compiled by Dee Finney
1-29-05 - 10:21 p.m. DREAM - I was out in front of a
factory building that was going to be turned into a school. It was owned
by the John Deere Company, the maker of farm tractors. I was told that
if we did the work of fixing up the lawn outside the building, the
company would pick up the cost of remodeling. The lawn was laid
out inside of a brick framework and went all the way up to the building
which was old and decrepit looking. The windows hadn't been washed in a
long time it appeared either.
The lawn was quite ugly as it was and had at least 10 ridges laid from the sidewalk to the building side by side. They looked like grave mounds. I decided I would get a head start on the work myself and started digging up the edge of the lawn so it could be smoothed out and pretty again. As I dug along the edge of the lawn, each mound ended in a thick dark brown rope. It was thick enough to tie up a ship to a dock. The rope was buried in the mounds. As I started loosening the end of the first rope, the ends were coming apart strand by strand and laying there limply. But when I moved on to dig up the second mound edge and looked back to the first mound the ends of the rope were coming alive and turning to green snakes which started to come up and slither out of the rope. I became squeamish at seeing the first snake so I turned my attention to another lawn on the other side of the main door of the building. This lawn had ridges laying horizontal in the same direction as the sidewalk. I thought it looked much neater until I saw that the ridges were made of rows of dead grass blades all laying in the same direction. There was a lot of work to do on the lawns and I knew I couldn't do it all alone. I decided to go inside the building and when I did, I received a phone call from a man telling me about the death of a prominent Jewish woman. Her name was Esther and we were to go to her funeral. I was shown the map of the country and how to find the funeral where we would sing for her funeral. When I and some other women got to the funeral, I thought I would sing with the other women, but I didn't know the words to the song. Also we were told that the music was in two parts and the women would have to divide into two groups. Half the women would sing the left notes and half the women would sing the notes on the right. The music started. It was sung in a minor key appropriate for a funeral and when the women divided into the two parts, it oddly clashed notes from time to time but was orderly and it sounded all right. NOTE: Traditional Jewish Funeral Rituals Reform rabbis may allow music at a funeral, and may do more of the service in English. While I sat there watching them sing, I was sitting on a wide sofa and it became obvious I was sitting on the sofa where the young girls/ladies were allowed to come out and observe the funeral proceedings. Each girl came out from a back room, each one wearing a beautiful flouncy pastel colored dress, each one prettier than the one before. They all came and joined me on the sofa and sat with me and that was a joyous occasion. I went home then and it was dark out by now. Everyone was getting ready for bed and I looked out the window and I saw a large brown bear appear on the lawn. I started screaming, "Bear! Bear! - there's a wild bear out there!" I was screaming so loud, my voice choked up and I couldn't scream anymore. I saw what I thought was a baseball laying out on the lawn. I thought that if I ran out there and threw the baseball at the bear that it might make the bear chase the baseball and the bear would run away. So I bravely ran outside to quickly pick up the baseball and when I saw it closer, the baseball turned into a black and white skunk and the baseball was its head. The skunk got up and ran towards the bear so I ran back into the house where I closed and locked all the windows and doors. I was still afraid the bear might come back and break a window and try to get into the house. I told the others I would feel safer sleeping upstairs. I headed for the stairs and woke up.
Queen Esther saves All the Jews (Book of Esther): This is the story of a beautiful
Jewish woman, Esther (from the Hebrew meaning star, happiness),
who became Queen of Persia when King Ahasuerus (or Xerxes ) married her
without knowing she was a Jew. She was a Jewess of the tribe of
Benjamin, daughter of Abihail, and bore before her accession to the
throne the name of Hádássah (Edissa, meaning myrtle). |
What is a Prophet?Many people today think of a prophet as any person who sees the future. While the gift of prophecy certainly includes the ability to see the future, a prophet is far more than just a person with that ability. A prophet is basically a spokesman for G-d, a person chosen by G-d to speak to people on G-d's behalf and convey a message or teaching. Prophets were role models of holiness, scholarship and closeness to G-d. They set the standards for the entire community. The Hebrew word for a prophet, navi (Nun-Bet-Yod-Alef) comes from the term niv sefatayim meaning "fruit of the lips," which emphasizes the prophet's role as a speaker. The Talmud teaches that there were hundeds of thousands of prophets: twice as many as the number of people who left Egypt, which was 600,000. But most of the prophets conveyed messages that were intended solely for their own generation and were not reported in scripture. Scripture identifies only 55 prophets of Israel. A prophet is not necessarily a man. Scripture records the stories of seven female prophets, listed below, and the Talmud reports that Sarah's prophetic ability was superior to Abraham's. A prophet is not necessarily a Jew. The Talmud reports that there were prophets among the gentiles (most notably Balaam, whose story is told in Numbers 22), although they were not as elevated as the prophets of Israel (as the story of Balaam demonstrates). And some of the prophets, such as Jonah, were sent on missions to speak to the gentiles. According to some views, prophecy is not a gift that is arbitrarily confered upon people; rather, it is the culmination of a person's spiritual and ethical development. When a person reaches a sufficient level of spiritual and ethical achievement, the Shechinah (Divine Spirit) comes to rest upon him or her. Likewise, the gift of prophecy leaves the person if that person lapses from his or her spiritual and ethical perfection. The greatest of the prophets was Moses. It is said that Moses saw all that all of the other prophets combined saw, and more. Moses saw the whole of the Torah, including the Prophets and the Writings that were written hundeds of years later. All subsequent prophecy was merely an expression of what Moses had already seen. Thus, it is taught that nothing in the Prophets or the Writings can be in conflict with Moses's writings, because Moses saw it all in advance. The Talmud states that the writings of the prophets will not be necessary in the World to Come, because in that day, all people will be mentally, spiritually and ethically perfect, and all will have the gift of prophecy. From:
represent the year 5707 on the Jewish calendar. Webster's NewWorld
Hebrew Dictionary states: "In practice . . . the
thousands are skipped and the Jewish year is referred to by quoting, in
Jewish numerical symbols, the figure from the hundreds down" (Introduction, The Jewish Calender, p. xxiv).
As shown above, 5707 on the Jewish calendar was the year that the
10 Nazi war criminals were hanged for their crime of attempting to
eradicate the Jewish people. For centuries Jews who read the book of
Esther had the future date for the fulfillment of her prophecy there in
plain sight, but it could not be deciphered until the event actually
occurred! See: The Ten SonsHaman was hung on the gallows he had constructed for Mordecai immediately following the banquet with Esther and the king. His ten sons, however, were slain at a much later date, the time designated for the slaughter of the Jewish people according to Haman’s decree. That date being 13 Adar. Each son’s name is listed separately in scripture. Names are listed in scripture to show a special significance, in this case to show that each son was prominent. In addition, the names of the ten sons are written singly; each on a separate line of text. Usually when names, or other words, are set apart in Hebrew scripture, they are stacked in the manner of bricks: one whole over two halves, etc. This is not the case with the names of Haman’s sons. Their names are written as whole name over whole name, thus showing a weakness in the foundation. In other words, though Haman’s sons enjoyed power and prosperity, they were easily defeated. The VavThere is another reason why the ten names hold a special significance. Remember that the Megillah, the Hebrew scroll of Esther, is written in Hebrew. One letter stands differently than the other Hebrew characters in the text. This vav is the first letter of the last son’s name. The letter also appears larger than the other Hebrew characters; therefore, special significance is drawn. The rabbis taught that this letter is larger in order to show the manner of death of the ten sons. The larger vav, I, which resembles a large stake, represents a very large gallows upon which they believed the 10 sons were "hung" one above the other, rather than 10 separate gallows. The term gallows is misleading for modern readers. The sons, and Haman himself, were not hung by a noose which is representative of capital punishment in the old west. Rather, the victims of hanging in Persian times were impaled on a large stake and left to hang for public exhibition. This would lend some credence to what the rabbis suspected. The rabbis also speculated another reason the vav in the last son’s name is larger. They taught that the vav pointed to the sixth millennium. The letter vav is the sixth letter in the Hebrew alphabet, and is used for the number six. It is also a letter that is used to indicate man, as man was created on the sixth day. If Adam had not sinned, he would have remained immortal. However, when he sinned, he became mortal. The recording of the generations in scripture makes a distinction involving the vav. These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the L-rd G-d made the earth and the heavens,
CONCERNING THE PROPHECY OF THE BOOK OF ESTHERTHE most important book in the Bible for you to study now, and that most nearly about to be fulfilled, is one of the most mystic books in the Old Testament, the book of Esther. This book is a mystic prophecy, written in the form of an actual history. If I give you the key, the clue of the threadof it, it will be! the easiest thing in the world to unravel the whole. The great King Assuerus, who had all the world under his dominion, and possessed the wealth of all the nations, is the genius of the age. Queen Vasthi, who for her disobedience to the king was deposed from her royal seat, is the orthodox Catholic Church. The Jews, scattered among the nations under the dominion of the king, are the true Israel of God. Mardochi the Jew represents the spirit of intuitive reason and understanding. His enemy Aman is the spirit of materialism, taken into the favour and protection of the genius of the age, and exalted to the highest place in the world's councils after the deposition of the orthodox religion. Now Aman has a wife and ten sons. Esther--who, under the care and tuition of Mardochi, is brought up pure and virgin--is that spirit of love and sympathetic interpretation which shall redeem the world. I have told you that it shall be redeemed by a "woman." Now the several philosophical systems by which the councillors of the age propose to replace the dethroned Church are one by one submitted to the judgment of the age; and Esther, coming last, shall find favour. Six years shall she be anointed with oil of myrrh, that is, with study and training severe and bitter, that she may be proficient in intellectual knowledge, as must all systems which seek the favour of the age. And six years with sweet perfumes, that is, with the gracious loveliness of the imagery and poetry of the faiths of the past, that religion may not be lacking in sweetness and beauty. But she shall not seek to put on any of those adornments of dogma, or of mere sense, which, by trick of priestcraft, former systems have used to gain power or favour with the world and the age, and for which they have been found wanting. Now there come out of the darkness and the storm which shall arise upon the earth, two dragons. And they fight and tear each other, until there arises a star, a fountain of light, a queen, who is Esther. I have given you the key. Unlock the meaning of all that is written. I do not tell you if in the history of the past these voices had part in the world of men. If they had, guess now who were Mardochi and Esther. But I tell you that which shall be in the days about to come. From:
It has been suggested a study of Zechariah 12 be done,
that the prophecy describes the events that are recorded in the book of
Esther. This is an interesting and plausable thesis, but one particular
point is especially stimulating: It is suggested that the references to
"Judah and Jerusalem" in Zechariah 12 are literal references
to Haman's attacks on the capital city of the Jews. Thus, though
Jerusalem is never mentioned in Esther, the fact that Haman seeks to
attack Jews "scattered and dispersed among the peoples in all the
provinces of your kingdom" (Esth 3:8) suggests that he would be
attacking Jerusalem as well.
