The wedding took place in Westminster Abby
Te symbolism encoded in the
Cosmoti Pavement is spectacular. Each stone has meaning. The earth-like
circle at the center makes it absolutely clear that this is the ceremonial and
sacred epicenter of the world. From the collection of tiles that were shaved
from columns of ancient Rome linking English coronation with the approval of the
Roman Catholic Church, to the imperial purple stones that were imported from
Egypt linking it to the origin of divine kingship, this floor is clearly
designed to represent the connection between heaven and earth which is upheld by
the throne and legitimized by the divine right to kingship passed on along
through history.

Queen Elizabeth was coronated on top of the beautifulstone and
glass structure, but there was a carpet over it. William who is the first
that is a combination between rince charle and princess Diana who was
a Windwor, had the noror of being married on top of the refurbished
stone structure. One could ask why he weas more important than the
Coronation o fQueen Elizabeth.

Queen Elizabeth-Duke of Edinborough, prince Charles, Camilla Parker Bowles -
wife of Prince Charles, whom he loved even while married to Princess Diana who
was murdered in France in the Alma tunnel at pillar 13, on August 31, 1997.
Prince William's mother Diana represented the Moon Goddess

UNDER COOL, gray skies billions watched from outside Westminster Abbey and
on television worldwide as 1900 invited guests inside witnessed as PRINCE
WILLIAM and his longtime girlfriend KATE MIDDLETON were MARRIED in one of
the largest events in London in DECADES. A little over an hour after they
arrived at the ABBEY to be married, the couple emerged on a red carpet and
onto the streets to a peal of bells and into a horse-drawn carriage, heading
toward BUCKINGHAM PALACE. The prince had married what the British call a
commoner; now the DUKE and DUCHESS of CAMBRIDGE (titles granted by Queen
Elizabeth II). The couple stepped out onto a balcony a short time later to
greet the enormous crowd along the Mall - a tradition at royal weddings.
They KISSED for the FIRST TIME in PUBLIC as a MARRIED COUPLE as a cheer went up
from the crowd/

six planets are lined up in the sky for the wedding

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge KG FRS (William Arthur Philip
Louis; born 21 June 1982) is the elder son of Charles, Prince of Wales, and
Diana Spencer who was a Windsor (also Royalty)
Unusual in pRINCESS dIANA'S astrology was that she was born with a
cross-shaped astrology pattern, but there was a bent cross pattern at the time
of her death (which was also 1 day away from a partial solar eclipse on Sept. 1,
1997); these astrological patterns seem to symbolize princess diana 's life and
her concern for humanity, and her tragic death when so young. Diana's birthday
horoscope (July 1, 1961) has a roughly cross-shaped pattern of planets: Venus at
24 degrees Taurus and Neptune at 8 degrees Scorpio are the arms of the cross,
there is a grouping of planets in Cancer, Leo, and Virgo at the top of the
cross; and another grouping of planets in Aquarius and Capricorn at the bottom
of the cross. At Diana's death, August 31, 1997, there is a bent cross pattern,
the bottom of the cross being planets in astrology signs Aquarius and Capricorn,
the left arm Mars in astrology sign Scorpio and Venus in Libra, the right arm
Saturn in Aries, but the top of the cross, the Sun and Mercury in Virgo, is bent
off to the left.

Eclipses are always full moons.
Also, Diana and Prince Charles were married on July 29, 1981, and two days
later there was a solar eclipse. Dec. 9, 1992, it was announced that Diana and
Charles were formally separated, and that night there was a very dark lunar
eclipse. There seems to be a connection of Diana and Charles to eclipses, which
indicates great importance for humanity. And Countess Sophie of Wessex, wife of
the Earl of Wessex, gave birth to a baby girl on the night of a lunar eclipse on
November 8, 2003, 4 days after the largest solar flare ever measured on November
4. And the Prince Charles - Camilla Parker Bowles wedding on April 9, 2005, the
day after the April 8 2005 solar eclipse. And Prince William was born June 21
1982 on the day of a partial solar eclipse seen in the Atlantic Ocean.
