Disclaimer: I am not a
doctor and this information is not for diagnosis or for self-healing.
If you have a medical or mental disorder, please see your doctor.
compiled by Dee Finney
Abalone is a shell from the family that includes clams, scallops, and others.
Abalone is purported to be especially useful for handling and calming emotional
situations, and be very soothing to the emotions. Having abalone nearby when
working through an emotional situation with someone is said to be beneficial,
and to promote cooperation. Abalone is reported by intuitive sources to
stimulates psychic development and intuition, and promotes imagination in a
healthy way. Abalone is associated with the first three chakras. Mystical Lore
and Folklore says that abalone is helpful for arthritis and other joint
disorders, muscle problems, the heart, and digestion.
with the 4th {heart} chakra. It a piece for cleaning, balancing and opening this chakra.- A good luck stone, especially in financial matters. Stimulates
creativity, intelligence and perception. A great healing stone, it gives a sense
of mental and emotional well-being.
This stone is Popular as a metaphysical stone it is held that
Aventurine has the ability to ground the spirit and bring balance to the
yin/yang - male and female energies. Its capacity to calm a troubled spirit or
mind and bring an inner peace. The strong green color of this crystal lends
itself to prosperity meditations. Use its strong tangible forces to better your
chances for job related help and assistance.
These attributes make it a good stone to use when
creative solutions are needed or critical decisions have to be made. It will
also assist in relating to others on an emotional level. It helps align
physical, emotional and auric bodies.
Aventurine is also known as Green Quartz, has very positive
energies and is known as a Stone of Prosperity. It has a
strong connection to the devic kingdom and is used to grid gardens
or houses against geopathic stress. Wearing Aventurine
absorbs electromagnetic smog and protects against environmental
pollution. This crystal defuses negative situations and turns them
It reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness. It
promotes compassion and empathy, and encourages perseverance. It
takes one back into the past to find sources of disease. This
stone relieves stammers and sever neuroses, bringing understanding
of what lies behind the conditions. It stabilizes one’s state of
mind, stimulates perception, and enhances creativity.
It helps one see alternatives and possibilities. This stone
brings together the intellectual and emotional bodies. It calms
anger and irritation. It stimulates emotional recovery and enables
living within one’s own heart.
This remarkable stone benefits the thymus gland, connective
tissue, and nervous system. It balances blood pressure and
stimulates metabolism, lowering cholesterol and preventing
arteriosclerosis and heart attacks. It has an anti-inflammatory
effect and helps ease skin eruptions and allergies. It relieves
migraine headaches and soothes the eyes. Aventurine heals
the adrenals, lungs, sinuses, heart, and muscular and uro-genital
Many people use these stones to put in their Medicine Bags
or Mojo Bags. They are also used for Meditation, can
be used for Feng Shui, and Reiki.
We are in no way recommending that these or any other stones
replace prescribed medications or the advise of a medical
professional. However, these stones are a wonderful addition or
supplement to your daily health regime and can benefit you
greatly, improving specific areas of your life.
SEE: Christmas -
Bracelets -
Necklaces Crystals
Aegirine: self-quest;
revitalizes the mind; increases the healing energy of other stones - Works with
the 1st (Root
Aegerine is a high energy stone that is often used for energizing. It protects
against psychic attacks and negative energy. Emotionally, it can be very helpful
for broken relationships, eliminating group pressure, and strengthening
self-acceptance. It builds self-esteem, self-sufficiency, and helps follow your
heart. Aegerine is associated with the root and solar plexus chakras. Mystical
and spiritual healing lore indicates that aegerine is excellent for the immune
system, making it great for general healing and helping the body heal itself.
African Mystic Quartz: cleansing; accelerates spiritual
growth; focuses healing energy - The Chakra it works on depends on the
Agate: discerns truth; accepts circumstances; powerful
emotional healer. The Chakra it works on depends on the color.
Agate - general protection and healing, increases
courage, self-confidence, and energy and promotes longevity. Also good for
gardening. Agate is good protective energy stone, especially
for children, and is very calming and soothing. It also can help strengthen the
body's connection to the earth. It can give courage, energy, strength, and
dispels fears, all of which increase self-confidence. It can also lessen
feelings of envy by grounding the emotions. It is a stone of harmony, and by
bringing the elements of one's being into harmony it greatly enhances healing.
Agate also enhances creativity and stimulates the intellect. Agate is considered
a stone that brings good luck. It works with chakras according to stone color.
Agate is said to help with issues of the teeth and gums.
Ajoite: activates and
energizes the heart chakra; aligns with the universal spirit - Works for any
Ajoite is a stone of peace and harmony. It can help release and overcome sorrow,
anger, fear, and heal old emotional wounds. Ajoite also helps connect to the
Higher Self and God/Universe/Goddess/All That Is. It is also excellent for
meditation. Ajoite can remove and release negative energies from the physical,
emotional, and etheric bodies. It acts as a stone of transformation, bringing
change and growth. Ajoite is related to and excellent for work with the throat
and heart chakras. Ajoite is agreat stone for spiritual healers and spiritual
seekers, and is said to be a very powerful healing booster.
Alexandrite - renewal and regeneration,
openness to higher self. Brings love, joy, and luck.
Enhances the rebirth of
inner and outer self; promotes awareness. Works with the 7th Chakra
Amazonite - helps clarify and improve thinking.
Amazonite: aligns
astral bodies; unity with life; enhances creative expression. Works with the
throat Chakra. (5th)
Amazonite is a variety of feldspar that was much
valued by the ancient Egyptians. It is thought to be one of the stones used in
the breastplate of the high priests. It has a high copper content making it a
god stone for general well being.
Considered a stone of clarity and balance it
helps promote a clear vision of harmful patterns and tendencies making them
easier to release, whilst increasing and attitude of self respect. Releases
blockages in neural passages including pinched nerves and spinal problems.
Amazonite is a mint green to aqua green stone of truth, honor, communication,
integrity and trust. It is said to enhance intuition, psychic powers,
creativity, intellect, and psychic ability. Amazonite is often associated with
the throat chakra, and as such, can be beneficial to communication. It aligns
the physical and astral bodies. It can lessen stress and self-defeating
behaviors by calming and building self-esteem. Amazonite can assist with
peacefully making the transition out of this life. Amazonite is said to heal
emotional disturbances and the after effects of emotional trauma. It is reputed
to have spiritual energy healing powers of preventive energy that's good for
one's health in general, decreasing heart problems, benefiting the muscles,
helping the nervous system, lessening tooth decay and osteoporosis.
Amber - healing, protection from negativity,
attractiveness and energy.
Amber: calming for
hyperactivity and stressed nerves; helps find humor and joy. Works with
the second chakra.
Amber gives a soothing, light energy that is both calming and energizing at the
same time. It can help manifest desires and heighten intellectual abilities,
clarity of thought, and wisdom. It is said to cleanse its environment by drawing
out negativity, and is said to relieve physical pain the same way. It brings the
energies of patience, protection, psychic shielding, romantic love, sensuality,
purification, balance, healing and calmness to those who wear or carry it. It is
considered a good luck charm for marriage. Amber is excellent for inner child
work and past life work. Amber is associated with the solar plexus chakra and
sometimes the sacral chakra. Mystical lore says that amber is beneficial for
purifying the body, headaches, bone problems, heart problems, circulation, ears,
hearing problems, endocrine system, fibromyalgia, intestinal/digestive
disorders, kidney, bladder, lungs, and general healing purposes.
Amethyst: encourages
inner peace; fights addictive behavior; transforms energy. Works with both
the 6th (third eye) & 7th (crown) Chakra
Amethyst - increases vivid dreams, relieves
depression, promotes calm, serenity, and spirituality. Helps with addiction and
stress. Amethyst
Amethyst has long been called the "sobriety stone." In ancient Rome, crushed
amethyst was added to wine cups to prevent drunkenness. It is said to assist
with healing alcoholism, compulsive behaviors, and addictions of all kinds.
Amethyst brings energies of stability, peace, calm, balance, courage and inner
strength. It has been used to protect against psychic attacks. On the spiritual
level, amethyst can help open to communication with angels, telepathy and other
psychic abilities. It is an excellent stone for meditation or dream work, past
life work, and can help you see your path. It has also been used to help ease
the pain of grief, and promote happiness. Amethyst is reputed to be beneficial
when dealing with legal problems, and money issues, which can lead to prosperity
and abundance. Amethyst is also used as protection for travelers. Physically
amethyst is said by spiritual healers and mystical lore to heal the withdrawal
symptoms of any sort of addiction, help with headaches, insomnia, arthritis,
pain relief, circulatory system issues, endocrine system problems, chronic
fatigue, fibromyalgia, immune system deficiencies, and general healing.
Amethyst, Chevron (also known as Banded
Amethyst) Chevron amethyst is associated with the third eye (brow)
or crown chakra.
Chevron amethyst combines the strengthening and enhancing qualities of quartz
with the stress relieving qualities of amethyst. Together these minerals create
the chevron amethyst, which enhances peace of mind, relaxation and
self-discovery. Chevron amethyst brings courage and inner strength. The stone
lessens any resistance to helping oneself, particularly as concerns
self-awareness. It also diminishes addictive tendencies and assists in recovery
from addictions.
SEE: Bracelets -
Necklaces -
Ametrine: dispels
negativity; aids decision-making and meditation; relieves stress. Works with the
3rd , 6th & 7th Chakras.
Ametrine energies are said to stimulate the intellect and rid the aura of
negative energy. It is also said to be helpful for releasing negative emotional
programming. Ametrine aids in meditation, boosts psychic abilities, relieves
tension, disperses negativity and helps to eliminate prejudice. It also has the
basic properties of both the amethyst and the citrine that comprise it.
Ammolite is fossilized ammonite that has been compressed under great pressure
beneath the ground, which is what gives it its wonderful colors. Ammolite is
said to radiate positive Earth energy, and to bring good luck and prosperity. It
is also said to grant miracles. Ammolite is excellent as a tool for deep
meditation. Ammolite is also used mystically for general good health, stamina
and high energy.
Andalusite: stimulates
past memories; realignment and centering of self. Works on chakras 3, 4, 5
and 6.
Andalusite is associated with the solar plexus and
heart chakras.
Andalusite is
sometimes called "The Seeing Stone" because it is used in metaphysical works to
calmly see the various parts of one's character without bias. It is also used to
see the different sides of a problem, and is used for scrying. Andalusite is
said to enhance memory and recall. It is also said to bring chivalry. Andalusite
can bring moderation and balance. It is also a stone that is said to be helpful
for meditation and centering. Physically andalusite is used in crystal healing
and folk healing for AIDS, eye problems, deficiencies in calcium, oxygen,
iodine, and water retention.
Angel Aura Quartz (aka Opal Aura, Rainbow Aura, Pearl
Aura) Angel aura is associated primarily with the crown chakra.
Angel Aura Quartz is quartz that is permanently treated by fusing platinum
and/or silver crystals with heat and vacuum to give it its gorgeous angelic
coloring. Mystical lore counts It a stone of high spiritual energy. It is said
that it is very helpful to the aura which it can protect, balance, and bring
energetic health. In addition it has been said to assist in raising Kundalini
energy in a more gentle manner. It is used in meditation and can help one
meditate on finding the proper course of action in life. It is said to help with
angelic communication and communicating with Higher Self and inner wisdom. It is
used by mystics to help access Akashic records and past life recall. It is said
to bring peace and tranquility because of the angelic protection it brings.
Physically, mystical lore reputes that angel aura is helpful for general health,
vitality, and miraculous cure of illness.
Angelite (Blue Anhydrite)
Angelite: protects;
strengthens degenerate organs; excellent for creative people. Works on the4th
Angelite is a stone that can bring serenity, inner peace, and a sense of calm.
Angelite is excellent to use when you need to calm down from feelings of stress
and overwhelm. Angelite dispeals fear, anger, and encourages forgiveness.
Psychically angelite is used to conntect with spirit guides, the higher self,
and guardian angels. It is excellent for enhancing telepathy, psychic awareness,
astral travel, and spirit journeys. Angelite is also excellent for creating a
shield of psychic protection and for balancing etheric and physical energies.
Angelite can be used to aid expression and communication in group settings and
in relationships. Mystical lore says that angelite is used for infectious
diseases, headaches, hemoglobin deficiencies, throat inflammations and
infections, thymus, heart function, and circulatory system.
Angel Wing (Alunite) -Angel
Wing has been related to the heart chakra, although it is more commonly related
to the sacral and root chakras.
Angel Wing (Alunite) - Angel Wing is a stone that can help balance yin/yang,
physical and emotional energies as well as environmental energies, bringing
unbalanced or dysfunctional energies into harmony. Because of this, angel wing
has a stabilizing and grounding effect. For balancing energies in a room or
other space, simply place angel wing in a corner or other inconspicuous place.
It is also beneficial in the arts, heightening creativity while at the same time
grounding that creativity in current reality, thus bringing creative arts to
life. Angel Wing was used by Ancient Chinese and Egyptian cultures to reduce
body odor. Alunite is used in crystal healing for problems with eye-sight, body
odor, excessive thirst, and dehydration.
Apache Tear: grants
forgiveness; aids understanding in distress. Works with chakra 4 (hear).
The Legend of the Apache Tear is this:
One day a party of Apache Indians was ambushed by an enemy tribe. The Apaches
fought bravely but were greatly outnumbered and driven to the top of a high
bluff. Their arrows gone and unable to fight and unwilling to be taken captive,
they leapt from the cliffs to their death. Their women were understandably
grief-stricken and wept over the bodies. Their teardrops froze when they hit the
ground to become the lovely stones we know today as Apache Tears. It is said
that whomever owns one of these stones will never cry again, for the Apache
women shed enough tears already.
Apache Tears are said to especially relieve grief and sadness as well as
assisting in giving and accepting forgiveness. They can help release negative
emotions, and they also can balance one's emotional state. They are good luck
stones, said to bring good luck to anyone who has one. They are excellent
meditation tools, especially for clarifying issues and gaining insight. Apache
Tears are a gently grounding stone. In the physical realm, Apache Tears are
reputed to alleviate muscle spasms and eliminate toxins from the body.
Apatite - helps stuttering and hypertension. Rids
one of guilt and grief.
Apatite: good for communications; highly psychic; controls weight gain. Works
with the chakra of the color of the stone being used.
Apatite is a stone that mystically can stimulate the thoughts and ideas. It is
said to increase intellect, imagination, and intuitive awareness. As a
meditation or awareness tool It is said to help you maintain focus, learn,
concentrate effectively, think clearly, and communicate better. Apatite can be
used to enhance the energies of other crystals and stones. Having apatite near
you can bring harmony on all levels, and brings inner peace. Apatie is reputed
in mystical lore to physically apatite assist with nail problems, allergies,
arthritis, bones, muscles, nervous system. Apatite is primarily related to the
throat chakra.
Apophyllite: loving
attunement to body and spirit; stimulates intuition. Works with chakra 7
Apophyllite is an aid to meditation and helps make a conscious connection with
the spiritual world. It has been used to help in firewalking and astral travel.
It is said to one see the truth and then act on it, and is an energy stimulator.
Folklore says that It relieves tired eyes when placed on the eyelids. When
placed on the third eye chakra, it enhances clairvoyance and mystical vision.
Apophyllite is associated with the crown chakra.Aqua Aura (Aqua Aura Quartz)
Aqua aura is quartz that is gold infused by taking 12 hours to heat the quartz
to 1600F while setting a vacuum equal to 2 earth atmospheres, then letting
chemically purified gold vapors into the chamber when the temperature and vacuum
are correct. This bonds the gold to the lattice of the crystal, forming a
permanent bond to the surface of the quartz and giving it an electric blue
Aqua Aura is an outstanding tool for people wishing to increase their psychic
skills and awareness. Aqua Aura assists with meditation, telepathy, and psychic
healing by bringing more intense energy to the effort. Aqua Aura is particularly
helpful for distance spiritual energy healing because of its ability to send
energy. Aqua Aura can enhance communications of all kinds. It can also assist in
conscious awareness of one's own motivations and patterns. Aqua Aura is said to
attract success and prosperity, even possibly wealth. Aqua Aura is also used for
protection from psychic attacks. Physically Aqua Aura is reputed to help with
throat problems, stress-related illness, immune system deficiencies, and the
thymus gland.
- improves sight, sharpens the mind, calms and clarifies emotions.
Aquamarine: banishes
fears; calms nerves; imparts strength and control. Works with the 5th
(throat) chakra.
This gemstone comes from the Latin for sea
water and it is an apt name as it's energy feels fluid and flows easily. The
energy is compassionate.
Aquamarine is wonderful for aligning and balancing the Chakras and for
connecting the physical and ethereal bodies. It is particularly beneficial
in activating the Throat Chakra giving the courage to speak ones truth, the
serenity to do so in a balanced manner and the compassion to make doing so a
positive experience. It is for this reason that it is a popular metaphysical
It is known to be useful in the treatment of glandular ailments, to improve
vision and strengthen bones.Aquamarine is metaphysically known as
a stone of courage and fortitude. It is said to assist with quick
intellectual response. It gives peace, and shielding for the aura.
Aquamarine is reputed to assist with calming communication issues. Mystical
and folk lore states that it is attuned to the sea, and protects travelers
on water, and sailors. Aquamarine is associated with the throat chakra.
Aragonite - grounding and centering, facing truth
and reality. Aragonite:
calms and centers; allows for insight; aids self-discipline.
Works with the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chakras.
Aragonite increases energy, in particular it increases the energy of prayers and
magick charms. Metaphysically is it said to boost self-confidence and feelings
of self-worth. Diminishes anger and relieving stress are other metaphysical .
Aragonite is professed by mystical lore to be beneficial for chronic fatigue,
hair loss.
Aventurine (Green) -
Aventurine: independence;
strong legs and joints; helps in career change. Works with the 4th (heart)
Aventurine is said to benefit one in all areas of creativity, and imagination,
as well as intellect and mental clarity. Lore says that it enhances prosperity
and brings career success. It is a gentle stone energetically that gives a sense
of calm and balance and enhances happiness. It also helps one to see
alternatives and potentials in all situations, giving a positive outlook,
courage and inner strength. It is also said to bring luck, especially in games
of chance. Green aventurine is also a mystical stone of prosperity. Aventurine
bring friendship to one's life. It is also a stone of protection energies.
Folklore and metaphysical lore say that physically it is beneficial for blood,
circulatory system, headaches, general health, and sleep disorders.
SEE: Bracelets -
Christmas -
Aventurine, Peach -
aventurine gently increases the energy of the sacral chakra.
It helps with
decision making and can boost creativity. Physically it is beneficial for the
lungs, heart, adrenal glands and urogenital system.
Azeztulite - Azeztulite is related primarily with the
crown and soulstar chakras.
Azeztulite is a
stone with a very high energy vibration that is said to be from the Angelic
realm. It is an ascenscion stone that is used in psychic and mystical work to
raise one's vibration. Although Azeztulite is a type of quartz, it has much
higher energy than regular quartzes. Azeztulite is used in meditation to expand
and raise consciousness and bring great Light energy to the meditation. This
stone is also used by metaphysicians to help project positive energy to benefit
self and other. Azeztulite is also used on the third-eye to assist in
clairvoyant viewing of the future. This stone demonstrates no negative or
neutral energy, but is truly positive in energy and never needs cleansing or
reenergizing. Crystal healers consider azeztulite energies to remove energetic
blocks and snarls, allowing full flow of energy and healing dis-ease of all
types. Crystal healers also use azeztulite to assist in rapid but comfortable
cellular regeneration and rejuvenation.
Azurite - increases psychic ability and aids in
meditation. Relieves arthritis and joint pain.
Azurite: guidance to
psychic self; cuts through illusion; enhances communication. Works with the 6th
(third eye) chakra.
It will also work to align all of the chakras.
Azurite is called the "stone of heaven." It aids in developing psychic
awareness, psychic skills and abilities, enhances intuition, and is said to
guide you to be accurate in depicting psychic experiences. It is also an
excellent stone for meditation, allowing you to enter a meditative state easily.
It can enhance prophesy and divination. Azurite is said to help control energy
flow and bring just the right amount of energy to any situation. Physically,
azurite is professed by folklore to be helpful for healing in general, cancer
prevension, liver issues arthritis, joint problems, depression, sinuses, skin
problems. Azurite is most closely related to the third eye chakra, and can
balance, stimulate, and empower it.
initiates transformation; aids clarity and understanding in vision. Works with
the 6th (third eye) chakra.
Barite: loyalty;
harmony; aids intuition and relationships; motivates to follow dreams.
Works with the 5th (throat) chakra.
Bixbite (Red Beryl) -Bixbite is related to the heart and sacral chakras.
Bixbite, red beryl, is known metaphysically as a stone of soothing and healing.
It is used by intuitives and mystics to bring harmony to relationships and
enhance compatibility. It is also said to be helpful to heal griefs and
depressions. Bixbite is also used to strengthen creativity energy. Physically,
intuitive sources say that bixbite is good for healing problems with the
physical heart, liver, lungs, mouth, throat, stomach, physical energy level, and
digestive system.
Black - strong protection from negative energies. Reduces
fears, obsessions, neurosis, and panic with a calm rootedness.
