See if this is true:
The Mystery of Latitude 40.07!
Senator Sonny Bono died just outside S Lake Tahoe, latitude 40.07;
Senator Paul Wellstone's plane crashed at Latitude 40.07;
Senator John Heinz's plane crashed in Philadelphia at Latitude 40,07;
JFK, Jr.s Plane crashed at 40.07;
Space Shuttle Columbia lost first pieces 89 miles off coast of Eureka,
Ca..Latitude 40.07;
Multiple Chinese Mine Cave In's..Latitude 40.07;
mysterious blast levels mountain in N. Korea, Latitude 40.07;
Madrid Train Bombings, Latitude 40.07;
Sumatra/Tsunami Quake..dead center Latitude 40.07;
Kobe Earthquake, Latitude 40.07;
Mysterious Blast at Dugway Proving Grounds Utah, Latitude 40.07;
World Trade Centers Latitude 40.07;
Immense N Korean Train Blast..Latitude 40.07;
Hindenburg Disaster, Latitude 40.07;
Head of Homeland Security for Indiana...died 2004, mysterious plane
crash in Iowa (?) Latitude 40.07;
Minnesota Governor...plane crash Latitude 40.07.
code warrior
figure it out!
The Assassination of Sonny Bono
Ian Punnet was joined by investigative
researcher Bob Fletcher, who
discussed the mysteries surrounding
Sonny Bono's death and why he believes
the former entertainer-turned-politician
was assassinated.
Fletcher began by providing background
on the toy manufacturing company he
started in Marietta, GA in the early
'80s. Fletcher said he merged his
operations with a man he'd met at a
marketing show in New York, and soon
discovered that his new business partner
was using the toy company as a front to
supply armaments for covert NSA/CIA
Fletcher left the partnership, tried to
sue, and began an investigation into the
activities of high ranking U.S. military
and government officials, who he claims
were involved not only in secret weapons
dealings but in drug smuggling as well.
Fletcher said he'd sent Bono his
documentation and the congressman had
looked it over and decided to go after
the people mentioned in the report. A
week and half later Bono was dead.
Fletcher went over the unusual
circumstances of Bono's death, noting
that the evidence surrounding the fatal
ski accident does not make sense.
Fletcher stated that Bono had "prominent
blood stains" that had soaked through
the back of his jacket and three layers
of clothes, yet no wounds could be found
on his back. He also pointed out that
Bono had no neck trauma, no contrecoup
brain injuries, nor any other sign that
would have come from colliding with a
tree at 30 mph.
Fletcher suggested instead that Bono was
beaten in the head with a gun and placed
by the tree to make it appear as though
he'd been in a skiing accident.
According to Bono's autopsy report,
"some of the fractured bone pieces have
a curved configuration" consistent with
being struck by the barrel of a .45 or
9mm pistol, Fletcher explained.
Ron Brown
differ on Ron Brown's head wound (Pittsburg Tribune-Review) Dec. 3, 1997
linger about Ron Brown plane crash (Pittsburgh Tribune-Review) -
November 24, 1997
Brown conspiracy protest today (UPI) Dec. 24, 1997
Wants Explanation on Ron Brown's Death (Fox News) Dec. 19, 1997
Matt Drudge scoops big media by George Alexander Saturday,
Dec. 06, 1997, 8:30 pm U.S. Eastern Time
Archives Index --- Ron Brown Air Force forensic pathologists state
there was a hole in Ron Brown's head the size of a .45 caliber bullet,
and there was no autopsy.
How do we know that the AWACS was tracking the Ron Brown
plane via transponder?
... Ron Brown, along with the other crash
victims, was removed from the ... RANCHO/CRASH/BROWN/brown.html
- 55k - Cached
- Similar pages
Linger About Ron Brown Plane Crash
Questions Linger About Ron Brown Plane Crash ... Less than 50 minutes before the
Brown plane crashed, an executive jet carrying US
Ambassador Peter ... - 36k
- Cached
- Similar pages
Ron Brown Plane Crash Death - Did CIA Hawks
Assassinate Ron Brown?
Whenever an American politician dies in a suspicious plane
crash, the skeptical
and discerning citizen should look first in the direction of the CIA. - 19k - Cached
- Similar pages
- Ten bodies pulled from crash - Apr. 4, 1996
from US plane crash. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown feared dead. map. April 4, 1996
Web posted at: 12:45 am EST. VELJI DOL, Croatia (CNN) -- Amid driving
rain ... - 9k - Cached
- Similar pages
- Pilot error, poor equipment blamed for Brown plane crash ...
... equipment for the plane crash
that killed Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and
... 3 Air Force commanders dismissed in probe of Ron Brown plane crash - May
- 12k - Cached
- Similar pages
linger about Ron Brown plane crash
(Pittsburgh Tribune ...
Questions linger about Ron Brown plane crash ... Less than 50 minutes before the
Brown plane crashed, an executive jet carrying US
Ambassador Peter ...
- 15k - Cached
- Similar pages
Nation Mourns Ron Brown
Victims of Dubrovnik Air Crash. Nation Mourns Ron Brown,
... carrying the bodies
of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and the business leaders
who accompanied ... -
4k - Cached
- Similar pages
Brown Death
Though the episode centered around the plane crash
death of fictional Under Secretary
... He revealed that Ron Brown's body was never
autopsied despite the ... -
11k - Cached
- Similar pages
Of Ron Brown, it could be argued that
nothing in his life became him like leaving
... And the plane crash HAD to be part of the plan.
Because if it wasn't, ...
- 14k - Cached
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American Registry: Balkans plane crash kills Ron Brown..
*On this date in 1996, Ron Brown died. The
aircraft that was carrying then
Secretary of Commerce Brown and thirty-four other passengers crashed
into the ... 832/Balkans_plane_crash_kills_Ron_Brown
The storm story was a lie, which means some other cause
for the crash exists.
While the plane carrying Ron Brown and his party was still 7
miles from the ... RANCHO/CRASH/BROWN/brown.html
- 55k - Cached
- Similar pages
Daily Online
Brown killed in Bosnian plane crash. The
Washington Post. A US military plane
carrying Commerce Secretary Ronald Brown and 32 other people crashed
into a ... 1996/apr/04-04-96/news/brown.html
- 9k - Cached
- Similar pages
Linger About Ron Brown Plane Crash
Questions Linger About Ron Brown Plane Crash ... first black to head a major US
political party and the highest-ranking black in the Clinton
Administration, ... - 36k
- Cached
- Similar pages
by Mr. Barry Lituchy
Thursday, 4 April 1996
It was payback day in the former
In the biggest loss of American life
since the U.S.-instigated
civil war in Yugoslavia began, some 33 Americans died in a plane crash
outside the port city of Dubrovnik as their U.S. military jet approached
the city's airport on the Adriatic coast. On board were some 27 elite
figures of the U.S. political, military, corporate, media and
intelligence establishment, along with a military crew of six.
The most famous of those killed was U.S.
Commerce Secretary Ron Brown. Brown, a long time Democratic Party faker,
had been under continuous criminal investigation for years for illegally
using his various political posts to build a massive fortune in the
hundreds of millions of dollars in a long series of conflict of interest
deals. Ron Brown was widely regarded by Washington observers as the
single most corrupt individual in the Clinton administration.
Also among the dead are at least six
military personnel, one State Department official (probably an
intelligence operative), one translator, one N.Y. Times reporter, and at
least ten top corporate executives, as well as an unknown number of
"government officials." The identities of all those aboard
will not be released until the ruling elites decide "the time is
right." But that time may never come.
This accident
offers us a unique opportunity to view a highly important but not
normally observed aspect of U.S. imperialism close up. U.S.
military and political power is used to help U.S. multi-national
corporations control and exploit the world economy and impose their
economic and political power on the peoples of the world. Moreover, this
power is used in the interests of a single, elite socio-economic class.
It is used against the interests of the majority
of Americans and against the interests of
the human race in general. However, it is rare that the public gets to
see in the media the direct connections between American military
aggression and the economic interests driving it.
The very fact that representatives of all
segments of the American capitalist ruling class were on board this
plane with a single economic objective dramatically illustrates the
truth about U.S. imperialism far better than any theoretical treatise. The
borders between the government, the corporations, the media and the
military are non-existent when it comes to imposing U.S. military and
economic power abroad. Their interests are those of a single
socio-economic class. U.S. foreign policy always
amounts to one thing: the rape of the world for the benefit of the tiny
elites at the top of U.S. capitalist system. U.S. foreign policy
is a class policy for plunder, violent aggression and exploitation on a
global scale. These are the true inner workings of contemporary
Indeed, not only are the borders between
these various ruling class institutions seamless, but in fact the
biographies of some of the deceased on board this plane neatly
illustrate how these ruling elites are interconnected by revolving doors
that allow military leaders, corporate execs or journalists to become
government or intelligence officials, and vice versa, and always with
ever greater loot.
Among the deceased take Charles Meissner.
A former vice-president of Chemical Bank, Meissner also served on the
World Bank, in the Treasury Department, in Congress, the diplomatic
service, and finally the Commerce Department. Take Robert Donovan. Prior
to his executive post with the electrical generator manufacturer Asea
Brown Boveri Inc., Donovan served around the world as a Lt. Colonel in
the U.S. military, including in Vietnam. Take Paul Cushman the 3d.
Cushman's duties as executive vice-president and head of international
banking for Riggs National Bank in Washington DC involved handling
banking accounts for U.S. embassies in Europe. Take New York Times
reporter Nathaniel Nash. As the financial reporter for the Times in the
European financial capital of Frankfurt, Nash nurtured close ties with
financial and corporate elites as well as with the U.S. government and
intelligence agencies, with whom he had already had close ties as a
result of his post in Latin America in the 1980's. Take Ron Brown
himself. Throughout his career Brown hopped from government position to
lobbyist and private business and back again. Now his hopping days are
The purpose of the
ill fated trip was to ferry top corporate leaders across Yugoslavia, to
seek out "business opportunities" and to present them to the
new puppet regimes of Bosnia and Croatia put into power by the U.S. and
Germany. The dead execs were conducted from place to place by top U.S.
political and military brass, whose presence reminded the Croats and
Muslims who's in charge, and guaranteed that the corporate bosses got
whatever deals they wanted. Having secured the rise to power of
these fascistic regimes in Croatia and Bosnia after five years of civil
war, the U.S. expects to bring in swarms of these corporate vultures,
and with full confidence of compliance say to the Croats and Muslims:
"Listen up, boys, we want this, this and this. Sign here." A
difference of opinion at this point is unthinkable. Puppets are easily
That's what the visit was about. But this
important visit by U.S. corporate leaders would have never received the
massive attention and scrutiny it deserves had these vultures not died
in this crash.
Consider for a moment the types of
corporations represented by the dead executives and what their
intentions were. Robert Donovan of Asea Brown Boveri represented a
company that manufactures electrical generator plants; Robert Whittaker
and Leonard Pieroni represented multi-national heavy construction firms;
P. Stuart Tholan represented the giant Bechtel construction firm
specializing in oil production facilities; I. Donald Terner represented
his housing construction business; Claudio Elia was the C.E.O. of Air
and Water Technologies Corporation. The U.S. and
Western sponsored war in Yugoslavia destroyed much of the infrastructure
of Bosnia and parts of Croatia. Now these same countries will pour
billions of our tax dollars into reconstructing it (not to the Serbs
though!). But this money goes directly into the pockets of U.S. (and to
a lesser extent other Western) corporations. It's a multi-billion dollar
gravy train for the multi-nationals and their financial backers who will
also control these assets in the future.
But guess what
Yugoslavia's greatest export industry was before the war? That's right,
construction. Communist Yugoslavia's construction industry was
internationally renowned as one of the most cost efficient and
technically competitive in the world. It won contracts for construction
projects throughout the Third World. (An interesting example is the
underground system of bunkers in Iraq which proved impenetrable to
America's air strikes during the Gulf War and were built by a Yugoslav
construction firm.) Now those firms will be shut out and shut down by
U.S. firms. Yugoslav petroleum engineering firms
were second to none in the world; they built facilities around the
world. Now they too will displaced by U.S. corporations. Consider
two other dead execs: Barry Conrad of Barrington Hotels and Walter
Murphy of AT&T. Conrad was there to buy up at bargain prices hotel
facilities in Bosnia and especially on the beautiful Adriatic coast.
Murphy was there to take over and rebuild the former Yugoslav
communications system.
All of these economic assets previously
were built, owned and operated in Yugoslavia by the people of Yugoslavia
for the benefit of the people of Yugoslavia. They were built by Yugoslav
firms with Yugoslav technology and personnel and were publicly owned. As
a result of U.S. military intervention, all that was created by several
generations of Yugoslavs is now to be destroyed and replaced by
enterprises owned and operated by U.S. or Western corporations for the
benefit of the super-rich in those countries. Not only did
Yugoslav firms build the infrastructure of their own country, but these
corporations competed successfully on the world market for contracts in
other countries with U.S. and Western multi-nationals, and were able to
complete the same projects at a fraction of the cost. This alone was
ample reason for U.S. imperialism to destroy socialist Yugoslavia and to
partition it into several, economically unfeasible mini-states. Of
course, had the U.S. really wanted to rebuild Yugoslavia they would have
helped the peoples of Yugoslavia to rebuild their economy on their own
-- but that's exactly what they don't want. Imperialism is a
system for plundering the world and reducing other countries to a
position of permanent economic dependency, backwardness and slavery.
It's the reason why countries have (and need) socialist revolutions in
the first place.
The U.S. and Western powers made the
decision to destroy the multi-national state of Yugoslavia in 1989 when
it became obvious that Yugoslavia would be the one country in Eastern
Europe that would not voluntarily overthrow their socialist system and
Communist political leadership. In other words, one of the richest
territories of Eastern Europe would remain beyond the grasp of the
capitalist multi-national corporations and financial elites whose main
goal since World War II was nothing less than the recapturing and
plundering of the socialized wealth and property of the Communist
Eastern European countries.
Having achieved
their objectives everywhere else in Eastern Europe, the U.S. and Germany
could not accept the continued existence of a powerful, multi-national
socialist country smack in the middle of Eastern Europe. They therefore
poured hundreds of millions of dollars into right wing
nationalist-secessionist political parties in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia
and Kosovo to tear the country apart. Much more went to provide covert
military shipments and intelligence operations. Another sizable amount
went to supposedly "non-governmental" cultural institutions --
like the Soros Foundation, etc. -- which served similar purposes
(the undermining and overthrow of the existing pro-socialist leaderships
through propaganda).
Having overseen the
destruction of Yugoslavia for the sake of capitalist restoration and the
creation of fascistic mini-nation states in Croatia and Bosnia with
puppet dictators controlled from Washington -- all at the cost of
hundreds of thousands of lives -- the time had come for the U.S.
government to present their prize to their corporate bosses. Like a
flock of flying vampires, America's financial and industrial executives
were flown across the devastated land to decide how to carve up the
economic assets and markets of the former Yugoslavia, to decide what
they can plunder and how much more blood and profits they can suck out
of the long suffering peoples of the Balkans. Only this time it was the
bloodsuckers' blood that got spilled.
And how the bloodsuckers' media let out
such a howl when their bosses died! It was a mournful howl heard round
the world. Truly the howl of a beast that has been mortally wounded.
As usual, the American media immediately
turned the truth upside down and inside out. Instead of admitting the
obvious, that these corporate executives were not there for charity, but
rather for material self-interest, the media spun a web of incredible
lies. There were two whoppers in particular. The first was the "we
want to re-build Bosnia" lie. On the day after the crash, a New
York Times editorial called the Ron Brown junket "a mission of
faith and hope." Once again the New York Times comes away with the
Joseph Goebbels prize for excellence in big-lie journalism. Not only is
the U.S. responsible for the Yugoslav civil war, but it is also
responsible for destroying the economic achievements of three
generations of Yugoslavs. The other big lie was the heroic portrayal of
Ron Brown as a legendary civil rights activist and rags to riches
phenomenon. Actually, the opposite is true. Brown came from a privileged
background: his family had money and he attended the best prep schools
in Westchester and then the exclusive private college of Middlebury.
While some literally gave their lives during the sixties for the civil
rights and anti-war movements, Brown went into the ROTC, became an Army
officer and then a lawyer. He later amassed a fortune by illegal methods
and became an advocate in the Clinton administration for rolling back
the very same social and civil rights legislation the New York Slimes
claims he championed. This is not the profile of a great man, but rather
of a slick and despicable con artist.
To top it all off, the media even tried
to hold off the inevitable news that all aboard were dead. No they
weren't dead, said NBC, CBS and ABC, they were just "missing!"
Oh, sure, that made sense. They were just hiding out somewhere.
Actually, this kind of deliberate mind control by the media serves an
extremely important psychological and political function for the ruling
class in times of crisis in that it preserves the stability of the
system. Too much bad news all at once can destabilize or paralyze the
political and economic system. Thus, the media withholds as much bad
news for as long as it can, letting it seep out only in drips and drabs,
thereby preserving the status quo. For a comparison, consider how the
media rushes to report the deaths of working people, foreigners or
criminals in disasters, often in unsympathetic or even gloating ways.
Rather than respect for life -- for which the media has none -- the
cautious reporting of bad news is inspired only by a respect for power
and self-interest.
Typically, one must always expect
cover-ups by the media with mishaps like this. One detail that may be
withheld from the public is whether the plane was shot down or blown up
by Serbian or other Yugoslav forces. Contrary to the myth of a
"free press," information not in the interests of the U.S.
government is usually censored. Several Serbian shoot- downs of U.S.
aircraft went unreported in 1994. A more notorious example was the
shooting down of KAL 007 over the Soviet Union in 1984. The truth about
how the Reagan administration organized this as a planned provocation
against the Soviet Union went unreported for years. Likewise, the media
covered up the fact that the explosion of the Challenger space shuttle
in 1986 would never have happened had the Reagan administration not
rushed the take-off so that it would coincide with Reagan's State of the
Union Address the same day and thereby advance Reagan's reelection
campaign. The examples are too numerous to cite here.
Paul Wellstone
- Senator, family members killed in Minnesota plane crash ...
Paul Wellstone, his wife Sheila and daughter
Marcia died Friday in a small plane
crash near ... Senator, family members killed in Minnesota plane crash ...
- 42k - Aug 26, 2005 - Cached
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Was Paul Wellstone Murdered?
One former senator, John Tower, also died in a small plane
crash. ... When I
heard Wellstone's plane went down, I immediately thought
of Panamanian General ... - 22k - Cached
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Paul Wellstone Dies in Tragic Plane Crash
A profile of the man regarded by progressives as the
conscience of the Senate.
[AlterNet] - 19k
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Investigators begin search for cause of Wellstone plane crash
Investigators begin search for cause of Wellstone plane crash
... Remembering Paul
Wellstone · Wellstone, 7 others, die in plane crash
· Wellstone death ...
features/200210/26_zdechlikm_investigation/ - 34k - Cached
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Relatives visit Wellstone plane crash site
Relatives visit Wellstone plane crash
site By Chris Julin Minnesota Public Radio
October 28, 2002. Listen. Investigators have more clues about the plane
features/200210/27_julinc_crashsite/ - 33k - Cached
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from readers on the Wellstone plane crash
Letters from readers on the Wellstone plane crash. 2 November 2002
... As Wellstone’s
plane approaches the airport, the VOR/ILS jamming equipment is ...
- 18k - Cached
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death of US Senator Paul Wellstone: accident or murder?
Debris recovered from the crash site includes
both the plane’s engines, ...
Wellstone’s plane was reportedly equipped with two
separate de-icing mechanisms. ...
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Paul Wellstone, who died in a plane crash
in northern Minnesota, was remembered
... Paul Wellstone and five other people killed in a plane crash on Oct. 25.
... - 27k - Cached
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Wellstone Plane Crash Media Survey - Updated
A summary of the facts available at this time,
surrounding Senator Wellstone's
airplane crash of 10-25-02. (Updated 11-01-02 – note this
posting is an ... - 41k - Cached
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- Politics - Sen. Wellstone, Seven Others Die in Plane ...
Paul Wellstone, D-Minn., died in a plane crash
Friday along with seven others.
"It does not look like there are survivors. It is the
unthinkable," said ...,2933,66707,00.html
Mel Carnahan
Governor Mel Carnahan of Missouri killed in plane crash
Missouri Democratic Governor Carnahan, his son
Randy, and an aide were killed in
a plane crash Monday evening October 16, 2000. Mel Carnahan
was running for ... - 9k -
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NewsHour: Election 2000 - Missouri's US Senate Race
Return to Race Coverage Democratic candidate for the
Senate, Missouri Governor
Mel Carnahan, was killed in a plane crash
Oct. 16 with less than one month ... races/carnahan-bio.html
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Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan is killed
in plane crash 10/17/2000 ... Mel Carnahan
was killed Monday when a plane piloted by his son crashed
in fog and ... -
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Known as an honest, up-front politician, Carnahan
died in a plane crash on ...
URBAN CENTERS (St. ... - 19k - Cached
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International - Mel Carnahan Dies
Mel Carnahan Dies in Plane Crash. Mel Carnahan. Goldman, MO—DeMolay Hall of Fame
member and Missouri Governor, Mel Carnahan, died Monday
night in a plane ...
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- Politicians killed in plane crashes - Oct. 25, 2002
Mel Carnahan. His plane crashed
in bad weather in that state killing him shortly
before that year's election. He was elected after his death and his
widow ... 10/25/politicians.plane.crashes/
- 33k - Cached
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Celebrity Plane Crashes - Gone but not
forgotten. ... October 16, 2000: Missouri
governor and Senate candidate Mel Carnahan (66) was killed
along with his ...
Celebrity_Plane_Crashes.htm - 41k - Cached
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Missouri Governor, 66 ...
Missouri Gov. ... -
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Wellstone & Mel Carnahan's Strange Deaths
Democratic Senate candidate Mel Carnahan
died in a private plane crash on Oct.
16, 2000, just three weeks before the 2000 elections. Mr. Carnahan
went on to ... - 33k
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Launches Team To Investigate Crash Of Plane Carrying
Governor ...
Crash Of Plane Carrying Governor Mel Carnahan. On October 16, 2000, Governor
Carnahan of Missouri, his son Roger and top campaign aide were
killed in a ... -
crash that took governor barely missed journalist
Missouri Digital News (MDN) story: The tragic plane crash that claimed the life
of Missouri's governor and two others almost claimed the life of a ... - 17k - Cached
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J.F.K., Jr. - JFK Jr was supposed to be the Democratic
nominee in 2004,
John F. Kennedy, Jr.
JFK Jr. Feared Dead in Plane Crash
Rescuers were losing hope for finding John F.
Kennedy Jr., his wife Carolyn Bessette and her sister Lauren
Bessette alive ... national/longterm/jfkjr/stories.htm
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JFK Jr. Feared Dead in Plane Crash
JFK Jr. Feared Dead in Plane Crash ... John F. Kennedy
Jr., the dashing celebrity
icon who represents the best-known link to his father's Camelot era, ... longterm/jfkjr/stories/kennedy071899.htm
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Death of JFK Jr., in his Piper Plane Crash
Heart over Mind: The Death of JFK, Jr. by
Eric Nolte ... Why Did Kennedy Crash?
In the last few minutes before Kennedy’s little single-engine airplane
went ... -
22k - Cached
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was writing poetry so the words formed shapes like a diamond and the
shape of ... - 18k - Cached
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F. Kennedy Jr.
... is not to suggest an alternative explanation
for the crash of JFK Jr's plane.
... Then, according to ABC News, JFK Jr's plane
went into a steep dive, ...
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Jr dies in bizarre plane crash! EXACTLY AS NETS TOP
JFK Jr dies in bizarre plane crash!
Kennedy Jr death part of Kennedy Curse!
- 18k - Cached
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Jr.: 1960-1999 - Jul 19, 1999 - E! Online News
... was presumed dead from a small plane crash
Friday off the shore of the ...
Avoiding the randy misbehavior of some of his Kennedy cousins, JFK Jr., ...,1,5063,00.html - 38k
- Aug 26, 2005 - Cached
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Jr. Presumed Dead - Jul 18, 1999 - E! Online News
JFK Jr. Presumed Dead by Joal Ryan and
Marcus Errico ... On June 19, 1964, a
small plane carrying the young senator crashed in
Massachusetts. ...,1,5057,00.html -
36k - Cached
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Term Papers: Term Papers on JFK Jr. Plane Crash
Below is a free term papers summary of the paper "JFK
Jr. Plane Crash. ...
The JFK Jr. plane crash affected our whole
country this past summer. ... - 13k - Cached
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F. Kennedy Jr's airplane crash was the fault of his wife,
They were going to a marriage party of a relative of JFK
Jr. JFK Jr. wanted his
... Lauren and Carolyn were killed along with JFK Jr.
in an airplane crash ... -
Death of JFK Jr., in his Piper Plane Crash
... of the major political tension of our
age: the questions of the political ...
Why Did Kennedy Crash? In the last few minutes before Kennedy’s
little ...
JFK Jr. Feared Dead in Plane Crash
Yesterday, a Kennedy family member reported the plane
missing to the Coast ...
There just can't," said Michael Goldman, a longtime political
consultant for ... longterm/jfkjr/stories/kennedy071899.htm
Jr. Presumed Dead - Jul 18, 1999 - E! Online News
The crash killed passenger Mary Jo Kopechne and
likely doomed the ... On June
19, 1964, a small plane carrying the young senator crashed in
Massachusetts. ...,1,5057,00.html - 36k
- Cached
- Similar pages
John, Gone: From Man To Myth in Forty-Eight
by Shelton Hull
July 19, 1999,
The first sentence for this does not
come easily to my mind. I don't think there's anything about the
Kennedy family that hasn't been spoken, printed or etched into
marble by now, and the accumulated word volume has gone in the
direction of Dow Jones over the past few days. The reader surely
knows what I'm talking about. The height of ignominy is ignorance
of what happened on the 16th of July. Because it's inescapable.
Only a total recluse wouldn't have heard, and many recluses are
better connected to the world than most regular people. For those
who aren't, a recap: John F. Kennedy, Jr.
piloted his Piper Saratoga out of New Jersey at 8:38 pm, and was
never heard from again. Also in the plane were Carolyn and Lauren
Bessette, sisters, the former being Mrs. Kennedy. They
were going to the wedding of John's cousin Rory, set for six pm
Saturday at the family compound at Hyannisport. It was cancelled,
and catering trucks, florists (carrying what were suddenly the
wrong arrangements) and a few guests that had not been watching
television were turned away as the cameras rolled, as the network
correspondents yipped and yapped away like the sick, intrusive
bastards they can be, like sharks when blood's in the water. Extra
phone lines were installed in the compound, and the amassed
royalty of the American scene gathered, and this country gathered
vicariously through the miracle of satellite feed, waiting for
what will probably be the worst possible news. The plane parts
recovered thus far point to a horrific ending, and part of me
hopes they never find the fuselage.
I feel obliged to point out that I don't
really have any regard for the Kennedy family. I don't hate them,
I'm simply ambivalent. Mere mystique and glamor do not appeal to
me, and their political legacy is that of stillborn potential. Any
discussion of the Kennedys leads inexorably into a labyrinth of
hypotheticals that constitutes an alternate universe in which
bullets don't fly and planes don't crash. The finality of
mortality is an iron lock on the doors of perception, a
barbed-wire fence between what is and what should have been. One
may start anywhere. If John F. Kennedy hadn't been assassinated,
he would have won in '64, and Lyndon Johnson might never have held
the top job. A run in '68 would have been possible, but an aging
Johnson has no hope against Robert Kennedy, who would have treated
Johnson at the polls like he treated McCarthy. Why even bother to
speculate on who the outgoing 51-year-old JFK would have endorsed?
And what if Sirhan Sirhan had missed or been neutralized before he
could get a shot off? Imagine: Kennedy-Nixon II. Need I say more?