Also unusual, within two weeks of the birthdate of Prince Charles in November
1948, there was a solar eclipse where a bright comet was seen during the eclipse
in Africa. This is extremely rare, the only other cases of a bright comet being
seen during a solar eclipse in the last 100 years being in March 1997 with
Comet Hale-Bopp, and in
1882 during a solar eclipse in Egypt. This may indicate that Prince Charles has
an important destiny for the world, far more important than just being King of
England. I think that this may indicate that England will have a future role in
defending the world from the Forces of Darkness, as England defended the world
from the Forces of Darkness during World War 2. Note that within a few months
from the 1882 solar eclipse/comet, Franklin Roosevelt was born, who helped save
the world for democracy during World War 2. And note the "rose" theme with
Roosevelt's name, and with the rose being the symbol of England. So it is
interesting that there was a bright comet seen during an eclipse in March 1997.
In Revelation (King James Version) 1:11,18 there are words that Christ tell to
the author of Revelation, John: "I am Alpha and
Omega, the first and the
last;...I am he that liveth and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore,
Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death."
which is the language of the Bible's New Testament including Revelation, has
each letter as also a number. Alpha is one, and Omega is 800. The great tragedy
in the U.S. in 1996, the crash of
Flight 800, would
correspond to omega (800). And following Diana's death, the United Kingdom flag,
the Union Jack, flew at half-staff; "union" meaning one, this would correspond
to alpha. So there were two great tragedies, the death of Diana (the great
tragedy of 1997) and Flight 800 (the great tragedy of 1996) corresponding to
Alpha and Omega. A connection between these tragedies: Flight 800 was flying to
Paris after leaving New York,
and Diana's death occurred in Paris.
There was the solar eclipse and cross-shaped Astrology pattern that occured in
August 1999, which seemed to indicate ominous events for this world; these
ominous events began with
September 11, and in August 1999 Russian President
Putin, who I think is
the Antichrist, first rose
to power in Russia.
(Perhaps Princess Diana can be connected to the
"Da Vinci Code"
legend, described in Dan Brown's novel, where supposedly Mary Magdalen was
married to Christ, and traveled to France, and her Christ bloodline has
continued through the centuries in Europe. Perhaps Princess Diana was from the
Christ bloodline, since she died in France which is linked to the Christ
bloodline story?) Consider the astrology patterns:
--an approximate cross-shaped pattern of planets on the date of Diana's birth
-- the bent cross pattern at the day of Diana's death, August 31, 1997. And this
was 3 years after an unusual Astrology pattern on August 31, 1994, a grand water
trine of 3 planets forming an exact triangle in 3 water signs.
The wedding of Prince Edward and Sophie Rhys-Jones, Countess Sophie horoscope:
And there was the wedding of Sophie and Prince Edward on June 19, 1999.
Concerning this wedding, consider that:
-- Countess Sophie looks enough like Diana to be a virtual clone. We are likely
to see Countess Sophie become tremendously popular with the public, as Diana
was, and the public which misses Diana greatly will look to her to be the the
new Princess Diana.
--Note that the wedding was June 19, and the
Cassini space probe passed
by Venus again on June 24, four days later. Venus being the Goddess of Beauty,
Sophie represents Venus.
--Sophie lived for a while in Australia, connecting her to the Southern Cross
concept I discuss elsewhere on this web page.
--Note her name "Rhys" is similar to "rose", as Diana was called "England's
rose". Could "Rhys" also mean "rise", meaning Diana will rise and return as
Sophie? Sophie was born January 20, 1965, and it may be significant that the
great English leader Winston Churchill died 4 days later on Jan. 24, 1965.
Sophie and generally the English royal family and England itself may have an
important destiny in the near future. Let us remember that in the early years of
World War 2 Churchill and England stood alone facing the gates of Hell, saving
the world from a new Dark Age. We may see a similar situation in the near
Note that Prince Edward is now the Earl of Wessex and Sophie is Her Royal
Highness the Countess of Wessex. A previous Earl of Wessex was King Harold, the
Anglo-Saxon king who died at the Battle of Hastings in 1066, when the Normans
invaded England. That was the last time England was invaded by a foreign power.
This historical link of the Earl of Wessex title, a title that has not been used
for centuries, is a link to early England and the days of King Arthur, knights
and chivalry.
Winston Churchill was certainly one of the great communicators of this century,
and Sophie's birthdate four days before the death of Churchill explains her own
work in the area of communications and public relations. The most interesting
astrology pattern was not on Sophie's birthdate but 4 days later on Jan. 24
1965, the day of Winston Churchill's death. Checking the astrology pattern for
1/24/65 London 12 noon, and I would connect it with both Sophie and Winston
Churchill, there is a powerful grand earth trine of some of the planets in a
triangular pattern in the 3 earth signs:
Taurus (Jupiter at 16 degrees)
Capricorn (Mercury-communications 15 deg., Venus 15 deg.)
