Have respect unto the covenant: for the dark places of the earth are
full of the habitations of cruelty." - PSALMS 74:20
Some interesting stats are available publically -
the Government (federal and/or federal and state) is the biggest
landholder/owner in the states that the underground bases are
purported to be in. Top 10 ranked in order of % of state land
owned (acres) by federal - states governments:
% of state acreage
federally owned
% owned by federal and
state gov. combined
Nevada - 87.8% |
Alaska - 96.8% |
Utah - 67.9% |
Nevada - 89.2% |
Alaska - 67% |
Utah - 75.2% |
Idaho - 65.2%
Idaho - 70.4% |
Oregon - 55.5% |
Oregon - 60.4% |
California - 49.9% |
Arizona - 56.8% |
Wyoming - 49.7% |
Wyoming - 56% |
Arizona - 44.3% |
California - 52.1% |
Colorado - 38.9$ |
New Mexico - 47.5% |
New Mexico - 36.2% |
Colorado - 43.3% |
Much of the US is honeycombed with naturally occurring caves and
caves systems, sinkholes and abandoned mines - especially in the West
- so it's not all that far-fetched when you think about it. Presented
for your perusal is the whole mess, for your own conclusions.
U.S. Underground Military
Facilities . . .
Interactive map
ANTARCTICA - An ancient hi-tech "city" nicknamed "Rainbow City" was
reportedly discovered by a small group of American researchers in the late
1940's. Reportedly an on-site staff of 2000 was later stationed there to
study the ancient mechanical devices, the operation of time-space portals,
holographic records, and an ancient underground 'rail' system with Rainbow
City being the central hub. Antigravity craft are also reportedly being
used by the researchers. source: THE HEFFERLIN MANUSCRIPT; RAINBOW CITY
Timothy Green Beckley
ANTARCTICA, NEU SCHWABENLAND - Reports of a massive joint Nazi-Alien
base [network] called the "New Berlin" facility beneath the mountains of
Neu Schwabenland, Queen Maud Land, Antarctica, constructed by Nazi ULTRA
forces [note: "ULTRA" is also the name of the Dulce New Mexico facility
which also maintains strong "Bavarian" connections. As in WWI, WWII, the
Philadelphia project; and the current intelligence war between the
anti-Grey COM-12/CABAL forces of Navy Intelligence and the pro-Grey
MAJI/AQUARIUS forces backed by Nazi [NSA] Intelligence, Navy Intelligence
once again battled "Nazi" Intelligence during Operation Highjump in the
1950's under the command of Navy Admiral Richard E. Byrd and 4000 elite
Navy troops under the cover of a "scientific expedition" with a massive
military armada which made an all-out assault on the Nazi Antarctica
battalions. The conflict ended in a stalemate, with losses on both sides.
The New Berlin base - like the Dulce New Mexico facility and the Pine Gap
Australia facility - is tied-in with an alliance of regressive alien
forces: the Dracos of Alpha Draconis, Greys of Rigel Orion, and Aryan/Ashtar
forces of Sirius-B based within the massive Kamagol-II facility under
Gizeh Egypt, who are in turn allied with more of their kind within 3
"asteroid-ships" which came into the system, hiding in comet Hale-Bopp's
tail, and "jumped ship" as the comet rounded the sun taking up orbits
around Mercury... also joint Bavarian/Alien Alt3 facilities on Luna &
Mars... and also a vast Draconian - Rigelian - Sirius-B armada which is
now en-route to planet earth and due to arrive around 2004 to help enforce
the New World Order, which they intend to annex to the central Draco
empire on Typhon [Alpha Draconis], in that the "Fourth Reich" [Antarcticans]
have been told that they will be given 25 percent of the planet for their
part in selling us out. The NWO could only be implemented via human-alien
collaboration: the Fourth Reich of Bavaria acquiring the alien
Montauk/Mind Control technology and the Alien Alliance acquiring fifth
column access to our 3D society that the Fourth Reich [Bavarian
Illuminati, Bavarian Thule, & Bavarian Nazi societies] can and have
offered to the aliens. source: Vladimir Terziski; Alex Collier; Harley
Byrd; ; etc.
ARABIA, BAADRI - Caverns beneath the temple of Sheik-Adi, on Mt. Lalesh
and within walking distance of Baadri, used by the Yezidee devil
worshipers for occult rituals, and also hints of a sacrificial altar
within one of the immense caverns through which flow a subterranean river.
ADVENTURES IN ARABIA, by W. B. Seabrook - ch.4
ARGENTINA, SOUTH GEORGIA ISLAND - A reported base that has been fought
over by Russian, British, American, and Antarctican forces... presumably
the real reason for the Falkland islands war. source:
ARIZONA, BLACK MOUNTAIN - Explorers investigating a cavern in the black
mountains encounter a reptilian humanoid and experience "missing time".
source: Tal LeVesque;
ARIZONA, GRAND CANYON - Cave[s] near the confluence of the Colorado and
Little Colorado rivers. Hopi legends say that their ancestors once lived
underground with a friendly race of "ant people" [not to be confused with
the sinister "mantis" people described by several abductees], but some of
their kind turned to sorcery and made an alliance with lizard or serpent
men known as the "two hearts", which dwelt in still deeper caverns below.
The "flood" of evil and violence forced the peaceful Hopi's to the surface
world. An explorer named G. E. Kincaid claimed to have found "one of" the
ancient caves, in which were reportedly discovered Oriental, Egyptian &
Central American type artifacts. Smithsonian archaeologists S. A. Jordan
and associates also explored the man-made cavern with hundreds of rooms,
enough to hold over 50 thousand people. The underground city is about 42
miles up river from El Tovar Crystal Canyon and Crystal Creek, and about
2000 feet above the river bed on the east wall. John Rhodes after 3 years
of field research reportedly discovered the Grand Canyon city, which is
now being used as a museum for elitist groups and has lower levels that
are being used by "super secret black book operatives", which can only be
entered via a stainless steel door at the bottom of a stairwell deep
within the "city" that is "guarded by a very lonely soldier staring into
the darkness... dressed in a white jumpsuit and armed only with an M16
assault rifle to ward off his imagination." source: ARIZONA GAZETTE, March
12, 1909 & April 5, 1909;
Robert Morning Sky;
Hank Krastman;
John Rhodes
Astonishing Smithsonian Grand
Canyon 'City' Coverup?
Bob Tidwell
- Similar stories of unknown
archeological sites have appeared over the years here in the U.S.
- In 1946 a man calling himself
Dr. F. Bruce Russell, and claiming to be a retired physician, told
a similar story about finding strange underground rooms in the
Death Valley area in 1931.
- He told of a large room with
several tunnels leading off in different directions. One of these
tunnels led to another large room that contained three mummies.
Artifacts found in the room appeared to be a combination of
Egyptian and American Indian design. The most amazing thing about
the mummies though was the fact that they were more than eight
feet tall.
- Dr. Russell and a group of
investors formed "Amazing Explorations, Inc" to handle the
release, and profit, from this remarkable find. But, as stories of
this type usually go, Russell disappeared, and the investigators
were never able to find the caverns and tunnels again, even though
Russell had personally taken them there. The desert can be very
deceiving to anyone not used to traveling it. Month's later,
Russell's car was found abandoned, with a burst radiator, in a
remote area of Death Valley. His suitcase was still in the car.
- The old TV series Death Valley
Days once ran a short story about western pioneers also finding
mummies in the desert. Since one of the script writers stated that
"there had never been a script without a solid basis in fact", it
would be interesting to find out what their source had been.
- For now, these stories will
have to be shrouded in mystery, along with the 21,000 year old
bones found in California's Imperial Valley, also rumored to have
been spirited off by the Smithsonian.
- Next up is the 1909 PHOENIX
GAZETTE article mentioned in part 1, and then we'll take a look at
how all of this relates to the "face on Mars."
April 5th, 1909
- Mysteries of Immense Rich
Cavern being brought to light Jordan is enthused Remarkable finds
indicate ancient people migrated from Orient
- The latest news of the
progress of the explorations of what is now regarded by scientists
as not only the oldest archeological discovery in the United
States, but one of the most valuable in the world, which was
mentioned some time ago in the Gazette, was brought to the city
yesterday by G.E. Kinkaid, the explorer who found the great
underground citadel of the Grand Canyon during a trip from Green
River, Wyoming, down the Colorado, in a wooden boat, to Yuma,
several months ago.
- According to the story related
to the Gazette by Mr. Kinkaid, the archaelogists of the
Smithsonian Institute, which is financing the expeditions, have
made discoveries which almost conclusively prove that the race
which inhabited this mysterious cavern, hewn in solid rock by
human hands, was of oriental origin, possibly from Egypt, tracing
back to Ramses. If their theories are borne out by the translation
of the tablets engraved with heiroglyphics, the mystery of the
prehistoric peoples of North America, their ancient arts, who they
were and whence they came, will be solved. Egypt and the Nile, and
Arizona and the Colorado will be linked by a historical chain
running back to ages which staggers the wildest fancy of the
- A Thorough Examination
- Under the direction of Prof.
S. A. Jordan, the Smithsonian Institute is now prosecuting the
most thorough explorations, which will be continued until the last
link in the chain is forged. Nearly a mile underground, about 1480
feet below the surface, the long main passage has been delved
into, to find another mammoth chamber from which radiates scores
of passageways, like the spokes of a wheel.
- Several hundred rooms have
been discovered, reached by passageways running from the main
passage, one of them having been explored for 854 feet and another
634 feet. The recent finds include articles which have never been
known as native to this country, and doubtless they had their
origin in the orient. War weapons, copper instruments, sharp-edged
and hard as steel, indicate the high state of civilization reached
by these strange people. So interested have the scientists become
that preparations are being made to equip the camp for extensive
studies, and the force will be increased to thirty or forty
- Mr. Kinkaid's Report
- Mr. Kinkaid was the first
white child born in Idaho and has been an explorer and hunter all
his life, thirty years having been in the service of the
Smithsonian Institute. Even briefly recounted, his history sounds
fabulous, almost grotesque.
- "First, I would impress that
the cavern is nearly inaccessible. The entrance is 1,486 feet down
the sheer canyon wall. It is located on government
land and no
visitor will be allowed there under penalty of trespass. The
scientists wish to work unmolested, without fear of archeological
discoveries being disturbed by curio or relic hunters.
- A trip there would be
fruitless, and the visitor would be sent on his way. The story of
how I found the cavern has been related, but in a paragraph: I was
journeying down the Colorado river in a boat, alone, looking for
mineral. Some forty-two miles up the river from the El Tovar
Crystal canyon, I saw on the east wall, stains in the sedimentary
formation about 2,000 feet above the river bed. There was no trail
to this point, but I finally reached it with great difficulty.
- Above a shelf which hid it
from view from the river, was the mouth of the cave. There are
steps leading from this entrance some thirty yards to what was, at
the time the cavern was inhabited, the level of the river. When I
saw the chisel marks on the wall inside the entrance, I became
interested, securing my gun and went in. During that trip I went
back several hundred feet along the main passage till I came to
the crypt in which I discovered the mummies. One of these I stood
up and photographed by flashlight. I gathered a number of relics,
which I carried down the Colorado to Yuma, from whence I shipped
them to Washington with details of the discovery. Following this,
the explorations were undertaken.
- The Passages
- "The main passageway is about
12 feet wide, narrowing to nine feet toward the farther end. About
57 feet from the entrance, the first side-passages branch off to
the right and left, along which, on both sides, are a number of
rooms about the size of ordinary living rooms of today, though
some are 30 by 40 feet square. These are entered by oval-shaped
doors and are ventilated by round air spaces through the walls
into the passages. The walls are about three feet six inches in
- The passages are chiseled or
hewn as straight as could be laid out by an engineer. The ceilings
of many of the rooms converge to a center. The side-passages near
the entrance run at a sharp angle from the main hall, but toward
the rear they gradually reach a right angle in direction.
- The Shrine
- "Over a hundred feet from the
entrance is the cross-hall, several hundred feet long, in which
are found the idol, or image, of the people's god, sitting
cross-legged, with a lotus flower or lily in each hand. The cast
of the face is oriental, and the carving this cavern. The idol
almost resembles Buddha, though the scientists are not certain as
to what religious worship it represents. Taking into consideration
everything found thus far, it is possible that this worship most
resembles the ancient people of Tibet.
- Surrounding this idol are
smaller images, some very beautiful in form; others crooked-necked
and distorted shapes, symbolical, probably, of good and evil.
There are two large cactus with protruding arms, one on each side
of the dais on which the god squats. All this is carved out of
hard rock resembling marble. In the opposite corner of this
cross-hall were found tools of all descriptions, made of copper.
These people undoubtedly knew the lost art of hardening this
metal, which has been sought by chemicals for centureis without
result. On a bench running around the workroom was some charcoal
and other material probably used in the process. There is also
slag and stuff similar to matte, showing that these ancients
smelted ores, but so far no trace of where or how this was done
has been discovered, nor the origin of the ore.
- "Among the other finds are
vases or urns and cups of copper and gold, made very artistic in
design. The pottery work includes enameled ware and glazed
vessels. Another passageway leads to granaries such as are found
in the oriental temples. They contain seeds of varous kinds. One
very large storehouse has not yet been entered, as it is twelve
feet high and can be reached only from above. Two copper hooks
extend on the edge, which indicates that some sort of ladder was
attached. These granaries are rounded, as the materials of which
they are constructed, I think, is a very hard cement. A gray metal
is also found in this cavern, which puzzles the scientists, for
its identity has not been established. It resembles platinum.
Strewn promiscuously over the floor everywhere are what people
call "cats eyse', a yellow stone of no great value. Each one is
engraved with the head of the Malay type.
- The Hieroglyphics
- "On all the urns, or walls
over doorways, and tablets of stone which were found by the image
are the mysterious hieroglyphics, the key to which the Smithsonian
Institute hopes yet to discover. The engraving on the tables
probably has something to do with the religion of the people.
Similar hieroglyphics have been found in southern Arizona. Among
the pictorial writings, only two animals are found. One is of
prehistoric type.
- The Crypt
- "The tomb or crypt in which
the mummies were found is one of the largest of the chambers, the
walls slanting back at an angle of about 35 degrees. On these are
tiers of mummies, each one occupying a separate hewn shelf. At the
head of each is a small bench, on which is found copper cups and
pieces of broken swords. Some of the mummies are covered with
clay, and all are wrapped in a bark fabric.
- The urns or cups on the lower
tiers are crude, while as the higher shelves are reached, the urns
are finer in design, showing a later stage of civilization. It is
worthy of note that all the mummies examined so far have proved to
be male, no children or females being buried here. This leads to
the belief that this exterior section was the warriors' barracks.
- "Among the discoveries no
bones of animals have been found, no skins, no clothing, no
bedding.Many of the rooms are bare but for water vessels. One
room, about 40 by 700 feet, was probably the main dining hall, for
cooking utensils are found here. What these people lived on is a
problem, though it is presumed that they came south in the winter
and farmed in the valleys, going back north in the summer.
- Upwards of 50,000 people could
have lived in the caverns comfortably. One theory is that the
present Indian tribes found in Arizona are descendants of the
serfs or slaves of the people which inhabited the cave.
Undoubtedly a good many thousands of years before the Christian
era, a people lived here which reached a high stage of
civilization. The chronology of human history is full of gaps.
Professor Jordan is much enthused over the discoveries and
believes that the find will prove of incalculable value in
archeological work.
- "One thing I have not spoken
of, may be of interest. There is one chamber of the passageway to
which is not ventilated, and when we approached it a deadly, snaky
smell struck us. Our light would not penetrate the gloom, and
until stronger ones are available we will not know what the
chamber contains. Some say snakes, but other boo-hoo this idea and
think it may contain a deadly gas or chemicals used by the
ancients. No sounds are heard, but it smells snaky just the same.
The whole underground installation gives one of shaky nerves the
creeps. The gloom is like a weight on one's shoulders, and our
flashlights and candles only make the darkness blacker.
Imagination can revel in conjectures and ungodly daydreams back
through the ages that have elapsed till the mind reels dizzily in
- An Indian Legend
- In connection with this story,
it is notable that among the Hopi Indians the tradition is told
that their ancestors once lived in an underworld in the Grand
Canyon till dissension arose between the good and the bad, the
people of one heart and the people of two hearts. Machetto, who
was their chief, counseled them to leave the underworld, but there
was no way out. The chief then caused a tree to grow up and pierce
the roof of the underworld, and then the people of one heart
climbed out. They tarried by Paisisvai (Red River), which is the
Colorado, and grew grain and corn.
- They sent out a message to the
Temple of the Sun, asking the blessing of peace, good will and
rain for people of one heart. That messenger never returned, but
today at the Hopi villages at sundown can be seen the old men of
the tribe out on the housetops gazing toward the sun, looking for
the messenger. When he returns, their lands and ancient dwelling
place will be restored to them. That is the tradition.
- Among the engravings of
animals in the cave is seen the image of a heart over the spot
where it is located. The legend was learned by W.E. Rollins, the
artist, during a year spent with the Hopi Indians.
- There
are two theories of the
origin of the Egyptians. One is that they came from Asia; another
that the racial cradle was in the upper Nile region. Heeren, an
Egyptologist, believed in the Indian origin of the Egyptians. The
discoveries in the Grand Canyon may throw further light on human
evolution and prehistoric ages.
- The Structures on Mars
- IF the preceding articles
concerning the Smithsonian Institute's coverup of archeological
evidence here in the U.S. are true, then how could we possibly
trust any other branch of the U.S. Government to give us the true
facts concerning artificial structures on Mars?
- Before anyone jumps to any
major conclusions after viewing only one NASA image, let's carry
this out to a logical conclusion.
- The reason for all of the
attention in the first place, is that two separate photos taken by
the Viking Orbiter in 1976 tend to show a face-like structure on
the planet's surface. Frame 35A72 shows this "face" with a low sun
angle, and frame 70A13 also gives the appearance of a "face", this
time with a higher sun angle. Further analysis also revealed other
nearby structures that appeared to have certain artificial charactics.
- With the Global Surveyor
probe, we were promised higher resolution photos of the surface of
Mars, that could prove or disprove any of these theories. Remember
though, this is the same Government that has hidden the real truth
concerning Roswell for over 50 years. It's amazing that one
government agency can present us with weather balloons and
dummies, and look idiotic. But, another agency of the same
government can give us a few unanalyzed photos, supposedly taken
on another planet millions of miles away, and we accept it without
- These photos now have to be
analyzed, and, in order to keeps things on an even keel, all
possibilities have to be considered, even those that sound
farfetched as to what we may currently believe.
- With the first "face" image
now received from Surveyor, I am already seeing responses ranging
from, "it's been destroyed by some secret super power", to,
"doesn't look like a face to me either." All that we have at this
point are several images that haven't yet been properly analyzed.
Remember that the "face" resemblance appeared on both Viking shots
of this area with different lighting angles. Reconstructing the
"face" appearance from the Surveyor image (by someone other than
NASA or Hoagland) matching the Viking angles, to see if the "face"
reappears, would be a good place to start. Until this is done, how
can any of us be sure that we are seeing the truth on this matter?
(Or that we will ever know the truth) If this reconstruction can't
be done properly, then we can start asking questions.
- Also, the rest of the Cydonia
region awaits to be fully imaged, so lets not "throw out the baby
with the bath water."
- For those that still have the
impression that NASA is not a part of any type of coverup, the
next issue of PHENOMENON will look at the possibility that NASA
HAS been involved in UFO deceptions, and will disclose for the
first time, a secret project that may shed some light on the
recent Mexico video footage.
(C) Bob Tidwell, 1998
- FROM: www.rense.com
See also:
ARIZONA, PAGE [Glen Canyon Dam?] - Major underground "link" between the
Dulce base of New Mexico and the Groom Lake base of Nevada, which have
been jointly operated by military-industrialists, greys, and reptilians.
An NSA-Alien facility which, some suspect, is partially powered by [and
entered via] Lake Powell's Glen Canyon hydro electric dam source:
Thomas E. Castello
ARIZONA, SEDONA - Reports of a joint-operational underground city and
facility under the Enchantment Resort in Boynton Canyon, where clone-like
men in black have been seen, along with unusual electromagnetic vortex
phenomena. source:
Underground Bases by Wm. Hamilton
ARIZONA, SUPERSTITION MTS. - Several people claim to have had
experiences with all types of alien beings inhabiting underground levels
below the superstition Mts. east of Phoenix. Early reports speak of
humans and human-dwarfs inhabiting the caverns of the region, although in
the 20th century reports of reptilian and grey type aliens have increased.
Some encounters involve white-greys from Epsilon Bootes, humanoid or
reptiloid "deros" in black hooded cloaks using abducted/programmed humans
above and below as mind slaves or worse; reptilian humanoids with
integrated human DNA abducting and raping women; and various other
regressive underground scenarios. source:
Kaye Kizziar;
Commander X;
Brian Scott; Cherrie Hinkel;
Steve Brodie; Hank Krastman
ARKANSAS, CUSHMAN - Caverns west and west-north-west of the town are
legendary for stories of deep cavern systems, encounters with hairy
humanoids with an attitude, giant serpents and insects, deadly gas
pockets, strange electro-magnetic phenomena and unexplained
disappearances. One of these is "Blowing Cave" which lies in the mining
area NW of Cushman and is located 1/4 mile north of a road leading west
from Cushman, one of several caverns in the area, some of them possibly
connecting at the deeper levels. Between the large entrance and an
underground lake far back in the cave is a trail that winds through an
area of rubble or "breakdown". The trail is intersected by a crack in the
earth [between the entrance and the lake] that, if followed into the
breakdown, widens enough to enter. This chasm is reportedly an entrance to
the endless networks of the alien underworld. source:
Charles Marcoux - - George Wight - D. A. Lopez
ARKANSAS, SILOAM SPRINGS - Reportedly the site of major "underworld"
[drug dealing] cults who utilize ancient underground caverns. source:
Siloam Springs,
War of the Caverns
AUSTRALIA, ALICE SPRINGS - The Pine Gap multi-leveled underground
facility, maintained by the Club of Rome's military-industrial complex, is
located near Alice Springs. Claims linked to the base include:
mind-controlled military workers in upper levels, greys & dracos connected
to Alpha Draco, Rigel Orion and Sirius-B in the lower levels along with
"Nordic" like human captives; an operational connection to the Dulce, New
Mexico base; several levels of computer mainframes connected to other
major computer mainframes all over the world, a potential electronic
control center for the New World Order, Inc., controlled by the Club of
Rome and Bilderberger group which is composed of 39 members at the core
[13 Maltese Jesuits, 13 Wicca Masons and 13 Black Nobility - a "Mr. X"
claimed that at least one-third of this "Illuminati" are shape-shifting
reptiloids posing as human via laser-hologram devices attached to their
belts. Cathy O'Brien claims that the Jesuit Lodge has been completely
infiltrated by physical reptilian infiltrators, 5th dimensional reptilian
parasites using human host bodies, implanted clones, etc. source: THE
TRANCE-FORMATION OF AMERICA, by Cathy O'Brien; (see below) John
AUSTRALIA, DARWIN - Norman Jenson, an experienced well driller, was
boring for water 15 miles from the Killarney homestead about 350 miles
south of Darwin. He had penetrated seven layers of limestone, clay, red
soil and sandstone when, at 102 feet, the but struck something soft and
quickly dropped to 111 feet. Jenson lowered the pump and brought to the
surface a bucket of what he believed to be flesh, bone, hide and hairs.
The matter had not putrefied even after several days in the open air. Dr.
W. A. Langsford, Territory Director of Health in Darwin, stated that the
material he studied under microscope was hair and tissue, possibly human
[or Sasquatch?]. source: FATE Magazine, Sept. 1966;
AUSTRALIA, COOKTOWN - South of Cooktown, North Queensland is the 1000
foot tall "Black Mountain", appearing as a huge pile of dark boulders 2
miles long. Natives avoid the mountain, as well as birds and other
animals. 3 men with horses vanished years ago at the mountain, where
chasms of unsounded depth penetrate the mountain. Also known by the
aborigine's as "Kalcajagga", two young men intent on solving earlier
disappearances vanished, as well as 2 black trackers who tried to find
them. The first "recorded" disappearance was that of a carrier named
Grayner who disappeared along with his horse and bullocks. 13 years later
a Constable Ryan disappeared after tracking a wanted man to the base of
the mountain, and neither were ever seen again. Then a gold prospector
named Renn vanished and could not be found by police teams who combed the
area for weeks. Harry Owens, a station owner from Oakley Creek,
disappeared at the mountain while searching for stray cattle, as did his
parter George Hawkins who went to search for him after alerting police.
