4-11-08 - 9.am. I feel like crying for no reason, and it feels
like major deaths coming. I've experienced this
before and its
always been a terrible plane crash that made me feel this way. I
used to dream every plane
crash that happened, and when all the F-16's
were crashing some years ago, I begged spirit to stop giving
me those dreams. They
were devastating and I could not prevent any of the crashes from
happening. I
started to feel like they were my fault. I couldn't
handle that.I sat down and meditated today and asked for a picture
of what was to happen
and saw Rex (from One Life
to Live television show) holding a
large size baby in his arms. He kissed the baby on both cheeks and
I got
from spirit that it meant "Kiss of Death"
NOTE: Rex means 'KING'. I leave it to the reader to
decide which King this is.
I then saw a map of the entire middle Upper Midwest.
NOTE: 5.2 earthquake in southern Illinois on 4-18-08 -
Then I saw a map of Wisconsin with a big black square over
it and the black square lifted up and landed in
Lake Michigan.
I then saw something red and white which I couldn't remember what
it was.
Lastly I saw a big long blue and white and silver can that said
PICS GIANTS on it in two rows.
4-11-08 - 1:30 p.m. I meditated again because I got so tired
sitting on the sofa, I couldn't keep my eyes open.
I asked what the red and white object was and I saw a long thin
red and white candy striped object -
(like a barber's pole) come alongside the
blue and white can from the earlier vision and the front end of the can
blew off in a huge red and black explosion. It was horrible.
I was told that the missile was painted special for
this event.
I then asked what country has red and white missiles and thought
about going on google.com images to look
and I saw what looked like a
giant-sized pencil - the color of which was yellow-tan with an eraser on
the end.
Someone was standing on the eraser end - dressed in dark
blue baggy slacks and what looked like grey
dancing slippers on their
I was then told this is what they call a "False Flag Operation"
to make it look like the Chinese did it, and then
I was told, "Those in
charge of this operation will head for Dodge as usual.
I then saw a photo of a military man in uniform. The picture
was black and white, but I could easily see that his
uniform was from
the 40's or 50's. It was light tan in color. He wore a flat topped hat
and medals on his chest
which told me he was an officer of some rank.
He was an older man - not a young soldier. The name Dean
Suoru was under
the photograph.
I then saw two magazines. The one in back was TIME magazine
and the one in front was a little shorter and
had the word PLEDGE on it.
I was told that other cases like this have been done before.
In regard to other cases like this - they held it over
his head and
forced him to do what he did.
NOTE: I found the name Suoru on the internet with regard to a
few people, a company, and what seemed to
be a chemical or drug. I
did not find a person with the name "Dean Suoro" either on the web or on
ancestry.com even checking the military names they had available.
I did find some few people with the last
name Suoro, one who changed his
name to Snow or they couldn't read the name - they were in a variety of
states, but there was no further information on them, except the Suoro/Snow
person was a gardener as his
means of making a living. He was 47
years old in 1930, so its not likely he was the military man.
4-16-08 - MEDITATION: I saw the same Time Magazine with the
same PLEDGE magazine in front of it. This
time is was closer to me and
over to the right side.
I then saw an office with three carpets in a row. One carpet
was where the door opened. The third carpet was
under the big desk.
There was a space between the two carpets with room to put a carpet
sideways between
them. The carpet was too large for the space so the
carpet had to be shrunk. As I lay the carpet down, there
was a
yellow book under it, between my right hand and the carpet. As I
pulled the book out from under the
carpet, I could see that the cover had
6 semi-rings on it - it wasn't a full circle - the circle didn't meet on
the edge
and I know I've seen that book before. I just can't
remember what the book was about.
I then started seeing a room with blood red floors and walls, and a
black pedestal with a black statue stood on
top of it. It was the
statue of a leader of some kind. I wasn't able to tell who this
leader was, but the implication
was that he was evil.
I then saw the face of the cop from One Life To Live TV show - John
McBain. He's a good cop and trustworthy. His face turned into
the face of Jesus Christ and I heard the voice of Jehovah say, "You have
to follow the rules
on the box, and he showed me a bright yellow box with
no writing on it that I could see.
The box was about the size of a small box of Minute Rice or Ricaroni.
I've seen a book with those semi-rings before - if I can just find
4-19-08 - NAP DREAM -
I went outside and decided to see a movie and in
front of the theatre where the line was waiting, some people went through
the line selling tickets for 5 bucks so people didn't have to stand in
line. We gave him our $5 and the guy selling the tickets, ripped the
ticket in half, gave us the stub and we could walk right into the theatre.
Once inside the theater, you could go straight in and
find a seat, or go up a stairway to the balcony. I decided with a
little reticence to go up the stairway to the balcony, hoping there would
wouldn't be any lovers up there necking. I just thought that by
being up there, I could see the screen better and more clearly.
When I got up there, there was a huge giant of a man
laying crossways across some steps which really was the upper end of the
theatre above the seats.
There were a bunch of rows of seats, and then then a
bunch of rows of steps above them - not really a balcony at all.
I was forced to sit several rows in front of the
giant of a man, not wanting to be anywhere close to him in case he decided
to stretch his legs out in front of him rather than crossways in the
The movie was about to start and suddenly I had a
vision of bright red over-size magazine - with a woman's face on it.
First I thought it said
APERITIF, but then it became AFTER.
An aperitif is an alcoholic drink before dinner with
appetizers. but what does AFTER mean?
We lost our dear friend Kent Steadman to a massive heart
attack on the 19th of April, 2008.
See www.cyberspaceorbit.com
He will be greatly missed.
Same day, the verdict was reached on my grandson's
murder trial. The perpetrator only got 5 years + 5 year supervision
for MURDER. Where is the justice?
The Full Moon this weekend (April 20) will coincide with a rare and
propitious alignment of Sun, Full Moon, Pluto and Saturn. At the time of
the Full Moon (3:25 am, Pacific time), the will be forming grand trine
with Pluto, and Saturn. The trining planets are all in Earth signs. This
formation is made stronger by its exactness.
The event marks a moment of harmony in the workings of karma, expression,
and renewal. The light of regeneration appears in the dynamics of
experience and relationship. Inspiration and new vitality infuse the
practical workings of the material plane. New horizons are viewed with
ease. New possibilities emerge with grace.
AJ McGettigan
Shamanic Astronomer

Guns Kill or Save Lives?
certainly hope this Plutonic window did not get to you in
a negative way but sad enough others young souls without
"Cosmic Consciousness" lost their precious lives. The
deadly children of Pluto as anticipated went on a rampage
and many of them are form the "Gang generation" or the
"Death Wish Generation" and the dark evil face
representing their destructive deadly passionate nature is
NOT yet understood by the police and in the name
of ignorance many brave cops also lost their precious
lives. When will the Police Academy realize the importance
of my message and bring in the Academy such vital
information? The day they stop lumping me with psychics
or people like Mrs. Cleo more courageous cops will benefit
from 35 years of my strenuous, practical research
involving the complex human psyche and its relationship
with the Divine.
Check Faith email;
Thanks Dr Turi you are
ON about April 20th. Look what happened in my
hometown of Chicago this weekend.
Bloody Weekend: At Least 21 Shot, 4 Dead - It's been an
especially violent weekend. At least four people are dead
21 of them shot on the streets of Chicago.
amazes me is that I saw
coming and that many politicians in power instead of
getting REAL information and reading my solid predictive
work chose to listen to Pope Benedict XVI (trying to save
the dying Age of Pisces) calling on American Catholics to
understand that "real freedom" means surrendering to the
will of God mingling with a moronic crowd of 60,000 Sunday
at New York's Yankee Stadium. What a waste of time where
nothing tangible but archaic dogmatic bull can help you or
any of our courageous police officers to be prepared for
the "Cosmic Code" will.
With the
Dragon's Tail (negative) in Leo (children) of course all
affairs involving love and children turned deadly for many
ignorant souls while the Tail of the Dragon in the 2nd
house of money affecting the US, the current recession
makes the criminals more active. As mentioned in my book
Moon Power 2008 I wrote (last year) to be ready for the
police to make the news or you being involved for good or
for worse, directly with the cops…
Then if you like my work get the 2008
version at
MEDITATION 4-22-08 -

This is the bell from the
Titanic's sister ship:
The Oceanic's bridge bell went down with the ship in
but was not recovered during salvage operations in
the 1920s and 70s.
Courtesy Shetland Museum.

This is Pitcher Curt
The Red Sox won the 2007 World Series
2007 STATS |
W-L |
SO |
3.87 |
9-8 |
101 |
1.25 |
% OWN |
WK +/- |
2.2% |
-0.0% |
228.0 |
On the
night of 4-22-08 - I had a vision of the baseball player dressed in green
and white again, standing behind a giant size letter V. I then
realized that I had seen it the night before on 4-21-08 and had forgotten
about it.

When I
told my friend Michelle about this, and about this page of visions, she
said that she was told by an ET on the same date 4-22-08 and they should
look out 'for the plane'. When they asked what did he mean, he
merely said, "You'll see!"
4-23-08 - I was
given two more dates to look at:
July, 1974 -
During the regular season the
1974 Milwaukee Brewers scored the most runs (15) on July 4, 1974
versus the Cleveland Indians
This was now the Milwaukee Brewers - the Braves left in
1964 (see above)
I couldn't pass up this sighting:
Location. Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Date: 1974
Time: night
One evening, while baby-sitting the witness suddenly felt a cold, creepy
chill come over her, accompanied by a sense of urgency to check on the
baby. The nursery was dimly lit by a small night-light. She entered the
room hesitantly. A shadowy figure caught her eye. She saw a "gnome like"
man, dancing in the corner near the crib. He was about as tall as a
two-year-old child and was dressed in Old World clothing; knee length
britches, suspenders or a vest, over a loose fitting shirt. He had longish
hair, a mustache, and a beard, and was unkempt. Never taking her eyes off
the queer creature, she walked slowly to the crib, and picked up the
sleeping baby and cautiously backed out the door. Others had seen strange
shadowy figures running about the house. Other phenomenon was also
HC addition # 3008
Source: Sharon Jarvis, Dark Zones
Type: E
There were a lot of deaths that date, but also a lot of births.
The worst terrorist of all time died that day:
Muhammad Amin al-Husayni
He had slaughtered over a million Armenian Christians during WWII.
I don't want to give him all that space but you can read about him all the
other terrorism that happened that year on this page.
September 1974 + tragedy - that term was given to me in a dream/vision
on the night of 4-23/24
4-24-08 - VISION/DREAM - After spending much time on the internet
for something that happened in September 1974 and not finding anything
that seemed pertinent to this page, after I went to bed, it was impressed
upon me that I hadn't used the word' tragedy. I thought to myself that I
would do that search this morning. (See above)
Then I had a vision of a single man, dressed in a tight black
uniform and knee high boots which reminded me of a military pilot dressed
for a jet plane that would go into high space. He was standing on a
platform, with his legs spread wide, with his right arm bent at a right
angle and his hand behind his back. He was standing in front of a white
board for stark contrast.

This man is a 'future warrior'
I then fell asleep and went into a dream in which I was on a farm in
upper Wisconsin where there were a lot of trees. Many of the young men
left to go do something in the woods. They all left in a big truck
together like they were going to fight a fire.
The women, children, and old men were left behind. What ensued
was terrible. Then men who left in the truck returned alright, but many of
those left behind, including some children were burned inside their fire
fighting suits with something that burned their skin off with something I
can only describe as napalm-like used in the Vietnam War on both sides of
the war.
When the men returned, it was so good to see them return safely, but
those who had been left behind and who were still alive had changed so
much. We were thinner by many pounds. We had seen and experienced
things that no human being should ever witness and endure. All I
could answer the man when he asked how we were was, "We have been to the
mountain!" and my memory was of a woman laying on a dirt road sprayed with
something red and burned alive inside her fire fighting suit.
It was a terrible thing to see - no human being should ever have to
see that - much less live through that.
4-24-08 - I meditated on the military guy pictured above, and it was
shown to me in a series of simple visions that the information I'm getting
is being fed to me by extraterrestrials one bit at a time each day.
http://www.greatdreams.com/wismap.jpg This is a map given to me
by extraterrestrials in a series of dreams in the early 90's.
In 1960, hundreds of people saw a UFO being chased by a plane and it
dove into the water right where the arrow shows the entrances t the
underwater base. For some reason, after both the Journal and the
Sentinel published articles in the morning and afternoon papers, they felt
obligated to remove the articles and the microfische copies of those
newspapers no longer show the articles. Sure wish I had saved those
4-24-08 - It was impressed on my mind that my original photo wasn't
correct and his right arm had to be in the position you see it above. Joe
Mason made the art correction to make sure the photo was like the image I
saw in my mind in the vision.
4-26-08 - NAP DREAM - I can't say for sure this dream fits into this
scenario, but I was in Wisconsin, more specifically Milwaukee, on the
corner of Center St. and Teutonia. When I first woke up, all I could
remember from my dream that 1,000 cases or cans of contaminated sea food
had been shipped to the U.S. and the cans were just starting to expand
from the contamination. Because I was jolted out of the dream by a
noise, I asked for the dream to be repeated - as in the past, I've been
able re-dream a dream, sometimes in reverse to recall a dream.
Now for certain I was riding in a large black Ford 4x4 truck and we
were going to make a right turn from Center St. going west to Teutonia
Ave. going north. The corner was under reconstruction with new
lights, right turn lanes, left turn lanes and median strips and nothing
was completed yet. When my husband went to make the right-hand turn,
the truck somehow jackknifed. I looked out the passenger window and
saw something shiny on the ground, so I got out to see if that shiny
something had been broken off the truck. I was standing in the
street and picked up this shiny thing which looked like a measuring tool
that builders use - not really a square because it had a black handle on
it on one end, so it looked like a sharp flat blade on the other end like
a square would have. I tossed it into the truck and my husband was
in the way of traffic so he made the turn without me in the truck.
The truck disappeared from view, and I didn't know if he was driving
around the block to pick me up again, but it wasn't all that far from home
on 16th St. so I decided to walk.
That was easier said than done. With the street all broken up
and traffic going every which way, and not being used to the Walk light
which came on all too short, I didn't make it across the street because
too many trucks and cars were trying to turn right, where I was standing
in the road.
So I decided to cross the street to the south and then west on the
other corner. Just as I did that, the time became 4:30 p.m. and all work
stopped with a huge gravel truck parked kitty corner right in the middle
of the intersection.
So, now there was no traffic at all, and I managed somehow to get
all the way from the drug store on the NE corner to the restaurant on the
SW corner. I have to admit I wasn't walking all that steady, whether
it was broken concrete, missing asphalt, or raised medians I wasn't used
to or just being dizzy, I don't know, but I wasn't feel all too well by
the time I reached the restaurant.
As I reached the restaurant, there was Antonia Vega with a young
woman from One Life To Live TV show, and
Aiden Davane
(real name is Aiden Turner)
and Greenlee from All My Children TV show.. Aiden and Greenlee just
got engaged, so they were all laughing uproariously, but rather with them
being with their own 'mate', they had switched partners and were kissing
each other's woman. They were doing this as they came in
the door of the restaurant and weren't really going inside to eat, they
were just fooling around.
I decided I would walk home as it was getting dark and as I went out
of the restaurant door to walk west on Center St., I saw that it was
Halloween and there was a whole bunch of rowdy kids running around on the
sidewalk in monster costumes. I walked just a few feet and decided
it wasn't a good idea to walk home having to fend myself off from Trick or
I turned around to go back to the restaurant, and I felt a kid come
up behind me and he molested me. I was taller than him, so I reached
behind me and grabbed his hands in mine and held on tight. As I went
to the restaurant with him dragging along behind me, I yelled, "Cops!
Cops! Cops! Cops!" because that was what Antonio Vega
was. When we got to the corner, Antonio Vega and Aiden came out
(Aiden is a Detective) Antonio Vega said, "Why don't you call for
the Queen of England" and Aiden who is from England and Australia
said, "Why don't you call for the Queen of the Netherlands instead?" and I
woke up.
NOTE: From what I've read, the
Queen of
the Netherlands, Beatrix is the head of the Bilderbergers who
pretty much run the world and tell other countries what they are going to
be doing in the future.
4-27-08 - I wasn't planning to meditate today, but my eyes got very
tired around 3 p.m. so I lay down. As soon as I closed my eyes, I
had a vision of two little girls dancing around with a large platter
between them with 3 very large gingerbread men with pink piping around the
edges. They sang, "This is the enemy!"

I recalled an e-mail I read yesterday, which was a dream by a little
girl who rarely remembers her dreams.
After I remembered the little girl's dream, I had another vision
that said, "Individual e-mail". So, I will have to leave off
the comments that the rest of us wrote about it. This is the little
girl's dream.
4-26-08 - Daughter's dream telling..
Let me start off by saying I was sick with the flu when I had this dream
and I slept for about four hours once I got picked up from school.
DREAM: I was at the Emmy awards and some how I got into the
back of a truck and a wolf and pink frosted gingerbread man (through this
whole dream all of the gingerbread men looked the same...about 5 inches
tall pink frosting on the front part of them and the evilest pair of M&M
eyes. (These cookies were evil!) Were in the front They were
knapping me and I was a cat and I was trying to escape them.