Black Onyx
Black Onyx-Root/Base
Green Onyx-Heart Chakra
Yellow Onyx -Solar
Plexus Chakra
Blue Onyx-Throat Chakra
Use Onyx for treating glaucoma, epilepsy, hearing problems, heart
trouble, ulcers and cell damage. lAlso recommended for athletes, who
should wear it on a necklace that reaches the Solar Plexus to increase
vigor, strength and stamina. It also works on the structural and epidermal
systems including bones and teeth, bone marrow and aching feet, and
soft-tissues fingernails, skin and hair.
Blackstone: See Black Jasper
Blizzard Stone:
protects the body's magnetic field (from computers, etc.). Works with the 1st
(root) chakra.
Bloodstone - healing, especially related to the
blood. Increases courage and charitability.
Bloodstone: prevents high
blood pressure; cleanser of body; aids decision-making. Works with the 1st
(root) chakra.
Bloodstone is a deep green stone with small red specks. The small red specks are
where the stone gets its name. They make the deep green stone appear to be
spotted with blood. Bloodstone is excellent for centering and grounding. It is
said to help with calming, particularly in survival situations. It brings
mystical energies of increasing adaptability and organization, and lessening
confusion and anxiety. It is said to be a a stone of courage, bringing mental,
physical and emotional renewal by releasing blockages. It is said to be
particularly good for helping emotional traumas and grief. It also enhances the
intellect. Bloodstone is mystically used to bring energy to one in many ways,
including bringing abundance and prosperity, as well as smoothing the way with
legal issues. It is associated with the base, sacral, solar plexus and heart
chakras. Bloodstone is said by intuitive sources to be helpful in treating
anemia and other diseases of the blood, blood pressure, cardiovascular system,
endocrine system, kidney, bladder, physical strength issues, physical traumas,
and post-surgical issues.
Blue - helpful with verbal, speech, and throat problems.
Mental peace and patience.
Blue Calcite
Blue calcite is a calming and soothing stone. It amplifies
energies, particularly in the areas of communications and thought. In the
physical realm, blue calcite is used for the throat, lungs, tonsillitis,
thyroid, joints, arthritis, and high blood pressure.
Blue Chalcedony
Blue chalcedony is a stone with a gentle energy that feels kind of dreamy. It
fosters balance between mind, body and spirit. It is a stone of calm and peace
that reduces or negates hostility, anger, and irritation. Blue chalcedony
soothes and fosters mental and emotional stability and can engender emotional
honesty. It also encourages and eases communication, particularly what would
otherwise be emotionally charged communication. Blue chalcedony is excellent for
the psychic work and skills of clairvoyance, intuition, and energy healing. It
also helps reduce or eliminate bad dreams by getting rid of the influences that
cause them. Blue chalcedony has a very protective property, which is evidenced
in both the physical and emotional realms, and it is used often for protection
from the evil eye and protection from evil, particularly evil magic. Physically,
blue chalcedony has been used for the eyes, open sores rapid healing, alzheimers,
lactation, blood, circulation, bones, spleen, and gall bladder.
Blue-lace Agate:
expands consciousness; soothing; wise; aids public speaking. Works with
the 5th (throat) chakra.
The beautiful soft blue color of this stone
speaks of its properties to harmonize the spirit and re-stimulate cellular
memory. It is also a wonderful stone to for chakra work.
Blue lace agate is a gentle, calming stone that engenders tranquility. It
assists in flight, grace, reaching higher Spiritual planes, communicating with
angels and activates the throat chakra. It can ease the harsh edge off
communication in difficult times, enhance public speaking, and smooth
discussions. It is an inspiring stone that can assist in inner attunement, and
has been used to perform miracles. As with all agates, it is a protective stone.
It is said to be a stone that greatly aids in
tissue regeneration and assists the endocrine system to function optimally.
Physically it has been used to aid with arthritis, headaches,
digestive issues, growth, and bones. Blue lace agate is related to the element
of Air.
Blue lace agate is a gentle, calming stone that engenders tranquility. It
assists in flight, grace, reaching higher Spiritual planes, communicating with
angels and activates the throat chakra. It can ease the harsh edge off
communication in difficult times, enhance public speaking, and smooth
discussions. It is an inspiring stone that can assist in inner attunement, and
has been used to perform miracles. As with all agates, it is a protective stone.
Physically it has been used to aid with arthritis, headaches, digestive issues,
growth, and bones. Blue lace agate is related to the element of Air.
Blue Peruvian Opal (Blue Andean Opal)
Blue Peruvian opal is associated primarily with the throat chakra.
Blue Peruvian (Andean)
Opal is mystically known as a stone of courage and ingenuity. It is said to
improve self-esteem and self-love. It is also said to be an aid to creativity
and communication of all types. It is reputed to help one find a confidant.
Peruvian blue opal is also said to help with stress reduction, fatigue, and
weight loss. Crytal healing lore reputes that Peruvian (Andean) blue opal is
physically healing for fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, metabolic balance
issues, iron absorption, dizziness, and brain disorders.
Blue Quartz (aka Dumortierite Quartz)
Blue quartz, sometimes called dumortierite or dumortierite quartz, enhances
organizational abilities, self-discipline and orderliness. This enhancement is
believed to be due to the effect it can have of balancing the throat chakra and
enhancing communication between lower chakras/physical energy and the higher
chakras/mental/spiritual energy. It highly reduces difficulties of scattered
mind and disorganization. In addition, it encourages one to see and accept
reality, and react to it in an intelligent manner in one's own behalf.
Blue Tigers Eye (aka Hawk's Eye)
Blue Tigers Eye, which is also known as Hawks Eye, enhances integrity of
communication and practical communication. It can help find courage to recognize
thoughts and ideas, and the willpower to carry them into the physical realm.
Blue tigers eye can be used for protection, especially of the upper chakras. It
is also said to bring good luck to one who wears or carries it. Blue tigers eye
is associated primarily with the throat chakra.
Boji Stones - See Kansas Pop
Botswana Agate
Botswana agate is sometimes called the "change stone" because of its property of
helping one handle change in a positive way. It gently helps one make
transitions of any kind in a way that change is not as difficult or painful as
could be without it; it is a comforting stone. Carrying a bit of Botswana agate
in your pocket can help one cope easily with the minor changes that life throws
at us daily. Relief from depression and/or grief is another property of Botswana
agate. It helps focus on solutions instead of problems, and thereby increases
creativity. It increases the power of one's intuition. Botswana agate is helpful
in overcoming addictions and other self-destructive compulsive behavior
patterns, as well as dealing with repressed emotional issues. As a success
stone, it helps one achieve and cope with success. It is also a stone of
sensuality. It is beneficial to the nervous system and can help rid the body of
toxins, as well as help in the healing of broken bones.
Brazilianite: trust
in self; refreshes pre-birth memories; gently clears blockages. Works with
any chakra.
Brecciated Jasper -It
is also a good stone for grounding oneself and is associated with the root
Brecciated Jasper (sometimes spelled brecceated jasper or bracciated jasper) has
the qualities of enhancing organizational abilities, relaxation, and a sense of
wholeness. It is occasionally used to assist when dowsing. It aligns the chakras
and balances the yin-yang, physical, and emotional. It is a stone of protection,
and is used in particular for protection during astral travel. Brecciated jasper
encourages attunement and communication with animals and can help with animal
allergies, plus other allergies. It brings happiness and a good outlook on life
and eases stress. Brecciated jasper can help increase physical endurance and
ward off dehydration.
Bronzite is called both a
"Stone of Focused Action" and a "Stone of Courtesy". It is helpful for helping
with certainty and with taking control of our actions. It can also help one to
think ahead about things, enhancing the ability to take control of our own
lives. In this, because bronzite helps dispel uncertainty, it can help us also
take necessary actions for our own benefit, while still being loving and polite
and principled in our behavior. Bronzite is a good grounding stone also. It is
excellent for these same reasons to promote change in a harmonious way.
Physically, Bronzite is used in crystal healing for ailments related to the
solar plexus chakra, assimilation of iron, lessening muscular tension,
dispelling restlessness caused by emotional and psycho-physical ailments.
Bustamite is best
known for its energetic ability to remove and clear energy blockages. It is a
very powerful stone for all types of energy work because of this. It can remove
an energy block from a person, a particular chakra, an environment, or a
situation. It is also excellent for meditation and can help one go deeper into
meditation than previously possible. It is also great for dreamwork and can help
communicate with angels. Bustamite is used often in ceremonies and initiations.
Emotionally, bustamite helps one feel safe, which can lead to many different
kinds of emotional healing, including removing anxiety and stress. Physically,
bustamite has been used to heal and improve circulation, lungs, skin, nails,
hair, and stress related disorders.
Calcite: aids memory;
balances the mental and the emotional. The color of the stone will
determine which chakra it works with.
Calcite is an excellent stone for clearing and
cleansing and for use as an energy amplifier. It is used as
a healing stone for the kidneys and to assist with the assimilation of calcium
into the body. A very useful metaphysical stone.
Calcite increases and amplifies energy. It can also be helpful in astral travel
and in channeling, as well as with increasing intuition. All calcites are
helpful in lessening of fear and reducing stress. Calcite is a protecting,
purifying, grounding and centering stone, and can help bring inner peace. It
also increases creativity, imagination, and prosperity. Calcite is also a stone
of spirituality, wisdom and reconciliation. Calcite of different colors is great
for using to open and balance the various chakras. Physically, calcites can heal
back pain, increase physical strength, heal teeth, and are generally good for
healing. Green calcites helps overcome addictions, heal joints, bones, kidney,
bladder, and the endocrine system, relieve pain. Green calcite also helps with
manifestation, abundance, and intuition. Blue calcite is particularly good for
channeling and increasing energy. Yellow calcite is also particularly good for
Shamanic work, meditation, channeling, intuition, and amplifying energy. Orange
calcite reduces chronic fatigue, and increases psychic abilities. Red calcite
brings courage and inner strength and energy to handle survival situations, and
benefits sensuality/sexuality. Honey calcite is also very good for increasing
energy. Optical calcite is beneficial for headaches. Pink calcite (manganocalcite)
is a stone of love and amplifies Reiki and other universal life force energies.
Calcite, Pink Magnesium (Pink Manganocalcite)
Pink Manganocalcite (Pink Magnesium Calcite) is sometimes called the "Reiki
Stone". It has a gentle but powerful energy, and is an excellent complement to
energy healing modalities such as Reiki and Seichim because of its excellent
properties of energy magnification. It is a calming stone, that eases and heals
the heart chakra. It fills the heart with universal love and self-love. It
offers hope for the best. It heals inner child hurts and past abuse by filling
one with a sense of motherly love. It is also excellent for channeling and
astral travel, and for studying and retaining information learned. Physically,
pink manganocalcite is beneficial for general health and healing, bones, joints,
and physical heart issues.
Candle quartz: aids
in accessing ancient knowledge and putting it to use. Works with all
Carnelian - general healing stone. Restores the
natural energy flows of your body.
Carnelian: releases
sorrow, envy, fear, apathy and rage; past-life work. Works with the 2nd
Carnelian is an agate class of chalcedony that is a stone of creativity,
individuality and courage. Like all agates, it has protection energies. It can
aid memory, including recall of past lives. It can assist one in finding the
right mate. It is also a stone of protection in general and from anger, jealousy
and fear. In addition it can help with manifestation of one's desires, and
brings good luck. Carnelian can help ease or remove sorrows. It also helps
stabilize energies in the home. It is sometimes called the "actor's stone".
Carnelian is associated with the root and sacral chakras. Physically, carnelian
has been used to heal open sores, rejuvenate tissues and cells, rheumatism,
kidney stones and other kidney problems, gall stones, colds, pollen allergies,
and neuralgia.
See: Loose Beads
Carribbean Blue Chalcedony
Carribbean blue chalcedony is a stone related to the element of water. Although
it is dyed to give it such a bright blue color, the coloring fits is basic
"watery" nature. Carribbean blue chalcedony is very helpful in the emotional
realm. It can calm anxieties and stress, and bring emotional healing in times of
grief. It also assists with communication, particularly communications that are
involved in emotional things. Physically, according to crystal healing and folk
lore, Carribbean blue chalcedony can be used to heal menstrual cramps, PMS
symptoms, and knee problems.
Cat's Eye (Natural, Chrysoberyl)
Natural Cat's Eye(chrysoberyl) is a stone of good fortune and good luck. It is
said to bring serenity and happiness, along with optimism and generosity. It is
used in emotional crystal healing to bring forgiveness, balanced emtions, and
self-esteem. Cat's eye can enhance creativity and kindness. It is also a stone
of protection. Physically, cat's eye is used in crystal healing for kidneys,
pancreas, liver, lymph nodes, spleen, and leukemia issues.
Catlinite - Catlinite is related primarily to the root (base) chakra.
Catlinite, also called pipestone, is traditionally used as a Native American
ceremony stone, for making pipes and other totems. Catlinite has the quality of
connecting the spiritual and the physical. It can be used to ground prayer and
ritual into the physical, everyday life. It is also a very protective stone.
Catlinite is also used for communication with spirits and the ancestors.
Cavansite -Cavansite is related primarily to the throat and third eye
Cavansite is a stone that
aids in many psychic areas. It can stimulate intuition greatly, heightens
psychic awareness, stimulates the third eye, and enhances channeling abilities.
It is especially helpful in psychic healing and protects the healer during
psychic healing sessions. Emotionally, cavansite helps get rid of negative
thoughts and beliefs, and inspires new ideas. It helps see what part of life
need attention. It also helps one relax. Physically cavansite is helpful for
sore throats, general healing, and diseases which it helps eliminate and keep
from returning.
Celestite: aids clear
speech and personal expression; highly spiritual. Works with the 5th
(throat) and 7th (crown) chakras.
Celestite is said to be an angelic stone. It can connect you to all aspects of
the angelic realm, and to angels themselves. It is said that celestite was given
powers by angels to raise consciousness, and to bring guidance from the angels.
Emotionally, celestite is excellent for emotional protection and to end worry,
fear, and anxiety. In this way it decreases negativity. Celestite is a great
tool for meditation, as it help focus on that other than of this world and block
out distracting "noise". Celestite purifies the aura, and perfects the chakras.
It is a stone that brings balance, especially to thought processes and
communication. Psychically, celestite is an excellent tool for astral travel. In
the physical realm, celestite is used for healing eye problems, mental
disorders, cellular order, eliminating toxins, digestive problems.
Chalcedony: expression of
emotional needs; honesty; alleviates regret. Works with the 2nd chakra.
Chalcedony is a variety of quartz that stimulates
optimism and goodwill whilst relieving hostility and touchiness.
It is used to bring tranquility and promote mental stability and to
assist in analyzing information
Charoite: accelerates
spiritual growth; enhances self-esteem and ability to love. Works with the 6th
(third-eye) chakra.
Charoite is called a "Stone of
Transformation" and is a stone of power. In particular it transforms negative
emotions such as anger and fear into positive feelings. As part of the
transformation process it allows release of those negative emotions. Charoite is
also a stone of inspiration, bringing enhanced creativity, spiritual growth, and
showing new possibilities even in old situations. This is a stone that allows us
to see clearly which brings with it enhanced self-esteem and helps release one
from victimization. Charoite can enhance or bring courage, inner strength, and
appropriate assertiveness. In the psychic realm, chaorite is used for entity
release or rescue work, clairvoyance, and prophesy. Physically, chaorite is
helpful for speeding up healing of all kinds, headaches, liver problems, alcohol
detoxification, cramps, heart problems, eye problems, and nerves.
Chevron Amethyst -
Chevron amethyst is associated with the third eye (brow) or
crown chakra.
Chevron amethyst combines the strengthening and enhancing qualities of quartz
with the stress relieving qualities of amethyst. Together these minerals create
the chevron amethyst, which enhances peace of mind, relaxation and
self-discovery. Chevron amethyst brings courage and inner strength. The stone
lessens any resistance to helping oneself, particularly as concerns
self-awareness. It also diminishes addictive tendencies and assists in recovery
from addictions.
Chiastolite -
Chiastolite is associated with the sacral and root
Chiastolite is a variety of andalusite, also knows as the "Cross Stone" because
of its cross pattern of different colors that occurrs naturally. Chiastolite is
a stone of balance and harmony. It can help with mental / emotional balance,
stability, enhancing problem solving, adapting to change, memory, and ability to
see all sides of a problem. Chiastolite can enhance spiritual awareness and
harmony, as well as practical creativity. By practical creativity I mean being
able to creatively think of new or different solutions to problems or issues.
Psychically, chiastolite can be used to empower and enhance astral travel. In
the physical realm, chiastolite is used for healing rheumatism, blood disorders,
veins, blood circulation, balance of blood pressure (high or low), lactation
(breast milk) and rheumatism.
Chlorite is
considered one of the most powerful healing stones. It cleanses and purifies the
aura, chakras and other energy centers. It can remove negative energy of all
kinds, including anger, hostility, illness, and others. Creatively, they promote
a state of inspiration. Chlorite is also used to remove unwanted energy
implants, healing the void left after the implants are removed. The energy that
chlorite brings to healing and the environment are extraordinarily positive.
Physically, chlorite is excellent for all healing as noted above, and is used to
eliminate toxins from the body.
communication; female energy; creativity; relieves ulcers and arthritis. Works
with the 4th (heart), 5th (throat), and 6th (third-eye) chakras. It can also be
used for the 3rd (solar plexus) chakra.
Chrysocolla - soothes nervous tension.
Chrysacolla (Chrysocolla) is a stone of harmony,
both on a universal level and a very specific level. It can be used to purify a
place or remove negativity from a person. It is a very gentle stone and its
energy works in a gentle, harmonious way. It can help ease fear, anxiety, and
guilt. It is also used to communicate with the spiritual forces of the Earth.
Physically, it is good for treating asthma, emphysema, TB, pneumonia, muscle
cramps, spasms, arthritis, headaches, particularly tension headaches, and is
used for protection during pregnancy and childbirth.
prevents depression; increases grace and equilibrium; balances energy. Works
with the 4th (heart) chakra. It also activates, opens, energizes, and aligns all
the chakras.
Chrysoprase - soothes heartache and helps
depression, promotes emotional balance, wisdom, and peace.
is powerful stone. It brings good fortune and prosperity, as well as business
success. It facilitates self-expression and courage and the ability to use them
wisely. It can bring happiness, which is partly because it helps its wearer get
rid of negative thoughts and irritability. It also enhances and strengthens
friendships. Chrysoprase is a stone of balance that equalize yin/yang energies
and allows deep meditation. It can mend broken hearts and remove inferiority or
superiority complexes. It is a powerful healing stone that aids failing eyesight
or other eye problems, immune system response, fertility issues, gout, mental
illness, relieves fevers and excess body heat, and can help guard against
sexually transmitted diseases.
cleans auras; detoxifies the body; aids tissue regeneration. Works with
the 2nd and 3rd chakas.
Citrine - helps digestion and aids in mental and
intellectual functions. Increases self-esteem and energy. Balances and
dissipates negative energy.
This is a wonderful yellow colored quartz stone,
full of positive energy warmth and joy, This stone to encourages
the flow of abundance in life. Citrine's golden, amber color is caused by heat
interacting with amethyst in the depths of the Earth.
Citrine is known as a "success" stone because it is said in folklore to promote
success and abundance, especially in business and commerce. Its lore also says
that it enhances mental clarity, confidence, happiness and will power. Citrine
is purported to bring good fortune, sometimes in very unexpected ways. Citrine
is also a good general protection stone according to crystal healing lore. It is
said to alleviate depression and self-doubt, and diminish irrational mood swings
due to the effect of mental clarity it has. In traditional folklore and crystal
healing lore it is said to aid the digestion and eliminate nightmares that
disturb one's sleep.
Copal: Copal is of particular importance among
the Mesoamerican, particularly the Aztec. Copal purifies and protects
and is offered to the souls of deceased during "Day of the Dead"
Rituals are performed to please the Gods and obtain help with hunting,
fishing, the harvest, and anything else affecting the community.
Copal is placed on burning charcoal, which produces a thick, sweet
smoke. It is regularly burned for protection, cleansing and purification
ceremonies. Copal is burned in a home after a quarrel to bring peace.
Note: This is pure/natural Copal Tears - It is commonly used as a ritual
tool and topical healer and in dentistry without any negative side
effects. It is also burned on
Charcoal Tablets as incense.
As with any herb (health) issue, it is advised that your physician be
made aware of your intention of using it.
Form & Size: Pure, Dried, Resin,
Organic, This herb will come to you labeled, and in a traditional,
High Quality Glass Herbal-Ware, which is great to have whether you're
putting together a Medicinal, or Witch's Cupboard of herbs.
Copper: soothes arthritis;
releases restrictions; stimulates initiative and optimism. Works with all
Copper is considered a mineral of energy and mental agility. In legend, copper
is said to be the metal of the God Hermes, who facilitates that mental agility,
and quick wit. Copper is an excellent conductor of energy, from electricity to
the mystical subtle energies emanating from higher planes, etc. Thus, copper is
said to enhance and transmit thoughts, even over long distances. Physically,
copper is used in traditional folk remedy and crystal healing lore to bring in
additional energies for all types of healing, treatment of arthritis, relieving
pain of broken bones, sexual instability, and low energy.
SEE: Copper
protection from evil; increases imagination; resolves conflicts. Works
with the corresponding color chakra to the coral color.
Coral - helps in childbirth and adoption. Wards off
bad thoughts from others and promotes general well-being.