This seems obvious once it is pointed out. By the time Esther takes place, after all, Jews have already been released to return to the land, and have been rebuilding the temple. This restoration inspires confidence among Jews, which takes a distorted form in Mordecai's arrogant nationalistic Judaism. Haman would undoubtedly have seen that Jerusalem was the source of the problem, and would have wanted to strike at the head and not merely at the tail. This also strengthens Jim Jordan's interpretation of Ezekiel 38-39, which he understands as a prophecy of the events of the book of Esther as well. See: THE BUILDING OF SOLOMON'S TEMPLE
Jeremiah's Seventy Years
The next question that has been asked is a little puzzling. Jeremiah said (29:10) that after seventy years in the Babylonian exile, G-d would bring the Jews back to Israel. As a comfort to those who would soon be exiled, Jeremiah told them that the exile would be short. The Gemara in Megillah (12a) says that Daniel, while in Babylonia, tried to calculate when the seventy years ended and made a mistake in the calculations. How is this a problem with Jeremiah's prophecy? He told them that the exile would be short and Daniel was slightly mistaken about how short. In fact, the book of Ezra begins by demonstrating that this prophecy came true (see Ezra 1:1-4). Indeed, this prophecy came true in many different ways. Esther Rabbah (2:11) tells us based on Esther (1:7) that Achashverosh used utensils from the Holy Temple. However, this is difficult because in Ezra (1:7-8) we are told that Cyrus had previously sent the utensils from the Temple to Israel. If the utensils had already been sent to Israel, how could Achashverosh use them in Shushan? The Ramban (Chiddushim on Talmud, Megillah, end of first chapter) answers this beautifully. We know from Daniel (1:2) that when Yehoyakim was exiled, some of the utensils from the Temple were taken to Babylonia. Eighteen years later, when the Temple was destroyed, the remaining utensils were taken (Jeremiah 52:17-23). Seventy years after Yehoyakim's exile, in fulfillment of Jeremiah's prophecy, Cyrus gave the Jews permission to return to Israel and rebuild the Holy Temple (Ezra 1:1). This did not end up allowing the Jews to rebuild the Temple, as explained in the book of Ezra, because it had only been fifty two years since the destruction of the Temple. However, some people and, as Ramban points out, some but not all utensils were allowed to return to Israel. The remaining utensils stayed in exile until seventy years from their exile had passed. Not only was Jeremiah's prophecy fulfilled, it was even fulfilled with the utensils of the Temple. |
Spoke 17 God's Lot for His Enemies Isaiah 17 Woe to the multitude of many people, which make a noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters! The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters: but God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind. And behold at eveningtide trouble; and before the morning he is not. This is the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us. Isaiah 17 And when Haman saw that Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence, then was Haman full of wrath. ... wherefore Haman sought to destroy all the Jews that were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus, even the people of Mordecai. In the first month, that is, the month Nisan, in the twelfth year of king Ahasuerus, they cast Pur, that is, the lot, before Haman from day to day, and from month to month, to the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar. Esther 3.5f The Seventeenth Book of the Bible is one of two that does not explicitly mention any name of God. The reasons for this have long been seen as of deliberate divine design. The book of Esther reveals the hidden hand of God in what appears to be random events, such as wicked Haman's casting of the Pur, that is, the Lot (cf. Megillat Esther: Unveiling the Hidden). This is, of course, the only way to understand the reality of the Holy Bible, Prophecy, and its divine structure in the form of the Wheel. And here with the incredible KeyLinks between Isaiah 17 and the 17th Book, we see Esther doing double duty providing evidence of God's hidden hand in both its message found in the plain text and in its geometric integration with the rest of Scripture. The word Pur does not occur outside the book of Esther, but its synonym Goral (S# 1486) does. Beginning in Esther 3.5 we read: And when Haman saw that Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence, then was Haman full of wrath. And he thought scorn to lay hands on Mordecai alone; for they had shewed him the people of Mordecai: wherefore Haman sought to destroy all the Jews that were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus, even the people of Mordecai. In the first month, that is, the month Nisan, in the twelfth year of king Ahasuerus, they cast Pur, that is, the lot, before Haman from day to day, and from month to month, to the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar. And Haman said unto king Ahasuerus, There is a certain people scattered abroad and dispersed among the people in all the provinces of thy kingdom; and their laws are diverse from all people; neither keep they the king's laws: therefore it is not for the king's profit to suffer them. If it please the king, let it be written that they may be destroyed: and I will pay ten thousand talents of silver to the hands of those that have the charge of the business, to bring it into the king's treasuries. Goral (Lot) appears 77 times, most frequently in Joshua where it was used under the direct command of God to determine each tribes inheritance in the land. In the Book of Isaiah, it appears only three times, which gives a 3/66 or 1/22 chance of it randomly falling in Isaiah 17 (corresponding to the Book of Esther). That's a little less than a 5% chance - not very good odds, but certainly not impossible. These odds shift somewhat when we read the context in which the lot appears in Isaiah - it is speaking of what happens to those who seek to destroy God's People: This is the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us. The word translated as rob is bazaz (S# 962). It is translated as "prey" in Esther 3 as part of the destruction ordered by wicked Haman after he received his lot: Then were the king's scribes called on the thirteenth day of the first month, and there was written according to all that Haman had commanded unto the king's lieutenants, and to the governors that were over every province, and to the rulers of every people of every province according to the writing thereof, and to every people after their language; in the name of king Ahasuerus was it written, and sealed with the king's ring. And the letters were sent by posts into all the king's provinces, to destroy, to kill, and to cause to perish, all Jews, both young and old, little children and women, in one day, even upon the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month Adar, and to take the spoil of them for a prey. Isaiah 17 and Chapter 3 of Esther are the only chapters in all the Bible that mention both Goral and Bazaz. We have therefore, this KeyLink declaring the eternal perfection of God's Holy Word:
I challenge anyone to try to calculate the odds of this KeyLink happening by chance! The answer is in fact zero because there is no principle that demands Isaiah use either the word goral nor bazaz in any of his writings, let alone in a mathematically perfect integration with the order of the Christian Canon! Glory to God in the Highest! Hallelujah to the Name of the Most High God! Yet for all this, we have just begun. Returning to Isaiah 17.12, we see God's description of the nations seeking to destroy Israel. I give an interlinear translation so God's Miracle can be clearly seen: ![]() The second word from the right - Hamon (S# 1995) - differs from the name of the wicked Hamon by nothing but the vowel letter Vav. This means that the name of the enemy of God's people, who used a lot to find the time to rob and kill them, is implicit here in Isaiah 17 along with everything else that points to the Book of Esther. Oh Glory to God! How I tremble when I open His Holy Word! Looking at the last word - Yehemayon - we see one of the Purim traditions, the making of loud noises! This word is from the root Hamah (S# 1993) which is closely related to Hamon and the name of Haman, the archvillain of Esther! Jews typically spin a mechanical noisemaking device - grogger - to make a loud grating sound to drown out the name of Haman when the Scroll of Esther is read. We have here a complete convergence of Rabbinbical tradition, the meaning of the Hebrew Letters, and the structure of the Christian Canon in the form of the Wheel! Praise God! His wonders never cease! This is the very wisdom of Almighty God - enacted in the History of Israel and enshrined forever in His Holy Word. From: |
During the period of time between the destruction of the First Temple and the building of the Second Temple, the Jews came very close to being anihilated because of the evil scheming of Haman with the King of Persia, Achashverosh. Because of the clandestine intervention of Hashem, using Queen Esther and her uncle Mordechai as His messengers, the Jews were spared, and instead the nation of Israel was able to avenge themselves against their enemies. In order to commemorate these miraculous turn of events, we celebrate Purim on the 14th of Adar (and in walled cities such as Jerusalem, on the 15th of Adar) with feasts, sending gifts of food to our friends and the needy, and with the reading of the Megilla, the story of Purim. The Fast of Esther is held on the day before Purim. We fast the whole day in order to commemorate the fast that Esther fasted before she went before the King Achashverosh to plead for mercy for the Jews. On this day we remember the dire situation that the Jews were faced with in those days and many times throughout history. This year, 5765 (2004-2005), the Fast of Esther falls on March 24, 2005. Purim falls on March 25, 2005. In the walled cities of Israel - such as Jerusalem and Safed - Purim is celebrated on the 15 of Adar, which this year falls on March 26, 2005. Purim: Basic Concepts And Lawsby Chaim CoffmanThe Month of Adar The Talmud (Ta'anis 29a) tells us that "Just as from when the month of Av enters, we minimize our happiness, so too from when the month of Adar enters, we increase our happiness." In Adar, the nation of Israel was saved from annihilation. The Jewish people, who lived throughout the empire of Achashverosh, were faced with certain death. Through a miraculous turn of events, this threat was removed and the Jews were saved. There was celebration everywhere. The Jews renewed their commitment to Torah. It was a time of overwhelming happiness. Our souls experienced a redemption: the Jews were threatened with death as a punishment for their sins, and because they repented, they were saved. The Jews raised their