Pan Slavic Traditions & Beliefs
Australia's Aboriginal Peoples
Cross-cultural, Multi-regional, Interdisciplinary Collection
Creation Myths
Star Lore & Astrology
Floods, Storms, Rainbows, & Other Weather Wonders
Earth Goddesses & Gods
Sky Goddesses & Gods
Nature Spirits of the World
Dragons & Serpents
Green Men
Crones & Sages
Trees & Plant Lore
Tricksters, Clowns, Magicians, Jesters & Fools
Sacred Theatre, Dance & Ritual
Sub-Sahara: General
Sub-Saharan Folklore
Sub-Saharan Sacred Arts
Eastern & Western European Earth-Based Ways (Wicca)
Sacred Ikons
Fairy Tales & Folklore
Information: GeneralPre-historic Period: Paleolithic to the Bronze Age
Ancient Greek Traditions
Ancient Roman & Italian Traditions
Celtic Traditions
Icelandic, Nordic, & Teutonic Traditions
Medieval Life & Times
Arthurian Themes
Grail Lore
Assyro-Babylonian Mythology
Sumerian Mythology
Greek Mythology
Hesiod: Homeric Hymns and Homerica
Hesiod's Theogony
Hesiod's Works and Days
The Odyssey
Bulfinch's Mythology
The Iliad and the Odyssey
Ovid's Metamorphoses
Afghan Folklore
Afghan Cultural Ceremonies and TraditionsAfrican
African Mythology in "Things Fall Apart"
African Story Lines
Three Ashanti Folktales
Man and the Gods
The Influence of Oral Literature on Modern African Literature
The Snake and The Frog
Cape Verde FolktalesAfro-Carribean
Turkish Poems
Turkish FolkloreAmerican
Daniel Boone: Myth and Reality in American Consciousness
Folktales from Springbranch
La Llorona
Paul's Babe Page
The Legend of Blackbeard
The Legend of Sleepy HollowAnatolian
Beowulf Bibliography 1979-1994
Resources for Studying Beowulf
The Electronic Beowulf Project
The Story of Djuha and the FigsArthurian
King Arthur
Arthurian Legend Studies
The Arthurian Legends
Arthur is not dead!
Arthurian Booklist
Sir Gawain and the Loathly Lady
Arthur on the Net
Arthurian Home Page
Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Chivalry
Layamon's Brut
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
The alliterative Morte Arthure,
Morte D'Arthur
Avalon: Arthurian Heaven
The Camelot Project
Jenny Sposito's Home Page: Arthuriana
Wendy's Arthurian PageAustralian
Canaanite/Ugaritic Mythology FAQ
Biblical Beginnings in Canaan
Adam and the SnakeCanadian
Anansi Folktales
Index to Vodoun Pages
Vodoun Creation MythologyCeltic
Celtic Stories
Celtic Traditions
Animal Symbolism in Celtic Mythology
The Morrigan
Celtic Religion
The Hazel Nut
Daldriada Celtic Heritage Center
Choosing the Gods
Sacred Woods and the Lore of TreesCherokee
Brief List of Bibiliographic References on the Music of the Cherokee
Daughter of the Sun
Earth Making
The Coming of the CornChinese
Swords, Spirits, and Romance: The Legends of China
Myths of the Knights Templar
Mary's Gardens
Christmas Stories
Christmas Traditions in France and Canada
Christmas 'round the World
General Christmas TraditionsEgyptian
The Egyptian Book of the Dead
The Egyptian Book of the Dead
Egyptian deities
Egyptian gods
Cult Practices in the Old Kingdom
Egyptian Mythology FAQ
Egyptian Star ReligionEstonian
At Reality's Edge
Mga Alamat
Filipino Mythological CreaturesFinnish
German Changeling Myths
The Legend of Frau HittGilbert Islander (Kiribati)
Science and Mythical Archetypes
The Myth of the Apple of Discord
Select Bibliography of Sources in Classical Mythology
FOCUS: The Mythology of Gods (Greece)
Homer Home Page includes family trees, summaries, and lists o' characters for the Iliad and the Odyssey
A Bibliography for Apollonius Rhodius, author of the Argonautica
Mythology 212 Home Page--At Princeton
Classics--Works of classic Greek & Roman authors online from MIT
Texts, maps, family trees, and pix from the Classics Department--At Baylor University
The Perseus Project--Has all sorts of information about ancient Greece, including some fantastic pix
Bulfinch's Mythology
The Iliad and the Odyssey
Princeton Classical Mythology by Geography
Classical Mythology: Women in Greek Mythology
Mythological Schemes of the Heavens
A short story based around the myth of Echo
Myth of Cheiron
Mythology in Western Art
Mythology of the Seven Sisters
Hesiod: Homeric Hymns and Homerica
Hesiod's Theogony from the Perseus Project people at Tufts
Hesiod's Works and Days also from the Perseus Project people
The Odyssey
Women in Classical MythologyGuam
