I had two dreams back to back today.
In the first one I was working on a computer devising sentences
'vases' in space. Each sentence was a different description of
the same basic
thing. When i was done with the sentences and looks at them all
together, it
took on the shape of a UFO.
I got up, went to the bathroom, thinking about that dream and I
feel like getting up though I usually am up by then, so I went
back to bed and
instantly fell asleep.
I found myself in a classroom, telling the class about the
statements I
had made about the vases in space.
And then I had a map of the United States I wanted to show
everyone. I
would have liked to have made copies of it for all 30 students
in the class,
but I knew that took a lot of ink to make that many colored
copies, so I
asked the teacher if we could just pass it around so everyone
could see it.
The map was of the United States and it was obviously in the
shape of a dove
with its head in Texas.
Then, I was like in the air looking down on a highway. It had a
lot of
traffic all going the same direction - like they were following
me - and
there was a little blue Volkswagon going faster than anyone
else. It seemed
quite dangerous for the little blue Volkwagon weaving in and out
of traffic
so I encouraged it to pass us all by.
end of dreamAt 2:30 p.m. I meditated on the map again
and asked to show me the map again to see if there were more details I
missed. I saw the pink map again with a small plant growing out of
Missouri with 3 leaves together.
I'm comparing it to J.J. Hurtak's vision of the dove in his book
The Keys
of Enoch in which he talks about the return of the Dove and the
and how people will be transformed spiritual in the areas in
which he has
drawn circles. His drawing is on page 49 of his book if anyone
wants to
compare the maps.
J.J. Hurtak's dove has it's head in Guatamala, and it's wings extend into
Canada on both sides. The drawing he published is a black and white
line drawing with precisely placed circles near the center of the United
States showing where people will be spiritual transformed.
Even I don't live in a spiritual-heat area in either map, and I am
acquainted with many spiritual people in other areas - other than what
either map shows, so I'm not certain exactly what my map is showing.
Explanatory Study of Keys 1-0-4 and 1-0-5 of the “Book of
Knowledge, Keys of Enoch” by James Joseph Hurtak published by the Academy
of Future Sciences. This book is written in a scientific spiritual
language giving the Cosmological and Scientific codes for the evolution of
mankind into higher consciousness. It is written in seven levels. This
explanation is not the ultimate level. The final level of understanding
of all the keys is achieved through their applied technology not by any
one individual in particular but by a collective of scientists working in
64 different aspects of ‘applied’ science.
The explanation of these two chapters came as an
assignment given to me by Dr. RA-Ja ‘Merk’ Dove of the
Aquarian Perspectives Interplanetary
Mission. This information will bring a better understanding to
Aquarian scientists working with higher spirituality. It is of little or
no value to current Earth scientists that hold a materialistic scientific
viewpoint. If these subjects may sound funny to these materialistic
scientists it is of no importance to me, that is their problem: They still
need to work their psychologies through present and future several other
reincarnations before they are ready to understand and appreciate this
First published in this website on the day of our Lord of
Light Jesus Sananda, Commander-in-Chief of the Lightworkers, April
20, 2002.
Removed form the Web on
June 23, 2002, by request of Dr. J. J. Hurtak.
editors note: Dr. J.J. Hurtak does not allow anyone to quote his book or
use any photos out of it.
The Initiation
"Atlantis Rising;
The Awakening of an American StarSeed"
Introduction to Part Three: "Return of the White Dove"
By Jon-William Brown
Journal Excerpt: March 19, 2000-Spring Equinox
After returning to Boston in the Spring of 98' from a trek to
Tennessee, Florida and back to California again, I settled down alone
for a time in New England and had much time to reflect on my travels
across America. In light of the "focused intent" projects and
initiations that I had been processing since June of 97, much
information was being revealed in regards to the "power of thoughts
and projected feelings," the premise of my current manuscript,
"Atlantis Rising." I naturally gravitated towards similar projects and
participated in an event initiated through the internet called, "The
Great Experiment", sponsored by author's James Tywman, Doreen Virtue,
and Gregg Braden. This so called scientific study called for group
experiments in focused meditation and prayer and their planetary
impact due to mass projected "thoughts of global peace". This
particular event evolved around James Tywman being at the United
Nations along with other Ambassadors from around the world while
thousands came together with a synchronized "focused intent"
meditating and praying for world peace, while certain scientific
studies were to be evaluated in an on-going experiment conducted at
Princeton University. I myself, along with countless others who
documented their experiences via the internet, witnessed a tremendous
amount of energy shifts during the event on April 23, 1998. An event
that was to leave residual effects on me and many others for months to
I am now compelled, again, to tell the story of my experiences prior,
during and after this time period in April, 1998. I'm sure that once
you will read this shortened version adapted from my journals, you 'll
understand how it all relates to the events that are about to take
place, and why I am driven to do this...now.
The following meditation was performed at the United States Capitol in
Washington, D.C. during the "March For Peaceful Energy" on October
24th, 1998. It was recited by Sister Jenna of the World Spiritual
Organization. This meditation was delivered without text, notes, or
"speech." It was delivered precisely, clearly and unrehearsed during a
state of meditation that lasted approximately eleven minutes. The
written text here was captured from the video of the event. During
this meditation,...a pervading silence and a feeling of peacefulness
fell upon the area surrounding the Capitol Building that left many
there to witness it stunned and speechless..... I was one of them.
My shared experience of this time period follows this meditation. In
light of recent developments concerning both planetary and social
events, I offer this meditation today, and every day hereafter, as a
reminder that "Peace Prevails on Earth! "
Sister Jenna: Meditation for Peace
Photo by: © Jon-William Brown-1998
Meditation is a process of thinking,...
and of feeling.
One of the most powerful forms of energy, which can transform
energy... is thought itself.
This meditation is to go out to matter, to nature, to the world, to
the universe.
We contribute thoughts of Peace to the World As we sit here in
In silence, I turn my attention within myself, For I choose to create
through the power of my mind.. A simple Power of Peace.
Who "I Am' is the spiritual energy within, that sits very quietly,
behind my eyes. It's from this place, That I can create thoughts of
Peace. For myself... for matter... for nature, For the world... for
the Universe.
What is original and true within myself, Is the deepest Nature of
Peace.. The feeling of silence.
And at this time... as I begin to quiet my mind, And bring my thoughts
into a place of silence. Into a place of peace within my heart. I
gently send Peaceful vibrations, In the form of Light.
To every human being..
In my Global family.
This peaceful energy within myself.. Is what I use to bring peaceful
energy on my global planet.
With the power of my mind,.. and with the power of thought, I stop the
voice of my mind.. And I send the silence outside- Transforming Chaos
into silence,.. Transforming Peacelessness into Peace.
"I Am" that Peaceful Energy
I am silence...
I am,....peace.
And when I am peaceful,..
Then there can be Peaceful energy in the world.
Let me always remember,.. In order for peaceful energy to exist,
Let it start with me-
The instrument for real Peace.
During the summer of 98, I felt compelled to work with the reigning
transmuting energies in a creative, yet spiritual-political way. Six
months after my experiences with the "Great Experiment" (within 24
hours to the day), these energies were to culminate for me in
Washington, D.C on October 24th. A lot of the guidance I was receiving
from my inner sources at the time pointed me in this direction. A
balance that is not always easy to find in dealing with such
spiritual/political matters. It was here that I made contact with D.C.
Solar national advocates for renewable and alternative energy sources.
The movement embraced the understanding of a peaceful world through
peaceful energy in contrast to a national energy plan based on fossil
and nuclear fuels due to their effects on the environment, the planet,
it's inhabitants, and it's centralized control of the mass population,
let alone it's connection to the war machine and big business
exploitation. Before long, what began for me as a sponsored artist to
create a design of a logo for the event to be held in Washington ,
D.C. called the "March for Peaceful Energy" on October 24th 1998,
turned into a full fledged organizational effort as a regional
During the first phases of my involvement I shifted through ideas for
the initial logo for the event. Late one night, I was walking the
streets, barraged by mnay impulses of energy while contemplating a
design. At one point, I stopped at a travel agency window and as I
stared in, my eyes became transfixed on this picture of a "white
dove". Little did I know what kind of "trip" I was in for. Something
on a sub-conscious level inside me 'clicked". I quickly hurried home
to work, and by the time the sun rose that morning, the result was the
"Solar Dove".
Soon after, I had the privilege to meet David Crockett Williams of (G.E.A.R.)
and by then I had become fully involved in an internet based
organizational core that spawned from Boston to California. This group
went on to form the foundation of the movement and drafted what was
termed the
"Citizens Peaceful Energy Plan" . One of the events for the March
that I lobbied for and was involved in organizing was a group
meditation for a "spiritual addition to the program". I then had the
honor of speaking with Sister Jenna of the Brahma Kumaris Organization
and with her help, co-ordinated a global meditation for the event
scheduled at 11:11 a.m. on the morning of October 24th, 1998 at the
Capitol Building in Washington. This event was promoted through the
internet as a synchronized worldwide meditation. What it was to me was
an opportunity to create a conscious, focused "grounding" of these
reigning, universal, transmuting energies of the Blue Ray in the
nations capitol of the most influential country on earth. Spirit had
guided me to this balance of a spiritual-political action based on
focus intent, thought, and prayer to a place that could capture and
utilize it's full potential due to the state of influx and it's major
role to determining peace or war in the world. I walked away from the
event and D.C. exasperated, yet replenished. There were many
conflicting energies going on inside me during this time, but I walked
away feeling confident that the "White Dove" was somehow significant
in 'grounding" these energies at our nations Capital that had been
working through so many people over the months since April, and long
prior. By the time I reached California in November, Capitol Hill was
in chaos, on the verge of impeaching it's first president since Andrew
Jackson and the country teetered once again on the brink of war.
After leaving my home in New England and spending this time in D.C.
assisting in the organizational efforts, it was time to make a
decision. I was to either return home, or go on to California for a
"reunion" of many sorts.. My guides called for a reunion in California
and more work in the "grounding" of these transmuting and cleansing
universal rays of energy. Upon arriving, the first book that
"literally fell into my lap" and given to me to read by a teacher and
spiritual counselor of mine was called "Return of the Dove". It was
the story of Nickola Tesla, the master energy alchemist and inventor
of the alternating electrical current. For those that are not familiar
with the story, the "white dove" was considered by Tesla his "soulmate",
and constant companion. Again, after almost six months to the day of
arriving in California, the grounding of these energies culminated for
me once again on April the 4th, Easter Sunday, 1999, after a twelve
day intense telluric geomantic process which incorporated the creation
and activation of a 'twelve around one' (a foundation based on sacred
geometry) energy vortex, activating an 'energy portal'. The focused
intention of this particular experiment was to geomantically align
magnetic fields and ley lines, activate them within a certain window
of time in order to form a cosmic alignment and linkage to a planetary
"Light Energy Grid Matrix". In the process a "third initiation"
resulted, a transconfiguration. Based on my own and other channeled
information, I was guided to these foothills in the Sierra Nevada
Mountains in six and twelve month intervals (master numerals of sacred
geometry) since September of 1997, to energetically charge a sacred
parcel of land by working with 2D elemental forces, the Spiritual
Hierarchy, and the crystal quartz that embeds this parcel of land and
waterfalls. The crystal quartz was used for frequency and vibrational
tuning and communications. The very first radio transmitters were
'crystal quartz based'. I was also guided to utilize quartz for my own
chakra alignment by tuning into the spiral energy flow by grounding to
the crystal core energy of the Earth and drawing it up through my
spinal cord, thus, activating the "kundalini serpent". Then, exiting
it via my crown chakra to the heavens above, creating an endless loop
of cyclic, spiral energy, attuning all chakra centers to the current
vibrational frequency of the universal flow of 'chi" (energy). This,
according to the guided sessions (of which were audio-taped), was to
ground an anchor to the new planetary Light Grid, clearing an opening,
and establishing a portal doorway for a future union with the
Hierarchy. I was also told by my guides to continue to document this
process as I had since June of 97, and to record by any means possible
my time spent there during the twelve day isolated period of the
activations. In so doing, I documented channeled information during
this time period via an audio recorder, through every step, including
the activations themselves. Until this day, no one has heard these
recordings in their entirety, nor have they been transcribed. Like
many others that have come and gone before me, I wish the spirits
guides, and caretakers of this sacred land many blessings of peace,
light and love.
The following information is presented here to cover these events as
they have evolved since the first meditation/prayer event on April 23,
1998, demonstrating their continuous synchronicity of correlating
events. James Twyman, Doreen Virtue and Greg Brayden are now
sponsoring the 'Great Experiment 2' on..... when? Easter Sunday, April
23rd, 2000.
Two years ago on April 23, 1998, hundreds of thousands of people
in over eighty countries stopped to pray peace for ten minutes.
The goal was to show scientifically what the mystics and the sages
have always said, that a focused 'feeling based' prayer is the
most powerful force in the universe. James Tywman, one of the
sponsors of the vigil, was at the United Nations in New York with
nearly forty ambassadors when the vigil took place. Minutes before
it began a woman stepped into the center of the circle and said
these words:
"Four years, four months, four weeks and four days ago, a group of
Hopi elders came to the UN to give their vision of the New World.
One of the things they said was, 'Fours years, four months, four
weeks, and four days from now, something would happen at the UN
that would change the world.' This is the day these great people
two years later, at the dawn of a new millennium, I continue to
vibrate to information that is astounding and simply put, amazing.
Validation after validation. I have been reading of the 'Peace
Wave' and the 'split' in Giant Rock, with its ancient prophecy
fulfilled. I read on about the 'Integratron' where the Great
Experiment '2000' is to take place on April 23rd, and once again,
the reference to Nikola Tesla is there regarding the basic
principles in which the building was designed.
there was more. I came across a message board at James Tywman'a
web site, and I read the following.