They decided to go back to the house and then it was just a matter of
survival of the fittest and I was with two other men and the gingerbread
man was holding us hostage in a house one of the men yelled, "I CANT TAKE
IT ANYMORE", and he broke open a window and jumped out of it. Then the
other man got killed because the gingerbread man didn't like him.
Then I and the gingerbread man were having an argument about
something while we were sipping on tea.
I was in the middle of a sentence and I sprinted to the broken
window and tried to jump out the window. The ginger bread man caught my
foot and said, Nice try!".
Then I killed the wolf in a car and he was out in the yard. The
gingerbread man decided to make more duplicates of him and so there were
three gingerbread men.
I was watching George Lopez with them on the couch when another man
came to the house (he was a new hostage) and they killed him with knives
because they didn't like him.

I sneaked out of the window and was slithering around trying to be
sneaky and a gingerbread man popped up out of a bush in the yard and said,
"Hello Emilie nice try!" and all the gingerbread men came and they tied my
hands behind my back and poked me with forks. I figured out this
hostage/killing house was my cousin's house because my aunt walked in and
said "What is going on here?!?!?" and I said, " THESE Gingerbread MEN!!
HOUSE!" She responded, "Oh OK" and left with their whole family.
I started watching George Lopez with them again and one of them
decided to go on vacation and he left for the Grand Canyon .
So now it was just me and two of the gingerbread men. Then somehow I
got out of the house and the gingerbread man came back from the vacation
and I jump into the back of his truck and a man that looked like the
masked guy from 'Princess Diaries' came out of the truck and started to
fight with him but the gingerbread man would not die and finally I yelled,
"Just step on him!"
Harold Carter from the Princess Diaries
And he did what I said but they gingerbread man didn't die and an
evil grin came across his face and he pulled out a knife. I ran out of the
yard and I turned around dramatically like I was in a movie to see them
still battling it out in the garage. I yelled a last time, "JUST STEP ON
HIM", and I woke up and found myself sweaty scared and still chanting it,
To explain gingerbread men:
There are two distinct families of gingerbgread cookies, the
honey-based gingerbreads of Middle European origin--mostly Germany--and
the molasses shortbreads that developed in England or Scotland, depending
upon which historan you wish to believe. The other developed in the late
seventeenth century, using molasses as a substitute for honey...The
Germans in this coutnry were the best honey cake bakers--they called the
cookies Lebkuchen."
"The first gingerbread man is credited to the court of Queen Elizabeth I,
who favored important visitors...with charming gingerbread likenesses of
themselves...After the Grimm Brothers' tale of Hansel and Gretel described
a house "made of bread," with a roof of cake and windows of barley, German
bakeries began offering elaborate gingerbread houses with icing snow on
the roofs, along with edible gingerbread Christmas cards and finely
detailed molded cookies. Tinsmiths fashioned cookie cutters into all
imaginable forms, and every woman wanted one shape that was different from
anybody else's...Most of the cookies that hung on nineteenth-century
Christmas trees were at least half an inch thick and cut into animal
shapes or gingerbread men..."
The gingerbread house - Hansel & Gretel vs alien abductions:
Alien Abductions in the Gingerbread House
by Dr. Karla Turner
(UFO Universe, Vol. 3 No. 1 Spring 1993. Copyright 1993 by
Charlotte Magazine Corp., Inc.)
World renowned UFO researcher Jacques Vallee has repeatedly
referred to the similarities between UFO and abduction reports and
the stories of folklore and fairy tales. I disagree with Dr. Vallee
on many, many points of UFOlogy, but here I will grant that there is
one fairy tale which does have something important to tell us about
the alien abduction phenomenon. It is not, however, what Dr. Vallee
might think.
The story of Hansel and Gretel presents a lesson that every
abductee should heed. These innocent children, wandering lost and
frightened in the forest, came upon a gingerbread house that seemed
to offer them shelter and sustenance. The owner of the house, a
wizened old woman, was frightening to them at first, but their
hunger pushed the children to accept her offer to come inside and be
And so they entered the gingerbread house and promptly became
the old woman's captives. Kept in cages, the two children were
abundantly fed. It was not for their benefit, though. In fact,
they were being fattened up for the oven! The deceptive nature of
the gingerbread house and of the old woman's offer of food worked
quite well
4-28-08 - MEDITATION - I was asking for an alternative date for
the Giants. Suddenly, a loud voice said, YO! Oh ye son of Cyrus!
I didn't have a change to ask questions because just then the
landlord came to the door.
So was 'son of Cyrus' me, or the landlord? (He is really the
son of Earl who passed away a couple years ago)

The books of Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Haggai, Zachariah, and
Malachi were written during the time of the early Persian Kingdom.
The following are some of the early Persian Kings according to
listed books of Bible:
Date B.C. |
Persian Name |
Bible Name |
Bible Background |
Cyrus |
539-530 |
Koorush |
Cyrus |
Isaiah 45, Daniel, Ezra 1-3 |
Cambysses |
530-521 |
Cambujieh |
Ahasruerus |
Ezra 4-6 |
Pseudo Smerdis |
521 |
Berooyeh Doroughi |
Artaxerxes |
Ezra 4:7-23 |
Darius the Great |
521-486 |
Darryoosh |
Darius |
Ezra 5,6 |
Xerxes |
486-465 |
Khashayarshah |
Ahasurerus |
Esther 1-10 |
Artaxerxes I |
464-423 |
Ardeshier Deraz Dast |
Artaxerxes |
Nehemiah 1 - 13, Ezra 7-10 |
The following is a summary of the activities of the Persian
kings in secular history:
- Cyrus was the founder of the Mede-Persian Empire. He
conquered the Media, Lydia, and Babylonain Empires. Because he
was a gracious liberator, he permitted the conquered nations to
worship their own gods. He was benevolent toward various captive
people who hadsuffered under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar and his
successors. The Jews were allowed toreturn to Jerusalem to
rebuild their temple and Cyrus even gave financial help. Also,
hebuilt Parargardae, a royal residence 100 miles north of
- Cambysses was the son of Cyrus and was given the task of
conquering Egypt. He assumed the throne after his father's death
and conquered Egypt. However, on theway home from his conquest
he heard that a pretender has taken the throne pretending to be
another son of Cyrus called Smerdis. Cambysses died on his
return trip.
- Pseudo Smerdis, the imposter, ruled for several months.
He gained a large followingby remitting taxes for three years
throughout the empire. However, Darius kept theloyalty of the
Persian army and eventually captured and killed Pseudo Smerdis.
- Darius, after killing Pseudo Smerdis, defeated 9 kings
(local uprisings) in 19 battlesin 2 years. These victories are
recorded in the famous Behistun Inscription carved in rock some
30 miles from Kermanshah. Darius began the great work of
Persepolis located 30 milesnorth of Shiraz. The main hall has
the inscription, "I am Darius, great king, king of kings, kingof
alnds -- who constructed this palace." Darius was a good
organizer of his kingdom. Hedefeated the Greeks partially and
organized an efficient postal service.
- Xerxes was Darius's son. He continued the war against the
Greeks and continued building at Persepolis.
- Artaxerxes was the son of Xerxes who continued building
at Persepolis.
- Cyrus the Great
Became Top Leader Of His Era By Championing Just Rule
Cyrus Charter of
Human Rights |
Cyrus the Great (580-529 BC) (known as Kourosh in
Persian; Kouros in Greek; Kores in Hebrew) was the first
Achaemenian Emperor and founder of Iran, who issued a decree
on his aims and policies, later hailed as his charter of the
rights of nations.
Inscribed on a clay cylinder, this is known to be the
first declaration of Human Rights, and is now kept at the
British Museum. A replica of this is also at the United
Nations in New York. Part of his charter states:
"I am Cyrus. King of the world. When I entered
Babylon... I did not allow anyone to terrorize the land... I
kept in view the needs of people and all its sanctuaries to
promote their well-being... I put an end to their
misfortune. The Great God has delivered all the lands into
my hand; the lands that I have made to dwell in a peaceful
habitation.... . .When my soldiers in great numbers
peacefully entered Babylon... I did not allow anyone to
terrorize the people... I kept in view the needs of people
and all its sanctuaries to promote their well-being... Freed
all the slaves... I put an end to their misfortune and
slavery (referring to the Jews and other religious
minorities). The Great God has delivered all the lands into
my hand; the lands that I have made to dwell in a peaceful
habitation... " |
After a careful description of Egypt, Herodotus returns to story
of Persian dynasty in this book. Its central figure is Cambysses. Just as
Cyrus is revered, Cambysses is abhorred. He is an archetype of a mad king,
a capricious monarch who would stoop to do anything get power. The Persian
imperial raid on Egypt is condemned. Central to this antagonistic
interpretation of Cambysses are doubts about the validity of his ascension
to power and his desecration of Apis bull and thereby, the Egyptian
4-29-08 - MEDITATION: A round faced Mexican man carrying a
caucasion toddler tried to stop me from going to the sixth spiritual
level. The toddler gave me a tiny wave - showing that he knew me.
A woman then appeared and said, "I didn't know Mexicans were going
to be involved."
I answered, "I didn't either."
My intention was to find out any more information about the
Giant's in Wisconsin that I could.
Many political false flag operations are held during exercises by the
government: 9/11 and the bombings of the subway and a bus was held
in England during another exercise just as a couple of examples.
5-1-08 - VISION. While laying in bed, waiting for a morning phone call,
I suddenly saw a web page that was pinkish orange in color with a beautiful
long-haired blonde woman's face in the center. On her left (my right) was a
yellow warning sign on a diamond shape - and on that sign, it said,
"Problem area".
Then the picture changed and I saw an upsidedown drawing or black and white
photo of two men riding horseback - one behind the other.
Since it was upside-down, I couldn't tell who these men were - but my thinking
that it was George Washington. I asked spirit to give me a clear picture and
spirit brought the picture a little closer, but it was still upside-down, so I
still didn't know who it was. The picture stayed there quite long, but I
finally gave up trying to decipher who the two men were.
Finally, I got my morning phone call, and I told the vision to my friend, who
said, "I know who that was. It was - it's Don Quixote and Sancho Panza.
I know that story very well. The picture means their world is upside down
and she proceeded to tell me the tale of Don Quixote as she read it as a child.
It was about him thinking that windmills were giants with swords in their hands
because to him, everything was fantasy and he was out of his element.
Ever since this summer when I got my shiny new laptop I have been
longing to personalize it. I knew that I wanted to engrave it with
something eye-catching and symbolic. Since I really liked my last
engraving I decided to go with the same again.My image of choice is
based on a wonderful drawing of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza
Reflections by Gene Colan
from 1998.

Since I want to accentuate the Don Quixote and Sancho Panza I removed
the background and their reflections in the water. What is left is the
two riders. I contacted Mr Colan to tell him of my plans to modify and
engrave the image onto my computer. This is not a question of copyright
law but I wanted to have permission from the artist as a mark of

Don Quijote de la Mancha, or
Don Quixote de la Mancha (the preferred English spelling), was
originally written by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra in 1604, and
published in Spain 1605. The original title printed as The
Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha.
Don Quixote inspired great
artists like Pablo Picasso, Use of new words such as quixotic,
movies, ballet, and songs.
Don Quixote de la Mancha is
written in episodic form, part humorous, part philosophical,
part serious, and part tragic. It is probably Spain's most
influential literary piece of work.
Tilting at windmills
From Wikipedia,
Tilting at windmills by Gustav Dore
Tilting at windmills is an English
which means attacking imaginary enemies, or fighting otherwise-unwinable
battles. The word “tilt,” here, comes from
This idiomatic phrase originated in the novel
Don Quixote, and is often used today in reference to
persistent engagement in a futile activity. At one point in the
novel, Don Quixote fights
windmills that he imagines to be giants. Quixote sees the
windmill blades as the giant's arms, for instance. Here is the
relevant portion of the novel:
Just then they came in sight of thirty or forty windmills
that rise from that plain. And no sooner did Don Quixote see
them that he said to his squire, "Fortune is guiding our affairs
better than we ourselves could have wished. Do you see over
yonder, friend Sancho, thirty or forty hulking giants? I intend
to do battle with them and slay them. With their spoils we shall
begin to be rich for this is a righteous war and the removal of
so foul a brood from off the face of the earth is a service God
will bless."
"What giants?" asked Sancho Panza.
"Those you see over there," replied his master, "with
their long arms. Some of them have arms well nigh two leagues in
"Take care, sir," cried Sancho. "Those over there are not
giants but windmills. Those things that seem to be their arms
are sails which, when they are whirled around by the wind, turn
the millstone."
Huey, Dewey and Louie
Donald Duck's nephews.
Huey, Dewey, and Louie appeared for the first time in the Donald Duck
newspaper Sunday page
October 17, 1937, written by
Ted Osborne and drawn by
Al Taliaferro. At the time the Studio was working on a cartoon called
Donald's Nephews (IMDb
link) (directed by Jack King) with the same theme, but due to the
longer production time it didn't premiere until 1938. In the daily strip
the boys first stayed with Donald only for a while, but later they
returned for good.
5-3-08 - DREAM - I was in New Berlin, WI, living on the side of a big
hill. I was told by someone in secret that the 'mountain' was going
to blow up and I was supposed to tell certain people about it in advance.
When the men arrived, they looked like the men (engineers) I worked
with at A-C back in the 70's, including my boss. G.F.
I told them the secret before they left and they went out into the
dark just as the snow was falling slowly - the first snowfall of the
(I woke up because the dogs were crying outside. Joe got out of bed,
went to the bathroom and left the room. I was hoping he would quiet the
dogs down but he didn't. The dogs eventually quieted down on their
own and I fell asleep and went back into the dream.
Back in the dream, I was at the same place, but this time I was
hosting a seminar for old pilots from WWII.
I saw a newspaper announcing the seminar and I was lucid and tried
to read the date on the newspaper. All I could read were numbers in boxes
near the top of the newspaper - 77, 78, 79 and 210. I couldn't
see the month nor the name of the newspaper. (I assumed it was the
Milwaukee Journal because that was the only newspaper we had there)
Day 77 - March 17, 2008 In English alphanumerics: 77 =
Christ -Wrong - Power - Group
Day 78 - March 18, 2008 "
78 = Truth - Birthday - The Sun - Justice - Person - Sleeping -
October - Labor Day - Labor+Baby - Start - Robert - Patrick
Day 79 - March 19, 2008
79 = October 1 - Mother - Through - Present - Reconnect -
Higher Self - Flower - Remember - William - Harvey -
Lester - Walter
Day 210 - July 28, 2008
210 = ".the rough places plain".
What I did see was the photos and names of the pilots giving
the seminar. Huey, Dewey, and Louie Duck and the photos showed them
as 'old' ducks - not like the cartoons we grew up with.
The men who signed up for the seminar were also old - in their 80's.
I saw one of the machine guns that was demonstrated. It was
bright red, very modern and the barrel for shooting was black.
The machine gun sat on a table. It wasn't shot during the
demonstration. The men just looked at it.
When the demonstration was over, we were all changing clothes like
we were going to a formal dance - like a ball.
I again saw a newspaper with the photos of the old men who had come
to the seminar and all their photos were upsidedown in the paper.

