Introduction A triangular crop circle formation appeared at West Kennett Longbarrow, on 13 August 2013 --
Image credit: Jim Payton The image is similar to many other crop fomations that have appeared over the years, such as the one that appeared at Barbury Castle in 1991, which was said to represent the Alchemical Trinity --
Image credit: George Wingfield A Facebook comment compared the new triangular formation to a painting of Salvador Dali -- Christ of Saint John of the Cross --
I had noted in 1991 that the 1991 Barbury Castle crop formation was similar to the Dali painting. I found two study drawings in an art book related to the painting, which seemed to confirm the connection --
The text explained -- By far the most popular of all Dali's religious works is without a doubt his Christ of Saint John of the Cross, whose figure dominates the Bay of Port Lligat. The painting was inspired by a drawing, preserved in the Convent of the Incarnation in Avila, Spain, and done by Saint John of the Cross himself after he had seen this vision of Christ during an ecstasy. . . . At the bottom of his studies for the Christ, Dali wrote: "In the first place, in 1950, I had a cosmic dream in which I saw this image in color and which in my dream represented the nucleus of the atom. This nucleus later took on a metaphysical sense; I considered it the very unity of the universe, the Christ! In the second place, when, thanks to the instructions of Father Bruno, a Carmelite, I saw the Christ drawn by Saint John of the Cross, I worked out geometrically a triangle and a circle, which aesthetically summarized all my previous experiments, and I inscribed my Christ in this triangle." I also experienced some odd coincidences related to the paining, which I will report later in this article. Within two weeks of seeing the new triangular formation, the incredibly profound meaning became quite clear. It was like two decades of key puzzle-pieces coming together with events over two millennia, connecting with prophecies and Biblical accounts. The formation suggests the upside-down crucifixion of Saint Peter --
Image credit: Bertold Zugelder Note the "pendulum" below the triangle. After realizing that the formation may represent Saint Peter, I recalled the comment of a frustrated friend about the very, very slow changes made by the Catholic Church -- like the very slow movement of a pendulum. Note that the pendulum is not vertically aligned with the triangle -- it is offset by a few degrees. It may suggest that we are near a critical stage, where the alignment becomes straight. There have been other similar "pendulum" type crop formations. Some have two rectangular boxes beside the pathway, and others have one on each side.
New Theory - This is from the 777 article -
Around 10 July 2005, a
Seed of Life type crop formation appeared at
Chalfont St Peter, near Rickmansworth,
Oxfordshire. Around 3 June 2010, a
twelve-fold formation appeared at Codford St
Peter, near Warminster, Wiltshire. The two
formations fit well with the ideas expressed
above, relating to Saint Peter and the Seed of
Life, as symbolic of the central sphere of the
Tree of Life opening like an aperture to form a
twelve-fold design. In this case, it is similar
to a flower blossoming.
Odd Events
and Prophecies Fulfilled Of course, Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation on 11 February 2013, and Jorge Mario Bergoglio became Pope Francis on 13 March 2013. Within hours of Pope Benedict's announcement, lightning struck the Vatican dome twice! --
This was quite a meaningful symbolic event, especially when viewed in the light of related material. I will elaborate more on that in this article. Strangley, Pope Benedict said that he had a "mystical experience" in which he received a divine message that fostered the "absolute desire" to be with God in private prayer. He also said that the "charisma" shown by successor, Pope Francis, showed that the resignation was indeed "God's will".
As if to confirm that these events were
planned from On High, a man in Spain
reported that he
that Pope Benedict would resign and be
replaced by a Pontiff called Francis. He had
the dream hours before the resignation was
announced. It was verified that his
girlfriend sent out a tweet on February 11
claiming that earlier that morning her
boyfriend had awoken with the prediction.