commitment to G-d and the Torah to new levels. It is for this spiritual redemption that we celebrate throughout the entire month of Adar. Parshas Zachor The Shabbos that precedes Purim is called Parshat Zachor. Zachor means to remember and the maftir aliya (the last one of the seven people called to the Torah) is read "Remember what Amalek did to you on the way, upon your departure from Egypt... You shall erase the memory of Amalek from the heavens, you shall not forget." The Sages tell us that "remember" means orally and "You shall not forget" means at heart. In order to fulfill the commandment, we read this passage from a Torah scroll, once every year, on the Shabbos before Purim so that wiping out Amalek is adjacent to the wiping out of Haman, a descendant of Amalek. Even though parshat Zachor is a positive command bound to time which women are normally exempt from, nonetheless women should try and make every effort to come to shul. The Fast of Esther The Fast of Esther is the day before Purim on the 13th of Adar. The fast is observed in memory of the Fast observed by Mordechai and Esther and all of Israel. It was on that same day that the enemies of the Jews had planned to subjugate and destroy them. The fast is called by Esther's name because she was the one to request the observance of a fast to Mordechai as it says, "Go and gather all the Jews who are found in Shushan and fast over me, and do not eat and do not drink three days, night and day; and I and my maidens will also fast thus." (Esther 4:16). Don't worry, the fast we observe is not for a three day period, nor is it on the same date. The original fast was observed by Esther and the entire Jewish people on the 14th, 15th and 16th of Nissan, immediately after Mordechai was informed of Haman's decree and of the letter of annihilation which Haman wrote on the 13th of Nissan. We fast on the 13th of Adar in memory of the day of the mobilization for war against the enemies. The Half-Shekel On the 13th of Adar during Minchah (afternoon prayers), it is customary to give three halves of the coin which is the basis of the local currency. This money goes to the poor. The reason for the half-shekel is in memory of the half-shekel that was given when the Temple still stood and whose collection was announced on the first of Adar. In Israel, people generally use three 1/2 shekel coins while in America, people generally use three half dollars. In a place which has no coin designated as a half-shekel, it is customary for the gabbaim (sexton) to bring three halves of silver coins which are issued elsewhere, and to give these coins in exchange, to anyone who makes his contribution in the coins available to him. After performing the mitzvah, one gives the three half-shekels to the gabbaim so that others may also be able to observe the custom properly. What does one do for other members of the family, such as his wife and children? One gives the half-shekel for each of the members of the household including, in the case of a pregnant woman, for the unborn child. Others have the custom to pick up the three coins as many times as one has children. The reason we use three half-shekels is that the term trumah (contribution) is mentioned three times in the Torah portion of Ki-Tissa, in the account of the mitzvah of the half-shekel. The Days of Purim Purim can either fall on the 14th of Adar or the 15th of Adar, depending upon where you live. The reason for this is because the Jews of Shushan originally observed the festival on a different day than the Jews who lived elsewhere. In the other provinces the Jews waged war on the 13th and observed the 14th as a day of festivity and rejoicing. The Jews of Shushan waged war during the 13th and 14th of the month and observed the 15th as a day of festivity and rejoicing. Therefore, Purim celebrated on the 14th of Adar is called Purim of the Open Cities while Purim on the 15th of Adar is called Purim of the Walled Cities. In our days, the only city that has the status of Shushan and therefore celebrates Purim on the 15th is Jerusalem. In a number of other places, the scroll of Esther is also read on the 15th of Adar because of a doubt. In those communities, the essential observance of Purim is fixed for the 14th of Adar (since this is when everyone reads the Megilah) and though the reading of the Megilah is repeated on the 15th, the bracha which precedes the Megilah reading is not recited. The Observance of the Day There are four mitzvot which on Purim: the reading of the Megilah, festivity and rejoicing, the sending of gifts and gifts to the poor.
Hebrew legacy. This lineage was promised to Abraham by God in the Bible: "I will make your descendants as many as the stars of heaven and the grains of sand on the seashore... All the nations of the world shall bless themselves by your descendants, as a reward for your obedience." (Gen.22:17-18). The third major nation to attack the House of Israel was Babylon. One hundred years after the northern tribes fell to the Assyrians, Nebuchadnezzar led the forces of Babylon into Jerusalem and carried away the last two tribes (Judah and Benjamine), transporting them to the banks of the Euphrates where they were held in bondage for seventy years. This event created the base on which the the Bible has brought to a focus every attack ever made against the House of Israel. Babylon's very name has become the scriptural cryptogram for all empires opposing God's people. As a result, most of us now see Babylon and the work of Satan in synonymous terms. The destruction of Babylon by Persia, (announced the night before it happened by Daniel) presages the ultimate destruction of this sinful world by eastern forces in the last days; and the Persian decree which set the Jews free from Babylon, anticipates a future declaration that will end Babylon's reign over Israel forever. The fourth assault against the House of Israel came from Persia itself. This attack, documented in the Bible's Book of Esther, came in the form of a Persian proclamation sentencing all Jews to death -- a sentence typifying Satan's own decree. In the pages of the Book of Esther we are shown vivid symbols of the hierarchy of God's kingdom and it's principle figures. In this story the king alludes to Jesus; the first wife (Vashti) to the old creation; the new bride (Esther) to the new creation; her guardian (Mordecai) to Michael the Archangel; and the wicked prince trying to exterminate the Jewish race (Haman) to Satan and his Beast. The book unfolds its analogy in an allegorical format; and it culminates in the ultimate salvation of the people of God from a death sentence initiated by Haman -- a high official in the Persian court -- a man who is ultimately put to death on the very gallows he built to destroy the Hebrew race. These circumstances not only duplicate the biblical image of the House of Israel under siege by Satan (the 'Accuser' who has condemned us before God and petitioned for our deaths) they bring into focus the actions of the Rebel to come who will duplicate all these things one final time at the end of the world. At that time, the whole tenant of the Bible's story of Esther will be repeated once again in a fatal decree which will be issued by the Rebel when he overthrows the church in Rome, taking back his throne; and then gathers his armies around Jerusalem in an attempt to make his dictum final. The fact that Haman (a non-Persian who had risen to the highest ranks of the Persian court) tried to use his office to exterminate the Jews as a race brings him into direct correlation with the northern prince at the end of time who will similarly vow to bring the House of Israel to the gallows of Jerusalem -- using troops from the very same nation. The fifth attack on the surviving tribes of the House of Israel came from Greece -- actually from the Syrian part of Alexander's Grecian empire. This assault was led by Antiochus IV Epiphanes and elements of it have been recounted throughout this book. That is because it was Antiochus who ordered the original abomination in the Jewish temple be erected, defiling the Hebrew sacrifice. In this action, Antiochus initiated the allegory which now defines the ultimate separation of the human race from its one and only shield against the Apocalypse -- the sacrificial peace treaty of Jesus Christ that holds back the terrible wrath of the last days. When the beast of the last days places iniquity on Christ's sacrifice, the entire allegory of Antiochus will be replicated, and there will be no clemency possible from the events which follow. The sixth of the seven empires was Rome itself. This is the nation which put Jesus on the cross and then later repented of its actions by ratifying the treaty of the cross. Within this treaty was structured the exodus of the millenium. Because of this, Rome brings us full circle. In the actions of Constantine we see a duplication of the edict of the Egyptian Pharoah who allowed the Israelites to leave Egypt in peace as they followed the road God created for them in Moses, leading to the Promised Land. With the Edict of Milan, the Roman emperor Constantine allowed the Christians to live in peace in his empire and to preach the Gospel of Christ without hindrance from the government. This allowance enabled those who chose to live and preach in Christ, the opportunity to do so, creating the spiritual exodus the Bible was written to expedite. At the end of the Exodus, however, Pharaoh had a sudden change of heart and sent his troops to attack the rearguard of the departing Israelites. This attack brings us to the seventh emperor -- to the head which had not yet come when John wrote down his words. And then to the eighth -- the duplicate. When paganism returns to rule the earth, it's reign will eventually center in the city of Rome. Just as Babylon itself became the cryptogram for the beast and all of its heads, Rome has fallen heir to the fulfillment of these prophecies, because it is in this city that Satan will set up his final throne. While Rome is portrayed as Babylon in the prophecies of John, and the Rebel depicted as a Roman emperor, Daniel's prophecies focus on a 'prince of Persia' who will come out of the east in the image of Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Since the Rebel of the last days will conform to everything written about him in scripture, he must be seen in both contexts. One aspect of his rule involving Rome and the other encompassing the eastern world. Satan's rule is not just in Italy. Satan exists in every nationality on the planet because he rules everyone on the earth who is not committed to Jesus Christ. The key to these two images (Babylon and Persia) is paganism. John's vision and Daniel's vision coalesce in pagan government, and since it is this that continues while the 'heads' of the beast come and go, we must assume that the true 'beast' is Satan's kind of empire. The beast itself is something that has the capacity to outlive earthly human beings and even earthly empires. Together, all