Two police trackers entered the caves but only one came out, and he was so
shaken by an experience that terrified him so much that he could give no
clear account of what happened. One man armed with a revolver and electric
torch penetrated the caves, one of which descended and narrowed, and deep
within he encountered bats and a sickly, musty stench, then his torch went
out. He crawled for 5 hours through stench-filled caverns, encountering
deep precipices and black chambers, until he saw a distant light which he
climbed towards, until he reached the surface. source: INFO JOURNAL,
Vol.4, No.2; WALKABOUT [Sydney, Australia], June 1972;
AUSTRALIA, NULLARBOR PLAINS - The Nullarbor cave region of central
south Australia has been the center of UFO sightings and also the site of
disappearances of cave explorers. UFO's have been seen entering and
emerging from the ground, and one explorer escaped to tell of a terrifying
encounter with a 30 foot saurian-like "lizard" within one of the cavern
systems of the area. source: PSYCHIC AUSTRALIAN magazine [issue
uncertain]; Nullarbor
AUSTRIA, LOFER - Three German tourists who entered the vast Lamprecht
Cave, near Lofer, in the Salzburg mountain region, have never been found.
Their automobile was left locked outside the cave. In 1998 new parts of
the cave were discovered, connecting two cave systems and making the
Lamprechtsofe at the time the deepest [official] cave on Earth! source:
Harold T. Wilkins;
"In March, 1954, a French Jesuit priest in Sorata, Bolivia, told a
strange story of an exploring trip he had made in the cavern of San
Pedro on 20,000 foot Mount Illampu of the Andes chain.
"The cavern must be entered on all fours through a narrow passage
which widens after a few yards and leads into an immense cavern filled
with stalagmites and stalactites. At one end of the cavern is a
subterranean lake.
"The French priest claimed to be the first person to cross to the
far end of the lake. After several HOURS of rowing a small boat by
artificial light, he related, the cave narrowed and gave way to a
trail barred by an enormous gate of wrought iron. The grille, he said,
bore all the characteristics of 17th century Spanish ironwork.
"The priest tried unsuccessfully to break through the barrier. He
was eager to see what lay beyond but he had to return to Sorata
without solving the mystery."
The question one might ask in this case is: Did the early Spanish
explorers of this cavern go through all the trouble to forge the gate in
order to keep someone out, or did they do it to keep some 'thing' in...?
source: FATE magazine, Nov. 1954;
CALIFORNIA, 29 PALMS MARINE BASE - Underground facilities involved with
recovered alien technology and research. Also a geological anomaly in the
area created by sea water rushing in to underlying caverns when the area
was under water, creating a tunnel-like structure from which UFO's have
been seen to emerge. Attempts of Army personnel to send cameras down
resulted in the camera cables being "cut", and and attempts to send
military speleonauts down on ropes resulted in the explorers being exposed
to a noxious blue gas which had apparently been released from below to
prevent them from descending.Response:
The following email from 'Tim':
Subject: 29 palms tunnels
Date: Sat, 19 May 2007
I just read one of your articles referring to
underground bases and tunnels. I have lived in the 29 Palms area between
1982 and 1994. I again live here. I came back in 2006. I have spent many
nights at Giant Rock, I have been under the rock. I have studied and slept
in the integratron. More interesting though, approx. 1986 I was at Giant
and noticed that some new power poles had been installed north north-east
of Giant Rock approx. 2 miles away as the crow fly's. I went to
investigate and this is what I found - a narrow cut out in a ridgeline
that lead to a large steel door, of course it was locked. I went to the
top of the mountain and found a vertical shaft with fresh air blowing
out!? I found another shaft at approx a 40 degree angle leading below the
surface, I climbed down the shaft and stopped approx. 1/4 mile below the
surface, I was on the other side of a rock and mortar wall that blocked
the tunnel, however there were three holes approx 8" in dia with rebar in
them, in the wall. On the other side was a concrete
floor, a small room lined on both sides with large computers and a table
with coffe cups sitting on it!? The concrete floor of the room sinmply
dropped off into a vertical shaft, I estimate it to be the same shaft that
I found above. The interesting thing was the fresh clean air being pumped
out!? I have been back to the sight a number of times over the years, the
shafts are closed-in now, but the door remains!?
Val Valerian;
CALIFORNIA, ANAHEIM - On Nov. 3, 1989, radio talk show host Ken Hudnall
announced his intention to take a group to visit an ancient underground
city 60 miles from Anaheim.
Author Ken Hudnall(1) shared his insights into
aliens, UFOs, and national security, culled from his military
background, research and contacts from his former radio program.
He suspects that alien visitors to Earth may be more than one
race, or have varying genetic designs to operate in different
environments. Hudnall compared them to terrorists when it comes to
the degree of concern we might have over their presenceâ€""We
don't know what we're dealing with;" they could be "explorers or
invaders," he said.
Hudnall speculated that aliens may be set up at various
underground bases, such as at Dulce. He described meeting a woman
accompanied by Bill Hamilton who said she was the daughter of an
"underground ambassador," and that there was a subterranean
civilization which has high speed corridors running under the US.
Hudnall added that the woman did seem to travel from the West to
East coast in less time than a plane would take. He also mentioned
one of his contacts known simply as "TAL" who told him that
Reptilians arrived inside a comet they used as a spaceship.
Discussing the theory behind his book The Occult Connection,
Hudnall outlined how an alien race came here to exploit Earth's
resources. But over time, he said they became marooned on our
planet and began using secret societies to achieve their ends.
CALIFORNIA, BAKERSFIELD - In 1972 Wanda Lockwood of Bakersfield
reported that in 1970 she was playing with her son in his bedroom when
what sounded like a large steel hammer struck the concrete basement floor
3 times. Her child Danny was so surprised that he began to cry. Having
heard a similar noise several months earlier beneath her living room,
Wanda was curious and put her ear to the bedroom floor and clearly heard
"the roar of machinery". She took a hammer and began to pound the bedroom
[basement?] floor in a 1-2-3, 1-2-3 manner until 5 minutes later a "being"
beneath the floor began to tap back in the same 1-2-3, 1-2-3 manner. She
could hear a series of noises and knocks and then she faintly heard MEN
talking to each other, but the voices were too muffled to understand. In
later months she would again hear the machinery when placing her ear to
the floor, but never again the men's voices. source:
FATE Magazine, April, 1972
CALIFORNIA, BARSTOW - Camp Irwin. Reports of several tunnels below the
Camp Irwin area, one of which is an abandoned mine at the bottom of which
is an "earth crack" which leads to a tunnel that connects with a massive
underground river about a quarter of a mile wide, one of at least five
subterranean rivers which rise and fall with the tides, suggesting the
source of origin being a large underground sea below the dry basins of
Utah and Nevada. One of these reportedly runs below Kokoweef and Dorr
peaks near the SW flank of the Ivanpah Mts. NW of Needles, California.
These underground rivers are said to empty into the Pacific or Gulf of
California via large aqua caves near the base of the continental slopes.
source: DEPTHS OF THE EARTH, by William R. Halliday; Leon Davidson;
Richard Toronto;
CALIFORNIA, DEEP SPRINGS - Deeps Springs, due east of San Jose and next
to the California-Nevada border, is named after a small spring fed lake,
within which government divers have reportedly discovered an underground
river which they have followed for approximately 27 miles in the direction
of Las Vegas, although it is uncertain whether or how much of this is
walkable. Deep Springs, according to an agent who was part of a secret CIA
paramilitary force called "Yellow Fruit" or "YF" based at the Nevada Test
Site [where they are working with "blond" humanoid aliens in an effort to
fight the Greys at deep springs], is the basing area of a large nest of
grey aliens and communist - homosexual human collaborators who are using
the "National Resources Defense Council" as a front for their agency, and
who are involved in an electromagnetic war with the "benevolent ones" who
have made allies within the Nevada Test Site, who serve as advisors to
intelligence agencies that are turning against the greys as a result of
betrayals of joint-operation treaties. However there are still
intelligence agencies under alien control working at the Nevada Test Site
and especially within the deeper underground levels [the benevolent ones
and their allies essentially having gained the "upper ground"], however
the whole scenario is a mess and "out of control", largely because of the
military-industrial "machine" itself which has become so compartmentalized
and secretive [even to the exclusion of Congressional oversight] that the
true patriots don't have the freedom or backup to do much damage against
their underground nemesis, mainly because of the limitations imposed upon
them by fraternal oaths, mental programming, and military security
clearances. It is basically every man for himself, UNTIL at least the
PUBLIC and CONGRESS gets involved and adds their support to the patriots
who are literally dying on the front lines in this battle with an alien
nemesis which has infiltrated the very core of the military-industrial
complex. Men In Black, by the way, have also been seen at Deep Springs.
Also several "stand-offs" allegedly exist throughout the world, the Deep
Springs - Nevada Test Site stand-off being possibly the largest and most
critical. Gravity anomaly maps also suggest the existence of massive
caverns beneath the area. Agent "YF" cited the following coordinates as
locations of Deep Springs extension facilities, in most cases near the
bases of mountains near which portals to the underground installations
exist: N 37 22 30 - E 117 58 0; N 38 21 0 - E 115 35 0; N 35 39 0 - E 114
51 0; and also Yucca Lake: N 37 0 30 - E 116 7 0. source: John Lear;
LEADING EDGE Newsletter, Dec. 1989 - Jan. 1990
CALIFORNIA, CADIZ - The late Earl Gambrel tells how he was transported
by an alien craft one night from the outskirts of Barstow to an area just
2 miles NW of Bonanza Springs, some 13 miles from Cadiz and just south of
the Clipper mountain area. He found [or was shown] a cave or tunnel in the
side of a hill near a natural rock arch and a peak which looks like it has
"a black railroad car on top of it." After considerable travel underground
at a 30 degree descent, he reached an underground city with streets and
houses filled with large crystals, now abandoned. He also heard of another
man who reportedly found the cave and told others about it, but who was
killed shortly thereafter. source:
John Winston;
Cadiz, CA Map
CALIFORNIA, CHINA LAKE - A woman names "Diane" claimed that she has had
numerous alien encounters since childhood. During one encounter she was
taken to a joint alien-military facility deep beneath the China Lake Naval
Weapons Test Center via magnetic a elevator to a huge facility where she
observed numerous humans and animals in cages who had been bio-genetically
altered. Also, possible massive underground facilities beneath Argus
and/or Southeast Peaks NW of Trona in the China Lake Reserve. source:
Richard Sauder;
Antigravity Disk construction at China Lake
CALIFORNIA, CLEAR LAKE - According to Robert K. Newkirk, northern
California's "Clear Lake has many underground caverns [leading under Mt.
Konocti?] that we know have no endings and others that run to San
Francisco Bay." source: AMAZING STORIES;
This statement, "Clear Lake, being the oldest lake in North
America, is much older than Mt. Konocti" is unreferenced and
almost certainly wrong. I should probably just delete it, but I'll
leave it for a couple of days in case someone has a reference in
support of this claim. Thanks.
Seattle Skier 06:55, 3 March 2007 (UTC)
- How's this for a reference?
Says the Clear Lake basin may be 2 to 3 million years old.
- And this?
See page 6. Also see page 24: USGS core samples give a verified
age of 480,000 years for Clear Lake. Whereas Konocti last
erupted about 10,000 years ago.
- Maybe I should also re-insert something about Konocti's
notorious internal cavern. It is one of the real mysteries about
the mountain, which is riddled with caves that have either
collapsed or been filled in for safety reasons. There is a
serious, ongoing attempt to excavate a tunnel and connect with
the main magma chamber. Supposedly it might be the largest
vertical cavern on Earth (although it is probably partly filled
with water). A lot of local people are convinced it exists--it's
just damned difficult to reach.
- I LIVE IN LAKEPORT. I can see Konocti out my kitchen
window. And I've done a lot of reading about Clear Lake's
history. Would you like to tell me I'm wrong?
- --Eric
Barbour 08:49, 9 March 2007 (UTC)
CALIFORNIA, EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE - The "Haystack" bluff or butte near
the launch area reportedly holds underground levels and surface pylons
where pulse beam and stealth research is being carried out. Haystack Butte
is reportedly the central hub of massive underground activity, with
underground connections to other facilities. Witnesses who have described
alien activity there have died under mysterious circumstances. Also
reports of a 50 mile underground tube-shuttle linking Edwards AFB with the
Tahachapi facility, and an ongoing excavation below the base down past
9000 feet, with underground facilities being monitored by hovering
remote-controlled basketball sized metallic spheres capable of
electromagnetically monitoring the encephalographic waves of base workers
and visitors and thus anticipate their intents. source: B.S.R.F.
Newsletter, Dec. 1990; The LEADING EDGE Newsletter, May 1989;
William F. Hamilton, III
Edwards AFB
CALIFORNIA, EL PASO MOUNTAINS - Below Iron canyon and Gofer, NW of
Garlock [over a dozen miles north of Mojave, California near the El Paso
Mountains], there have been reports of alien beings who control deadly "manchines"
which stalk the surface, especially near Iron canyon, at night. Also
reports of secret government monitoring activity and also a major
electromagnetic 'vortex' energy field in the area. source: UFO ANNUAL
magazine [year uncertain];
Garlock Fault Zone - El Paso Mts.
CALIFORNIA, ESSEX - Jack Mitchell, founder of Mitchell Caverns [18
miles north of Essex, which is 28 miles west of Needles and 111 miles east
of Barstow on Route 66] claimed that while exploring a shaft called "The
Cave of the Winding Stair" in or near Mitchell Caverns, he was lowered
down a ledge 500 feet, from where he set fire to a gasoline soaked sock
with a rock in it, and watched it disappear into the shaft without seeing
it hit anything. source: CAVEMAN, the autobiography of Jack Mitchell;
Mitchell Caverns
CALIFORNIA, HELENDALE - SW of Barstow. A Lockheed facility known as the
RCS [Radar Cross Section] test range, and also known as the "Helendale"
facility. A massive underground base site and C.O.G. [Continuity Of
Government] facility, located 6 miles north of Helendale auxiliary
airport. Several underground openings, especially in the northern end.
Also a 100 foot pylon for testing antigravity prototypes. Some of these
pylons are retractable and rise from or sink into openings in the ground.
source: HUFON REPORT, Nov. 1992;
Helendale Facility
CALIFORNIA, BETWEEN HOPLAND & LAKEPORT - Edward John spoke of an area
midway between the two cities [in the area of the Krishna temple] and
somewhat south, where the following has been reported: space-time
distortions, attempted attacks by alien creatures at night, an atmosphere
of terror covering a 30 mile area, black automobiles disappearing into
cliffs, strange voices in an unknown language coming out of thin air, cars
mysteriously stalling and starting, rumors of a "bottomless cave" with a
stone staircase leading downward, unexplained disappearances of
"government vehicles" along the Hopland - Lakeport road, and mysterious
deaths among residents of a nearby valley. Also a 1990 magnetic survey
identified a large gap in the magnetic field near Lakeport and Mt. Konocti,
suggesting a large cavernous expanse below. source: Amazing Stories
magazine, May 1946,
Route from Hopland[*star] to Lakeport
CALIFORNIA, JUNE LAKE - Jack Peterson reported an encounter near June
Lake where he reportedly observed a small humanoid being exiting from a
cone-shaped machine which had emerged from the depths of the earth, and
which disappeared into the earth after the "alien" had re-entered the
craft. source:
SHAVERTRON, issue No.14;
June Lake, California
CALIFORNIA, LANCASTER - A collaboration between Northrup, McDonnel-Douglas
and Lockheed is developing and testing antigravity air and/or space craft
in massive underground facilities. Abductees report being taken to these
elaborate multi-billion dollar underground complexes where they have seen
human military personnel working with grey aliens and in some cases
reptilian humanoids. Glowing discs, triangles, boomerangs, elongated
shapes, spheres and other types of antigravity craft have been seen flying
or hovering in the area, as well as black unmarked helicopters. source:
Michael Lindemann
LANDERS. About a dozen miles north of Yucca Valley is Giant Rock, thought
to be the largest free-standing boulder in the world. It covers 5800 sq.
ft. and is 7 stories high. It was used in ancient times for seances by
native American chiefs. Frank Critzer was the first modern individual to
excavate rooms from beneath Giant Rock. According to Hank Krastman, Frank
stated that in the process of his excavations he "had stumbled onto some
unusual glass-lined tunnels under ground which went down real deep".
Critzer hollowed out 400 square feet of rooms from under the north side.
Deputies from Riverside county [Giant Rock is in San Bernardino county]
during WWII tried to apprehend Frank for questioning as a possible German
spy [there were several in the area at the time] but when Frank baracaded
himself in his "home" the deputies threw in a tear gas grenade, which
ignited a pile of dynamite under his table that was used for excavation.
The deep "glass" tunnels may have been buried in that explosion. Frank was
killed, and newspapers held with the spy story even though the FBI told
George Van Tassel it was not true. George restored some of the rooms under
the rock, where he claimed to have had meetings with human ET's who
claimed to be members of a Sol-ar system Tribunal on one of the moons of
Saturn. Van Tassel was instructed to build the domed "Integratron" near
the Giant Rock, with the belief that the weight of the rock pressing down
on the sand-quartz below created an electromagnetic field similar to the
one created about 7 feet above the apex of the Great pyramid, generated by
the massive weight pressing down on the quartz-laden stones. After George
passed away the "government" blew up the underground chamber. source:
INTERNATIONAL UFO Magazine, article by
Giant Rock & the Integratron
CALIFORNIA, MT. LASSEN - Two young men reported the discovery of a
glazed tunnel behind an outcropping of rock at about the 7500 ft. level on
the slopes of Mt. Lassen. They explored the cavern using a strange tunnel
vehicle and were captured by men dressed as surface people who were known
as the "horlocks", humans under the total mind-control of some alien
force, only to be rescued by an underground resistance force. Others have
reported abductions near Lassen by a human - reptilian collaboration.
source: AMAZING STORIES magazine. Dec. 1946. Mt. Lassen
National Park (See full length article above)
CALIFORNIA, LLANO - A large McDonnel-Douglass facility based at the old
Grey Butte Airport, about 6 miles SW of El Mirage dry lake and 9 miles NE
of Llano. Also contains pylons upon which various aerodynamic hulls are
placed for stealth and other design tests. Often the objects atop the
pylons have been seen to glow at various intensities. source: HUFON
REPORT. NOV. 1992;
Map of Llano, California;
the Yano [sic/i.e. Llano] Facility & Aliens
CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES - On Feb. 12, 1953, witnesses observed an
automobile enter the throat of a storm drain near Willowbrook and
Greenleaf Avenues. Police followed the fresh tire-tred marks into the
tunnel for 7 miles, while other police & flood control workers continued
the search by dropping through manhole covers. The search continued until
midnight, until 7 miles up the drain the tracks VANISHED. "In the muddy
silt covering the floor of the drain, the tire-tred marks were sharp and
fresh... then no more tracks." source:
CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES - A legendary underground city, now flooded, is
said to lie below the Los Angeles Public Library and surrounding areas.
Patterned after the shape of a lizard, the city is said to be connected to
Mt. Shasta, and was built by an ancient race that revered reptiles.
Although filled with gold, parts of the ancient city has become flooded.
source: QUEST FOR THE LOST CITY, article by Sanford M. Cleveland in
AMAZING STORIES magazine, July 1947; see also
CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES - In the old Spanish Garavanza district, where
Avenue 64 and York Boulevard now lie, there used to be a ranch owned by
Ralph Rodgers who had employed several Mexican and Chinese workers. In
early 1900 Andrew C. Smith and Charles A. Elder, discovered a rumored
tunnel entrance in the area and reported it to the local newspaper, whose
editor confirmed their story. They explored the tunnel to some depth. They
also learned from a Mexican elder of a native American village that
existed on the banks of the Arroyo Seco River. When the Spanish entered
the area this man, Juan Dominquez, had explored the tunnel "leading to a
gigantic cave and then still going further down", spreading under the
entire village of Garavanza and connecting to the Spanish Church of the
Angels on North Avenue 64. One entrance was reportedly located along the
west bluff of Arroyo Seco River about 300 feet south of the former
Pasadena Ave. Rail Bridge, and about 20 feet above the stream, but the
city "blew up" the entrance after children were hurt in the cave, and a
Freeway exists now in the area, however a secret opening still exists in
the basement of the Spanish church mentioned above. Early visitors to the
cave had reported "many caverns and tunnels going deep down, with eerie
voices coming from them." The cave used to be used by natives for ritual
purposes. source: Article by
Krastman in THE HOLLOW HASSLE INSIDER, Vol.3, No.1;
Church of the Angels - Los Angeles
CALIFORNIA, MOJAVE - Stories of underground pits and shafts [some
natural, others artificial mine-shafts] leading to underground caverns
below Iron Canyon near the El Paso Mts. NE of Mojave. Reports of
underground alien activity, automatons, and electromagnetic vortexes, all
of which are carefully monitored by secret government agents. source:
Garlock - El Paso Mts. region; [see also: CALIFORNIA, EL PASO
CALIFORNIA, MT. SHASTA - A joint Reptilian - grey alien base.
Mt. Shasta in Northern California
(mysterious lights seen from mid-mountain on many evenings.)
Contactee Maurice Doreal may add something new to all of
this, with his claim that he was invited -- by two "blond men" who
attended one of his lectures -- into an ancient neo-Mayan city under Mt.
Shasta, California called Telos [interesting enough, "Telos" is also a
Greek word meaning "uttermost" or "purpose"]. During later contacts Doreal
was shown some ancient 'holographic' libraries beneath the Himalayas, and
holographic records of a technically-advanced race of tall, blond and
blue-eyed humans who ruled a vast empire where the Gobi desert now lies.
These 'Nordics' were at war with a race of reptilian or neo-saurian
humanoids -- velociraptor type humanoids, possibly the result of ancient
genetic engineering gone out of control? -- based on what at the time was
the semi-tropical continent of Antarctica. The 'Nordics' literally drove
the reptilian humanoids off the face of the earth, the reptiloids taking
refuge in vast underground cavern systems [possibly akin to "Snakeworld",
"Patala" or "Nagaloka" with it's reptilian capital "Bhoga-vita" -- which
is according to Hindu tradition part of a seven leveled subterranean realm
stretching from Benares India to Lake Manosarowar Tibet, and inhabited by
deadly reptilian humanoids called the 'Nagas']. There they developed a
hive-like society in order to advanced their occult-technology.
The unusual thing however according to Doreal was that many of the
reptilians could, chameleon-like, masquerade as humans and they used this
ability to infiltrate human society and commit acts of sabotage. Many of
these were detected and executed, and the ancients used an unusual method
to root them out. It seemed as if the reptilian tongue could not pronounce
the word "KIN-IN-I-GIN". If a suspected reptilian infiltrator was cornered
and could not bring itself to pronouncing the words, they were taken and
if proven to be reptilian they were dealt with accordingly.
CALIFORNIA, NEVADA CITY - The Mayflower mine east of the city contained
a long tunnel from which strange noises often known to emerge, and also
reports of "devils" being sighted in the nearby Murchie mine. source:
Article by Wayland D. Hand in CALIFORNIA FOLKLORE QUARTERLY, April, 1942;
Nevada City California Historical Society
CALIFORNIA, OAKVILLE - Just east of Santa Rosa, there is a secret
government facility that has been constructed near the Oakville Grade,
which will reportedly consolidate many of the C.O.G. [Continuity Of
Government] operations of the Military-Industrial Complex. Black "mystery
helicopters" have been seen leaving and entering the facility on a
constant basis. source: Several issues of the
CALIFORNIA, PALMDALE - Reports of a multi-layered technology center
over 8 levels in depth and the size of a massive city. Many of the workers
being "synthetics" and humans with "ultra top secret" security clearances.
source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, July 7, 1992;
The Skunk Works - Palmdale
CALIFORNIA, QUINCY - Cossette Willoughby tells about an experience that
she and her husband Ken had while staying at a turnout about 20 miles from
Quincy, in a heavily wooded area. She saw an "old man" with white hair,
white shirt and dark trousers who "swung his head from side to side like a
lizard as he walked, he had a reptilian appearance [and] carried a very
elaborate cane [with] a large ball carved on top with four cobras wound
around the stick." When she tried to get his attention the "man" ignored
her, walking across the road from one patch of woods to another, in an
area where the turnout was the closest sign of civilization for several
miles around. source: Cossette Willoughby of Fairacres, New Mexico;
Quincy, California map
CALIFORNIA, SALTON SEA - Mountains adjacent to the Salton sea of S.
California have been the site of reports of subterranean rock slides, and
also legends concerning the ancient "seven caves" of the Aztecs which some
believe lie below the area. source: Penny Harper;
Salton Sea Naval facility
CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO - The COMTRAPAC submarine base reportedly
maintains several underground levels. The 6th sub-level containing a
terminal to a sub-shuttle transit system capable of subterraneous hi-speed
transit to other U.S. underground bases as far away as Washington D.C.