The Republicans had nothing in those
years that could have defeated the Kennedy political machine at
that point. They were too handsome, too charismatic on the stump,
and they knew all the right people. Only Nixon knew how ruthless
they could be. They exploited his swarthy appearance without ever
mentioning it: it was implied that truth and beauty could not
exist apart from each other. Even Pat Nixon would've crawled on
her hands and knees to Hyannisport if JFK gave her the right look.
And so Nixon was vanquished thanks to television, which has not
ceased to be a factor in Presidential campaigns since. Nixon's
banishment from national politics -- which he'd had coming ever
since his vulgar crack about Helen Douglas' "pink
panties" -- would have lasted forever had Robert left
California alive, but he didn't, so the tragedy is twofold.
The political scenarios conjured above
are based on how the Kennedy men are regarded today, in glossy
revisionist hindsight. Scandal and bad legislation could have
wrecked their legacy far more than the assassins did. John and
Robert died before they could do (or be caught doing) anything, so
we assume that it would have been smooth sailing. The two most
significant domestic events of the '60s were civil rights
legislation and the moon landing, both ideas of JFK, both of which
could have happened in Kennedy administrations. Kennedy-style
liberalism is better exemplified in speeches than on paper, though
LBJ clearly tied some of the loose ends of JFK's policy together
to forge his own legacy. Nobody knows what concessions JFK might
have made later in his term for expediency's sake, concessions
that LBJ did not have to make, due to the nature of his promotion.
The Kennedys' politics are inconsistent with their wealth, and
that is the most intriguing thing about them. They are famed for
their populist rhetoric, but unlike most populists, their actions
have never directly contradicted their words.
As for John, Jr., what is there really
to say? He was 38, married three years, the publisher of George
for four. As a young man, he fucked Madonna, back when that meant
something. (Terrible remark, yes, but irresistible!) Definitely
Kennedy stock. He could have been the total package, the
standard-bearer for the American male at the intersection of today
and tomorrow. Three of the beautiful people, combined age of 106
(35, on average), the flames of passionate youth snuffed out with
no warning and no logic at all. I haven't actually shed any tears,
but I almost think I could if I tried hard enough. It's not about
fame. To exit this planet as they did, when they did, sucks
regardless of who it was. Whether it's Glenn
Miller, Amelia Earhart, Roberto Clemente, nobody,
whomever. When I hear that they found part of a seat, one landing
gear, a prescription bottle, a suitcase that washed up on the
beach, I can't escape the thought that, you know, they saw it
coming. The very idea that there were at least a few seconds of
total clarity in that tiny little plane, in which the fact of what
was about to happen became more clear than such things should ever
have to be, such an idea makes me cold all over, and I have to
blink a little faster to keep my eyes clear. I think if that
happened to me, I'd prefer to go alone, or with strangers, but
certainly not with my wife or sister. If nothing else is possible,
one should be able to face the end of his life with total
self-concern. For all the wealth and privilege JFK, Jr. had, he
wasn't even allowed that luxury.
This weekend's Extreme Championship
Wrestling pay-per-view was probably the only piece of live
television that did not mention the plane crash. I was planning to
watch it anyway -- Yoshihiro Tajiri was challenging Taz for the
heavyweight title -- but a weekend of Kennedy consumption left me
all the more eager to embrace any kind of wanton escapism. At one
point in the show, the guy I was watching it with said: "You
know, how the fuck do three people in the
same family die in three unrelated plane crashes? What
are the odds of that?" A very good question that I do not
know the answer to.
I suppose the most appropriate way to
end this column is with Ted Kennedy. The youngest of the Kennedy
children has been the oldest male member (no pun intended) since
1968. He'll never be President, he'll never contend (though I'm
sure he's fine with that), so he is doomed to third or fourth
place among the most famous Kennedys, even though he has spent
more years in the Senate than his entire family combined. He's the
butt of comedians' jokes, people say he's a drunk, that he's a
dirty old man, that he's to blame for the death of Mary Jo
Kopechne, and so on and so on. Yet some say he might be the
luckiest Kennedy of all, because he gets to be an old man, because
he gets to see his children and grandchildren. I say this: if you
were Ted Kennedy, you'd be so much worse than whatever he is. You
wouldn't be able to deal with it at all. I say to Ted: drink,
smoke, fuck, whatever the hell you do to keep going, keep doing
it. His brother Joesph, Jr., killed in a
1944 plane crash. His sister, Kathleen, plane crash, 1948. John,
shot, 1963. Robert, shot, 1968. (A weird effect of the
Kennedy mystique, if you're Ted, is that you never know when you
might see videotape of your brothers being murdered on
television.) Three nephews: David, drug
overdose, 1984. Michael, skiing accident, 1997. And now JFK, Jr.,
the guy who was supposed to carry the family name back to glory,
something Ted wasn't able to do...Plane
crash, 1999. Ted himself broke his back in a plane crash in 1964.
I don't know if there's a "Kennedy Curse" or not, but
whatever it is, it's some ill shit.
Hull (aka Archibald Bobo) has been writing professionally
since 1995. He also does the column "Money Jungle" for
FolioWeekly (Jacksonville). His work has appeared in places like
Section 8 Magazine, Movement, CounterPunch, Lew and
the Florida Times-Union. He was a 2002 Fellow at the Academy of
Alternative Journalism, AAN/Northwestern University. He works for
AN UPDATE by Sherman H. Skolnick
What Happened To America's Golden Boy. WHO
BENEFITS? That is a question that should be asked following a
political assassination, or even when foul play is suspected. The
monopoly press, from the time of Abraham Lincoln to date, never
asks THAT QUESTION. Common Americans are to be fed from a
bottomless garbage can of "lone assassin", or
"accident" rubbish.
John F. Kennedy, Jr., most would have to admit,
was charming and articulate, and had none of the ghosts and
scandals in his closet that others of his relatives seem to have
had or have. If he ran for important public office, he most likely
would sweep the field if not just giving every other candidate a
hard time.
There are two reasons for his death, one being
the main one and then, for some, an alternative. Main reason:
His family knew he planned, on August 1, 1999,
to announce, that like his father, he was going to run for
President. His relatives, however, warned him that the U.S. Secret
Service would not and could not protect him and they did not
protect his father. The head of what is now called the U.S. Secret
Service, Lafayette C. Baker, was part of the plot to murder
President Abraham Lincoln. ["The Lincoln Conspiracy" by
Balsiger, was also a movie in the 1970s.]
The presidential guards likewise permitted an
assassin to murder President James Garfield and President William
McKinley. Both were anti-British, pro-American at a time when
Great Britain persisted in their schemes to take back this
Continent as their puppet colony [an ongoing plot from the time of
the War of 1812 to now.] Further, the Secret Service allowed a
plot to go forward to disable or murder in 1981 newly-elected
President Ronald Reagan. A so-called "lone assassin",
Hinckley, part of a family close to oil-soaked family of George
Herbert Walker Bush, then Vice President, was blamed. A trial that
might have brought out inconvenient facts was cut short by a
purported insanity plea by the would-be "lone assassin".
Two TV network reporters stated live that there were shots from
another gunman, a matter never repeated on the air but never
John F. Kennedy, Jr., made one grave mistake.
He trusted the presidential campaign officials of Albert Gore, Jr.
to know that JFK Jr. planned to announce on August 1, 1999, that
he was going to run for President. That would have interfered with
the plans of Gore as well as George W. Bush, the Texas Governor.
The Gore campaign reportedly promised total secrecy, a pledge they
never kept. The Elder Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush, was
reportedly part of the scheme to assassinate President Kennedy.
According to the book not allowed for many years to be openly sold
in the U.S., "Farewell America", the oil industry wanted
President Kennedy dead, dead, dead. JFK wanted the oil cartel's
tax dodge, the oil depletion allowance, to be cancelled. [The book
was written under the pen-name "James Hepburn" by the
French CIA that infiltrated the plot. In the 1970s, I and another
assassination researcher were the only ones to get copies into the
U.S. Alas, I have only one copy left now.] What's that? So you did
not know or believe books are suppressed in the U.S.? Too bad for
The latest front for the oil fraud, George W.
Bush, likewise would most naturally have an interest in the demise
of JFK, Jr. George W. just before the fatal plane take-off,
somehow was near the New Jersey airport where JFK Jr. kept his
plane without proper security. A coincidence?
After all, JFK Jr. was a captivating speaker
and would have most likely swept the field of Presidential
candidates. Conservatives and liberals, both could join together
to support America's Golden Boy.
According to our best, long-time reliable
sources, Jr.'s sister, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg likewise
warned her brother that running for President would be a death
warrant. Nevertheless, she reportedly said she would support his
plans. After his death, reportedly feuding with the Kennedy
family, she did not go to the family get together. Her family
reportedly threatens to silence her with a "Marilyn
Monroe" needle, by a psychiatrist to change her views.
[Remember, Marilyn Monroe was planning to go public at a press
conference with details of her sex episodes with President Kennedy
and brother Bobby, Attorney General. A psychiatrist reportedly
gave her the "needle".]
To understand why and how the Kennedy family
financially benefits by not fighting or exposing the cabal
murdering their family members, visit our website, the four part
series, What Happened to America's Golden Boy. Have you forgotten
the attempt in 1964 to murder Teddy Kennedy by a sabotaged plane
crash? Or the frame up in 1969 at Chappaquiddick?
An alternative reason, which some accept, is
that JFK Jr. was going to run, not for President but for U.S.
Senator from New York. Thus interfering with the plans of what we
call The Dragon Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton.[Visit our website.]
Visit, as well, various websites of the Clinton Body Count.
Upwards of a hundred eyewitnesses have been "suicided",
"accidented", or plain murdered, who knew too much about
the criminality of the CIA couple known as Bill and Hillary. So,
as an alternative, if Jr. were planning to run for U.S. Senator
from New York, who benefits from his demise? Hillary. So you think
that she did not know or suspect early on that her original
opponent, Rudy Guiliani, was going to remove himself from the
Senate race, because of cancer treatment, or marital scandal?
Hillary reportedly knew that when Guiliani was Chief Federal
Prosecutor in New York, he reportedly covered up plenty in the
worldwide cases called the "Pizza Connection". The
Rodham family reportedly are tied to Gambino crime family in
Pennsylvania. Visit our website: "The Government-Criminal
Connection". Hillary's original opponent, Rudy, was plenty
The FBI covered up the bombing of JFK Jr.'s
plane. We obtained the details of the secret FBI report which was
not to have been disclosed for 30 years. {Naive people heckle me
claiming they cannot "find" it on the FBI's website.
See: Golden Boy on our website, Part 4.] Within 48 hours of the
time the FBI knew we had their secret report, they mysteriously
announced, without explanation, that henceforth all public
visitors would be cancelled to the Bureau's headquarters in
Washington, D.C. They claimed unspecified "terrorists"
were threatening them. By the way, Hillary put me and my TV show
assistant, Joseph Andreuccetti, on an "enemies list"
falsely labeling us as "domestic terrorists". A crooked,
blackmailable federal judge in Chicago dismissed our case without
legal formality against Hillary and others.
The National Transportation Safety Board, NTSB,
released a report claiming the JFK Jr. plane crash was due to
"pilot error". Over the years, the federal crash
investigators have covered up several sabotaged plane crashes. For
details on the long-time lies and frauds of the NTSB, visit our
website story "Air Crashes, Black Boxes, and Unsafety
John F. Kennedy, Jr. was murdered before he
could get to his planned announcement of August 1, 1999. If he
lived and ran for President, he would have been 40 years old just
after the 2000 Presidential election. Slightly younger than his
father when he ran for President. Has the murdering of the Kennedy
would-be dynasty ended with the rub-out of Jr.? We intend to post
more updates on What Happened to America's Golden Boy. Stay tuned.
This article comes from
Who killed John-John?
Date: Wednesday, August 31
Topic: News Media Control
Who killed John-John?
“If a man or woman living among you in one
of the towns the Lord gives you is found doing evil in the eyes
of the Lord your God in violation of his covenant....and this
has been brought to your attention, then you must investigate it
thoroughly. If it is true and it has been proved that this
detestable thing has been done in Israel, take the man or woman
who has done this evil deed to your city gate and stone that
person to death. On the testimony of two or three witnesses a
man shall be put to death, but no one shall be put to death on
the testimony of only one witness. The hands of the witnesses
must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of
all the people. You must purge the evil from among you.”
Deuteronomy 17: 2-7
Division 4 team names Clintons, Bush 41, 43 in
JFK Jr. assassination
by Tom Flocco
“One of my family members was related to JFK Jr.‘s
grandmother, and although it was not a blood relationship, I had
at least a half dozen lengthy conversations with John during the
years before he died. We liked each other and hit it off; so
this was why John opened up to me and seemed to trust me
regarding his future plans to run against either Hillary Clinton
for the Senate or George W. Bush for the Presidency in 2000.
John had many conversations with my relative; and he gave her
permission to discuss his political aspirations with friends so
this was not a closely held secret. But what was interesting was
that John told me he was pretty sure he could win either of
those races.” ("Delbert," former Interpol operative
and CIA Division 4 team member)
Caldwell, New Jersey -- August 31, 2005 -- -- “I
know I’m risking my life in allowing you to interview me; but
I’m aware there is an operational grand jury and indictments
regarding the White House, so now is the time. I‘m tired
of knowing all the details and perpetrators of the murder
of an innocent and good man without seeing justice. John’s
death has caused tremendous trauma throughout the Kennedy
family,“ said a 40ish ex-operative who consented to discuss
the investigation and his part in writing the JFK Jr. plane
crash preliminary and final reports authorized by the FBI.
“Just refer to me as ‘Delbert.’ That’s good enough,”
he said, adding, “If they will kill ‘John-John,’ they’ll
kill anybody.”
The long-time Special Forces and Division 4 operative’s
explosive evidence, witness testimony and his team’s
suppressed and classified final report naming former Presidents
Bill Clinton and George H. W. Bush, President George W. Bush and
Senator Hillary Clinton among others as being involved in
orchestrating the assassination of John F. Kennedy Jr. will
require U.S. Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to hear
testimony to investigate John Jr.’s death as part of his
ongoing grand jury probe involving White House crime families.
piper saratoga II TC
....similar to JFK jr. plane
During three exclusive interviews with, the
ex-operative told us the final classified report specifically
said “JFK Jr.’s plane broke in half just aft of the cabin.
The damage was caused by a plastique (C-4) shape charge which
was formed along the bottom of the fuselage and up along both
sides of the walls. The charge was caused to be set off or
exploded with a large spark generated by a barometric switch
device triggered by the altitude of the plane. In other words,
the assassins chose the altitude for the explosion of the
plane--a standard procedure to make the target’s murder look
like an accident.”
Delbert said his team and their witnesses and families have been
in physical jeopardy since 1999 “because the media did not
report the truth about what happened;” and that all involved
are now placing their lives in the hands of Fitzgerald and his
deputies to prosecute the evidence--charges that will serve to
mitigate compromised media outlets now protecting the White
House with spin and insinuations that Fitzgerald is using the
“perjury trap” to manufacture crimes instead of genuinely
seeking evidence.
Sources close to one grand jury indicate the spin will not work
this time. The U.S. intelligence community is monitoring the
work of all the prosecutors and grand juries. Serious crimes
with supporting evidence involving three branches of government
and the media have already threatened the long term survival of
the Republic.
We learned that scores of witnesses were interviewed by Division
4: a) at the scene of the explosion off Martha’s Vineyard in
Massachusetts, b) when the plane and bodies were recovered, c)
in the White House regarding the assassination plot prior to the
crash, and d) at the airport concerning what witnesses saw three
days before Kennedy’s plane took off. Collectively, they tell
a different story than the media--one that might ultimately
rival the political intrigue surrounding ancient Rome’s ruling
The decision to come forward
After observing that the Division
4 JFK Jr. preliminary report (filed three days after the
crash, but later leaked within the intelligence community for a
number of years) had remained online for the last six months,
contact was made with
where we first saw the document. Webb had already faxed the
document to more than 300 top electronic and print media outlets
which collectively ignored it.
We inquired whether it would be possible to interview one of the
active or retired Division 4 members who conducted the actual
investigation and wrote the reports, given the rapidly gathering
swirl of secret grand juries.
A former member of the Division 4 International Murder
Investigative team named Delbert, who helped write the reports
and interview witnesses, was asked to come forward by Stewart
Webb and was subsequently contacted by, consenting
to several interviews to discuss his findings in the leaked
preliminary report and reveal specific names and evidence
details contained in the final classified report which has been
withheld from the American people.
Delbert told us today that he cringes when he reads the report
and thinks about it being in ‘general’ circulation: “It
was NEVER meant for general dissemination and consumption; and
frankly, I’m somewhat appalled when I think of it being ‘out
there.’ The final report was cleaned up grammatically and the
actual facts presented in a much clearer, concise manner leaving
out any speculation. But I regret this report ever getting
Grand jury activity notwithstanding, what piqued our initial
interest was a feeling that the Division 4 team, with experience
tracking murderers across the globe and placed on loan to assist
an overwhelmed FBI for the JFK Jr. probe--had apparently
conducted an investigation far more complete than what the
mainstream media was telling its trusting viewers and readers.
Not unexpectedly, the team was told to “back off,“ since its
leaked preliminary report written by Delbert and another team
member revealed specific contradictory evidence, calling JFK
Jr.‘s death to be a “political assassination of the highest
Division 4 investigative team’s past exploits can currently be
seen on the Discovery Channel in “The Hunt for the Serpent,”
about a serial killer they chased through Nepal, India, Pakistan
and China; but the team also became well-known for a chase
through the Hudson Valley into Canada before capturing the Green
Valley killer who had murdered 43 young prostitutes. As part of
this international version of the FBI, the team specializes in
tracking serial killers and pedophiles across foreign
The ‘Phoenix Project’ and assassinations
Years prior to serving on this team for three years, Delbert
said he was a member of the U.S. Army Special Forces, attached
to the Phoenix Project / Operation, on orders to “destabilize
targeted governments by murdering government officials, elites,
professionals, bankers, military leaders, teachers, professors
and medical professionals."
“This started in Vietnam and then moved to Central America,”
said Delbert, adding “I was part of what we called the
Bush-Clinton New World Order takeover to place in power selected
individuals who received their marching orders directly from the
U.S. government. Plain and simple, Project Phoenix required
Americans to kill off innocent people to place in power those
selected by the U.S. ruling elite; but I left, finding it very
“These activities are still going on today,” said the
intelligence insider. “America now uses FBI Division 5, CIA
Division 4, and elements from within the Department of Defense
(DOD) and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for its dirty work.
Five-man Delta teams made up of nationals from Mexico and
Ecuador are being trained for house-to-house extraction and
murder of American citizens--when the day comes that Martial Law
is declared and what little is left of our Constitution is
"These (elements) are counter-intelligence goon squads of
trained assassins which engage in covert operations both inside
and outside the United States--with or without the knowledge of
Congress which is supposed to be restraining them from actions
against our own citizens. They’re out of control--just a
marvelous group of human beings,” said the former intelligence
With a measure of insight into Delbert’s background and
credibility, we asked him to talk about Division 4’s JFK Jr.
findings, the specific content of the team’s written accounts
and the details of the assassination plot.
The preliminary and final reports
The preliminary report and our three interviews with Delbert
provide an open window template through which to view previous
evidence that could point to prosecutable obstruction of justice
by a grand jury regarding past FBI probes of major political
figures who also died in plane crashes or in another manner.
Ample evidence indicates that Congress has permitted the Bureau
to serve as a private taxpayer-funded political cover-up arm for
each White House.
A grand jury itself presents what amounts to a
citizen-controlled fourth branch of government, set aside by
founding fathers as a necessary precaution against corruption,
obstruction of justice and/or treason on the part of the Supreme
Court, White House and Congress -acting separately or in
concert. Individuals
talking to sources close to the grand jury told us that citizen
panelists are currently reviewing powerful evidence with
explosive documents and are dead-serious about cleansing the
A case in point for a grand jury to become operational would
occur if, for example, Fitzgerald had witnesses who could
corroborate that members of the Supreme Court received financial
bribes in 2000 to install George W. Bush in the White House [ Part
1 / Part
2 ], or if Florida’s elected officials destroyed voter
ballots to prevent Al Gore from becoming the duly elected
president for the same reason. In short, evidence would be
collected and the grand jury would hear testimony.
While John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. was reported to have died in
an accidental plane crash on July 16, 1999, Division 4’s
preliminary report reveals careful details dissimilar to those
reported by news outlets, indicating what the team described in
its report as “classic media disinformation, if not outright
lies” pertaining to suspect circumstances surrounding the
death of the only son of President John F. Kennedy who was
himself assassinated on November 22, 1963 under a similar
investigative cloud.
Most families of well-known politicians killed in
“accidental” plane crashes were not afforded the opportunity
of having a separate outside agency like Division 4 to
investigate the evidence of their loved one‘s death as in the
case of the son of an assassinated president. The prelim report
summary is revealing:
“Subject was a qualified pilot, in control of
his flight, flying a reasonably new aircraft, in excellent
condition. Visibility was 8 miles. Wind, calm. All indication
from Forensics and Physical evidence investigations lend
themselves to a violent explosion, either from an altitude or
barometric pressure device, or from a Particle Beam laser.
[Delbert said Particle Beam laser was left out of final
classified report] Aircraft ‘broke up’ in mid-air, as
evidenced by wide spread debris gathered from the ocean and
several different beaches. This can only be caused by an onboard
explosion, or an attack by a missile or Laser. [Delbert said
missile and Laser were left out of final report] Considering the
nature of current political leanings of subject and today’s
political atmosphere in America, and the before-mentioned facts,
there is little doubt that subject was assassinated. In fact,
team [Interpol Serial Killer Alpha Team] considers this a
Political Assassination of the highest order. It was meant to
alleviate a potential threat to the ruling elite. And it
succeeded.” [From the JFK Jr. preliminary report, filed on
July 19, 1999. This document has been authenticated by several
intelligence agents; and we were told copies have been passed
around the intelligence community for several years.]
Four team members and two from another U.S. law enforcement
agency who jointly participated in producing the final
classified report, filed on August 5, 1999, revealed startling
evidence which will prevent a continued cover-up.
The six members of the Division 4 team and others will have to
be protected and then subpoenaed for sealed testimony; and the
grand jury will also need to hear the testimony of scores of the
team’s interviewed citizen witnesses who have thus far
remained understandably silent about what they saw and heard
regarding JFK Jr.’s tragic death.
Delbert said the team's probe was rigorous. We found it
“a) 30-40 witnesses were thoroughly interviewed
b) Ten individuals said they actually saw JFK Jr.‘s plane
explode in mid-air
County Airport in Caldwell, New Jersey
c) Two witnesses told the team they saw George H. W. Bush
and George W. Bush at the Essex County, New Jersey airport with
Israeli Mossad agent Michael Harari and another Mossad agent who
were both seen standing next to JFK Jr.’s Cessna--all four
were at the airport just two days before the doomed plane took
off with JFK, Jr., his pregnant wife and her sister
d) Several witnesses testified they overheard the murder plot
being discussed in the White House oval office
e) One ‘company’ (CIA) witness at the scene saw the bodies
and the damaged plane and told the team a mid-air explosion
caused the crash
f) Approximately 150 witnesses gave individual depositions and
signed statements for the final report
g) Three flight instructors who worked with JFK Jr. testified he
was an excellent pilot and had logged a huge number of flying
hours since being licensed--he loved to fly and was that
Delbert told us “At the end of July, 1999, during the final
phase of our investigation, we talked to several individual
sources in the White House who consented to be interviewed as
“We included their testimony in the final draft of the report
which was classified until 2025--not currently available to any
living individual,“ said the former operative.
“Since concrete evidence of a plot involving three presidents
and a current senator in the assassination of John F.
Kennedy’s son--who the report said they perceived as a
political threat and future rival--would not exactly inspire
public confidence in the government, it’s probable that the
American people will never see our final un-redacted report,”
said Delbert, “unless there are grand jury murder indictments
and a public trial.”
The Players
“The White House sources we interviewed overheard
conversations involving individuals who made the decision to
murder JFK, Jr.,” said Delbert, who joined three Division 4
fellow operatives and two other federal agency officials in
alleging the following names in the final classified report as
having participated in planning the murder of John Fitzgerald
Kennedy, Jr. after the team had interviewed all the witnesses
involved in the case:
The Division 4 team member told us “The meeting to discuss the
murder occurred in the White House oval office. The subjects
named in the report who participated in ordering the murder of
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. were President Clinton and his wife
Hillary--both in the room, former Attorney General Janet
Reno--also in the room and who JFK Jr. had publicly called to
task for her role in Waco and Ruby Ridge operations, FBI
Director Louis Freeh--in the room, and former President George
H. W. Bush, Lawrence Rockefeller (now deceased), and three Inner
Circle Council of Thirteen members who were all teleconferenced
into the oval office discussion via secure White House phone
Quietly taken aback by the revelations, we asked Delbert to
summarize the content of the alleged oval office murder plot
overheard by the team's interviewed witness sources, including
witnesses assigned to White House domestic security:
“a) Conversation about JFK Jr.’s magazine GEORGE
becoming a political vehicle which could threaten ruling elite
families and expose past White House crimes
b) Discussions about blowing up his Cessna, John Jr.’s
vulnerability and even carelessness about his plane’s security
when warned that suspicious individuals had previously been seen
lurking around his plane at the airport
c) Attorney General Reno’s problems with JFK Jr. criticizing
Waco and Ruby Ridge
d) Speculation about who John Jr. would pick to run against in
2000--Hillary Clinton or George W. Bush
e) Discussion about political family factions and relationships
between federal law enforcement, national security and
intelligence agencies
f) Discussion about how the assassination would take place,
starting at the airport--with specific Mossad agents named by
the subject conspirators without mentioning the actual Israeli
g) General agreement that John, Jr. had become over-zealous in
planning to employ GEORGE to circuitously expose those
who were behind the assassination of his father.”
White House-controlled foreign assassination
teams in America
As we listened without comment, the Division 4 operative
continued: “We were told by the same White House sources we
interviewed that FBI Director Freeh left the oval office after
the murder plot was discussed and met with Israeli Mossad agent
Michael Harari who then met with his supervisor, General Rafael
Eitan, considered to be one of the most dangerous Israeli agents
who ever lived,” stated Delbert.
Delbert explained that testimony by White House and airport
witnesses and others will provide outrageous but credible grand
jury evidence that three United States presidents have their own
private Israeli Mossad assassins--as well as assassins from
several American federal government agencies--and will use them
to commit treason and murder against other Americans perceived
to pose a political threat to their power, a fact surely to
horrify Jewish-Americans and all U.S. citizens.
“I had heard that even our own FBI agents literally trembled
at the fear of being assigned to watch General Eitan’s
movements, since collaborating congressional oversight allowed
him to freely enter the United States at any time, using
passports under a different name,” the Division 4 special
investigative team member said.
[One of the most outrageous documents this writer has ever seen,
the existence of Michael Harari and his nefarious Bush-connected
activities, was the Colonel Cutolo / Colonel Corone Court
Deposition, which we found on www.]
Delbert continued his shocking narrative, “About three days
before John’s plane took off and exploded in mid-air, Michael
Harari, and another Mossad agent were seen with former President
George H. W. Bush and his son Texas Governor George W. Bush at
the Essex County, New Jersey airport where John Jr. kept his
plane.” This fact was also confirmed by separate U.S.
intelligence sources who are also willing to testify before a
grand jury.
here to read more about Harari’s U.S. activities in the Cutolo
Affadavit.htm also found at]
“All four were positively identified by an aircraft mechanic
and a maintenance worker we interviewed for the final classified
report; but we didn’t include their names or the names of some
other key witnesses so that there would be citizens left to
testify in case the Clintons or Bushes started having people
murdered,” said the former Special Forces member.
