compiled by Dee Finney
- 9-11-01 - World Trade
Center Towers Attack
World Trade Center Towers
World Trade Center
Towers Number Symbolism
World Trade Center
Towers Dreams and Prophecy
Osama bin Laden tape transcript with dreams referenced
Prayer For Peace O Lord Jesus Christ, Who
said to Your Apostles: |
NOTE: Advertising for each person on this page, will be listed only once.
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus, Our God, and said: Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood. Jesus then said:
"Keep your eyes on the countries and individuals who do not believe in Me, who have not love and show no mercy. These are the proud, pompous, ego-filled humanity. Their god is evil, and they worship idols.
I will destroy their idols, make their land barren, and annihilate all memory of them. In these days, these times, I will fill their hearts with fear, giving them still more time to return to Me.
The devices they employ to make all life, all humanity suffer will revert back to them. Illnesses, germs, chemicals, insects and suffering will settle upon them. Natural calamities will I send. Havoc will run rampant in their land. They and their children will see and fear the wrath of God. These are My children who reject Me and continually disobey My commands. Evil possesses their hearts.
You, who love, adore, honor and believe in Me, I will bless and protect. You I will lead. Your lands I will make fruitful. I hear your voices in humble supplication. Your households I will bless and your children I will gather from East to West, and they will return.
You will have food and water, and thrive on the BREAD OF LIFE, and be cleansed by LIVING WATERS that flow from My side.
I will lead you by My Light and hold you up, lest you fall. I will protect all who belong to Me, and whose names appear in THE BOOK OF LIFE.
On the day of My return, My precious remnant will welcome Me; and they will see and enjoy the New Heaven and the New Earth that I have prepared for them.
Be patient, for time is short. Trust in Me. PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! Live love and mercy towards all. Fear not, My beloved ones. I will never leave you. I will never forget you. You are being tested, as I too was tested by Satan. Follow My example and send him off in My Name.
Your strength is in Me. I love you. I am all Mercy and Love. Seek Me only in these dark days. Speak to Me, for I hear the cry of the poor (in spirit)."
(End of message)
***----<****>----***Louise Starr Tomkiel is a Roman Catholic in good standing who has been receiving messages and visions since 1977.She has a grown daughter and two grandchildren.Louise also has two deceased sons.She resides in Levittown, Pennsylvania, and is a member of Our Lady of Fatima Light of the World Prayer Cenacle in nearby Bensalem, PA.Louise has a Spiritual Director for over twenty years and he is an Oblate of St. Francis DeSales, as well as a local S.D.
Hail, 0 sure refuge of sinners, whose mercy fails no one. Hear the
desires which I have of the Divine Wisdom; and for that end receive
the vows and offerings which in my lowliness I present to thee.
I; (Name), a faithless sinner, renew and ratify today in thy hands the
vows of my Baptism; I renounce forever Satan, his pomps and works;
and I give myself entirely to Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, to
carry my cross after Him all the days of my life, and to be more
faithful to Him than I have ever been before. In the presence of all
the heavenly courts I choose thee this day for my Mother and Mistress.
I deliver and consecrate to thee, as thy slave, my body and soul, my
goods, both interior and exterior, and even the value of all my good
actions, past, present and future; leaving to thee the entire and full
right of disposing of me, and all that belongs to me, without exception
according to the good pleasure, for the greater glory of God in time
and in eternity.
Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us!!!!
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Louise began to receive a vision, and said: Jesus, please cover me with Your
Most Precious Blood.
I see trucks, some look like Army trucks, others are unmarked. They are
crossing USA, reaching every state. Some will be in accidents?, on
purpose. Some have a drop-off destination. All are carrying chemicals, germs,
insects, toxic materials and nuclear waste. Their intention is to destroy
and kill.
Now I see planes also cris-crossing USA. They are dropping a very fine
of the same contents as are in the trucks. Diseases of yesteryear are back
with us. New diseases are now among us. Skin will blister and burn.
will rise. Suffering will result. Much will be destroyed:
human life,
animal life and all creation.
Air, rivers, oceans, earth will be heavily polluted and food and water (for
drink) will be poisoned. The earth is shrouded. Darkness prevails.
Illness is everywhere. Suffering is a way of life. Nothing is safe.
is penetrated.
I see a connecting link between Mexico and USA; Canada and USA. I see
people coming to USA by boat and plane from un-godly (Godless) countries on
illegal visas and passports. They are ruled by Satan and know not God.
Their target: Christians and Jews. Their objective: to
destroy, to kill.
Then I heard:
"By their eyes we will know them. DO NOT focus on their eyes!
The smart-card will not be used as extensively as planned. The implanted
chip is more accurate. DO NOT accept it!"
Louise began receiving words from God the Father, and said, " Jesus, please
cover me with Your Most Precious Blood." Then God the Father, THE Creator
spoke these words:
"Thou SHALT NOT KILL: When will you people on earth cease killing MY
people, MY creatures, MY creation?
Doctors take a vow to save lives yet they purposely abort the unborn. Men
and women unite for a few minutes of lustful pleasure only to kill MY child.
Guns, anger, fists, knives, chemicals, bombs all kill. Today I have sent
diseases to those people who live in same sex relationships. This IS VERY
sinful and MUST be stopped ----NOW!
My creatures---animals of the land, sea and sky---are becoming extinct due to
needless hunting, cruel trapping and stupid testing of chemicals in
laboratories. It is of NO help to human life and destroys MY creatures
while making them suffer at the hands of greedy men.
The desire for exotic woods or land on which to build has become an obsession
for man to make money. You cut trees, destroying the habitat for much wild
life. The creatures, once extinct, are gone--forever! Then the
lands flood and are washed away and you, men, complain because of your
loss, your money.
The balance of nature, as I created it, is no more. Now man reverts to
killing--again--for certain species are OUT OF CONTROL.. (over abundant) When
are you going to leave nature, and all life, to ME, THE CREATOR OF ALL???