UFO JOURNAL OF FACTS, Spring, 1991 [a MUFON research journal], article
by Forest Crawford of Illinois-Missouri MUFON;
Diego Sub-Base
CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO - There is a report of a demolition crew who,
several years ago, broke into a subterranean tunnel while demolishing a
building. Workers followed the tunnel for a while until they came face to
face with hair animal-men whose eyes reflected their lights back at them
with a reddish glow. source: NEW ATLANTEAN JOURNAL[?]; a
Related Site?;
the Tunnels of San Francisco
CALIFORNIA, TEHACHAPI MTS. [NW of Los Angeles] - Several accounts
suggest that the military-industrial complex had entered in to a
collaboration with a parasitical alien race. In exchange for advanced
technology the industrialists have allowed the aliens to have access to
the multi-trillion dollar military-industrial underground network in order
to carry out "genetic experiments" on earth. Those who received the new
"Trojan horse" technology also received major alien mind-control
programming, and as a result the underground networks are quickly being
assimilated by the alien collective, effectively controlling the minds of
those earth people who pose the greatest threat to alien imperialism, i.e.
those who have access to interplanetary technology. Tehachapi is also
called the "Anthill", there are open silos where laser light systems are
tested and hovering basket-ball sized cosmodrones or "spybees" monitor all
activity above and below ground, where "ground-scrapers" descend at least
2 miles and 42 sub-levels, connecting to other facilities via tunnels and
mag-lev shuttles and also to more ancient alien cavern domains [natural
and artificial] deep beneath the earth. There are also reportedly cloned
humans with cybernetic minds and assimilated reptilian/alien DNA which
work in these facilities known as the 'Orange' because of their 'stalky'
yellowish or reddish hair, along with Grey aliens, Reptiloids, Military
Industrial Black Ops, and others. This site is also known as the Tejon or
Tahachapi "Ranch", and is located at the mouth of Little Oak Canyon, about
25 miles NW of Lancaster. It is partially powered by the Kern River
hydroelectric project, where there is also a mountain that has been
"hollowed out". One can reportedly drive underground [with required
security clearance] from California City to Palmdale to George
AFB/Victorville through underground cities and tunnels where aliens have
been seen "all over the place", having free access to the underground
network, yet these aliens have been known to abduct or even kill some who
have reported their presence there, because the aliens operate "inside our
government" [via the Military-Industrial Trojan horse which operates
largely outside of Congressional oversight] and do not want their
subversive activities to be discovered by the masses or by more benevolent
space forces who are at war with these "regressive" alien forces. These
regressive aliens attempt to create a facade of benevolence towards those
"programmed" humans who work in the underground facilities, or use fear
and intimidation towards those who are aware of their true intentions.
Reports of abductions and dissections of humans abound, reportedly with
the purpose of "finding our weaknesses and learning how to control us"
through controlling the social infrastructure upon which most have become
dependent. source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, July, 1992; Val Valerian;
Michael Lindemann; "High Strangeness in the Antelope Valley", article by
William F. Hamilton III;
research findings from William F. Hamilton III
CALIFORNIA, YUCCA MOUNTAIN - Reports of underground tunnels descending
several miles beneath the mountain. source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, July 7,
1992; the
Los Alamos Labs - Yucca Mountain Project
CANADA, ONTARIO - Alfred Scadding of Toronto, the sole survivor of the
1936 Moose River Mine disaster, insisted that right before the disaster
occurred he saw a light swinging 2 feet above the ground in a side-shaft
where no one else was supposed to be, and following the collapse he and
Dr. Eddie Robinson [who did not survive until rescue] heard for the space
of 24 hours the sounds of shouting and laughter, "as of little people
having fun". source:
magazine , Sept. 1956
CALIFORNIA, SANTA ROSA - Underground FEMA facility. source:
Richard Sauder
From Stewart Swerdlow at www,stewartswerdlow.com
Stewart also tells me there´s a reptilian nest under Banff,
Alberta in the Canadian Rocky mountains.
"Ankhor Kell Cambodia I've heard that we sent soldiers there to
investigate rumors of an ancient city during the Vietnam war and lost
contact. the first unit was a normal unit. other units were sent after
the war they were omega and special forces and they too were lost. the
last group we sent was in 1986 and they disappeared also. the first few
times I can understand soldiers being captured. but after so many times,
that story gets kinda old... what was going on there that was so
mysterious or secret. this wasn't just to find POWs was it? was this
more than an ancient city mystery?
Stewart´s Reply: You are correct. This area is a known reptilian nest,
only a very aggressive one that is waiting for the return of the
original Dracos which has now occurred. All those who were sent were
captured, and probably eaten!
I’ve read about a huge underground base built and in operation by the
shadow government, under Denver’s airport. Unless it (and any of the
other 100 plus underground US bases already operating, is being used to
house large numbers of aliens) why was it built and what activities take
place there?
Stewart´s Reply: Yes, this base contains enough concrete to build a
six lane highway from Denver to Chicago. It was built as preparation for
Denver being the Western District Capitol of the US. It is currently
used as a staging area to other Western bases. It connects to the inner
Earth and Reptilian nests. In the near future, it will house US citizens
who dissent from the NWO.
Hello Stewart, concerning the Big Thicket in Texas, this area has been
known to have bigfoot wildman. ghost lites [I call them plasma balls,
and these plasma balls do have intelligence and have been known to chase
cars etc. is this place near a vortex grid of some kind. indians were
known to have stayed away from this area and never settled there.. Do
these plasma balls have a relationship or working with bigfoot in
anyway... ive heard many talk about this area .. what do you know about
this area...
Stewart´s Reply: That is the Marfa area of West Texas. This area sits on
top of a Reptilian nest.
It seems like there would have to be a number of openings into the inner
earth needing blocking for the troops to still be bombing caves after
"victory" and the announcement that Osama is now probably in Pakistan.
Just today on the national news there was a story that a 40 acre
underground Al Quaida compound was destroyed. Didn’t they really mean a
40 acre opening leading to a huge reptilian nest? What is the likelihood
that the strategies for "winning" this war against terrorism includes
killing of as many Reptilian "terrorist" outposts by the ruling Hybrids
as it includes the destruction of out-gunned Arab "militia" peasants?
Where are the questions by the press wanting answers as to why there is
an obsession with bombing caves when the war is now "over" in
Stewart´s Reply: All is for show. Osama is long gone from the area
and is probably in Africa. Iraq should be next.
For several years I’ve been drawn to visit Montana and Wyoming because
of the natural beauty of the area, but now I am wondering if there is a
Reptilian nest in the area. I know Elizabeth Claire Prophet’s ranch is
in that area and that she was probably controlled by the NWO. –Daniel
Stewart´s Reply: If you knew what was going on underneath Montana and
Wyoming, you would not be so enamored of it. You can visit but don’t
stay for long. Yes, there are many Reptilian underground areas there
This is a follow-up question to your answer regarding Montana/Wyoming.
What areas of the US are the least appealing to Reptilian nesting? I
think it’s important to know where are the areas of least likely for
Stewart´s Reply: Areas of least reptilian activity are the upper
Midwest, coastal middle Atlantic, and most of Alaska. They don’t like
flat or cold areas.
In an archived question/answer posted on 01/19/02, Stewart had replied
to an inquiry about the best places to live in the US. His response was
"no place is any better or worse. In the US, stay away from larger
cities if you can". Why is that? For the past year, I´ve been residing
in Tucson, Arizona which is basically out in the middle of nowhere
(coming from San Francisco Bay Area, it´s a drastic change).
Stewart´s answer somewhat surprised me, since I would think it
would be somewhat easier to control the masses in a medium sized metro
area than the Bay Area? I could be mistaken.
Also, I´ve noticed here in Tucson a lot of reptilian imagery. For
example, one of the Mc Donald´s restaurants in my neighborhood has a
big, hungry-looking dinosaur replica (at least 10 feet tall) on its
grounds. As well as a painting mural on the side of a floral shop
depicting a "happy" reptile, dressed in a business suit picking up
daisies. I never saw anything like that in Silicon Valley.
Stewart´s Reply: The larger cities will have a dominant military
presence and stricter enforcements for the population. Therefore, it
will be more difficult to live in them. Tucson is close to underground
reptilian "nests" so you would see more reference to reptiles there in
order to desensitize the locals to anything they might see.Glad you like
the site.
Can you tell me what´s going on in the Central Valley of California, ie
(Fresno, Modesto, Madera). In the last few years we have had several
high profile murders where ´rituals´ were involved. I am a Fresno
resident and our community is shocked by the latest ´ritualistic murder´
to hit our area. There have been rumors around town for the last 20
years that a large coven of Witches used to live on the San Joaquin
River and practiced their ´craft´ by sacrificing infants and animals to
their deity of choice. As our town grew out towards the river and
residential development forced the coven to leave, many believe that the
some of the ´witches´ migrated north (Modesto / Merced) along the river,
while other´s made their way into town. There is a lake called Lost Lake
that is about 10 miles north of the city and sits at the bottom of the
Friant Dam; many people think that Lost Lake is a cursed lake as many
people ha!ve drown there, as well as bodies being discovered in the
lake. Lost Lake feeds directly into the Fresno portion of the San
Joaquin river. And many of the rumored ritual sacrifices occurred at or
near Lost Lake. Any info?
NOTE: A great number of Reptilian shapeshifters, posing as
Christians on Sundays, in and around Chowchilla, CA, are actually
Satanists in private, and conduct ceremonies on the full moon where
during the rituals, their Reptilian hosts take over and consume human
infants who are born just for the sacrifice, and/or human blood. They
meet in old secluded farm houses and caves. These human/ Reptilian
shapeshifters are bankers, politicians, policeman, etc. They live in a
wide ranging area of California, and the young girls, as young as 11
through 16 are forced to participate in the ceremonies and secret
meetings at the Bohemian Grove meetings where high ranking politicians
and businessmen attend every year. These girls, unfortunately have
been abused since infancy and have multiple personalities which is their
own body's attempt to remain sane during this horrific childhood.
"Up to a few months ago, our knowledge of
Bohemian Grove, the exclusive elitist
... (Scores of men
work in the
Bohemian Grove as servants so this party is
Just so you don't think that this is a California phenomenon -
there are groups like this meeting all over the world, as well as up and
down the West coast of America and the Southwest area of the U.S.
See: Cathy O'Brien
Our only official
David Icke Youtube channel can be found at
- any other Youtube site claiming to be
David or run by this website
Vicki Polin talks about her jewish
satanic ritual abuse upbringing.
Satanic Rituals Performed by Austan Goolsby, Bush,
Schwarzman Kerry
Cult ...
Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) can be defined as the
psychological, sexual,
... It may be of interest to some to note the
reptilian nature of demonic spirits.
.... (When working
with a
survivor it might help to identify what decade the
.... The
satanic cults will hide their alters which make money
for the
cult ...
The High Council of 13 where Satan is worshipped is
a 3-day ritual starting on Halloween held at a Christian church in New
York City. A blonde televangelist from Iron Butterfly with long
blonde hair plays the part of Satan in the ritual. Druidism
ceremonies are highly used prior to Christmas. The Christmas tree
is a phallic symbol, and Jon Benet Ramsey played the part of the little
girl who hung the last bulb on the tree which was a Pagan ceremony.
Specific names mentioned in this video are:
In the United States: Jon Benet Ramsey and her parents, (Jon Day
is their name for Satan), that is why she was killed on that day
(Christmas Eve) (see above Christmas tree ceremony). George Bush
I, Madeline Albright, Henry Kissinger, Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan,
Gov. George Deukmejian
of California,
Hillary Clinton (before the presidency),
the two sons of George H.W. Bush I, both George H. Bush II and Jeb Bush,
Jay Rockefeller, Newt Gingrich, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Lyndon
Johnson, Dr. Joseph Mengele.,
In Europe: The
Queen Mother, Princess Margaret, Prince Charles, the Queen, President of
France after DeGaule, (François Maurice Adrien Marie
Mitterrand), the Rothschilds,
Dr. Barrington (who is a Rothschild) , Baron Igida Rothschild), Sherman
Oaks is one of the locations where programming is done, The Marquis De
Libero, he is the one in power, Tony Blair, Prince Phillip, (they are
all cold blooded and would kill at the drop of a hat in their Reptilian
shapeshifter bodies) , Zechariah Sitchin, (his job is a disinformer) Sir
Laurence Gardiner, Stonehenge, Balmoral Castle, Glannis Castle,
Westminster Abbey, Mothers of Darkness Castle in Brussels, Belgium,
Pindar (De Libero) as a castle in the Alsace France, there is a cave
under the castle of natural rock. The rocks actually glow green.
Small Reptilians are kept down there as pets, and Reptilian eggs are
kept there incubating. Before Charles was married to Princess
Diana, Bowles had the Prince's baby and the baby was presented as a
ritual sacrifice at a ceremony - as the first born - so they could
eventually. marry. Fayad was mentioned as being there
and talked to the Queen whom they call the Black Queen. Doty was
mentioned in that conversation at Balmoral Castle. (Princess Diana
was never part of this group but the discussion was about Princess Diana
possibly to marry Doty) They had also been at the Mother of
Darkness Chateau in Brussels discussing the same subject after she
married Charles. The Queen Mother had a malevelance toward Diana.
All of them drank human blood and ate human flesh from goblets encrusted
with jewels. The blood is stirred with a ritual knife which
represents the phallis. The Queen Mother has a throne at these
rituals. They all wear robes with no clothing beneath. The robes
are very ornate, red color like blood, and some wear purple. The
Merovingian symbol fleur de lis is sewn onto these robes. The
robes are worn so when they shapeshift into Reptilians, regular clothing
would not be large enough for the huge bodies they become as Reptilians.
The Queen Mother was said to be very cold and cruel - she is cold
blooded. She will not speak to recognize anyone who tries to be higher
in status as herself, and enjoys eating human flesh. The only
person she is afraid of is Pindar. The Reptilians live a
very long time and they need more than one body to use, so one when of
the hosts die, they move on to another body. The Queen Mother,
when she shapeshifts, the nose portion becomes very much longer as a
snout and gets sharp teeth and long tongue, and the tongue is hairy and
has projections on it, and on their hands and feet, they have claws, and
their skin is scaly, that overlays each other. The back and head
have protrusions on them. The back on some of them have appendages
on their back which are kept folded. (wings?) They also have
a tail which is usually curled and can whip around when they are
agitated, and they also hiss. The Queen Mother's Reptilian form is
beige on the underside, and has dark brown speckles on its body - the
eyes are very round and protrude - from beige to gold, and dark green,
and have a dark vertical slit in the center, and the eyes become hooded
when they are about to do something. The size are around 7 feet
tall, some taller, and some shorter. The Queen herself is darker in
color all over - and not so much freckling, she also has the lumps
around her head and down her back and spine.
Charles resembles in both ways as human and
Reptilian form Pindar though he is shorter than Pindar. His snout
is equally large. He also has the protrusions on the skull above
the ears. He may actually be Pindar's son.
When they start to shapeshift, at the smell of the
blood. When the sacrifice is not happening fast enough, they step
in and hasten the process and start tearing the throat out of the child,
and drink the blood right from the jugular vein. They also eat the
contents of the stomach and internal organs. The Queen Mother,
Prince Phillip, Prince Charles are the ones who do this the most - the
royals are the ones who have this kind of power.
The time in the Reptilian form is easy to
accomplish, and when the scent of blood is around, they can't hold human
Diana was a ritual sacrifice because she was named
for the goddess Diana, and she was named this before birth. She
served her purpose by giving birth to her two sons, even though she
never went to a ritual, she couldn't be trusted to keep her silence
about what was going on.
When these people sleep, they sometimes shapeshift
into Reptilians, and Diana saw the Queen do this. When Princess
Diana had her menstrual period, the scent of blood would cause the
human/Reptilian to shapeshift.
August 13th is the ceremony of the goddess Hecate,
and numbers are mirrored in this sect, so 13 becomes 31. Goddess
Isis is 18 and the mirror is 81. Nepthys (81) is the sister of
Isis, and considered the evil goddess. Hecate (Diana) was sacrificed and
three people died and represented the picture of Isis, Horus,
Osiris (the triad and the infant was Horus). Princess Diana died
on August 31st. The place she died was the place where the Goddess
Diana's passage was honored and she died against pillar 13.
Princess Diana was three months pregnant, and
pregnancies in utero are taken to be sacrificed at 3 months, 5 months,
and 7 months, therefore Princess Diana had to be sacrificed before her
pregnancy by Doty was seen.
Princess Diana was said to have multiple
personalities thus she wouldn't know everything that was going on around
her because she would have missing time during the times she wasn't
aware of her circumstances. (Prince William is most likely the son
of Pindar and she did not realize that) (Notice how different her
other son looks)
Baron Rothschild (Pindar) was in the tunnel that
night - this was about taking her soul which only he could do. It
is done with the hypnotic stare and drawing in the breath and did the
ritual murder of her. The doctor on the scene arrived in less than
a moment and the ambulance that arrived was in on this ritual sacrifice.
Her body died in that tunnel and the essence of the unborn child was
taken as well. The uterus and fetus was taken also, and the body
would be consumed by high ranking members of the Illuminati.
The year 2,000 was the year of the rebirth of Horus
and the sacrifice had to occur at that year and time.
Princess was buried on an island in a pond with 4
black swans swimming around the island. 4 black swans are the 4
directions, the 4 seasons - and seal something for all eternity in
Celtic mythology. Black is the color of Hecate (Diana)- called
Black flame or Black Star - which means 'unto death'.
Her brother Earl Spencer has been seen at rituals,
so she was part of the bloodline as well. Her father was also present at
rituals. Her behavior (cutting herself, being bulemic) are signs
that she was mind-controlled from birth. She had DID (Dissociative
Identity Disorder) Programs can be inserted into these people at any
time and the person never knows it.
Onri Paul, the driver of the car disappeared for
three hours the night of the accident. He was most likely drugged and
programmed to crash the car into the 13th pillar. If he was also a
mind-controlled person, it could easily have been programmed not to feel
the pain and/or booze he is said to have drunk at the hotel. The
mind is easily programmed to do what he did. It is all done on the
subconscious level. He was evidently programmed to do what he did
at a specific trigger signal. The trigger could have been a hand
signal, a handshake, a color, a certain person doing the hand signal or
said something to him.
People would refuse to believe all this, and that
is part of the coverup. Everything about Diana's death had to be
done in the way it was had to happen where and when it happened so her
soul could be taken.
Rothschild family (often referred to simply as the
Rothschilds) is an international banking and finance
dynasty of German Jewish origin that established
Conspiracy related discussion about
PINDAR...........The Lizard King?????????? in the Above
Top Secret website discussion forum Ancient & Lost
Stewart´s Reply to previous question: : Your area sits over a large
reptilian nest that reaches up to Mt. Shasta and down to the Mojave.
There are many ritual locations in this vast stretch. Modesto and Fresno
have been test cities in California for mind-control experiments since
the mid 70s sponsored by Berkeley and The Presidio in San Francisco. In
the last 3 years, there have been major activations and lots of
sacrificial rituals.
What is the area known as the zone of silence in Mexico about?
atmospheric disturbances sapping radio waves, strange sightings etc?
what is in this area we don't know about?
Stewart´s Reply: This area is above a gigantic underground reptilian
nest that has been there for thousands of years. It has now been
activated since the Hale-Bopp Comet deposited its craft behind the dark
side of the moon.
I heard a news story yesterday that there is a planned proposal to
re-name the Burbank Airport to The Bob Hope Airport. I remember in a
past seminar that you said there was a large reptilian nest underneath
this airport. Does this new name change have anything to do with this?
There is already a John Wayne Airport in Southern California. Will all
the regional airports get named after entertainers? Just wondering...
Marie North Hollywood, CA
Stewart´s Reply: Most major airports are named for famous programming
icons or major handlers/ controllers. It helps to reinforce the
programming as well as be used as ritual sites. I guess there will never
be a Stewart Swerdlow International!
My wife who is from Thailand has been following the Thailand Fireball
mystery story. I was able to find the English translation below. I know
that you are familiar with that part of the world an may find it
interesting, let me know if you know anything about it as my wife would
be very interested.
Fireballs are no mystery after all
Posted on Sunday, 12 October 2003, 11: 10 GMT
Recently fireballs have been seen at night near the Mekong River. The
mystery behind the appearance of these "Naga fireballs" on the Mekong
River has been finally solved, and it is a natural occurrence, the
Science Ministry said yesterday. The phenomenon is caused by flammable
phosphine gas, the ministry said. The ministry launched a scientific
expedition on Friday to measure and observe the annual manifestation in
Nong Khai province. A thermo-scanner was set up near the riverbank and
specialists were stationed at various points along the river, including
at the Temple where thousands of curious spectators had seen the event.
The Naga fireballs appear annually at the end of Buddhist Lent, leading
many to believe it is not the result of natural causes but something
more mystical. But the equipment picked up the movement of the gas,
floating off the water surface, before people could catch with their
eyes the glowing orange bubbles igniting into fireballs. Fireballs have
been sighted at various times throughout the year in the Mekong and
nearby areas with a high concentration of phosphine, he said. (Source:
The Nation)
Stewart´s Reply: These occur in many parts of the world. However, most
of these areas are over reptilian nests. If the scientific explanation
were true, people would have been burned by these fireballs over the
centuries. These are created by the entry into the physical plane from
the astral plane of energies that are non-human.
CANADA, KANATA - Kanata, just west of Ottawa, Canada is reportedly the
location of an alien projects test center. Huge facilities for U.S. and
Canadian military corps, the research center provides projects and storage
for Area-51 or Dreamland. This site is also involved in an ongoing battle
with an alien collective that has succeeded in infiltrating much of the
governmental/military complex via sell-out by Industrialist, Fraternal and
Intelligence agencies. Some joint US/Canadian forces are apparently
resisting the takeover - infiltration - assimilation on the one hand and
attempting to buy time via further appeasement on the other in order to
develop defensive technology. However in making technology deals or
attempts to appease the alien collective they have only succeeded in being
drawn deeper into their system of occult - technological control, since
they are able only to develop technological and intellectual parity at
most in that the technology and intellect of the aliens, combined with
their mastership of sorcery and supernatural warfare, has made the battle
futile except for those who have succeeded in acquiring the supernatural
power directly from the Creator that is necessary to meet and defeat the
aliens in the supernatural realm, and in turn the intellectual and
technological infrastructure of the alien collective which is incarnated -
motivated - empowered & organized by Luciferian entities behind the
scenes... i.e. in this war the chaplain is of equal if not greater value
than the general, considering the aliens attack humankind on the spiritual
- mental - physical levels simultaneously via advanced techno sorcery.
source: confidential;
Hi Tech Companies - Kanata
CANADA, SCHEFFERVILLE - A deep iron-mine near the Quebec-Newfoundland
border has been the site of unusual disappearances. Three men who visited
the mine discovered an automatic door in the rock which led to an
underground alien system of tunnels, chambers and strange machines. In one
chamber they saw a disc-like craft sitting on a platform, part of which
became transparent revealing the inner mechanisms. Also in this same
chamber a diminutive human like being appeared on a view-screen and gave a
speech stating that they meant no harm and condemning those "picayunish
deceivers" on the surface who would demonize the inhabitants of the inner
world and their intentions. The three men then fell unconscious when an
energy field illuminated the room, ad awoke outside of the mine. Shortly
thereafter two of the young men reportedly died of radiation poisoning,
and the remaining survivor's notebook about the incident mysteriously
spontaneously combusted into ashes. source: THE SUBTERRANEAN WORLD, by
Timothy Green Beckley
CANADA, SOUTHERN - Cave explorers reportedly entered a cavern in
southern Canada and discovered a perfectly circular polished shaft from
which a "humming" sound emerged, when suddenly the group was attacked by
"strange looking beings/creatures/humanoids" wielding heat-ray weapons.
The only survivor, who was knocked into an alcove, was badly burned, and
came to only to find the rest of his party missing. When a nearby village
heard the story they dynamited the cave entrance shut. source: SPECIAL
REPORT #6, released by THE CRYSTAL BALL Newsletter, Torrence, California;
Canadian Caves
COLORADO, BLANCA PEAK - Mt. Blanca [Massif] is located in the
mysterious San Luis Valley of Colorado, which has been a "hot spot" for
UFO sightings and animal mutilations. Also Southwestern tribes have
legends involving caverns below the Mt. Blanca, San Luis Lakes, and Great
Sand Dunes National Monument region, through which their ancestors
migrated during a time of surface natural disasters before emerging onto
the surface once again. There have been some rumors of an attempted
government attack upon an underground alien [Grey] base beneath Mt.
