11-25-05 - DREAM - I was working in an office,
reading a handwriten paper and on the center of the paper were the
words California Junta.
I had no idea what that was
I woke up and fell asleep again..
11-25-05 - DREAM #2 - I was working in an office fora man who
seemed to be an attorney I once used to get a divorce.
It was about 11:30 am and I was working in my own office and my
boss walked in and asked me where his morning mail was. I told him I
had already given it to him.
He saw a small stack of blueprints on my desk that I was going
to send out a letter with to another company to purchase the item
featured on the blueprints.
He picked it up and told me there was an error on it. So he
called upstairs and asked the engineer who had drawn the original
At this point, I knew it was my job to prevent a California
Junta from happening and I didn't know how I was going to do that when
I didn't even know what it was.
I had to leave my office for a few minutes to attend to another
secretary who came in late, and when I came back to my office, my boss
wasn't there and the engineer was squatted down on the floor in front
of my radio which was blasting loudly about something I wasn't
The engineer complained about the radio making strange crackling
noises and I looked at the lighted dial and it was obvious to me that
he had messed with the tuning and it was way off the frequency it was
supposed to be at. So I quickly turned the dial so it was on the
correct frequency again and the words were again clearer and there was
no crackling again. I also turned the sound down a bit thought
it was still plenty loud.
My boss then came back into the office and I left again, but I
was close enough to overhear the two men talking about seeing the
other tampering with the plans.
Only the engineer could have done that and I wondered then
again, about the California Junta and how I was going to prevent it
from happening.
NOTE: Before posting this information, I considered what one
person can do in any given situation and then considered what a
difference one person can make if they don't participate at all.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
- In Spanish,
junta, literally "joint (meeting)", is used for various
collegial bodies.
- During the Habsburg rule, junta was used for various regular
administrative bodies in Iberia and other European countries
(including the Low
countries) ruled -in personal union- by the Spanish crown, and
even was maintained in some cases after those were divided in
territories brought under the imperial Austrian branch of the dynasty
- In the Napoleonic era, junta was also the name chosen by
several local administrations forming in Spain
during the Peninsula
War as a patriotic alternative to the official administration
topped by the French invaders.
- In Spanish
America, the Creole
juntas were formally loyal to Ferdinand
VII of Spain, but in the power void, they became actually
independent, preparing the independence
of Spanish America.
- In modern Spain Juntas exist in some of the reatively recent autonomous
governments of Spain
- For the Hindi
designation for the people or the common populace, see Janata.
- In music:
- Junta
is an album
by the popular US
band Phish
(though pronounced jun-tah as if it were originally an English word).
- "Jet Set Junta" is a song by the influential, though
little known, UK band The
Monochrome Set. As in the Phish album, the word is pronounced
Illegal Immigration Facts and Figures
- 10.4 million illegal aliens reside in the United States.
(source: Pew Hispanic Center)
- Every year, 500,000 additional illegal aliens enter the
United States
(source: Pew Hispanic Center)
- California's nearly 3 million illegal immigrants cost
taxpayers nearly $9 billion each year
(source: Federation for American
Immigration Reform)
- Illegal aliens cost the federal government $10 billion
more annually than they pay in taxes.
(source: Center for Immigration
- Taxpayers pay $750 million annually to house the 18,000
illegal aliens in California prisons.
(source: US Govt. Accounting Office)
It's time to stop complaining about Washington not doing its
Facts About The California Border Police Initiative:
- The California Border Police will be a state police force
(like the CHP) established in the state constitution and under
the authority of the Governor.
- California Border Police officers will be authorized to
patrol the border and enforce all federal immigration laws
statewide, including laws against employers who knowingly hire
illegal immigrants.
- The California Border Police Initiative will save state
taxpayers at least $10 for every one dollar it costs.
- The California Border Police will be sworn and trained
police officers, not volunteers.
FROM: http://www.calborderpolice.com/
Who are Californians Against Illegal Immigration?
Californians Against Illegal Immigration is a non-partisan
organization dedicated to protecting our state's economy and
security from the continued invasion by illegal aliens who defy
the laws of immigration. The Chairman of Californians for Illegal
Immigration is Escondido City Council Member Marie Waldron.
We support the enforcement of our borders and a crackdown on
illegals already in the state. Coupled with tougher penalties for
firms that employ illegals, we can promote a healthy and legal
immigration trend in California. This is in the best interest of
the citizens of California, law abiding immigrants and neighboring
states and countries.
What is an Illegal Immigrant?
An immigrant may be illegal if they:
- Cross the border without authorization
- Overstay their VISA
- Illegally enter the US and then proceed to give birth or
marry a citizen*
* Recently, INS now merely fines the
immigrant and allows them resident alien status.
FROM: http://www.stopillegals.org/
Bush to tackle immigration on Mexico border
Mon Nov 28, 2005 10:24 AM ET
By Patricia Wilson
WACO, Texas (Reuters) - President George W. Bush on Monday
tackles the thorny problem of illegal immigration on the Mexico
border with his own Republican Party split over whether
undocumented workers already in the United States should be
allowed to stay.
Fueled by fears of terrorists slipping into the country,
escalating violence and drug smuggling, Americans have become
increasingly worried about illegal immigration. More than
three-quarters think the government is not doing enough to control
the borders, according to a CBS News poll last month.
In Tucson, Arizona, on Monday and El Paso, Texas, on
Tuesday, Bush will focus on border security, portraying his
temporary worker program -- which some Republicans say rewards
lawbreakers -- as a way to relieve pressure on enforcement by
bringing illegal immigrants "out of the shadows."
"He'll talk about additional resources and the use of
technology to secure the border, and discuss it in terms of
national security and the economy," the White House said.
Bush has a fine line to walk between playing to the demands
of his conservative base for tougher enforcement and the
Republican Party's desire to court the votes of Hispanics, the
fastest-growing minority in the United States. The issue is
expected to play a major role in congressional elections in many
states next year.
His guest worker proposal offers the estimated 11
million illegal immigrants in the United States the chance to
register and work -- mostly at low-skilled jobs Americans don't
want -- for up to six years. They then have to return to their
home countries for a year to apply for a new work permit.
Supporters say it creates incentives for legal immigration,
serves national security interests by identifying who is in the
country and boosts the economy. Republican critics call it a
"backdoor amnesty" program and prefer to crack down on
illegal immigration with beefed up border patrols, the military
and fences.
"Enforcement alone doesn't work," Senate
Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada said in a letter to Bush.
He called on the president to "stand up to the right wing of
your party and stand up for what is right."
Each year, more than 1 million undocumented migrants try to
slip across the rivers and deserts on the 2,000 mile U.S.-Mexico
border in search of work in the United States. Almost half of them
come through Arizona and hundreds die attempting the dangerous
The problem reached such epic proportions in the summer that
Arizona and New Mexico declared states of emergency, saying tens
of thousands of illegals were endangering border security. That
allowed the governors to use millions of federal dollars to shore
up their borders.
Angry residents have formed armed teams called Minutemen to
watch over the border and a movement has sprung up among
conservatives to wall off its entire length with a high-tech
fence. More than two dozen members of the U.S. Congress have
signed on to the idea.
© Reuters 2005. All Rights Reserved.
Agents Brave Extremes to Prevent Illegal Entry
NewsMax.com Wires
Tuesday, Nov. 22,
DULZURA, Calif. - Immigrant smugglers once avoided the
rugged, chaparral-covered canyons east of San Diego for easier
crossing points - but now the Otay Mountains are one of the
busiest areas along California's border with Mexico.
As smugglers try to stay a step ahead of the law, the U.S.
Border Patrol has followed with its only unit of agents who are
ferried around in helicopters and then set out on foot in search
of illegal immigrants.
The Border Patrol formed its Air Mobile Unit in 2003 to
monitor remote parts of western California, where tens of
thousands of immigrants cross each year.
Increased enforcement in San Diego and El Paso, Texas, has
squeezed border crossers into less hospitable corridors, including
deserts where hundreds die each year. The Otay Mountains are not
the deadliest point along the 2,000-mile border, but they are
Dehydration threatens as summer temperatures race past 100;
hypothermia is a danger during winter. Broken wrists and twisted
ankles are common and it's easy to get lost on the lattice of
Given their outdoor office, the agents must be fit.
Mark Cary, a former Marine, once took nine hours to trek
seven miles from the dilapidated border fence to the nearest major
road, California Route 94. Migrants typically take two days to
cover the same route, he says.
One recent evening, two of the agents broke thick sweats as
they sped downhill over granite boulders and branches burned
during California's 2003 wildfires.
It was hardly more than an hour before they found what they
were looking for.
One agent pointed excitedly to the right, stepped off the
narrow trail, clutched his rifle and peered through the dense
brush. Within moments, 14 Mexicans were in U.S. custody.
The agents' shift began shortly before sunset at San Diego's
Brownfield Municipal Airport, where nearly every night Black Hawk
helicopters take agents into mountains where one canyon is known
among migrants as "La Espina del Diablo" - the devil's
spine - and trails are named Dead Cow and Tequila Draw.
Though flying saves time, noise from choppers hovering ahead
can alert smugglers to hide.
Just outside Dulzura, a hamlet about 25 miles east of San
Diego, Cary and fellow agent Jeff Mielke struck out on one of the
countless footpaths blazed by migrants.
Words were few and flashlights kept off to avoid drawing
attention. After hitting a plateau midway down the canyon, the
agents found the 14 migrants resting on rocks near one of the
makeshift shrines scattered along the border.
"You're all illegals?" Cary asked in Spanish, as
he emptied backpacks of tuna cans, water jugs, pills and prayer
cards and frisked each person for weapons. Several nodded yes.
Cary said everyone was under arrest.
Jose Ambrosio Ruiz, a 23-year-old construction worker who
was headed to Los Angeles, said the group had been waiting near
the shrine for four hours.
"I'm tired," said Ruiz, who flew the night before
from southern Mexico to the border city of Tijuana, where he spent
the night in a hotel.
The agents used white, plastic bands to tie the wrists of 11
men into pairs or threesomes to prevent them from running. A
41-year-old woman and her teenage daughter and son were allowed to
walk untied.
With one agent leading and the other behind, the migrants
walked six hours over moonlit rocks and scrub. They trekked
briskly through the oak-lined canyon floor and past a rusted
cattle fence about 30 yards north of the unmarked border. During
their only rest stop, an agent passed around beef jerky and water.
As the migrants turned uphill on a switch-back trail around
10 p.m., the 13-year-old boy began to limp. He collapsed on the
trail every five minutes, muttering "I can't" in
Cary sighed in exasperation.
"You play soccer. ... You walk to school," he told
the boy. "This is nothing."
Another group of agents in the same canyon called
periodically by radio to report their arrests - first a group of
15, then eight, finally two.
At midnight, the agents converged near three paddy wagons,
which took the migrants to a Border Patrol station for interviews
and processing.
All told, the two teams arrested 64 people, adding to the
unit's total of about 16,000 to date.
Typically, nearly all migrants return voluntarily to Mexico
without facing charges. This night is no different.
One Mexican had been deported three times before. Another
said he was a foot guide for the smugglers and was to be paid $200
a person. Neither met federal prosecution guidelines.
"That's what's so demoralizing," said Chuck
Albrecht, the Air Mobile Unit's field operations supervisor.
"You know a lot of them are just going to try again eight
hours later."
© 2005 Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.
Editor's note:
Hispanics are joining the GOP as never before! Meet the "New
Republicans" – Click Here Now
with the U.S. Border Patrol – Wear the Cap! Click Here Now.
Debate Over California Border At Capitol
30, 2005 - The debate over securing California's border
with Mexico attracted nearly 1,000 people on both sides of the
issue to the state capitol.
Demonstrators opposed to the Minuteman Project marched around
the Capitol grounds Saturday. Supporters of the citizens' patrol
rallied on the front steps of the State House.
Tim Donnelly, Minuteman Corps of California: "Most
people think that the border is a triple fence that's 25-feet
high. Well yeah, sure it is - around ports of the entry. But the
other 1,969 miles of border are wide open."
Ramiro Meerano, immigrant rights activist: "I think
they're more against just people of third world nations coming
to this country. I think this country was made up of
Overall the event remained peaceful, but police
arrested three people.
The Minuteman Project also sponsored similar rallies in Florida
and Texas Saturday.
By Walter Pincus, Washington Post Staff Writer, Sunday, November 27,
The Defense Department has expanded its programs aimed at gathering
and analyzing intelligence within the United States, creating new
agencies, adding personnel and seeking additional legal authority for
domestic security activities in the post-9/11 world.
The moves have taken place on several fronts. The White House is
considering expanding the power of a little-known Pentagon agency
called the Counterintelligence Field Activity, or CIFA, which was
created three years ago.
The proposal, made by a presidential commission, would transform CIFA
from an office that coordinates Pentagon security efforts -- including
protecting military facilities from attack -- to one that also has
authority to investigate crimes within the United States such as
treason, foreign or terrorist sabotage or even economic espionage.
The Pentagon has pushed legislation on Capitol Hill that would create
an intelligence exception to the Privacy Act, allowing the FBI and
others to share information gathered about U.S. citizens with the
Pentagon, CIA and other intelligence agencies, as long as the data is
deemed to be related to foreign intelligence. Backers say the measure
is needed to strengthen investigations into terrorism or weapons of
mass destruction.
The proposals, and other Pentagon steps aimed at improving its ability
to analyze counterterrorism intelligence collected inside the United
States, have drawn complaints from civil liberties advocates and a few
members of Congress, who say the Defense Department's push into
domestic collection is proceeding with little scrutiny by the Congress
or the public.
"We are deputizing the military to spy on law-abiding
Americans in America. This is a huge leap without even a
[congressional] hearing," Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), a member of
the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said in a recent
Wyden has since persuaded lawmakers to change the legislation,
attached to the fiscal 2006 intelligence authorization bill, to
address some of his concerns, but he still believes hearings should be
held. Among the changes was the elimination of a provision to let
Defense Intelligence Agency officers hide the fact that they work for
the government when they approach people who are possible sources of
intelligence in the United States.
Modifications also were made in the provision allowing the FBI to
share information with the Pentagon and CIA, requiring the approval of
the director of national intelligence, John D. Negroponte, for that to
occur, and requiring the Pentagon to make reports to Congress on the
subject. Wyden said the legislation "now strikes a much fairer
balance by protecting critical rights for our country's citizens and
advancing intelligence operations to meet our security needs."
Kate Martin, director of the Center for National Security Studies,
said the data-sharing amendment would still give the Pentagon much
greater access to the FBI's massive collection of data, including
information on
citizens not connected to terrorism or espionage.
The measure, she said, "removes one of the few existing privacy
protections against the creation of secret dossiers on Americans by
government intelligence agencies." She said the Pentagon's
"intelligence agencies are quietly expanding their domestic
presence without any public debate."
Lt. Col. Chris Conway, a spokesman for the Pentagon, said that the
most senior Defense Department intelligence officials are aware of the
sensitivities related to their expanded domestic activities. At the
time, he said, the Pentagon has to have the intelligence necessary to
protect its facilities and personnel at home and abroad.
"In the age of terrorism," Conway said, "the U.S.
military and its facilities are targets, and we have to be prepared
within our authorities to defend them before something happens."
Among the steps already taken by the Pentagon that enhanced its
domestic capabilities was the establishment after 9/11 of Northern
Command, or Northcom, in Colorado Springs, to provide military forces
to help in
reacting to terrorist threats in the continental United States.
Today, Northcom's intelligence centers in Colorado and Texas fuse
reports from CIFA, the FBI and other U.S. agencies, and are staffed by
290 intelligence analysts. That is more than the roughly 200 analysts
working for the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and
Research, and far more than those at the Department of Homeland
In addition, each of the military services has begun its own post-9/11
collection of domestic intelligence, primarily aimed at gathering data
on potential terrorist threats to bases and other military facilities
home and abroad. For example, Eagle Eyes is a program set up by the
Air Force Office of Special Investigations, which "enlists the
eyes and ears of Air Force members and citizens in the war on
terror," according to the program's Web site.
The Marine Corps has expanded its domestic intelligence operations
and developed internal policies in 2004 to govern oversight of the
"collection, retention and dissemination of information
concerning U.S. persons," according to a Marine Corps order
approved on April 30, 2004.
The order recognizes that in the post-9/11 era, the Marine Corps
Intelligence Activity will be "increasingly required to perform
domestic missions," and as a result, "there will be
increased instances whereby Marine intelligence activities may come
across information regarding U.S. persons." Among domestic
targets listed are people in the United States who it "is
reasonably believed threaten the physical security of Defense
Department employees, installations, operations or official
Perhaps the prime illustration of the Pentagon's intelligence
growth is CIFA, which remains one of its least publicized intelligence
agencies. Neither the size of its staff, said to be more than 1,000,
nor its budget is public, said Conway, the Pentagon spokesman. The
CIFA brochure says the agency's mission is to "transform"
the way counterintelligence is done "fully utilizing 21st century
tools and resources."
One CIFA activity, threat assessments, involves using "leading
edge information technologies and data harvesting," according to
a February 2004 Pentagon budget document. This involves
"exploiting commercial
data" with the help of outside contractors including White Oak
Technologies Inc. of Silver Spring, and MZM Inc., a Washington-based
research organization, according to the Pentagon document.
For CIFA, counterintelligence involves not just collecting data but
also "conducting activities to protect DoD and the nation against
espionage, other intelligence activities, sabotage, assassinations,
and terrorist
activities," its brochure states.
CIFA's abilities would increase considerably under the proposal being
reviewed by the White House, which was made by a presidential
commission on intelligence chaired by retired appellate court judge
Laurence H.
Silberman and former senator Charles S. Robb (D-Va.). The commission
urged that CIFA be given authority to carry out domestic criminal
investigations and clandestine operations against potential threats
inside the United States.
The Silberman-Robb panel found that because the separate military
services concentrated on investigations within their areas, "no
entity views non-service-specific and department-wide investigations
as its primary responsibility." A 2003 Defense Department
directive kept CIFA from engaging in law enforcement activities such
as "the investigation, apprehension, or detention of individuals
suspected or convicted of criminal offenses against the laws of the
United States."
The commission's proposal would change that, giving CIFA "new
counterespionage and law enforcement authorities," covering
treason, espionage, foreign or terrorist sabotage, and even economic
That step, the panel said, could be taken by presidential order and
Pentagon directive without congressional approval.
White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said the CIFA expansion "is
being studied at the DoD [Defense Department] level," adding that
intelligence director Negroponte would have a say in the matter. A
Pentagon spokesman said, "The [CIFA] matter is before the Hill
Sen. John W. Warner (R-Va.), chairman of the Senate Armed Services
Committee, said in a recent interview that CIFA has performed well in
the past and today has no domestic intelligence collection activities.
He was not aware of moves to enhance its authority.
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has not had formal
hearings on CIFA or other domestic intelligence programs, but its
staff has been briefed on some of the steps the Pentagon has already
taken. "If a member asks the chairman" -- Sen. Pat Roberts
(R-Kan.) -- for hearings, "I am sure he would respond," said
Bill Duhnke, the panel's staff
Staff writer Dan Eggen contributed to this report.
© 2005 The Washington Post Company
Civilian Border Watchers Quit In San Diego
Organizers Disappointed By Turnout
POSTED: 3:51 pm PST November 22, 2005
SAN DIEGO -- A civilian group patrolling California's border with
Mexico is calling it quits after two months.
Friends of the Border Patrol touted its plans for months, but
the turnout was much lower than expected. Only about two dozen
participants showed up for the launch in San Diego back in
September. That event that was marked by a minor scuffle with
protesters. At the time, the protesters said they would continue
pressuring the border watchers to leave San Diego County.
"They suffer from a phobia. They are afraid of all things
that are foreign," Ed Herrera of the Human Rights Coalition
said. "They're going to be running out, and we're going to
chase them out."
Group leader Andy Ramirez of Chino said he is ending the
patrols mainly because his volunteers refused to sign liability
waivers to patrol on private property.
San Diego County Sheriff's Lt. Bill Hogue said Friends of the
Border Patrol typically had between 10 and 20 volunteers for its
periodic outings along the border in east San Diego County.
The San Diego area has witnessed three civilian patrol groups
since July -- all of them modeled on the Minuteman group that gained
national media exposure for watching the Arizona-Mexico border in
April. Volunteers call the Border Patrol when they see illegal
border crossings.
The Border Patrol attributes only 13 apprehensions to the
civilian patrols in San Diego County. By comparison, the Border
Patrol's San Diego sector recorded 138 thousand apprehensions in the
12-month period through September.
Border Patrol Skims Mountains for Illegal Entrants
Monday, November 21, 2005
DULZURA, Calif. — Immigrant smugglers once avoided
the rugged, chaparral-covered canyons east of San Diego for easier
crossing points — but now the Otay
Mountains are one of the busiest areas along California's border
with Mexico.
As smugglers try to stay a step ahead of the law, the U.S.
Border Patrol has followed with its only unit of agents who are
ferried around in helicopters and then set out on foot in search of
illegal immigrants.
The Border Patrol formed its Air
Mobile Unit in 2003 to monitor remote parts of western California,
where tens of thousands of immigrants cross each year.
Increased enforcement in San Diego and El Paso, Texas, has
squeezed border crossers into less hospitable corridors, including
deserts where hundreds die each year. The Otay Mountains are not the
deadliest point along the 2,000-mile border, but they are treacherous.
Dehydration threatens as summer temperatures race past 100;
hypothermia is a danger during winter. Broken wrists and twisted
ankles are common and it's easy to get lost on the lattice of trails.
In the last year, 23 migrants have been reported dead in the Border
Patrol's San Diego sector, which includes Otay (pronounced OH-tie).
Given their outdoor office, the agents must be fit.
Mark Cary, a former Marine, once took nine hours to trek seven
miles from the dilapidated border fence to the nearest major road,
California Route 94. Migrants typically take two days to cover the
same route, he says.
All but two of the Air Mobile Unit's 54 agents are men. All but
one is under 40 years old — and he's a supervisor with a desk job.
One recent evening, two agents broke thick sweats as they sped
downhill over granite boulders and branches burned during California's
2003 wildfires.
About an hour later, one agent pointed excitedly to the right,
stepped off the narrow trail, clutched his rifle and peered through
the dense brush. Within moments, 14 Mexicans were in U.S. custody.
The agents' shift began shortly before sunset at San Diego's
Brownfield Municipal Airport, where nearly every night Black Hawk
helicopters take agents into mountains where one canyon is known among
migrants as "La Espina del Diablo" — the devil's spine —
and trails are named Dead Cow and Tequila Draw.
Just outside Dulzura, a hamlet about 25 miles east of San Diego,
Cary and fellow agent Jeff Mielke struck out on one of the countless
footpaths blazed by migrants.
Words were few and flashlights were kept off to avoid drawing
attention. Midway down the canyon, the agents found the 14 migrants
— abandoned by their guide — resting on rocks near one of the
makeshift shrines scattered along the border.
The shrine — a cave-like boulder formation just over a mile
from Mexico that can fit one squatting adult — contained three
burning candles, dozens of extinguished candles and hundreds of prayer
cards. One card bore Santo Toribio Romo, the Mexican patron of
"You're all illegals?" Cary asked in Spanish, as he
emptied backpacks of tuna cans, water jugs, pills and prayer cards and
frisked each person for weapons. Several nodded yes. Cary said
everyone was under arrest.
Jose Ambrosio Ruiz, a 23-year-old construction worker who was
headed to Los Angeles, said the group had been waiting near the shrine
for four hours.
"I'm tired," said Ruiz, who flew the night before from
southern Mexico to the border city of Tijuana. He was to pay his
smuggler $1,500 when he arrived in Los Angeles.
The agents used white plastic bands to tie the wrists of 11 men
into pairs or threesomes to prevent them from running. A 41-year-old
woman and her teenage daughter and son were allowed to walk untied.
The Mexicans walked quietly, occasionally cracking jokes but
mostly keeping to themselves.
With one agent leading and the other behind, they walked six
hours over moonlit rocks and scrub. During their only rest stop, an
agent passed around beef jerky and water.
As the migrants turned uphill on a switch-back trail around 10
p.m., the 13-year-old boy began to limp. He collapsed on the trail
every five minutes, muttering "I can't" in Spanish.
Cary sighed in exasperation.
"You play soccer. ... You walk to school," he told the
boy. "This is nothing."
Another group of agents in the same canyon called periodically
by radio to report their arrests — first a group of 15, then eight,
finally two.
At midnight, the agents converged near three vehicles, which
took the migrants to a Border Patrol station for interviews and
processing. Back at the airport hangar, the agents calculated that
they walked 4.2 miles over eight hours, dropping 2,900 feet in
altitude and then climbing 200 feet.
All told, the two teams arrested 64 people, adding to the unit's
total of about 16,000 to date.
Typically, nearly all migrants return voluntarily to Mexico
without facing charges, escorted in vans to the main border station at
the Tijuana-San Diego crossing. This night is no different.
One Mexican had been deported three times before. Another said
he was a foot guide for the smugglers and was to be paid $200 a
person. Neither met federal prosecution guidelines.
"That's what's so demoralizing," said Chuck Albrecht,
the Air Mobile Unit's field operations supervisor. "You know a
lot of them are just going to try again eight hours later."
FROM: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,176202,00.html
Illegal Immigration: California Border Police Plan Draws Throngs
October 30, 2005
California's growing divide over how best to secure its
border with Mexico was on display Saturday at a confrontation
between groups rallying for and against a plan to create state
border police.
The dueling protests drew nearly 1,000 people to the state
Capitol. More than two dozen police officers, many of them on
horseback, stood between the rival gatherings. Authorities
reported three arrests during the two-hour standoff.
The proposed ballot initiative by Assemblyman Ray Haynes,
R-Murrieta, to create a state immigration police force was the
reason for the rallies, but the role that volunteer citizen
patrols known as 'Minutemen' play on the Mexico-U.S. border also
prompted debate.
A San Diego-based group announced last month that it had
taken border patrols into its own hands to stop illegal immigrants
and drug smugglers form entering California.
'We have a major problem on the border with the illegals,'
said Robin Gable, 50 of Sacramento, who was one of about 300 who
came to hear speeches from politicians and others urging voters to
sign ballot petitions. 'I'm here to support the Minutemen and our
border patrols. You have terrorists, there's drugs coming across.
Something has to be done about it.'
Not far away on the sidewalk stood Tomas Alejo, 30, of
Watsonville, Calif., who was part of a counterprotest of about 700
'Our people should be treated with dignity and respect,' he
said. 'We don't believe that people should be dogged if they are
from one side of the border or the other. We denounce what the
Minutemen are all about.'
Haynes said he hopes his initiative qualifies for the 2006
ballot. The border police force would be charged specifically with
enforcing federal immigration laws.
Peter Camejo, the Green Party's 2004 vice presidential
candidate, led the counter-protest. He said the effort to seal off
the borders is wrong, and that those coming across the border are
needed for the American economy.
Copyright © 2005, The Associated Press. All rights
reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten
or redistributed.
Copyright © 2005, InterestAlert
FROM: http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/viewArticle.asp?articleID=3347
Frosty Wooldridge
October 14, 2005
you ever become angry because someone else did poor work with
terrible results? Did you respond, “I could have done that job
better myself.”
this nation today, local, state and federal officials fail their
oaths of office concerning illegal migration--all the way to the
president. In a recent CNN poll, 87 percent of Americans want
illegal alien migration stopped. Has Bush or Congress changed
course in the past five years? Nope! Nothing deters them from
waging war on Iraq while terrorists enjoy free passage over our
Mexican border.
over 20 million illegal aliens in our country and thousands
pouring in every night—placing us all at risk--enter the
week, California’s US Congressman Ed Royce spoke in Washington,
DC. Royce heads the House Sub Committee on International
Terrorism. He understands the crisis we all face as this
administration allows continued access to terrorists coming up
from Mexico.
look at the facts of illegal migration into America:
excess of 10 million illegal Mexicans reside in the United
States. A full three million swamp California. Estimates
show another 10 million from 100 countries around the world
live and work in the United States contrary to federal law.
(source: US Census Bureau)
year, three million illegal aliens enter the USA. (source:
Time Magazine, September 12, 2004) *California’s three
million illegal aliens cost taxpayers $9 billion annually.
(source: Federation for American Immigration Reform)
aliens cost the federal government $10 billion more annually
than they pay in taxes. (source: Center for Immigration
suffer $1.4 billion annually to house 48,000 illegal aliens
in California prisons and over $1.6 billion annually for
aliens in federal prisons. (Federation for American
Immigration Reform)
MS-13 Gang members, all illegals, operate in 33 states and
distribute $128 billion in drugs from Mexico annually.
(source: Newsweek)
billion annually goes uncollected in IRS taxes from illegal
aliens working off the books. (source: Bears and Sterns
report 2005)
million illegal alien children create language havoc in
schools across the country with ESL. Over 350,000 anchor
babies annually gain free medical services at a cost of
millions of dollars to Americans. (source: FAIR report)
list grows daily. Anger grows by the minute. People want to take
action in every community across America.
Legislature Assemblyman Raymond Haynes promotes the initiative,
“It’s time to stop complaining about Washington not doing its
job. It’s time to enforce the law and protect our own border.”
does it work?
of the initiative, Raymond Haynes enjoys community support from
Senators Margett, Runner, Dutton, Hollingsworth, Campbell and
Ackerman as well as Assemblymen Wyland, Bogh, LaMalfa, Cogdill and
Assemblywomen Runner, Walters and hundreds of others.
you sick enough of the invasion to take action yourself? Sick of
your kids going to school only to be forced into up to 50
confusing languages bouncing off the walls of their classrooms by
illegal aliens from the far ends of the earth? Sick of the growing
crime in your community? The trash? The noise? The drugs? The
crime? The costs? Your hospitals bankrupting serving illegals? Are
you sick and tired of Bush and Congress not doing their jobs?
it yourself and do it well.
this initiative in your state.
E-Mail Contact: info@CalBorderPolice.com
or website
order my CD report from the border: ‘ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION—OUR
TROJAN HORSE’—PH. 1-800-248-3061.
for that 28-point action letter to stop this nation-destroying
madness at www.frostywooldridge.com.
Check out Mark Edwards' "Wake Up America" talk show on
50,000 watt KDWN-Am-720 10:00 PM to midnight PT, or on the
worldwide Internet at www.thewakeupamericafoundation.com.
Also, check out www.alipac.us
at 1 866 329 3999;
www.projectusa.org; www.unitedpatriotsofamerica.com
To order my CD report from the border: ‘ILLEGAL
Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique
view of the world, cultures and families in that he has bicycled
around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents in the past 26
He has written hundreds of articles
(regularly) for 17 national and 2 international magazines. He has had
hundreds of editorials published in top national newspapers including
the Rocky Mountain News, Denver Post, Albany Herald and Christian
Science Monitor.
His first book, "HANDBOOK FOR
TOURING BICYCLISTS" by Falcon Press is available nationwide. His
second book "STRIKE THREE! TAKE YOUR BASE" by the Brookfield
Reader published in January 2002. His bicycle books include
His latest book. ‘IMMIGRATION’S
Frosty Wooldridge has guest lectured at
Cornell University, teaching creative writing workshops, magazine
writing at Michigan State University, and has presented environmental
science lectures at the University of Colorado, University of Denver
and Regis University. He also lectures on "Religion and
Ethics" at Front Range College in Colorado.
Website: www.FrostyWooldridge.com
E:Mail: frostyw@juno.com
September 30, 2005
By Assemblywoman Mimi Walters
For the last few years, the issue of illegal immigration has been
simmering. In the past months, the issue has hit its boiling point.
In Southern California, as emergency rooms exceed their capacities,
hospitals begin to close, schools experience huge influxes of ESL
students, prisons experience maximum capacities, and roads overflow
with traffic, the debate has shifted from why the federal government
is not enforcing immigration law to if, how, and when the State of
California should contend with illegal immigration on its own.
As former Congressman Sonny Bono said in an interview, “What’s
to talk about? It’s illegal!” This sentiment recurs over and
over among citizens in Southern California. In their eyes, it is
crystal clear – it isn’t rational that taxpayers are required to
subsidize the behavior of those who enter our country illegally,
breaking our immigration laws, many of whom do nothing to contribute
to society.
It makes no sense that 30% of
our prisons are filled with illegal immigrants who have also
committed serious and violent felonies. It makes no sense that
taxpayers are required to pay for nearly all of the healthcare costs
of illegal immigrants. It makes no sense that illegal immigrants
receive social service benefits paid for by California taxpayers.
And, it makes no sense that students from neighboring states,
including our relatives and friends, must pay out-of-state tuition
to attend California’s state universities, but illegal immigrants
are given the reduced “in-state tuition” rates subsidized by
California taxpayers.
It is irrational that the liberal majority in the California State
Legislature has just voted to issue drivers’ licenses to illegal
immigrants. It is irrational that our State Budget, financed by
taxpayers, includes funds allocated for illegal immigrants. And, it
is irrational that our local law enforcement agencies are
discouraged by the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement
from enforcing immigration law.
The question of whether
California can undertake the enforcement of federal immigration law,
neglected by the federal government, was answered when Congressman
Chris Cox inserted Section 287(g) into the Immigration and
Nationality Act of 1996. The issue has recently been reinforced by a
piece of legislation in the California State Legislature. The law,
Assembly Constitutional Amendment 20 (ACA 20), authored by
Assemblyman Ray Haynes, states, “[This] measure would establish
the Division of Homeland Security, also to be known as the
California Border Police, in the Office of Emergency Services.”
ACA 20 would enable California to establish an agency whose sole
mission is the uniform, comprehensive, and statewide enforcement of
federal immigration law. It would allow our state law enforcement
officials to enforce immigration law that is currently being ignored
by the federal government. By tackling our illegal immigration
predicament, we will save billions of taxpayer dollars, and restore
our state’s fiscal solvency and our country’s national security.
By establishing the California Border Police, an agency whose sole
duties and responsibilities are the enforcement of immigration law,
we are all but guaranteeing its success. After all, even a
bureaucracy, if given a single task, will prevail in its duties, if
only to ensure its continued existence.
(Laguna Niguel)--On September 22,
2005, at the Laguna Hills Community Center, Assemblywoman Mimi
Walters (R-Laguna Niguel) hosted a Town Hall on Illegal Immigration
attended by four hundred concerned citizens. The objective of the
Town Hall was to discuss and address the issues and solutions
surrounding illegal immigration. Walters assembled a knowledgeable
and diverse group of experts on illegal immigration.
Speakers at the Town Hall included State Assemblyman Ray Haynes,
author of the California Border Police; Mike Dayton, Deputy Director
of the California Office of Homeland Security; Pete Nunez, former US
Attorney for the Southern District of California; Rick Oltman,
Western Director of the Federation of American Immigration Reform
(FAIR); and Dr. Madeleine Cosman, medical lawyer, lecturer, and
Pulitzer-nominated author.
Dr. Madeleine Cosman spoke about the importance of reforming
policies that give illegal immigrants, in some cases, better
treatment than United States citizens. She warned of the risk of
communicable diseases being brought into our country as illegal
immigrants pour across our borders medically unchecked.
Mike Dayton warned of the risks of illegal immigration from a
national security standpoint. He outlined the responsibilities of
the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and the risks posed by
our unprotected borders.
Pete Nunez explained why our border agents must be given broader
investigative authority. He reinforced the need for law enforcement
to have the ability to locate illegal immigrants throughout the
state, not just at the border. Currently, when illegal immigrants
are able to evade the U.S. Border Patrol and pass the 30-miles the
Border Patrol monitor, they are unlikely to ever encounter law
enforcement again, unless they are arrested for a felony.
Rick Oltman also spoke about the need for statewide enforcement of
immigration law. He underscored the problems with the recent influx
of illegal immigration in California and its consequences on our
hospitals, schools, roads, and general infrastructure. Without a
solution, he warned, our state will experience tremendous financial
instability and, more importantly, ongoing threats to our national
Assemblyman Ray Haynes spoke
about the California Border Police and why California must step-up
and assume responsibility to enforce immigration law that the
federal government is failing to enforce. By averting our eyes and
failing to enforce the law, he cautioned, we cannot expect the
problem to resolve itself. “We can only expect greater strains on
our prisons, hospitals, schools, roads, social services, and
economy,” he warned. “And, those are just secondary issues. Our
primary concern should be the terrorist threat that our porous
border creates.”
After many frustrated questions from the audience—which turned
into speeches demanding reform, the town hall concluded. At the end
of the Town Hall, everyone understood the problem, everyone knew the
means to resolve it, but no one could understand why politicians
would obstruct the solution.
FROM: http://republican.assembly.ca.gov/enewsletters/c_index.asp?mem=152&news=1496
Volunteers set for California border vigil
By Jerry Seper
September 15, 2005
Volunteers will man observation posts along the U.S.-Mexico
border in California beginning tomorrow to spot illegal aliens and
drug smugglers with plans to stay until they are relieved by U.S.
Border Patrol agents or National Guard troops, an organizer said
The vigil, timed to begin on Mexican
Independence Day, Sept. 16, was called to highlight what Friends of
the Border Patrol, which organized the event, said is the failure of
Congress and the White House to secure the U.S. border.
"Our borders are not under the
operational control of our government. Instead, they are controlled by
alien and drug smugglers," said Andy Ramirez, head of the
California-based Friends of the Border Patrol. "Our mission is to
provide a safe living environment for our local citizens until the
U.S. government provides the security for which it is
More than 200 civilian volunteers, including
former Border Patrol agents, retired police officers, military
personnel and pilots, initially will participate in the patrols,
building to as many as 3,000 as the vigil continues. They are expected
to establish observation posts near Calexico, Calif., and at the
Border Field State Park, north of Tijuana, Mexico.
The California border protest has been
endorsed by the Minuteman Civil Defense Project, which plans its own
patrols along the Mexican border from California to Texas in October.
The Minutemen, however, will not participate with the Friends of the
Border Patrol in their effort.
Mr. Ramirez said the California volunteers
want to call attention to the "real plight of those who live
along the border who are being overrun by illegal aliens and drug
The pending patrols are not without
controversy, as several civic and community groups have condemned the
volunteers. Numerous immigration-reform organizations and others also
plan to picket the volunteers. The Calexico City Council voted
unanimously last week to condemn the presence of civilian volunteers
in their city.
Some groups have accused the volunteers of
being racists -- a charge Mr. Ramirez denied.
Border Patrol Agent Chris Bauder, who serves
as president of Local 1613 of the National Border Patrol Council,
which represents San Diego-area agents, said the volunteers would
"just push [the illegal alien] traffic to other areas of the
"Everybody is talking about controlling
the border, but you can't control the border until you control the
source of the problem, and the source is the employment issue,"
Mr. Bauder said.
Mr. Ramirez said his organization has been
operational since July, when it began background investigations and a
series of training sessions.
"For those who may stand in opposition to
our border watch, they need to realize that this is about America and
putting the most important special-interest group of all in our top
priority and that is supporting and defending the American
people," he said.
"Both parties know that the Southwestern
U.S.-Mexican border is a mess," he said. "Citizens
volunteering to defend our nation in time of war and crisis is a
time-honored American tradition."
FROM: http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20050914-102127-7765r.htm
(08-18) 17:14 PDT SACRAMENTO, (AP) --
The state Assembly leader Thursday called on
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to declare a state of emergency along
California's border with Mexico, saying more federal patrols are
New Mexico drew national attention last week
when its governor made a similar declaration, citing the
lawlessness, drug smuggling and human trafficking along the border.
The governor of Arizona did the same this week.
Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, D-Los Angeles,
said California needs to pressure the federal government to stop
drug running and illegal immigration.
"The timing is good," he said.
"The governors of Arizona and New Mexico have done this, and
there's an opportunity for three states to have a joint effort in
lobbying the federal government."
On Wednesday, Schwarzenegger said he supports
the actions of his fellow governors but does not think there is a
crisis along California's border. Schwarzenegger spokeswoman Margita
Thompson said the governor continues to lobby for more federal money
and has written a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Michael
Chertoff requesting more border patrol agents.
She noted that Schwarzenegger also supports the
construction of a fence along California's border with Mexico.
Nunez said he will take a three-day trip to
Mexico City next week, a visit that will include meetings with a
number of government and business leaders including President
Vicente Fox.
It comes as relations between California and
its No. 1 trading partner have become somewhat rocky, caused in part
by Schwarzenegger's recent praise of the Minuteman Project, an
effort to post civilian sentries along the Arizona-Mexico border.
Nunez said Mexican officials share some
responsibility for the problems along the border and would not blame
Schwarzenegger for poor relations with Mexico.
"It's very important to establish strong
ties of mutual respect," he said.
Signature Drive to Create California Border Patrol
By Manuel Ortìz, El
Mensajero, Translated by Elena Shore
SAN FRANCISCO – Aug 18, 2005 – Republican
Assemblyman Ray Haynes has introduced a bill that would create a
new Border Patrol in California, arguing that we must get rid of
illegal immigrants because they “flagrantly take advantage”
of taxpayers.
The bill, ACA 20, was evaluated and brought to a vote on
July 5 in the State Assembly Judicial Committee where it was
rejected. Now Haynes, together with a group of volunteers,
is launching a signature collection campaign to put the measure
on the 2006 ballot.
The signature campaign, which began on July 25, will be
conducted by a company hired by the Border Patrol Committee of
California. According to committee spokesperson Cristina Rivera,
in order to make it onto ballot, a minimum of 598,106 signatures
must be collected in the next 150 days.
In a phone interview with El Mensajero, Rivera said
they hope to collect 900,000 signatures. “Californians, many
of them in San Diego, are tired of illegal immigration and want
something to be done because the federal government is not
solving the problem.”
The California Border Patrol, according to Rivera, would
be composed of approximately 2,000 agents and would cost between
200 and 400 million dollars.
“Californians are prepared to pay for this measure,”
she said, “because illegals are costing us nine billion
dollars a year that we spend on their medical care, education
and keeping them in jail when they commit a crime.”
When asked if she thought the bill could jeopardize the
rights of immigrant workers, Rivera responded, “No, because
those who come here illegally and take advantage of our system
don’t have rights.”
George Andrews, executive director of the California
Border Police Committee, said in an interview that although they
expect some opposition, the proposal to create a California
Border Patrol is very popular and “relies on the support of
recognized politicians, journalists and many groups of people
throughout California.”
Haynes: “A Distortion of
“The Hanyes bill is an attack on border communities and
all California immigrants,” says Maria Poblet, spokesperson
for St. Peter’s Housing Committee, an immigrant rights
advocacy organization in San Francisco. Interviewed at the
offices of La Raza Legal Center, Poblet refers to an April 5
article published by The New York Times that reveals that
the majority of immigrants pay taxes and contribute much more to
the economy than they receive in social benefits.
This case has also been made numerous times by renowned
writer Carlos Fuentes, author of The
Crystal Border. In an article entitled “The
Masked Racist,” he writes, “Mexicans are not invading the
U.S.. They are obeying the laws of work. If one day there
were full employment in Mexico, the U.S. would have to find
cheap labor in another country.” He adds, “Mexican
migrant workers pay 29 billion dollars more in taxes each year
than they receive in services.”
For this reason, Poblet says, “Assemblyman Haynes’
discourse is a distortion of reality. The creation of his Border
Patrol would only lead to a wave of racism and discrimination
against immigrants, legal and illegal: there would be
unjustified detentions; workers would live in a state of panic;
and they would be afraid of going to the police if they were
victims of a crime.”
Since the appearance of the Border Patrol in 1924, the
group has had a direct effect on the number of deaths of those
attempting to cross the border illegally in search of work. The
increase of officials and the militarization of the border,
according to reports by the United States Office of the
Controller General, has led to a change in the crossing areas,
from urban areas to the deserts and mountains where the risk of
death is greater.
“The creation of another armed group to repress our
community will not end immigration, because the causes of this
phenomenon – poverty in our countries and the enormous
necessity of cheap labor in the United States – still
continue,” says Poblet. “This bill will only increase the
number of deaths on the border.” |
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More Confrontations With Minutemen Reported
POSTED: July 27, 2005
SAN DIEGO -- Clashes have been reported along the San Diego-Mexican
border between the Minutemen border patrol group and protesters.The
aide told the North County Times he was unhurt in the clash,
which came as he accompanied Morrow on a trip to support the
The Minutemen also reported hearing shots fired in recent
weeks. Those incidents are being investigated.
The Minuteman group began controversial patrols of the U.S.
border with Mexico earlier this year. The group's leader in Texas
has also reportedly quit, citing racism within the group and other
Reporter's Opinion – Illegal Alien Invasion Update
George Putnam
Friday, May 27, 2005
It is this reporter's opinion that the illegal alien invasion of
the United States brought to this reporter's attention 35-40 years ago
has at long last caught our nation's attention. Organizations are
springing up all over the country determined to do the job that our
federal government's duly elected public officials are refusing to do.
We know of the Herculean efforts of the Minutemen and, more
recently, the Friends of the Border Patrol. A proposed ballot measure
would establish a new state police agency, the California Border
Police, that would patrol the border and crack down on businesses that
hire illegal immigrants. The agency would be created by the California
Border Police Act and is being pushed by California State Senator Ray
Haynes and Rescue California, a group advocating tougher border
All of these organizations and many more are performing as
modern-day Paul Reveres: "The invaders are coming!"
These past few days Congressman Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., has
called for the resignation of Michael Nicely, agent in charge of the
Tucson sector of the Border Patrol, after a dozen Border Patrol agents
confirmed that he ordered them to reduce the number of arrests of
illegal aliens crossing the border. Eight congressmen signed
Tancredo's letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael
Chertoff calling for Nicely's resignation.
Ten congressmen signed a separate letter by Tancredo, which
calls for the House Judiciary Committee to initiate an investigation
into the "stand down" orders. "Any government official
that seeks to thwart the law is derelict in his duty to the American
people. Mr. Nicely must take responsibility for his actions and turn
over his post to someone who is willing to enforce the law," says
A dozen Border Patrol agents told the Washington Times they had
been instructed "to 'stand down' from arresting illegal aliens
near where Minutemen protesters had patrolled the border in
April." The agents understood that an increase in arrests would
in fact prove the effectiveness of extra manpower on the border and
would credit the Minutemen's approach. Several sources, including the
president of the National Border Patrol Council, have confirmed this
Tancredo has called for a congressional investigation into this
matter. In a post-9/11 world, it is critical that we send the message
that we are serious about border security. "A congressional
investigation must get to the bottom of such troubling and dangerous
practices," says Congressman Tancredo. "If Mr. Nicely was
acting on orders from officials higher up in the border bureaucracy,
more heads should roll. Congress must exercise more active oversight
of our border security."
So, there you have it! The Minutemen, Friends of the Border
Patrol, and now a proposed new state police agency known as the
California Border Police. It's only the beginning, my friends.
Patriotic citizens nationwide are determined to bring a halt to this
invasion by illegal aliens and the violation of our nation's
At this moment, patriots across America are gathering in Las
Vegas under the leadership of Mark Edwards, who shouts, "It's
time to wake up, America!" Mark has long been informing Americans
about the illegal alien invasion on his "Wake Up America"
radio show on KDWN, Las Vegas, Nevada. (See An
Interview With Mark Edwards. His Web site is
Mark Edwards, as one Marine to another: "Semper Fi!"
And as my friend Ezola Foster says: "It's a sad day in America
when the lawmakers side with the lawbreakers AGAINST the law-abiding
Editor's note:
immigration threatens our security and tears at the fiber of America
– Click Here!
FROM: http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2005/5/27/22450.shtml
California Nanny Patrol
Voice Guest Columnist
Monday, May 23, 2005
America's borders are out of control.
Every year, 500,000 new undocumented aliens come to California. The cost
to California taxpayers is billions of dollars for food stamps and
other un-reimbursed services. The economic benefit of hiring cheap,
exploitable labor is a bonanza for California agribusiness, and a boon
to families. But the human cost of maintaining a system of American
apartheid is incalculable.
When the federal government fails to
take responsibility for enforcing borders, the people will do so. A
group of self-appointed Minutemen are patrolling the Arizona-Mexico
But self-declared patriots who take the
law into their own hands are nothing more than "vigilantes."
So says President George W. Bush, who ought to know one when he
sees one.
If vigilantism is ruled out, what's our
poor little state to do?
"Why not set up a state agency that
could enforce these (immigration) laws … with trained police
personnel in a comprehensive and uniform manner," says
Assemblyman Ray Haynes, R-Murrieta. These cops will be on the border,
in neighborhoods and on street corners. "It will cost about $200
to $300 million dollars, but it could save us $5 billion," claims
Haynes, who authored a bill to establish the California Border Police.
Simultaneously, a well-heeled group is circulating petitions to put
the California Border Police Initiative on the state ballot.
"If it qualifies, (Haynes) proposal
will probably be approved," predicts political analyst Daniel
Weintraub, of the Sacramento Bee.
Does California, or any state, have the
authority to carry out federal immigration enforcement? Apparently so.
Section 133 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant
Responsibility Act of 1996 authorizes state agencies to arrest
undocumented aliens and turn them over to federal authorities,
according to the initiative's supporters. Opponents disagree, saying
it usurps federal power. Most likely, it would wind up in the
"liberal-leaning" Ninth Circuit Court.
Assemblyman Haynes of Murrieta must have
conceived the California Border Police while meditating on moonbeams
in the Murrieta Hot Springs. In order to empathize, I asked my house
servant, Pepe, to fire up my hot tub and mix me a strawberry
margarita, fresh picked by Oaxacans sleeping in spider holes in the
sunny fields of Oceanside. Luxuriating in my Zen garden, tended by my
Chinese gardener, Xi Kung, I conjured up the result of this border
cops thinking.
The California Nanny Patrol will lurk at
playgrounds, parks and neighborhood school yards, waiting for nannies
to roll in with their charges. Then, with infants sleeping soundly in
their strollers, agents will nab those dangerous nannies. If working
parents complain that their beloved children were abandoned to local
coyotes, they will have no one to blame but themselves for hiring
The California Garden Patrol will tie
gardeners by their green thumbs, seize lawnmowers, blowers, and hedge
clippers and auction them off to the highest bidder. We can use the
proceeds to buy lariats for the California Student Patrol to lasso
young scholars caught in the act of learning, and drag them from
The California Bedpan Patrol will sweep
retirement communities and convalescent homes. Then the California
Elder Patrol will escort seniors to the homes of their children and
grandchildren, so busy Americans can care for their aged at home.
The California Taxpayer Patrol will
purge the tax rolls of aliens who pay withholding taxes but never
receive benefits. Maybe not -- we need their money to subsidize our
An estimated 3 million undocumented
immigrants currently live in California. They are farm workers,
nannies, housekeepers, gardeners, students, day laborers, hotel maids,
car washers, eldercare workers, students and mechanics whose hard work
for little pay keeps California running. This same group is made up of
small business owners, engineers, investors, doctors, scientists,
inventors, musicians, artists and technicians who are leading
California's technological and cultural advances. A small minority are
criminals, but the vast majority are decent, hard-working people with
strong families.
Do we really want California Border
Police (and their $300 million dollar price tag) arresting window
cleaners on our doorstep, pulling children out of schools, snatching
nannies while pushing strollers?
Before creating a new state bureaucracy
with profiling powers, let's put humanity back into the equation.
Jonathan Freedman is the author of
an upcoming novel, CANYON OF THE DEAD, about an American journalist
accused of murdering an illegal alien in a canyon near the border.
Freedman was awarded a 1987 Pulitzer Prize for editorials advocating
immigration law reform.
FROM: http://www.voiceofsandiego.org/site/apps/nl/content2.asp?c=euLTJbMUKvH&b=312131&ct=877011
May 13, 2005
California Border Patrol
Michael Williams
Law & Justice
Though the federal government should be spearheading the issue
of illegal immigration, California Assemblyman Ray Haynes is
attempting to re-form the line that ought to be protecting our state
from alien invasion. Assemblyman Haynes has proposed a state
constitutional amendment that would create a California
Border Patrol to perform internal enforcement of federal
immigration laws (internal, as opposed to enforcement that only
happens at the border). The amusing thing is that notoriously wasteful
California Democrats are objecting to the proposal based on cost.
Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez, a Democrat from Los Angeles, said
if a new police force required "spending more state dollars, I
think we have to take a second look at that because we do have to be
fiscally prudent."
Yeah, the same Fabian Nuñez who attempts to get illegal
immigrants driver's licenses every single year -- but he doesn't
immediately call the plan "racist", which raises some
interesting questions. Personally, I'm in favor of creating a CBP, and
I think we should send the tab to DC. Furthermore, the CBP would pay
for itself.
A state border patrol, which would be a first, would cut the
costs to taxpayers from an estimated 3 million illegal immigrants in
California, [Dave] Gilliard [the measure's political strategist]
said: "We estimate it would to save $5 billion to $7 billion
(annually). California currently spends $9 billion to $10 billion
for services, or for incarceration costs, on illegal
The new state police agency, allowed by 1996 federal law,
would employ more than 2,000 officers at a cost of $300 million to
$400 million annually, Gilliard said. "Because they gave the
states the authority to do this, there is no reason California
shouldn't do it on its own," he said.
Eric Hogue at CRO thinks he knows why the plan isn't
being denounced as "racist": because of Republican
triangulation. (Here's the link to the post at his radio
station blog.)
Why are the Dems not ranting over this new initiative? Because it
has them trapped with their constituency.
The Democrat's 'union supporters' do not like illegal worker
taking up ALL of the jobs in the state. When Member Haynes states
that this is an initiative to reinforce our laws, he is messaging
safely and placing the Democrats on the 'hot seat'...the unions want
to 'limit' the flow of competition into the state and this Border
Patrol addresses their concerns.
The Border Patrol will limit the flow of illegal immigration
and work force competition, and it will also create more public
employee, peace officer jobs for the state and the union - and the
unions like the additional jobs and the additional union dues for
political purposes.
Kevin Griffith at California Mafia interviewed
Assemblyman Haynes and has posted some of the responses he
This raised my next question, what would the focus of the CBP be?
Assemblyman Haynes said that the CBP would have the ability
and the authority to "go where they can be most effective"
- however, whether that would be the border itself, ports and
airports, or else where would be left to the head of the agency once
it is in place. However, Assemblyman Haynes pointed to the
employment aspect of the illegal immigration as a place where the
CBP would likely be active.
I was a bit concerned about the bill taxpayers would get
because of this new agency. Especially since we face such a major
structural problem here in California when it comes to the budget. I
asked the Assemblyman if part of the bill would go to the federal
Assemblyman Haynes assured me that the State would push to get
the federal government to pay as much as was possible for the
agency. He also pointed out that one of the major problems we face
is that the State is currently losing several billion dollars a year
right now because the federal government is not reimbursing the
State for welfare, medicare/medicaid/medical payments and other
several government programs that illegal immigrants are using. He
further, pointed out that "we could pay for half the cost of
the agency if we eliminated state employment services for illegals."
Don't forget the cost of educating both legal and illegal
children of illegal immigrants.
On the other side, Bob Morris at Politics in the Zeros
(which is a pretty cool name for a blog) thinks the idea is
hypocritical because law
enforcement rarely goes after the corporations who hire illegal
Well, when your polls ratings are sinking alarmingly, what better
route for a lunkhead governor to take than to mobilize his hard
right racist core by attacking the defenseless. It's what former
Governor Pete Wilson did when he was behind in a race with Kathleen
Brown - and he won. Now some in California want to get another Prop
187-like initiative on the ballot, this time to create a California
border patrol of 1,000-2,000 police. It's all so cynical. Businesses
who hire such immigrants are rarely prosecuted and California
agriculture would stop if not for immigrant labor - but they're
defenseless, so let's attack them to boost our political ratings.
"First they came for the immigrants and I did nothing
because I was not an immigrant ..."
I wasn't aware that California has a "hard right
racist core", but I'm certainly not a part of it. However, I do
think our immigration laws should be enforced, and I do think that
companies who hire illegal immigrants should be prosecuted. Would Mr.
Morris be satisfied with additional immigration enforcement if it
targets the corporations doing the hiring in addition to the illegal
immigrants themselves?
As for his final thought, "they" are coming for illegal
immigrants, and the distinction is quite important. Once again, I've
got no problem with immigrants. However, I don't like people who
ignore our laws for their own convenience and then enrich themselves
at our expense. That's called theft, and it's no different than
walking into our homes and stealing our stuff. If we want a more open
immigration policy, then let's vote on it. As it stands, existing laws
should be enforced until and unless they are changed by the democratic
FROM: http://www.mwilliams.info/archives/005685.php
border police proposed
initiative would establish new agency to enforce immigration law
Posted: May 12, 2005
© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com
A proposed ballot measure in California would establish a new
California border police to enforce federal immigration law.
The initiative's author, state Sen. Ray Haynes, a Republican,
hopes the initiative will gain enough signatures to qualify for the
ballot next year.
An anti-illegal immigration group, Rescue California, is helping
to promote the measure, which is titled "California
Border Police Act."
Promoters say a federal law passed in 1996 authorizes states to
enforce federal immigration law. The little-known law allows local
officers to be trained to enforce immigration law under agreements
negotiated with Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Included in the enforcement would be action against employers
who hire illegal aliens.
"The initiative is comprehensive, statewide and
uniform," Haynes told the San Diego Union-Tribune. "It
addresses the supply and the demand side, both the employers who
support illegal immigrants and the illegals who come across the
According to the proposal's website, the initiative would save
state taxpayers "at least $10 for every one dollar it costs"
to fund the new law-enforcement agency. It has been estimated that
California taxpayers pay several billion dollars every year to fund
services used by illegal aliens.
Besides rounding up illegal immigrations and cracking down on
employers, the new force would be authorized to build prisons
especially for apprehended aliens.
Calling the tide of illegal aliens into California an
"emergency," the proposition places the new agency under the
office of Emergency Services.
States the initiative: "The Division of Homeland Security
Assistance, Homeland Security Program, also to be known as the
California Border Police, is hereby established in the Office of
Emergency Services or its successor, under the direction of the
Director of the Office of Emergency Services or his or her successor,
or his or her designee."
Art Torres, the state Democratic Party chairman, said
enforcement of the border and illegal-immigration laws should be left
to the federal government.
"To hire a whole new law enforcement doesn't make sense
from a cost perspective or a jurisdictional perspective," he told
the San Diego paper.
The new agency, one organizer predicted, would have 1,000 to
2,000 law-enforcement officers.
FROM: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=44224
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger responded to harsh
criticism about his support for armed volunteers who are patrolling
the Arizona border with Mexico by praising the effort further Friday
-- and an aide said they are welcome to operate in California.
Reaction to the governor's support of the Minuteman Project
ranged Friday from a state assemblyman who suggested the
encouragement was "dangerous'' and "increases the
likelihood of people getting hurt,'' to applause from an activist
who said Schwarzenegger's comments were likely to boost his effort
to bring citizen border patrols to California.
The governor had called the news conference in Los Angeles to
introduce his new education secretary, Alan Bersin, a hard-charging
administrator from San Diego, where he has been the superintendent
of schools since 1998. Bersin expressed a desire to work with
California teachers but also promised to fight if they resist the
governor's plans to reward successful teachers in the effort to
improve school performance.
But any attempt to focus attention on Schwarzenegger's
education agenda was short-lived, as the questions quickly turned to
the border issue, always a hot-button political topic in California.
On Thursday, Schwarzenegger said on a Los Angeles radio show
that the Minuteman Project, which has been patrolling the Mexican
border in Arizona in an attempt to prevent illegal crossings, has
been doing "a terrific job," and he credited the
volunteers for reducing the flow of entries, though he provided no
Schwarzenegger, who immigrated to the United States from
Austria more than 25 years ago, softened his comments only slightly
Friday. He said he is a strong proponent of immigration, "but
you've got to do it in a legal way." He said he favors
proposals for a guest worker program that would allow some Mexicans
to work in the United States and an opportunity, over time, to apply
for citizenship.
Neighborhood watch
But the governor again expressed support for the Minutemen,
who have been denounced by some, including President Bush, as
vigilantes trying to take the law into their own hands.
Schwarzenegger compared them to neighborhood patrol groups, in which
citizens work with police to prevent crimes.
Those comments were quickly condemned in Sacramento.
"The border between California and Mexico is not a
neighborhood,'' said Assemblyman Dave Jones, D-Sacramento, who
worked on border issues for U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno during
the Clinton administration. "It is a border between two
nations. It's a border where there is a significant amount of
illegal activity. There are people running around with guns.''
The governor said the point was to pressure the federal
government into patrolling the border more vigorously to limit
illegal crossings.
Schwarzenegger cut the news conference short after 15 minutes,
but his press secretary, Margita Thompson, said later that the
governor would welcome the Minutemen in California, as long as they
comply with the law by not patrolling with weapons or violating
other statutes.
She compared the group's efforts -- which involve looking for
those trying to cross the border illegally and reporting the
activity to federal border agents -- to the recall election that
brought Schwarzenegger into office. She characterized the patrolling
as a legitimate expression of frustration over the federal
government's failure to stanch the inflow of undocumented workers.
4 agents killed since 2003
Jones called the administration's position
"irresponsible'' and suggested Schwarzenegger is ignorant of
the realities of the border.
"I'd ask him to go down there and talk to Border Patrol
agents about what they're facing before he suggests that untrained,
unprofessional volunteers should be roaming around that area,''
Jones said.
A spokesman for the Border Patrol refused to comment on
Schwarzenegger's stand, but noted four Border Patrol agents had been
killed on the job along the U.S.-Mexico border since 2003.
"Not everyone crossing is an economic migrant,'' said
Mario Villarreal, a spokesman for the agency in Washington, D.C.
"There are a lot of dangerous people, including murderers and
drug smugglers. An untrained and unqualified person acting in the
capacity of law enforcement risks becoming involved in a dangerous
situation that jeopardizes not only themselves but also those around
In San Francisco, immigrant activists blasted the governor.
"Gov. Schwarzenegger has stooped and catered to the worst
sentiments of division, fear and racism,'' said Mark Silverman,
director of immigration policy for the Immigrant Legal Resource
He suggested people should be equally concerned about the
laxness of the federal authorities in investigating people like
Schwarzenegger, who has admitted working illegally in the United
States while in the country as an Austrian immigrant in the 1970s.
"The hypocrisy and chutzpah of the governor is
incredible,'' he said.
Guadalupe Siordia-Ortiz, a recently naturalized citizen, said
she was "sad and insulted'' by the governor's support for the
Minutemen. "We are people who come to this country to work,''
she said. "We are not criminals.''
Schwarzenegger's comments could help boost citizens' patrols,
said an organizer of the efforts.
Next stop: California?
Andy Ramirez, who runs the nonprofit group Friends of the
Border Patrol, said he hopes to meet with Minuteman organizers soon
to plan for an August deployment of patrols in California.
Unlike in Arizona, Ramirez said, California volunteers would
be unarmed. He said 400 people already have called his group, which
is based in Chino (San Bernardino County), to say they want to
"We're encouraged by (Schwarzenegger's comments), and I
would be more than willing to talk to him more about this,'' Ramirez
Schwarzenegger also repeated his criticism Friday of groups
that have placed water at critical stations in desert areas near the
The groups began those efforts after several tragedies in
which groups of Mexicans died of exposure and dehydration near the
border -- in particular, an occasion in March 2001 when a group of
Mexicans was dumped by smugglers in the Arizona desert near Yuma,
and 14 of them died.
The governor said the stations -- some put in place by church
groups, others by the government -- are magnets for illegal
immigrants and encourage illegal crossings. He refused to comment on
the humanitarian concerns that are behind the stations.
FROM: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/04/30/GOVERNOR.TMP
9, 2003, 9:00 a.m.
rolls over on driver's licenses for illegal immigrants.
What's the second-largest city in Mexico?
Answer: Los
Okay, maybe not
technically, but Mexico City is the only place in the world where one
can find more Mexicans than in Los Angeles, and with illegal
immigration going unchecked as it is, the border between California
and Mexico is becoming blurrier every day. With last week's passage in
Sacramento of Senate Bill 60, that border is now one step closer to
disappearing altogether.
The bill,
signed into law last Friday in a pathetic act of desperation by
soon-to-be-ex-Governor Gray Davis, directs the California Department
of Motor Vehicles to accept Mexican government documents as valid
forms of identification from driver's license applicants, and repeals
the requirement that applicants present proof to the DMV of their
legal presence in the United States.
Davis vetoed a similar bill less than a year ago, saying at the time
that the bill contained insufficient safeguards against the
possibility that terrorists would obtain licenses to drive. He would
support an amended bill, he said, if it contained "certain
common-sense protections" such as a provision for background
checks. But even those few protections that were in the earlier bill
were stripped from the one he signed Friday, demonstrating just how
malleable the governor's convictions can be with his political hide on
the line. If Osama bin Laden himself were to sneak into the country
(and what's stopping him?) he could stroll right into a DMV office and
sign up for his very own driver's license when the bill takes effect
next January 1.
Sadly, LAPD
Chief William Bratton and other local police honchos supported the
measure, illustrating why it's best to be skeptical whenever a new law
or a candidate is said to be "supported by law enforcement."
There is often a wide chasm between what is supported by the brass and
what is supported by the troops, and the folks down at my level think
this new law is a joke. (Bratton also recently hosted a news
conference in front of the LAPD headquarters building, at which
citizens were encouraged to support the extension of the spurious
"assault-weapons ban." Also attending were Gray Davis,
Dianne Feinstein, and several less-recognizable-but-no-less-liberal
politicians, people with whom the average cop on the street has little
in common.)
rationale for supporting the new law was that it requires the DMV to
institute a "biometric database," i.e. fingerprint records,
to ensure that no one fraudulently obtains a second license under a
new identity. With this provision, argued Bratton and others, the DMV
will have a database accessible to police officers conducting
investigations, and with every applicant identified by a fingerprint,
solving crimes will be that much easier.
But not so
fast, Chief. Written into the law, down there in the pesky fine print,
is a provision that "prohibits the DMV from selling,
transmitting, exchanging, matching, or otherwise providing to third
parties including, but not limited to, federal, state, or local
governmental agencies, any biometric identifiers, or data containing
the biometric identifiers, in DMV's possession." Currently, a
detective investigating, say, a murder, can query a DMV database and
obtain photographs, addresses, and vehicle information on possible
suspects. But under the new law, that detective will be required to
obtain a subpoena or a search warrant if he wants to compare a
fingerprint in the DMV's database to one found at a crime scene.
Pressed for time as they already are, detectives will be loath to jump
through this extra hoop, so the law isn't the boon to cops it's
proponents claim. Another glaring defect in the law is the following,
taken directly from an analysis
on the California state senate's website:
In order
for a biometric system to be effective, all the fingerprint records
in DMV files must be digitized. Those records currently on file are
not of a high enough quality to be used for this purpose. Hence, a
fully digitized database will not be available for at least five
years, assuming all current licensees are required to renew in
person when their current licenses expire (creating yet another
administrative expense and burden for DMV). If those eligible to
renew-by-mail continue to be allowed to do so, a fully digitized
database will not be available for at least 15 years. Additionally,
assuming the bulk of the estimated 2 million individuals who are
expected to seek licensure under this bill do so fairly quickly
after its enactment, their applications will have been processed
well before the biometric system is likely to be operational. Thus,
their fingerprints will have the same deficiencies as those already
in DMV files and will not be available for digitization and
also point out that even without licenses these illegal aliens are
already driving, and that granting them legal status as drivers will
allow them to obtain insurance for their cars, thus cutting down on
the hit-and-run accidents that have become endemic in Los Angeles and
other cities where illegal immigrants are concentrated. Well, sure,
some will buy insurance and obey the law, but some won't. And it's
hard to predict how many will or won't when their very presence in the
United States reveals a willingness to disregard our laws in the first
I was once
on the witness stand here in Los Angeles, in a case against a young
man from across our southern border who had committed some outrage or
other against the commonweal. To his credit, he confessed his crime to
me (after being duly advised of his Miranda Rights, of course), and I
was testifying to this effect when I was challenged by the defense
attorney. He questioned me on voir dire as to my ability to
speak Spanish. I testified that I had taken Spanish in both high
school and college, and that I had spoken it daily for years, both as
a police officer and in my former job. "Well," he said,
"have you ever lived anywhere where Spanish is the primary
I said, "for a long time."
where was that?"
Angeles," I said.
Yes, the
passage of this law brings California ever closer to becoming what
Victor Davis Hanson labels "Mexifornia,"
and that's welcome news to those who would see California and the
entire Southwest returned to Mexican rule one way or another. But it's
more than a little strange to see people espouse this political shift
from America to Mexico while every day hundreds and thousands of their
kinsmen leave everything behind and risk their very lives to go the
other way.
Jack Dunphy is an officer in the Los Angeles Police Department.
"Jack Dunphy" is the author's nom de cyber. The opinions
expressed are his own and almost certainly do not reflect those of the
LAPD management.
FROM: http://www.nationalreview.com/dunphy/dunphy090903.asp
Ariz. Governor Orders Troops to
Mar 08 , 2006 |
Associated Press Writer
Gov. Janet Napolitano on Wednesday ordered more National Guardsmen
posted at the Mexican border to help stop illegal immigrants and curb
related crimes.
National Guard troops have worked at the border since 1988, but
Napolitano signed an order authorizing commanders to station an
unspecified number of additional soldiers there to help federal
Once the funding is approved, the troops will monitor crossing
points, assist with cargo inspection and operate surveillance cameras,
according to the order.
"They are not there to militarize the border," the
governor said. "We are not at war with Mexico."
About 170 National Guardsmen are already posted at the nation's
busiest illegal entry point, where they assist with communications,
fence construction and anti-drug efforts.
Napolitano did not say how many additional troops would be
stationed at the border and referred questions to the National Guard,
which did not immediately return a call.
The Democratic governor proposed sending troops to the border
more than two months ago. Her critics in the Republican-led
Legislature then introduced a bill requiring her to do so and
providing $10 million for the project.
The bill won final approval Wednesday in the House and was
headed to the governor, but she promised to veto the measure, saying
it infringes on her constitutional powers as commander in chief of the
Arizona National Guard.
Napolitano has asked the military to pay for her plan, but said
she would commit state dollars if necessary.
The governor declared an immigration emergency last summer in
Arizona's four border counties, citing security shortcomings by the
federal government.

Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All
rights reserved.
Posted November 23 2005
Government works in strange ways. Sometimes they pass major
bills, send out press releases, create extraordinary situations to
make national news. Mostly, it operates in the dark, quietly
and you have to look at small news items and then put them together
to see a pattern.
1. The Feds closed down 13 motels in Phoenix that harbored
illegal aliens--then started legal proceedings to take them over.
2. The Feds raided a Wal Mart warehouse in Illinois and
arrested 125 illegal aliens, shut down the project--costing Wal Mart
lots of money. At the same time numerous other Wal Mart's were
raided, with dozens arrested.
3. The Feds ended the "catch and release" of illegal
aliens from nations other than Mexico. While the tens of
thousands are not much in comparison to the numbers coming from
Mexico, it is a good start.
4. Several cities are now refusing to create "Labor
Centers"--fancy term for employment office for illegal aliens.
5. A leading Member of Congress promoting illegal aliens,
Cong. Jim Kolbe of Arizona (GOP) announced he will not run for
6. Simi Valley is finally using the health and zoning laws to
close down houses that have 15-25 people living in them. Other
cities could do the same.
7. The Minutemen movement is catching the attention of
citizens who want the government to act.
I could mention more examples, but we are finally moving in the
right direction. Voters are asking the tough questions about
this. Candidates for Congress that voted for drivers licenses
for illegal aliens, supported Matricula Consular cards, in state
tuition for illegal aliens to go to state colleges, etc. have had to
apologize, claim it was all a mistake, ask forgiveness and promise
never to do that again.
The pressure needs to continue. We should be asking our local
officials to enforce the health, safety and zoning laws. We
need to stop the funding of government run centers to hire illegal
aliens. Counties need to close down Home Depots, Costco's and
other locations that illegal aliens use to get hired. Close
the stores for a few days as "crime scenes" and see how
quickly this practice ends. All of this can be done without a
single new piece of legislation. It is just the enforcement of
the laws.
We need to enforce out banking laws. Every loan to an illegal
alien discriminates against honest immigrants and citizens.
Wells Fargo, Bank of America and the rest of the industry are
concentrating on illegals are a profit center--hence helping drive
up the cost of housing as well.
Lastly, the Census Bureau need to fix its system of counting.
Illegal aliens should never be counted for the purpose of the
census. This gives illegal aliens representation in Congress,
taking away fair representation from honest citizens and immigrants.
We have time to ask our Congressional delegation to get those rules
But, there is no doubt we are finally seeing progress. Victory
can not be declared, but we are on the right road.
CONSERVATIVES. This is your opportunity to be heard by
the media, elected officials and activists. Do not email me
with your comments. Post them directly on the web site at www.capoliticalnews.com
Go to the topic, which is in blue, click on it, go to the bottom,
read the other comments and write, then post your own. Join
the debate.
Steve Frank
916 - Posted by Playa Pete on 2005-11-23
Illegal aliens are just that, ILLEGAL! They are not undocumented,
they are here ILLEGALLY! They only stay because someone hires them.