Virgo (Uranus 14 deg., Pluto 15 deg., Mars 27 deg.)
So I am not surprised to see Sophie described as down-to-earth and liking the
outdoors, with 5 of the planets within 1 degree of 15 degrees, 5 of the planets
are in an exact Grand Earth trine. In a grand trine the energies multiply, so
Sophie will have tremendously high earth energy. I expect the world will see
great achievements by Sophie in the future, and she will be a great
communicator, especially since she looks almost like a twin of Princess Diana.
Next, I will show some Bible Code matrices for Princess Diana. See
this page on the subject
of the Bible code, which is usually done in Hebrew, but on this site I will
discuss the English King James Bible code, a way of finding hidden words in the
King James Bible by a computer program skipping letter intervals, searching for
words. Below is a King James version Bible code matrix, found by searching for
PARIS (ELS=1787), PRINCESS, DIANA, DEATH. It is at Joshua 9:20-Judges 1:7, and
row splitting was disabled. Also in this matrix: THEIR HEARTS (Diana was called
the Queen of Hearts, millions of people were saddened by her death), THE MALE
CHILDREN, CHILDREN OF SHE (which could be about Diana's two children).

Prince william, Prince Harry, Prince Charles
Full brothers or Half Brothers?
Prince Charles Not Harry’s
Real Father; Ex Diana Lover Keeps Silents Because of Death Threats From Royal
Princess Diana was accused of sleeping with her horse trainer, but was that
the truth or was it from a full moon ceremony? See below. Who is
Prince Harry's real father?
by Arizona
Arizona Wilder conducted human sacrifice rituals for the
Illuminati elite for decades. These included the British Royal Family, George
Bush, Henry Kissinger, and a stream of world famous names revealed in "The
Biggest Secret" and the video, "Revelations of a Mother Goddess", available
through this website
( ~ see
book and studio catalogs).
she escaped from her mind controlled confinement, she has dedicated herself to
exposing what is happening. I received this letter from her dated May 25th 1999
in which she details the key points in the Illuminati ritual programme running
up to the Millennium.
I should emphasize a few things for those who have not read "The Biggest
Secret." The Illuminati, the clique which control the direction of the world,
are genetic hybrids, the result of interbreeding between a reptilian
extraterrestrial race and humanity many thousands of years ago. The centre of
power is not even in this dimension -- it is in the lower fourth dimension, the
lower astral as many people call it, the traditional home for the "demons" of
folklore and myth. These fourth dimensional reptilian entities work through
these hybrid bloodlines because they have a vibrational compatibility with each
other. This is why the European royal and aristocratic families have interbred
so obsessively, as do the so called Eastern Establishment families of the United
States which produce the leaders of America. Every presidential election since
and including George Washington in 1789 has been won by the candidate with the
most European royal genes. Of the 42 presidents to Bill Clinton, 33 have been
genetically related to two people, Alfred the Great, King of England, and
Charlemagne, the most famous monarch of what we now call France. It is the same
wherever you look in the positions of power.. they are the same tribe!
As well as an obsession with interbreeding with each other to preserve their
genetic structure, the Illuminati are also obsessed with symbolism and ritual.
Interestingly, conventional science has documented that the reptilian part of
the human brain (the R complex as they call it) is the source of the following
behavior traits: An obsession with ritual, cold blooded behavior, territorialism
"this belongs to me", and an obsession with top down hierarchical structures.
This sums up the Illuminati mentality perfectly and it goes that if you have
more of that R complex, or that it is activated more than normal, you will
manifest these traits far more profoundly.
But their ritual is not just for ceremonial purposes or gratuitous horror. The
rituals are designed to rewire the energy fields and grids of the planet and
therefore to fundamentally affect human consciousness. The rituals these
bloodlines performed in the ancient world are the same as they do now. See The
Biggest Secret for the background. They have a detailed annual calendar of
events on which they perform their sacrifice rituals in line with key lunar,
solar, and planetary cycles to harness that energy for their sick agenda to take
complete control of Planet Earth in the very near future.
With that background, here is the full text of the communication from Arizona
Wilder. I will add my comments in dark type where more background may be needed
for those new to these subjects.