Delbert’s chilling words provided concrete and credible proof
that congressional oversight over counterfeit immigration
documents acquired by assassins and terrorists, wide-open U.S.
borders and homeland “security“ is so seriously flawed,
broken down and corrupted that Senate and House members are
permitting known foreign murderers to move around America at
Given the state-side depletion of National Guard and Reserve
troops which renders the U.S. more vulnerable to foreign enemies
while pre-emptive war based on lies is being fought, the
physical and economic security of the nation is problematic
enough to assert that Senate and House members may literally be
conspiring against their own constituents in favor of a
clandestine world-wide agenda supported by assassination of
“troublemakers,” political or otherwise.
The American-French Alliance (AFA), a tightly-knit and hushed
organization of active intelligence community patriots from both
countries, is said to be waging an under-the-radar-screen war to
stop rogue
elements and assassins in the FBI, CIA, DOD and DIA--supervised
by the White House and directly linked to Al Qaeda and former
CIA operative Tim Osman (also known as Osama bin Laden) but
also British MI-6 agents from engaging in black operations
throughout the United States.
According to intelligence sources who spoke with federal
whistleblower Stewart Webb, the AFA reportedly killed General
Eitan in October, 2004 for his role in stealing the U.S. atomic
nuclear codes from the National Security Archives.
and other websites have previously reported circumstances
surrounding an attempt by eight rogue British MI-6 agents to
blow up the Chicago subway underneath the Everett Dirksen
Federal Building where federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald
and a grand jury are investigating multiple crimes and treason
linked to the White House.
The physical evidence
“The preliminary Division 4 team report was written with my
partner who has retired and returned to his own country. We were
joined by two others from our team and two more from another
federal agency in putting together the final report,” said
“Our boss ordered us to re-write the final draft but we
refused. We wanted to tell the truth; so they classified the
(final report) until the year 2025 despite the fact that we had
interviewed scores of witnesses who can corroborate all of our
findings. This was August 5, 1999.”
“The obstruction of justice by our ‘upper management’ and
the FBI caused so much chaos that they dissolved our team; then
they, quite possibly along with the Clinton White House, tried
to have me murdered within ten weeks at the end of October, 1999
while working in Belfast, Ireland. I was supposed to be in a car
with a friend who was blown apart in the explosion,“ said
“That explosion was meant either as a warning or an
assassination attempt, and cost the life of not only my
associate, but a friend of his as well; so I closed all my
accounts, resigned from Division 4 and went underground by
November, 1999, for six months,” he said--but not before
devastating reports had been filed by a team of investigators
experienced in tracking evidence and criminals all over the
Satellite Photo of the Essex Co.
the preliminary report]
“Subject, John F. Kennedy, Jr. left Essex
County Airport, Caldwell, New Jersey at 8:38 P.M. Friday, July
16, 1999 in a Piper Saratoga II TC. Aircraft was built in 1995,
purchased last year by subject. It has been reported to have
been in excellent condition--simple and comfortable to
fly...Visibility was eight (8) miles--I say again visibility was
eight (8) miles. Media reports of ‘hazy’ or ‘foggy’
conditions are untrue,” said the report.
“At 9:39 P.M. JFK radioed the Martha’s Vineyard Airport
giving his location. Subject was completely calm, giving no
indication of any difficulties, stating that he was making his
final approach, no more than 10 miles from shore and 13 miles
from the airport...When he radioed at 9:39 P.M., 17-18 miles
West of Martha’s Vineyard, he was at 2,500 feet. When detected
on radar 29 seconds later he was at 1,800 feet, 16 miles West of
Martha’s Vineyard. He was then lost off radar. No MAYDAY was
ever heard. Tower personnel at Martha’s Vineyard Airport
verified previous data,” indicating an immediate catastrophic
“Within app. 10 seconds of this final radio contact at 9:39
P.M., an aircraft fitting the description of the subject’s
(aircraft) and in that same general location was identified on
Radar by both Military personnel and Martha’s Vineyard Airport
tower personnel as descending 1,200 feet in 12 seconds--a full,
head-long dive, in other words. A reporter for the Vineyard
Gazette newspaper told WCVB-TV in Boston that he was out walking
Friday night about the time of the crash and say a “big white
flash in the sky,” just off Philbin Beach. Luggage, a tire,
plexiglass pieces of cowling have all washed up on Philbin
Beach. Said reporter has now partially recanted his story by
stating that ‘perhaps it was a bright light from an explosion,
but he just cannot be sure.’ Reporter has been ‘gotten to,
compromised. Unknown as to who, at this time.”
“Several local news reports initially (reported) that several
people SAW and Heard an explosion in the air over the ocean
South of Martha’s Vineyard towards Eastern Long Island, at the
same time that subject’s plane ‘went missing.’ We have
confirmed these reports by speaking with 4 of the witnesses who
have asked to remain anonymous. Detected definite fear on their
“All evidence at this time indicates that aircraft was in a
fiery, head-long crash dive within seconds after the 9:39 radio
transmission. Aircraft was equipped with a radar transponder
that transmits a 4-digit ID code and the altitude. Aircraft
contained a 406 MHz satellite Distress beacon which would have
notified the FAA of exact lat. & long. Device was NOT
Activated. Believe reason as aircraft disintegrated
“Subject has been reported by all interviewed, including 3
flight instructors, to be an Excellent pilot who did not take
chances. Subject had logged many hours and had acquired an
abnormal amount of expertise for an individual holding a pilots
license for only 15 months. In fact, it has been reported that
JFK, Jr. had logged enough hours, and acquired enough expertise
to qualify as a commercial pilot! He had passed instrument
checks with no reported difficulties. Although subject did not
like flying at night, all information indicated he did so
efficiently. Media’s reports of ‘pilot error,’ ‘failed
instrument test and checks’ and ‘scared to fly at night’
are patently untrue. Standard American Media disinformation.”
“When SK Alpha team began investigating weather anomalies and
any possible phenomenon, (weather), Radar images/data that have
proven useful in such investigations, to include the
observations of Electromagnetic/radio frequency phenomena, were
discovered to be missing from the archives for the Eastern Long
Island/Martha’s Vineyard area during the two (2) critical
hours in which JFK Jr.’s plane apparently crashed/disappeared.
This is/was more than suspect. After demanding said data from
air control personnel, and receiving stammering red-faced
explanations as to it’s whereabouts, team notes data has been
intentionally ‘misplaced,’ or in fact lost.”
“The head-rest, steering yoke, pieces of the cowling,
plexiglass and carpeting were literally torn apart from/off the
plane, floating up on Gay Head Beach. This indicates a mid-air
explosion, not a stall and crash. Debris from the crash has also
been washing up on the West end of Martha’s Vineyard, creating
a very wide-spread area of destruction (in other words, the
remains of the aircraft are spread out over a very large area of
space on the Ocean, indicating a mid-air explosion, not a stall
and crash).
“Recorded conversation with air traffic control all indicate a
calm, relaxed pilot in full command of the flight, with no
difficulties in the final approach. Seconds after the last
transmission, the explosion was observed and contact was lost
with subject’s plane.”
“Previously mentioned weather and electro-magnetic/radio
frequency data has been lost or misplaced. Since this typically
NEVER happens, a cover-up of some sort is strongly
indicated....The wings of the aircraft were NOT torn off, which
they would have been had subject’s plane gone into
uncontrollable dive, as being reported by the American
press....If aircraft had had engine trouble, as reported, it
should /could have simply gone into a slow glide and made a
soft-water landing....NO MAYDAY was ever heard, indicating
catastrophic occurrence.”
“...Every indicator points towards JFK Jr. having ’had
enough’ of this humiliation [report said threats and
blackmailing of Kennedy family] and planned on turning his
magazine ’George’ into a true political vehicle for change.
For the American public, not the New World Order. In fact, he
had already begun this process by publishing factual exposes on
George Wallace and the Rabin assassination. This alone is enough
to have gotten him killed.”....Subject had begun looking into
his father’s murder, and had developed plans to slowly expose
those involved (in his magazine).”
“The American press/mass media are now releasing news reports
that are far from factual. In fact, they can be considered, at
best, to be (classic) disinformation, if not outright lies. In
the initial reports that were released, the essential truth of
the situation, the facts were being released. However, what is
now being reported is (essentially) leaving out the essence of
truth and simply glossing over what actually occurred. Again,
what we regard as standard American Press procedures,
disinformation at best. This strongly indicates a cover-up, or
else the truth would still be reported.”
“Although requested onsite by Federal agencies, team has been
coerced to ‘back off,’ albeit subtly and quietly. This
particular tactic speaks well for itself. We have not ‘backed
off,’ nor will we.”
Al Gore’s close call
Astute political observers are aware that electoral
assassinations are very difficult to prove; however, such
“accidental” deaths often result in “clearing the field”
of a contending threat, rival--or witness of wrongdoing which
would discredit or expose a candidate. Thus the way would be
paved for an assured (or at least easier) election victory to
retain or gain power by removing a political rival from the
Given the Division 4 reports and witness testimony relating to
the White House assassination plot, the Fitzgerald grand jury
will also want to initiate a probe of the close, coincidental
time-line nexus between John Jr.’s plane “accident” and
Vice President Al Gore’s “close call” the week before on
Air Force Two.
Most Americans are unaware that the Chicago Sun-Times reported
that about one week before JFK, Jr’s death on July 16, 1999,
Vice-President Al Gore’s Air Force Two jet lost power and had
to make an emergency landing while flying through heavily
congested air space near Chicago. Gore’s plane going down
would have resulted in another pre-2000, election-related
“accidental” death almost overlapping John F. Kennedy, Jr.
The Division 4 team's White House crime family evidence alleging
JFK, Jr.’s assassination plot is reminiscent of a scene in the
legendary mafia movie The Godfather, when Michael Corleone
orchestrated the simultaneous murders of his five crime family
rivals during the exact hour he attended the baptism service for
his Godchild.
Intelligence sources have alleged to us that Gore’s plane was
vectored, possibly resulting in loss of cabin pressure related
to some sort of software technology, in a failed attempt to
“clear the field” for George W. Bush’s 2000 presidential
There is evidence
to prove that George H. W. Bush was a member of the CIA on
November 22, 1963, the day President John F. Kennedy was
assassinated--a fact Bush 41 has repeatedly denied, according to
Federal whistleblower Stewart Webb.
In his book The Immaculate Deception--The Bush Crime Family
Exposed [1991, America West Publishers, pp. 31-39], retired U.S.
Army Brigadier General Russell Bowen refers to a Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) memo unearthed in 1977-78, dated seven
days after the assassination on November 29, 1963, describing
the full briefing given to “George Bush of the Central
Intelligence Agency” on the day after the [JFK] assassination.
[When Bush 41 was just 39 years old]
[General Bowen was an original member of Office of Strategic
Services (OSS) during the 1940s with George H. W. Bush, Henry
Kissinger, Allan Dulles and others who became known as the
secretive “brown-shoe boys,” which later became the CIA.
Webb revealed that General Bowen personally told him that
Kissinger served as a duel spy for Germany and Russia during
WWII before later becoming U.S. Secretary of State under
President Nixon; and as of today, Bowen and Webb are still alive
to testify and allege that such a spy can hold high U.S. office,
the public none the wiser.]
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover wrote the memo [see link above]
mentioning Bush; and curiously, Hoover met with others at the
ranch of Texas oil baron Colin J. “Clint” Murchison, Jr. in
Dallas, on the night before Kennedy was assassinated, according
to retired Army Brigadier General William Penn Jones.
A FOIA lawsuit publicized an FBI report regarding a man
identifying himself as “George H. W. Bush” who telephoned
the FBI’s Houston office within hours of Kennedy’s death
with information about a threat allegedly made against Kennedy
by a young right-wing Republican, according to General Bowen.
The FBI report stated “On November 22, 1963, Mr. George H. W.
Bush, 5535 Briar, Houston, Texas telephonically advised...that
one James Parrott had been talking of killing the president when
he comes to Houston.”
Since witnesses have connected George H. W. Bush to JFK Jr.’s
airport and the White House assassination plot prior to his
murder, Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald would be negligent
if the grand jury did not also probe the Hoover FOIA lawsuit
evidence linking the ex-president to events surrounding the
assassination of John Jr.‘s father, JFK.
All this gives rise to serious grand jury questions: Why has
Bush 41 denied being in the CIA on November 22, 1963? Why was
Bush [at the age of 39] fully briefed on JFK’s assassination
on the day after the event? What does he know about Hoover’s
meeting in Dallas on the night before? Who else was at the
meeting? What did they discuss? Why did Hoover specifically name
Bush in the memo?
George H. W. also denied being involved in Iran contra. But
according to General Bowen, “investigators obtained copies of
Colonel Oliver North’s diaries which documented Bush’s role
as a CIA supervisor of the contra supply network. In 1988 Bush
issued false statements to Congress, testifying he knew nothing
about the illegal supply flights until late November, 1986; yet
North’s diary shows Bush at the first planning meeting on
August 6, 1985.”
Securing Justice
After considering the team's gathered physical evidence, written
testimony and our talks with Delbert, who had interviewed most
of the investigation witnesses involved, rhetorical questions
could be posed regarding how the mainstream media could be so
controlled and manipulated that it would be able to cover up the
How come the media saw things differently than the Division 4
team? Were key editors, reporters and global media executives
co-participants in obstructing justice by glossing over a
political assassination? Will the media receive the same severe
scrutiny by Phi Beta Kappa and Harvard Law grad Patrick
Fitzgerald and his grand juries as the alleged perpetrators
While more than nine families in particular are literally
hanging out there in physical jeopardy, knowing that witnesses,
credible evidence and a classified report point to three U.S.
Presidents and at least one Senator as having their own private
teams of foreign assassins available to do their political
bidding, the ball is now in Special Counsel Fitzgerald’s
"court." This, while Congress looks the other way,
knowing it needs to be held accountable for gross corruption.
The pressure will be enormous on prosecutors and jurors alike.
Witnesses and team members referred to herein will need to be
afforded protection. That said, Fitzgerald and his staff of
about 150 Assistant U.S. Attorneys possess the quintessential
job description for probing White House felony families:
regularly handling public corruption, narcotics trafficking,
violent crime, jury tampering and white-collar fraud. But they
must do their job.
Fitzgerald himself has played a personal role in many
significant investigations involving financing terrorism,
violent crime, narcotics, and gang prosecutions, particularly
including U.S. v. John Gambino et. al., prosecuting crime family
“capos and crews,” an ideal candidate to lead White House
crime probes.
Given the mood of multiple intelligence sources understandably
furious about what historians will say happened on their recent
watch (the transfer of nuclear codes to China, the September 11
attacks and Oklahoma City bombing, an attempt to blow up the
Chicago subway underneath Fitzgerald’s grand jury in the
Dirksen building on July 18 and war under false pretenses),
thousands of government agents are reportedly prepared to block
obstruction and obfuscation if “deals are cut” or “private
payoffs” are attempted in order to prevent the wheels of
justice from turning.
There is a strange, unsettled feeling sweeping across the land.
America seems to be aware that something big will happen this
fall. Most can’t put their finger on it. But the markets know
what’s coming.
Massive insider stock sales versus purchases were running $74
sold to each $1 of stock bought, right after
alone reported that President Bush and Vice President Cheney had
been indicted. Unknowing investors with automatically
deducted pension fund and 401K contributions are still buying
into the stock market while the turmoil of coming political
upheaval is slowing festering like an inexorable cancer ready to
claim its victim.
In February, 2005, corporate business executives, officers and
directors sold $5 billion in personal stock, establishing a new
market record for unloading insider securities in a single
month. What do they know that the public doesn’t?
The stock market may be poised to reprise its 2000 collapse even
as inside traders and government funds are now grabbing more of
America’s wealth and financial security by quietly selling.
Americans should heed Dubya-speak: “Fool me once, shame on you
or me, fool me twice, uh... fool me twice... uh.... I won't get
fooled again.”
Gold has moved from $385 to about $450 an ounce over the last
6-8 months; and the metal’s rise in value indicates that some
investors are buying gold so they won’t be left holding the
old maid (inflated fiat paper currency) in the event of a
protracted political crisis.
The interest rate yield curve on long bonds is virtually flat in
the face of ten straight rate increases by Allan Greenspan and
the Federal Reserve. Future trust in the financial stability of
U.S. currency is exposed when a 10-year note draws about the
same interest rate as a 30-year note, hence the flat yield
curve. (We used to be nicely rewarded for letting the government
hold our money for a longer period. But not now.)
The gold websites are reporting that China and Japan have not
purchased U.S. Treasury securities since last January; and that
80-90% of our Treasuries are now purchased “off-shore,”
indicating private sources, secretive countries, laundered drug
money, or “printing press finance” to quietly prop up the
During recent House Armed Services Committee hearings, Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld admitted to Congresswoman Cynthia
McKinney (D-4-GA) that China has been financing the entire Iraq
War by purchasing U.S. Treasury notes. How is this possible if
China is not buying our Treasuries? Is Rumsfeld telling the
truth? Why isn’t the American media holding his feet to the
Prescient warnings notwithstanding, witnesses with evidence in
the matter of the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr.
are available to testify and be evaluated in front of Patrick
Fitzgerald, his staff of deputy career prosecutors, but most
importantly, grand jury panels of American citizens who will
listen and decide whether murder indictments are in fact
warranted in light of Division 4's evidence.
Fitzgerald and his grand juries are still operational in spite
of the House, Senate and U.S. mainstream media, all of which
will ignore this story, the evidence, the witnesses, and the
preliminary and "classified" JFK, Jr. reports.
If approximately 150 witnesses and credible evidence is not
enough to render proper justice in the assassination of the son
of an assassinated U.S. President, then the American justice
system is not worth the paper that the Constitution and the
United States Code are written on; and it will be quite obvious
that Patrick Fitzgerald was “gotten to,” and likely
deserving of separate consequences.
However, all indications from intelligence sources confirm that
Fitzgerald is a rather remarkable and heroic patriot who will
not back down from his sworn duty. Given coming indictments
against high officials in all three branches of government, the
fourth branch (citizen grand juries) will be crucial this fall.
But then America was always supposed to be about the
citizens--not powerful ruling elite families whose progeny have
come to expect receipt of power, perks and privilege via
noblesse oblige.
There is nothing noble about what some U.S. government leaders
have done to America since November 22, 1963.
Purge the evil from among you.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * *
Postscript: In a June, 1992 exclusive and published
interview granted by President George H. W. Bush to Sarah
McClendon, the grand dame of the White House press corps at the
“George Bush, what will the people do if they ever find out
the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran contra? ‘Sarah, if the
American people ever find out what we have done, they will chase
us down the streets and lynch us.’ ”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * *
In memory of Timothy Shane Flocco (1978-2000)
to end State Dept. vacation-death evidence destruction and
travel corporation lying under oath
keep online
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important issues and events crucial to our republic, we would
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gratefully accept contributions by mail, payable to:
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3553 West Chester Pike, # 149,
Newtown Square, PA 19073
(Please carefully print your e-mail address on the check’s
memo line.)
This article comes from
Kennedy family

John, Robert, and Edward Kennedy
The Kennedy family is a prominent family in American
politics and government descending from the marriage of Joseph
P. and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy. The predominantly Democratic
family is known for its political
liberalism. Perhaps the best known Kennedy is the late President
of the United States John
F. Kennedy.
The Kennedys are often compared to the Adams
and Bush
families as among the most influential American
political families. All three families have strong roots in the New
England area of the United States. The Kennedy
Compound is located in Hyannis,
Some commentators in the early 1960s
made predictions that President John F. Kennedy would be first of a
dynasty in the White House. But these predictions were not borne out,
and the idea largely dropped off the public's radar after Senator
F. Kennedy was assassinated
in 1968
and Senator Edward
Kennedy was involved in a possible drunk-driving
incident (in which a passenger in his car was killed) in 1969.
However, a number of Kennedy family members have held high office
since then.
Together Rose and Joe Sr. had nine children:
- Joseph
Patrick Kennedy Jr. (1915–1944)
- He was killed
in action in WWII
while flying a bombing mission over Europe.
He was single at the time of his death and had no
children, though he had been romantically linked to Edith
Bouvier Beale, a cousin of his future sister-in-law Jacqueline
Lee Bouvier, as well as Katharine
Mortimer. (The latter reportedly rebuffed any more-serious
involvement with Joe Jr., claiming that his family was too loud
for her to contemplate marrying into.)
- John
Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917–1963)
- He was a U.S. representative, a U.S.
senator and later president. He was assassinated. He
married New York socialite Jacqueline
Lee Bouvier and had four children, of which one was
stillborn, one died soon after birth, and two survived to
- Rosemary
Kennedy (1918–2005)
- Likely dyslexic and considered to be slightly brain-damaged
from birth, Rose Marie Kennedy (her christening name) was
rendered incapable of intelligible speech or caring for herself
by a lobotomy
requested by her father, Joe Sr., that was intended to cure her
increasing mood swings and make her more manageable, the
operation instead reduced her to an infantile state. She lived
in a residential care facility in Wisconsin
until her death of the 7th of January 2005.
- Kathleen
Agnes Kennedy (1920–1948)
- Known as Kick, she married the
Protestant heir to the British dukedom over her mother's
strenuous religious objections. After being widowed when her
husband, the Marquess
of Hartington, was killed in action in World War II, she was
killed in a plane crash in France with her lover, a British
- Eunice
Mary Kennedy (born 1921)
- She is best known as the founder of the Special
Olympics, an organization she began in honor of her sister
Rosemary. She married Robert
Sargent Shriver Jr., later a 1972 vice-presidential
candidate, and they had five children.
- Patricia
Kennedy (born 1924)
- Robert
Francis Kennedy (1925–1968)
- Jean
Ann Kennedy (born 1928)
- Edward
Moore Kennedy (born 1932)
- Known as "Teddy," "Ted," or the
"Liberal Lion," he has served as a senator from Massachusetts
since 1962. He has been twice married with three children from
his first marriage and two stepchildren from his second
marriage. His detractors associate him
primarily with the death of Mary
Jo Kopechne on Chappaquiddick
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Dag Hammarskjold Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl
Hammarskjöld (July 29, ... perished when
their plane crashed near the border between Katanga and
North Rhodesia.2 ... 1961/hammarskjold-bio.html
- 27k - Cached
- Similar pages
ON THIS DAY | 18 | 1961: UN Secretary General killed in air crash
The body of UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold
is identified among the wreckage
of a plane which crashed last night outside the Northern
Rhodesian town ... stories/september/18/newsid_3790000/3790079.stm
- 33k - Cached
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Airplane Crash Conspiracy
George Mickelson, Seven Others Killed in Plane
Crash ... George Mickelson, who
followed his father's political footsteps to the state
Capitol, ... - 10k -
Aug 26, 2005 - Cached
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President Killed in Bosnia Plane Crash - by Christopher ...
The plane crash, called "one of the
most tragic days in the history of the ...
said Trajkovski's death will have "political
consequences" for the Balkans: ...
Macedonian President Feared Dead After Plane Crash.
By Patrick Moore ...
Although his political roots were in the conservative and
nationalist Internal ...
261 - PLANE CRASH - CALIFORNIA - 1-31-2000
It guides the up-and-down motion of
the plane during flight, ... Last Oct. 31, EgyptAir
Flight 990 plummeted into the ocean 60 miles south of the ... -
71k - Cached
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President Killed in Bosnia Plane Crash - by Christopher ...
The plane crash, called "one of the
most tragic days in the history of the ...
Immigrant Slayings, Political Liquidations: Business as Usual in
Macedonia ... - 45k - Cached
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| Nigeria | Plane Crash
Mass burial for 56 in Nigeria's May 2002 plane crash
in Kano; Obasanjo criticized,
... hurried approvals granted political cronies to own
airline services, ... -
29k - Cached
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Transport officials in plane crash
... He was regarded as a sounding
board to many of the young political activists in Merebank and ... -
14k - Cached
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Kenya [opinion]: Uncanny Role of Fate in Political ...
Uncanny Role of Fate in Political Succession ...
When Samora Machel died in a
1986 plane crash on Mozambique's border with the then
apartheid South Africa, ... - Similar pages
RICO HERALD: 10 Dead In US Military Plane Crash In Caguas
10 Dead In US Military Plane Crash In
Caguas ... He said the plane was carrying
about 10 military personnel but declined to say which branch they ...
issues/2002/vol6n32/Media1-en.shtml - 23k - Cached
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Aznar rejects public inquiry into military plane crash
Despite Trillo’s insistence that the Ukrainian plane
was safe, the crash was the
... In response to the growing political crisis, according
to a report ...
- 21k - Cached
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Unveiled: 1 Russian Plane Crash, 1 Missing - Terrorism?
With Islamism intertwining politics and religion, political
power creates the
... Listed below are links to weblogs that reference 1 Russian Plane
Crash, ... athena/2004/08/1_russian_plane.html
- 79k - Cached
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Unlimited | Special reports | Kenyan ministers in fatal ...
In a country with a history of political
assassinations, the regional police ...
Speaking by phone from the crash site, Mr Kimanthi said the plane
"hit an ...,12689,882026,00.html
- 37k - Aug 25, 2005 - Cached
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News | US Spy Plane Pilot Dies in UAE Crash
US Spy Plane Pilot Dies in UAE Crash. ...
A Political News Intrusion, Sponsored by
Cellular Shades - Go Cellular Shades ...
12405/us-spy-plane-pilot-dies-in-uae-crash.html - 16k - Cached
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No survivors in the Chinese plane crash
No survivors in the Chinese plane crash. ...
Myanmar's ruling junta has freed
its second most prominent political prisoner, leader of the 1988
student ... - 43k - Cached
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Relatives of military plane crash victims met with
official ...
Families of Spanish servicemen killed when their plane
crashed in May ... Spain:
Relatives of military plane crash victims met with
official indifference ...
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19980629Biographical NoteAlioune
Blondin Beye, who was killed in an air crash near Abidjan on
Friday (26 June), took up his duties as the
Secretary-General's Special Representative for Angola on 28
June 1993.
Mr. Beye had a distinguished
diplomatic and political career. He served in the Government
of Mali as Minister of Youth, Sports, Arts and Culture
(1978), as Minister for Foreign Affairs and International
Cooperation (1978-1986) and as Legal Counsel to the
President (1986-1988).
In 1988, he was appointed
Secretary-General of the African Development Bank in
Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, and from 1991 he headed its Legal
In addition, between 1971 and 1990,
Mr. Beye was elected to various high offices at
international conferences and intergovernmental bodies,
including the Arbitral
Court of the Economic Community of West
Africa, the African Commission on Human
Rights and Peoples, and the International Association of
Democratic Lawyers.
As a scholar, Mr. Beye undertook
research in
law, political science and international
relations at Dijon University's Faculty of Law and also at
the Center for Studies and Research on International Law and
International Relations in The Hague,
Mr. Beye lectured on international
public law at Dijon University (France)
and was a professor at the National School of Administration
in Bamako, Mali. A barrister registered with the Dijon Bar,
he represented the interests of Mali before Malian courts
(as chief of the Government's Legal Department).
* *** * __________ |
Crash Reignites Security Debate - 7-24-05 |
that remained of the plane was a gutted wreck
The plane crash in front of the
German parliament and the bombings in London and Egypt
have stirred a security debate in Germany. Politicians
want to rethink the army's role and consider deploying
it within the country.
crash of a small ultralight aircraft between the German
parliament building and the chancellor's office and the
recent spate of deadly bombings in London and most
recently in Egypt have heightened security worries in
Berlin. The former however was not linked in any way to
a terrorist attack with police saying that the pilot
--the only person on board -- who was killed in the
crash --probably committed suicide due to personal
News - German plane crash - School plane crash
Most of the victims were children of the oil-rich
region’s political establishment.
... Delivery formats for "German plane crash".
[more info] ...
- 42k - Cached
- Similar pages
political news feed, public and current affairs, news ...
political news, news feed and news information
service for latest current ...
members of the country's peacekeeping force were killed after a plane
crash. ...
wcp=NationalNewsStoryPage&ItemID=15024139&Servi... - 29k - Cached
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1948 Miltary Plane Crash Under Scrutiny, Could Affect ...