Having two Popes at the same time seemed to substantually fullfill a Nostradamus prophecy (C5:Q92) --
After the see has
been held for seventeen years, Significantly, Pope Pius XI held the see for almost exactly seventeen years -- from 6 February 1922 until 10 February 1939. Five Popes held the see between Pope Pius XI and Pope Benedict XVI -- Pope Pius XII - 2 March 1939 to 9 October 1958 Pope John XXIII - 28 October 1958 to 3 June 1963 Pope Paul VI - 21 June 1963 to 6 August 1978 Pope John Paul I - 26 August 1978 to 28 September 1978 Pope John Paul II - 16 October 1978 to 2 April 2005 The period of time was not really "comparable" to seventeen years, but primary parts of the prophecy seem to have been fulfilled. Scholar, Thomas Jude Germinario, points out the significance of the number seventeen -- It happens that the number 17 has a particular relevance to the theme of St. Peter. In the last chapter of John’s gospel, the resurrected Christ appoints Simon Peter to shepherd his flock until his return. Before doing this, however, Jesus instructs the Fisherman to cast his net for a prodigious catch of fish, numbering 153. Adding up the numbers from 1 to 17, we find the sum is 153. The 153 Fish in the Net story of John 21 is associated with this diagram --
This demonstrates a very close approximation of the square root of three by the ratio 265/163. This makes it especially significant that there were 265 Popes prior to the two we have now. Note the glyph in the diagram above representing the six desciples is a Seed of Life, which is part of the Flower of Life series. The Seed of Life represents the six days of creation. Many, many crop circle formations over the years relate to the Flower of Life series. A pre-Christian version of the 153 Fish in the Net story involves Apollo's Omphalos Stone at Delphi --
Note the similarity in shape to the dome of the Vatican, which was struck by lightning twice when Pope Benedict resigned. A dream reported to me in 1990 gave a clue to the meaning of such dome shapes -- I was
on a starship in space with other people. An
extremely important message was trying to come
in but it couldn't until we first ejected the
The dome-shaped mound seems to represent our
perception of reality; that is, the circle
of the horizon with sky canopy. Note that
the dream also suggests a change in the
male/female duality. That is a major theme
in dreams and crop circle formations.
![]() 153 - The Resurrection Number The number 153 is said to be the Resurrection Number, because it metaphorically "resurrects" one-third of all numbrs via the "Trinity Function" of repeatedly summing the cubes. For example, the first step for number 1776 is -- 1776 >> 13 + 73 + 73 + 63 = 903 The full process leads from 1776 to 153 -- 1776 >> 903 >> 756 >> 684 >> 792 >> 1080 >> 513 >> 153 The number 153 is said to have "curious properties." One curiosity is that various additions of the three numbers total 666 (135 + 531 & 153 + 513 & 315 + 351). The graphic below illustrates various numbers on a 360-degree circle divided into 40 sections of 9-degrees each --
Image credit: Bertold Zugelder The image is a diagram of a crop circle formation that appeared at Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, on 3 August 2004. I call this a form of the Gematrian Wheel.Note that 153 is directly across (180-degrees) from 333, and therefore has the same tangent. Note that 306 is directly across from 126, and therefore has the same tangent. The number 666 also has that same tangent, because located at the same position with another circuit around the wheel (306 + 360 = 666). A base ten harmonic of 126 is 1260, which as a number of days in the Bible (Rev. 11:3 and 12:6). Three and a half revolutions around the Wheel finds the number 1260 (3.5 x 360). This is one of the universal "three and a half" references, indicating the midpoint of the seven chakras, i.e., the heart chakra. See --
Another curious property is a relation
to the significant number 234. The sum
of all divisors of 153 is 234 --
1 + 3 + 9 + 17 + 51 + 153 = 234 The angle to the moon glyph of the 1991 Barbury Castle crop formation was at 234-degrees -- ![]()
For a normal
equilateral triangle that angle should
have been at 240-degrees. Just hours
prior to seeing the pattern for the
first time in 1991, I had a dream where
people were being told about being out
of balance or offset, to look for offset
circles. Years later, I relaized that
234 has the same tangent as 666, but
positive rather than negative.
Note also that the Mercury (or ratchet) spiral was 333 feet in length. This may also suggest the Trinity as being three in One (1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1).
Yet another curious property of 153
relates to the important numbers 504 and
288 --
On adding the
number 153 to its reverse, 504 is
obtained, whose square is the
smallest square which can be
expressed as the product of two
different non-square numbers which
are reverse of one another: 5042 = 288 x 882 The number 504 appeared in the 2002 Mitochondrial DNA crop circle formation --
Image credit: Lucy Pringle
This is an excerpt from
The Soul in Crooked Soley --
The Crooked Soley crop circle is about 300 ft across, and the pattern is made up of 1296 'curved squares'. In 504 of those squares the crop has been left standing, and they depict the double helix DNA spiral. The other 792 curved squares are in fact flattened crop that enables the DNA pattern to stand out in relief. John Michell tells us that these are the numbers of sacred geometry. If you multiply 504 by 10 you get 5040 which is the number much favoured by Plato for the planning of his ideal city. The recommended number of citizens is 5040, and all the institutions in the city are based on that number, as is the physical radius of the city as well. Plato took this number to be the key for a divinely ordered creation. Note that the disign is based on the Seed of Life. The numbers are also associated with the New Jerusalem Diagram.
There is another 153 connection to the
New Jerusalem. The distance across the
New Jerusalem is figured by adding the
diameters of the two small "Moon" circles,
and the diameter of the big circle that
represents the Earth --
2160 + 7920 + 2160 =
Moon + Earth + Moon = 12240
12240 = 80 x 153
The ancient Mesoamerican figure,
Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, is
often compared to Jesus. The English alpahnumerics of his name add to 153 (A=1,
B=2, etc.)
Quetzalcoatl =
17+21+5+20+26+1+12+3+15+1+20+12 = 153
Historical 153 Fatima, Portugal, 1917 The number 153 has appeared in significant ways in historical events. The miraculous apparations of the Virgin Mary at Fatima, Portugal in 1917 took place over a 153 day period -- 13 May to 13 October. The final event was called "The Miracle of the Sun," which was witnessed by some 70,000 people. It is important to note that the numbers 17 (year of the century) and 13 (day of the months) were prominent in the event. Remember too, that the numbers 1 thourgh 17 add to 153. Various Popes have been associated with the event and related Fatima prophecies. According to the primary child visionary, Sister Lúcia -- the Virgin Mary promised that the Consecration of Russia would lead to Russia's conversion and an era of peace. There has been a controversy as to weather the Catholic Church has honored Mary's request. In my research, Russia often comes up in various ways in relation to this theme. This will become evident as I continue my story. I am not sure why. Perhaps it involves the Eastern Orthodox Church splitting off from the Catholic Church in the 11th century. Considering the timing, it seems likely that it is related to the October Revolution of 1917, after which Russia turned to "godless" communism. At the present time, of course, Russia is no longer communist or "godless." Recently, I have noted the contrast in attitudes about "gay" people, between Pope Francis and Russian President, Vladimir Putin. Symbolically, the two attitudes reflect the Right (Judgment) and Left (Mercy) Pillars of the Tree of Life. ---- Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr, 1968 The tremendously influential, Martin Luther King Jr, was assassinated on 4 April 1968, while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. As usual, he was staying in Room 306. Remember that 306 is two times 153, and has the same tangent as 666, because 306 + 360 = 666. ---- World Series Earthquake, San Francisco, 1989 This connection seems farfetched, but it has grown convincingly stronger and stronger over the years. I told some of the story in this article --
and Visions of Baseball Games
It took many years before I realized -- 1989 = 13 x 153 The event happened on the 17th of the month -- therefore three key numbers (13, 17 and 153) involved in the Fatima event were repeated. Nine is associated with baseball, and 9 x 17 = 153. Again, Russia was involved in major events that year. There were revolutions in the Eastern Bloc countries, the Berlin Wall fell, and later the USSR broke up. It started for me in 1982, with a prediction of an earthquake in California in 1989, and the numbers/words, "9, 3, nine, three." I soon forgot the prediction, but in 1990, after I started to dream prolifically and experience meaningful coincidences, I happened to find my old notebook with the prediction. A raft of coincidences began to happen on 17 October 1990, when a man on television reported that it was the one-year anniversary of the San Francisco earthquake. It so happened that I was working on solving a mystery about a Salvador Dali painting, Animated Still Life. Shortly before, I had contemplated the symbolism of Dali's painting, Christ of Saint John of the Cross. Dali often painted from dreams. His Animated Still Life seemed to show how reality is created in each moment via mental force fields. In the center of the painting is a row of alternating diamonds and rectangles. There are five diamonds and four rectangles. I made a drawing, starting by arranging nine pennies in a diamond shape, and then tracing them. I then tried to find five diamonds within the shape -- a shape that I had previously experimented with. Using several colors, another shape was revealed within the diamond. At that point, I heard the man on television report about the one-year anniversary of the San Francisco (Loma Prieta) earthquake. A flood of thoughts came pouring in. The 1989 earthquake happened during the World Series baseball game in San Francisco, between the San Francisco Giants and their across-the-bay rivals, the Oakland Athletics. Baseball has three strikes, three outs, nine players, and nine innings. It seemed apparent that this was the meaning of the "9, 3, nine, three" prediction from eight years prior. Baseball is played on a diamond, and coincidentally I was drawing a diamond shape at the time. I saw the arrangement of the nine pennies as 3, 3, 3 and 9, or 3, 6, 9. With the new experience, I also saw the nine as a 5 and 4 or 4 and 5 code. I learned later that genius, Nikola Tesla, once wrote -- If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe. Later, I realized that baseball, like the pyramid, has a 5 and 4 code. With the pyramid, the 5 are composed of the four corners and apex, and the 4 represents the four faces. With baseball, there are five players assigned to a base or mound, and four players roam freely. Eventually, I found that the arrangement also fit with the Four Living Creatures of Ezekiel and Revelation. A 2005 crop circle formation also fit the picture. The graphic on the left, below, is
formed with four triangles similar to the 1991
Barbury Castle crop formation -- It fits well with Ezekiel's description and with the layout of a baseball field. Imagine the four "wheels" moving to the positions of the three outfielders and shortstop ("And when the living creatures went, the wheels went beside them." (Ezek 1:19) The image on the right is the Tree of Life, with five of the spheres marked in red and four paths marked in green -- to show the similarity to a baseball field. Alternately, the imagined baseball field could be above, formed by spheres 2, 3, 4, 5, and the "hidden sphere" of Daat.
Two ideas that were presented in our
1997 article about the
Tree of Life crop circle apply well
here. The ideas were originally in a 1993 article
by Mark Styles. The
Mandelbrot Set crop circle formation
appeared on 11 August 1991 --
Image credit: George Wingfield Referring to the illustrations below, comparing the similarity of the Mandelbrot Set crop formation to the Tree of Life, Mark wrote --You may be thinking that the Mandelbrot Set does not contain the uppermost "Keter" part of the Tree - surely this is an important part of the cipher? Could not the reason for this be, as Kabbalistic teaching tells us, that "Daat" (Knowledge), the non-sephira, is the point where Keter [sphere 1] (the divine will of God) can enter when the time is chosen to interfere with existence? It is quite possible that discovery of the Mandelbrot Set, in an attempt to recreate the order observed within the apparent chaos of nature's systems, has actually caused Keter to enter Daat and communication of the angelic kind to begin. As we can see, once the Tree is in this interference mode, it resembles the Mandelbrot Set precisely. The Mandelbrot Set could be described as demonstrating the order behind the apparent chaos of nature. The same is true of the Tree of Life, and that order is "God". Kabbalism tells us that we are all part of that supreme order and collectively are "God".
The 2013 West Kennett Longbarrow triangular crop formation could represent the upper triad of the Tree -- both upright and flipped over -- where the "head" is within the sphere of Daat --
The illustration above fits with an idea I learned from Norma Smith, that the upper part of the Tree can relate in a new way with the Hanged Man Tarot card. Something like this --
This is from the Wikipedia page about the the Hanged Man Tarot Card --
On the page is a graphic with this caption --
The Tree of Life appeared as a crop circle formation in 1997, six years after the Mandelbrot Set crop formation. In his 1993 article, Mark Styles also presented a theory about the 1991 Barbury Castle crop formation. I created this illustration, with the Barbury Castle pictogram as the lower triad of the Tree, to illustrate the point --
The earliest names for Kabbalists were "Those who Know" and "The Reapers of the Field". The design of the Barbury Castle pictogram closely resembles the lower part of the Tree which deals more directly than the rest with the Earth (Malkhut) [sphere 10]. In the top left hand corner we see Reverberation (Hod) [sphere 8], hence the rod protruding into the circle, indicative of a tuning fork. In the right hand corner we see Eternity (Nezah) [sphere 7], hence the "spiral of time/ wheel of fortune". Below these two sephira lies Foundation (Yesod) [sphere 9], Yesod is the final messenger of divine eminence to the earthly plane and we see this emanation occurring in the Barbury pictogram, reverberating like a raindrop in a pond. Finally at the bottom we have Kingdom or Earth (Malkut) [sphere 10]. This is most ingenious of all: the divine emanation occurs in the form of a lightening flash, and here we see the spiral form of that flash resounding a powerful "Do" as it strikes Malkut.
