Let's begin with what the sun is doing:
The photos below) may be a warning of coming solar flares, stating
“Earth’s magnetosphere changes into the shape of a “jellyfish”
whenever it is impacted by a severe solar storm. Whenever a severe
solar storm impacts directly on Earth, then our planetary magnetic
field or “magnetosphere” changes into the general shape of a
Solar flares during the solar maximum 2012-13 causing up to $2
trillion (or more) in damage in the U.S. with millions of potential
deaths have been warned of in a January 2009
report by the National Academy of Sciences funded by NASA.
Yet, according to Mayan calendar expert
Dr. Carl Johan
Calleman, an accurate interpretation of the Mayan Calendar has
it end on Oct. 28, 2011. Moreover, the end of the Mayan calendar
does not presage “Armageddon,” global war, and physical
destruction. Rather, the Mayan calendar, according to Dr.
Calleman’s research, is a mind map by which to measure the entry of
a period of universal consciousness for humanity.
One open question is why The Daily Telegraph, owned by the
Barclay Brothers (who also own the Chicago Sun-Times, the
Jerusalem Post, and conservative magazines such as The Spectator) is
printing misleading opinion that specific crop circles point to
potential cataclysms allegedly predicted by the Mayan calendar, and
promoting a distorted Armageddon view of the Mayan calendar itself.
Solar flares & a deep solar minimum
On May 29, 2009, NASA
reported that “an international panel of experts led by NOAA and
sponsored by NASA has released a new prediction for the next solar
cycle. Solar Cycle 24 will peak, they say, in May 2013 with a
below-average number of sunspots.
‘If our prediction is correct, Solar Cycle 24 will have a peak
sunspot number of 90, the lowest of any cycle since 1928 when Solar
Cycle 16 peaked at 78,’ says panel chairman Doug Biesecker of the
NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center.
In the same report, NASA also noted that, “It is tempting to
describe such a cycle as ‘weak’ or ‘mild,’ but that could give the
wrong impression.
"’Even a below-average cycle is capable of producing severe space
weather,’ points out Biesecker. ‘The great geomagnetic storm of
1859, for instance, occurred during a solar cycle of about the same
size we’re predicting for 2013.’ [Emphasis added]
“The 1859 storm--known as the "Carrington Event" after astronomer
Richard Carrington who witnessed the instigating solar
flare--electrified transmission cables, set fires in telegraph
offices, and produced Northern Lights so bright that people could
read newspapers by their red and green glow. A recent report by the
National Academy of Sciences found that if a similar storm occurred
today, it could cause $1 to 2 trillion in damages to society's
high-tech infrastructure and require four to ten years for complete
recovery. For comparison, Hurricane Katrina caused ‘only’ $80 to 125
billion in damage.”
of crop circles
The June 15, 2009 crop circle article in the U.K. Telegraph referred
to the May 29, 2009 Wayland Smithy crop circle, stating “Recent crop
circles have included giant jelly-fish and one image discovered in
Wiltshire in June which experts dubbed the most 'mind boggling' they
had ever come across. The formation, measuring 150ft in diameter, is
apparently a coded image representing the first 10 digits,
3.141592654, of pi.”
The science of crop circle interpretations is not consistent. One
expert commentary
source on the June 12, 2009 Wilbury crop circle makes no reference
to the “end of the world” or the “phoenix rising from the ashes.”
Instead the source states, “There are possibly some similarities with
the Zoroastrian bird symbol to be found in this crop formation.
Zoroastrianism is the oldest of the revealed world-religions, and it
has probably had more influence on mankind, directly and indirectly,
than any other single faith. There are also important elections going
on in Iran today. Persia being the geographic area where this belief
system was formed.”
The U.K. Telegraph article quotes crop circle enthusiast Karen
Alexander, from Gosport, Hants, who states “The phoenix is a mythical
creature which symbolizes rebirth and a new era in many cultures
across the world. Within the crop circle community many believe the
designs are constantly referring to December 21 and its aftermath.
This could be interpreted as the human race or earth rising again
after a monumental event. The patterns are becoming more intricate
with every find and it is exciting to think how they are going to
evolve by the time we get to 2012."
origin of crop circles
There are several hypotheses regarding the origin of crop circles and
there may be different sources for different crop circles. There is
some research suggesting that some crop circles are
hoaxes perpetrated
by individuals or groups, and others are
disinformation psyops perpetrated by
military-intelligence agencies. Other
researchers claim that some portion of the crop circles made by
hyperdimensional sources are in fact made by 4th dimension reptilian
civilizations as part of an elaborate psyops on humanity. Finally,
upper-dimensional ethical circle makers make some portion of crop
circles. In short, there is an information war going on in the crop
circle field.
Time acceleration and catastrophobia
In her book
"The Mayan Code", author and researcher Barbara Hand Clow defines
“catastrophobia” as an embedded human memory of a solar system
catastrophe which occurred in 9500 B.C. when a fragment of the Vela
supernova entered the solar system destroying the surface ecology of
Mars, and as well as destroying the great maritime civilization of
Earth. The human predisposition to interpret the end of the Mayan
calendar in 2011 or 2012 as signifying great Earth catastrophe, or the
interpretation of the June 15, 2009 Wilshire crop circle as signifying
a rebirth after a cataclysmic event as examples of “catastrophobia” or
collective memory of this past trauma.
Thus catastrophobis may be the source of projecting
cataclysmic outcomes to end times prophecies, such as the
end of the
Mayan Calendar.
Cui bono?
Cui bono? Who benefits by the U.K. Telegraph’s publication
of opinion that the Mayan calendar’s end signifies Armageddon, or
global destructive war?
Dr. Wernher von Braun, a NASA whistleblower, through his protégé,
Dr. Carol Rosin, a Disclosure Project witness, may have given one
significant clue. Dr. Rosin has said that von Braun told her that,
following the collapse of Communism in the early 1990s, the permanent
war economy would seek to perpetuate global war through 3 additional
wars: a global War on Terror, a “war against the asteroids”, and the
final card, a faux “war” against the “evil extraterrestrials,” a
psyops actually controlled by the permanent war economy on Earth.
The global war on terror is playing itself out triggered by the
false flag operation of September 11, 2001, orchestrated by then
President George W. Bush; Vice President Richard B. Cheney; and
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, using advanced space-based an
weapon of mass-destruction –
HAARP – for the molecular dissociation of
the World Trade Center. This global War on Terror psyops continues in
Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and in the domestic police state measures
in most nations around the world.
The war against the
There are signs that the “war against the asteroids” has now begun.
As of June 10, 2009,
Space.com reports, “A recent U.S. military policy decision now
explicitly states that observations by hush-hush government spacecraft
of incoming bolides and fireballs are classified secret and are not to
be released, SPACE.com has learned.”
This directive in U.S. military policy appears designed to create the
fear necessary for the weaponry and measures to win “the war against
the asteroids” just as Dr. Wernher von Braun predicted?
Internet and talk show rumors fueling the “war” against the asteroids
now speak of “wars in space” and destructive objects heading to Earth.
So the cui bono of the U.K. Telegraph article are none other
that the usual suspects the permanent war economy, in all of its
manifestations – an international war crimes racketeering