Blanca, using a deadly nerve agent, which backfired or failed. Blanca peak
is located between Alamosa and Walsenberg. source:
Steven Greer
COLORADO, COLORADO SPRINGS - Cheyenne mountain. Reportedly constructed
in existing caverns that have been expanded, Cheyenne mountain is the
headquarters of the NORth American Aerospace Defense [NORAAD] command
combat operations center. The facility is jointly operated by the U.S. and
Canadian governments. A major commuter and communications nerve center,
and the National Warning Center for FEMA [Federal Emergency Management
Agency]. At least 4.5 acres of subterranean caverns containing 15 steel
buildings and defense systems that track thousands of satellites, all
missile and rocked launches world-wide, submarine movements, etc. source:
UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6;
Richard Sauder
COLORADO, COLORADO SPRINGS - Stories of "underground avalanches" below
Pikes Peak, west of Colorado Springs, suggesting the existence of vast
underground caverns. source: Letter from Howard F. Griffin in THE
SHAVER MYSTERY Magazine, Vol.1, No.2 [1947]
COLORADO, CREED - Reportedly the site of a northern extension of the
Dulce base in NW New Mexico [also Ft. Carson, Delta, and Sleeping Ute Mt.
in the SW corner of Colorado are all reportedly NSA-Alien collaboration
centers where dissident scientists who had protested the abuses being
carried out in the Dulce base are or were being held captive. Also gravity
anomaly maps show a very low gravity field [relatively] near Creed,
suggesting massive caverns below. source: Val Valerian;
Thomas Castello; John Lear
COLORADO, DENVER - Beneath the Denver International Airport east of
Denver - which is filled with Masonic murals and symbolism and rumors of
involvement of German secret societies - there exist several restricted
underground levels, at least 10 sublevels, a 4.5 square mile underground
city and an 88.5 square mile underground base, according to the late Phil
Schneider who helped in the construction of certain portions of this and
several others of the 131 underground New World Order military bases which
are on the average 1 mile deep and connected by magneto-leviton or mag-lev
monorail trains capable of mach-2 speeds. The Denver underground
reportedly harbors vast "containment camps" and fenced in areas deep
underground with barbed wire facing inward as if to keep someone in rather
than out, tunnels and a hi-tech runway and 5 buildings that were
constructed and later buried, tram-like tunnels with sprinkler pipes
overhead at intervals of 5-6 feet, a 40 foot shaft leading to a restricted
area, other workers who had managed to find their way down into the deeper
levels where they saw things so frightening that they refused to talk
about it, reports of negative 'vibrations' in the underground areas,
reports of ghost-like figures, several terraced areas that go down into
the earth, a restricted "bio-hazard" area, and even one report of child
slave labor and unspeakable horrors in the deeper alien controlled levels,
and other signs that this and other airports are being converted into
"relocation" centers for a joint Illuminati-Alien New World Order. source:
Alex Christopher
COLORADO, ELIZABETH - An individual reports on some so-called Atlas
missile silos SE of Elizabeth, now off limits. Near an area with a large
radio antenna and a clam-shell like manhole covers, a man allegedly
witnessed alien grays operating in one of the "silo tunnels". The
informant reportedly "disappears" after hinting of a government-alien
collaboration. source: confidential;
Map of Elizabeth, Colorado
COLORADO, UMCOMPAGHRE MTS. - Somewhere in the Umcompaghre mountains
there is reportedly a [masonic?] "lodge" that is maintained by an occult
society, apparently tied-in with the alternative 2 scenario. The lodge
allegedly conceals an underground tunnel which leads to another "lodge",
and from the second lodge another tunnel descends into the earth to an
"underground city". source: confidential; the
Umcompaghre Plateau
met the late father of a man who once worked in the Dulce, New Mexico
base, who was a part of a failed insurrection that occurred among
scientists who did not agree with the atrocities being carried out by a
military-alien collaboration there. After the "Dulce wars" ended with even
stronger alien consolidation in this and other "joint-interaction" bases,
several surviving scientists\s were taken captive to other outlying
facilities, as was the case with the son of the late Mr. "K" [who John
Lear knew], who was reportedly being held in an underground facility
beneath Sleeping Ute Mountain in the extreme SW corner of Colorado.
source: John Lear;
Sleeping Ute Mountain - Ute Mountain Reservation region
COLORADO, WALSENBERG - A rancher with several acres of land 17 miles
east of Walsenberg experienced unusual animal mutilations on his property,
and also dug a well that broke through to empty space, and which sucked
and blew air according to the rising and falling of the tides.
Investigators from the Colorado School of Mines looked at the shaft,
excitedly suggesting that it may have been connected to a tunnel system
that they had traced from the Gulf of Mexico all the way to Oklahoma.
source: Letter from David Perkins, in THE HOLLOW HASSLE, Vol. 1, No. 2;
Map of area east of Walsenberg, CO
COLORADO, FORT WAYNE - Reportedly the site of a joint-interaction
underground base connected to the Dulce facility of New Mexico via
underground transit tunnels. Also reports that dissident scientists who
once worked at the Dulce base have been held captive in the Ft. Wayne
underground base. Also other who have been held in an underground base
below Sleeping Ute Mt. in the extreme SW corner of Colorado, including the
scientist son of a certain "B.M.". source: Val Valerian [Note: I could
not, using a Profusion search, find a Ft. Wayne, Colorado, only a Ft.
Wayne, Indiana. Could he have meant
Collins, CO where there is reportedly an underground joint interaction
facility tied-in with the Dulce base?
CONNECTICUT, EAST HADDAM - Strange subterranean thundering noise
phenomena has been reported since at least 1729 and even before by
natives, centered near Mt. Tom and especially Cave Hill, 6 miles the NW
near Leesville, where there is a cavern where witches once congregated
that has not been fully penetrated to any great depth because of its 'bad
air'. source: "The Bristol Hum", article by Jon Singer in UFO REVIEW,
issue #9;
Map of Cave Hill & Mt. Tom near Haddam, Moodus & Leesville, CT
CRETE - A legend about Ming Minos of Crete who commissioned his
architect Daedalus to construct a labyrinth so ingeniously devised that
even the builder could not find his way through without a plan. In the
center lived the Minotaur, half-man, half-bull, to whom the Greeks
according to legend sent 7 youths and 7 maidens as a tribute every 9
years, until the warrior Theseus slew the creature and found his way out
again with a ball of thread given to him by Ariadne. source: ON THE SHORES
OF ENDLESS WORLDS, by Andrew Tomas;
Island of Crete, Greece;
The Legend of the Labyrinth
DELAWARE BAY - Richard S. Shaver created a stir in AMAZING STORIES
Magazine from 1945-1950 after sending a ms. to editor Ray Palmer [who
backed Kenneth Arnold's investigation of the 'Maurey Island/Tacoma' UFO
incident which also involved military industrialist agent Fred L. Crisman
-- who later happened to be a close associate of Clay Shaw who Attorney
James Garrison accused of being the Mafia-CIA go-between in the JFK
assassination], Palmer also having publicized Arnold's own sighting of
disc-shaped craft over Mt. Rainier, which became the original source for
the term "flying saucers". Shaver's ms. was originally titled A WARNING TO
FUTURE MAN, until it was embellished and "occultized" by Palmer to
accommodate his metaphysical and science-fiction oriented readership, and
re-named I REMEMBER LEMURIA. Shaver told of his experiences where he would
"hear peoples thoughts" while working on a certain arc welding machine at
an auto plant in Detroit. The "machine" made him sensitive to the
thought-waves of others in the factory, however he claimed that many of
the "voices" or thought-waves what he intercepted did not come from the
factory but emanated from caverns BELOW Detroit involved a warring
subterranean factions known as the dero and the tero, of star-ships,
machines capable of transmitting electronically-enhanced focuced
encephalographic or telepathic beams or rays, and other bizarre and
horrific realities. Shaver also told of how his first visit to "the caves"
occurred when a "hologram" of a young woman led him to a cavern entrance;
also of his second and last physical visit to a hidden cave entrance on
the east coast of Delaware [Bay], via a boat by which he navigated the
water-filled passage for a few miles until reaching a "Tero" city. While
there the "Deros", he claimed, attacked and killed all of his Tero
"friends", but for some reason they left Shaver alive. Shaver left the
cave and never returned to the inner world physically, however he
continued to recieve "thought beams" which claimed to originate from other
"Teros" yet which became increasingly occultic and confusions, suggesting,
according to some, that the "Deros" were manipulating Shaver in order to
bring ridicule to the subject of an underground reality that was on the
verge of becoming public knowledge on the surface. The "Shaver Mystery"
DID however provoke much feedback from others who recounted similar
experiences with the underground realm, however the highly occultic
"messages" that Shaver continued to receive for years afterwards led many
to become entangled in deeply occultic practices and belief systems and
also paranoid schizophrenic behaviors. Who or whatever was manipulating
Shaver's mind apparently succeeded in dragging many people under their
occultic influence. According to Ray Palmer, who stayed overnight at
Shaver's house on on occasion, he heard five separate and distinct voices
one night coming out of Shaver, who was apparently linked to a collective
mind via electro-telepathic waves. The "group" of voices which were being
channeled through Shaver were matter-of-factly discussing the murder and
dismemberment of a woman within "the caves", and one of the "voices" was
stating -- according to Palmer -- that such things should not be taking
place. source:
Richard Shaver, the
founder of
EGYPT, CAIRO - 500 feet below the base of the great pyramid, a secret
team reportedly discovered a metallic door operated via sonic code, behind
which was a room with over 30,000 recording discs and "alien" equipment.
The discs were deciphered and reveal the rise and fall of alien
civilizations. Over 2700 record discs were photographed with infrared film
[the Egyptian government would not allow the discs to be taken from the
chamber], as well as photographs of other strange equipment stored in
three levels. According to an Air Force contact, the photo plates are
sitting in a safe at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. source:
EGYPT, CAIRO - Report of an unexplored tunnel system near Zozer's Step
Pyramid at Memphis-Saqqarah, within the tomb of the Bull, called
"Serapium", which was reportedly sealed by the Egyptian government in
order to keep explorers from being lost in its confusing labyrinth.
source: "Odyssey Into Egypt", by Dr. Earlyne Chaney & Bill Cox, VOICE OF
ASTARA, May 1982 issue. source:
of Serapium;
Astara Report
EGYPT, EL TRINA GABEL[?] - Bill Cox described his visit to the ruins at
Trina Gambel [or the ruins of El Tuna Gabel in the temple of Edfu between
Luxor and Cairo, according to another source], where he observed a large
horizontal shaft in the wall 8 feet above the floor. One of the guides
told him that expeditionary forces several decades before had explored the
passage and had followed the tunnel for several days without finding the
end, having run out of candles, torches and markers, fearing that they
would become lost if they proceeded any further. Some allege that below
the Gizeh plateau is an immense cavern in which the "Black Monks" of the
NSA, Aryan humanoids from Sirius-B, Reptiloids from Alpha Draco, and Greys
from Rigel Orion collaborate as part of the ancient "Kamagol-II Empire"
which was driven underground following their loss of an ancient war
between Orion and Sirius-A over who would control the Egyptian ruling
elite. This cult is not only the one that is supposed to have backed the
Nazi's but has also infiltrated and controls behind the scenes much of the
psionic electromagnetic "Ashtar" network which links the minds of an
untold number of beings throughout the galaxy and beneath the earth into a
single collective mind. The massive Gizeh facility reportedly has
operative connections with the Dulce New Mexico and Pine Gap Australia
bases. source: THE HOLLOW HASSLE Newsletter, Aug. 1, 1981 [Vol.2, No.4];
THE LEADING EDGE magazine; The
Temple at
Astara Report
ENGLAND, LIVERPOOL - A complex maze of underground tunnels underneath
the city. source:
ENGLAND, LONDON - A dark 7 foot tall creature was observed by workers
in London's New Victoria tube line. source: Article in THE PEOPLE
[British], Dec. 1, 1968;
London tube-line map
ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE - In 1770 a laborer moved a large flat stone he
encountered in a field while digging a trench, beneath which he discovered
a descending stone staircase which he followed deep into the earth,
finding that the staircase switch-backed now and then until he emerged
into a large underground chamber several hundred feel below that was
filled with strange objects and large machines and illuminated by a
strange ever-luminous sphere which revealed a man on a throne like chair,
dressed in a hooded robe. The man in the chair saw the intruder and stood
up with a baton like object in his hand as he went over to the luminous
sphere and smashed it, plunging the cavern into darkness, as the laborer
stumbled back up to the surface in surprise and terror. The story spread
that one of the secret chambers where the Rosicrucians hoarded their
scientific secrets had been discovered, i.e. the "Rosicrucius Sepulchre".
ENGLAND, WESTMINSTER - Betty Andreasson speaks of a grey alien which
emerged from a "hole in a mountain" near Westminster, when she was 12
years old. Since that time she had experienced several abductions to an
alien cavern realm beneath the earth, by grey aliens that used
manipulation and deception to get their way. source:
Betty Andreasson
FLORIDA, MIAMI - Underground genetics-breeding
facility with several mature and young girls being held captive by grey
aliens. Used to breed a "hybrid" slave labor race that is intended to
infiltrate surface society and do the bidding of the New World Order,
which is to be ultimately controlled by an alien agenda. source:
Mr. X
FRANCE, MIERS - An underground river discovered
which was followed by explorers for several miles before it plunged deeper
into the depths of the earth.
FRANCE, PARIS - A young female physician tells of a terrifying experience
of being abducted from the bottom of an elevator shaft and taken into
caverns where she was, along with other human females, raped and tortured
by cannibalistic beast-men. A few months later the beast-men were suddenly
attacked and killed by pale skinned humans who wore grey metallic
uniforms. They spoke French with a strange accent, and took the women
survivors to a "medical vehicle" that was parked in a nearby tunnel. She
was later taken back to Paris, being led up through a maze of tunnels that
intersected the Parisian sewers. She learned that the pale skinned men
were connected to a space alliance which is here to observe the coming war
between the surface armies and the beast-men of the caverns who have
acquired ancient technology, which they use against those on the surface
in an effort to satisfy their twisted passions. source:
THIS HOLLOW EARTH, by Warren Smith - "The Messerschmidt Manuscript";
Parisian Catacombs
FRANCE, PARIS - A remarkable
underground cinema was recently discovered beneath Paris.
FRANCE, PRIVAS - A man, while exploring a "well", discovered a deep cavern
with eyeless
fish within it.
FRANCE, SOUTH-WESTERN - A man was found after being lost for several weeks
in an underground cave
in France
GEORGIA - Engineer Rex Ball came upon a network of tunnels in Georgia in
1940, which led to an underground installation manned by Oriental-looking
men in coveralls and a few American military officers. When caught in the
tunnels, an officer issued the curt command: "Make him look like a nut!"
The next thing he recalled was waking up in a field uncertain whether the
experience was real or a dream. source:
GEORGIA, ATLANTA - A major underground Bavarian Illuminati facility
constructed in collaboration with a similar base below the Denver
International Airport. Like the D.I.A. facility, the Atlanta facility is
occupied by the cult of the serpent [human & alien collaborators] and is
"intended" to be used jointly with the Denver Airport facility as duel
U.S. headquarters for New World Order regional control, and for continued
"Montauk" or "Phoenix" Project operations. source:
Mr. X
GEORGIA, DOUGLAS - In the 1950's, Earl Meeks was drilling a well on his
property 6 miles from Douglas when he broke through to empty space. The
shaft began to suck in a constant flow of air and sounds resembling "an
underground railway" were so loud that they had to cover the "well" with
planks at night so that they could sleep. A few decades later a subscriber
to THE HOLLOW EARTH INSIDER, "Lucky", visited the Meeks homestead 6 miles
WEST of Douglas, and learned that people from all over the state had come
to investigate the well the entire 2 weeks that it sucked in air, before
the Meeks finally had it capped off. "Lucky" told of his intention to seek
permission from the Meeks to uncap the well. source:
FATE Magazine, Jan. 1957;
Vol.1, No.4 [Spring, 1993]
GEORGIA, KNOXVILLE - Newsclipping of a huge cavernous space discovered
after a water resevoir broke through to an underground cavern,
emptying all of
the resevoir's contents into the underground space.
GEORGIA, MARIETTA - A planned underground Pentagon facility below Kennedaw
mountain, a few miles from Dobbins Air Force Base, to be used as a
"defense" installation for the surrounding 13 states region, was reported
by Richard Sauder. source: UNDERGROUND BASES AND TUNNELS, by
Richard Sauder
GEORGIA, THOMASVILLE - Underground FEMA facility. source:
Richard Sauder
GERMANY - General - Underground
systems created by the Nazis
GERMANY, TRIER - Monks at the Brunia Monastery -- in the Trier region of
ancient Prussia [now Germany] -- founded by Charlemagne's father Pepin the
Short, reportedly captured a dark-skinned dwarf in the basement of the
monastery in A.D. 1138, after they discovered several wine casks that had
been emptied onto the cellar floor. They confined the little man, who
refused to speak or eat, until he escaped back down through the cellar and
into a sloping tunnel that was accessed via a displaced stone. source: THE
UNDERPEOPLE, by Eric Norman; Also see:
Trier -
GERMANY, WEST - A reptilian humanoid encountered
in a cave
GERMANY [WEST], IDAR OBERSTEIN - Mrs. K.S. in her younger years
encountered a lizard man and two grays in a cave near Idar Oberstein and
Underground City was discovered and is being excavated beneath this
Grecian town.
GUATEMALA - GENERAL - The ancient Mayas dug
caves and
tunnels all through their kingdom.
GUATEMALA, ALTA VERAPAZ - In or near the town of Languin in the
departamento of Alta Verapaz, and 30 miles NE of Coban, a group of young
men walked through a cave/tunnel entrance and 8 days later emerge into a
large cavern illuminated by a volcanic cone far above [possibly SW corner
of Izabal departamento - Sierra De Los Minas range?], where they see a
fish laden subterranean river, beyond which the passage continued NW, some
suspect to the Silpino Cave area near the town of Cayuga!? source: Penny
GUATEMALA, CAYUGA - Cayuga-#1 or Silpini cave is reached by leaving
Guatemala City going NE on Highway CA9 en route to Port Barrios on the
Caribbean coast, passing on the way the town of Morales and continuing to
Cayuga village before the Tenedores turn off is reached. A few yards NE on
highway CA9 from Cayuga village, on the west side of the road, is the
entrance to Silpino Cave, which was discovered by highway construction
crews while carving out a hillside, although locals later built a stone
doorway set with an iron gate which at last word usually remains unlocked.
A narrow passage continues north from the main room which then turns west.
One report stated that a man from nearby Morales followed the passage,
which later widens, SW for 15 days, after which he turned around. After 30
days in the cave his body was swollen, he was sick and had to stay in a
hospital for 2 years! Locals say that the tunnel was excavated by the
Mayas [or at least parts of it extended by the Mayas!?], and that "stone
idols" can be seen in some section. source: Penny Harper;
GUATEMALA, CAYUGA - Cayuga-#2 cave is located one kilometer NE of Silpino
[Cayuga-#1] cave, and is another cave/tunnel that is entered on a skirt of
a hill far in from the highway, although the valley it is in CAN be seen
from the highway. Several men entered the tunnel and walked for 6 hours.
It is said to be part of the Silpino cave system [NE branch?] and has MANY
branching tunnels, "stone statues of owls", a "river with fish and a light
cold wind [that] blows... there was a place where their watches stopped
dead and all of their flashlights went out... once a "Gringo" went into
that tunnel and never came out again" [at least not out of THAT entrance].
source: Penny Harper;
GUATEMALA, QUICHE - Near the town of Chajul, in the state or departamento
of Quiche, locals tell of a nearby cave, in the second level of which is a
seemingly bottomless shaft. In the lower room is a huge goblet carved [by
Mayas?] out of solid stone. No comment as to whether the shaft is natural
or artificial was offered. source: Penny Harper;
IDAHO, BURLEY - Druggist George Haycock claimed that he had explored a
shaft that could be entered via a boulder strewn depression or sink 6
miles west of Burley, and one mile off the main road [presumably in the
opposite direction from the river?]. Native American legends told of a
demonic race that would emerge from a cave and capture their women and
children. Mr. Haycock reported psychic attacks and impressions of evil
activities taking place underground. The shaft led to a long square-cut
yet ancient horizontal crawlspace tunnel with branch tunnels and a cave-in
which he attempted to dig through, although experiencing unusual
"resistance" in doing to. He later wrote friends that someone was trying
to blast the shaft closed with dynamite and also reported a death threat
he had received in the mail telling him to cease and desist his
explorations. Shortly after this, he was found strangled to death in his
home. source:
AMAZING STORIES magazine, Oct. 1947 & Jan. 1948; Also, a more
Recent Update
on the Burley, Idaho tunnels
ILLINOIS - A Net-Search for the...
ILLINOIS, CHICAGO - Allegations that the Bahai Temple near Chicago --
which has foundation "pillars" reaching over 200 feet to the bedrock below
-- contains an enterance to a deep underground system where slave labor is
allegedly being used to expand underground systems beneath this ediface of
the New World Order's one-world religion movement. source:
Kenneth Van Hoof;
Bahai Temple of Chicago
ILLINOIS, GALLATIN COUNTY - The reported discovery of a great cavern with
underground chambers in Gallatin county, Illinois.
LARGE cavern discovered in the area.
Underground UFO bases in INDIA and CHINA
INDIA, BENARES - Sheshna's well, a stone stairwell leading down to a
sealed "door" engraven with serpents. The site of many 'channeled' Yoga
texts and the traditional portal to Patala akd Snakeworld aka Nagaloka, a
7-leveled reptilian cavern world with its capital Bhoga-Vita. source:
REPTILES, by Shirman A. Minton, Jr. Also see:
More on the Nagas
TEMPLES and underground
INDIA, KASMIRA - Traditional entrance to the underworld of Patalas, which
is divided into 7 realms: Rasatala, Mahatala, Alala, Sutala, Vitala,
Talatala, & Patala. Some legends say that it is the abode of reptilian
humanoids, although human "appearing" beings have also traditionally been
encountered within Patalas. King Bhunandana allegedly entered this domain
of "forbidden pleasures" via a portal in the peak of Pradyumna [or Hill of
Sarika]. The underground journey to Patalas took 5 days and nights. Upon
arriving, the king and his knights encountered an underground plain with
trees from which hung human corpses, and also large vats of liquid in
which human flesh and blood was mixed. A "woman" appeared and offered the
king a cup of the "vile" liquid, stating that unless he drank it he would
not prosper. He took the cup and threw its substance in disgust at the
feet of the so-called "goddess", who in anger told him to take his men and
leave that realm, and King Bhunandana obliged. The capital city of Patalas
[also known among Hindus as Nagaloka or Snakeworld] is Bhoga-vita. source:
The Adventures
of King Bhunandana
INDIANA, CRAWFORD COUNTY - An old news article about "Wyandotte
Cave", which was said to be
very extensive.
IOWA, DUBUQUE - The story of a strange,
large cave
discovered in the area.
story underground labyrinth has been discovered beneath the city by
archaeologists. More:
-1- -
IRELAND, MAYO COUNTY - There is a "feeder" to the Aille river, which
gathers on the foothills of the Partry Mts., being blocked as it reaches
the lower slopes by a transverse outcrop of limestone cliff, beneath which
it burrows for about half a mile before emerging into a large pool which
feeds the main stream, 12 miles east of Westport on the way to Lake Carra.
In dry seasons some have entered the cavern once the sump/maelstrom has
disappeared, and have reportedly seen large buildings with illuminated
windows and other things "too dreadful to describe". source:
FOLKLORE - A QUARTERLY REVIEW, issue #28, pp.92-93;
Map of Clew Bay -
Westport, Mayo Co., Ireland
IRELAND, MEATH COUNTY - An enormous temple (AND TOMBS) has been
discovered, buried beneath the
Hill of Tara;
Also see: -
-1- -
IRELAND, STATION ISLAND. An old legend tells how the knight Owen visited a
cave on Station island in County Donegal in the year 1153, leading to an
underground plain and a "cloister" where he met monks who warned him of
the temptations ahead. The knight travels to a black, icy realm and also
sulfurous pits of molten metal in which the wicked suffer, finally
arriving at the earthly paradise below the earth. source: FLORES
HISTORIARUM, by Roger Wendover; LEGENDA AUREA; Vincent of Beauvais's
Donegal Co.-Station Isl., Ireland;
Saint -
Patrick's -
IRELAND, VALENTIA ISLAND - A mysterious staircase
leading down
into the earth.
ISRAEL - Catacombs where the Jews hid out during Roman occupation.
Catacombs and
ISRAEL (Central) - An
amazing cavern, cut off from the outside world for millenia, was
discovered beneath central Israel.
ISRAEL, EIN KEREN - A cave has been discovered which is believed to have
been the abode of
the Baptist, west of Jerusalem.
ISRAEL, RAMLE - A cavern was discovered in 2006, which had been sealed for
so long from the outside world, that 8 species of
previously unknown cave life (within the cave and within an
underground lake) have been identified.
ITALY, DAMANHUR - Stories of strange
Temples in the area.
ITALY, NAPLES - A maze of
gallaries and halls have been discovered in the area.
ITALY, ORVIETO - An intricate network of
and Tunnels has been discoverered beneath this ancient city.
ITALY, ROME - Near Rome, which itself is known for it's
catacombs, there are areas where other
tunnels have been discovered.
JAPAN, TOKYO - Scientists near Tokyo have developed an actual
earth-penetrating drill to explore the depths of the earth.
JAPAN, TOKYO - A secret
underground network beneath Tokyo.
- KANSAS - An abductee friend of mine told me about this alien
base - it was built by 'the grey's. Even the greys are surprised that no
one has noticed all the dirt they have spread around from digging their
base in the area.
Following is a story about such an area - but whether this is the
'same' area - we don't know.
The following story is from my website...
CultScience! (oh yeah, by the way... there's a couple photos about
this story on the site) here's the scoop:
I recieved some interesting and exciting information today. I got a
call from an old friend, who we’ll call Mike. He’s currently
investigating the underground military base rumor.