This picture is from page 223 of Dennison Tsosie's
Spirit Visions - The Old Ones Speak
I then walked with the men down to the office where they were gong
to pay their bill. I opened the door with my key, shutting out
another old tall man who had just come in the front door. He was
dressed in white. He also
wanted to come into the office, but stopped outside the door to pick up
his mail from his personal mailbox. I couldn't allow him to come into the
office while the men paid their bills for the seminar. I flipped on
the light switch and woke up.
See: The
triple male trinity
Chapter 2
- 1
- on the twenty-first day of the seventh month, the word of
the LORD came through the prophet Haggai:
- 2
- Tell this to the governor of Judah, Zerubbabel, son of
Shealtiel, and to the high priest Joshua, son of Jehozadak, and
to the remnant of the people:
- 3
- Who is left among you that saw this house in its former
glory? And how do you see it now? Does it not seem like nothing
in your eyes?
- 4
- But now take courage, Zerubbabel, says the LORD, and take
courage, Joshua, high priest, son of Jehozadak, And take
courage, all you people of the land, says the LORD, and work!
For I am with you, says the LORD of hosts.
- 5
- This is the pact that I made with you when you came out of
Egypt, And my spirit continues in your midst; do not fear!
- 6
- 1 For thus says the LORD of
hosts: One moment yet, a little while, and I will shake the
heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land.
- 7
- I will shake all the nations, and the treasures of all the
nations will come in, And I will fill this house with glory,
says the LORD of hosts.
- 8
- Mine is the silver and mine the gold, says the LORD of
- 9
- Greater will be the future glory of this house than the
former, says the LORD of hosts; And in this place I will give
you peace, says the LORD of hosts.
- 10
- On the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, in the second
year of King Darius, the word of the LORD came to the prophet
- 11
- Thus says the LORD of hosts: Ask the priests for a decision:
- 12
- 2 If a man carries
sanctified flesh in the fold of his garment and the fold touches
bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any other food, do they
become sanctified? "No," the priests answered.
- 13
- Then Haggai said: If a person unclean from contact with a
corpse touches any of these, do they become unclean? The priests
answered, "They become unclean."
- 14
- Then Haggai continued: So is this people, and so is this
nation in my sight, says the LORD: And so are all the works of
their hands; and what they offer there is unclean.
- 15
- 3 But now, consider from
this day forward. Before there was a stone laid upon a stone in
the temple of the LORD,
- 16
- how did you fare? When one went to a heap of grain for
twenty measures, it would yield but ten; When another went to
the vat to draw fifty measures, there would be but twenty.
- 17
- I struck you in all the works of your hands with blight,
searing wind, and hail, yet you did not return to me, says the
- 18
- 4 (Consider from this day
forward: from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month. From the
day on which the temple of the LORD was founded, consider!)
- 19
- Indeed, the seed has not sprouted, nor have the vine, the
fig, the pomegranate and the olive tree yet borne. From this
day, I will bless!
- 20
- 5 The message of the LORD
came a second time to Haggai on the twenty-fourth day of the
- 21
- Tell this to Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah: I will shake
the heavens and the earth;
- 22
- I will overthrow the thrones of kingdoms, destroy the power
of the kingdoms of the nations. I will overthrow the chariots
and their riders, and the riders with their horses shall go down
by one another's sword.
- 23
- 6 On that day, says the LORD
of hosts, I will take you, Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel, my
servant, says the LORD, And I will set you as a signet ring; for
I have chosen you, says the LORD of hosts.
Zechariah 4
the angel who talked with me came again, and
waked me, like a man that is wakened out of
his sleep.
And he said to me, "What do you see?" I
said, "I see, and behold, a lampstand all of
gold, with a bowl on the top of it, and
seven lamps on it, with seven lips on each
of the lamps which are on the top of it.
3 And
there are two olive trees by it, one on the
right of the bowl and the other on its
And I said to the angel who talked with me,
"What are these, my lord?"
5 Then
the angel who talked with me answered me,
"Do you not know what these are?" I said,
"No, my lord."
Then he said to me, "This is the word of the
LORD to Zerub'babel: Not by might, nor by
power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of
What are you, O great mountain? Before
Zerub'babel you shall become a plain; and he
shall bring forward the top stone amid
shouts of 'Grace, grace to it!'"
Moreover the word of the LORD came to me,
"The hands of Zerub'babel have laid the
foundation of this house; his hands shall
also complete it. Then you will know that
the LORD of hosts has sent me to you.
10 For
whoever has despised the day of small things
shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in
the hand of Zerub'babel. "These seven
the eyes of the LORD, which range through
the whole earth."
11 Then I said to him, "What
are these two olive trees on the right and
the left of the lampstand?"
12 And
a second time I said to him, "What are these
two branches of the olive trees, which are
beside the two golden pipes from which the
oil is poured out?"
He said to me, "Do you
not know what these are?" I said, "No, my
lord." 14
Then he said, "These are the two anointed
who stand by the Lord of the whole earth."
5-13-08: DREAM
In bright red, I was shown this:
5-13-08 Today is the day! This is it! 5-13-08 Today is the day!
This is it! 5-13-08 Today is the day! This is it!"
In the dream, I was in Wisconsin and there was going to be a boy's
basketball game.
I was asked to buy a boy a boy's size 13 black boots.
I asked, "Why does a boy need black boots to play basketball?"
The other person said, "Haven't you ever been judged by a red man?"
And on the basketball court, dancing a war dance, was a bright red
Indian Warrior!

I went to the mall to buy the boots and ended up in the bridal
section and
got lost in the bridal candle department. It was so beautiful, all
bridal decorated candles. It was almost like a maze and I was
enthralled with
these lace decorated candles.
Then the scene switched to a dark water lake, and 11 men, dressed in
wet suits, came
crawling out of the lake. I was afraid to have them stand up.

All of a sudden I was watching them on TV - still afraid to have
them stand
Then the TV made an electronic 'bling' sound and turned off and I
knew I was
Hi Dee - Great dream - and in perfect timing
- bright red - red queen hypothesis -
we passed it ten minutes ago
Ancients played ball games - Indigenous Inca mayan-
(see links below)
Bridal Section right on
Heiros Gamos Day is come - reverse
engineering takes us back to before time when Sky Spirit and
Earth Bride - wanted a BABY.
The delicate lacework is what the Bride makes for Her Nuptial Hope
Chest born of pure lumiiferous ether - and yours is a dilly!!!!!
Love Winifred Barton
The Maya central city area was built for religous reasons.
Almost every Mayan city had a ballcourt to play the ball game
Pok-A-Tok. Pok-A-Tok games were ...
The two were murdered in a ball game by the two rulers of
Xibalba, the Mayan underworld. They were avenged by Hun-Hunapu's
children Hunapu and Xbalanque. ...
They found their father's ball game equipment with the help
of a rat. ... disturbed the lords of Xibalba, (pronounced:
Shibalba), the Mayan Underworld. ...
RED QUEEN - a character in Lewis Caroll's 'Through the Looking Glass',
who runs simply to stay in the same place.
The Red Queen of the Maya
Spectral moon, Silio 7
Tue May 08, 2007 5:22 am
Post subject: Some considerations on the "Red
Queen" |
In the mayan Quiché calendar, today is
Oxib' Kan
(3-Serpent), the day of birth of Stephanie South --a.k.a. "Red
according to the Dreamspell calendar. Today's date in the
Dreamspell is a "Wizard" day, just like the day when the
Queen's crypt in Palenque was discovered (June 1, 1994), and
that's why I've chosen this special day to speak about the
In fact, it's about some considerations of mine concerning
her possible date of birth, and the meaning it might have in
the argüellian
The first reference I've read to her year of birth was in
RINRI Project Newsletter,
where it says that...
"in 2012
will be 39, born in '73, Votan will be 73 born in '39".
This is quite interesting, in fact, and although I don't
follow the Dreamspell neither do I believe Argüelles to be
the "Closer of the Cycle", this shows that José Argüelles
and Stephanie South really do have some kind of special
connection, uniting them both in 2012.
The next step was trying to know which days in 1973 were "Red
Electric Serpent", the
Queen's galactic signature: both January 8th and September
25th shared this same Kin (which was
11 Lamat in the
Traditional Count), so I ended with two possible birthdays
of the
The only thing I had to do now was to study these days, and
trying to discover if any of them had something "special".
My personal theory is that she was born in September 25,
which would make her a Libra (an Air sign, like Argüelles'
Aquarius), instead of January 8 which would make her a
Capricorn (an earthly/traditionalist sign, quite opposite to
the spiritual/revolutionary Aquarius). If the
is supposed to be the apprentice and successor of Valum
Votan after 2012, then they obviously need to be in tune
with each other, right?
However, this doesn't end here. Does anyone remember when
was the
2nd Congress of Biospheric Rights, in Brasília (Brasil)?
It was during September 22-26, 2006, and I think this date
for the Congress was chosen on purpose because it marked at
least two very special things:
-> The 33rd anniversary of the
on September 25, 2006, being the number 33 traditionally
considered to be a "Master Number" (just like 11, 22, etc).
Knowing that Valum Votan (José) is kin 11 and Bolon Ik (Lloydine)
is kin 22, we have some kind of "trinity" here: a King, a
and their successor - the
the new female Christ, 33°;
-> A "galactic birthday" of José Argüelles, on September 26,
2006 (kin 11 in the Dreamspell count).
And then there was yet another discovery, the final and most
interesting one, which completely convinced me that the day
of birth of Stephanie South /
should almost certainly have been September 25, 1973. What
was it, you may ask me? You see... the CPU (Chrono-PSI Unit)
of September 25 is "White Rhythmic Mirror", the first of the
thirteen clear signs on the Tomb, which marks the date of
Pacal Votan's death. What this means is that the day of
birth of the
is intimately connected to the END of Pacal (Valum) Votan's
reign, in 2012. So the
really is intended to be Votan's successor. The death of the
old, giving life to the new. Yay!
From: |
79 as Virgin, Mother:
Mary = 57 = Rose
Rose as the 5 petal rose symbol for Purity, and perfected humanity.
Month #5 is May
May = 39...Angel ( announced Immaculate Conception )
May 1 = 40...Blue ( Mary's color )
May 31 = 70...Month
"Thirteen Day" also reads "Ascension Day".
The total is 129....Butterfly
Notice the 29 of "Black" in 129.
5,3 is an 8 of course.
And May 3 = 42...War, Final, New ( the boat visual re final, new )
42 = Maine...War
Saturday as 109 = Remembering ( "Remember the Maine", and also Memorial
Day is this month )
Paper = 56...Healing...Begins...Three ( as today's date )
PAPE = 38...Death, Cancel, Change, Same, Fire, Africa
R = 18 ...Mad...Big...Head...Gaia
38 = Death, as Tarot #13
Tarot #18 is The Tower.
The Tower = 114...September 11, Holocaust
Today's 151 sum has the 51 of "Great"
Dream = 41...May 2...Key
4,1 is a 5 and month #5 is May. May = 39 which is 13,13,13.
39 = Clear
51 = Great
41 = Dream
92 = Numbers...Reverse
Those numbers in reverse as 77 ( same each way )
78 as 87 = Truth...Birthday...The Sun...Justice...Person...Sleeping
79 as 97 = Through...Present...Reconnect...Higher Self
87 also = Junior, Stephen, Sheryl, The Dalai Lama, Lotus
87 = Phase Change...Fulfilled...Octavate...Manifest
87 = Same Way / Change Way...Retreat
8,7 is 15 ( Tarot #15 The Sun ) and the 15 in 151 of today's date sum,
where 51 = Great.
87 = Publish ( as you did via that post on internet / website )
87 = Russia...Crescent
[ Great Dreams = 111...Alphanumber ]
As to where these numbers can be found:
78 = Genesis
92 = Numbers ( Book of Genesis, Book of Numbers in old testament )
87 as Birthday can also refer to the "begats" of generations, or Adam and
Eve's sons re Genesis.
May 13 Tuesday = 147..."THIS IS THE DAY!"
( This 147 phrase has been in my UHA notebook for years. )
May as 39 = Clear
Black as 29 = Ex, so maybe some connection with Milwaukee and your Ex,
your own bridal experience.
29 = It ( ex, it )
29 = Lake / Kale...See...Hat...Jar
29 = Diana, Ann, Pal / Lap...Calm
29 = Glee, Awe, "p.m." ...Hedge
29 = 3 Card ( as a 3 card spread )
RED = 27...Off ( 29 = On, or No )
27 = Ball...Code...Hand...Bud...Jeff ( Bud a man's nick name )
27 = Ego / Geo...Gas / Sag ( re Sagittarius )
27 = Base..Oak ( A-OK )...Half...Job...Maid ( Maid re bridal theme )
27 = Race / Care...Cuba..Inca / I Can
56 = This...The End...Term...Begins...Delayed...Created
56 = Out ( men coming out of water )...Flow
56 = April...Flag Day ( as June 15 )...Friend, Buddy, Aunt
56 = Down...Ether...Galactic...Probe...Comet...Shock
56 = Tibet, Bimini, Kenya, Karnak, Big Canoe ( where UHA was completed &
copyrighted )
Big Canoe also reads "Big Change", "Big Fire"....Head + Bride ( as
Kether and Malkuth )
56 = Flames...Miasma...Iron...Lingam
56 = Equal...Will...Paper ( recall 29 = Page )
56 = Ivy...Moth...Loon...Wolf...Shell ( She'll )
56 = Folds..Deficit...Down...Lobby...Level...Gazebo
56 = Druid, Hindu, Shaman, Sigil
DNA codon #56 is a "start" codon.
Tarot card #56 is 2 of Swords.
Dee, I dreamed of a big ol black bear--tame, gentle--but big ol black bear
just the same. It came near me, sniffed my hand, and couple of times I
put my hand on its snout and head to reassure it and keep it away from me.
Similar theme to yours with black and uneasiness about black items.
May as 39 is Three x 13
CANDLE = 39 ( Light = 56 )
39 is 13,13,13...so today is 13,13,13,13
Tarot #13.. Death, renamed Transformation
5,13,0,8 as letters EMOH--HOME
5/13/08 Three times in your dream message.
Bridal section suggests Malkuth as The Bride, Malkuth as our "Home".
May 13 = 52...Earth / Heart...Door, Ship
Tuesday = 95 = Promise, Process, Kundalini, Scorpio
total is 147..."THIS IS THE DAY!" ( a notation I have had several years
for 147 ! )
100 = Excellent, and 47 = TIME !
UHA of this date today:
Recall that May = 39 and 39 = Candle, Clear, Angel / Angle, Ten / Net
+ 18..21
- 8...5
* ..36 ( this is what I call the "Transformer" for a UHA diamond math
model: from this point there is a change from - to + which continues until
the first 10 encountered, else it goes to infinity. )
+ 3
+ 39 ( as above, so below perfect balance )
Transformer = 147...THIS IS THE DAY
147 = Tuesday May 13.
14+7 = 21 of above data...21 = At, Of...Beam ....Lace !
1 + 47 = 48...Ring ( ring, re bridal theme )
( Re 56 as "Flag Day", was my wedding day--June 14....50 years ago ! )
777 = 21 of previous UHA ~ 13 + 08 = 21
( Tarot #21 is The Fool, as starting anew. 21 is letter U ~ "you" )
Dee = 14 of today's 147
May as 39 = Ten, and your E+E = 10
39 = Net, and tomorrow's date sum is 153, re # of fish in the Net.
Have had 2 emails about great significance for yesterday...147 date, sum
of "This is the day"...Transformer ( Transformer is term for UHA mean, or
balance point and "turn around" point for diamond math model: the -
numbers become + same numbers as a perfect "as above, so below" cross
shape from diamond math model.
Today's date sum is 153....and I was up at 1:53 a.m. this morning....a
very choppy nite of short sleep, wake, short sleep, wake etc. Dreamed of
telling someone there was a "New Jesus Video".
Jesus Video = 129...the 29 of "Black"
129 = Butterfly
New = 42...Female...Final...Self...Chakra
total is 171...Metamorphosis
171 is 3 x 57...Human..Pineal...Moon ( second Wesak / Scorpio moon 19th
171 is 9 x 19...19 = DNA
Just rec'd email from a friend who had a vision of a
boat docking, after the motor is stopped and silently drifting to shore.
Peaceful, serene visual seemed to indicate a journey / phase ending
smoothly and the destination being reached.
Fits with today's 151 date sum as a bookend effect.
Boat as 38 = Death
38 = Cancel...Change...Balance
3,8 = 11. ( 11th as Mother's day )
imo, there is always someone somewhere who is plotting destruction of
group in power ( 77 ); or destruction of something. All "plan" is in "
potential " state, and can change of course.
Day Thirteen + This is the day = 276.
27 = Red
276 = Universal Divine Template / Whole Divine Template
276 is my full name sum.
27 as my UHA "Whole Divine Template"
6 is the # of this apt.
Have had 2 emails about a great significance for yesterday...147
date, sum of "This is the day"...Transformer
Transformer is term for UHA mean, that balance point becomes "turn around"
point for diamond math model: the - numbers become + same numbers as a
perfect "as above, so below" cross shape from diamond math model.
Today's date sum is 153, number of fish caught in the disciples' net
shortly after Easter Sunday.
Net, Hold = 39...May
153 is 3 x 51...Full, Top
Easter as 68 = May 29. ( 29 = See. 29 May reads "See Net"...or "Awe +
New as 42 = Fish
Jesus Video = 129...the 29 of "See", and May 29 as Easter sum 68 .
129 = Butterfly
These articles have information about the 153 Fish
in the Net --
(153 Fish in the Net)
(153) I didn't know why the engineers hadn't filed it where
it belonged so I took it off my desk and put it on top of the
bookcase for later. ...
The Great Pryamid and the 153 Fish in the Net
New = 42...Final...Self total is 171...Metamorphosis
171 is 3 x 57...Human...Birth...Pineal...Rose
57 = Mary ( May is Mary month, 42 = Female )
57 = Moon ( The second Wesak / Scorpio moon is May 19th )
171 is 9 x 19...19 = Egg...DNA
19 = Adam, and Christ is called the "New Adam", which reads "New DNA".
This suggests the "Christ Gene" proposed by a scientist decades ago. New
enzymes can form a new gene.
It is mathematically possible to have 63 new cell types ...63 = Divine,
Recall that Humanity = 111 = Perfection, Christos...DNA Template.
Universal Harmonics Analysis
I was at home in Wisconsin. It was impressed upon me at the end of the
dream that I was living in a 'house divided'. My daughter-in-law Becky and
another woman lived in the other half of the house. We could see each
other through a window in the dividing doorway, but we couldn't communicate
except to wave to each other.
But my main occupation in the morning was to take care of a young woman
and her father, both of whom were wearing iron masks over their faces and
chests. They not only had to learn to breathe with these things on, they
had to learn to sing with them on. These iron masks on their body were so
heavy, all they could do was lie in bed and I sat and watched them to make sure
they weren't in any distress.

