compiled by Dee Finney
"The righteous will flourish like a palm tree"
(PS 92:12)
1-11-2003 - DREAM - I was in my New Berlin house, in the master bedroom on the second floor, working on the computer to enlarge the crop circle picture's size to fill the whole screen, because whoever had worked on the computer before me, didn't understand the full meaning of the crop circles and had diminished the size of the pictures. While I worked on this, I noticed that there was a little square in the upper right hand corner of the screen that was brilliant white and I touched it with the cursor and the brilliant white square enlarged 10-fold and I could highlight any portion of the picture on the screen so it was brilliant white also. I managed to fix the computer program so the crop circles pictures filled the whole screen and then clicked on SAVE with the cursor. But when I clicked on SAVE, a different screen came up that showed me that it was a licensed version of WORD. I could no longer see any pictures of crop circles on WORD and I looked to see if I could reduce the WORD program so I could see the crop circle pictures again. I hoped that if I shut off the computer, I had actually SAVED the work I had done on the corp circle program.
I got up from the computer and went to the front window. I saw a white ladder in front of the window, which surprised me, but then a man dressed in a white painter's outfit climbed down the ladder from the roof, then moved the ladder over to the huge plum tree in the yard and climbed up into the plum tree. The plums were hanging in huge clusters, larger than cherries do - I mean they were HUGE clusters. The plums, however, were about the size of cherries, but I knew it was spring and these plums would grow to 10 times the size they were by summer harvest. Someone behind my right shoulder said, "He needs to remove all the red leaves that are ______ (unremembered term). I could see some red leaves among the green ones, but I couldn't imagine how he was going to be able to get all the way to the ends of the branches because he was too large for the branches to hold his weight. I then noticed a palm tree growing in the yard near the plum tree and I knew that palm trees can't grow in Wisconsin so I didn't know how it got there. I then saw that the whole top of the palm tree had broken off in a huge windstorm. The tree was still alive but the growing tip was no longer there. The man in white came down out of the plum tree and moved the ladder back over to the house and climbed back up to the roof of the house. All of a sudden, it looked like it was pouring rain outside, but I knew it wasn't really raining, this was caused by the man in white on the roof with a water hose. The Coming of Aquarius (The Water Bearer) The Ages and the Coming of Aquarius But the water was coming down so hard, I could no longer see out the window, so I decided to go downstairs. When I went downstairs I heard that my friend Irv had been shot and taken to the hospital. It wasn't known if he would live or not. (NOTE: Irv actually passed on from a heart problem on December 2, 2002) I heard that a gun had been found in the house and examined, but it was apparent that no shots had been fired from it. But then someone discovered a shoulder-fired rocket launcher near the gun. I saw the two piece rocket launcher as they took it to be examined to see if Irv had been shot down with the rocket launcher. If he had been shot with that, he would have a hole in his body about 3 or 4 inches across. But then, all of a sudden, Irv appeared in the yard. He said he had had a miraculous healing and was no longer in pain. He had a brilliant smile on his face and was wearing a white shirt and had a full head of hair (vs a bald head in real life) and looked younger and stronger and thinner than I had ever seen him in real life. He looked great and I knew that a miracle had really happened. NOTE: Question: Is there some kind of threat coming to the U.S. using a hand-held rocket launcher? Federal Task Force Working Out Missile Attack Defense for Commercial Planes Wednesday, January 15, 2003 WASHINGTON The government has taken undisclosed steps to protect commercial flights from a missile attack and a task force has been assembled to come up with more ideas, officials said Wednesday. The government has long been concerned about the possibility of a shoulder-fired missile taking down a plane, but an unsuccessful attack on an Israeli jet in Kenya in November hastened the need to act. After the attempted shootdown, U.S. security officials formed a task force to assess the danger posed by such weapons. They concluded the threat could be due to better vigilance among local police and airport officials. One approach under consideration is a neighborhood watch program that would educate local police and residents near airports to identify missile parts and to be on the lookout for suspicious people. "Someone is not going to be able to just whip one of these things out of a briefcase," Iannarelli said. The National Security Council, the White House office of homeland security, the FBI and transportation safety agencies are part of the group coordinating the efforts, presidential spokesman Ari Fleischer said. "There have already been steps taken" that must remain confidential for security reasons, Fleischer said, adding that more plans are in the works. Though security has been tightened considerably at airports since the Sept. 11 attacks, passenger planes still are seen as vulnerable to missiles that could be launched from outside an airport's perimeter. Federal officials are looking at various options to protect them. "There's a wide-ranging, active discussion about this issue," said Chet Lunner, Transportation Department spokesman. Shoulder-fired missiles are relatively cheap and easy to use. Hundreds and perhaps thousands of SA-7s -- heat-seeking rockets that can hit low-flying aircraft within 30 miles -- are available to terrorists on the worldwide arms market. Terrorists fired two SA-7 missiles that narrowly missed an Israeli passenger jet after it took off from Mombasa, Kenya on Nov. 28. Officials concluded that Al Qaeda was probably behind the attack, which was launched from a four-wheel drive vehicle one mile from the airport. In the spring, suspected Al Qaeda operatives used an SA-7 to try to shoot down an American plane taking off from Prince Sultan Air Base, south of the Saudi Arabian capital of Riyadh. The discovery of the attempt prompted the FBI to issue a bulletin to U.S. police departments on May 22, urging them to be vigilant. U.S. airports are being surveyed now to assess their vulnerability, Lunner said, and airport security personnel have been put on alert. Lunner said various technologies also are being looked at to protect planes. For example, military aircraft carry flares that can be launched to serve as a decoy heat source to throw off a missile. In addition to those jets, Air Force One and Federal Aviation Administration planes that carry heads of state have been equipped with the countermeasures, said Paul Hudson, head of the Aviation Consumer Action Project, a passenger advocacy group. "That's why there's never been a hit on a [U.S.] plane flying in the Iraq no-fly zone," Hudson said. Adding such expensive technology to thousands of commercial aircraft may not be financially feasible for an industry in which nearly every major airline is losing money
![]() Plum (Mei, Li) The five petals of the plum tree symbolize the five gods of good luck. The plum tree, pine, and bamboo are the "Three Friends in Winter". According to an Oriental legend, the first plum tree sprang from the blood of a dragon. The mei plum tree is a tree that grows in Far-Eastern countries, where it is the symbol of resistance against extreme odds. Its flowers blossom under snow in February, the coldest time of the year. The plum tree that represents gradations of nature from lower to higher. Artists pay great attention to the roots, trunk, branches, flowers and leaves of the plum tree, five different segments of life between earth and sky. It has a gnarled trunk, angular branches that remind the imagination of dragons coursing the skies. It represents the pure and steadfast stand of life through the long winter but it is not evergreen like the bamboo. Its bare branches and twigs look dead, but before any hint of budding leaves can be seen, the bark becomes covered with white five-petaled blossoms. A sprig of plum blossoms signifies hope, the renewal of life. In China, the plum tree is the symbol for the Tree of Life. In Japan, the plum tree is not only neat and clean but also withstands the cold patiently and constantly, so it is considered to be a symbol of constancy. The Plum tree is loved for its cosmic significance, expressing the reemergence and continuity of life. In the twisted and gnarled tree displays an appearance of hardness, especially during the barren existence in early winter; yet within itself it holds the mystery and beauty, the promise of Spring. The promise is fulfilled when the delicate plum blossoms appear each January, in time to welcome the new year. The plum, blooming in the January frost, is the symbol of hope and endurance. On the Christian Tree of Life, seven red leaves of fire at the crown of the tree express the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In Kabbalism, the 'Tree' represents the universe 'branching out' endlessly from Divine 'Roots'. The three levels of blue, yellow and red 'leaves' parallel the three vertical columns of the Tree of Life. FROM: The Jewish Festival of Booths, Succoth, is a ritual enactment of this "sheltering". It's an ecstatic celebration in which all members of the Community put aside their everyday activities, leave their homes and dwell for eight days in makeshift huts constructed of palm fronds. These crude booths are intentionally left incomplete, with gaps between the palm fronds affording a opening to the heavens. Here again we see repeated the archetypal motif of a structure -- like the Sephirotic Tree and the Torah -- purposely left unfinished so that the missing details can appear in the Light of Vision. Succoth's communal celebration of visionary experience was not restricted to poets, priests and prophets, but extended to all God's people. John's Gospel recites that, on the last day of Succoth, Christ had an ecstatic vision of a river of Living Water connecting all of the celebrants from within. While we've already established that Succoth is a festival of Vision, we can now go beyond that to assert that it's a celebration of the commonality of Vision. It's precisely this communal dimension of Vision which the Kabbalah is intended to enable. The Kabbalah's tools are made to be utilized by each of us to draw our own particular visions from the infinite weave of the revealed Word of God. When we learn to wield these tools, each of us can erect our own edifice of dreams, wherein we may entertain the divine companion of our Soul. If we are to attract the Shekinah to us and find shelter beneath Her fractal "wings", however, what we construct cannot be a snare, a trap, or a prison. The sweet bird of inspiration may alight upon the perch of a birdhouse, but She will not willingly fly into a cage. If within our Heart we wish to exalt our own visions above those of our brothers and sisters, if we aspire to delineate some version of "absolute Truth" to be imposed upon others, then the divine bird will flee from us, as an ordinary bird would from a hunter. From Chapter 5 Homogenization works well for some things, like milk for example. But its extremely unsuited for other things, like nuts for instance. Try throwing some nuts into a blender, shells and all, and see if what you get is edible. The shell which was useful and beneficial in its place surrounding the kernel of the nut now becomes an unsavory impediment to the enjoyment of the nuts flavor. Similarly, the dissociation of the World Soul and the Fall of Man have produced a condition in which the flavor of the Neshamah is rendered bitter as a result of its becoming enmeshed with the Qlippot/Shells. These Shells, it should be recalled, are not evil from their inception, but rather become so because they are dislocated from their proper place. They are the remnants of the shell-within-shell order of a series of prior worlds, all of which fell short of the perfect Symmetry needed to sustain the Tree of Life. The bitterness of the Neshamah when She becomes entangled with the Qlippot is figuratively represented in the very first incident which occurred after the Israelites crossed the Red Sea. Moses led them for three days out into the Wilderness/Midbar of Shur, but they found no water. In Hebrew Shur signifies a wall, symbolic of the ego-centered barrier to the spiritual unity of the people the barrier which kept them from finding the water of the Neshamah. When they finally did come upon water at Marah, they found it bitter and undrinkable. After the people fell further into divisiveness and grumbled threateningly against Moses, Yahweh provided him with a branch of a tree which, when thrown into the water instantly made it sweet. The Israelites then next moved on to Elim, where they encamped amidst 12 wells and 70 palm trees. Exodus 15:23-27 As we noted in our last chapter, the branch which sweetened the bitter waters of Marah was part of the Tree of Life. But which part? Since this particular branch acts upon the water of Neshamah, it must regulate the structure of the Soul, of which Neshamah is one level. Therefore, this branch would be the Middle Pillar of the Tree of Life, in which is embodied the five-fold Symmetry of the Pleroma. Weve just got finished saying that the propagation of the Souls Symmetry involves the downward replication of a fractal pattern which can be envisioned as shells within shells or wheels within wheels. It follows that the bitterness that afflicts the waters must be something that blocks or impedes this downward propagation at the level of Neshamah. Since Neshamah is an attribute of the Sephira Malkuth, its there that the breakdown occurs, which explains why Solomon instructs us to descend into the Garden. Just as, in the ordinary sense, water is rendered bitter when it becomes mixed with contaminants, the same is also true in the metaphysical sense. The briny waters of the Ocean, for example, have a bitter taste and are undrinkable due to their salt content. Likewise, tears have a bitter flavor which often serves as a metaphor for the emotional bitterness of weeping and lamentation. The Hebrew mystics associated this lamentation with the Exile to which the Shekinah is subjected after the Fall. To be in Exile is to be dislocated from ones home, to be in the wrong place, so to speak. In Her proper station, the Shekinah is the inward Light shining through mundane Reality. She is at home in the kernel of the nut, abiding deep within the shell of superficiality. But when kernel and shell become intermixed, Her Light is obscured, and She takes on the dark face of the waning Moon. In this exiled mode, Shekinah and Her Emanation Neshamah are mystically identified with Rachel, who is heard lamenting for the Lost Tribes of Israel in the famous passage from Jeremiah: A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping; Rachel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not. Jeremiah 31:15 When they arrived at Elim which means palm trees in Hebrew they found an oasis of 12 wells and 70 date palms. The 12 wells represent the full complement of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, with the lost descendants of Rachel restored. As we have just discussed, moreover, the number 12 is associated with the mystical Serpent Teli. Teli represents the primeval Equilibrium that prevailed between the material Universe and the Pleroma. More concretely, Teli is an emblem of the ecliptic plane in which the planets circle the Sun. Since the Sun symbolizes the dominant center of the human psyche, Teli plays the figurative role of the Minds Objective Axis. With the Fall of Man, the Objective and Subjective Axes of Consciousness became unhinged, a metaphysical event mirrored in physical Universe by the misalignment of the ecliptic and the equatorial planes. As a result of this cosmic/psychic disorientation, the 12 Arms of the Universe that Teli embodies are no longer positioned to protect the Tree of Life. Exposed to the incursion of the Qlippot, the Tree must now assume a defensive posture, a mode of commands and prohibitions aimed at keeping the Other Side at bay. In this mode, it becomes the Tree of Good and Evil, structured to maintain a separation between the clean and the unclean. A parallel transformation takes place in the outward garment of the Torah, as its apparent literal meaning takes on a dark cast of limitations and strictures. But the 12 wells of Elim are a sign of the restoration of Telis protective Arms around the Tree, allowing it to revert to the mode of the Tree of Life. In that mode, everything that the Tree encounters is holy and nothing needs to be held in check. As illuminated by the Tree of Life, the meaning of the Torah shifts from the static literal level to the fluid Truth beneath the surface, for which the 12 wells make a perfect metaphor. Later in this chapter, well see how the Prophets speak of the return of Israels Lost Tribes in the same sense, that is to say, as a allegory for the restoration of alignment between the Objective and Subjective Axes of Consciousness. As for the 70 palms, in our last chapter we explained that they stand for the process of Rectification that transforms the Tree of Good and Evil back into the Tree of Life. This Rectification process proceeds over a period of 70 Jubilee Cycles. The number 70 reflects the work of the 64 Eternal Forms of the Elohim extended over a period of Six Days/Millenia. As weve just seen, the process of Rectification unfolds in the metaphysical Wilderness. In Hebrew gematria Midbar equates to 248, the number which symbolizes Mans correspondence to the Divine prototype. For example, there are 248 positive commandments in the Torah and 248 parts of the human body. The digits of 248, when multiplied together 2×4×8, equal 64, the number of Elohims Eternal Forms. Each of the digits of the number 248 is also a root of 64, since 26 = 43 = 82 = 64. Some a my readers may recall our earlier discussion of how Abrams name was changed to Abraham by the addition of the letter Heh ?, thereby increasing its numerical value to 248 . The purpose of this name change was to perfect Abrahams correspondence to the Divine Man, i.e. to complete the Symmetry between the Upper and the Lower Worlds. This completion is accomplished by the letter Heh, which also signifies the number Five, as in the five levels of inward Symmetry which comprise the Soul. It is in Abraham, therefore, that the five-fold inward Symmetry of the Soul is first realized. Only as a consequence of Abrahams holiness did the restoration of the Soul to its highest level of integration the World Soul Pleroma become attainable. The rectification of Abrahams name was an event in the Lower World of Phenomena corresponding, in accordance with strict Symmetry, with a parallel rectification unfolding in the Upper World of Emanations. Now, the Symmetry of the World of Emanations is represented by the Tree of Life. Hence, Abrahams rectification imports nothing less than the Rectification of the Tree of Life. The ultimate fruit of this Tree is the Pleroma, whose completion will reverse the damage done the Tree by Eves untimely plucking in the Garden of Eden. That damage temporarily disabled the Tree from bearing its supernal fruit and turned the Tree of Life into the Tree of Good and Evil. The Tree of Good and Evil, aka the Tree of Sin or the Tree of Mystery, is inherently incapable of bearing the Soul of the Messiah, whose Coming enables the restoration of the World Soul to its primeval wholeness. Our Reality is generated by the influences or Emanations issuing from this Upper World. So if the Tree from which Reality is emanating is a unified Tree, like the perfectly Symmetrical Tree of Life, then our Reality likewise is Symmetrical, balanced, satisfying, harmonious. This is the Reality that our First Parents enjoyed in the Garden. On the other hand, if the Tree from whence our Reality is proceeding is a divided Tree, like the Tree of Good and Evil, then what we have is not a single Reality, but rather two distinct and diametrically opposed Realities. This is because the Tree of Good and Evil, anchored as it is by the Arrow of Death, can only deal with contrary-but-complementary Truths as negations of one another, as mutually exclusive categories. See more: A Season in Hell
... 1:11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, [and] the fruit {tree} yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed [is] in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. Genesis 1:12 ...
THE TRUTH THEY TELL THE TREE OF LIFE CROP CIRCLE FORMATION This article explains the extraordinary Kabalistic Tree of Life crop circle formation. The dates and coordinates had apparent connections to Crowley's New Aeon, 93, 777, and the Tarot. Three other formations ... 1-23-98 - VISION - As I was falling asleep, I was watching two little girls playing with a ball of light. They ended up standing on the ball of light which was flaming around their feet ... THE CUT AND BANDED TREE - THE BARKED TREE by Dee Finney and Joe Mason
PalmVictory The date palm is the one always meant in the Bible; it is the most common and the most useful of the large family of palms. The tree has one single stem which never branches, but rises like a straight, slender column to a great height, and bears at its top a crown of very large and graceful feather-shaped leaves. The old leaves gradually drop off below and new ones grow from the center, keeping the crown always full and green. The flowers are borne in large clusters of many thousands, which hang from among the leaves. The staminate and pistillate flowers are on separate trees, and the Arabs are accustomed to cut the pollen-bearing clusters and tie them in the fertile trees that the fruit may be full and good. The dates are the main dependence of the people in countries where they grow, eaten fresh and preserved in many ways. Other parts of the tree are also useful, especially the large, strong leaves with their tough fiber. "The victor's palm," we say; we "yield the palm" to one who excels; and from very ancient days a palm-leaf has been an emblem of victory. The Greek goddess of victory was represented with a palm-leaf in her hand. It is a relic of the ancient perception that the palm-tree corresponds to a knowledge of the truest kind of victory; a knowledge of the power of the Lord's commandments to conquer in spiritual conflict. In the book of Revelation, John "beheld, and, lo, a great multitude which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; and cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb." (Rev. vii. 9, 10) The righteous shall flourish like the palm-tree." (Ps. xcii. 12) Plainly it is a promise that those who try to do right shall have an increasing knowledge of the power of the Lord's commandments to defend from evil and to lead to good. The whole Psalm is a grateful confession of this saving power. The palm has a variety of sacred and secular associations. In the Kabbalah, it symbolizes the righteous man (tzaddik) and was an emblem of Judea after the Exodus. One of the four plants paraded on the Sukkot to celebrate God's bounty, it represents the Jew who studies the Torah but does not obey the commandments. Other interpretations include the spine that bends before God, and God. In Christianity, it signifies righteousness, resurrection, and martyrdom based on Christ's entry into Jerusalem where palm branches were laid in his path. In the Middle Ages, a palm leaf was a badge of pilgrimage to the Holy Land and people wearing it were called 'palmers.' Because of its height and radiating leaves, it was an early fertility and sun symbol. The Babylonians considered it a divine tree because of its association with the sun. In many early Middle Eastern civilizations the palm was a Tree of Life; the Phoenician god Baal-Tamar was the lord of the palm and the palm was the emblem of the goddesses Astarte and Ishtar. In ancient Rome, victors were presented with palm branches and the palm took on victory as its meaning in ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece. The palm has also signified fame and peace. In contemporary, secular culture it represents tropical delights . The waving of palm branches was not a benign act, either. There is recent archeological evidence that the waving of palm branches was seen as a powerful symbol of protest against the Romans. There are no palm trees on the Mount of Olives. So the palms used in this parade into town most likely had been brought from some other place. The palm tree was hugely symbolic during this period. Charles Page, the Academic Dean of the Jerusalem Center for Biblical Studies says the palm was a symbol of Jewish nationalism. The history of the symbolism dates to the Maccabean Revolt of 164 BCE. After the Greeks had been driven out of Jerusalem the Maccabean rulers minted a new coin to celebrate their victory. The palm branch was displayed on this coin to represent Jewish pride and nationalism. Similarly, after the Romans defeated the Zealots in 135 ce, they minted a coin to commemorate their victory. On their coin was the image of a Jewish slave kneeling before a Roman soldier with a broken palm branch across the top of the coin. The implication is that their nationalistic goals were now destroyed.1 So the palm branch was a powerful symbol. When Jesus mounted a donkey in Bethphage and headed toward Jerusalem, and people began waving palm branches it was a daring symbol of defiance to the Roman occupation forces. Pretty risky business. So why then, did the dream show a 'broken' palm tree? Joel recorded the condition of the Garden trees in our day, the time of the END, "Be ye ashamed, O ye husbandmen; howl, O ye vinedressers, for the wheat and the barley; for the harvest of the field is perished (field = world, Matthew 13:38). The vine is dried up, and the fig tree languisheth; the pomegranate tree, the palm tree also, and the apple tree, even all the trees of the field are withered: because joy is withered away from the sons of men," Joel 1:11-12. A broken tree is a common symbol of death. The Burning Bush from which God appeared to Moses in the desert is now thought by Biblical scholars to have been an acacia glorified by the red leaves of a locanthus, the Eastern equivalent of mistletoe." |