If you haven’t read into underground military bases such as Dulce, New
Mexico—the basic idea is that there is an underground world, right
beneath our feet in the United States. It spans across the whole nation,
and has many secret entrances across the homeland (allegedly Area 51,
Dulce NM, and many entrances across Colorado and the midwest–rural areas
without a lot of people). Supposedly, the base has many different levels
dug deep into the ground, where extraterrestrial beings and high members
of our military and government (or possibly members of an even
higher-up, world government–New World Order) exchange technology,
perform cruel genetic experiments involving both humans and all sorts of
animals, and form war strategy for a potential interplanetary war.
Read more about the Dulce base and other underground bases here.
Anyways, my friend is investigating possible locations for secret
entrances to this underground world. He is currently in Western Kansas,
and has found some pretty peculiar and shady information. The town that
he’s in a small farming community—a rural town with a population of
around 150 people. The people there keep to themselves and the majority
of the people there are senior citizens—old farmers in a nutshell.
What caught Mike’s eye about the town when passing through was an old,
run-down factory. The factory was apparently still in use, because there
were numerous ”Restricted Area” and other such signs. There was also a
chain link fence topped with barbed wired. He continued to the next town
and rented a hotel room, as there weren’t any hotels in the small town
with the factory.
After talking to a number of the small town’s residents, he found some
very intriguing information about the factory. Here’s the scoop on the
factory: it had been used many years ago for building prosthetic limbs,
but was shut down. About 20 years later, in 2004, the factory was bought
by a new company—a company that repairs old busses. The new company
immediately put up a chain link fence, topped with barbed wire fence,
and covered with “No Tresspassing” signs, and even one that goes as far
as to say “Survivors will be Prosecuted.”
But why? Why does a bus-repair company need such extreme security
measures, for a town consisting of 150 (for the most part) senior
citizens? What is it that they don’t want people to see? Mike got even
more curious.
Mike asked residents if they had seen or noticed anything strange about
the company or factory, and got some very interesting answers.
The residents all seemed to notice the same things:
Nobody is ever seen working at the factory. The business is fully
operational, and has a number of employees on the payroll. One woman,
who lives close to the factory, said that the only time she’s ever seen
anyone there at all was late at night when she was awakened by her dog
barking, and saw one single man at the factory.
When the company first came to town, there were probably about 15 or 20
men who applied for a job at the factory. None of them were hired. The
workers are supposedly shuttled in from out of town, although nobody in
the whole town has seen any workers shuttled it—or at all for that
But, it gets stranger. After hearing more about the strange factory,
Mike decided to delve a little bit deeper. He spoke to the town’s mayor
about the factory. The mayor told him that the company had made a
contract with the small town after being rejected by another small town
nearby. He was also told that they would soon be building an airplane
runway, and had purchased many, many acres of farmland from local
farmers. The company now owned a whole region of Kansas country side.
Why the hell would a giant runway be built out in the middle of nowhere?
And why did they need all that farmland? They supposedly fix busses,
although there’s no evidence of this, and now they own many acres of
empty farmland. And why is it that the other small town had rejected the
contract? A big company with a factory would usually be a blessing to a
small town like these ones, and it would be difficult to turn down such
a great economic opportunity. They must have seen something wrong with
the picture…
But it doesn’t end there. It’s only just begun.
Mike decided to get up close and personal with the facility. He got his
camera ,
polaroid camera, and camera-phone, and parked about 500 yards from the
facility. He walked up to the facility and started snapping pictures
with all three cameras from outside the fence.
Within minutes, a tan colored Chevy Blazer with a kayak strapped to the
top of it turned down the dirt road and headed toward Mike. The obvious
ploblem with the vehicle having a kayak strapped to it, is that western
Kansas is a region with only minor streams not anywhere near big enough
for kayaking. The blazer pulled up to Mike, and to his surprise, the two
men in the Blazer were wearing black suits and dark sunglasses, and
looking very sharp. The Blazer and kayak were obviously just a cover
vehicle—one with some obvious issues.
The two men comfiscated Mike’s digital and polaroid cameras and photos.
But, they didn’t take his camera
phone, so he came out with a few pictures, though they’re not of
great quality. The men asked Mike what he had seen, and he acted as if
he was oblivious to the secret scheme, pretending to be a photographer.
They knew he wasn’t a photographer, and told him to turn around and walk
to his car. If he were to come any closer to the facility, he would be
He complied, turned around, and walked to his car. He didn’t want to
mess around anymore. He was done digging. He wasn’t going to get any
closer to the facility.
Please people, let me hear what you think? What’s happening here?
KASHMERE-KABAKORAM - An ex-Army Captain, A.C., tells
how during WWII he was shot down near Cheduba island and, once rescued,
requested leave at Kashmir. He and another man left Srinagar and went to
Rudok and then through the Khesa pass to the northern foothills of
Kabakorum. They found a cavern that they were looking for... "My companion
and I fought our way out of a cave with submachine guns. I have two 9"
scars on my left arm that came from wounds given me in the cave when I was
50 feet from a moving object of any kind and in perfect silence. The
muscles were ripped out. How? I don't know. My friend had a hole the size
of a dime in his right bicep. It was seared inside. How we don't know."
source: Letter from A.C. in AMAZING STORIES magazine, June, 1946;
Links Page for Srinagar,
KENTUCKY, FRANKLIN COUNTY - Workers discover a strange "well" where they
break into an
Underground River containing very strange fish not found on the
KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON - Underground caves near Lexington, reportedly
containing the remnants of an ancient civilization. source:
Mysteries. Also,
KENTUCKY, PIKEVILLE - Strange disappearances in the Truck Coal Mine 3
miles east of town. Two boys seen entering the mine disappear even though
their lamp is found abandoned at the entrance. A full scale search of the
mine fails to turn up any evidence of the missing boys. source: FATE
magazine, Nov. 1950;
Map of Pikeville, Kentucky
KENTUCKY, PINEVILLE - On Dec. 26, 1945, a mine explosion in the Belva Mine
trapped several men. When they were rescued some of the men insisted that
they saw a "door" in one of the walls open, and a man dressed as a
"lumberjack" emerge from a well-lighted room. After assuring the men that
they would be rescued, the strange visitor returned to the room and closed
the door. Other similar accounts have been reported during similar mine
disasters, such as the one at a Shipton, Pennsylvania mine, where similar
"lumberjack" or "telephone linemen" type of men have been seen, suggesting
that they exist in another time-dimension, possibly explaining why they
"knew" the outcome of the disasters. In some cases the strange "workmen",
as if taking the role of guardian angels, had offered trapped men unusual
"lighting" to keep them out of the dark, and in other cases as with the
Shipton disaster, "astral visions" accompanied the visits of these fourth
dimensional [?] visitors. source: Pineville Kentucky newspapers, circa
Dec. 26, 1981 - Jan. 1982;
Map of Pineville, Kentucky
KENTUCKY, RIVERTON - Patsey Wingate, a victim of UFO encounters, missing
time, MIB limo's, harassment, black helicopters, police-like cars in a
temporal mist, death threats, the works... spoke of a mountain near
Riverton where a certain UFO was seen on numerous occasions. While on the
mountain she would hear humming sounds coming from underground, then at
home later that night she experienced frightening vivid "dreams" of
"children underground on the mountain [who] were begging for help. They
were in glass cages. Some of the children looked human, but some looked
like aliens." source: UFO UNIVERSE, Vol.3, No.2, [Summer 1993]; no
"Riverton, Kentucky" could be found in a
MapQuest search
KENTUCKY, SALEM - SE of Salem is Hodges cave [near Doan Spring? or in that
general area from what I recall], which some believe is the cavern that is
mentioned in John Uri Lloyd's book ETIDORHPA, which was illustrated by a
veteran Mason. Witnesses have stated that they have seen Masons wandering
about the area. One report tells of a nearby stone staircase leading deep
into the gloomy darkness of the earth, which witnesses failed to fully
investigate as they were hit with an overpowering sense of terror. source:
ETIDORHPA by John Uri Lloyd;
Map of Salem - Doan Spring region, Kentucky --- MORE LINKS: -
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KENTUCKY, STOVEN'S CAVE [SITE UNSPECIFIED] - Unusual sounds emanating from
the cavern. source: TECH TROGLODYTE [NSS affiliate newsletter for the
VPI Cave Club], Vol.12, No.2
KENTUCKY, TAZEWELL COUNTY - Higgingbottom #1 or Devil's Slide cave is
avoided by local residents because they are convinced that some loathsome
creature lives at the bottom. source:
CAVE LEGENDS OF THE APPALACHIANS, article by Janice Goad (which
appeared in the TECH TROGLODYTE, a National Speleological Society
affiliate, Vol. 12, No. 2 issue);
Tazewell Co., Kentucky
KENYA, KIRIMUKUYA - The African village of Kirimukuya, according to Brad
Steiger, sat at the base of the so-called "sacred" peak of Mt. Kenya, over
which numerous UFO's have been sighted over the years. Laili Thindu and
his shepherd companions listened for several nights to the pounding of the
drums in the distant village announcing an upcoming wedding, but were
startled when bright beams flashed from the soaring lights that were
particularly evident in the sky that night, and concerned when the drums
fell silent. The next morning Laili learned that "all the dancers, all the
children, all the livestock - the entire population of the village had
been seared to death by terrible streams of light from glowing objects."
source: FLYING SAUCERS ARE HOSTILE, by Brad Steiger & Joan Whritenour;
Report by Larry
E. Arnold
LOUISIANA, FORT POLK - Reports of over 19,000 war-ready United Nations
Organization troops, French, Pakistani & Russian, along with massive
underground facilities for storage of military and other supplies. source:
a former anonymous serviceman who interacted with the base;
Fort Polk, Louisiana;
video footage of Ft. Polk U.N. maneuvers
MALTA, VALETTA - Tradition holds that before the British govt. sealed up
several tunnels, one could walk from one end of Malta to the other
underground. One of the labyrinths, discovered by excavators, is the
Hypogeum of Sal Saflieni, in which excavators discovered the bones of over
33,000 people who had been sacrificed by an ancient pagan neolithic cult.
National Geographic, Aug. 1940 issue, told of several school children who
had disappeared without a trace in the Hypogeum. British embassy worker
Miss Lois Jessup convinced a guide to allow her to explore a 3-ft. square
"burial chamber" next to the floor of the lowest room in the last [3rd]
sub-level of the catacombs. He reluctantly agreed and she crawled through
the passage until emerging on a cavern ledge overlooking a deep chasm. In
total shock she saw a procession of TALL humanoids with white hair
covering their bodies walking along another ledge about 50 feet down on
the opposite wall of the chasm. Sensing her they collectively lifted their
palms in her direction at which a strong "wind" began to blow through the
cavern and something big, "slippery and wet" moved past her before she
left in terror to the lower room, where the guide gave her a "knowing"
look. Later she returned after the 30 school children and their teacher[s]
had disappeared in the same passage that she had explored, only to find a
new guide who denied any knowledge of the former guides' employment there.
She heard reports however that after the last child had passed through the
"burial chamber" and out onto the ledge, a "cave-in" collapsed the burial
chamber and the rope connecting them to the lower chamber was later found
to be "cut clean". Grieving Mothers of several of the children swore that
for a week or more following the disappearance they could hear their
children crying and screaming "as if from underground". Other sources
state that an underground connection exists or did exist between Malta and
reaches hundreds of miles and intersects the catacombs below the hill
Vaticanus in Rome. source:
magazine, Aug. 1940;
More on the Hypogeum
secret facility in the area.
MARYLAND, CROFTON - An ancient network of tunnels and crawlways discovered
beneath a parking lot in Crofton during excavations. The artificial
tunnels were reportedly covered by subsequent construction. source: THE
WASHINGTON STAR NEWS, July 25, 1973 & Aug. 15, 1973;
Map of Crofton,
MARYLAND, FORT MEADE - "Cavernous subterranean expanses" existing beneath
the National Security Agency's headquarters, filled with over 10 acres of
the most sophisticated supercomputers money can buy, which monitor global
telephone, telegraph, telex, fax, radio, TV, microwave, internet and other
forms of communication. source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6;
Richard Sauder
MARYLAND, BETWEEN OLNEY & LAYTONSVILLE - Located on Riggs Road, off of Rt.
108, this underground facility is maintained by FEMA [Federal Emergency
Management Agency]. Long lines of cars have been seen heading through the
gate at shift change, in spite of the surface illusion of vacancy and
disrepair, vehicles which pass through an electronic surveillance area and
disappear behind a knoll in the near distance. At least 10 levels deep,
and several electronic surveillance facilities, with possible NSA
connections. source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6;
Richard Sauder;
Map of Olney-Laytonsville, Maryland
MASSACHUSETTS, BOSTON - Ervin M. Scott claimed to have intercepted an
electronically augmented telepathic transmission from a woman, a
cavern-dweller under the Salt Lake flats of Utah, whose people were under
siege by the "evil ones". She urgently warned about a woman who was
abducted into tunnels/caverns beneath an abby in the north section of
Boston 3 weeks earlier [the 1st church of Roxbury is located in the north
section of the city and is by far the oldest "abby" in Boston]. Another
"voice" breaks in on the "transmission" and tells Ervin not to believe the
former woman's voice, stating, "Don't you know this is a lie? a trick?",
and then warningly, "keep quiet about this!". source:
SEARCH magazine,
July 1964
MASSACHUSETTS, MAYNARD - Underground FEMA facility. source:
Richard Sauder
MEXICO, "INTERIOR" - Frank J. Mezta of Calexico, California tells of his
visit to the "enchanted caves" in Mexico's interior. The first attempt to
enter the cave was halted by his premonition of disaster, the second
attempt succeeded, however they gave up when they labyrinth became too
complex to navigate with the supplies they had. On the way out they found
another tunnel that seemed to appear from nowhere, however after hours of
downward winding travel with no end in sight they gave up and returned to
the surface. Mezta later heard of an American man who had hired about 2
dozen locals to investigate the cave, 10 or 15 years before. They saw deep
inside the cavern "a man with a bulls head" standing next to a "naked
midget". Several of the men tried to fire their guns but they all jammed,
and the lights went out. Several men were killed or disappeared in the
ensuing confusion and only a few made it back to the surface alive.
source: THE
HIDDEN WORLD, issue 8-A --- Also, more on the underground beneath
the rain forests in
Mexico's interior
MEXICO, ACAMBARO - "Prof. Hapgood" discovered a stone staircase leading
into the earth in central Mexico, now filled with hard-packed volcanic
material. He concluded that it is very ancient and must lead somewhere.
The site is located on the "Mizquiz" property. source: I.N.F.O. JOURNAL,
Vol. 2, No.2;
Suppressed archaeological finds in Acambaro and elsewhere
MEXICO, CHIHUAHUA - Some of the largest crystals yet discovered have been
found in caverns near
MEXICO, ITACCIHUATL - A woman by the name of Margaret Rogers claimed to
have visited an underground kingdom inhabited by giant human beings, who
were very benevolant to her. She wrote a lengthy story of her experience
that was published by Raymond Al Palmer (AMAZING STORIES, SEARCH, FATE
Magazines). The
Margaret Rogers Story
MEXICO, MEXICO CITY - An anonymous writer, claiming the power to induce a
deep trance in most hypnotic subjects, instructed one woman while in a
trance to remote-project from her body and visit a mountain outside of
Mexico City. When asked if there was a cave in the mountain she said: "I'm
inside. Oh! It's walls glow... there's a shaft going down... its walls are
smooth like the inside of a piston shaft of a car... I'm there [at the
bottom of the shaft]. There is evil down here!" When bringing her back
into her body [difficult] she said, "I've been somewhere I shouldn't",
shaking and crying, and she also stated that a battle was taking place in
her mind, which she eventually won. [Others who have reportedly
remote-viewed underground facilities like Dulce, Pine Gap, Cheyenne
Mountain and others state that many of the bases - especially the alien
interaction ones - simultaneously exist in the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions
and are equipped with "magnetic traps" designed to capture "astral spies"
who might try to probe their secrets]. source: AMAZING STORIES magazine,
July 1947; Map
of Mexico City; Information on the
tunnels and
caverns 30 Miles NE of the city, near the ancient pyramids.
MEXICO, MITLA - Ancient city SE of Oaxaco, once containing a temple with
three sub-basements, the lowest containing a stone door leading to an
ancient underground concourse, wherein "sacrifices" would be made to the
"gods" of the underworld by sealing the victims behind the stone door.
After some priests entered the cavern centuries ago, they emerged
convinced that it was the gate to Hades, and ordered the natives to
fill-in all 3 sub-basements. source: Charles Marcoux;
Map of Mitla Ruins;
Explanation of
Mitla Ruins;
Roman "church"
built ON TOP OF Mitla temple ruins; And
Still More
MEXICO, OJINAGO - A cave in a mountain 5 miles south of Ojinago is
believed to be the abode of devil-men who control the minds of witches in
the area, who make frequent pilgrimages to the site. source: "Pilgrimage
to the Devil", article by Walley George in
FATE Magazine, Aug. 1957 issue.
MEXICO, PUEBL0 - The underground Mayan
Caves of Cuetzalan
MEXICO, PUERTO AVENTURAS - A strange yet interesting cavern system has
been explored, along with strange legends which have given the cave the
name of the "Caver
of the Dwarves"
MEXICO, SONORA - A canyon near the old city allegedly holds a cave that
leads to the ancient underground city of Chihuatlan. source: THE HIDDEN
CITY OF CHIHUATLAN, by Charles A. Marcoux;
Sonora, Mexico
grotto constructed at some ancient time, has been discovered 15 miles
from the city.
MEXICO, TEQUILA VOLCANO - Exploration of a vast cave-tunnel that runs
through the mountain, and the home of dangerous serpents. source:
MEXICO, TULUM - Mexico's Mayan
underworld wonder.
MICHIGAN, BATTLE CREEK - Underground FEMA facility. source:
Richard Sauder
MINNESOTA, REDWOOD FALLS - A WWII trainee claimed to have discovered a
small underground passage near [west of?] Redwood Falls, which led to an
ancient tiled subterranean concourse and to an underground alien realm. He
spoke of the "deros" and "teros" and stated that he emerged 6 months later
with a "tero" woman who became his wife, with no intention of ever
returning, although both lived in fear as if they were constantly being
watched or stalked. source: letter sent to
Richard Shaver
[circa 1950's];
Map of Redwood Falls, Minnessota
unusual drains
and starcases in the area.
MISSOURI, BONNE TERRE - Reports of 'one of' the largest
lakes yet discovered.
MISSOURI, CAMERON - Rumors of a "haunted" cave or mine in the area[?].
source: unspecified;
Map of Cameron, Missouri
MISSOURI, CARTHAGE - An individual becomes lost in a massive underground
storage facility in Carthage, Missouri, one that is utilized by the U.S.
Navy. They enter the "Navy" zone and the tunnel continues deeper, until
they inadvertantly pass through an alien "screen" that appears as a wall
of the tunnel, and into a reptilian section. source:
MISSOURI, KOSHKONONG - An old news story of a
cave within a canyon.
MISSOURI/KANSAS, KANSAS CITY - Somewhere on the Missouri river near Kansas
city a man exploring a cave or grotto in the side of a steep embankment
had a terrifying encounter somewhere on the rivers edge. He allegedly
encountered a tall creature with cat or lizard like eyes, who had
apparently been living in the cave or possibly had come from the river
itself. source: Charles Marcoux;
Map of Kansas City
MONGOLIA - Ferdinand Ossendowski's reports of ancient traditions of
underground cities and huge caverns
beneath Mongolia, from his book
also, this subterranean kingdom of
Agharta with it's capitol
Shambhala is mentioned by
other sources. Also
see: - -1- -
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NEVADA-ARIZONA - Hoover Dam. Lake Mead's Hoover Dam SE of Las Vegas.
Rumors that the dam construction workers penetrated extensive caverns near
the base of the cliffs, that Lake Mead is a hot spot of alien activity,
and that the floor of one level of the dam contains a "wild tile inlay on
the floor, with signs of the zodiac and all sorts of stuff suggesting an
entrance." source: Letter from Vaughn M. Green in
newsletter, No. 14
NEVADA, AREA-51 / NELLIS AFB - Area 51 is a military base where recovered
alien craft have been investigated. It reportedly has many deep
underground bases and tunnels also. The following link contains one man's
fantastic account of his travels to underground cities and eventually to
the concavitic interior of the earth, where he spent several years beneath
the surface, and it all began at
according to
Colonel Billie Faye Woodard. The
Groom Lake 'Desert Rat'
e-zine. Other sources: -
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NEVADA, BOULDER DAME - Reports of underground tunnels and UFO activity
between the base of Boulder Dam and Jumbo Peak. source:
Lew Tery
NEVADA, EUREKA - A mysterious maze of underground tunnels and rooms
discovered beneath the immediate area of Eureka. source: "An Underground
Cathedral", article by Charles Hillinger in THE LOS ANGELES TIMES, Mar. 2,
1975; L.A. Times
On-Line Archives
NEVADA, LAS VEGAS - Several underground 'joint' Military bases exist
within 100 miles of Las Vegas. Also, some
strange tunnels below the city of Las Vegas itself.
NEVADA, MERCURY - An electrician at the Mercury base camp on the Nevada
Test Site claimed to have seen "aliens" in "stainless steel caverns" about
3000 feet below the surface of the Mercury Site. The "Mercury Workers"
contracted through Reynolds Electric [a division of E.G.&G.], and several
of them told terrifying stories of harassment and death threats from base
personnel in an effort to keep them from talking. Also Las Vegan Stayce
Borland and her brother were killed by "burglars" during a time when they
were trying to help some of the Mercury Workers who had been apprehended
and were being held captive underground. Many insisted that Borland's
murder was part of a conspiracy, similar to the 5 people killed in a
"helicopter crash" some years ago who, according to former Wackenhut
employee Michael Riconosciuto, were trying to escape with documentation of
genetic research atrocities, alien interaction, and antigravity craft
technology in the underground facilities there. This conspiracy of
concealment is reportedly being run by the aliens themselves to maintain
control of those military-industrial-intelligence agencies which have been
infiltrated and assimilated through advanced mind control technology.
source: "The Billy Goodman Happening" - KVEG Radia 840 AM, Las Vegas,
Nevada, Nov. 19,
1989, etc.
NEVADA, PAHRUMP - NW of Pahrump [which lies due west
from Las Vegas] is Devil's Hole National Monument, an annex of Death
Valley National Monument. It is an apparently "bottomless" aqua-cave
containing a species of cave fish located no where else in the world. Like
the legendary "subterranean grand canyon" -- which reportedly runs beneath
the Kokoweef and Dorr Peaks near the SW flank of the Ivanpah Mts. just
south of highway 91 and NW of Needles, California -- the Devil's Hole
water level ALSO reportedly rises and falls with the tide, suggesting a
connection with a massive underground sea below and upstream, possibly in
the area of eastern Nevada and western Utah. At least 2 boys disappeared
trying to explore Devil's Hole, and Navy scuba divers were lowered on
cables and reported seeing a large subterranean river which roared up from
below, flowed across a wide expanse although they could not estimate the
depth because of a myriad of colonnades of black rock through which the
river flowed, before plunging once again down an abyss. This reportedly
occurred in a cave NEAR Devil's Hole. Although "fenced in", Devil's Hole
is open for publuc view. source: ADVENTURE IS UNDERGROUND, by William
Halliday; Virginia Louis Swanson;
Devil's Hole SEARCH; More: -
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-2- -
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NEVADA (SOUTHERN) - Reports of a vast
River(s) flowing
beneath the seserts of southern Nevada.
NEW JERSEY, NORTHERN - John Keel, after hearing reports of strange sounds
of pulsating machines coming from caves in the mountains of northern New
Jersey, personally visited some of the caverns. source:
THE 8TH TOWER, by John A. Keel
NEW JERSEY, BROOKHAVEN - see: New Jersey, Newark
NEW JERSEY, NEWARK - German [Thule Society] infiltration of the American
military-industrial complex following WWII, via the NSA, I.T.T., ARCO,
EXXON, etc., led to the construction of massive joint alien-fascist
underground complexes [stemming from the Nazi alliance with an alien
collaboration, based under the Gizeh plateau of Egypt - via the Grant
Orient Lodge of Egyptian Freemasonry and the various gnostic Bavarian
cults that were brought back from Egypt during the Egyptian occupation by
the armies of the so-called "Holy Roman Empire" of Italy-Austria-Germany].
Tunnel systems run from the I.T.T. Corporation building in Newark to the
I.T.T. facility at Nutley, to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio [mag-lev
tubes], to A.I.L., to Long Island [Montauk Point]. source:
Area between Newark & Nutley, New Jersey
NEW JERSEY, PARAMUS - A massive underground facility with an entrance
located in an office building at 140 century road. The building next door
at 120 century road is also owned by the same company which finances
projects carried out below, which deal mainly with abducted women and
young girls who are heavily mind controlled using brainwashing and extreme
sexual abuse and torture induced MPD alternate programmed personalities,
in order to create "sex agents" for a Nazi cabal which had infiltrated the
American Industrial Complex following WWII. These agents are used to
extract important information from, to bribe, or to blackmail powerful
men. There also may be a connection to the ARCO scenario in New Jersey as
well. source: Mr. X;
The ARCO/"Atlantic
Richfield Company" Connection
NEW MEXICO, ALBUQUERQUE - Manzano mountain, or the Kirtland [AFB]
Munitions Storage Complex, was excavated by the Air Force to serve as a
nuclear weapons storage area. The mountain is visible a couple of miles
south of I-40 on the eastern outskirts of Albuquerque. Security is
extremely tight. Also, reports of grey aliens operating within some of the
deeper levels. A 285,000 sq. ft. underground extension facility was
constructed in the same area in 1989, although heavy secrecy surrounds
these facilities. source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6;
Richard Sauder on Manzano Mountain;
Richard Sauder on Kirtland AFB
Lecheguilla cave in the Carlsbad Caverns National Park is still being
"pushed" and is becoming one of the most extensive caves in the USA, if
not the World
NEW MEXICO, DONNA ANA COUNTY - Reports of strange discoveries beneath
Mountain. Also...
NEW MEXICO, DULCE. - The Jicarilla Apache Indians believe that their
ancestors emerged from the caverns in ancient times. When they emerged
they were plagued by monsters [saurians?]. Some wanted to go back down but
once their hero's slew all of the monsters, all was at peace [ironically
the Dulce underground network is now reportedly under the control of some
of the very 'monsters' or 'reptilians' that they may have succeeded in
driving underground]. source:
the town of Dulce in NW New Mexico, one block from the PAN AM building is
the old high school, now used as an engineering facility by MAKEN & HANGER
[originally ZIA Corp.]. Inside the facility is an elevator that leads to
Level-1 of the massive underground facility beneath the Dulce area which
is also known as "Ultra" or "Section-D", which runs under main street at a
depth of about 200 feet. This level is guarded by PROFORCE Security,
whereas deeper and more secure levels under the Archuleta mesa to the
north contain automatic devices designed to KILL intruders. Dulce is by
far the most massive and most strategic of all of the underground "hubs"
of the joint military-industrial / alien imperial collaboration in North
America, with numerous tube-tunnels radiating to all parts of the
continent and beyond. source: ALIEN MAGIC, by William F. Hamilton;
The Dulce Book;
Map of Dulce, New Mexico;
UFOMIND search page for underground base at "Dulce", NM"; SatView of
Guard Shack protecting
secured area 10 km NW of Dulce??? - even though map in error says NE, it
is actually NW;
Bennewitz &
Dulce UFO photos; The more recent experiences of
Burisch relating to Dulce. Sherry Shriner's
Prisoners of Dulce Base article; Former MI6 British agent speaking on
the Dulce base and
topics; Jo Ann Richards, whose husband fought in the DULCE WARS, is
interviewed on
OUT THERE TV in November of 2006;
Dulce Controversy; More on
Phil Schneider; Map
and Still
More Data on
the Dulce Base: -
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/// Enter the...
NEW MEXICO, GRAN QUIVIRA - About 25 miles from the Gran Quivira there are
some ghost towns and a "ridge", atop which some explorers found the
opening to a cave from which emanated
NEW MEXICO, GUADELLUPE MTS. - In the 1800's, two trappers reportedly
discovered a cave in the Guadellupe Mts., which they followed to a
considerable depth. Hiding behind a large outcropping of rock they
observed in fascination and horror a procession of beings in dark hooded
robes enter a large cavern and bagan to chant, at which a "crystal like"
entity descended from the stalactites above, hovered and in a
multi-colored display communicated with the beings in some type of
xylophone-like manner, until it once again ascended and was lost among the
stalactites above, at which the procession descended DOWNWARD through the
passage from which they had emerged. source:
NEW MEXICO, LOS ALAMOS - Massive underground joint military-alien
facilities connected via shuttle to the Dulce, New Mexico facility to the
NW. The deeper facilities under Los Alamos reportedly descend to great
depths and intersect with alien sectors which constitute the largest
concentration of grey alien activity in North America, with Dulce running
a close second... although many of the aliens apparently commute between
Dulce and Los Alamos. To minimize cattle mutilations the U.S. government
has reportedly been transporting daily shipments of cattle to rendezvous
points in the mountains SE of Los Alamos, where some have reported massive
UFO activity on these occasions, and also ancient heiroglyphs depicting
alien beings. source: Thomas Costallo; Sharula [Bonnie] Dux; K. Studstrup;
UFOMIND Search Page for Los Alamos National Laboratory
NEW MEXICO, ORGAN MTS. - 60 miles NW of El Paso, Texas in the Organ Mts.
of New Mexico. Helen Compton Gordon and her husband discovered an old
abandoned mine far above the "Bean Blossom Mine" near their former home.
Climbing the ore-splattered slope they entered the other mine and
discovered deep inside an immense chasm separated from the main tunnel
passage by a rock wall, on the other side of which was a narrow
ledge-precipice at the edge of the chasm. They threw lighted sticks down
the shaft and they seemed to "fall forever", also rocks were thrown in
which they could not hear hit bottom. An old timer in the area told them
it was a "glory hole" and that miners tended to avoid them. source: SHAVER
MYSTERY magazine, Vol.1, No.2 [1947];
Maps of Organ,
New Mexico;
More details
on the "glory hole" of New Mexico
NEW MEXICO, PIE TOWN - An unexplored cave with large steps leading deep
into the earth near El Moro National Monument NE of Pie Town. Also reports
of a southern extension base between Pie Town and Datil which is linked
underground to the Dulce base in NW New Mexico. source: THE HIDDEN CITY OF
CHIHUATLAN, by Charles A. Marcoux; Thomas A. Castello;
Map of Pie Town, New Mexico
NEW MEXICO, RESERVE - Reports of an
Base west of Reserve.
NEW MEXICO, SAN CRISTOBAL - A homeless man spent the night in a black rock
cavern near some [hot?] springs north of San Cristobal [north of Taos]. He
was frightened from the cave after seeing a "lizard like" humanoid, the
size of a man and walking upright on two feet. source: Tim Ore;
Map of San Cristobal, New Mexico
NEW MEXICO, SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORIES - An article on the underground
secrecy surrounding the
Sandia base.
NEW MEXICO, TAOS - Reports of a native American legend stating that
Montezuma was born near Taos and was "instructed by beings who lived in
Pueblo Peak, which is near Blue Lake, where UFO's have been seen entering
and exiting the water. Near Taos, in a cave above the Lucero River, not
far from Frijoles Canyon, ancient and modern sacrifices were carried out
by secret cults. "Members of secret society groups in Taos have been found
beheaded, like Arthur Manby who told of a secret "Aztland" Hot Springs
roughly 11 miles NW of Taos, flanked by petroglyphs on the canyon walls.
article/treatise by TAL LeVesque
NEW MEXICO, TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES - A Mr. Lemon stated that when he was
young, about 12, he was out hunting deer NORTH of Truth or Consequences,
and was tracking a wounded deer he had shot when he came across an
intricately carved stone stairway that led down into the earth, which he
determined to investigate after he killed the deer. He searched for years
but was never able to find the enigmatic staircase again. source: Cossette
Map of Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico
NEW MEXICO, WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE - Stories of secret tunnels below
the area and
surrounding regions
NEW YORK, LINCOLN TUNNEL - A man and his wife, traveling through winter
snow, parked their car in the Lincoln tunnel to wipe the snow from off of
the car, and vanished without a trace. source: John Grant;
Maps of the Lincoln Tunnel
NEW YORK, MANHATTAN - A large triangular system of tunnels utilized by a
"masonic lodge", deep below the surface of Manhattan. source: "Tunnels and
Caverns Beneath New York City", article by R. L. Blain-Sanders in the
Fall, 1981 issue of
NEW YORK, MANHATTAN - Con Edison, while drilling a test hole in the north
end of East River Park, broke through to open space about 200 feet below,
suggesting the existence of a large cavern below. source: "Tunnels and
Caverns Beneath New York City", article by R. L. Blain-Sanders in the
Fall, 1981 issue of
NEW YORK, MANHATTAN - Strange stories of several sub-basement levels
descending below the Empire State Building, rumors of descending
sub-basements connecting with ancient tunnels and sub-basement levels
controlled by the Federal government. Following the Twin Towers bombing it
was reported that 6 sub-levels controlled by the Secret Service were
damaged. Also in a similar fashion LOCAL reporters in the early hours of
the Oklahoma City bombing reported that underground tunnels containing all
kinds of military hardware had been blasted open, and also rumors of an
18-leveled underground facility below the Murah Federal Building, with the
5 upper levels being used for parking. These aspects of the bombings were,
predictably, not advertised by the national media monopolies. source:
THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR; various private news sources;
More on the New York City underground
NEW YORK, MANHATTAN - The Episcopal Church of St. John the Divine at 103
St. and Amsterdam reportedly conceals the entrance to an underground
cavern used by an occult lodge, an actual "city" left over from former
sub-inhabitants of the eastern seaboard during antediluvian/Atlantean
times, and protected by "space-warping" technology. source: ENCYCLOPEDIA
OF OCCULTISM & PARAPSYCHOLOGY, by Leslie A. Shepard, pp. 889-890; Maurice
Doreal; the
Cathedral of St. John the Divine
NEW YORK, MANHATTAN - Reports of a large
river that has been discovered beneath Manhattan.
NEW YORK, MONTAUK - An underground base 8-9 levels deep below Camp Hero at
Montauk Point, Long Island, which is reportedly occupied by Ciakars from
Alpha Draco, Greys from Rigel Orion, Black Ops & German Intelligence -
Thule Society agents. The Montauk mind control and space-time manipulation
projects were based there and at 25 other bases around North America and
reportedly involved over 25 thousand "abductees" who have been programmed
to serve the as "sleeper" agents of the New World Order. The computer
archives of the Montauk Project are housed in the underground facility
near the Alsace-Lorraine region near the German-French border, and is
known as the Montauk Alsace Lorraine Time Archives [M.A.L.T.A.]. Entrances
reportedly exist under the old 7-story Montauk Tower in the nearby town of
Montauk; near the Sage Radar Tower and buildings to the north; under the
old Montauk Air Force Station; Block Island; East Hampton; in a hill near
the Light House at Montauk 'Point' itself; in the cliffs overlooking the
beaches near Camp Hero; behind the so-called "cement bunkers" that have
been sealed; under the "mystery closets" which can be seen throughout the
area; and connecting the basements of three [?] buildings - now demolished
- in the Shadmoor area directly west of the Ditch Plains public bathhouse
and parking lot; an entrance near a boulder which sits along the west side
of the SE entry road to the base; and also at Fort Pond Bay. source:
Preston Nicholes - Peter Moon - Duncan Cameron - Al Bielek;
Michelle Guerin;
Michael Ash;
Mr. "X";
John Quinn; SatView
Montauk Point, New York
NEW YORK, ROME - A very large underground facility located at the Rome
National Air Base where is located a "Montauk Chair" similar to the one at
the base under Montauk Point, Long Island. An underground tunnel with
electric cars reportedly connects this facility with another smaller
facility in Rochester, an entrance to this tunnel connection allegedly
being located under the Andrews Street bridge in Rochester. source:
Mr. "X";
Rome New York Air
discovers an
interesting and very large cavern.
NEW ZEALAND - Tunnels discovered within alleged ancient
Faerie Mounds
"Haunted Cave" that was closed for several years, was re-opened to
NORWAY, LILLEDAL - A hundred miles SW of Trondheim, Lilledal is a small
valley running into Sundalen fjord from the south, close to the bottom of
Sundal. A subterranean passage is said to go through the
Fjeld Kalken which rises over Yulevolden, reaching from Hovedalen to
Lilledalen. An iron gate is supposed to be in the passage with a guard
dog[s?] tied to it, and only a few have gone that far. A red-haired dog is
once said to have gone in at Lilledalen and after a long time came out by
Maele in Sundalen, but it was hairless on one side. source: FOLKLORE - A
QUARTERLY REVIEW, Vol. 20 [1909];
Ranges of Norway
NORWAY, TROMVIK - underground "ghosts" stop demolition crew from tearing
down an old barn. See:
OKLAHOMA, ADA - Joint alien-military underground facility. source: UFO
Magazine, Vol.7, No.6, 1992;
Map of Ada Oklahoma
OKLAHOMA, BINGER - A large mound north of Binger has traditionally been
"haunted" and also the site of a legendary entrance to a vast system of
labyrinths leading to the "Land of Kenyon" within a vast cavern
illuminated by a bluish electromagnetic aurora/phosphorescence, in which
live a peaceable race. However deep below this cavern are other darker
realms where malevolent "serpent people" dwell. This story has made the
rounds in years past, but others attribute its origin to a little known
story penned by H. P. Lovecraft. One may wonder just why Lovecraft chose
this particualr mound north of this particular town. Was this "haunted
mound" connected to local legends or incidents in reality? source: Charles
H. P. Lovecraft
OKLAHOMA, MCALESTER - Just before the Korean war three men explored a
cavern NE of MCalester, underneath a "haunted mound", near which strange
manifestations, animal mutilations and missing livestock had been
reported. The owner at the time had put crosses on the knoll in order to
keep "evil spirits" away. The three man, once inside, made their way down
into a large cavern and found a seemingly "bottomless shaft" around which
spiraled a stone staircase with steps large enough to accommodate a 12
foot giant. They descended for about a mile, not reaching the bottom, and
decided to go back up. After the first two had emerged they heard a scream
from the third, and some shots from his .45 revolver. They helped him out
and in terror he told of hairy animal-men who had suddenly snuck up from
behind him, grabbing him and trying to pounce him down to the ground. As
evidence he showed his friends the YELLOWISH BLOOD that his gun had
extracted from the creatures. source: Charles Marcoux; Victor C. Johnson;
Map of McAlester, Oklahoma
OKLAHOMA, OKLAHOMA CITY - Reports which surfaced in the first hours
following the Oklahoma City Federal building bombing yet were suppressed
by the national media, regarding Firefighters who told of huge tunnels
that had been blasted open where they were shocked to see huge underground
rooms filled with military arsenals, including missiles and missile
launchers, tanks, etc. Also reports of an 18-level underground base
beneath this Federal Building [and others?], with the top 5 levels being
used for underground parking. These claims were made in reader letters to
"The Phoenix Liberator" from a people who reported the "tunnal" aspects of
the Murrah Federal Building bombing as described by local newscasters in
the INITIAL hours after the blast. The "Liberator" however has been
accused of being a channel for the "Ashtar" alien collective's a
right-wing propoganda, especially that of Gyeorgos Hatonn, a reputed 9 ft.
reptilian who supposedly "defected" from the Draconian - Orionite -
SiriusB "Kamagol-II" empire under Heliopolis/Gizeh Egypt, yet who
nevertheless still maintains close advisory contact with the active "Nazi"
saucer battalians in the "New Berlin" base/city under New Schwanenland
Antarctica and the two subordinate facilities under Dulce New Mexico and
Pine Gap Australia, just as the "Gizeh Empire" had reportedly maintained
ties with the Nazi's during World War II. The letters about the Oklahoma
City bombing nevertheless seemed to be legitimate. Note: Tinker Air Force
Base in Oklahoma City has been cited by some as a major New World Order
preparation facility, and like many major airports the Oklahoma City
airport is intended to be used as a major tranfer terminal for political
dissidents once attempts are made to enforce the NWO in North America.
Most major airports of this type reportedly have major underground FEMA,
etc., facilities. Tinker Air Force Base is also where Cathy O'Brien
reportedly met George Bush during her mind control "training". source:
Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma City
OREGON, FORT ROCK BASIN - Water wells north of Fort Rock Basin have been
known to blow air for days during periods of high barometric pressure -
times when they should rather be taking in air. source: "Central Oregon's
Underground World Filled With Wind That Roars, Whistles...", Article by
Larry Chitwood in THE OREGONIAN, Oct. 31, 1985;
Fort Rock Basin, Oregon
OREGON, JOSEPHINE COUNTY - The discovery of a strange,
in Josephine County, Oregon.
OREGON, PORTLAND - "The Astounding Woodstock Mystery Hole just 2 miles
west of I-205 located in Portland Oregon. Inside the Mystery Hole you'll
find a Giant Double Arch, Geometric "codes" inscribed on walls, and other
oddities. A Black Obsidian Mirror, and a Florite Crystal Tower,
re-constructed based on information gleaned from the curious glyphs
insculptured on the Giant Double Arch found deep inside The Mystery Hole."
HOLE website
drilling project on the sea floor breaks through to massive cavities under
the ocean bedrock. The opening grew in size and is now sucking a massive
and constant flow of ocean water into the crust beneath the ocean floor.
source: FAR OUT Magazine;
Map of Galapagos Islands April, 1982 issue
PENNSYLVANIA, ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS - About 50 miles south of Pittsburgh in
the first range of the Allegheny mountains, George A. Lehew reportedly
found a cavern which he penetrated for over a mile, the passages becoming
increasingly wider. He descended at about a 45 degree angle until reaching
a room in which he found a 6-ft.-wide thermol bore, a perfectly circular
shaft with smooth glazed walls that had apparently been melted through the
rock/earth in some ancient time. Old timers in the area alleged that six
"survivors" in 1915 took gear and equipment and spent a month exploring
the cave, going 18 miles from the entrance and down almost 5 miles below
sea level, where they distinctly heard the "rumble of machinery" off in
the distance. source: Letter from George A. Lehew in AMAZING STORIES
Dec. 1946
PENNSYLVANIA, BLUE RIDGE SUMMIT - The location of the so-called
"underground Pentagon" maintained by nearby Ft. Ritchie, and used as a
major electronic nerve center for the U.S. military. A massive
installation that is also known as "Raven Rock" or "Site R" that was
blasted out of greenstone granite 650 feet below. A 260,000 sq. ft.
facility sprawling beneath 716 acres composed of five different
"buildings" in specially excavated separate caverns, literally forming an
underground "pentagon". Also contains fluorescent lights, convenience
store, barbershop, medical and dining facilities, an underground reservoir
containing millions of gallons of water, a chapel, 35 miles of telephone
lines, and six 1,000-watt generators. It is a supercomputing and
electronic command post linked with several military communications
networks around the globe, and is reportedly connected via tunnel to Camp
David several miles to the north near the town of Thurmont. source:
Richard Sauder;
PENNSYLVANIA, DIXONVILLE - Mine inspector Glenn E. Berger reported in 1944
to his superiors that the Dixonville mine disaster which "killed" 15 men
was not the result of a cave-in, but rather an attack by underground
creatures capable of manipulating the earth [partial cave-ins], whose
domain the miners had apparently penetrated. Most of the dead miners were
not injured by falling rocks but showed signs of large claw marks, others
were missing, and one survivor spoke of seeing a vicious humanoid creature
that was 'not of this world' within an ancient passage that the miners had
broke into. The creature somehow created a "cave-in", blocking himself and
another inspector [who closed his eyes when he felt the creatures 'hot
breath' on his neck] from the main passage until another rescue party
began to dig through the collapse, scaring the "creature" away. source:
Article by
Stoney Brakefield in NEWS EXTRA, July 14, 1974
tunnels and
pits discovered by some young explorers who chanced upon the
underground system.
PENNSYLVANIA, NEW KENSINGTON - A creature, about 4 ft. tall, walking on
two feet and "half humanoid - half dinosaur" was seen by grownups and
children. One boy attempted to grab the creature from behind, which let
out a squealing or screeching sound and escaped. Also, children attempted
to pour gasoline on the creature and light it, unsuccessfully, before it
escaped into a "sewer tunnel" nearby. source: "Green Thing Sparks Rumors",
article by Michael Burke, in THE VALLEY NEWS DISPATCH, New Kensington-Terentum
& Vandergraft, PA., March 5, 1981 issue;
New Kensington Chamber of Commerce
PENNSYLVANIA, PITTSBURGH - Two boys enter a cave in a Pittsburgh suburb
that was uncovered by road excavation work, only to find a partially
buried thermol-bore [a perfectly round fused polished shaft apparently
melted through the rock], partially concealed by dirt, and which they
uncover and explore. Their dog runs down the sloping shaft, which is about
4 ft. in diameter, ahead of them until a deep, vibrating sound is heard,
following which the dog came running back out of the shaft, clawing its
way over them and in total terror, running back home. The cave was then
subsequently covered by further road excavation. Also rumors of old robber
gangs in frontier times who would rob banks and escape to hide away in
ancient caverns underground, via an "automatic door" they had discovered
in the cliffs. source: THE
PERU. GENERAL - Several links to information of underground anomalies in
Peru: -
-1- -
- -3- -
-4- - -5- -
PERU, [NOT SPECIFIED] - The Kon-Tiki expedition, while in Peru searching
for bamboo, discovered a cavern in which an ancient cuniform inscription
was found engraved on the wall. The inscription was later translated and
told in poetic form the tragic story of a knight who entered the cave at
some ancient time to rescue his maiden, who was seduced and abducted by a
satyrus like creature, whose tracks the knight followed to the cavern. The
knight, before descending to take revenge on the demonic beings below and
in the event that he did not return, inscribed a warning on the cavern
wall to those who might discover the cave in the future. source: Cossette
Willoughby of Fairacres, New Mexico;
The Kon-Tiki Expedition
Tunnels that have been discovered and are being explored, beneath the
Andes Mountains
PERU, CUZCO - Stories of many
secret entrances
near the ancient
city.; More: - -1-
-2- -
-3- -
-4- -
PERU, FORT SACSAYHUAMAN - Several stories exist of large labyrinths
beneath this ancient Peruvian fort. -
-1- -
PERU (NORTHERN) - Several villages in
Peru contain unusual subterranean houses and tunnels.
PERU (SOUTHEASTERN) - Pre-Columbian tunnel complex discovered in
PUERTO RICO - Carlos Manuel Mencado tells of being abducted by grey aliens
and flown into a base under the Sierra Benmeja via a hole which "appeared"
in a depression in the side of El Cayul mountain, which followed a long
tunnel emerging into a massive underground cavern. source: ALIEN UPDATE,
by Timothy Good;
UFOMIND info on Puerto Rico
PUERTO RICO - Near the SW tip of Puerto Rico, under the waters of the Mona
Passage, Mona island, and south of the Cobo Rojo lighthouse in the ocean
pass separating Puerto Rico from the Dominican Republic, there reportedly
exists an active UFO base. U.S. Navy forces, investigating a massive UFO
wave, sent out two F-14 Tomcat fighter jets to circle a massive UFO that
had been sighted in May, 1988. One of the fighters from the BCF "starfighter"
squadron aboard the USS Roosevelt was vaporised by a beam from the UFO,
and photos of the incident were taken by Amaury Rivera. Some months later
missile-laden fighters attempted to intercept a delta shapes UFO but the
UFO vaporised or captured one of the jets in front of thousands of
witnesses. source: INTERNATIONAL UFO LIBRARY Magazine;
UFOMIND info on Puerto Rico
ROMANIA - Stories of alleged ancient underground passages in the
Carpathian Mountains.
'holes' found in the ground.
world's deepest cave (at the time) is being explored in the West
A Russian lake mysteriously sinks into the ground and disappears.
Strange holes appearing in the ground.
holes and tunnels have been discovered in the ground in the region.
RUSSIA, MOSCOW - Reports of an
underground world existing
beneath the
streets of
RUSSIA, OLEKMINSK - The central Siberian uplands north of Olekminsk have
been the source of numerous UFO reports, including a massive "wave" or
scare that erupted in early 1970, involving disappearances of animals and
humans, including one entire village. A Soviet supersonic bomber
disappeared without a trace in the area on April 24, 1970, provoking a 150
plane rescue search [many of these reported gigantic space craft hovering
so high that they were out of range]. Soviet reconnaissance planes
appeared in the skies, relentlessly photographing every inch of the
terrain. Chinese citizens were terrorized by UFOnauts disguised as Russian
cosmonauts and Russian citizens reported landings of Chinese or Oriental
appearing UFO pilots. This confusion might have led [intentionally on the
part of the "aliens"?] to World War III between China and Russia since the
phenomena did result in some border clashes between the two superpowers.
"On April 29th [1970] inhabitants of these areas were awe struck as a
gigantic Soviet aerial armada consisting if bombers and fighter planes
passed overhead en route to a rendezvous near the desert region. This area
was bombarded for hours and literally blasted from the face of the
earth... reliable sources report that a secret flying saucer base was
systematically liquidated... consisting of hundreds of miles of
underground tunnels and dozens of 'pyramid-like structures' throughout the
area." source: photocopy of magazine article, source not given;
Branton's "War In Heaven" File
RUSSIA, RAMENKI - A huge underground bunker designed for the countries
leaders and their families, 6 miles outside of Moscow and linked to the
Kremlin and other buildings via underground rails. An actual underground
city 500 acres in size built at several levels from 230 to 395 feet down
and capable of holding 120,000 people. source: ALIEN MAGIC, by William F.
Hamilton II; The Moscow Times
RUSSIA, URAL MOUNTAINS - A mammoth underground military complex within
Yamantau mountain in the Beloretsk area of the southern Urals. Also used
for mining, repository for Russian treasures, food storage area, and a
nuclear bunker for military officials. source: NEW YORK TIMES, April 16,
1996; Underground Russian
SAMOA - Stories of
Bluish beings from an underground city, encountered in a cave on the
Island of Samoa.
SAUDI ARABIA - Investigations of an alleged
treasure cave
near the norther border of
Saudi Arabia.
SCANDINAVIA - "A 13th century historian, Saxo-Gammaticus, wrote down the
folklore and myths of Scandinavia. He recorded the ancient Viking belief
in 'Hadding Land', a subterranean world where giants, superhumans, tribes
of black dwarfs, and 'snake people' lived. These strange beings, and even
stranger animals, were said to occasionally surface in the outer world and
create chaos." source:
THE UNDERPEOPLE, by Eric Norman;
Nordic Mythology
SIBERIA - the Tunguska blast and the
underground -
SOLOMON ISLANDS - Hidden UFO bases of giants living beneath the
Solomon Islands
SOUTH AMERICA - Polished tunnels story from
Jonathan Gray
SOUTH CAROLINA, COLUMBIA - The alleged discovery (EMPHASIS on "alleged")
of an underground tunnel by a family picknicking in the suburban town of
Irmo, 4 miles NW of Columbia, Irmo having been suspected in the past of
harboring U.N. fugitives. John Don Cooper and his son Wayne Dwayne
discovered the opening while out foraging for branches for their makeshift
lean-to. The passage led to a man-made cave. According to police spokesman
Ralph Hightower the tunnel was located in a wooded area next to the
parking lot of the Irmo K-Mart, which was not heavily visited due to
competition from a nearby Wal-Mart and Sams Club. Cooper immediately
called (-1-1 and the Irmo SWAT Team responded by storming K-Mart and the
tunnel. Caught by surprise, the U.N. infiltrators lost the battle, which
lasted about 4 hours, however it was fount that the tunnel branched out to
many different and still unknown locations. The tunnel at the town limits
of Irmo was sealed by the SWAT Team. Hightower said: "...I don't think
they'll be back 'cause we kicked their butts real good." source: local
newspaper article from Columbia, S.C.,
Nov. 23, 1997 - HOWEVER
some claim that this story very well may be a
SOUTH CAROLINA, GAFFNEY - In the mid-1960's, a woman in Gaffney complained
to the local police that someone was digging tunnels under her house, as
she was plagued by eerie hums and strange mechanical sounds emanating from
under her house. source: THE 8TH TOWER, by John A. Keel;
Map of Gaffney, South Carolina
SOUTH DAKOTA - "A Vast Underground Lake" discovered below the
Jim River Valley which spans the borders of both states.
SOUTH DAKOTA, (Black Hills) - Plans for a large underground
scientific laboratory within a large gold mine in the Black Hills.
SPAIN, MADRID - Underground tunnel system discovered that was used by
Franciscan Monks. Source:
http://www.angelfire.com/ut/branton/Spain.html -
SPAIN, ROTA - A couple visiting Spain was shown the entrance to an amazing
city on some private property in the countryside.
underground river
is discovered by a man using 'dowsing' techniques.
TASMANIA (SOUTH-WEST) - Phil Schneider's description of a secret military
base beneath Mt. Orion in
southwest Tasmania, south of Scots Peak Dam.
Ruby Falls
cave cave and the legends of passageways that were once accessible but
are not blocked, which led to a large underground lake, etc. Also, the
story of the strange disappearance of a geologist in
cave, some 30 miles west of Chattanooga, and well over 6 miles long.
cave discovery that has been described as an underground "fairy land"
with a large subterranean waterfall and an underground lake beyond which
the explorers (at the time) were unable to proceed.
TENNESSEE, GALLATIN - On Sept. 23, 1880 at about 3:30 in the afternoon
farmer David Lang dematerialized in front of 5 witnesses while walking
across a field. Mrs. Lang ran and pounded the ground where he had
vanished. Seven months later Lang's children insisted that they had heard
their father crying distantly from UNDERNEATH the field. He seemed
desperate and tortured, and was begging for help, until his voice faded
away and was not heard again. Where he was last seen there was a circle of
WITHERED yellow grass 20 feet in diameter. source: MAJESTIC, by
Whitley Streiber
sea has been discovered beneath the surface of Texas.
TEXAS, ALPINE - The 'haunted' Refugio mine in the Chispa Mts. 60 miles SW
of Alpine, which had been abandoned in spite of a large amount of silver
ore still remaining within. As one investigator attempted to enter a
'drift', a thunderous noise and a rush of air came from the tunnel,
throwing him against the opposite wall, bruised and dazed, as the air
subsided "one of the post piercing and plaintive cries I ever heard"
emerged, the terrorized Henry Boyd said. The phenomena was repeated as he
left the mine, and later attempts to work the mine ended in injury and
terror, some of the men who later attempted to enter the enigmatic tunnel
were thrown repeatedly broken and bruised against the tunnel walls as if
by an invisible force. source: NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 4, 1903;
search for: Refugio mine Alpine Texas haunted
TEXAS, ATHENS - Joint alien-military underground facility. source: UFO
Magazine, Vol.7, No.6, 1992;
Map of Athens, Texas
TEXAS, AUSTIN (North of) - Constructions crews discover an underground
cavern system while constructing
highway in Texas - now known as "Inner Space Caverns", it provide cave
tours for those who are interested.
TEXAS, BETWEEN FREDRICKSBURG & MASON - Kiser cave, reportedly pours out a
steady stream of carbon dioxide from its mouth, a phenomena which has not
yet been explained. source: EXPLORING AMERICAN CAVES, by Franklin Folsom;
Map of Mason[red star], near Fredericksburgh & Austin Texas
TEXAS, DALLAS - The Texas Instruments plant - near the main gate of the
Dallas facility - allegedly conceals an underground entrance leading to
large caverns below. Allegations that certain "Shaver Mystery" experts
were asked to enter the caverns (where small green-skinned humanoids were
being contained in cages) in order to offer their opinions as to who or
what the beings were. source: Henry M. Steele;
Texas Instruments Website
TEXAS, DENTON - Underground FEMA facility. source:
Richard Sauder
TEXAS, EL PASO - Tunnel in the Franklin Mts. No further details. source:
Franklin Mountains State Park
TEXAS, FORT WORTH - On the afternoon of Friday, July 13th, 1984, a 20 foot
long, 2-foot-high bulge stretched the surface of a street in Fort Worth,
as if a giant earthworm was trying to come up from under the road. It
seemed alive, swaying back and forth, said Charlie McCafferty of the fire
dept. "What spooked me was there wasn't even a crack in the road."
Jackhammers were used to break through the asphalt & concrete, where they
found silt layers intact and no evidence of gas buildup. Shortly after the
above event a similar mound was seen on Calvin Lang's homestead at the
outskirts of Ft. Worth, and after prodding it with a rake it disappeared
yet it had left some buildings torn apart, fences torn down, and shrubs
and trees uprooted. Later Jeremy Boiter spotted what appeared to be a
giant tentacle erupting from the ground in a shower of gravel and dirt
about 2 miles away. It seized a can and her kittens, devouring them in
seconds as well as two growling dog which it swallowed in its "slick
dripping mouth". His friend Phil Dewar also found scraps of birds, rabbits
and other while animals among the rubble of a destroyed hut. source: THE
N.Y., 16 July 1984; NATIONAL EXAMINER, 12 Feb. 1985;
Map of Fort Worth Texas area
TEXAS, SAN ANTONIO - Discoveries concerning the
huge subterranean aquifer,
the "Edwards Aquifer", which is a mysterious maze of underground rivers,
chutes, and Caverns.
TEXAS, GUADALUPE MTS. - A report of an early meeting between U.S.
government and foreign government officials with mantis-like, reptiloid,
and grey 'aliens' in a deep-level underground base below
El Capitan Peak
in NW New Mexico in 1964.
underground river discovered beneath the area.
TIBET, LAKE MANOSAROWAR - Huge underground facilities under mountains
surrounding the lake, maintained by the Nagas, reptilian humanoids with
little regard for human life and possessing space travel technology.
source: ON
-1- -
-2- -
TIBET, SANPO VALLEY - Theodore Illion, a play-writer, finds an underground
city over 14 levels deep, built around a "bottomless shaft" which leads to
a secret deep below that is protected with deadly force. The city is run
like an ant colony, its inhabitants being little more than emotionless
drones who serve under the absolute dictatorship of the ruler-sorcerer
Prince Mani Rimpotche, and aged white bearded Tibetan who spoke 6
languages including English. Feigning as benevolent, the malevolent cult
is connected to a secret society with agents throughout the entire world.
When Illion discovers the true nature of the cult, he makes an escape but
is subjected to massive psychic attacks and sorcery on his way out of the
valley, from which he barely escapes alive. source:
DARKNESS OVER TIBET, by Theodore Illion; also see:
Old Records Found In Caves Describe UFO Visitors 12,000[?] Years Ago.
Thirty-Six Undergrounc Cities have been discovered and explored. More
on the
underground and even
TURKEY, DERINKUYU - In 1968 archaeologists exploring burial chambers,
tunnels, and catacomb-cities [several of which are linked together at the
lower levels] near Derinkuya Turkey, had reached a depth of about 900 feet
when they were suddenly attacked by a group of 7 ft. tall albino-haired
troglodydes. One team member was killed and another was hospitalized for
several months, and all had serious wounds. source: article by Raymond
Bond in UFO ANNUAL '80 magazine; article by Kurt Braun in BEYOND REALITY
magazine, Dec. 1968; the
TURKEY, PAMUKKALE - A cavern adjacent to the ruins of the "temple of
Apollo" in Pamukkale [formerly Hierapolis], built when the ancient Grecian
empire held sway in the area. Several strange disappearances have
surrounded the cavern as for back as ancient Grecian times. The Greek
philosopher Strabe [circa 63 BC - 24 AD] recorded that many animals who
entered the cavern never emerged, and also many people who went past the
mouth of the cave never returned. Only sorcerers in ancient times, who had
apparently made an alliance with the "gods of the underworld", would be
able to enter and would emerge glowing with a reddish aura. Sheldon
Aaronson, a professor of Microbiology at Queens College, N.Y., told OMNI
magazine that several Australian students had entered the cavern and
disappeared just a few days before his visit in 1987. Sheldon stated: "the
Turkish government put iron bars over the opening to prevent other people
from every going in. As far as we know, the Australians were never seen
again." source: OMNI Magazine, Jan. 1987;
More about Pamukkale
Deepest Cave
yet discovered (at the time - 1996) in Asia, is in Turkey
UKRAINE - Cave explorers "at the time of" their
expedition Break
the World Depth Record
UTAH-ARIZONA - "A-K warriors watching undercover and very secretive
government movements going on in southern Utah and northern Arizona by the
government and archaeology dept. of Utah. They are mapping the Anasazi
underground caverns and tunnel systems in Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and New
Mexico. This action has been going on for about 2 years. They are using a
new development of radar coupled with siesmographic signals. One of ours
spies in the government said recently that they have made some rather
astounding discoveries. Navaho and Kaweah warriors are watching this gab
gang of white men. Kawewah warriors in Arizona are looking for two gold
hunters in south Arizona area." source: "Anasazi Underground", report from
UTAH (GENERAL) - "Alien Dave" has put together an excellent website
containing a great deal about the various underground sites in Utah.
Source: Alien
Dave's Archive on the Utah underground; Also, the
longest and deepest caves in Utah - also
an alternate website...
and more. Metacrawler.com search for:
"underground bases" Utah
UTAH, ALPINE - This "suburban legend" involves a farmer near Alpine who
solicited the help of some other men to move a large boulder in his field.
The boulder was moved, only to reveal a tunnel leading downward. They
descended the sloping tunnel but came to a place where their progress was
prevented by a "giant serpent". In fear, they went back to the surface and
re-sealed the shaft with the boulder. source: K. Studstrup;
Map of Alpine/Highland Utah
UTAH, CACHE COUNTY - The "Main Drain" Cave was found to be the deepest
official cave (to date) in Utah. Sources: -
-1- -
-2- -
-3- - -4- -
-5- -
-6- -
UTAH, CANYON-LANDS NATIONAL PARK - The Druid Arch area is reportedly the
site of a joint alien-military base. Many unusual phenomena have been
described, including strange men "posing" as park rangers discouraging
people from going into certain "public" areas, invisible military
personnel who could only been seen as reflections in mirrors, UFO
sightings and manifestations, and also a high level of electromagnetic
energy which adversely affects electronic equipment. Others have suggested
that some of the projects from Area 51 were moved to Moab, Utah /
Canyonlands National Park following the public exposures of Area 51.
source: "Lands of Ancient Star People", article by Robert Morning Sky in
UFO UNIVERSE, Spring, 1996;
Druid Arch in the Canyonlands National Park
UTAH, DUGWAY - Reported underground connection to the Sub-Global network,
and also reports of automatons and reptilian humanoids operating under
holographic human disguises, who have been seen to transform temporarily
to their alien state, according to a hair stylist and a worker at an auto
shop in the town of Dugway who both witnesses such temporary
transformations. source: confidential;
the Dugway, Utah underground; Dugway's
Area-51 base.
More: -
-1- - -2-
- -3- -
UTAH, LITTLE COTTONWOOD CANYON - A few miles up the canyon there are 3
switch backs on the north side of the road, with security signs posted,
leading up to the "granite" cliffs. The first switch back leads to the
underground records vault maintained by the Mormon church, which has an
underground but "off limits" connecting passage which leads deeper into
the mountain, to a massive cavern where military and alien personnel
collaborate, and in which witnesses have observed massive construction
projects, and large underground buildings in which humans and greys have
been seen working at benches on electronic [mind control, etc.] equipment.
Also, reports of a "Melchizedek" lodge penetrating the Mormon/LDS and
Masonic lodges, the Mt. Shasta Mayan colony, and other 'lodges' in Sirius
and Arcturus, which have formerly maintained treaties with the grey aliens
although many of them have turned against the greys as a result of their
betrayals of interactive treaties. The 2nd and 3rd switch backs going up
the canyon both intersect at the same point, which is apparently the main
surface entrance to the underground "military" facility. source:
confidential sources;
Photo and
SatImage of the Mormon "Vault" a few miles west of the underground
Black Ops base; also posts on the eaglenet e-list regarding massive
caverns within the
Western Rockies and beneath the
Salt Flat Desert and generally throughout
all of Utah;
Reptilian Encounters in
Utah; Also you might wish to connect to a SEARCH of
the underground areas beneath Utah; Also, read Branton's
UTAH, SALEM-THISTLE - Under the mountains between Salem and Thistle [ghost
town] Utah, there are, according to reports, caverns in which a joint Nazi
- Masonic - Reptilian underground facility is maintained. Also reports of
massive alien/reptilian "infiltration" activity in the area and especially
along the "Wasatch Front" of the Western Rockies. source:
Cavern system under the Western Rockies
UTAH, SALT LAKE CITY AIRPORT - Underground FEMA facility. source: Alan
FEMA - fascist underground government-in-waiting
UTAH, SALT LAKE CITY - Massive underground facility for human cloning,
beneath the University of Utah, where human cloning has been carried out
at least since 1977. source:
UTAH, SALT LAKE CITY - Below Crossroads Plaza [via the EXITS behind the
"Crossroads Cinemas" theater on the "right"{?} and also under "manhole"
covers within and outside of the mall] - across the street from the
are reportedly ancient tunnels that were discovered by early construction
workers and excavators, some of which have been refurbished. Also hints of
a human/alien collaboration in the area. The tunnels, catacombs and cavern
systems below reportedly involve the following: Dangerous encounters with
reptilian humanoids, federal agency involvement, men seen in a 300 ft.
long chamber wearing suits and carrying Uzi machine guns, holographically
concealed side passages, a greenish glow seen emanating from behind a
locked[?] door in the 3rd sub-level below Crossroads, ancient wooden doors
blocking passages that lead north - also on the 3rd sub-level, tunnels
under the NE corner of the Crossroads plaza leading south and east that
are blocked by metal gates, a huge passage "large enough to drive a semi
through" leading south and strung with lights at the bottom of a
multi-leveled concrete shaft with descending trap doors, three-toed
footprints and a seemingly bottomless pit seen in the cavern from which
the the "semi" tunnel extends southward, rumors of over 100 miles of
passages some ancient and some modern, several accounts of people who have
disappeared in the underground labyrinth, paranormal manifestations, and
whispered rumors of connections to a vast system of cavern-networks
covering an area of about 1000 miles diameter and part of an uncollapsed
segment of an ancient global aquifer which collapsed forming the ocean
beds - a vast system of caverns with penetrates Utah and extends into
parts of Idaho, Nevada, Arizona and Colorado. source:
confidential sources
BASIN of North-East Utah has been known for many years to be a hotspot
for UFO activity...
UTAH, ZION CANYON - Reports of a vast underground drainage system which
receives the waters of the Great American desert of Utah, Nevada, Arizona
and California, stretching from Zion Canyon, to the Grand Canyon of
Arizona, to the Carson Sink of Nevada, and to the Mojave desert of
California, through which large subterranean rivers flow. source: Letter
from Chuck Edwards in THE HIDDEN WORLD, issue A-8 [1962];
more details
VENEZUELA - The discovery of the "Cueva
del Fantasma" in Venesuela, which is known for it's vast size. The
remote entrance is actually so large that helicopters can fly into it.
VIET NAM, CU CHI - A complex of 200 miles of underground tunnels
constructed by the VC, which boasted arms factories, barracks and
hospitals, which were discovered by the infamous "tunnel rats"
paramilitary forces during the Viet Nam war. source:
THE TUNNELS OF CU CHI, by Tom Mandolg and John Penycate
VIRGINIA, BELLS COVE - Near the small village [ghost town?] of Bell's Cove
is Buck Hill Caverns, deep within which explorers reportedly discovered a
seemingly bottomless shaft, from which emerged the distinct sound of
sobbing, or crying and wiling as of a woman in pain. source:
"The Phantom of
Buck Hill Caves" (and other stories), from CORNET magazine, Oct. 1961;
More on Buck Hill Cave, Virginia
VIRGINIA, BLUEMONT - Mt. Weather, in northern Virginia, is a virtual
underground city 46 nukes from Washington D.C., a C.O.G. [Continuity Of
Government] facility, and the hub of the FEMA subterranean network [and
its underground facilities which exist beneath several major airport
terminals]. The infrastructure of Mt. Weather includes microwave
communications systems, a small spring-fed lake, a pair of 250,000 gallon
water tanks and several ponds, a sewage treatment plant capable of
processing 40,000 gallons per day, a hospital, cafeterias, a diesel
powered electrical generating plant, private living quarters and
dormitories, closed circuit TV, radio and TV studio, massive
super-computing facilities which store personal information on millions of
Americans, wargame simulators, electric cars, etc. Insiders admit that an
entire non-representive appointed "back up government" lives in residence
within Mt. Weather, being entirely unaccountable to the citizens of the
U.S.A. There are several C.O.G. facilities within a 300 mile radius of
Washington D.C., with Mt. Weather being the central coordinator of this
"Federal Arc". At least 96 underground C.O.G. facilities exist in
Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina.
source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6; Richard Sauder; see also
VIRGINIA, CULPEPER - A couple miles east of Culpeper, just off Rt.3 in
northern Virginia, is Mt. Pony, beneath which lies a large underground
government facility maintained by the Federal Reserve and Treasury Dept.
The 140,000 sq. ft. facility is said to be supplied with water, food, a
generator, communications equipment, etc. At least 5 billion dollars worth
of Federal Reserve notes has been stored under Mt. Pony. The facility also
monitors major global and banking activity via a "Fed Wire". source: UFO
Magazine, Vol.7, No.6; Richard
VIRGINIA, LANGLEY - At least 7 levels of underground facilities beneath
the CIA headquarters, some of which contain recovered alien hardware.
source: confidential;
Map of Langley, Virginia
VIRGINIA, TAZEWELL - 6 miles SW of Tazewell is "Devils Slide Cave", from
which unusual sounds have been heard to emanate. source: TECH TROGLODYTE [NSS
affiliate newsletter], Vol.12, No.2;
Map of Tazewell, Virginia
VIRGINIA, WARRENTON - The Warrenton Training Center, and underground
relocation center for an unspecified Federal Agency. The U.S. Army
maintains two underground facilities near Warrenton, "Station A" on Rt.802
and "Station B" on Bear Wallow Road, on Viewtree mountain. Some suggest
that both stations, only a couple miles apart, may be connected
underneath. Large antennae towers and AT&T microwave facilities suggest an
electronics communications and computing facility. Security at Station A
is reportedly more extreme than at Station B. source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7,
No.6; Richard Sauder
WASHINGTON D.C. - The House of the Temple, the Scottish Rite Masonic
headquarters, sits atop the pentagram-like street layout of Washington
D.C. and reportedly connects to ancient glazed tunnels built by
"Atlanteans" in antediluvian times, and also connections to a massive
cavern called "NOD" where the NSA, Sirians, and other alien species
collaborate in an agenda of global domination. Several D.C. buildings are
reportedly connected by underground tunnels, both ancient and modern.
source: Jon Singer; Richard Toronto;
Washington D.C.
aka Pentagram City; Also there is a super-secret underground
government facility/bunker beneath Washington D.C. called
Mount Weather;
More: -
-1- -
-2- -
-3- -
WASHINGTON STATE, ELLENSBERG - Mel Waters tells of a "bottomless shaft" in
the Madistash Ridge near Ellensberg, about 10 feet wide. Also nicknamed
Hell's Hole. One man claims to have dropped an old refrigerator down the
shaft but did not hear it hit. Also reports of military men in the area,
and residents who were told not to talk about the subject, also rumors
that the U.S. military paid the discoverer a "fortune" to shut up about
shaft and "disappear". source: STRANGE UNIVERSE, April 22, 1997; Art
Bell's DREAMLAND radio program;
More on
Mel's Hole and
WASHINGTON, HANFORD - Reports that the underground base activity taking
place at AREA-51 in Nevada has been extended to the
Hanford, Washington area.
WASHINGTON, FORT LEWIS - Many reports state that the Madigan military
hospital 50 miles south of Seattle is being used by aliens [reptilian] to
process military personnel into an alien agenda. The hospital is very
high-tech with at least 3 underground levels that are off limits to both
civilian and military personnel. Many claim that most of the workers at
this Army hospital are "not human", and a powerful electromagnetic field
has been reported within and surrounding the hospital area. The nearby Ft.
Lewis has been implicated in certain New World Order predatory activities.
source: Article by Val
Valerian in THE LEADING EDGE magazine;
SatView of Ft. Lewis
WASHINGTON, TACOMA - A strange hole in the back yard of Jim and Harriet
Johnson's home, which "devours" everything thrown into it. Cavers explored
the hole and saw 3 cone-shaped stones that they could not explain. The
Johnson's built a deck over the hole and planned to sell the house, after
former owners related their own experiences. The original owner told of
being lowered down the hole only to have his oil lamp sucked out of his
hands, while another told of filling the hole with marble and 'all kinds
of stuff', but the hole 'erupted' spewing stuff all over. Another filled
the hole with old tires, but the hole seemed to consume the tires, which
began sinking out of site. source: EVERETT HERALD [Everett Washington],
March 17, 1980;
Everett Washington Herald Archives Search
Mysteries of Tacoma.
WASHINGTON, YAKIMA - An alien base reportedly lies below the Yakima Indian
Reservation SE of Tacoma, Washington. source:
THE HOLLOW HASSLE Newsletter, Vol.2, No.2
WEST VIRGINIA, BRAXTON/WEBSTER COUNTIES - The area bordered by Newville on
the west, Helvetia on the east, Cleveland on the north and Hacker Valley
on the south [Braxton & Webster counties] contain many subsurface
anomalies according to the late husband of British Canadian Joan Howard,
an abductee whose husband did survey work in the area. He told of strange
caverns in the area with strange sounds of voices and machinery emerging
from within as if beyond the walls, caves containing strange hieroglyphic
writings, a pipe that stands out of the ground FAR from any industrial
area which ejects a gas flame upwards, a cavern with a deep chasm near
which at least one man vanished [from his sleeping bag at night outside
the entrance], and one cavernous labyrinth deep within which one man
encountered a woman with no hair who spoke to him in an unknown language,
yet being unable to understand him she gave up and disappeared into the
depths of the labyrinth. source: THE SPACE - OR SOMETHING - CONNECTION, by
Joan Howard;
Map of Newville - Helvetia - Cleveland - Hacker Valley, WV
WEST VIRGINIA, POINT PLEASANT - 7 ft. tall reptilian humanoids with 10
ft.-span wings and glowing red hypnotic eyes were observed by several
dozen witnesses near Point Pleasant and surrounding communities in the mid
1960's. One of the most concentrated encounter areas was the so-called TNT
area where concrete domes led to several miles of underground tunnels
where explosives were stored during WWII. Some young people observed one
of the creatures which they chased into one of the "domes" which covered
the now "capped" tunnel entrances, however when they entered the dome the
creature had vanished. These creatures were described as being something
similar to a cross between a humanoid and a pterodactyl, and have been
referred to as the Mothmen, Winged Dracos, Winged Serpents, Gargoyles, or
Ciakars. John Keel visited the TNT area personally and discovered one
large circular area where an almost PHYSICAL atmosphere of terror gripped
him and did not leave until he left the "circle". source:
WEST VIRGINIA, WARRENTON - Richard Sauder's investigations of
underground military bases in the area.