My husband came home for lunch at noon and left again at 1 p.m. The
woman and her father were also taken away at 1 p.m. to have their iron masks
I decided to eat a bowl of ice cream for lunch and then go to work.
While I was in the kitchen, I saw my daughter-in-law and the other woman through
the glass window and we waved to each other but we weren't allowed to open the
I went into the livingroom then and noticed that my husband had been
painting one wall during the lunch hour.
I looked closer because it had brown splotches on it and I wondered why he
had painted it unevenly and then I saw that there was a map of the mid-west with
the Great Lakes in the center. As I got closer, I saw that the map went
all the way to the ceiling where the north pole was. The map wasn't square, it
was cut off on the sides and included both coastlines.
I looked closer for more detail to see how far south it went. The map
ended at the point where the bottom line went through New Mexico, Arizona, Texas
and straight across to the east coast, but it didn't include Florida or any of
the southern edges of any of the southern coastline or Mexico.

I woke up as soon as I saw how far south the map ended. Now that I'm
awake, and looking at the map, I noticed that Greenland wasn't there and there
was a series of islands on both east and west coastlines on the sides of Canada,
and that the North Pole was white.
The Man in the Iron Mask (French: L'Homme au Masque de Fer)
was a prisoner who was held in a number of jails, including the
Bastille and the
Chateau d'If, during the reign of
Louis XIV of
France. The identity of this man has been thoroughly
discussed, mainly because no one ever saw his face which was
hidden by a mask of black velvet cloth. Later retellings of the
story have claimed that it was an iron mask.In popular
myth he is believed to have been the twin brother of Louis XIV,
but there is little actual evidence for this.
What facts are known about this prisoner are based mainly on
correspondence between his jailer and his superiors in Paris.
There are a variety of lyrics to a song titled "The Man in
the Iron Mask" and also "The Woman in the Iron Mask".
I don't know if they are related or not. See:
[ED NOTE: I found this very interesting:
On May 16th, 2008, it was revealed that Donald Rumsfeld (who
still held political office in Washington DC at the time) stated
that only a terrorist attack on the U.S. could bring out
government into power the way it wants it.
This dream is long - probably not all parts belong in it
with reference to this page, but its hard to distinguish the parts
I could leave out so I am putting them all down here.
5-24-08 - DREAM - I was sitting outside a large apartment building I managed.
There was a group of women with me, and each one held an infant. This seemed to
be an instructional class about teaching their infants how to develop their
muscles. All the infants seemed to be in the crawling stage - about 9 to
10 months old, though some could have been younger and more developed than
We were all watching the infants and how they were doing crawling, situps,
rolling, developing their arm muscles and leg muscles.
As we sat there, some strange trucks came by the side of the building. They
were a little out of control because each had one rear wheel missing and they
were trying to drive the trucks without tipping over to the one corner without a
wheel. We were glad the trucks were empty and we watched the trucks until they
parked them.
Then a woman walked by who remarked that there was a house with a pool in the
next block and the pool looked really good because it was hot out. I said,
"That's my son-in-laws house. It belongs to T.J.
In my mind, I was remembering that T.J. was in the construction business.
Just then a man came running down the street and grabbed a hose attached to
the fire hydrant in front of the building. He was acting really desperate and
began squirting water into his mouth like he had just swallowed something he
shouldn't have.
When he stopped, I asked him if he was all right and whether he had swallowed
something acid. He just rather nodded and I asked him if he'd like some orange
juice. He said, "Yes!" so I told him I would get him some.
So I went into the building through double green metal doors.
That started an unending journey through the building that I couldn't find my
way back out of.
I managed to find my apartment to begin with, but it was being remodeled and
some men were installing a stereo system. The man said he would install one big
enough that I could still handle it myself and be able to move it with me if I
ever moved again. I told him that would be a good idea.
I went into the next room and three young black men were sitting at a desk
working on some electronic equipment. I don't know exactly what it was.
They seemed a little startled to see me. I told them they were okay as
long as they just stayed in that one room.
I went into the third room and saw there was a new lock installed and the
three gold keys for the lock, so I took the keys, went through the door and
locked it from the other side, so the black men couldn't follow me to the
bedroom where I planned to change my shirt.
The door slid sideways together and there were like buttons that were
magnetic in several places as well as the lock, so I attached them together as
I found my closet and it had pretty new clothes that I hadn't worn yet - all
pastel colors - but there wasn't a shirt I had worn before. I thought to myself
that I'd better do the laundry before I ran out of clothes.
I didn't want to put something new on, so I went to find the kitchen and I
was now lost.
I was finding living rooms, bedrooms, some with furniture, some with bare
rough wooden walls that were unfinished.
I went past lots of workmen, all very large built men. They were all working
on remodeling the building.
Every so often I'd see people sitting on a sofa like they were making
decisions of what they wanted their apartment to look like when it was finished.
As I recall they were all old people with gray hair.
At one point, I came to a room that a workman said was going to be the
bathroom and that I would need to leave because there were fumes when he put in
the tile walls.
I told him I would leave if I could find my way out.
I finally slid two boards apart and found a hallway with old light grey
decrepit carpeting. It probably had been very nice in the old days.
All along the walls were models of living rooms like a showroom for furnished
apartments people could choose from. They were all dark and not lit up and
nobody was looking at them.
Its hard to way what time period this furniture was from. It was all very
large overstuffed furniture - all comfortable looking but old and tired - most
of it colored grey.
I finally found the number 10 on the wall, and then 11, and then 12, so I
continued down the hall, the numbers getting higher as I went.
I then came
to a large blue metal door that said 16.
Job 9:26 They are passed away2498 as5973 the
swift16 ships:591 as the eagle5404
that hasteth2907 to5921 the prey.400 ]
I didn't know which way to go or if I had to go through the door. As I stood there, undecided, the wall started to evaporate and on the other
side were huge-sized workmen.
One man seemed to be transporting an injured or dead workman. The man
was laying on a gurney it seemed, and he was giant sized.
All of the men up till now were large, but human-sized. They guy laying
down was way larger.
Everything stopped, because the workman could see me now too and he didn't
know what to do either, so we both stood there staring at each other until I
woke up.
Algis Budrys
(1934-2008) - Writer - Author of the novels "Master of the Hounds,"
which became the 1972 film To Kill a Clown, starring Alan
Alda and Blythe Danner, and "Who?," which was made into a 1973 film
of the same name (also known as Robo Man), starring Elliott
Gould. He died of metastatic malignant melanoma June 9, in Evanston,
Illinois. (Chicago

Last week, a
mysterious image popped up on Metallica’s Web site — an
image that continued to morph over the next few days. It
began June 9 with just two letters, D and C, in the middle
of four sideways Metallica M’s arranged to look like
magnetic rays. Each day, more letters were added. Because
the band had promised it would soon divulge the title of its
forthcoming album (due in stores this fall), several fans
accurately surmised that the image would eventually reveal
the LP’s name. Some guessed the title would be Magnetica.
On Saturday, just before the band’s set at Bonnaroo, the
image changed for the last time, providing fans with the
answer they’d been waiting for. It seems that Metallica have
named their next record Death Magnetic, which, let’s
face it, is not that much of a step up from St. Anger.
On June 9, Baptist preacher Frank Page
told this story :
Today's missional leaders could learn from the examples
of the Old Testament kings Saul and David, said Page, who is
completing his second term as SBC president.
Page contrasted the combat leadership of Saul and David,
chronicled in 1 Samuel 17 and 2 Chronicles 20. Saul's army
trembled before the Philistine giant Goliath, but David
boldly confronted him and killed him. In the latter account,
David's Israelite army also was successful in killing
Philistine giants.
"What was the difference?" Page asked. "The key is realizing
who the king was in each battle. In the first battle, Saul
was king; he was no giant killer. In the second battle, the
king was David; he was a giant killer.
"The charismatic leader is perceived as possessed by a
purpose greater than himself or herself," Page explained.
"When a giant killer leads, the followers want to take on
giants too!"
5-29-08 - NAP DREAM - I was being held hostage by one of the
Q or T factions of a family. I could hear chains rattling in
the background, while one of the factions was creating bomb
material from chemicals that could be purchased in a drug store. I
saw the boxes with the chemicals in them. One of them was clearly
Clairol hair products.
6-3-08 - NAP DREAM - I was taking a walk in the woods and came
near a small hovel. Before I got there, I heard someone very young
screaming. I ran to the door and saw blood all over the floor
inside the room.
A little girl came to the door and said that her little brother
had been shot inside.
I tried to get into the house, but there were posts set in the
center of the door - like people have to walk through when they are
checking for guns. I couldn't get into the room without
ripping out one of the posts, so I did that.
When I got into the room, besides the blood on the floor, was a
little boy standing there with blood all over his chest, arms and
The little boy was dripping blood, but able to talk.
I asked him what happened.
He answered that a man had called on the phone asking if he had
any bowls for a large party he was having because he didn't have
The little boy had said that he had some bowls the man could
borrow. The bad thing was, when the boy answered the door to
the man, the man had blasted him with a shotgun without saying a
I realized at that point, it was the second time that this
horrible thing had happened to a child.
It wasn't until after I woke up, I realized that I was like
a giant to this little boy because in order to get into this little
house, I had to duck down and crawl into the room on my hands and
knees and couldn't stand upright inside the hovel.
I was like a giant.
Iowa/Wisconsin briefs
Telegraph Herald, IA - May 13, 2008
DES MOINES -- A Des Moines
area man has been arrested after he allegedly fired
a shotgun at his son and another boy.
Thirty-nine-year-old Brian Stinson was ...
Brian Stinson was arrested early
Monday morning after deputies
responded to a complaint of gunshots
in an area just north of the city.
Officials with the
Polk County sheriff's office say
Stinson got into an argument with his
son and his son's friend and chased
after them with a baseball bat.
Officials say that as the boys left
the house, Stinson fired a 12-gauge
shotgun at them.
No one was hurt.
Stinson has been charged with two
counts of intimidation with a
dangerous weapon and two counts of
assault, use or display of a dangerous
Copyright 2008 The
Associated Press.
05/12/08 13:35 EDT
6-21-08 - DREAM/VISION - I saw a giant-sized infant laying
on a small bed, with another child standing next to him.
This child had just been born. 6-21-08 - some good news for a change:
SAN DIEGO -- It took 10 months, 24 pairs of shoes and
40 pounds of flesh, but former New York Giant George
Martin can finally rest after taking the final steps of a
cross-country walk to raise money for people with health
problems linked to the Sept. 11 attacks.
AP Photo/David Karp
George Martin, beginning his
3,000 mile walk for charity on New York's George
Washington Bridge in September, finished Saturday in
San Diego.
Martin began walking from New York to California on Sept.
16 to draw attention to the plight of rescue and recovery
workers who developed respiratory problems after working
in the dusty ruins of the World Trade Center.
He marched the final 4½ miles Saturday, arriving at a
finish line in San Diego, where he was met by police
officers, firefighters and other NFL alumni.
The trip began on the George Washington Bridge in
Manhattan and covered 3,003 miles, winding south to
Tennessee, west through Texas, and through high plains and
desert to California.
Along the way, Martin trudged through rainstorms,
winter ice and brutal heat, averaging 22 miles per day. He
lost 40 pounds, burned through 80 pairs of socks, and
raised more than $2 million, organizers said.
"These heroes need our collective support," Martin said
in a written statement. "Many who answered our nation's
call for help now cannot even walk up the steps in their
own homes due to severe respiratory and other ailments.
Some are dying. They deserve our help."
Former Giants DL George Martin
walks across America in effort to raise money for his
foundation, Journey for 9/11.
Martin was a co-captain of the
Giants team that won Super Bowl XXI. A defensive end
who played in the NFL for 14 years, he is now an executive
at AXA Equitable, a financial services firm. He lives in
New Jersey.
Some medical studies have indicated that thousands of
people may have been sickened by exposure to toxic World
Trade Center dust. The number of people who suffered
permanent damage is still unknown.
Martin's walk wasn't without hitches. High winds forced
him to walk some segments of his route backward, from west
to east, because headwinds were exhausting him.
He had originally planned to head for the Golden Gate
Bridge, but adjusted his route part way through to finish
in San Diego.
Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press
Obama's plane lands in St. Louis
for maintenance
ST. LOUIS (AP) — The airplane carrying Democratic
presidential candidate Barack Obama made a safe,
unscheduled and precautionary landing in St. Louis on
Monday after a flight control problem arose en route
from Chicago to Charlotte, N.C.
The plane, an MD-80 Midwest charter, experienced a
problem maintaining the proper pitch, or control over
keeping the nose at the necessary angle, as it was
taking off from Chicago, the pilot said.
Laura Brown, an FAA spokeswoman, said the plane did
not declare an emergency, but simply "requested a
diversion for mechanical issues they called a flight
control problem."
As the plane was being evaluated on the ground
here, Obama was reading the paper in the front cabin,
but ventured briefly to chat with the press at one
"I just thought we'd spice things up a little bit
today," Obama said, smiling and joking.
The Illinois senator and a small entourage
eventually left the plane and the tarmac to wait out
the maintenance at a local hotel; the North Carolina
trip was postponed until a future date.
Coincidentally, the candidate's impromptu detour
took him to Missouri, a battleground state he hopes to
win in the fall. There was no immediate word on how he
would spend the rest of the day. He has two
fundraisers in Atlanta scheduled for Monday evening.
Upon takeoff from Chicago, passengers had felt the
plane dip briefly, causing a stomach-rolling sensation
as if being in a roller coaster, but the unexpected
movement did not cause visible alarm for the frequent
fliers on the plane.
About an hour later, reporters among the 44
passengers on board were made aware of the problem. A
flight attendant, who was clearing the aisles, told
reporters the plane wasn't heading to North Carolina
as planned.
Minutes later, Obama spokeswoman Linda Douglass
came to the back of the plane to inform reporters of a
"minor little problem with the airplane" and said the
plane would make a precautionary landing in St. Louis.
Then, the pilot came on the overhead speaker and
provided more details.
"We detected a little bit of controllability issue
in terms of our ability to control the aircraft in the
pitch, which is the nose up and nose down mode,"
announced the pilot, whose name was not released in
accordance with Midwest policy.
"The autopilot and the aircraft are just fine. As
we descended, whatever was inhibiting our ability has
now been rectified. However, just for safety purposes
we are going to be stopping in St. Louis and making
sure that there's nothing binding our controls. We
have full authority of the aircraft. We will not need
to brace. It will be a normal landing," he said.
The landing at 9:51 a.m. CDT, was, in fact, normal.
A mechanic was traveling on the plane at the time,
and was inspecting the problem on the ground in St.
Obama, his staff, the Secret Service entourage and
the press sat on the plane for over an hour as it was
being checked out at Signature Flight Support, a
facility which handles private jets, at Lambert
During his visit with reporters, Obama shook his
head "no" when asked if he was worried.
"Anytime a pilot says something's not working the
way it's supposed to, then you make sure you tighten
your seat belt," Obama said. "Everything seemed under
control. The pilots knew what they were doing."
Obama's campaign charter hasn't made a
precautionary landing before.
"This is a first," he said, and then returned to
the front of the plane to confer with staffers.
It was a MD-80 chartered plane:

Mechanic: Obama's Plane
Could Have 'Lost Control' in Anomaly"

Note that Obama's plane was a MIDWEST plane. It looks just
like the MD-80 above.
Sen. Barack Obama’s MD-80 aircraft made a surprise
landing on Monday morning due to "controllability
issues." (Photograph by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
By Jeff Wise
Published on: July 9, 2008
When Barack Obama's plane
encountered mechanical problems during a flight on
Monday, was the presumptive Democratic presidential
candidate in more danger than anyone let on, including
his campaign staff, a major airline, the National
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)—or the senator
himself? "Everything seemed under control,"
Obama told reporters onboard his charter MD-80
after an unscheduled touchdown. "The pilots knew what
they were doing."
But even as the head of the NTSB called
the agency's investigation of the incident
"extremely serious," a veteran MD-80 flight mechanic
described the onboard irregularity to
PopularMechanics.com as potentially "extremely
Officials at Midwest Airlines, which operates the
campaign charter, said that the plane's pilot was
merely exercising a suitable precaution when he
diverted during a planned flight from Chicago to
Charlotte, N.C., landing safely at Lambert–St. Louis
International Airport at 9:51 am local time. The
pilot's reason: the plane had exhibited
"controllability issues" after encountering turbulence
following takeoff, and the pilot apparently had
difficulty managing the pitch of the aircraft—that is,
the extent to which the nose of the aircraft is
pointed up or down. Pitch is critically important to
aviation safety, as it determines the speed of the
aircraft and its rate of climb or descent.
Examination of the aircraft on the ground revealed
that turbulence had caused an emergency slide located
in the plane's tail section to deploy in flight. The
inflated slide then apparently pressed against
hydraulic lines leading to actuators that move the
elevator at the top of the aircraft's T-shaped tail.
Midwest Airlines downplayed the significance of the
event, releasing a statement that "there was never an
issue as to the safety of the flight." An Obama
campaign spokesman said that the landing was a "minor
and precautionary" step, according to the Associated
Press. The pilot did not declare an emergency when
requesting clearance to the alternate airport.
However, according to a mechanic familiar with MD-80
aircraft, inadvertent deployment of the slide could
have put the airplane at serious risk. Mike Hatfield,
an American Airlines mechanic who has worked on MD-80s
for 20 years, called the slide's deployment "extremely
dangerous" in an interview this afternoon with PM. "If
it had caught on any of the control lines, they would
have lost control of the aircraft," he said.
Hatfield could not remember having heard of a slide
deploying in flight before. Normally, the mechanism is
armed on the ground by a flight attendant at the rear
of the aircraft. If the rearmost door is opened when
the system is engaged, a
cable pulls a pin from atop a valve on a tank of
compressed gas, inflating the slide, which pushes away
the tail cone of the aircraft. "Usually, if it deploys
accidentally, it happens on the ground when somebody
accidentally hits something or opens the door
improperly," Hatfield said.
In the wake of the incident, NTSB chairman Mark
Rosenker announced an investigation into the surprise
landing, noting that control operations onboard "could
potentially make it extremely difficult, if not
impossible, to fly the aircraft,"
according to ABC News.
The NTSB sought to quash speculation that it had
launched the investigation because the candidate was
aboard. "Whether it was a candidate or you and your
mother, we would look into it regardless," agency
representative Bridget Surchek told
Results of the preliminary investigation are scheduled
to be released next week. Stay tuned right here for
EDITORS NOTE: Could it have been failed
sabotage??? Just asking! ANOTHER ONE?