ON 6-12-09

The phoenix (Ancient
Greek: Φοῖνιξ, phoínix) is a
mythical sacred
firebird which originated in the ancient mythologies mentioned in
Greek Mythology, and later the
Phoenician and the
Appearance and Abilities
A phoenix is a mythical bird with a colourful
plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet (or purple and blue, according
to some sources [1]). It has a 500 to 1,000 year life-cycle, near the
end of which it builds itself a nest of
myrrh twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely
and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix
egg arises, reborn anew to live again. The new phoenix is destined to
live as long as its old self. In some stories, the new phoenix embalms
the ashes of its old self in an egg made of myrrh and deposits it in
the Egyptian city of Heliopolis (sun city in Greek). The bird was also
said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being immortal
and invincible — it is also said that it can heal a person with a tear
from its eyes and make them temporarily immune to death. The phoenix
is a symbol of fire and divinity.[2]


American Indian Pictograph of a thunderbird
connected to a human by a speech line
from Wisconsin's Roche-a-Cri State Park.
Editors note: This is my own experience:
8-17-00 - DREAM - I was watching a book being
created about the people on the Survivor television show. Pictures
and captions were placed on the pages which were white. Towards the
end, someone asked the question as to why this book was being
created and then the pages turned from white to grey with overtones
of pink and green.
8-17-00 - VISION - I was so tired I lay back
down and I started to see the Survivor page again and I heard a
voice say, "The 1995 Thunderbird is important" Then someone said,
"Don't you like Indians?" then I heard the name Allan Bronson.
In approximately 2003, I was standing in my backyard, and I
saw movement up in the sky out of the corner of my eye. I looked
upward and coming out of a large cloud was something that was
black. It was silent as it moved and I was trying to figure out if
it was a bird or a plane. It seemed large for a bird, but it didn't
flap it's wings. It seemed too short to be a plane - so it didn't
seem to be either bird or a plane. Then I thought, 'maybe its a ufo'.
But who ever heard of a black ufo that wasn't a triangle. This
thing seemed more bird-like. It was absolutely noiseless. It
stayed straight and steady as I watched it until it finally reached
my horizon behind some trees to the west of me.
I wrote about this sighting on my website, and several months
went by. Then one day I got an IM from a man I didn't know and he
said he lived in Modesto, CA which is about 15 miles directly west
of where I live. He said he saw the exact same thing I described.
He wasn't positive it was the same day I saw my black object in the
sky - but the coincidence and description matched. He told me that
he was a cook in a restaurant, and he had stepped outside to cool
off between customers and have a cigarette and he saw this object in
the sky overhead, but heading north from where he was.
My sighting was a trajectory of slightly south of directly
west - very slightly - so from his vantage point, the black object
had to have turned and was now headed north.
The two of us talked about this object several times and I
asked him if he could draw a picture of the object and send it to
me, but he never got around to it.
Phoenix crop circle may predict end of the world
Crop circle experts believe the latest pattern to be
discovered, a phoenix rising from the flames in Wiltshire, may
give a warning about the end of the world.
Published: 12:21PM BST 15 Jun 2009
The 400-foot design was discovered in a barley field
in Yatesbury near Devizes and depicts the mythical phoenix
reborn as it rises from the ashes.
Investigators claim more formations are referencing
the possibility of a cataclysmic event occurring on December
21, 2012, which coincides with the end of the ancient Mayan
The Mayans believed civilisation exists within a
series of earth cycles of 144,000 days each with the 13th
expiring in December 2012, resulting in Armageddon.
Crop circle enthusiast Karen Alexander, from Gosport,
Hants, said: "The phoenix is a mythical creature which
symbolises rebirth and a new era in many cultures across the
"Within the crop circle community many believe the
designs are constantly referring to December 21 and its
"This could be interpreted as the human race or earth
rising again after a monumental event.
"The patterns are becoming more intricate with every
find and it is exciting to think how they are going to
evolve by the time we get to 2012."
Recent crop circles have included giant jelly-fish and
one image discovered in Wiltshire in June which experts
dubbed the most 'mind boggling' they had ever come across.
The formation, measuring 150ft in diameter, is
apparently a coded image representing the first 10 digits,
3.141592654, of pi.
The Gate – 2012 Enigma Music?
On June 14, 2009, a crop circle
was reported in Barbury Castle, near Wroughton, Wiltshire. The
natural phenomenon or hoax coincides with the representation of an
Aztec bird. From our Maya archives (Jorge Enciso. Sellos del Antiguo
Mexico. 1947), these motifs are one of the bird designs found in
Teotihuacan, Mexico City. We include the image from the
Lucy Pringle website dedicated to record the latest in crop

We talked to Lord Pakal Ahau about
the Aztec Spirit Bird to know his reactions, however he remained
silent looking down, and seconds later with a sense of nervousness
in his voice, he said: ‘Look at the discovery date of King Hanab
Pakal’s tomb.’
I don’t know what Lord Pakal is
hiding from us at this moment but he was right. The crop circle
report coincides with the discovery date of King Hanab Pakal’s tomb
on June 14, 1952. Thinking more, it reads: ‘We are here but who are
them?” I did not bother Lord Pakal after this discovery but I
understand now his nervousness because his sacred reincarnation
happened when the stone lid of the tomb was moved two months later
on August 22, 1952.
Whatever means, it seems like a
strange warning message knowing the bird represents our highest
divinity called Quetzalcoatl, and in the Maya prophecy Quetzalcoatl
(or Kukulkan) appears in 2012. If the message is of extraterrestrial
nature I don’t want to know why the latest message is so direct
physically and symbolically and I understand Pakal’s nervousness
about future messages in crop circles.
To ease my nervousness too about
this incident, I made the design as a vector illustration for our
2012 Mayan Prophecy Store to show the message is fun and cool to

Pakal’s Hidden Secrets, a page that Lord Pakal wrote in 2002 in
his trilogy website. He mentions something prophetic about a phoenix
as some crop circle experts named the Aztec Spirit Bird, a motive
for resurrection time. Here’s the text that he extracted from War of
the Worlds, a narrative about hostile alien invasion. Also listen to
the sound clip. You can also read breaking news about France to
disclose ET presence on Earth
here. Holy WOW SETI signal!
“I’m not trying to tell you what to be
Oh no, oh no, not me
But if mankind is to survive
The people left alive
They’re gonna have to build this world anew
And it’s going to have to start with me and you.
Just think of all the poverty, the hatred
and the lies
And imagine the destruction of all that you despise
Slowly from the ashes the phoenix will arise
In a brave new world.”
(Lord Pakal Ahau)
Mayan 2012 crop circles
The sky on December 21st, 2012 A.D.
showing a rare astronomical alignment -
the winter solstice sun is right in the
"dark rift" in the Milky Way.
Milky Way Galaxy is the inspiration for the symbol of the Ouroboros.
Myth refers to a serpent of light residing in the heavens. The Milky
Way is this serpent, and viewed at galactic central point near
sagittarius, this serpent eats its own tail.
A new
crop circle has just appeared on 7-27-08 that is similar to the
symbols above:

The winter
solstice sun will be aligned in the Serpent's mouth
on 21 December 2012, at 11:11 AM Universal Time.
The new formation may also represent the great cosmic Serpent
of the Milky Way galaxy, biting its own tail, sometimes called an
Ouroboros --
The Milky Way galaxy keeps a great time cycle that ends in
catastrophic change. The sign of the SUNTELIA AION is the sun rising
out of the mouth of the ouroboros, which will occur on the solstice
December 2012.
The Greeks called the End of the Age the
historians and especially Plato
referred to a cycle of catastrophe at the End of the Age.
The AION was
symbolized by the Ouroboros.
Jun 17,
2001 (11 Men
(Eagle) / 13 Sotz' (Bat)
- - Hill Barn, near Badbury, Wiltshire - Ouroboros
encapsulating planetoid
On June 17, 2001, this Ouroboros cropcircle
appeared with a soccer ball pattern inside which is said to be the
shape of the Universe.
number 26, The Mayan Tzolkin,
and the Grid Crop Circle
Photo by Steve Alexander.
In "SC" # 68, Michael
Glickman interpreted the 1997 Etchilhampton
"Grid" crop formation
(above) as a pointer to 2012. The formation was a 30 x 26
checkerboard-like grid, giving a total of 780 squares. This,
Michael theorized, could indicate the thirty 26-week periods
between 1997 and 2012.
Geoff adds that the 780 squares of
the grid are exactly divisible by the TZOLKIN, or Mayan Sacred
Calendar, which is a grid of 260 squares with sides of 13 x 20.
Three Tzolkins fit into the crop grid pattern. Two fit straight
in and the third after bisection.
The grid seems related to a "map"
called "Psi Bank Warp and Holonomic Woof" mentioned in a book
called "Earth Ascending," by Jose Arguelles (page 121). The
"map" consists of eight Tzolkins joined together showing
relationships between the Mayan calendar, the "I Ching" and the
64 DNA codons. Arguelles researched the Mayan calendar, physics,
philosophy, geomancy and the "I Ching," and concluded that
mankind is creating a "noosphere," or mind layer, around the
Earth, which is evolving towards the "Omega Point of Planetary
Awakening" in 2012, according to Teillard de Chardin.
reversal point is thought to be approaching in 2012.
According to Geoff Stray, the sunspots and reversals
of its magnetic field. The reversal point is thought to be
approaching in 2012. According to Geoff, the sunspots are
thought to have an effect on the endocrine glands of human
beings, which relate to the chakras
Controversially appearing over two consecutive nights at Silbury
Hill, Wiltshire on 2-3 August, according to resident 2012
prophecy expert and numerical conundrum whiz Geoff Stray, this
vast wheel of ancient Maya symbols included “the double square
spiral - the Maya symbol for jaguar snouts, which indicates an
entrance to the underworld”. Given that, as is now widely known,
the Maya calendar indicates an end-of-time point in the year
2012, this gave the UK newspapers something to get their teeth
into, the Daily Mail dubiously proclaiming it ‘The Doomsday Crop
Circle’. Much of the speculation about the 2012 connections made
in the wake of this formation was highly questionable, but it
made good headlines. Not that the press needed a genuine
phenomenon to fill its columns; indeed the Sunday Express went
out of its way to debunk the Mayan glyph, devoting two pages to
doing this, perhaps in an effort to ‘get one over’ on its rival
Among the many claims and counter-claims made about the
symbolism of this formation, one widely-circulated e-mail
article by C Lewis (pseudonym) from Australia stated the Mayan
wheel depicted a ‘Calendar clock’, counting down to 2012.
Joe Mason explains the Aztec Sun
Stone Calendar. The outer ring portion of the Stone is said to
be twin serpents, one light and the other dark. I believe the
two represent the twins, Quetzalcoatl and Xolotl. They relate to
Venus, corresponding to The Morning Star and Evening Star.
Quetzalcoatl, of course, is also known as Kukulkan (or Kukulcan)
and the Feathered Serpent. Perhaps the depiction of two types of
feathers in the center of the formation hint at the feathered
twins of the Aztecs. They are positioned in a general Vesica
Piscis arrangement, also suggestive of duality.
See: Mayan Prophecy of
the End of the Great Cycle
Quetzalcoatl translates
to plumed serpent. The word quetzalli eventually came to mean
"treasure, or precious". The word coatl came to mean "dragon" as
well as "snake" and occasionally "twin", hence it could mean
"Precious Twin".
2012 is the Chinese
Year of the Dragon
The Dragon's Breath = Qi - Wind Feng Shui or
commonly called Qi (Chi) energy force
The Dragon's Breath
Wind Feng Shui or commonly called Qi (Chi) energy
The Dragon is a symbol of
Strength, Goodness, Courage and Endurance.
Dragon is Yang energy which is male. He is the
emblem of vigilance and security, and also the
spirit of change. In Chinese mythology the
Dragon is the predestined partner of the
Phoenix, which is Yin energy. Feng Shui
endeavours to capture Chi', the Dragon's
We find
this interesting parallel in the book of Revelations:
"When the dragon saw that
he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the
woman who had given birth to the male child…”
"Then from his mouth the
serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the
woman and sweep her away with the torrent. But the
earth helped the woman by opening its mouth and
swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed
out of his mouth.”
(Revelation 12:7)
Joe Mason, contributed this excerpt from Moira Timms'
book, "Beyond Prophecies and Predictions" (p. 256): "
name Quetzalcoatl is derived from the quetzal bird of
Guatemala and Mexico. The quetzal had golden-green and
scarlet plumage, and was considered the most beautiful of
all birds. "Quetzal" also means precious. "Coatl" is
serpent. In the Maya language, "Kukulcan" means
approximately the same thing. According to Hunbatz Men,
"Ku" is sacred, God. "Kul" is coccyx, the base of the
spine, where latent spiritual energy resides. "Can" means
serpent. "Kukulcan" therefore is synonymous with
"kundalini" - which is what the Kukulcan/Quetzalcoatl
archetype is all about, of course. To be iconographically
correct, however, the god Quetzalcoatl is not himself the
feathered serpent, but the one who emerges from the
serpent, just as the spirit emerges from the body through
the top of the head, and the Morning Star emerges from the
69 Venus was an
important astrological symbol for the Mexica and was
called "Tlauixcalpantecuhtli", which means - Lord of the
House of Dawn. The planet had two aspects and was shown
and revered as two gods. One, as Morning Star, was kind,
and was the Precious Twin, Quetzalcoatl. He held the sun
in the sky in the morning. His dark twin Xolotl ruled
Venus in the Evening and during the night. Xolotl pushed
the sun into darkness.
ancient myths tell of the Creator Serpent. James
Churchward wrote that this does not represent the Creator,
but rather, the way the Creator creates. Joseph Campbell
wrote that the ancients usually used the serpent to
represent change, by the death/rebirth of shedding the old
skin. The symbols seem to tell us that the Creator creates
through changes. The Aztec twin serpents fit well with the
same meaning.
The outer ring of
the "Aztec" crop circle formation has 20 x 2 = 40
segments. I believe this may be related to two interlaced
five-pointed stars, as displayed in a number of crop
circle formations.
cropcircleconnector.com people explain: August 4, 2004
Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England - Whoever, or whatever,
is responsible for the August 2 to 3, 2004, crop formation
at Silbury Hill, the design in its border is a mirror
image of a rare statue of the Aztec God, Xochipilli, The
Prince of Flowers, Maizes, Love, Games, Beauty, Song and
Dance. Xochi means 'flower,' while pilli means either
prince or child. In the mid-1800's, a 16th century Aztec
statue of Xochipilli was unearthed on the side of the
volcano Popocatapetl near Tlamanalco, Mexico. The statue
is of a single figure seated upon a temple-like base.

2 August, 2004
at Silbury Hill, near Beckhampton, Wiltshire, with
Informative Links
At Lucy Pringle's Site |
The Aztec
Calendar |
Legend of the Four Suns |
4th & 5th Worlds of the Aztecs & Mayans
image of Aztec Calendar |
Butterfly Effect |
End of the World |
BBC News Article |
Circle Warns of World's End |
Serpent Glyph from the Sun Stone (timestar) |
Mayan Calendar
(explanations of glyphs) |
The "Snake" Crop Circle (Kunalini) |
The Aztec Calendar: Math and Design |
XOCHIPILLI The Prince of Flowers |
Very Large diagram with explanations |
Plasma Physics: Meso-American Mythology |
Greenish colorful Sun Stone |
9x9 Checkerboard, 6 Aug 04,
Hillwood, Aldbourne,Wiltshire |
Info: Dreams of Red and Black |
Info: Moon Magic Square |
Collection of Strange Magic Squares |
Info: Mecury Magic Square |
Info: Venus Magic Square |
6 & 12 Star of David, 7 Aug 04,
Wilton Windmill, near Wilton,Wiltshire |
Circle Interference Pattern, 8 Aug
Shalbourne, nr Hungerford, Wiltshire |
Crop Circles & Quantum Mechanics |
This crop circle is
communicating harmomics of the "Time of the Sixth Sun" we are
currently in the Fifth Sun time era.
Compare this Crop
circle to the Sixth Sun "DreamStar" tone systems diagram see
attached Link - notice in the crop circle there are 16 small
squares that form the large square outside in the image.
In the Crop circle
"Inner circle" there is a Six pointed Star like star of David
points=Six and Star=Sun thus means "Sixth Sun" the time era
coming upon the completion of this current 5th Sun. These six
points form the 6 suns/worlds/eras:
sun 1 - nahui Ocelotl
sun 2 - nahui Ehecatl
sun 3 - nahui
Quiahuitl (rain)
sun 4 - nahui Atl
sun 5 - nahui Ollin
(earth movements - our current age)
sun 6 - nahui Xochitl
(sun of flowering)
This "Inner circle"
of this crop circle forms the 17th "Never-ending" position in
the "DreamStar" Sixth Sun
Also notice in the
crop circle the relationship of the circle (sphere) and the
square (cube) and that these Crop circles are GREEN
Dreamstar 17
day Cycle
by Mark Fussel
You will notice many
crop circles have harmonics that appear related.
The Mayan periods/cycles
of Time known as SUNS. Some sources cite we are in 4th Sun and
some cite 5th Sun. These are the same depending upon if you
start counting at "zero" or "one"
start at Zero: 0 1 2 3 (4) 5
start at One: 1 2 3 4 (5) 6
We are currently in
the (4)th or (5)th SUN depending upon where start counting.
And we are moving into either the (5)th or (6)th SUN/world
again depending on where you start counting.
Best guess is that
we are entering SIXTH SUN according to Maya 2012 date. The
image shows but one of them is a shift or change in the
harmonics of creation. Some Crop Circles are communicating
this shift/change.
The current Mayan
Tzolkin has 13 tones and the Sixth Sun Tzolkin has 17 tones.
These numbers 13 and 17 can be found in various Crop Circles.
As other related numbers like the "center" number [7] or [9].
Which are the center tones of each tzolkin respectively.
1 2 3 4 5 6
[7] 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [9]
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Also the "Alpha" ,
"Center" , and "Omega" tones maybe multiplied to give other
frequency harmonic information:
1 x 7 x 13 = 91
This is the number of
steps on each of the 4 sides of some Maya pyramids and thus 4
x 91 = 364 ..... 364 + 1 (top) = 365 (solar year)
1 x 9 x 17 = 153
Mark Borcherding
On September
26th, Joe Mason realized that another formation should be
included in the list:
The above is one
of the "Checkerboard" Patterns, of the Greene County,
Pennsylvania, formations that appeared around 3 July 2005.
Posted: Sun Oct
09, 2005
Post subject:
Pennsylvania "Checkerboard" Pattern Like Woolstone
It has been
pointed out that several U.K. formations contain the eight
or nine step spiral of rectangles, such as those at
Boreham Down, Woolstone Hill, and Wayland's Smithy:
Image credit:
Viktor Mika,CZ
Joe Mason says
the Woolstone Hill formation was, perhaps, the most
The U.K.
formation of 2005, at Ripley, near Bournemouth, Dorset
should probably also be included. It was reported 17 April
The spiraling numbers of the Ripley crop glyph is similar
to the spiraling squares in the previous glyph.

At least one
other person has pointed this out. The 6 pointed star,
when looked at from an angle, looks like 3 blocks. I
finally got around to illustrating the idea. Such block
designs are often shown like a wall of blocks. It is
sometimes used to illustrate how our perception can view
an image in different ways. The view can appear as looking
down at the tops of the boxes, or as looking up to the
bottoms of the boxes:
Earth Star – A Mayan
The beautiful earth star which
fell onto fields at Echilhampton, near Devizes on
August 15 is indeed a delicate formation and merits
much appreciation. It is also the shape of the Mayan
star-glyph, LAMAT, ‘Yellow Star’ and is associated
with the planet Venus in that tradition. Here is a
meditation on that glyph as it is presented in the
LAMAT. (Star) The Mayan star.
This step is basically about learning to love. You
develop a tolerance and a compassion for yourself and
others. The ability to love yourself is very important
in attaining wisdom, and it is perfected here. You
begin to feel a profound sense of your own value and a
love for yourself exactly as you are. You evolve this
self-love into a deep love for humanity and a love and
caring for the planet Earth. Meditating with this
glyph will help you remember and hold the vibration
for unconditional love. The solar glyph painting Lamat
portrays with colors our coming forth into being from
love when we awake, creating our bodies out of light,
then our return back to love, which we all do each
time we fall asleep. Lamat is the symbolic portrayal
that love is what we are.”