Coral is a stone of organic origin. Coral can be used to reconnect with nature
and its variety of wonders. Coral also attracts love and prosperity,
particularly red coral, which is a stone of passion. Creativity and optimism are
also qualities that coral brings out. Emotionally, coral brings inner peace,
strength, and understanding of purpose. Physically coral is used for general
healing, blood and circulatory system issues, kidney, bladder, epilepsy, bone
and bone marrow, eye problems, and the respiratory system.
See: - Bracelets -
Turquoise/Coral -
Covellite - Covellite is related to the
third eye chakra.
Covellite is
high energy stone that is excellent for psychic and intuitive work of many
kinds. It can enhance intuitive and psychic abilities, and is a very good
meditation stone. It strengthens the connection to the higher self. It can also
help open to past life recall and ancient Atlantean and other knowledes. It is
also used in rebirthing. Mentally it is useful in finding and seeing solutions
to problems and ways to accomplish goals. Emotionally it relieves despondency,
depression, and anxiety. Physically covellite has been known to be helpful with
problems with the ears, nose, mouth, and sinuses.
Crazy Lace Agate
Lace Agate is a balancing and protecting stone. It brings laughter and absorbs
emotional pain. Crazy Lace Agate is used to help with decision making by
balancing the physical, emotional, and mental so that it is easy to make
decisions. It also helps one stay focused. It is generally a protective stone,
but is particularly emotionally protective. It is also said to ward off the
"evil eye." Physically, crazy lace agate is excellent for increasing stamina and
energy, and is good for skin disorders such as acne, excema, etc., is beneficial
for the endocrine system and the heart.
Cuprite is a
mineral with high copper content. Metaphysical lore says that it is helpful for
reducing worries about things one has no control over, awareness, teaching, and
delivering spiritual messages. Cuprite is associated with kundalini energy as
well as opening the flow of the base (root) chakra, the solar plexus chakra, and
balancing the heart and base chakras. As a root chakra stone, it is considered
very grounding and stabilizing. It is associated in traditional and mystical
lore with will power, security, confidence, sexuality, mortality, and masculine
energy. Mystically it is used to recall and examine past life experiences. It
has been historically said to help heal one's relationship with their father.
Traditional folklore and crystal healing lore purport that cuprite is helpful
for healing problems with the thymus, heart, blood metabolism (especially
imbalances), muscle tissue, skeletal system, oxygenation of the blood, stamina,
kidneys, menstrual cramps, certigo, water retention, vitamin absorption,
addictions and alcoholism.
Dalmatian Jasper
Dalmation jasper is a stone that lessens or removes disillusionment. It helps
one to see their strengths and weaknesses, and encourages grounding both with
the Earth and in reality. Dalmatian Jasper increases loyalty and is beneficial
for long term relationships. It brings a sense of fun to one's life. Physically
it can help purify the blood. It is a stone of protection from nightmares,
depression, and negative thinking. It is also particularly beneficial for
healing people who have trouble relaxing and having fun.
Danburite: stimulates
intellect; enhances psychic ability and self-assuredness. Works with the 7th
(crown) chakra.
Danburite is
associated with the crown chakra and also can enhance the functionality of all
the chakras. Danburite amplifies the properties and effects of other stones. It
will open and release energy blockages, assisting healing on all levels. Thus it
is an excellent healing stone. Danburite is also helpful in strengthening
clarity and perceptiveness. It also lessens issues of self-pride as well as
diminishing blockages.
Diamond - manifests abundance. Used in conjunction,
it strengthens the properties of other stones. Diamond is a stone that bonds
relationships and enhances love. It brings longevity, particularly to
relationships, balance, clarity and abundance. It can amplify one's thoughts,
strengths, and weaknesses. It gives one who wears or carries it courage and
hope. Historically, crushed diamond has been used as a cure for many ailments.
Diamond is associated with the crown chakra.
Dichroic Glass
Dichoric glass was originally created for the space and laser industries, and
was developed extensively by NASA. The word dichroic means "two colors" because
of the two or more colors that the glass reflects and transmits. Dichroic glass
is said by many to have no metaphysical properties. However, as everything has
an energy vibration of some sort, which is what gives a material its
metaphysical properties. Additionally, the glass is made with metallic oxides
which would bring their properties to it. Intuition says that dichroic glass can
be helpful for seeing past illusions, communication with stellar beings,
bringing child-like joy into your life, and meditation. It can certainly be used
effectively as a focal point in meditation by staring into the layers of color
of the glass.
Black Star Diopside -
Diopside: brings
necessary tears; heals trauma; aids regression; scrying stone. (Works with the
corresponding chakra to the color of the stone.)
Star Diopside is a stone that is black-green to black. It is a very creative
stone and can bring creativity to the bearer. It can also help with analysis and
logic as an assistant to learning. It is also said to be related to love,
commitment, and the inner heart. It is traditionally said to be helpful for
healing trauma, partly by bringing cleansing tears. Sometimes it's even called
the "crying stone" because of this. It can help get in touch with the feminine
side, which can help heal aggression and stubbornness. Physically it's used to
heal the heart, lungs, circulation, weakness, and psychological disorders.
Dioptase: attracts love,
abundance, prosperity and health. Works with the 4th (heart) chakra.
Dioptase is a
stone of healing that has a refreshing energy. It can help heal in many ways
emotionally, including helping get one started clearing one's issues, and
releasing negative emotions. It promotes healing from abuse, neglect, sadness,
and despair. It is called a stone of "Living in the Moment" because it helps one
overcome these hurtful past energies and find the joy of the current moment,
bring calm, confidence, and self-worth. Spiritually, dioptase is good for
alignment and attunement with the spiritual energies of your choice. Physically,
dioptase is helpful for heart burn, physical heart problems, meniere's disease,
and deep healing in general. Dioptase is related to the heart chakra.
Dioptase with
Dolomite: reduces body aches, stress, and sorrow; helps growth of muscles,
hair, nails, etc. Works with the 4th (heart) chakra.
Dolomite is a gentle stone that encourages charitable actions, generosity and
giving of all kinds, as well as receiving. It also encourages energetic
thinking, original thinking, spontaneity, creativity, and manifestation. It can
help develop stamina for dealing with hyperactive people. It is also used to
stop energy leaks from the chakras, and to balance and align the chakras. It
stabilizes both human and mineral energies, and when placed strategically in a
home with other minerals they balance the energetic atmosphere. It is a
particularly good stone for relieving sorrow, and soothing hurt, loneliness and
anxiety. Sometimes it is called the "herb" of rocks. In the physical realm it is
also beneficial for strengthening bones, teeth, muscles, and the female
reproductive system. It reduces the effects of PMS. Pink dolomite is also
particularly good for insomnia.
Dravite: a
protective stone that brings the peace of the earth to the higher self. Works
with the root chakra.
Dumortierite (Blue Quartz)
Dumortierite (blue quartz) enhances organizational abilities, self-discipline
and orderliness. This enhancement is believed to be due to the effect it can
have of balancing the throat chakra and enhancing communication between lower
chakras/physical energy and the higher chakras/mental/spiritual energy. It
highly reduces difficulties of scattered mind and disorganization. In addition,
it encourages one to see and accept reality, and react to it in an intelligent
manner in one's own behalf.
Emerald: secures love;
attracts wealth and profitable dreaming. Works with the 4th (heart) chakra.
Emerald - a mind stone. Enhances memory, promotes
clear and quick thinking, and right action stemming from right thought. Emerald
is a stone of love and romance. It brings and enhances joy, cleansing,
clairvoyance, memory, and faith. It also benefits intuition and communication,
and promotes truthfulness. Emerald is associated with the heart chakra.
Epidote is a stone of increase. Epidote has a tendency to increase anything it
touches, whether the thing it touches is energy or a material object. It is a
stone that enhances emotional and spiritual growth. It cleanses repressed
emotions once and for all. It opens the way for those who have denied spiritual
growth, and those drawn to epidote are being rocked forcefully into spiritual
awakening. Epidote also clears the emotional body aura. It stimulates
perception, participation and interaction as well as personal power. It also
dispels critcalness and closedmindedness. Epidote is also said to promote
patience. In the physical realm, it is used to stimulate the immune system, aid
digestion, support all healing, and stop panic attacks.
Euclase -Euclase stimulates the crown, throat, and heart chakras.
Euclase is called
the happiness stone. It increases happiness by stimulating activity ruled by the
heart and intuition. The energy of euclase is like a moving river in the way it
cleanses blockages from the etheric body. Euclase helps one reach for goals and
attain the ultimate in any area. It awakens creativity, and the forces of
creativity and manifestation. It is also a wonderful crystal for improving
communication skills.
Eudialyte is considered a
personal power stone that increases and revitalizes one's personal power.
Psychically, eudialyte helps with clairaudience, manifestation, and psychic
resonance and abilities, and is a psychically protective stone. It is sometimes
considered a "fine tuner". Eudialyte is also a stone of the heart, bringing
harmony of heart matters, and dispelling jealousy. As eudialyte combines pink
and red, it also brings the root and heart chakras into alignment, as well as
activating the heart chakra. Emotionally it is helpful for learning to trust
oneself and others, and eases compulsive behavior and thinking. Physically,
eudialyte is good for healing the emotions, increasing vitality, eye problems,
pancreas, thyroid, and purifying the blood.
Faden Quartz
Faden crystals
(pronounced "FAH-den") is a rare formation of crystal in which there are
inclusions of one or more white thread-like fibrous line formations. The Faden
line is visible withint the crystal structure because it is surrounded by fluid
filled or gaseous chambers or is possibly missing a molecule of oxygen. Faden
crystals enhance connections of all types, including attunement between one and
another. They are good for astral travel and travel on alternate dimensions.
Fadens help with physical, mental and emotional stability.
assists past-life recall; shields the heart; increases life force; brotherhood.
Works with the 4th (heart) chakra.
Fairy Quartz
Fairy Quartz is a
fledgling Spirit Quartz, showing the milky white lazer wand point and a light
coating of smaller crystals growing on it. Fairy Quartz has a very soothing
energy, which brings peace and calm to those in its energy field, including the
groups, families, and individuals. This soothing energy is extremely beneficial
for emotional pain or illness. It also brings heightened energy even as it
calms. Fairy Quartz is great for meditation. Physically, Fairy Quartz is used
for detoxifying the body and tissues, removing pain, and overall healing.
Fire Agate
Fire agate is a stone of courage, protection, and strength. Mystical lore says
that it relieves fears, halts gossip and even reflects any threat of harm back
to the source. Fire agate can help with spiritual advancement and progression.
It promotes and enhances energy, including meditation, ritual, and spiritual
healing energies. It also balances masculine (active) and feminine (receptive)
energies. It is also said that it can take the edge off the emotional charge of
problems. Fire agate is often used in spells to increase skills in communication
in writing and speaking. It can also heighten creative visualization.
Metaphysical healing lore professes that fire agate enhances all healing
energies, and assists with healing of the circulatory system, lymph system,
aids comprehension; strengthens teeth and bones; stabilizing and calming.
Works with the corresponding chakra to the color of the stone.
Flourite (multicolor) - enhances spiritual energy
work, focuses the will and balances the psyche.
Fluorite promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development, truth,
protection, and brings peace. It protects psychically and in the physical realm.
It helps one meditate and learn to go past the "chatter" that our minds tend to
generate when first learning to meditate. It can help get rid of mental blocks
and similar mental issues. Physically it helps general health throughout the
body's main skeletal and muscular systems. All colors are also good for auric
cleansing. Mixed colors bring enhanced protection in the areas enhanced by all
combined types. Clear fluorite guards against psychic attack and strengthens
consciousness. Blue fluorite has the quality of protecting the emotions and
restoring emotional balance. Purple fluorite strengthens mystical insight,
psychic awareness, and can open the third eye. Green fluorite is an excellent
all purpose healing stone that promotes healing on all levels. It also promotes
Fossil: aids past-life
exploration; protection from spells. Works with all chakras.
Fossils can help
increase accomplishments in the area of business and add excellence to one's
environment. They also aid one in being open to change and new ideas.
Traditionally, fossils have been used to aid in curing diseases and ailments of
the skeletal system, bones, hands, and feet.
Fulgurites (Fulgerites)
Fulturies are natural glass, usually tubular, formed by lightning strikes in
sand or rock. Fulgurites are high energy formations do to the nature of their
birth. They are particularly noted for their ability to channel and direct
energy. Fulgurites have been used to communicate with aliens and entities, or
ascended beings in the spirit world. They are often used for clairaudience.
Fulgurites are also used to enhance communication in the physical world, and are
used as stones of leadership. Fulgurites are used by Native Americans to bring
rain (cloud-busting), and as charms for protection from lightning.
Weather-changing of any sort is not recommended, however, unless, as with the
Native Americans, one have an exceptionally good sense of the balance of Nature.
Physically, fulgurites are used in crystal healing and folklore in treatment of
the immune system, ear, nose, and throat ailments, sight, thymus, tumors,
growths, and colon.
Fuschite is
sometimes called the "stone of health" in part because it can help access
information on health. Fuschite can also help one bounce back after emotional or
physical problems. It can also help get information on daily routine, stress,
pets, and career. Fuschite also can bring friendliness, compassion, and
lightheartedness. It is said to speed deep healing by assisting with recovery
and immunity. It also increases energy transfer when multiple stones are used
for healing.
Gaia Stone -Gaia
Stone is primarily associated with the heart chakra, but can also be used to
harmonize all the chakras.
Gaia Stone is
green obsidian from volcanic ash of the eruption of Mt. St. Helen's, and
carries strong Earth energy, even the "soul of the Earth." Gaia Stone enhances
Goddess connection, connection with Earth and Earth devas. It also brings
prosperity. Gaia Stone is especially good for self-healing emotional wounds and
past traumas.
Galaxite - Galaxite is associated primarily with the crown chakra.
Galaxite, or Galaxyite, is a micro-labradorite with intense energy. It is
sometimes known as the "aura stone" because one of its most noticable energetic
characteristics is that of protecting, cleansing, and balancing the aura. It can
protect the aura also by stopping energy leakages. Galaxite is also a stone of
transformation, especially assisting in spiritual, mystical, and intuitive
growth and transformation. It enhances both the conscious intellect and the
subsconscious mind, and eases stress and anxiety. Galaxite is helpful for astral
travel and astral projection. It can also assist in contacting beings from other
dimensions and planes. Physically, galaxite is helpful for stress-related
illnesses, anxiety disorders, brain disorders, digestion, metabolic illnesses.
harmony; healthy hair; promotes holistic studies. Works with the root
Galena is a primary source of
lead, and as such is not recommended for internal use such as making gem
elixirs. It is, though, a "stone of harmony" and brings healing, calmness,
efficiency, receptivity, communication and insight. It has been known to
decrease inflammations and skin eruptions, and help with circulation problems
and hair growth. Carried in a medicine bag or pocket, though, it has grounding
increases health, fidelity, and imagination; balances energy flow.
Works with the 1st and 4th chakras. Garnet is associated primarily
with the root chakra, but also with other chakras depending on its color.Garnet - balances your natural energy. A
highly protective stone. Increases confidence and security.
Garnet is a stone of romantic love and passion. It is used in metaphysics to
enhance sensuality, sexuality, and intimacy. It is said to bring positive
thoughts and boosts energy, and be excellent for manifestation. It can also
assist mystically with success in one's career and building one's
self-confidence. It is also a protective energy stone which is especially
effective for protection from evil, and is used for gentle spiritual
healing. Lore says that garnet can heal the blood, heart and lungs.
The Devic Kingdom encompasses all the “holders of form” from the
highest vibrational Elohim to the lowest vibrational elementals. The
Devic Kingdom works from the Mental Plane to translate thought-forms
into physical forms by transforming mental patterns into etheric
patterns and then into physical patterns. All beings in the Nature
Kingdom are a part of the Devic Kingdom.
Each being in the Devic Kingdom is a specialist in creating a
specific form, whether it is an electron, a biological cell, a
flower, a tree, a valley, a river, a planet, a solar system, or
inter-stellar space. Elementals are the “building blocks” of form
and represent the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water.
Devas gather many elementals together to create a form made of more
than one element, and the Elohim are the rulers of this kingdom.
Nature spirits and Devas go with the 4th chakra. SEE: NECKLACES
Gaspeite - Gaspeite is primarily related to the heart chakra.
Gaspeite is a recently discovered stone in the western hemisphere, found in
1966 and was initially a discarded byproduct of nickel sulfide mining.
Emotionally, it reduces distress and brings assurance. It also reduces
ignorance, particularly emotional ignorance. It also helps attracts friends
and friendship. Aboriginals use gaspeite to bring visions and grant success.
Metaphysically, gaspeite is best known for helping to bring spirituality
into every day life. It brings good fortune and helps prevent loss.
Physically gaspeite has been used for heart problems, lungs, andgallbladder.
Girasol is a stone of gentle but powerful energy. It can enhance and mirror
feelings. This makes it excellent for visualization, imagination, dreamwork,
and guided direction of energy. Girasol enhances communication skills
including freely speaking thoughts you've been holding back. Girasol
encourages and enhances creativity in the artistic and practical areas. It
is also a powerful healing stone that works in a strong but gentle way to
enhance healing on all levels. Girasol is particularly helpful for metabolic
disorders like diabetes and others, and fatigue and chronic fatigue.
Glass (Manmade)
Glass is an ancient material,
one of the most ancient known and used by man. The first glass used was
natural obsidian, volcanic glass, used to make arrowheads, knives, jewelry,
etc. Glass objects created of manmade glass are reported to have been found
as early from as 4,500 BC in Mesopotamia and 3,000 BC in ancient Egypt. Many
consider glass to have no metaphysical properties, but others who are aware,
realize that glass has energy like all else in the Universe, and thus has
its own set of properties. Glass is a melding of the traditional four
elements, because through fire and air the silica earth element is made
molten and transmuted into a liquid only to return to its earthly state as a
solid. It can be made to focus light or allow light to pass through
invisibly or carry lightwaves great distances through tiny strands.
Metaphysically, glass represents and carries the energies of transformation,
merging of elements, rebirth, focus and communication.
Glendonite (Glendenite)
Glendonite is
a teaching stone of learning, discovery, and understanding . It supports the
learning process by helping process information and thoughts in easy to
understand terms. Because of this, it may help discover one's life purpose.
Physically glendenite helps heal broken bones, abrasions, regenerates cells,
and makes teeth and bones stronger. It is also known as a stone that helps
make a loving home and good family life.
While the 14 Karat gold filled jewelry is not solid gold, the gold in the
gold filled wire can still have an energetic impact. Traditional folklore
and crystal healing metaphysical lore say the following about gold. Gold can
balance energy fields, and is beneficial for opening and balancing the third
eye and crown chakras. It can also balance the heart chakra. It can remove
negative energy from the chakras and bring in the positive from the stones
it is with. It has been used to bring wealth, happiness and good feelings.
Gold is a mineral of spirituality, understanding, and attunement to nature.
It attracts positive energy and is a great healing mineral. Learn more about
14 karat gold filled
Gold Reef Quartz
Gold Reef
Quartz is a combination of clear quartz and chlorite. The quartz brings high
energy and chlorite is a very power healing mineral. Gold Reef Quartz is
good for crystal healing layouts, warding off psychic attack, warding or
guarding an environment. They are excellent healing stones, and are helpful
for healing on all levels. Gold Reef Quartz can also help diminish and
remove anger, frustration, and hostility.
Golden Healing Quartz (See Ireland
(See: Golden Healer crystals are excellent for crystal healing, and are said to
be helpful when used in any healing situation. Golden Healers also help keep
contact with the spiritual worlds. It is said by some that Golden Healers
access Christ consciousness as well as activating the solar plexus chakra to
join our will with Divine will. Golden Healers also align all the chakras
and balance yin/yang energies.
Goldstone - uplifting, reduces tension and stomach problems.
Goshenite is colorless beryl. It is a stone of truthfulness that encourages
truth in all actions and particularly in giving one's word. Goshenite bring
self-control, creativity, and originality. It makes communication easier and
can stabilize relationships. Goshenite is used for healing the leg muscles.
Green - cleanses and detoxifies the spirit, brings
Green Calcite
Green calcite increases success, prosperity, business, and fertility of all
kinds. It is an excellent stone for gardening. It is also considered a stone
of manifestation because of it's ability to develop increase in all areas.
Green calcite enhances intuition and psychic abilities. In the physical
realm, green calcite benefits the heart, thymus, chest, shoulders, and lower
lungs, heartburn, nervous tics, stammering, neurosis, arthritis and joint
pain, kidney, bladder, general pain. Green calcite is also especially
beneficial for healing tumors and other malignancies.
Green Millennium™
Millennium™ is a stone of balance and harmony in changing times. It can help
bring a state of emotionally detached focus, and creates a feeling of
safety, allowing healing and balance of one's deepest fears which are
exacerbated by changing times. It strengthens the immune system, repairs
holes in the aura, helps with addictions, nightmares, anxiety, loss of
focus, digestion of emotionally troubling experiences. Carrying a piece of
the rough stone or a polished piece in the pocket will be helpful to start
the process of bringing cohesive energy flow to ones life.
Gyrolite is a mineral that has particularly positive effects on the
metaphysical properties of other minerals by activating them and cleansing
them. It is used to connect the physical body with the auric bodies.
Gyrolite is good for meditation and is said to bring the wisdom of ancient
civilizations, insight, willpower, and stability. It is also said to assist
with self-confidence, as well as overcome excessive introversion and
addictive behaviors. Mystical and Healing Lore purports that gyrolite helps
align the spine, assimilation of calcium, cellular maintenance, bone
structure, acupuncture, and emotional healing.
