Standard police criminal investigating procedures
dictate that, in some of the more difficult criminal investigations, a
most fruitful line of inquiry is that of "following the money
trail". This is the thrust of this report, except that we not only
follow the money trail from False Prophet Sun Moon to prominent
"Right-Wing" Evangelical Christian leaders of our day, we
shall also follow the "influence trail" as well. You shall see
that the Illuminati may have captured themselves very effective "Disinformation
Agents" disguised as Christian leaders.
Let us begin our study.
The Bible warns genuine Christians to beware of
false religious leaders. Jesus and His Apostles warned, warned and
warned again that Satan would try to sneak false religious leaders into
the Christian Church, and that, if such churches were not alert and
discerning, they would be devastated. Further, Jesus and His Apostles
taught that this deception would only get worse the closer the world
drew to the End of the Age. In fact, spiritual deception is prophesied
to become so good, so slick that even the Elect would be deceived were
it not for the revealing nature of the Holy Spirit [Matthew 24:24]; Paul
warned that the "door" that would open allowing Antichrist to
arise could only be opened by the Christian Churches themselves, as the
they allowed themselves to be drawn astray by false religious teachers
[2 Thessalonians 2:3].
What is a "false prophet" as defined by
Scripture? In Matthew 24:11, the word used in Greek is Number 5578,
transliterated as "pseudoprophetes". Adam Clarke's Commentary
warns that false prophets are "deceitful workers, transforming
themselves into the apostles of Christ." You see, such false
leaders are the true counterfeit -- they look like, act like, and sound
like, real ministers of Jesus Christ; but, inwardly, they are "ravening
Barclay's Daily Study Bible Commentaries says:
"A false leader is a man who seeks to propagate his own version of
the truth rather than the truth as it is in Jesus Christ; and a man who
tries to attach other men to himself ...."
Matthew Henry's Unabridged Commentary reveals this
truth about "false prophets" -- "There should appear
false prophets (v. 11-24); the deceivers would pretend to divine
inspiration, an immediate mission, and a spirit of prophecy, when it was
all a lie. Some think, the seducers here pointed to were ... settled
teachers in the church, and had gained reputation as such, but afterward
betrayed the truth they had taught, and revolted to error; and from such
the danger is the greater, because least suspected. One false traitor in
the garrison may do more mischief than a thousand avowed enemies
Let us repeat: "One
false traitor in the garrison may do more mischief than a thousand
avowed enemies without." How can this be possible?
Counterfeit false religious leaders look and sound so very genuine they
are trusted by a multitude of undiscerning people. In U.S. Army
Intelligence, we called such men "Disinformation Agents"; good
agents will pour out 75-90% good information, but will mislead at the
critical moment, usually at the moment the battle is joined, and the
outcome is hanging in the balance.
Jesus and His Apostles warned that, at the End of
the Age, the proportion of the people so deceived would be
extraordinarily high!
It is here that we need to begin our study.
Jesus warned:
"Beware of false prophets, which
come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening
wolves." [Matt 7:15]
"Take heed that no man deceive
you." [Matt 24:4 ]
"And many false prophets shall
rise, and shall deceive many." [Matt 24:11]
"For there shall arise false
Christs, and false prophets ... insomuch that, if it were possible,
they shall deceive the very elect." [Matt 24:24] Now,
that is great deception! I bet everyone deceived by such a false
religious leader would protest vociferously that THEY could not
possibly be one who is so deceived!
"... when the Son of man cometh,
shall he find faith on the earth?" [Luke 18:8b] The
proportion of the people in the flock at the End of the Age who are
deceived by these wicked counterfeit false leaders will be so
unusually high, Jesus is moved to ask this powerful rhetorical
question: "Will I find anyone on earth who is holding to the true
Faith"? This is the problem with counterfeit religious teachers:
they become deceived themselves, and they lead many unsuspecting souls
into Hell. Jesus addressed this issue of the final judgment of false
prophets very dramatically, in Matthew 7:21-23:
"Not every one that saith unto me,
Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth
the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that
day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name
have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And
then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye
that work iniquity." [Matt 7:21-23]
At the White Throne Judgment, all false religious leaders will
stand before Jesus to hear these awful words. Notice that some of
these false teachers were so deceived themselves that they actually
thought they were going to Heaven; they were so deceived they needed
Jesus to set the record straight and tell them exactly why they were
not going to Heaven after all! Notice the power of Satan to perform
great and "many wonderful works",
even casting out devils from people, and even strongly professing the
Word of God! Yet, because they continued to deliberately "work
iniquity", Jesus never recognized them as genuinely
How much false doctrine or practice does a false religious
leader have to exhibit before Jesus rejects him? Conversely, how much
false doctrine or actions should followers allow before they reject a
religious leader as counterfeit? Jesus tells us that as well:
"Do you not know that [just] a
little leaven will ferment the whole lump [of dough]?"
[1 Corinthians 5:6]
As I stated earlier, a good disinformation agent will provide
75-90% good information, and sometimes as high as 95%! But, that 5-10%
bad information can cost a nation a battle, or a war, and such a small
percentage might lead astray a sincere follower of Jesus Christ! This
"bad information" would always center on critical false facts
about an issue that is core to winning the battle at hand. Remember, rat
poison is only 2% arsenic!
The Apostle John warned:
"Beloved, believe not every
spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many
false prophets are gone out into the world" [ 1 John
"If there come any unto you, and
bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid
him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his
evil deeds." [2 John 1:10-11]
The Apostle Paul warned:
"For I know this, that after my
departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the
flock. 30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse
things, to draw away disciples after them." [Acts
"Let no one deceive or beguile you
in any way, for that day will not come except the apostasy comes first
[unless the predicted great falling away of those who have professed
to be Christians has come], and the man of lawlessness (sin) is
revealed, who is the son of doom (of perdition)." [2
Thessalonians 2:3; Parallel
Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]
In my humble opinion, Jesus was speaking right to
this issue of false religious prophets at the End of the Age when He
uttered the Parable of the Tares. Since this is a very long
parable, we shall quote only the parable itself and Jesus' explanation.
"The kingdom of heaven is likened
unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept,
his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But
when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared
the tares also." [Matt 13:24-26]
What is a "tare"? Many in today's Western societies
might not really know what a "tare" is, and therefore, will
not realize Jesus is speaking here of a counterfeit wheat! A tare is a
plant that looked like wheat in every way until the final phase of
growth. Only at this final stage will the seeds look different; a
genuine wheat will produce a substantial head of brown seeds, but the
tare will produce a small head of black seeds. Thus does this
illustration perfectly demonstrate the problem with many professing
Christians and counterfeit leaders; both will look so much like the
genuine wheat that they are deceived and they deceive others. When
Jesus' explained this parable, below, He seemed to place an emphasis on
the End of the Age, the true harvest of the world. While He certainly
meant that all tares of all ages would be revealed at the final harvest,
I believe Jesus was hinting here that the situation with tares would
become much more of a problem as the End of the Age approached.
Adam Clarke Commentary goes to the root word of "tare"
to reveal some shocking facts. He calls tares "bastard wheat"!
"He who sows this bastard wheat among God's people is here
styled God's enemy ... the word 'zunim', or 'zunin', is used for bastard
or degenerated wheat; that which was wholly a right seed in the
beginning, but afterwards became degenerate." As we go through our
treatise, I believe it likely that some of these counterfeit Christian
church leaders were a "right seed in the beginning", but
"afterwards became degenerate." Now, however, they are serving
the Illuminati and their followers are none the wiser.
Explanation of the Parable
"... the tares are the children of
the wicked one; that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end
of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares
are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this
world ... And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be
wailing and gnashing of teeth." [Matt 13:37-40, 42]
The tares are the children, the offspring, of the wicked one,
Satan. At this current time period, the Illuminati is the driving force
for the "wicked one", as they are drawing the world together
into the Kingdom of Antichrist, a.k.a., the New World Order. We should
expect to see the "tares" of this day -- the counterfeit
Christian leaders -- in the employ of the Illuminati, following their
lead regarding the most critical issues of the day.
As you will soon see, key Right-Wing Evangelical Christian leaders are,
indeed, in the employ of the Illuminati! Let us now examine the key
figure in this terrible drama, the "Reverend" Sun Myung Moon.
"Moon is the founder of the cultic (and occultic)
Unification Church (better known as the 'Moonies') and has had help from
the Rockefellers. Also of interest is that the prominent political
figures that have endorsed Moon are those with ties to the NWO (New
World Order), and include Ted Kennedy, Mason Mark O. Hatfield, Mason
Jesse Helms and Illuminatus William F. Buckley." ["Billy
Graham and His Friends", by Dr. Cathy Burns, p. 103-4]
These are horrendous ties to the Masters of the
Illuminati! As you study these connections, you will see that Moon is
very firmly and well connected to the uppermost levels of the
* Financial Support -- When you have support
from the Rockefellers, you are never short of cash
* Political Support from both sides of the political
** Senator Ted Kennedy -- Extreme Liberal Democrat
** Senator Mark O. Hatfield -- Liberal Left Republican
** Senator Jesse Helms -- Conservative Republican
* Columnist William F. Buckley -- Cast as
Conservative Republican
With these kind of high-level contacts, you can
safely consider Rev. Moon to be firmly in the saddle of the upper
management tier of the Illuminati. Moon must have a serious part to play
in the overall script to stage the appearance of Antichrist! Since he is
a "false prophet", a religious figure, you can only assume
that his role for the Illuminati will lie in the realm of religion. In
fact, Moon is probably one of the most influential religious figures in
the world today, as you shall soon see.
But, the story gets even stranger, when we learn that
the "Reverend" Moon was recruited by the Korean Central
Intelligence Agency [KCIA]! "In 1961, after a military coup of a
democratic government in South Korea that brought Park to power,KCIA
decided to organize and utilize a church called Unification Church, as a
political tool of the right wing military government. They wanted to
export this church ti US. They asked Rev. Bill Bright to help organize
it and chose a leader of it. Bill Bright choose Rev. Sun Myung Moon to
head it." ["Christian Right and the Moonies", It's
A Bizarre World,]
Before we get into his influence in the American
religious establishment, let us quickly review some of Moon's beliefs,
noting that Dr. Burns called his Unification Church a "cult"
that is steeped into the occult. We should not be surprised to hear this
latter revelation, for Moon could be a top-level Illuminist only if he
is steeped into the occult. Let us now examine his key beliefs and
* Rev. Sun Moon claims Jesus Christ
"failed" in his ministry and that he, Moon, is the Messiah!
[Burns, p. 208]
* Many allegations have been leveled at Moon's many
organizations and the Unification Church, accusing them of clever mind
manipulation, Mind Control ["The Unholy Alliance: Christianity
& The NWO", Part 1,, 2-25-02]. Once again, we should
not be surprised, for the Illuminati has been deeply immersed in occult
mind control for centuries, bringing this art form to a new, higher
level at this End of the Age.
* He also claims that it is his mission to 'unite the
world through uniting religious forces'. [Ibid.]
Urging Their Followers To
Follow Antichrist
At this point, please allow me to explain the
"religious" plan once Antichrist actually appears on the
earth. Shortly after his appearance, key religious leaders all across
the globe are primed to step forward to the mass media microphones to
deliver a message to their respective followers: this Christ is the
Messiah we have been awaiting! Follow Him!!
Of course, this "Christ" will be none other
than the Biblical Antichrist!
Thus, Buddhists, Mohammedans, Hindus , and Christians
will be told that this "Christ" is their Messiah and they are
to follow him, giving him their allegiance and worship. Which Christian
leaders will step forward, urging their followers to follow this Man of
Sin and give him their allegiance? Before you can entertain this
question, you have to understand that Rev. Moon has been charged with
"uniting the world through religious forces", i.e., play a
huge role in the religious deception once Antichrist does arise. As we
proceed through this article, you will see that Moon has evidently
zeroed in on the Christian Right-wing as his major field of endeavor.
But, first, he must get control of the religious forces of the Christian
Right-Wing! Let us "follow the money and influence trail"!
Pictured below are certain Evangelical Christian leaders, many of whom
are "Right-Wing" who have either accepted serious money from a
Moon front organization, or have been unduly influenced by him. As you
can imagine, once a Christian leader accepts money from a Moon
organization, that person is beholden to the Rev. Moon. Remember the
general principle: the Devil always gets his due!