Dear new friends,
Having just become aware of this message board today, this is my
first post. I hope that it is appropriate to post here, the
following vision and channeled messages.
recently was sent to James Tywman's article (Ancient Prophecy
Fulfilled- Giant Rock Splits). I got angel bumps when I read of
the ancient prophecy being fulfilled and felt a deep resonance
with the event. I shared the article on three other message boards
to spread the word. A day later, I received a vision which I am
enclosing as well as subsequent channeled messages which were
posted about the event which will happen tomorrow, march 11th, at
11:00 AM pacific Time.
Giant Rock Vision
Posted on 3/4/2000
When I read about the Giant Rock prophecy and the splitting of the
Giant Rock recently, I resonated deeply with what I read and with
what was shown in photos. I had no idea why. I had never heard of
the prophecy before.
laid down for a nap this afternoon and immediately received a
vision. I saw the sparkling interior of the newly split rock, and
while focusing on the white granite, I saw a large bird begin to
emerge like the image you eventually see when focusing on those 3d
pictures that look 2d initially. The bird resembled a huge dove
and the energy radiating from it was in shafts of glowing light-
the creator's unconditional love and hope. I also strongly
intuited that this bird was a phoenix escaping from a shell in
which it had long been imprisoned, awaiting release at the
appropriate time when the planet and humanity were ready to
ascend- to rise as a phoenix from the ashes of our struggles.
As I write, the bird is still emerging from the giant egg- very
slowly like a chick hatching from an egg. It's wings are unfolding
as it emerges, and I can see that they will be of a massive
wingspan. The feeling I'm getting is that this process will take
about a week and is a prelude to the May 5th event. I can feel
enormous hope and expectation around the dove's emergence here on
Earth and beyond the veil. I don't know what the final vision
outcome will be when the dove-phoenix is free of the rock and is
ready to take wing, but I can hardly wait. I would dearly love to
be present at the site of the Giant Rock at the emergence time. Is
there anyone reading this post who lives near the area and could
take part in a week or so? At this time I'm not being given an
exact date of the final emergence, but I have a strong feeling
that if someone makes the commitment to be a physical observer,
they will be told of the time and date.
Giant Rock Dove-Phoenix Ascending Saturday
Posted on 3-10-2000 3:44 PM
Dear Family,
received today that Saturday, Mar 11th at 11:00 AM (Pacific Time)
is when the Dove-Phoenix of the Giant Rock will be ascending.
She/He is actually ready now but the Universe is waiting for a
time when more people who resonate with this occurrence will be
able to take part either physically by travelling to the area or
spiritually by tuning in' at 11:00. (I will be doing the latter.)
The Divine feminine energies of the Elohim spoke to me when I
asked if there was information to be shared about the event
happening tomorrow. Lady Amethyst spoke for the group saying that
the ascension of the Dove-Phoenix is an event that all may
participate in by giving verbal intent to take part. She said that
those who observe without giving intent will be just that,
observers. Those who feel the urge to take part more personally
will be ascending with the dove-phoenix. I was shown this massive,
beautifully radiant white bird- larger than the original Giant
Rock 'egg', rising upward steadily like a rocket with all those
who had given intent rising with it. The bird is so powerful that
any number may be uplifted with it simultaneously. This event is
part of the ascension of humanity and the planet. It is one of the
forerunner events. Once intent is given to personally take part,
to ascend with the bird at the appointed time, it is just a matter
of allowing oneself to flow with the energy and purpose of the
event, to see and feel oneself there taking part, then to let go
of all expectations and flow in love and trust.
Lady Amethyst said that for each who gives intent from a pure
heart for personal participation will experience in unique ways
what will transpire. Revelations, insights, personal releases and
cleansing, healing, increased vibratory frequency, any number of
occurrences may result. For each involved there will be a personal
benefit. Some may also receive gifts or long awaited requests. She
said, the participation in whichever form, or not at all, will
depend on the individual. each must honor what their heart shares
about this event.
If I
receive any other information, I will share it here before 11:00
a.m. tomorrow morning.
In Loving Anticipation,
again the Dove re-appears to guide. After my experiences with the
first Great Experiment, the activation in Washington DC, Tennessee
and California, I could not ignore such co-inciding events. For
three years now I have allowed this process to play itself out
through synchronicity. I have learned and been rewarded much by
their lessons. Everything within my being tells me that something
is going on here that simply cannot be ignored. If the intuitive
nature is what we are claiming it to be, then faith would now
choose my path once again. I began to play closer attention to the
interactions. In the meantime, the process continues to play
itself out daily within each of us. Each clearing, transmuting
his/her own karmic patterns in cycles of ebb and flow. There are
tremendous energies reigning down on this planet at this time,
unlike ever before in it's history. We are moving into an era of
even more accelerated cycles of energy. Battles and wars are being
waged in order to make way for the new energies. There is no where
else to turn and hide, no place to go. There is no running away.
There is only the final confrontations to be made in order to
break free of the net that binds us from going home in eternal
peace, freedom, and love. The cosmic time table is set in place.
Humanity stands at the threshold for a quantum leap in
consciousness. Understanding the synthesis between science and
spirit behind such a process is critical.
following relationship that developed between Angelynne and myself
laid the foundation for what lay ahead.
March 20th, 2000
I have found this correspondence most profound. The following are
excerpts from the response I received via e-mail from Angelyyne in
regards to the "Dove-Phoenix" and the "Great Rock Ascension"
message posted on March 10th and the Emissary of Light web
sight...interjected thoughts and excerpts from my journals and
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000 23:53:06 -0800
From: "*****"
To: "Jon-William"
Dear Jon-William,
Thank you for your kind words! When I posted the vision and
messages on James Twyman's message board and received no replies,
I didn't post the two subsequent ones, which are included below.
For the past 7 years, I have also been what my guides call a
Universal Channel. I was approached by Archangel Michael at 5:30
in the morning 7 years ago and was asked if I would consent to
carry out lightwork assignments on behalf of the Creator. I had
never channeled before in my life nor did I have any background in
metaphysics. I initially said I thought he had the wrong person!
That was my first experience with the Spiritual Hierarchy who I've
worked with closely since that morning. Because I'm still teaching
and the teaching profession would frown on my lightwork
activities, I always use the name one of the groups I channel gave
me two years ago - Angelynne.
I went to your web site and am very impressed with what you have
shared. I can see how the Dove-Phoenix vision and subsequent
messages fit well with your words and intent. I do have a
question. Why did you not include Lady Amethyst's name? She is one
of my guides who is part of the Divine Feminine Energies of the
Elohim. She would have no problem with your using her name.
When I went to the part of your web site with your biography and
picture, I got massive angel bumps. Maybe it was the music, I
don't know! I received very strongly that your instinct to include
my visions and messages was 'right on'. Please do not feel you
must include the following messages. I'm sharing them with you as
they did follow what you have. (I'm receiving that the White Rose
vision is important).
The following are two transmissions that took place on the days
following the ascension vision from the Great Rock that Angelyyne
has shared, but withheld from the message boards.
Posted by Angelynne (g0001) on March 13, 19100 at 02:11:37:
Dear Family,
I am asking for help from my friends on the other side of the veil
in relating my experiences about the Dove-Phoenix ascension. With
me are the Divine Feminine Energies of the Elohim, the Great White
Brotherhood of Light, and the Anasazi.
I had expectations before tuning in at 11:00 yesterday. I expected
to see the magnificent, glowing white Dove-Phoenix wings outspread
ready for liftoff. I didn't see the bird at all. When I tuned in I
saw only a stunningly radiant white light fringed with rainbow
colored light, emanating from what I assumed was the heart of the
Dove-Phoenix. The light was blinding bright, but somehow didn't
hurt my eyes. I instinctively knew that I needed to become one
with the light.
I found myself rising in a sort of 'bubble' within the stream of
light energy. I assume this to be my merkhaba. I only was aware of
it at the beginning of the journey. I was moving upward but not
straight upward. It felt like I was in a sort of tube with a very
large diameter. It was pointed in an upward direction but had
twists and turns so I could not see the end. I seemed to float
gently along and focused on flowing as my guides had instructed. I
was able to speak with my guides as I progressed forward in this
light tube. Those of the Divine Feminine Energies and the Great
White Brotherhood were with me, but seemed to be 'outside' the
tube. I had been told that the destination of the Dove-Phoenix was
the Great Central Sun. I was also told to forget about time and
space during this journey.
While in the tube of light I receive several gifts. The first was
a knowingness that the light energy of the Dove-Phoenix was
igniting each of my cells. I was told that the ascension process
would cause cellular transformation and that it would manifest
from the inside of my physical body outward. I also received what
felt like a wash of energy from inside the tube, ahead of me. It
was liquid energy, like liquid light, but not the sparkling white
liquid I usually see as liquid light. I could feel it covering the
outside of my body but simultaneously the inside as well. I was
told this was for healing and cleansing. A few minutes later, I
felt what looked like gold dust softly descending from the ceiling
of the tube. It not only covered my body but was absorbed into my
body. I was told this was to facilitate the manifestation of
monetary abundance that I was co-creating.
At the end of the tube of light which was reached over an hour
after I entered, there was what I can only describe as a massive
gate of shining golden colored material. I put my hand on the gate
and it opened. This is where everything gets difficult to
remember. I know I was talking with someone on the other side, but
can't remember clearly what was said.
I was in a deeply altered state all day and evening yesterday.
Each time I checked in to see what was happening, I always found
myself back in the tube of light where my guides spoke to me more
about my upcoming contract and life changes. Today I felt quite
disoriented, dizzy, spacy. Throughout the afternoon I napped and
received many waves of what I can only call ecstasy. A profound
love, peace, joy filled every cell of my body. With each wave I
shared the energy with people I know, the planet, the grids... It
was a wonderful experience that I didn't want to stop. As well
this afternoon, a new group popped in. They said that they are the
Anasazi. They showed me a vision which I am still trying to
understand. They said that they also were present at the ascension
event yesterday.
I know there is more that is not coming to mind at this time. Much
of what I learned was personal, about my future work and contract.
I am still deeply in the ascension energy. It will be interesting
to see what tomorrow brings. I hope others who participated will
share some of their experiences. I was told that all would be
quite personal and unique.
Sending Waves of Ecstasy to All,
Posted by Angelynne (g0001) on March 13, 19100 at 12:29:30:
In Reply to: Giant Rock Dove-Phoenix Ascension Experience posted
by Angelynne on March 13, 19100 at 02:11:37:
Dear Family,
When I checked on the Giant Rock this morning I saw where the
Dove-Phoenix had emerged from the interior of the stone, a glowing
white rose in full bloom. It radiates the same unconditional love
rays of energy of the Dove-Phoenix - the Creator's unconditional
love - and the energy of transformation and ascension. I was told
by the guides that were present during the ascension process that
the rose will remain as a symbol of what has taken place. The
energy of ascension and transformation will continue to emanate
from the Giant Rock so that at any time we may tune in and raise
our frequency, our spirits, and to travel yet further on our
ascension paths by being one with the rose. In becoming one with
the White Rose this morning I saw and felt the same rose in my
heart chakra and was filled with its incredible energy. I felt the
same waves of unconditional love that I had yesterday, but calmer
today, easier to integrate physically. I received to let the
energy flow through me, to allow the changes to proceed that were
initiated on Saturday. I feel much calmer, much more grounded
today than I did during the past two days, but equally elated. I
thank Spirit/the Universe/the Creator for giving us this gift and
for leaving us a lasting remembrance of an unforgettable
May the fragrance of white roses fill the air on desert nights,
This was not the end of the transmissions as more was to follow
that only contributed to the confirming aspects and synchronicity
of our work.
I'm also including a message about the Dove-Phoenix that might
be of interest that I forgot to send last night. It didn't receive
much attention on the KMB. Spirit had told me before hand that
there was someone 'out there' who needed the information, but most
people wouldn't be drawn to it. That is exactly what happened.
Don't feel that you have to use it. It is for you.
So, as a good brother and friend of mine would say, 'what else do
you need, a burning bush?" I want to highlight a couple of points
here that I find most interesting...if they are not self evident
by themselves. The first thing that struck me was the fact that
she has mentioned Archangel Michael, The Great White Brotherhood,
and the Elohim, all sources that I have been working with. Many of
my journal entries in my manuscript confirm this. But first, I
want to go back to last evening when I tuned into the World Puja
broadcast and reiterate what their message was and how it all
encompassed the 'heart"...and look at the amazing synchronicity
that exists here. The continued transmissions from Angelyyne sent
to me not three hours later, but yet dated on March 13th,..
"I didn't see the bird at all. When I tuned in I saw only a
stunningly radiant white light fringed with rainbow colored light,
emanating from what I assumed was the "Heart" of the
Dove-Phoenix...She goes on and mentions several more important
correlating relationships to my experience shared in the "Return
of the Dove". "I had been told that the destination of the
Dove-Phoenix was the Great Central Sun.". The following is a
quote from a "transmission" taken from my journals on April 4th,
1999, Easter Sunday, following the culmination of the twelfth
activation at Celestial Falls, California.
This process takes on a much more expanded realm of
consciousness that is more universal in nature, then personal.
Once the soul, or energy points are aligned within oneself, the
portal is then cleared for the connectedness of cosmic
consciousness. It then becomes something connected to beyond the
'self". A fusion, .....a soul fusion. A monadic essence. A supreme
consciousness that is eternally accessible through the alignment
and activation of the chakras, and magnetic energies within ones
body. For one sacred surroundings, the power places, become a
vortex of conscious spiral energy, emanating from the Great
Central Sun, fusion with the central star,...and harmonizing with
the universal, eternal,..sound.