1948 Miltary Plane Crash Under Scrutiny,
Could Affect 1953 Supreme Court Decision.
Remember that 1948 military plane crash we discussed here,
... - 15k - Cached
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- Plane crash takes life of recent Yale graduate
Go back to article: Plane crash takes life
of recent Yale graduate ... A political
science major, Adamo took on the responsibility of advising frosh and ...
Printerfriendly.asp?AID=5388 - 15k - Cached
- Similar pages
Marines killed in plane crash in Pakistan
US Marines killed in plane crash in
Pakistan. WASHINGTON - A US military refueling
plane crashed into a mountain in Pakistan on Wednesday while
trying to ...
- 17k - Cached
- Similar pages
this crash of a Cypriot 737 was nothing more than an accident.
There are more questions than answers currently:
Experts told Reuters it was extremely rare for a plane to lose
oxygen, and that emergency systems should have kicked in.
“The pilots should have had their masks on,” a retired
British pilot who did not wish to be named told Reuters. “Why they
didn’t put them on is the big mystery.”
“A loss of pressurization in the cabin is in itself a rare
event but to go as far as it incapacitates the pilot is hugely
rare,” the retired pilot said.[…]
[…]all 115 passengers and six crew died, most burned beyond
visual recognition, when the plane, with neither pilot in control,
spiraled down in a death dive into a mountainous area about 40 km
north of Athens.
The plane was on a flight from Larnaca in Cyprus to Prague with a
stop in Athens. An airline spokeswoman and Greek authorities denied
some media reports that many of those on board were children.
I hope this was only an accident and not an act of sabotage or
terrorism. Nothing is conclusive at this time but maybe we’ll get
some answers. It seems awfully strange that an aircraft in this kind
of trouble wouldn’t alert anyone.
1999 - FLIGHT
Hi all: I have a very strong feeling about this plane
crash. ... The world
political community is at a point of collapse, no one trusts
another". ... - 115k - Cached
- Similar pages
Crash of TWA Flight 800
A subsection on this page covers the equally mysterious crash
of American Flight
... NTSB denies cover-up of plane crash cause. US
Stinger chief suspect. ... - 46k - Cached
- Similar pages
Flight 800
So completely had the plane broken up that
weather radar confused the expanding
... The official explanation for the crash of TWA
flight 800 is that the ...
- 52k - Cached
- Similar pages
Flight 800: SHOOTDOWNS
Perhaps among the similarities of the "Ustica
incident" to the TWA 800 crash,
... A 17-year-old mystery over the crash of an Italian plane
that killed 81 ... RANCHO/CRASH/TWA/MORE_DOWN/itavia.html
- 10k - Cached
- Similar pages
[ More
results from ]
Crash of TWA Flight 800
This is a discussion of the crash of TWA
Flight 800, on July 17, 1996. This page
includes material about the conflicting evidence, the rumors of
government ... - 46k - Cached
- Similar pages
TWA Flight 800: Attacked, destroyed, covered-up
Within 30 minutes of the plane's crash,
Clarke tells us, he convenes a ...
an unknown object "merging" with TWA 800 in the
seconds before the crash and ...
- 28k - Cached
- Similar pages
NY Times continues to avoid TWA 800 connection
What happened on July 17, 1996, is that TWA
Flight 800 exploded on a ... where Ron
Brown's plane crashed, to the Khobar Towers in Saudi
Arabia to the ...
- 35k - Cached
- Similar pages
[ More
results from ]
TWA 800's 'Deep Throat'
"New Data Show Missile May Have Nailed TWA 800,"
screamed the one-inch, ...
where Ron Brown's plane crashed, to the Khobar Towers in
Saudi Arabia to the ... -
38k - Cached
- Similar pages
of Flight TWA 800 Analysis: a Military Luminous Decoy
At the time of the accident, a US Navy plane was
flying close to the TWA Boeing and
... Since the crash of flight TWA 800, two
other similar dramas have ...
- 42k - Cached
- Similar pages
800: The crash
crash of TWA Flight 800" both believe a
violent explosion tore the plane apart ... - 71k - Cached
- Similar pages
After the TWA 800 crash, the FBI
treated Ferrat as a suspected terrorist because he
... "Even if you safely assume accidental plane crash,
when you've got ... - 22k - Cached
- Similar pages
Navy Drone Debris Found in TWA Wreckage?
... who said he saw what looked like a
"stunt plane" crash into TWA 800. ...
Virtually all the military assets in the air around TWA 800
that evening, ... - 11k - Cached
- Similar pages
... who said he saw what looked like a stunt plane
crash into TWA 800. ...
Virtually all the military assets in the air around TWA 800
that evening, ...
- 14k - Cached
- Similar pages
New American - TWA 800 Shootdown - October 25, 1999
The plane carrying him was at 21000 feet, and TWA
800 was at 13800 feet. ...
in the field of safety and crash investigation and not political
appointees. ...
1999/10-25-99/vo15no22_twa_800.htm - 33k - Cached
- Similar pages
Flight 800
More than fourteen months after TWA Flight 800
crashed off the coast of Long ...
That same night, a TWA flight was flying behind the Pakistani plane
and ... - 27k - Cached
- Similar pages
800 Crash Damage Analysis: Parts 1 & 2
Parts 1 & 2 ... Such a sudden forward thrust of
the head is proof positive that TWA 800 smashed into
something that halted ... - 43k - Cached
- Similar pages
A conversation with William Langewiesche,
the author of "The Crash of EgyptAir 990," on the cultural
reverberations of a seemingly straightforward airplane crash
O n October 31, 1999, EgyptAir Flight 990
plunged into the Atlantic ocean soon after takeoff, killing all 217
people aboard. The flight-data and cockpit voice recorders were
recovered within weeks, and the story they told seemed shocking but
conclusive: at a moment when the captain was out of the cockpit, the
copilot, Gameel al-Batouti, disengaged the autopilot and calmly pushed
the airplane into a steep dive. When the captain returned, Batouti
fought him for control of the airplane—and then turned off the
engines. But the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), charged
with investigating the crash, soon realized that what they had thought
would be a simple, open and shut case would actually require all of the
political and diplomatic skills they could muster. The Egyptian
investigators professed outrage at the idea that the crash would be
called intentional, which they seemed to feel was a cultural
slight—setting off a conflict with the NTSB that continues to this
day. The Egyptians went on to raise theory after theory for what could
have caused the crash, and the NTSB, with the help of Boeing, performed
extensive tests to see if any of the theories matched the flight's
profile. None of them did.
Enterprise Mission - Economist Calculates the Odds
Egypt Air Flight 990 Ritual Alignments. Egypt
Air logo of Horus the Falcon god.
... This means that if we were to crash a plane
every day, at the same time ... - 23k - Aug 26,
2005 - Cached
- Similar pages
990 - EGYPTAIR - OCTOBER 31, 1999
US Concludes 1999 EgyptAir Crash Fault of
Co-Pilot Thu Mar 14, 2002 ... The last
contact with the plane was about three minutes before the crash,
... - 360k - Cached
- Similar pages
The plane was "rock steady," said one aviation
expert involved in the case. Like others, the official expressed
doubt that ... -
68k - Cached
- Similar pages |
... a terrorist bomb on board
the plane most likely caused the crash of EgyptAir 990.
... The evidence already known about EgyptAir 990
should be enough to ... - 10k - Cached
- Similar pages |
and crew on EgyptAir Flight 990 - October 31, 1999
[This page was taken down because someone started to scam people about
the victims listed on this page. dee]
... Strangely, the news media
was reporting hours after 990's crash that the plane
had previously landed at Edwards Air Force Base en route between
LA and New York ...
- 49k - Supplemental Result - Cached
- Similar pages |
Skolnick's Report
Regarding the crash of EgyptAir Flight 990, the
federal secret political ...
Like the Watergate plane crash in 1972, are the FBI and
NTSB going to fake up a ... -
20k - Cached
- Similar pages
Egyptian State Information Service
On the other hand, President Mubarak's Political
Advisor Dr. Osama ... Magnum Rov
searches for Elusive Black Boxes of Egyptian Plane Crash,
November 9, 1999 ... - 11k - Cached
- Similar pages
to Challenge US Report on Plane Crash
Egypt to Challenge US Report on Plane Crash
... In its final report on the crash,
the US National Transportation Safety Board said that the copilot, ...
- 16k - Cached
- Similar pages
March 23, 2002
Egypt to Challenge U.S. Report on Plane Crash
An Egyptian investigation panel has said
that it will challenge the course of investigations into the
1999 crash of an EgyptAir airliner and their findings. |
An Egyptian
investigation panel has said that it will challenge the course
of investigations into the 1999 crash of an EgyptAir airliner
and their findings.
The panel issued a statement Thursday night, rejecting the U.S.
conclusion on the tragedy and terming it as "inadequate and
inconclusive," Egypt's official MENA news agency reported
on Friday.
On Thursday, the U.S. transportation safety authorities blamed
the crash of the aircraft on its co-pilot without giving reasons
for his actions.
In its final report on the crash, the U.S. National
Transportation Safety Board said that the copilot, Gameel El-
Batouty, was alone in the cockpit when he disconnected the
autopilot and sent the plane downward.
The plane plunged into the sea off the Massachusetts coast on
October 31, 1999, soon after it took off from New York en route
to Cairo. All 217 people aboard were killed.
"There was no evidence of any airplane system malfunction,
conflicting air traffic, or other event that would have prompted
these actions," the report said.
The plane began to plummet after El-Batouty took control, the
report said. While the pilot, Mahmoud el-Habashy, tried to bring
the plane out of its dive, El-Batouty continued to keep it
heading downward and shut off the engines, it said.
According to the Egyptian penal, its technical report showed
that all evidence cleared El-Batouty of deliberately doing that.
It also demanded that information on radar and air control
circumstances be made available to complete the probes.
"Until this is done, there is no way to know the possible
cause behind this incident," the statement said.
The Egyptian penal presented its comment on a final U.S. report
on the crash in June 2001, in addition to a 225-page technical
report to be appended to the U.S. report, the statement said.
Egypt has previously rejected the U.S. theory that a suicide
action was behind the tragedy, insisting that mechanical
problems with the ill-fated plane's flight control system might
have been to be blamed.
people killed in Egyptian charter plane crash
PDO -- An Egyptian charter plane Boeing 737
crashed into the Red Sea early on
January 3 shortly after ... 148 people killed in Egyptian
charter plane crash ...
200401/04/eng20040104_131791.shtml - 21k - Cached
- Similar pages
U.S. Army Conducted Mass Casualty Drill For Plane Crash Into
Pentagon.....Almost One Year Before The Real Attack On 9/11 Coincidence
Or Fore-Knowledge?
by John Hawkins
Are you wondering what the racist fringe set thinks about 9/11? Well
I ran across a page
written by Hal Turner, a man who claims to be "one of the
Founding Fathers of the talk radio revival." He also says that he's
a "Pro-Life, conservative Republican." Of course that's what
he claims. He also has news headlines on his page like "8000 Queers
Do Group Sex In Nyc" and "Filthy Rat Jew Soldiers Pee On (And
Inside) American Homes!". All that goes along well with his
"No Savage Negro Beasts" coffee mugs that are probably given
away as door prizes at KKK meetings.
Anyway, on to his brilliant theory. Apparently in October of 2000 the
Pentagon planned out reactions to a number of different scenarios...
"The Pentagon Mass Casualty Exercise, as the crash was
called, was just one of several scenarios that emergency response teams
were exposed to Oct. 24-26, 2000 in the Office of the Secretaries of
Defense conference room. This "exercise" took place just short
of a year BEFORE the real plane attack which struck the Pentagon on
September 11."
"On Oct. 24, 2000 there was also a mock terrorist incident
at the Pentagon Metro stop and a construction accident to name just some
of the scenarios that were practiced to better prepare local agencies
for real incidents."
Well that's plausible. The military does all sorts of contingency
planning for every imaginable circumstance. So what does Hal think about
"After the terrorist attacks of September 11, uncovering the
fact that this "drill" took place a year ahead of the real
attack begets the question "Was this drill a coincidence, or was it
planning for something the Pentagon already KNEW was going to take
Even in his own article he admits that the Pentagon also planned for
a "construction accident" and a "mock terrorist accident
at a Pentagon Metro Stop" as well. So doesn't that seem to indicate
coincidence? He goes on for a bit about the security around DC and then
"September 11 sure "looks" like a series of
terrorist attacks. But it is clear to this writer that it was an inside
job, aided and abetted by disloyal Americans in our own
Based on a practice a year ago at the Pentagon it's clear that this
was an inside job? But it get's worse with the last line of the aricle...
"Why isn't Congress investigating? Maybe because THEY are
"in" on this scam?"
So let's just consider how many people Hal must think are involved in
this little conspiracy. The Pentagon? There have to be a lot of high end
people there involved. Someone had to recruit all these people to pull
it off and high level generals must of given the order to do it? What
about these people running the exercises? They probably know something
is happening too. Of course, the military would never try something like
this without getting the orders from the commander and chief right? That
was Bill Clinton at the time. Some of his staff must of known what he
was doing as well. Furthermore, since this occurred on GWB's watch he
and much of his staff must of also known too. Then there are the 540
members of Congress who he thinks are ""in" in this
scam."" You also have to figure that portions of their staffs
know what's going on since they deal with them on daily basis as well.
So what we have total here is somewhere between 1000-3000 people
total who were aware of a conspiracy by America's government to kill
thousands of American citizens? Despite the fact that all these people
from different political parties knew about this and despite the fact
that the Pentagon must of known that their own men were going to die,
they chose to execute this whole thing without a SINGLE PERSON coming
forward about it before or afterwards? That apparently makes perfect
sense to Hal. That's why he's RWN's "Crackpot of the Day".
© copyright 2001-2005 John Hawkins
911 Plane Crash Video Pictures and analysis
Plane Crash Video Pictures and analysis ...
This is what is viewable of the plane
in the air immediately before it hit the ground as it slid into the ... -
20k - Cached
- Similar pages
- Sept. 11 desensitizes students to plane crash
More than 250 people died in a plane crash
in Queens, NY, Monday. ... Stephen
Skowronek, a professor of political and social sciences, agreed
that the ... - 42k
- Cached
- Similar pages
NewsHour Update: Plane Crash in New York -- Nov. 12, 2001
The plane, with 255 people on board, went down in
a residential area of Queens
... The National Transportation Safety Board, which is leading
the crash ... november01/plane_11-12.html
- 21k - Cached
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Did Bush see the 2nd WTC plane crash?
It's assumed that he was referring to the first WTC plane
crash as he ...
In Bush's first speech, Bush says he saw a plane crash
into the WTC live on a TV. ... -
55k - Cached
- Similar pages
Army Conducted Mass Casualty Drill For Plane Crash Into ...
US Army Conducted Mass Casualty Drill For Plane Crash
Into Pentagon. ...
Despite the fact that all these people from different political
parties knew about ... -
18k - Cached
- Similar pages
One of the planes that crashed into
the Trade Center was American Airlines ... We live
six blocks from the World Trade Center, in view of both
Towers, ... -
190k - Cached
- Similar pages |
to the World Trade Center
event. It seems rather prophetic. Under the ... World Trade
Center After It Collapsed. Painting of Tower of Babel ...
- 63k - Aug 26, 2005 - Cached
- Similar pages |
In the case of the Trade
Center the question is whether such an image if valid ...
11, 2001 when the World Trade Center was destroyed and
the Pentagon hit. ...
- 211k - Cached
- Similar pages |
- WORLD TRADE CENTER - 9-11-2001 - PAGE 3
11 (UPI) -- A lead engineer who
worked on New York's World Trade Center Towers ...
In the aftermath of the Trade Center bombing, the FBI
renewed its ...
- 170k - Cached
- Similar pages |
- WORLD TRADE CENTER - DAY 2 - 9-12-2001
(CNN) -- The rubble at the World Trade
Center may yield thousands of bodies ... THE "steel
tube" design of the World Trade Centre proved a key
factor in the ...
- 194k - Cached
- Similar pages |
intercept hijacked plane(s) after
first plane has struck the World Trade Center. --9:02 am:
United Airlines flight 175 strikes the World Trade
Center's ...
- 123k - Cached
- Similar pages |
The planes that crashed into the
World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon ... The
thousands of people who perished in the World Trade
Center were engaging ...
- 195k - Cached
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Toll of missing at World Trade
Center rises to 5422. NEW YORK, Sept 17 (AFP) -. The number of
people missing from the terrorist attack on the World Trade
- 97k - Cached
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As Joe Triolo watched black smoke
billow from the World Trade Center buildings in the
stunning terrorist attack Tuesday, his mind reeled back to Pearl
- 175k - Cached
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- WORLD TRADE CENTER - 9-11-2001 - PAGE 9
A Ghostly Look Beneath the World Trade
Center: Orange X's Mark the Spot ... Above the entrance
to 5 World Trade Center, where the FEMA team was working ...
- 104k - Cached
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- WORLD TRADE CENTER - 9-11-2001 - PAGE 10
- 87k - Cached
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Germany lost three citizens at the
World Trade Center and another 11 are missing. ...
US investigators also believe that two of the dead World Trade
Center ...
- 92k - Cached
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As the second airliner slammed into
the south tower of the World Trade Centre ... He
set up a terrible disaster, not unlike the World Trade
Center massacre. ...
- 103k - Aug 26, 2005 - Cached
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- WORLD TRADE CENTER - 9-11-2001 - PAGE 11
Theft: looting was reported in the
shops under the World Trade Center ... Ninety
percent of the beams from the World Trade Center are so
enormous that they ...
- 124k - Cached
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By 8:45, when American Airlines
Flight 11 crashes into the World Trade Center, ...
At 9:03, United Flight 175 crashes into the remaining World Trade
Center ... - 60k -
Aug 26, 2005 - Cached
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into World Trade Center. CREW: - John Ogonowski, 52,
Dracut, Mass., captain. ... - 57k -
Supplemental Result - Cached
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A missed murder: CLINTON
They also crashed the plane he was supposed to ride in to California
on his birthday. Did the Wellstone murder to get Coleman in. Plane
crashed, according to my husband, are a very useful tool and "only
kill a relative few number of people". quote by Kay Griggs
Air Force probes Wyoming C-130 crash

Pilot may have tried to return to airport
August 18, 1996
Web posted at: 6:00 p.m. EDT
HOLE, Wyoming (CNN) -- The pilot of a presidential cargo plane
flying to President Clinton's birthday party may have been trying to
return to the airport when the C-130 slammed into a mountain minutes
after takeoff, killing all nine people on board.
Air Force accident evaluation specialists flew to Wyoming Sunday
to investigate the remote crash site, which was located at about 11,000
feet just South of Yellowstone National Park.
Authorities hoped to recover the voice cockpit recorder and flight
data recorder from the scene, among other things.
One Secret Service employee and at least eight crew members were
aboard the C-130 when it
crashed Saturday at 10:48 a.m. MDT (12:48 a.m. EDT) near Sheep
Mountain, also known as Sleeping Indian Mountain. President Clinton had
been vacationing in the area and left some five hours before.
"There are no signs of survivors and by the nature of the
wreckage none was expected," said U.S. Forest Service spokesman Dan
Ellison. But rescuers "haven't given up hope."
The plane was en route from Jackson Hole to John F. Kennedy
International Airport in New York, where Clinton traveled from
Washington Sunday to celebrate his 50th birthday, which falls Monday.
Clinton returned to the White House early Sunday after a nine-day
vacation in Wyoming.
"I was told that they thought the pilot had turned around to
come back to the airport," President Clinton said Sunday of his
initial overnight briefing. He offered his and the First Lady's
condolences to the victims' families.
"This is especially painful to us because they worked
for me," Clinton said. "They did an invaluable service, and
I'm very, very sad about it."
A group of 28 emergency workers traveled overnight by foot and
horseback to reach the scene before dawn. They searched for possible
survivors and worked to stabilize and secure the scene. Plane debris was
still burning when they arrived, but even though the area has been very
dry, authorities were not concerned about a forest fire because the
crash scene was above the timberline.
The crash site is in the Bridger-Teton National Forest, a part of
the Gros Ventre Wilderness.
The plane went down in a designated wilderness area, and
crews worked to establish good landing zones for helicopters on the
mountainside. The nearest road is more than two miles away, said Scott
Fitzwilliams of the U.S. Forest Service.
The Jackson Hole airport is over 6,000 feet above sea level,
making take-offs more difficult because of the thinner air. The airport
is a small facility and has no control tower.
Pilots have been critical of the short runway and the close
proximity of the mountain ranges to the airport, but Park spokeswoman
Linda Olsen downplayed those factors in this crash.
The C-130 Hercules, designed for combat airlift missions with
quick departures from short runways, should have had no problem at that
altitude, U.S. Air Force Captain Todd Vician said.
The plane's fuel tanks which can hold some 9,200 gallons, were
onlyhalf full, according to Don Holloway, operations director of Jackson
Hole Aviation. "So, weight was not a factor," he said.
"They did everything by the book."
The four-engine turbo prop was carrying one vehicle and luggage,
all related to the president's vacation in Wyoming, said Holloway.
The plane, considered a workhorse of the Air Force's transport
fleet, was built in 1974 by Lockheed Martin. The crew was from Dyess Air
Force Base in Abilene, Texas, a base spokesman said.
The Associated
Press and Reuters
contributed to this report.

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by Sherman H. Skolnick 08/6/01
In November, 1972, Richard M. Nixon was re-elected
President. One month later, on behalf of the Nixon White House,
America's secret political police, the American Gestapo, the FBI, and
the American CIA, arranged to sabotage a commercial airplane headed for
Chicago. On board were twelve Watergate figures, including Dorothy Hunt,
wife of the Watergate burglar, E.Howard Hunt. They had reportedly
blackmailed two million dollars out of Nixon threatening, among other
things, to publicize documents they had showing Tricky Dick, along with
top officials of the FBI and the CIA, had planned and carried out the
political assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
We received a mysterious phone call. "You should
look into the crash near Midway Airport. They murdered Mrs. Hunt and the
others." From various circumstances we determined that the call
came from an official in Midway Airport Tower, Chicago. We started our
own investigation. In 1973, I wrote a book, "The Secret History of
Airplane Sabotage". So far as I could find out, there never was an
authoritative book on the subject up to that time. And even now, I know
of no other such book. A sizeable book publisher undertook to publish my
work. The book, however, was stopped in the print cycle and no copies
became available. The book was suppressed by the Rockefellers, at the
time the major owners of UAL, Inc., the parent firm of United Air Lines,
with the United Air Lines crash near Midway Airport being a major
section of the book.
I am posting starting as Part One excerpts from the
book. In some instances, it has been updated and slightly revised to
show details uncovered after 1973.
1. THE PEOPLE. Upwards of twelve persons connected in
one way or another with Watergate, boarded United Air Lines Flight 553
on the afternoon of December 8, 1972. They had something in common. That
week there had been a gas pipeline lobbyists meeting as part of the
American Bar Association meeting in Washngton, D.C. It was conducted by
Roger Moreau. His secretary was Nancy Parker. Among those attending were
Ralph Blodgett and James W. Krueger, both attorneys for the Northern
Natural Gas Co., of Omaha, Nebraska. Associated with them were Lon
Bayer, attorney for Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Co.; Wilbur Erickson,
president, Federal Land Bank in Omaha. This was a belligerant group
determined to blow the lid off the Watergate case. Reason Former U.S.
Attorney General, John Mitchell, and his friends running the Justice
Department were putting the spear into Northern Natural Gas. Some
officials of that firm and its subsidiaries were indicted on federal
criminal charges, September 7, 1972, in Omaha, Chicago, and Hammond,
Indiana. Charge bribery of local officials in Northwest Indiana to let
the gas pipeline go through. (Chicago Daily News, 9/8/72). To blackmail
their way out of these charges, the Omaha firm had uncovered documents
showing that Mitchell, while U.S. Attorney General in 1969, dropped
anti-trust charges against a competitor of Northern Natural Gas---El
Paso Gas Co. The dropping of the charges against El Paso was worth 300
million dollars. A spokesman for Mitchell belatedly claimed, in March,
1973, that Mitchell had "disqualified" himself in 1969,
because Mitchell's law partner represented El Paso. The Justice
Department under Mitchell, dropped the charges. Period. About the same
time, Mitchell, through a law partner as nominee, got a stock interest
in El Paso. Gas and oil interests, such as El Paso, Gulf Resources, and
others contributed heavily to Nixon's spy fund, supervised by Mitchell.
[Earlier, I had spoken out about the apparent bribery
of Mitchell as Attorney General by El Paso which caused him to proceed
to prosecute on my charges, Chicago Federal Appeals Judge Otto Kerner,
Jr., for bribery. The highest level sitting federal judge sent to jail
for bribery in U.S.history.]
Pipeline official Krueger was carrying the
Mitchell-El Paso documents on the plane. He had told his wife that he
had in his possession irreplaceable papers of a sensitive nature. For
months after the crash, his widow demanded, to no avail, that United Air
Lines turn over to her his briefcase. It later came out in the pipeline
trial in Hammond, that Blodgett had been browbeating federal officials,
to drop the criminal charges just prior to the crash. (Chicago Tribune,
5/18/73.) [Our investigation uncovered that most of the local officials,
to be government witnesses against the pipeline, were murdered just
prior to trial. In all, some five Northwest Indiana officials.]
Dorothy Hunt, Watergate pay-off woman, who offered
executive clemency directly on behalf of Nixon to some of the Watergate
defendants, was seeking to leave the U.S. with over 2 million Dollars in
cash and negotiables that she had gotten from CREEP, Committee to
Re-Elect the President. [She was so concerned about these valuables, she
purchased a separate first class seat next to her on the plane for this
luggage.] She and her husband, E. Howard Hunt, the Watergate
conspirator, were a "C.I.A. couple", two agents
"married" and living together. Early in December, 1972,both
were threatening to blow the lid off the White House if (a) he wasn't
freed of the criminal charges; (b) Nixon didn't pay heavy to suppress
the documents they had showing he was implicated in the planning and
carrying out, by the FBI and the CIA, of the political murder of
President Kennedy; and (c) Dorothy and Howard Hunt didn't both get
several million dollars. Some of these details are in the Memo of
Watergate double-agent, James McCord, a CIA official in charge of the
Agency's physical security; details before the Senator Ervin Committee.
(N.Y. Times, 5/9/73.) Hunt claimed, according to McCord, to have the
data necessary to impeach Nixon. McCord said matters were coming to a
head early in December, 1972. Mrs. Hunt was unhappy with her job of
going all over the country to bribe defendants and witnesses in the
bugging case. She wanted out.
Mrs.Hunt was on the way to arrange to take her money
out of the country, possibly Costa Rica, to link up with international
swindler Robert Vesco who was there at the time; through Harold C.
Carlstead, whose wife was Mrs. Hunt's cousin. Carlstead reportedly did
accounting and tax work for mobster-owned businesses in the
Chicago-area. He operated two Holiday Inn motels in Chicago's south
suburbs---at 174th and Torrence, Lansing, Illinois and at 171st and
Halsted, Harvey, Illinois. Carlstead's motel on Torrence was reportedly
a favorite hang out for gangsters and dope traffickers such as
apparently "Cool" Freddie Smith, Grover Barnes, and the late
Chicago mobster Sam DeStefano (who aided the American CIA in bloody
tricks and was snuffed out to silence him), to name a few. Mrs. Hunt had
(a) Ten Thousand Dollars in untraceable cash; (b) Forty Thousand Dollars
in so-called "Barker" bills, traceable to Watergate spy
Bernard Barker; and (c) upwards of Two Million Dollars in American
Express money orders, travelers checks, and postal money orders. (As
shown by testimony before the National Transportation Safety Board,
re-opened Watergate plane crash hearings, June 13-14, 1973. Hearings
re-opened as a result of my lawsuit claiming sabotage covered up by the
N.T.S.B.) Carlstead issued a fake "cover" story that had
(only) Ten Thousand Dollars with Mrs. Hunt. A story swallowed up by the
Establishment Press.