Hawk's Eye (Blue Tiger's Eye)
-Blue tigers eye is associated primarily with the throat chakra.
Blue Tigers Eye, which is also known as Hawks Eye, enhances integrity of
communication and practical communication. It can help find courage to
recognize thoughts and ideas, and the willpower to carry them into the
physical realm. Blue tigers eye can be used for protection, especially of
the upper chakras. It is also said to bring good luck to one who wears or
carries it.
grounding; promotes common sense and level-headedness. Works with the root
chakra.Hematite - great stone for grounding. Calms and soothes, reducing
stress and blood pressure.
Many cultures associate Hematite with
blood and use it for treating blood-related illnesses such as anemia, heart,
kidney and liver diseases, cardio-vascular weakness, menstrual cramps, and
nose bleeds.
Hematite has a wonderfully grounded energy with the ability to bring about a
calm mental state, improve memory, mental focus and concentration, bolster
self-confidence and practicality in everyday matters whilst increase the
effectiveness and processing of logical information through the brain. It
has long been used as a metaphysical is a stone of protection.
Hematite is known as a "stone for the mind". It brings mental
organization and is very grounding and calming. It helps with original
thinking, logical thinking, and mathematics. It decreases negativity and can
help balance the body/mind/spirit. Physically it has been used to keep the
body cool, to decrease blood disorders, nervous problems and insomnia, as
well as align the spine and mend broken bones. Hematite is good at grounding out
excess energy and acting as a stabilizing force.
See: Necklaces
- Rosaries
Hemimorphite -
Hemimorphite is associated with the heart chakra.
Hemimorphite is a stone that helps one attain a positive self-image
including self-esteem and self-respect. It assists in personal growth on all
levels, and helps one evolve and transform in healthy ways. Hemimorphite is
a stone that bring joy and creativity to one's life. For crystal healing,
hemimorphite is an excellent stone that can bring strong but gentle healing
energy as well as assisting the healer in accessing ancient healing
techniques. Hemimorphite is sometimes used for protection from malice and
poisoning. Additionally, hemimorphite brings good fortune and good luck.
Physically, hemimorphite is great for regaining or maintaining healing and
is particularly healing for pain relief, ulcers, blood diseases, cellular
disease or disorder.
Herkimer Diamond:
(Quartz) stimulates psychic abilities; soothes tension; aids sleep. Works with all
Herkimer Diamond is called the "stone of attunement". While it is not
actually diamond, it is a quartz that often resembles the sparkling clarity
of diamonds. It can be metaphysically programmed to attune one to an
environment, a situation, a quality, or most anything. It is said to assist
with balance on the mental, emotional and physical levels. It can be used
effectively to clear and open any chakra. It is professed to relieve tension
and thereby promote peace of mind. Psychically, it's useful for auric
cleansing and dream recall. Mystical lore says that physically it can be
used to heal addictions and remove toxins. Herkimer Diamond is associated
with the crown chakra.
Hessonite: clears
negativity; eliminates feelings of inferiority; promotes positive change.
Works with the 3rd (solar plexus) chakra.
Heulandite: assists
past-life recall; weight loss; open-mindedness; promotes positive change.
Works with the 3rd (solar plexus) and the 7th (crown) chakras.
Heulandite is in the
mineral family of zeolites whose crystals have been grown aboard the space
shuttle. It is one of the stones that is said to bring one ancient mystical
information from Atlantis Lemuria including techniques and traditions.
Heulandite is a stone that promotes receptiveness and having an open mind
even in situations that it is normally difficult. As a psychic tool,
heulandite is used for past-life recall in addition to accessing Atlantean /
Lemurian information. This stone is an excellent emotional healer for
dealing with loss of all kinds, especially grief. Physically, heulandite can
assist with weight loss (obesity), balance and inner ear problems, foot
issues, and respiration.
stimulates intellect and insight; universal love. Works with the 4th (heart)
Hiddenite is the green variety of spodumene, as kunzite is the pink variety,
and it is a stone that is known best for attracting prosperity. It also is a
heart chakra stone that provides protection and support for the emotions.
Hiddenite helps relieve loss, particularly in the areas of love or money. It
is a very calming stone, and helps engender compassion for others. It also
brings trust to relationships of all kinds. Psychically, it is said to help
connect with other worlds and help transfer knowledge from them and bring
insight. It also stimulates the intellect. Physically it is helpful for
helping regain youthful-type vigor, skin issues, and circulation, plus any
diseases from repressed emotions.
Holy blue agate:
spiritual and psychic actualization; as one teaches, one also learns. Works
with the 7th (crown) chakra
Holey Stone (aka Holed Stone, Odin Stone)
Holey Stones, also called Holed Stones or Odin Stones, are stones that have
one or more nature-made holes in them. These hard to find stones are
considered powerful protection stones that can be worn for personal
protection, hung at doorways or windows to protect a home or business, or
even hung near a pet's sleeping place to protect the pet. To prevent
nightmares, these stones are placed in the sleeping place of the one who
wishes to be free of nightmares. Holey Stones are also said to be bringers
of high psychic powers. This is noted in folklore to be most powerful when
one looks through a hole in the stone to see visions and non-corporeal
entities and beings. They are excellent for meditation and creative
visualization. For health, crystal healing lore and folklore state that
Holey Stones are helpful for healing disease and maintaining general health,
particularly when the stone is rubbed on the body of someone sick. They are
also said to improve eyesight. Holey Stones are related to the water
Honey Calcite -Honey
calcite is associated with the sacral and solar plexus chakras.
Honey calcite is a stone that gently amplifies energy. It also assists in
the challenges associated with change. Honey calcite enhances psychic
abilities, astral projection and higher consciousness. It also enhances
intellect and memory.
combines reasoning, observation, and patience, providing for discernment.
Works with the 6th (third-eye, and 7th (crown) chakra
Howlite - Howlite - reduces stress and anxiety. Quietly soothes
and calms to bring gentleness and patience.
Howlite decreases an overly critical state of mind, selfishness, stress,
pain, and rudeness. It increases sublety and tact. It helps bones, teeth,
calcium levels and leg cramps. It also heightens creativity.
Infinite: helps one
deal with one’s past, present, and future at once; a very loving angelic
stone. Works with the 4th (heart) chakra
Iolite: gives accurate
visions; releases discord; strengthens liver; soul connector. Works with the
7th (crown) chakra
Iolite is popularly known as water sapphire, although it is not a type of
sapphire at all. It is one of the best stones to use in psychic, healing,
and spiritual activities. It can open one to psychic talents and expand
them, and is excellent for use on the 3rd eye and crown chakras. It can also
enhance curiosity. It is also an excellent stone for meditation and astral
travel. It helps one grow spiritually in a gentle fashion. Iolite is
considered a very strong "Shaman" stone, and can stimulate visions. Iolite
is very helpful when dealing with addictions, including alcoholism. It
assists in detoxification as well as maintaining sobriety. Iolite is also
said to help build relationships. In the physical realm, iolite is used to
help heal sore throat, varicose veins, and blisters.
Indicolite (Blue Tourmaline)
Indicolite is blue tourmaline, which is probably the rarest form of
tourmaline. Indicolite corresponds to all chakras in terms of clearing, but
particularly to the throat and third eye chakras. It is said to aid in the
quest for spiritual growth. It increases psychic awareness, and increases
healing powers. Indicolite can also bring happiness and laughter to your
life. It also promotes inspiration of all kinds, and lessens fear.
Indicolite is a protective stone that can dispel curses and protect from all
dangers. In the physical realm, indicolite is said to benefit the lungs,
larynx, thyroid, heart, internal organs, and parasympathetic nerves.
Infinite is often called "the healer's stone." It is particularly useful for
healers, athletes, chronic pain sufferers, and others who have an ongoing
need for healing energies. Infinite is a soothing and calming stone. It can
be used to draw pain out from affected areas. It does, however, need to be
cleansed regularly. Although both shades are equally valuable, some people
prefer the lighter shades, and others the darker shades to work with. It is
excellent for the treatment of joints, muscles, connective tissue, and is
excellent at pain relief. It has been called a miracle-working stone.
Jade (General, All types)
Jade: reduces
eyestrain and negativity; promotes longevity; helps dream recall and
interpretation. Works with the 4th (heart) chakra.
Jade is a stone of the heart. As such it is related to the heart chakra and
has a beneficial effect on all heart chakra related issues. So, of course,
it can attract and enhance love of all kinds. It is also a stone of fidelity
and generosity. It is also considered to be good for the physical heart and
for emotional balance and stability. Jade is also very helpful as a stone of
abundance. Physically, jade is used to heal lung problems, kidney problems,
immune system weakness, PTSD, and nervous system overwork. Jade - wisdom, mercy, humility, generosity, peace, and
harmony. Protective and lucky when worn as jewelry. Place a bit under your
pillow at night for restorative dreams.
Jade, Nephrite
Nephrite jade is a stone of the heart. As such it is related to the heart
chakra and has a beneficial effect on all heart chakra related issues, and
all love relationships. It is also considered to be good for emotional
balance and stability. Jade of all kinds is a very protective stone and is
particularly good protection for children, against illness, and for psychic
protection. It has energetic clearing properties, and is useful to keep with
other stones. Physically, nephrite jade is used in the crystal healing of
the physical heart, and kidney problems.
powerful physical healer; protects against negativity. Works with the
corresponding color chakra to the color of the stone.
A metaphysical stone of balance, it works well when used as part of a chakra
set red jasper for the root chakra and yellow for the solar plexus. Jasper - calms a troubled mind. Helps with digestive problems and
other ills.
is a form of Chalcedony found in various colors. It has been cherished for
its beauty from ancient times and is mentioned in the Bible as one of the
stones in the breastplate of the ancient high priests. It is a protective stone particularly for
travel (both physical and spiritual) and for aligning the etheric body. Jasper is used in the regeneration of
internal organs of the body.
Jasper (General, All Types)
Jasper is a stone of gentleness and relaxation. It enhances one's ability to
relax and brings tranquility, comforting, wholeness, healing, and gentle
endings. It is sometimes called the nurturing stone for its nurturing and
protective energies. Psychically, jasper is used to assist with astral
travel. In the physical realm, jasper is used for the liver, gallbladder,
soothing the stomach, and balancing yin/yang energies.
Jasper, Black (aka Blackstone)
Black jasper is related to the root chakra.
Black Jasper is a stone with a highly protective energy. It also has very
healing energy. Black Jasper is said to bring good luck to the bearer in a
fight, whether it be a mental, political, legal, or other type of fight. It
is also used for protection against lightning. Black jasper is said to have
energies of determining value; It was used as a touchstone for determining
gold content in allows for thousands of years. In addition it has the other
properties of jasper. Physically, black jasper is said to be helpful for
relieving pain, stomach ailments, foot problems, and hip dysplagia. Black jasper is sometimes called "blackstone".
Jasper, Exotica (aka Sci Fi Jasper)
Exotica Jasper, also called Sci Fi Jasper or Science Fiction Jasper, feels
to me like a cool milkshake on a hot day, it's so soothing. There's nothing
bland about its energy, though. In addition to the general properties of all
jaspers, It has a subtle and deep energy that seem to nuture one on a soul
level. This is a stone I would choose to use for protection and nurturing
during soul retrievals, healing of traumas or other deep emotional wounds,
and the like, both for the healer or the healee.
Jasper, Kambaba
Jasper is an exotic looking jasper from Africa. It is said to mystically
soothe the nerves and state of mind. As with other jaspers, traditional lore
says that it is good for grounding and protection. It is purported to be
beneficial for plant growth and health, particularly in arid environmentsor
where the soil is poor. Crystal healing lore says that Kambaba Jasper helps
dietary stabilization, assimilation of vitamins and minerals, and cleansing
the body of toxins.
Jasper, Leopard Skin -
aids in finding and achieving life's
goals. It has properties of protecting the third chakra, but is
associated mainly with the root chakra.
Leopard skin jasper (also called leopard stone) is a stone of shamanic
journeying. It also aids in service to others. It helps discover and
connect with one's animal totems or "power" animals. It makes it easier
for one to take responsibility properly. Helps with creative
visualization. As with all jaspers, this is a protective stone, and it
is particularly protective during shamanic journeying. Physically it
helps eliminate toxins and decrease body odor, and is very helpful in
Jasper, Ocean -
Ocean Jasper is related to the heart chakra.
Ocean Jasper is very soothing and helps to love one's self as well as
others. It is very healing of the emotions and brings peace of mind. It
helps with acceptance of responsibility and increases patience. The
circulars patterns on ocean jasper symbolize and help us realize that we are
all interconnected and nature is a cyclical pattern. It can also help with
circular breathing for healing or meditation. Being a type of jasper, ocean
jasper is a very protective stone, and any orbs ("eyes") enhance this in
regard to protection from the "evil eye." Physically, ocean jasper is
beneficial to the digestion, digestive organs, removing toxins, lessen body
Picture Jasper
- stabilizing, balancing stone. Aids in
visualization and meditation.
jasper helps create harmony, proportion, creative visualization, positive
things in business pursuits. It brings and shows hidden messages from the
past as well as hidden thoughts, fears, and hopes. These qualities make it
useful as an emotional/psychological healing stone.
Jasper, Picasso
Picasso Marble (or
Picasso Stone) is sometimes called Picasso Jasper. It has strong
metaphysical qualities of grounding and calming. It also promotes weight
loss and assists in the development of creativity, as well as engendering
strength and self-discipline.
Red Jasper
- helps with conflict and aggression. Promotes
grace and perserverence.
Red jasper is called a stone of fairness and justice because mystical lore
claims that it decreases unjustness and helps in unfair situations. It is
also said to enhance responsibility, choice, and compassion. Used in
mystical dreamwork, it can enhance dream recall. It is said to assist in
protection and rescue from danger. Red jasper is associated with the first
and second chakras. Metaphysically, it is purported to have a stabilizing
effect, and help one take all one's energy and use it in a balanced manner.
It is also said to be a stone that helps in all areas of survival, and is a
very protective stone. Red jasper said in gemstone lore to be a stone of
controlled passion and used to help control one's own passions. Crystal
healing lore says that physically it assists in healing by maintaining
positive movement with all types of disorders and disease.
Jasper, Yellow
jasper has characteristics of helping one be strong and balanced in the
social arenas and protects one's social welfare. It is associated with the
solar plexus (belly) chakra. Yellow jasper is a protective stone that
particularly gives protection during travel, both physical and spiritual. It
also shields one from negativity, and can protect from depression.
Jet: dispels
migraines, illness, violence and deep depression; protects finances. Works
with the root chakra.
Jet is also known as black
amber, although it is not actually an amber, but rather fossilized coal. It
was used extensively in mourning jewelry in Victorian times and was
considered a stone for alleviating and bringing grief to the surface to be
healed. It has also historically been used as a protection stone and is said
to have very powerful protection energies to ward off evil, negativity, and
psychic attacks. It is also said to protect finances and protect from
depression. Jet is related primarily to the base chakra, but when used on
the upper chakras it helps kundalini move to the crown chakra. Mystically,
jet is considered a stone of sympathy, healing grief, psychic experiences.
It is said by intuitive sources to be an excellent calming stone, and
helpful for treating epilepsy, migraines, stomach pain, colds, glandular
problems, and lumpathic problems.
Kansas Pop Rocks
Kansas Pop
Rocks are the common name for the stones that are trademarked as Boji
Stones®. They come from the same place, at the base of a natural pyramid
mount in the center of the continental USA, and are the same type of rock,
having the same properties. Kansas Pop Rocks usually come in pairs, a
smoother stone which has Yin or female energy and is referred to as the
female, and a rougher stone that has Yang or masculine energy and is
referred to as the male. Kansas Pop Rocks are excellent for balancing energy
and polarities of all kinds. They are used a lot in energy healing and
psychic healing to release blockages. They are also used a lot to balance
the chakras and align them. They are also excellent for grounding excess
energies, grounding people who are feeling "spacey", and for shielding. In
the both the household plant pots and out in nature, Kansas Pop Rocks are
used to promote plant growth. Kansas Pop Rocks are also used in healing
arthritis, back pain, general healing, regeneration of cells, adrenal
glands, chronic fatigue, and physical energy.
King Cobra Jasper
Cobra Jasper is known as the counselor's and therapist's stone. It is a very
calming and nurturing stone that can help alleviate anger and bring
contentment and order out of chaos. It is a good tool for organization. King
Cobra Jasper is particularly helpful in dealing with mental disorders
because of these traits. It is also a very protective stone, particularly in
cases of hospitalization.
Quartz: primal energy; raises kundalini; grounding. Works with the root
Kunzite: reduces
insecurity and addictiveness; a loving stone; gives maturity. Works with the
4th (heart) chakra.
Kunzite is said to help one to understand and interact better with others,
to help heal "broken hearts", to relieve stress and anger, and to bring
love, peace and harmony. It is also a stone that removes obstacles. Kunzite
is said to help strengthen the circulatory system, and to be helpful in the
treatment of lung disorders.
Kyanite: promotes
clarity and understanding in dreamwork; enhances creativity. Works with the 5th
(throat) , 6th (third eye), 7th (crown) chakras.
Truly a stone of the New Age Kyanite never
needs cleaning or clearing. From a metaphysical point of view it can be used
to instantly align all chakras. Tranquility, communication, psychic
awareness. Excellent for meditation and dream recall and releasing buried
Kyanite is a stone of channeling, altered states, vivid dreams, dream
recall, and visualizations. It gives protection during these states. It
brings loyalty, honesty and tranquility, and diminishes anger and confusion.
Kyanite does not retain negative energy and never needs energetic cleansing.
It does align and balance all chakras, often very suddenly. Kyanite can
remove energy blockages.
Blue kyanite is associated with the throat chakra
and is a boost to meditation.
Black kyanite is also a boost to meditation,
and is associated with the root chakra. Black kyanite is also very
protective and deflects negativity
Labradorite: brings
recognition of destiny; increases telepathic ability. Works with the 6th
(third eye and 7th Crown chakra.Labradorite - strengthens the will and inner strength and
convictions. Aids in combatting addictions.
Labradorite (also called Spectrolite sometimes) is a considered by mystics
to be a stone of transformation. It is said to clear, balance and protect
the aura. It is purported to help provide clarity and insight into your
destiny, as well as attract success. It is used in metaphysics for dream
recall, and finding ways to use dreams in daily life. Mystically, energies
of stress and anxiety are reduced by labradorite. Labradorite is said to
increase intuition, psychic development, esoteric wisdom, help with
subconscious issues, and provide mental illumination. Labradorite is
associated with the solar plexus and brow chakras.
Spectrolite is deep blue to black with blue, red, yellow and green
Larimar (Blue Pectolite)
It is associated with the throat chakra.
Larimar is a stone of "answers from the sea of consciousness." The blue
color of the larimar reflects the "sea" of all consciousness, which gives
freedom from self-imposed limitations and a sense of peace in finding truth.
Larimar has excellent energy for working with sea creatures of all kinds. It
is particularly good for communication with dolphins. It has some ability to
enhance communication in general, with other animals, as well as people. It
can be used for dimensional and cellular work, and stimulates the heart and
higher chakras. Being open to answers from the sea of consciousness gives a
sense of serenity, love and peace. Larimar is good for calming excess
energies and it balances energies.It is also used in crystal healing and
folklore for healing maladies of the throat and upper respiratory system,
schizophrenia, In addition, it can
help one maintain one's personal energy and independence in a calm,
collected fashion.
Lapis Lazuli:
strengthens total awareness and ESP; creativity. Works with the 6th (third
eye) chakra.
Lapis (Lapis lazuli) brings truthfulness, openness, inner power, intuition,
creativity, virility and manifestation. emotional healing and stability. High intensity
stone which cleanses the spirit to bring out inner truth and peace. It strengthens the mind and body as
well as increasing awareness and spiritual connection/evolution. It can help
organize daily life as well as organizing and quieting a busy or restless
mind. Lapis is also used to contact guardian spirits. Lapis also helps build
self-confidence, and is a stone traditionally for royalty. Lapis bring
spiritual love and is also known for enhancing love and fidelity within
marriage. Lapis is also said to help one overcome shyness. It is associated
with the throat and brow chakras and can help one say just the right thing,
as if by magic. Lapis is also a stone that protects from both physical and
psychic attacks. Lapis is also helpful for sinus ailments, headaches,
nervous system, speech problems, pituitary gland and pain relief.
See: Necklaces
- Bracelets
Loose Beads
confidence builder; good for sales; reduces depression; builds serenity.
Works with the 5th (throat) chakra.
Lavulite (Sugilite)
Sugilite is sometimes known as "the healer's stone" because of its great
ability to enhance healing. It is associated with the third eye and crown
chakras. It lessens effects of shock and disappointment. In addition to its
well known enhancement of healing ability, it also strengthens spirituality,
psychic ability and channelling. Sugilite is a stone that helps perfect
spiritual love and open the heart chakra to unconditional love. It can help
manifest one's natural gifts and protect against harsh realities. It lowers
hostility, anger, jealousy and prejudice and gives a sense of freedom.
Psychically, it is excellent for all kinds of psychic protection. It has
been used for headaches and to decrease all types of discomfort. Sugilite is
associated with the brow chakra. It is also called Luvulite or Lavulite.
Lemurian Seed Crystals
- They are excellent for clearing and balancing all chakras.
