LOVE is the highest standard by which everything is to be measured, determined, built, and understood.
originally written 11-9-98
last updated
Note: The line was all red. I have made it red and white to make |
5-3-2001 - MEDITATION - I suddenly had a vision of the world like a huge blue ball and a red line came shooting out of one spot in Egypt and going up and spinning into a spiral... not like a tornado sideways, but a large ball spiraling of red string arcing up and then spiraling down and around into itself. The spiral was almost as large as the earth itself. Then out of the spiral, came shooting another red line that went up and divided and came falling back down towards earth.
I lay there thinking about what that might be ... like a volcano spouting
red See automatic writing for today Topic is the Ark of the Covenant |
(If this message speaks to you, please use the internet and media to distribute it worldwide. This proposal is inspired by the One through the voices of all those who wish to stand behind it.) There is a calendar encoded in stone within the Great Pyramid of Giza, which has accurately predicted significant historical events, including the birth of Jesus Christ, and the global wars of this century. This began in 3999 BC, and ends on September 17, 2001. According to this calendar there are three things we might expect at this time of ending. It is a time for a shift in earth's relationship with the sun. It is time to complete and balance planetary karmic cycles. And it is time for a global spiritual initiation. (see Moira Timms, Beyond Prophecies and Predictions) What are the implications of this? Earth's relationship to the sun is shifting. We have been experiencing more solar flares this year than ever before in recorded history. The magnetic polarities of the sun have gone through a significant shift, and scientists are indicating this could soon happen on earth as well. The earth's magnetic fields hold our collective thoughts, feelings, and consciousness. Could the shifting of the magnetic fields perhaps be mirroring the revolution of human consciousness that we are currently experiencing? Could it also perhaps have to do with our entry into a region of space known as the "photon band", which has in previous cycles indicated quantum shifts in planetary evolution? As we prepare for such a quantum shift we will simultaneously be experiencing the completion and balancing of long range karmic cycles. On a 3rd dimensional level, what we do to the earth we do to ourselves, and we are beginning to see the repercussions of this. On a higher level, we may evoke a law of grace that supersedes the laws of karma. This demands conscious intent, however. Can we use this time to send out a different message to the universe? Can we reach inside of ourselves and look at the denials and fears that keep us imprisoned in our lives? Can we encourage our communities, businesses, and governments to do likewise? What if we looked to this day, September 17, 2001, as a Day of Truth, to redirect our intentions towards the highest possibilities of our souls, and for our beautiful planet? We can only go as high as we are willing to go deep, and it is often in the very depths that we find the greatest light. This is where we find the power and the hope to sustain us. For it is only as we are willing to see and to embrace all of our deeply human fragmented realities that the light of grace can shine upon us. As we allow the light of grace to shine upon us, we open ourselves to a global spiritual initiation. We are seeing increasingly rapid expansions of consciousness on our planet. This emerging consciousness is 4th and 5th dimensional in nature, and can over-ride the 3rd dimensional ecological realities on our planet. The nature of most spiritual initiations is the experience of a gradual ascent of consciousness followed by a quantum leap. When the time is right, this quantum leap could take place "in the twinkling of an eye". We are collectively entering the birth canal of a new world. Will we birth ourselves into the Age of Light with grace and ease? Or will we continue on our collision course towards extinction? This proposal for a Day of Truth recognizes that we are on the verge of a planetary spiritual awakening, and is a call for deep self-examination. It is also a recognition that we are connected with a vast array of beings who can assist us if we call for it collectively. There are four things each of us can do as we move towards this event. 1. Take time before this date to personally examine our own lives and priorities as citizens of Earth in this time of transition. This is a wake-up call. 2. Come together in small and large groups, taking responsibility for our shadows, fears and denials, and how this impacts the larger whole. Discuss how we have been denying our light as well as our darkness. With great compassion, allow ourselves to make new choices. 3. Call for accountability from our governments, businesses, industries and media. Bill Moyers and Steven Greer seem to have initiated a healthy trend in the past few months, asking for full public disclosure on the chemical industry and extraterrestrial contact respectively. Let us take this spirit of disclosure into every arena of personal and planetary life. Share stories of denial busting with the global community over the media and internet, as well as stories of inspiration and hope. 4. Put forth a unified call for assistance from the ascended masters, star nations, angels, avatars, saints, boddhisatvas, and nature kingdoms. These magnificent beings are always ready to assist but will not do so without permission. To the extent that we give our power over to governments, allowing them to choose for us, they will not interfere with our choice. We must either invite our governments to lift the veil of secrecy and respond to the positive assistance that has been offered, or invite this directly as citizens of the Earth. Although we cannot remain in denial about the ecological realities on our planet, the pathway to the Fifth World is in affirming the new realities emerging among us. Somewhere between an ungrounded spiritual escapism based on denial, and a narcissistic preoccupation with gloom and doom, we can choose to intentionally and purposefully envision a brave new world based on the deepest truth of our being. In order to do this we must consciously choose to face our own shadows, commit to rebirth, and open to the light of our guiding truth. May this Day of Truth reflect the deepest truth of our being. And may this be the message that we send out to the universe as we prepare for the dawning of an Age of Light.