Mrs. Hunt got on Flight 553 with Michele Clark, CBS
Network newswoman, going to do an exclusive story on Watergate. Mrs.
Hunt, Mitchell, Nixon---the story could have destroyed Nixon at the
time. Ms Clark had lots of insight into the bugging and cover-up through
her boyfriend, a CIA operative. In the summer of 1972, prior to any
major revelations of Watergate, Ms Clark tried to pick the brains of
Chicago Congressman George Collins, regarding the bugging of the
Democratic headquarters. Ms Clark was sitting with Cong. Collins on the
plane. (Testimony 6/14/73, of Cong. Collins' public relations director.)
After the crash, Michele Clark's employer, CBS
Network News, ordered and demanded that the body be cremated by the
southside Chicago mortician handling the matter---possibly to cover up
foul play. Later, the mortician was murdered in his business
establishment, an unsolved crime. (We interviewed close confidants of
her family who informed us of the details how CBS applied tremendous
pressure and offered large sums for silence on the crash details and
having her body cremated contrary to her family's wishes.)
Also on the plane were four or more people who knew
about a labor union that had given a large "donation" to CREEP
to head-off an criminal indictment of a Chicago labor union hoodlum(at
the time of the book, 1973, actively investigated by us).
For many years, like clockwork, one Chicagoan went to
Washington, D.C. on Monday and came back Friday afternoon on Flight 553
or its equivalent Lawrence T. O'Connor, Apt. 5-C, 999 North Lake Shore
Drive, Chicago, Illinois. On Friday, December 8, 1972, he received a
call from someone he knows in the White House, telling him not to take
Flight 553 but to go instead to a special meeting.
My long-time friend, political activist Dick Gregory,
informed me that there had been strenuous efforts to steer him that same
afternoon onto United Air Lines Flight 553. Luckily, he had changed his
Also getting on Flight 553 was a reputed
"hit-man", pursuing Mrs. Hunt and others, and going under the
"cover" of being a top Narcotics official with DALE (Drug
Abuse Law Enforcement). He used the name Harold R. Metcalf. He is an
unusual "narc"; he worked directly for Nixon. Metcalf told the
pilot he was packing a gun, and so Metcalf was assigned seat B-17, near
the stewardesses' jump seat and also near the food galley and the rear
door of the plane. After the crash, he walked out of the cracked open
fuselage of the pancaked plane wearing a jumpsuit. A former Military
Intelligence investigator, who used his credentials to get into the
crash site, identified the person posing as "Harold Metcalf"
as an overseas CIA parachute spy. (Investigator's testimony at re-opened
N.T.S.B. hearings, 6/14/73). Also see Metcalf's statement about being a
"narc" and his gun on the plane. (N.T.S.B. Docket SA-435,
Exhibit 6- B, p. 17, surviving passenger statements). Metcalf evidently
supervised certain foul play, possibly cyanide, directed at certain
passengers, but he didn't know of the over all sabotage plan. One of our
staff investigators confronted Metcalf about a week after the crash.
(a) Metcalf, supposedly a government narcotics
bigshot, knows nothings about dope. (b) in response to our question,
"Did you know the plane was sabotaged?", he blurted out half a
sentence, "It was not supposed to....", turning purple, he
then left the room. Evidently, he was a double cut-out, an espionage
term for an operative to be himself eliminated by someone else. His
survival was an oversight. (N.T.S.B. testimony, 6/13-14/73).
More details from the suppressed book in further
parts of this story.
Stay tuned.
Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963,
founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing
certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders.
Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of
one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, "Broadsides",
Cablecast on Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy
packet of printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped,
self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH
THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts,
Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL
60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight, (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE,
no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.
Charges on Korean plane crash aired in Security Council -
Korean Air Lines
mid-air explosion in November 1987 -
Charges on Korean plane crash aired in Security Council
The Security Council has considered allegations that two North
Korean "special agents" planted a time-bomb on a Korean Air
Lines (KAL) plane in November 1987, causing it to explode in mind-air
off the coast of Burma. North Korea categorically rejected all charges
and blamed South Korea, Japan and the United States for the incident.
Meetings were held on 16 and 17 February at the requests of the
Republic of Korea and Japan, at which the Council discussed the
Statements were made by: Argentina, Bahrain, China, Democratic
People's Republic of Korea, France, Germany, Federal Republic of,
Italy, Japan, Nepal, Republic of Korea, United Kingdom, USSR, United
States, Yugoslavia.
The Republic of Korea presented to the Council a document (S/19488)
detailing the findings of an investigation it conducted concerning the
destructions of Korean Air Lines flight 858, which resulted in the
deaths of all 115 passengers and crew members. The Democratic People's
Republic of Korea also submitted a document (S/19492) containing
statements it said conveyed the "truth of the KAL incident".
According to South Korea, two North Koreans--a 70 year-old man and
a 26-year-old woman posing as father and daughter and carrying false
Japanese passports--boarded a regular KAL flight from Baghdad to
Seoul, placed explosives in an overhead luggage compartment, and
disembarked at its first stop at Abu Dhabi. Nine hours later, the bomb
exploded and the plane went down into the Andaman Sea off Burma. The
man and woman went on to Bahrain, where they were stopped and held for
questioning. They then ate poison ampules hidden in the filtertips of
cigarettes they were smoking. The man died. The woman survived, and
was extradited to South Korea, where South Korean authorities stated
she had confessed on 23 December.
In Council debate, Foreign Minister Kwang Soo Choi of the Republic
of Korea said the "heinous act of State-directed terrorism"
by North Korea was intended to disrupt the Olympic games in Seoul this
Pak Gil Yon of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea said the
KAL incident was a "drama writen and enacted by the highest South
Korean authorities themselves" and the outcome of the
"insecure political situation within South Korea". Japan and
the United States had helped South Korea "fake the false
drama", he said.
Hideo Kagami of Japan said his country was also a victim of the
incident since the North Korean agents had pretended to be Japanese.
"Unless we confront terrorist act such as this, we will be faced
with the destruction of the safety and order of international civil
aviation," he said.
Karim Ebrahim Al-Shakar of Bahrain rejected North Korean
allegations of involvement in the incident. His Government had
conducted investigations and extradited the young woman because it
"loves justice and peace" and because Islamic law prohibits
the "terrorizing of innocents and aggression against their
property and their lives".
Protocol against airport violence adopted
A Protocol for the suppression of unlawful acts of violence at
airports was adopted by consensus on 25 February at an international
conference on air law held at the Montreal headquarters of the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). It will come into
force after ratification by 10 States.
The Protocol supplements the 1971 Montreal Convention for the
Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation. It
foresees severe penalties for unlawful acts of violence against
persons at an airport serving international civil aviation.
Signatory States will be expected to establish their jurisdiction
over the offence not only if the offence is committed in their
territory but also when the alleged offender is present in their
territory and the offence was committed elsewhere. They would have the
choice either to extradite the offender to the State where the act was
committed or to present the case to their own authorities for the
purpose of prosecution.
COPYRIGHT 1988 United Nations Publications
COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group
12 / 14, 2004
Nobody Can Call It a
"Plane Crash" Now!
Judge Bruguière's
Report on the Assassination of former Rwandan President Habyarimana
people around the world prepare to mark the 10th anniversary of the
terrible Rwandan tragedy triggered by the shooting down of former
Rwandan President Habyarimana's plane on April 6, 1994, the report by
French anti-terrorist judge Jean-Louis Bruguière provides cause to
reconsider some accepted ideas about those events. The 225-page report
leaked to Le Monde places the entire blame for the missile attack
on President Habyarimana's plane on current Rwandan President Paul
That attack was surely one of the worst
terrorist acts of the 1990s. Think about it! Two African heads of state
were killed--President Cyprien Ntaryamira of Burundi was also in the
plane , the fragile peace based on the Arusha accords of 1993 was
shattered, war resumed, and masses of people were massacred. The
perpetrators of that attack--the Rwandan Patriotic Front according to
Bruguière--knew what would happen, as did their principal backers, the
United States and the United Kingdom.
Unclassified internal Clinton Administration
documents show that on that very night, immediately after learning of
President Habyarimana's death, Prudence Bushnell of the American Embassy
in Kigali presciently wrote to Secretary of State Warren Christopher in
Washington: "If, as it appears, both Presidents have been killed,
there is a strong likelihood that widespread violence could break out in
either or both countries, particularly if it is confirmed that the plane
was shot down."
A rigorous six-year investigation now finally
casts light on an event that changed the course of Rwandan--and central
African--history and names names. Had the plane not been shot down, the
massacres might have been avoided.
The Bruguière report is also particularly damning for many people who
have shaped the narrative of the Rwanda tragedy since 1994. Among them,
Kofi Annan, who in 1998 commissioned an Independent Inquiry into UN
Actions during the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda. In that very official report
states: "At approximately 20:30, Habyarimana and President Cyprien
Ntaryamira of Burundi were killed in a plane crash just outside
the Kigali airport." Indictment documents produced by the
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda also calls it a "plane
crash". Two surface to air missiles were shot, but the official
UN story was that the plane fell out of the sky! That probably explains
why the black box disappeared in UN offices for 10 years.
The report is also damning for Louise Arbour,
recently appointed by Kofi Annan to head the UN Human Rights Commission.
In her capacity as Chief Prosecutor of the Tribunal, Louise Arbour nixed
the only UN sponsored investigation into the assassination of the
Rwandan president. When investigator Michael Hourigan turned up evidence
pointing to Kagame and the Rwandan Patriotic Front along with testimony
from RPF members who had participated in the missile attack, Louise
Arbour, though initially enthusiastic, suppressed his findings and
ordered him to go no further.
It is damning for former UN mission commander general Romeo Dallaire:
first he provides no explanation for the disappearance of the plane's
cockpit voice recorder (black box), which surfaced this week at UN
headquarters. Dallaire was in charge of the so-called Kigali weapons
secure area from where the missile was shot. Secondly, his 600-page book
does not even try to explain how the former Rwandan president was killed
and who did it. Worse still, he continually refers to the assassination
as an "accident".
The report is damning for Uganda and Ugandan
President Yoweri Museveni. The missiles used to shoot down the plane
were the property of the Ugandan Army. Uganda had been bought them from
the Soviet Union in 1987. Whereas the official story would have it that
the tragedy in Rwanda was an internal crisis, the ownership of those
missiles points directly to the fact that the so-called RPF rebels were
ranking members of the Ugandan army until the day they invaded Rwanda on
October 1, 1990. Paul Kagame had been Uganda's Chief of Military
Intelligence and benefited from Ugandan until he took power in July
The report is also very damning for United
States, and particularly the Clinton administration, who have supported
Paul Kagame and the Rwandan Patriotic Front unfailingly since the early
1990s. How could a country supposedly so intent on fighting terrorism
treat the assassination of two African heads of state so lightly that it
never forced the UN get to the bottom of it? After all, the Washington
has always gotten its way on Rwanda at the UN.
For instance, when it was time to act in 1994,
another unclassified State Department document dated April 15, 1994,
states that for the United States the first priority of the UN Security
Council was "to instruct the Secretary general to implement an
orderly withdrawal of all/all UNAMIR forces from Rwanda." That is
exactly what the UN did, thus prompting former UN Secretary General
Boutros-Ghali to declare that "the Rwandan Genocide was 100 percent
American responsibility".
Hopefully, the 10th anniversary commemoration
will be an opportunity find out more about why so many people died in
Rwanda and later in the Congo. Moral indignation is fine. But it cannot
replace hard facts. Judge Bruguière's report has uncovered some
important facts that have been carefully edited out of the official
story about in Rwanda. It deserves to be studied carefully.
Robin Philpot
is a Montreal writer. His book Ça ne s'est pas passé comme ça à
Kigali (That's not what happened in Rwanda) will soon appear in
English. He can be reached at
Politicians: Death in Airports
Very incomplete list!
in chronological order
- William Kirk Kaynor (1884-1929) — of Springfield, Hampden
County, Mass. Born in Sanborn, O'Brien
County, Iowa, November
29, 1884. Republican. U.S.
Representative from Massachusetts 2nd District, 1929; died in
office 1929. Killed in the crash
of a military plane, shortly after takeoff from the Bolling
Field air base, Anacostia, Washington,
D.C., December
20, 1929; it was his first time in an airplane. Interment at Oak
Grove Cemetery, Springfield, Mass.
- William Dee Becker (1876-1943) — also known as William
D. Becker — of St.
Louis, Mo. Born in East St. Louis, St.
Clair County, Ill., October
23, 1876. Son of John Philip Becker and Anna A. (Cammann)
Becker; married, June
10, 1902, to Margaret Louise McIntosh. Republican. Lawyer;
Missouri Court of Appeals, 1916-40; mayor
of St. Louis, Mo., 1941-43; died in office 1943. Member, American
Bar Association. Was a passenger in an experimental Army glider,
towed by an airplane; the glider's wings suddenly fell off, and it crashed
at Lambert-St. Louis Airfield, St.
Louis County, Mo., August
1, 1943. Interment at Bellefontaine
Cemetery, St. Louis, Mo.
- George Joseph Bates (1891-1949) — also known as George
J. Bates — of Salem, Essex
County, Mass. Born in Salem, Essex
County, Mass., February
25, 1891. Son of Thomas F. Bates and Annie (Burns) Bates;
married, October
31, 1911, to Nora Jennings; father of William
Henry Bates. Republican. Member of Massachusetts
state house of representatives, 1918-24; mayor
of Salem, Mass., 1924-37; U.S.
Representative from Massachusetts 6th District, 1937-49; elected
unopposed 1948; died in office 1949. Killed in an airplane
collision between an Eastern Air Lines DC-4 passenger airliner
and a war surplus P-38 fighter plane purchased by Bolivia, near
Washington National Airport, Arlington, Arlington
County, Va., November
1, 1949. Interment at St.
Mary's Cemetery, Salem, Mass.
- Michael Joseph Kennedy (1897-1949) — also known as Michael
J. Kennedy — of Manhattan, New
York County, N.Y. Born in New York City (unknown
county), N.Y., October
25, 1897. Democrat. U.S.
Representative from New York 15th District, 1939-43; delegate to
Democratic National Convention from New York, 1940.
Member, Tammany
Hall. Killed in an airplane
collision between an Eastern Air Lines DC-4 passenger airliner
and a war surplus P-38 fighter plane purchased by Bolivia, near
Washington National Airport, Arlington, Arlington
County, Va., November
1, 1949. Interment at Gate
of Heaven Cemetery, Hawthorne, N.Y.
- George Washington Collins (1925-1972) — also known as
W. Collins — of Chicago, Cook
County, Ill. Born in Chicago, Cook
County, Ill., March
5, 1925. Married to Cardiss
Robertson. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War
II; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois, 1968;
Representative from Illinois 6th District, 1970-72; died in
office 1972. Black.
Died in an airplane
crash during landing approach at Midway Airport, Chicago,
County, Ill., December
8, 1972. Interment at Burr
Oak Cemetery, Chicago, Ill.
- Jerry Lon Litton (1937-1976) — also known as Jerry
Litton — of Chillicothe, Livingston
County, Mo. Born near Lock Springs, Daviess
County, Mo., May
12, 1937. Married to Sharon Summerville. Democrat. U.S.
Representative from Missouri 6th District, 1973-76; died in
office 1976. Member, Alpha
Zeta; Omicron
Delta Kappa. While running
for U.S. Senator, died in the crash
of a private plane, shortly after takeoff from the Municipal Airport,
Chillicothe, Livingston
County, Mo., August
3, 1976. Interment at Resthaven
Memorial Gardens, Chillicothe, Mo.
- Ralph Frederick Beermann (1912-1977) — of Dakota City, Dakota
County, Neb. Born near Dakota City, Dakota
County, Neb., August
13, 1912. Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during World War
II; U.S.
Representative from Nebraska, 1961-65 (3rd District 1961-63, 1st
District 1963-65). Lutheran.
Member, Farm
Bureau; American
Legion; Veterans
of Foreign Wars; Kiwanis.
Died in an airplane
crash at the Municipal Airport in Sioux City, Woodbury
County, Iowa, February
17, 1977. Interment at Dakota
City Cemetery, Dakota City, Neb.
- Leo Joseph Ryan (1925-1978) — also known as Leo J.
Ryan — of South San Francisco, San
Mateo County, Calif. Born in Lincoln, Lancaster
County, Neb., May
5, 1925. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; mayor
of South San Francisco, Calif., 1962; member of California
state assembly, 1963-73; U.S.
Representative from California 11th District, 1973-78; died in
office 1978. Killed
by followers of Jim Jones' People's Temple cult,in an ambush at the
dirt airstrip of Port Kaituma, Guyana,
18, 1978. Interment at Golden
Gate National Cemetery, San Bruno, Calif.
- William Somers Mailliard (1917-1992) — also known as William
S. Mailliard — of San
Francisco, Calif. Born in Belvedere, Marin
County, Calif., June
10, 1917. Son of John Ward Mailliard, Jr. and Kate (Peterson)
Mailliard; married to Millicent Fox. Republican. Served in the U.S.
Navy during World War II; member of California
Republican State Central Committee, 1948-49; U.S.
Representative from California, 1953-74 (4th District 1953-63,
6th District 1963-74); defeated, 1948; resigned 1974. Episcopalian.
Died, of a heart
attack, at Dulles International Airport, Chantilly, Fairfax
County, Va., June
10, 1992. Interment at Mount
Tamalpais Cemetery, San Rafael, Calif.
- Thomas Allgood, Sr. (c.1929-2000) — of Georgia. Born in
Augusta, Richmond
County, Ga. Lawyer;
member of Georgia
state senate, 1977-91. Member, American
Bar Association; American
Judicature Society; American
Trial Lawyers Association. Killed in the crash
of a single-engine airplane,
during takeoff from Daniel Field, Augusta, Richmond
County, Ga., August
4, 2000. Interment at Westover
Memorial Park, Augusta, Ga.
- Maynard Holbrook Jackson, Jr. (1938-2003) — also known as
Maynard H. Jackson; "Buzzy" — of Atlanta, Fulton
County, Ga. Born in Dallas, Dallas
County, Tex., March
23, 1938. Grandson of John
Wesley Dobbs; son of Maynard Jackson, Sr. and Irene Dobbs
Jackson; married, December
30, 1965, to Burnella Hayes 'Bunnie' Burke; married 1977
to Valerie Richardson. Democrat. Lawyer;
candidate for U.S.
Senator from Georgia, 1968; mayor
of Atlanta, Ga., 1974-82, 1990-94; delegate to Democratic
National Convention from Georgia, 1976,
Presidential Elector for Georgia, 1992;
member of Democratic
National Committee from Georgia, 1993. Black.
Member, Freemasons;
Beta Kappa. Collapsed (heart
attack) after getting off a plane at Reagan National Airport,
and died soon after, at Virginia Medical
Center, Arlington, Arlington
County, Va., June
23, 2003. Interment at Oakland
Cemetery, Atlanta, Ga.
Go to The Political
Graveyard main page.
Magazine Online
Friends, family and
colleagues continue to mourn Provincetown duo lost in plane crash Gwen
Bloomingdale and Barbara Gard were unforgettable part of disparate
By Beth Berlo, Bay Windows staff
Friday, March 16, 2001, The London-to-Sydney Air
Race 2001 roared off March 11 as scheduled, but not before teams
observed a moment of silence for aviators Gwen Bloomingdale and
Barbara Gard, killed just days before when their twin-engine
plane fell into the frigid waters off the coast of Iceland.
It could be months, investigators say, before they will know
what may have caused the crash, or learn why no distress call
was received.
Meanwhile, the Web site set up by the women to help fans
track their around-the-world-by-plane progress continues to act
as a memorial site where well-wishers express their grief and
condolences. The tragedy has resulted in outpourings of
sentiment not only from complete strangers around the globe, but
also from the many friends and family members who knew the
adventurous duo as aviators and activists who endeavored to
leave their communities better places for their presence.
Bloomingdale was a vocal activist and accomplished attorney
in Boston's then-nascient gay community, where she soon became a
fixture around town helping organizations such as the
(then-named) Greater Boston Gay and Lesbian Political Alliance
and the (then-named) Human Rights Campaign Fund get off the
ground. She also served as a mentor to many people who today are
prominent leaders in Boston's gay community, including many
people now active in Gay and Lesbian Advocates and
Defenders and the Massachusetts Lesbian and Gay Bar Association.
Don Gorton, co-chair of the Massachusetts Governor's Task Force on Hate
Crimes, is one of them. ``She mentored me and got me started in the Gay
and Lesbian Political Alliance," Gorton said. ``She was one of the
more experienced activists to get younger activists involved. I have
very fond memories of her."
In 1987, Bloomingdale was instrumental in passing the gay rights
bill, Gorton recalled: ``We had to have two successive votes in Senate.
We had the majority of votes, but couldn't get it through the Third
Reading Committee. We were initially able to get the bill approved by
Senate, but it was buried in committee and the final vote didn't take
place and the bill died. But Gwen pressured the Legislature to get it to
the point where we had the majority vote in Senate."
There was a sense of urgency to passing the bill at the time, Gorton
said. ``It was very much a Zeitgiest [effort on her part]," Gorton
recalled of Bloomingdale after the bill got through in 1989: ``She was
very much someone who made her commitment to justice felt. She moved on
to Provincetown and I had a career into which she introduced me. I
remember her vividly. She's someone who lived with style and died doing
what she loved most."
Gard left her own marks in Provincetown and beyond, especially with
the Center for Coastal Studies, a renowned marine research center on
Cape Cod perhaps best known for helping during strandings of whales,
dolphins and other sea life along the coast.
And both women will be sorely missed in Provincetown, where they had
woven themselves into the political and social fabric of a town where
lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgenders and heterosexuals mix more
easily than most anywhere else in the country. Their efforts are
credited by many in the community with helping to keep Provincetown the
unique place that it is, both socially and environmentally.
The couple's Web site, was initially
created for family and friends to track their trip around the globe that
the couple planned for the next year after the race. The women had
installed a camera in their cockpit and looked forward to sending their
Rockport, Mass., and Dallas, Texas, grandchildren live updates into
their classrooms.
Debbie Bloomingdale, Gwen's daughter-in-law, has two children, aged
six and eight, in the Rockport school system. ``Over 40 kids sat in that
cockpit two weeks ago," Bloomingdale said. ``They knew them. It's
been really hard. One of them asked if Darwin was coming back." The
couple's mascot was a stuffed monkey named Darwin, perhaps named after
the destination of the first Great Air Race in 1919.
While some wish their ashes were being buried together,
Bloomingdale's will be buried in Provincetown, while Gard's will go home
to her family in Indiana.
``They weren't legally married," Bloomingdale said. ``They
didn't make their wishes known. We have absolutely nothing to do with
what happens to Barbara, the same way Barbara's family has nothing to do
with [what happens to] Gwen. I think that Barbara's family needs to do
what they need to do and so do we. We live in Massachusetts, so it's
easier for us to get to. But it's a very hard line."
They died together living their dream, Bloomingdale added. ``How many
of us will do that? They don't have to fight for their rights anymore or
for people to accept them."
Several friends and relatives of the women pilots have likened them
to aviator Amelia Earhart (who was also lost at sea) and Christa
McAullife, the New Hampshire teacher cum Challenger astronaut who died
when that shuttle exploded and plummeted into the sea.
Of the more than 50 messages posted on the Web site since the
accident, most are condolences. Some are poems and still others are fond
memories of the couple walking around town in Provincetown. Some posts
were by family members, while others arrived from friends as far way as
Ireland and France.
One fellow pilot who said he learned to fly in the Cape Cod area
posted a poem, ``Do Not Stand At My Grave," written by an anonymous
author: ``Do not stand at my grave and weep; I am not there. I do not
sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow; I am the diamond glints on
snow," it said.
Another post came from someone who described Gwen as an aunt and
thanked people for leaving what were comforting and heart-felt messages.
Gerry Desautels, who has maintained the Web site throughout -- from
inception to its conversion as a memorial -- said the outpouring ``has
been amazing. It's such a cross-section of people they knew earlier in
their lives and careers."
The London-to-Sydney Air Race is sanctioned by Federation
Aeronautique Internationale (FAI) and will commemorate Australia's
Centenary of Federation in 2001. The race has 21 formally scored race
legs with stopovers in, among other places, Crete, Bali, and Indonesia.
There are now 49 planes left in the 28-day race.
During an interview with the Provincetown Banner in February,
Bloomingdale said, ``If that process happens without glitches, and with
flyable weather and no mechanical issues, then we will be very
lucky." When asked what was next after criss-crossing the world,
Bloomingdale matter-of-factly responded, ``We'll probably find the next
road out there on our trip, somewhere along the way."
In a December interview with The Boston Globe, Bloomingdale told a
reporter that she and Gard had both experienced forced landings before
and knew what to expect if it happened again. But when asked if they had
nightmares about such an event, Bloomingdale quipped, ``Absolutely no.
We wouldn't fly if we did. We're not scared. Are we excited? Yes,
A service for Gard will be held at 7 p.m. March 22 at St. John's
United Church of Christ in Crown Point, Ind. On March 24, a service for
both women will be held at 2 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Meeting
House in Provincetown. A reception will follow at the Provincetown
Municipal Airport Lounge.
November 2001 New York Plane Crash
Was Terrorist Attack Says 'Al-Qaeda' Operative
Post | August 27 2004
A captured al-Qaeda operative has told
Canadian intelligence investigators that a Montreal man who trained in
Afghanistan alongside the 9/11 hijackers was responsible for the crash
of an American Airlines flight in New York three years ago.
Canadian Security Intelligence Service agents were
told during five days of interviews with the source that Abderraouf Jdey,
a Canadian citizen also known as Farouk the Tunisian, had downed the
plane with explosives on Nov. 12, 2001.
The source claimed Jdey had used his Canadian
passport to board Flight 587 and "conducted a suicide mission"
with a small bomb similar to the one used by convicted shoe bomber
Richard Reid, a "Top Secret" Canadian government report says.
But officials said it was unlikely Jdey was actually
involved in the crash, which killed 265 people and is considered
accidental. The fact that al-Qaeda attributed the crash to Jdey,
however, suggests they were expecting him to attack a plane.
"We have seen no evidence of anything other
than an accident here," said Ted Lopatkiewicz, spokesman for the
U.S. National Transportation Safety Board. "There has been no
evidence found, from what I can tell -- at least that's been relayed to
us -- that there was any criminality involved here. It appears, at least
the evidence we have, is that a vertical fin came off, not that there
was any kind of event in the cabin."
Jdey, 39, came to Canada from Tunisia in 1991 and
became a citizen in 1995. Shortly after getting his Canadian passport,
he left for Afghanistan and trained with some of the Sept. 11 hijackers,
according to the 9/11 commission in the United States.
He recorded a "martyrdom" video, but was
dropped from the 9/11 mission after returning to Canada in the summer of
2001. The planner of the World Trade Center attack, Khalid Sheikh
Mohammed, claims Jdey was recruited for a "second wave" of
suicide attacks.
The FBI issued an alert seeking Jdey's whereabouts
in 2002. John Ashcroft, the U.S. Attorney-General, told a news
conference in May that Jdey was one of seven al-Qaeda associates
"sought in connection with the possible terrorist threats in the
United States."
The information on Jdey's alleged role in the plane
crash is contained in a memo on captured Canadian al-Qaeda operative
Mohammed Mansour Jabarah. The Canadian government memo was written in
May, 2002, and was based on information provided by a "source of
unknown reliability."
Jabarah is a 22-year-old from St. Catharines who
allegedly joined al-Qaeda and convinced Osama bin Laden to give him a
terror assignment. He was tasked with overseeing a suicide-bombing
operation in Southeast Asia, but was caught and has since pleaded guilty
in the United States.