Money is not your God--I AM!!! Killing, be it human life, creatures,
nature, IS A SIN!!!
I ALONE have the right to create life or to take it. You are not gods!!
You are nothing but dust and unto dust you will return.
Live humbly and let live. Honor ALL forms of life! Respect ALL life!
Life is precious!
Your God is angry and I beg you to stop all killing and come, return to
Me---today. I love you! I created you! You are my child.
Repent of all your sins and love. I forgive all and anyone who is truly
sorry and changes from sin to honor and love and respect and live the word of
your God.
I will give you strength to live a new life in Me; to live My Will for the
remainder of your life. I am Merciful and I love you. Return to Me.
I give you many graces for strength and courage to live a good life and to
an example to others.
Do not kill but live in perfect harmony as I, your God, intended at the creation
of the world. I made all things good and I was pleased. Honor your
God, one another and all creatures and creation. If you do, you will
find peace in your heart and peace among all nations. Peace WILL
reign on earth and in the hearts of all mankind.
Pray and act today!!!"
Web site for Louise: Tomkiel is: http://hia.net/giftstor/tomkiel02fst.htm
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said: " Please cover me
with Your Most Precious Blood." Then Jesus said:
"That which I have spoken to My prophets, of old and of the present day, is
about to become a reality.
Fire will come from the sky. Illnesses will multiply. Insects will
destroy both life and possessions. Wars and rumors of war will be
the concern and talk of the land. Chemicals are being made to
destroy all life and to pollute the air, water, earth and all crops.
Man, through Satan, has mastered hate and destroyed love. Prayer has been
removed from schools and family life. The emphasis is on job, big houses
and cars; the materialistic life.
My houses of worship are nearly empty and My shepherds, the priests, ignore
their calling: to save souls. My Precious redemptive Body and Blood is no
longer the center focus in the church and, in many cases, My Holy Cross is
taken down. It is no longer the Father's House but a house of heresy.
Within its walls harbors apostasy and a mighty schism.
Because of the great magnitude of sin---commission and omission--Our Father's
wrath is about to take its toll.
To save your soul, you must be in the State of Grace. Consecrate yourself
to Us daily. Obey God's Commandments. Pray always. Love.
Forgive. Prepare as you've been told, in body, mind, and spirit.
The day is indeed very near and only My faithful, beloved, loving, prayerful
remnant will, one day, see and live in Our New Heaven and new earth; their
reward for faithfulness to the word of God.
(End of Message)
By Michael H. Brown
Last May we began to report on the Our Lady of America apparitions and were
stunned at the result. For the next several months, reaction poured in from all
parts of the U.S. and around the world as many became aware for the
first time of these apparitions to a cloistered nun named Mildred Mary Ephrem
Neuzil in Fostoria, Ohio. While there were a number of requests made to
Sister Neuzil by the Virgin Mary, including placement of a special statue
at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, it is becoming obvious that
the reaction last year was a warning to the United States and a build-up to
September 11.
There is no doubt about the gravity of the warnings. "I come to you, O
children of America, as a last resort," said Our Lady of America. "I
plead with you to listen to my voice."
She used words like "imminent." She said the time was "shorter
than ever." She had warned that "much suffering" would come to
the United States. "America, the United States in particular, is
being given the tremendous,
yet privileged, opportunity to lead all the nations in a spiritual
renewal," she lamented -- but was not doing this. She had asked for
sacrifices. This had not been done. The "false peace" of the world,
she said, would lure and
destroy us. "The hour grows late," she said in 1958 in these messages
that surfaced last May through August. "My Son's patience will not
last forever. Help me hold back His anger, which is about to descend on
sinful and
ungrateful men. It is the darkest hour. But if men will come to me, my
Immaculate Heart will make it bright again with the mercy which my Son will rain
down through my hands."
She was speaking to a nation that had been founded on her Son. She was speaking
to a nation that had started with a special devotion to her. It was a nation
discovered by explorers who had originally named the Chesapeake Bay
the "Bay of St. Mary" and Montreal the "Village of Maria,"
and the Mississippi the "River of the Immaculate Conception." Indeed,
on his way across the Atlantic, Columbus and his men had sung the Hail Mary each
and prayed the Salve Regina as the first Christian prayer ever said in this
hemisphere. Originally, Los Angeles had been known by its full name: "the
City of Our Lady of the Angels." There were apparitions in Montana (to an
Indian). There were apparitions in what is now San Francisco. The state of New
York was consecrated to her Immaculate Heart before it was even known as
"New York'! (Back then, it was still New Amsterdam.)
And yet, by 1954, when Mary first began the specific devotion to Sister Neuzil
as "Our Lady of America, all this had been forgotten. The nation was about
to plunge into a chaotic period of drugs, sex, greed, and irreligion.
Instead of a devotion to her purity -- as it had started -- America was to head
for the extremes of impurity.
It was to this nation -- consecrated to her centuries before -- that she spoke
through Sister Neuzil with words that resurfaced last year just before those
jets hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. It was to this nation that she
had pleaded for the youth; it was to this nation that she pleaded a return to
purity. It wasn't just about a new devotion. It wasn't just about a statue
(although this is important). It was a warning, and it's no coincidence that it
surfaced so strongly in the months leading up to last September.
She specifically mentioned "fire." She mentioned a crisis in the
Church. "Oh, penance, penance," she said. "How little my children
understand it! They give me many words, but sacrifice themselves they will not.
It is not
me they love but themselves. Oh, what blindness, sweet child, what
blindness! How it pierces my heart!"
"I desire, through my children of America, to further the cause of faith
and purity among peoples and nations," continued the Virgin to Sister
Neuzil. "My beloved daughter, what I am about to tell you concerns in a
way my children in America. Unless they do penance by mortification and
self-denial and thus reform their lives, God will visit them with punishments
hitherto unknown to them."