Haitian Proverbs, Riddles, Jokes, and FolktalesHawaiian
Gods and Myths
Native Hawaiian Temples
Laka, Goddess of Hula
The Legend of the First Pearl Fish HookHindu
see also Indian
The Vedic Triad --
Incarnations of Visnu
Hindu MythologyHopi
see also Native American
a collection of Hopi StoriesHungarian
there are a few mythology links on this page about Hungarian Culture
see also Hindu
The First Marmot
Folklore of BengalInnu
see also Native American
Innu Culture and History contains several stories and mythsInupiat
see also Native American
This page on Social and Cultural Life contains a section on religionIrish
see also British or Celtic
Folklore of the Famine
How Cuchulain Got His Name, followed by Grania O'Malley (The Pirate Queen of the Irish) and a snippet about St. Patrick
The Story of MacDatho's PigIroquois
see also Native American
The Legend of Onarga
Creation MythIslam
The Story of the Ant and the Dragonfly from Sufi tradition
Homepage of Korean Folktales
Myths and Legends of Ancient Korea
see also Native American and Sioux
The White Buffalo Woman from Stonee's WebLodge
Two Ghostly Lovers also from Stonee
Buffalo Calf WomanLatino
CLNet's Folklore & Traditions PageLenni-Lenape
see also Native American
The Basis of the Old Lithuanian Religion
see also British
the official Isle of Man: Folklore & Traditions pageMaya
see also Mesoamerican & South American or Native American
Mayan Folktales
Mayan CosmogenisisMesoamerican & South American
also see Aztec, Inca, or Maya
La HormiguitaMesopotamian
Sumerian Mythology FAQ
Assyro-Babylonian Mythology FAQ
A Brief summary of Gilgamesh from University of Pittsburgh
Some notes on Tammuz
The Holy Marriage
Rites of Chaldaea: a Mesopotamian Grimoire
Sumerian Mythology and the Old Testament
Brief descriptions of some of the Mesopotamian deitiesMithraic
The Cosmic Mysteries of Mithra
Mithraism: The Legacy of the Roman Empire's Final Pagan State Religion
Native American
also see Aztec, Cherokee, Hopi, Inca, Innu, Inupiat, Iroquois, Lakota, Lenni-Lenape, Maya, MicMac, Navajo, Nez Perce, Paiute, Potawatomi, or Sioux
The Legend of Onnolee
Three Tales of Love from the Cherokee, Sioux, and Multnomah and presented by Stonee's WebLodge
Morning Star
The Boy Who Lived With the Bears
Stonee's Index of Native American Lore contains fifty tales from various tribes
Old Indian Legends told by Zitkala-Sa
selections from Indian Superstitions and Legends by Simon Pokagon
Index of Native American Stories Online -- these are also linked individually
a wealth of Stories, Fables, and Legends
Mother Earth Prayers
The Mythology of MaizNavajo
see also Native American
The Changing Woman
Monster Slayer
Rock Monster Eagle
Holy People
The Hooghan of First Man
The Sun, Moon, and Stars
The Tohono O'odham Creation StoryNez Perce
see also Native American
Coyote and the Monster of Kamiah
Yellow Jacket and Ant
see also Native American
Stone MotherPalestinian
see also Native American
Winnie Two-Shadows is a children's story based on Potawatomi legends
see also Greek and Mithraic
Ephesus: Diana's City
Ovid's Metamorphoses
Several works by Virgil
the full text of Virgil's AeneidRussian
see also Siberian and Slavic
Dazhdbog in Russian Mythology
Russian Sunbirds: Stories
see also British
The Haggis, a mythological bird
Scottish Stories and Legends
The History of the Scottish Kilt -- as the name implies, history rather than mythology, but pretty interesting
Scottish Mythology and Legend from the zine "Thirteen"Sioux
see also Lakota and Native American
Myths and Legends of the Sioux in e-textSlavic
see also Russian, Serbian, or Siberian
Mythology of the Divozenky
The Twelve Months, an adapted Slav legendSpanish
see also Finnish
Norse Mythology
The Edda
Mythology and Sagas in west Iceland
Norse Mythology
Old Norse Mythology
The Germanic Myth of Creation
Life and Death of Cormac the Skald (Kormak's Saga)
Norweigan Folktales and Myths
The Story of Burnt Ngal (Ngal's Saga)
The Saga of Grettir the Strong (Grettir's Saga)Tibetan Buddhist
Teaching Tales of the Tibetan Lamas; also some Hasidic tales
Symbols of Vietnam
This Vietnamese Literature page offers some legends
see also British
One full and one partial section of the Mabinogion
ASHLIMAN'S myth and folklore texts at
Bartleby's has several general reference books online for definitions and identifications. only.