David Icke
David - This
information needs to go out to everyone as fast as possible.
The Illuminati are conducting a ritual to be held at the Great Pyramid at Giza
in Egypt, on August 11, 12, and 13th, 1999. (Specifically the Mothers of
Darkness-the top conductors of rituals, will officiate). This ritual is "The
Rite to Open the Passage" (the Eye of Horus). This will open the passage for
lower fourth dimensional energy to be directed into the leylines of the Earth.
This will (is designed to) also close the 3rd eye (consciousness)
of all on this planet that oppose the Illuminati. It will further shut down
(is designed to) the other people who are not actively aware or
opposing the Illuminati but feel uneasy about what is going on and cannot figure
out why.
The solar eclipse which is to take place on August 11 (over the key Earth
power centre of Cornwall, England) will also have a "Grand Square" which
makes it extremely powerful. This eclipse is the beginning of a six month period
in which there will be much activity of significance that pinnacles in The Rite
of Establishment of the Age of Horus (Osiris reborn) at the Millennium.
This symbolism relates to the ancient Egyptian legends of Osiris (the
father), Horus (the son), and Isis (the virgin mother), which later became the
basis for the Jesus stories also. The New World Order, the takeover of the
planet via the establishment of a world government, world army (NATO), world
central bank and currency, and a micro-chipped population, is known by the
Illuminati as "The Age of Horus". The symbolism of the murder of a pregnant
Diana, Princess of Wales, with the Egyptian Dodi Fayed, relates to the arrival
of "The Age of Horus". (See
"The Biggest Secret").
This "Age of Horus" ritual will be held on December 31st from 12am to 3am at the
Great Pyramid, at which time the top of the pyramid will be capped with gold and
crystal. (George Bush has long been on the guest list of the Millennium
"Celebrations" at Giza). Etched in the crystal will be the Eye of Horus
on all four sides. (This relates to the All Seeing Eye symbol on the
dollar bill and the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States).
They will finalize this period of six months on January 31st/February 1st and
start "preparing the ground for the sowing of their seeds.
Preceding the August 11 through 13 ritual, which by the way ends with the day of
Hecate (one of their key deities),the bringer of chaos and death,
is the July 28th lunar eclipse. This eclipse is also extremely unusual and
powerful in that it also involves a Grand Square and the House of Aquarius goes
direct - its effect is at full strength. The Moon on this date is a New Moon - a
time to plan and cast spells for the plan.
During the solar eclipse, the next day and on the Day of Hecate (August 13th),
there will be blood sacrifices and also literal sodomization of the intended
sacrifices beforehand. This will signify opening the Eye of Horus, opening the
passage for the lower fourth dimensional energy and the closing, the shutting
down of the human 3rd eye - consciousness on the planet. They will remove the
heart and consume it, signifying the taking away the vibrational chakra of love.
They will also remove the liver (strength), the eyes (sight), and brain
(knowledge, thought, action). They will consume the blood (life force for them).
Their ritual acts all encompass and empower them for what they wish to
spiritually do to us. What they do is to be given strength which is brought into
actual physical being by the solar eclipse, the lunar eclipse, and the grand
squares of their ruling planets with those particular energies accompanying the
grand squares. The effect on the Earth if they succeed will be terrible.
Very much a part of this is the planned marriage of Sophie Rhys-Jones and Prince
Edward of the House of Windsor at Windsor Castle on Saturday (Saturn's day)
June 19th, 1999.Look at the date and year. The 19th is the number of the
Sun. 1 is the beginning (alpha), 9 is the end (omega). The name Sophia = wisdom,
which is Baphomet by the (code known as) the Atbash Cipher. On June 19th,
1999,Saturn is direct in Taurus at 13 degrees, releasing malevolent powers. This
marriage has been arranged for this year to empower the rituals from August 11th
to 13th and the ones starting at 12am on December 31st.