The report, which was sent to the Philippine
National Police intelligence directorate, recounts what Jabarah said he
was told about the U.S. plane crash by Abu Abdelrahman, a Saudi al-Qaeda
member who was working for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
"In discussions, Abu Abdelrahman mentioned AL
QAIDA was responsible for the assassination of Massoud, the Northern
Alliance leader," the report says. "According to the source,
Abu Abdelrahman added that the 12 November 2001 plane crash (btb
American Airlines flight 587) in Queens, New York was not an accident as
reported in the press but was actually an AL QAIDA operation.
"Abu Abdelrahman informed Jabarah that Farouk
the Tunisian conducted a suicide mission on the aeroplane using a shoe
bomb of the type used by Richard Reid .... 'Farouk the Tunisian' was
identified from newspaper photographs as being identical to Abderraouf
Jdey, a Canadian citizen who had resided in Montreal."
Jabarah was initially suspect of the claim about
Jdey, but he later believed it after he saw the same information on a
"mujahedin Web site," the report says.
Lyndon Johnson's Hit List
Josefa Johnson, the sister
of Lyndon
B. Johnson, was
born in 1912. She was a student at San Marcos and after marrying early
was divorced in 1937. Three years later she married a lieutenant colonel
in the United States Army. The marriage ended in divorce in 1945.
Josefa took a keen interest
in politics and helped her brother in his successful 1948 senatorial
campaign. She had a reputation for wild behaviour and was said to work
for Hattie Valdez's private club. Josefa was also an alcoholic and was
admitted to hospital several times with health problems.
It was rumoured that Josefa
had affairs with John Kinser and Mac
Wallace. Kinser
opened a golf course in Austin and asked Josefa to approach her brother
for financial help. When Lyndon
B. Johnson refused
it is believed that Kinser resorted to blackmail.
On 22nd October, 1951, Mac
Wallace shot dead
John Kinser. According
to Barr
McClellan, the killing had been organized by Edward
Clark. At
his trial in February, 1952, Wallace was found guilty of murder. Eleven
of the jurors were for the death penalty. The twelfth argued for life
imprisonment. The judge overruled the jury and announced a sentence of
five years imprisonment. He suspended the sentence and Wallace was
Josefa Johnson died of a
cerebral hemorrhage on 25th December, 1961.
state law, no autopsy was conducted. Twenty-three years later the
lawyer, Douglas Caddy, wrote to Stephen S. Trott at the U.S. Department
of Justice. In the letter Caddy claimed that Billie
Sol Estes,
B. Johnson, Mac
Wallace and Cliff
Carter had
been involved in the murders of several people including Josefa Johnson
and John Kinser.
Debate on the Kennedy Assassination
Blood Money and Power:
How L.B.J. Killed J.F.K. (2003)
Lyndon Johnson had a sister with ambitions similar to his. Josefa
Johnson had been trying to keep up with her famous and powerful brother
through the only readily available means a woman then had. While going
through two husbands in 1948, she also worked in the "blondes'
brigade" for Texas lobbyists and, as a sideline, when the
legislators and the lobby were away, she was involved in the sex group
centering on the Austin community theatre.
Walt Brown, The Sordid Story of Mac Wallace, JFK/Deep Politics
Quarterly (July 1998)
On December 25, 1961,
LBJ's sister, Josefa Johnson, was found dead in bed at her
Fredericksburg, Texas home at 3:15 am. The cause of death was stated to
be a brain hemorrhage. Josefa Johnson had returned home at 11:45 pm from
a Christmas party at Lyndon Johnson's ranch. There was no autopsy and no
inquest; the death certificate was executed by a doctor who was not
present to examine the deceased. Ms. Johnson was embalmed on Christmas
Day and buried on December 26th.
Douglas Caddy, letter to Stephen
S. Trott at the US Department of Justice (9th
August, 1984)
Mr. Estes was a member of a four-member group, headed by Lyndon Johnson,
which committed criminal acts in Texas in the 1960's. The other two,
besides Mr. Estes and LBJ, were Cliff Carter and Mac Wallace. Mr. Estes
is willing to disclose his knowledge concerning the following criminal
1. The killing of Henry
2. The killing of George Krutilek
3. The killing of Ike Rogers and his secretary
4. The killing of Harold Orr
5. The killing of Coleman Wade
6. The killing of Josefa Johnson
7. The killing of John Kinser
8. The killing of President J. F. Kennedy.
Mr. Estes is willing to
testify that LBJ ordered these killings, and that he transmitted his
orders through Cliff Carter to Mac Wallace, who executed the murders. In
the cases of murders nos. 1-7, Mr. Estes' knowledge of the precise
details concerning the way the murders were executed stems from
conversations he had shortly after each event with Cliff Carter and Mac
In addition, a short time
after Mr. Estes was released from prison in 1971, he met with Cliff
Carter and they reminisced about what had occurred in the past,
including the murders. During their conversation, Carter orally compiled
a list of 17 murders which had been committed, some of which Mr. Estes
was unfamiliar. A living witness was present at that meeting and should
be willing to testify about it. He is Kyle Brown, recently of Houston
and now living in Brady, Texas.
Mr. Estes, states that Mac
Wallace, whom he describes as a "stone killer" with a
communist background, recruited Jack Ruby, who in turn recruited Lee
Harvey Oswald. Mr. Estes says that Cliff Carter told him that Mac
Wallace fired a shot from the grassy knoll in Dallas, which hit JFK from
the front during the assassination.
Mr. Estes declares that
Cliff Carter told him the day Kennedy was killed, Fidel Castro also was
supposed to be assassinated and that Robert Kennedy, awaiting word of
Castro's death, instead received news of his brother's killing.
Nixon's Enemies List.
descriptions of Nixon's Enemies List
Nixon's Enemies List is the informal name of what started as a
list of the Nixon
administration's major political opponents compiled by Charles
Colson and sent in memorandum form to John
Dean on September
9, 1971.
The list was part of a campaign officially known as "Opponents
List" and "Political Enemies Project." The official
purpose, as described by the White
House Counsel's Office, was to "screw" Nixon's political
enemies, by means of tax audits from the IRS,
and by manipulating "grant availability, federal contracts,
litigation, prosecution, etc."
Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 - April 22, 1994) was the
thirty-sixth (1953–1961) Vice President, and the thirty-seventh
(1969–1974) President of the United States. ... Charles
Wendell Chuck Colson was the chief counsel for President Richard Nixon
from 1969 to 1973. ... John
Dean, May 7, 1972. ... September
9 is the 252nd day of the year (253rd in leap years). ... 1971
is a common year starting on Friday (click for link to calendar). ...
The White House Counsel is a staff
appointee of the President of the United States. ... IRS
is short for U.S. Internal Revenue Service short for Indian Revenue
Service short for Independent rear suspension, used in automobiles. ...
In a memorandum from John
Dean to Lawrence Higby, (August
16, 1971), Dean explained the purpose of the list succinctly:
John Dean, May 7, 1972. ... August
16 is the 228th day of the year (229th in leap years) in the Gregorian
Calendar. ...
- "This memorandum addresses the matter of how we can
maximize the fact of our incumbency in dealing with persons known to
be active in their opposition to our Administration, Stated a bit
more bluntly —how we can use the available federal machinery to
screw our political enemies."
The original 20 names in Colson's memo (and his notes accompanying
them) were as follows, although a later, much-longer list of
"Political Opponents" was later developed as well:
- Arnold
M. Picker, United
Artists Corp., New
York; Top Muskie
fund raiser. Success here could be both debilitating and very
embarrassing to the Muskie machine. If effort looks promising, both
Ruth and David Picker should be programmed and then a follow through
with United
- Alexander
E. Barkan, national director of A.F.L.-C.I.O.'s
Committee on Political Education, Washington, D.C.: Without a doubt
the most powerful political force programmed against us in 1968
($10-million, 4.6 million votes, 115 million pamphlets, 176,000
workers—all programmed by Barkan's C.O.P.E.—so says Teddy
White in The Making of the President 1968). We can expect
the same effort this time.
- Ed
Guthman, managing editor, Los
Angeles Times national editor: Guthman, former Kennedy
aide, was a highly sophisticated hatchetman against us in '68. It is
obvious he is the prime mover behind the current Key
Biscayne effort. It is time to give him the message.
- Maxwell
Dane, Doyle,
Dane and Bernbach, New York: The top Democratic advertising firm
— they destroyed Goldwater
in '64. They should be hit hard starting with Dane.
- Charles
Dyson, Dyson-Kissner Corporation, New York: Dyson and Larry
O'Brien were close business associates after '68. Dyson has huge
business holdings and is presently deeply involved in the
Businessmen's Educational Fund which bankrolls a national radio
network of five-minute programs, anti-Nixon in character.
- Howard Stein, Dreyfus Corporation, New York: Heaviest contributor
to McCarthy
in '68. If McCarthy goes, will do the same in '72. If not, Lindsay
or McGovern
will receive the funds.
- Allard
Lowenstein, Long
Island, New York: Guiding force behind the 18-year-old
"Dump Nixon" vote drive.
- Morton
Halperin, leading executive at Common
Cause: A scandal would be most helpful here. (A consultant for
Common Cause in February-March 1971)
(On staff of Brookings
- Leonard
Woodcock, United
Auto Workers, Detroit,
Michigan: No comments necessary.
- S. Sterling Munro Jr., Senator Henry
M. Jackson's aide, Silver
Spring, Maryland.: We should give him a try. Positive results
would stick a pin in Jackson's white hat.
- Bernard
T. Feld, president, Council
for a Livable World: Heavy far left funding. They will program
an "all court press" against us in '72.
- Sidney
Davidoff, New
York City, [New York City Mayor John
V.] Lindsay's
top personal aide: a first class S.O.B.,
wheeler-dealer and suspected bagman. Positive results would really
shake the Lindsay camp and Lindsay's plans to capture youth vote.
Davidoff in charge.
- John
Conyers, congressman, Detroit:
Coming on fast. Emerging as a leading black anti-Nixon spokesman.
Has known weakness for white females.
- Samuel
M. Lambert, president, National
Education Association: Has taken us on vis-a-vis federal aid to parochial
schools—a '72 issue.
- Stewart
Rawlings Mott, Mott Associates New
York: Nothing but big money for radic-lib
- Ronald
Dellums, congressman, California:
Had extensive EMK-Tunney
support in his election bid. Success might help in California next
- Daniel
Schorr, Columbia
Broadcasting System, Washington: A real media
- S.
Harrison Dogole, Philadelphia,
President of Globe Security Systems — fourth largest private
detective agency in U.S. Heavy Humphrey
contributor. Could program his agency against us.
- Paul
Newman, California: Radic-lib causes. Heavy McCarthy
involvement '68. Used effectively in nationwide T.V.
'72 involvement certain.
- Mary
McGrory, Washington columnist: Daily hate Nixon articles.
It has been written that there were as many as 490 names on the list,
or that there were 600 names on the list and that the names changed
constantly. Paul
Newman has said that his inclusion on the list is one of his
greatest accomplishments. The full list includes many notable people and
publications, including Jane
Fonda, Steve
McQueen, Barbra
Streisand, The
New York Times, and the Washington
Post. ..
PIRN-9618: Admiral Boorda's suspicious death
News Release 9618 "Deaths in Clinton Administration"
From: Political Intelligence Review and Newsletter) (PIRN)
Date: May 22, 1996, 12:50pm (EST-US)
Deaths in Clinton administration
President Bill Clinton once again resumed his role in leading
tributes to his administration's casualties, following the third death
of a top official during Clinton's first term. This time it was Chief of
Naval Operations, Admiral Mike Boorda. Boorda was found at home with a
gunshot wound to the chest, a gun found nearby.
As in the cases of Vince Foster and Ron Brown, the cause of Boorda's
death was quickly determined.
In the cases of Foster and Boorda, the official position is that the
causes of death were suicide, Commerce Secretary Ron Brown died in an
airplane crash.
The speed at which the deaths of Foster and Boorda were called
suicide calls up memories of the prompt identity of Lee Harvey Oswald as
the lone assassin of John F. Kennedy.
Deaths associated with prominent individuals in other administrations
include the wife of Howard Hunt, and Senator John Tower.
During the peak of the Watergate scandal that drove President Richard
Nixon from office, the wife of Watergate burglar Howard Hunt died in an
airplane crash. A large quantity of cash was found among Mrs. Hunt's
luggage and personal effects by searchers during the crash clean-up.
Later, during the Bush administration, Texas Senator John Tower died
in an airplane crash. Tower had headed up the President's Foreign
Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). Tower died shortly after Bush
announced plans to reduce PFIAB's membership from nine to five.
Admiral Boorda's voyage as Chief of Naval Operations was a stormy
one. The admiral assumed his duties in the wake of the Tailhook scandal,
and weathered tempests from Clinton administration initiatives to allow
homosexuals in the military service and increase assignments of women to
serve aboard navy combatants.
Other non-wartime pressures on Boorda included heavy demands on Navy
operating forces in the face of defense spending cuts, and controversies
generated by Clinton administration policies to increase the involvement
of U.S. military and naval forces in non-traditional
missions, including domestic law enforcement, peacekeeping and other
United Nations operations.
Boorda's motives for suicide are said to be despair over allegations
that he wore combat awards that he was not eligible to wear with his
uniform. One of Admiral Boorda's chief critics seems to be a highly
decorated retired army officer, David Hackworth. Former Chief of Naval
Operations Admiral Elmo Zumwalt joined others coming to Boorda's
Critics of the Clinton administration have compiled a list of
unexpected deaths of persons associated with the Clinton White House, a
number of them linked to the Whitewater investigation.
"Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own
one". - A.J. Liebling, The Wayward Press, New Yorker magazine.
Public Intelligence Review and Newsletter is published by Viking
Phoenix. Visit Viking Phoenix web site at --
Clinton Body Count: Other Links and Sources
McDougal - Clinton's convicted Whitewater
partner who died of an apparent heart attack while in
solitary confinement. He was a key witness in
Ken Starr's investigation.
- A former White House intern who was murdered
in July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in
Georgetown. The murder occurred shortly after she
was to go public with her story of sexual harassment at
the White House.
Foster - Former White House councilor and
colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock's Rose Law
Firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head.
Ruled a suicide.
Brown - Secretary of Commerce and former DNC
Chairman. Reported to have died on impact in a plane
crash. A pathologist close to the investigation
reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown's
skull, which resembled a gunshot wound. At the time
of his death, Brown was being investigated, and spoke
publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with
Victor Raiser II & Montgomery Raiser -
Major players in the Clinton fund raising organization who
both died in a private plane crash in July 1992.
Tulley - Democratic National Committee
Political Director who was found dead in a hotel room in
Little Rock, September 1992. Described by Clinton as
a "dear friend and trusted advisor."
Willey - Clinton fund raiser found dead
November 1993, deep in the woods in Virginia of a gunshot
wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey
died on the same day that his wife Kathleen Willey claimed
Bill Clinton groped her while they were together in the
oval office. Ed Willey was involved in several
Clinton fund raising events.
Parks - Head of Clinton's gubernatorial
security team in Little Rock. Gunned down in his car
at a deserted intersection outside of Little Rock.
Park's son said that his father was building a dossier on
Clinton. He allegedly threatened to reveal this
information. After he died the files were
mysteriously removed from his house.
Bunch - Died from a gunshot, ruled a
suicide. Reportedly, he had a "black book"
that contained names of influential people who visited
prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas.
Wilson - Found dead in May 1993 from an
apparent hanging suicide. Reportedly had ties to
Ferguson - Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny
Ferguson. She was found dead in May 1994, in her
living room with a gunshot wound in her head. Ruled
a suicide, even though several packed suitcases were found
in the proximity, which would suggest that she was
planning to go somewhere. Danny Fergeson was a
co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones
lawsuit. Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating
witness for Paula Jones.
Shelton - Arkansas State Trooper and fiancée
of Kathy Ferguson. Critical of the suicide ruling of
his fiancée, he was found dead at the grave site of his
deceased fiancée in June 1994 of a gunshot wound.
Also ruled a suicide.
Baugh - Attorney for Clinton's friend Dan
Lassater, died in January 1994 by jumping out a window of
a tall
building. His client was a convicted drug
Florence Martin - Accountant &
sub-contractor for the CIA, was connected to the Barry
Seal Mena Airport drug smuggling case. He died of
three gunshot wounds.
Suzanne Coleman -
While pregnant, died of a gunshot wound to the head, and
was ruled a suicide. Reportedly had an affair with
Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General.
Grober - Clinton's speech interpreter for the
deaf from 1978 until her death December 9, 1992. She
died in a one car accident.
Casolaro - Reporter who was investigating the
Mena Airport case and the Arkansas Development Finance
Authority. He apparently slit his wrists in the
middle of the investigation.
Wilcher - Attorney who worked alongside
Casolaro in investigating corruption at Mena Airport and
also the 1980 "October Surprise". Found
dead on a toilet in his Washington D.C. apartment in June
1993. Three weeks before his death, he had delivered
a report to Janet Reno.
Parnell Walker - Whitewater investigator for
Resolution Trust Corp. Jumped to his death from his
Arlington, Virginia apartment balcony on August 15,
1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guarantee
Wise - Commerce Department staffer.
Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Died
November 29, 1996. Cause of death unknown. Her
bruised body was found locked inside her office at the
Department of Commerce.
Meissner - Assistant Secretary of Commerce who
gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly
thereafter in a small plane crash.
Stanley Heard - Chairman of the National
Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee, died with his
attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr.
Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton's advisory
council, personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather,
and brother.
Seal - Drug running pilot from Mena
Arkansas. Death was not an accident.
Lawhorn Jr. - Mechanic, found a check made out
to Bill Clinton in the trunk of a car left at his repair
shop. He was later found dead after his car hit a
utility pole.
Huggins - Investigated Madison Guarantee.
His death was ruled a suicide and his report was never
Friday - Attorney and Clinton fund raiser, died
March 1, 1994 in a plane explosion.
Ives & Don Henry - Known as "the boys
on the track" case. Reports say the boys may
have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug
operation. The initial coroner’s report was highly
controversial, and stated that their death was caused by
their falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later
reports claim that the two boys had been killed, and then
their bodies had been placed on the tracks. Many
people linked to the case died before their testimony
could come before a grand jury.
following persons had information on the Ives/Henry case:
Coney - Died when his motorcycle slammed into
the back of a truck, July 1988.
Mc Maskle - Died of excessive - 113 - stab
wounds, Nov 1988.
Collins - Died from a gunshot wound, January
Rhodes - Shot, mutilated, and found burned in a
trash dump in April 1989.
Milan - Found decapitated. The coroner,
however, ruled that his death was due to natural
Kettleson - Found shot to death in the front
seat of his pickup truck in June 1990.
Winters - A suspect in the Ives/Henry
deaths. He was killed in a set-up robbery in July
the following Clinton body guards are dead:
William S. Barkley Jr.
Scott J. Reynolds
Brian Hanley
Tim Sabel
General William Robertson
William Densberger
Robert Kelly
Gary Rhodes
Le Bleu
Mc Keehan
Mary Mahoney. Died July 1997. Was a former
intern working for Bill Clinton. In the pre-trial publicity
surrounding Paul Jones' lawsuit, and mere days after Newsweek's
Mike Isikoff had dropped hints that a former White House staffer
was going to go public with her story of sexual harassment at the
White House, gunmen entered the Starbuck's coffee house in
Georgetown while the crew was cleaning up after closing. Mary's
two associates were taken to a room and executed. Mary had five
bullets in her.
No money was taken. Isikoff's former White House staffer never
appears and the Georgetown police steadfastly refuse to comment on
this heinous killing - a killing the police say is extraordinary
since they never have even one shooting in this area, much less
three people executed in the same place on the same night and
nothing taken.
Vincent Foster. White House Counsel. Died July 21, 1993.
Everyone's heard the whitewash from two independent prosecutors
but if you want the truth and not "spin", order Chris
Ruddy's book, The Strange Death of Vince Foster. Suicide my foot.
Maj. General William Robertson, Deputy Commanding General, V
Corps, Europe, former bodyguard to Clinton.
Colonel William Densberger, V Corps Chief of
Operations and Plans, former Clinton bodyguard.
Colonel Robert Kelly, V Corps Chief of Intelligence. Former
Clinton bodyguard.
Specialist Gary Rhodes, Crew Chief. All died February 23, 1993.
All were killed when their helicopter crashed in Weisbaden,
Germany. No cause ever determined. V Corps figured prominently in
the US Bosnia-Serbia peacekeeping operations, along with the
carrier Roosevelt. These men and 8 others associated with
Clinton's visit to the Roosevelt all died within four months of
each other.
Steve Willis, Clinton Bodyguard. Robert Williams, Clinton
bodyguard. Conway BeBleu, Clinton bodyguard. Todd McKeehan,
Clinton bodyguard. All executed by gunfire in the Waco, Texas
assault on the Branch Davidians. All four were examined by a
private doctor and died from nearly identical words to the left
temple. All deaths blamed on the Branch Davidians. Amazing that
the Branch Davidians could place the gunshots to each of their
heads in roughly the same places. Amazing.
Staff Sgt. Brian Haney, Clinton bodyguard. Marine Sgt. Tim Sabel,
Clinton bodyguard. Major William Barkley, Clinton bodyguard, Capt.
Scott Reynolds, Clinton bodyguard. All died May 19, 1993 when
their helicopter crashed in the woods near Quantico, VA. All four
men had escorted Clinton on his flight to the carrier Roosevelt
shortly before their deaths.
My husband was in the Army 27 years and is a retired Colonel. We
have been absolutely stunned by the overwhelming number of crashed
military planes and helicopters since Clinton took office. It is
unprecedented and in case you are unaware, Clinton stated in his
evasion letters to avoid the draft back in the '60's that he
"hated the military."
Dead Fund Raisers:
C. Victor Raiser II, National Finance Co-Chairman for Clinton for
President Campaign. Montgomery Raiser, son of C. Victor Raiser:
both men died July 30, 1992 in a private plan crash in Alaska en
route to a fishing expedition. No cause was ever determined. Five
others not connected to Clinton died with them. Paul Tully,
Democratic National Committee Political Director. Died September
24, 1992. Found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock, Arkansas of
unknown causes. No autopsy allowed. Ed Willey, Real Estate
Attorney, Clinton Fund Raiser. Died November 30, 1993 of a gunshot
wound to the head. Body found deep in the woods in Virginia. Ruled
a suicide. No note was found nor motive ever determined. THE
Kathleen Willey of 60 Minutes Deception fame- her husband.
Hershell Friday. Attorney and Clinton fund raiser, dead March 1,
1994 when his plane exploded. No known cause ever determined.
Jerry Parks, Head of Clinton's Gubernatorial security team in
Little Rock. Died September 26, 1993. Gunned down in his car at a
deserted intersection outside Little Rock. His family reported
that shortly before his death, they were being followed by unknown
persons and their home had been broken into; Parks had been
compiling a dossier on Clinton's illicit activities; the dossier
was stolen and never recovered.
James Bunch, influential Texan died in 1993 from a gunshot wound
similar to Vince Foster's. Was discovered to have a "little
black book" which contained the names of many influential
people in Texas and Arkansas who visited certain prostitutes. A
good friend of Bill's.
John Wilson, former Washington, DC Councilman. Died May 18, 1993.
Found dead from an apparent hanging suicide. Was getting ready to
start talking about Clinton. Dead men tell no tales. Bill Shelton,
Arkansas State Trooper and Fiancee of Kathy Ferguson. Died June
1994 by allegedly committing suicide by shooting himself at the
grave site of his fiancee, Kathy Ferguson. Ferguson was the
ex-wife of Trooper Danny Ferguson. Kathy also committed
"suicide" in June 1994 when she shot herself in her
living room. Strangely, next to her body were her packed bags as
if she was expecting to go somewhere. I guess she was packed for
her after life...Danny Ferguson is a co-defendant along with Bill
Clinton in Paul Jones' sexual harassment suit. Kathy was reported
as a corroborating witness for Paula Jones.
Gandy Baugh, Attorney representing Mr. Lassiter in a case
concerning alleged financial misconduct. Died May 1994 in an
alleged suicide by jumping out of a window of a multi-story
building. Lassiter was a close associate of then Gov. Clinton and
was later indicted and convicted on cocaine charges and was
PARDONED by Bill Clinton. Slick has now started his big ad
campaign on the war on drugs yet he pardons his close cocaine
dealing bud. Hello out there, does anyone see anything wrong with
this picture????
Dr. Ronald Rogers was killed in a plane crash. Dr. Rogers was a
dentist and was on his way to an interview with a London Daily
Telegraph reporter to reveal information on Bill Clinton that he
just couldn't live with anymore - and he didn't. He died with the
Stanley Huggins, partner in a Memphis law firm in 1993, found dead
at the age of 46. Law firm headed a 1987 investigation into the
practices of Madison S & L; his 300 page report has never been
Florence Martin, accountant subcontracting to the CIA , found dead
in 1994 in Mabell, Texas, the victim of three gunshot wounds to
the head. Ms. Martin had the documents and paperwork, including
the PIN number for an account that had been set up in the name of
Barry Seal for $1.5 million at the Fuji Bank in the Cayman
Islands. Oddly enough, following her death, the money was
transferred to the Guaranty Bank in the Cayman Islands and then to
another bank in the Virgin Islands.
Jim Wilhite, associate of Mack McClarty's former firm. Many
remember the sleezy McClarty from Clinton's first administration.
Wilhite died in a skiing accident on December 21, 1992. Michael
Kennedy and Sonny Bono should have paid attention to history - it
has a habit of repeating itself and some people relive it. As a
side-note, during the Waco whitewash congressional hearings, Bono,
in tears, said Janet Reno was a mass murderer. Well, he's not
around to criticize her anymore and no doubt, she will get away
with gassing and burning 100 Americans.
Susanne Coleman. Had an affair with Bill Clinton when he was
Attorney General down in Arkansas. She was another ASS victim:
Arkansas Suicide Syndrome. Gunshot to the back of her head. No
autopsy performed, she was pregnant at the time of her murder;
rumors around Little Rock: Bill was about to become a pappy again.
Paula Grober, Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf. Died
December 9, 1992 in a one-car accident with no known witnesses. I
have seen a photo of Paula and she was very attractive; traveled
extensively with Clinton from 1978 until her death.
Paul Wilcher, Washington attorney investigating
government corruption. Died June 22, 1993. Found dead on a toilet
in his Washington apartment. No cause of death ever determined. At
the time of his death, he was investigating connections between
the alleged October Surprise, which involved Reagan,
"Ollie" North, Pointdexter and Secord - another
cover-up, as well as Waco and the drug and gun-running still going
on outside Mena, Arkansas. Wilcher had delivered his 100+ page
report to Janet the Butcher of Waco Reno a week before his death.
I have a copy of this report.
Jon Parnell Walker, RTC investigator [Resolution Trust Corporation
- as in bank fraud investigations] who mysteriously fell to his
death from an apartment balcony at the Lincoln Towers in
Arlington, VA. This apartment is reported to be the one Vince
Foster used as a retreat. Back in 1992, Walker contacted the
Kansas City RTC office for information concerning the ties between
Whitewater and the Clinton duo. What exactly was he looking for? A
reported $50 million transfer from an RTC fund in Chicago to
Madison Guaranty S & L to cover up a $47 million dollar
embezzlement. I watched the hearings on C-SPAN with the RTC group.
Those who tried to tell the truth were slayed by the Demarats on
the committee. Another whitewash on Whitewater.
Ron Brown, Former Chairman of the DNC and Commerce Secretary. The
Liars for Hire aka the establishment media, have done their best
to smear anyone trying to get to the bottom of this very
convenient and horrible plane crash in which 39 people were
killed. April 3, 1996 the T-43 carrying this trade mission group
on a trip to Bosnia crashed while approaching Dubrovnik airport.