What happened on September 11 indeed involved fire and was "hitherto
unknown." But is there more? Has Our Lady of America spoken her last? Or
(as we approach spring) are we about to see a build-up again?
Thursday, February 28, 2002: Prayer Group:
Jesus said: "My people of America, just as I
told the people of Jerusalem that there would not be one stone left on another
stone, so your own country will suffer much destruction. The people of My
time refused to
repent of their sins and Jerusalem was destroyed. You pride yourselves,
America, on your beautiful homes with all of your decorations and possessions.
Because you have not repented of your sins, you too will suffer the loss of your
homes. Some will be forced to flee for their lives, while others will see
their homes burned to the ground. When you see this happening, you will be
brought to your knees in seeking My forgiveness."
Jesus said: "My people, this disaster
of an overflowing volcano is just one of many ways your country will be
threatened by fire. Droughts and lack of rain will continue to precipitate
fires all over your land. Now is
the time to pray and repent of your sins, America. If your people fast and
repent, I can mitigate the punishment My angels are crying out for your
abortions. Some have little regard for life and these people will face My
judgment for their killing of My little ones with no remorse. Life is
precious and that is why you must love one another."
Jesus said: "My people, a time of
famine will result from your bad growing conditions and your wars and bad
economies. In days of plenty you were fussy over what foods that you
wanted to eat, but during famine you
will wish for anything to eat, even the grass and bark off the trees. Those, who
have set aside food and water, will see it multiplied for those who will come to
you for food. Those, who ridicule you now, will be the
first in line to take the scraps from your table."
Jesus said: "My people, there are many
prisons full of murderers, thieves, and sexual offenders. I want you to
have mercy on the prisoners and visit them because it could be you there with
some lapse of reason. All
of you are sinners, but these prisoners were caught for greater sins. You
all need to come to Me for the forgiveness of your sins. You remember when
I said: 'Let him who is without sin cast the first stone at the adulterer.'
You all are in need of My grace of forgiveness in Confession."
Jesus said: "My people, there are homeless
and unemployed people in all of your cities in some cases because of
circumstances beyond their control. Do not criticize them for not working
when you may not know all of their troubles. Instead be willing to
feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, clothe the naked and where possible
give shelter to the homeless. When you do this for the least of My little ones,
you do it for Me."
Jesus said: "My people, those in their
comfortable new homes at times brag of their success and look with disdain on
those living in slums. If you find yourself in a fine home, give
thanks to God for what you have. If
you have less means, be thankful still for what little you have. Those,
who can, should tithe their income to help support those of lesser means.
Helping your neighbor in their need should be unconditional as I pour out My
graces on everyone."
Jesus said: "My people, at times you
have good weather and at other times you are tried with damaging storms.
I am showing you these changes in the weather because you experience the same
changes in your spiritual lives. At times you are prayerful and everything is
going well. At other times you are taunted continuously from Satan's
temptations and you need to run to Me for shelter. When you are tested,
call on My Name and I will take these temptations away. I am right by your
side waiting for you to ask for My help. Do not struggle through life on
your own, but concede your weakness that you need My help and come to your
Savior for everything. For he, who asks, will receive and he, who knocks,
it will be opened to him. He, who calls on My love, will receive abundant
gifts of love."
Friday, March 1, 2002:
Jesus said: "My people, this black enticing
web is the devil's way of attracting you to sin. If you know something is
obviously sinful and offensive to Me, you normally would not choose sin over
keeping in your good
graces with Me. So Satan has to dress sin up to look good on the outside,
so you will be attracted to it in initial innocence. Be on your
guard to not fall into his snares and traps that will put your soul in jeopardy.
The devil places lust before you in lurid movies with nakedness of women.
Men may be attracted to dwell too much on beautiful women and be envious of
another's wife. You may be attracted to having some new electronic
a new car, or a new home when you know you cannot afford them. This can
drive some to be envious of another's possessions or even aspire them to
stealing something thinking they will not get caught. You may be jealous
of someone's position at the office and you try to destroy their reputation by
gossip so you can have that position. You may cheat in your taxes thinking
you deserve the money more than the government. You may overlook giving
more money to charity thinking you would have more money to buy your favorite
possession that you have to have. All of these enticements start out with
a desire to have something that is not yours, but it evolves into sin when you
indulge your appetites without seeing the evil intent in your actions.
Even after committing sin, some justify their actions with rationalizations far
from being logical. Recognize your sinful actions for what they are and be
willing to come forward and ask My forgiveness in Confession. It is one
thing to be drawn into sin, it is another to want to admit your weakness and
confess it. Even in the future you should be
warning yourself of Satan's traps in his web of temptations."
Jesus said: "My people, there are many
movements to change the outward appearances of My churches. What some are
really doing is destroying the spirit of My churches by their irreverent
stripping of all that is sacred. By removing all of your traditional
devotions, as in Lent, the faithful have little inspiration to make sacrifices
and repent of their sins. You need spiritual discipline in following a
spiritual director and having a good confessor. Follow your proper
authorities in My Church as you need to be submissive and obedient to My
representatives on earth. Accept higher authorities over you so you remain
humble and not boastful of your
gifts. Pray for your bishops and pastors that they will lead My flock
along the right path to heaven."
Saturday, March 2, 2002:
Jesus said: "My people, I am showing
you the water temperatures in the Pacific Ocean that will be affecting your
weather patterns once again. This will cause more violent storms and erratic
changes in waterfall causing
droughts in some spots while causing floods to occur in other places. It
is not hard already to see unusually warm temperatures all over the world.
Snow and rain levels have also varied considerably from normal levels. I
have mentioned before how nature is mirroring man's violence in his wars and
riots. Many of your weather conditions and disasters are occurring as a
result of your country's sins of abortion and living together without
marriage. During Lent you have an extra incentive to repent of your sins
and you could mitigate your disasters by more prayer."