Government] facility exists beneath the Greenbrier Hotel, containing
living quarters to house 800 people, meeting rooms and banks of computers
and communications equipment, 250 miles SW of Washington D.C. in the
Allegheny mountains. Also a large dormitory, infirmary, shower facilities,
television studio, phone booths, dining areas, power plant, etc. Source:
UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6;
Richard Sauder
SEARCH for underground bases in/under Wisconsin. Also,
another cave
account from Wisconsin.
WISCONSIN, BURLINGTON - Stories of strange tunnels underneath
and surrounding areas.
WISCONSIN, STEVEN'S POINT - Interesting News article on a
cave near Steven's
Point, Wisconsin.
WYOMING, LANDER - Ancient human remains have been found in a large cave
Table Mountain Ranch --- Also, a
related story.
WYOMING, SHERIDON - Rumors and stories of "Mole People" have emerged from
the Bighorn Mountain area. Source:
Weekly World News
Mystery e-groups describing the
lost cave
Much of this is exerpted from Prisonplanet.tv site and is
full of juicy links. Make up your own minds whether this is
all true or not.
Below is extensive documentation on the obsession of the
ruling elite with dark occultism.
To begin with, see the below very important article series
which contains extensive documentation on the child
sex-slave and snuff-film rings run by the globalist elite:
"The Pedophocracy," Parts I through VI, by David McGowan,
Center for an Informed America (
http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com ), August 2001:
Concerning the hidden video caught by journalist Alex Jones
of a dark occultic ritual performed every year at Bohemian
Grove, see:
See also the full video Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove
by journalist and documentary film-maker Alex Jones, which
you can view in full for free below:
Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove:
Additionally, you can view clip excerpts Part 1 and Part 2
of Jon Ronson's documentary Secret Rulers of the World,
which also documents Alex Jones' infiltration of Bohemian
Grove, at the below link:
Below can be found a July 23, 1981 ABC News report on
Bohemian Grove:
"1981 News report about Bohemian grove," jaketom3, December
15, 2006
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCDs9Vs2iYM (External
Embedding Disabled)
Below can be found audio and a transcript of ABC News'
Monday, April 23, 2001 World News Tonight with anchor Peter
Jennings program concerning nightvision video secretly
captured on Saturday, April 14, 2001 by New York Observer
reporter Ron Rosenbaum of an occultic ritual conducted by
the Brotherhood of Death at Yale:
"April 23, 2001 ABC News Report on Hidden Video Captured of
Skull & Bones Ritual," PsyOp911, October 4, 2005:
Below is the full video of this ABC News report:
"2001 NEWS Report about Skull and bones ritual," jaketom3,
December 15, 2006
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGqAGuw23CM (External
Embedding Disabled)
See also the below BBC Radio news program on the Order of
Skull & Bones:
"BBC Expose of Skull and Bones," Kevin, September 13, 2004
BBC Radio 4, Club Class with Simon Cox, week of September
13, 2004
See the below for documentation on the theft of Geronimo's
bones by Bonesman Prescott Bush (George Bush, Sr.'s father)
and other members of the Order of Skull & Bones:
"Whose skull and bones?," Kathrin Day Lassila '81 and Mark
Alden Branch '86, Yale Alumni Magazine, May/June 2006
"Yale Historian Finds Geronimo Clue: Yale Historian Finds
1918 Letter Purporting That Geronimo's Bones Were Stolen and
Taken to Conn," Stephen Singer, Associated Press (AP), May
9, 2006
"VIDEO--CNN: Geronimo's Heir Wants Bush to Return 'Skull and
Bones,'" David Edwards, Brad Blog, May 26, 2006
Also revealing, on the Nixon tapes from May 13, 1971, Nixon
says of Bohemian Grove:
"But it's not just the ratty part of town. The upper class
in San Francisco is that way. The Bohemian Grove, which I
attend from time to time--it is the most faggy goddamned
thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd.
I can't shake hands with anybody from San Francisco."
(From "All The Philosopher King's Men--President Richard
Nixon, John D. Ehrlichman, and H. R. Haldeman," James
Warren, Harper's Magazine, February 2000
http://www.prisonplanet.com/032604nixontape.html .)
Below is the audio of the above Nixon passage:
Here's another interesting article on Bohemian Grove:
"Gay Porn Star Serves Moguls," New York Post, July 22, 2004:
Yet the Bush patriarchs just can't get enough of Bohemian
Grove. Concerning Bush, Sr.'s connection with a "faggy
goddamned thing" (to quote Nixon again) not just at Bohemian
Grove, but in the White House, see the below Washington
Times article:
"Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan,
Bush: 'Call boys' took midnight tour of White House," Paul
M. Rodriguez and George Archibald, Washington Times, June
29, 1989:
The below documentary, Conspiracy of Silence, was produced
by Yorkshire Television (U.K.) under contract by the
Discovery Channel. The documentary was scheduled to air
nation-wide in the U.S. on the Discovery Channel on May 3,
1994. It was listed in the April 30th-May 6th edition of TV
Guide and in newspapers for that day.
This documentary exposed a network of business leaders,
Washington politicians and other high officials involved in
a child sex-slave ring that flew children to Washington,
D.C. and elsewhere in the U.S. for sex orgies. This
documentary film turned out to be very presciently named,
because close to the time before airing, various congressmen
threatened the cable TV industry with restrictive
legislation if this documentary was aired. Almost
immediately, the rights to the documentary were purchased
for some half-million dollars by unnamed persons who ordered
all copies destroyed. A copy of the rough-edited version of
the film was furnished anonymously to attorney and former
Nebraska State Senator John DeCamp, among others.
Former CIA Director William E. Colby is also interviewed on
the documentary Conspiracy of Silence, wherein William E.
Colby backs up the importance of this case and also talks
about the real risks of assassination that John DeCamp faces
for speaking out about it (other investigators into the
Franklin, Nebraska child sex-slave scandal were
Below is a Windows media file (39.6 MB) of Conspiracy of
Also available below:
"Conspiracy of Silence (Excellent Video Quality - Great
Color)," Yorkshire Television,
www.franklincase.org, October 25, 2006
FranklinCase.org Media Files:
Conspiracy of Silence doesn't attempt to go into the Satanic
and human-sacrifice angle of the Franklin incident, although
that is very much part of this case, as this case is
directly connected to Bohemian Grove and other child
sex-slave rings. For more on this aspect, see the below book
by former State Senator John DeCamp:
The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in
Nebraska by John W. DeCamp (AWT, 2nd edition, December 1,
1996), ISBN: 0963215809:
One of the best introductions to the background and
subsequent cover-up of the above film, Conspiracy of
Silence, is from the below excerpts from the book The
Franklin Cover-Up by former State Senator John DeCamp,
wherein he also talks about his relationship to former CIA
Director William E. Colby (who himself was assassinated, as
the evidence demonstrates). Do a search for "Yorkshire" to
go directly to the section concerning this film:
One of the victims, Paul Bonacci, testified in court to
being forced into depraved sexual acts with men and other
boys, including snuff films made at Bohemian Grove, with
U.S. Senior District Judge Warren K. Urbom presiding.
Bonacci won the court case and was awarded one million
dollars by Judge Urbom.
Below is the text of the ruling by Judge Warren K. Urbom
mentioned above:
Paul A. Bonacci, Plaintiff vs Lawrence E. King, Defendant,
4:CV91-3037, Memorandum of Decision Filed February 22, 1999:
Below you can read more on the above case. Scroll down to
the section entitled "Snuff kiddie porn at Bohemian Grove,"
where you can read a transcript of an interview of former
State Senator John DeCamp:
Bohemian Grove Dirt:
Or see:
"Alex Jones Interviews John DeCamp, Author of 'The Franklin
Cover-up,'" Alex Jones Show, July 21, 2004
Below is the audio of the interview with DeCamp:
For much, much more on this subject, see the below post by
Re:National Geographic kicks creationist asses
« Reply #40 on: November 05, 2004, 11:31:40 AM »
"Embattled AG now accused in sex scandal 'cover-up':
Attorney General Gonzales among officials who allegedly
ignored abuse of minor boys," Dr. Jerome R. Corsi,
WorldNetDaily.com, March 25, 2007
Below are documents pertaining to the above matter:
"Teen sex scandal ignored by AG, others for 2 years: Probe
widened, involving hundreds of complaints of sexual abuse in
system," Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, WorldNetDaily.com, March 27,
"Texas governor knew about teen sex scandal: Said he learned
of it in newspaper but spokesman admits awareness 2 years
ago," Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, WorldNetDaily.com, March 28, 2007
"'They broke his jaw, busted his eye': Mother describes
attacks on son in Texas Youth Commission custody," Dr.
Jerome R. Corsi, WorldNetDaily.com, April 3, 2007
"Felons hired by Texas to run prison system; Spokesman:
We're working out just how to get rid of 'bad actors,'" Dr.
Jerome R. Corsi, WorldNetDaily.com, April 3, 2007
"Nearly 300 freed because of teen-sex probe: Texas youth
prison officials say another 1,000 cases under review," Dr.
Jerome R. Corsi, WorldNetDaily.com, April 5, 2007
"Gonzales Implicated In Cover-Up Of New Pedophile Scandal:
Letter from Sutton's office legitimized raping of boys in
minor's facility," Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet, March
26, 2007
March 26, 2007 interview of Dr. Jerome R. Corsi by Alex
Jones involving the Texas Youth Commission child-sex
"British link to 'snuff' videos," Jason Burke, Amelia
Gentleman and Philip Willan, Observer (U.K.), October 1,
"Dyncorp and Halliburton Sex Slave Scandal Won't Go Away:
Halliburton, Dyncorp lobbyists stall law banning human
trafficking and sex slavery," Paul Joseph Watson and Alex
Jones, January 1 2006
"Israeli diplomat arrested by FBI in Atlanta," Nathan
Guttman, Jerusalem Post, August 31, 2006
"Fla. can't find 1,000 kids in state custody," CNN, June 4,
"1989 News: Call boys in Bush Sr's Whitehouse," jaketom3,
December 14, 2006
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5OJPeHCmhA (External
Embedding Disabled)
"1989 #2 News: Call boys in Bush Sr's Whitehouse," jaketom3,
December 15, 2006
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sU-k-tfiPfs (External
Embedding Disabled)
"Father attacks 'cover-up over child sex ring,'" Toby Helm,
Telegraph (U.K.), Issue 999, February 18, 1998
"Belgium accused of cover-up in Dutroux inquiry," Toby Helm,
Telegraph (U.K.), August 17, 2001
"Belgium's X-Files--An Olenka Frenkiel Investigation," BBC
News, May 2, 2002
"Dutroux and the network," BBC News, May 2, 2002
"Regina Louf's testimony," BBC News, May 2, 2002
"The parents--Gino and Carine Russo," BBC News, May 2, 2002
"Belgium's X-Files," program transcript, BBC News, May 5,
"Portugal rocked by child sex scandal," BBC, May 29, 2003
"Sex scandal divides conservative allies in Chile's
Congress," Hector Tobar and Andres D'Alessandro, Los Angeles
Times, January 10, 2004
"Police, killer in child sex ring," Fidelma Cook, Daily
Telegraph (Australia), June 6, 2005
"Homosexual Child Prostitution Ring Involving George Bush
Sr.: Archive of Published Articles of Yet Another of
Massively Suppressed Story Involving the Family Who is Above
All Laws--the Bushes"
'...you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you
'Arbeit macht frei'
You decide
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2009
Jesus and the New Testament teach that Satan is the god
of this world and that Satan is the ultimate ruler over all
of the earthly governments, and that Jesus in His Second
Coming is to utterly abolish all forms of mortal government
and destory all of the mortal rulers of the earth, making
the truth-seekers in this world absolute self-rulers and
kings of their own domain upon the earth.
It's interesting to note that the Satanists also recognize
Satan as being the god of this world--to quote Madame
Blavatsky (i.e., the Mother of the New Age movement), 32° of
the Ancient and Accepted Primitive Rite Grand Orient of
France and founder of the Theosophical Society, on this, "It
is 'Satan who is the god of our planet and the only god,'
and this without any allusive metaphor to its wickedness and
depravity." That quote is opposite a page entitled "HOLY
SATAN" in her book The Secret Doctrine (1888), Vol. II, pg.
234. For many more such quotes from highly regarded,
high-level Masonic authors, see further below.
Indeed, the Yezidis, most of whom are in Iraq, and who quite
literally worship Lucifer, likewise recognize Lucifer as the
god and ruler of the Earth. Their religion has existed since
at least the 12th century. For more on that, see:
"Sympathy for the devil in a land where Lucifer reigns,"
Lynne O'Donnell, Irish Times, April 21, 2003
Directly below is the New Testament doctrine on this matter:
1 Corinthians 2:6-8: However, we speak wisdom among those
who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the
rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. But we speak
the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God
ordained before the ages for our glory, which none of the
rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not
have crucified the Lord of glory. [NKJV, as below.]
1 Corinthians 15:23,24: But each one in his own order:
Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christ's at
His coming. Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom
to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all
authority and power.
2 Corinthians 4:3,4: But even if our gospel is veiled, it is
veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of
this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of
the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God,
should shine on them.
Ephesians 6:12: For we do not wrestle against flesh and
blood, but against principalities, against powers, against
the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual
hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Luke 4:5-8: Then the devil, taking Him up on a high
mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a
moment of time. And the devil said to Him, "All this
authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has
been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.
Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be
And Jesus answered and said to him, "Get behind Me, Satan!
For it is written, "You shall worship the LORD your God, and
Him only you shall serve.'" [See also Matt. 4:8-10.]
Revelation 13:2: Now the beast which I saw was like a
leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his
mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon [Satan] gave him
his power, his throne, and great authority [i.e., over all
the governments of the earth].
John 12:31: [Jesus:] "Now is the judgment of this world; now
the ruler of this world will be cast out."
John 14:30: [Jesus:] "I will no longer talk much with you,
for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in
John 16:8-11: [Jesus:] "And when He has come, He will
convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of
judgment: of sin, because they do not believe in Me; of
righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no
more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is
Revelation 19:19-21: And I saw the beast, the kings of the
earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war
against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. Then
the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who
worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who
received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his
image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire
burning with brimstone. And the rest [i.e., all the kings of
the earth and their armies] were killed with the sword which
proceeded from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse. And
all the birds were filled with their flesh.
To properly understand the context of all of what is
presented within this post, see my below article, first
published at Anti-State.com:
"Jesus Is an Anarchist," James Redford, revised and expanded
edition, June 1, 2006 (originally published on December 19,
Most Freemasons are simply dues-paying dupes who don't know
that Freemasonry the highest levels is Lucifer-worship.
Freemason writer Eliphas Levi's head of Baphomet, i.e., the
Devil, or Satan. Here's an interesting quote from Eliphas
"What is more absurd and more impious than to attribute the
name of Lucifer to the devil, that is, to personified evil.
The intellectual Lucifer is the spirit of intelligence and
love; it is the paraclete, it is the Holy Spirit, while the
physical Lucifer is the great agent of universal
magnetism."--Eliphas Levi, Freemason of the Grand Orient of
France, The Mysteries of Magic, pg. 428
Albert Pike's magnum opus, Morals and Dogma, is still pased
out to members of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in the
U.S., and he has been termed by a number of well known
Masonic authors as the Plato of Freemasonry, and even the
Masonic Pope. Here are some interesting quotes of Albert
Pike from his book Morals and Dogma:
"LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to
give to the Spirit of Darknesss! Lucifer, the Son of the
Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its
splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish
Souls? Doubt it not!"--Albert Pike, 33° Freemason and
Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council 33°
(Southern Jurisidiction, U.S.A.), Morals and Dogma (1871),
"19°—Grand Pontiff," pg. 321:
http://www.freemasons-freemasonry.com/apikefr.html ,
What's particularly interesting about Albert Pike's above
quote, beyond his praising Lucifer, is that in said quote
Pike is asserting that Freemasonry at the highest levels is
Luciferianism, since Pike identifies Lucifer as the bearer
of the "Light" which is the goal of Freemasonry. As Albert
Pike says of this "Light" below:
"Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries,
Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all
except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false
explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to
mislead those who deserve only to be misled, to conceal the
truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them
away from it. Truth is not for those who are unworthy or
unable to receive it, or would pervert it."--Albert Pike,
33° Freemason and Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme
Council 33° (Southern Jurisidiction, U.S.A.), Morals and
Dogma (1871), pg. 104:
http://www.freemasons-freemasonry.com/apikefr.html ,
As Albert Pike further states:
"The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the
Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the
Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false
interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand
them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he
understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the
Adepts, the Princes of Masonry ... It is well enough for the
mass of those called Masons, to imagine that all is
contained in the Blue Degrees; and whoso attempts to
undeceive them will labor in vain."--Albert Pike, 33°
Freemason and Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme
Council 33° (Southern Jurisidiction, U.S.A.), Morals and
Dogma (1871):
http://www.freemasons-freemasonry.com/apikefr.html ,
"Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its
teachings are instruction in religion."--Albert Pike, 33°
Freemason and Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme
Council 33° (Southern Jurisidiction, U.S.A.), Morals and
Dogma (1871), pg. 213:
http://www.freemasons-freemasonry.com/apikefr.html ,
"If your wife, child, or friend should ask you anything
about your invitation--as for instance, if your clothes were
taken off, if you were blind folded, if you had a rope tied
around you neck, etc., you must conceal ... hence of course
you must deliberately lie about it. It is part of your
obligation ..."--Albert Pike, 33° Freemason and Sovereign
Grand Commander of the Supreme Council 33° (Southern
Jurisidiction, U.S.A.), Morals and Dogma (1871), pg. 74:
http://www.freemasons-freemasonry.com/apikefr.html ,
There is in nature one most potent force, by means whereof
single man, who could possess himself of it, and should know
how to direct it, could revolutionize and change the face of
the world.
This force was known to the ancients. It is a universal age
whose supreme law is equilibrium; and whereby, if science
can but learn how to control it, it will be possible to
change the order of the Seasons, to produce in night the
phenomena of day, to send a thought in an instant round the
world, to heal or slay at a distance, to give our words
universal success, a make them reverberate everywhere.
This agent, partially revealed by the blind guesses of the
disciples of Mesmer, is precisely what the Adepts of the
middle ages called the elementary matter of the great work.
The Gnostics held that it composed the igneous body of the
Holy Spirit; it was adored in the secret rites of the Sabbat
or the Temple, under the hieroglyphic figure of Baphomet or
the hermaphrodic goat of Mendes.
--Albert Pike, 33° Freemason and Sovereign Grand Commander
of the Supreme Council 33° (Southern Jurisidiction, U.S.A.),
Morals and Dogma (1871):
http://www.freemasons-freemasonry.com/apikefr.html ,
Below are quotes from other high-level, highly influential,
and highly regarded Masonic authors:
There exists in the world today, and has existed for
thousands of years, a body of enlightened humans united in
what might be termed, an Order of the Quest. It is composed
of those whose intellectual and spiritual perceptions have
revealed to them that civilization has secret destiny ...
The outcome of this "secret destiny" is a World Order ruled
by a King with supernatural powers.
This King was descended of a divine race; that is, he
belonged to the Order of the Illumined, for those who come
to a state of wisdom then belong to a family of
heroes--perfected human beings.
--Manly Palmer Hall, 33° Freemason, The Secret Destiny of
America (1958)
"Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity. ... an
outer organization concealing an inner Brotherhood of the
elect ... it is necessary to establish the existence of
these two separate and yet interdependent orders, the one
visible the other invisible. The visible society is a
splendid camaraderie of 'free and accepted' men enjoined to
devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal,
patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society
is a secret and most August fraternity whose members are
dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcannum arcandrum."--Manley
Palmer Hall, 33° Freemason, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy,
pg. 433
"When The Mason learns that the Key to the warrior on the
block is the proper application of the dynamo of living
power, he has learned the Mystery of his Craft. The seething
energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step
onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly
apply this energy."--Manly Palmer Hall, 33° Freemason, The
Lost Keys Of Freemasonry, pg. 48
"I hereby promise the Great Spirit Lucifuge, Prince of
Demons, that each year I will bring unto him a human soul to
do with as it may please him, and in return Lucifuge
promises to bestow upon me the treasures of the earth and
fulfil my every desire for the length of my natural life. If
I fail to bring him each year the offering specified above,
then my own soul shall be forfeit to him. Signed ....... {Invocant
signs pact with his own blood}"--Manly Palmer Hall, 33°
Freemason, The Secret Teachings of All Ages (1928), pg. CIV:
"Manly Hall's great work is a classic in the world's
literature. It will guide historians, philosophers, and lay
seekers of esoteric wisdom for centuries."--Edgar Mitchell,
Sc.D., Apollo 14 Astronaut, on Manly Palmer Hall's The
Secret Teachings of All Ages, published by The Philosophical
Research Society (P.R.S.):
Illustrious Manly Palmer Hall, often called "Masonry's
Greatest Philosopher" ...
Like Grand Commander Albert Pike before him, [Illustrious]
Hall did not teach a new doctrine but was an ambassador of
an ageless tradition of wisdom that enriches us to this day.
... The world is a far better place because of Manly Palmer
Hall, and we are better persons for having known him and his
--Scottish Rite Journal, September 1990
"Lucifer comes to give us the final gift of wholeness. If we
accept it, then he is free and we are free. That is the
Luciferic initiation. It is one that many people now, and in
the days ahead, will be facing, for it is an initiation into
the New Age."--David Spangler, Director of United Nations
Planetary Initiative, Reflections on the Christ (1978), pg.
The influence that these high-level occultist writers have
had on recent history cannot be underestimated. For example,
Hitler's obsession with the concept of the Aryan Race is
very much an occultic doctrine which can be traced back to,
in part, Madame Blavatsky's writings.
The true esoteric view about "Satan," the opinion held on
this subject by the whole philosophic antiquity, is
admirably brought out in an appendix, entitled "The Secret
of Satan," to the second edition of Dr. A. Kingsford's
"Perfect Way." No better and clearer indication of the truth
could be offered to the intelligent reader, and it is
therefore quoted here at some length: --
It is "Satan who is the god of our planet and the only god,"
and this without any allusive metaphor to its wickedness and
depravity. For he is one with the Logos, "the first son,
eldest of the gods," in the order of microcosmic (divine)
evolution; Saturn (Satan), astronomically, "is the seventh
and last in the order of macrocosmic emanation, being the
circumference of the kingdom of which Phoebus (the light of
wisdom, also the Sun) is the centre." The Gnostics were
right, then, in calling the Jewish god "an angel of matter,"
or he who breathed (conscious) life into Adam, and he whose
planet was Saturn.
34. "And God hath put a girdle about his loins (the rings of
Saturn), and the name of the girdle is Death."
In anthropogony this "girdle" is the human body with its two
lower principles, which three die, while the innermost man
is immortal.
--Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical
Society, the "mother of the New Age movement," and 32°
Freemason of the Ancient and Accepted Primitive Rite Grand
Orient of France, The Secret Doctrine (1888), Vol. II, pp.
233-235 (starting on a page entitled "HOLY SATAN"):
"Lucifer is divine and terrestrial light, the 'Holy Ghost'
and 'Satan,' at one and the same time, visible Space being
truly filled with the differentiated Breath invisibly; and
the Astral Light, the manifested effects of the two who are
one, guided and attracted by ourselves, is the Karma of
humanity, both a personal and impersonal entity: personal,
because it is the mystic name given by St. Martin to the
Host of divine Creators, guides and rulers of this planet;
impersonal, as the Cause and effect of universal Life and
Death."--Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, founder of the
Theosophical Society, the "mother of the New Age movement,"
and 32° Freemason of the Ancient and Accepted Primitive Rite
Grand Orient of France, The Secret Doctrine (1888), Vol. II,
pg. 513:
"First Conjuration Addressed to Emperor Lucifer. Emperor
Lucifer, Master and Prince of Rebellious Spirits, I adjure
thee to leave thine abode, in what-ever quarter of the world
it may be situated and come hither to communicate with
me."--Arthur Edward Waite, 33° Freemason, The Book of Black
Magic, pg. 244
"For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly
choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest
force. A male child of perfect innocence and high
intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable
victim."--Aleister Crowley, "The Beast 666," 33° Freemason,
Magick in Theory and Practice (Castle Books, 1929), pg. 95
"Those magicians who object to the use of blood have
endeavoured to replace it with incense ... But the bloody
sacrifice, though more dangerous, is more efficacious; and
for nearly all purposes human sacrifice is best."--Aleister
Crowley, "The Beast 666," 33° Freemason, Magick in Theory
and Practice (Castle Books, 1929)
I bind my blood in Satan's hands,
All this that lieth betwixt my hands.
To thee, the Beast, and thy control,
I pledge me; body, mind, and soul.
--Aleister Crowley, "The Beast 666," 33° Freemason, Satanic
Extracts (Black Lodge Publishing, 1991), pg. 3
I swear to work my Work abhorred,
Careless of all but one reward,
The pleasure of the Devil our Lord.
--Aleister Crowley "The Beast 666," 33° Freemason, Satanic
Extracts (Black Lodge Publishing, 1991), pg. 4