3-1-2000 THE GIZA PYRAMID AND HALL OF AMENTI This website was first put up on 11-9-98 and has been updated when new events have occurred. I am happy to announce that events which are occurring now and will occur shortly which are SO exciting to many people in the world and in the higher realms that nothing will prevent them from happening now, though they have been awaited for many thousands of years for various reasons mostly because human kind was not ready for these events. I am presenting this wondrous information so that everyone possible can participate whether on site at the ceremonies or at home during the same time period within meditation. On 3-1-2000, after receiving an invitation to go to Egypt to attend the live ceremonies, I had this vision: I saw an old man sitting on a bench. In this hands he held two books. He held the open books up for me to see the titles, but not what was in them. The title of the book in his right hand was titled: "Sacred Sites". The title of the book in his left hand was: "Rod invitation" Following that vision, I had a second vision. This time I saw a chart on a white square cardboard. The Title of the chart was 'RAYS'. On the chart was a large circle divided into pie shaped portions. I believe there were eight portions. The Rod of Power was spinning clockwise very fast over the Ray Circles. Right after I had the vision, I had this dream: 3-1-00 - DREAM - I had a job in a place I worked at a long time ago. I didn't know what I was supposed to do yet as I had just come here again. I decided to go out to buy something at the mall and when I did I spotted a guy I used to work for a long time ago named 'David'. He looked very somber. I decided not to speak to him and ducked into a jewelry store. He followed me. I didn't want to talk to him, not that we didn't get along, I just didn't feel that his mood was what I was looking for at the moment. I went back outside and found that it was raining very hard. In the middle of the road was like a bird bath ... concrete thing ... and under it were three big turtles. I looked in the water in the road and saw that there were turtles everywhere of all sizes, big and little. I tried to get back into the building without getting my feet wet, but that was impossible ... the water was rising fast. I then went to a parking lot and saw my son Michael sitting there in his car ... description - like a off-white station wagon. He was laughing about the people driving in the water which was going down the hill so fast, it was faster than any river I've ever seen and this was the street they had to drive in. He laughed that he had seen a long string of cars trying to get somewhere fast ... to get home probably before the big rains came ... and the drivers were complaining that the traffic was moving too slow. Then they found out that at Medford, it wasn't moving at all ... and he laughed even harder. It was too late for them. He drove his car up the drive to the edge of the street and just watched the water running down the hill on the road. It was unbelievably deep and fast. I wouldn't have even have tried to drive in that. It was too late now. I then went back to work. I was waiting for instructions on what to do. The ownership ... Father and son came into the room and stood in front of my desk. I wanted to know what could be duplicated and what not. The son gave me a blank piece of paper with the company logo on and there was a carbon paper under it and I understood that I could duplicate the son's work. The father gave me a huge sheet of paper, that had like labels on it. I couldn't read them, but I knew instinctively that each one of those labels said on it in no uncertain terms ... 'Do Not Duplicate'. There was a huge carbon sheet under his sheet too, to duplicate the "Do Not Duplicate' labels. On 3-2-2000, I meditated on this series of events and was told by a voice - "Garden Hearth!" From other events I've participated in at home, we made a fire and did our ceremonies at the 'hearth'! |
Egypt Cancels Plans to Cap a Pyramid in Gold for Millennium - 12-17-99
The Millennium Party Plans - 11-16-99
Millennium Bash Decried As Plot - 10-19-99
-MAY 10TH, 1999
"In the last days, God says, I will pour out my |
"Strange times are these in which we live Plato (Greek Philosopher) 427 - 347 B.C. |
11-2-98 - VISION - (by Dee Finney) I saw a tall wand (maybe 3 feet tall).
(The rod of
power?)It was on an angle with the top towards the right.
The Rod of Power? 2-5-2000 |
It waved in the air in a spiral pattern towards the left (like a fibonacci spiral) Below the wand, I then saw a pyramidal shape that was black colored. As the wand was moving in the spiral, the black pyramidal shape rose into the air and came to a tall pyramid that was whitish colored that had a flat top on it that had the capstone missing. The black pyramidal shape that seemed to be the capstone, then rested on top of the tall, white pyramidal shape with the flat top, and it rested there as if it belonged there. Then the wand stopped moving and came to a stop.
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NEWS - 11-17-98
Great Pyramid to get golden apex to mark millennium
Throughout 1999 Graham Hancock traveled the world in a great underwater diving expedition called "Underworld" which will be the subject of his new book as well as a stunning TV series, but will be present at the last station of Equinox 2000 at Giza.
The great journey ended at Giza on the 31 December 1999, in front of the Great Sphinx. Dr. Zahi Hawass has kindly given preliminary permission for the setting up of a platform from which a message to the planet from Egypt will be delivered. As Orions belt crosses the meridian at midnight and Leo rises in the east, the New Millennium and World Age will be ushered in by the precessional star-clock, marked by the rising of Aquarius in the west. It is hoped that a gilded Benben Stone (capstone) will then be placed by the Egyptian Authorities on the apex of the Great pyramid. Jean Michele Jarre and his band will also be performing on the site with a special laser show near the Pyramid.
Graham Hancock's Official Homepage
On 11-9-98 we were informed that the magnetic forces from the sun had reached a magnetic zero for several hours. This is called a null zone. This is an event that many people had been waiting for even though the government is probably happy because their sattelites in space are safe for a time.
Magnetic reconnection occurs in three dimensions when the electric current is so strong locally that the magnetic field lines slip through the plasma, so that there is a change of magnetic connectivity of plasma elements. A three-dimensional null point possesses two special classes of field lines that link to the null, namely an isolated spine curve and a fan surface of field lines.
A null point, where the magnetic field vanishes, possesses an isolated field line called a spine that approaches (or recedes from) the null and a whole surface of field lines called a fan that recede from (or approach) the null.
This is what GOES10 Magnometer looked like on November 8th, 9th and 10th 1998
As Bruce Cathie says: "The Earth is simply a huge magnet, a dynamo, wound with magnetic lines of force as its coils, tenescopically counted to be 1257 to the square centimeter in one direction, and 1850 to the square centimeter in the other direction (eddy currents).
The spectroscope shows that there is an enormous magnetic field around the Sun, and it is the present conclusion of the best minds that magnetic lines of force from the Sun envelop the Earth and extend to the Moon, and that everything, no matter what its form on this planet, exists by reason of magnetic lines of force. "
The GOES Hp plot contains the 1-minute averaged parallel component of the magnetic field in nanoTeslas (nT), as measured at GOES-8 (W75) and GOES-10 (W135). The Hp component is perpendicular to the satellite orbit plane which is essentially parallel to Earth's rotation axis. If these data drop to near zero, or less, when the satellite is on the dayside it may be due to a compression of Earth's magnetopause to within geosynchronous orbit, exposing satellites to negative and/or highly variable magnetic fields. On the nightside, a near zero, or less, value of the field indicates strong currents that are often associated with substorms.
Here is what the Proton flux looked like near earth space during the same time period.
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From maj.com
NOTE FROM DEE: 2-5-2000: I have kept track of the various null zones with the sun ever since I discovered them and was watching for a pattern, but found none. Though they started off in a 10 day pattern, it didn't last and they became farther and farther apart. Then, suddenly there would be two in two days. I found NO pattern to the events.
The Full Solar Event by Kent Steadman
Artwork by Kent Steadman
MESSAGE FROM DEE FINNEY 'THE' null zone is the capstone returning to the top of the pyramid in the guise of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. My original vision seems to be just a warning to be vigilant. Since then, I have been in contact with a 'light being' who tells me that there will be more 'null zones'. This means that we need to be watching the sun and magnetic fields because we do not know the exact nature of this phenomenon, but we are confident that this 'null zone' is part of the earthchanges. So, we intend to be keeping vigil as we are exhorted in 1 Peter 5:8. or Matthew 25:1 - 13 1. Then the kingdom of Heaven will be like this. Ten wedding attendants took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. 2. Five of them were foolish and five were sensible. 3. the foolish ones, though they took their lamps, took no oil with them, 4. whereas the sensible ones took flasks of oil as well as their lamps. 5. The bridegroom was late, and they all grew drowsy and fell asleep. 6. But at midnight there was a cry. "Look! The Bridegroom! Go out and meet him." 7. Then all those wedding attendants woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8. and the foolish ones said to the sensible ones. "Give us some of your oil: our lamps are going out." 9. But they replied, "There may not be enough for us and for you, you had better go to those who sell it and buy some for yourselves." 10. They had gone off to buy it when the bridegroom arrived. Those who were ready went in with him to the wedding hall and the door was closed. 11. The other attendants arrived later. "Lord! Lord!" they said, "Open the door for us." 12. But he replied, "In truth I tell you, I do not know you." 13. So stay awake, because you do not know either the day or the hour." |
On 11-19-98 I had a dream about a web site about the Second Coming of Christ. The name Judy Beebe was given to me as having the truth. |
Biblical Quotations About the Cornerstone and Capstone
Job 38:4-7
who laid its cornerstone ni
who laid the corner stone kj
Psalm 118:22-23
the stone the builders rejected has become the capstone ni
the stone which the builders refused is become the head stone kj
Isaiah 19:13-20
an alter to the LORD in the heart of Egypt ni
an alter to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt kj
Isaiah 28:16
precious cornerstone for a sure foundation ni
precious corner stone, a sure foundation kj
Jeremiah 51:26
will be taken from you for a cornerstone ni
take of thee a stone for a corner kj
Zechariah 4:7
he will bring out the capstone ni
shall bring forth the headstone kj
Zechariah 10:4
from Judah will come the cornerstone ni
out of him came forth the corner kj
Matthew 21:42
has become the capstone ni
is become the head of the corner kj
Mark 12:10
has become the capstone ni
is become the head of the corner kj
Luke 20:17
has become the capstone ni
is become the head of the corner kj
Acts 4:11
which has become the capstone ni
is become the head of the corner kj
Ephesians 2:20
Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone ni
Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone kj
I Peter 2:4-7
chosen and precious cornerstone ni
chief corner stone, elect, precious kj
In 1993, approximately in November, Joe Mason had a dream/voice message "The Merkabah will not come for another five years." That makes the date approximately November, 1998
NOTE 1: Joe Mason is a direct descendant of Patrick Henry, the great statesman who said, "Give me liberty or give me death". Joe continues the family heritage.
NOTE 2: Joe now feels that the symbolism is related to the great solar eclipse of Aug. 11, 1999. At that time the planets will be aligned in a "Grand Cross" pointing to Leo, Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius, which are the Four Living Creatures of Ezekiel and Revelation. The book of Ezekiel says that there are 4 wheels that travel along beside the living creatures and their spirits are in the wheels. H.P. Blavatsky calls this "Ezekiels Wagon", and said that it is related to the Sanskrit concept of the Vehana which means vehicle. The kabalists word for this is the "Merkabah", which means four wheeled chariot. The Keys of Enoch calls it the "vehicle of vehicles".
Quotations below are with permission of the author.. The work is based on dreams.This portion is written in play form, with characters from the past.NOTE 3: In the author's book, "The Destiny of America, there is a sequence of events which relate to the number 222. The number 222 in this case also relates to the 111 and the 11:11. July 4th, 1998 was the 222nd Anniversary of the United States.
The author states on page 61, "Who would have though that an unknown land would turn out to be the Place of the Gathering?" Aquila asked. "Yes, the United States of America is the Place of the Gathering, where the many peoples of all races and religions of the Earth have come together to form one nation," George responded. On page 63, he states, "The first 222 event is the 222nd Anniversary of the Birthday of the Unites States of America on July 4, 1998".Arthur replied. "The second 222 event is the appearance of the 2 Taus in the sky. It is the 22nd letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, which gives us 2 taus as the 22nd letter or 222." "The date is August 11, 1999."
The event of the 2 taus in the sky is made up of a unique configuration of the Sun, Earth, Moon, and planets. On page 64, The author states, "The duration of the Total Solar Eclipse on August 11, 1999 is 2 minutes and 22 seconds, which brings us to the 222 phenomenon again."