Penelope's chart of deities , their 'sex' and what they represent.
Encyclopedia Mythica (
Fiske, John. Mythmakers ... , on comparative mythology (1869.)
Frazer, Sir James. The Golden Bough (1922) on line with a SEARCH engine !
See para. re: a cook in Dehradun concerning source of "customs": subordination of memory
Sacred index page.* Read the scripture where the myth comes from.Probert Encyclopedia of myth. currently in transition
Pibbums Regional Folklore and Mythology
UCar. mythology site according to topics with links to
Links to Haifa University collection of images#
motif and symbol in folktales and kid lit. U. of Guelph
Mythology Pacifica Grad. Institute, K. Jenks links.
Mythology one-stop-shopping: links's Encyclopedia Mythica dictionary
Mythology according to level, U. of Michigan site,
mythology lecture images Illinois Wesleyan U.
Arab, pre-Islamic, see Middle Eastern, Semitic
FAQs Assyro-Babylonian mythology
Explaining the Epic of Gilgamesh
Gateways to Babylon game? site but with ancient texts
transl. of Sumerian Inanna's descent to the underworld "From the great above..."
Basques: oldest European culture, some say.myth and folklore: Read about Mari.
Biblical, ie. Judeo-Christian mythology,
use a concordance.
To search various editions of The Bible,Bible Societyconcordance: find words or phrases in several versions of the Bible.Other scriptural traditions have similar reference books. Find out how to refer to, or cite various scriptures.
Celtic (Irish, Welsh, Breton, etc.)
Celticpronouncing Gaelic [pron. gallic] names
Sheila na Gig, pre-Celtic? goddess
similarities between Old Irish and Akkadian [western Sumerian]
Celtic writing called Ogam (with permission only)
Chinese mythology themes, style, characters avail. in 2 Chinese fonts, too
Symbolism [Chinese] Caroline Y. L. Huang-Earle's Imperial Treasures - elementary, only
Christianity's pagan influences
Classical: Greek and RomanWhat the names of the Greek deities and spirits mean in English.
visit Delos, Delphi - home of Apollo, Artemis, the oracle, etc.
Minoan (Cretan) - earliest Greek(Keftiu) "Atlantis": Greek or African?
Greek cosmogony retold by 'Hestia'#
Greek Mythology [see also Classical] at Brown U., places and people search
Britannica's Greek mythology on line
Classics online: Select a chapter for synopsis of Iliad, Odyssey and Aeneid
Homer's Iliad and also Odyssey full text on Sacred Texts site Use your search to find any word.
Homer's The Iliad (just cancel the password box) Hum. 110 at Reed U., Prof. Walter Englert.
Messagenet: gives exact location in texts and description of deity
Apollodorus' Library summary online at Tufts University with Search.
Theoi Project : translated sources for topics in Classical mythology
Thomas Bullfinch's Mythology or The Age of Fable, 1855. Classical and Norse.
Mythology and literature with excellent links throughout text. (Welch.)