Shes goes on and states: "The first was a 'knowingness' that
the light energy of the Dove-Phoenix was igniting each of my
cells. I was told that the ascension process would cause cellular
transformation and that it would manifest from the inside of my
physical body outward. ..
A quote from the "Return of the Dove"...
"It is important for the grounding of these energies to take
place within certain "time frames" and "windows within cycles of
energy" in order to activate DNA codes on a cellular, intuitive
and etheric level....
She then sums it up beautifully by stating, In becoming one
with the White Rose this morning I saw and felt the same rose in
my heart chakra and was filled with its incredible energy. I felt
the same waves of unconditional love that I had yesterday, but
calmer today, easier to integrate physically. I received to let
the energy flow through me, to allow the changes to proceed that
were initiated on Saturday. I feel much calmer, much more grounded
today than I did during the past two days, but equally elated. I
thank Spirit/the Universe/the Creator for giving us this gift and
for leaving us a lasting remembrance of an unforgettable
May the fragrance of white roses fill the air on desert nights,
The "White Rose", the heart of the "White Dove". This is the
message. This will be the focus of many during the Great
Experiment 2. Many of my sources are telling me this now...That
this event is critical in being a final anchor of these
transmuting rays of energy that have been reigning down on this
planet over the past few years now. This indeed Has Been an
experiment, but even more so then most realize. The energies that
have been being grounded by lightworker conduits all over this
planet for years now, have been consciously used to set in place
the new energy matrix. A new energy grid based on the
electromagnetic properties that exist within each and every one of
us. But a very important element to connecting to this grid is the
heart chakra, the solar plexus. The "white dove" is showing us
this. This is what the "Peace Wave Initiative" was about. To go
beyond the "thoughts of peace", to the root, and the 'feeling of
peace" within us. To "become this peace". It is one thing to know
of this. It is another to create it. To manifest it at will. To
achieve the balance of attainment through the connection of this
energy grid system within ourselves, and as a conscious,
collective entity. There is a science to this a process, an art.
Until now it has been lost. Now, the energy cycles have
accelerated, we are transmuting,...and we stand at the brink of
zero-point manifestation. The Great Experiment is just that, a
great experiment to achieving a Quantum leap for humanity.
Two years ago these sources stated that these transmuting energy
rays were about to reign. They told us to "Be Ready! Many sources
confirmed this, including James Tywman. And reign they have,
tearing at not only the inner cores of our own personal lives and
karmic debts, but to the most fundamental elements of society and
it's institutions.
A quote from my manuscript dated April 9th 1998, eleven days prior
to the Great Experiment.
I have continued the research, in the most objective way
possible, into the teachings, transmissions, and channelings of
such "spirits of light" The documentations have intensified over
the past several weeks to the point, although not intentional, of
experiencing several "channeled receivals" myself. These
transmissions correlate to several others that I have witnessed
and read about, and all seem to be saying the same thing. That
very important information and energy is poised and ready to rain
down on this planet over the next few months. Preparation for the
receival and acceptance of this is of the most profound
significance. They say to be ready..... be prepared. I only report
this as what is being received and only to inform in the most
objective way possible.
In what first appeared as a faint hint and glimmer of hope for me
within the series of work entitled "Faces of God" ten months ago
with the images of "Ares" the God of War, "Zeus" and "Thanatos",
has now emerged, been re-defined, and made them selves known
through and beyond the ancient archetypes, the great myths, to the
remarkable assimilations and incarnations of the Underworld Gods
Thoth of Egypt , Mercury of Rome, and Pathagoris of Greece. In the
mystic powers of Hermes, The Enlightened One, Moses, the Master
Jesus, and the rebirthing manifestations of the Lord of Death and
the warrior and overseer of Earth's "Great Transformation" ...
Archangel Michael.
There is only one path left for me to choose. I am to go to
California one more time............
Tuesday September 26, 2008
Today is the first day of Rosh Hashana which creates very powerful
energy. In my wake-up dream this morning, I saw
the white dove
from last Friday followed by the map of the dove from
The Keys of Enoch. I heard: "This is the Time of the Return of the
Dove". The map points to the
Yucatan Peninsula
- Quetzalcoatl
and Mayan Calendar Prophecies. This area is being hard hit by earth
changes - washing things away.
Monday, September 6, 2008 the Dow dropped 777 points - the worse
single-day loss ever on Wall Street. The cover art from the Keys reflects
7 flames moving into the dove.
777, Qabbalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley.
The Return to Light as Time and the Physical Experiment ends ...
links to:
- 2012 and
related - 12 major grids points around one which is the Great Pyramid,
hourglass, time, consciousness computer
- Orion
(Osiris) and Sirius
- The return of consciousness spaceships monitoring the experiment
and bringing it to closure
- The head of the dove contains crystal knowledge that re-seeds
(recedes) humans now
We are almost out of here. The program has activated its shut down
sequence. This guides the energy work people are doing in preparation for
closure, when they hope to guide and help other souls move beyond fear.
All goes back to
alchemy or
chemistry in the land of Khem (Egypt) which allegedly emerged out of the
Atlantean grid - Tehuti and the
Zep Tepi (sounds
like a rock group) ---->
Thoth and the
Egyptian Pantheon. Khem
- also spelled Chem - is the Egyptian word for "black" which takes us to
the void, eye, Iris,
Isis, etc. In ancient Egypt, Khem or
Min, was the god of
reproduction; as Khnum, he was the creator of all things, "the maker of
gods and men".
The Hebrew alphabet contains encoded Keyz of Light. I spent 5 years
in Hebrew school, ages 6-11. Since that time, I have always seen a flaming
Hebrew letter called
Yud or Yod (10)
-- Yod in Astrology
Golden Yod
Astrology, Star of David
See map at:
http://www.crystalinks.com/returnofthedove08.html |
The Planets Crystal Grid System, The Return Of The Dove
Febuary 22, 2008
Upon the re-opening and reactivating of the first Crystal Portal
on the Greek Island of Ithaca, in the late summer of 1997,
heralded the subsequent receiving of the channelled downloading of
precise information with the whereabouts of the dimensional and
inter-dimensional crystalline portals that were to be re-activated
on the planet. These were shut down or 'capped' for quite obvious
reasons at the‘end times' of the continent of Atlantis some 14,500
years ago, owing to the continued misuse and abuse of same.
These major portal de-activations were instrumented or ‘capped' by
the Titans and Co-Creators in those years gone by, as the fifth
dimensional plus grid of energies that they supported were
continually abused by those who chose personal aggrandisement and
untoward deviation from the true pathway of light expression and
progression. This ‘fifth dimensional' crystal grid system was also
the very means that the beloved planet received her light-bodies
or Merkabah. The capping and subsequent closing of the then
crystal grid system, therefore negated the planet's 'ability to
ascend' as she no longer had that just and divine facility. It was
to be ‘on hold.'
The resultant methodical, geometrical and mathematical precise
reactivations or ‘decapping' of the circa 15 dimensional crystal
portals and the nine inter-dimensional crystal portals continued
over several years with much downloaded data from our off planet
team of fellow travellers headed by the one known as Zeus, or more
familiarly as Metatron.
These crystalline portals when in full alignment would once again
further enhance and assist the planet's light body acquisition and
restricting also the use of these energy gateways from further
abuse by the beings of 'lesser light.'
The much emphasised cleansing and releasing of 'lesser or
negative' energies and old patterning on both a personal and
global nature continues, as we are all very well aware. There are
very few upon this beautiful planet who are 'immune' to these
momentous changes and co-resultant ‘feelings and shifts.' They
are, and will continue to be, most obvious in their continued
evolutionary flow and momentum - ascension into all that is!
The planet has had for several years, namely since May 2000, her
divine right and re-ability to accommodate her own mighty
light-bodies and the cementing of the planetary Crystal Grid
System with the Christ grid via those de-capped and reactivated
crystalline portals. The continued energy ‘shifting' is now more
pronounced, and is the preparing of the way for THE inevitable
shift in mass-consciousness. These Christed energies, or "Return
of the Dove," have become most accessible to the many aspiring
souls, starseeds, and countless light-workers upon beloved Terra
at this now momentous time in both hers and our ongoing evolution
and ultimate ascension. We ARE the host of Christed beings that
walk daily upon our beloved planet, Mother Earth.
It is apparent and an ongoing inevitability that more groups of
‘light-workers' will be so guided, in ultimate highest good, to
these crystal portal areas. They will assist further with the
updating and maintenance energies in accordance with the grand
divine plan, for this is so and will be the way of things.
The dimensional crystalline portals were activated out of
Ithaca/Moscow/Poland, 29.8.97. Auckland/Vanuata/Brisbane 4.1.98.
CanaryIsles/Rio deJaneiro/Capetown, 24.2.98.
London/ St.Johns/Canary Islands,1.3.98.
Istanbul/Tibet/ SriLanka,14.3.98.
Oslo / London/ Palermo, l6.4.98. Bordeaux/Madrid/Palermo,26.4.98.
Hawaii/ Mexico/ Brisbane, 11.5.98.
Tokyo/ Malaysia/ Solomon Islands, 1.6.98.
Further were activated in the U.S. and Canada, namely out of
NewYork/ Memphis/ Bermuda, 29.8.98.
Edmonton/ Moosenee/ Chicago was in 26.9.98.
SanFransisco/ Houston/ Vancouver was 22.8.98.
Further dimensional crystal portals were activated on the
9th.and12th.July.1998 from Perth/CapeTown/Seychelles
and Perth/Uluru/ Christchurch.
Then followed a most precise and systematic opening of nine
inter-dimensional crystal portals out of Stonehenge, Perth, Uluru,
Christchurch, Egypt, New York, Stockholm and the Canary Islands.
These were all duly completed in the year 1999 as was absolutely
necessary to comply with the universal and planetary sacred
The trigger point' and grand finale of crystal
portal activations was successfully and gloriously achieved in
Anchorage, Alaska , during that magical 7 planet lineup,
specifically between May3 - 5, 2000 when the heavens and the Earth
were once more in perfect alignment for all that surely is to be!
The "Return the Dove," is the injection of pure Christ energies into
beloved Lady Gaia's beautiful ascending planet, hosting the many
Christed beings that walk daily upon her. Mother Earth is again
resplendent with her crown of crystal portal jewels affording the
Crystal Grid System it's every powerful potentiality so to be.
(c)2008 Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind. * 17 Viking
Ct, CT10 1RF, England, UK. 20.7.07 * Email: Gabbitas1@aol.com *
(please copy and share, affording due credit to it's source, and
also to Lady Isis and The Light Circle Ezine) *
The Return of the Firmament of the
a message from
channeled by
5 February, 2009
The Return of the Firmament of the Dove ~
The Cosmic Trigger of March 2009
Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light,
and I greet you one and all! Dear Ones,
we sense each of you as you read these words
in your present moment. Take a moment to
feel our energy form around you as we embrace
you in grace and love. We know each of you,
by name, by vibration and by heart. Do you
truly realize how much you are loved, and that
we are always with you ? Indeed, we are ever
with you. Now we speak this moment on a topic
of great interest, that which may be termed
the Return of the Dove. Masters, the Coming of
the Dove is the return to the Magno-Crystalline
Firmament as a requisite consummation of the
Ascension. It is the crowning completion of
the Crystalline Grid, and its time is nigh.
The dawning of this return is a sacred
oath fulfilled, a promiose kept. Its beginning
phase is occurring on the March 20th Equinox
in 2009, in which long dormant magnetic codes
will be reactivated in specific generation
points on the earth. Indeed, this equinox
will initiate an incredibly intense energy for
21 days in fervid momentum through the post
equinox full moon on April 9th. Dear Ones, all
of you will discernibly feel the piercing
frequency generated. It will be the most
powerful and compelling magnetic wave-force
released on the planet since the fall of the
Firmament in the antediluvian age ( an era in
which the earth's magnetic field was
exponentially stronger than in current times).
This release will be triggered by a download
of cosmic crystalline energies received in
specific pyramidal transmitor complexes . The
purpose of the download is to reseed and
activate ancient magnetic codes across the
length and breadth of the planet.
The Firmament of the Dove
We have spoken to you previously about the
rebirth of the new Planetary Firmament. This
will externalize as two elliptical bands of
iridescent frequencial arches that will
encircle the earth as it did aeons ago. One
of these is Electro-Magnetic in Nature, and
the other Crystalline.
These will revolve above the 144 double-penta
dodecahedron of the 144 Grid. In highly
technical terms, which we realize will be
meaningless to many, the firmament will
perform the function of transducing
supra-crystalline frequency oscillations in a
piezoelectric step-down to interface the grid,
thus enabling full circuitry integration of
the gamma-crystalline energies of the Unified
Field from Tula, the Great Central Sun. In
more understandable terms, the firmament will
transform powerful celestial energy waves into
a benevolent form that can be more easily
received on the earthplane.
So in a manner of speaking, the firmament is
an enormous transformer and surge protector !
It is what will make the 144-Grid truly
crystalline. In kind you may consider, in
similar analogy, that the 144-Grid is your
planets new server program, called Windows
2012, enabling a vast array of new programs
for humanity and the Earth!
Now, the initial phase of the new Firmament
will begin with downloads of Akash or
adamatine essence received thru specific
portals . These activating light-energy
downloads will be received primarily through
the major Phi Pyramidal octahedron energies
and structures across the planet. This will in
turn activate a magnanimous fountaining of
ancient magnetic codes within key storage
sites, some of which have not been heretofore
Indeed these energies, once synergistically
combined and harmonically attuned over the few
next years with the crystalline activation,
will be the fabric of the New Earth, and will
benefit the planet in serendipitous ways,
embellishing the planetary grid- portals to
the splendor of the crystalline frequency.