these empires and their kings are a part of each other and so they all form the one 'beast' which is pagan government at war with God. The beast is a lawless world at odds with God and committed to the destruction of God's people. As such, the beast has been around for thousands of years. And each of its heads represent the various kings and empires who have committed themselves to carry out Satan's war against the House of Israel. When Theodosus outlawed paganism in the Roman empire and declared Christianity the only true religion of God, he ended the world-rule of the beast and replaced it with the world-rule of Jesus Christ. This was a major happening in the world. With his sword (the word of God) Jesus inflicted what the Bible calls 'a mortal wound' on the pagan Roman empire -- dooming the sixth 'head' of the beast. What Christ's mortal wound destroyed was the adverserial relationship between the House of Israel and world government. The disintegration of a Roman empire hostile to God effectively ended pagan rule in the world and initiated an era of Christian rule in its place, and this created the millenium. The wound Jesus administered was proved mortal the moment Theodosus issued his proclamation outlawing any form of pagan worship in the empire, and commanding the entire world to worship Jesus Christ. Only nineteen years after this proclamation was announced, The barbarians of Germany overthrew Rome militarily, proving physically what had just occurred spiritually. The sixth head of the beast had been destroyed. The Roman empire of the Caesar's was gone -- spiritually and physically. In its place, the spiritual 'invasion' from the North which Jeremiah so clearly predicted, had begun. (Jer.1:14-15). The 'lost tribes' of Israel began returning in spirit to rebuild in Christ the Jerusalem which they had left in ruins because of their sins. This was not a physical return. It was entirely a spiritual return. These converts did not go to the Jerusalem in Palestine and rebuild a major Christian city there. This was a rejuvenation of ethical behavior, and so constituted a spiritual return to God. They rebuilt themselves in the ethic of Jesus, creating an invisible city in heaven. The conversion of the Lost Tribes of Israel also constituted a spiritual exchange of leadership roles over the House of Israel. The Jews who had previously headed these twelve tribes were dismissed from the management office by God for a lack of faith, and their influence was immediately overwhelmed by an immense Christian body that grew meteorically to mammoth size, soon outnumbering the people of Judah by a hundred to one. Taking away the Jewish reigns, and heralding the message of God's treaty of peace for a rebellious mankind, this immense Christian Church quickly became the dominant theological force on the planet, and the divinely designated spokesperson for the House of Israel on earth -- two roles it has retained virtually to the present day. The Roman persecutions ended for the most part soon after the empire converted to Christianity, but the Church never went back to Palestine. It has remained bound to 'Babylon' by the will of God since the day of the crucifixion. (Jer.29:4-10). The Holy Spirit has made this obvious by structuring the headquarters of the largest Christian Church in the city of Rome and keeping it there for almost 20 centuries. According to prophecy, this Babylonian exile is to remain in place until the day the Prince of Persia appears and cuts the tie. This means that the Roman empire in God's eyes has continued uninterrupted all this time; surviving in a converted form through its committment to Jesus Christ. The image is that of a Babylon being ruled by the people of Christ from that day to this -- a period of time constituting on earth, Christ's millenial rule. We can see evidence of this by the fact that even though Germans took control of Rome in 410 A.D., their descendants never renamed the empire in their country's own image, but chose the name 'Holy Roman Empire' instead -- acquiescing their own heritage in favor of one defined in God's Son. That is why so few people today are aware of the fact that the Holy Roman empire was in reality a German kingdom. While the influence of Jesus has been the leading export of Rome since the days of Constantine, the city of Rome itself remained subservient to a great host of German monarchs -- from 410 A.D. all the way up to the nineteenth century. Because these German kings chose not to tamper with the rule of Christ, the overwhelming image that emanated from Rome throughout the Germanic rule was the power on earth of Jesus' Church. At the end of Christ's reign on earth, when this Christian rule over Babylon is scheduled to collapse, the last two 'heads', according to John, will make their appearance. John said they were standing by, just waiting for the appropriate time. Because so little is said about the seventh head in scripture we know very little about it; but it seems likely that this is the empire designed to prepare the way for paganism's return to power. Given the state of the world today, it is almost certain that the seventh head has already come and gone. We will explore this in more detail in the next chapter. The eighth head, of course, will end the world. As we can see all around us now, under the influence of Satan, Christianity is beginning to fail. The mortal wound inflicted by Christ on paganism has begun to heal. World government has abandoned Jesus and that alone constitutes the revolt that will destroy the millenium, because it has brought to an end the world rule of Christ. This sudden religious reversal by the western world has allowed pagan leaders to return to political power all across the earth. Not even the emperor Napoleon (who grabbed the crown of France out of the Bishop's hands and put it on his own head) would have been able to foresee how quickly those who came after him would take his lead and toss out the church. The collapse of Christian influence in world government began in earnest at the beginning of this century with the First World War and the communist revolution in Russia. And its ultimate death blow was delivered a few decades later by Adolph Hitler. The events of this century have ended the Church's 1700 year reign over the western world, and brought to a halt on earth the age of the 'iron scepter' of Christ. (Ps.2:8-12; Rv.2:26-29). From: |
Revelation (about Revelation)
# 18
Revelation prophecies designed to fail, and by not being sealed Grace unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
Not only prophecies for Nineveh failed in Jonah's
great fish story, but in 1Corinthians 13 it also says prophecies
shall fail, which would include those gloomy grace + law (worketh
wrath) sayings (plural) in Revelation, the only New Testament book
devoted to prophecy (specifically this prophecy of this/that), but
as if looking back (behind) instead of looking a head. And it seems
to me Revelation, called "this" book of prophecy,
was actually designed to fail, by not being sealed: "seal not
the sayings of the prophecy of this book" (Revelation 22:10)...
which is to say blessing (grace) + cursing (law) coming out the
same (JC = "the same") mouth "ought not so to
be" (James 3). Yet there will likely be a time of Sabbaths
shewdown where the pendulum swings from best of times to worst of
times (law worketh wrath), for many do not realize their better
law of Romans 8, such law<=law, gives place to law, and
compromise with law, have vested interests in law. For even
the better law is in Christ Jesus, not Jesus Christ.
The purpose of sealing is given in the book of Daniel, another book of doom and gloom prophecies destined to fail since "the time of the end" therein (Christ: the end of the law, abolition of all law, for being a ministration of condemnation and death: 2Cor 3) has already come (JC is come: 1Jn); And Daniel was told to shut and seal it, the book of law he was reading, which gave him Horeb-bull "night [darkness] visions" [fearful night mares]... Daniel 12: shut up and seal it, till the time of the end. Sealing with the king's ring signified whatever was written was absolute, irrevocable, even by the king (a good reason for a king to ponder things, look at all the evidence to be sure what's evident, before making any sealed decree). This was the law , witch "was, and is not", having been "abolished" (Eph 2), "done away" (1Cor 13; 2Cor 3), "blotted out" (Col 2), "taken out of the way" (Col 2), to "establish" grace; For it says in Hebrews 10: he taketh away the first (grace + law) that he might establish the second (grace); Since law and grace cannot coexist any more than life and death can co-exist. Similarily in the OT book of Esther a king sealed a decree that he could not withdraw. Revelation can, and shall fail, because prophecies shall fail, and this book of prophecy is not sealed. Even if it were sealed, we have examples in Daniel, Esther, and Jonah there is always a way to counteract the law with pure grace; For where sin (law) abounds, grace doth much more abound, and exceedingly much more sow that law pales to nothing at all in comparison, as night glory of moon and stars vanish when it comes to day glory of sun. In each case grace changed the outcome set in motion by grace + law, from bleak to alls well that ends well. Biblical examples shew us repentance is simply flushing law (dung) to have merciful grace. If we considered law a support under a high and mighty structure called the letter of prophecy, and we knocked out this support, the structure comes falling down like the twain towers of WTC in New York at 9/11. That is how we should perceive the law, and the letter of prophecy thereof, in Revelation, because the testimony of Jesus Christ is the "spirit" of prophecy (Revelation 19:10), not the letter nor the spirit giveth life + the letter killeth (2Cor 3). We could also perceive it, as in the end of the movie Merlin , where the evil one, and results of such like, "vanish" (the law is now so "old", it is ready to "vanish": Heb 8:13, and shall "vanish": 1Cor 13:8) when such is no longer acknowledged (cast down every imagination contrary to the knowledge of God: grace is sufficient), turned away from (from such turn away), given no place (neither give place to the devil). For as it is written, in Romans, we are delivered from law worketh wrath, not unto law as sacrificial victims, and it's by grace we are saved, specifically the (pure) grace of our Lord Jesus Christ , which is why the Holy Bible ends with: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen. From:
We will examine
one of Ezekiel's more mysterious writings Gog and Magog. In Ezekiel
39:21 of our Old Testament lesson, God Himself declares: "all the
nations shall see My judgment which I have executed." Which
judgment is the Lord referring to? Clearly He is referring to the
sweeping battle just chronicled by Ezekiel in chapters 38-39, the
struggle between God's people and the sinister Gog, ruler of Magog.