Jerry Falwell -- readily admits that he accepted 2.5
million dollars from Moon in 1994 in order to bail out his Liberty
University in Lynchburg, Virginia. This was funneled through a Moon
organization known as the 'Womens Federation for World Peace'
which has been chaired by Beverly LaHaye, Wife of Timothy LaHaye, who is
the popular co-author of the "Left Behind" Christian fictional
book series and a well known evangelical Christian. The Womens
Federation for World Peace paid 3.5 million to the Christian
Heritage Foundation, which in turn bought Falwell's $73 million
debt, and then frankly wrote it off. The Heritage Foundation then
seems to have paid themselves a fee of one million dollars for their
Since that time Falwell has spoken at many of Moons functions, embracing
the cult-leader with unabashed reverence and friendship. Even writings
from Moons' Church confirm Falwells comradeship with 'the new messiah'
and his cult. Moon has even been a guest speaker in mainline
denominational Churches in the past few years. Falwell further praised
Rev. Moon calling him, "An unsung hero to the cause of freedom, who
is to be commended for his determination and courage and endurance in
support of his beliefs."["Unholy Alliances",,
Part 1]
According to official court records of a lawsuit that was filed in
Bedford County Circuit Court (West Virginia), it was alleged that
Falwell and an associate flew to South Korea, January 9, 1994 to meet
with Unification Church officials. This trip came shortly before Falwell
was awarded the Moon money. Falwell stated openly, "If the American
Atheists Society or Saddam Hussein himself ever sent an unrestricted
gift to any of my ministries, be assured I will operate on Billy
Sunday's philosophy: The Devil's had it long enough, and quickly cash
the check." [Ibid.]
Timothy La Haye - "Well-known author, former
pastor and educator Tim LaHaye was named by a Wheaton College institute
as the most influential leader in the evangelical Christian movement.
The institute named LaHaye the most influential evangelical leader in
the United States of the last quarter century. He and his wife, Beverly,
the leader of Concerned Women for America, have been a driving
force in the organizational efforts of evangelicals, including the Moral
Majority and the respected political think tank Council for
National Policy. Other contenders for the distinction included
renowned evangelist Billy Graham, Campus Crusade for Christ's
Bill Bright and Focus on the Family's James Dobson."
["Tim LaHaye 'most influential leader', WorldNetDaily, June 2,
"Most famous for his 'Left Behind' series
of books and movies. Tim LaHaye's relationship with Moon goes back at
least 17 years. In 1985 as was reported earlier, LaHaye was addressing
several hundred evangelical Christians, the flock he claims to guard and
feed ... He exhorted that they go willingly to jail with the Rev. Moon
in demonstration to his imprisonment over tax fraud." ["Unholy
Alliance", Part I]
Moon's Prison Time Because
of Tax Fraud Seen As "Unifying Christianity"
Shockingly, this truth is borne out by none other
than Moon's "right hand man", Bo Hi Pak, writing about Moon's
jail time and his visits from La Haye.
"Father has suffered on many other occasions ...
even though Father suffered in Korea and North Korea, that was not the
cosmic age for universal salvation. That was not the worldwide level.
Today here in the United States, which is the microcosm of the world,
whatever Father does has a universal impact ... What Father has
accomplished at Danbury is the restoration of Christianity and the
unification of Christianity. Father brought Christianity into one with
the Unification Church. Christians began to understand Father and accept
Father and Father's dispensation.
Bo Hi Pak continues:
"One good example is Dr. Tim LaHaye's visit to Danbury ...
During the drive, Dr. LaHaye said, 'It is incredible what our government
did to Reverend Moon, to confine Reverend Moon in this kind of place.'
When we got to Danbury, he met Father, who was wearing humble prison
clothes. He held Father's hands and the first words Dr. LaHaye spoke
were, 'Reverend Moon, I apologize on behalf of my government.' Mother
saw that Dr. LaHaye's eyes were red and he was crying. What a beautiful
union, a beautiful union of brothers, like Esau and Jacob. Father and
Dr. LaHaye were embracing." ["Truth is My Sword",
Volume II: Chapter 45 Mount Danbury",,
by Bo Hi Pak, February 3, 1985]
Tim La Haye then appealed to his followers to "go willingly
to jail with the Rev. Moon in demonstration to his imprisonment over tax
fraud." ["Unholy Alliance", Part I, Ibid.] However, did
you notice that LaHaye willingly participated with this pagan,
Illuminist false religious leader to complete "the restoration of
Christianity and the unification of Christianity" and to achieve
"a beautiful union, a beautiful union of brothers, like Esau and
Jacob"? [Ibid.]
No true Christian leader would ever, ever, ever join with a pagan
occultist like this, allowing himself to be declared his
"brother"! The Bible firmly forbids this kind of union with an
unbeliever! Listen once again:
"If there come any unto you, and
bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid
him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his
evil deeds." [2 John 1:10-11]
"Do not be unequally yoked with
unbelievers [do not make mismated alliances with them or come under a
different yoke with them, inconsistent with your faith]. For what
partnership have right living and right standing with God with
iniquity and lawlessness? Or how can light have fellowship with
darkness?" [2 Corinthians 6:14; Parallel
Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]
This action clearly labels Tim La Haye as a Christian Tare,
a counterfeit Christian. Yet, LaHaye is so popular and so revered, he is
named the most influential of all Evangelistic leaders! Further, untold
millions have gobbled up his "Left Behind" series of books and
movies, believing them to be a genuine explanation of the Rapture of the
Christian Church. From the beginning of the "Left Behind"
series, I felt a spiritual prohibition against reading the books;
further, I noticed that "Left Behind" was being aggressively
promoted by noted Illuminist Mass Media outlets: TV, Radio, Magazines,
and Bookstores. A huge red flag immediately went up in my mind.
Remember, I did not know of the Moon - La Haye connection until just a
year ago, well after the series initially went on the market.
La Haye also formed the Council For National Policy (CNP)
in 1981. There are "definite ties between this 'Christian'
organization and the Rev. Moon's openly anti-Christ organizations ...
this group is also associated heavily with the controversial and cultic
Church of Scientology ..." ["Unholy Alliance", Part I]
David Wegener, of Hope For America, emphatically states that CNP is a
"Christian equivalent to the Illuminist Council on Foreign
Relations"! Thus, in keeping with the Dialectic Process, the
Illuminati has established two special groups to further their plans:
the CFR and the CNP -- Thesis and Antithesis, Yin-Yang! [Read NEWS1007
for treatment of Thesis - Antithesis]
"In 1983, American Coalition for Traditional Values (ACTV)
began with Tim LaHaye, Falwell, Robertson, Bakker, Robison and Humbard.
The money that started it came from the Moonies. It was right after Gary
Jarmin, ex-Moonie, introduced Tim LaHaye to Col. Bo Pak, Rev. Moon's
right hand man." ["This is a Bizarre World",]
Gary Bauer -- "Bauer's Family Research Council
... has benefited as well from Rev. Moon organizations and money. This
all under the umbrella of social change and 'Christian family values' in
America." Bauer is reported as part of a group of Christian leaders
who have received up to $150,000 in Moon money! ["Unholy
Many Christians take at face value everything that the Family
Research Council says, forgetting the intelligence maxim that a
disinformation agent will provide 75-90% good solid information. Thus,
you will find the Gospel presented on FRC as well as many genuine
Christian values. However, the Apostle Paul warned that it just takes a
"little leaven" -- false teaching -- to corrupt the whole lump
of dough, just as it takes only a tiny bit of arsenic in a whole lot of
water to kill you!
Bill Bright -- Founder and head of the international evangelical
association, 'Campus Crusades for Christ', is also a member of
the CNP. Remember the above quote which states that Bill Bright was the
point man to get Rev. Moon into the United States, at the behest of the
This association may also explain Bill Bright's dramatic
excursion into apostasy! Listen to Dr. Burns explain:
"Jesse Jackson is also a member of the Council on Foreign
Relations as well as a 33° Mason ... In spite of Jackson's obviously
blasphemous remarks about Jesus Christ, the 'Jesus Film Project', which
is a ministry of Bill Bright's Campus Crusade, had a 'Millennial Tribute
To Jesus', and used celebrities to record a 'tribute to Jesus'. Who were
some of these celebrities? Jesse Jackson, Jimmy Carter -- Illuminist
former President -- Gerald Ford (Freemason and Bilderberger member),
Andrew Young, Pope John Paul II and Billy Graham" [Burns, op. cit.,
p. 85]
These are some of the Campus Crusade For Christ's International
Committee of Reference: "Roy Rogers, 33° Mason (now deceased),
Johnny Cash, Jay Gary, Jesse Helms, 33° Mason, Norman Vincent Peale,
33° Mason ((now deceased), Robert Schuller, 33° Mason, Michael W.
Smith, Jack Van Impe." {Ibid., p. 488]
Bill Bright was also the 1996 recipient of the Illuminist Templeton
Prize, making him One Million Dollars richer. The Templeton
committee is "made up of leaders from the world's five major
religions ('Christianity', Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism)".
They meet annually meet to decide the recipient of the One Million
dollar prize. Templeton himself has been described as a "New Age
pantheist/science-of-mind Universalist/investment guru." Templeton
also said that the Bible 'does not accurately record the words of
Christ' and says he is trying to 'develop a body of knowledge of God
that doesn't rely on ancient revelations of Scripture such as the
Bible!" [Burns, op. cit., p. 489]
Since the 9/11 attacks, President Bush has led the way in
encouraging Ecumenism, defined as accepting all faiths as equally
legitimate. Bill Bright has no trouble with this approach as he
"can also work with people who DO NOT call Jesus 'Lord'. For
example, he was at an interfaith meeting with Muslims and Jewish Rabbis.
In his prayer, he referred to the 'God of OUR fathers'." [Burns,
op. cit., p. 490; Emphasis was in the original]
But, we should not be surprised, for had we been aware of the
"Gospel" as presented by Bright's workers over the years, we
would have known the truth. "A former Campus Crusade worker wrote:
'One reason why the Campus Crusade message is so popular is that Campus
Crusaders are taught either by design or by default not to use Christian
jargon like 'witness', 'repent', 'converted', 'blood', 'hell', 'sin',
'save', 'holiness', and 'apostasy'." [Ibid.]
Now, in addition to his contacts with Rev. Sun Moon, Bright is
discovered to be preaching "another Gospel"! The Apostle Paul
cursed such a person to Hell for preaching "another Gospel".
"But even if we or an angel from
heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to and different from
that which we preached to you, let him be accursed (anathema, devoted
to destruction, doomed to eternal punishment)!"
[Galatians 1:8; Parallel
Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]
Paul then repeats his curse in verse 9, condemning people to
Hell who teach "another Gospel".
Perhaps Bill Bright should also carefully contemplate the warnings
of God: "Cursed be he that doeth the work
of the Lord deceitfully" [Jeremiah 48:10]
In 1975, Bill Bright formed a Moonie front group called "Christian
Freedom Foundation". All the funding came from the Moonies.
["This is a Bizarre World",]
Paul Crouch -- Founder and Chairman of Trinity Broadcasting
Network, one of the largest tele-evangelical corporations. "Paul
Crouch is another who seems to shy away from the overall doctrine
espoused on his 'Christian' television network, and appears to work for
religious unification." ["Unholy Alliance", Part I]
Crouch is a constant source of unbiblical doctrines, so many we
just do not have the time nor space here to list them all; however, the
video by David Wegener, "Hope For America", is an excellent
source of film clips of Paul and Jan Crouch, so that you may see and
hear them spout the most hideous unscriptural doctrines!
As noted below, Paul Crouch has served on the Council For
Religious Freedom, established for the express purpose of raising
funds for the legal defense of Rev. Moon when he was serving time in
prison for tax evasion.
Dr. James Dobson, Focus On The Family -- "Dr. Dobson
is pediatrician, author and publisher, head of Focus On The Family, a
Christ-centric organization and magazine." [Unholy Alliance. Ibid.]
If you have not read Dr. Burns' excellent expose' entitled, "Focus
On The Family -- Little Known Facts" we encourage you to get it so
you can read for yourself all the New Age, unbiblical, and heretical
statements that Dobson and/or his guests have uttered over the years.
We have already reported, above, on the Moon-sponsored Council
For National Policy (CNP), a group that is also tied into the Church
of Scientology. Dr. James Dobson has been a member of this CNP.
Congressman Woody Jenkins (Newsweek,1981) gushed, "I predict that
one day before the end of this century the Council [for National Policy]
will be so influential that no President, regardless of party or
philosophy, will be able to ignore us or our concerns or shut us out of
the highest levels of government."
In October, 1999 George W. Bush addressed the CNP."
Remember, the CNP is the "Christian equivalent to the Council
on Foreign Relations". Thus, it is a very serious matter, indeed,
for a Christian leader to be a part of this group. "Birds of a
feather flock together", intones the old American folk saying. The
Bible instructs us:
"If there come any unto you, and
bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid
him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his
evil deeds." [2 John 1:10-11]
Therefore, if any Christian leader, including James Dobson, is a
member of an Illuminist-based council, he or she is guilty of being a
"partaker of his evil deeds".
Rev. Billy Graham -- Dr. Cathy Burns wrote her 788-page book,
"Billy Graham and His Friends", to illustrate Dr. Graham's
exceedingly numerous ties to the Illuminati. To single out the most
infamous ties would be a most daunting task; however, Dr. Burns feels
that Billy Graham was selected by the Illuminati as far back as 1942 to
become the foremost "holy man" in America! Listen:
"At that time (1946) no one in the Christian community knew
that the World Government had begun to build 'AN ICON' that later
would be accepted by large masses of people, 'A HOLY MAN', speaking
for God." [Burns, p. 54; Emphasis was in original]
Billy Graham was that "Icon", that deliberately created
"Holy Man", offered to the masses of undiscerning people. But,
why should we be surprised, for Dr. Graham himself admitted he was an
Ecumenicist, not a Fundamental Christian. Listen:
"In 1950, Billy Graham held a Crusade at Boston. Listen to
what he says about the Unitarian Church: 'At that time, Protestantism in
New England was weak, due in part to theological differences within some
denominations, the influence of Unitarian ideas in other denominations,
and the strength of the Roman Catholic Church. In spite of all that, a
number of Roman Catholic priests and Unitarian clergy ... came to the
meetings along with those from evangelical churches. With my limited
evangelical background, this was a further expansion of my own
ecumenical outlook. I now began to make friends among people from many
different backgrounds and to develop a spiritual love for their clergy'.
Did you notice that, over 50 years ago, Graham had developed a
'spiritual love' for the Unitarian clergy?" [Burns, p. 71]
Further, Graham personally defines himself as holding to an "
ecumenical outlook"!
New Age and New World Order authors make it quite plain that the
Ecumenical Movement -- also known as the "One Universal
Church" -- is a most important organization designed specifically
to unify all the world's religious religions. [Read NEWS1165
for full details]. The Ecumenical Movement is a precursor to the One
World Church of Antichrist! When I was sneaked into the Members Only
seminar at the Boston House of Theosophy, the New England Director
boldly stated that the Roman Catholic Pope was leading the global
spiritual drive to the global religion of Antichrist, known primarily as
the Ecumenical Movement [Read NEWS1052].
This is the dream of Rev. Sun Moon and all his organizations.
Thus, he must have been very pleased with Dr. Billy Graham during the
1991 Gulf War, when President Bush (Sr.) asked him to come to the White
House to lead the nation in prayer for the war that Bush had already
declared to be a New World Order war! Listen to Dr. Graham's public
remarks after he came out of the "prayer service" in which he
preached a short sermon:
"Perhaps out of this war will come a new peace and -- as has
been stated by the President -- a New World Order." [Burns, op.
cit., p. 63-4]
Dr. Graham financially plugged into the Illuminati one spot above
Rev. Moon. He received much support from the Rockefeller groups, who is,
in turn, owned by Phillippe Rothschild! [Burns, op.cit., p. 388] Graham
also has received support from: Vanderbilts, Whitneys, Goulds, Dodges,
and Phelps, and even Standard Oil Company (another Rockefeller
connection). [Burns, op. cit., p. 31]
In 1982, Billy Graham received the Illuminist Templeton Award
[Read about Templeton Award above under Bill Bright]. Even though
Templeton is a pantheist and Illuminist through and through -- a man who
does not believe in either the Bible or Jesus Christ as God -- Graham
praised him greatly.
"Truly a legend in our time, John Templeton understands that
the real measure of a person's success in life is not financial
accomplishment but moral integrity and inner character. In this book he
draws upon a variety of sources -- including the Bible -- to reveal the
moral and spiritual principles which have shaped his own life and
work." [Burns, op. cit., p. 24]
John Templeton then tells us exactly what he considers a
"variety of sources" upon which he has built his life:
"The basic principles for leading a 'sublime life' ... may be
derived from any religious training -- Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist,
and others, as well as Christian." [Ibid.]
Clearly, Billy Graham is a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing!
Rev. D. James Kennedy -- Founder & Pastor of Coral Ridge Ministries,
outspoken television evangelist, and author of the best-selling method
of leading people to Jesus Christ known as "Evangelism
Explosion". Dr. Kennedy is one of the evangelical members of the
Council on National Policy (CNP), a major Moon front group, founded in
1981 by Tim La Haye, as we have already noted.
Fundamentalists have been increasingly dismayed by Dr. Kennedy's
steady swerve to the Liberal side of the spectrum, including his refusal
to expose the existence of the Illuminati conspiracy in America (John
Birch Society friends, 1994). Dr. Kennedy also enlisted the gay writer,
Mel White, to ghostwrite some of his books ("Five Tips For Social
Action", Freedom Writer Magazine, March, 1996, Vol. 13, No. 2, p.
11, quoted by Dr. Burns, p. 375]
Dr. James Kennedy was in the Apostate camp early. Listen:
"In 1984, Rev. Moon was arrested for his illegal business
activities. Moonies formed Coalition for Religious Freedom (CRF), a
front for defense of Rev. Moon. LaHaye, Falwell, Ben Armstrong, Robison,
Humbard and James Kennedy were on the executive board. Paul Crouch and
Hal Lindsey joined in 1986." ["This is a Bizarre World",]
Beverly La Haye -- Wife of Tim LaHaye, author and spokesperson for
several Moon funded 'Christian' organizations, especially "Concerned
Women For America". She, too, has been a public speaker for
Moon functions. Another group is Womens Federation for World Peace,
also headed by Beverly LaHaye and recipient of Moon funding.
["Unholy Alliances", Ibid.]
This revelation is tough for me to swallow, for I have used
Concerned Women For America a lot, especially in terms of anti-Abortion
views and news, and in criticisms of President Bush following a gay
policy as rabid as Clinton's. [Read NEWS1652].
However, good disinformation specialists will give mostly good
information, as we have repeatedly stated.
Ralph Reed -- Former director of the Christian Coalition
and member of the conservative think-tank "Heritage Foundation".
"Falwell is not the only evangelical reported to have accepted
money from Rev. Moon. Other notable speakers for Moon's organizations
and affairs receiving as much as $80,000 to $150,000 have included Ralph
Reed, Beverly LaHaye, Gary Bauer, and Robert Schuller."
["Unholy Alliances", Ibid.]
Pat Robertson -- Television Evangelist, Founder of the Christian
Broadcasting Network & 700 Club anchor; founder of
Operation Blessing; one time Republican Party presidential candidate.
National Religious Broadcasters members include Pat Robertson, Jerry
Falwell, Tim LaHaye, Billy Graham, Bill Bright and many others clearly
associated with Moon. [Ibid.]
"In 1983, American Coalition for Traditional Values (ACTV)
began with Tim LaHaye, Falwell, Robertson, Bakker, Robison and Humbard.
The money that started it came from the Moonies." ["This is a
Bizarre World", ]
Robertson has used the "700 Club" as a
forum to expound New World Order views. He had a ghostwriter write a
book entitled, "New World Order" and then had Newt Gingrich
and Jesse Helms on his program to expound this coming Antichrist system.
Robertson has exercised a large influence on politics, so much so he has
been besmudged by its dirty laundry. He was a heavy supporter of
President Ronald Reagan, expecially during Operation Contra, at which
time he had Illuminist Ollie North on his program consistently.
Pat Robertson is one of several leading
Evangelical leaders who used the services of Mel White to ghostwrite
books. [Burns, op. cit., p. 375]
Robertson also endorsed the blatantly New Age Alpha
Course, whose stated purpose is Ecumenism, the drawing together of
both Protestants and Catholics, focusing only on "common
ground". Its philosophy is New Age, leading directly to the One
World Church. Listen:
"It promotes humanism, ecumenism, and Charismaticism
(tongues-speaking, Toronto Blessing). Conversion is mentioned, but it
is conversion to a Christian lifestyle, not conversion to Jesus
Christ. This is spreading like wildfire among Catholics, Baptists, and
others, so Christians should be warned; be wise, beware!" [Burns,
op. cit, p. 519]
Other Evangelical leaders who have promoted the
Alpha Course are: Chuck Colson, Bill Bright, Tony Campolo, (Catholic)
Cardinal William H. Keeler of Baltimore, Jack Hayford, Richard Foster,
Bill Hybels, Luis Palau, David Yonggi Cho, Billy Graham, Paul Cedar,
Robert Schuller, and Leighton Ford, Billy Graham's brother-in-law and
former Vice President of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
[Burns, op. cit., p. 526]
Can you see how all faiths of the world are
gradually being drawn together to form the One World Church of
Antichrist? These Evangelical leaders, many of whom are tied into Rev.
Sun Moon, are leading their flocks directly into this Antichrist system!
Rev. James Robison -- TV evangelist; Life
Outreach International Ministries; associated with many Moon
organizations. This evangelical leader is a member of The Council Of
National Policy (CNP) and the Coalition For Religious Freedom (CRF),
both of which are tied tightly into Rev. Moon. ["Unholy Alliance,
Part I]. Since we have not addressed the Coalition For Religious
Freedom, let us stop here and do so now:
"Another past Moon organization was the
'Coalition for Religious Freedom' where again, Tim LaHaye held a paid
position as Chairman. It was formed by LaHaye after Moon was arrested
for tax evasion. Jerry Falwell, James Robison, James Kennedy and Rex
Humbard, have all served as executive committee members. Other notables
to serve in Moons CRF include Hal Lindsey (Author of "The Late
Great Planet Earth"), Paul Crouch (Head of the Trinity Broadcasting
Network), Dr. D. James Kennedy and Don Wildman to name a few."
"CRF President Don Sills admits that CRF has received no less than
$500,000 from Moon sources." [Ibid.]
"Another Moon associated group is called the
'Council of 56 of the Religious Roundtable'. This group is made
up of many of the same members from Rev. Moons' CNP and CRF
organizations. It marries leading Moon associated evangelicals to the
CIA, the Council for Foreign relations, the Trilateral Commission and
Freemasonry. CFR, and TLC are closely tied to the Bilderberg group. Rev.
Robison is a member of the Roundtable, as are many of the evangelical
leaders already mentioned. [Ibid.]
Phyllis Schafly -- Christian political
activist. Phyllis is a member of the CNP - Council For National Policy.
Dr. Robert Schuller -- Pastor and Tele-evangelist
from the famous 'Crystal Cathedral' in Southern California, 33°
Freemason ["Unholy Alliance", Part I]. Further, Templeton's
New Age unification principles and teachings were introduced
dramatically into the Christian mainstream by Robert Schuller in 1986,
who continues to endorse the man and his doctrines. ["Unholy
Alliance", Part 2]
"Schuller also promotes and fellowships with
other false cults beside Islam. For instance, 'Schuller has appeared as
a main speaker for the Unity School of Christianity's (New Age) annual
conference ridiculing evangelical Christianity, at Unification Church
(Moonies) functions with Sun Myung Moon ..." [Burns, op. cit., p.
Along with Billy Graham, Schuller teaches that
there are many paths to God other than Jesus Christ [NEWS1141,
Burns, p. 18].
Schuller's mentor was the 33° Freemason, Norman
Vincent Peale, and "teaches there is no need for one to recognize
his own personal sin, no need for repentance, and no need for the
crucifixion of self .. he reinterprets what it means to be born again.
He writes, 'To be born again means that we must be changed from a
negative to a positive self-image -- from inferiority to self-esteem,
from fear to love, from doubt to trust." [Burns, op. cit., p. 113]
Robert Schuller has also spoken at highly visible
Moon sponsored events, along with Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition,
Beverly LaHaye of Concerned Women of America, and Pat Boone [The
Washington Post, July 30, 1996, p. E1 and August 1, 1996, p. C2]
President George W. Bush -- Even though he
is not pictured above, he is considered the defacto leader of the
Evangelical Christian Right! In NEWS1596,
we report in depth on the following news article, briefly repeated here.
NEWS BRIEF: "Religious right finds its center
in oval office: Bush emerges as movement's leader after Robertson leaves
Christian Coalition", by Dana Milbank, Washington Post Staff
Writer, Monday, December 24, 2001, Page A02,
"Pat Robertson's resignation this month as president of the
Christian Coalition confirmed the ascendance of a new leader of the
religious right in America: George W. Bush. For the first time since
religious conservatives became a modern political movement, the
president of the United States has become the movement's de facto leader
... Christian publications, radio and television shower Bush with
praise, while preachers from the pulpit treat his leadership as an act
of providence. A procession of religious leaders who have met with him
testify to his faith, while Web sites encourage people to fast and pray
for the president."