Pyramidal Receival and Distribution
Among the receiving points of the March
20-April 9 Cosmic Light Triggers are :
The Pyramids of Giza
The Moody Gardens Pyramid Complex of
Galveston, Texas
The Louvre Pyramid in Paris, France
Chitzen Itza in the Yucatan
The Summum Pyramid in Salt Lake City
The Meru Phi Temples of Thailandand Cambodia
Bourobudur in Java, Indonesia
The Brihadishwara and Airateswara Temples in
The Red Pyramid at Dashur.
Receival will also occur in certain
powerpoints and natural pyramidal mountains
emitting the octahedronal phi such as the
Walsh Pyramid in Australia, Mt Edith Cavell in
Canada, and the Materhorn in the Alps. These
will also receive the crystalline magnetic
trigger. The targeted magnetic codes that will
awaken have been reticent on the planet since
the initial days of Mu, Rama, Ignacious and
Atlantis, aeons ago.
The primary receiving points of the Cosmic
Trigger are Giza and Moody Gardens, both
aligned and harmonically attuned tri-pyramidal
phi complexes. It is in fact the trinity
aspects of combining three pyramids within
these two complexes, that uniquely equips
them to be the primary receival units. These
will in turn distribute the energies to the
other complexes through harmonic oscillation.
Pyramids are indeed master receivers and
transmitters. When they are triangulated, as
they were in Atlantis and Rama, they are
infinitely more vibrant and capable.
Ancient Contract of the Earth-Keeper Guild
Many of you will be drawn intuitively to
participate in this as part of an ancient
contract, a sacred promise kept. Especially
those of you with lifetimes in the Guild of
Earth-Keepers and the Guild of 777, which
includes segments of the Templars, Druids,
Olmecs, Indigenous Shaman, Mayans, Hopi,
Essenes, Egyptian, Atlantean Enochians,
Thothians and the Atla-Ra. In these lifetimes
the Guilds worked to raise the frequencies of
terrestrial electromagnetic energies in the
form of leylines, earthen grids, vortex-portal
systems and sacred geometric temples after
these conscious energies were transferred into
the Earth from the 'break-up' of the
firmament.The Antediluvian Firmament of Pre-Duality Earth
Now, we have told you that the original
firmament was composed of two elliptical
energy bands, emitting protective fields
around the earth. The two bands of the
original firmament differed in frequency and
composition from the arcs of the new arcs
being formed in the present Ascension. The
ancient firmament had one arc that was
electrical in nature the other magnetic. One
emanated the energy of crystalline platinum,
the other of crystalline gold. The two created
a synergetic crystalline field within zero
point energy that permeated the earth and
allowed for ontological, fully aware,
consciousness in a unified, (non-polar)
multidimensional state before the planet
became a world of duality.
When duality was chosen, the firmament fell by
design, and was replaced by a planetary grid.
Your ancient text refer to this as the 'Fall
of Man', we prefer to say that the Earth
became a unique school at this time for soul
growth amid those souls who chose the linear
expansion experience of humanity within the
grid system.
The ancient firmament served in a unique
capacity that not only fine tuned Cosmic and
Crystalline Light, but sustained all life in a
manner similar to the sun. The elliptical arcs
of the firmament brought in a polished visible
flashing aspect of Adamantine Essence (Akash)
that often appeared as glittering etheric
particulate. This essence enabled
consciousness to fully transform resonate
divine thought into instant material
manifestation. It was how beings entering the
pre-duality earth manifested physical and
semi-physical bodies. It appeared in the skies
as two elliptical arches that glowed at night
in iridescent colors similar to what you call
the northern lights or Aurora Borealis. The
elliptical bands intersected and swirled and
revolved in a gyroscopic manner around the
planet. The width and omnipotent frequency of
the elliptical bands vacillated and created an
audible tone with the creative light vibration
of OMM. It danced in the sky often forming and
emitting kaleidoscopic eddies that appeared as
a luminous angelic-white dove spiraling in
brief flight across the heavens. A sense of
protection and empowered well-being radiated
the planet. The 'Ascension Firmament' of 2012
The new 'Ascension Firmament' of 2012 will
entail a combined electo-magnetic band in a
single unit, and will be synergistically
paired with an arc of crystalline frequency.
It will indeed sustain mankind and enable a
quickening of thought manifestation for those
capable of raising the MerKiVic energies to
the highest level, the level of the 24-point
star. And Dear Ones remember as you work to
raise the MerKaBa into the MerKiVa, that these
are Metatronic geometric templates, necessary
for you to rise into higher dimension. They
are in zero field, devoid of gender format,
neither feminine nor masculine, but of the
Divine Integrity of your non-polar, integral
soul! Approach their formation as such, in
pure balance! The Awakening of the Dove - Magnetic Fountains
There are 14 primary sacred code points
that will cascade the awakened coded magnetics
into the grid for the initial phase of the
magno-electric band of the new firmament.
These are:
1) Mull, Scotland
2) Chan Chan, Peru
3) Humac, Brazil
4) Nagasaki, Japan
5) Huace, Spain
6) Ekaterinburg, Russia (Ural Mtns)
7) Bethlehem, Israel
8) Yellowstone, Wyoming-USA
9) Kilamanjaro, Tanzania
10) Iceland
11) Kona, Hawaii
12) Mt Cook, New Zealand
13) Great Artesian Basin, Australia
14) Sri Lanka
These areas will spiral energies that will
cover the planet and rise to the ionosphere.
This release will be an extraordinary form of
refined magnetic energy, uniquely capable of
harmonizing in synergistic utility with
Crystalline Energies.
Gestation of the Crystalline Arc
The Crystalline Energies will in kind be
initially activated in gestation for the
second band of the new firmament between the
trigger dates of the September Equinox of 2010
and the 10-10-10. This then is the second
stage of the initial forming of the new
dual-arc firmament. It will require time to
integrate. The Firmament of the Dove will not
complete itself until all the Master Atlantean
Crystals are empowered and the 144 Grid is in
full function on December 21, 2012. Indeed the
new firmament will require just under two
years after the Ascension to obtain full power
and harmonic function with the grid. It will
go into 50% power in March of 2013, and
achieve full power in September of 2014.
The March 09 Cosmic-Trigger
So the March 09 trigger is a predestined
revitalization of sacred encoded technology.
The Atlantean Masters knew of the code and
utilized it in their technology. The unique
electo-magnetic field from which this energy
springs was understood by the Atla-Ra, Druids,
Mayan and certain other guilds including the
inner chambers of the Templars. Those of you
who spent lifetimes in these guilds will feel
a deep distant memory of this predestined
event, and it will compell you to be apart of
this. You will know deep in your heart that
this unique magno-code due to awake from
dormancy, is the father of the source you once
called upon in smaller form, to work with leylines,
dragon lines, vortexes and earthen grids. And
while only a small sect of savants and secret
societies knew how to tap into this energy,
your early work laid the ground work for this
omnipotent release. You knew of but have not
yet expereinced its full power, because it has
remained largely dormant for millennia upon
millennia. This March you will feel for 21
days its full potency, and this you have
waited and prepared for in many lives. It is
an expereince you have earned, that you have
worked toward.
The opening triggered by the 09 March Equinox
will be the first 'full-throttle' flow of this
energy since the Atlantean era. It affords
numerous benefits and benevolent
secondary-effects beyond the primary cause of
transferring the sacred magno-concentrate to
the firmament. Among these is a greater
awakening of the magnetic helix strands of
the 12- strand human DNA and a key
unification effect on the collective mind of
humanity. All life on Earth, all energy on
earth in every kingdom will be affected,
indeed it is a multidimensional Global Event.
The Intergalactic Forefathers
During the 21 days, the magnetic shield
around the planet will be somewhat opened and
weakened slightly in a rebooting effect.
During this time there will be literally
thousands of ships from the Intergalactic
Command of Ashtar and the Intergalactic
-Brotherhood of benevolent Masters brought to
the periphery of the planet to provide
stability and protection and oversee the
transition while this phase of 'open portals'
occurs. In fact these Star Ancestors are your
extra terrestrial origin, and all of you co
exist within them. They are always helping
your planet in numerous ways, but in this
planned scenario, they will be present in
vastly greater numbers to oversee the magno-shift.
It may surprise you to know that many of you
will simultaneously be aboard the starships ,
in multidimensional aspect, to supervise and
observe this long anticpated occurance.
The gathering will begin on the February 9th
full moon eclipse. It affords a grand
opportunity for those of you who are empaths
to MerKiVicly experience your Sirian B,
Arcturian and Pleadean aspects.
Galveston Island - Head of the Dove
The most aligned receival point of the
Cosmic Trigger to activate these points in the
Americas is Galveston Island, within the Moody
Pyramid Complex. This unique trinity pyramid
complex is in a direct alignment to Giza, and
correlates to magnetic north. It is the
combination of the three pyramids in-situ
within a synergistic tri-harmonic alignment
that allows their greater facility and power.
As the Atlanteans and Orion Masters knew,
pyramids in specific triangulation are
extremely potent when celestially aligned and
carefully placed in relation to one another.
We will speak more on this later.
The New Earth
The world remakes itself now and whether or
not humanity in micro or macro is supportive
of expansive change or against it, it is truly
a moot issue as the inertia of time-chronology
speeds past more quickly today than it did
yesterday (in linear terms). All is
quickening, time is accelerating as the
Ascension draws nigh. So as time reshapes
itself it will also reshape the experience of
mankind, of visible and invisible forces of
nature and that of the face of the Earth
Yet the heralded Ascension it is not an
abstruse complexity of prophetic biblical
script, but rather a natural and requisite
expression of accelerating planetary
It is Jacobs ladder, and Dear ones, when you
are on a ladder, you are ascending, descending
or standing still. It is one of the three you
see. It is always so. Masters, are you
ascending the ladder?
MerKiVic Expansion into Collective Mind
While on this journey of ascension,
mankind can experience the multidimensional
aspect of the Unified Field within the
Crystalline Vibration and be able thru
MerKaBic and MerKiVic geometric expression to
revisit many of their co-existing
articulations within multidimensionality and
parallel. And at each of these junctures
another layer and aspect of awareness is
realized. As such mankind is given the
opportunity to rise above duality and
integrate and retrieve the fragments and unite
the full soul into the Seat of Power of Divine
SELF within the eternal NOW. This is the
MerKiVic expansion into collective Mind. This
will be a focal role of the 12-strand DNA
unification that can begin in MerKiVic state
within the activation of the 2009 March
Many many of you are now drawn into this
awareness, driven by the flames of inner
desire for Universal Truth. This is why your
present spiritual communities are especially
teeming with healers, channelers, teachers,
facilitators, Grid workers, Earth-Keepers and
Light Practitioners of every kind. Because
those who have opened and sought diligently
the burning call of Divine Spirit into their
lives cannot help but glow in its glorious
flame, and expand to share it with others.
Sacred Sites as Tuning Forks
The Grid Points, power nodes, sacred sites
, phi complexes and portals that dot the
planet in specific patterns and specific
purpose are the distribution mechanisms of the
higher energy required to upshift the resonant
frequency of your planet. They are tuning
forks, inspired by perfection of First Cause.
The exude the energy of 'home', of well-being,
and those of you who enter into them in
spiritual intent recognize this immediately.
Accordingly one cannot help but want to be
within them and absorb the pattern emitted
within such areas in order to grow into and
share the expansion of perfection. Those who
dedicate themselves to this tuning can
experience a nearness to Source that they feel
is less available to them elsewhere. But the
truth is that these fine-tuned energies are
osmotic frequential schools, and once
absorbed, once matriculated, the energy is
retained within the established individuals
Many areas on the planet have then already
ascended, via portal-lattices that may be
called the stairways to heaven, but other
areas require a bit more work.
Specific areas that are a bit more dense now
require more work to clear, and as a tertiary
effect of the March Cosmic trigger and
harmonic magnetic code awakening, the portals
referenced in the Homecoming of the
Metaphorical Dove, will bring in the lighter
energy for that specific purpose. You see
global frequencial balance must be attained.
Each of you Earth-Keepers play a role in this.
Indeed you become portable resonators.
Lightening Dense Energy
The Moody Gardens Pyramid complex of
Galveston is one such area. Among this
powerful complexes myriad utility, is its
correlation to serve in lightening an area of
'energetic density', the area of Houston,
Texas. Houston is in many aspects the
corporate 'Energy Capital of the World', if
one considers that your planet is driven by
the hydrocarbons of oil and gas. Most of your
Global Oil Companies are located or
represented in this area. But let us be clear,
it is not your use of hydrocarbons as a power
source, per sei, that is the principal
polluter of the energies of which we speak,
rather it is the greed and manipulation of
distributing them. Indeed there are far
better sources of energy available, but Dear
Ones, the Earth, the sentience of the planet,
does not release any resources unwillingly.
We tell you the same dense aspect requiring
clearing exist in Wall Street (New York) and
many of the corporate centers around many of
your major global cities. It is not the
business or industries themselves, not the day
to day workers, but rather the greedy tactics
of the profit plans. It is not to imply that
equitable returns on investment are not just,
indeed abundance exchange is appropriate in
the new paradigm, but the distribution and
exchange must be befittingly balanced in the
new energy, for the desired perfection. That
is why your economies are rebooting. As such
specific new -missioned portals are forming
around the planet to lighten these energies in
tandem with the rebooting. Many existing
portals are taking on new roles, and many new
ones, such as Moody Garden Pyramids in
Galveston, Texas have assumed these clean-up
roles over the past few years. Other similar
cleansing unit portals are emerging in major
industrial and corporate cities across the
planet in order to expedite planetary balance.