The Illuminati foresaw through astrological charting that Saturn turns at 17
degrees Taurus to square Uranus on the 17th, 18th, and 19th of July 1999. This
results in an intense and upsetting period because people who are seeing the
changes occurring now are going to be challenging the plans the Illuminati are
ready to play. The marriage is a ritual to attempt to thwart those who plan
against them. It does this by performing a ritual (marriage) that is heavily
publicized and therefore constitutes a kind of "open" ritual. This is an attempt
to communicate directly with the subconscious of the millions who read or hear
about it, by means of a "twilight code" that does not require conscious
understanding, but subliminal human processing. This ritual/marriage is part of
a sequence of events that the Illuminati plan to use to imprint their design on
the subconscious of the public group mind. This does not require people's
conscious understanding. By using the energies manifested during this time and
putting their intent behind this ritual/marriage, the House of Windsor plans to
clear out elements of their agenda which are not working and ensure the
Illuminati rituals of August 11th-13th 1999 and December 31st/January 1st are
The timing of the marriage on June 19th is associated with the Oak Tree, a
powerful occultic symbol in Druidism that is also often used by the House of
Windsor. The Roman god, Janus, is associated with the Oak. Janus, the two-faced
Roman god of change, and also the "beginning and the end", "the opening and the
closing of the door". Since the wedding is close to the summer solstice, it is
associated with St Johns' Eve, or Oannes (the Babylonian Nimrod)
and is still celebrated as the "Festival of Aire" in Ireland. Aire, a goddess,
is related to Air Soph (endless one) on the Tree of Life. Air Soph = Sophia
(Sophie)= wisdom = Baphomet in the Atbash cipher.
The white horse, sacred to the Phoenicians in Britain (see The Biggest
Secret), is also associated with the oak. On the Tarot, a naked child
sits on a white horse. The child signifies "the fool", the "initiate".The
nakedness signifies there is no longer anything to hide. Edward Windsor is the
initiate. By this marriage he is initiated into wisdom/Baphomet, into the dark
things that light does not pierce. The circle is closed in on the House of
Windsor. The scene is set, Alpha to Omega. The serpent has swallowed its tail.
It has become the endless one.
The marriage of Princess Diana to Charles was timed and located in the
same way as part of Windsor-Illuminati ritual. St. Paul's Cathedral, where the
marriage took place, is built on an ancient site of Goddess Diana worship at
Ludgate Hill in the heart of the City of London-the Illuminati's epicentre at
operational level. Diana also died in Paris on an ancient site of ritual
sacrifice to the Goddess Diana, now known as the Pont d'Alma tunnel (see The
Biggest Secret for the detailed story).
It is also worth noting how much Sophie, Prince Edward's bride, is a Diana
look-alike and only in April 1999, one of the most famous television presenters
in Britain, Jill Dando, a lady I knew at the BBC, was shot dead near her home in
London by, according to reports, a "professional hitman'. Jill Dando is another
Sophie look-alike with blond hair and blue eyes, and Jill Dando was a friend of
Sophie. The Illuminati obsession with ritual leaves me in no doubt that Dando's
death was connected to the sequence detailed here by Arizona Wilder.
The Sun also signifies "The Head". Jill Dando was shot in the head and killed on
April 26th, 1999, This relates to the ritual wedding of her friend, Sophie
Rhys-Jones and Edward. This date was also the first day of the "Grand Climax", a
week long string of rituals preceeding and including Walpurgisnacht, April 30th,
leading to Beltane, May 1st. Again Jill Dando shot in the head, the Oak, Janus,
the Sun, the date of the wedding, are all connected.
The Illuminati began to prepare the way for so much on May 1st, 1999, Beltane.
The energy they put forth in readiness for the August eclipse increases with the
May 30th Full Moon; the June 13th New Moon; the June 21st Summer Solstice; June
28th Full Moon; July 13th new Moon; July 28th New Moon/Eclipse wit grand
junction; August 1st Lughnasad ritual; August 5th height of Mercury stationary
in Cancer. All this is to open the way for the dates of the solar eclipse/Day of
Hecate, August 11, 12 and 13th.
In the Illuminati/Satanic method of "mirror or reverse" symbolism, the Day
of Hecate, August 13th, is mirrored to August 31st for her day of sacrifice.
Diana, Princess of Wales, died on that ancient site of Goddess Diana worship on
August 31st - the day of sacrifice to Hecate.
During this eclipse we need to focus on bringing down higher
vibrational energies and canceling out their fourth dimensional energy. Those of
the Illuminati who are not at the Great Pyramid will be positioned at precise
longitudes and latitudes along the ley lines to perform rituals of the same kind
at specified sites in which phallic/womb symbols have been built. 19 degrees
latitude is where important sites will be, also 28 degrees latitude.