Jesus said: "My people, broad is the
road to hell and narrow is the road to heaven and few there are who find this
road to heaven. (Matt 7:13-14) When you want to find the best route to your
destination, you want
the fastest expressway with at least four lanes and no stop lights. In the
spiritual world My ways are much different from your ways. Many of you
want to take the easy way out with the least amount of suffering to the body.
This is why many are on the road to hell because they give in too easy to the
body's appetites and they lack self-control. The narrow road is a way of
suffering, being humble, and being satisfied with the minimum to survive. Look
at the lives of the saints who gave up their wealth so they could depend
entirely on what their Lord provides. You do not have to be a millionaire
in order to make it to heaven. More money actually holds you
back from putting your full trust in Me. In order to strive for heaven you
need to give up your selfish attitudes and think more of loving Me and your
neighbor. Coming to heaven is a slow process where you have to battle the
evil one every day of your life. Your fasting and prayer help give you
self-control over your body. Your almsgiving is a sharing of your excess
with the poor. Your Lenten penance is a way of challenging your body to
submit to following My Commandments. When you have control over your
passions and appetites, then it is easier to follow a Christian way of life.
Each day you are presented with many choices. It is your duty to decide to
take the path that would lead you to heaven instead of the easy path to
Sunday, March 3, 2002: (Woman at the well)
Jesus said: "My people, this vision of
a spring rain shows you how heaven waters the earth. The Gospel of the
Samaritan woman at the well focuses first on the water of the earth being
necessary for the body's survival. I then spoke to this woman about the
living water that I could offer her so she would never thirst. It is this
living water of My grace that I rain down on everyone that affords you My grace
in My sacraments which is the lifeblood of your soul. In the spiritual
life My Eucharist is necessary for your soul's survival. By My death on
the cross I have atoned for your sins and I have enabled you to be forgiven and
receive Me worthily into your souls. It is this nourishment in My
Eucharist that feeds you the heavenly food that will sustain you against the
evil one on your road to heaven. So rejoice in receiving Me as this woman
did and remain open to have Me come into your lives as well. This woman by
all protocol could have rejected Me, but she was open and received a gift of
faith as her reward. Those, who accept Me as Savior and seek the forgiveness of
their sins, will also receive their reward."
Monday, March 4, 2002:
Jesus said: "My people, these scrolls
of Scripture represent the Word of God carried out in My very Being as a
revelation to man of a fulfilled promise. I am the Savior of the world and
I came into this world to free
all of mankind from their sins. Man had been waiting so long for a Messiah
that even when I told you that I was He, there was rampant disbelief because of
My origins to man. Yet in Sunday's Gospel I revealed to the woman at the
well that I was the Savior of all mankind and she and the town believed, even
though they were not Jews. (John 4:25-26) Later, in My own town of Nazareth I
read in the Scripture of Isaiah about the coming Messiah. Then when I set
aside the scroll, I said: 'Today you have this Scripture fulfilled in your
hearing.' (Luke 4:14-21) A prophet is not accepted in his own town because
of their lack of faith. Again I revealed Myself to My
apostles through the mouth of St. Peter. I asked My apostles: 'Who do you
say that I am?' St. Peter exclaimed: 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living
God.' (Matt 16:15-17) I ask all of My faithful to truly believe in
My coming as Savior and to spread the Good News of My kingdom and your salvation
in My death on the cross. During Lent you give witness to My passion and
death by your own suffering. Let all of your spirits be lifted
up in the glory of My Resurrection when one day you may join Me in heaven as you
too will see your own fulfillment of My promise of your own resurrection."
Jesus said: "My people, I am showing
you a contrast of lifestyles where some spend their time in prayer at church,
while others spend all of their time on entertainment. All of you need
time for eating, sleeping, and
earning a living at work. It is how you use your free time that can
separate My disciples from the children of the world. Your prayer time is
critical to your being drawn to heaven. Do not try to plan your prayer
time around your daily events, but plan your daily events around your prayer
time. I am the most important priority in your life, so you should spend
some time with Me every day as your first priority. It is when you spend
all of your time selfishly on your own tasks that you leave no time for Me.
During Lent you should be more focused on Me, not just for fasting, but also for
spending quality time with Me. When you concentrate your time on Me and
helping your neighbor, then you will spend less on yourself. Be generous
with your time and generous with your charity in giving of yourself and your
money. You should scrutinize your spending as you do your time. Are
spending too much on luxurious items for yourselves and very little on charity?
You need to have proper priorities in everything that you do and test if it is
pleasing to Me. By analyzing how you spend your time and
money, then you can change your priorities to increase your charity in both time
and money."
Tuesday, March 5, 2002:
Jesus said: "My people, I want you to focus
on what your own soul is all about. The soul is the spirit in your body
that gives the body life. Your soul will be living even when you die. It
is the life of the soul that lives on forever in either heaven or hell.
The intellect and the feelings of the heart are hard to separate. Your
decisions of how to react to Me, your Lord, and your neighbor are all made in
the soul. The body has its own demands on the soul for
self-preservation. That is why the soul needs to have control over the
body's appetites not to violate My Commandments and to follow My ways in order
to avoid sins of omission. Your body and soul are joined as one, but you
are in a weakened state to sin. The soul is focused on the higher
spiritual aspirations of love and Godly things, while the body is focused more
on earthly things and pleasures of the world. There is a constant battle
within yourself between the desires of the body and the desires of the soul.
Since the soul lives on forever, it is better to have yourself right with God
than satisfying the body's temporal desires. Do not fall victim to the
devil's temptations which are meant to draw you into sin by the lust and
cravings of the body. By controlling your body through fasting and prayer,
you can allow the soul to restrict the body's passions and appetites.
Knowing your body and soul's aspirations can help you to lead a better spiritual
life when all of your members are in harmony with My love."
Jesus said: "My people, as the war in
the Middle East escalates and more troops are committed in Afghanistan, you will
begin to see more and more casualties. Each side is struggling to cause
more destruction against their opponent with no end in sight to a compromise.