On 11 Febuary 2013, when two bolts of
lightning struck the Vatican dome within
hours of the Pope's resignation, I did
recall Mark's words -- " . . . the divine
emanation occurs in the form of a lightening
flash . . ."
Judging from certain traditions, the lower two spheres of the Tree of Life, 9/Foundation and 10/Malkut, can be considered like a phallic form of the Omaphalos -- the dome shape symbol for the center of the world (and our perception of reality). Two parts of the Pollen Path article apply here. Between the horizontal bars below, is a paste of those parts -- ![]() Coincidence: Roger Maris and Me The coincidences continued. Shortly after I read Ezekiel, and realized the connections discussed in this article, another baseball connection came my way. I was working with a mechanic on the night shift, when he opened a drawer of his tool box. I noticed a magazine in the drawer, and asked if I could see it. It was a Reader's Digest. I saw the list of articles on the cover, one of which was Roger Maris and Me, by Andy Strasburg. As a boy in the early 1960's, Andy Strasburg was a fan of the New York Yankees baseball team. Roger Maris was a top star in baseball, and broke Babe Ruth's home run record during that time. Andy went early to see some of the games, and met Roger. The great baseball star gave Andy a signed ball, and later a signed bat. Andy became Roger's biggest fan. Andy asked Roger for one of his home run balls. Roger said that he did not have any, so Andy could only get one if he caught one himself during a game. Some years later, in 1966, Roger was traded to the Saint Louis Cardinals, and Andy went off to college in Akron, Ohio the following year. Andy told some of his new friends at the college about his friendship with Roger Maris. They did not seem to believe him. Later, Andy read that the Cardinals were going to play the Pirates in Pittsburg on May 9th. Several of his friends joined him, and they drove the several hundred miles to attend the game. They arrived early, and stood in the stands near the field watching the players warm up. Roger, wearing his number 9, suddenly saw Andy. He approached the young men, saying, "Andy Strasburg! What are you doing in Pittsburg?" After Andy's explanation, Roger signed baseballs for Andy and his friends. Andy was superstitious about baseball, so he went out to the right field stands, and sat in seat 9, row 9. In the sixth inning, Roger came to bat, and hit a long ball into right field. Andy and the people around him, stood up, reaching for the ball. Andy said it was like "slow motion," as the ball sailed directly into his hand. It was the first home run that Roger had hit in the National League . . . the many others were in the American league. Andy concluded that a miracle had happened . . . that it was far beyond coincidence that number 9 hit the ball to to him in seat 9, row 9, on May 9th. I, of course, felt that it was also beyond accidental coincidence that I had found the article at that time, as so many symbolic connections had come to me over a period of some two years. ------
Cliff's Incredible Baseball Dream
Cliff's amazing dream seemed connected
to the symbols that had come to me in
the months prior, although I had not
mentioned them to Cliff. "Danny O'Daniel"
seemed related to my study of the dreams
reported in the Book of Daniel.
sun, twenty degrees into Taurus,
The author of the book interpreted this
quatrain as a prediction of a large
earthquake that would occur while thousands
of people were at a modern sports stadium.
The book was published two years prior to
the San Fransisco earthquake.
I was amazed when I read Ezekiel 3:12, 13 --
Then the Spirit lifted me up, and as the glory of the Lord arose from its place, I heard behind me the sound of a great earthquake; it was the sound of the wings of the living creatures as they touched one another, and the sound of the wheels beside them, that sounded like a great earthquake.