Arizona Wilder
So let's do
If all this makes sense to you, can you organize all like thinkers you know to
arrange their own events on these dates? Particularly the solar eclipse to the
Day of Hecate. To bring in higher dimensional energy to defuse this Illuminati
agenda! All you have to do is go to a place you feel drawn to at that time and
open your heart and mind to the energy we call love. Particularly love for the
lower fourth dimensional entities because this will dilute their energy even
more. We don't need mumbo jumbo, just people with open hearts and minds focussed
on the intent to be vehicles to ground love in this three-dimensional world.
If you have entered this website to read just about the names, dates, people,
conspiracy and are not aware of the esoteric level of the manipulation, you may
choose to ignore this or dismiss it as New Age nonsense. This, I would suggest,
is precisely what the manipulators want you to do because they then have a clear
playing field.
And ask yourself. What harm could it do to connect with the energy of love for
three days or even a few minutes at the time of the solar eclipse. One thing's
for sure, you won't have the chance to go back and do it afterwards when you
realise that all this, bizarre as it may seem to you now, is actually the way
the world is controlled and the human race maintained in its mental and
emotional prison.
Please contact us on the
"" e-mail to tell us if you are
doing this. Could you also transmit this e-mail to everyone you know who might
act upon its contents.
Thank you.
David Icke
December 27, 2010 at 5:00 am
By Debbie Keil-Leavitt
For those of you wondering if the marriage of
Prince William and Kate Middleton is fated, defying all
odds – it’s true! The remarkable birth of Prince William on a Solar Eclipse
– meeting of the Sun and the Moon – on the Summer Solstice has dazzled many
astrologers for years, as this reflects the “Solstice King” of the old myths
of the UK. When studying the chart of Kate, lo and behold, she was born on
the Lunar Eclipse just after the Winter Solstice in the same year as Wills!
As many of you who know the basics of astrology are aware, the Sun is the
“King” and the Moon is his sacred feminine counterpart. For those of us
north of the equator, the
Winter Solstice is the darkest day of the year and
feminine in nature. The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year and
masculine in nature. Eclipses are considered to be the windows or gateways
through which we communicate with all that is beyond time and space.
Clearly, there is “destiny” here! Those rude enough to call her “Waity,
Katie” weren’t as aware as she… this strong Capricorn with her gentle moon
in Cancer was not about to walk away from her destiny, or “wouldn’t fall off
the mountain” might be more appropriate to a mythic “sea goat” Capricorn
figure. Speaking of figures – thanks to the paparazzi’s tendency to publish
bikini photos of the young lady – it is clear that she could have been a
swimsuit model, but she was no common “commoner.”
The historical cycle of the eclipse Kate was born under is considered to
be “1 South” in the Jansky-Brady* method that considers when the eclipse
series began (1729 AD) and ends (2973 AD). This is a newer cycle, and it is
all about new ideas. Princess/Queen Catherine (Kate) may feel compelled to
bring in new ideas, not only regarding what is best for all, but certainly
what is best for her husband.
In contrast, the historical cycle of the eclipse William was born under
is considered to be “2 Old North” in the Jansky-Brady which began in 792 AD
and ends in 2036 AD, likely within his lifetime. Prince William reflects the
end of a cycle; in this case it would likely be the monarchy’s role as it
has been in the past.
Just to add a little fun to this, my dear friend and famous
cross-cultural mythologist-historian-astrologer, Dr. Dennis Harness, let me
know that Vedic/Indian astrologers believe that
Princess Diana was a reincarnation of an Indian
princess at the time of the Raj when the British came to dominate the Indian
people. This Princess vowed to bring down the English monarchy.
This is a very interesting, given that Diana gave birth to him on this
day, and that Kate has the new ideas he needs for his legacy to survive in a
form that could be acceptable to a former “Indian Princess” (Diana) looking
to end the oppression of people in every sense.
Kate, who I understand wishes to be called Catherine now (more
appropriate to a princess or queen), will likely be a phenomenon alongside
her Solstice King. Might “bringing down the monarchy” be interpreted as the
“People’s Princess” giving birth to a young man who marries a “commoner?” I
doubt that is profound enough. However, if the Solstice King and his Queen
reflect the chivalry of King Arthur (his ancient ancestry) along with the
love of the people’s well-being as the foremost goal of the monarchy (as her
Cancer Moon would wish), might their role become something much more
appropriate to our times – true leadership figures representing fierce
protection of all life and culture?
This beautiful couple has much to do with our ancient past and our
amazing future. Let’s all look on in wonder as we watch the stars!
*Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady