 a.m., McVeigh set off a truck bomb outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City that killed 168, including 19 children. The Final Steps to Death McVeigh spent his final hours preparing himself and his attorneys for his execution in the windowless "death house." Three hours before he was scheduled to die, McVeigh met for the final time with the lawyers who tried to save his life. He also received a 30-minute briefing from the prison warden on the rigid procedures that took place leading up to the execution. McVeigh accepted the information "cordially," said prison spokesman Dan Dunne. He ate his last meal at 1 p.m. ET on Sunday — two pints of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Earlier that morning, McVeigh got his first glimpse of the moon in years as prison officials transferred him from his prison cell to the holding facility where he spent his last full day of life. Prison officials say he slept normally in his final two days, watching television and talking to his lawyers and the prison staff. Within hours of his execution, McVeigh was taken by prison officials from his holding cell in the execution facility to the death chamber. Once in the execution room, officials removed his restraints and strapped him to the table. The Curtain Opens While he was strapped to the gurney, prison officials said McVeigh received the Roman Catholic sacrament of the Anointment of the Sick, to forgive sins and prepare the sick for the passing over to eternal life. His lawyer, Nigh, said he also received last rites. Around 7 a.m. local time, the curtain was drawn back and the execution witnesses were able to see McVeigh. The warden read the execution order and the U.S. Marshal checked the phone lines to make sure last-minute reprieves had not been granted by President Bush or the Supreme Court — even though McVeigh was not expected to request clemency, and did not. With no last-minute reprieves, a prison official in another room not seen by the witnesses carried out the death sentence. Three chemicals were injected in this order: sodium pentothal, which causes sleep; pancuronium bromide, which stops respiration; and potassium chloride, which stops the heart. Once McVeigh was confirmed dead, the warden announced his time of death, and the drapes were closed. In an agreement between McVeigh's attorney and the coroner, no autopsy was to be conducted. |
McVeigh: The Manchurian Candidate Ruby Ridge Documents Destroyed Timothy McVeigh - The Execution of a Government Patsy Other Strange Unexplained Deaths The Missing Pickup Truck Found You Don't Have All the Evidence The reason for halting McVeigh's 'planned' May execution date was a
lawsuit filed by JANE GRAHAM, a 9th floor survivor of the Oklahoma City Murrah Building MULTIPLE EXPLOSIONS that occurred in the basement of the building where satchel type charges of possibly fulminated mercury or C-4 plastic explosive were attached to the columns themselves. As you will read in Jane Grahams sworn affidavit, she was a WITNESS to not only the pouring of wet concrete into the 24 or 25' craters in the basement of the building - AFTER the BOMBS went off, but was also a WITNESS to two individuals wearing GSA employee uniforms - who were NOT GSA employees - and whom she observed in the basement of the Murrah Federal Building at 8:15 AM - before the explosions - stringing wire. PART 2 of this REALITY CHECK URGENT ALERT message will reveal that because of certain individuals who we know were involved, and the fact that the ATF offices were vacated the night before on Tuesday, April 18th, this bombing was the work of a COVERT GROUP inside the Federal Government, with the full knowledge of Clinton and Ms. Reno. We will show that "Suspect #1", Timothy McVeigh, WAS (till that evidence was destroyed) a part of that team, employed as a government asset and made the rounds of patriot organizations. We allege that had he not been stopped by the Oklahoma State Police on a traffic violation of 'no license plate', he and his partner, "John Doe #2" would have been, as we say in intelligence circles, "double cut-outs," that is, killed as was Lee Harvey Oswald, to silence them. John Doe numbers' 1,2 and even 3 are quite real. McVeigh Was at LEAST a quarter mile away when the explosives where being set (a military/government bomb developed in the labs at Palo Alto, Calif., by Government scientists), by Andres Straussmeier, an undercover ATF agent now living in Dublin, and two of the "dark, swarthy" individuals, Afagian terriorists, described by at least 12 witnesses.
Secret Pentagon Report on Oklahoma City Bombing