Who is Gog? Ezekiel 38:10 let's us read his thinking: "On that day it shall come to pass that thoughts will arise in your mind, and you will make an evil plan: You will say, "I will go up against a land of unwalled villages; I will go to a peaceful people, who dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates to take plunder and to take booty, to stretch out your hand against a people gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods, who dwell in the midst of the land." As we see from these words, the plan of Gog is to murder the people of Israel and steal all their possessions. What happens when Gog tries to put his plan into action? Ezekiel says: "And it will come to pass at the same time, when Gog comes against the land of Israel, says the Lord God, "that My fury will show in My face. I will call for a sword against Gog throughout all My mountains," says the Lord God. Every man's sword will be against his brother. And I will bring him to judgment with pestilence and bloodshed; I will rain down on him, on his troops, and on the many people who are with him, flooding rain, great hailstones, fire, and brimstone" (Ezekiel 38:18-22). What will take place after this judgment of God against Gog and his followers? The Lord states in Ezekiel 39:11: "It will come to pass in that day that I will give Gog a burial place there in Israel, the valley of those who pass by east of the sea; and it will obstruct travelers, because there they will bury Gog and all his multitude. Therefore they will call it the Valley of Hamon Gog." So that is a sketch of the judgment against Gog. It was a judgment that couldn't have come at a better time. God had brought His people into captivity. Due to their sin and unfaithfulness, He had punished the Israelites. Unarmed and captive, the condition of God's children was one of weakness and vulnerability. Like a hungry lion that spies a baby gazelle, Gog sees the utter weakness of the Israelites and moves in for the kill. It doesn't work. At the very moment when Gog and Magog are on the verge of annihilating the house of Israel, the Lord intervenes and delivers His people. The moment that Gog and his army are poised to massacre the helpless; they themselves end up as a massive array of corpses, scattered on the face of the earth. Just when Gog and his troops are salivating over the plunder of Israel; they themselves are plundered. Now we come to a difficult question. When does this battle that Ezekiel describes between Gog and the Church take place? Is there a historical fulfillment we can point to? Some commentators don't think so. They insist that Ezekiel's prophecy is strictly symbolic, or mythological. It never took place, never will, and the best we can do is enjoy it as a figurative victory of God over His enemies. Others prefer a historical fulfillment. They try to detect a realization of the Gog and Magog story in Israel's struggle against the Assyrians; or against Judah's encounter with the Babylonians; the Maccabees' struggle against the Roman tyrant Antiochus Epiphanies. Then there have been countless attempts to see a contemporary fulfillment of Gog and Magog. Medieval theologians asserted that Gog and Magog must correspond to Atilla the Hun and the ravages of the barbarians, or Genghis Khan and the terror of his Mongols. Martin Luther thought that Gog and Magog pointed to the Church's struggle against the Pope and Islam. Since Gog and Magog are mentioned in Revelation chapter 20, today's Dispensationalists tend to see fulfillment in the near future. In this view Gog and Magog appear at the end of the seven year Tribulation. Either the Russian army comes down against Israel, or the Islamic nations do. Possibly the most persuasive and satisfying interpretation regards the first fulfillment of Ezekiel's Gog and Magog narrative in the book of Esther. [See James B. Jordan, "The Battle of Gog and Magog" in Biblical Horizons, Nos. 2 and 3. The web site address is: Also Gary DeMar's Last Days Madness; 1999; pp. 363-9. Other commentaries consulted: Keil and Delitzsch, Iain Duguid, Daniel Block, Fairbairn, Lind, and Schroeder. Duguid's is by far the best. Rearden's quote from St. James Daily Devotional Guide. The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt by Edmund Morris, and The Rough Riders by Theodore Roosevelt.] What are the connections between Gog and Magog of Ezekiel, and the events of Esther? There are several. The regions involved in both passages encompass the extensive boundaries of the Persian Empire. So there is a geographical similarity. Then, the plunder idea is analogous: in both texts evil tyrants try to plunder the Church and instead are plundered themselves. What's more, the quantity of soldiers killed is commensurate; a huge number expire in both accounts. Furthermore, both Ezekiel and Esther highlight the burial of the dead. Ezekiel 39:11 tells us that Gog and his followers were buried in the Valley of "Hamon Gog." That is interesting. When the prophet Ezekiel tells us that the dead were interred at the Valley of Hamon Gog, maybe that is Ezekiel's way of uniting Haman with Gog. Thus, Haman is Gog, Gog is Haman, and Ezekiel's portrayal of Gog and Magog is a prophecy of what would happen after Esther became queen, a prophecy that has already been fulfilled. Probably the most striking and memorable passage of Ezekiel has to do with the valley of bones. Ezekiel was given a vision of many dry, bleached, bones scattered over the land. That mystic vision is depicted on the stain-glassed window on the south wall. While Ezekiel watched, the bones gradually take on flesh, then life and breath, and the bodies stand up and walk. It is a graphic picture of the outpouring of God's Spirit along with resurrection of the dead. In the battle of Gog and Magog, the opposite happens. The flesh of the enemy troops deteriorates, and God leaves their bones scattered over the earth. The entire story told by Ezekiel and Esther points to God's sovereignty. God declares in Ezekiel 39:23: "The Gentiles shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity; because they were unfaithful to Me, therefore I hid My face from them. I gave them into the hand of their enemies, and they all fell by the sword." How can we observe God's sovereignty in these things? We see God's control of history by the way He sent His people into captivity. He hid His face from them. He let them suffer in bondage, and as a result they became easy prey for their enemies. During this season of Lent it is good to remember the hot anger and fiery wrath of God. He hates sin and unfaithfulness with a perfect hatred. His judgment is dreadful. Therefore, God's will for us is not always peace and prosperity, happiness and comfort. He may want to toughen and improve us with trials and tribulation, even death and torture. Through it all, in our darkest hours, we must cling to Him. Such trust in the midst of pain is one of the ways that God sets forth His glory. Let's read Ezekiel 39:25-29 to see another angle on God's sovereignty. First, Ezekiel tells us about God's punishment upon His people. Now he speaks of the Lord's compassion. God brings His people back to the land. After the Church repents of her unfaithfulness and becomes ashamed of Her wrongdoing, God restores His church and revives her. God says: "I will not hide My face from them anymore; [I will pour out my Spirit on them]." First God poured out His wrath, then He poured out His Spirit. The drama of Gog and Magog was first fulfilled during the life of Queen Esther. But Genesis chapter 10 tells about Magog, and St. John's mention of Gog and Magog in Revelation 20 suggests that Gog is a permanent threat (Rev. 20:8). Haman Gog is a symbol of those who would destroy the Church, and shatter our faith. The forces of evil will always attempt to crush the peace of God's people. Yet, if God is in control of our lives, and if He has poured out His Spirit on us, then we can expect the revival of our dry bones. Ezekiel is a word of hope to you today. No matter what the forces of evil may do, God's purpose and victory stand secure. The Church's conquest and yours is based on the Cross of Christ and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. You can be sure that the Holy Almighty will vanquish His enemies and receive the glory. If God can defeat Gog and Magog how much more can He take care of you? He has given you His Holy Spirit. Place your anxiety and despair in the Lord's all-controlling hands. Put your trials and fears in the radiance of His glory. Our Heavenly Father promises: "I will set my glory among the nations." The priority of God's glory may be the most important lesson we can learn on this Fourth Sunday in Lent. As we seek God's glory, our own selfishness and depression begin to retreat. Are you enjoying comfort and happiness? Give God the glory. Are you suffering pain and anguish? Give God the glory. Seek Him; find Him; cling to Him. Through it all, to the end, and forever, for He deserves the glory. From:
Prophecy 41 Will My Real Bride Please Stand Up! As Prophecy 46 was spoken and written on 9.17.00, I had 3 policemen surrounded my house in an unmarked white car pulled up in front of my house. I recognized the chief of police knocking on my door. My son saw another one in the back and another on the side of the house. He said he had come because of four 911 calls originating at that address. I told him I found that strange, because no one was here but my son and I was on the telephone at that time speaking to another friend. This actually happened minutes after I hung up the phone after reading the prophecy of "Don't Be Part of the Counterfeit Bride". Please pray for my protection. Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia. * * * * * * * My Bride cannot enter in without the fragrance of My anointing. You cannot overdue the fragrance of My anointing. You are to seek this higher anointing. Let it be known that no man or woman can give you this anointing, only My Sweet Holy Spirit can cleanse you with the sweet perfume of My anointing reserved for My bride. Prepare to go home and drench yourself in the power in the Holy Spirit's anointing. Put on your wedding gown. It is my robe of righteousness. I wore a crown of thorns ,you shall wear like a tiara a crown of My glory that is placed upon your head. As Esther prepared herself for the king, you are preparing yourself for THE KING OF KINGS, THE LORD OF LORDS, YOUR LORD GOD ALMIGHTY YAHSHUA IS MY NAME, AND I AM YOUR SOON COMING BRIDEGROOM! As a wedding announcements are sent forth, and invitations are sent, I too send forth My announcement by Gabriel blowing the shofar, and only those who are My bride will hear the announcement for My bride. It will be too late to think to get ready then ,so be prepared for the coming announcement, you'll either do it yourself or through My apostles and prophets. Heed My warning! Heed the warning that says I AM coming. It is an elopement, only because the Bridegroom knows for sure. Now go forth, be not ashamed and give the invitation. They're not amazed how many will refuse it. But grieve not but they did not fit or pass the question or the loyalty test or the love test or the sacrifice test, nor the obedience test. Therefore, they are unfit to be called My Bride. There will be those that will take the invitation and rip them up, they will be those that will take the invitation and put them on the shelf for a long time and never use it. Neither I will call Mine. My Bride has anxiously waited for Me and I'm coming to claim My Bride . I never see race or religion. Doesn't matter what your race or what your religion is, I seek a relationship with Me and I look for one thing, which is the color red which is My shed blood at Calvary. So I say again My home in Heaven will shortly be your home. You will be caught up to meet Me in the air to be drawn by My side while alive. My feet shall not touch the ground of the wicked world as it is now, so get ready My bride to be caught up while you are alive. Let them scoff and mock, I'm standing at the door and I'll knock. All they have to do is to open the door of their heart and repent and invite Me in and I am faithful and I will forgive them of all of their sins. Ask them, why do they want to be tortured in Hell or to be burnt in the lake of fire? It was not created for them. It was created for the evil ones. I paid the price at Calvary and to snatch from Satan's grip for all mankind to be set free. But I am a gentleman. I will not break down the door, I just knock and wait to be invited in. So one more time, to tell them that Lord Yahshua others call me Lord Jesus Christ is coming again. Tell My Bride I'm coming again to take her home. Prepare to go home for My home is your home. Prepare to come home, because I AM coming to take My bride home! Shortly you should hear Gabriel's horn, and you will be caught up to be by My side as I call you forth as My bride. You shall hear the words come hither like a voice of the archangel as he blows the shofar horn. Prepare to go home for I'm coming for My bride! One will be taken and the other left. Written on September 17, 2000 @ 6:15 pm. So it is spoken, so it is written. Given to this handmaiden Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia. From: Consider young Esther, brought into the king's household in preparation to potentially become the new queen. When she came into the palace, was she left on her own, or was she given whatever she needed to please the king and to become the queen?
ISRAEL: Jittery At Russian Bear's Return To Middle East by K. Gajendra Singh During his 4 day visit to Russia from 24 January, Syrian President Bashar Assad reiterated denial of a missiles deal with Moscow. But he defended Syria’s right to defend itself. He told the Moscow’s State Institute for Foreign Relations that "these are weapons for air defense, meant to prevent aircraft from intruding in our airspace". "If Israel objects to our acquisition of these defensive weapons, it is as if it is saying, 'We want to attack Syria but we do not want them to defend themselves. That's not logical.’" Reports of a deal have been circulating since weeks for low-level SA-18 missiles and long-range Iskandar-E missiles that can reach all targets in Israel including nuclear site at Dimona. The reports were denied earlier by Russian Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov on a visit to Washington. Ever since USA invaded Iraq in March 2003 , Syria has been repeatedly threatened both by Israel and USA . President Assad was furious when in 2003 , Israeli jets buzzed him in his palace in Damascus ,as a warning to rein in Hizbullah. The Jerusalem Post reported that Russia might not finalize the deal for shoulder-held anti-aircraft missiles during the visit , but a jittery Israel was concerned that Moscow could mount the missiles on armored personnel carriers and sell them a few months later. This would take care of Israeli and US objections that the missiles might fall into the hands of Hizbullah or Iraqi resistance. The Post reported last week that Russian President Vladimir Putin told Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in a telephone conversation that the sale was not imminent. To mark the first high level historic visit in decades , the Russians announced writing off 73 percent of $13.4 billion debt owed by Syria from the days of USSR . President Putin said that the debt write off created "opportunities for long-term cooperation." This certainly marks the return of the Russian bear from the cold and heralds revival of earlier military co-operation between the two countries , in a limbo since the collapse of the Soviet Union. A joint statement issued on 26 January included a conciliatory message to the U.S that both countries "vehemently condemn terror in all its forms and expressions, and affirm the strong need of the international community to channel its effort to fight effectively this dangerous challenge to the human race." But Assad invited Russia to the region because , "Russia has an enormous role, and has a lot of respect from Third World countries ... which really hope that Russia will try to revive the positions it used to hold," while talking to the university students, adding that U.S. foreign policy on Iraq policy was "disastrous." Russia seems to be returning to the Middle East .At the time of the first Gulf war, when Mikhael Gorbachev made attempts for a peaceful settlement before the land attack on Iraq in February ,1991 ,he was brushed aside by US President George HW Bush. The other main points of the joint statement are ; On Iraq , the two sides , while stressing commitment to Iraq's territorial integrity, sovereignty and security, asserted support to the political process underway in Iraq to achieve reconciliation and secure the rights of all Iraqis regardless of their religious or ethnic belonging in line with the UN resolution No. 1546 whose implementation creates the proper conditions for the foreign troops pullout from the country As for US unilateralism, they expressed confidence that the 21st century world system should be built on the international law, taking into consideration the interest of all countries and mechanisms of formulating unanimous stances to solve international issues through the pivotal role the UN assumes. On Israel’s reported nuclear stock pile and western countries crusade against weapons of mass destruction (WMDs ),Syria and Russia agreed to cooperate in the field of boosting international stability and preventing the proliferation of the WMDs, pointing to importance of commitment to the UN Security Council resolution No. 1540 and freeing the Middle East from all kinds of WMDs. The statement mocked at the US president’s daily lectures on spreading liberty, elections and democracy ."Democracy and reforms in the Middle East should be in line with the historical, spiritual and civilizational features of states and are strongly linked to the achievement of a just and comprehensive peace in the region," the statement added. Defence cooperation was muted in the phrase “ It underlined that two sides would develop traditional cooperation in the military technical field in a way that meets mutual concerns of both countries and their international commitments.” Visit sends shivers down the Israeli spine: Izvestia quoted Assad as saying that "during state visits we are absolutely not obliged to discuss the technical details of such contracts – whether we will buy or not buy, and what kinds of weapons we will buy." Itar-Tass quoted Putin as telling his cabinet Monday that Assad's "visit to Moscow is one of the remarkable international events this week." Putin said that he recently discussed the situation in the Middle East with Sharon, and said: "Russia is an active participant in the settlement of the Middle East issue." The Syrian track, he said, "is one of the most serious directions in the Middle East settlement." Commenting on the visit , a jittery Jerusalem Post , while describing Russian role in the region , moaned ,” Russia's planned sale of SA-18 missiles to Syria looms ominously as a throwback to the Brezhnev era's most misguided attitudes. Economically, Syria is a basket case whose debt-return record must make one doubt its financial commitments. Ideologically, Syria remains part of the terrorist internationale which has repeatedly victimized Russia. And diplomatically, arming Damascus while Washington suspects it of fueling the war on its troops in Iraq brings to mind memories of Russia's role in the Vietnam and Korea wars. “ President Vladimir Putin has earned himself a reputation as a
rational man out to restore Russia's global stature. In itself, this is
a worthy goal. However, by pandering to regimes such as Assad's, not
only will Putin not have restored Russia's clout, he will convince
people that he has learned nothing from his Soviet predecessors'
downfalls. He will also make people reconsider their impression of his
rationalism.” But then where would Israel be without massive annual US aid.
Would it not be a basket case too ! Israel controls US legislators by
openly interfering in US elections. Israeli policies were not even
mentioned in the many debates recently between the two US Presidential
candidates. It has literally USA’s UN veto on command for all its
illegal and immoral actions. So it can blithely ignore the Hague
International Court’s decision on encroaching on the territory of
occupied West Bank. It openly assassinates Hamas leaders and had even
threatened to kill Arafat too, but for the furor it would have created . Or for that matter take another basket case and the massive aid to Pakistan, which continues to allow its territory to be used for training and recruitment of Jihadis, who attack Indian territory . Pakistan President Gen Pervez Musharraf was suitably compensated for restraining the Talibans and warlords for letting the elections be held peacefully in Afghanistan so that Hamid Karzai could become the President. Such farcical elections are then cited as spreading of liberty abroad, to protect liberty at home in USA. And soon there would be the first” real secret elections” in Iraq , where the candidates , polling stations , everything remains a secret! Syrian strategic analyst Gamal Barout said recently that “Back in 2001 the Russian side showed a desire for a strategic alliance with Damascus , but traditional government wrangling poured cold water on the bid. Now, Syria needs Moscow to stave off European-American pressures.” In September last year , the UN Security Council adopted a resolution put forward by the US and France, demanding the withdrawal of foreign forces from Lebanon and non-interference in the Lebanese presidential elections. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warned recently that Damascus faced new sanctions because of “its suspected interference in Iraq and ties to terrorism”. As a riposte the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Yakovenko described Syria as one of its “most important partners” in the Middle East. He added that, “It's well known that slapping labels on countries and unilaterally describing certain states as part of the 'axis of evil' has not improved anyone's security,” While an impoverished Syria needs to maintain and modernize its army , Russia also needs a foothold in the Middle East in view of the security and strategic significance of the region and the Euro-American competition. The revival of the old strategic alliance is mutually beneficial. An expert said “Moscow has been facing several problems recently. It realized that Washington had gone too far in extending its influence at the expense of Russia “-Washington was seeking to encircle Moscow, one way or the other. Syrian journalist Hayan Niouf said that Syria can also play a positive role in pushing for Moscow's active role if not membership in the Organization of Islamic Conference( OIC), in exchange for Russian political support in the UN and Security Council. Russia with a population of tens of millions of Muslims was invited as a guest at the last OIC summit in Malaysia. But not India which has over 130 million Muslims citizens , second only to Indonesia .With distrust of US government and its policies by many Muslim nations , even some US allies and friends , and hatred against USA in the Muslim Ummah , OIC would be happy to give a bigger role to Russia. Assad’s
Visit to China :
Assad has been trying hard to come out of the suffocating strait
jacket that the Israeli and US policies have boxed it in . US sanctions,
signed into law in end 2003, included a near-blanket ban on US exports
to Syria and the power to freeze Syrian assets in the United States.
Except for food and medicines and items intended for certain exempt
entities all US exports to Syria, estimated at some $ 100million a year,
were banned. The US also banned the exportation of "dual-use"
technology and restricted over flight rights for Syrian aircraft over US
airspace. Last June Assad visited China, the first ever by a Syrian head of
state . A more liberal politician in economic field too than his late
father Hafez Assad , the visit was also for learning from China’s
economic revolution . Editor-In-Chief of Syria’s state-run Al-Thawra
newspaper remarked that the landmark visit demonstrated Damascus’
keenness to follow in the footsteps of Beijing’s open-door economic
policy, growth rates and political reforms. Syria was also interested in
acquiring technology from China . Chinese Foreign Minister Zhaoxing Li , while welcoming the visit
endorsed Syria’s right to the occupied Golan Heights, and described
the US sanctions on Syria a double standards policy. A Chinese diplomat
in Damascus also highlighted the military cooperation between both
countries, pointing to the mutual visits of military delegations. Syria
of course has energy resources and many European and even Asian oil
giants have shown interest in bidding for oil and gas contracts
following with drawl by US companies. Of course China is too far and not interested in upsetting USA ,
not yet , but would be happy if others cause problems for USA. It is
accumulating US dollars and waiting for its chance. But it was Israel’s Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom who first
admited that Israel did ask Russia to halt the deal. ``We turned to the
Russians and asked that they not complete this deal,'' said Shalom.
``Syria is a country that supports terror and is supplying Hezbollah
with weapons nonstop.'' He
added that the sale ``will disrupt regional stability and won't improve
the chances for peace.'' Israeli analyst Gerald Steinberg said the reported sales came as a
surprise because the Syrians did not
have money to buy Russian weapons. "If this report is true, it is
very problematic and will pose a challenge to Israeli military
planners," added Steinberg. The Jerusalem Post cited top Israeli
diplomatic officials as saying that Israel asked the United States to
pressurize Russia to scrap the deal claiming that the missiles could be
smuggled into Iraq and endanger the U.S. forces there. For Israel and US it would be an adverse development in the wake of deteriorating situation around Iraq, but Moscow has made the point and more. Russia would not be pushed around by US led western efforts to squeeze it out in Ukraine or Georgia , lectured on sale of Russian oil giant Yukos and support to insurgency in Chechnya. US Nato ally Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayib Erdogan , recently completed his return visit to Moscow , soon after Putin’s postponed visit to Ankara last month, the first ever since President Podgorny’s visit in early 1970s. While relations between Turkey and USA have cooled down primarily because of differences over US led invasion of Iraq , Turkey is coming closer to its historical enemy Russia. In 1999 Ankara had threatened invading Syria if it did not expel Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan (which it did , and he was captured and imprisoned in Turkey), but since then relations between Syria and Turkey have warmed up , with exchange of visits by Assad and Erdogan. After exchange of visits by Erdogan and Iranian President Mohammed Khatami to Ankara , relations between them ,historically soured by Shia’ Sunni rivalry and enmity are also improving following US led invasion next door in Iraq and the consequent turmoil and chaos in the region. Neo-cons in US are itching to attack Iran .The situation is going to get worse. At the same time relations between Turkey and Israel which were quite close during the cold war and became almost like allies after the fall of the Berlin Wall , have deteriorated recently , with Erdogan accusing Israel of state terrorism in Occupied territories .Turkey also asked Israel to leave Kurdish North Iraq alone where Mossad has been training Kurdish peshmergas to operate in the neighbourhood, specially in Iran and Syria. Turmoil in North Iraq has always adversely affected its own Kurdish South East. In old days Turkey would have vehemently opposed missile sales to Syria Why is Putin angry: Speaking to media in Moscow end last month , Putin, expressed his anger at the West , whether it was about the latter’s encouragement to insurgency in Chechnya or a string of US led Western “ franchised “ successes in getting anti-Russian leaders elected in its strategic neighbourhood , ie ‘rose revolution “ in Georgia in November , 2003 and “ orange revolution “in even more vitally important Ukraine in the recent long drawn out battle , in which finally anti-Russian Victor Yushchenko won. His utterances and appointment of anti-Russian Ms Tymoshenko as Prime Minister are open provocations. Putin said last month that, "Every country has the right to choose the development path it considers best, including in organising its political system." Referring to US criticism of 21 November elections in Ukraine (Powell said US would not accept them), he retorted that he was not ecstatic about what happened there (USA) “ Do you think that the electoral system in the United States is entirely flawless? “"Do I have to recall the last elections in the United States or the one before?" he added. He also ridiculed the Texan judge’s ruling on the sale of the Russian oil giant Yukos. He also lambasted the scheduled 30 January elections in Iraq saying that “it could not be fair while the country remained occupied by US-led forces “ . Russia , in spite of US pressure , is going ahead with cooperation in setting up nuclear power stations in Iran . China recently signed a major long term agreement with Iran for energy purchase and development of Iranian oil and gas sector . Energy hungry China and India are aggressively bidding for investment and development of Yukos energy assets. US Reaction; Before the Russian denial, while describing Russian arms sales to
Syria as speculative, State Department Spokesman Richard Boucher made it
clear that the United States was opposed in principle to all arms sales
to Syria .He added that the Russian entities involved in such a sale
would be subject to U.S. sanctions under a law aimed at curbing the flow
of arms to countries on the terrorism list. The proposed sale has
injected tensions not only in Russian-Israel relations but with USA as
well. Israel said that the missiles might end up in the hands of
Lebanese Hezbollah guerrillas Hezbollah, which is close to Syria ,
fought an 18-year guerrilla war against Israeli forces in south Lebanon,
firing rockets at northern Israel until 2000 and threatens to do so ,
say the Israelis. The developments might bring some restraint over a reckless
Israeli policy pursued by Ariel Sharon. The missiles deal would beef up
Syria’s air defenses and discourage Israel making regular threats to
Syria. Moscow Daily Kommersant said that Damascus asked for 18 Iskander
missiles in August but were told they were not been fully tested. The
Syrians have now been told that the missiles were ready. Israel asked for U.S. intervention in stalling the deal . David
Siegel, a spokesman for the Israeli Embassy in Washington, said,
"The reports in this regard are very disturbing and, as in other
cases with strategic implications. We conduct an ongoing dialogue with
the administration." The SA-18s are among the most sophisticated
shoulder-held anti-aircraft missiles. Ideal weapon for militants,
analysts said the United States might be concerned that Iraqi insurgents
might get their hands on them, threatening U.S. warplanes in Iraq. This
palpably is an Israeli line. The discussions, decisions and perceptions of Assad’s visit to Russia are the first stirrings of the Russian bear , which was sent into hibernation after USSR’s power was dismantled by a naïve Gorbachev , without leveraging anything in return, and a drunk or drugged Yeltsin then set Russia on the road to economic ruin , robbing of public property , which saw the emergence of over a score of US$ billionaires in ten years time . One of them Yukos CEO Mikhail Khodorkovskii wanted to go beyond even the current capitalism ethos in USA where military- industry and energy corporate interests support Presidential candidates who later implement their policies .Mr Khodorkovskii wanted to telescope the process and planned to fight for elections for Russian Presidency . Vladimir Putin a Karate blue belt young leader has learnt first hand, strategic threats instigated at home in Chechnya, Beslan, or in near abroad Azerbaijan, Georgia and now in too close to comfort Ukraine , verily a historical part of its own. In a press conference on Wednesday President Bush cited Ukraine as a shining example of march of democracy, where US and western institutes openly supported the US leaning new President Yushchenko , reportedly with a sum totaling nearly US$ 60 million. Putin has come of age . He no longer trusts Bush, who once looked into heart and found a friend. Russia is still a world nuclear power and can defend itself and its interests. A majority of the nations, almost all Muslim countries, even US allies and clients oppose US’s unilateralist policies and targeting of Muslims. Russia has accumulated in its stabilization fund more than 500 billion rubles ($16.7 billion) because of unprecedented global oil prices. The oil prices are not likely to go down. So its economic situation would remain quite stable. (K
Gajendra Singh is currently chairman of the Foundation for Indo-Turkic
Studies. The views expressed here are his own.-
The Gog-Magog Invasion of Israel Copyright © 1998-2004 Atlantis Station - - All Rights Reserved Ezekiel chapters 38-39 prophesy that several Arab and North African nations will rally together in the latter days and mount a massive military operation against the Nation of Israel. Despite the fall of the Berlin Wall and the "collapse" of communism, Ezekiel prophesies that a "hook in the jaw" will be placed in Russia's mouth and she will be dragged into this war virtually against her will. It will not be her smartest move. It will be the end of her armed forces. Fifthly, the Ezekiel invasion is destroyed through convulsions of nature; the Armageddon invasion is destroyed by the personal Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Ezekiel Chapter 38 (KJV)
HISTORY/WAR: History of Israel
The folks over at Setting the World to Rights are still going strong with their pro-Israel but warts-and-all history-of-Israel series; the first chapter covered 70AD-1921, and chapters 2-5 cover 1923-56. There was some interesting stuff there I hadn't known, including some vivid accounts of the 1948 war. I'm sure some of their accounts are controversial -- in Israel, everything's controversial -- but it reads like a good primer if you're unfamiliar with the history. From:
THE SKUNK AND ISRAEL Israel makes "skunk bomb" for Palestinian protests August 25,
2004 JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel's army has developed a pungent new weapon for driving back Palestinian protesters -- the skunk bomb. The stink bomb, containing a synthetic version of the odor skunks release to deter predators, has been developed for breaking up protests and stone-throwing confrontations without causing casualties, security officials said Wednesday. The foul-smelling weapon was invented as part of efforts to replace rubber bullets, which have killed scores of Palestinians during a nearly four-year-old uprising. The new device, which is not yet operational, releases a cloud so pungent that according to initial tests it permeates clothes for five years, the officials said.