Man struggles to always want to be in control of his destiny, but wars are not
the answer because they only bring death and destruction. Continue your
prayers for
peace because your rosaries are your best weapon against the evil in your world.
Many questions are being raised over the leadership in the combatant countries.
As the fighting continues to get out of hand, more countries
could be drawn into these wars. See the futility in all of this killing
because nothing has resulted thus far. The United Nations has become
powerless as none of the countries involved in the fighting appear to want
Wednesday, March 6, 2002:
Jesus said: "My people, just as you
require many connections into your houses for physical necessities, so you need
to be connected to My line of graces from My sacraments. You have water
lines for cooking and bathing because water is essential for drinking at meals
and washing your clothes. You have electrical lines for heaters, lights, cooking
and your appliances. You also have phone lines for communications and gas lines
for heating and appliances. If any one of these lines fails, it throws
your household into chaos. In the spiritual world you have a more
important line of My graces coming into your soul. By Confession you can
wipe your sins clean and fill your soul with My sanctifying grace. My
Eucharist at Mass is your daily Bread that nourishes your soul with My grace and
My Real Presence. Again, without My grace your soul can wither and die
from your sins. You need to keep My line of grace open by visiting My
sacraments and then you can be healthy both in body and soul. Keep as
close an eye on your spiritual connections as you do on your physical
Jesus said: "My people, children in
high school have a large pool of learning to draw on in your current chemistry
and biology classes. Since the discovery of DNA, your scientists have been
experimenting with hybrids, recombinant DNA, and now cloning. Man is
changing nature with gene insertions in plants and animals that have taken away
the perfection that I placed in the balance of nature. Your stem cell
research was meant to heal tissues using cells adapted from artificial
insemination. Your cloning of animals has no practical use and still man
wants to consider it. Women and men can have fetuses designed with no
disease traits and other choices which were never meant for man to delve into.
Man has taken a little knowledge and he is abusing nature by his selfish motives
for money and curiosity. Beware of educating future generations with an emphasis
on DNA research that is an abomination in My sight. Let nature take its
own course without interfering with life itself. All of your abuses will
cause more disease and weaker species of life thanks to your manipulation of
what man thinks is better. Pray that your scientists see their errors and
change their evil ways of trying to distort My plan for life."
Thursday, March 7, 2002:
Jesus said: "My people, there is no
doubt that good angels and demon angels exist. The devil is a real fallen
angel and he and his bad angels have been tempting man to sin since Adam's time.
There is also a hell and
heaven with a fixed abyss between them. These are the realities of life
that cannot be denied and it is why you only have a choice between heaven and
hell. The evil one wants you to think that he does not exist and he tempts
you with all manner of pleasures and comforts. He will discourage you from
coming to Me in church or the sacraments. He knows My power is absolute,
but he still tries to place fear in your heart. I am here for everyone who
calls on My help, especially in protecting you from the devil's temptations.
Just as I cast demons from people in My time, so there are some in your time
that are possessed by evil spirits who have sold their souls for wealth and
pleasure. Exorcisms are still needed in your world because you are in an
age of apostasy with possessed people. Science may explain some phenomena,
but it cannot explain the absence or presence of a
demon. You should know the difference between good and evil, so pray for
deliverance from temptations instead of giving in to them. My help is
always available, but it is you who must invoke My Name in healing."
Thursday, March 7, 2002:
Jesus said: "My people, there is no doubt
that good angels and demon angels exist. The devil is a real fallen angel
and he and his bad angels have been tempting man to sin since Adam's time.
There is also a hell and
heaven with a fixed abyss between them. These are the realities of life
that cannot be denied and it is why you only have a choice between heaven and
hell. The evil one wants you to think that he does not exist and he
tempts you with all manner of pleasures and comforts. He will discourage
you from coming to Me in church or the sacraments. He knows My power is
absolute, but he still tries to place fear in your heart. I am here for
everyone who calls on My help, especially in protecting you from the devil's
temptations. Just as I cast demons from people in My time, so there are
some in your time that are possessed by evil spirits who have sold their
souls for wealth and pleasure. Exorcisms are still needed in your world
because you are in an age of apostasy with possessed people. Science may
explain some phenomena, but it cannot explain the absence or presence of a
demon. You should know the difference between good and evil, so pray for
deliverance from temptations instead of giving in to them. My help is
always available, but it is you who must invoke My Name in healing."
Thursday, March 7, 2002:
Jesus said: "My people, I am showing
you an old ornate altar because it is hard to find the artisans to do ornate
wood carving and metal work. Modern churches are being made for utility
instead of being focused on
giving glory to God. If you really built your churches to give glory to
Me, you would not place My tabernacle outside of the main body of the church. My
Presence in the Host makes your churches holy, so My tabernacle should be placed
in a prominent location for all to see. In older years a local church was
the hub of the community, but today with your mobile society you run your
churches more like a business. The heart and soul of your communities
should be centered around My churches and My sacraments. When you focus on
My love in My Eucharist, there should be a love of God and neighbor coming out
of your Mass attendance. You should all be willing to help one another in
your needs and help support My churches with your talents and your money.
Remember in your building of churches that it is for My greater glory and not
for man's glory."
Friday, March 8, 2002:
Jesus said: "My people, as you look at
this cake cut up in sections, I want you to remember that you are all a part of
My One Mystical Body and that you should be sharing what you have. Many of
you are well enough off
to be able to make donations to charity on a regular basis. Almsgiving is
one of the penances of Lent, but it should also be considered a giving back to
Me for all that you have been given and blessed with. Those, who have been
faithful to Me, should not be surprised that I have blessed you abundantly for
your following My Commandments. Because of your abundance, you also have a
responsibility to share your blessings with the poor and the less fortunate.
Even if your income has been reduced by retirement or hard times, you could
forego some luxuries so some people may have something to eat. You have
met your necessities, but you need to think of helping others who need food,
clothing and shelter. By helping others with your money, you will be
investing in heavenly treasure which has everlasting returns."
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: "My people, this broken picture
represents your brokenness when you fall away from Me in sin. Many school
children are bringing home their pictures to distribute. You have many
beautiful pictures of your
family members in beautiful frames on the wall and on your tables. In the
same way that you hang your pictures in your houses, it is appropriate to
remember Me and My saints in your statues and pictures in My churches.
Many churches have blank walls with little signs of My remembrance. Put up
your crucifixes and icons so the children can have something to remember Me
Jesus said: "My people, you consume
many hours in your entertainment at plays, operas, and movies. You all are
on the stage of life and you will have to account for how you spent your time on
earth. Come to Me with many good deeds in your hands to offset any of your
sinful actions. Do not waste all of your free time on only your selfish
desires, but consider how you could help your neighbor more in their
needs. Every good work you do unselfishly will be a witness of your love
for Me."
Jesus said: "My people, when you clean
out the many things around the house, you sometimes store them in boxes to
organize them. In your spiritual life you need to organize your time so
you can have enough time
for your prayer life. Even though you pray your rosaries every day, you
need to say them with purpose as you focus on your prayer intentions. Even
when you prepare for Confession, you have to organize your thoughts to
remember what things that you have done to offend Me. Possibly writing
them down when they occur might help your memory in the confessional.
Cleaning up your souls from sin by My forgiveness is the best way to organize
your spiritual life."
Jesus said: "My people, it is half way
through Lent as many are thinking of Easter and spring flowers. The long
winter has not been as severe and you have seen many hot and cold changes.
With every warm day you
want to break out and work in your gardens. Every time you experience a
beautiful day, you should give glory to God for sparing you one less day of
winter cold. As you watch the flocks of geese traverse the skies, so again
you see My order in nature as you view the beauty of My creation. Life is
My great gift to you, so appreciate all that I have put in your life and direct
all that you do to following My ways."
Jesus said: "My people, look at
the farmer as he labors in the fields to provide his food and the grain for his
animals. The farmer builds shelters for his animals and provides them
water. By caring for his animals he also provides milk and food for others
in the meat. Look on your Father in heaven as He also provides for you as
the farmer takes care of his animals. I give you rain, sun and good soil
to grow your crops. I enable you with talents for all the skills that you
need to survive. Fear not what you shall eat or what you shall wear, for
everything will be provided for those who seek Me first."
Jesus said: "My people, this
water wheel is a simple example of how man uses the tools around him to provide
power for his work. Grinding the wheat into flour is special for it
provides the grain in a form ready to
make your daily bread. Bread is a staple of many diets and I have used
bread in My Host as a daily nourishment for your soul. At the Last Supper
I gave you My gift of Myself in the consecrated bread and wine. Let these
species take on a special meaning for you as you can thank Me for giving you My
Real Presence to worship and have in receiving My Eucharist."
Jesus said: "My people, you should
treasure the gift of faith that you received in life both at your Baptism and
Confirmation. These new converts to the faith are reveling in their new
found love for Me as they are being instructed in My Word. Bringing
converts to the faith is your first call in evangelism, but it does not stop
there. It is also important to encourage these converts to enhance their
faith by growing in their faith with prayer and frequent Confession. My
faithful need to be good examples for how to live good Christian lives."
Saturday, March 9, 2002:
Jesus said: "My people, this picture
of people enjoying their meal is more than a usual meal, but it is one of
excesses in gluttony and drunkenness. Your earthly pleasures in their
proper place and moderation are good in themselves, but it is when you abuse
your pleasures that they can become sinful. When you overeat for its own
sake, you are abusing your body and taking more than you should. It is the
same way in overindulging in wine or liquor that you get drunk with excesses.
Other pleasures in sinful sexual acts for those not married also make this
pleasure into an idol. The body has passions and appetites which you must
keep under control according to My Commandments. During Lent you are doing
your fasting in order to develop self-control over the body. Do not allow
pleasures and entertainment to become idols that you worship more than Me.
There is a time for everything, but you must do things in moderation and
according to My laws. Work on curbing your sinful excesses and avoiding
the occasions of sin."
Sunday, March 10, 2002:
Jesus said: "My people, every time you meet
someone, you should see Me and God the Father and God the Holy Spirit in each
person. I have created each person in My likeness and you should see the
beauty of My creation in everyone. I have made you and you are Mine.
I love each of you and I am in each of you. Let your spiritual blindness
be healed so you know who you are and where you are going. Your goal as in
your early catechism is to know, love and serve Me. Your life and
everything that you have has been gifted to you. So do not be possessive
of yourself or your possessions because I will call you home some day for an
accounting of your stewardship. You are given your life and talents to
manage for Me so you can live your faith. When you see the Light of faith and
your eyes are opened to Me, then you can return My love and expand that love to
others. Do not worry what others will say about your witness to Me, but
let others know how your faith has changed your life. Join with My faith
community and give praise and worship to God. Be thankful to Me in your
prayers for your gift of life and your gift of faith."
Monday, March 11, 2002:
Jesus said: "My people, even from the
time of Adam, man has thought that he could hide his sins from Me. You may
commit sins in secret when no one can see you, but I see everything you do and I
see any bad intention in your heart. You may fool others and even yourself, but
you cannot fool Me or hide anything from Me. So if you have sinned and
nobody knows what you did, you can come to Confession and confess it, because
you cannot hide it from Me. In the opposite way I also see the good things
that you do in secret as well. In giving to charity I asked you to give
with the right hand so the left hand does not know. In other words the
more charity and good deeds that you do in secret, the more merits that you will
gain in heaven. Some brag and boast how much they give to My Church and
charity, but I tell you they are already repaid here on earth. The more
you let on to others of your good deeds and charity, the less treasure you will
have in heaven. So seek My help in all of your troubles and trials and
help others without expecting to be repaid or thanked."