Mythology lecture with links to images: Prof. K. Mayer. Some part one lectures may require passwords, but part 2 does not. The images are from various collections including the Perseus project.
- Page of Links to images on various sites.
- Diotima links: women in the ancient (classical) world
Link to Daughters of Demeter, Marilyn Katz' site at Weslyan U
EgyptEgyptian esp. dualism - conflict between Horus and Set
Egyptian Book of the Dead EA Wallis Budge, trans., Manuscript of Ani c.1240 BCE
From the BHMS library site page: Junior high school !
Alexandria-The Shining Pearl of the Mediterranean.
Ancient and Modern history and archaeology.Ancient Egypt- a History of Art and Culture cultural life, Religion and Mythology, Art and Hieroglyphics. Includes homes, clothing, cosmetics, and jewelry.
The Ancient Egypt Site Choose from history, information on Saqqara, Egypt from A to Z, and language.
Ancient Egypt Kid connection ideas for projects: Test your knowledge with an on-line quiz.
Ancient Egypt Search results from Kidsclick
48 sites includes scarabs, Cleopatra, daily life, Rosetta stone, hieroglyphs, Sphinx, Nefertiti, etc.Ancient Egyptian Culture daily life (calendar, medicine, quarrying, etc.), Art, the military, religion, and architecture. An electronic museum.
Ancient World Web - Use this site to search for specifics.
EAWC Site Index: Egypt 16 sites from Exploring the Ancient World Cultures Website. Additional search capability through Argos.
Egyptian mythology From the Book of Gods, Godesses, Heroes and other Characters of Mythology.
Links to Egyptian gods and goddesses, the Udjat [Wadjet] amulet, frequently asked questions.Guardian's Egypt frames. Choose from the topics on the left . Kings and Pharaohs, Sites and Monuments, and Mummies.
Life in Ancient Egypt daily life, funerary customs, gods and religion, and a chronology of events.
Pyramids: the Inside Story from Nova Follow the links to see inside a pyramid.
Resources for History of Ancient Egypt compiled by a middle school teacher. Choose from 27 sites.links for Egyptian art, mathematics, the Cairo Museum, Egyptian women, the Rosetta Stone and two picture collections.
Folklore, Fairy tales, Nursery Rhymes, Customs, Beliefs, Superstitions ONLY AFTER YOU HAVE DONE THE OTHERNursery Rhymes: eg. Pop goes the weasel ...
'Fakelore' 'Disneyfication: Pocahontas, Beauty and the Beast, etc
"It is a matter of grave importance that Fairy tales should be respected... . Whosoever alters them to suit his own opinions, whatever they are, is guilty, to our thinking, of an act of presumption, and appropriates to himself what does not belong to him." ~ Charles Dickens (1853) Frauds on Fairies quoted in
Fakelore, Multiculturalism, and the Ethics of Children's Literature by Eliot A. Singer
"So-called "multicultural folktale" picture books are a popular means for teaching about other cultures, especially in the primary grades. However, almost all these books are "fakelore". Many are based on spurious legends, originally written for popular audiences following a romantic formula that were never told in traditional communities. "
Indian: Hindu, Buddhist, Jain and other
Exotic India Art (Nitin' site) newletters on various topics. Generally high quality, also traditional images.
Indus valley/Saraswati River/Harrapans vs. Aryan invasion "hypothesis" *** Michel Dannino
India: Devi God in her female form, a Sackler exhibit
Himachal tour of places sacred to Sati, Shakti, Kali, Shiva with assoc. myths
Kamat's pictures with explanations of Indian mythology
Mahabharata retold with notes [Aneesh Patel] see Vishvarupa below
mythologie bouddhiste fr., world myth, also myth in bandes dessinees
Sanskrit language links
Vishvarupa Project revelation of form of universe by Krishna in Mahabharata
JapaneseJapanese ghosts obake, oni etc.
Samurai comics Usagi Yojimbo with links and faq's about myth and other things Japanese. anime#
Judeo-christian see Biblical ^, Semitic, too
Mesopotamian (Sumerian, Akkadi) see Babylonian ^
Norse "Viking" and Teutonic [Germanic]
- incl. "CREATIVE MYTHOLOGY" as Campbell calls Arthurian legend, etc. in the Masks of God
- Norse mythology; meanings of words
- Teutonic and Eddic full texts including Grimm's Teutonic Mythology [You may want to change settings to read it easily.]
