Introduction One of the primary messages of the crop circles is clearly about the New Jerusalem, which is based on the vision of Saint John of Patmos, reported in Revelation 21. It is said to represent the Kingdom of Heaven made apparent on Earth. Integrated with that message is another about a time cycle of six Ages of the Zodiac, which is half the precession. These messages began in 1991. More recently, I found that the same numbers are apparent in the Great Pyramid of Giza, when using 18 as a converting factor. The symbolism and dimensions of the Sphinx are also related. I reported some of the supporting evidence in two previous articles. -- Code of the Ancients & the DNA Repair
444, The Triplets, & The Creation The diagram at the top of this page represents the New Jerusalem. Twelve yellow Moon circles surround the blue circle representing the Earth. The circumference of the green circle passing through the center of the Moon circles has the same measure (31680 miles) as the perimeter of the red box around the Earth -- thus squaring the circle. The diagram below illustrates the various measurements in miles, along with related information --
Before discussing the details, I will report on the connections to the Great Pyramid and Sphinx.
The Great Pyramid of Giza
The Great Pyramid of Giza is said to have been originally 280 cubits in height, with each base-leg 440 cubits. This Egyptian Royal Cubit is thought to be about 20.6 inches. The height figures as about 480.6 feet. Each base-leg figures as about 755.9 feet. But, if these cubit measures are multiplied by 18, the results suggest the New Jerusalem. --
280 x 18 = 5040 The ancient cubit unit was apparently based on the forearm length from the middle finger tip to the elbow bottom. Interestingly, my forearm measures almost exactly 18 inches. With the New Jerusalem, the number 5040 figures as the radius of the Earth added to the radius of the Moon in miles (3960 + 1080). The numbers 1 through 7 multiplied also equate to 5040. This number is primary in the idealistic City-State envisaged by Plato, called Magnesia in the Laws, which also associates with Atlantis. With the New Jerusalem, the number 7920 figures as the diameter of the Earth in miles. The numbers 8 through 11 multiplied also equate to 7920. The two Great Pyramid converted numbers also figure in the New Jerusalem squaring of the circle. --
Square of Earth: 4
x 7920 = 31680 miles
440 x 4 = 1760 This came as no big surprise to me, because I knew since 1990 that 31680 divided by six results in a number that is one mile in feet. 31680 / 6 = 5280 Some of these key numbers seem related to the ancient Babylonian number system, which was based on the number 60, called "soss." For example. --
5280 = 60 x 88
The Great Pyramid Pi Connection Twice the base-leg measure divided by the height is equal to approximate Pi (22/7), also known as Pyramid Pi. In cubits --
440 x 2 = 880 in New Jerusalem miles --
7920 x 2 = 15840 The two fractions reduce to 22/7 -- the cubits by a factor of 40, and the miles by a factor of 720. Interestingly, the total surface area degrees of a tetrahedron equate to 720 (3 x 60 x 4). For many years, the Great Pyramid has been associated with squaring the circle. See -- 2005 - Squaring the Circle and the Great Pyramid
The Great Pyramid Planet Earth Ratio On a scale of 1 : 43,200, the measurements of the Great Pyramid correspond to measurements of the planet Earth. The original height corresponds to the approximate radius, and the perimeter of the base corresponds to the approximate equatorial circumference of the earth The number 432 and harmonics, relate to cycles of time. For example, the Hindu Iron Age, the Kali Yuga, is 432000 years in length.
The Great Sphinx of Giza is 66 feet high and 240 feet long. Multiplying the two numbers produces a number that is twice the diameter of the Earth in miles, and half of the New Jerusalem squaring of the circle number. --
66 x 240 = 15840 =
2 x 7920
The New Jerusalem Message of the Crop Circles 1991 - The Barbury Castle Crop Circle Formation
I first learned of the New Jerusalem diagram in September 1991, when I read an article in The Cerealogist (#4) by John Michell, about the triangular crop formation that had appeared two months prior at Barbury Castle. I learned later that John was the leading expert on the New Jerusalem Diagram. According to John, the total square footage of the circles of the formation amounted to 31680 square feet, the sub-lunar distance around the New Jerusalem. He wrote that the number 3168 was associated with "Lord Jesus Christ" by early Christians.
John's article included a graphic, with details, of the formation. When I first looked at the "Ratchet" or "Mercury Spiral," I had the feeling that it represented a cycle of time. Years later, I noted that the angles (see diagram above) to the Ratchet Spiral, when multiplied, amount to half the precession of the equinoxes, which six Zodiac Ages. --
120 x 108 = 12960
2160 = 6 x 6 x 6 x 10 Interestingly, the length of one Zodiac Age is 2160 years, while the diameter of the Moon is 2160 miles. So, the 12 Moons of the New Jerusalem can also represent the "clock face-like" Zodiac precession of 25920 years.
The Twelve Tribes of Israel are also part of the New Jerusalem, according to the Book of Revelation. The table above includes the four major tribes, which are associated with the Four Living Creatures of Ezekiel and Revelation. Around 1999, I was amazed by a dream reported to me by Jeff, my friend at work: I was being driven in an airliner on a highway not far from here by a water treatment plant operator named Andy. We took a detour to the right because of construction work. I was with my boss, an engineer, and a woman. We were planning to put a new transformer under a grate at the water treatment plant. The woman whispered something into the engineer's ear. I asked my friend what highway he was on in the dream. It is some 20 miles from his house, on the highway from Oakdale, California, toward Yosemite. It was on the section where highways 120 and 108 run together! This was one of many verifications from the dreams of other people. From previous dreams, I realized that the water treatment plant represented Aquarius, the Water Bearer. Some years later, after hearing quite a few dreams with airplanes, and noteing symbolic events involving airliners, I realized that this probably represented the new Age coming -- Aquarius, the Water Bearer, which is an "Air Sign." Figuring six Ages, as suggested by the 1991 Barbury Castle crop formation, the start would be the Age of Leo. The completion would be the end of the Age of Pisces and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. This fits well with the "Lion/Man" Sphinx, which was probably built at the beginning of Leo. At the time, it would have been facing the constellation Leo (the Lion) in the East. The constellation of Aquarius, (the Man Water Bearer) would have been 180-degrees in the West. Some 12960 years later, near our time, the Sphinx will be facing Aquarius in the East, with Leo 180-degrees in the West. The Sphinx may have originally portrayed the other two major Fixed Signs of the Zodiac -- the Bull of Taurus and the Eagle of Scorpio. The limestone Lamassu creature of ancient Assyria (883-359 BC) is a similar example.
The "ratchet" or "Mercury" spiral of the 1991 Barbury Castle crop formation also fits well with the Fixed Signs of the Zodiac.
Also noteworthy -- the crop formation also fits within the New Jerusalem.
2002 - The Crooked Soley Crop Circle Formation
Around August 28, 2002, a tube torus type crop circle formation appeared at Crooked Soley, near Hungerford, Wiltshire. It was recognized as representing Mitochondrial DNA. Three years later, I learned that a book had been published about the formation, titled, Crooked Solely - A Crop Circle Revelation, by Allan Brown and John Michell. I bought a copy of the book
and was absolutely astounded by the information
inside. There were a total of 1296 little
diamonds making up the snake-like pattern! There
were 504 diamonds with standing crop, and 792
diamonds with flattened crop (504 + 792 = 1296).
The Crooked Soley formation is clearly based on the Seed of Life, which is part of the Flower of Life series.
A large percentage of the many thousands of crop circles in the past quarter century were based on the Flower of Life type of patterns. Zef Damen's reconstruction of the formation reveals important details. There are 72 circles making up the design, forming 144 curved arcs. Again, this is the ancient code speaking. The number 72 (degrees) figures in calculating the precession (72 x 360 = 25920). The circle, of course, is associated with 360 degrees. Revelation 21:17 tells how the wall of the New Jerusalem is "a hundred and forty-four cubits." Before reading the book, I already knew the primary significance of these numbers and the many connections to material I had gathered over the previous twelve years. On reading the book, I learned much more. I had not realized that the two major New Jerusalem numbers added together result in the number of years in half the precession. -- 5040 + 7920 = 12960 This certainly supported the idea that the 1991 Barbury Castle formation encoded the precession half number via the angles to the ratchet spiral (120 x 108 = 12960). As I was creating this article, I realized that the Great Pyramid also encodes the precession half number, via the number 18 conversion. Simply add the base length to the height in cubits, then multiply by 18.
440 + 280 = 720
Clock of Ages The precession half number related to the Great Pyramid made sense to me, because in 2013, I found a great video on Youtube, titled, The Giza Clock. Below are two screen captures from the video.
Johan Oldenkamp, PhD, presents a compelling case that the Great Pyramid and Sphinx are like a great clock of the Ages of the Zodiac. He explains that the ancient monuments indicate two halves of the precession, of 12960 years each -- one "dark" and the other "light." These correspond symbolically to the four seasons of the year. Johan's theory is that the dark half cycle from Leo through Pisces ended on December 21, 2012, coinciding with the end of the Mayan Calendar. The new "light" cycle began at that time, with the start of Aquarius. This is symbolically like going from winter to springtime.
1996 - The Alton Barnes Crop Circle Formation
A formation appeared on June 17, 1996, which was said to represent the double helix of DNA. It was 648 feet in length. I recognized that number as a Gematrian type. It is 18 less than 666. The similar-looking number 684 is 18 more than 666. In January 1996, I sent a letter with those numbers to the Sussex Circular crop circle magazine, as part of an explanation of the ancient number system. I also reported a dream that was reported to me. I was on a spiral staircase with maintenance mechanics on every rung, each having a tool box. I took a clip type hand gun out my toolbox and showed to it to one of the mechanics. Then I showed the man another gun from his toolbox, a six-shooter type of revolver. I was amazed by the dream. I informed the dreamer that this seemed to be about the "DNA repair" -- one of the theories about the earth changes. Soon after I read about the 1296 number encoded in the Crooked Soley Mitochondrial DNA crop circle formation, I realized that 648 was half that number. The two DNA formations of 1996 and 2002 and their numerical messages, seemed to say that a DNA repair will be involved when the New Jerusalem is established. Just now, realizing that there were six years between the two DNA formations, I calculated -- 648 x 6 = 3888 Coincidentally, the number 3888 has the alphanumeric meaning: New Jerusalem! After the Crooked Soley formation appeared, I realized that the "six-shooter revolver" in the spiral staircase dream (above) symbolized the Seed of Life type geometry.
The "clip type hand gun" in the dream may have represented the 1996 DNA formation. In my 2009 article, I noted the similarity to the ball court hoop at Chichen Itza. --
Coincidence in Mexico In the article, I also told of a strange coincidence that took 23 years to play out. In 1982, I visited Chichen Itza. I walked up and stood on the steps of the Temple of the Warriors. I then experienced a "stirring moment."
Some fourteen years later, I learned from Carl Munck's Code, that the steps were a key in the decoding. From a overhead view, the width and length of the steps are the same, indicating a square, giving the calculation: the site: 36 x 36 = 1296. At the top of the steps are 20 columns, indicating the calculation: 1296 x 20 = 25920 (the precession number). The coordinates of the location compute to that number. Needless to say, when I read in 2005 of the number 1296 being encoded into the 2002 Crooked Soley crop formation, I was amazed at the coincidence, and felt that it was quite meaningful.
2008 - The Barbury Castle "Pi" Crop Circle Formation
On June 1, 2008, another crop circle formation appeared at Barbury Castle. Retired astrophysicist Mike Reed saw that the formation was displaying the first ten digits of Pi (with the last digit rounded up). Bert Janssen demonstrated how the formation demonstrates squaring the circle. He had found this in many of the formations. In this case, he realized that the formation had been placed upon a public pathway crossing, which coincided with one side of the suggested square. On a posting board, someone showed the results of multiplying those first ten digits of Pi. --3 x 1 x 4 x 1 x 5 x 9 x 2 x 6 x 5 x 4 = 129600 I realized that the result is 360 squared, and ten times half the precession. It could be the number of years in five precession cycles (5 x 25920). I also noted that multiplying the first eight digits results in a number that is ten times the length of the 1996 DNA crop formation, or one-fourth of the precession in years.3 x 1 x 4 x 1 x 5 x 9 x 2 x 6 = 6480
The Gematrian Wheel The 2008 Pi crop circle formation, like many others, also fits with the Gematrian Wheel, which came from a dream.
This demonstrates the primary ancient numbers. A five-pointed star placed within a 360-degree circle, divides it into five sections of 72-degrees each. Add another star with the points in between the first star, to create ten sections of 36-degrees each. The numbers in the illustration above display the numbers on the first revolution around the Wheel. On the second revolution, the numbers continue on the star points with 396, 432, 468, etc. Numbers such as 12960 figure as 36 times around the Wheel (36 x 360). For additional information on this subject, see --Number 72 and the Code of the Ancients
2005 - Lurkley Hill Crop Circle Formation
On June 22, 2005, a formation appeared at Lurkley Hill that struck me as being symbolic of the New Jerusalem, and the related Four Living Creatures of Ezekiel and Revelation. I reported this online. Bert Janssen demonstrated how this formation, also, encodes squaring the circle -- three times -- with one of them being 100% perfect. My theory about the Four Living Creatures connection came from ideas that started in the early 1990's. I seemed to be led to the idea that the New Jerusalem and the Four Living Creatures could be constructed with four triangles with circles at the tips and centers, similar to the 1991 Barbury Castle crop formation.
The image above is the result of bringing the four triangles into a form that appears like a pyramid from above, when the bases of the triangles ("wings") are lowered. It fits quite well with the description in Ezekiel 1. I gave the details in my Pollen Path, Part Six article. The basic New Jerusalem design is formed by the same four triangles, when they are overlapped on center.
2013 - The Chualar California Crop Circle Formation
On December 28, 2013, a crop formation appeared at Chualar, near Salinas, California. It was said to represent a digital camera type circuit board. A claim was made that it was created by people hired by a company. It had that squaring the circle look -- although the accuracy is questionable. The central portion had small circles arranged in patterns. This was determined to be Braille type writing (for the blind), displaying the number 192 five times. Red Collie pointed out that the formation may indicate a clock face, with the larger circles on the outer ring indicating the hours 1, 9, and 2. To me, this fit in to the idea of the Zodiac precession cycle as the grand clock face of the Ages, as indicated in the graphic above -- showing how the "hour" circles of the formation could indicate two halves of the precession. This fits very well with Johan Oldenkamp's "Giza Clock" video -- where the "dark" half cycle is from Leo through Pisces, and the "light" half is from Aquarius to Virgo. Months later a posting stated that the formation represented a TC210 192 x 165 Pixel CCD Image Sensor. The numbers 192 and 165 were unfamiliar to me. Not expecting much, I multiplied. -- 192 x 165 = 31680 There you have it . . . again! -- the New Jerusalem squaring the circle number. I should have expected it by that time, but I was amazed, flabbergasted! Thinking of the symbolism, I recalled the words of an old Christian hymn (Amazing Grace): I was blind but now I see. The spiritually blind (symbolic Braille readers) can get a new "picture" with this New Jerusalem digital camera! Later, I realized that multiples of the two numbers (192 and 165) have been familiar in my work for years. As I was researching information for this article I happened to find a reference to the "rod" measure. It is a unit of length equal to 5.5 yards, 16.5 feet, or 1/320 of a mile. If I had know this a few years ago, I may have recognized the 165 number related to the Chualar formation as a harmonic of the 16.5 foot rod. It is a devisor of the mile, the fulong, and the Earth diameter measure.
16.5 x 320 = 5280
2015 - The China Crop Circle Formation
On May 6, 2009, a crop circle formation appeared at All Cannings (upper left above). It fit with the symbol for the Heart Chakra, which is also similar to the New Jerusalem diagram. On May 8, 2015, a crop formation appeared in the Fangshan district of Beijing, China (lower left above). It was almost identical to the 2009 formation in England -- except that it had a thin ring through the twelve flower petals. It seemed likely that this extra ring corresponds to the lunar ring of the New Jerusalem. I created the graphic above to illustrate the point. The image on the lower right has the China crop formation superimposed upon the New Jerusalem diagram. The thin ring of the formation fits right where I expected.
The New Jerusalem of Revelation 21 The New Jerusalem diagram and its squaring the circle number are derived mostly from Revelation 21. The number 31680 is figured from the words of Revelation 21:16. -- The city lies foursquare, its length the same as its breadth; and he measured the city with his rod, twelve thousand stadia; its length and breadth and height are equal. In some Bibles the measure is in furlongs, rather tan stadia. The furlong equates to 660 feet. Some claim that the intended stadia measure in Revelation is also 660 feet, but this is controversial. The entire New Jerusalem is a big cube, but the squaring the circle number comes from the perimeter around it. Calculating one side figures as -- 12000 x 660 = 7920000 This "feet" measure, of course, is a thousand times the Earth diameter in miles. Obviously, the perimeter figures as -- 4 x 7920000 = 31680000 That is a thousand times the squaring the circle number. Converting these feet into miles gives --
7920000 = 1500 miles 6000 x 5.28 = 31680
The 528 Solfeggio Frequency DNA Healing Number
In recent years,
claims have been made that a musical
frequency of 528 cycles per second produces
healing effects on DNA. Some say this is
The Love Frequency.
The graphic above illustrates the related Solfeggio frequency numbers. They are associated with ancient Gregorian chants. Note that the 396 at the top is one-tenth of the Earth radius. In 2007, I wrote an article about the differences in the squares of mirror numbers, and how they fit with the Solfeggio frequencies, as well as ancient Gematria. For example, 31^2 - 13^2 = 961 - 169 = 792. The same type of numbers relate to some of the crop circle formations by way of their geometry, which demonstrated ratios that correspond to the musical scales. The numbers appear when figuring frequencies starting with 440 cycles per second as the middle "A" note. Note the "coincidence" of that frequency to the 440 cubit base-leg measure of the Great Pyramid. And, of course, 440 yards amount to one-quarter of a mile.
The Nazca 528 String Instrument Included in the mirror numbers article is this graphic. --
It is one of the many ancient geoglyphs located in the Nazca Desert of Peru. Carl Muck decoded it using the numbers 8, 2, and 5. I noticed that when I flipped it upside down -- that is, where south is upward -- the numbers reverse to 528, the key Solfeggio frequency. Also, it resembles a string instrument. In 2015, I wrote an article about another geoglyph at Nazca -- the Sun-Star.
I mentioned the New Jerusalem several times, and included a link to this article. --
Sun-Star & Cross of Peru Just as I was adding the above link (on May 14, 2016), another "coincidence" came about. I looked at this graphic from the article, which I had looked at several times before. --
16 x 81 = 1296 I should have known! I find it hard to believe that I missed this in researching the Internet while writing my Nazca Sun-Star article -- which included studying the article about the New Jerusalem connection, linked above. That article also missed the 1296 connection, which has so many associations, including those detailed in this article. The equation above could be written in exponents. --2^4 x 9^2 = 1296 = 6^4
Hamlet's Mill The book, Hamlet's Mill, by scholars Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend, was published in 1969. They posited the idea that axial precession was discovered in the Megalithic era. This claim was based on history, comparative mythology, and archaeoastronomy. Knowledge of the precession cycle was apparently encoded in mythology.
Epilogue It is clear that a major message of the world-wide crop circle phenomenon is about the very ancient idea of the New Jerusalem -- the ideal city -- and the precession of the equinoxes through the twelve Zodiac signs. Evidence is strong that most of the crop formations were not made by human beings. This calls for serious attention and investigation -- even if the formations were indeed man-made. There is extensive evidence that dreams are also related. I detailed a little of this in my article here. I intend to add more evidence sometime soon.
Links Code of the Ancients & the DNA Repair 444, The Triplets, & The Creation Singapore 2012 Crop Circle Mayan End Seminar The Chualar Crop Circle Formation = The New Jerusalem The Chualar Crop Circle is NOT Just a Hoax - and Here’s Why USA Map with Crop Circle Alignments
Sun-Star & Cross of Peru DNA, Apocalypse, & the End of the Mystery Sacred EquinoX - Archaeoastronomy Code of the Ancients - Carl Munck Number 72 and the Code of the Ancients
The All-Connected Source Field
Hamlet's Mill - Wikipedia
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