Jesus said: "My people, the fighting
in Israel and that in Afghanistan is all about control of the Arab lands and not
so much about terrorism. Many of the Moslem people want to rid their lands
of all Jews and all Westerners as Americans. Appeasing them with land will
just encourage them to want more on their road to total control. The Jews
are fighting for their very lives as they see the Palestinians encroaching on
their very right of having their own state. The Moslems see all those who
help the Jews as their enemy. That is why the Arab militants are attacking
America any place they can. This battle for land and control of
governments will be an ongoing battle with no compromise and no end in sight.
The spreading of Islam all over the world is another part of their desire to
rule the whole world. America may win a few battles, but the Arabs will
continue fighting for their goal of world domination. Do not be surprised
that terrorism will continue because that is the Arab way of life for their way
of control. Pray for peace in the Middle East despite the evil one's
influence. Only through My power will the evil ones succumb."
Tuesday, March 12, 2002:
Jesus said: "My people, you take great care
in your appearance before everyone. You bathe and groom your hair and fix
your face with makeup or your shaving. You even are vain about balding
hair or wrinkles. Your
clothing also has to match and be in fashion. Look at yourselves and how
proud you are in your appearance, but do not become obsessed with these physical
things. It is proper to be well groomed, but I am using this
example to show you how much care you take to please men and women in your
appearance. Then contrast this with how much care you take with your
soul's appearance in pleasing Me. You need to be sorry for your sins and
say your act of contrition before you go to bed. You do not know if you
will awake the next day. If you are in mortal sin, you should waste no
time in getting to Confession, so you can renew the life of your soul with My
sanctifying grace. If you took care of your soul's appearance with as much
vigor as you worry about your physical appearance, then you truly would be
living holier lives. You should focus even more on your soul's appearance
because you could face Me at the judgment at any time. You should be like
the watchman and always ready. I love you, My children, and I advise you
constantly for what is best for your soul's destination in heaven."
Jesus said: "My people, if you had a
half hour to spend, which way of the following would you choose: watching
television, laying down on a couch or a bed, or a visit with Me at Adoration?
Watching television is a
spectator relaxation, but it still keeps your mind active. Laying down may
help your body, especially if you are in need of sleep. Spending a half
hour with Me at Adoration will put both your mind and body at rest, but even
more for your spiritual life, I will give your soul rest that it cannot find
elsewhere. During the day you are under stress for varying reasons of
work, driving, or solving a difficult problem. By visiting Me at
Adoration, you
can put your burdens on Me and I will help you carry your daily cross.
Come to Me with all of your troubles and I will put your soul at rest as you
place your trust in Me."
Wednesday, March 13, 2002:
Jesus said: "My people, this vision of
a desert relates to your extra prayer and fasting that you have been enduring
during Lent. Your Lenten penances and going without food between meals is
a way of focusing on your
spiritual life. During life you have many distractions that can take your
focus off of Me, but Lent brings you back to your path to heaven. The
picture of this tomb in the desert is to alert you that all of your efforts to
improve your spiritual life are really preparations for the day you die and meet
Me at your judgment. You may be drawn to life's pleasures and occupations,
but you can never lose touch with your purpose for why you are here and where
you are going after this life. Serving Me and your neighbor as yourself
should be your first goal and not any of your selfish goals. Lent puts your life
in proper perspective to what your real priorities should be."
Jesus said: "My people, I am showing
you this overflowing cup to help ou understand My justice is about to bring
destruction to your land as a chastisement for your sins. Look at your
ongoing abortions and the increasing sexual sins from those outside of marriage.
Because of your sins of the flesh and your selfish greed for money and
possessions, you have fallen into Satan's web of sin. Even when you are
given messages to repent of your sins and you will be saved, many turn a deaf
ear to My pleas because they enjoy the pleasure of their sins. You are My
creatures and I am your creator. You should give Me homage and thanks that
I have given you life. Your parents assisted in providing your physical body,
but it is My creation of your soul that put life into your body. You must
accept Me as Lord and Savior of your life by consecrating everything over to Me.
Many have
difficulty in giving up control over their lives, but unless you submit to My
authority, then you will be lost. You must also repent of your sins in
order to gain heaven through My help. I have ransomed every soul by My
death on the cross. Believe in My victory over death and sin and you will
be resurrected at the final judgment. Let Me lead your life and you will
ave nothing to fear."
Thursday, March 14, 2002:
Jesus said: "My people, beware of becoming
too self-righteous in judging others or in seeking vengeance on others. It
is My place to judge and bring vengeance and not your own decision. Each
of you are sinners and
you are weak to sin by your nature from Adam. Remember not to teach what
you are not practicing. Do not be a hypocrite as the Scribes and Pharisees
whom I told you to listen to, but not to follow their actions. You must
remove the plank from your own eye before you can see clearly to remove the
speck from your brother's eye. (Matt. 7:5) Once you have put your own spiritual
house in order, then you can advise others who are openly
disobeying My Commandments or not following the teachings of the faith.
You must offer advice only out of love for saving another's soul and not to
shame someone or ruin their reputation. By your good example you can also
instruct others because your actions speak louder than your words. Saving
souls by evangelizing through My Word is one of My faithful's highest callings.
Pray over everything you do in teaching others the faith. Call
on My help and I can touch the coldest of hearts."
Louise began to receive a message from "Abba " God and said,
"Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood." Then God the
Father said:
" Again I tell you----look up. Many unidentified planes crisscross
your sky. They fly around the world: every country, every nation on
earth sees and hears them. They are sent by evil men to destroy ALL
life yes, even
their own. What satanic fools!
They do not all drop bombs of fire or nuclear explosives but bombs of
chemicals, disease germs and insects. These are to cause pain and
suffering over an extended period. The diseases include yellow fever,
smallpox, T.B., scarlet fever, rare forms of cancer, the various plagues, skin
diseases, eye and throat diseases and will cause many deformities. The
chemicals will burn and skin will erupt, burn and become covered with
boils. Children will be born deformed and crippled. Major
organs will burn such as your lungs. Kidneys will become diseased
and your liver too. Hearts will be affected. Throats will be
raw and eyes will be dry and burn.