Ron Brown was on the verge of being indicted and had prior to his
departure, made it known that he "wasn't going down
On April 3, 1996 at approximately 11:00 am MT, I, along with at
least a hundred other people I know, saw the first coverage of
this plane crash on CNN. What did we all see: A CNN reporter at
the Dubrovnik airport, lots of activity in the background. This
female reporter said the military rescue craft were just lifting
off - lots of activity in the background - to begin recovery
efforts in the ocean! She said the reporters were told that the
tail section of the plane was in good condition and sighted by
rescue planes. She went on to say that the weather was kinda rough
but that rescue operations were underway.
Later that day, I saw, again on CNN, the first pictures of the
crash - on the side of a hill. I saw the tail section, shiny and
white, like it had been washed, on the side of the hill with some
other wreckage. Imagine my surprise. I guess this must be another
vast right-wing conspiracy by my eyes....Later that same day, CNN
carried a quick blip: Ron Brown's business partner, while in South
Africa on business, was shot in an assassination attempt but had
survived. I have no further information on whatever became of him.
What I find so odd is that Mrs. Ron Brown got the run-around from
the White House when Chris Ruddy's story and photos of a possible
bullet hole in her husband's head broke. To this day, I cannot
understand why she hasn't had her husband's body exhumed and
autopsied. Of course, that would let any cat out of the bag. Or,
perhaps, since it is now public knowledge, everyone knows her
husband was cheating on her for years with Nolanda Hill and Mrs.
Brown has had her faced rubbed in it, sadly in a very public way.
My heart goes out to Mrs. Brown but I sincerely wish someone could
convince her to have Commerce Secty Brown's body exhumed so we can
get to the truth and if he was murdered and those responsible
punished. Thirty nine people died on that plane, their families
deserve the truth, America deserves the truth. All the military
personnel who have blown the whistle on this are having their
previously untarnished careers trashed because they came forward
with legitimate questions. When is this going to stop?
Chief Niko Jerkuic, committed suicide May 6, 1996. He was Air
Traffic Maintenance Chief for the plane Ron Brown died aboard in
his "accident." Dead men tell no tales.
If you can, get a copy of the April 1996 American Spectator
[703-243-3733]. It came out six days before Brown's plane crash
and gives a thorough, chronological accounting of why Brown was to
be indicted by the Justice Department. This issue also carries the
feature story, incredibly well documented on how the traitor,
William Perry, former Secty of Defense sold all our technology and
military secrets to the Reds and was known as the darling of
Peking. This man collaborated with the Communists and if it were
you or me, we'd be tried for treason and sedition. Instead, Perry
collects his fat government retirement and continues to
collaborate with our enemies. And for those Clinton supporters who
want to spew their usual bilge that this magazine is funded by
Richard Mellon Scafe, try reading the article and then do the
research - you'll come up with the same sickening facts.
Barbara Wise, Commerce Department Staffer. Found dead November 29,
1996, partially nude and covered with bruises in her locked office
at the Department of Commerce. No cause of death has been
announced and the police refuse to comment on this death. It
surely must be a conspiracy, except that official records show
that Bill Clinton made an unscheduled return from Camp David to
the White House the morning she died and before her body was
The President of the United States claims he flew back from Camp
David to retrieve a book of poetry he needed to finish his
inauguration speech. Really? Doesn't he have staffers to do this?
He interrupts his Thanksgiving break to fly all the way back to
the White House to get a book of poetry? And sure I believe that,
Something I find frightening is the fact that Ms. Wise's murder so
closely resembles the story line in a Clint Eastwood film titled
Absolute Power. Eastwood just happens to observe the President of
the U.S. beat up and murder his sexual paramour and then the
cover-up begins. This is not the type of video I rent but on a
recommendation that I would find the similarity between Clinton
and the president in this movie overwhelming, I rented it and
found it bone chilling.
Charles Meissner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for
International Economic Policy. Following Ron Brown's death, John
Huang was placed on a Commerce Dept., contract that allowed him to
retain his security clearance by Charles Meissner - something
considered nothing short of astounding. Shortly thereafter Mr.
Meissner died in a small plane crash, Mrs. Meissner still works in
the Clinton administration.
Kevin Ives & Don Henry. Initial cause of
death was said to be falling asleep on a railroad track in
Arkansas on August 23, 1987. Next the local sheriff said it was a
double "suicide". Later it was determined that Kevin
died from a crushed skull prior to being placed on the tracks. The
other teenager, Don Henry had been stabbed in the back. These two
young boys allegedly had stumbled on the drug running operation
still going on outside Mena, Arkansas.
Keith Coney died in a motorcycle accident in July 1988; Keith was
fleeing an attacker. Keith had a great deal of information on the
Ives/Henry deaths.
Keith McKasle, stabbed to death in November 1988. Also had
information on the Ives/Henry deaths.
Gregory Collins. Had information on the
Ives/Henry deaths. Mr. Collins died from a gunshot wound to his
face in January 1989.
Jeff Rhodes had information on the Ives/Henry
and McKaskle deaths. His burned body was found in a trash dump in
April 1989 with a gunshot wound to the head, body mutilation.
James Milam died shortly thereafter. He had information on the
Ives/Henry deaths. Although he was decapitated, Fahmy Malak, the
Arkansas State Medical Examiner ruled his death as a result of
"natural causes." No lie, read his report.
Richard Winters was a suspect in the deaths of
the two teenage boys, Ives & Henry. He was killed in a
"robbery" in July 1989 by a man with a sawed off
shotgun; this robbery was later proven to be a set-up. Dead men
tell no lies.
Jordan Ketelson, also had information on the Ives/Henry deaths. He
was found shot to death [shot gun blast] in the front seat of his
pickup in June 1990.
Danny Casolaro, 1991, a reporter investigating
a number of the Clinton "scandals"; found dead in a
bathtub in a hotel room in West Virginia, his wrists had been cut.
Had done what so many of us have done: told our families that we
are not suicidal.
Stanley Heard, Chairman, National Chiropractic Health Care
Advisory Committee. Steve Dickson, counsel to Mr. Heard. both died
in a plane crash September 10, 1993 outside Dulles airport; fire
reported on board. Their plane developed unexplained trouble so
they had to use another plane which just happened to be available
at the time. In addition to serving on Clinton's advisory council,
he also personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather and
cocaine using brother, Roger.
1989: A bank president, Dan Short, abducted from his home in
Benton Co., Arkansas and allegedly forced to open the State Bank
in Noel, MO were $71,000 was allegedly taken. Mr. Short's body was
allegedly found in Grand Lake in Delaware County, OKlahoma even
though eye color, hair color and dental records did not match.
Three days before his abduction, he had told friends that he had
been laundering drug money and was in trouble. The Mena and Bill
connection is strong here. Where is the real Dan Short?
Gary Johnson: Not dead but beaten half to death and left for dead.
He had videotapes of Clinton going in and out of Jennifer Flowers'
apartment building; Mr. Johnson lived next door. The tapes were
taken and never recovered.
Dennis Patrick. Court Clerk in Kentucky. Mr. Patrick had at least
four documented attempts on his life. Why? The Little Rock
brokerage firm of Lassiter & Co, owned by the convicted
cocaine dealer, Dan Lassiter - pardoned by Slick Willie Clinton -
laundered millions of dollars through Mr. Patrick's account at
Lassiter & Co., without his knowledge. You can imagine the
paper trail of documents Mr. Patrick has in his possession. Mr.
Patrick went into hiding and is no where to be found.
L. J. Davis. Reporter investigating Clinton scandals. Attacked in
his hotel room in Little Rock; his notes were stolen, he survived.
1983: Sheriff Gene Matthews was shot and killed allegedly by
federal officials. Sheriff Matthews crime: Looking into the drug
activities at the Mena airport.
1986: Russell Welch, an Arkansas State Police Investigator who was
stricken with what his doctor called military grade anthrax
poisoning while conducting his own probe of the Mena drug
And, from investigative journalist, Pat Shannan:
"In 1986, Barry Seal [previously mentioned] was ambushed and
machine-gunned in his home in Baton Rouge, LA. A Hollywood movie
called "Double Crossed" was later made of the story of
Seal's escapades as a cocaine-running pilot hauling his periodical
loads into Florida and Arkansas. The film did not detail his true
and close association with the Governor of Arkansas, Bill
Clinton." The information being given here by Pat Shannan is
a matter of public record in a number or courthouses involving the
trial of Dan Lassiter and in references given below in the
reference section. This is not, I repeat, not, some soap opera or
some future script for Steven Segal. This material is factual as
are all the deaths being recounted in this section.
"...on my radio show was presented a video tape showing
Governor Clinton inspecting a load of cocaine inside Barry Seal's
airplane, along with his crony Dan Lassiter. Lassiter was the
wealthy businessman who later took the fall for the drug
conviction and was then pardoned by Clinton." This is a
matter of public record. On September 23, 1996, former Congressman
Robert Dornan spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives
about Clinton, the surveillance tapes the drug enforcement people
made of his brother Roger referring to Clinton sniffing the coke
and what a vacuum cleaner Bill's nose was for cocaine. Dornan did
not survive his reelection bid in November 1996. Clinton under no
circumstances will release his medical records. Gee, I wonder why?
These surveillance tapes are real and were made by undercover law
enforcement, not the vast right-wing conspiracy elves Hillary
whines about. Dornan and a lot of other people in Congress have
heard them. Where's Dan Blather or Tom Broken Jaw or any of the
other hot-shot reporters? Where's Woodard & Bernstein? These
media people all listened to the Lewinsky tapes. How come no
interest in these other tapes made by law enforcement? How about
the C-130 that went straight into a mountain in Wyoming in 1996,
all military crew and one Clinton former bodyguard who was aboard,
all killed. Experienced air men and pilots flying straight into a
mountain? Give me a break. That's right - it's all just a vast
right-wing conspiracy!
April 17, 1995, near Alexander City, Alabama, another plane crash.
I requested under a FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] Request from
the NTSB [National Transportation Safety Board] & FAA [Federal
Aviation Administration], their accident/incident files on this
plane crash; I received them in April 1997. This crash was a USAF
C21 (Learjet 35). I have all the notes, radar, pilot conversations
with tower, etc. This was another one of those incredibly strange
crashes. The Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Clark Fiester
was among the eight people killed on this flight.
My interest in this flight was the one Army member on board who
was flying on a "space available" basis and the
documents he allegedly was carrying at the time - documents
"unfriendly" to Bill Clinton. Since I am still looking
into this, I won't elaborate any further. All AF personnel, the
one Army individual, all killed on this routine flight that ended
up dumping fuel, who radioed they would be ready to land in 28
minutes after the fuel dump - four minutes later they were all
On January 29, 1995, the London Sunday Telegraph ran a story
titled Arkansas Drug Expose Misses the Post. This was a well
documented story about the drug running in Mena, implicating
political figures, law enforcement and Bill Clinton. In this
article by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, he points out the fact that
the Washington Post was going to run a story on this, roughly
4,000 pages and 11 weeks of research. Guess what? The piece was
canceled the prior Thursday. Free press in America? There's a
hoot. Only an idiot can't see that the "free press" in
this country, 88% of them voted for Slick in '92, are protecting
this criminal couple.
And for all those "pro-choice" supporters of Slick
Willie, this: In a 1986 letter to the Arkansas Right to Life
group: "I am opposed to abortion and to government funding of
abortions. We should not spend state funds on abortions because so
many people believe abortion is wrong." And, a little extra
for your money: In 1977, Richard Gephardt: "Life is the
division of human cells, a process that begins with conception.
The Roe ruling was unjust and it is incumbent upon Congress to
correct the injustice." I guess both of them decided there
was more money to be had in taking the side of those who think
nothing of murdering of unborn babies. Funny, I have yet to see
Gephardt begin the correction process by Congress of this
March 8, 1998, James McDougal. Former Whitewater partner of the
Clinton's. Died in solitary confinement less than 24 hours before
he was due back in front of a grand jury. The details of how he
was transferred to Texas, the unusual and weird way in which he
was treated has led to at least one prisoner there to give a full
accounting of what about 150 other prisoners saw the afternoon
McDougal was put into solitary confinement. This one stinks real
bad and if I were Jim Guy Tucker, I'd be very concerned. Can all
these deaths of individuals with the same common denominator -
Bill Clinton - can they all be just coincidence????
I have suggested to some independent media investigators that they
look into this: Prior to Susan McDougal going to jail for refusing
to testify in front of a grand jury re Whitewater, her two
brothers in Arkansas barely kept their heads above water regarding
their business dealings. Suddenly Susan sacrifices herself for
truth, integrity and the America way and whala! her two brothers
are now drowning in work and their personal finances have taken a
miraculous turn for the better. I know, it's just a coincidence.
In a recent interview on big network TV, Miss Susan said,
"There are worse things in life than a few months in
jail." This was in response to a question as to what Susan
thought Monica Lewinsky should do about testifying in front of a
grand jury. It is reported by those who have listened to the Linda
Tripp tapes that Ms. Lewinsky made one comment to the effect that
she "didn't want to end up like Katy Mahoney." Remember
the Starbuck's executions?
March 29, 1998, Johnnie Laughton. Found a cashier's check made out
to Bill Clinton from Madison Guaranty (1997), cashed but not
endorsed. Found in the trunk of a car at an auto salvage dealer in
Arkansas after a tornado. How unbelievably convenient and how did
this car with all this incriminating material end up where it did
and then found after all those years? Some say it was the Fifth
Column at work. All material turned over to Ken Starr. Clinton
testified under oath that he never took a penny in loan money from
Madison; this cashier's check in the amount of $27,000 was made
out to Clinton, cashed with no endorsement on the back. Johnnie
may have been called to the Whitewater grand jury someday. Well,
that problem is solved. Another coincidental death? Dead men tell
no tales.
March 31, 1998, Neal Moody, the step son of
Lisa Foster, widow of Vincent Foster. She married Judge Moody, a
Clinton appointee, two years after her husband's incredible
suicide. Neal met a violent car death while carrying allegedly
incriminating documents regarding the death of Vince Foster.
Another coincidence?
Clinton Body Count
Geoff Metcalf's THE
Clinton Scandal
Clinton Body Count: OnLine Magazines
Soldier of Fortune magazine
American Spectator magazine.
These magazines among a host of others have published lists of the
Clinton Administration's pile of dead bodies; along with numerous
articles, commentaries and letters discussing the mounting body count of
the Clinton Administration. Go to the web pages or find copies of the
Other Body Count Related Links
Other Clinton Related WWW Links
Johnson's Clinton Directory Collection of links on Bill Clinton.
Mad Minute Online Mad
Minute OnLine Index -- stories on Bill Clinton
and Al Gore, Jr. here.
to Clinton's Body Count Page]
Bush Death List
Subject: You've heard of Clinton's 'Dead';
Here's a partial list of Bush 'Dead'...
A Roster of the Dead
is a list of bodies, a roster of the dead, who might have been
called Witnesses had they not met their untimely ends. Some of
the names on this list will give you pause. Some are rumor. Some
you may find incredible, and some frightening. Do your own
research You will draw your own
The above paragraph began the last edition of the Bush Body
Count. In previous editions, there were no special criteria for
adding bodies - only that they could be related to the Bush
family in some way, and be dead. In fact, the original Bush Body
Count started as a parody of the so-called Clinton Death List.
Times have changed. The Bush Body Count is no longer a parody,
and many of the names have been removed. This edition examines
the scandals and misdeeds of the Bush family generations, and
lists the corpses they leave in their wake.
Mr. Adger, a Houston oil supply company executive and Bush
family friend, died in 1996 of unknown causes. Adger was the
mysterious businessman who approached General James Rose and
asked him to help George W. Bush avoid Vietnam by recommending
him for a pilot position with the National Guard.
General James Rose
General Rose recommended George W. Bush for a pilot position
with the Texas National Guard. He died of unknown causes in
1993. He was immediately buried and no autopsy was performed.
Lt. Colonel William Harris, Jr.
Lt. Col. William Harris was one of two commanding officers who
could not perform George W. Bush's annual evaluation covering
the year from May 1, 1972 to April 30, 1973. They stated in
their filing that "Lt. Bush has not been observed at this
unit during the period of this report." Fortunately for
George W. Bush, Lt. Col. Harris is not here to verify his 1973
statement. He's dead.
Lt. Colonel Jerry B. Killian
Lt. Col. Jerry B. Killian was another of George W. Bush's
commanding officers. He cannot testify in a court of law as to
George W. Bush's dereliction of his sworn duty. Lt. Col. Killian
is dead.
James Downing Aalund
Mr. Aalund's name is the first on a long list of young Texans
who died in Vietnam. These young men did not have influential
fathers to pull the strings necessary to get them into the Texas
Air National Guard. If they had been so lucky, they would surely
have fulfilled their responsibilities to the ANG, if only out of
gratitude that they did not have to die, thousands of miles away
in a strange land. They surely would not have disappeared from
duty for over a year, as did our fearless leader George W. Bush.
Clifford Baxter
Found dead in his car, shot in the head. Mr. Baxter was vice
chairman of Enron Corp. when he resigned in May 2001. Enron has
been hot copy lately with the revelation that they were the
largest campaign contributors for George W. Bush. Was J.
Clifford Baxter a potential witness to Bush foreknowledge of
their wrongdoings? His death was ruled a suicide.
Charles Dana Rice
He was the senior vice president and treasurer of El Paso Corp.,
an energy corporation swept up in the recent energy scandal. Two
months after the "suicide" of Enron executive Clifford
Baxter, in the midst of questions about the accounting practices
of El Paso Corp., Charles Rice was found dead of a gunshot wound
to the head. His death was ruled a suicide.
James Daniel Watkins
His body was found on December 1, 2001 in the Pike National
Forest in Colorado, a gunshot wound to the head. Mr. Watkins was
a consultant for Arthur Andersen, the accounting firm for Enron.
He disappeared on November 13 after he left work. He was
described as a devoted family man who always called home if he
were going to be late. Officials initially said that the death
was suspicious, but have changed their tune and have ruled his
death a suicide.
Commerce Secretary Ron Brown
He died in a plane crash on April 3, 1996. Was Ron Brown the
first Enron body? In 1995 Enron officials accompanied Brown on a
trade mission to India, and to Russia in 1994. Speculation among
right-wing whackos suggests that our last duly-elected
President, Bill Clinton, was somehow responsible for his death,
but we wonder: was Secretary Brown privy to information that
would conclusively link George W. Bush to Enron greed and
corruption? Charles Meissner, Assistant Commerce Secretary, also
died in this crash.
Jake Horton
He was the senior ice-president of Gulf Power, a subsidiary of
Southern Company, a cohort of Enron in the energy industry, and
a major contributer to the Bush agenda. According to reporter
Gregory Palast and,11337,643422,00.html
, Horton knew of the company's appalling accounting practices,
and "... had no doubt about its illegal campaign
contributions to Florida politicans - he'd made the payments
himself. In April of 1989 Horton decided to come clean with
state officials, and reserved the company jet to go confront
company officials. Ten minutes after takeoff the jet exploded.
Kennedy Assassination
Fitzgerald Kennedy
An internal FBI memo reported that on November 22 a reputed
businessman named George H. W. Bush reported hearsay that a
certain Young Republican had been talking of killing the
President when he came to Houston. The Young Republican was
nowhere near Dallas on that date. According to a 1988 story in
The Nation, J. Edgar Hoover said in a memo that Mr. George Bush
of the CIA had been briefed on November 23rd, 1963 about the
reaction of anti-Castro Cuban exiles in Miami to the
assassination of President Kennedy. George H. W. Bush has denied
this, although he was in Texas and cannot account for his
whereabouts at the time.
Hale Boggs
He sat on the Warren Commission, which concluded that President
Kennedy was slain by a lone assassin. Later, in 1971 and '72,
Boggs said that the Warren Report was false and that J. Edgar
Hoover's FBI not only helped cover up the JFK murder but
blackmailed Congress with massive wire-tapping and spying. He
named Warren Commission staff member Arlen Specter as a major
cover-up artist. Congressman Boggs' plane disappeared on a
flight to Alaska in 1972. The press, the military, and the CIA
publicly proclaimed the plane could not be located.
Investigators later said that was a lie, that the plane had been
found. On the plane were Nick Begich, a very popular Democratic
Congressman, and Don Jonz, an aide to Mr. Boggs. All were
George de Mohrenschildt
A rich Russian oilman, he was described with his wife as being
the two people friendliest to Oswald at the time of the
assassination. De Mohrenschildt was the man who moved Oswald to
Dallas. In the late 1970's, shortly before the first meeting of
the House Select Committee on Assassinations, de Mohrenschildt
started seeing a new doctor in town. He quickly became mentally
unstable, at which time his wife convinced him to stop seeing
the doctor. They moved away and left a false forwarding address.
On the same day that the Committee tried to contact him about
testifying, he was found dead of a gunshot wound. In his
personal address book was the entry Bush, George H.W. (Poppy)
and Zapata Petroleum Midland (the oil company owned by George
H.W. Bush).
Mrs. E. Howard Hunt
In December 1972, while George H. W. Bush was at the Republican
National Convention, a United Airlines flight carrying Mrs.
Dorothy Hunt, CIA operative and wife of Howard Hunt, (CIA
operative and suspect in the Kennedy assassination) crashed.
Believed to be carrying $25,000 in "hush money", she
died in this crash.
George H.W. Bush
He was investigating Lawrence E. King, Jr., a very influential
black Republican who was also a friend of George H.W. Bush. King
was director of the Franklin Community Credit Union in Omaha,
Nebraska, and was suspected of embezzling $40 million . The
Nebraska Senate questioned child prostitutes, who accused King
of running a child prostitution ring. One of these children said
that she saw George H.W. Bush at one of King's parties.
"Pronto", a newspaper in Barcelona, Spain, reported
that the scandal "appears to directly implicate politicos
of the state of Nebraska and Washington DC who are very close to
the White House and George Bush himself". On July 11, 1990,
Gary Caradori was killed along with his 6-year old son in the
crash of his small plane, after a mid-air explosion, the cause
of which was never discovered. He had told friends repeatedly in
the weeks before his death that he was afraid his plane would be
Orlando Letelier
He was torn to bits by a car bomb on the streets of Washington
DC just before he was to testify against the Chilean dictator
Pinochet. After the bombing, CIA Director George H. W. Bush told
the FBI that there had been no Chilean involvement whatsoever.
In 1991 the post-Pinochet Chilean Supreme Court asked George H.
W. Bush if he would submit to questioning. BUSH REFUSED.
Ronni Moffit
She was Letelier's assistant. She and her husband were riding in
the car with Letelier when the bomb exploded. Mr. Moffit
survived. Ronni didn't.
Jack Delaney and Ted White
These young men were killed when pilot George H. W. Bush
abandoned his plane when it was hit by enemy fire. Much has been
made of this story - Bush propaganda would have us believe that
he was a hero. An eyewitness to the event tells us otherwise:
Chester Mierzejewski, who was the turret gunner in another
plane, had an unobstructed view. He states that he saw a
"puff of smoke" come from Bush's plane and quickly
dissipate. He states that the plane was never on fire and that
Bush never attempted a water landing, which was standard
procedure, and which would have given Mr. Delaney and Mr. White
a chance.
Silent Voices
Steve Kangas
His web site, Liberalism Resurgent, was meticulously researched
and presented such a problem to the "real boss" of
George Bush, Richard Scaife, that he hired a private detective
to look into Kangas' past. Steve Kangas was found in a
39th-floor bathroom outside of Scaife's offices at One Oxford
Centre, in Pittsburgh, an apparent suicide. Mr. Kangas, a very
prolific writer, left no note. He had brought a fully-packed
suitcase of clothes with him to Pittsburgh. He bought a burglar
alarm shortly before he left for Pittsburgh. Why did he need a
burglar alarm if he was going to commit suicide? An avowed
advocate of gun control, he nevertheless bought a gun. What was
he afraid of? Why did he go to Pittsburgh? After his death, his
computer was sold for $150 and its hard drive wiped clean.
Everything in his apartment was thrown away.
Danny Casolaro
He was working on a book that tied together the scandals
surrounding the presidency of George H. W. Bush. He told his
friends he was going to "bring back" the head of the
Octopus. Instead, his body was found in a hotel in Martinsburg,
West Virginia, on August 10, 1991, an apparent suicide.
Mark Lombardi
He was an accomplished conceptual artist who, while chatting on
the phone with a banker friend about the Bush savings and loan
scandal, started doodling a diagram and was inspired to create a
complex series of drawings and sketches that charted the details
of the scandal. According to the New York Times, "He was
soon charting the complex matrices of personal and professional
relationships, conflict of interest, malfeasance and fraud
uncovered by investigations into the major financial and
political scandals of the day; to keep facts and sources
straight, he created a handwritten database that now includes
around 12,000 3-by-5-inch cards."
On the evening of March 22, 2000, Mark Lombardi was found
hanging in his loft, an apparent suicide.
James Hatfield
Mr. Hatfield was the author of Fortunate Son, an unauthorized
biography of George W. Bush. The book detailed Bush's cocaine
use and cover up of a cocaine arrest. He was found Wednesday,
July 18, in a motel room, an apparent suicide.
Prescott Bush
William S. Farish
He was one of Prescott Bush's partners in business deals with
Adolph Hitler. He was devastated by the intense grilling he
received from the Senate about his dealings with Nazis, and
while Prescott Bush skated free, Farish collapsed and died on
November 29, 1942.
James Forrestal
He was U.S. Secretary of Defense, and become a problem for
Prescott Bush when he proposed racial integration of the Armed
Forces. On March 28, 1949, he was forced out of office and flown
on a military plane to Jupiter Island in Florida. From there he
was taken to Walter Reed Army Hospital, where he was given
insulin shock treatments. He was shielded from all visitors
except his estranged wife. From "George Bush, the
Unauthorized Biography":
On May 22, Forrestal's body was found, his bathrobe cord tied
tightly around his neck, after he had plunged from a
sixteenth-story hospital window. The chief psychiatrist called
the death a suicide even before any investigation was started.
The results of the Army's inquest were kept secret. Forrestal's
diaries were published, 80 percent deleted, after a year of
direct government censorship and rewriting
Texas Justice
Faye Tucker
She was executed in spite of enormous protest from the public,
even those religious groups that advocate the death penalty.
Even Pat Robertson thought that Karla was truly repentant and
asked George W. Bush to spare her life. He refused. Afterward,
in a Talk Magazine interview, Bush mocked the woman whose death
warrant he had sanctioned, pursing his lips and whimpering,
"Please don't kill me!"
David Wayne Spence
David Wayne Spence was executed in Texas in 1997 in spite of
compelling evidence of his innocence. Two of the State's
witnesses were co-defendants who testified to avoid the death
penalty, one of whom changed his story three times in response
to discrepancies. He later testified that D.A. Simons encouraged
him to alter his testimony. Two other witnesses for the State
were jailhouse snitches who recanted later and stated that
Simons offered them favors in exchange for testimony. All of
this and more was supposedly reviewed by Governor George W.
Bush, but Bush refused to commute his sentence, and did not
order the Board of Pardons and Paroles to review his request for
clemency. It is a myth that a Texas Governor can do nothing to
stop executions; the Board will almost always go with his
recommendation. Bush washed his hands of the matter and did
nothing. Reasonable doubt is not a factor in Texas justice.
Gary Graham
Gary Graham was convicted of the robbery and murder of a white
man in 1981. Nearly two weeks after the crime, the state's prime
witness could not pick Gary's picture out of a photo line-up.
Mr. Graham was arrested with a 22 caliber pistol. The victim had
been killed with a 22, but the police firearms examiner
determined that Mr. Graham's gun DID NOT fire the fatal bullet.
Four witnesses said Gary Graham was with them, miles away from
the convenience store, when the murder occurred. All four took
and passed polygraph tests. George W. Bush, predictably,
expressed his faith in the Texas judicial system and allowed Mr.
Graham to be put to death. Mr. Graham maintained his innocence
to the end.
Bush'executive assassination ring' reported directly to
Cheney office:
Reporter 11 Mar 2009
" Could this be a Clue to so many Microbiologists dying in
accidents ?"