© 1992 Donna
crop picture which appeared on
August 18, 2006 at Etchilhampton
Hill seems to show (i)
the four-fold pointed-symmetry
of a gravitational wave field,
as well as (ii) certain grid lines
which are commonly used to represent
gravity or curved space time:

Four-fold pointed-symmetry of a
gravitational wave field from Rep.
Prog. Physics 63, 1317-1427,

Schematic grid lines used to
represent curved spacetime from
Amer. J. Physics 73, 248-260,

The new Etchilhampton Hill crop
picture thus has a concise, logical
"Space-time may
vibrate in two different
directions, either
'up-down' or
'left-right', in
response to the field
energy of a passing
gravitational wave".
But why should the crop
artists draw that
particular picture at
the end of 2006, after
five other amazing
"wormhole" pictures
illustrated possible
technological uses of
curved space-time? There
could be two reasons.
First, gravitational
wave detectors are being
built now
all around the
world; some are even
planned for space.
new and highly-sensitive
devices may be
used to detect gravity
waves from distant
sources, which could potentially
cause severe
geological disturbances in
the future, if any of
them were to pass
through our Solar System
at light speed
example, we learn from a
website at
Caltech: "Gravitational
waves are ripples in the
fabric of space-time.
When they enter our LIGO
detector, they will
decrease the distance
between test masses on
one arm, while
increasing it on the
arm. Such changes
can be detected by
bouncing laser beams
back and forth between
the test masses, then by
interfering laser
beams from the two
"LIGO" stands for "Laser
Observatory" (www.ligo.caltech.edu/LIGO_web/about/factsheet.html).
The same
four-fold pointed-symmetry
shown at Etchilhampton
Hill appears over an illustration of
their detector:

Secondly, it would not
seem impossible that
gravitational waves are
now in transit
toward Earth. Many
previous crop pictures
suggest this.
Furthermore, see (below)
speculations by Paul
LaViolette, a
astronomer, about the
Boxing Day 2004
earthquake and its
causes; as well as
observations by Lonnie
Thompson, the American
glaciologist, concerning
the last major
sudden-climate-change on
Earth in 3100 BC (end of
the Mayan "Fourth Sun").
Now when a powerful
gravity wave with
pointed four-fold
symmetry passes
through Earth,
it may
produce two
different kinds
of geological
vibration as
either "up-down"
or "left-right",
just as were
schematically at
Etchilhampton Hill:

If the whole planet
Earth vibrates
suddenly like that,
there are going to be
plenty of earthquakes,
tsunamis and volcanoes
Due to the relatively
large size of most
gravity waves, nearby
stars could be affected
as well. Recall from the
Christian and Jewish
scriptures various
passages where "the
Earth will reel like a
drunkard" or "the seas
will roar" and "powers
(stars) in the heaven
will be shaken". The
Koran of Muslim faith
describes a similar
How might gravity waves
be produced in far
distant parts of our
Gravity waves may be
produced through several
different mechanisms,
the most common of
which might
be 'collapsing neutron
stars' or 'binary black
Paul LaViolette has
argued that a gravity
wave from a collapsing
neutron star caused the
Boxing Day 2004
It was followed by an
x-ray blast on the next
day, consistent with Einstein-Rosen
By contrast, long-term-periodic
emission of gravity
waves might be better
ascribed to
binary black holes, one
of which could perhaps
be present at the centre
of our Milky
For example, if
the two components of some
binary system at
the centre of our Milky
Way were to
once every 5125 Earth
years, then they
emit gravity
waves only once
during some brief
part of that
mutual orbit, when
they come
together. If
that is the
case, then
a twin pulse of
gravity waves and x-rays
could potentially be
emitted from the centre
of our galaxy
once every 5125
It would then
take another 40,000
years (roughly)
to reach Earth
and Sun
at light speed
Could such a
binary system of black
holes, and
emission of gravity
waves, provide a
plausible mechanism for
5100-year periodicities
in the ancient Mayan
accuracy of the
Mayan calendar
was recently validated
by American
Lonnie Thompson, who
found many
different lines of
evidence for a
sudden, worldwide
climate change on Earth
5138 plus or minus 45
years ago
(Proceedings of the
National Academy of
Sciences USA 103,
10536-10543, 2006).
He has attributed that
event to "a sudden
change in the brightness
of our Sun". His
dates from radio-isotope
analysis agree
well with the Mayan calendar
value of 5120
years ago for "end of
the Fourth Sun". According
to that same calendar,
the next major event
will occur six years
from now in 2012.
Could that be what the
current crop-circle
phenomenon is all about?
The crop artists
have been warning us
about wave-like
emissions from the
galactic centre since at
least 1994: see
for example a
crop picture from that
year, which shows a
Mayan symbol for the
on the left, with
curly rays or waves
emerging on all
In modern terms, the
Mayan symbol for
centre" might represent the
curved in-fall of stars
near some
black hole, for example
Sgr A*.
Another pair
of crop pictures
at Etchilhampton in 1997
warned that our
Sun would "flare" in
2012, perhaps due to
gravity waves passing
through it.
In 2005, the
"mace" showed an
explosion from some
central source
(galactic?) in
six spatial
+x, -x, +y, -y, +z, -z,
where various star
systems affected were seemingly
drawn all around:
Kingston noted, from
supposed psychic
contact, that crop
pictures are being given
now "at a cataclysmic
time in Earth's history"
(see Freddy Silva's
Both Wayland's
Smithy pictures of
August 2005 and July
2006 could plausibly be
interpreted in terms
of astronomical rays
which will impact Earth
and Sun in mid-August
2007. An alternative
explanation for
Wayland's Smithy of July
2005 in terms of
"skyscrapers" can
not explain why it
shows numerous
mathematical codes See
Finally, regarding to
the supposed future
predictive ability of
our crop artists, the
putative August 2007
event will be a good
test to learn whether
they might be truthful
and reliable concerning
December 2012 Or as John
Locke once wrote (Essay
Concerning Human
1690), "In matters of
substance, experiment
can be our only guide."
If the crop artists do
have wormhole /
time-travel technology,
as suggested by five
other pictures this
year, then their arcane
source of knowledge seems
By contrast, the
Chronology Protection
Postulate of
Stephen Hawking asserts
that past-transfer of
future-knowledge would
not be permitted by "the
laws of Nature". But
nothing is more common
than for great
scientists to
Posted from:
(This posting at
cropcircleconnector.com will be
archived for only paying customers
at the end of 2006.)
Mayan glyph
In The Mayan
Factor by José Arguelles, we understand that LAMAT
marks the beginning of the final AHAU cycle which includes
all 13 Katuns. This final cycle is a culmination of the
Baktun of the Transformation of Matter and began in
the year 1756 to be completed in the year 2012. The
energy of LAMAT is to ‘Seal [the whole mind of the world]
with the Star-Seed Harmony’. LAMAT heralds a new way of
living on Earth and a new experience and understanding of
material life, including our own bodies. This is
certainly reflected in the beautiful and elegant symmetry
of this crop circle.
On top of all that, the particular
shape of the formation is also found in a symbol for
Mother Mary, an ancient Goddess figure, as well as a
venerated Christian icon.

Mary’s symbol based on Maltese cross
and pagan symbol
In this symbol, we
see references to the four solar turning-points of the
year, as well as the lunar aspects (dark and light
circles), rendering Her, Lady of All the World. An
interesting point is that LAMAT as a word stands for
‘rabbit’ which is also a long-standing symbol for the
Michelle Jennings
Arguelles, José. The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond
Technology. Bear & Co. Rochester.
Spilsbury, Ariel & Michael Bryner. Donna Kiddie, illus.
The Mayan Oracle: Return
Path to the Stars. Bear & Co. Rochester. 1992.
Walker, Barbara. The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols &
Sacred Objects. Castle
2012 Unlimited.
Another crop circle appeared on July 15th, 2008
which seems to delineate the orbit and placement of our
solar system planets on or about Dec. 21, 2012. I am only
publishing the original formation which has since been
enhanced and many are saying that the enhancements were
Here is the page:
which will be available to the general public until the
end of 2008.
On July 27, 2008, we received the following chart
from Edwin Erst who has been studying diligently the same
topic. If someone would like to compare the two charts and
write to us with your interpretation, it would be
appreciated. Write to
Here is another example based on the same
two crop circles above:
The following is a piece put together by
Richard and which includes a channeling by me. As the Chinese
would say, we live in interesting times....
Crop Circle predicts the coming of the Christ child
After you have read this, I ask that you share
this message with as many people as possible. A copy of it is
available at
and as a downloadable pdf from the Articles page at
I am about to share with you a profound
channeling. It has to do with the unfolding of an event which
may or may not already be in your awareness. This event is
widely known as Ascension. Ascension involves a transition in
consciousness for the inhabitants of planet Earth and the planet
many of you, this will come as a surprise. For others, it is a
term with which you are familiar; however what it means may be a
little unclear. For others, you may have a clear view of what
you believe it means, however most of us have been subject to a
lot of disinformation about it and, frankly, the specifics have
not been available to fully understand - until now.
There have been many messages from many places
about Ascension. What is different about this one is that it is
directly associated with a crop circle pattern that was laid
down on July 22, 2008 at Avebury Manor in England.