(CNN)— A
plane carrying Texas Rep. Ron Paul and six other
members of Congress was forced to make an
emergency landing Tuesday due to mechanical
Flight carrying members of
Congress makes emergency
08:15 PM CDT on Tuesday, July
22, 2008
By T.J. Aulds, Michelle Homer
& Mark Greenblatt / 11 News
Click to watch the 11 News
report on the incident
HOUSTON -- A Continental
Airlines flight carrying seven
members of Congress from
Houston to Washington was
forced to make an emergency
landing after it lost cabin
pressure Tuesday afternoon.
Flight 458 was bound for
Reagan National Airport, but
was diverted and landed safely
in New Orleans, a spokeswoman
for U.S. Rep. Ted Poe told 11
Poe and fellow Texas
Congressmen Nick Lampson, Ron
Paul, John Carter, Ciro
Rodriguez, Solomon Ortiz and
Henry Cuellar were aboard the
flight, said Poe's press
secretary DeeAnn Thigpen.
Ironically, the seven
congressmen were trying to get
back in time for a Tuesday
night vote on an aviation
safety bill, a spokesman for
one of the representatives
There were 118 people total
aboard the plane, Continental
spokeswoman Julie King said.
No one was hurt.
Continental Airlines said
the problem was caused by a
sudden loss in cabin pressure.
Trevor Kincaid, a spokesman
for passenger and Rep. Nick
Lampson, said his boss told
him “there was absolutely no
panic on the plane.” Lampson
told Kincaid the plane’s
oxygen masks dropped down.
“Continental Airline’s
personnel and staff were
exceptional; executing what
seemed to me a textbook
performance in emergency
procedure. I was very
impressed,” Lampson said in a
Poe told 11 News the flight
was about an hour late leaving
Houston because of mechanical
difficulties with an engine.
He said things went downhill
from there not long after
taking off from Bush
Intercontinental Airport.
"Suddenly, we started to
descend more rapidly than
normal and the oxygen masks
came out," Poe said.
The pilots told everyone to
fasten their seatbelts.
"There wasn't any talk
because a lot of people had
their oxygen masks on,"
according to Poe. "Everyone
seemed to be quite calm."
The flight landed about 20
minutes after the scare began.
"You're thinking of
everything, of course. You're
thinking of all the
possibilities," Poe told 11
News. "But the pilots did a
great job of getting us down.
And when we got down we saw
all the fire trucks on the
runway, just like in the
For Poe and the others, it
was an unforgettable
"It was exciting to say the
least," Poe said. "Glad to see
that landing gear come down."
The cause of the loss of
cabin pressure will be
Thigpen said the flight is
frequently used by members of
the Texas delegation who have
returned home for the weekend.
The 1:05 p.m. flight is the
latest one that allows them to
get back to Washington in time
for 6:30 p.m. votes, she said.
The emergency landing was
the third time in two days a
plane was diverted over cabin
pressure issues. A US Airways
flight and a Northwest
Airlines flight were diverted
to airports in Kentucky and
Wisconsin on Monday over cabin
pressure issues.
The Associated Press
contributed to this report.

(CNN) -- A
Qantas flight from Hong Kong to
Melbourne made an emergency landing
in the Philippines on Friday after a
hole appeared in the fuselage and
the cabin lost pressure suddenly.
There was an
almighty crack," one passenger said.
"We dropped a bit in the air, but
other than that it was fine."
"There was a big
bang," said another. "I knew there
was a hole somewhere, but I didn't
know what was going on."
Marina Scaffidi,
39, from Melbourne, told The
Associated Press: "There was wind
swirling around the plane and some
She said a hole
extended from the cargo hold into
the passenger cabin.
Michael Rahill,
57, an architect from Melbourne,
told AP the bang sounded "like a
tire exploding, but more violently."
Images of the
Boeing 747-400 after it landed
showed a large hole where the
leading edge of the wing attaches to
the fuselage.
more on the incident »
International Airport Authority
spokesman Octavio Lina said there
were no injuries, but some of the
345 passengers vomited after
disembarking, AP reported.
Qantas said the
hole, which was between 2.5 to three
meters in diameter, was being
inspected by engineers.
A report by the
airport authority quoted pilot John
Francis Bartels as saying an initial
investigation indicated there was an
"explosive decompression."
Lina said the
cabin's floor gave way, exposing
some of the cargo beneath and part
of the ceiling collapsed, AP
The flight
originated in London. It was
diverted to Manila International
Airport, where it landed around
11:15 a.m. (11:15 p.m. ET Thursday.)
There were no
reports of injuries among the 346
passengers and 19 crew, the airline
said in a statement. Oxygen masks
were deployed during the emergency.
footage from the plane »
Passengers said
their ears popped because of the
plane's rapid descent to a lower
Some passengers
vomited after disembarking, Manila
International Airport Authority
deputy manager for operations
Octavio Lina told AP.
The Australian Transportation Safety
Bureau and the Civil Aviation Safety
Authority have been notified and
plan to investigate, according to
Geoff Dixon, Qantas CEO
Copyright 2008 CNN. All rights
Associated Press contributed to
this report.
8 Killed in Small Jet Crash in
OWATONNA, Minn. (July
31, 2008) - A small
jet crashed Thursday
while preparing to
land at a regional
airport in Minnesota,
killing eight people,
including casino and
small business
jet crashed
Thursday while
getting ready to
land at a
regional airport
in Minnesota,
killing all
eight people who
were on board.
The Raytheon
Hawker 800 was
traveling from
Atlantic City,
N.J., to
Owatonna, Minn.,
when it went
down in a
Authorities initially
thought nine people
may have been aboard
the Raytheon Hawker
800, which went down
about 9:30 a.m. at a
regional airport about
60 miles south of the
Twin Cities.
But by late evening,
Department of Public
Safety spokesman Doug
Neville said it had
been confirmed that
eight people were on
Seven people were dead
at the scene. One died
later at a hospital.
The plane was carrying
two pilots.
Severe weather had
been moving through
southern Minnesota
earlier Thursday, but
witnesses and the
National Weather
Service said the
storms were subsiding
at the time of the
crash. It wasn't
immediately clear if
weather was a factor.
The charter jet,
flying from Atlantic
City, N.J., to
Owatonna, a town of
25,000, went down in a
cornfield northwest of
Degner Regional
Airport, Sheriff Gary
Ringhofer said. The
wreckage was not
visible to reporters
because tall corn
obscured the crash
The debris was
scattered 500 feet
beyond the airport's
runway. Late Thursday,
the Dakota County
coroner was on the
scene working to
identify victims.
Cameron Smith, a
mechanic at the
airport, said he spoke
by radio with the
jet's pilot just
minutes before the
crash. The pilot was
about to land and was
asking where he should
park for fuel, Smith
He ran to the crash
scene to see if anyone
could be helped, but
saw only a long skid
path and debris that
he described as
He said: "There was no
fuselage. There were just
The plane had been scheduled
to land at 9:42 a.m., then
take off at 11:40 a.m. for
Crossville, Tenn.
The only crash victim
publicly identified as of
early Thursday evening was
Karen Sandland, 44, a
project manager on the Revel
casino project who worked
out of Tishman
Construction's Newark, N.J.
office, company spokesman
Bud Perrone said. She was
the only Tishman employee on
board, said Richard M.
Kielar, the company's senior
vice president.
Atlantic City Mayor Scott
Evans said two high-ranking
Revel executives also were
among the victims, but he
declined to identify them.
Revel CEO Kevin DeSanctis
issued a statement Thursday
night mourning the loss of
employees from his company,
Tishman and APG
International, a Glassboro,
N.J., company that
specializes in glass
facades. DeSanctis did not
identify the victims or say
how many of his company's
employees died.
APG's telephone rang
unanswered Thursday night,
and no one immediately
responded to a fax sent to
the company seeking comment.
Don Pyatt, president of
glass company Viracon, told
the Owatonna People's Press
that the customers were from
"a couple of different
companies" who were coming
to the plant to discuss a
project in Las Vegas.
Mary Ann Jackson, a
spokeswoman for Viracon's
parent company, Apogee
Enterprises Inc., confirmed
to the AP that those on
board were Viracon
customers, but declined to
provide other details. She
said no Viracon employees
were involved in the crash.
The airport lies alongside
Interstate 35 as it skirts
Owatonna's western edge. The
airport's Web site describes
it as "ideal for all classes
of corporate aircraft use"
with an all-weather
instrument landing system.
Sharon Gordon, a spokeswoman
for the South Jersey
Transportation Authority,
which operates Atlantic City
International Airport, said
the East Coast Jets plane
landed at the airport at
7:10 a.m. from its base in
Allentown, Pa.
It picked up several
passengers and left at 8:13
a.m., requiring no services
on the ground.
Associated Press writer
Wayne Parry in Atlantic
City, N.J., contributed to
this report.
Copyright 2008 The
Associated Press.
I checked on the San Francisco Giants baseball team. Their
next date for flying to St. Louis is on the 17th April -
which is next
week. (now past and no problem that I heard of)
I checked on the New York Giants football team. They do play in
Green Bay, WI but the 2008 schedule is not
published yet.
NOTE FROM A READER: 4-12-08- what are they doing on the 19th? or the
20th? You know this time of year is
when we have disasters...it iss
the anniversary of Hitler's birthday, the day Waco was ambushed, the day
Columbine was shot at, and the Oklahoma City bombing of the Federal Bldg.
I hope that something bad does
not happen...but when I read your dream
what hit me...was an outbreak of a deadly epidemic...not sure why I
thought this...but that is what came to me...
The red could also be the Cardinals
much love, C
Comments from readers:
I am subscribed to your groups and have received your updates
about something getting ready to happen maybe in Wisconsin.
Well, this is just to say, I am a psychic
who has been in very very close contact with my Guides for the last
15 years. I experience visions and/or dreams of things to come but
also have done a bit of time traveling or remote viewing to events
that have occurred and are about to occur.
Today was a strange day, as I pride myself on
being "grounded" even though I have this ability. Fortunately, like
you, I have been able to deal with it and even are somewhat able to
control what comes to me.
I work as a medical transcriptionist at home, which means I am
wearing headphones attached to my computer's speakers while I am
working. This morning, I received a transmission of a very very odd
sound that sounded to me like an electrical current coming through
my head phones. There were no storms going on at all when it
occurred. I panicked and took my head phones off real fast,
thinking I was going to get some type of electrical shock, but it
was okay after that.
About a half hour later, while resuming working, I felt as though
I had left my body, was very dizzy and disoriented and was felt I
was leaving myself here. I totally panicked and put my fingers in
my ears, thinking that would help my dizziness and it did. I then
asked my Guides not to do that to me again as I felt that this was
something occurring from them.
I also have been seeing very vague visions that I
really cannot describe, from maps with a huge black X, to visions of
missiles in the air. But about 3 days ago, one vision was huge
black letters on the front page of a newspaper which was exactly
similar to the image I saw a few weeks before the Oklahoma City
bombing on 04/19.
I live in Oklahoma City and I have no idea what is going to
happen but I just wanted to let you know, as an intuitive, I am
definitely, most definitely picking up something very big getting
ready to occur.
With the Scorpio Full Moon this weekend and the Sun moving into
Taurus, this may prove to be quite huge and combustible. Just
thought I would share
Blessings to you and all your hard work,
Pluto, the god of the underworld is over that
area. Do they have underground bases in Wisconsin? I had a dream a few
days ago that our government was raging war with some of the
underground bases. Dark fighting dark. Could be this war continues
during baseball season. I guess our technology is as good as the
negative Aliens
NOTE: Everything she says is true.
Comment from Ed - May 3, 2008 This brought to mind REX-84, which is
purported to be
FEMA's plan for martial law.
Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was a plan by the United States
federal government to test their ability to detain large
numbers of American citizens in case of massive civil unrest or national
emergency. (From
8-26-07 -
Comment from Joe Mason:
<<<With the Scorpio Full Moon this weekend and
the Sun
moving into Taurus, this may prove to be quite huge
and combustible. Just thought I would share.
Blessings to you and all your hard work,
Gina >>
I am wondering if this is related to several recent
e-mail exchanges to other people, concerning the Pope,
Nostradamus C2, Q97, and something happening on
April 19th during the Pope's visit to the USA.
I will paste the e-mail below. You will see the words,
"when heaven and earth shakes," in the writing.
The Pope was at a big event in "center field"
yesterday, in a stadium in Washington D.C. In terms
of symbolism, going back many years, I find this quite
significant. Perhaps I will do a follow-up on that idea.
After I sent the e-mail, I remembered that there are
verses in Revelation that speak of five months. I
looked them up again -- they are in Revelation 9:5 and
9:10. When I read this part of Gina's e-mail, I felt there
was a connection --
<< With the Scorpio Full Moon this weekend and the
moving into Taurus, this may prove to be quite huge
and combustible. >>
The verses about five months speak of stings from the
scorpion. In the old days, Scorpio was represented by
the Eagle, and associated with the Tribe of Dan, in the
North quarter. Dan means judge. The Kabbalistic idea
of North can relate to the upper regions of the Tree of
Life, the eternal Olam.
The following verse, Revelation 9:11, tells of
Abad'don/Apol'lyon, the Angel of the bottomless pit,
who has the key to open it. Some say this is Apollo,
the Ravager of God. One of the young prophets spoke
of this verse some months prior to 9-11-2001, in
responding to another post about coincidences about
Rev 9:18 is also interesting, as it speaks of a third of
mankind was killed. James Harrison, in "The Pattern
and the Prophecy," connected the idea to the number
153, because it "resurrects" a third of all numbers via
the sequence of adding the cubes.
According to Blavatsky, Taurus relates to the death
destruction creation process of the Kali Yuga.
This is equated to a seed growing into a plant.
The seed is destroyed in the process of the plant's
It sounds bad, but, at the end, it is quite positive.
I doubt that any flower would choose to remain a seed!
In a message dated 4/16/2008 11:52:28 AM Pacific
Daylight Time, Betty writes:
<< Subj: Joe, the Eastern US is the 1st target . . .sharing some research with you >> (snip)
<< started thinking about a Biblecodes post that I
read, that named Pennsylvania as a `target` of the
Eboli contamination to water. >> (snip)
<< That same morning, the normal buying of gas on
my way to work resulted in me pre-paying for the gas,
then asking gas attendant to activate Pump#9.
Then finding out, that pump #9 would not work. The
gas attendant told me to leave pump#9 and go to
As I moved my vehicle, to pump #7 . . . I could feel a
vision of a geography message coming into this scene.
Upon arrival at work, this is when I started realizing that
the moving from pump#9 to pump #7 was the Eastern
time zone area.
And also, the dates that I wrote are as follows :
April 21st-May 21st
Sept. 21st-Oct. 21st >>
Hello Betty.
Thanks for the information.
The dates, I believe, may indicate the Biblical number
153 by the five months between the April and
September, and between May and October.
The 21st day and number 21 are also important in
From the April date to the one in October, there is an
extra 30 days. The hours (720), minutes (43,200),
and seconds (2,592,000) are key Gematrian numbers,
especially cycle numbers.
Calculate duration between two dates
Duration calculation results
From and including: Monday, April 21, 2008
To, but not including : Sunday, September 21, 2008
It is 153 days from the start date to the end date, but
not including the end date
Or 5 months excluding the end date
Calculate duration between two dates
Duration calculation results
From and including: Wednesday, May 21, 2008
To, but not including : Tuesday, October 21, 2008
It is 153 days from the start date to the end date, but
not including the end date
Or 5 months excluding the end date
Calculate duration between two dates
Duration calculation results
From and including: Sunday, September 21, 2008
To, but not including : Tuesday, October 21, 2008
It is 30 days from the start date to the end date, but
not including the end date
Or 1 month excluding the end date
Alternative time units
30 days can be converted to one of these units:
2,592,000 seconds
43,200 minutes
720 hours
4 weeks (rounded down)
The seconds suggest the 25920 years of the precession
through the Zodiac Ages. The minutes suggest 432, the
cycle of time number --
The Cycle of Time Number 432
These articles have information about the 153 Fish
in the Net --
(153 Fish in the Net)
The Great Pryamid and the 153 Fish in the Net
The number 21 is discussed on this page --
Chakra System Crop Circle Formation
It's possible something is going on with the Pope.
I wrote about it recently. I will paste part of it below.
Joseph E. (Joe) Mason
A "coincidence" happened recently, when I received
an e-mail about the upcoming visit of the Pope this
month. It was suggested that Nostradamus Quatrain
2.97 might apply. The coincidence was that the
number 297 came up in my studies recently, and
several unusual coincidences happened. It has been my
experience that when the coincidences are strong
and/or repeated in various ways, the track is on the
I personally do not predict that the Pope will be killed
or die in New York City on April 19th, but I do think
it may be symbolic of the last Pope and the rise of the
new Pope.
The idea I have is that each of us will be our own
Popes as our Higher (twin) Selves merge with us. Part
of the point is that in the new Age, the "authority" will
be with each person rather than church and state.
I figure the church will have many more Popes, but in
time, function of the Arrow of Death from the apex of
power will be no more. To me, this is related to
Zerubbabel making the great mountain into a plane in
Zechariah 4:7. He is to be made the Signet Ring of the
Lord when heaven and earth shakes (Haggai 2:20-23).
The 144000 saved in Revelation 14.1 have this
Father's Name (Tetragrammaton) written on their
It also relates to Revelation 6:14, where every island
fled away and no mountains were to be found. To me,
this means there is a "level playing field," and thus no
apex of power.
This also relates to Isaiah 65:17, 21, 22, where the
new heaven and new earth are created. We will each
plant our own vineyard and build our own houses (as
Zerubbabel started the foundation of the house in
Zechariah 4:7).
As I composed the recent e-mail, I realized that
C5:Q31 speaks of the "bridge ruined," and "subjected,
a wreck amidst the waves," in addition to the rose.
To me, the bridge is the Pathway between HOD and
NETZACH, which is assigned the Tower Card. It is the
third chakra. The 9-11 events indicated the symbolism
of that Card. We seem to be at the "Crossroads."
In a message dated 4/6/2008 4:27:59 PM Pacific
Daylight Time, Robert writes:
<< Subj: Re: Correction3: Attachment: A Sliver of Knowledge
Remember this email of mine showing you that the
date April, 19 was mentioned in two instances, associated
with two past destructive events? >> (snip)
The Pope will be in NYC from April 15-20th, 2008
.......in 9 days. >> (snip)
<< Quatrain 2.97
Roman Pontiff beware of your approaching,
Of the city where two rivers water,
Your blood you will come to spit in that place,
Both you and yours when blooms the Rose. >> (snip)
Hello Robert and all.
The number 297 came up in my work lately, including
strange coincidences, so Quatrain 2.97 perked my
interest in your post. Also, several years ago, we did an
article about the next Pope (near the last), based on a
dream and prophetic material. You and Norma are
mentioned in the article, as it relates to the Hanged
Man Tarot card.
The number 297 came up in working with mirror
numbers. It is the mirror of 792, which is a harmonic
of the Earth's diameter of 7920 miles. I will place
various links below for anyone interested.
I know that most "number people" are familiar with
mirror numbers, but I do not know if many have played
with the squares of mirror numbers. As a matter of fact,
the number 19 is a very good example --
91^2 - 19^2 = 7920
8281 - 361 = 7920
In the new article about the squares of the mirrors,
there is a table with the two-digit types. The most
common result is 297 or a multiple. The number 396
(half of 792) is also major.
The number 396 is also one of the "Solfeggio"
numbers. Some related numbers are on the Music
Wheel, based on 440 tuning and crop circle ratios,
including, 297, 396, 528, 792, 3960, 5280, and 7920.
People researching the Solfeggio numbers have found
that the central "C" note, when tuned at 528 cps, has a
healing effect on DNA. "Coincidentally," 528 does
show up at that very place on the Music Wheel.
The ancient system, as Munck and others have
reported, included the 5280 foot mile.
The latest coincidences about these numbers, was
finding an old tape where Munck
decoded the great Triangle on the Nazca planes, with
lines pointing to Giza and Easter
Island, that indicated 8, 2, and 5. I suddenly realized
that the triangle could be flipped
over to show 528 --
The first time mirror numbers really caught my
attention as potentially being significant came when I
read about the blackout in the Northeastern USA 36
years prior to 9-11-2001, on November 9, 1965. I
remembered the event, of course, but I did not
consider the date as a mirror to 9-11. Just for fun, I
did the simple calculation --
911 - 119 = 792
By that time, I knew that 792 was a harmonic of
Earth's diameter, and that Gematria means "measuring
the Earth." Around 1994 a snail mail correspondent,
Paul Rydeen, had a dream where he was billed $7,920
for damaging a Ford Falcon.
The nines can line up like a mirror --
0 9 18 27 36 45 (mirror) 54 63 72 81 90
Same with the elevens --
0 11 29 38 47 56 mirror 65 74 83 92 110
Some of the 9-11 events had related mirrors --
571 39 77 11 (mirror) 11 77 93 175
Flight 11 hit one Tower. Flight 175 hit the other. Flight 77
hit the Pentagon. Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania.
A movie was playing at the time, "U-571," which is about
finding the solution to a secret code under the water.
Another movie playing was "Ocean's Eleven."
The number 93 is Crowley's New Aeon. The number 39
showed up in a very important crop circle and it is
3 x 13 or 2 x 19.5.
I just thought of this --
11 + 175 + 77 + 93 = 356
653 - 356 = 297
Simple two-digit mirrors feature number 9, while the
squares of the two-digit mirrors feature the number 99.
Simple three-digit mirrors also feature 99.
99 x 80 = 7920
(11 + 11) x 360 = 7920
It did not escape me that the number 99 is 9 x 11,
which could well be part of the number symbolism of the 9-11 events, possibly hinting of mirror numbers.
The terrorist attacks of September 11, can be figured as
9 x 11 = 99. The year number, 2001, can be figured in
several ways, one of which is it's reduced value,
3 (2 + 0 + 0 + 1). We then have --
9 x 11 x 3 = 297
I just now realized that 1965 can also be reduced to 21
and then 3 (21 relates to 2001).
Adding three-digit mirrors produces another number --
792 + 297 = 1089 which is 11 x 99 and 33 squared
99 squared produces its mirror 9801
The number 33 is featured in the Music Wheel, as 11
marks on each side of a triangle.
In my table of the squares of the mirror numbers, the number difference for the final mirror pair, 98 and 89,
results in 1683. It is the only result of the 36 pairs that
has a factor of 17. This "odd ball" is striking in that the
incredible number, 153, is the multiple --
1683 = 11 x 153
1683 = 99 x 17
The number 153 is the Biblical "resurrection number"
found in John 21, as the number of Fish in the Net.
The numbers 1 through 17, of course, add to 153,
indicating it is a "triangle number." The Biblical story
features Peter, who is said to have become the first Pope.
Nostradamus apparently referenced this in C5, Q92
After the seat has been held seventeen years,
Five will change within such a period:
Then one will be elected at the same time,
Who to the Romans will not be too agreeable.
This prediction came true when Pope Pius XI served from
February 11, 1922 to February 11, 1939, i.e., 17 years to
the day (or close to it according to some). Some say he
was murdered. The one elected at the same time is
apparently the present Pope, Benedict XVI. He was
elected on a date that seems to appear repeatedly,
19 April 2005.
As you pointed out, Waco happened on that day in 1993
and Oklahoma City in 1995.
I think it is also significant that he is the 265th Pope. That
number is part of the Fish in the Net story, as the measure
of the little diamond shapes in the Net are 153 by 265.
This was part of the original contrivance by pre-Christian
number crunchers, as --
265 / 153 = 1.732026144 a very close approximation
of the square root of three
Did Pope Benedict choose to be number XVI as a
reference to the 16 diamonds of the Net? Whatever . . all this stuff is sooooooo strange to me!
The Fish in the Net story features the Seed of Life,
which fits with the sixth sphere of the Tree of Life.
So, Robert, I do think your message is "adding up!"
We have --
Quatrain 2.97 as Pope related and possibly NYC related
Number 19 related to 7920 and the Pope's visit
New York City (the 11th state) related to 9-11 or the 99
mirror multiples
I would not venture to say that all this is a prediction of
the Pope's death. But, I do have a few speculations in
terms of the symbolic meanings. My file has C2:Q97
this way --
Roman Pontiff beware of approaching
The city that two rivers flow through,
Near there your blood will come to spurt,
You and yours when the rose will flourish.
Perhaps Nostradamus saw the two bodies of water on
either side of Manhattan and thought they were rivers.
This seems somewhat like the third secret at Fatima.
BTW, the apparitions of Mary were over a period of six months (actually five months in duration), from
May 13 to the Dance of the Sun on October 13, 1917,
which adds up to 153 days. A well researched book
came out a few years ago, "Heavenly Lights: The
Apparitions of Fatima and the UFO Phenomenon,"
that presents major evidence that the Fatima events
were much like ET events.
The rose is said to be the Western Lotus, and thus
related to the chakras. My major theory, based on
dream-coincidence, is that the big change is related to
the sixth sphere of the Tree of Life, Tipharet.
The "Seed of Life" is a symbol for that sphere during the
time cycle in the lower three chakra levels.
Tipharet represent the fourth chakra, the Heart.
The Seed of Life opens like a flower-aperture, to reveal
the Star of David inside, with the twelve-petal flower
outside, the traditional symbol of the Heart chakra.
One could say that the rose (chakra) will bloom
or flourish.
Nostradamus also mentions the rose in C5:Q31 --
Through the Attic land fountain of wisdom,
At present the rose of the world:
The bridge ruined, and its great pre-eminence
Will be subjected, a wreck amidst the waves.
Oh boy, a big part of the meaning just became clear to
me this moment.
The "bridge" clearly seems to be the "dumbbell" path
connected between the two spheres just below the
sphere of Tipharet, as the entire "dumbbell" represents
the third chakra, symbolized by The Tower Tarot card.
Oh, yes, that bridge was ruined on 9-11 as the great
towers fell.
Some of this was featured in our 1997 article about the
Tree of Life Crop Circle.
The upper part of the Tree of Life is like the "Attic," and
Tipharet the Rose, is up there.
The idea about the "bridge" meaning came to me via
dreams and other events, such as bridges collapsing.
In some dreams it is an overpass above a highway or
roadway, or a stream.
I wrote about C5:Q31 about 11 years ago as relating to
symbolism involving the Hale-Bopp comet. Note that the
Quatrain number can be 531, which seems related to
153 type numbers.
531 + 153 = 684 = 36 x 19 (those two numbers also fit this story)
531 + 135 = 666
153 x 2 + 360 = 666
153 + 180 = 333 the length in feet of the ratchet Mercury spiral of the
1991 Barbury Castle formation
Here's an excerpt from Part 3 of the Hale-Bopp comet
article --
<< The Nostradamus quatrains are of great interest to me.
Many of the words and phrases he used are very
similar to dream symbols, and seem to carry grander
meanings than those given by most interpreters. For
example, in Century V-31, he mentions "the Attic land
fountain of wisdom," and "the rose of the world," and
"a wreck amidst the waves."
My dreams and others clearly indicate that there is a
metaphor concerning a simple house-shape. The
triangular "attic" on top of the square represents Heaven above earth.
The book, Flowers In The Attic seemed to pick up on
the theme. After telling a friend at work about this
symbolism, she soon talked to a friend, Mary, in
another state. They began to speak of dreams, and
Mary told my friend that she had recurring dreams of
trying to get to the attic, but there was a problem with
the ceiling/floor in between. In her last dream, the
floor was damaged, but was being repaired. I made
contact with Mary, and told of my dreams and
coincidences concerning this. I asked her if she saw
any flowers in the attic. She wrote back and told me
that sometimes in the dreams she is in the attic. She
opened drawers of wooden furniture and found things
inside. She could only remember one of the items she
found in the drawers. It was a beautiful rose made of
jewels. Each petal was a ruby, and the flower was
surrounded with emerald leaves.
Later, I read a report that a mystic in Russia had
written a book called, "The Rose of the World." It has
not been translated into English [note -- is has now
been translated]. It is about a huge change coming to
earth. The major religions of the world are each a
petal on this Cosmic Rose. They will retain many of
their traditions, but there will be major changes and a
Someone told me that a western mystic saw a Rose in
Heaven. I believe it was Blake or Dante.
"Waves" have appeared in many dreams. In one of
the dreams, a bomb was dropped, and Navy ships
went in reverse over the horizon. A tidal wave broke
the windows of a hospital, but instead of water, a
green, jelly-like substance came in, along with a dead
boy. There are also dreams and books about three
waves, or the third wave.
Could it be then, that Nostradamus tuned into the
same dream symbols that are apparent now? If so,
conventional interpretations may not be right, or only
partly right.
My feeling is that symbolic events happen all the time,
and we seldom recognize them.
Many of the interpretations of the predictions may well
come to pass as actual events, but the events themselves
may carry an even deeper, and more important meaning. >>
[End of excerpt]
Tipharet is the sixth sphere, so the associated Magic
Square is a 6 x 6 gird with the numbers 1 through 36 within.
This is plotted so that each column, row and diagonal
adds to 111, and the total adds to 666 (36 is also a
"triangle number." The 9-11 event happened on the 254th
(reduces to 11) day of the year, with 111 days remaining.
The number 792 showed up in a unique way in the crop
circle at Crooked Soley near the end of August 2002.
It was a six-fold representation of mitochondrial DNA.
Here's an excerpt from the article linked below --
<< The Crooked Soley crop circle is about 300 ft across,
and the pattern is made up of 1296 ‘curved squares’.
In 504 of those squares the crop has been left standing,
and they depict the double helix DNA spiral. The
other 792 curved squares are in fact flattened crop that
enables the DNA pattern to stand out in relief. John
Michell tells us that these are the numbers of sacred
geometry. If you multiply 504 by 10 you get 5040
which is the number much favoured by Plato for the
planning of his ideal city. The recommended number
of citizens is 5040, and all the institutions in the city
are based
on that number, as is the physical radius of the city as
well. Plato took this number to be the key for a
divinely ordered creation.
5040 is a most significant and auspicious number in
numerology and arithmetic. It is factorial 7 (7!), that is
to say the result of 1x2x3x4x5x6x7. >>
[End of excerpt]
The number 1296 is six to the fourth power. Add a
zero on the end and it is half the Precession of the
Zodiac Ages. That number showed up years ago
involving the ratchet Mercury spiral, as related to the
Half of 1296 is 648, which was the length of the other
DNA formation of 1996.
The numbers 7920 and 5040 also figure in the New
Jerusalem Plan for two calculations giving 31680
This is figured in two ways. Draw a box around the
sphere of the Earth, which has a diameter of 7920
miles. The perimeter of the box is 4 x 7920 = 31680.
The second way is to calculate the circumference of
the circle in the diagram that passes through the 12
small circles, each of which is the diameter of the
Moon, 2160 miles. In this calculation approximate Pi
or Pyramid Pi is used, which is 22/7.
The radius of this "Moon" circle is figured by adding
the radius of the Earth and the radius of the Moon:
3960 + 1080 = 5040.
The circumference of the Moon circle is figured as:
(2 x 22/7) x 5040 = 31680
There is said to be a converting factor with the verses
of Revelation 21. The stadia is said to be the same
measure as the furlong of 660 feet. Twelve thousand
stadia converts to 7920000 feet. The breadth, length,
and height are equal, so the figure becomes 4 x 12000
stadia or 48000 x 660 = 31680000 feet.
Dropping the ending zeros, the basic figure is 4 x 12 =
48, and then, 48 x 66 = 3168.
The number 3168 in Greek Gematria means "Lord
Jesus Christ."
Back in 1991, before I knew much, I noted --
31680 = 6 x 5280 or six miles in feet.
The ancient Sumerian Soss (60) times 528 gives the
same result.
The numbers 60 and 5280 have tangents that equate to
the square root of three (5280 = 88 x 60).
My prediction about the last Pope is symbolic of the
Age we are entering. During this karmic stage in the
lower three chakras (the Kali Yuga), our beliefs and
reality are controlled by those at the top of the
mountain, the apex of power. This is generally Church
and State. Nowadays it seems to include industrial
Those in power fire down Satan's Arrow, or from his
son, "The Arrow of Death." This turns our Omphalos
(perception of reality) into stone, that is, our beliefs are
fixed, so that we self-regulate our slavish, powerless
condition. Without having a clue, we are unconscious
I gathered many of these ideas via reading T. J.
Germinario's Apokalypso book and
site. Here's an excerpt about this part --
<< Death performs this feat by congealing the fluid
turbulence of Chaos into stone, just as the mythic
Medusa petrifies living things with her evil eye. In a
transparent allusion to the Papacy, Milton refers to
this “highway to Hell” as a Bridge, “Pontifical, a ridge
of pendent Rock/ Over the vast Abyss”. >>
[End of excerpt]
Ah ha! There's that old "Bridge" again. There is no
conflict to the previous bridge interpretation, as the
Earth is considered Hell in some traditions.
Keep in mind that Peter was Petra, which means
"stone." Blavatsky pointed out that it had an alternative
meaning, because the word in Chaldaic and Phoenician
also meant "interpreter."
When the Age change is complete, humanity leaps
over the broken bridge to the heart chakra, to the
sphere of Tipharet, who corresponds to the "New
Pope." In Kabbalistic and Royal Bloodline terms this is
the High Priest inside, or Higher Self, who's twin, or
lower self, struggles in Earth Hell. This is the king
who's kingdom has be stolen.
T. J. figured the new mountain apex of power may
come in the form of broadcast antennas. This certainly
fits with my opinion of television and radio news these
days, specifically about political affairs. Perhaps the
Nostradamus line, "Will be subjected, a wreck amidst
the waves," is a reference to these electronic
With the change, we become conscious co-creators,
symbolized by Lion Kings.
This change seems to be indicated in Isaiah 65 --
65:17 "For, behold, I create new heavens and a new
earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor
come into mind."
65:21 "And they shall build houses, and inhabit them;
and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them.
(22) They shall not build, and another inhabit; they
shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a
tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall
long enjoy the work of their hands."
This is what the 11:11 is all about. The High Priest and Governor (King) are the two anointed in Zechariah 3
and 4, who stand on either side of the golden bowl
with seven lamps. This is Joshua and Zerubbabel.
They are referenced from Revelation 11, as these
(symbolic) two are killed in the great city, and lay there
for three days and a half (the midpoint of the chakras).
A breath of life comes from God and they stand up in
Revelation 11:11.
No wonder Zerubbabel is the big hero of the Bible, as
he is made the Signet Ring of the Lord when heaven
and earth shake (Haggai 2:20, 23). After all, he went
through Hell ! According to Blavatsky, the Signet
Ring of the Lord relates to the Tetragrammaton, the
four Letters of the Divine Name, the "Father's Name"
mark on the forehead in Revelation 14:1 of the
144,000 to be saved.
It may be a meaningless "coincidence" that the Mayan
cycle ends at 11:11 AM Universal time, but I think not!
It is also probably not meaningless that the cycle is
13 x 144,000 days.
I have more to say, but I have run out of gas.
Thank you Robert for putting a little Tiger/Lion fuel in my
tank. That has not happened much lately.
Joe Mason
Creation Numbers - The Differences in the Squares of Mirror Numbers &
Solfeggio Music
The Crop Circle Music Wheel
The Tree of Life Crop Circle Formation
The Great Pryamid and the 153 Fish in the Net
17 FISH - THE BIBLE AND THE STARS (153 Fish in the Net)
The Pleiades and the Seventh Ray on the Seventh Day
DNA Formation, 17 June 1996, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire - Lucy Pringle
Sacred Numbers to Resuscitate the Dead - Lazarus and Awakening the Giant
Isis Unveiled by H. P. Blavatsky, vol 2, ch 2
(see page 92 about Peter in Phoenician and Chaldaic, meaning an
The Year of Jubilee, Chapter Four: A Season in Hell
The American Tragedy: A Symbolic Event - September 11, 2001
4-17-08 - Hi Dee,
As you asked for feedback and 'help' on the above dream I'd like to
share a couple of insights.
First and foremost is that you asked for help in preventing this
situation: My suggestion is of course to do
decrees and make the calls. Violet flame decrees, in marathon proportions
for something with this potential
gravity to transmute and mitigate the karma, and energy that could make
this (whatever that is) a possibility.
There are also the Blue Flame decrees to Archangel Michael and his
legions. You probably know all about these,
(although I've never seen you mention or discuss the subject) since you
have indicated affiliation with the
Ascended Masters who sponsored the teachings that have made this form
of the science of the spoken
word, and world service available to anyone.
Some thoughts and associations that come to mind based on your dream and
The Pope is in the USA and officiating in a sacred mass in Yankee Stadium
on Sunday April 20th.
Although the colors of the baseball teams are relevant, the New York
Giants, a football teams, probably have
played many games in that stadium. the association of red, white and
giants and kings is also appropriate with
popes, cardinals, religion in many ways especially the Catholic. Rex or
King of Kings.
There's a large body of water adjacent to NY and it could be seen as a
huge lake from high enough from space
I'm not sure how the entire upper Midwest comes into the picture. It
could be the location, or orientation as
another clue.
Interesting material from you again. and I've been making the calls and
adding the it to my decree work. While it's
helpful to be specific, in this case I indicate some of the parameters
that come to mind and let the angels sort it
out according to the will of God.
Thank you
The following decree was written and published by
Elizabeth Clare Prophet and is copyrighted (c) 1972 by The Summit
Lighthouse, Inc.
[Editor's note: The decree has been changed only to
fit the above scenario specifically. Otherwise the decree is as
copyrighted as stated.
In the name of the Beloved Mighty Victorious Presence
of God, I AM in me, Holy Christ Selves
of all mankind, all Great Powers and Legions of Light,
All projections of destructivity against
all of the States of the United States, especially in the Midwest and
particularly Wisconsin, all the people and their families, and friends and
all freedom loving peoples of the world.
12. all criticism, condemnation and
judgment; all witchcraft
1. all hatred and mild dislike; all black magic
2. all doubt, fear, human questioning, and records of death
3. all conceit, deceit, arrogance, and ego
4. all disobedience, stubbornness, and defiance
5. all envy, jealousy, and ignorance
6. all indecision, self-pity, and self justification
7. all ingratitude, thoughtlessness, and spiritual blindness
8. all frustration, anxiety, and the sense of injustice
9. all dishonesty, intrigue, and treachery
10. all selfishness and self-love
11. all resentment, revenge, and retaliation
and all that is not of the Light into Mighty Astreas's Cosmic Circle and
Sword of Blue Flame of a
Thousand Suns, and
And in full faith I consciously accept
this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x's) right here and now with full
power, eternally sustained, all powerfully active, ever expanding and
world enfolding, until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!
Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!
Beloved I AM!
{Editors note: This decree was published
in the Pearls of Wisdom of June 29, 1969 (Vol. XII No. 26)

This plane is a darker blue than what I saw - even though it has all
the correct colors as the vision.

Jet Blue: Seems to be too light, not really a blue body

Nipon airlines Blue is too dark

Airblue Airlines - based in Pakistan

FRONTIER AIRLINES - This plane flies to Wisconsin - Just went into
Chapter 11 bankruptcy on the 11th of April, 2008

American Airlines. The blue is darker than what I saw. It does
fly to Milwaukee, WI

North American airlines: This blue is too dark -

Allegiant airlines: Focuses on delivering passengers to Las Vegas
Allegiant Air to start service from Orlando
to Madison, Wisconsin
The Business Journal of Milwaukee
Allegiant Air, LLC and Orlando (Fla.) Sanford International
Airport said the Las Vegas-based airline has selected the airport
as its base of operations for the next 10 years. Allegiant, in
turn, announced that Madison is the first in a series of new
markets to be announced this week originating from Orlando
The Madison flights will start on May 26. The nonstop
service will initially operate four times per week on Thursday,
Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Flights will depart Orlando Sanford
at 8:00 a.m. and arrive in Madison at 9:50 a.m. Return service is
scheduled to leave Madison at 10:25 a.m. and arrive at Orlando
Sanford at 2:05 p.m.
Allegiant has operated all-jet, low-fare, low cost leisure
travel flights since 1997 primarily between Las Vegas and cities
west of the Mississippi River. The carrier will initially base two
130-seat MD-87 aircraft at Orlando Sanford.

U.S. Airlines - flys to Chicago, IL
Here are the danger dates from the Moon's Dragon Tail courtesy of
Dr. Louis Turi
N-MOON APR 06 / F-MOON APR 20APRIL - 1/2/28/29 APRIL - 13/14/15
N-MOON MAY 5 / F-MOON MAY 20MAY - 11/12/13 MAY - 25/26/27
N-MOON JUN 5 / F-MOON JUN 20JUNE - 21/22/23 JUNE - 7/8/9
N-MOON JULY 3 / F-MOON JULY 18JULY - 19/20/21 JULY - 4/5/6
Special Month -
AUGUST - 15/16/17 AUGUST - 1/2/28/29
N-MOON AUG 30 / F-MOON SEPT 15SEPTEMBER - 11/12/13 SEPTEMBER - 24/25/26
N-MOON SEPT 29 / F-MOON OCT 14OCTOBER - 9/10/1 OCTOBER - 22/23/24
N-MOON OCT 28 / F-MOON NOV 13NOVEMBER - 5/6/7 NOVEMBER - 18/19/20
N-MOON NOV 27 / F-MOON DEC 12DECEMBER - 2/3/4 DECEMBER - 15/16/17
Here is the Giant's 2008 schedule and a write up for them vs the Brewers
in Wisconsin:
On the whole, the Giants' season series
last year against the Milwaukee Brewers was close. Broken
down series by series, it wasn't close at all.
This year would appear to be a mismatch, as the
Brewers, widely regarded as contenders in the National
League Central, confront the Giants, unanimously considered
destined for last place in the West, in a three-game series.
But as last year proved, things can go either way -- or both
ways, at different times.
The Giants were 5-4 against Milwaukee last year, but
their confrontations started with a three-game sweep by the
Brewers from June 18-20 at Miller Park. But San Francisco
returned to Milwaukee a month later and won two of three,
outscoring the Brewers, 21-11.
Then the Brewers came to San Francisco from Aug. 24-26
and lost three in a row, helping extend a five-game losing
streak that knocked Milwaukee out of first place and
temporarily thrust them below .500.
Of course, it's a new year for both teams, and the
Giants will be intensely curious to see how their pitching
holds up in this series.
Jonathan Sanchez and Kevin Correia, their starters in
the first two games, are trying to establish themselves as
legitimate members of the rotation. But they'll be facing a
powerful Brewers batting order in a ballpark that favors
Then, in Sunday's series finale, Barry Zito will again
try to recapture the magic that made him an ace. Zito has
made no secret of his dissatisfaction with his fastball,
which he has elevated and is 2-3 miles an hour slower than
he would like. A strong effort against the Brewers would go
a long way toward righting Zito's ship. But finding smooth
sailing at Miller Park, where he was 0-2 with a 12.54 ERA
last year, will be a difficult task.
Pitching matchup
SF: LHP Jonathan Sanchez (1-5, 5.88 ERA)
Although Sanchez always has wanted to start and the Giants
have believed that is his destiny, he actually has performed
better in relief (3-2, 4.40 in 52 appearances) than as a
starter (1-4, 7.27 in eight games) during parts of two
seasons in the Majors. Sanchez possesses electric stuff, as
his 95 strikeouts in 92 innings reflect. But he frequently
has struggled to repeat his delivery, which has impeded his
MIL: RHP Carlos Villanueva (8-5, 3.94 ERA)
The Brewers made a tremendous statement about their faith in
the 24-year-old Villanueva with this assignment, which
manager Ned Yost referred to as, "monster, mega Opening Day
in Milwaukee." Villanueva was the surprise of 2007 Spring
Training and won a spot in the bullpen, but this time had to
battle his way into the '08 starting rotation with a 2.62
ERA in six Cactus League games.
Right-hander Keiichi Yabu is the fourth Japanese-born player
in Giants history. Left-hander Masanori Murakami (1964-65)
and outfielder Tsuyoshi Shinjo (2002) are two more. The
other isn't so obvious: outfielder Dave Roberts, who was
born in Okinawa ... Shortstop Brian Bocock recently was
named the Harry S. Jordan Award winner for being the top
newcomer in big league camp at Spring Training ... Friday
will mark Sanchez's 61st Major League appearance, but only
his ninth start.
tickets now to catch the game in person.
On the Internet
• Gameday
• Official
game notes
On television
On radio
• KNBR 680
Up next
• Saturday: Giants 4-5-08 - (Kevin Correia, 4-7, 3.45) at
Brewers (Manny Parra, 0-1, 3.76), 10:05 a.m. PT

• Sunday: 4-6-08 - Giants (Barry Zito, 0-1, 7.20) at Brewers
(Ben Sheets, 0-0, 0.00), 11:05 a.m. PT