Lemurian Seed Crystals are crystals that are reputed to have been left by
the Lemurians, an advanced ancient civilization, to teach and guide us in
this time. These crystals are said to have been programmed with conscious
connection and love. Lemurians hold and transmit messages of unconditional
love, equality, and spiritual teachings. They are also great for dream work
and dream interpretation. Lemurians have a very Yin or feminine energy, and
for all their power are more gentle-feeling energetically than
Yang/masculine crystals. They are very powerful tools for meditation and for
healing on all levels.
Leopard Skin Jasper -
It has properties of protecting the third chakra, but is associated
mainly with the root chakra.
Leopard skin jasper (also called leopard stone) is a stone of shamanic
journeying. It also aids in service to others. It helps discover and connect
with one's animal totems or "power" animals. It makes it easier for one to
take responsibility properly. Helps with creative visualization. As with all
jaspers, this is a protective stone, and it is particularly protective
during shamanic journeying. Physically it helps eliminate toxins and
decrease body odor, and is very helpful in self-healing.
Lepidochrosite is a stone that isasaid to bring one to choose highest love
and integrity. It also eliminates distraction and confusion, helping one
think clearly. Because of all this, it lessens negative thinking and
negative mental habits. Physically, lepidochrosite is used for circulation.
promotes self-love; alleviates stress, anger, and tension. Works with the
4th (heart) chakra.
Lepidolite is associated with stability and
acceptance and can assist in change and transition. It used in a
metaphysical context considered for mental problems and in reducing illusion
and muddled thinking . Lepidolite is attributed with the
power to aid and strengthen muscles, particularly the heart.
Lepidolite is a stone of calm, trust, and acceptance. It has a strong
relaxing and calming effect. It brings hope and is a stone of transformation
in that it helps one get through transitions with trust that everything will
ultimately turn out for the best. It engenders and enhances self-love,
patience, and optimism. Emotionally, lepidolite is an excellent healer. It
greatly decreases stress, anxiety, depression, manic-depression,
despondency, PTSD, anger, and other traumas, panic attacks, and addictions.
Psychically, lepidolite is used for dreamwork, rebirthing, and is also good
for dream recall. Lepidolite is also a protective stone that brings success
in business or career. It can also bring a growing energy to gardening and
agriculture. Physically, lepidolite is helpful for healing of glands, immune
system, skin, nails, hair, DNA, enzyme balance, addiction and alcoholism
recovery, pregnancy, childbirth, and general healing. Lepidolite is related
primarily to the heart chakra, and also to the crown chakra. When combined
with rubellite (pink tourmaline) it is an extraordinarily powerful agent for
calming and healing, especially in the emotional areas.
Lithio-Laser Crystals
Lithio-Laser Crystals are extremely powerful crystals. They can break down
internal barriers to inner growth that may bring pre-verbal issues to the
surface to be integrated and healed. They integrate on levels of mind, body,
emotions and spirit. This can heal dis-ease of any of these aspects of one's
being, making these crystals powerful healers. If one is not ready for the
intensity of these crystals and removal of these inner barriers, the person
may feel extreme distress or emotional overload. Lithio-Laser Crystals can
help access New Direct DNA Altering as Sacred Bridge Crystals, and can
assist lightworkers with the changes that Earth is going through.
Lithium Quartz -
Lithium quartz is related to activating and balancing all chakras and is
handy to work with any individual chakra also.
Lithium Quartz is a super high energy healing and balancing stone. It is
said to be self-clearing and self-cleansing, and from my experience with it,
I'd say that's correct. Lithium quartz sends and receives energy as well as
storing it. Lithium quartz is balancing and calming, and is used in crystal
healing as a natural anti-depressant. Emotionally and other ways, lithium
quartz is said to relieve stress, anxiety, and tension, bringing relaxation
and peace. It works in a gentle and slow but steady and powerful manner, not
causing the discomfort of sudden change that some crystals might at times.
Lithium quartz is excellent for meditation and prayer. It is used to heal
repressed grief and anger, as well as emotional issues from past lives. It
is also said to purify water. Physically, lithium quartz is used in crystal
healing for stress related disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, muscular
tension, repetitive motion injuries.
Lodestone (Magnetite)
(Magnetite) is used in many ways. It can align the chakras, and balance
yin/yang energies. It is used to lessen or dispel grief, fear, anger,
confusion, and attachment. It helps relieve burdens and increase energy and
endurance. It is said to have been used to make soldiers invulnerable.
Lodestone has a receptive, attracting energy that attracts power, as well as
good fortune, and love. It also guards against infidelity. Lodestone is
related to the astrological signs of Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Virgo.
It is said to strengthen the circulatory system, help with healing blood and
bleeding problems, alleviate pain, boost the immune system, relieve
agitation and depression. Magickally, lodestone is used for its power of
attraction, and can be placed on an altar or worn during a ritual to
increase a spell's power. It's been used for millennia for amulets and
talismans. Lodestone is excellent for grounding and protection from evil and
Lodolite (Lodolite Quartz, Lodelite, Lodalite, Scenic
Quartz, Garden Quartz, Landscape Quartz) - Lodolite is associated
primarily with the crown
Lodolite (Lodalite, Lodelite) is a type of included quartz crystal with
inclusions of many possible colors and types, often having the look of
gardens, landscapes, or underwater scenes. Thus, lodolite is often called
garden quartz, landscape quartz, or scenic quartz. One of the most common
metaphysical uses of lodolite is to bring energies to effect manifestation
of one's desires. Lodolite is also said to enhance communication with beings
on the spiritual plane and heighten one's spiritual energies. It is used
mystically to increase ESP and bring knowledge from your past lives.
Lodolite is said to bring loving energies and energies of gentle strength.
Mystically and in crystal healing, lodolite is purported to be an excellent
healing stone bringing strong healing energies and energetic shifting so
that healing will occur.
Magnetite (Lodestone)
(Magnetite) is used in many ways. It can align the chakras, and balance
yin/yang energies. It is used to lessen or dispel grief, fear, anger,
confusion, and attachment. It helps relieve burdens and increase energy and
endurance. It is said to have been used to make soldiers invulnerable.
Lodestone has a receptive, attracting energy that attracts power, as well as
good fortune, and love. It also guards against infidelity. Lodestone is
related to the astrological signs of Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Virgo.
It is said to strengthen the circulatory system, help with healing blood and
bleeding problems, alleviate pain, boost the immune system, relieve
agitation and depression. Magickally, lodestone is used for its power of
attraction, and can be placed on an altar or worn during a ritual to
increase a spell's power. It's been used for millennia for amulets and
talismans. Lodestone is excellent for grounding and protection from evil and
lucky money stone; helpful for sleep, asthma, and labor. Works with the 4th
(heart) chakra.Malachite - strong stone which helps
release negative emotions and protect from psychic attack.
Malachite is a stone of transformation and
balance, assisting in ones spiritual journey. It is capable of stimulating
ones intuition and insight whilst assisting in recognizing and clearing past
negative influences and experiences. One of the
metaphysical uses of this stone is to gain insight into any emotional
factors that may be manifesting as physical symptoms.
Malachite is a stone of
transformation and helps with change and spiritual evolution. It can clear
and activate all chakras, as well as balance them. Malachite is a stone that
bridges the energy of the heart and root chakras. It is particularly useful
for balancing and clearing the heart chakra. As such, it helps balance pure
love, romance, and one's own well-being. Malachite is a stone of good
fortune and prosperity/abundance, too. Malachite is also a very protective
stone, being especially helpful for general protection, protection from
evil, protection during pregnancy and childbirth, and protection for
children. It is also an excellent protection stone during flying and other
travel. Using this stone, one can counteract self-destructive romantic
tendencies and help encourage true, pure love. Malachite is also good for
enhancing emotional stability and balance in general. It can decrease one's
tendency to radiation illness, asthma, arthritis, and tumors.
Manganocalcite (Pink Magnesium Calcite)
Pink Manganocalcite (Pink Magnesium Calcite) is sometimes called the "Reiki
Stone". It has a gentle but powerful complement
to energy travel, and for studying and retaining information
learned. Physically, pink manganocalcite is beneficial for general health
and healing, bones, joints, and physical heart issues.
Moki Marbles (Moqui Marbles)
Moki marbles have long been used as a shamanic stone. It brings a knowledge
and deepening of ancient ways. Moki marbles often have a slight magnetic
charge, and they stimulate chi. They may be used to contact your animal
spirits, totems, and guides, and to aid in shapeshifting. They help a great
deal with grounding and centering. Physically they are beneficial for the
veins, arteries, muscles and immune system. They have a protective quality
and are useful for protection against psychic attacks and other unbalancing
Moldavite: helps
channel interdimensional sources; catalyst for important life changes. Works
with the 4th (heart) chakra.
Moldavite is a tektite and is the only "extraterrestrial" gemstone, which is
found only in the Moldau Valley in Czechoslovakia. Lately there have been
other green tektites or imitations that are called "moldavite," but only the
Czech moldavite is the "real thing." It is associated with the heart and
third eye (brow) chakras, as well as the crown chakra. Moldavite is also
associated with the Star card of the Tarot. It strengthens and enhances
inner journeys, channeling, cosmic consciousness, crystal consciousness,
expansion, contact with interdimensional or extraterrestrial forces. It is a
powerful stone, and its energies can at first be intimidating for those that
are not aware of its energy, and tends to bring issues to the surface to be
transformed, thus making it called "stone of transformation." When wearing
moldavite, it is best to be mentally prepared and be properly grounded.
Moldavite diminishes contracting or withdrawing energies. Moldavite in any
form increases the depth and clarity of inner journeys. Moldavite has been
said to raise the vibrational level of both the human race and the Earth.
Physically, moldavite works excellently with other crystals and stones to
raise the vibrational level of all healing, and also heals hair loss,
fertility issues, and promoting new cell growth.
Molybdenum is a
mineral that brings balance and continuity to life. It can help engender
reliability and constance in one's environment and self, giving equilibrium
in all areas of life. Molybdenum is also a super stress reliever. It can
also be useful in retaining possessions and making progress. Molybdenum
enhances communication between conscious and inner selves, as well as
filling in holes or voids in the aura. It balances the chakras, as well as
the physical body and the mind. Molybdenum is helpful for all types of
healing because it energetically balances the body toward health.
(Mookite, Mook Jasper, Mook Mook)
- Mookaite:
protective; brings one into the “here and now”; helps in acceptance of
change. Works with the lower three chakras.
Mookaite is a stone of the
"here and now." It can help one balance the internal and external and
acceptance of change. It helps with living meditation, where one makes a
meditation of any act one does. Mookaite is a very protective stone, and is
particulary good as an emotional protector. In the physical realm it
stabilizes health and fortifies the immune system. Mookaite is associated
with the lower chakras.
luck love stone; calming; introspective; assists with emotional release.
Works with the 2nd chakra and the 4th (heart chakra).Moonstone - helpful in psychic work.
Opens the spirit to the feminine aspect. Draws love and helps in
interpersonal relationships. Long know as the
traveler's stone and used for protection, Moonstone is also considered to be
a stone of good fortune.
It is a wonderful stone to help one reflect and look inwards. A stone of
feeling rather than intellect it can be an aid in increasing intuition. I
also assists in apply the insights gained.
Moonstone is recommended for those wishing to balance the bodies rhythms and
recognize the natural cycles. It can be used to increase energy and
encourage growth whilst helping to overcome obstacles.
An ancient remedy for insomnia, this stone is also used to help in the
elimination of toxins and for digestive disorders. Also for the symptoms of
degenerative diseases and allergic reactions.
The feminine energy of moonstone makes it a stone to promote ease in
pregnancy and child birth, to relieve the symptoms of PMS and menopause. It can help calm responses
and avoid overreaction; enhances feminine energies, sensitivity, intuition,
and psychic abilities. Moonstone is a stone of protection, especially during
childbirth, pregnancy, and travel at sea. It is also associated with love of
all kinds. Physically it aids the pituitary gland and digestive system,
obesity, water retention, hormonal problems, menstrual problems. Moonstone
is also used as a stand in for pearl, when pearl is not available.
Moonstone, Rainbow
moonstone has a gentle, calming energy. It helps to strengthen intuition and
psychic perception, and enhances creativity, compassion, endurance and inner
confidence. It is a stone that brings balance and harmony. The Rainbow
effect brings in a spectrum of light, and can help with clearing and
bringing in uplifting energies. It has been said to have the power to grant
sisterhood; balances emotions; heals pain of separation; love energy. Works
with the 4th (heart) chakra and can open, balance and clear this
chakra..Morganite - love, empathy, patience and
compassion. Heals the emotional self.
Morganite is known both as an angel stone and a heart stone. It can bring
love to one's live or rekindle old love. As an angel stone, it is known to
help with communicating with angels. Morganite also brings compassion,
empathy, self-control, and patience. It can also balance emotions and ease
the pain of separation. It has been said to be one of the highest frequency
stones available. Physically, morganite is used for healing emphysema,
tuberculosis, heart disease, breathing problems, and throat problems.
Moss Agate
Moss agate is sometimes called the "gardener's stone" due to its properties
of helping ensure a full crop. In addition to a full crop, moss agate brings
general abundance, success, and prosperity. It can also help one gain peace
with extreme or excessive duties in life and brings self-confidence and
higher self-esteem. Moss agate is also a protective stone, as are all
agates. It can reduce the difficulties associated with overcoming addictive
behaviors. Moss agate is associated with the heart chakra, and is a stone of
compatibility and friendship. It is also believed to help improve
circulation, enhance healing of all types, overcome digestive or intestinal
disorders. Green moss agate is said to assist in finding hidden treasure,
and is a stone of prosperity.
Mother of Pearl
Mother of Pearl gets its name from the fact that it is the iridescent lining
of shell, where pearls can grow. Mother of Pearl has both traditional and
New Age metaphysical and healing lore. It is said to attract prosperity. It
is used in mystical work and lore to heighten intuition, psychic
sensitivity, and imagination. It is purported to protect from negative
influence, and transmute negative energy. It is said to be highly protective
and a particularly potent stone of protection for children. A traditional
lore use of Mother of Pearl is to purify environments. Mother of Pearl is
also used in metaphysics to access primordial and racial memories. Crystal
healing and folklore say that Mother of Pearl is helpful for high blood
pressure, dizziness, improving vision, cataracts, and wound healing.
Mugglestone See Tiger Iron
Muscovite is a
type of mica that comes in pinks, browns, clear and yellows. It is a stone
of angelic contact, and can bring awareness of the higher self. Mystically
it is used in scrying and can contact the highest spiritual planes, as well
as assist with astral travel. Muscovite is also good for lessening
insecurities, self-doubt, and brings self-confidence and optimism. It is
considered good for problem-solving, self-reflection, and dealing with major
life changes. Physically, muscovite is used in crystal healing to balance
the pancreas, control blood sugar, heal dehydration, kidneys, hunger pants
while fasting for medical or spiritual purposes, insomnia, allergies,
disease-related conditions.
Color is usually colorless or white, rarely pale pink or very
pale bluish gray
Luster is vitreous to silky, greasy or dull.
Diaphaneity is transparent to translucent, opaque on white and
fibrous crystals.
Associated Minerals include aegirine, albite, amphiboles, analcime,
ancylite-(Ce), astrophyllite, bastnäsite, calcite, catapleiite,
cordylite, dolomite, elpidite, epididymite, eudialyte, fluorite,
mangan-neptunite, nepheline, polylithionite, pyrophanite, rhodochrosite,
sérandite and siderite.
Distinguishing Features: crystal habit and forms.
Origin: Named in 1803 from the Greek natrium, soda, referring
to its
sodium content.
Nebula Stone
Nebula Stone has unique, powerful energies. It facilitates memory, and
recall, including remembrance of Light within cells. Nebula Stone removes
fear, and helps one let go of the old to make room for the new. It is a very
grounding stone, and increases vitality. It is sometimes called a cosmic
window, and is excellent for meditation. In the physical realm, Nebula Stone
is used to to cleanse the kidneys.
Novaculite - Novaculite
energizes all the chakras.
Novaculite is known as
the "Cord Cutting Crystal." It is used psychically to cut psychic or etheric
cords. It can also be helpful for "cutting through" problems, getting past
problems, and finding solutions. Novaculite is useful for alleviating
depression and despair. Physically novaculite is helpful for healing of
clinical depression, obsessive disorders, warts, and moles.
Nuumite (Nuumit) -
Nuumite opens and clears the heart chakra, and will also
activate and integrate all the chakras.
Nuumite (also Nuummit) is a very protective stone. It can protect one from
negative energy of many, many kinds by wearing or carrying the stone, and is
often sought for this shielding property. It is also helpful for removing
energy blockages, and to clear the aura. Nuumite is also good for
synthesizing psychic and intuitive wisdom with intellectual thought.
Physically nuumite is used in general healing, infections, purifying blood,
kidneys, insulin production regulation, eyesight, and CNS (central nervous
system) disorders.
Obsidian, Black -
Obsidian is related to the root chakra.
Obsidian is a very protective stone, and is excellent for removing
negativity. It is also excellent protection against psychic attacks. In
particular obsidian protects the gentle from abuse. It is a very grounding
stone, and very healing. Physically it benefits the stomach, intestines,
muscle tissue, and can rid one of bacterial or viral infections. It sharpens
and focuses internal and external vision, and helps get in touch with buried
issues before they explode.
Obsidian, Snowflake -
It is associated with the root chakra.
Snowflake obsidian has the property of bringing things to the surface. The
things brought to the surface could be positive or negative, love, anger,
secrets; but with snowflake obsidian, these things are brought to the
surface more gently that they might be otherwise. Snowflake obsidian can
provide balance during times of change. It aids in seeing patterns in life
and recreating them in a more beneficial way. It is a stone of serenity and
purity, and can shield against negativity. It is beneficial for the veins, skeleton, and smooth skin. Snowflake
obsidian gives protection from physical and emotional harm.
Ocean Jasper -
Ocean Jasper is related to the heart chakra.
Ocean Jasper is very soothing and helps to love one's self as well as
others. It is very healing of the emotions and brings peace of mind. It
helps with acceptance of responsibility and increases patience. The
circulars patterns on ocean jasper symbolize and help us realize that we are
all interconnected and nature is a cyclical pattern. It can also help with
circular breathing for healing or meditation. Being a type of jasper, ocean
jasper is a very protective stone, and any orbs ("eyes") enhance this in
regard to protection from the "evil eye." Physically, ocean jasper is
beneficial to the digestion, digestive organs, removing toxins, lessen body
Odin Stone - See
Holey Stone
Okenite - Okenite is
associated primarily with the crown chakra but can align and purify the
energy of all chakras.
Okenite is often called a
"warm and fuzzy" stone because it brings feelings of the "warm fuzzies",
feelings of comfort and belonging. Emotionally okenite encourages
forgiveness of self and others, and lessening of denial. It can bring truth
with self and others and ease the harshness of that truth. It also helps
break bad habits of all kinds. In the psychic realm, okenite is an excellent
helper stone for channeling angels and other benign beings. Okenite is a
purifying stone. Physically okenite is helpful for blood diseases and
problems, lowering fever, stomach problems, and slowing aging.
relieves stress and grief; strengthens self-control and morality. Works with
the root chakra.Black onyx and red onyx are associated with
the base (root, first) chakra.
White onyx is associated with linking the base and crown chakras to have
balanced energy throughout the chakra system.
Onyx - good protective stone. Also releases
old relationships and keeps away general negativity. It assists with
challenges in life, especially those caused by a drain of energy. It
prevents the draining away of personal energy and can be used for protection
from such. It also helps with grounding and controlling or eliminating
excess or unwanted energies. It has been used for wound healing, childbirth
and to increase stamina and self-control.
helps recall of past lives; aids inner beauty, faithfulness and eyesight.
(White opal works with the 7th (crown) chakra. It is the birthstone of
October. Some people have strong superstitions that only people born in
October should use or wear this stone.)
Opal - Awakens and helps understanding of
psychic intuition and mysticism. Encourages living authentically in feeling
and action, with faithfullness and loyalty. Helpful for eyesight and during
childbirth. Opal is a stone of inspiration which enhances imagination and creativity. It
helps one release inhibitions and enhances memory. Opal is also a very
spiritual stone, and can help one be "invisible" in situations where they
don't care to be noticed. Opal brings happy dreams. It also eases the
process of change. Physically, opal is helpful for eyesight and Parkinson's
Also see
Pink Peruvian Opal, White Opal, and Blue Peruvian Opal.
Orange Calcite
Orange calcite is a
stone that is particularly helpful mentally. It can relieve emotional fear,
mental breakdown, depression, accidents, rape, divorce, suicidal thoughts.
It is particularly helpful with phobias. Orange calcite restores mental and
emotional equilibrium.