- Viking Answer Lady excellent site
Beowulf European dragon Grendel and his mum, links including to one and only c.1000 CE manuscript,British Museum.
- background with link to a reading of Beowulf
- A prose version of Beowulf Gawain and the Green Knight, too
Tacitus' Germania customs of Celt and other tribal people in 1st century CE
The Frisians' Oera Linda Book and Freya = Minerva theory
- about the 19th century 'find' but includes startling [English mistake] phrase "Despite this new leash of life"
- Stick to the 'Public Domain' texts in 'heathen' /"aryan"/ nazi? site with sections of Grimm's Teutonic mythology. Be careful as this is a site with an agenda.
- Risala [Russians ruled by Norse] described by Ibn Fadlan 921 CE cf. fiction of Michael Crichton's novel Eaters of the Dead
Semitic can include Old Testament
Lucian's De Dea Syria
Aboriginal peoples -American tribal names and their meanings
Ancestor Pages Anishnabe, Haitian Vaudun and more
Hopi stone carvings, an interpretation of 4 ages "prophecy"
Ellie the author says: The stone tablets of the yellow race of people are kept by the Tibetans, in Tibet. If you went straight through the Hopi Reservation to the other side of the world, you would come out in Tibet. The Tibetan word for "sun" is the Hopi word for "moon" and the Hopi word for "sun" is the Tibetan word for "moon".
Lakota [Sioux] sacred teachings White Buffalo Calf Woman, tobacco
They are actually Iroquois who migrated south
Northwest Coast (of America) aboriginal mythology
Haida, Tsimshian etc. cf. Japanese, Ainu, Korean ?
Sacred link is to Mayan Popul Vuh
Aztec religion from Fredrickson#
- The Book of Gods, Goddesses, Heroes and Characters of Mythology
- Ancient Gods, Goddesses (not godesses!), Heroes, and Characters of Mythology (w/ 200+ Images/pictures). Gods, Goddesses, Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology, Celtic, Norse, Teutonic, Germanic, Egyptian,
- Gods, Heros, and Myth: What's New
- This site provides a description of the gods, goddesses, creatures, etc. of Greek, Roman, Celtic, Egyptian, and Native American Mythology
- Gods Goddesses & Myths
- Gods, Goddesses, and Myths on Eliki provides beautifully illustrated content and articles on Celtic Deities and Myths, The Origins of the Days of the Week, Dragons in Myth, Pegasus, Mermaid, Phoenix, Unicorn, and more.
- Greek Mythology
- This site is dedicated to the heroes, gods and monsters of Greek mythology.
- Gods, Heros, and Myth: The Titans
- offers profiles of the second dynasty of gods, the children of Uranus and Gaea.
- Gods
- This site is designed to draw together the ancient texts and images available on the Web concerning the major figures of Greek and Roman mythology. This specific page contains links to the pages on the Olympian gods.
- Yahoo! Clubs: Myth and Legend
- Stories of gods, heroes, and monsters.
- Classical Myth
- Discover ancient images of gods and goddesses from frescoes, coins, and sculptures. Also provides mythological contexts.
- Celtic Heart
- Cultural resources including gods, myths, artisans and manuscripts. Includes a detailed Celtic encyclopedia.
- Gods, Heros, and Myth: What's New
- This site contains information on Greek and Roman mythology. There are links, pictures, maps, charts, and more.
- Of Gods and Men: The A to Z of Mythology and Legend
- Alphabetically organised encyclopedia of names of deities and legendary characters.
- Fun Myths About Ancient Sun Gods
- Short, family orientated introduction to the gods and myths concerning the sun.
- Heroes, Gods and Monsters of Greek Myths
- Reviews Synopsis In this compelling book, Evslin introduces readers to the wondrous and terrifying world of superhuman beings, such as Medusa and the Minotaur, and the glory of gods like Zeus, Athena
- Myth Home: Celtic Gods and Associates
- indexed pantheon organized by alphabet.
- Ancient Greece Mythology
- Links and information on ancient Greek mythology.
- Myths about the Sky, Constellations, and Stars
- Find out about the gods and goddesses of different cultures around the world that focus on the myths that explain astronomy. Three levels of exploration: beginner, intermediate and advanced.