News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government
11 Mar 2009
All items are here:
Bush 'executive assassination ring' reported directly to
Cheney office: Seymour Hersh 11 Mar 2009 At a "Great
Conversations" event at the University of Minnesota last
night, investigative reporter Seymour Hersh talked about new
alleged instances of domestic spying by the CIA, and about an
ongoing covert military operation that he called an "executive
assassination ring." Moderator U of M Political Scientist
Larry Jacobs asked Hersh if presidents [get] drawn into
improper covert actions that exceed their constitutional
powers. Hersh replied, "Yuh. After 9/11... the Central
Intelligence Agency was very deeply involved in domestic
activities against people they thought to be enemies of the
state. Without any legal authority for it... the
Joint Special Operations Command -- JSOC it’s called. It
is a
special wing of our special operations community that is
set up independently. They do not report to anybody, except
in the Bush-Cheney days, they reported directly to the Cheney
office. They did not report to the chairman of the joint
chiefs of staff or to Mr. [Robert] Gates, the secretary of
defense. They reported directly to him. ... Congress has no
oversight of it. It's an executive
assassination ring essentially, and it's been going on and on
and on... Under President [sic] Bush's
authority, they've been going into countries, not talking to
the ambassador or the CIA station chief, and finding people on
a list and executing them and leaving. That’s been going
on, in the name of all of us. It's
complicated because the guys doing it are not murderers, and
yet they are committing what we would normally call murder."
UN experts to investigate secret U.S. jails 11 Mar
2009 Two UN human rights experts said on Tuesday that they
would conduct a global investigation of secret detention
centers used by the United States and other countries in their
'counter'-terrorism efforts. The yearlong investigation is
aimed not only to clarify facts, but also to ensure that such
secret jails would not be used in the future, according to
Manfred Nowak, UN envoy for torture, and Martin Scheinin, UN
envoy for human rights and counter-terrorism.
Terrorist watch list hits 1 million
11 Mar 2009 The government's terrorist watch list has hit 1
million entries, up 32% since 2007. Federal data show the rise
comes despite the removal of 33,000 entries last year by the
FBI's Terrorist Screening Center. The remaining million
entries represent about 400,000 individuals, according to the
center. "It's always going to be a
work in progress," says Timothy Edgar, a civil
liberties officer at the intelligence director's office. [Yes,
and apparently under Obama, it's *progressing* nicely. --LRP]
U.S. cybersecurity head quits, citing growing role of spy
agencies 11 Mar 2009 The official in charge of
coordinating the U.S. government's cybersecurity operations
has quit, saying the expanding control of the National
Security Agency over the nation's computer security efforts
poses "threats to our democratic processes." "Even from a
security standpoint," Rod Beckstrom, the head of the
Department of Homeland Security's National Cyber Security
Center, told United Press International, "it is unwise to hand
over the security of all government networks to a single
NFL, others win exemption from terrorism lawsuits --Many
beneficiaries of legal protection are large government
contractors that sell equipment such as airport X-ray machines
and chemical sensors. [In other words, taxpayers are
funding corpora-terrorist cronies to be absof*ckinglutely
useless - with impunity.] 10 Mar 2009 The National
Football League and dozens of other companies and
organizations have won exemption from lawsuits under a
post-9/11 law that prohibits them from being sued if
terrorists attack a site they are protecting. The law, called
the SAFETY Act (Support Anti-terrorism by Fostering Effective
Technologies), aims to help security providers by guaranteeing
they will not pay any claims that terror victims might file
after an attack.
Brown rejects judge-led inquiry into UK spies 11 Mar
2009 British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on Wednesday declined
a request by opposition parties to authorize a judge-led
inquiry into the conduct of U.K. intelligence agencies in
supporting the U.S. government's pursuit of terror suspects
since 2001. Lawmakers in Britain, the U.S. and Europe have
raised concerns over the extent to which the U.K. and other
allies of Washington have been complicit in the
extraordinary rendition kidnapping, secret detention
imprisonment and alleged mistreatment torture of
suspected terrorists.
Judge 'should head torture probe' 11 Mar 2009
Allegations that British intelligence agencies were complicit
in torture should be fully investigated by a judge-led
inquiry, say the Tories. The claims by a former Guantanamo Bay
prisoner [Binyam Mohamed] have been referred to the attorney
general but David Cameron said that did not go far enough. He
said it would only look at whether a crime was committed not
whether "our moral authority has been maintained".
Italy high court to rule on CIA kidnap case 10 Mar
2009 Lawyers for the Italian state began arguments to the
Constitutional Court Tuesday to try to get a case against U.S.
and Italian spies accused of kidnapping a terrorism suspect
thrown out. Twenty-six Americans and seven Italians are
accused of grabbing a Muslim imam off the streets of Milan and
flying him to Egypt in 2003. Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr, also
known as Abu Omar, says he was tortured and held for years
without charge.
U.S. military transfers "enemy combatant" to civilian custody
11 Mar 2009 The U.S. military on Tuesday transferred an "enemy
combatant" to civilian custody, the Justice Department said.
The man, Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri, a Qatari national, is now
in the custody of U.S. Marshals Service after being released
from the Naval Consolidated Brig in South Carolina, the
department said in a written statement.
Domestic terror threat growing, Senate committee warns
Mar 2009 There is an increasing threat of homegrown terror
stemming from segments of a deeply isolated and alienated
Somali-American community, a U.S. Senate committee hearing
concluded Wednesday. The hearing, conducted by the Senate
Homeland and Governmental Affairs Committee, focused on the
attempted recruitment of young Somali-American men by
al-Shabaab, "a violent and brutal extremist (Somali) group"
with significant ties to al Qaeda [al-CIAduh], according to
the U.S. State Department.
U.S., Israel Disagree on Iran Arms Threat --Senate Panel
Told Tehran Has Not Made Decision to Pursue Nuclear Weapons
11 Mar 2009 Iran has not produced the highly enriched uranium
necessary for a nuclear weapon and has not decided to do so,
U.S. intelligence officials told Congress yesterday, an
assessment that contrasts with a stark Israeli warning days
earlier that Iran has crossed the "technological threshold" in
its pursuit of the bomb.
Intel Chiefs: Iran Can't Build Nukes Yet 11 Mar 2009
Iran does not yet have any highly enriched uranium, the fuel
needed to make a nuclear warhead, two top U.S. intelligence
officials told Congress Tuesday, disputing a claim by an
Israeli official. U.S. National Intelligence Director
Dennis Blair and Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lt. Gen.
Michael Maples said Tuesday that Iran has only low-enriched
uranium - which would need to be refined into highly enriched
uranium before it can fuel a warhead. Neither official said
there were indications that refining has occurred.
Iran lacks nuclear bomb fuel: US officials 10 Mar 2009
Iran has yet to decide whether to build a nuclear bomb and
currently lacks the weapons-grade highly enriched uranium
needed to do so, top US intelligence officials told lawmakers
on Tuesday. But [LOL! I
knew that was coming] Tehran is enriching uranium in defiance
of global sanctions and is "mastering" the know-how to build
long-range missiles that can carry nuclear bombs to their
targets oceans away, said director of intelligence Dennis
Chas Freeman Slams "Israel Lobby" 10 Mar 2009 Chas
Freeman's full statement following his
decision not to serve as National Intelligence Council
chairman... 'The tactics of the Israel Lobby plumb the depths
of dishonor and indecency and include character assassination,
selective misquotation, the willful distortion of the record,
the fabrication of falsehoods, and an utter disregard for the
truth. The aim of this Lobby is control of the policy process
through the exercise of a veto over the appointment of people
who dispute the wisdom of its views, the substitution of
political correctness for analysis, and the exclusion of any
and all options for decision by Americans and our government
other than those that it favors.'
Tariq Aziz, Saddam-era official, gets 15-year term
11 Mar 2009 Saddam Hussein's former foreign minister, Tariq
Aziz, was convicted and sentenced to 15 years in prison
Wednesday for his role in the 1992 execution of 42 merchants
accused of price gouging while Iraq was under U.N. sanctions.
The conviction was the first against Aziz, who for years was
the former regime's public face to the West.
Iraq Suicide Bombing in Western Baghdad Kills 30 10
Mar 2009 A suicide bomber blew himself up among a group of
tribal leaders on the western outskirts of Baghdad, killing at
least 30 people and wounding 50. The explosion happened today
in the Abu Ghraib municipality, 15 miles (24 kilometers) from
the center of the Iraqi capital, President Jalal Talabani’s
Patriotic Union of Kurdistan party said on its Web site.
DPRK blasts U.S. on its human rights 11 Mar 2009 The
United States was the No. 1 human rights abuser in the world,
the official KCNA news agency of the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea (DPRK) said on Wednesday. The KCNA issued an
article enumerating the human rights abuses in the U.S.,
saying it was not qualified to talk about other countries'
human rights. The KCNA said the working people in the U.S.
were deprived of clothing, food and housing and the election
serves only the rich.
Congress mulls elections to fill Senate vacancies
--Lawmakers debate changing Constitution so voters can pick
replacements 11 Mar 2009 Following tumultuous [?!?]
turnovers in Illinois and New York, lawmakers on Wednesday
asked whether it was time to change the Constitution so that
voters, and not state governors, fill Senate vacancies.
Obama issues signing statement on spending bill
11 Mar 2009 Two days after criticizing his predecessor for
issuing guidelines on how to put legislation into practice,
President Barack Obama issued such a directive himself. He
also issued a "signing statement" in which he objected to
provisions of the bill that he said the Justice Department had
advised "raise constitutional concerns." Among them are
provisions that Obama said would "unduly interfere" with his
authority in the foreign affairs arena by directing him how to
proceed, or not to, in negotiations and discussions with
international organizations and foreign governments. Another
provision, Obama said, would limit his discretion to choose
who performs specific functions in military missions.
Obama Signs Spending Bill, Calls for Earmark Guidelines
11 Mar 2009 President Obama today signed what he called an
"imperfect" spending bill to keep the government running even
though it contains thousands of lawmakers' pet projects, but
he called for more rigorous review of future projects, known
as earmarks, that are designated by individual legislators for
their states or districts.
Mega barf alert!
Administration to Ask Congress to Expand Funds Available to
IMF 11 Mar 2009 The Obama administration is planning
to ask Congress to expand the United States' primary line of
credit to the International Monetary Fund from about $10
billion to $100 billion to boost emergency support for
struggling economies around the world, Treasury Secretary
Timothy F. Geithner said today.
AIG's Small London Office May Have Lost $500B --Feds,
Brits Probe AIG's London Office on $500B Losses 10 Mar
2009 Ground zero for AIG's spectacular implosion, which has
soaked up more federal bailout money than any other entity,
appears to have been a small London branch office that may
have lost nearly half a trillion dollars in bad deals. The
disastrous deals were built up in a decade and, when the
crisis hit, the man who ran the unit for the last eight years
retired after
making $280 million for himself and leaving with a $1
million-a-month consulting contract.
Freddie Mac seeks $30.8B in US aid after 4Q loss
11 Mar 2009 Freddie Mac said Wednesday it will ask the
government for nearly $31 billion in additional aid after
posting a gargantuan loss of more than $50 billion last year
as the U.S. housing market worsened. The mortgage finance
company posted a loss of $23.9 billion, or $7.37 per share, in
the fourth quarter of 2008.
Minnesota Bank Asks Why It Pays for Wall Street Greed
06 Mar 2009 TCF Financial Corp., the Wayzata, Minnesota-based
bank that never made a subprime loan and hasn’t lost money
since 1995, is asking why it should help clean up the mess
made by Wall Street. "I’m kind of bitter," said William
Cooper, chief executive officer of the 448-branch bank, adding
that over the years TCF has invested about $1 billion in the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.'s fund that guarantees bank
deposits. "We pay for the excesses of our competitor over and
over again."
US: Congressional Democrats balk at rescinding tax cuts for
the rich By Bill Van Auken 11 Mar 2009 Elements of the
Obama administration's $3.55 trillion 2010 budget proposal are
facing stiff opposition from leading congressional Democrats
who are balking at attempts to rescind tax cuts for the top 1
percent of the population and other measures seen as impinging
on corporate profits.
Fast-growing Western U.S. cities face water crisis 10
Mar 2009 Built in the Mojave Desert, Las Vegas leads Western
U.S. cities scrambling to slash water consumption, increase
recycling and squeeze more from underground aquifers as
long-reliable surface water sources dry up. From handing out
fines for leaky sprinklers to charging homeowners high rates
for high use, water officials in the U.S. West are chasing
down squandered water one gallon at a time. [See:
Drought 'Oddities'.]
Sea levels rising twice as fast as predicted --Melting ice
sheets in Greenland and Antarctica force UN scientists to
issue dramatic warning 11 Mar 2009 Sea levels are
predicted to rise twice as fast as was forecast by the United
Nations only two years ago, threatening hundreds of millions
of people with catastrophe, scientists said yesterday in a
dramatic new warning about climate change. Rapidly melting ice
sheets in Greenland and Antarctica are likely to push up sea
levels by a metre or more by 2100, swamping coastal cities and
obliterating the living space of 600 million people who live
in deltas, low-lying areas and small island states.
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Previous lead stories:
Guantanamo cases proceed despite
Obama freeze
--Military lawyers are still filing legal documents in other
cases in anticipation that the Guantanamo 'trials' will resume
as soon as Obama's freeze order expires on May 20.
10 Mar 2009 The Guantanamo war crimes trials remain officially
frozen while U.S. President Barack Obama weighs how to proceed
with the terrorism prosecutions but several of the cases are
still very much in motion. The chief judge in the Guantanamo
court, Army Col. Stephen Henley, ordered the public release on
Tuesday of a document in which five defendants boastfully
repeated their claims of guilt in plotting the [Bush-Cheney]
September 11, 2001 attacks.
US army brass prepare for quick
getaway from Iraq
10 Mar 2009 US Military officials in Iraq have said they want
a speedy withdrawal of most American troops by President
Barack Obama's deadline at the end of August 2010. The
second-ranking US military commander in Iraq, Lieutenant
General Lloyd Austin, has said he expects to keep about
130,000 American troops in the country through the end of this
year, when Iraq has a series of 'elections' planned, but then
wants to make a quick exit.
Interpol examining case for arrest of 25 Israelis
10 Mar 2009 Interpol has confirmed that Iran has asked it for
help in tracking down 25 senior Israeli officials involved in
the recent war on Gaza. Tehran Chief Prosecutor Saeed
Mortazavi announced earlier that Iran had asked Interpol to
issue international arrest warrants for 25 Israelis charged
with committing war crimes during Tel Aviv's Operation Cast
Lead in the Gaza Strip.
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March 12th, 2009
By Guest Voice
This is a little story about a potentially
huge story that a lot of folks like myself want to
be true but don’t know whether it is true. This
little story also is about jumping to conclusions
about that potentially huge news story, which had
its public incubation at a college lecture last
night and is now on a journey to super nova fruition
or embarrassing fizzlement.
write of investigative journalist Seymour Hersh’s
perhaps inadvertant
assertion during an appearance at the University
of Minnesota that a covert military unit attached to
the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) prowled
the world killing people on orders of Dick Cheney.
This “executive assassination ring,” as Hersh
termed it, allegedly reported directly to the vice
president’s office, bypassing the defense secretary
and Joint Chiefs of Staff, had no congressional
oversight and went into foreign countries without
talking to the ambassador or CIA station chief.
As corroboration, Hersh pointed to a New
York Times
story that Vice Admiral William H. McRaven, the
JSOC commander, had ordered a temporary halt to most
commando raids in Afghanistan because of a growing
concern that civilian deaths caused by American
firepower were jeopardizing broader goals there.
Hersh is the preeminent investigative journalist
of our time. He broke the story of the
My Lai Massacre, for which he won a Pulitzer
Prize for The New York Times in 1970, and
was the first journalist of consequence to draw
attention to the abuses at the
Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad in 2004 in a
New Yorker magazine story. He also reported in
the New Yorker that the U.S. was prepared
to use nuclear weapons against Iraq and that there
was a covert action plan in place against the Tehran
So when Hersh mentions, even in passing, that
the vice president had his own hit squad, he has to
be taken seriously until when and if he is
Hersh himself later regretted spilling the
beans, explaining in an email exchange with a
Minneapolis reporter that the subject was “not
something I wanted to dwell about in public,” that
he is looking into it for a book that it may be a
year or two before he has enough evidence “for even
the most skeptical.”
But until that story can be fleshed out beyond
anecdotal evidence that the squad operated in
Afghanistan, which after all is a war zone, and
faces and places where it may also have roamed that
are not war zones can be confirmed, what we’re left
with is a lot of wishful thinking from sites like
Raw Story and bloggers such as
Will Bunch and
emptywheel, as well as the usual “this is just
another Hersh fantasy” from the
Weekly Standard and other unquestioning
defenders of the Bush imperial power grab.
It should be noted that the
Joint Special
Operations Command has been anything but a
secret since it was established in 1980 following
the failed
Desert One mission to rescue the hostages at the
U.S. embassy in Tehran. And even though its work is
covert, it is
an open secret that CIA and JSOC teams have been
in pursuit of Al Qaeda and Taliban bigs since
shortly after the 9/11 attacks.
What we do know about the obsessively secret —
and I daresay obsessively evil — Cheney suggests
that there is some truth to the story because the
vice president would never let something like
President Ford’s 1976 executive order
prohibiting any employee or agent of the U.S.
government to conspire or engage in political
assassination, let alone any other order or law,
stand in his way. That order was enacted in response
to post-Watergate revelations that the CIA had tried
multiple times to assassinate Cuban President Fidel
But this is not yet a Story of a Lifetime. It
remains to be seen whether what on its face may be
little more than a conspiracy theory gathers steam
in the days and weeks to come — which is to say that
Hersh himself fleshes out his assertion with a piece
before he publishes that book that does not rely
entirely on blind sources and deep background, and
the mainstream media joins in, as well.
My inherent caution does not preclude my
joining Bunch and others in noting that if the
Cheney accusation stands up, then President Obama
must shake off his
much criticized diffidence about going after
Bush administration wrongdoing. Cheney clearly will
have broken the law and must be held accountable.
Shaun Mullen is a former The Moderate
Voice columnist. Over a long career with
newspapers, this award-winning editor and reporter
covered the Vietnam War, O.J. Simpson trials,
Clinton impeachment circus and coming of Osama bin
Laden, among many other big stories. He blogs at
Kiko’s House.
Crash adds to political mess
Candidates scrambled to get to Tallahassee after a FedEx jet went
up in flames, destroying
crew members escaped serious injury in Friday's crash of a FedEx
Boeing 727 cargo jet, which closed Tallahassee Regional Airport
for about five hours. |
By JULIE HAUSERMAN, Times Staff Writer
© St. Petersburg Times
published July 27, 2002
TALLAHASSEE -- Even for Florida's much-scrutinized elections
machinery, it's been quite a week.
First, the state miscalculated the filing fee for legislative
candidates. That triggered an 11th-hour scramble by candidates to send
an extra $40.23 to elections officials in Tallahassee with two days'
Friday, a FedEx 727 cargo jet crashed in
Tallahassee hours before the noon deadline to qualify to appear on the
ballot. Three crew members escaped with minor injuries, but campaign
forms and checks for filing fees went up in smoke. The airport shut
Then it looked like the noon deadline would be extended at the urging
of Secretary of State Katherine Harris, who was a stickler for deadlines
during the 2000 election.
Then the deadline wasn't extended. Then it was.
It's enough to put Florida back in the late-night talk show jokes.
"Only in Florida," said Sen. Jim King of Jacksonville.
During Friday's confusion, some candidates chartered private planes
and made the deadline with minutes to spare. Some drove frantically
northward to the capital.
By midafternoon, Gov. Jeb Bush declared "a state of emergency
exists due to a minor disaster." He extended the qualifying
deadline for some candidates to 5 p.m. today -- as long as they have
receipts showing their papers were delayed by the plane crash. Or copies
of plane tickets for flights that were canceled Friday morning because
the Tallahassee airport was closed.
It's unclear how many candidates will benefit from the deadline
extension. That left a bit of uncertainty on a day when qualifying
traditionally provides clarity to the fall lineup.
Florida Insurance Commissioner Tom Gallagher appears to have been
elected to the new powerful Cabinet position of chief financial officer
-- he thinks. No one else was qualified for the race Friday, but
Gallagher wasn't about to declare victory.
"With the qualifying deadline extended, I would never presume to
be the only candidate for this important position," he said in a
Friday produced a couple of surprises.
Bush, the incumbent Republican, and prominent Democratic challengers
Janet Reno, the former U.S. attorney general; Bill McBride, a Tampa
lawyer; and Daryl Jones, a Miami state senator; qualified for governor
earlier in the week. But a Tallahassee woman dressed as Mickey Mouse's
evil brother, "Mickee Faust," signed up as a write-in
candidate Friday in the governor's race.
The race for state agriculture commissioner also became more
Mary Barley, a wealthy environmentalist who battled sugar growers and
backed a constitutional amendment to help clean up the Everglades,
abruptly switched her party affiliation from Republican to Democrat to
oppose incumbent Republican Charles Bronson, a Bush appointee.
Barley almost didn't qualify. Her campaign staffer chartered a
private jet and flew it to an airstrip in the countryside 8 miles
outside Tallahassee. They raced to file the paperwork moments before
Former Florida Republican Party Chairman Tom Slade said some
Republicans regard Barley as "our worst nightmare -- a rich woman
environmentalist and consumer affairs person." He said Barley could
be a formidable opponent, especially if she winds up with significant
financial help from Paul Tudor Jones, a New York commodities trader and
Everglades crusader.
In the race for attorney general, four Democrats and three
Republicans are in a crowded field. The Democrats who qualified are
state Sen. Buddy Dyer of Orlando, Tallahassee Mayor Scott Maddox, and
former deputy attorneys general Walter Dartland and George Sheldon. The
Republicans in the race are state Sen. Locke Burt of Ormond Beach,
Education Commissioner Charlie Crist and Solicitor General Tom Warner.
Candidates who couldn't hire a private plane got to Tallahassee any
way they could.
One Hillsborough County candidate, Democrat Allison McInnis-Gimbert,
had a wild ride. She thought she had arranged to qualify in the District
16 state Senate race against Republican Jim Sebesta.
She sent her qualifying papers Thursday by FedEx to Anna Cruz,
executive director of the Florida Democratic Party. She also planned to
catch the 8 a.m. flight from Tampa to Tallahassee on US Airways to
deliver the papers in person, if necessary.
Her package went down in the FedEx crash in Tallahassee. Her flight
was canceled.
"When somebody told me about the plane crash, I just about fell
out," McInnis-Gimbert said.
So she got in her car around 8:30 a.m. and "hauled tail."
She arrived in a parking lot outside the Capitol -- at 12:02 p.m. She
was in line at the elections office four minutes later when she learned
it was too late.
She hung around in Tallahassee hoping for help. She got it when Bush
extended the deadline until today for candidates in her predicament.
The Florida Democratic Party attacked Secretary of State Harris for
being out of the office during most of qualifying week.
For days, her office would not say where she was. A partial schedule
of her week was finally released Friday.
While her elections office coped with difficulties such as charging
candidates an incorrect filing fee, Harris helped announce a new
Wal-Mart distribution center in DeSoto County;, greeted the Korean
ambassador in Orlando; attended international trade meetings in
Washington; spoke at an international conference in Orlando; and
attended a fundraiser for her congressional campaign at the Washington
offices of the Holland & Knight law firm.
"She was AWOL. She was MIA," said Florida Democratic Party
spokesman Ryan Banfill.
Harris spokesman David Host said the secretary of state intended to
be back in her office on Friday, deadline day, and she was.
-- Times staff writers Adam Smith and Bill Varian contributed to this
by Dee Finney. 2-12-99. My sister and her husband Ralph and I
and their doctor were out in a hangar-like area . ... - 3k - Cached
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261 - PLANE CRASH - CALIFORNIA - 1-31-2000
CALIFORNIA COAST. 1-31-2000 ... On Wednesday, The Seattle
Times reported the plane that crashed this week
had horizontal stabilizer ... -
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OF JFK, JR.'S PLANE. 3-3-99 - DREAM - I was writing
poetry so the words formed shapes like a diamond and the shape
of ... - 18k - Cached
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There were two plane crashes
a day apart at the end of the month. As of today, 1-31-00, ...
NOTE: I don't know if this refers to a plane crash
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Nobody died in plane crash,
says Canadian government 03/08/2005 - 02:06:11 A Canadian
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France ...
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Russia investigates possibility of
terrorism in twin plane crashes that left 89 dead ...
One plane crashed, while another apparently broke
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... terrorist bomb on board
the plane most likely caused the crash of EgyptAir
990. Donaldson's independent study of a previous air disaster,
the 1996 crash ... |
OF BOMB - 10-30-99
Speculation is high about terrorism
on this plane crash. Mostly because the plane
was reported to have gone to Edwards Air Force Base before
leaving for JFK ... - 5k - Cached
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She was speaking about the plane crash. She said something to the effect of.
(then I couldn't make out what she said about the plane crash). ...
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While we were there, a small plane
crashed into the lake. ... Finally after the plane crash, the residents gave in and extended the runway out
into the lake ... - 42k - Cached
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Crash Jogs Memories
... reported smoke in the
cockpit and the plane disappeared from radar tracking. ...
“You see another crash and it jogs your memory,” says
Joe LeViness, ... -
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NOTE: On 3-20-91 Reba McIntyre's
band was killed in a plane crash. ... NOTE:
These visions seem to indicate that they are about the plane crash which
... - 91k - Cached
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is America's Royal Family, so now I know the connection to my ...
Plane crashes - KAL 801. DEE'S CRYSTAL VISIONS AND
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The remaining eight Cuban survivors
of a plane crash in the Gulf of ... The plane crashed in the southern Gulf of Mexico about 285 miles
from Key West. ... - 99k - Cached
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NOTE: Later that day, a Korean
Airlines plane crashed in Guam. ...
Synchronicitly, that day I was also posting all my plane crash
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It looked like a silver fish. There
was a huge hole for the exhaust at the back end where the tail
would be. Plane with 19 people crashes 5-21-00 ... -
IOC officials said plane-crash
catastrophes have been incorporated into security
planning for ... Speculation is high about
terrorism on this plane crash. ... -
In 1968, when Mohammed bin
Laden was killed in a plane crash, King
Faisal said ... It was 10:25 - The 92nd floor
seemed to be safely below the plane crash. ...
I was told that a plane crash could occur because of delays. Then I was
told that Canada would be divided somehow into three
parts... the Native third, ... |
Mel Carnahan (news - web
sites), who died in a plane crash shortly
before the election. The newly elected Senate being
sworn on Wednesday is split 50-50 ... -
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- NOVA SCOTIA ... But a couple days later, the
Columbia shuttle crashed but that came from the
west. ... ... |
in the Skies
DRY RUN???? compiled by Dee Finney. updated 9-17-04 ...
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Suddenly it blinked out and
I saw a huge plane flying behind it. ...
Airplanes that crash are symbolic of events that
deal with the things that people do. ... |
- The 411 - How the Saudi Government is Using Alien ...
In 1968, when Mohammed bin
Laden was killed in a plane crash, King
Faisal said his "right arm" had been
broken" and rushed to the support of the bin
Ladens, ...
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American Tragedy: A Symbolic Event, Part Two
After gathering in the YW
room, youth will take a simulated plane trip on
the stage. The plane will crash, leaving
no survivors. --- 409 - 175 = 234 ...
There will be a plane crash near Marikesh, India on June 4th or 5th,
possibly the 3rd depending ... NOTE: This
probably is about a series of plane crashes. ...
11 deaths at the World Trade
Center, Pentagon and from the plane crash
in Pennsylvania. Those deaths, the FBI said, ''are
different from the day-to-day ...
Russia investigates
possibility of terrorism in twin plane crashes
that left 89 dead. By Mike Eckel ASSOCIATED PRESS. 7:08
am August 25, 2004 ... |