Orange Millennium
Millennium: This wonderful orange gemstone is the 2nd new find for the 21st
century. It has come up from the depths of the Earth and lain on the high
desert floor, waiting for mankind's need for a balancing agent to help shift
your physical body into a more comfortable place to be. As the emotional
winds of change buffet us through the Earth changes that are upon us, these
little Orange balls weld the power to calm the survival fears that effect
the lower 4 Chakras The fears that tend to keep us off balance and feeling
alone, vulnerable to attack, loss, powerlessness. The root causes of the
victim consciousness that seems to permeate the World today, and that
creates a self fulfilling prophecy of doom; Letting one face there greatest
fears, but then not walking through them. Carrying Orange Millennium™ on
your person can greatly help both seeing and feeling that these fears are
just that fears, enabling you to feel a sense of calm in the storm. Helping
the body to not react to the reptilian brains fight or flight syndrome, by
lessening the bodies need to produce chemical stimulants that create "SUPER
STRESS" that rob your energy and create a lethargic feeling along with
sleeplessness, bizarre dreams, odd and disturbing visions of a future that
holds NO future. Constipation of both the digestive tract and the emotions
are greatly helped with Orange Millennium™, relief is brought by the
knowingness that you are a child of the Earth and are connected to Her core;
you are here to witness the Earth changes and be changed by them, that you
are safe going through these changes if you let it be safe. With the help of
Orange Millennium™ you are able to let the body unwind, the bodies mind drop
its shield and feel a deep sense of belonging to this Earth helping Her in
Her time of need. For She has a need for those that would project good well
and well being. One drop of light in a dark room will change the way all in
the room perceive it, creating the beginnings of soothing life giving
energy. Orange Millennium™, like it's forerunner Green Millennium™, works
with creation of Transforming Non Cohesive Energy flow into Cohesive Energy
Flow within the Body ; but does so by accessing the bodies mind to release
the hidden fears stored there in both the Solar plexus and the Root Chakras
It will help ones sexuality and fulfillment in many Root chakras areas,
lessening the feeling of neediness and lack.
Papagoite is
said to bring optimism. Historically it has been used to bring peace and
purity. It helps one speak with clarity. It is also used for thought
projection. In meditation, it can help bring one to a euphoric state of
oneness. It is associated primarily with the third eye chakra, but also
aligns all the chakras.
Peach Aventurine
Peach aventurine
gently increases the energy of the sacral chakra. It helps with decision
making and can boost creativity. Physically it is beneficial for the lungs,
heart, adrenal glands and urogenital system.
Pearls attune the wearer to ebb and flow of life. They are calming and
centering. They give purity and promote faith, charity, and integrity, truth
and loyalty. They especially enhance personal integrity. They help one
connect with the Goddess, the ultimate feminine energy. Pearls have been
used to treat disorders of the digestive tract and muscular systems, as well
as to aid fertility and to ease childbirth.
Loose Beads
(many colors available)
Peridot: opens new doors; removes stress, fear, and guilt; activates
personal growth. Works with the 4th (heart) chakra.
Peridot - balances your emotional mind and
calms emotional storms. Aids digestion and insomnia and increases psychic
Periodot is associated with the heart chakra, and can be used to balance and
stimulate that chakra. It is a stone of compassion. It has a friendly energy
and is excellent for healing. It assists in rebirth and renewal of all
kinds. Peridot also bring abundance and prosperity. It enhances the healing
and harmony of relationships of all kinds, but particularly marriage.
Peridot can lessen stress in relationships, anger and jealousy, slow aging,
and heal ulcers and digestive problems. It also assists in finding what is
lost, and strengthens ESP abilities. It has been said to make a shield of
protection around the body of any wearer of peridot.
Enhances ability to feel energy; dissolves negative energy and
black magic; the stone of angels. It is related to and
works best on the throat and crown chakras. Works with all chakras
Petalite is
sometimes called the "Stone of the Angels". It is excellent for spiritual
healing. It also encourages and promotes connections to angels, spirit
guides and totems. It is said to lift one to higher awareness and allow
access to higher dimensions. It has been used to protect Shamans during
ceremonies such as medicine wheels. It is extremely useful for astral travel
and meditation because it will ground and protect you during these
activities. It will also dissipate and remove negative energy and black
magic spells. Petalite is also a stone of peace that can bring gentle calm
in most any situation. It is also great at enhancing and increasing
intuition and psychic abilities, and increases one's ability to feel subtle
energies. Petalite balances yin/yang energies and aligns and balances
Petoskey Stone -
Petoskey Stone is related primarily to the third eye chakra as well as the
crown chakra
Stone is a type of fossilized colony coral found only in Michigan, USA, the
coral living during the Devonian period about 350 million years ago when
Michigan had a warm inland sea. Because of the "eye" type configurations it
shows especially when polished, it is said to mystically help stimulate the
third eye and psychic awareness. Petoskey Stone is also said to keep naughty
spirits from channeling incorrect information or interfering with one's
life. In particular, as far as awareness, Petoskey Stoneis said to enhance
awareness of the emotions, which can be a boon for dealing with emotional
issues. It is also said to clear out negative energies from the aura and the
environment. Traditional healing folklore and crystal healing lore purport
that Petoskey Stone is helpful for healing AIDS, Cancer, CFS, eyes, head,
infections, infectious disease, lungs, skeletal system, and tumors of all
Petrified Dinosaur Bone
Petrified or Fossilized Dinosaur Bone increases energy and memory. It has
ties with the deep past, and this makes it an excellent stone for past life
work. Dinosaur bone is also wonderful for calming anxiety, in particular
survival anxieties. It helps, too, with communication and ability to
understand communications. Physically, dinosaur bone is used for healing of
paralysis, broken bones, hearing, vigor, regulation of body temperature.
wood: connection to earth and nature; removes petty annoyances.
Works with the root chakra.
wood is a stone that is good for grounding and stabilizing one's emotions.
It is particularly useful in calming svival-based fears. It helps one be
practical. It is a stone of business success. Petrified wood is a good stone
for general protection. Physically, it is beneficial physically for the
bones, backaches, skin and hair. Petrified wood is also used for past life
regressions because of its inherent link with the past.
Phantom Quartz
Phantom quartz crystals are wonderful awareness tools. They can give a sense
of magic that most of us have lost along the course of our lives. Phantom
quartz can help us increase awareness of evolution, in ourselves and in the
world around us, showing how growth, rest, and rebirth cycle through all
existence. Psychically, phantom quartz is considered excellent for past life
work and meditation, and is valuable for the mystic or spiritual seeker.
Physically, crystal healing and folk lore say that phantom quartz crystals
are excellent for initiating healing, bringing great energy to the healing
process, and are especially helpful for hearing disorders and emotional
inner knowing; spiritual travel; increases energy of other stones.
Works with the 7th (crown) chakra.
Picasso Marble (aka Picasso Jasper)
Picasso Marble (or Picasso Stone) is sometimes called Picasso Jasper. It has
strong metaphysical qualities of grounding and calming. It also promotes
weight loss and assists in the development of creativity, as well as
engendering strength and self-discipline.
Picture Jasper
jasper helps create harmony, proportion, creative visualization, positive
things in business pursuits. It brings and shows hidden messages from the
past as well as hidden thoughts, fears, and hopes. These qualities make it
useful as an emotional/psychological healing stone.
Pietersite (aka Tempeststone) -
dignified power and loving guidance; helps access Akashic records.
Works with 6th (third eye) and 7th (crown) chakra.
Pietersite, sometimes known as Tempeststone, helps one see beyond the
immediate to beauty in the All. It enhances courage, tenacity, and ability
to maintain or create what is yours. Spiritually and psychically, pietersite
helps in working with angels, experiencing visions, and precognition,
relating to feminine or goddess energy, as well as astral and dimensional
travel. Emotionally, pietersite helps to relax, and release deep emotions in
a calmer way. Physically, pietersite balances body fluids, improves
nutrition, helps with gastrointestinal functions, and helps the endocrine
glands, balances female homones, alleviates PMS and menopause symptoms.
Pietersite is also excellent for improving memory.
Pietersite was discovered by Sid Pieters in
while he was prospecting some farm land in
After his discovery, he registered the find in the mineral records
of Britain.
His discovery was published in
and the material was named Pietersite. Currently there are only two
known sources of Pietersite;
and Africa. These two forms of Pietersite, are similar, but still
somewhat different from each other. The Chinese Pietersite's fibrous
mineral is a
amphibole. The African (Namibian) variety is mainly
crocidolite. The China form of Pietersite is said to have been
discovered in
but did not come to market until
This China Pietersite exhibits slightly different color variations
from Mr. Pieter's original mineral, but both are beautiful and are
now universally recognized as Pietersite.
The material found in China was formed from a mineral very
similar to crocidolite, named torendrikite. Chinese Pietersite has
striking combinations of gold, red and blue color segments which
sometimes also includes a deep golden brown color. Regardless of the
source, Pietersite will always have brecciated,
fibrous bands of blue, gold and/or red
tiger eye type fibers in
The fibrous structure in Pietersite has been folded, stressed, even
fractured and/or broken apart via the earth's geologic processes.
The fibrous materials have then been reformed and naturally
recemented together by quartz. Stones and crystals that go through
this process are referred to as brecciated, creating a finished
product with multiple colors, hues and superb
While Pietersite has the lovely chatoyancy of tiger eye, it is
not found in continuously structured bands or fibers, more in
swirls, swathes and fibrous (sometimes linear) segments. Thus the
structure of the fibrous streaks in Pietersite may appear rather
chaotic, and can flow or exist in many directions side-by-side like
bold paint strokes.
Colors include various blues, golds and reds, that may appear
together or alone. Blue is the rarest color, followed by red. The
blues range from a baby blue to dark midnight hue. Golds can be
light to very deep and rich, sometimes having a reddish hue. All
fibrous color variations will have a superb and striking
chatoyancy, the bright and subtly changing shimmer of color that
moves along the surface of a gemstone as it is viewed from varying
Pink - promotes compassion, love and healing of emotional
Pink Peruvian Opal (Pink Andean Opal) -
Pink Peruvian opal is associated primarily with the heart chakra.
Pink Peruvian Opal is a stone of love and gentleness. It brings energies of
gentle love and kindness to both romantic relationships and relationships of
other kinds. As with other opals, it also brings inspiration, imagination
and creativity. It can help release inhibitions and brings happy dreams. It
also eases the process of change. Physically, pink Peruvian opal is helpful
for eyesight, heart disease and injury, Parkinson's disease, lungs, and
Pop Rocks:
sense of joy; highly energetic; draws pain out of body. Works with
the 2nd chakra.
Poppy Jasper (aka Brecciated Jasper) - It
is also a good stone for grounding oneself and is associated with the root
Poppy Jasper
is the reddish variation of brecciated jasper. Sometimes it is just referred
to as brecciated jasper, but the modern term is poppy jasper. It has the
qualities of enhancing organizational abilities, relaxation, and a sense of
wholeness. It is occasionally used to assist when dowsing. It aligns the
chakras and balances the yin-yang, physical, and emotional. It is a stone of
protection, and is used in particular for protection during astral travel.
Poppy jasper encourages attunement and communication with animals and can
help with animal allergies, plus other allergies. It brings happiness and a
good outlook on life and eases stress. Poppy jasper can help increase
physical endurance and ward off dehydration.
resolves sexuality issues; sense of oneness with universe;
Earth-mother stone. Works with the 4th (heart) chakra.
Prehnite: balances chakras, enhances
personal relationships. Works with 3rd (solar plexus) and (4th (heart)
Prehnite is a
very protective stone and can protect one on all levels. It strengthens the
life force and generally increases and stimulates energy. It aids spirit
communication through meditation or visualization, out-of-body travel, and
is a powerful dream stone. Prehnite is also known as a stone of prophesy
which stimulates inner-knowing. Physically, prehnite is helpful in the
healing of gout, anemia, and kidney problems. Purpurite (Purperite) -
helps break away from limiting patterns; finances; increases
spirituality. Works with 7th (crown) chakra.
Purpurite (purperite)
is a stone that helps break away from self-destructive or self-limiting
patterns, as well as external restraints. It helps one speak with
confidence. It increases spirituality, promotes inner growth, and stimulates
the ability to absorb spiritual insights. Purpurite is also a stone that can
bring prosperity and help with finances. Physically, purpurite is helpful
for wounds, bruises, uric acid levels, and purifying the blood.
increases memory, concentration, and spiritual and psychic
ability. Works with the root chakra.
Pyrite is a stone of intellect and protection. It enhances intelligence,
mental stability, logic, analysis, creativity, memory, and psychic
development. It can help you tap your own latent mental talents and
abilities. Pyrite is a powerful protection stone, and is very grounding.
Pyrite is also known as Fool's Gold and Healer's Gold.
Pyromorphite is a mineral that enhances the energies of other minerals.
Pyromorphite is said to attract money and other objects of wealth, and can
help one see the steps to take to achieve goals, giving it the nickname "the
Victory Stone". It also activates and stimulates one's personal energy.
Pyromorphite can be used to get rid of creative blocks. It is also used to
renew connections with people one has lost touch with. Pyromorphite should
not be used directly to make elixirs. Pyromorphite is excellent for healing
because of its enhancement of other stones used in crystal healing.
Physically, pyromorphite is used for chills, gum disease, removing organisms
from the blood, and assimilating B vitamins.
Quantum Quattro SilicaTM - It can
and will align all energy bodies, all chakras—both on the body and above and
below it—if it is used with sincere prayer, and peaceful meditation.
Quantum Quattro Silica™ is from Namibia, the only known source for this
combination of minerals: royal blue shattuckite, robin egg blue chrysacola,
forest green dioptase, in smoky quartz with pastel light green malachite.
Quantum-Quattro Silica™ is an immune system builder that is able to work
within the DNA structure and cellular level to re-polarize and magnetically
open the gateways to God’s direct healing light. It is effective in healing
past grief induced trauma that is locked within the emotional energy field
and the body’s cells, causing pain in both areas. |
programmable stone; breaks bad habits; relieves headaches;
channeling stone; enhances life force. Works with all chakras.
Quartz - the greatest of all healing stones.
Acts as an amplifier for psychic energy and aids meditation and
(Colorless, aka Clear Quartz) -
Clear quartz, as opposed to colored quartz, is
associated with the crown chakra, but also works well on all chakras.
Quartz is a power stone that harmonizes and balances. It enhances energy and
thoughts, and purifies the spiritual, mental, and physical. It is also a
powerfully protective stone, bringing the purified energy in. Historically
this crystal has been used to counter black magic, to perform diagnostic
healing, and to communicate with spirits and other worlds.
Quartz, Red Orange River - It aligns
the lower chakras.
Red Orange River Quartz is found in South Africa, at, you guessed it, the
Orange River. Red hematite gives this quartz its deep orangey-red. The
combination of the quartz and the hematite energize and at the same time
ground you. Red Orange River Quartz is good for helping accept one's life
path, and is excellent for self-realization and acceptance. It is helpful
for clear thinking and decision making.
Rose Quartz -
Rose quartz is associated with the heart chakra.
Ggreat for attracting
love. Promotes self-loving and heals emotional wounds as well as
promoting peace, forgiveness, and nurturing.
Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love. It opens the heart chakra
to all forms of love: self-love, family love, platonic love, and
romantic love. Rose quartz has excellent protection energies during
pregnancy and childbirth. The elevated energy of quartz gives rose
quartz a property of enhancing love in virtually any situation. It also
brings gentleness, forgiveness, and tolerance. Rose quartz is also said
to be helpful with weight loss.
Quartz, Rutilated - Rutilated quartz is associated with the solar plexus
Rutilated quartz is said to assist with tissue regeneration, assimilation of
nutrition, and slow the advancement of aging. It is also said to boost the
immune system and treat respiratory illness. Rutiliated quartz is also a
mystical crystal "diagnostic tool" which can help discover the true cause of
an ailment. Rutilated quartz is also purported to enhance mental and
physical stability, self-reliance, and meditation on feminine ideas. It is
reputed by intuitives and folklore to diminish fears, depression and issues
with decision-making.
SEE: Pendants
Quartz, Smoky -
Smoky quartz is associated with the root chakra.
Smoky (or smokey) quartz is a grounding and stabilizing stone. It brings
calm and centering, lifts depression, enhances practicality, and generally
removes negative energies, bringing happiness. Smoky quartz is also a good
luck stone. It can also assist in tapping subconscious wisdom. Smoky quartz
is a protective stone, particularly for physical protection, protection from
negativity, and psychic protection. Physically, smoky quartz is helpful for
kidneys, abdomen, pancreas, reproductive organs, menstrual cramps, fertility
issues, water retention.
Snow Quartz
Snow quartz is a stone that brings good fortune. It is also a calming and
soothing stone. Snow quartz is helpful for meditation, and looking within.
It also has all the properties of clear quartz to a lesser degree. Snow
quartz is often used for purification. Physically, it is beneficial for the
immune system.
Quartz, Tourmalated
Tourmalated quartz, also known as tourmaline in quartz, is an excellent
protective stone, and brings balance and inner strength. It deflects and
grounds negativity, and reduces anxiety and depression.
Rainbow Aura (Angel
Aura, Pearl Aura, Opal Aura)
Rainbow Moonstone
Rainbow moonstone
has a gentle, calming energy. It helps to strengthen intuition and psychic
perception, and enhances creativity, compassion, endurance and inner
confidence. It is a stone that brings balance and harmony. The Rainbow
effect brings in a spectrum of light, and can help with clearing and
bringing in uplifting energies. It has been said to have the power to grant
Rainbow Obsidian -
Rainbow Obsidian is primarily associated with the root
Rainbow Obsidian (Sheen Obsidian) is called a "stone of pleasure" because
one of its most notable attributes metaphysically is bringing pleasure,
enjoyment and joy to one's life. It also brings love and light to one and
can bring out the Spiritual. Rainbow Obsidian is used psychically to enhance
clairvoyance and is an excellent scrying stone, especially in the areas of
love, relationships and self-development. It is also a very protective
stone, and is especially effective in protection rituals and amulets, where
it works by grounding out negativity to let light in. Thus, it is also a
very grounding and centering stone.
Rainforest Jasper
Australian Rain Forest Jasper, Rhyolite, Ryolite) - It
is related to and helpful with the solar plexus chakra primarily, and also
the throat chakra.
Rainforest Jasper or Australian Rainforest Jasper, is more specifically
known geologically as rhyolite or ryolite. It is known as a stone of
resolution and perseverence. It is said to help communication of all kinds,
and helps one listen easily and without distorting the message one is
hearing. It is also a wonderful stone for meditaiton. Rainforest Jasper
balances the Yin/Yang (masculine and feminine) energies. It can help one
allow other people into their lives, even if one has been reclusive or
solitary. It is also a stone of protection. Physically, Rainforest Jasper is
used for cleansing the liver, regeneration, and general healing.
Red Aventurine -
Red aventurine is associated with the sacral and root chakras.
Red aventurine has the properties of aventurine, plus more because of its
color and composition. Red aventurine enhances creativity and ability to see
possibilities. It can heal the reproductive system, and sometimes reverse
diseases. It also can bring prosperity and lessen negativity.
Red Calcite
Red calcite brings
stability to one's will, and increases inner strength. It assists with
problem solving. It can also attract love. Physically red calcite is
beneficial for genitals, reproductive organs, gonads, ovaries, hips, lets,
feet, stiff muscles and joints.
Red Jasper
Red jasper is called a stone of fairness and justice because mystical lore
claims that it decreases unjustness and helps in unfair situations. It is
also said to enhance responsibility, choice, and compassion. Used in
mystical dreamwork, it can enhance dream recall. It is said to assist in
protection and rescue from danger. Red jasper is associated with the first
and second chakras. Metaphysically, it is purported to have a stabilizing
effect, and help one take all one's energy and use it in a balanced manner.
It is also said to be a stone that helps in all areas of survival, and is a
very protective stone. Red jasper said in gemstone lore to be a stone of
controlled passion and used to help control one's own passions. Crystal
healing lore says that physically it assists in healing by maintaining
positive movement with all types of disorders and disease.
Red Tigers Eye
Red Tigers Eye
enhances integrity of self and can be very grounding. It can help one have
the practicality and willpower to take care of oneself fully. It is a
survival stone and helps with the correct use of power for survival in
difficult times.
“the master crystal”; unlocks blockages; activates charkas;
positive stone. Works with all chakras.
Rhodozite is sometimes
called the "master crystal." It is a truly positive energy stone that never
needs to be cleared or charged. Rhodizite assists with astral travel by
helping you get and process the information needed from the astral travel.
It is also very helpful for meditation, making stilling the mind much
easier. Madagascar Shamans are said to use rhodizite for "cloud busting" and
initiating rain. Energetically, rhodizite is very powerful for unlocking and
clearing blockages, and activating all the chakras. Physically, rhodizite is
helpful for cancer, tissue inflammation, cellular diseases, pH balance in
the body, stabilizing brain function, and is an excellent energy booster for
all types of healing.
Rhodochrosite: strengthens mental power; helps find new love.
Works with the 4th (heart) chakra.
Rhodochrosite - love drawing stone. Helps release past
psychological issues. Helps eyesight. (sometimes spelled
Rhodocrosite is an elegant pink and white stone called the "stone of love
and balance" as it balances and enhances love on all levels. It allows
fuller love to enter one's life, in part by calming excessive passions. It
energizes and cleanses the base, sacral and heart chakras, as well as
balancing the mental and emotional processes. Traditionally rhodocrosite has
been considered good for the digestion, the heart, the kidneys, the pulse
rate, and the thyroid.
Rhodonite: assuredness, helps one achieve the highest potential.
Works with the 4th (heart) chakra.Rhodonite - self-affirmation and self-love. Fosters ability to
remain calm in arguments and resolve disagreements in a loving way.
Rhodonite is a stone of grace and elegance. It decreases anxiety while
increasing attention to detail. It works beneficially on the heart chakra,
opening one to unconditional love and increased service to mankind. It is
also a calming stone. Rhodonite is also a stone of contrasts. The bright
pinks indicate energy that enhances passionate love. The shiny black
indicates grounding energy. This stone can help one have a passionate love
that is also grounded. Physically it has been known to help with emphysema,
joint inflammation, light sensitivity, strep throat and heart disorders.