Animals will be greatly affected. They. like you, will suffer. Plant
life will die. Air, oxygen, water will all be heavily contaminated.
Satan is out to destroy, to kill all, to make all suffer and to
I, your God and Creator, will allow all to happen and I will add to this with
fires, floods, droughts, winds, bitter cold and scorching heat. I will
annihilate too with volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tidal waves and
severe lightening and various storms and disasters sent from Heaven.
I will also send killing diseases to those who practice illicit sex.
BUT, if you return to Me, (convert,) obey Me, consecrate yourself to Me, pray,
love, repent AND forgive, remain in the State of Grace and seek My Will
Follow Me.
Live in My love. Be proud to be a child of your 'Abba', Your Father,
your God.
Heaven awaits all MY precious soldiers. Remain faithful to the end.
Evil temptations will escalate. Turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to evil.
Look at My Guiding Light, My Divine Son, Jesus. Follow Him.
Remain in the
Truth. Live truth. Teach truth. Offer ALL your pain and
suffering to Me, as Jesus did, for the conversion of ALL poor souls.
One day, very, very soon, My Divine Justice will prevail. Sin will be
washed from the face of the earth and hearts of men---FOREVER! A new
Heaven and a new Earth I will establish for My wonderful, faithful
Your reward will be eternal life with Me in My House---Heaven.
Be patient but a short while. The time is upon you when I , your God, will
take action. It will be a very traumatic time on earth but time WILL be
shortened for the sake of My elect.
Wait! Pray! Prepare! All will soon change. Pray, My dear
ones, PRAY!"
(End of message)
Web site for Louise: Tomkiel is: http://hia.net/giftstor/tomkiel02fst.htm
Louise started to receive a message from Jesus and then said, " Jesus,
please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood." Then Jesus said:
"Soon, because of the sins of man, the entire earth will be at war.
Sin will be destroyed and sinner; cleansed. The earth must return to its
cleanliness before the first sin or as God-created it.
I am ignored. Commandments are ignored. Evil rules the earth and the
hearts of man.
Good is mocked; evil, propagated. My children do not believe in Heaven OR
Hell. They believe that after this life they die
and all is ended. They believe in good times, their choices and that they
will answer to no one. Their hearts are void of faith.
Children are not being taught the basic principals of life. They are not
disciplined and grow into self-centered adults without love, respect, morals or
principals. They are worse than My wild animals for the animals follow
the laws of nature.
I came as God/man so that man would have a living example to follow. I
took on the body of man, spoke like a man, did all as a man but I did not sin.
I lived a life of obedience to Our Father. I loved. I showed mercy.
I lived on the earth while not a part of it. You must do the same---follow
Me. Pray as I prayed. Obey your Heavenly Father. Honor and
live His Commandments; His Will for you.
I died and arose and ascended into Heaven for YOU. I reopened Heaven for
YOU---the sinner. Our Father has many mansions in His House---one for each
and every one of His children ever created, ever to be created. GOD LOVES
Convert! Pray! Repent! The Arms of Mercy and Love are outstretched to
embrace and forgive you. Will you accept My offering of Self at Calvary as
the complete sacrificial offering for the hideous sins of mankind----your
sins, your rejection, your pride, your greed, your hate, your ego?
Children, die to yourself. Die to all evil. Choose life. Live
in Me. Live for Me. Live as I lived. Do all for your Father.
Live His Will for you. After life on this earth which is your trial
period, you will truly
occupy the mansion Our Father has prepared for you, His precious child."
End of message.
2 0f 3 MESSAGE TO LOUISE STARR TOMKIEL, V+J APRIL 15, 2002----10:45 A.M.
Personal words from Jesus:
Louise started to receive a message from Jesus and said, " Jesus, please
cover me with Your Most Precious Blood." Then Jesus said:
"Forget the things you like to do or that bring a few extra dollars into
your house. Work on getting house ready and yard too. Tell
others to prepare now! Share messages locally. Do not travel to
far----alone!!! Stock your shelves. Prepare, for ALL is about to
happen!!! Be in constant readiness!!!
Waste no time on those who will not listen. Take back your peace, dust off
your shoes and move on. Pray for all. Love all. Continue to
assist me, speak in My Name and do all I ask of you. I send you forth,
with many
gifts, into My Vineyard to help with the harvesting of My sheep. I go
before you. I am with you. Let us go now for the time is
End of message.
Louise began to receive a message from God the Father and said, " Jesus,
please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood." Then God the Father
"Today will be recorded in the annals of history. It is a day when
ALL people will hear the Word of the Lord your God.
It is a day of great decision making by not only world leaders but terrorists
It is a day when much prayer is requested for the conversion of all men but also
for My Pope son, John Paul II, for he is preparing to return to His
Heavenly Father.
When, in the very near future, a new Pope is chosen and the smoke rises from the
Vatican--look closely, for as the devil appeared in the smoke from the bombing
of the twin towers in New York City, so too, will a sign appear in the 'white
smoke' from the Vatican. Deception is in full power .
As you pray for John Paul II, pray also for all My priests and especially, for
all church leaders. Much prayer is needed for your world, its leaders and
all its people. I am calling all ( people) to conversion, to enter through
My Gate for it is soon to be closed. Enter with a contrite heart, cleansed
by Confession, and receive a full days wage. Hurry children. Hear
the call of Love. Accept My Divine Mercy. Seek all My Graces.
Be strong
and fear not. I will NEVER leave My own.
Raise your eyes, your arms, your hands and your voices toward Heaven. Rejoice in
the Lord your God for He is a mighty and powerful God who is about to overtake
Satan, sin, all evil. The Just Conqueror IS victorious!
Evil will be cast into the abyss of darkness forever!
End of message.