Palestinians said such a
weapon could be particularly unpleasant for devout Muslims since they
cannot pray with clothes that smell and would have to throw them away.
Israel's army has often been
accused of using excessive force in fighting the Palestinian uprising
and security officials said it was trying to work with foreign and
local firms to develop nonlethal measures.
Another weapon which is close
to being operational is a fiberglass tank shell that disintegrates in
the air, causing an enormous explosion but no casualties.
At least eight Palestinians were killed in May when a tank fired a shell too close to a crowd in the Gaza Strip that the army was trying to disperse.
No country in the world is more synonymous with armored warfare than Israel. And with good reason: no country is more dependent for its very survival on the quality of its armored formations. Thus armed with the experience of almost 30 years of tank warfare, and with full knowledge of its needs, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) has come up with a marvel of tank engineering that boasts firsts in a number of categories: the world's only Main Battle Tank (MBT) with a forward mounted engine, and the world's only MBT capable of carrying an infantry squad or performing crew/ casualty extrication under battlefield conditions, to name a few. And that's not mentioning its impressive array of weaponry, and its fully integrated battlefield information recording and distribution system. Meet the Merkava, a tank that truly belongs in the digital age. The driving factor in the Merkava's development was crew survival, followed by firepower, and then mobility. The engine for example, is mounted in front, where its mass serves as additional armor. While a penetrating hit to the front might disable the tank, the crew will survive (it takes several weeks to fabricate a new engine; it takes several years to fabricate a new tank crew). All main gun ammunition is stored in the hull, below the turret ring (where it is protected not only by the thicker hull armor, but by earth as well, when the tank is "dug in" in a hull down defensive position). Not only does the Merkava carry more tank ammunition than any modern MBT (the Merkava MK1 carried 85 rounds of 105mm ammunition), but the ammunition is also stored in removable modules. This, coupled with the fact that the Merkava comes with a rear access hatch in the hull means that ammunition modules could be removed to create space to enable a Merkava to safely recover a tank crew stranded in a disabled vehicle. Alternatively, Infantry can be carried in the Merkava's expanded crew compartment, thus providing the tank with an added measure of protection in urban or built-up areas. See:,14632,Soldiertech_Merkava,,00.html
Israel and Syria: Correcting the RecordBy Stephen S. RosenfeldFriday, December 24, 1999; Page A15 The Syrian foreign minister came off as the skunk at the picnic for using the reopening of talks with Israel to speak harshly of his would-be peace partner. But at least some of what he said--calling Israel's fabled Gen. Moshe Dayan as a witness in Syria's favor, for instance--was fair and to the point and needs to be absorbed on all sides to help propel the negotiations forward. Minister Farouk Charaa addressed a core cause of more than 1,000 armed clashes between Israel and Syria in 1948-67: the Israeli contention that the Syrians, sitting on the Golan Heights, repeatedly shelled Israel's farms and settlements below in the Galilee and its water projects in the Huleh valley. This shelling--in the common Israeli and American view--is what gave Israel its rationale for capturing the Golan Heights in the 1967 war. The disposition of this land is what the current peace talks are about. Except, to cite Moshe Dayan, it didn't happen just that way. In 1976 Dayan gave an extraordinary interview to Israeli journalist Rami Tal but embargoed it. He died in 1981. Only on April 27, 1997, did his daughter Yael, a Labor parliamentarian, release it. It was not new news in Israel, but it made a stir. It made practically no stir in this country; I missed it at the time. Said Dayan: "I made a mistake in allowing the [Israeli] conquest of the Golan Heights. As defense minister I should have stopped it because the Syrians were not threatening us at the time." The attack proceeded, he went on, not because Israel was threatened but because of pressure from land-hungry farmers and army commanders in northern Israel. "Of course [war with Syria] was not necessary. You can say the Syrians are bastards and attack when you want. But this is not policy. You don't open aggression against an enemy because he's a bastard but because he's a threat." About those shellings: Syria shelled and otherwise emanated cold hostility. But, Dayan told his interviewer, "at least 80 percent" of two decades of border clashes were initiated by Israel. "We would send a tractor to plow some [disputed] area . . . and we knew in advance that the Syrians would start to shoot. If they didn't shoot, we would tell the tractor to advance further, until in the end the Syrians would get annoyed and shoot. And then we would use artillery and later the air force also, and that's how it was." So, on the authority of what you could call an impeccable Israeli source, the situation is very different from what is commonly portrayed. Israel, with an appetite for land, for political profit and for strategic depth, was in the Golan instance--not in all instances--an aggressor, not the victim of aggression. In turn, the Dayan testimony largely supports the Syrian foreign minister's assertion the other day, and earlier, that "it was the other [Israeli] side who insisted on provoking the Syrians until they clashed together and then claimed that the Syrians are the aggressors." Well, you may say, this is the way the game was played in the mean years of the Arab-Israeli conflict. It was hardball. Land, pride, strategic advantage: These were the stakes. Countries were prepared to fight repeatedly for them. Their public opinion congealed around the expectation of war. Peace was simply not seen as a realistic option. Fortunately, things are different now, thanks to 25 years of American-sponsored diplomacy and much else. People remember, though, and peoples remember. As Israel has its own occasions to know, to be a victim of aggression burns deeply, the more so when your pain is generally unacknowledged and politically all but invisible. In Israel's case, Arab threats to its viability and its very existence kindled an intense combativeness only now tentatively yielding to the proposition that security can be served by accommodation as well as power. In Syria's case, its own inability to put on a civil public face has deprived it of the appreciation it might otherwise have expected as a sometime offended state; it is also, of course, a sometime offending state as well. It can be no surprise that Syria demands back all of its territory--territory it lost not to a failure of its own aggression but to a success of Israel's. Given the corrected record, it can hardly be without concern for its own ultimate security. Syria and Israel are entitled to have a mutual interest in security measures and in the political and economic initiatives that may by degrees shrink their hostility and make peace possible. (c) Copyright 1999 The Washington Post Company
11-17-92 - DREAM - I was at A-C working second shift. I met
a man from some Wine and Press Co I asked him how long he had been
working there. He reminded me that he had been working for Wine &
Press Co. I said, "Oh! I've been working here 2 years now and I
worked her for 10 years the time before." I asked him if he
thought that they would add the two together for seniority. He said he
thought they should.
I was walking down the aisle of a shop and a voice popped into my left ear. It was a man[s' voice and he was saying that a meeting was to be held at 8 p.m. in the evening and that he wanted just as many blue beeswax candles on the altar as the other kind. The voice faded out and I went to my desk. I was given some rolled up blueprints that I had to mail out and a dark blue sweatshirt, a little boy's size 2 to deliver. It was written on a yellow buckslip, that I should deliver it to 1621 Archie Ave. When I went outside, I was in Washington State in Sumner. I thought I knew where I was going, but I found myself in the alley of a bunch of houses and I knew it wasn't Archie St. I wondered if there was an Archie St. in Bonney Lake, but I didn't think so. NOTE: The name Archibald means ' bold ' in two languages, but it Teutonic, it means ' holy prince'. Interestingly enough the New Testament, thought first printed in 1614 was re-printed in 1621 The number 1621 in Strong's Concordance means : neck The symbol of the neck in the Bible is really important in the Old Testament. Until the time of Jacob, the Israelites had a plurality of gods; from Jacob (Isra-El), it was El; and from Moses onwards, it was Jahwe, with a frequent falling-off to other mythical gods. The prophet, Eli, (El-i), falling over backwards and breaking his neck, is symbolically considered to be the demise of El as the God of Israel. When the Babylonians captured and removed the Israelites to Babylon, (Book of Esther), the Israelites felt that Jahwe, who saved them from the Egyptians, had lost his power. They then discarded him to a large extent: the final eight books of the Old Testament barely refer to him; some not at all. Jesus stepped into this vacuum, but was rejected by the Israelites. That would fit the topic, but why was I in Washington State and what did it mean? The blueprints make sense, because I had designed the buildings for the community, using blueprints from books I sent for from Washington State log housing companies because it was my strongest desire to return there. What I just read about Jesus stepping into the vacuum brings up a whole new topic I hadn't even been able to analyze correctly it seems until just this moment. I've had several really good dreams with vacuum cleaners in them, and to me it just meant 'cleaning' the house, but when the dream is about a vacuum cleaner specifically, one has to know that there is more to it than just 'cleaning'. I recently had a dream in which I was vacuuming an apartment which
ultimately turned out to be the apartment of IESOUS (Jesus). Thus
I had created the vacuum into which IESOUS (Jesus) could step. |
Ascended Master Lanto - Lord of the Illumination Ray
Esther Commentary
An Exposition with Practical Observations