Richterite is commonly associated with the throat (5th) chakra.
Richterite is a stone of calmness, relaxation and strength. It is said to
help lessen the "fight or flight" syndrome associated with PTSD (post
traumatic stress disorder) and other anxiety states. It is said to help one
balance action and reaction, and handle life in a calm, steady, and strong
manner. When one is already in a relaxed state such as meditation,
richterite can profoundly deepen the relaxation, allowing the body freedom
to heal more fully, grow stronger, and for the mind to expand into higher
states of awareness. As a throat chakra stone, richterite is involved with
communication, but rather than external communication it is primarily
involved with communication within the entity or person. Physically
richterite is used in folklore and spiritual healing to aid in healing of
circulation problems, glandular problems, particularly thyroid problems,
respiratory problems, parasites, fevers of various kinds, and typhoid.
Rose Quartz:
self-assuredness; love stone; reduces weight and wrinkles.
Works with the 4th (heart) chakra.
Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love. It opens the heart chakra to
all forms of love: self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love.
Rose quartz has excellent protection energies during pregnancy and
childbirth. The elevated energy of quartz gives rose quartz a property of
enhancing love in virtually any situation. It also brings gentleness,
forgiveness, and tolerance. Rose quartz is also said to be helpful with
weight loss.
Bracelets CRYSTALS
Rubellite is
associated with the sacral and root chakras, as well as the heart chakra.
Rubellite is pink to red
tourmaline. It is a stone of balance and calm. Emotionally, rubellite helps
bring emotional balance and helps open up, relax, and detach from personal
pain. It can be used with lepidolite as a super-powerful energy for calming
people in distress. As prosperity is a natural effect of a life in balance,
rubellite also brings abundance. Rubellite is also a stone of passion,
bringing passionate energy and love. Physically, rubellite balances the
body's electrochemical system, strengthens immune system, heals backaches,
and reproductive system disorders, detoxifies the blood, assists with
recovery, and eases the effects of radiation poisoning.
Ruby: mental
balance; improves circulation; protects sensitive natures.
Works with the root chakra and the 4th (heart) chakra
Ruby - stimulates nurturing emotions
and economic stability. Excellent for shielding from psychic attacks and
gathering and amplifying energy. Helpful for blood-related health issues,
such as anemia, menstrual issues, and poor circulation.
Ruby brings integrity, devotion and happiness. It also enhances generosity
and brings prosperity. Ruby brings and increases romantic love. Ruby is a
stone that has been known to be very protective of home, worldly possession,
children, and psychic protection. It is a stone of high energy and power
that promotes healing on all levels.
Ruby Aura (Ruby Aura Quartz)
Ruby Aura Quartz
is quartz that is treated by permanently bonding platinum or gold and
platinum to the surface of quartz crystal. Crystal healing and metaphysical
lore of Ruby Aura is as follows. Ruby aura is a stone of passion and
vitality. It is also very protective, especially so in times of upheaval and
turmoil, and against aggression and violence. It is helpful for overcoming
survival issues of all kinds and cleansing the base or root chakra.
Physically, in crystal healing and traditional folklore, ruby aura is used
in healing the back, feet, hips spine, and legs.
Ruby in Zoisite
Ruby in Zoisite is
an energy amplification stone that can energize the entire field of one's
body. It is used for psychic ability and empowerment, as well as altered
states of consciousness. Ruby in Zoisite stimulates the crown chakra.
Physically, it is beneficial for heart disorders, and physical vitality.
Rudraksha Seeds
Rudraksha (or Rudraksa) is the dried fruit of Elaeocarpus Ganitrus, which
grows mostly in Indonesia.. Rudraksa literally translates to: Rudra=Shiva’s
aksa=Eye, meaning that it is pleasing to the eye of Shiva. Sometimes it is
referred to as "Tears of Shiva". Hindu holy literature has it that Rudraksha
beads, also known as Rudraksa, have many special powers, including curing
all types of ailments and absolving all kinds of sins. The number of facets
each bead has changes the number and types of sins that the seed can
absolve. Altogether, Rudraksha is a powerful healing and absolution
component according to traditional Hinduism.
Quartz: excellent for birthing process; enhances communication.
Rutilated quartz is associated with the solar plexus
chakra, but works with all chakras. It is very healing.
Rutilated quartz is said to assist with tissue regeneration, assimilation of
nutrition, and slow the advancement of aging. It is also said to boost the
immune system and treat respiratory illness. Rutiliated quartz is also a
mystical crystal "diagnostic tool" which can help discover the true cause of
an ailment. Rutilated quartz is also purported to enhance mental and
physical stability, self-reliance, and meditation on feminine ideas. It is
reputed by intuitives and folklore to diminish fears, depression and issues
with decision-making.
goal motivator; strengthens loyalty; highly evolved spiritual
stone. Works with the 6th (third eye) and 7th (crown)
Sapphire - promotes light,
pure emotions - purity of mind, serenity, joy, and peace. Opens the mind to
beauty and love. Clears the mind of unwanted thoughts.
Sapphire is a stone of creative expression, intuition, and meditation, and
enhances all those things. Sapphire is corundum, and comes in virtually any
color of the rainbow including blue, pink, purple, orange (Padparadsha),
green, colorless, and red (known as ruby. Sapphire is beneficial for mental clarity and depression.
Physically it is good for lowering fevers and inflammation, hearing
problems, cancer, and burns. Sapphire is associated with the brow chakra.
Various colors of sapphire have properties in addition to the general
sapphire properties.
- encourages self-control and
courage in public speaking. Relieves anxiety and grief. Protection, luck,
and peace.
Scapolite is
known as a stone of problem solving and achievement. It is said to help find
elegant solutions to problems, make changes in one's life, and bring
inspiration and strength of purpose. Use scapolite mystically for bringing
energies of breaking old patterns of sabotaging self and bringing acceptance
of success. In this way, scapolite is a stone of success too. Spiritually,
scapolite is said to bring peace of mind and calm debilitating emotions.
Intuitives use scapolite on computers, TV's and other electronic equipment
to absorb and negate EMF emissions. Folklore and spiritual healing says that
scapolite is helpful for eyesight; mental clarity; glaucoma; cateracts;
tension and pain in shoulders, neck, upper chest, and head; bone disorders;
calcium assimilation; recovery from surgery; arthritis pain; and emotional
chaos. Spiritual healers also use scapolite to draw out pain.
Schorl (Black Tourmaline)
Black tourmaline, also known as schorl, is associated with the root or base
chakra, and is excellent for grouding excess energy. It is a well known as a
purifying stone that deflects and transforms negative energy, and thus is
very protective. It can transform and remove negativity from an individual
or an environment. It is often used as an aura cleanser, and can help one
attain higher levels of awareness. Black tourmaline is also used for
repelling and protecting one from black magick, and is often said to return
the negative spell to the sender. Some claim that black tourmaline deflects
all kinds of energy, but my personal experience is that it's not so. It is
possible that the black tourmaline's effect of grounding excess energy gives
this impression. Black tourmaline has also been used to deflect radiation
energy from tv's and computer monitors. Emotionally, black tourmaline is
excellent for dispelling fears, obsessions, and neuroses, bringing emotional
stability. Physically, black tourmaline can strengthen the immune system,
help with heart disease, arthritis, and gout.
Selenite: flexibility, clarity in decision-making, strengthens spinal
column. Works with the 7th (crown) chakra.
Selenite is excellent in
aiding with clear thinking and to help in processing information. It
increase ones awareness both when looking inward and at the world around
you. Providing both flexibility and resolve, assisting in adjudicating and
facilitating material acquisitions Selenite is a great metaphysical stone to
keep at your workspace. Selenite can be successfully
used to clear the auric body and aid connection with higher self. It is used
for healing at a core level. On a physical level it is useful for lower back
pain. Selenite is a stone of mental clarity, enhancing mental flexibility and
strengthening decisions. With it you can access past lives. It also promotes
good business practices. It removes energy blocks from the physical and
etheric bodies. It also aligns the spine, is good for the skeleton, and
decreases epilepsy and seizures. It also has the ability to clear other
stones that are placed on or near it.
Septarian - Septarian
is related to the lower chakras, root, sacral and solar plexus.
Septarian is a geode that is a combination of yellow calcite, brown
aragonite, grey limestone and white/clear barite, thus it has properties of
each of its component minerals. Septarian is brings calming energies which
have a nurturing feel to them, and can bring feelings of joy and spiritual
uplifting. Septarian is used to enhance and nurture communication with
groups, making it much easier to speak clearly and kindly in group
settings.Septarian is also used to assist with communication with Mother
Earth. It is said to bring unconscious foreknowledge needed by the user to
help him or her always be prepared for what is coming up. In crystal healing
folklore, Septarian is used for healing of the blood and kidneys.
Serafina, Serefina Chlorite, Chlinochlore) -
Seraphinite: cleanses
aura and charkas; helps contact angels; energy of cooperation. Works
with the 4th (heart) and 7th (crown) chakra.
Seraphinite (serafina,
chlinochlore) is often referred to an an angel stone because of its higher
energies and relationship with angels. Seraphinite is said to help contact
angels and communicate with them. Psychically, seraphinite is beneficial for
intuition and psychic awareness. This stone can be very protective of the
heart chakra when used over this chakra, and is helpful for sending
unconditional love. Seraphinite is a purifying stone that helps one find
one's higher purpose and will. Seraphinite is also extremely helpful for all
forms of transformation and transmutation, including the magickal kind.
Physically, seraphinite is healing for nerves, brain cells, purification of
the blood and organs and eliminating toxins, kidneys, liver.
Serpentine, which is also called New Jade, is a beneficial and versatile
stone. It is said by mystics to help with emotional cleansing, psychic
powers, and attract love and money. It is also used in the rise of the
kundalini, facilitating the rise by opening a path that lessens discomfort.
In addition, serpentine is considered a metaphysically protective stone that
is especially protective against snakebite, poison, and venom. Serpentine is
an excellent stone for meditation. Physically, traditional and mystical lore
says that serpentine eliminates parasite infections and removes venom and
other poisons.
Shattuckite - Shattuckite is primarily associated with the
throat chakra.
Shattuckite is
often called a stone of reconciliation. It is reputed to have properties of
assisting with reconcilation and renewal. Shattuckite is also used to
channel information, particularly from extra-terrestrials; and it is used
for automatic writing. It is said to calm the mind and create harmony.
Crystal healing lore reputs that shattuckite is helpful for healing
diabetes, calcium absorption problems, parathyroid, mites and other
infestations, and tonsilitis.
Silver is a mineral that is said to mirror the soul, strengthen the
connection between astral and physical bodies, and enhance intuitive and
psychic energies. Silver is mystically considered to improve speech, bring
eloquence. It is also purported to attract, enhance and store the energies
of gemstones, as well as draw out negative energies. Silver is related to
the moon, and moon energies. Physically, crystal healing lore indicates that
silver is has been traditionally used to aid heptatitis treatments,
eliminate toxins, expel toxins through the pores, headache, rheumatic pain,
nausea and gastritis, obesity, diabetes, and increase assimilation of
vitamins A and E.
See: Silver
Silver Topaz
Silver topaz
is a stone of success and manifestion when directed toward the highest good
of all. It promotes creativity and individuality. It replaces negativity
with love and joy. It enhances healing and visualization, and aids in the
healing of depression, wounds, and skin problems. It helps communication
with animals and plants. Silver topaz is associated with the crown chakra,
but will work with all chakras. Topaz is associated with the astrological
signs Scorpio and Saggitarius.
is a stone of charm, kindness and positive happenings. It is auspicious for
new beginnings. It can activate each chakra (energy center) of the body and
can be used as a "replacement stone" in crystal healing. It reputedly helps
with immune system problems, alcoholism, sinus problems and digestive
ailments. It also helps attract new friends.
Smoky Quartz -
Smoky Quartz: relieves
depression and tension; balances sexual energies. Works with the root chakra
Smoky (or smokey) quartz is a grounding and stabilizing stone. It brings
calm and centering, lifts depression, enhances practicality, and generally
removes negative energies, bringing happiness. Smoky quartz is also a good
luck stone. It can also assist in tapping subconscious wisdom. Smoky quartz
is a protective stone, particularly for physical protection, protection from
negativity, and psychic protection. Physically, smoky quartz is helpful for
kidneys, abdomen, pancreas, reproductive organs, menstrual cramps, fertility
issues, water retention.
Snowflake Obsidian
- protects against nightmares and emotional
Obsidian is lava formed in the flaming core of the Earth
and transported to the surface volcanically. This
lustrous volcanic glass mineral often has inclusions of a white mineral (phenocryst)
the structure of which resembles snowflakes. Not surprisingly is is
considered a protective metaphysical energy. Snowflake Obsidian is a
grounding and centering stone. It is association with
fire makes it a stone of purity that is said to protect from abuse and
ground spiritual energy into the physical realm. It makes as excellent room
It is considered helpful in healing disorders
of the stomach and intestines and as a general muscle healer. Others
strongly recommend it for treatment of anything relating to the veins. Snowflake obsidian has the property of bringing
things to the surface. The things brought to the surface could be positive
or negative, love, anger, secrets; but with snowflake obsidian, these things
are brought to the surface more gently that they might be otherwise.
Snowflake obsidian can provide balance during times of change. It aids in
seeing patterns in life and recreating them in a more beneficial way. It is
a stone of serenity and purity, and can shield against negativity. It is
associated with the root chakra and is beneficial for the veins, skeleton,
and smooth skin. Snowflake obsidian gives protection from physical and
emotional harm.
prophetic dreaming; good for endocrine system; eliminates confusion.
Works with the 5th (throat) and 6th (third eye) chakraSodalite - purifies your aura and protects you from negative
energy from people around you.
Sodalite is great at assisting with logical thinking, preventing over
sensitivity, and enhancing group communication. It can assist you in
speaking your truth. It is
used as an aid in strengthening the lymphatic system and regulating
metabolism. Sodalite is a stone of logic, rationality, and efficiency. It is helpful
for work in groups and stimulates thought. Sodalite is a stone that is good
for healing breaches in communication. It is a stone of truth, and brings
this to all communications. It can help end arguments or other
disagreements. It is particularly useful for honesty of emotions. It
increases intelligence, knowledge and learning, and can unite the logical
with the spiritual. Physically it is beneficial for the glands, digestive
system, relieving insomnia, and decreasing calcium deficiency. It can also
be useful for quicker healing of head colds.
Spirit Quartz
(Porcupine Quartz, Cactus Quartz, Spirit Crystals)
- Spirit quartz is associated primarily with the crown chakra,
but will work to align and balance all chakras together.
Spirit Quartz was known as porcupine quartz or cactus quartz until it
settled into its "real" name. Spirit quartz is reputed in the metaphysical
lore to bring qualities of energy, peace, and positive energy to all realms.
It is said to transform negative energy into positive energy, thereby being
a very protective stone, and excellent for auric shielding as well as mental
and physical types of protection. Spirit quartz is also excellent and often
used for astral projection, dreamwork, shamanic journeying, and rebirthing.
Emotionally it is said to remove fear, bringing emotional peace and
happiness. Spirit quartz works very well with other minerals and can boost
their energy as well as cleanse and activate them. Physically spirit quartz
is used in traditional folklore and crystal healing lore for skin disorders,
allergic reactions, colon disorders, detoxification, obsessive disorders,
familial abuse related stress disorders.
Staurolite: tears
of fairies; good luck; helps transitions; makes one at ease. Works
with the root chakra.
Stichtite: encourages
truthfulness, gentleness, and an open mind; eases kundalini through heart
chakra. Works with the 4th (heart) chakra which it
helps the passage of kundalini through.
Stichtite is a stone that brings emotional awareness and expansion. It is a
very calming stone that brings tranquility and peace to individuals and to
one's environment. It help one to be gentle with self and others, and
promotes keeping promises, openly sharing opinions, and considering all
thoughts with love. It engenders loving companionship of all kinds. For
family life, stichtite can help children behave positively. Physically,
stichtite helps heal teeth, gums, skin elasticity, skin regeneration, mucous
membrane problems.
Stilbite -
Stilbite is associated with the heart, crown,
and throat chakras.
Stilbite is a powerful mineral. It helps with psychic knowing and intuition.
It is also used for psychic direction and guidance from guides, guardian
angels, and totem animals. Stilbite is also a powerful stone of creativity
that enhances creative energy. It heightens many physical senses,
particularly taste (but as Mr Volunteer Man reminds me, the stone itself
should not be eaten!) Stilbite can also help with acceptance and letting go.
It is also used for manifestation. Physically, stilbite is used to remove
toxins, and for laryngitis.
Quartz: aids recall of past lives; eases tension in relationships.
Works with the 4th (heart) chakra.
Sugilite: aids physical
healing; reduces stress; strengthens heart; an emotional balancer. Works
with the 6th (third eye) and 7th (crown) chakra
Sugilite with Manganese: increases psychic and spiritual awareness; grounding.
Works with the root chakra, and the 6th (third eye) and 7th (crown) chakra.
It is also
called Luvulite or Lavulite. Sugilite
has been called the stone of this New Age. A Professor Sugi
after whom it was later named made the first recorded discovery of Sugilite in
Japan in 1944. It was not until 1975 that it was discovered in significant
quantities in South Africa near a small town called Hotazel with says it all
about the climate in that area. It came in the form of a thin band running
through strata in Manganese mine. It was not until 1979 that
it was found in any significant quantity when the depth of this mine had reached
over 3000 feet. This discovery yielded about 10 000 lbs of
quality Sugilite. Most of the original find has now been mined and there have
since only been a few, much smaller finds. This has
resulted in quality Sugilite becoming a semi-rare item on the market.
We are blessed to live in South Africa and have contacts that actually go
and seek out quality Sugilite from this source.
Sugilite is sometimes known as "the healer's stone"
because of its great ability to enhance healing. It is associated with the
third eye and crown chakras. It lessens effects of shock and disappointment.
In addition to its well known enhancement of healing ability, it also
strengthens spirituality, psychic ability and channelling. Sugilite is a
stone that helps perfect spiritual love and open the heart chakra to
unconditional love. It can help manifest one's natural gifts and protect
against harsh realities. It lowers hostility, anger, jealousy and prejudice
and gives a sense of freedom. Psychically, it is excellent for all kinds of
psychic protection. It has been used for headaches and to decrease all types
of discomfort.
wonderful stone is a great balancer of mind, body and spirit.
It encourages peace of mind, a general feeling of well being and
spiritual love. It brings and centers spiritual light into the body and draws
out both physical and emotional pain. It seems to protect
against, absorb and dissipate anger, hurt and other unwanted negative energies.
It is truly a nurturing and balancing stone at all levels. Sugilite
is highly regarded for its healing properties and has been recommended for as
helpful for a wide variety of dis-ease from immune deficiency to addiction. If
visualize a piece of Sugilite on the forehead drawing pain it can remove a persistent headache in seconds.
Sulphur - Vitality, Detoxification, Remove Negative Thoughts, more Sulphur is considered to be related
primarily to the sacral and solar plexus chakras. Sulphur is said
in the crystal healing world to be a stone of energy and vitality which can
help remove negative thoughts and feelings. Mystically, this is said to help
decrease illness by taking away the mental/emotional component. The vitality
properties of sulphur are said to bring protection and purification. It is
used in metaphysics to purify and detoxify environments, thoughts, and even
the energy fields of people. Traditional and mystical lore repute that
sulphur is helpful for the skin, digestion, arthritis, recuperation,
muscles, back-aches, feet, chemotherapy related discomforts and
detoxification of substances or toxins.
Sunstone: dissipates
fear; increases vitality; fosters spiritual growth; a stone of luck.
Works with the 3rd (solar plexus) chakra.
Sunstone is a powerful stone for dispelling fears and phobias of all kinds.
It is also a leadership stone, and brings leadership qualities to its
wearer. In addition to dispelling fears and phobias, sunstone also decreases
stress and lifts depression. Sunstone also brings good luck and abundance,
and turns negative energies and psychic attacks into positive energies. This
stone increases personal power and will, as well as life force energy.
Sunstone is also said to be helpful in contacting animal or spirit guides.
Physically, sunstone is beneficial for general health, physical energy,
sexual dysfunction, increasing sexual energy.
Super Seven -
Super Seven is not associated with any one chakra, but is reportedly
fantastic at healing, balancing and energizing all seven chakras.
Super Seven, also known as Melody's Stone or Sacred 7, is a very spiritual
stone. It is one of the few stones that retain their energy and clarity and
never needs cleansing or energizing. Also, a piece of Super Seven retains
the properties of all the stones in the combination of amethyst, smoky
quartz, clear quartz, rutile, goethite, lepidochrosite and cacoxenite, even
if the piece does not visibly show all 7 minerals. Super Seven is excellent
for enhancing all types of psychic abilities and psychic skills including
telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, channeling, telekinesis, and others.
It is a powerful stone for crystal healing, and is excellent for healing
mind, body, and spirit dis-ease.