List those who hire them, and begin a boycott against them. It's so
917 - Posted by Mike Sciutto on 2005-11-23
918 - Posted by Brian Ashurst on 2005-11-23
919 - Posted by MS on 2005-11-23 05:01:26
920 - Posted by bohica on 2005-11-23 06:01:13
921 - Posted by S.A. Long on 2005-11-23
922 - Posted by Al Johnson on 2005-11-23
923 - Posted by Al Johnson on 2005-11-23
924 - Posted by greg lang on 2005-11-24
925 - Posted by Ray, Red Bluff on 2005-11-24
926 - Posted by Debbie on 2005-11-24 08:18:43
927 - Posted by dick on 2005-11-25 10:50:41
928 - Posted by Michael A. Jackson on
2005-11-26 07:02:35
929 - Posted by Tom Andres on 2005-11-26
930 - Posted by Tom Belvin on 2005-11-27
947 - Posted by Jamie on 2005-11-30 09:28:13
FROM: http://www.capoliticalnews.com/discuss.php?id=217
Two Tons of Marijuana Found in Tunnel
By RANDAL C. ARCHIBOLD, The New York Times
LOS ANGELES (Jan. 26, 2006) - Drug
smugglers have dug one of the longest, most sophisticated
tunnels discovered in recent years along the Mexican border, and
the American and Mexican authorities have hauled nearly two tons
of marijuana out of it since they entered it on Wednesday,
officials said.
The tunnel is 60 feet below ground at
some points, five feet high, and nearly half a mile long,
extending from a warehouse near the international airport in
Tijuana, Mexico, to a vacant industrial building in Otay Mesa,
Calif., about 20 miles southeast of downtown San Diego. The
sophistication of the tunnel surprised officials, who found it
outfitted with a concrete floor, electricity, lights and
ventilation and groundwater pumping systems.
The authorities said a tip led to the
"The tunnel is absolutely
amazing," said Michael Unzueta, special agent in charge for
the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency's San
Diego office. "It is probably the biggest tunnel on the
southern border so far."
On the American side, agents found
about 200 pounds of marijuana in the building in Otay Mesa,
which had several bays for tractor-trailers. On the Mexican
side, drug agents found a pulley system at the entrance to the
shaft and several thousand pounds of marijuana and hauled it out
for several hours Wednesday. Mexican authorities also found
seven cellphones, two trucks, a van and various documents in the
warehouse, according to a statement from the Mexican attorney
general's office.
The customs enforcement agency, the
Drug Enforcement Administration and the Border Patrol are
sending a forensics team from Los Angeles to determine how long
the tunnel has been in use.
The tunnel is one of the latest to be
found along the border. Most are attributed to Mexican drug
cartels searching for ways to move contraband into the United
States, but some appear to be the work of smugglers of illegal
Since Sept. 11, 2001, when border
security was tightened, agents have uncovered 21 tunnels of
varying degrees of length and sophistication, from "gopher
holes" to engineered marvels like Wednesday's discovery,
Mr. Unzueta said.
The builders, he said, "had to
have access to money and somebody with a strong construction and
engineering background."
"Our quick assumption is it's the
drug cartels," he said.
The tunnel, Mr. Unzueta added after
touring it, " is almost like a mineshaft."
Wednesday's discovery was the result
of a tip investigated by a task force of federal agents devoted
to tunnels. On Monday, they narrowed their search to the area in
Otay Mesa and notified Mexican agents about what they suspected
was the opening of the tunnel near the airport.
Both sides began digging. Mexican
agents discovered a concrete-lined, 85-foot-deep shaft in a
warehouse, descended, walked through the tunnel and popped up on
the American side, Mr. Unzueta said. Officials on each side are
searching records to determine who owns the buildings.
Also on Wednesday, several miles west
of the big tunnel, the authorities found a smaller one — about
two feet underground and extending 30 feet across the border
near a storm drain — after a United States Border Patrol
vehicle hit a sinkhole.
01/26/06 22:41 EST
Copyright © 2006 The
New York Times Company
Mar 24, 2006 2:09
pm US/Pacific
Thousands Rally For Immigrants' Rights
PHOENIX Thousands of people
across the country protested Friday against legislation
cracking down on illegal immigrants, with demonstrators in
such cities as Los Angeles, Phoenix and Atlanta staging
school walkouts, marches and work stoppages.
Congress is considering bills that would make it a felony to
be illegally in the United States, impose new penalties on
employers who hire illegal immigrants and erect fences along
one-third of the U.S.-Mexican border. The proposals have
angered many Hispanics.
The Los Angeles demonstration led to fights between black
and Hispanic students at one high school, but the protests
were largely peaceful, authorities said.
Chantal Mason, a sophomore at George Washington
Preparatory High, said black students jumped Hispanic
students as they left classes to protest a bill passed the
House in December that would make it a felony to be in the
U.S. illegally.
"It was horrible, horrible," Mason said.
"It's ridiculous that a bunch of black students would
jump on Latinos like that, knowing they're trying to get
their freedom."
In Phoenix, police said 10,000 demonstrators marched to the
office of Republican Sen. Jon Kyl, co-sponsor of a bill that
would give illegal immigrants up to five years to leave the
country. The turnout clogged a major thoroughfare.
"They're here for the American Dream," said
Malissa Greer, 29, who joined a crowd estimated by police to
be at least 10,000 strong. "God created all of us. He's
not a God of the United States, he's a God of the
Kyl had no immediate comment on the rally.
At least 500 students at Huntington Park High School near
Los Angeles walked out of classes in the morning. Hundreds
of the students, some carrying Mexican flags, walked down
the middle of Los Angeles streets, police cruisers behind
The students visited two other area high schools, trying to
encourage students to join their protest, but the schools
were locked down to keep students from leaving, said Los
Angeles district spokeswoman Monica Carazo.
In Georgia, activists said tens of thousands of workers did
not show up at their jobs Friday after calls for a work
stoppage to protest a bill passed by the Georgia House on
That bill, which has yet to gain Senate approval, would deny
state services to adults living in the U.S. illegally and
impose a 5 percent surcharge on wire transfers from illegal
Supporters say the Georgia measure is vital to homeland
security and frees up limited state services for people
legally entitled to them. Opponents say it unfairly targets
workers meeting the demands of some of the state's largest
Teodoro Maus, an organizer of the Georgia protest, estimated
as many as 80,000 Hispanics did not show up for work. About
200 converged on the steps of the Georgia Capitol, some
wrapped in Mexican flags and holding signs reading:
"Don't panic, we're Hispanic" and "We have a
dream, too."
Jennifer Garcia worried what would the proposal would do to
her family. She said her husband is an illegal Mexican
"If they send him back to Mexico, who's going to take
care of them and me?" Garcia said of herself and her
four children. "This is the United States. We need to
come together and be a whole."
On Thursday, thousands of people filled the streets of
Milwaukee for what was billed as "A Day Without
Latinos" to protest efforts in Congress to target
undocumented workers. Police estimated more than 10,000
people joined the demonstrations and march to downtown
Milwaukee. Organizers put the number at 30,000.
(© 2006 CBS
Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not
be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The
Associated Press contributed to this report.)
U.S. Is Hiring Hong Kong Company To Do Nuke Scans
by Joe Gandelman
A n issue related to the Dubai ports controversy suggests
the issue of port security may
still be alive as a controversy after all:
In the aftermath of the Dubai ports dispute, the Bush
administration is hiring a Hong Kong conglomerate to help
detect nuclear materials inside cargo passing through the
Bahamas to the United States and elsewhere.
The administration acknowledges the no-bid contract with
Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. represents the first time a
foreign company will be involved in running a
sophisticated U.S. radiation detector at an overseas port
without American customs agents present.
If you recall, when the Dubai ports firestorm broke you
saw various gradations of opposition to it. Some objected to
an Arab country being involved in any management whatsoever
of American ports (no matter how indirect) due to security
reasons. Then there was another segment of the opposition in
Congress and elsewhere that wanted to nix American ports
being run in the future by foreign companies.
Critics got assurances from the administration. But the
focus was on major U.S. ports. The question now will be
whether the issue of who handles the cargo that goes into
U.S. ports will also become an issue in an election year,
given the firestorm over the Dubai ports deal:
The administration is negotiating a second no-bid
contract for a Philippine company to install radiation
detectors in its home country, according to documents
obtained by The Associated Press. At dozens of other
overseas ports, foreign governments are primarily
responsible for scanning cargo.
While President Bush recently reassured Congress that
foreigners would not manage security at U.S. ports, the
Hutchison deal in the Bahamas illustrates how the
administration is relying on foreign companies at overseas
ports to safeguard cargo headed to the United States.
Hutchison Whampoa is the world's largest ports operator
and among the industry's most-respected companies. It was
an early adopter of U.S. anti-terror measures. But its
billionaire chairman, Li Ka-Shing, also has substantial
business ties to China's government that have raised U.S.
concerns over the years.
"Li Ka-Shing is pretty close to a lot of senior
leaders of the Chinese government and the Chinese
Communist Party," said Larry M. Wortzel, head of a
U.S. government commission that studies China security and
economic issues. But Wortzel said Hutchison operates
independently from Beijing, and he described Li as "a
very legitimate international businessman."
So the first issue that sparked bipartisan outcry was a
deal where a Dubai-based company would be involved in
managing major U.S. ports. Will a deal involving a Hong Kong
company being put in charge of nuke scans become a big
controversy as well? And, if it does, what will it say
(again) about the quality of political prep work being done
at the White House?
Also see: AMERICAN

Aztlan Arising: 700,000+ March in Los Angeles
"La Gran Marcha" surpasses all expectations
Ernesto Cienfuegos
La Voz de Aztlan
Los Angeles, Alta California - March 26, 2006 - (ACN)
Yesterday's march and rally for immigrant rights in downtown
Los Angeles is the largest in the city's history. Never has
the "City of Angels" seen so many demonstrators
filling the streets of the city's center. The sleeping giant
has finally awaken giving rise to a new immigrant civil
rights movement of unprecedented proportions.
The leadership of the various participating groups
demonstrated extraordinary organizational skills. Much
credit goes to the over 700,000 marchers, that included
entire families, for their superb orderly behavior. There
was not one act of violence even though the vile
"Minutemen Vigilantes" had made threats against
"La Gran Marcha" on their websites.
The size of the pro-immigrant march and rally
surprised the world and the nation. A spokesperson for the
Los Angeles Police Department made a statement on Thursday,
to the local media, that they expected between 10,000 to
15,000 to participate in the march. What a surprise they
received on Saturday! The LAPD is now reporting that over
500,000 participated but the true number is actually over
700,000. AnswerLA.org, an organization with a lot of
experience in organizing mass marches and rallies, estimate
that over 1 million participated. The Aztlan Research
Institute, however, utilizing sophisticated crowd counting
methodologies, estimates a figure of over 700,000.
What does the immense success of "La Gran Marcha"
mean to Mexicanos and other Latinos? It simply means that we
now have the numbers, the political will and the
organizational skills to direct our own destinies and not be
subservient to the White and Jewish power structures. It
means that we can now undertake bigger and more significant
mass actions to achieve total political and economic
liberation like that being proposed by Juan José Gutiérrez,
President of Movimiento Latino USA. Juan José Gutiérrez is
proposing that the coalition that organized "La Gran
Marcha" meet in Arizona or Texas on April 8 to
"organize a mass boycott (huelga) against the economy
of the USA" to take place on May 1, May 5 or May 19.
A major reason for the great success of "La Gran
Marcha" was the strong participation of labor unions
and the Catholic Church. This same alliance contributed to
the success of Lech Walesa's "Solidarity Movement"
in the Republic of Poland. This can be done in Aztlan as
well. If the racist "Sensenbrenner Legislation"
passes the US Senate, there is no doubt that a massive civil
disobedience movement will emerge. Eventually labor union
power can merge with the immigrant civil rights and
"Immigrant Sanctuary" movements to enable us to
either form a new political party or to do heavy duty
reforming of the existing Democratic Party. The next and
final steps would follow and that is to elect our own
governors of all the states within Aztlan.
Thousands of
students walkout of LAUSD high schools on Friday
March 24. |
The great success of "La Gran Marcha" also
means that the time has come to organize and politicize our
great number of youths that are just festering in many of
our school districts. The walkouts in Los Angeles of
thousands of Mexican and Latino students from Huntington
Park, South Gate, Southeast, Jordan, Montebello, Garfield
and Roosevelt High Schools on Friday, one day before
"La Gran Marcha", only shows that they are now
ready to be mobilized and advised on how they can improve
their educations. Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villagairosa, a
Los Angeles Unified School District victim himself before he
turned his life around, is already undertaking a bold moved
to wrestle control of the district from a Jewish dominated
school board and a White superintendent that are just
fleecing the schools of much needed funds. School board Jews
like Julie Korenstein, Marlene Canter, David Tokofsky, Jon
Lauritzen and Mike Lansing are just enriching themselves and
their cronies through crooked deals involving school
construction projects, and contracts with so called
consultants and vendors. The LAUSD is the second largest in
the nation, next to New York, with a multi-billion dollar
annual budget. It has an overwhelming Mexican and Latino
student population. Jews have their own private schools so
why are 5 Jews out of 7 school board members interested in
governing the school district? The answer is all too
obvious. La Voz de Aztlan has interviewed LAUSD teachers
that complained that they have to buy, with their own money,
pencils, paper and other school supplies that the district
should provide. Something has to be done and Mayor
Villaraigosa is on the right track
We thank the many marchers for the sacrifice they made
on Saturday. Many came from as far as San Diego and San
Francisco. They came in on buses, trains, trucks, RV's ,
motorcycles and autos. Some came the night before and slept
in their vehicles. Entire families arrived from Fresno, San
Jose and Coachella. One family of eight included a
grandmother, father, mother, daughters, and sons. One
section in the march consisted of at least 20 on wheel
chairs. They all came to Los Angeles and made history. This
great city will never be the same!
"Aqui estamos y no nos vamos y si nos devuelven.
. . regresamos!"
The Current Invasion Map
Dobbs - Refers To Illegals
As An Invading Army
Alien Racism, Hate Growing
Have Got To Eliminate The Gringos'
Really Is One Way Street
hi 3f
I was listening to a talk radio show and they had pulled the
records of the support groups for these demonstrations in
California. They listed all the groups that filed permits,
organized or contributed funding. They went back and drew
linkage to groups that were sub-sponsors for the main
support groups. I wish I had a list of the groups so that I
could post it.
What do you think that they found? The groups were traced
back to 5 or 6 communist support groups and 3 or 4 Islamic
"freedom" groups. No kidding. I joke you not.
It is true that there is a movement to take back land that
was acquired by the US from Mexico. To say that the US stole
it from Mexico is not true. The Mexican American war started
when Mexico sent troops into four or five border states.
Texas, Arizona, California, etc. The war ended with US
troops in control of Mexico City. A treaty was agreed
upon, that paid Mexico millions for the purchase of the
border states with the agreement that Mexico would lay down
arms and never invade the US again.
Just as Alaska was purchased from Russia for millions, the
border states were purchased from Mexico.
There is a movement to take back the border states from the
US. This isn't new. However, what is being disclosed is that
the movement was being fueled by groups that have special
interests. The groups that I mentioned above. Where this
started out as manipulation from foreign interests, it is
now becoming ingrained into Mexican culture.
You are not blowing it out of proportion. It is very
real. What is very disturbing is that the truth is not being
reported and Congress has an agenda in opposite of the US
people. There are at least 20 million aliens, not 11 million
from S. America. If given US citizenship, those 20 million
can legally bring their entire immediate family to the US.
The Democrats want votes. The Republicans want cheap labor.
For you and I, and our health insurance and our medical
benefits, we will pay the price. Our children and our
schools are paying the price. That is not even to mention
what an additional 60 to 80 million voters would do with our
elected officials. It is the necessity and the right of all
nations to control their borders. All nations must. If they
do not, I think that you see as well as I see what will
read about this "aztlan" movement for several
years; thought it was just something being blown out of
proportion but i "thunk" differently now......
....and that's a shame too, 'cause i really do like the
culture and cuisine........and that's not intended to be a
joke or anything; i believe most of the People from
and down in Mexico are of good heart and Spirit....but
it's the few "bad apples" that are stirring up
the pot of harmony and trying to destroy this wonderful
nation, our Sovereignty and unity....
....and to make this "fit" the
paranormal/unusual focus, i'll pitch in one other
opinion..........these "marauding Mexicans" are
being manipulated into their frenzy by that invisible
cabal that wants total dominion over humanity and the
....by keeping chaos and negativity high, Peace can never
be achieved.....
On a radio interview by Jeff Rense, Frosty
Woolridge says the marchers are
claiming that Los Angeles is theirs. 500,000 Mexicans were
marching and
chanting in Spanish. In Chicago, and Denver and Phoenix
there were masses of
Mexicans marching as well. There were no white people to
protest against
the Mexicans. Only Mexican flags were seen.
Frosty says that the magazine, 'Mexicana', given out free on
Mexican airlines,
the cover says, "Los Angeles is Ours!"
This is an invasion of a soveriegn nation, by a foreign
nation, when you see
foreign flags flown on on our land. There is no doubt that
our country is
under seige.
See: map: rense.com racist army invasion:
If white people went up against these masses such as in
Phoenix, Los
or Chicago, there would be man to man war in the streets.
These are insurgents in our country, they do not want to
assimilate into
America or become part of America, they are here to promote
Mexico in this
See: http://www.aztlan.net/la_gran_marcha.htm
(Its in English)
The sleeping giant has finally awakened giving rise to a new
immigrant civil
rights movement of unprecedented proportions.
The great success of "La Gran Marcha" also means
that the time has come to
organize and politicize our great number of youths that are
just festering
in many of our school districts. The walkouts in Los Angeles
of thousands of
Mexican and Latino students from Huntington Park, South
Gate, Southeast,
Jordan, Montebello, Garfield and Roosevelt High Schools on
Friday, one day
before "La Gran Marcha", only shows that they are
now ready to be mobilized
and advised on how they can improve their educations. Los
Angeles Mayor
Antonio Villagairosa, a Los Angeles Unified School District
victim himself
before he turned his life around, is already undertaking a
bold moved to
wrestle control of the district from a Jewish dominated
school board and a
White superintendent that are just fleecing the schools of
much needed
funds. School board Jews like Julie Korenstein, Marlene
Canter, David
Tokofsky, Jon Lauritzen and Mike Lansing are just enriching
themselves and
their cronies through crooked deals involving school
construction projects,
and contracts with so called consultants and vendors. The
LAUSD is the
second largest in the nation, next to New York, with a multi
billion dollar
annual budget. It has an overwhelming Mexican and Latino
student population.
Jews have their own private schools so why are 5 Jews out of
7 school board
members interested in governing the school district? The
answer is all too
obvious. La Voz de Aztlan has interviewed LAUSD teachers
that complained
that they have to buy, with their own money, pencils, paper
and other school
supplies that the district should provide. Something has to
be done and
Mayor Villaraigosa is on the right track
On May 5 or 19, there will be an economic boycott of America
by the Mexicans
because they now have the will and the organizational skills
through Mexican
radio personalities, to take down America.
Be prepared. Don't say you haven't been told.
Dee dee777@aol.com
Invasion of Indian North America, 1513–1765
History Summary
European Invasion of
Indian North America, 1513–1765 History
- |
John -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia
The failure of the American
invasion of Canada in 1775–76 had left a large
surplus of British troops along the St. Lawrence River.
In 1777 these troops were ...
- Revolution Rejected: Canada and the American
The American
invasion of 1775-76 was one of the most
important campaigns in Canadian history. Had the
invaders succeeded, Canada would now in all
likelihood ...
www.civilization.ca/cwm/expo/background_e.html |
Reader's Companion to American History - -BAY OF PIGS INVASION
Before and after the invasion,
the United States promoted the expulsion of Cuba from
the Organization of American States, attempted an
unsuccessful ...
Right Spin Invasion: America
Invasion: America.
The United States is being invaded and it threatens to
destroy our ... This is not a military invasion
but American citizens have killed. ...
rightspin.powerblogs.com/posts/1125207096.shtml |
Minutemen.com - Home
California Border Police Petition · Border Patrol
considers James Chase's ...
From his vantage point at the mine, he has watched long lines of
illegal ...
Minutemen -Team America PAC-
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday said
groups such as the Minuteman
Project are rising up to guard the border against illegal aliens
because ...
Border Police
California Border Police, Cal Border Police, CA Border
Police, Border, Police,
Immigration, Illegal Immigration, Border Patrol, California Border
Patrol, ...
Border Patrol The Wall
La Eme was formed by illegal aliens held in California
prisons - to create what
... The Calexico, California Border Checkpoint is a good example: It
had a ...
Border Police Initiative : CafePress.com
After you purchase your gear, take a moment to visit
the Official California
Border Police website and request petitions. Help us stop illegal
immigration ...
Treachery -- Driver's Licenses for Foreign Criminals in ...
(Vetoed Oct. 7, 2005) Illegal Alien Driver's Licenses
in California ... Drag Me
To The Border. Redding Record Searchlight - February 5, 2005 [Poll on
page] ...
of the Border Patrol
FBP posted observation teams at undisclosed locations
along the California border
with Mexico. During the evening, we had a group of illegal aliens pass
Nanny Patrol - Voice of San Diego
Every year, 500000 new undocumented aliens come to
California. The cost to California
... Home > Sections > Border Issues > California Nanny Patrol
Hutchison, Feinstein and Kyl Urge Action to Help Border ...
Texas border hospitals alone pay nearly $74 million a
year in uncompensated costs,
California border hospitals pay $79 million a year, and Arizona
providers ...
Even though deaths along the Mexican
border have declined over all as ... (The Mexican
government counted 22 migrants who died inside its border
in June. ...
www.greatdreams.com/mexican-death.htm |
On the border with
Guatemala, 50 to 90 percent of the people here speak a Mayan
language, making it "Mexico's Indian
heartland," according to Harvard's John ...
Colorado - Drugs and Religion
Others, however, fled to mountain
hideouts in the Sierra Madre across the Mexican border.
Most of those who gave themselves up landed in prison in
Florida. ...
Simultaneous operations
throughout the entire border with Mexico,
conducted by the Guatemalan Department of Immigration
with the support of the Civilian ...
www.greatdreams.com/guatemala.htm |
Security ???? You Are a Suspect You Are a Suspect 11/14 ...
Explosion just south of Mexican
border kills two, injures scores and destroys
houses. By JAMES PINKERTON Copyright 2005 Houston
Chronicle Rio Grande Valley ...
Arizona : *Ft.
Huachua, Arizona* 20 miles from the Mexican
border, 30 miles from Nogales. -Rex 84
program- Emergency Custodial Facility. ...
Starting in
mid-2000, thousands of unsafe Mexican
trucks, with triple trailers, and with Mexican
drivers were scheduled to flood over the border,
boy allegedly shot and killed a female
classmate at the end of lunch hour
outside a middle school in Deming, NM,
about 33 miles from the Mexican
border. ...
The Rex 84
Program was established on the
reasoning that if a mass exodus of
illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US
border, they would be quickly
rounded up ...
Changing of the Guard: Part V: The
is going to cause serious
internal problems in Mexico
when the PRI ... a
ready-made war on our southern
border…best part is
that the troops won’t have ...
from Images
shares a long border
with the American Southwest
and is the single highest
sending country of immigrants
into the United States. ...
flashlight led us into
bookstore, up an
escalator and out to
Church ...
sometimes worse in all
the southern states
along the Mexican/US
border, ...
- The 411 - How the
Saudi Government is
Using Alien ...
and it is said
that the
originated in
the continent ...
were shown
pictures of
fleeing across
the border
and the
voiceover said
www.greatdreams.com/political/911-411.htm |
housekeeper woman
represents the Aztec
woman "Serpent
Skirt" ...
was discovered beneath
the streets of Mexico
City, at the place
that ...
or that will
even aid in
arresting Mexican
on American
soil and ...
driven across
the border,
and subjected
to all kinds
indignities. ...
www.greatdreams.com/patriotism.htm |
Ft. Huachuca - 20 miles
from Mexican border, 30 miles from Nogales Rex
´84 facility. Pinal County - on the Gila River - WWII
Japanese detention camp. ...
www.greatdreams.com/concentration-camp-locations.htm |
In San Diego, about 1000
people demonstrated at the US-Mexican border. ...
The rally at the US-Mexico border resulted in a
20-minute standoff between ...
www.greatdreams.com/wacovst.htm |
The ABC report said intelligence
sources had described a plan by Al Qaeda to move non-Arab
terrorists across the Mexican border into the United
States. ...
www.greatdreams.com/UPS-terrorism-warning.htm |