• Monday: Giants (Matt Cain, 0-0, 0.00) vs. Padres (TBD),
1:35 p.m. PT
Chris Haft is a reporter for MLB.com. This story
was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or
its clubs.
The San Francisco Giants will play
both Chicago and Milwaukee in July, 2008
They play in Milwaukee, WI from the
16th to the 20th.
They played in Chicago from the 1st -
3rd and then the 12th and 13th.
Al-Zarqawi, An American False
Flag Operative
Abus Musab Al-Zarqawi-- death was 26 June 2006
Bruce Kennedy | June 25 2004
Over the past months, JUS has been
watching a frightening trend of “false flag” operations beening waged
by US intelligence. The latest in the series is Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi,
who has been accredited with everything from the Ricin attacks (which
later turned out to be fake) to the resistance in Fallujah. An amazing
enemy in deed for a man who has the staring role in an American “False
Flag” operation.
As America escalates its “war on
terrorism” which in fact is a war on Islam, the need to escalate
disinformation and propaganda is also prevalent, particularly when the
American public is loosing its stomach for the battle, when American
lives are being lost each day and when the President continues to be
caught red handed in one scandal after another.
To rouse public opinion to support
America's colonial war effort, the US intelligence community has
created it own terrorist organizations. War propaganda, disinformation
and counterterrorism are braided together to achieve the maximum
result, for “terrorism” must remain front and center in the minds of
American citizens if America is going to reach its foreign policy
objectives, be it under George Bush or John Kerry.
Here’s how it works. The disinformation is
circulated to the news media and then the intelligence community
creates its own terror warnings concerning the very organizations it
has created. In some cases, the disinformation appears in advance, in
order to pave the way for an up and coming act of “terror” that roots
in a desired political outcome. This problem/solution equation always
appears when the war effort is waning and serves to give a face to
terror via an expensive advertising campaign.
And this is precisely what we have Abu
Musab Al-Zarqawi, America’s new “public enemy No 1”is. Zarqawi and his
group have been used from the justification for the invasion of Iraq
to the latest “barbaric” videotaped beheadings that his group claims
to have carried out.
The US State Department has increased the reward for his arrest from
$10 million to $25 million, which puts his "market value" at par with
that of Osama. Interestingly, Al Zarqawi is not on the FBI most wanted
fugitives list. http://www.fbi.gov/mostwant/topten/fugitives/fugitives.htm
What follows are excerpts from an in-depth
report from The Centre for Research on Globalization that has gone to
considerable lengths to document this false flag operation. The
complete article can be read at http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO405B.html
Al Zarqawi's Links to Al Qaida
Al Zarqawi is often described as an "Osama
associate", the bogyman, allegedly responsible for numerous terrorist
attacks in several countries. In other reports, often emanating from
the same sources, it is stated that he has no links to Al Qaida and
operates quite independently. He is often presented as an individual
who is challenging the leadership of bin Laden.
His name crops up on numerous occasions in
press reports and official statements. Since early 2004, he is in the
news almost on a daily basis.
Osama belongs to the powerful bin Laden
family, which historically had business ties to the Bushes and
prominent members of the Texas oil establishment. Bin Laden was
recruited by the CIA during the Soviet-Afghan war and fought as a
Mujahideen. In other words, there is a longstanding documented history
of bin Laden-CIA and bin Laden-Bush family links, which are an obvious
source of embarrassment to the US government.
In contrast to bin Laden, Al-Zarqawi has
no family history. He comes from an impoverished Palestinian family in
Jordan. His parents are dead. He emerges out of the blue.
He is described by CNN as "a lone wolf"
who is said to act quite independently of the Al Qaida network. Yet
surprisingly, this lone wolf is present in several countries, in Iraq,
which is now his base, but also in Western Europe. He is also
suspected of preparing a terrorist attack on American soil.
He seems to be in several places at the
same time. He is described as "the chief U.S. enemy", "a master of
disguise and bogus identification papers". We are led to believe that
this "lone wolf" manages to outwit the most astute US intelligence
According to The Weekly Standard --which
is known to have a close relationship to the Neocons in the Bush
administration: "Abu Musab al Zarqawi is hot right now. He
masterminded not only Berg's murder but also the Madrid carnage on
March 11, the bombardment of Shia worshippers in Iraq the same month,
and the April 24 suicide attack on the port of Basra. But he is far
from a newcomer to slaughter. Well before 9/11, he had already
concocted a plot to kill Israeli and American tourists in Jordan. His
label is on terrorist groups and attacks on four continents." (Weekly
Standard, 24 May 2004)
Al-Zarqawi's profile "is mounting a
challenge to bin Laden's leadership of the global jihad."
In Iraq, he is said to be determined to
"ignite a civil war between Sunnis and Shiites". But is that not
precisely what US intelligence is aiming at ( "divide and rule") as
confirmed by several analysts of the US led war? Pitting one group
against the other with a view to weakening the resistance movement.
(See Michel Collon, http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/COL312A.html
, See also http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/RAD308A.html )
The CIA, with its $30 billion plus budget,
pleads ignorance: they say they know nothing about him, they have a
photograph, but, according to the Weekly Standard (24 May 2004), they
apparently do not know his weight or height.
There is an aura of mystery surrounding
this individual which is part of the propaganda ploy. Zarqawi is
described as "so secretive even some operatives who work with him do
not know his identity."
Consistent Pattern
What is the role of this new mastermind in
the Pentagon's disinformation campaign, in which CNN seems to be
playing a central role?
In previous propaganda ploys, the CIA
hired PR firms to organize core disinformation campaigns, including
the Rendon Group. The latter worked closely with its British partner
Hill and Knowlton, which was responsible for the 1990 Kuwaiti
incubator media scam, where Kuwaiti babies were allegedly removed from
incubators in a totally fabricated news story, which was then used to
get Congressional approval for the 1991 Gulf War.
What is the pattern?
Almost immediately in the wake of a
terrorist event or warning, CNN announces (in substance): we think
this mysterious individual Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi is behind it,
invariably without supporting evidence and prior to the conduct of an
investigation by the relevant police and intelligence authorities.
In some cases, upon the immediate
occurrence of the terrorist event, there is an initial report which
mentions Al-Zarqawi as the possible mastermind. The report will often
say (in substance): yes we think he did it, but it is not yet
confirmed and there is some doubt on the identity of those behind the
attack. One or two days later, CNN may come up with a definitive
statement, quoting official police, military and/or intelligence
Often the CNN report is based on
information published on an Islamic website or a mysterious Video or
Audio tape. The authenticity of the website and/or the tapes is not
the object of Discussion Or Detailed Investigation.
History Of Al Zarqawi
The first time Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi's name
is mentioned was in relation to the thwarted attack on the Radisson
SAS Hotel in Amman, Jordan, during the millennium celebrations
(December 1999). According to press reports, he had previously gone
under another name: Ahmed Fadil Al-Khalayleh, (apparently among other
According to the New York Times, Al Zarqawi fled Afghanistan to Iran
in late 2001, following the entry of US troops. Official US reports
suggest that he was protected at the highest levels of the Tehran
"United States intelligence officials say they are increasingly
concerned by the mounting evidence of Tehran's renewed interest in
terrorism [and support to Al Zarqawi], including covert surveillance
by Iranian agents of possible American targets abroad. American
officials said Iran appeared to view terrorism as deterrent against
possible attack by the United States.
Now, Iranian actions to destabilize the
new interim government in Afghanistan, its willingness to assist Al
Qaida members and its fueling of the Palestinian uprising are
prompting a reassessment in Washington, officials say." (NYT, 24 March
In 2002, his presence in Tehran, allegedly
"collaborating with hardliners" in the Iranian military and
intelligence apparatus, is part of an evolving disinformation campaign
which consists in presenting Iran as a sponsor of the "Islamic terror
network". In February 2002, he was allegedly involved in planning
terror attacks inside Israel.
Colin Powell's Address to the UN Security
In the months leading up to the war on
Iraq, Al Zarqawi's name re-emerges, this time almost on daily basis,
with reports focusing on his sinister relationship to Saddam Hussein.
A major turning point in the propaganda
campaign occurs on February 5, 2003. Al-Zarqawi was in the spot light
following Colin Powell's flopped WMD report to the UN Security
Council. Powell's speech presented "documentation" on the ties between
Saddam Hussein and Al Qaida, while focusing on the central role of
“Our concern is not just about these
illicit weapons; it's the way that these illicit weapons can be
connected to terrorists and terrorist organizations...
But what I want to bring to your attention
today is the potentially much more sinister nexus between Iraq and the
Al Qaida terrorist network, a nexus that combines classic terrorist
organizations and modern methods of murder. Iraq today harbors a
deadly terrorist network, headed by Abu Musaab al-Zarqawi, an
associate and collaborator of Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaida
When our coalition ousted the Taliban, the
Zarqawi network helped establish another poison and explosive training
center camp, and this camp is located in Northeastern Iraq. [there
were no WMDS at this camp according to ABC report]
Those helping to run this camp are Zarqawi
lieutenants operating in northern Kurdish areas outside Saddam
Hussein's controlled Iraq, but Baghdad has an agent in the most senior
levels of the radical organization Ansar al-Islam, that controls this
corner of Iraq. In 2000, this agent offered Al Qaida safe haven in the
region. After we swept Al Qaida from Afghanistan, some of its members
accepted this safe haven. They remain there today.
We know these affiliates are connected to
Zarqawi because they remain, even today, in regular contact with his
direct subordinates, including the poison cell plotters….
From his terrorist network in Iraq, Zarqawi can direct his network in
the Middle East and beyond. [Note he is present in several countries
at the same time]
We are not surprised that Iraq is
harboring Zarqawi and his subordinates. This understanding builds on
decades-long experience with respect to ties between Iraq and al
Qaida." (US Secretary of State Colin Powell to the UN Security
Council, Excerpts, 5 February 2003)
The statement of Secretary Powell
regarding Al-Zarqawi consisted in linking the secular Baathist regime
to the "Islamic terror network," with a view to justifying the
invasion and occupation of Iraq.
Meanwhile, network TV had warned that
"American hotels, shopping malls or apartment buildings could be al
Qaida's targets as soon as next week…". Following the announcement,
tens of thousands of Americans rushed to purchase duct tape, plastic
sheets and gas-masks.
It later transpired that the terrorist
alert was fabricated by the CIA, in all likelihood in consultation
with the State Department (ABC News, 13 Feb. 2003). The FBI, for the
first time had pointed its finger at the CIA. While tacitly
acknowledging that the alert was a fake, Homeland Security Secretary
Tom Ridge decided to maintain the ‘Orange Code’ alert:
"Despite the fabricated report, there are
no plans to change the threat level. Officials said other intelligence
has been validated and that the high level of precautions is fully
warranted." ( ABC News, 13 Feb. 2003 ).
A few days later, in another failed
propaganda initiative, a mysterious Osama bin Laden audio tape was
presented by Sec. Colin Powell to the US Congress as ‘evidence’ that
the Islamic terrorists "are making common cause with a brutal
dictator". (US official quoted in The Toronto Star, 12 Feb. 2003).
Curiously, the audio tape was in Colin Powell's possession prior to
its broadcast by the Al Jazeera TV Network. (Ibid.)
Meanwhile, Al Zarqawi had been identified
as the mastermind behind the (thwarted) ricin attacks in several
European countries including Britain and Spain.
In London, in January 2003, there was a ricin terror alert, which had
apparently also been ordered by Al Zarqawi. The ricin had allegedly
been discovered in a London apartment. It was to be used in a terror
attack in the London subway.
British press reports, quoting official
statements claimed that the terrorists had learnt to produce the ricin
at the camp in Northern Iraq. Yet when US Special Forces in March 2003
raided the camp in Northern Iraq, nothing resembling biological or
chemical weapons was found (see ABC report quoted above).
It is worth mentioning, in this regard,
that news stories on the chemical weapons plant in Northern Iraq have
continued to be churned out, despite the fact that US Forces said that
it did not exist. In a recent story in the Washington Times:
“Zarqawi stands as stark evidence of a
link between Saddam Hussein's autocratic regime and bin Laden's al
Qaida terror network. Zarqawi, 38, operated a terrorist camp in
northern Iraq that specialized in developing poisons and chemical
weapons”.(Washington Times, 8 June 2004)
The Link To Ansar Al-Islam
Following Powell's February 2003
presentation to the UNSC, Al-Zarqawi immediately gained in public
Since early 2004, his name appears almost daily in CNN reports. All in
all, his name is linked to some 25 "terrorist attacks" in Iraq, not to
mention numerous terrorist warnings, threats or alerts. Already before
the war in Iraq, he was presented in media reports as an ally of
Saddam Hussein.
The press reports, which quoted Colin
Powell's UNSC 5 Feb 2003 speech, confirmed that Al Zarqawi was back in
Iraq, working hand in glove with Ansar Al-Islam, which was held
responsible for the attack on the UN in Baghdad. In August 2003,
Zarqawi was identified, without supporting evidence, as having played
a role in the attack on the UN, which led to the death of the UN head
of mission and 24 other people.
Bear in mind Ansar was also said to be behind the alleged ricin plant
in Northern Iraq, which was confirmed to be a fake.
It is useful to recall that Ansar
al-Islam, which constituted a pre-existing Islamist group, developed
into a paramilitary organisation, only after the 9/11 attacks.
Ironically, it was allowed to develop in a region of Iraq, which was
already under US military control, namely Kurdish held Northern Iraq.
Ansar was largely involved in terrorist
attacks directed against the secular institutions of the Kurdish
regional governments. It was also involved in assassinations of
members of the Kurdish PUK. And the US military and intelligence were
present in the region.
In other words, prior to the war, Northern
Iraq -which was in "the no fly zone"-- was already a US protectorate.
According to one report «Al Qaida affiliates coordinating the movement
of people, money and supplies for Ansar al-Islam have been operating
freely in the [regional] capital." (Midland Independent, 6 February
Responding to Colin Powell's February 2003
UN address, an Iraqi foreign ministry spokesman had stated at the time
"the Iraqi government helped the [PUK]
Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani against the Ansar al-Islam group. He
[the spokesman] accused Ansar al-Islam of carrying out acts of
sabotage inside Iraq…[and] that the United States had turned down an
Iraqi offer to cooperate on the issue of terrorism." (News Conference
by Lieutenant-General Amir al-Sa'di, adviser at the Iraqi Presidency;
Dr Sa'id al-Musawi, head of the Organizations' Department at the Iraqi
Foreign Ministry; and Major-General Husam Muhammad Amin, head of the
Iraqi National Monitoring Directorate. BBC Monitoring Service, 6
February 2003).
The Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal
Was it a coincidence? At the very outset
of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, there were rumors of an Al Zarqawi
terrorist attack on American Soil, in Jordan as well as in Iraq.
Al Zarqawi identified by CNN as "the lone
wolf" was, according to these reports, planning terrorist attacks
simultaneously in several countries. Then there was the mysterious
video on the Nicholas Berg execution.
The Attacks in Jordan
A mysterious tape released by CNN pointed
to Al Zarqawi's plan to attack the Jordanian intelligence headquarters
in an attack using chemical weapons which could have been more deadly
than 9/11. Again the evidence is based on a mysterious tape.
Alleged Al Zarqawi "Attack on America"
Two days later, following the alleged
terrorist threat on Jordanian intelligence, the State Department
announced that Al Zarqawi was planning an attack on America (29 April
2004, CNN Report). Note that the rumours of an attack on America and
the attack in Jordan took place virtually at the same time.
The State Department today said the number
of terrorists attacks around the world declined last year, but the
government's annual report on terrorism includes a chilling warning
about the year ahead.
“The State Department says terrorists are
planning an attack on U.S. soil. High on their anxiety list, terrorist
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. He is representative of a very real and credible
threat. His operatives are planning and attempting now to attack
American targets, and we are after them with a vengeance.” CNN
Bear in mind that the Attack on America
report, focusing on "We are after them with a vengeance", was
published one day following the CBS 60 minutes program on torture at
the Abu Ghraib prison. (Complete transcript at
http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CBS405A.html ).
The Nicholas Berg Video
Barely a couple of weeks later (11 May
2004), Al Zarqawi is reported as being the mastermind behind the
execution of Nicholas Berg on May 11, 2004.
Again perfect timing! The report coincided
with calls by US Senators for Defense Sec Donald Rumsfeld to resign
over the Abu Ghraib prison scandal. It occurs a few days after
President Bush's "apology" for the Abu Ghraib prison "abuses" on May
The Nicholas Berg video served to create
"a useful wave of indignation" which served to distract and soften up
public opinion, following the release of the pictures of torture of
Iraqi prisoners.
CNN coverage of the Nicholas Berg
execution was based on a mysterious report on an Islamic website,
which CNN upholds as providing "evidence" of Al-Zarqawi's involvement:
“The Web site claims that the killing was done by Abu Musab
al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian terrorist whose al Qaida affiliated group is
held responsible by U.S. intelligence for a string of bombings in Iraq
and for the killing of an American diplomat in Amman. CNN Arab
linguists say, however, that the voice on the tape has the wrong
accent. They do not believe it is Zarqawi. U.S. officials said the
killers tried to take advantage of the prison abuse controversy to
gain attention.”
A subsequent more definitive report by CNN
was aired 2 days later on 13 May 2004.
“The CIA confirms that Nicholas Berg's
killer was Abu Musab al-Zarqawi; The CIA acknowledges sticking to
strict rules in tough interrogations of top al Qaida prisoners." (CNN)
“Blitzer: Because originally our own
linguists here at CNN suspected that -- they listened to this
audiotape and they didn't think it sounded like Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
But now definitively, the experts at the CIA say it almost certainly
is Abu Musab al-Zarqawi? Ensor: They say it almost certainly is.
There's just a disagreement between the CNN linguists and the CIA
linguists. The U.S. Government now believes that the person speaking
on that tape and killing Nick Berg on that tape is the actual man, Abu
Musab al- Zarqawi.”
Did the US officials check the mysterious
website or was it CNN?
The video footage published on the website
was called “Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi shows killing of an American". Then
the CIA experts released a statement saying that Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi
was the man in the mask who beheaded the US citizen Nick Berg in front
of a camera." Yet several reports question the authenticity of the
Al Zarqawi is Jordanian. Yet the man in
the video posing as Jordanian native Zarqawi does not speak the
Jordanian dialect. Zarqawi has an artificial leg, but none of these
murderers did. The man presented as Zarqawi had a yellow ring,
presumably a golden one, which Muslim men are banned from wearing,
especially so-called fundamentalists. Another report states that
Zarqawi was dead (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4446084/)
Immediately when the issue of his
artificial leg was mentioned in relation to the video, US officials
revised their story, stating they were not sure whether he actually
lost a leg: "U.S. intelligence officials, who used to believe that
Zarqawi had lost a leg in Afghanistan, recently revised that
assessment, concluding that he still has both legs." (News and World
Report, 24 May 2004).
There were a number of other aspects of
the video, which suggest that it was a fraud: there was no blood when
Nicholas Berg was beheaded. The audio was not in synchrony with the
video, indicating that the film might have been manipulated.
In addition to this research, there are
several other clues, including the alleged nine page letter that
Al-Zarqawi was said to have written to Osama bin Laden that was
conveniently found just as the administration was coming under attack
for the lack of evidence linking Al-Qaida to Saddam. In that letter,
Al-Zarqawi bears not one hallmark of a Mujahideen, the text lacks the
phraseology of Islam and there is no way that any Mujahideen would
complain of his pending martyrdom as is indicated in this pitiful
diatribe. (see
We now also have the Kim Sun-Il beheading
to add to Al-Zarqawi “list”. The video tape strikes a close
resemblance to that of Nick Bergs and raises just as many questions
about its authenticity, with almost the same individuals appearing,
the same orange prison gear and the same bloodless execution. It
appeared on a website hosted in California and boasted links to
Reuters, to the March of Dimes and the National Wildlife Federation.
Both “barbaric” incidents have curiously occurred in quick succession
following the Abu Ghraib atrocities.
While the US State Department has
increased the reward for Al Zarqawi’s arrest from $10 million to $25
million, which equals that of Bin Laden, he is not on the FBI most
wanted fugitives list.
http://www.fbi.gov/mostwant/topten/fugitives/fugitives.htm ). That’s
because Al-Zarqawi is a product of American intelligence and the main
actor in this covert false flag operation.
America is both creator and defender in
this war on terrorism that exists only because of its greed for global
dominance. While hatred is now raging against Muslims who are being
attributed with the brutal acts the American government is in fact
staging, Muslim anger is also growing as is the number of those who
are prepared to stand in legitimate resistance against an enemy that
respects no lawm no human life or moral code. Rest assured, we will
fight this enemy justly, as we are required to do under the laws of
the Sunnah of our Prophet (pbuh), not under a false flag of America’s,
but under the Black flag of Islam in the Name of Allah.