Anchoring the Dove
Now in 2005 the channel with the Beloved
Ronna Herman, conducted a ceremony within the
Moody Gardens Pyramids to bring in the Golden
Spiral. This was especially important, and all
involved had a special role in this activity,
an ancient contract was being completed. But
we will tell you that other ceremonies had
occurred previously, and the 2005 event has
sparked many others to recognize the
importance of these geometric Crystalline
Light Temples.
The Philanthropists who funded, originated and
completed the project were extremely advanced
souls. On an intuitive level, they understood
the greater purpose of this complex. Shortly
after completion, the ancient crystal skull
Max, who is indeed of Arcturian construct, was
taken into the complex for ceremonial
attunement and anchoring of intent, by Joanne
Parks, the caretaker of this potent crystal
skull at the request of the most advanced of
the founders. There was indeed great purpose
in this event. It was a homecoming, in effect.
We tell you that an entourage of Arcturians
joined them, and are involved in the
refinement of the energies along with those of
Sirius A and B. It is why Master Dolphins are
inside the Blue Pyramid, the Aquarium unit. It
is why the location is located on the beach
front of the Gulf of Mexico but was undamaged
by the recent ( and future) Hurricanes.
Pyramids themselves are extremely powerful
sacred geometric engines that by their nature
and construct penetrate, receive and culminate
higher dimensional forces. They are celestial
transmitters of the supreme Gestalt that you
think of as GOD.
This very description of deity may not be
understood by some of you, but nevertheless,
you should not try to objectify the energy of
ALL THAT IS. God is an omnipotent energy,
the sum of all consciousness, and whose whole
is far far more than the sum of its parts.
Your ancients have always known that 'ALL THAT
IS', can be accessed in stepped down format on
the Earthplane through specific matrixes of
geometric focus. Your 144-Crystalline Grid is
one of these and your MerKiVa is another. The
two are intricately magnetically
interconnected. The grid is the living
conscious MerKiVah of the collective Earth, of
which mankind is an intimate part.
The Three Pyramid Alignment
Now the three Pyramid complex on Galveston
Island was indeed built in a strategic
alignment, and for philanthropical and
frequential purpose. One unit is an aquarium
housing Master Dolphins, another is a bio
rainforest with a geological cave containing
massive clusters of quartz crystal, and the
third is an academic museum pyramid, glassed
in copper tone.
Appropriately constructed and spiritually
intended pyramids on the Earth plane become
living conscious energies, capable of myriad
properties that are unrecognized or disavowed
by your mainstream academia. And while the
intent for which they are employed affects the
interface of these conscious living geometric
batteries, their very design will not allow
for denser energies to culminate or expand
within them. Yet when approached with
appropriate intent, the energy within pyramids
stores and transmits data similar to quartz.
According to how they are aligned both
terrestrially and celestially they can create
electromagnetic anomalies, an aspect that
alters gravity and dimensional time. Both
weightlessness and a time distortion occur at
specific frequencies within them, both slowing
and accelerating light and fluxing the ionic
ratios within and around them.
Ancient Atlantean Pyramid
Now, approximately 5 miles from the area of
Galveston Island, an ancient ceremonial
Pyramid complex existed in a coastal region,
now submerged and covered in the sedimentary
silt and slime of the ages below Gulf waters.
The Crystal Skull now called Max was among the
13 skulls located within it. The Moody Gardens
Pyramids have taken on the multidimensional
energies of the submerged Atlantean complex
and are now fully formatted to play a major
role in the Cosmic Trigger.
The Moody Garden Pyramids are axialtonally attuned
to the energies of the Giza complex and to a
potent degree to the Yucatan Pyramids. We tell
you that Pyramidal Temples exist in
timelessness and co exists in parallel
dimension within the timeless void. This is
why the Pyramids at Giza can never be
accurately aged because once constructed they
surmount linear time and the nature of their
energetic geometries supra-impose in parallel
and emit etheric doubles in multi -dimensional
timelessness. The paradox is that once built,
they always existed. It is in fact this
aspect and locale that inspired the
philanthropical reconstruction of pyramids in
this precise location for the Restitution of
the Sanctuary and Sanctity of the Dove.
The Coming of the Dove offers an energy portal
and dimensional expansion to you that can faciliatate
a richer more rewarding sojourn with infinite
ways in which to ascend Jacobs Ladder. The
pre-Ascension brings a quickening and crucible
that activates the expansion of TRUTH and the
fire of AGNI within and without, and in so
doing will allow you to choose a reality
rather than have one chosen for you.
Participation in the March Cosmic Trigger
Indeed this is a Cosmic Trigger in March
and April is monumental event for the family
of man, and it is a family of which we speak,
one of which you are all a part. You can
participate in this event, if you are so
compelled, (and many of you are) by meditative
visualization of all humanity connected in
We offer this exercise to take part in the
trigger. The Process Form the MerKaBic
star tetrahedron, the 8-pointed star around
you, and begin toning the OMM. Practice the
infinity breath and convert the 8-pointed star
to the 12-pointed star of the MerKiVa.
If you are in Western Hemisphere, focus on and
visualize the Moody Gardens Pyramid complex
in Texas. If you are in the Eastern
Hemisphere, direct your energy process to the
Tri-Pyramids of Giza. Picture the Blue
Pyramid in Galveston and the Kings Pyramid in
Gizaq as simultaneously receiving the initial
spiral of energy. Then visualize all 3
pyramids in each complex circulating the
energies, and see the Giza complex
harmonically connected in a golden qaxialtonal
line to the Moody Garden Pyramids complex and
Once connected visualize these two connecting
to every pyramidal complex forementioned
across the globe. See all receiving the
golden spiraling energy download and glowing
in great intense light, covering the planet .
Then place the Earth (and Grid) in an enormous
Octahedron, as you see in your minds eye the
Cosmic Trigger of Celestial Crystalline Light
flow through the Pyramidal Phi Complexes and
Octahedronal power points. Feel the upsurge
flow of the awakening coded electro-magnetics
of the earth rise through your own physical
forms and chakric systems. Absorb the energies
and beam them to all around you.
Next, focus on the 14 sacred code-magnetic
springs fountaining energy into the heavens.
Visualize the upward flow of these energies to
the 144-Grid encapsulating the Earth. Place a
golden Arch, a glowing Elliptical Band forming
around the planet and grid. See it as gold in
color, then tone the Omm amid a sense of joy
and love.
As you tone, visualize the Platinum Ray of the
Crystalline Field flowing the soft nurturing
energy of the Divine Feminine through the
Golden Arc and swirling around it to form the
crystalline band.
Practice this as often as you can during the
21 Days of the Dove.
And we tell you in humor and light that while
these Golden Arches are not for fast-food,
billions will be served! Closing
In truth your Cosmos, your macro and micro
reality is Metatronically formulated in the
Unified Field . And Dear Ones, know this
energy is within and without EVERYTHING,
including and especially YOU!!!
It is the energy you call God, it is All That
Is, All That Was and All That Will Be. It is
acutely aware of each bird that falls and
each flower that blooms in verdant fields and
arid desert. So never doubt this TRUTH :
Creator God knows each of you by name.
You are all powerful divine spiritual beings,
an intricate and vital spark of the 'All That
Is'. It is time to remember. It is the Return
of the Dove. The Ascension is occurring, one
heart, one mind at a time. And Dear Ones, it
is on course. Do not doubt it. In closing
we ask you to focus on joy, and be the change
you desire.
You ARE Beloved! I am Metatron, and I share
with you these sacred Truths. And So It Is.
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Planet Alert March/April 2009
Planet Alert
March/April 2009
Listen to an April 2008
audio recording of Mahala on
Humanity101 on Talkshoe
Radio show. This may take
a few minutes to load.
Click here to download the
Listen to a beginning of the
new year, 2008 audio
recording of Mahala on the
radio progam. This may
take a few minutes to load.
Click here to download the
Hi Everyone! I had a
wonderful trip to Mexico
last month, and would like
to thank Carol Heywood-Babrauskas
for making it possible. She
is a wonderful person, and
has also written a book. The
web site for that book is
Check it out. I enjoyed
Mexico very much - the warm
weather, the ocean, the
beautiful flowers, the
beautiful scenery, and the
people. I loved Puerto
Vallarta and would like to
go there again sometime. I
also liked Yelapa which is a
small village without any
cars. It is very rustic and
interesting. The only way to
get there is by a water taxi
from Puerto Vallarta. Yelapa
is where we spent most of
our time. To get to the
house we stayed in we had to
walk up 200 stairs. What a
The first day we were in
Puerto Vallarta we went
shopping and exploring the
city as a group. We stopped
for lunch and one of the
women there told me that
Yelapa is located at the
bottom Wing of the Dove.
This information is from the
book, The Keys of Enoch. If
you have that book check out
page 315. She also told me
there is a huge vortex in
Yelapa and surrounding area.
I really felt the energy
when we got to Yelapa and I
was spaced out for at least
three days.
Before I left home I printed
out a channeling by Metatron
through Tyberonn. Check out
www.Earth-Keeper.com. I
didn't read the channeling
until after I was in Yelapa,
then everything started to
fall in place. I realized
that one of the reasons we
were there was to help
anchor the energy for this
upcoming equinox and the
coming of the Dove. The
return of the Dove is the
return of the
Magno-Crystaline Firmament.
It is the crowning
completion of the
Crystalline Grid. If you
haven't read that
channeling, it is very
Quote from the channeling:
"The opening triggered by
the March 20, 2009 Equinox
will be the first
full-throttle flow of this
energy since the Atlantean
era. During the 21 days,
after the Equinox, the
magnetic shield around the
planet will be somewhat
opened and weakened slightly
in a rebooting effect.
During this time there will
be literally thousands of
ships from the Intergalactic
Command and the
of benevolent Masters
brought to the periphery of
the planet to provide
stability and protection and
oversee the transition while
this phase of open portals
From The Book of
Knowledge-The Keys of Enoch:
"The Brotherhood will land
in America. They will come
within the formation of a
magnificent 'Dove' - whose
head of crystal knowledge
will be over the Yucatan
peninsula, whose wings shall
sweep across the Eastern and
Western flank of North
America, whose feet will
land within the pyramidal
area of the Bermuda Triangle
and the ocean area near
Mazatlan." Another quote:
"The Brotherhood will bring
the new Law and educate Man
to build temple communities
of Light. And Metatron said:
A new meridian of time will
come and the foundations of
the Earth will be shifted to
a new magnetic foundation as
the orbit of the Earth is
reset within the ocean of
Light." The Aquarian energy
is in effect right now to
build the communities of
The Crystalline Grid was
destroyed at the time of
Atlantis and is what caused
the great flood. There were
different factions that were
fighting at that time for
control of Atlantis, and
like Edgar Cayce said in one
of his books; they tuned the
crystal too high and that is
what caused the destruction.
I know that Beings have been
working on restoring the
Crystalline Grid for several
years now. This grid is
Electro-Magnetic and
Crystalline in nature. Our
bodies are also changing
from a carbon based one to a
crystalline body. We also
have magnets in our brains
along with crystals. I was
told a long time ago to take
silica cell salts to help my
brain become more attuned to
the higher vibration energy.
I'm not telling anyone to
take silica; I'm just
sharing what I have taken
over the years.
Now we have the return of
the Dove to set up the
firmament for the New Earth.
The 21st and 22nd chapters
of Revelation in the Bible
talk about the New Heaven
and the New Earth. It says,
"and then I saw a new heaven
and a new Earth; for the
first heaven and the first
Earth had passed away, and
the sea was no more". Sounds
like a dimensional shift to
me. The spring equinox on
March 20, 2009 is the
beginning of the New Heaven
and the New Earth. It will
take until 2012, or longer
to complete, but this is the
beginning. I'm really
We still have to complete
the 19th and 20th chapters
which, in my interpretation
of Revelation, is the
downfall of the controllers.
This is the process we are
going through right now and
there is still lots of
violence on Earth which will
continue as long as we are
going through the downfall
process. It could get worse
before it gets better. Time
will tell. Right now there
is the possibility of a war
with Korea. I just read an
article from the Internet
about how North Korea has
put their troops on alert
and warns of war danger.
There are still five planets
plus the node in Aquarius
which is right over the
Koreas. Mars is also in
Aquarius and that has been
considered the war planet
for a long time. This is a
very powerful full moon
(March 10). There will be
different trigger points
that will be activated as
time goes on. Somalia also
falls under this energy.
In my January article I
talked about the war that
culminated on the Sun on
November 22, 2008. The
negative entities that lost
that war were teleported to
Earth and continue to fight.
They are very violent and
are trying to stir up
trouble all over this
beautiful planet. First they
stirred up violence in India
and tried to start a war
between India and Pakistan.
Then they stirred up the
Middle East (Israel) and
tried to start a major war
there. They did cause a lot
of damage and loss of life
but they could not get the
war to spread to the rest of
the world. Now they are
working on Korea. Will they
be successful in stirring up
that war? The final war is
supposed to be between Gog
and Magog, which could mean
North and South Korea.
The 17th and 18th chapters
of Revelation talk about the
destruction of Baghdad
(ancient city of Babylon).
This was prophesied to
happen and it did. The 19th
chapter of Revelation talks
about the continuation of
wars, and the 20th about the
downfall of the controllers.
This is definitely in
process right now. Then we
have the New Heaven and the
New Earth.
Another interesting event
was the appearance of a
brilliant Light green comet
in the heavens for the whole
month of February. It was at
its closest point to Earth
in late February. Was that
comet bringing the green
light body for Mother Earth?