We encourage you to read NEWS1596
thoroughly, for its importance to today's reality is exceedingly
important. President Bush has been declared the leader of the
"Religious Right". The rest of the world also considers
Bush to be the leader of the Christian Right! Listen to this news
NEWS BRIEF: "... reasons have surfaced for the deep divisions
over Iraq that have created a political chasm between the U.S. and
allies ... As European nations become more secular, they're increasingly
suspicious of a country with a born-again Christian President, whose
political base includes the majority of non-Arab fundamentalists in the
U.S. British playwright Harold Pinter spotlighted this suspicion when he
recently called Bush 'a hired Christian thug'." ["Bush, the
Bible, and Iraq", BusinessWeek Online,
, March 7, 2003].
But, you might ask, does he have connections with Rev. Sun Moon?
Consider the following news stories:
"Womens Federation for World Peace -- Former
President George Bush Sr. (and one time former CIA Director) received an
undisclosed amount for speaking engagements from this organization and
his fee is lost somewhere in the 13.5 million dollar conference
expense-line according to IRS records." ["Unholy
Alliance", Part I]
"The Washington Times Foundation -- A pro-Bush Inaugural
luncheon, held in Washington D.C. was sponsored by the Washington Times
Foundation, another Moon founded group. Among the attendees were Paul
Crouch ... Robert Schuller, Kenneth Copeland, Jerry Falwell, Don Argue,
past president of the National Association of Evangelicals, Pat Boone
... , Billy McCormack (a Christian Coalition board member who actually
presented Moon with an award) and Southern Baptist Convention President
James Merritt." [Ibid.]
"While not many Christian leaders may have realized it at the
time, Moon sponsored George W. Bush's Inaugural Prayer Luncheon for
Unity and Renewal on Jan. 19. More than 1,400 ministers, civic and
political leaders attended the event ... Southern Baptist Executive
Committee President and Chief Executive Officer Morris H. Chapman told
Baptist Press: 'I was shocked to see that Sun Myung Moon was on the
program and in essence, the host ... .(The experience) will serve to
remind evangelical Christians that the world increasingly is filled with
wolves in sheep's clothing'." ["Unholy Alliance", Part
"Wolves in sheep's clothing"?
We could not have said it any better!
We have already spoken of
"disinformation agents", a term commonly used in the
intelligence field to describe an agent who is sown in the target
country and is designed to look like, act like, and sound like a normal
citizen or patriot of that country. Such agents will provide 75-90% good
information to their target in order to build up credibility and
believability, but during the time of the most critical moment, they
will provide disinformation that is designed to make the target country
lose the battle and/or the war.
It seems to me that these
Evangelical Christian leaders who have tight ties to the Illuminati
and/or to Rev. Sun Moon may be considered disinformation specialists.
This means they will provide good solid Christian information, perhaps
to the 95% level, in order to establish rapport and trust among their
followers. However, at the right moment, or for the right issue,
they will "toe the line" -- take the position - the Illuminati
wants them to take.
One great example is the war in Iraq. Even though the
Bush Administration offered no "smoking gun" proof that Saddam
Hussein actually possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction, President Bush
ordered the attack on Iraq. During the course of the war, Coalition
Forces found no actual WMD, and now the heat is being turned upon both
Bush and Blair because we have still not found any WMD, even though we
now control the entire country. As we examined the pro-Bush, pro-Iraq
War statements of these Evangelical leaders, we noticed that most of
them were stepping forward to speak to their specific constituencies,
just as religious leaders all over the world will be doing once
Antichrist arises.
Let us examine these Evangelical leaders we have
detailed, above, to see the position they took on Iraq.
Gary Bauer -- On his web site, "Campaign For
Working Families", Bauer is unapologetically pro-Bush and pro-Iraq
War. He proves to be fully in sync with Bush Administration rhetoric as
to why we "must" invade Iraq. Listen:
"First and foremost, this war is about defending
the American people. It is about preventing another September 11th.
Never forget that. I know there is a debate about 'preemptive war,' but
given the world in which we live today, I believe such action is morally
justified ... The devastation they could inflict with weapons of mass
destruction is unimaginable ... They do not seek to better understand
us. They do not want more foreign aid. They wish us dead. And if we do
nothing, the next terror attack could well result in tens of thousands
of casualties ... Consider these three facts: 1) Saddam Hussein has
weapons of mass destruction AND he has used them. 2) Al Qaeda is
operating inside Iraq. 3) Al Qaeda seeks to acquire weapons of mass
destruction to use against us ... We invade Iraq not for oil, but to
remove a madman and to destroy his stockpiles of weapons of mass
destruction. We go to war to destroy the very weapons Al Qaeda
desperately seeks." ["Chairman's Corner",]
These allegations have NOT been proven by our
conquest of Iraq. In fact, both British Prime Minister Blair and
President Bush are increasingly under pressure to explain why we have
not found WMD. The best defense Blair and Bush can offer is that: (1) we
"might" still find WMD; (2) Saddam Hussein destroyed it before
we attacked; (3) or the CIA provided "faulty" intelligence!
Bill Bright, Dr. D. James Kennedy -- Joining Chuck
Colson and others, Bright and Kennedy jointly wrote a
letter to President Bush ravishingly approving his war against Iraq.
This "Letter to President Bush" is too long to reprint here,
but we would like to note the highlights:
* "...your policies concerning the ongoing
international terrorist campaign against America are both right and
* "... your stated policies concerning Saddam
Hussein and his headlong pursuit and development of biochemical and
nuclear weapons of mass destruction are prudent and fall well within the
time-honored criteria of just war theory as developed by Christian
theologians in the late fourth and early fifth centuries A.D."
* "... your stated policy concerning using
military force if necessary to disarm Saddam Hussein and his weapons of
mass destruction is a just cause."
* "Disarming and neutralizing Saddam Hussein is
to defend freedom and freedom-loving people from state-sponsored terror
and death."
* "Our nation does not intend to destroy,
conquer, or exploit Iraq ... This is clearly a just and noble
* "We believe it was wise and prudent for you to
go before the U.N. General Assembly ..." It is absolutely
inconceivable that men who are supposed to know their Bible, and are
charged by our Lord to be "wise as serpents", would not
realize the U.N. is the global government that Antichrist will one day
take over. Evidence has abounded for 40 years that proves the U.N. is
totally antichristian in values and outlook. Further, any Bible scholar
knows from the Tower of Babel record that God's plan is to disperse the
nations, not allowing any single nation to gain control over the
entire Earth, while Satan's plan is to unite all peoples of the world
into a global government, economy, and religion. By giving honor to the
U.N., these Evangelical leaders are encouraging their members to accept
the coming global government Satan has been planning since 1776 [Seminar
2: America Determines The Flow of History"]
This letter fully "toes the mark" in supporting the
President's rhetoric -- just as any good disinformation agent will do
when the issue is critical enough, and/or if the timing is correct.
Tim LaHaye -- While I could find no evidence that LaHaye publicly
supported President Bush, Beverly certainly has, as we note below.
Dr. James Dobson, Focus On The Family --
"America comes as a liberator — not as a conqueror,' Dobson said
... Dobson compared the war in Iraq to World War II when Adolf Hitler
killed millions of innocent people. Now we are faced with another brutal
tyrant ... Saddam Hussein must be stopped ..." ["Dobson
Supports War Efforts in Iraq", website of Focus on the
March 21, 2003]
Dr. Dobson thus joins the others in perfectly falling
in line with President Bush on this most critical issue.
Billy Graham - We all shuddered over the actions of Dr. Billy Graham
during the 1991 Gulf War, when President Bush (Sr.) asked him to come to
the White House to lead the nation in prayer for the war that Bush had
already declared to be a New World Order war! Listen to Dr. Graham's
public remarks after he came out of that January, 1991, "prayer
service" in which he preached a short sermon:
"Perhaps out of this war will come a new peace and -- as has
been stated by the President -- a New World Order." [Burns, op.
cit., p. 63-4]
This statement, coming after years of dubious actions
that cast doubt upon the genuine nature of Dr. Graham, convinced me that
Billy Graham and his BGEA are tied tightly to the Illuminati plan to
forge a One World Religion; and further, to deceive the American people
into supporting the political acts necessary to move the world into the
Kingdom of Antichrist -- New World Order.
In this war, the BGEA, led now by Franklin, took a
low-profile approach, probably because Franklin has been under severe
attack since his post-9/11 remarks about how evil Islam is. However, we
did see articles on BGEA advocating strong support for sending
missionaries into Iraq after the war; these articles offered no
criticism of Bush's original decision to go to war. recently
posted an article in which they called Franklin Graham and his
organizations "Bush-loving, Islam-bashing, Muslim-converting
Christian" groups ["Jesus in Baghdad: Why we should keep
Franklin Graham out of Iraq",, April 11, 2003,]
Beverly LaHaye -- Concerned Women of America
-- Supported the war in Iraq and extolled Bush's Christian values.
"As the Iraqi war winds down with incredible
success in an unbelievably short time with unprecedented targeting that
saved lives and property, commentators are still taking pot shots at
George Bush’s view of America as the instrument of God’s justice ...
President George Bush has articulated his faith unabashedly and
confidently ... But as President Bush so accurately said, 'we cannot
know all the ways of Providence' ... The storm and mud proved that
America’s forces were resilient, flexible, resourceful, innovative,
and tough enough to stand up to the worst conditions and still maintain
their fighting spirit: they are a force to be feared, anywhere,
anytime."["Being on the Right Side of History", By Janice
Shaw Crouse, Ph.D., Beverly LaHaye Institute, 4/17/2003.]
Incredibly, Crouse never realized that Bush was using
both Masonic terms for Deity in her quotes about his
"Christian" faith: God, Providence. Not once did Bush
ever mention the name, Jesus! This is so typical of occult Illuminists,
and Crouse's lack of understanding in this matter is too typical of
Christians today, as we continue to be deceived.
Ralph Reed -- Supports Bush's Iraq war effort.
"The single strongest group for Israel in the
United States, apart from Jews, is conservative Christians,"
declared Ralph Reed, co-chairman of Stand for Israel and former
executive director of the Christian Coalition. He also noted that 80
percent of self-identified Republicans also favor military action
against Baghdad." ["Conservative Christians biggest backers of
Iraq war", by Jim Lobe, Inter Press Service, 11 October 2002]
"More intriguing, however, was the fact that
Rove had personally arranged for the former leader of the Christian
Coalition, Ralph Reed, to take up a consultancy at Enron - Bush's
biggest single financial backer - worth between $10,000 and $20,000 a
see also "God, Enron and the Christian Right", Christianity
Pat Robertson -- "... in terms of saying
'sovereignty,' what is Iraq? ... Now the question is delivering people
from oppression. We are told in the Bible to loose the yoke of
oppression and to set the captives free. We are told to deliver those
who are under bondage ... What about Adolf Hitler? If we had let him go
on, he would have subjugated Europe and made it a charnel house. He
would have been killing ruthlessly. Sooner or later someone had to stop
him. Who stopped him? Well, the United States, joined by Britain,
stopped him ... We have to stop tyranny. It is a difficult role, and it
is a very expensive role, and we have to pick our targets wisely. The
next one will probably be North Korea, and we'll have to be cautious
about that." ["Does the U.S. Have the Moral Authority to
Remove Cruel Regimes?", by Pat Robertson, The 700 Club,]
Thus, you can see that Pat Robertson meekly falls into line, supporting
the president's war on Iraq.
Robert Schuller -- Crystal Cathedral, Hour
of Power
"The belief that we can overcome the obstacles
of the world, exemplifies the Spirit of America. The courageous 'I can'
spirit that started with the pilgrims who crowded into rickety little
boats in order to flee persecution in Europe and seek freedom of
religion in a new land; the pioneers who crossed the entire country all
the way to what was then the 'very wild west'; to the brave soldiers who
defended the freedom of the entire world by liberating Iraq."
["Message from Robert A. Schuller", Dr. Robert Schuller, Jr.,]
As you can see, many of the
Evangelical Christian leaders who are tied into Rev. Sun Moon, or some
other Illuminist organization, are predominantly in favor of President
Bush's war on Iraq. This is so very typical of a disinformation
specialist. Even though they disseminate an exceedingly high percentage
of truth, on an issue near and dear to the Illuminati, they fall into
line with the Illuminati.
When Antichrist arises, the need for credible
religious disinformation specialists will be at an historic all-time
high! At the very moment when Antichrist is making his claim to be Jesus
Christ, the Jewish Messiah, Buddha returned, Mohammed returned, and
Maitreya the Christ -- all in one person -- the opinion of the peoples
of the world will be hanging in the balance. The situation may be
thought of as the time when the Battle of Normandy or the Battle of
Stalingrad hung in the balance.
Right at this moment, hundreds of pre-selected
religious figures from every religion on earth will step forward to
publicly urge their followers to accept the claims of The Christ --
Antichrist. Certainly, pre-selected "Christian" leaders will
be primed to step forward, to urge Christians to follow this Antichrist,
to accept his claims that he is Jesus Christ.
Since few of the Christians who follow one or more of
these Evangelical leaders have been taught any discernment, and fewer
still have a clear understanding of prophecy, the chances seem excellent
that many millions will follow the lead of their Evangelical religious
icon and accept the claims of Antichrist. But, even more importantly,
how many Christian pastors and leaders who have swallowed our Mass Media
propaganda campaign about Bush, and one or more of these Evangelical
leaders, will be persuaded to set aside their knowledge of Bible
prophecy and doctrine, and will encourage their followers to accept the
claims of "The Christ".
The Political Factor
One more factor needs to be addressed as well. Not
only may Christians see their favorite Evangelical leader urging them to
accept Antichrist, they may also see their favorite politician make the
same plea! Since the world has already been reorganized into the
prophesied 10-Nation consortium [NEWS1002],
the U.S. President is likely to be the head of Nation #1, NAFTA. See the
relevant prophecy:
"For God has put it into their
hearts (final 10 kings) to carry out His own purpose by acting in
harmony in surrendering their royal power and authority to the beast,
until the prophetic words (intentions and promises) of God shall be
fulfilled." [Revelation 17:17; Parallel
Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]
Thus, the head of NAFTA will stand on the podium with
Antichrist and the rest of the 10 kings, to publicly praise him and
transfer their allegiance and authority to him. If President Bush is
still the President of the United States at this time, then it will be
he who will praise Antichrist, transfer his allegiance to him, and urge
all "fellow Americans" to do the same. If he still retains his
60+% approval rating, he will sway many Americans with his testimony
Therefore, American Christians will be under a double
whammy! Their favorite religious Evangelical leader, and their
admired President of the United States, will both be urging people to
accept Antichrist. How many Christian leaders and pastors will succumb
to this double whammy and forget their knowledge of Bible doctrine and
prophecy, and accept Antichrist as Jesus Christ returned? You may scoff
at this suggestion, but I warn you that, when Antichrist appears, he
will seem very normal, charismatic, and appealing. He will be exuding
charm. All your expectations as to how matters will be at this time may
be absolutely wrong; if you are following a man instead of the Bible,
you may be deceived.
Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you
adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this
ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and
then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved
ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use
your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved
person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come
to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when
we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.
The Unholy Alliance -
Christianity & The NWO
Part I
By Eric Jewell
Part II
Eric Jewell will be Jeff's Guest,
Thursday, March 14, 2002
- The Bilderbergs.
- The Trilateral Commission.
- The Council of Foreign Relations.
- The Central Intelligence Agency.
- Most everyone has heard of these
groups and some of the conspiracy theories surrounding
them regarding the development of the 'New World Order.'
- Now imagine for a moment there is
something to this (and there appears to be no lack of
documented material justifying these theories). That would
mean that at almost every elevated level of business and
government, world wide, men and women have infiltrated,
become the controlling administrators and are working to
effectively control every aspect of the life of the
"world citizen."
- One aspect of this that has not been
properly searched out is the "religious"
connection. Surely, given that much of the world is
religious, and in the currently reigning SuperPower nation
of the U.S., predominantly "Christian," then it
would only make sense that these organizations have
infiltrated the Church itself and are also actively
leading it to into the New World Order as well.
- Do the worlds leading Christian
evangelicals have ties to these organizations?
- Yes they do, and it is thoroughly
- Rev. Sun Myung Moon (The Moonies), and
the Unification Church
For those few of you who are not familiar with the Rev.
Moon, in the 60s both he and his Unification Church were
universally regarded as a dangerous cult. The abuse his
followers suffered at the hands of their mind manipulating
master is indeed very well established.
- His claims include stating that Christ
failed His mission, and that Moon himself is the "new
messiah" who is come to fulfill the mission of God.
He also claims that it is his mission to 'unite the world
through uniting religious forces'. But would it shock you
to know that nearly all the big name Christian
evangelicals have extremely strong ties to him?
such Church leader and internationally recognized
evangelical Christian, Jerry Falwell, readily admits that
he accepted 2.5 million dollars from Moon in 1994 in order
to bail out his Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.
This was funneled through a Moon organization known as the
'Womens Federation for World Peace' which has been chaired
by Beverly LaHaye, Wife of Timothy LaHaye, who is the
popular co-author of the "Left Behind" Christian
fictional book series and a well known evangelical
Christian. The Womens Federation for World Peace paid 3.5
million to the Christian Heritage Foundation, which in
turn bought Falwell's $73 million debt, and then frankly
wrote it off. The Heritage Foundation then seems to have
paid themselves a fee of one million dollars for their
- Since that time Falwell has spoken at
many of Moons functions, embracing the cult-leader with
unabashed reverence and friendship. Even writings from
Moons' Church confirm Falwells comradeship with 'the new
messiah' and his cult. Moon has even been a guest speaker
in mainline denominational Churches in the past few years.
Falwell further praised Rev. Moon calling him, "An
unsung hero to the cause of freedom, who is to be
commended for his determination and courage and endurance
in support of his beliefs."[2]
- According to official court records of
a lawsuit that was filed in Bedford County Circuit Court
(West Virginia), it was alleged that Falwell and an
associate flew to South Korea, January 9, 1994 to meet
with Unification Church officials. This trip came shortly
before Falwell was awarded the Moon money. Falwell stated
openly, "If the American Atheists Society or Saddam
Hussein himself ever sent an unrestricted gift to any of
my ministries, be assured I will operate on Billy Sunday's
philosophy: The Devil's had it long enough, and quickly
cash the check."[1]
- Falwell is not the only evangelical
reported to have accepted money from Rev. Moon. Other
notable speakers for Moon's organizations and affairs
receiving as much as $80,000 to $150,000 have included
Ralph Reed, Beverly LaHaye, Gary Bauer, and Robert
Schuller, well known for his "Crystal Cathedral"
in Southern California and "Hour of Power"
'positive-thinking' television ministry.
- The Council Of National Policy (CNP)
Another Moon sponsored organization is the Council of
National Policy founded in 1981 by Tim LaHaye, the
aforementioned co-author of the "Left Behind"
book series. It is reported that he received $500,000 from
a Mr. Bo Hi Pak, Moons #1 man, and a former Korean CIA
officer. Though a tape exists showing that LaHaye thanked
Pak for the money, LaHaye never denied the charge but
verbally attacked the sources verifying the allegation
with a barrage of insult.
- Other members of the CNP have
Beverly and Lee LaHaye, also associated with Moons CWA
group. Gary Bauer, Bill Bright, James Dobson (Focus On The
Family), Bob Dugan, Ron Godwin, Robert Grant, Rebecca
Hagelin, Bob Jones the 3rd (Bob Jones University), Alan
Keyes (Outspoken ultra-conservative black talk show host
and author), Dr. D. James Kennedy (noted television
evangelist and Pastor), Peter Marshall, Sam Moore of
Thomas Nelson Publishing, Pat Robertson (founder of the
Christian Broadcasting Network and former Presidential
aspirant), Rev. Duane Motley, Ralph Reed, Oliver North
(formerly with the National Security Council), Phyllis
Schlafly (ultra-right columnist and pundit), Rev. Jim
Woodall, John Ankerberg (internationally recognized
Christian television personality), Rev. E.V. Hill, James
Robison, Jay Sekulow (Attorney and activist for
ultra-right/Christian causes), Pat Boone, Larry Burkett,
Reed Larson, and many others.
- Some of the political leaders involved
with the Moon sponsored CNP group include Senators Jesse
Helms, Don Nickles, and Trent Lott. Also Representatives
Tom DeLay, Dan Burton, and Bob Dornan.
- Looking into some of the CNP officers
we find not only a just a strong association with Moon,
but also powerful ties with the CIA and the Council on
Foreign Relations, not to mention association with high
level Freemasonry for which many conspiracy theorists have
more than a mere elementary knowledge related to the NWO.
Another past President of CNP is Rich DeVoss, co-founder
of Amway (and 33rd degree Mason).
- Coalition For Religious Freedom (CRF)
Another past Moon organization was the 'Coalition for
Religious Freedom' where again, Tim LaHaye held a paid
position as Chairman. It was formed by LaHaye after Moon
was arrested for tax evasion. Jerry Falwell, Jimmy
Swaggart, James Robison, James Kennedy and Rex Humbard,
have all served as executive committee members. Other
notables to serve in Moons CRF include Hal Lindsey (Author
of "The Late Great Planet Earth"), Paul Crouch
(Head of the Trinity Broadcasting Network), Dr. D. James
Kennedy and Don Wildman to name a few.
- CRF President Don Sills admits that
CRF has received no less than $500,000 from Moon sources.
In 1984, despite forces in government opposing the move,
Moon was jailed for tax evasion (sentenced to 18 Months in
prison and fined $25,000). In a CRF sponsored rally Tim
Lahaye asked that people go to jail with Moon in protest.
American Freedom Coalition
Led by Dr. Robert Grant and also a
Moonie organization. In a period of a little over 2 years
they received nearly 6 million dollars from Moon
organizations and enterprises. This group includes Paul
Crouch, Rex Humbard, James Robinson and many more, names
well known among the evangelical Christian community.
- Concerned Women of America
Headed by Beverly LaHaye. The wife
of Tim LaHaye, She too has been a public speaker for
Moon functions.
- Womens Federation for World Peace
Also headed by Beverly LaHaye and
recipient of Moon funding. Former President George Bush
Sr. (and one time former CIA Director) received an
undisclosed amount for speaking engagements from this
organization and his fee is lost somewhere in the 13.5
million dollar conference expense-line according to IRS
- Family Federation for World Peace
Another Moon organization which held
a meeting in Washington in 1996. Among the speakers at
this event were Beverly LaHaye and Ralph Reed. Over 1500
notables from around the world attended.
- National Religious Broadcasters
Members include Pat Robertson,
Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Swaggart, Tim LaHaye, Billy Graham,
Bill Bright and many others clearly associated with Moon.
- Pat Robertson in
the early 80s, as Oliver North was trading guns and ammo
(and who knows what else) in Nicaragua, was coordinating
efforts to use "Operation Blessing" to help
supply goods to the Contras. Allegedly these goods
included hard cash and gasoline for Contra vehicles.
- The head of Operation Blessing was
Captain Robert Warren, who was also formerly associated
with a CIA group called "Operation Phoenix."
Allegedly this was an assassination group that operated in
Vietnam. Also associated with this group was... surprise,
Oliver North.
The Washington Times Foundation
A pro-Bush Inaugural luncheon,
held in Washington D.C. was sponsored by the Washington
Times Foundation, another Moon founded group. Among the
attendees were Paul Crouch, founder of Trinity Broadcast
Network, Robert Schuller, Kenneth Copeland, Jerry Falwell,
Don Argue, past president of the National Association of
Evangelicals, Pat Boone, a former T.B.N. board member,
Billy McCormack (who was a Christian Coalition board
member who actually presented Moon with an award) and
Southern Baptist Convention President James Merritt.
- Kingpins In
The Unholy Alliance
Evangelists & Politicians
Sun Myung Moon, founder,
leader & self-proclaimed 'Messiah' to the
Unification Church & the world. |
LaHaye, evangelist &
Christian author of best-selling series "Left
Behind." |
LaHaye, wife of Tim
LaHaye, author and spokesperson for several Moon
funded "Christian" orgs |
Crouch, Founder and
Chairman of Trinity Broadcasting Network, one of the
largest tele-evangelical corporations |
Bright, Founder and head
of the international evangelical association,
'Campus Crusades for Christ' |
Schuller, Pastor and
Tele-evangelist from the famous 'Crystal Cathedral'
in Southern California. |
Billy Graham, recognized
world-wide as one of the most influential
evangelical preachers; author and syndicated
religious columnist |
Robertson, Television
Evangelist, Founder of the Christian Broadcasting
Network & 700 Club anchor; founder of Operation
Blessing; one time presidential candidate |
James Kennedy, founder
& pastor of Coral Ridge Ministries, outspoken
television evangelist |
James Robison, TV
evangelist; Life Outreach International Ministries;
associated with many Moon organizations |
Reed, former director of
the Christian Coalition and member of the
conservative think-tank "Heritage
Foundation" |
Bauer, Conservative
politician and Executive Director of the Christian
Coalition; unsuccessful Presidential candidate. |
James Dobson,
Pediatrician, author and publisher, head of Focus On
The Family, a Christ-centric organization and
magazine |
Schlafly, Christian
political activist who says a woman's place is in
the home... even though she's not |
Sekulow, Christian
political activist and attorney involved in family
values issues from abortion to parents rights |
- Council of 56 of the Religious Roundtable
Another Moon associated group is called the 'Council of 56 of the
Religious Roundtable'. This group is made up of many of the same
members from Rev. Moons' CNP and CRF organizations. It marries
leading Moon associated evangelicals to the CIA, the Council for
Foreign relations, the Trilateral Commission and Freemasonry. CFR,
and TLC are closely tied to the Bilderberg group.
- The following list of members of the Council of
56 of the Religious Roundtable can be found here
- GroupWatch was compiled by
- The Interhemispheric Resource Center,
- Box 4506,
- Albuquerque, NM 87196.
- GroupWatch files are available at
- Religious Roundtable File Name: rrt.txt
- Last Updated: 4/93
- Principles:
- Members of the board of directors of
the Roundtable were: Ed McAteer, founder and Pres; Jack
Stewart, Vice Pres; Bob Amis, M.D.; John Beckett,
Intercessors of America; Othal E. Brand; T. Cullen Davis;
Nancy DeMoss; Rev. Del Fehsenfeld, Jr., LifeAction
Ministries; Dr. E.V. Hill, pastor at Mt. Zion Baptist
Church; Rev. Richard Hogue, Nelson Bunker Hunt, Dr. D.
James Kennedy, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church; J.P.
Mills; Dr. Paige Patterson, Criswell Center for Biblical
Studies; Rev. James Robison, James Robison Evangelistic
Association; D.G. Seago, Jr., Mid-Continent, Inc; and Dr.
Charles F. Stanley, First Baptist Church of Atlanta.(2,11)
In 1986, Dr. James Robison was Vice President and John
Beckett was secretary/treasurer.(14) Former Michigan
Congressman Mark Siljander has served on the Roundtable
- Past members of the Council of 56
- Jack Amis, M.D.; Ben Armstrong,
executive director of National Religious Broadcasters;
Rev. Raymond W. Barber, Worth Baptist Church; John
Beckett,Intercessors of America; Dr. George Benson,
President emeritus of Harding College; Morton Blackwell,
President of the Leadership Institute; Neal Blair,
President of Free the Eagle; Tim Bobbit; Dick Bott,
President of Bott Broadcasting; Dave Breese, President of
Christian Destiny; Paul Broadhead; William Bronson; Rev.
Fletcher Brothers, Gates Community Chapel; Judy Brown,
American Life League; Dr. Roland Byrd; Dr. David E.
Calvin, West Ridge Baptist Church; Clay Claiborne,
executive director of the Black Silent Majority; Dr. E.M.
Cohron; Dale Collins; W.A. Criswell, Criswell Center for
Biblical Studies; Paul Crouch, President of Trinity
Broadcasting Network; Mary
Crowley; Dr. Paul Cunningham, pastor of Nazarene College
Church; Dick Dingman, Republican Study Commission; Dr.
Jerry Falwell, Moral Majority, Old Time Gospel Hour and
Thomas Road Baptist Church; Rev. Charles Firoe, John
Fisher,American Security Council; Charles Fitzgerald,
director of Operation Lifeline; Ken Fonas, the Fonas
Corporation; Richard Ford,Coordinated Consulting; Rev.
Roger Fulton, Neighborhood Church of New York; Peter B.
Gamma, Jr., National Pro-Life PAC; Ellen Garwood; General
Daniel Graham, President of High Frontier; R.M.Goddard;
Robert Grant, Christian Voice; Lloyd Hansen; Dr. Roy
Harthern, Calvary Assembly; Richard Headrick; Senator
Jesse Helms(R-NC); Steve Herring; Rev. Melvin Hodges, 1st
Baptist Church of Glen Oakes; Don Howard, Accelerated
Christian Education; Mildred Faye Jefferson, M.D.;
Congressman James Jeffries; Representative Louis (Woody)
Jenkins, Friends of the Americas; George B. Jones; Dan S.
Kauffman; General George Keegan, Jr.; James Kennedy,
pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church; Bill Keyes,
Black PAC; General Albion Knight, Jr.; Beverly LaHaye,
President Concerned Women for America; Dr. Tim LaHaye,
Scott Memorial Baptist Church; Reed Larson, President of
Right to Work; Larry Lea, pastor of Church on the Rock;
Marian Maddox, Point of View Radio; Connie Marshner,
President of the Family Coalition; Don McAlvany, President
of the International Collectors Associates; Bob McCustion,
chairman of Faith Ministries; Dr. William H. Marshner,
chairman of the Department of Theology at Christendom
College; Congressman Larry McDonald (deceased); Jay
Menefee, Robert Metcalf; Dr. Bobby Moore, Broadway Baptist
Church; Dr. Gary North, Christian Economics Foundation;
Larry Parish; Paige Patterson, President of the Criswell
Institute; Howard Phillips, The Conservative Caucus; Dr.
William A. Powell, Sr., Editor of the Southern Baptist
Journal; Randall R. Rader, deputy counsel to the
Senate Subcommittee on the
Constitution; Dr. Ross Rhoads, Calvary Presbyterian
Church; Bill Richardson, California State Senate; Bobby
Richardson, Ben LippenSchool; Gary Richardson; Rev. Tom
Riner; Phyllis Schlafly, President of the Eagle Forum;
Earl Seall, White's Ferry Road Church of Christ; Cory
SerVaas, editor and publisher of the Saturday Evening
Post; Doug Shadoux, National Republican Party; William
S.Smith; Scott Stanley, editor of Conservative Digest;
Rev. George Swanson; Helen Marie Taylor, U.S.
Representative to the United Nations; William Taylor; Bob
Tilton, Bob Tilton Television Ministry; Michael Valerio;
Bob Weiner, President of Maranatha Ministries; Paul
Weyrich, President of the Free Congress Foundation; Earl
E. Whitwell, Kim Wickes, Kim's Ministries; Don Wildmon,
President of the National Federation for Decency; Rev.John
Wilkerson, Bethel Temple; Rev. Ralph Wilkerson, Melodyland
Church, J.C. Willke, M.D., President of National Right to
Life, and Jack Wilson, executive director of the Council
for National Policy.(2,12).
- The following are a few shortened bios
from the same source, associated with this Roundtable of
- Govt Connections:
- Major General George J. Keegan, Jr.
was the chief of the U.S. Air Defense Intelligence and
member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, worked for the CIA
from 1963-1966
- General Daniel Graham (ret.) During
the Vietnam war from1967-1968 he was chief of the Army's
military intelligence estimates. In 1971 Graham served as
director of collections for the Defense Intelligence
Agency, the pentagon's version of the CIA. In 1973 Graham
served as a deputy to CIA Director William Colby and from
1974-1976 he was the director of the Defense Intelligence
- Groups belonging to the Roundtable
The Christian Broadcasting Network, Billy Graham
Evangelistic Association, Moral Majority, Christian
Voice,Church League of America, National Religious
Broadcasters, Campus Crusade for Christ, Plymouth Rock
Foundation, National Association of Evangelicals, Gideon
Bible, Wycliffe Bible Associates, and Intercessors for
America.(15) Ed McAteer was sales marketing manager for
Colgate-Palmolive Company when he retired to become the
national field director of the Christian Freedom
Foundation (CFF), and organization devoted to training
evangelicals for places of leadership in government. From
there McAteer moved to the righting Conservative Caucus
where he served as national field director until founding
the Religious Roundtable.(1) He is or was a member of the
board of the evangelical Wycliffe Bible Associates.
Unity: A One World Religion?
- In light of the ties between nearly
all Christian "evangelicals" with Rev. Moon, the
CIA, the Council for Foreign Relations, the Trilateral
commission, the Bush family and Bush Sr's "New World
Order", is it any wonder that after the September
11th tragedy, Billy Graham prayed in the name of God, AND
ALLAH, as dignitaries from many faiths were gathered
before him? This prayer was broadcast the world over. His
call was for religious cooperation and 'unity of all
faiths,' the trump of Rev. Moon.
- Franklin Graham's (son of world
renowned evangelist Rev. Billy Graham, and heir to the
very lucrative and influential Billy Graham Evangelistic
Ministries) answer to a question by NBC's Tom Brokaw,
..."it's very important that all the faiths, all the
denominations are coming together, cooperating together,
working together; it is a wonderful testimony to the
spirit of America, and the dedication of the American
- Moon also owns the Washington Times,
THE conservative voice of the nation. Though this
establishment should have gone under several years ago,
Moon pours multi-millions of dollars annually
into this paper. He also owns the
publication "Insight". He indeed owns many
businesses and operates in media of several nations
- In Central America He is the owner of
the "Tiempos del Mundo" (Times of the World),
another leading news publication, making him the
conservative voice there as well. In the early 1980s, Moon
was shooting for the acclaim of all of Central and South
America. He met political opposition from Carlos Menem,
Argentinas President.
- His rescue came in the form of one
man. That man was George Bush Sr. former director of the
CIA, former Vice President, and former President of the
United States of America.
- Bush was the principal speaker at the
Sheraton Hotel at a Moon sponsored event, with 800 to 900
guests in attendance giving this manipulative operative
remarkable credibility overnight. Bush declared
enthusiastically; "...The editors of The Washington
Times tell me that never once has the man with the vision
interfered with the running of the paper, a paper that in
my view brings sanity to Washington, D.C. I am convinced
that Tiempos del Mundo is going to do the same
- Both George and Barbara Bush made
several speeches in Asia in 1995. In Tokyo, Japan during
one Moon rallying function, over 50,000 pro-Moon advocates
were addressed by the two. This was sponsored by the
Womens Federation for World peace.
- It has also been speculated that Moon
and Bush were seeking joint business ventures in South
- An interesting fact is that despite
over 30 years of allegations (from some U.S. government
officials seemingly out of the loop) of Moons connections
with the Korean CIA (and as we can now see the American
counterpart as well) no steps have been taken to deport
him, let alone prosecute him.
- Conclusion
What do Rev. Moon, leading Christian
evangelicals and the American government have in common?
And, just what does this have to do with the "New
World Order," as (re)coined by George Bush Sr.? There
can be no doubt that these dark elements of government,
industry, banking, and intelligence are leading us into
their new world order, and their influence has been
extended to nearly every Christian in the world through
these leading evangelicals who claim to represent Christ.
Perhaps this Rev. Moon quote from August 4th 1996 may give
us a little more "insight"...
- "Americans who continue to
maintain their privacy and extreme individualism are
foolish people... The world will reject Americans who
continue to be so foolish. Once you have this great power
of love, which is big enough to swallow entire America,
there may be some individuals who complain inside your
stomach. However, they will be digested."
- Could this be the 'falling away' of
the Church so often preached by these same evangelicals?
The great 'apostasy' which will, in the last days render
much of the Christian Church faithless to their original
calling and subject to the manipulation, will and
prophesied plans of the 'Antichrist'?
- References:
Falwell quote from Christianity
Today Magazine
- Christianity Today, February 9, 1998
- 'Moon-Related Funds Filter to
- by John W. Kennedy
[2] Moon's
'Christian Ecumenism in the America's Conference' in
Montevideo, Uruguay.
The Unholy Alliance -
Christianity & The NWO
Part II
By Eric Jewell
Eric Jewell will be Jeff's Guest, Thursday,
March 14, 2002
- Part
1 of
this article, "The Unholy Alliance: Christianity
& The NWO" dealt generally with the
relationship between this nations' leading evangelicals,
Rev Sun Myung Moon, and the U.S. Intelligence community
as strange bedfellows. This short follow up will attempt
to go deeper into the makeup of these organizations, and
how they work together. Every attempt to document the
claims, statements and facts herein have been made so as
not to unjustly accuse or impugn the integrity of those
mentioned. But in the end, if such an unholy alliance
exists, there are manifold truths which likely will
never surface to the light of day for exposure and
examination. We will deal with what can be verified be
reasonable sources.
- Amazingly, most of these
organizations are almost entirely made up of the same
individuals. Trinity Broadcasting Network, Christian
Broadcasting and most leading evangelicals/pastors in
this unique electronic limelight are also directly
associated with these groups, or have been in the past.
The vast majority of these men have spent decades making
forays into political groups of this nature.
- The question is, what are they
doing? Where would these 'Moon money men' lead the flock
they say God has charged them with as shepherds? Is it
untoward to ask such questions, to scrutinize their
political involvement with Moon? We think not. In fact,
we feel it is imperative.
- We have already shown that some
evangelicals have unabashedly admitted Moon sponsorship,
such as Jerry Falwell. It seems that most though try to
sweep this dirt under the rug. Is their ultimate goal to
lead the religious right blindly and willingly into the
NWO, something openly hailed by preachers and
president's alike?
- Billy Graham
- In 1992, broadcast across the US on
Graham's radio program "Embrace America 2000,"
after Bush Sr. gave his now infamous New World Order
Speech, the Rev. Billy Graham said that we should
"embrace" this "New World Order".
- In Erwin Wilsons book, "The
Assimilation of Evangelist Billy Graham into the Roman
Catholic Church" the renowned Bob Jones who wrote
the forward said, " "Some of us who grieved
over Graham's first downward steps toward compromise
with apostasy and biblical unbelief knew that he was
pursuing a direction from which there would be no
turning back. While we grieved over him and prayed for
him, we had to warn men against his ministry as we had
warned Billy against his direction."
- Protestant Church Life Magazine
quoted Graham in its Sept. 29, 1956 issue, 'Referring to
the Billy Graham New York Crusade scheduled for May,
1957, Dr. Graham said: "We're coming to New York
not to clean it up, but to get people to dedicate
themselves to God and to send them on to their own
churches -- Catholic, Protestant or Jewish." This
has remained the practice of Graham to this day. The
Charlotte Observer reported on a press release of the
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, where Billy
Graham lashes out at Southern Baptists who desire to
evangelize Jews for Christ. Graham makes it clear that
he firmly opposes "proselytizing" the Jews;
Billy Graham's unbiblical teaching is that, if you are a
Jew, you are already part of the Body of Christ, even if
you reject Jesus. All Jews, Graham states "are
engrafted into the Christian Church." And yet, many
of Graham's past statements have proved to be
antisemitic, as recently embarrassing Nixon White house
tapes have revealed.
- In 1982, Billy Graham was awarded
the Templeton Prize for "progress in
religion", a cash reward of roughly 1 Million
dollars. Graham in turn endorsed Sir John Marks
Templeton's books in "Christianity Today"
magazine. Templeton is a universalist (1),
just like Moon, preaching/teaching the unity and
unification of all world religions. Other recipients of
the Templeton award have been Charles Colson (1993) and
Bill Bright (1996), founder of Campus Crusade for
Christ. Templeton's New Age unification principles and
teachings were introduced dramatically into the
Christian mainstream by Robert Schuller in 1986, who
continues to endorse the man and his doctrines. For
decades Graham has offered a confusing doctrinal stance.
Billy Graham said, "I found that my beliefs are
essentially the same as those of orthodox Catholics. We
only differ on some matters of later church tradition. I
find that my beliefs are essentially the same as those
of orthodox Roman Catholics" (Jan 1978, McCall's
- In the book "Billy Graham, A
Parable of American Righteousness" by Marshal Frady,
we see a very different picture of Graham. Frady has
spent much time interviewing Graham, and those close to
him. He documents that Graham at a New York Crusade
refused to allow street people into the crusade because
they were dirty, a loathsome violation of every
Christian creed toward the poor, to whom the Gospel
Jesus made declaration. This is tantamount to the
Galatians incident in scripture when
Peter, fearing the reproach of
certain Judaisers of wealth and status, withdrew himself
from associating with gentiles, and the Apostle Paul had
to oppose him to his face publicly, "for he was to
be blamed" (Galatians 2:11, The New Testament).
With the release of the Nixon tapes we see a very shaky,
strangely unchristian past for Graham.
- He is also quoted as saying,
"Pope John Paul II has emerged as the greatest
religious leader of the modern world and one of the
greatest moral...leaders of this century." (The
Saturday Evening Post, Feb, 1980.) Though Graham is
stating a fact, how does it reflect on his ministry of
the Gospel of Jesus Christ from a Protestant position?
More examples of a homogenization of the message and
messengers for the sake of public appeal. "Pope
John Paul II, often called "The Marian Pope,"
has stirred countless millions of Europeans to have
faith in strange, supernatural Marian apparitions which
directly challenge the Word of God, the Supremacy and
Divinity of Jesus Christ and the Scriptural means of
salvation ("Messages From Heaven," Eternal
- In "The Deadly Deception",
by Jim Shaw, an ex-33rd degree mason (Masons are
believed by many to be associated with the Illuminati,
and to be the driving force behind the NWO) p. 104-105,
Shaw relates how Graham was present at his ceremony
initiating him into the 33rd degree. Only freemasons are
allowed to attend these ceremonies. Huffington house
refused to publish this book until after Grahams' name
was removed, and in place a simple reference to "a
well known evangelist" was supplemented. Robert
Schuller (Crystal Cathedral/Self-help pulpit guru),
Norman Vincent Peale (Positive
Thinking apostle), and Oral Roberts (Godfather of the
"seed-faith" doctrines in contemporary
fundamentalist-charismatic Christianity) are all
admittedly 33rd degree Masons. The rites of the Masonic
order, the writings of Albert Pike and the requisites
for Masonic initiates are distinctly and undeniably
counter to Christian doctrine and faith.
- He is a supporter of the National
Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches,
where a belief in Jesus Christ is a nonessential. He has
been quoted in an interview with Robert Schuller that
there are 'many paths to God' and he 'respects them
all.' Of course, as was mentioned in the previous
article, he participated in prayer offered up to the god
of Mohammhed (Allah). At that gathering were many Jews,
Muslims, Christians and many other faiths gathered
together praying to the god of Islam as the God of
Abraham -- a distinct moment of "unification".
- Is Billy Graham working toward the
goal of a New World Order? Is it merely a matter of
decades of compromise with the world, or something more
strategic? I wrote to the Billy Graham Evangelical
Ministries, to ask what moved him to participate in a
prayer to the god of Mohammhed, and to date have
received no answer.
- Tim LaHaye
- Tim LaHaye's relationship with Moon
goes back at least 17 years. In 1985 as was reported
earlier, LaHaye was addressing several hundred
evangelical Christians, the flock he claims to guard and
feed, and did he exhort that they draw closer to his
God? No, unless his god is the Reverend Sun Myung Moon.
He exhorted that they go willingly to jail with the Rev.
Moon in demonstration to his imprisonment over tax
fraud. (The spin on the story has been that LaHaye and
others were supporting Rev. Moon's "religious
- While in prison, Moon continued to
spout out to the world that he is the anointed messiah,
and also at that time, he pronounced a day when he
claims he opened heaven. LaHaye visited him and
apologized for the actions of the U.S. Government which
imprisoned him. Also visiting Moon in prison was the
president of one of the groups chaired by LaHaye This
was the AFC (American Freedom Coalition) president, Don
Sills.(Truth is my Sword' Vol 2, by Bo Hi Pak, 'The
Watchman Expositor')
- LaHaye is also the founder of the
ACTV (American Coalition for Traditional Values). Bo Hi
Pak, Moons #1 man, formerly Korean CIA and the operative
that was liaison to American CIA, gave a very sizable
donation to help steady the new organization, after
which, LaHaye agreed to sit as a member of the board of
directors for the Rev. Moon sponsored "Christian
Voice" group.(Americans United For Separation of
Church and State/Feb 2002)

- Kingpins In
The Unholy Alliance
Evangelists & Politicians
Sun Myung Moon,
founder, leader & self-proclaimed 'Messiah' to
the Unification Church & the world. |
LaHaye, evangelist
& Christian author of best-selling series
"Left Behind." |
LaHaye, wife of Tim
LaHaye, author and spokesperson for several Moon
funded "Christian" orgs |
Crouch, Founder and
Chairman of Trinity Broadcasting Network, one of
the largest tele-evangelical corporations |
Bright, Founder and
head of the international evangelical association,
'Campus Crusades for Christ' |
Schuller, Pastor and
Tele-evangelist from the famous 'Crystal
Cathedral' in Southern California. |
Billy Graham,
recognized world-wide as one of the most
influential evangelical preachers; author and
syndicated religious columnist |
Robertson, Television
Evangelist, Founder of the Christian Broadcasting
Network & 700 Club anchor; founder of
Operation Blessing; one time presidential
candidate |
James Kennedy, founder
& pastor of Coral Ridge Ministries, outspoken
television evangelist |
James Robison, TV
evangelist; Life Outreach International
Ministries; associated with many Moon
organizations |
Reed, former director
of the Christian Coalition and member of the
conservative think-tank "Heritage
Foundation" |
Bauer, Conservative
politician and Executive Director of the Christian
Coalition; unsuccessful Presidential candidate. |
James Dobson,
Pediatrician, author and publisher, head of Focus
On The Family, a Christ-centric organization and
magazine |
Schlafly, Christian
political activist who says a woman's place is in
the home... even though she's not |
Sekulow, Christian
political activist and attorney involved in family
values issues from abortion to parents rights |
- The highly influential "Left
Behind" author was also associated in a group called the
Council for Religious Freedom, but when it was made public that
this was another Moon front, LaHaye apparently resigned from the
group, though his name was not at the time stricken from their
membership roster. Though LaHaye resigned, others after him signed
on, continuing to bolster its credibility. These include Paul
Crouch of the Trinity Broadcasting Network.
- Among the other bizarre goings on
within the Moon/Conservative alliance, a young, black
Zimbabwean claiming that he is the reincarnation of
Moons dead son has also spoken at functions of the
American Freedom Coalition. (CRI Journal-CRJ0092A). Moon
himself has revealed that this claim of reincarnation is
- The LaHayes were also involved in a
meeting sponsored by Moon in 1996, through the Family
Federation for World Peace as well as the Women's
Federation for World Peace (two Moon sponsored
organizations), a 3 day seminar in Washington D.C., from
July 31-August 2, along with several other highly
visible evangelicals. Beverly LaHaye received between
$80-150,000 for speaking at the event. (2)
1999, Tim LaHaye and co-author Jerry Jenkins wrote (3)
that the Catholic church was very likely the Great
Harlot sitting on the beast in Revelation 17 and 18,
their reason being that they believe the Catholic church
may attempt to unify the worlds religions, though they
wrote differently in their "Left Behind" book
series. LaHaye and his family are involved directly with
groups sponsored by and in some cases founded upon money
from a false messiah whose objective is publicly stated,
and loudly at that, for the unification of world
religions. So where exactly does LaHaye stand if in
doctrine he warns of unification brought about by Rome,
and yet associates with the Unification Church?
- Rev. Moon states in his address,
'Life on Earth and in the Spirit World' :
- "This is why God created so
many different religions: to be training grounds to make
a path for every people, culture, custom, and tradition.
Religions polish people to be qualified to enter the
region of the original homeland. Because of humankind's
many different cultural backgrounds, God sought and set
the standard of comparison and has been leading the way
toward one unified religious world." (4)
This is rather peculiar in light of the apparent
diversity of world religions in doctrine, practice and
teachings, each with their own sense of exclusivity of
one another, sometimes to the very inspiration of holy
- According to 'Group Watch,' a cult
watchdog organization, Don Sills is another evangelical
leader who stated that he would recruit members from a
group directly associated with Rev. Moon, CAUSA, to
become members of his AFC (American Freedom Coalition)
organization. In March of 1988, Sills appeared on
Trinity Broadcasting Networks flagship program
"Praise the Lord" warning people away from
listening to 'cult watch groups', being concerned for
the division and fear they may bring. Of course these
anti-cult groups tell us that since Moon claims Jesus
will worship at Moons feet, and inflicts mind control
techniques over his followers, his religion is a cult
that should by all means be avoided and certainly watched.
Paul Crouch is another who seems to shy away from the
overall doctrine espoused on his "Christian"
television network, and appears to work for religious
- The Tangled Web Revealed...
- The Council for National Policy
- We touched on this council in Part
1, but now we shall take a closer look at it and its
members. This group was founded by Tim LaHaye in 1981.
Again we have shown definite ties between this
"Christian" organization and the Rev. Moons
openly anti-Christ organizations. This will be addressed
later more fully, but this group is also associated
heavily with the controversial and cultic Church of
Scientology, the John Birch Society (known for its
espionage work), and the intelligence community. (Note:
we attempted to get JBS board member lists but the
Society returned a response that it was their policy not
to reveal names of its board members).
- It was stated by Congressman Woody
Jenkins (Newsweek,1981) "I predict that one
day before the end of this century the Council [for
National Policy] will be so influential that no
President, regardless of party or philosophy, will be
able to ignore us or our concerns or shut us out of the
highest levels of government." In October, 1999
George W. Bush addressed the CNP. His campaign refused
to release the full text of his remarks. Why the
- Beverly LaHaye, as was previously
noted, is the wife of Tim LaHaye. She also was and still
may be part of the CNP, and also founder of Concerned
Women for America. She joined forces with Citizens
Council on Human Rights, a group affiliated with
Scientology, and Gary Bauer's Family Research Council,
which has benefited as well from Rev. Moon organizations
and money. This all under the umbrella of social change
and "Christian family values" in America. Mrs.
LaHaye and Bauer appeared and spoke together in a 1995
rally against psychiatric practices on children. The
question is, regardless of a good cause, is it necessary
for these evangelical leaders to join forces with Moon,
Scientology and the Intelligence community? It doesn't
take a rocket scientist to recognize that many groups
use charitable giving/participation, patriotic
associations and demonstrations of community or national
good will to obfuscate their true objectives and agenda,
or to conceal and deflect attention from their
- LaHayes group, the Council for
National Policy, is just one example of evangelical
organizations being filled with Intelligence officers,
Moon representatives and Scientology members. To name
all the members who were and are involved in the
intelligence community and cults would take too long
here, but here are just a few; (5)
- * Howard Ahmanson Jr. (CNP Board of
Governors) Contributed to the Council of Foreign
Relations according to their 1990-1993 reports
- * Thomas R. Anderson (CNP Board of
Governors) Also sits on the board of the Moon front
Family Research Council.
- * Rep John Ashbrook (CNP Board of
Governors) Also a member of Moons front group
"Christian Voice".
- * Richard Bott (CNP Board of
Governors) Former writer for the Moon owned Washington
- * Jeffrey Coors (CNP Board of
Governors) Coors brewing Co.
- * Joseph Coors (CNP Board of
Governors) President Adolph Coors Company
- * Arnaul
D'Borchgrave (CNP Member) Editor in chief of the Moon
owned Washington times, member of the Council of Foreign
- * George Gilder (CNP Board of
Governors) Program director for Rockerfeller funded
Manhattan Institute, friend of David Rockerfeller, and a
member of the Council on Foreign Relations(CFR).
- * Ron Godwin (CNP Member) Former
Vice President of Falwells Moral Majority, Sr Vice
President of the Moon owned Washington times
- * Allan Gottleib (CNP Member) Board
Member of Moons front group, the American Freedom
Coalition. In 1983 the Moon group CAUSA, founded by Bo
Hi Pak, former Korean CIA and liaison to the American
CIA, and Moons right hand man, granted Gottleib an all
expense paid trip to Jamaica for a CAUSA conference
- * J. Peter Grace (CNP Member)
Council of Foreign Relations, Knights of Malta, and
worked with the CIA to remove classified info concerning
former Nazi scientists so that they could immigrate into
the U.S., supposedly so they could carry on their work
(including mind control projects) here in the good ole
U.S.of A.
- * Lt. General
Daniel Graham (CNP Board of Governors) Director of the
Defense Intelligence Agency, Deputy Director CIA,
Military advisor to President Reagan, publicly endorses
the Moon owned Washington Times. Also a member of the
Moon org, World Anti-Communist League, and board of
Directors for Moons CAUSA. Member of the American
Freedom Coalition. Vice Chairman for the U.S. Council
for World Freedom, which also is closely related to
Moons CAUSA. Member too of the Council of 56, Religious
- * Robert
Grant (CNP Directory) Founder of "Christian
Voice", and the American Freedom Coalition, both
are Moon sponsored orgs. Graduate of the fuller
Theological Seminary, and member of the Religious
Roundtable. Bo Hi Pak has praised the union between
these Christian organizations and Moonie orgs saying
" shows what a great since of humor God
has." Grants "Christian Voice" claims to
be the nations largest Christian lobby, and according to
the Philadelphia Inquirer, merged with Moon in 1987.
- * Sen. Jesse helms (CNP Board of
Governors) also of the Religious Roundtable, endorser of
the Moon owned Washington times, and a member of the
Council for Foreign Relations(CFR).
- * Max Hugel (CNP Member) Former
special assistant CIA Deputy Director for
Administration, and Deputy Director for Operations
- * Jack Kemp (CNP Member) Co Director
of Empower American, whose board is dominated by the
Council of Foreign Relations(CFR).
- * Alan Keyes (CNP Member) Former
Ambassador to the United Nations. He was also part of
Reagans National Security Team which was dominated by
high level Council of Foreign Relations men(CFR).
- * Edwin Meese (CNP Executive
Committee, CNP President) Former Attorney General,
former Chief of Staff
- Notice that many mentioned, (as well
as many not mentioned) are members of the CFR (Council
for Foreign Relations). This is a group espousing the
New World Order and have actively and openly worked
toward it for decades. Not surprisingly, the man who
popularized the phrase "New World Order,"
George Bush Sr, was also at one time head of the CFR.
- A reminder that some of the
evangelical members of the CNP have included:
- Beverly and Lee LaHaye, also
associated with Moons CWA group. Gary Bauer, Bill
Bright, James Dobson (Focus On The Family), Bob Dugan,
Ron Godwin, Robert Grant, Rebecca Hagelin, Bob Jones the
3rd (Bob Jones University), Alan Keyes (Outspoken
ultra-conservative black talk show host and author), Dr.
D. James Kennedy (noted television evangelist and
Pastor), Peter Marshall, Sam Moore of Thomas Nelson
Publishing, Pat Robertson (founder of the Christian
Broadcasting Network and former Presidential aspirant),
Rev. Duane Motley, Ralph Reed, Oliver North (formerly
with the National Security Council), Phyllis Schlafly
(ultra-right columnist and pundit), Rev. Jim Woodall,
John Ankerberg (internationally recognized Christian
television personality), Rev. E.V. Hill, James Robison,
Pat Boone, Larry Burkett, Reed Larson, and many others.(5)
- So now we must ask ourselves why are
these people associated together under the front of
"Christian" organizations? Is it merely
coincidence? To assume such is to be remarkably naive
and woefully remiss in learning the lessons of past
history. By comparing the members of the CNP and cross
referencing them with any large Christian or Moon
organization, and many of the politically right-wing PAC
(Political Action Committee) organizations, you will
find essentially that these organizations are made up of
the same people.
- Is this a ruse, to draw evangelical
believers and right wing patriots into the NWO? It
certainly seems to be. Moon states his goal is to unify
the worlds religions thereby unifying the world. Bo Hi
Pak states; "We want to awaken the world. We want
to turn the tide [so] that this totalitarian, godless
system must go....It is a total war. Basically a war of
ideas." (6)
- These organizations work together
tightly, and nearly every major evangelical name that
can be named is involved with these apostate
organizations, fleecing their sheep in order to help
fund these groups; A large number of these "great
men of God" can be found living in palatial homes,
driving exorbitantly expensive automobiles and owning
personal jets and relishing accolades as great teachers
of the faith. These men seem more like the Pharisees of
Jesus' day, who denied Him as well, yet 40 years later
came to their destruction following a false messiah.
They speak at each others functions, support one another
monetarily, and cause many to believe that they do it in
the name of God and in harmony with God's will (many
claiming direct divine revelation, inspiration and in
some cases unquestionable supernatural authority). The
Bible they themselves espouse refers to them as
- For your own research, it is
recommend to those of you who can, do a simple Internet
search using the following keywords;
- LaHaye, Rev.Moon, CIA
- Falwell, Moon, Liberty University
- Paul Crouch, Rev. Moon,
- Hal Lindsey, Rev. Moon
- Councel of 56 Religious Roundtable
- Concerned Women of America, Rev
Moon, Beverly LaHaye
- Coalition for Religious Freedom,
Moon, LaHaye
- CAUSA, Falwell, Moon
- Billy Graham, Mohammhed, Washington,
- American Freedom Coalition, Moon,
Crouch, LaHaye, 6 Million
- Council for National Policy, members
- References/Notes:
- --
- (1) Sir John Marks Templeton, "Discovering
The Laws of Life", published by Continuum/1994,
- 320 pages, 0-8264-0861-3
- (2) The Calvary Contender
Newsletter, October, 2001. Dave Hunt, The Berean Call,
- (3) LaHaye/Jenkins, 'Are We
Living In The End Times?,'
- 1999, Tyndale House Pub; ISBN:
- (4) Chung Hwan Kwak, International
President, Family Federation for World Peace and
Unification International, March, 1998
- (5) Database of Council for National
Notes: At the leadership levels in both the national
office and state chapters, the American Freedom
Coalition is closely tied to the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's
Unification Church. The Washington Post (March 30, 1988)
has even described the AFC as a "Moon sponsored
lobbying group. "(34) The links between the two
entities are so extensive that they will be discussed
here in the Background section as well as in Private
Connections. - from "Group Watch" on the CNP
(6) Vol 2, 'My Sword is Truth,' by Bo Hi Pak
- Additional Material Of Interest:
Today, Week of August 6
- CT Classic: With Their Leader in
Prison, Moonies Pursue Legitimacy
- Tim LaHaye and other Christians are
helping the Unification Church battle the perceived
threat of government intrusion.
- By Beth Spring | posted 8/8/01
- (This article originally appeared in
the September 7, 1984, issue of Christianity Today.)
- Full acceptance into the mainstream
of American religious life is a cherished goal of Sun
Myung Moon's Unification Church. Ironically, Moon's
recent imprisonment for tax evasion appears to be
bringing that dream a step closer to reality.
- "Religious freedom"
rallies around the country are drawing thousands of
unsuspecting Christians into emotionally charged
meetings that portray Moon as a persecuted man of God.
No ties with the Unification Church are mentioned in
promotional mailings. The sponsors are identified as a
coalition of Christian leaders including author Tim
LaHaye; Robert Grant, of Christian Voice; and Joseph
Lowery, of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
Greg Dixon and Everett Sileven, leaders of a coalition
of independent, fundamentalist churches, are involved as
- The sponsors view Moon as a
persecuted ally in an escalating battle against secular
humanism and government intrusion into church
ministries. "One person's religious freedom equates
to everyone's religious freedom," LaHaye says.
"If one person's freedom is robbed, then
potentially anyone's religious freedom can be
robbed." Whether Moon is a victim of persecution or
a felon is a matter of considerable debate. There is
little doubt, however, that the entire affair is a
public relations bonanza for his church.
- Darrel Malcom, senior pastor of
Webber Street Church of Christ in Urbana, Illinois,
accepted an offer for an expense-paid trip to
Washington, D.C., to attend the massive "Pageant
for Religious Freedom" on July 25. He learned of
the event from two Unification Church members in Urbana.
Their involvement gave him pause, but he says he
accepted their invitation because he respects LaHaye.
LaHaye is cochairman of the Coalition on Religious
Freedom, the group that sponsored the event. Malcom says
he enjoyed the lavish production, but returned home
feeling "a little bit used."
- "I felt there was a hidden
agenda of trying to buy legitimacy [for Moon] within the
Christian community. I'm not ready to grant that."
- When Malcom returned home,
Unification Church members asked him to consider
sponsoring a local rally in support of Moon. "They
wanted to meet and discuss getting Christians
together," he says. "I said I do not consider
their group Christian."
- A narrator introduced actors
portraying heroes of American religious history. At the
end, a melodramatic enactment of Moon's trial and
sentencing drew a chorus of boos and hisses for his
prosecutor and sustained cheers for Moon.
- Following the performance,
LaHaye spoke to the audience.
"If we have the same percentage of religious
freedom attacks in the next 15 years as we have had in
the past 15 years, we'll no longer have religious
freedom in America," he said. LaHaye did not
mention Moon by name.
- The evening's dramatic climax came
when Moon's daughter, In Jin Moon, choked back tears as
she spoke of her father. "I have almost never seen
my father sleep. He is always up working and praying. I
have never seen anyone so dedicated to America's dream
and to God." She read a statement prepared by Moon
for the gathering. It referred to America as God's final
hope, "his precious jewel which he prepared for the
final battle against atheistic communism in the last
- Moon's statement emphasized the need
for churches to unite-a central theme of Unification
teaching. "Here in prison God can use me to awaken
America more powerfully than ever before. America's
religious communities must be united to preserve
religious freedom."
- Chris Nauser, a 36-year-old Moonie
from Switzerland, viewed the rally as "just one
part of the whole development of an awakening" that
will sweep the world. He shares the belief of most of
Moon's followers that Moon himself is the Messiah. The
Unification Church teaches that Jesus Christ failed in
his redemptive mission and, before his death, lied about
his coming resurrection. Moonies teach that mankind is
in need of physical redemption, which will come by the
marriage of an ideal man and woman. The man is to be
from Korea-Moon himself.