Tangerine QuartzTangerine
Quartz carry the same healing properties as your clear quartz crystal -
along with their own special healing qualities. Tangerine quartz is
naturally coloured (no dye is used to give it this orange shade). It is an
excellent stone to use after shock or trauma and especially at the soul
level. It can be used to heal after a psychic attack. This gem can also be
used for past life healing. Tangerine Quartz activates and harmonizes the
sacral Chakra and helps to stimulate the flow of creative energy. It can
take you beyond your limited belief system into a more positive vibration
Legend says
that ages ago the Mountain people believed that their gods and spirits lived
inside palaces made from crystal. It has been well renowned
over the centuries as a popular healing stone. The word Crystal actually
comes from the word "Krystallos" which means "Clear Ice" in Ancient Greek or
celestial water from the heavens that the deities froze so it would never
melt. Another legend is that Hercules drooped the crystal of truth
from Mount Olympus and it shattered into millions of pieces that we find
today as clear quartz. In the Orient, crystal quartz was
regarded as the essence of the dragon and was considered to be pure Chi or
life force. Quartz Crystal has an enlightening effect on all the Chakras and
helps to eliminate negative energy.
Often used as a “cleansing” stone to restore positive energy and used
in meditations. It raises
energy and aids concentration. It is the stone of the sun, of health,
wealth and happiness. This stone absorbs energy from all around us and
can draw down the divine light. It will store and concentrate this
energy to be released in healing, magic or pure vitality.
Some use this stone for divination, building psychic abilities and helping
during meditations. It also amplifies any innate psychic or healing
powers and is used to increase the power of prayer (especially for healing).
It will also act as a channel for spirit guides.
a stone of magic; facilitates spiritual awareness; stimulates insight.
Works with the 6th (third eye) chakra. Tanzanite increases psychic abilities
and enhances spiritual connectedness. Tanzanite is sometimes called the
"workaholic's stone". This is because it helps you slow down and take it
easy. This in turn, brings success in more areas of life. It relieves stress
and enhances composure, poise, and harmony. Physically it is beneficial for
stress related illnesses and high blood pressure in particular.
Tektite: fosters
wisdom through life experience; prevents emotional scars. Works with the
root chakra.
Tektites are used for wisdom, knowledge, and to help withstand mental or
emotional "stumbling." They are also used to diminish or overcome challenges
with mental processes. Psychically they are used for extraterrestrial
communication, astral travel, and lucid dreaming. Tektites are also used to
strengthen one's energy field.
Thulite - Thulite is usually related to the root
chakra, particularly the darker shades, although it is also related to the
heart chakra by many.
Thulite, sometimes called
unionite or pink zoisite is a stone of nurturing in a deep and full way. It
aids understanding and healing the pains and illnesses caused by a lack of
nurturing, even abuse. Crystal healers and psychic healers will find thulite
helpful when working with survivors of incest, physical abuse, emotional
abuse, abandonment, and neglect. Survivors themselves often find thulite
comforting and helpful in combating self-sabotage, low self-esteem, and
other life-long symptoms of abuse and neglect. Others will find that thulite
can help them too, by helping them nurture themselves and those they love.
Thulite is helpful for bringing healing of eating disorders including
anorexia and bulemia, loneliness. Thulite helps bring nurturing love and
understanding of love to one's life, and can help bring harmony in
relationships or communities. In addition, thulite is a stone for the
central nervous system that enhances coordination, concentradion, and
dexterity by bringing the mind and body into alignment together to work
together at their highest capacity. Artists, craftspeople and others who
work with their hands can find thulite extremely helpful. Athletes can also
find thulite very helpful because of its boost of these qualities, which can
improve their athletic performance.
Tibetan "Black" Quartz
Tibetan "Black" Quartz is a powerful stone with purifying energies and the
vibration of the "OM". It is called "Black" quartz because it often has
black inclusions, although clear examples exist too. It can be used for
balancing all chakras and meridians. It can also be used for very powerful
energy grids and deep spiritual meditation. Tibetan "Black" Quartz is also
excellent for dissolving energy blockages and purifying energies. This makes
it superb for protection of the aura or an environment and will also purify
the aura or environment. Tibetan "Black" Quartz is often used in the corners
of a room for purifying energies and protecting the space from negative
energies. Wearing or carrying this type of quartz will cleanse the aura and
protect it from negative influences, as well as helping ground the wearer.
Physically, Tibetan "Black" Quartz is used in crystal healing for powerful
healing of any type, removal of toxins and other impurities, and moving
illness energies out of the body.
Tibetan Scepter Quartz
Scepter crystals
are popularly believed to have been used by the priests/priestesses of
Atlantis and Lemuria. They remind you of who you are and why you are here,
and give courage, particularly to take action. Scepter crystals help one
establish a firm connection to the "true self".
Tiffany Stone
Fluorite, Opal Fluorite, Bertrandite, Ice Cream Opalite, Purple Opal)
- Tiffany Stone is associated primarily with the third eye
Tiffany Stone (aka Opalized Fluorite, Opal Fluorite, Bertrandite, Ice Cream
Opalite, Purple Opal) is a highly energetic but subtle stone. Psychically it
helps with communication and interpretation of psychically received
information of all kinds, including telepathic, channeled, clairaudience,
clairvoyance, and others. Energetically it is excellent for removing energy
blockages of the meridians and chakras. Tiffany Stone is helpful emotionally
by assisting transitions during changes of all kinds, engendering
persistence and emotional strength, and verbalizing hidden or secret
feelings. Tiffany Stone is also beneficial for business and business
success. Physically, Tiffany Stone boosts the sex drive and can enhance
sexual experience, and is an all-around healing stone.
iron: enhances creativity through meditation; good for motivation on all
levels. Works with the lower three chakras.
Eye - Brown, Red and Blue -clear thinking, helps in
manifesting will, courage, and confidence. Tiger's eye brings a special
boost to the solar plexus chakra and to one's personal power.
Tigers Eye was used for personal protection as far back as Roman times and
is still seen today as a metaphysical stone that protects against all kinds
of danger. It is a strong and projective energy and is a warm stone, which
helps energy flow through the body.Ruled
by the sun, Tigers Eye with its golden flashes of light is used to promote
strength and courage and facilitate confidence. It is also said to enable
clear thinking. It is
an excellent stone for visualizations and rituals around money and
Cunningham suggests the following: -
A simple money spell involves empowering
several tiger’s-eyes with your need for money. Use them to surround a green
candle. Light the candle and visualize. He also
suggests that you gaze into the stone in sunlight and watch the flashes of
light. Still your mind and look into the future or use as a metaphysical
tool to delve into your past lives.
It is said to be beneficial for the spleen,
pancreas, digestive organs and colon.
Tiger's Eye (Tiger Eye) is a stone of protection that is also very
grounding. It enhances integrity, willpower, practicality and correct use of
power. It is a stone that enhances good luck, and brings prosperity, often
in the form of money. Tiger's eye is also a very protective stone which is
especially protective during travel. It can also help one see clearly
without illusion.
Tiger iron, sometimes called mugglestone, is a combination of hematite, red
jasper, and sometimes yellow jasper or golden tiger eye. It is a grounding
stone that also brings protection, especially protection from danger. It is
also a stone of clarity, particularly clarity of knowledge, enabling one to
see the truth below the apparent surface of issues. Tiger Iron also helps
with creative endeavors and all types of artistic abilities. It is used to
bring strength, vitality, confidence, willpower, and balance. It is an
excellent stone for people wishing to bring more motivation to their lives.
In folklore and crystal healing lore, Tiger Iron is said to balance white
and red blood cells, increase natural steroids, and improve muscular
structure, and help with healing legs, sexual organs, liver, and the nervous
Topaz: good for
tissue regeneration, kidneys, and bladder; enhances understanding.
Works with the corresponding color chakra to the color stone
Topaz - soothes physical pain, promotes peace
and calms emotions, as well as promoting forgiveness. Promotes
individuality, self-confidence, and creativity. Counteracts negative
Topaz is a powerful stone in the way that quartz is. It is a balancing
and calming stone that balances emotions, releases tension, balances
emotions, and can bring joy. Topaz is also believed to bring success and
good fortune, and synchronicity. It is also used for protection,
particularly protection from the evil eye and greed. It also is said to
bring creativity, individuality, true love, and hope. Spiritually it brings
in spiritual love and peace. Physically, topaz aids with gout, blood
disorders, hemorrhages, poor appetite, tissue regeneration, tuberculosis,
aging (reverses), endocrine system.
Topaz, Blue
Blue topaz
brings leadership ability to anyone who wears or carries it. It also
enhances and improves psychic knowledge, spiritual growth, and psychic
insight. It also lends and air of tranquility in those endeavors.
good for anemia; increases success and love; relieves fatigue. Other
colors of tourmaline are associated with the chakra of the same color.
Tourmaline (multicolor) - calm,
protection, focus, and balance. Promotes self-assurance and goodwill.
This is a powerful electromagnetic mineral.
Metaphysical uses include strengthening body and spirit. It helps move
lower frequency thoughts and energies to a higher frequency of light.
It is a stone that has
long been used by shaman among the African, Native American and Aboriginal
tribes. This stone protects you and your environment
from negative influences and personalities and is used in purification
rituals if you find yourself living or working in areas which you feel are
not entirely comfortable It neutralizes distorted energies. It is said to be an aid when seeking
inspiration or understanding.
Tourmaline increases flexibility, happiness, objectivity, compassion and
serenity. It also enhances tolerance and understanding. It is a stone that
is very helpful for channeling. Tourmaline is also a very protecting stone.
Tourmaline is often associated with the heart chakra, particularly
watermelon tourmaline, where it opens one to accept love.
Tourmaline, Black (Schorl)
Black tourmaline, also known as schorl, is associated with the root or base
chakra, and is excellent for grouding excess energy. It is a well known as a
purifying stone that deflects and transforms negative energy, and thus is
very protective. It can transform and remove negativity from an individual
or an environment. It is often used as an aura cleanser, and can help one
attain higher levels of awareness. Black tourmaline is also used for
repelling and protecting one from black magick, and is often said to return
the negative spell to the sender. Some claim that black tourmaline deflects
all kinds of energy, but my personal experience is that it's not so. It is
possible that the black tourmaline's effect of grounding excess energy gives
this impression. Black tourmaline has also been used to deflect radiation
energy from tv's and computer monitors. Emotionally, black tourmaline is
excellent for dispelling fears, obsessions, and neuroses, bringing emotional
stability. Physically, black tourmaline can strengthen the immune system,
help with heart disease, arthritis, and gout.
Black Tourmaline
Shields against unwanted energies.
Dispels fears, obsessions and neurosis. Great for
grounding in times of stress and after healing. Protects
against radiation.
Green Tourmaline
This is a receptive stone that strengthens
your life force and compassion. Assists in energizing
the central nervous system. Recommended for blocks that lead to problems
with the lungs such as asthma.
Tourmalated Quartz
Tourmalated quartz, also known as tourmaline in quartz, is an excellent
protective stone, and brings balance and inner strength. It deflects and
grounds negativity, and reduces anxiety and depression.
Tree Agate (Dendritic Agate)
Tree (Dendritic)
Agate is said to assist with introspection and self-discovery. It can give a
wider viewpoint of the world. Tree agate relives tension, fever, and skin
eruptions. It also brings plentiful crops.
Turitella (Turitella agate) is a protective stone. It is especially good
protection against spells. As with all fossils, it can help increase
accomplishments in the area of business and add excellence to one's
environment. They also aid one in being open to change and new ideas.
Traditionally, fossils have been used to aid in curing diseases and ailments
of the skeletal system, bones, hands, and feet.
Turquonite (Turquenite)
Turquonite is howlite that is dyed blue to resemble turquoise, and is often
falsely sold as turquoise. It balances and evens out mood fluctuations and
brings inner peace. Because the stone is actually howlite, it has the
properties of howlite of decreasing an overly critical state of mind,
selfishness, stress, pain, and rudeness; increases sublety and tact. It
helps bones, teeth, calcium levels and leg cramps. It also heightens
Turquoise -
Turquoise is said to open all chakras, permitting the
attributes of love, completeness and communication to flow through the
entire being and increasing spiritual bonding.. It is especially with
the 5th ( throat) chakra and can also assist in opening the 4th
(heart) chakra. It is a healing stone.
friendships, luck, and happiness. Releases shame and guilt.
in the tombs of Pharaohs, valued by Native Americans and sacred to Pueblo
Indians in New Mexico, turquoise has long been considered a master healer
said to assist the absorption of nutrients whilst strengthening the immune
system and stimulating tissue regeneration. Its special strengths aid in
healing the
respiratory, waste and skeletal systems.
It is also recommended by crystal healers
for detoxification of alcohol, poisons or radiation. Also for infections,
high blood pressure asthma and problems with the teeth and mouth.
Turquoise is used as a metaphysical aid in
any situation where clear communication is needed and also as an aid to
eloquent public speaking. These attributes can also be used to open
connections between friends, allowing love to flow whilst enabling true,
selfless bonding. It is recommended to enhance to overall mental state of
the user strengthening empathy, positive vibrations, intuition and wisdom
leading to greater serenity and self- actualization.
Turquoise is sacred to both Native American and oriental traditions. It
is associated with the sky, and bringing sky energy to earth. It can help
promote honest and clear communication from the heart. It is also said to
protect against pollution in the environment, and to bring abundance.
Turquoise can also help speed the healing process, and is known as a master
healer stone. It is very powerful for grounding and protection also.
eases domestic relations and group interactions. Works with the root
enhances sense of personal power; converts the negative into the positive.
Works on the 4th (heart) chakra.Unakite - promotes balance and emotional
stability. Transforms negative emotions into positive ones. A grounding
(aka Unikite)
Unakite (sometimes spelled Unikite) is a stone with gentle but powerful
energy. It can assist one in finding one's animal guide. It is also a stone
that is helpful for gardening. Unakite is also a good protection stone.
Unakite brings unconditional love of humanity, connection and reunion.
Unakite is considered to be very helpful for pregnancy and childbirth. It
can help with healing of abandonment and separation issues. Unakite is said
to benefit the heart, circulatory system, female reproductive system, male
reproductive system (to a lesser extent), and ease pregnancy.
Variscite is a soothing stone. It is sometimes called a "true worry stone"
because it eases fear, tension, anxiety, worry, and impatience. It also
relieves stress and depression, and can give courage and inner strength.
Variscite can help calm the mind and help it be still, which makes it an
excellent stone for meditaiton. Variscite can be a benefit for intuition and
psychic perceptions, and is excellent for past-life recall. Physically,
variscite is used for helping strengthen cells and tissues, blood problems,
nervous system, kidneys, muscles and bones. It is also used for male
reproductive healing, including impotence.
Verdite is a stone
that stimulates the energy centers/chakras. It can assist the movement of
Kundalini. Often, verdite is used to access and assimilate ancient
knowledge. Emotionally, verdite brings consistency, stability, and
fortitude. Physically verdite is used for cleansing the blood, removing
toxins, and genital disorders.
Vermeil is sterling silver
coated with a heavy, more durable gold electroplating. The metaphysical
properties lore combines the lore of both
gold and silver including wealth, happiness, good feelings, intuition, removing
negative energies, moon energies, and more.
creative and intuitive aid; helps fight depression, fear, and negativity.
Works with the corresponding color chakra to the color of the stone.
peacefulness; encourages awareness of higher energies, emotional release,
and clarity of speech. Works with the 5th (throat) chaka.
White Fairy Quartz
Fairy Quartz is a
fledgling Spirit Quartz, showing the milky white lazer wand point and a
light coating of smaller crystals growing on it. Fairy Quartz has a very
soothing energy, which brings peace and calm to those in its energy field,
including the groups, families, and individuals. This soothing energy is
extremely beneficial for emotional pain or illness. It also brings
heightened energy even as it calms. Fairy Quartz is great for meditation.
Physically, Fairy Quartz is used for detoxifying the body and tissues,
removing pain, and overall healing.
Watermelon - heals old emotional pains and brings emotional
Witches Fingers
(Witch's Finger Quartz)
Witches Fingers are
excellent tools that are quartz crystal with actinolite, mica, and/or rutile
inclusions. They are excellent for crystal grids for healing and protection.
They are also great protection against chaotic energy, and can be placed
around a room or house to guard against chaotic energy. In addition, they
are excellent for aura shielding. Witches Fingers are also good for
meditation, channeling information regarding spiritual growth and attracing
spiritual partners to help you down your spiritual path. Physically, they
are good for general healing, and healing dis-ease caused by chaotic
physical conditions, such as cancer.
Wonderstone -
Wonderstone is associated with the sacral chakra, particularly in connection
to the heart chakra.
is a type of rhyolite that grows with gorgeous patterns of creams, yellows,
pinks and reds. As with all rhyolite, it is an excellent meditation stone,
and enhances creativity. It brings energies of tranqulity and helps
eliminate worries. It also helps reduce or eliminate depression and anxiety,
giving an overall sense of wellbeing. Wonderstond can also bring mental
clarity and give insigh into the right course of action. Physically,
wonderstone has been used to help with back pain, and abdominal pain.
Yellow Calcite
Yellow calcite
stimulates the intellect. It can help one organize intellectual thoughts and
information. It is also good for psychic abilities. In the physical realm,
yellow calcite benefits the stomach, upper intestines, upper back and upper
Yellow Jasper -
It is associated with the solar plexus chakra.
jasper has characteristics of helping one be strong and balanced in the
social arenas and protects one's social welfare. Yellow jasper is a protective stone that
particularly gives protection during travel, both physical and spiritual. It
also shields one from negativity, and can protect from depression.
Yttrian Fluorite
Fluorite is an unusual, rare form of purple fluorite. It is a stone of
manifestation that helps ground the ideas of philosophers, thinkers, and
dreamers by manifesting their plans. It has the effect of making ideas come
to life, and is a stone of self-fulfillment and self-actualization. It helps
with increase of weath and mental prowess.
Zebra Stone
Zebra stone is a
stone that can help us connect to mother earth and to the infinite energy
and love in the universe. Zebra stone, by these connections, can show us our
own true natures and help us see past illusion. Zebra stone is particularly
effective at protecting one's aura. Physically, zebra stone stimulates
energy, and is beneficial for stamina, endurance, bone disorders,
osteoporosis, teeth, gums, muscle spasms, and heart palpitations.
Zeolites are a family of minerals and related minerals, including
apophyllite, chabazite, stilbite, heulandite, goosecreekite, laumonite,
natrolite and others. Technically, zeolites are framework silicates with
exchangeable cations and some of the minerals considered zeolites
metaphysically do not strictly fit the technical criteria, but are like
"cousins" with some metaphysical properties that are the same. In
particular, zeolites are said to be extraordinarily helpful for absorbing
and removing toxins, whether it be in the environment or in a person. In a
person, this metaphysical aspect would make zeolites excellent healing
stones, and they are often used in conjunction with Reiki. Zeolites are also
said to be useful for agriculture or gardening, especially when they are
buried in the field or garden. Zeolites are said to remove negative energy
and bring in happiness where the negative energy was. Mystical healing lore
says that zeolites are helpful for goiter, addictions, detoxification, and
bloating. Each individual type of zeolite also has its own unique
metaphysical properties.
Zincite: cathartic; removes energy
blockages; brings together similar minds. Works on the lower
three chakas.
Zoisite (Green) -
Zoisite is
associated primarily with the heart chakra, but is sometimes associated with
the root and sacral chakras.
Zoisite (green) is
considered in mystical lore to be a stone that brings and enhances trust in
the universe and trust in the ultimate goodness of life. This brings trust
in general as well as releases fears, which can bring a depth of happiness
to one's life. Zoisite is also said to bring energy and dispel laziness.
Crystal healing lore purports that zoisite is good for vitality, adrenal
glands, reproductive organs, and strengthening the heart.
Adamite |
Adularia |
Agate, Blue Lace
Agate, Dendritic
Agate, Ellensburg Blue
Agate, Fire |
Holly Blue |
Agate, Moss |
Purple Sage
Agni Gold
Agnitite |
Ajoite |
Albite |
Alexandrite |
Amazonite |
Amber |
Amblygonite |
Amegreen |
Amethyst |
Ametrine |
Anandalite |
Andalusite |
Angel Aura
Phantom Quartz
Angel Wing
Blue Anhydrite
Angelite |
Apophyllite, Green
Apophyllite, Clear
Aqua Aura
Aquamarine |
Star Clusters
Astaraline |
Astrophyllite |
Blue |
Red |
Axinite |
Amazez |
Pink |
Golden |
Satyaloka Clear
Satyaloka Rose |
Satyaloka Yellow |
Himalaya Gold
Himalaya Red |
Himalaya Red-Gold |
Sanda Rosa
Sauralite |
White |
Cacoxenite |
Pink Opaque
Pink Transparent
Stellar Beam
Cassiterite |
Cavansite |
Celestite |
Cerrusite |
Charoite |
Phantom Crystals
Chrysanthemum Stone
Chrysoberyl |
Chrysocolla |
Chrysoprase |
Cinnabar |
Jade, Green
Purple |
Jade, Black |
Jade, Red |
Lavender |
Jade, Blue |
Jasper, Red |
Rainforest |
Mook |
Fancy |
Picture |
Royal Sahara |
Unakite |
Spider |
Ocean |
Magnesite |
Magnetite |
Malachite |
Marcasite |
Shamanite |
Merlinite |
Metal, Gold |
Silver |
Platinum |
Copper |
Titanium |
Niobium |
Nickel-Iron |
Chondrite |
Pallasite |
Quartz |
Moldavite |
Moonstone |
Rainbow |
Morganite |
Muscovite |
Merlinite |
Tiger Eye
Tiger Iron
Quartz |
White |
Golden |
Topaz, Blue |
Black |
Pink |
Rubellite |
Green |
Watermelon |
Blue |
Golden |
Dravite |
Quartz |
Tremolite |
Tugtupite |
Turquoise |