Was it bringing green light
to our heart chakras? Green
is the color of our heart
chakra and inside that
chakra is a beautiful bright
pink light, which is the
color of love. Pictures have
been taken of thought forms
that are brilliant pink when
people think loving
I was told a few years ago
that just before the
beginning of the new century
the leadership of this world
would be changed from male
to female. Archangel Ariel
is female and is considered
the Dove. The male part of
her is Uriel. Ariel is now
the Goddess in charge of
Earth. The Dove is the
symbol of peace. Before too
long we will be living in
peace. Of course that
depends on us. We need to
find and express the peace
within us first before it
can manifest on Earth.
On November 9, 1998 the
earth's magnetic field went
to zero magnetic energy.
This is when solar energy
came into earth to plant the
seed for a new Earth. Then
the triple circle magnetic
(feminine) energy started
coming into Earth very
strong at the time of a
lunar eclipse on July 28,
1999. It's my understanding
that this is when the earth
opened her body to this
strong magnetic energy.
Before that there was a
total solar eclipse over
Mexico City on July 11,
1991. There was an ancient
Mayan prophecy (there are
different systems) that the
ships of light would return
over Mexico on that day.
They did return as witnessed
by everyone who was watching
the solar eclipse. There
were thousands of pictures
of space ships taken on that
day. On that day the Mayans
moved into what is called
the sixth day. The sixth day
refers to the sign of Virgo,
the goddess, and also ended
a 2,160 year cycle. It takes
72 years for a fixed star to
move through one degree of
the zodiac. (30 degrees per
sign - times 72 years =
2,160 years).
I was told by my guidance
several years ago that they
measured a 2,160 year cycle
by the star Regulas, the
royal star of the Lion,
moving through one zodiac
sign. Regulus had been
moving through the sign of
Leo since, or before the
birth of Jesus. Leo rules
the heart and love energy.
Jesus was called The Lion of
the Tribe of Judah. He came
to teach us about love. That
was his only commandment -
love one another. You first
need to learn how to love
yourself, and then you can
love others unconditionally.
The Book of Knowledge says
that the Sphinx symbolizes
our body of space and time
within the Lion solar
evolution that must be
conquered by Man before he
can wear the face of
brilliance and indwell in
the presence of the Master.
This means that we need to
overcome our animalistic
characteristics like
violence, and war, and
accept our shadow side. The
vehicle of the Sphinx sits
on the threshold between our
zero point evolution and
higher light technology, as
the stepping stone to other
consciousness zones. The
Sphinx has the body of a
lion and the head of a
woman. This means it
symbolizes the signs of Leo
the lion and Virgo the
I believe that when the
Earth moved into zero degree
energy in November of 1998,
Regulus moved onto 0 degrees
Virgo. Now Regulus has
started its journey through
the sign of Virgo. We are
now in the Age of Virgo.
This does not negate The Age
of Aquarius. There are
cycles within cycles. That
monument was put there to
let us know when we moved
into the age of Virgo. This
is when the feminine energy
within everyone would become
dominant. It is now becoming
the dominant force. Our
president Obama is pushing
for a new health care
system. That is such a Virgo
characteristic. Saturn is in
the sign of Virgo and has
been there for a couple of
years. There is a strong
Virgo energy out there right
We do live in interesting
times. The financial system
is falling apart and the new
will be born from this
downfall. It's time for the
old way of doing things to
collapse because it doesn't
work anymore. How will the
new energy manifest? How
will the system be
different? Does anyone know?
It's like the Phoenix that
burns and is reborn from the
ashes. Now we have the Earth
about to be reborn into a
New Heaven and a New Earth.
Isn't that exciting? So Be
It! I send you my
love and blessings!
Gayle *****
Web Site:
Sunday, 18
October, 2009
(posted 20
October, 2009)
Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light. I
greet you once and always in unconditional
And so we speak this
moment of what may be termed the 'Heart of the
Dove'. On the winter solstice of 2009, the
'Heart of the Dove' will be activated into
parity field. On the spring solstice of 2010
it will join with the Head of the Dove in the
in the Crystalline Activation of the Cosmic
Masters, we tell you that quickening
changes are occurring throughout the planet,
and among the most relevant is the balancing
of the planetary energies. Areas that are
considered overly industrial, overly
corporate, overly dictorial are being immersed
in a softening energy. This is indeed a
crucial aspect of the 'Return of the Dove',
for indeed the Dove brings in a gentle
nurturing, that termed feminine, and thus the
balance of the masculine overage. Ascension is
harmony, and harmony bequeaths symmetrical
balance within the polarity of the planet.
Feminine Balance
But let us be clear, while the influx of
feminine energy is necessary to achieve
energetic equity on the planet, do not
misinterpret that feminine energy is better
than masculine, rather it is what is needed to
balance the current overage of masculine.
You see LeMuria was out of balance in an
overage of feminine energies, and masculine
flows were fluxed into at that time to achieve
parity. So we tell you Dear Ones, the desired
energy of the planet is one of balance,
neither male nor female, but of balance.
In truth the ushering of the Crystalline
Age raises the planet within that termed the
5th dimension to an initial accessible field
of non gender in non- duality. You see
crystalline energy is zero field.
As such certain nodes on the planet are
now being activated for this purpose. These
will serve as influx portals to bring the
balancing frequencial fields into synergy for
the crystallization of the planet. You must
understand that the Unified Crystalline Field
is the epitome of balance, indeed it is a non
dual, non-polarity frequency, and it is zero
field. Thus these 'feminine' nodes will bring
in an enormous influx of that termed feminine
energies between the December Solstice of 2009
and the spring equinox of 2010. Certain nodes
will be the major facilitators, and indeed
will disseminate this energy globally.
Heart of the Dove
One such primary node exists within the
'Hill Country' of Texas. Called Enchanted
Rock, it is a unique and potent energy source
that is being activated in the fore described
role of planetary balance. It serves as the
capstone of the Hill Country vortex.
Enchanted Rock is closely connected to
the Sacred Goddess Energy, and to the Emerald
Crystal of Atlantis. This we will speak more
of later in this assay.
So understand that Enchanted Rock is
indeed the epicenter of a powerful
vortex-portal complex that is being vaulted in
mega status in what is termed the 'Return of
the Dove'. It can be said that Enchanted Rock
is the Heart of the Dove', for it is
intricately involved in softening and
balancing the energy within this critically
important area of the Americas.
The Dove Energy is feminine, but better
said, it is nurturing and balanced. You humans
assign genders to attributes that in higher
dimensions are not gendered at all.
Parity Calibration of Gender
We tell you that those seekers who visit
and do ceremony on Enchanted Rock are capable
of balancing their fields into parity
calibration within its unique inner field.
That is to say, those overly masculine in
frequency as well as those overly feminine in
frequency can achieve harmonic stasis and
proportion within the immediate vortex of
Enchanted Rock.
Now, Enchanted Rock is natural sacred
geometry. It is a half-sphere dome, not unlike
a massive version of what caps many of your
sacred geometric churches in Europe. However
it is a dome that covers a full square mile
and is composed of unique violet-pink granite
that is over 1 billion years old, as such it
is among the oldest domes on the earth.
How could it not be sacred? We tell you
it is a living Cathedral, with a mission!
The Heart of Texas
The hill country region is in itself a
very unique area in the 'heart' of south
central Texas. As the channel has told you,
this specially coded land is a somewhat
triangulated region of approximately 200 miles
on each side. This encompassed region has a
uniquely condensed energy field, much much
higher in frequency than the surrounding area.
Sensitives in the area can easily discern the
subtle nuances in the energy which creates a
sense of well being. This field is plastically
fed by a webbing of hydrolines and a major
telluric ley line that traverses from the
Yucatan into San Antonio and Austin as it
encircles Enchanted Rock and the waters of New
Braunfels. It can be said that every river and
stream within the aquifer fed area is in fact
a hydro 'ley' line.
Masters, such energy fields exists in
pockets all over the world. They are indeed
special, they are alive, and they are
absolutely involved in the ongoing graduation
of the planet.
The 'Return of the Dove' Vortex in the
hill country of Texas, as we have said is
under a special mission of balancing energies.
But in fact it does more than just that.
Indeed it has for millennia been directly
related to the higher quality of life and
sense of well being of the triangulated
'hill-country' region.
Hydro Lines Enhance Well-Being
It is this very energy that has drawn
intellectuals, artists and free thinkers to
this area. It is why the area is noted for its
quality of life, universities, artists and
musicians. The harmonic frequency of this
energy field is uniquely conducive to
creativity, especially music. Are not Austin,
Kerrville and Luckenbach renowned for their
music venues and festivals? Is San Antonio not
recognized for its culture and artistic
expression in the area you refer to as the
Indeed the water that flows throughout
San Antonio is very beneficial, it is charged
from the earthen spring-pools of a potent
ley-energy aquifer. It creates a plasmic field
that brings a joy and tranquility. It is why
the area is considered so 'charming' in your
You see, this water is exceptionally
ionic and carries an electromagnetic charge
that is very beneficial for both the physical
and etheric bodies. The aquifer charging
zones, or springs, found in New Braunfels, San
Antonio and Austin are exceptionally powerful
and healing. Yet they also promote exuberance
and well being.
Atlantis in Texas
The indigenous have always recognized
subtle energies of the living earth. And so
the Native Americans of southwest Texas were
well aware of the energy of Enchanted Rock.
They recognized and held the lavender granite
rock in awe as did the Atlanteans before them.
Yes, we said Atlantean. The fact that
the land areas of Texas were habited by the
Atlanteans should not be too surprising to
you, there is indeed logic to it.
You see, this part of Texas was along
the land bridge that connected Atlantis to the
Yucatan, sea levels being much lower before
the demise. Even then the Enchanted Rock was
recognized as a natural amplifier, and thus
the leys that ran thru the Pyramids of the
aquifer enhanced Yucatan were connected to the
aquifer enhanced areas of the hill country.
The cave labyrinths below the Yucatan
still in fact connect into the hill country as
well as the areas of Santa Fe, Grand Canyon,
Lake Tahoe, Shasta, Arkansas and Sedona.
We tell you that there was a pyramidal
complex located very near Enchanted Rock that
was used ceremonially for the calibration of
Crystal Skulls in alignment to the energy of
the granite dome cathedral. The Pyramid was
aligned between the energetic ley of Yucatan
and of the Pyramidal complex near Galveston
island, triangulated with the two.
Additional there is a massive
underground chasm containing a Temple complex
with a smaller version of the Emerald Crystal
of the Divine Feminine near the area of the
sacred spring waters of New Braunfels. It is
still somewhat accesible throught he cave
network of the area,
The Energy of Enchanted Rock remains
very much attuned to that of the Crystal
Skull, the 13th paradigm pattern of the Divine
Crystalline Structures & Leylines
Your geologists have correctly told you
that Enchanted Rock is actually the obtrusive
portion of a massive, ancient lava (magma)
flow. The greatest part of Enchanted Rock is
actually below the surface. And when magma is
held under, it solidifies more slowly into
coarse-grained rocks with larger, visible
crystals. These are intrusive, or plutonic,
rocks of which granite is the most common
example. Some of the finest examples of
crystals, such as quartz, topaz and tourmaline
are formed from chemicals that have been
dissolved in solutions within rock cavities.
Here, they have both space and time to grow.
Enchanted Rock is, in a sense, a massive
grouping of crystals, and it most certainly
contains hollow pockets of prolific quartz
Now, the electrics you refer to as ley
energy, (leylines) are a great part of the
dynamic of Enchanted Rock. In this area, the
ley energies are intertwined with the more
feminine hydro line ley energies. This effects
the manner in which they are absorbed,
amplified and conducted by the mineralogy and
shape of the physiographics of Enchanted Rock.
Granite, as the channel has explained,
contains a high concentration of quartz. This
mineral compound is quite unique and is known
to be a transmitter, receiver, amplifier and
conductor of current. Very few materials can
match the energy transmission of vitreous
quartz, especially in the ultra-violet and
infrared ranges. We tell you that quartz also
stores energy and high dimensional light.
Quartz is capable of converting energy to
Granite domes, conical and pyramidal
shaped mountains also have this property of
energy conductivity and storage. The conical
shape influences the manner in which the
energy is conducted.
Natural Capacitor
Now, the differentiating characteristic
of Enchanted Rock is that it is a natural
capacitor. Granite enhances this ability. The
domed shape of this living stone allows the
dual charges and integrates them in
microbalance. It is capable of infusing
beneficial electromagnetic and light energy to
all who go there. This transference occurs in
very low amperage, suitable for human
physiology in such a way that the body
physical is balanced and restored. This
charging is congruous, evenly distributed
throughout the body physical. The etheric
body, the Chakric system, is also balanced and
robustly so.
The geometrics of this area are
spherical, thus the balance, but a tetrahedron
and hexagonal matrix are enclosed within the
This region of the United States
particularly benefits from this balancing
vortex. It is emerging into greater potency in
preparation for the planetary ascension. The
'Return of the Dove' has the role of bringing
higher dimensional feminine energy into an
area that has had an imbalance over the past
500 years.
Enchanted Rock is in essence a satellite
of the Emerald Energy of the Divine Feminine,
and that is being activated in the quickening
of the winter solstice of 2009.
In the scope of North America this
energy is being fed into Sedona, Monterey,
Santa Fe, Shasta and Tahoe in the west, and
Atlanta, New York and Carolina in the East.
Enchanted Rock is connected globally and
hemispherical in this role. It is the manifold
apex of numerous triangulated fields on a
massive scale that includes Uluru, The Tor,
Table Mountain, Samaipata and Sinai.
2010 holds much in store in the
Crystalline Activation of the Cosmic Trigger,
the Dove is intricate to this activation.