Taken from the above page at
Those who have analysed this pattern have
realised it is telling us something about December 2012, the
time of the ending of the Mayan Calendar, including the arrival
of a comet that, according to the crop circle site, our
astronomers are as yet unaware of.
For some of you, the idea that crop circles are
not manmade and carry messages for humanity will come as a
surprise. If so, I suggest you browse
www.cropcircleconnector.com and see for yourself the
extraordinary patterns that are being laid down. You will
quickly realise these patterns are not, for the most part,
manmade and if you want to examine these phenomena in more
detail, I highly recommend
Star Dreams.
How come these extraordinary messages receive no
mainstream publicity? I'll leave you to reflect on that question
as a thread by which you may begin to pull your perceived
reality apart.
If you are unfamiliar with the ending of the long
cycle Mayan Calendar in December 2012, here is a link to some
pages on this site:
The arrival of comets has a deep sub-conscious
pull for mankind as they have been seen and understood over the
millennia as messengers alerting us to great change. And so it
is with this one.
And now, to the channeling.
We have the explanation that Lord Metatron was
going to provide to us in relation to the Crop Circle. The comet
coming in relation to, around the time of, Jeshua's birth.
I am being directed to Galactic Centre.
And of course looking at our galaxy, not from the
inside but from the exterior, I see a bulge, which looks like a
line going through it. They wanted to show me that first. And
then they're taking me inside. I am standing there in the black
hole which is right outside of Galactic Centre. And in 2012
there's all this energy being fed into Galactic Centre through
the black hole. I'm tracing where it's coming from. There's a
whole string. Energy is like being... it's coming from a
constellation of stars. I don't know how far it is - in another
It is other life that is held in black
matter. We've talked about this, the yin and the yang, the plus
and the minus. So black matter is life just like us except it is
the opposite electrical field.
And so this energy is coming from a very advanced
constellation. Actually it's three constellations set up in the
pattern that we are familiar with - the triangle. And it is the
cycle. They're sending the energy through this black hole into
Galactic Centre. 2012, December - the date that that energy
comes through the black hole is not the same date that the child
will be born. Even though it might seem that it should be
instantaneous it is not. There is a lag period from the time
that it comes through the black hole. No. It is not that. From
the time that it is discharged from this triangular
configuration and then moves through the black hole and then
into Galactic Centre. And it is that energy that comes through
in December that transforms Earth. Not only Earth but it
imprints our entire solar system. And so all the planets are
shari ng in this energy pattern. The other planets in our solar
system, they imprint this energy also. Of course the energy
comes through the sun.
I'm seeing the 28th. The child to be
born on the 28th.
Energy comes through the sun and joins that
moment. It will repeat what happened earlier when the solar wind
stopped (1999)
The electrons that are the solar wind
will stop. It will stop for three days, as that energy which
came through the black hole imprints Earth. And of course it
will imprint all of the other planets. The planets, each of them
imprinting in some fashion their energy. Because each planet has
a different energy, you know, and a different purpose. And
during those three days this energy will completely alter the
particles on Earth. They will be transformed. It will be like an
explosion into eve ry particle on Earth, and human beings even,
where the electrons will have more space in between them. The
planet will be re-patterned.
And there will be many who will not be able to
withstand the change in the energy pattern because they have
done no preparation. And if their bodies have not been cleared
and they are filled with, as you call it, stuck energy from the
past, they will perish during those three days. It's not a
punishment mind you. It's just that they will not - the physical
- will not be able to be supported with the change in the
energy. Just because this energy has come does not mean that
every soul who is here on this planet will survive.
They all have the opportunity to ascend.
But those who have not worked on this process
will not survive the pressure against the physical. The
changing in the cells will be too much for them. Those who have
prepared or have been attempting to prepare will have cells that
are crystalline. Those who have not prepared at all, their
cells will be carbon based and they will not be able to survive
under this (he is showing me this great pressure that will be
exerted upon it) great pressure. They will die from it.
And those who are of the dark, who have no
intention of moving towards the light, will not be able to exist
in these energies either.
And so the good news is everyone has the
opportunity to ascend. And the good news is those who perish
will reincarnate in another place where the energies will be
This is the justice of the moment, in a sense.
Those who have worked will receive their reward. Those who have
not will receive also what they didn't give. Each will have
their own result.
And so what the crop circle is telling you is
that this great change has to do with Galactic Centre. The
energy comes through because of all the alignments. It is simply
the alignments that allow the energy to come in on a straight
line to come to Earth. It is like a lock, where
you need a key to unlock the lock. And that is
what 2012 is. This giant clockwork in the cosmos has lined up in
a certain fashion for the energy to come through. And as this
process unfolds, and as in so many things in life, humanity has
always been warned.
Warnings are not always dire things. Warnings can
sometimes be an announcement of the most profound, of the most
powerful and yet of the most sublime. And this is what this
child is. Powerful and sublime.
Isn't that not what love is actually? The most
powerful? The most sublime?
The little child, the little child, one day, they
say was born in Bethlehem so long ago. This little child will
not be born in Bethlehem. But this little child will come in
2012 and the comet will proclaim his coming. So you might say,
in essence, this is his comet. And those who watch the sky will
remember that it was once called the Star of Bethlehem but since
this child will not be born in Bethlehem then there is this
comet announcing his birth.
Channelled by Carolyn Evers
You may listen to the channeling at:
encourage you to do so, as you will experience the energy and
the unfolding of this wondrous message.
As I said at the beginning, this is a profound
channelling. It tells of an event which will transform
consciousness on this planet as we have known it. It tells of
the coming forth on Earth of an aspect of that great soul that
sent forth the one we know as Jeshua or Jesus, the first soul
created after the seraphim and cherubim, the one known
throughout the cosmos as "The Radiant One" because of his great
light. His birth will trigger the Ascension process on planet
Please be clear, this not something to fear. Know
that you chose to be present on the planet at this time to
participate in this event, even if you may currently have no
conscious awareness of it.
I encourage you to visit the crop circle website
and see for yourself what the analysts have come up with
about this crop circle. It correlates powerfully with this
channeling. It is a tangible, real world pointer to what is
unfolding. In fact, I suggest you begin with
as this shows the first part of this pattern as it was laid down
in two stages, the first on July 15th 2008, the
second a week later on July 22nd. On the 22nd,
the second pattern was added and the comet added to the first.
The straight bands that have appeared through the first I
understand are the handiwork of the farmer.
Get clear about the truth of this for yourself.
You owe it to yourself to do so.
So how do I go forward?
As I said earlier, the concept of Ascension may
be a complete shock to you. If you have no connection with
spirituality or metaphysics today, if you have your views of who
Jesus/Jeshua was and who and what we are shaped by religion, if
you have grown up with the version of the scientific paradigm
that has been fed to us, as I did, which focuses us on looking
at the external world for understanding your reality, or if the
whole concept of channeling is foreign to you, my e-book "The
Coming Golden Age and How to Prepare for it" -
www.thecominggoldenage.com - may be a good place for you to
start as it begins with what modern science is telling us about
the nature of our reality and goes from there.
Materials are coming into place to explain and
support this unfolding. The detail behind this message can be
found in "The Soul Journey of Jeshua" series -
http://www.metatronminutes.com/soul_journey_of_jeshua.html .
Who was the one we know as Jeshua or Jesus really? Why did he
come? Did he plan to be crucified? Did he die on the cross? Who
supported him? What has his life and his children with Mary
Magdalene got to do with Ascension (yes, they were married and
had children)? What role does the legacy of their children's DNA
leave humanity? And much, much more. This material shatters the
deception sold to us by the church about this man and his life.
There is free guidance and support coming forth
in the Metatron Minutes newsletters -
http://www.metatronminutes.com/newsletter_sign_up.html and a
range of articles and protocols can be found at
http://www.metatronminutes.com/. This will continue to
expand, so I encourage you to return to it regularly.
Additionally, the material being channeled
from Steve Fossett in a series of e-books -
www.SteveFossettLives.com - provides further explanation and
understanding at the detailed level of what this transition
means. It is some of the material coming forth in these e-books,
which exposes the dark plans of the US military and others that
the faked crash site recently discovered was set up to
discredit. It will not be long before the truth of this comes
forth. The energies currently flowing to the planet will simply
not allow it to remain hidden. All truths are being revealed and
this channeling is an example.
are powerful, powerful times. As I said earlier, the message
above is not one to be feared. Rather, it is one to be
and embraced. It is a call to action. We all have
some four years, give or take a few days, to prepare. This is
more than ample if you wish to embrace this opportunity.
Simply set your Intention to participate in this
wondrous unfolding and be willing to face your fears and doubts.
Be willing to ask why certain events happen to you. Stand as the
creator of your own life, your own reality, as you are that.
There are no victims. Be prepared to stand as a Sovereign being
and bring all you need to be ready to you - and it will be so.
What I have just written will come as a shock to
many of you. The idea that we are responsible for everything
that unfolds in our lives is a concept that many struggle to
hold. It is so far from the picture of reality that is fed to
us. When you stand in this place, you will be amazed at the
understanding that flows forth. This stand, however, is the last
thing some on this planet wish us to take.
We have all lived countless lifetimes on Earth
and in doing so have accumulated patterns of unresolved energy;
energy resulting from traumas and other issues occurring earlier
in this life and also in past lives. When a trauma is repeated
over three or more lifetimes, this forms a pattern that you will
likely need help to clear. There are many gifted energy workers
ready, willing and able to assist you with this. This is the
stuck energy referred to in the channeling. These subconscious
patterns are major dictators of what is showing up in your
current life. That's how it works.
In order to give you guidance on how to approach
this clearing process, an article will be posted on the Articles
page at
http://www.metatronminutes.com/ shortly. I expect it will be
in place by early December, 2008.
Heed this warning
So I encourage you to heed this warning and begin
to prepare. There will be others more powerful than this one. I
speak of one in my e-book. No-one on the planet will be able to
say they were not warned. That is the way of spirit.
I encourage you to embrace the tools, the
knowledge and the protocols coming forth on
http://www.metatronminutes.com/ to support
you in what are and will continue to be
unsettling times. Unsettling they may be, however you can choose
to witness them and allow them to swirl around you without
touching you. Difficult times do not need to be difficult for
you. We are all much greater, more powerful beings than we take
ourselves to be. Now is the time to begin to understand and
embrace this.
Some of you reading this will already have been
caught up in the financial unwinding occurring, or are
struggling financially for other reasons. Know that it is part
of the unfolding of Ascension (see the article on the website
above from Lord Metatron on this subject). Strange though this
may sound to many of you, you do not have to participate in this
chaos. You do not need to suffer.
In order to help those struggling with abundance
issues in their lives, we are offering a series of free
conference calls on this to provide the understanding and skills
to master it. If this applies to you, I suggest you go to
and register.
And so it is.
Blessings, joy, love and peace.
Dr. Richard Presser
November 27, 2008
Again, please share this message as widely as
possible so as many as possible can begin to prepare. Or point
them to
http://www.metatronminutes.net/Crop_circle_predicts.htm or
the Articles page at
http://www.metatronminutes.com/ for a downloadable version.
Carolyn Evers
is a messenger for the spiritual hierarchy. She has written six
books and a course, Journey To The Other Side. Her work
encompasses information that she has received from the Spiritual
Hierarchy. Carolyn believes that there is a connection between
spirituality and science, and she endeavors to incorporate
scientific research along with what she receives from spirit.
Her work can be found at *
www.CarolynEvers.com * and her contact address is *
Carolyn@CarolynEvers.com Her latest websites are
www.SteveFossettLives.com * *
www.metatronminutes.com/ * She also works with the Cherubim
Angels and reads from the Un iversal Akashic Records. She has
two radio shows with BBS Radio, The Message and The Messenger.
Call in for healings and readings from the Akashic Records * USA
Toll Free 1-877-876-5227 * Canada Toll Free 1-888-815-9756 *
Dr. Richard Presser works closely with Carolyn
and is the author of "The Coming Golden Age and How to Prepare
for it" -
Carolyn Evers,
PO Box 1314,
Blackburn North,
VIC 3130

The second part of Avebury Manor shows a more
detailed view of our solar system near Earth in December of
Apart from farmer's damage, the old part of
Avebury Manor shows one major change: a "comet" entering our
solar system on the left. Then on the right, its new part
shows a highly expanded view of lunar orbit (a crescent Moon
circling the Earth), close to a dotted oval symbol for "12
lunar months". During month 12 (or December 2012), our Moon
will apparently come close in the sky to a "bright comet",
drawn inside curved tramlines nearby.

Below the new lunar crescent at Avebury
Manor, we can see a "double ring" symbol for Earth's Sun,
connected by a long curved line to six other
small symbols yet to be identified. Four bright "stars" appear
nearby, close to the old orbit of Pluto.
Looking next
at many small symbols near top centre, we can see
the crescent symbol for Moon, lying in its twelfth
month (solar or lunar) next to the same bright
comet just mentioned:

Looking finally at many small symbols near
bottom centre, we can see a double-ring symbol
for Sun, connected by a long curved line to
another circle with two small stars enclosed:

By studying our Sun's
path through the sky (red dashed line) during December, I
was able to work out that those two small stars lie in the
constellation Ophiuchus at Right Ascension 17 hours, 22
minutes, or close to our Sun on December 13 as 17 hours, 26
minutes. Four other stars (or M8) provide a confirming match
between the star pattern and the crop picture. The crop
symbol for M8 is shown correctly as a circle plus an
extended line, because it is an extended star cluster.
One week later on
December 21-23, our Sun lies at a slightly larger R.A. value
of 18 hours, 2-11 minutes in the constellation Sagittarius.
Four nearby symbols (not shown) as "spiral, snail, serpent,
crossed box" remain unidentified, but could represent the
four constellations bordering Ophiuchus in Earth's sky. For
example, the "serpent" could be Serpens, while the "snail"
was a constellation in ancient times.
Twelve years ago on
July 13, 1996, we saw a similar astronomical prediction for
December 2012 at West Overton:
Charles Reed and Janet Ossebaard
This new crop picture seems to confirm the
original crop picture shown in 1996, of a bright comet next to
a crescent Moon in December 2012. Its importance is that no
such prediction can (or has) currently been made by
conventional astronomical science.
A very similar crop picture appeared at
West Overton on July 13, 1996. There next to a galactic centre
symbol for "Hunab Ku", we saw a crescent Moon next to a bright
comet in late 2012.
The Hunab ku was invented by Catholic missionaries according
to this article.
There we saw
(apparently) the same new Moon of December 13, 2012, lying
in Earth's sky next to the same bright comet. Both
objects will lie close to our Sun during its eclipse of the
galactic centre on December 21-23 (which is indicated by a
Mayan spiral symbol called "Hunab Ku").
In summary, both of
these crop pictures lead us to think that something
important may happen
one week before
the Mayan Long Count calendar ends on December 21-23, 2012.
At the very least, we should see a bright comet next to a
new Moon. We might even see curved lines or "rays" emerging
from the galactic center, as shown at West Overton in the
diagram above.
Photo credits to
Eva-Marie Brekkesto, Lucy Pringle and Stuart Dike.
Harold Stryderight
I think you guys are on the right track
with this analysis. But see if your bright comet is at one of
these heliocentric longitudes obtained from
T367. Comet Event 1 (The Appearance Of The Comets At The
Distance Of The Asteroid Belt: 02/25/07, Other Comets At
Heliocentric Longitudes:
2: 103.0 degrees;
3: 139 degrees;
4: 161.5 degrees;
5: 195.0 degrees
This may give a clue as to how to understand the crop circle
Avebury Manor crop circles of 15 and 22 July 2008.
Barry Warmkessel
Avebury manor I and II the
I want to share the following notes which
I have on the second crop circle from Avebury Manor.
I want to call the second
Avebury circle " The Returning of the Tenth Planet Niburu " In
my opinion this is the first crop circle what actually depicts
the origin of the makers of these symbols. One can easily see
that the circles are related. We can see the planets again in
the same position as in circle I
Lets start with the planets and the sun. What is obvious is
that the sun, the central point, is approximately 25% bigger.
The sun has even in his power the planets Mercurius and Venus.
We also can see that on the outside four circles are shown,
which are getting bigger in format.
What I see in this
picture is that a Big Comet is approaching. The sun reacts on
this Comet and is expanding and so becoming a lot more bigger,
but also hotter and hotter. The planets Mercury and Venus are
being burned up. What will happen with the Earth. That is
explained in the picture beside the planets orbits.
Lets start with the big
circle and a small circle with a central circle sticking on
this. I understand that this is the missing planet nr. 10 or
Niburu. Niburu has its own orbit outside our solar system,
which is shown. I see that Niburu also has a moon. To the
right we see an ellips with 11 tiny circles around it. I think
they mean that they own a huge space ship which is heading to
a kind of teardrop shaped picture. I think they mean the
sorrow and grief on planet Earth, because of the suns
explosion. So in popular, I understand that they send this
space craft to mother Earth. But if someone else understands
this different, then please react.
As follows I will
explain the symbols at the left of Niburu's orbit.
The diamond shaped symbol can be a space ship, but also can
mean a laboratory. Above that symbol we see the symbol of a
sperm. Then follows a turtle and a swirl. After the swirl I
cannot clearly see or understand the next symbol, but the
following bigger symbol is very interesting and between that
symbol and the orbit of Pluto I cannot anymore see clearly
the smaller symbols.
What I understand is
that they explain that they brought life (Diamond and sperm
symbol), it was a slow process ( the turtle), but finally
evolution ( the swirl) took place. The bigger symbol is at
the left planet Earth. They put Earth in the proper orbit
and they will do this again when our sun is changing. I
understand that they will take Earth to a safer place.
Hope You can bring this message to the
crop circle community.
Glenn Aoys
EDITORS NOTE: I don't agree that its Nibiru - See:
think it is
Planet X. That is a separate

"Those who follow the
Hopi path; they hear his (Massau? The Creator?) commandments.
The small circular objects around the path symbol are Kivas.
The Large Circle is from the Anashanabek Peace Shield and
means: "The Creator surrounds all things. The head of the
Water Serpent is part of the symbol for the Pahanna "The
Pahanna is coming to imprison something. "The other circle is
a rough date marked by the Major Planets
777... 888... There is
information in everything
The Lone Ranger |
The present fifth epoch is called Nahui-Olin (Sun of
Earthquake), which began in 3113 BC and will
end on
December 24, 2011. It will be the last destruction ...
Considering 3102 BC as the year of beginning of Kali Yuga
puts the
end of ... At
the end
of kali yuga, legend states that Vishnu will appear again under
his ...
www.greatdreams.com/sacred/age_kali.htm -
Cached -
---there is Great Psychological Meaning present..if one
belongs to a group or even in a cult...that believes that "the
end is Near". that great disaster ...
www.greatdreams.com/endtime.htm -
Cached -
The sources of Mayan mythology are found in the sky, and the
timetable of Creation Day is pinpointed by
the end
date of the Mayan Great Cycle. ...
tuning will come when, and only when, the
magnetic field that holds the matter of the physical
Earth in place, and the balance between positive and
Carolina O. sent these comments concerning this part of Joe
Mason's article 'Strange Attractor Crop Formation And
The End
Of Time': ...
15 Feb 1998 ... I sat at
the end
of the table. There were other people in the room, ... My first
reaction was that it was about
the end
of the age, ...
It was not
the end
of the world, people. It was the change of the world. .... In
the end
time of the current dimension of life,
the end
will come suddenly. ...
When we got down to
the end
of the hallway, we hadn't found what we were looking for, and a
woman came into the doorway at that end of the building, ...
He mentions that in 1844 a young Persian prophet announced
the end
of the Islamic era and the beginning of ... THE HOW AND WHY OF
OF TIME IN 2012 ...
At the
end of this dream, I had a vision of what looked like
electrical connections on the bottom of a radio or some other
communication device. ...
These signs herald
the end
of the age, Mat 24:29, 'the sun will be darkened, and the moon
will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, ...
Daniel 11:40-45 - "And at the same time of
the end
shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the
north shall come against him like a ...