- A travel and tourism portal featuring information on hotels, package tours, planning trips, news, weather and maps.
- Maori Reliogion Pt 2 Asian Art Pre-European Maori Gods Tohunga Myth
- Maori Reliogion Pt 2 Asian Art Pre-European Maori Gods Tohunga Myth Maori Reliogion Pt 2 Asian Art Pre-European Maori Gods Tohunga Myth.
- Greek Goddess Demeter in Myth and Art
- Illustrated Encyclopedia of Greek Mythology
- Illustrated encyclopedia of Greek Mythology with short articles on each God or myth.
- Greek Mythology Today
- Greek mythology today offers terrific information on the gods and myths of ancient Greece, with superb student myth homework help. A great resource for students and teachers.
- Mythography | Roman Gods and Goddesses in Myth and Art
- Learn about the Roman gods and goddesses in mythology and art, with recommended books and ... home | roman | gods Roman Gods and Goddesses Pantheon | the major gods and goddesses of ancient Rome - this ...
- Mythography: Eris in Myth
- Challenging The Christians
- Site about Islam awareness with links to articles.
- Bulfinch's Mythology - Home Page and Table of Contents
- Annotated, hyperlinked edition of Bulfinch's Mythology. Home Page and Table of Contents.
- Greek Mythology and the gods of Olympus
- The web's premier source for fun and informative Greek mythology information. Useful for students and teachers alike! Myths made fun by the Myth Man!
- Gods & Myth - Main
- About A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Intro About this project... Occult and mythology has long been a part-time hobby for me. I have been collecting odds and bits during my
- Mythscape
- Ancient planetary catastrophe in myth, history, archaeology, geology and astronomy; origins of doomsday, armageddon, comet fear, and planet gods.
- / Arts / Literature / Myths and Folktales / Myths / Greek / Gods and Goddesses - [Texas Trader is the...
- Looking for "Gods and Goddesses?" Browse the largest Internet directory of all the best online resources for Gods and Goddesses, Greek, Myths, Myths and Folktales, Literature, Arts and other related topics
- Shrine of the Horned Gods
- Presentation of ancient, modern, and false horned gods.
- Malenrohs Keep
- Tell me when this page is updated. WELCOME!! Home. Welcome. Welcome Part 2. About Malenroh. Council of Time. Morgath. Spirit Page. Links. ~~~ZODIAC PAGES~~~ Zodiac Main Page. Aries. Aquarius....
- Exploring Gods and Goddesses -
- ,Well researched articles related to goddess worship and folklore. Personal interviews, poetry and other articles involving the relationship between the goddess and the people who respect and revere...
- Greek and Roman Gods
- Compares the gods of Greek and Rome. Also compares ancient myths to modern day stories and tales.
- Greek gods and godesses
- Greek gods and godesses: it's hard to keep up with all of those gods and goddesses. Here's a brief history.
- Celtic Deities and Myth
- Celtic Deities and Myth provides religious and historical information on the Celtic people and explores the variations of their gods, goddesses and myths in Wales, Gaul and Ireland.
- Ancient Gods
- Content-Range: bytes 0-1757/1758 The Gods Family Tree The creation of the World from Chaos and the complete family tree of the Titans and the Olympian Gods. The Titans The Titans , also known as the...
- Germanic Mythology
- A study project created by Bridget Herrera and hosted by Dickinson College, with bibliography. It covers the Germanic myth of creation, Germanic cosmography and gods.
- History of the Celts
- General and detailed history, from ancient to modern times. Also examines Celtic languages and legendary figures.
- Shawn's Egyptology Page: Egyptian Gods
- contains summaries for a selection of deities.
- Folklore, Myth and Legend
- Folklore, Myth and Legend. indicates an Internet resource that in my opinion is particularly valuable. The Stories. Aesop's Fables. Brief versions of over 300 fables, from the edition by George...
- The Great Myth of the SUN-GODS - by Alvin Boyd Kuhn
- The Great Myth of the SUN-GODS by Alvin Boyd Kuhn [1880 - 1963] Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia in the Southern Spring of 1996 Introduction ... The following is quoted from the introduction to "The Bible's Inner Meaning: The