I am Metatron and I share with you these
http://www.earth-keeper.com/ for other
topics by Metatron |
Constellation |

List of stars
in Aquarius |
Abbreviation - Aqr |
- Aquarii |
Symbolism - the
Water-bearer |
Right ascension
- 23 |
-15 |
Area - 980 sq. deg. (10th) |
Main stars -
10,22 |
stars - 97 |
Stars with
planets - 5 |
Bright stars -
2 |
Nearby stars -
β Aqr (Sadalsuud) (2.9m) |
Brightest star
EZ Aqr (11.3 ly) |
Messier objects
3 |
Meteor showers
March Aquariids
Eta Aquariids
Delta Aquariids
Iota Aquariids |
Cetus |
Visible at
latitudes between +65°
and −90°.
Best visible at 21:00 (9 p.m.)
during the month of October.
is a
constellation of the
zodiac, situated between
Capricornus and
Pisces. Its name is
Latin for "water-bearer"
or "cup-bearer", and its symbol is
a representation of water.
Aquarius is
one of the oldest of the
recognized constellations along
zodiac (the
sun's apparent path). It is
found in a region often called the
Sea due to its profusion of
constellations with watery
associations such as
Cetus the
Pisces the
fish and
Eridanus the
See also:
List of stars in Aquarius
sky objects
There are
deep sky objects that are on
Messier catalog: the globular
Messier 2,
Messier 72, and the open
Messier 73. Two well-known
planetary nebulae are located
in Aquarius: the
Saturn Nebula (NGC 7009), to
the southwest of
η Aquarii; and the famous
Helix Nebula (NGC 7293),
southwest of
δ Aquarii.
pours water from a jar into
the mouth of the southern
fish, as depicted in
Urania's Mirror, a set
of constellation cards
published in London c.1825
The stars of
Aquarius can be seen as resembling
the figure of a man, and, when
naked eye stars are included,
it can take on the image of a man
with a bucket from which is
pouring a stream of water. The
water flows southwards into the
mouth of the southern fish,
Piscis Austrinus.
Diagram of
an alternate way to connect
the stars of the
constellation Aquarius. The
water bearer is shown
running while holding a
vessel and spilling some
water out of that vessel.
The stars of
the constellation Aquarius can be
connected in an alternative way,
which graphically shows the water
bearer running while holding a
vessel from which water is
The water
bearer's head is formed by the
quadrangle of
α Aqr,
γ Aqr,
η Aqr, and
π Aqr: α Aqr being of the
third magnitude. Star
ζ Aqr, lodged within the
quadrangle, represents an eye.
The water
bearer's torso is formed by the
stars α Aqr and
β Aqr, with β Aqr being of the
third magnitude.
The water
bearer's left leg is formed by the
stars β Aqr and
ι Aqr, whereas his right leg
is formed by the stars β Aqr,
ν Aqr,
μ Aqr, and
ε Aqr, with these last two
stars representing a foot.
The water
bearer's arm is formed by the
stars α Aqr,
θ Aqr, and
λ Aqr, with λ Aqr being the
The water
bearer is holding a vessel,
perhaps a jar, which is formed by
the stars
ψ¹ Aqr,
φ Aqr, λ Aqr,
τ Aqr, and
δ Aqr. The open top of the
vessel consists of the triangle of
stars ψ¹ Aqr, φ Aqr, and λ Aqr.
Water is
being poured from the vessel in a
pair of streamlines. The
streamline on the left is formed
by the stars ψ¹ Aqr,
98 Aqr,
99 Aqr, and
101 Aqr. The streamline on the
right is formed by the stars ψ¹
88 Aqr,
89 Aqr, and
86 Aqr.
Aquarius is
GU.LA "The Great One" in
Babylonian star catalogues and
represents the god
Ea himself.[1]
It contained the
winter solstice in the Early
Bronze Age.[2]
Old Babylonian astronomy, Ea
was the ruler of the southernmost
quarter of the Sun's path, the
"Way of Ea", corresponding to the
period of 45 days on either side
of winter solstice. In the Greek
tradition, the constellation
became represented as simply a
single vase from which a stream
poured down to
Piscis Austrinus. The name in
Hindu zodiac is likewise
kumbha "water-pitcher", showing
that the zodiac reached India via
Greek intermediaries.[3]
Aquarius is
sometimes identified with
Ganymede, a beautiful youth in
Greek mythology with whom
Zeus fell in love and, in the
disguise of an eagle (represented
by the constellation
Aquila) carried off to
Olympus to be cup-bearer to
the gods. The constellation of
Crater is sometimes identified
as his cup.
Aquarius has
also been identified as the pourer
of the waters that flooded the
Earth in the ancient Greek version
of the
Great Flood myth. As such, the
Eridanus the river is
sometimes identified as a river
being poured by Aquarius.
Aquarius may
also, together with the
Pegasus, be part of the origin
of the myth of the
Mares of Diomedes, which forms
one of
The Twelve Labours of
Heracles. Its association with
pouring out rivers, and the nearby
constellation of
Capricornus, may be the source
of the myth of the
Augean stable, which forms
another of the labours.
As of 2002[update],
the Sun appears in the
constellation Aquarius from
February 16 to March 11. In
tropical astrology, the Sun is
considered to be in the sign
Aquarius from January 20 to
February 18, and in
sidereal astrology, from
February 15 to March 14.
a. The dates of Aquarius for
tropical astrology are
approximate, typically either from
January 21 to February 18, or from
January 20 to February 19,
depending on the exact time the
Sun enters the sign each year,
which varies slightly from year to
year within a small range.
has media related to:
Constellations of the
Signs of the
Constellation history
The 48
constellations listed
Ptolemy after 150
Andromeda ·
Aquarius ·
Aquila ·
Ara ·
Argo Navis ·
Aries ·
Auriga ·
Boötes ·
Cancer ·
Canis Major ·
Canis Minor ·
Capricornus ·
Cassiopeia ·
Centaurus ·
Cepheus ·
Cetus ·
Corona Australis ·
Corona Borealis ·
Corvus ·
Crater ·
Cygnus ·
Delphinus ·
Draco ·
Equuleus ·
Eridanus ·
Gemini ·
Hercules ·
Hydra ·
Leo ·
Lepus ·
Libra ·
Lupus ·
Lyra ·
Ophiuchus ·
Orion ·
Pegasus ·
Perseus ·
Pisces ·
Piscis Austrinus ·
Sagitta ·
Sagittarius ·
Scorpius ·
Serpens ·
Taurus ·
Triangulum ·
Ursa Major ·
Ursa Minor ·
The 41
modern additional
constellations from
1603 AD and forth
Apus ·
Chamaeleon ·
Coma Berenices ·
Dorado ·
Grus ·
Hydrus ·
Indus ·
Musca ·
Pavo ·
Phoenix ·
Triangulum Australe ·
Tucana ·
Volans ·
Vulpecula ▶ Plancius&Bartsch 1624:
Camelopardalis ·
Monoceros ▶ Royer 1679:
Columba ·
Crux ▶ Hevelius 1683:
Canes Venatici ·
Lacerta ·
Leo Minor ·
Lynx ·
Scutum ·
Sextans ▶ de Lacaille 1763:
Antlia ·
Caelum ·
Carina ·
Circinus ·
Fornax ·
Horologium ·
Mensa ·
Microscopium ·
Norma ·
Octans ·
Pictor ·
Puppis ·
Pyxis ·
Reticulum ·
Sculptor ·
Telescopium ·
including Ptolemy's
Anser ·
Antinous ·
Argo Navis ·
Asterion ·
Cancer Minor ·
Cerberus ·
Chara ·
Custos Messium ·
Felis ·
Frederici Honores/Gloria
Frederici ·
Gallus ·
Globus Aerostaticus ·
Jordanus ·
Lochium Funis ·
Machina Electrica ·
Malus ·
Mons Maenalus ·
Musca Borealis ·
Noctua ·
Typographica ·
Polophylax ·
Georgii ·
Quadrans Muralis ·
Ramus Pomifer ·
Robur Carolinum ·
Brandenburgicum ·
Sceptrum et Manus
Iustitiae ·
Solarium ·
Rangifer/Tarandus ·
Taurus Poniatovii ·
Herschelii ·
Testudo ·
Tigris ·
Triangulum Minus ·
Turdus Solitarius ·
Vultur cadens ·
Vultur volans
constellation names
Apis ·
Phoenicopterus ·
Serpentarius ·
Vespa ·
23h 00m
00s, −15° 00′ 00″
According to UFOlogists there are endless examples of evidence of
ancient ET visitation on primitive pottery, too. In Gold of the Gods,
again by author Erich Von Daniken, there is a photograph of an old
Mayan vase depicting what certainly looks like a female astronaut.
The flying figure appears to be wearing some of the attributes of the
profession- a broad belt around her stomach and a apparatus strapped
to her back. Pottery festooned with similar ‘space- people’ exist
, too, on show, says the author, in museums in Turkey and Madrid.
Paintings from
Val Camonica,
Italy, c.10,000 BC, have been claimed to depict
extraterrestrial visitors. It has also been posited that
they show gods or other mythological persons from religions
of that time.
Dogū (土偶) has been speculated to be an Ancient astronaut
that visited earth during the
Jōmon period of
Ancient Japan; it shows features claimed to resemble a
space suit, goggles and a space helmet.
According to ancient astronaut theories,
extraterrestrial beings (called ancient astronauts or ancient
aliens) have visited
and this contact is connected with the origins or development of
technologies, and/or
Some of these theories propose that
deities from most—if not all—religions are actually
extraterrestrials, and their technologies were taken as evidence
of their divine status.[1][2]
These theories have been popularized,
particularly in the latter half of the 20th century, by writers
Erich von Däniken,
Zecharia Sitchin and
Robert K.G. Temple.[3]
Ancient astronaut theories have been widely
used in
science fiction. Such theories have not received support
within the
scientific community, and have received little or no attention
peer-reviewed studies from
scientific journals.
Ancient astronaut adherents often claim that
humans are either descendants or creations of beings who landed on
Earth thousands of years ago. An associated theory is that much of
human knowledge, religion and culture came from extraterrestrial
visitors in ancient times, in that ancient astronauts acted as a “mother
culture”. These ideas are generally discounted by the
scientific community.[4]
Ancient astronaut theories also may include
the idea that civilization may have evolved on Earth twice, and
that the visitation of ancient astronauts may reflect the return
of descendants of ancient humans whose population was separated
from earthbound humans.[citation
Proponents of ancient astronaut theories
point to what they perceive as gaps in historical and
archaeological records, and to what they see as absent or
incomplete explanations of historical or archaeological data. They
cite evidence that they argue supports their assertions, notably,
artifacts that they argue are
anachronistic or beyond the presumed technical capabilities of
the historical cultures with which they are associated (sometimes
referred to as "Out-of-place
artifacts"); and
artwork and
legends which are interpreted as depicting extraterrestrial
contact or technologies.
Scientists maintain that gaps in contemporary
knowledge of the past do not demonstrate that such speculative
ancient astronaut ideas are a necessary, or even plausible,
conclusion to draw.[4][5]
The scientific community remains generally skeptical, and the
dominant view is that there is no evidence to support ancient
astronaut and paleocontact theories.
Scientific consideration
In their 1966 book Intelligent Life in the
I.S. Shklovski and
Carl Sagan devote a chapter[7]
to arguments that scientists and historians should seriously
consider the possibility that extraterrestrial contact occurred
during recorded history. However, Shklovski and Sagan stressed
that their ideas were speculative and unproven.
Shklovski and Sagan argued that sub-lightspeed
interstellar travel by extraterrestrial life was a certainty when
considering technologies that were established or feasible in the
late '60s;[8]
that repeated instances of extraterrestrial visitation to Earth
were plausible;[9]
and that pre-scientific narratives can offer a potentially
reliable means of describing contact with outsiders.[10]
Additionally, Shklovski and Sagan cited tales
Oannes, a fishlike being attributed with teaching agriculture,
mathematics and the arts to early Sumerians, as deserving closer
scrutiny as a possible instance of paleocontact due to its
consistency and detail.[11]
In his 1979 book
Broca's Brain, Sagan[12]
suggested that he and Shklovski might have inspired the wave of
'70s ancient astronaut books, expressing disapproval of "von
Daniken and other uncritical writers" who seemingly built on these
ideas not as guarded speculations but as "valid evidence of
extraterrestrial contact." Sagan argued that while many legends,
artifacts and purported
OOPArts were cited in support of ancient astronaut theories,
"very few require more than passing mention" and could be easily
explained with more conventional theories. Sagan also reiterated
his earlier conclusion that extraterrestrial visits to Earth were
possible but unproven, and perhaps improbable.
Ancient astronaut theories have been advanced
by the following authors (listed by year of initial publication):
von Däniken
Erich von Däniken was a leading proponent of
this theory in the late 1960s and early 1970s, gaining a large
audience through the 1968 publication of his best-selling book
Chariots of the Gods? and its sequels.
Certain artifacts and monumental
constructions are claimed by von Däniken to have required a more
sophisticated technological ability in their construction than
that which was available to the ancient cultures who constructed
them. Von Däniken maintains that these artifacts were constructed
either directly by extraterrestrial visitors or by humans who
learned the necessary knowledge from said visitors. These include
Stonehenge, the
Easter Island, The great pyramid at Giza, and the
Ancient Baghdad Electric Batteries.
Von Däniken claims that ancient art and
iconography throughout the world illustrates air and space
vehicles, non-human but intelligent creatures, ancient astronauts
and artifacts of an anachronistically advanced technology. Von
Däniken also claims that geographically separated historical
cultures share artistic themes, which he argues imply a common
origin. For one such example, is von Däniken's interpretation of
the sarcophagus lid recovered from the tomb of the Classic-era
Maya ruler of
Pacal. Von Däniken claimed the design represented a seated
astronaut, whereas the iconography and accompanying
Maya text identifies it as a portrait of the ruler himself
with the
World Tree of Maya mythology.