The inspired spiritual baseball movie,
Field of Dreams, also came out in
1989. In the film, the farmer hears a voice
speak to him in the corn field, saying, "If
you build it, they will come." He hears this
again a second time, and sees a vision of a
baseball field lit up with lights in the
corn fields. He builds the baseball field,
and then spirits -- former baseball players
-- come to play the game, including the
spirit of his own father.
---- Saint Francis and 49 connections After the new Pontiff, Pope Francis, was elected, I realized there was yet another connection to the 1989 earthquake. Both San Francisco and Pope Francis are named after Saint Francis of Assisi. To me, that is quite a meaningful coincidence, considering the material above. Pope Francis appears to be making the shift from the "Judgment" Pillar of the Tree of Life, to the "Mercy" Pillar. The 777 Coincidence article tells how this relates to the "Last Judgment" of the goats and sheep of Matthew 25. The 2010 Crop Circle article tells of the Crossover -- Tipharet Helix -- from one Pillar to the other. The idea is to reach a balance, represented by the Middle (Mildness) Pillar. I have read several dreams recently, that seem to suggest the crossover is from sphere 5 (Geburah/Mars) across sphere 6 (Tipareth/The Sun) to sphere 7 (Netzach/Venus). San Francisco is associated with the number 49 via the Forty-niners -- the people of the gold rush of 1849. The city's football team is called, the San Francisco 49ers. I mention this because the number 49 and related numbers, including the basic number 7, have been part of the crop circle story, as well as being historically significant in religions. The 777 Coincidence article featured connections to the numbers 777 and 343, which is 7 x 7 x 7. The number 777 is related to the Flaming Sword - Lightning Flash of Creation. The number 343 represents the overall duration of the development of humankind and the world. In a Tibetan tradition, there are 49 stages or days of Bardo -- a state of existence intermediate between two lives on earth. In the Bible, the number forty-nine is related to the Jubilee -- a special year of remission of sins and universal pardon. Leviticus 25:8 states -- And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee, seven times seven years; and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years. One of the greatest crop circle formations appeared a few weeks prior to the 9-11 events, at Milk Hill on 13 August 2001 --
It was huge, and was composed of 409 circles. Norma Smith, of Universal Harmonics, had the brilliant inspiration to calculate the English Alphanumerics of 409, as relating to the seven colors of the spectrum. The same colors are traditionally used to represent the seven chakras --
The letters of each word are assigned numbers (A=1, B=2, etc). Note that "GREEN" -- which is the color assigned to the heart chakra -- adds to 49. The other six colors add to 360, giving the total: 360 + 49 = 409. The number 49, therefore, is directly related to my primary theory about the Earth changes -- the leap to the heart chakra. Some six years prior to the appearance of the triangular crop circle formation at West Kennett Longbarrow, on 13 August 2013 (the image at the top of this page) a formation appeared at the same location -- on 28 June 2007 --
Image credit: Lucy Pringle The formation was quite like the basic background design of Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting, The Last Supper (compare the images above). The Apostle Peter is the fifth person from the left in the painting. The 2013 triangular formation had twelve rays above the crown, in two groups of six, which fits with the arrangement of the twelve Apostles in the painting --
There were 2239 days between the two formations. The number 2239 is the 333rd prime.
Recall that the Mercury (or ratchet) spiral
of the 1991 triangular crop formation at
Barbury Castle was 333 feet in length,
suggesting the Trinity as being three in One
(1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1). Also recall that the
number 333 is directly across (180-degrees)
from 333, on the Gematrian Wheel, and
therefore has the same tangent.
In da Vinci's Last Supper painting, the ceiling is composed of 6 x 6 grid. The "floor" of the 2007 crop formation was composed of a 7 x 7 grid, i.e., 49 little rectangles. The 6 x 6 grid suggests the Magic Square of the Sun, which associates with sphere 6 of the Tree of Life, Tipareth. The numbers 1 through 36 are placed in the grid so that each row, column, and diagonal adds to 111 and the total add to 666. The 7 x 7 grid suggests the Magic Square of Venus, which associates with sphere 7 of the Tree of Life, Netzach. The numbers 1 through 49 are placed in the grid so that each row, column, and diagonal adds to 175 and the total add to 1225. The suggestion of a change from sphere 6 on the Middle Pillar to sphere 7 on the Right Pillar, fits with other hints of a crossover to the Mercy side of the Tree of Life. Sphere 6, the Sun, corresponds to the heart chakra, which traditionally is represented as a twelve-petal flower with a Star of David inside. It is also associated with the Biblical Jacob, who had the twelve sons that became the Twelve Tribes. It seems obvious that Jesus, the Son/Sun, would be associated with sphere 6. It seems like a contradiction that Jesus would be associated with the number 666. There is, I believe, an explanation that makes sense. In my 2007 article about The Da Vinci Code Crop Circle, I mentioned that sphere 6 of the Tree of Life is often associated with the Seed of Life, and that the Seed of Life is also associated with the story in John 21 of the 153 Fish in the Net. I included this graphic --
This statement is also included --
The explanation of the 666 mystery is that Peter symbolically took the place of Jesus in the Tree of Life during the time cycle in the lower three chakras. This is represented by the Seed of Life as a closed aperture. The line of Popes over two millennia continued in this symbolic situation -- which applies to all mankind. The symbolism corresponds to Biblical stories of the second son taking the inheritance of the first born, as mentioned above regarding the twin sons of Judah in Genesis 38. Another example is Jacob taking taking the inheritance of his older brother, Esau, in Genesis 25 and 27. Genesis 49:9,10 also applies well --
In this case, Peter and the Popes correspond to Judah, and Jesus corresponds to "whom it belongs." It applies to all of us, as we are intended to rule our own "Kingdoms" -- i.e., reference sphere 10, Malkuth, the Kingdom. Indications are that we are unconscious co-creators of our reality during the time cycle in the lower three chakras, but become conscious co-creators on reaching the heart chakra level of conscious evolution. This is symbolized by the "Lion King" with "royal power," as suggested in Revelation 17:15-17 --
The beginning of Revelation 17 tells how the kings of the earth fornicate with the harlot and became drunk on her wine. Genesis 38 tells how Judah fornicated with a pretend harlot, Tamar, and gave up the symbols of his power (signet, cord, and staff). From this union, the twins, Perez and Zerah of the Scarlet Thread, were born. There are symbolic hints in the Esau/Jacob story that seem to hint about the meaning. Esau, the hunter, is born red and hairy, and gives over his inheritance to Jacob for a bowl of red beans, because he knows that he will no live long. Jacob tricked his father, Isaac, into giving him the blessing, by pretending to be Esau. To do this, his mother, Rebekah, dressed Jacob with Esau's hairy garments. The attributes of Esau, I believe, suggests that he symbolizes the animal nature of a person, which associate with the lower three chakras. The father favored Esau, whereas the mother favored Jacob. This may symbolically associate with the male and female attributes associated with the Right and Left Pillars of the Tree of Life. There seems to be a right/left reversal of meaning compared to our view of the Tree. Generally speaking, the Left Pillar is feminine and the Right Pillar masculine. The reversal may depend on how we view the Tree -- from without or within -- because it is like looking into a mirror. Symbolism of the Color Red The color red is featured in these Biblical "twin" stories. Like the other symbols, this one is a bit confusing. An interpretation has come to me from various sources. A brief review may be helpful. The name Esau means red. Adam also means red or red earth. Esau was born red and hairy. He gave up his inheritance for a bowl of red beans. Judah's second-born twin son was Zerah of the scarlet thread. In the first case, the first-born associates with the color red, whereas in the second case, the second-born has that association. According to the great religious scholar, H. P. Blavatsky, Esau and Jacob parallel other figures, including Typhon Set (or Seth) and Osiris. This is from page 489 of Isis Unveiled, vol. 2 --
On page 483, she writes of Satan --
Blavatsky also claimed that Jesus chose to ride an ass into Jerusalem, to symbolize overcoming the opponent force.
In 1997, Dee had a
dream that seemed to verify that Satan
corresponds to the opponent force, symbolized by
Typhon-Set. In the dream, people were
complaining about the donkey braying coming from
a house. Her Father gave her credit card to a
man from that house who seemed to symbolize
Satan. She did not know that a symbol for Typhon
Set was the ass.
To be continuted
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The article was completed on October 23, 2013
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