On page 65, the author states, "The Law will be released on July 4, 1998, the first 222 event. This will be the beginning of the completion of the pyramid." Abraham pondered openly. "The end of the completion of the pyramid will be on August 11, 1999, the second 222 event." John pondered openly.End of quoted passages.
The total solar eclipse of the sun on August 11, 1999 at 11:11 a.m. is at Cornwall, England, it's first landfall after crossing the Atlantic Ocean. It is at Cornwall, England that King Arthur reigned who quested after the Holy Grail. It is said that King Arthur is going to return, and that return is related to the Second Coming of Christ who is the capstone of the Great Pyramid.
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The Orphic Egg: The ancient symbol of the Orphic Mysteries was the serpent-entwined egg, which signified Cosmos as encircled by the fiery Creative Spirit. The egg also represents the soul of the philosopher; the serpent, the Mysteries. At the time of initiation the shell is broken and man emerges from the embryonic state of physical existence wherein he had remained through the fetal period of philosophic regeneration. |
The Great Pyramid
The Great Pyramid, Ark
of the Covenant
with the other grids on this planet.
Magnetic fields of
Quantum Physics, Space, Time, and Dimensions
Changing Magnetic Core of the Earth
The inner core rotates in the same direction as the Earth and slightly faster, completing its once-a-day rotation about two-thirds of a second faster than the entire Earth. Over the past 100 years that extra speed has gained the core a quarter-turn on the planet as a whole, the scientists found. Such motion is remarkably fast for geological movements -- some 100,000 times faster than the drift of continents, they noted. The scientists made their finding by measuring changes in the speed of earthquake-generated seismic waves that pass through the inner core. | ![]() |
Enlightened children
of God
Lords of Light
When Jesus Christ came to earth, he taught the common man how to loosen these bonds that held him so very tightly in oppression. He chastised the Sadducees and Pharisees; he called them white painted sepulchres. They were the Adepts, the Illumined Ones. Jesus was a threat to the their established order. Jesus taught, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." [John 8:32] Whenever mankind has followed the true teachings of Jesus Christ he has been free. "Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord [is], there [is] liberty." [2 Cor. 3:17] |
Mysteries of
the Great Pyramid
Great Pyramid,
Genealogy of Moses
Birth of
Astrological Connection to the Birth of Moses
Generations of Jesus
Birth of Jesus Christ and Lineage of Luke and Matthew
Chronology of Christ's Life
are within the Pyramid
Eben Shettiyah,
of the Christ
The Astrology
of Jesus Christ
Larry Hunter Archaeologist at Giza
of God
Names of the Angels
Mathematical Numbers of the Hebrew Alphabet
Uriel - the Creator of the Inner Light,
Metatron - the Creator of the Outer Light
- the Creator of this local universe,
Divine Names and The Tree of Life
Christ consciousness
the land of the
consciousness of Light which freely serves the Father in the Many Mansion
Worlds of Light.
Part of a single energy grid
Spiritual architecture
Aspects of the Zodiac
Twelfth Day of
The Coming of the Age of Aquarius
of the Equinoxes
Earth's Magnetic Field
Geomagnetic grids of the
New Crop Circle of Earth
Finding Places of Power: Dowsing
Earth Energies
Evidence of a
Mathematically Created Solar System
History of Time
Magdala's green stone -
A Planetary Perspective
The Zodiac of the 12 Tribes
Return of Israel
Seven Church Ages as Seven Churches of Asia
The Third
Temple and the Ark of the Covenant
Mystery of Ezekiels Vision
7 sisters - the
Higher timepieces
The cosmic clocks
48 constellations
51'14.3" Khufu's Inside Story
Pyramid inches
The Timeline and
of the circle
One of the
greatest mathematical problems
Terrestrial and solar movement
are tied together
Precession of the
of the Equinoxes
The King's Chamber
The Myths of Creation
Great Pyramid
were built over cycles of 36,000, 24,000, 18,000, 12,000. and 6,000 years
- #4
Heru-Ur¸ (HORUS)
Lords of Light built the Pyramid from the top down by vehicle control, that is, out of the magnetic-etheric spheres by Magnetic flux line controls. |
Taken From 'EMERALD TABLET I: The History of Thoth, The Atlantean' "Raised I high over the entrance, a doorway, a gateway leading down to Amenti. Few there would be with courage to dare it, few pass the portal to dark Amenti. Raised over the passage, I, a mighty pyramid, using the power that overcomes Earth force (gravity). Deep and yet deeper placed I a force-house or chamber; from it carved I a circular passage reaching almost to the great summit. There in the apex, set I the crystal, sending the ray into the "Time-Space," drawing the force from out of the ether, concentrating upon the gateway to Amenti. (See "The Great Pyramid" by Doreal.) |
Pyramidal designs
Gravitational-Magnetic shells
of the Earth which exist on the higher planes.
(Opinion ) Built
by aliens
Higher Evolution
Higher Evolution - World
AAUM - Agora Rising Universal
Solar Facts and Terminology
Variability and Solar cycles
The view is quite simple imagine the One, surrounded
by four archangels, who guard over the spiritual forces flowing from the four letters YHVH, which stand watch over the four cardinal points from the (spiritual) center of the six directions of space (six-pointed star) with each of the other three looking over the other two. If we superimpose the seven hells, seven earths, seven created heavens onto one center point, that of Araboth, the Heaven of Heavens, we get a view of the three six-pointed stars spinning on one axle, as if we were looking at wheels upon wheels. |
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height of
the great pyramid
at Giza is 280 Royal Cubits.
Each side of the base of the great
pyramid measures 440 Royal
construct of the Pyramid
number mathematically appears in other places in the Pyramid
Excerpts from
The Alpha and Omega by Jim Cornwall |
Creation - Day 1 Creation - Day 3 Creation - Day 6 Genesis from an Ice Age - Day 1 thru 6 Day of Rest and Atonement |
Enoch lived on earth, that
is, 365 years, 88 days, 9 hours -
Translation into Heaven
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A circle is a symbol of eternity, and Enoch's circle measures 365.25 inches. |
The Great Pyramid Upper
Numbers of the Tribes (includes Hebrew)
The Jewish Calendar and it's
Age of
the Earth
from Creation to the Flood
from the Flood to Abram (Abraham)
present cycle
Astronomy of the Magnetic cycles
of the planispheres.
The connection
of Jesus and other biblical events to the Universe
Nidle's explanation of the null zone
Article against Sheldon
Nidle's photon belt
Null Zone A Null Zone is created when energy expands and flowers outwards, then is shattered from without, causing the previous world or reality system to collapse inwards upon itself. It breaks all the old entrenched patterns. The old shattered worlds cannot be restored to their original position. Null Zones can occur on a large scale, affecting many, or within your own being. They create the womb from which the New is born. |
alignment of the grids of the northern hemisphere, the southern hemisphere,
The Golden Key - The
Mystery of the Great Pyramid by Judy Beebe
faces of the Zodiac,
Human creation
Twelve letter name of God
Zodiac of Denderah and Hathor
Zodiac of Denderah and Hathor - Closeup Photo
Twelve meridians
within the body
Age and the 10 Sephiroth
of the Mazzaroth
Mazzaroth and the connection to Revelation
Hieroglyphic Plan, By Hermes, of the Ancient Zodiac: The inner circle contains the hieroglyph of Hemphta, the triform and pantamorphic deity. In the six concentric bands surrounding the inner circle are (from within outward): (1) the numbers of the zodiacal houses in figures and also in words; (2) the modern names of the houses; (3) the Greek or the Egyptian names of the Egyptian deities assigned to the houses; (4) the complete figures of these deities; (5) the ancient or the modern zodiacal signs, sometimes both; (6) the number of decans or subdivisions of the houses. |
The human body
The third eye
on chakras
The chakras
Planetary membrane
Cosmic waves
hitting the earth
Wave bombardment of the
polar areas.
The Earth's magnetic field is generated in the mobile outer core composed of liquid iron and nickel. The source of the magnetic field cannot be permanently magnetized material, because the interior of the Earth is too hot for any material to retain its magnetism. This means that the Earth's magnetism must be generated dynamically by swirling circulation in the liquid metal. This causes the Earth to behave much like a giant bar magnet. Think of the Earth as having a giant bar magnet passing from one pole to the other pole through its center. |
Vortices of energy change
the mantle of the
Liquefied material being ejected out of the core of the earth.
Dreams and Visions
Dreams, Visions,
and the Voice of God
Planet begins
to experience upheavals
Release of neutral matter
from the core of the sun.