The origins of many religions are interpreted
by von Däniken as reactions to encounters with an alien race.
According to his view, humans considered the technology of the
aliens to be
supernatural and the aliens themselves to be
Von Däniken claims that the oral and written traditions of most
religions contain references to alien visitors in the way of
descriptions of stars and vehicular objects travelling through air
and space. One such is
Ezekiel's revelation in the
Old Testament, which Däniken interprets as a detailed
description of a landing spacecraft.
Von Däniken's theories became popularized in
the U.S. after the
NBC-TV documentary In Search Of Ancient Astronauts hosted by
Rod Serling and the movie
Chariots of the Gods.
Critics have argued that von Däniken
misrepresented data, that many of his claims were unfounded, and
that none of his core claims has been validated.[14]
Zecharia Sitchin's series The Earth
Chronicles, beginning with The 12th Planet, revolves around
Sitchin's interpretation of ancient
Sumerian and
Middle Eastern texts, megalithic sites, and artifacts from
around the world. He theorizes the gods of old
Mesopotamia were actually astronauts from the planet "Nibiru",
which Sitchin claims the Sumerians believed to be a remote "12th
planet" (counting the Sun, Moon, and Pluto as planets) associated
with the god
Marduk. According to Sitchin, Nibiru continues to orbit our
sun on a 3,600-year elongated orbit. Sitchin also suggests that
the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is the shattered
remains of the ancient planet "Tiamat",
which he claims was destroyed in one of Niburu's orbits through
the solar system. Modern
astronomy has found no evidence to support Sitchin's claims.
According to Sitchin, the Sumerians relate
how 50
Anunnaki, the inhabitants of Nibiru, came to Earth
approximately 400,000 years ago with the intent of mining raw
materials, especially gold, for transport back to Nibiru. With
their small numbers they soon tired of the task and set out to
genetically engineer laborers to work the mines. After much trial
and error they eventually created
homo sapiens sapiens: the "Adapa"
(model man) or
Adam of later mythology. Sitchin claims the Anunnaki were
active in human affairs until their culture was destroyed by
global catastrophes caused by the abrupt end of the last
age some 12,000 years ago. Seeing that humans survived and all
they had built was destroyed, the Anunnaki left Earth after giving
humans the opportunity and means to govern themselves.
Robert Temple
Robert K. G. Temple's 1976 book,
The Sirius Mystery argues that the
Dogon people of northwestern
preserved an account of extraterrestrial visitation from around
5,000 years ago. He quotes various lines of evidence, including
supposed advanced astronomical knowledge inherited by the tribe,
descriptions, and comparative belief systems with ancient
civilizations such as
ancient Egypt and
His work draws heavily on the studies of cultural anthropologists
Marcel Griaule and
Germaine Dieterlen.[15]
His conclusions have been criticized by
scientists, who point out discrepancies within Temple's account,
and suggested that the Dogon may have received some of their
astronomical information recently, probably from
European sources, and may have misrepresented Dogon
religious movement
Raëlism, or Raëlianism,
is a religious movement created by
Claude Vorilhon, better known as
Raël. Raël claims to have encountered extraterrestrials on a
number of occasions. On one such occasion, he claims that he was
informed that humans were created by an advanced extraterrestrial
humanoid race, the
Elohim, using their knowledge of DNA and genetics. The Raëlian
movement also argues against
evolution and supports human
Evidence cited by proponents
Proponents cite ancient mythologies to
support their viewpoints based on the idea that ancient creation
myths of gods who descend from the heavens to Earth to create or
instruct humanity are actually representations of alien visitors,
whose superior technology accounts for their reception as gods.
Proponents attempt to draw an analogy to occurrences in modern
times when isolated cultures are exposed to Western technology,
such as when, in the early 20th century, "cargo
cults" were discovered in the South Pacific: cultures who
believed various Western ships and their cargo to be sent from the
Gods as fulfillment of prophecies concerning their return.[citation
Flying machines are sometimes mentioned in
ancient texts; one example is the
Vimanas, flying machines found in the
Sanskrit epics of
These tales range from fantastic aerial battles employing various
weaponry, to the mundane relating simple technical information,
flight procedure, and flights of fancy. (See also
Vaimanika Shastra, a text on Vimanas supposedly "channeled" in
the early 20th century.)[19][citation
In the Biblical
Old Testament, the
Book of Ezekiel tells of a flying object seen as a fiery
whirlwind which when descended to the ground gave the appearance
of being made of metal. It is described among other things as a
wheel within a wheel containing four occupants, "living
creatures", whose likeness was that of man. The passage goes on to
say that wherever the wheels went the creatures went, and when the
living creatures were lifted up the wheels were lifted up.
[20] The book of Genesis(6:1-4) also tells us of such an
encounter where the "sons of heaven" had intercourse with the
"daughters of man" which produced the Nephilim.
[21] The apocryphal
Book of Enoch tells of similar flying objects and beings
called "the Watchers" who have mutinied from "heaven" and
descended to earth, but goes further in that Enoch is taken on
journeys to various corners of the Earth in the object and at one
point even travels to the heavens.[22]
In several chapters of the Old Testament God is depicted as
traveling as a column of smoke and/or fire[23]
and making the sound of a trumpet.[24]
These descriptions also describe Yahweh as having a physical
rather than an abstraction. Yahweh is described raining lightning[26]
and stones[27]
down upon the enemies of the Hebrews. However, descriptions of the
Hebrew God have also featured protecting wings and outstretched
arms in the Psalms, features which may be considered contrary to
theories of mechanical manifestations of God.[28][citation
Additionally, the characteristics of the
Ark of the Covenant and the
Urim and Thummim are identified as suggesting high technology,
perhaps from alien origins.[29]
and artwork
Alleged physical evidence includes the
discovery of artifacts in
Saqqara Bird) and
which are claimed to be similar to modern planes and gliders,[30]
although these have been interpreted by archaeologists as stylized
representations of birds and insects.
More support of this theory draws upon what
are claimed to be representations of
flying saucers in
medieval and
renaissance art.[31]
This is used to support the ancient astronaut theory by attempting
to show that the creators of humanity return to check up on their
creation throughout time.
Other artistic support for the ancient
astronaut theory has been sought in
cave paintings.[citation
needed] Vondijina in
Australia and
Val Camonica in
(seen above) are claimed to bear a resemblance to present day
needed] Supporters of the ancient astronaut theory
sometimes claim that similarities such as dome shaped heads,
interpreted as beings wearing space helmets, prove that early man
was visited by an extraterrestrial race.[32]
The ancient
Nazca lines comprise hundreds of enormous ground drawings
etched into the high desert landscape of Peru, which consist
primarily of geometric shapes, but also include depictions of a
variety of animals and at least one human figure.[33]
Many believers in ancient astronauts cite the Nazca lines as
evidence because the figures created by the lines are most clearly
depicted or only able to be seen when viewed from the air. Writing
Joe Nickell of the
University of Kentucky, using only technology he believed to
be available to people of the time, was able to recreate one of
the larger figures with a reasonable degree of accuracy[34]
Evidence for ancient astronauts is claimed to
include the existence of ancient monuments and
megalithic ruins such as the
Giza pyramids of Egypt,
Machu Picchu in Peru, or
Baalbek in
Lebanon, and the Moai of Easter Island.[citation
needed] Supporters contend these stone structures could
not have been built with the technical abilities and tools of the
people of the time and further argue that many could not be
duplicated even today. They suggest that the large size of the
building stones, the precision with which they were laid, and the
distances many were transported leaves the question open as to who
constructed these sites. These contentions are categorically
rejected by mainstream archeology. Some mainstream archeologist
have participated in
experiments to move large megaliths. These experiments have
succeeded in moving megaliths up to at least 40 tons,
and they have speculated that with a larger workforce larger
megaliths could be towed with ancient technology.
[37] Such allegations are not unique in history,
however, as similar reasoning lay behind the wonder of the
Cyclopean masonry walling at
Mycenaean cities in the eyes of Greeks of the following "Dark
Age," who believed that the giant
Cyclopes had built the walls.
Other than the proponents' own
interpretations of ancient writings and artifacts, there has yet
to be found any hard evidence to support the ancient astronaut
Alan F. Alford, author of Gods of the New
Millennium, (1996) was an adherent of the ancient astronaut
theory. Much of his work draws on Sitchin’s theories. However, he
now finds fault with Sitchin’s theory after deeper analysis,
stating that: “I am now firmly of the opinion that these gods
personified the falling sky; in other words, the descent of the
gods was a poetic rendition of the cataclysm myth which stood at
the heart of ancient Near Eastern religions.”[38]
A 2004 article in
Skeptic Magazine[39]
states that von Däniken plagiarized many of the book's concepts
Le Matin des Magiciens, that this book in turn was heavily
influenced by the
Cthulhu Mythos, and that the core of the ancient astronaut
theory originates in
H. P. Lovecraft's short stories "The
Call of Cthulhu" and "At
the Mountains of Madness".
- ^
Lieb, Michael (1998). Children of
Ezekiel: Aliens, Ufos, the Crisis of Race, and the Advent of
End Time. Duke University Press. pp. 250.
ISBN 0-8223-2268-4.
- ^
Cithara. St. Bonaventure
University. 1961. pp. 12.
- ^
Von Däniken, Erich (1984).
Chariots of the Gods. Berkley Pub Group.
ISBN 0-4250-7481-1.
b "Winners
of the Ig Nobel Prize".
Retrieved May 18 2007.
- ^
Sagan, Carl. Broca's Brain. 1979
- ^
Shklovski, I.S and Carl Sagan. Intelligent Life in the
Universe. San Francisco: Holden-Day, 1966
- ^
"The Possible Consequences of Direct Contact," authored mostly
by Sagan, according to line-by-line indications of individual
or collaborative sections.
- ^
"civilizations, aeons more advanced than ours, must be plying
the spaces between stars." Shklovski and Sagan, p. 464
- ^
Even allowing for millions of years between visits from a
hypothetical "Galactic survey ship", Sagan calculated ~10ˆ4
such visits could have occurred "during [Earth's] geologic
time". Shklovski and Sagan, p. 461;
- ^
Sagan cites the 1786 expedition of French explorer
Jean-François de Galaup, comte de La Pérouse, which made
the earliest contact between European and
Tlingit cultures. This contact story was preserved as an
oral tradition by the preliterate Tlingit, and was first
recorded by anthropologist
George T. Emmons over a century after its occurrence.
Though framed in a Tlingit cultural and spiritual paradigm,
the story remained an accurate telling of the 1786 encounter.
According to Sagan, this proved how:
- …under certain circumstances, a brief
contact with an alien civilization will be recorded in a
reconstructable manner. The reconstruction will be greatly
aided if (1) the account is committed to written record soon
after the event; (2) a major change is effected in the
contacted society; and (3) no attempt is made by the
contacting civilization to disguise its exogenous nature."
Shklovski and Sagan, p. 453
^ "stories like the
Oannes legend, and representations especially of the
earliest civilizations on Earth, deserve much more critical
studies than have been performed heretofore, with the
possibility of direct contact with an extraterrestrial
civilization as one of many possible alternative
explanations". Shklovski and Sagan, p. 461
^ Sagan, Broca's
Brain, p. 67
Lhote, Henri (1903-1991)
^ "Erich von
Daniken's Chariots of the Gods: Science or Charlatanism?",
Robert Sheaffer. First published in the "NICAP UFO
Investigator", October/November, 1974.
^ Temple, Robert K.
G., The Sirius Mystery, 1976.
ISBN 0 09 925744 0
^ Sagan, Carl,
Broca’s Brain, published by Random House, Inc. in 1974
Investigating the Sirius "Mystery" - Skeptical Inquirer
(1978) Ian Ridpath
^ Walter E. A. van
Beek: "Dogon Restudied: A Field Evaluation of the Work of
Marcel Griaule." Current Anthropology, 32 (1991): 139-167.
David Hatcher Childress (The
Anti-Gravity Handbook)
^ King James Red
Letter edition 1944, Ezekiel 1:1–28
^ The New American
Bible, Genesis 6:1-4
^ Book of Enoch
Together with a Reprint of Greek Fragments (1912)
ISBN 1-56459-523-4
Exodus 13:21
Exodus 19:16–19
Numbers 35:34
2 Samuel 22:10–16
Joshua 10:10–11
^ God: a Biography,
Jack Miles 1996
ISBN 0679743685
FarShores.org AncientDimensions Mysteries: De-Coded: The Ark
Of The Covenant
World Mysteries - Strange Artifacts, Ancient Flying Machines
Art and UFO - Part 5
UFO Evidence
Nazca Lines and Culture - Crystalinks
^ .The
Mysterious Nazca Lines
^ History Channel
"Mega Movers: Ancient Mystery Moves"
Ancient Astronauts
- Avalos, Hector (2002) "The Ancient Near
East in Modern Science Fiction: Zechariah Sitchin's The 12th
Planet as Case Study." Journal of Higher Criticism, vol. 9, no.
1, pp. 49-70.
- Harris, Christie (1975) Sky Man on the
Totem Pole? New York: Atheneum.
The Black Madonna - The
Return of the
Feminine Jay Weidner "In the beginning all was the void
and all was black. God saw this and said 'Let there be Light'.
When the satellite is fully operational, it will be able to
turn to view the source within about a minute of detecting a
cosmic blast.
With the
coming of Aquarius, we will find that the
institutions of the word will be reunited with the
feminine counterpart which has been missing and this
COMING OF AQUARIUS. Some artwork and text
excerpted from The Secrets of the Sphinx. KRYON: THE
With the
coming of Aquarius, we will find that the
institutions of the word will be reunited with the
feminine counterpart which has been missing and this