SOLAR ECLIPSE 1999 - FINAL QUEST FOR THE HOLY GRAIL In 1980, Professor Hideo Itakawa, Japan's rocket program pioneer, used computer projections to show that, on 1999, heralded by a solar eclipse, the sun and the planets will take on the shape of a cross. Coincidentally, the arms of the cross will fall in the astrological signs of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio. Astrologers believe this corresponds to the four riders of the Apocalypse as described in the Book of Revelations. Scientific Evidence Apart from the astrological and religious implications, however, there is also ample scientific evidence to show that such a configuration will have harmful effects on our planet. NASA studies have shown that when three planets slot into a 90 Degree or 180 Degree arrangement, there is a marked increase of static in radio waves. The disturbance increases with the number of planets involved. The 'Grand Cross', as it is called, occurs so rarely that nobody has ever recorded what happens when the entire solar system assumes this position. Stephen Plagemann and John Gribbin, authors of The Jupiter Effect, believe this alignment will cause earthquakes on the earth. The fact that so many millennium prophecies seem to point to natural catastrophes generates a certain uneasiness.The millennium is just around the corner and we have little time in which to save ourselves. |
Release of
neutral matter within the core of the Earth
Catastrophic upheavals
during previous geophysical cycles.
Enoch has told mankind that we are being changed through 'negative entropy' and moved into a new 'star seed' evolution. A "Pillar of Light" which is the Merkabah will realign us as we make this change. This regenerating program is implanted in us and the 'Pillar of Light' will protect those who are implanted while all else not protected by this "Pillar of Light' will be allowed to completely dissipate.
This realignment can only take place at the end of a cycle when there is a space-time overlap. The placing of the "Pillar of Light' occurs just before entering a null zone. The null zone is a necessary element to make this realignment. This 'Pillar of Light' is our shield which protects our genetic code while we go through the electro-magnetic null zone. Otherwise our mind would not be able to adapt to the new frequency of light and would be destroyed.
This electro-magnetic null zone creates of vacuum area in space which changes the magnetic forces of creation. The Councils which oversee this particular creation are helping us to make this transition so that those who wish to become more Christ-like will be assisted into the upward spiral of Light while those who are not interested in making this change will be allowed to leave through the old 'technology of death'.
The Councils in charge of this transition are the Council of Nine which governs our local universe, the Council of Twelve which governs new programs of creation, and the Council of 144 which oversees the spiritual Hierarchies.
At the same time, there is a galactic war going on which is removing those who refuse to participate in the Grand Plan which had been set up for Israel. A new program will gather together those from the dissipated and scattered twelve tribes, including allowing intelligent Man to move to other planets and allow those from other planets to communicate with us here on Earth.
Before this can all happen, Earth must go through a gross geo-magnetic and catastrophic change as the North and South Poles reverse their charge.
While this is happening, our solar system will enter a space where no electromagnetic fields exist...an electromagnetic null zone. This is what is happening now as evidenced by the charts above. Cosmic waves will enter our Earth at the Polar regions and penetrate the entire globe. People in the northern latitudes can see the Proton charges coming to the earth from the sun in the Aurora Borealis.
The fulfillment of the Biblical Book of Revelations is now taking place. Fortunately for us, science has progressed to the point where we are allowed to see what is happening as well as having the awareness to experience it and go through the changes willingly or leave the Earth in the old way of 'death'.
During this time period, those who do not take advantage of our opportunity to be of service to mankind will undergo terrible agonies of food shortages, deadly plagues, wild beasts, and wars. This was prophesied in the book of Revelations as the great Seals are opened by the Angels in charge. Revelations - Chapter 6
The Trumpets are then sounded which resets the planets in a new arc as the celestial capstone (referenced in the Vision which sets off this piece of study) descends from space and is placed upon the Pyramid of Giza which is a model of God's plan of salvation, which is beneath the pyramid itself.
Please take a look at the dreams I have had about the Trumpets. This tells me that the Trumpets have begun blowing.
Revelations - Chapter 7 - The saved ones.
Revelations - Chapter 8 - The 7th Seal
Revelations - Chapter 9 - The sounding of the Trumpets
Revelations - Chapter 10 - The 7 Thunders Prophesy
Revelations - Chapter 11 - The 7th Trumpet, Measuring the Temple, Heaven Opens
Revelations - Chapter 12 - The Signs in the Sky, The Harlot, The 3 1/2, The Dragon
See also The Eclipse of 1999 and The Solar Eclipse of Aug. 11, 1999
The Ten Plagues in the Tenth Month on The Tenth Day by Ten Persons
On 11-9-98 I had a series of visions and received this information:
VISION - I saw a circle of 18 pillars. I saw one pillar divide in half. When the left half shifted forward, I saw a man's name appear. It was very clear and I remembered what it was, however, then the right half of the pillar shifted forward and the man's name disappeared and at the same time, the memory of the name also disappeared.
I heard a female voice say: There was a man named "_________" (This is where I saw the pillar) She continued then, "His name came out of the 17th pillar. The name is "favour"(ed?)
Then she said, "I weep until I see all the ancient sites in a circle."
I began to see a list of 60 names and the ones I remembered were Parthenon, Apollo, Circe, Xerxes....
On 11-15-98, I received an e-mail with the following quote:
Final word from Cayce: (snip 5748/5) 30th June 1932
"In this same pyramid did the Great Initiate, the Master,
take those last of the Brotherhood degrees with John, the
forerunner of Him, at that place. As is indicated in that
period where entrance is shown to be in that land that was
set apart, as that promised to that peculiar peoples, as
were rejected - as is shown in that portion when there is the
turning back from the raising up of Xerxes as the deliverer,
from an unknown tongue or land, and again is there seen that
this occurs in the entrance of the Messiah in this period -1998."
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This is Brahmanda, the 'Cosmic Egg, |
Here is another dream and vision that seems connected. It came prior to the Vision that prompted this page by a couple of days.:
10-31-98 - DREAM - It seemed that Joe was the creator. A shape like
appeared on the ground. It was golden. That shape became:
that a series of shapes
Someone didn't like what those shapes did or represented and they were
wiped out and the ground paved over with these
Each of these paving stone type things which were gray/white , were
divided into 4 parts, and each quarter section, had a unique design on it.
They looked like a series of grave markers. On the far left paving stone,
I recall that the bottom left design was the same as this:
(Not positive
it was this number of circles)
and the top left hand corner was a series of triangles (I believe there were 3 triangles within the quarter section. (Means the 3 aspects of God)
(There was more but my memory is gone) I woke up and thought about what this meant and it suddenly hit me that this was the series of events of Creation in the Old Testament.
by Terrence Murphy
The "key" is the three triangles and the quarter section. The quarter section represents the material or physical world. The triangles are the Spiritual worlds and the personal/impersonal relationships existing therein. Four and three are seven: the perfection of man in Christ. The significant directions are North and East.
God Love you
On the same morning, about an hour later, I went back to bed to meditate on the meaning of these symbols. While I was asking to see the dream again, the word "Tetraktys" jumped into my head. I had to ask Joe what it meant because I didn't know.
Pythagorean Tetraktys
The correspondence between the Shem ha-meforash and the
The seven dots of the tetraktys (the Elohim) form the star of David,
![]() |
Then I heard, "See David's book on creation. It's the same story."
"It's unveiled." This was stated by a woman sitting next to me on the bed
in the astral dimension.
I then saw a Mayan priest looking left up into the sky. He was wearing long
robes, brown with green squared designs around the front edges.
"Other examples are 'Celebration Feasts'.
I then saw a brown hairy animal. It looked like a cross between a hairy elephant with a long face like a horse.
I then saw a little crystal shaped like the above nipple shapes. It
was called an "Amphora". It was placed in front of me. It was about finger
size or smaller.
I then heard, "There is a lot of hard evidence."
"His name is Taylor" and he laughed. then he said, "How do you know?" and
laughed again. (I think he laughed because our granddaughter is named
I then saw a web page with 6 rectangles over on the right side. I'm thinking it might be Laura Lees. One of the rectangles said, "Soundcast". (This made me think the author is well-known.)
NOTE: After I got out of bed, I went outside to get the mail and paper in. Towards the East was two triangle shaped clouds. one was pointed East and the other one pointed north. They were almost side by side in the sky, and looked like they were painted in the sky with a paint brush with lines and were very small. The other clouds in the sky in the south and the west were normal roundish clouds and were large.
11-23-98 - VISION - I saw an Egyptian man wearing a blue and gold headdress such as King Tut wore. His death mask is an exact copy of this headdress. He stood in a telephone booth. He was calling all his people together.
the url of this page is: http://www.greatdreams.com/null.htm