compiled by Dee Finney
DREAM - 4-11-07 - I spent the evening with my young daughter alone.
We ate a large home-cooked meal and had a glass of wine with it. The men, my husband, his friend and our sons had gone to a basketball game for the evening. Around 2 - 3 a.m. they all came home. There were some women with them, they seemed to be relatives of mine, like my cousin, my sister, and another woman, plus my daughter, so there were 5 men and 5 women. I offered to put a meal on the table for the men - some were hungry and some were not. I put all the food on the table anyway, a large cooked turkey still in the rectangular pan, a lemon meringue pie, a chocolate cake, - everything they could want. I could barely stay awake, having waited for them, but they were all excited from the basketball game. I mentioned to the other man that we seemed to be on different time schedules, which he agreed with. In the pantry, there was a lunch box with a thermos of hot coffee, which I thought about drinking myself, but I didn't want to be awake all night, and nobody else wanted any, so I left the coffee in the thermos. I sat down in the kitchen with the men and my husband's friend sat next to me with the food because he was hungry. I noticed how handsome he was. His shirt was sleeveless, and I could see a large patterned tattoo on his arms and back like the character 'Spiderman' though it was subtle, and I could see his skin too. I wondered if he was the real 'Spiderman'. Two of the women came over to me. One was tall and blonde, my cousin - she had a long neck like a swan and she tilted her head from side to side, swaying it, while the other woman, who was shorter and darker, kissed me on both sides of my face and on my neck, leaving lipstick prints. She kissed me 5 times. Someone said, "It looks like you've been initiated.!" My daughter then came into the kitchen with a big bag of sugar and dumped it all into a big white bucket. I asked her why she was doing that. She said that each of my 5 sons had had their own container of sugar, each with their names on it and that didn't seem right to do. I then walked into the next room, which was dark, except for the reflected light from the kitchen. My sister Bernice was standing there - stark naked. I told her to go into her room and go to bed, because there were 5 men in the house. I reached out to grab her arm and she said that if I touched her she was going to call the police. I told her that if she didn't go into her room and go to bed, I was going to call the mental hospital. So she went into her room and crawled under a huge pile of blankets which had a big bear fur coat laying on top of the pile. I made sure she was well covered, then when I went to leave the room, the door was closed and the bed was too far over so I couldn't leave the room without moving the bed. So, I was virtually trapped in the room with a woman who could be crazy out of her mind and I became afraid. I leaned against the bed frame and fortunately the bed shifted over enough so I could open the door and leave. I awoke as I opened the door.
When I walked into my computer room, the radio had turned itself on and this song was playing. Artist/Band: Montgomery John
I AM in a vast crystal cube in the form of the Great God Harpocrates. This cube is surrounded by a sphere. About me are four archangels in black robes, their wings and armour lined out in white.
In the North is a book on whose back and front are A.M.B.Z. in Enochian characters.
(A vast Svastika is shewn unto me behind the Angel with the Book.
Rend your garments, O ye clouds! Uncover yourselves! for the Love of My Son!
Who are they that trouble thee?
Who are they that slew thee?
O Light! Come thou, who art joined with me to bruise the Dragon's head.
We, who are wedded, and the Earth perceiveth it not!
O that Our Bed were seen of Men, that they might rejoice in My Fertility:
that My Sister might partake of My Great Light.
O Light of God, when wilt thou find the heart of man --- write not! I would not that men know the Sorrow of my Heart, Amen!
I looked and saw a great abyss and a dark funnel of whirling waters or fixed airs, wherein were cities and monsters and trees and atoms and mountains
and little flames (being souls) and all the material of an universe.
And all are sucked down one by one, as necessity hath ordained. For below is a glittering jewelled globe of gold and azure, set in a World of Stars.
And there came a Voice from the Abyss, saying: "Thou seest the Current of Destiny! Canst thou change one atom in {8} its path? I am Destiny. Dost
thou think to control me? for who can move my course?"
And there falleth a thunderbolt therein: a catastrophe of explosion: and all is shattered. And I saw above me a Vast Arm reach down, dark and
terrible, and a voice cried: I AM ETERNITY.
And a great mingled cry arose: "No! no! no! All is changed; all is confounded; naught is ordered: the white is stained with blood: the black is
kissed of the Christ! Return! Return! It is a new chaos that thou findest here: chaos for thee: for us it is the skeleton of a New Truth!"
There cometh an Angel into the stone with opalescent shining garments like a wheel of fire on every side of him, and in his hand is a long flail of
1 The LVX Cross hidden in the Svastika is probably the Arcanum here connoted.
Svastika itself adds to 231 = 0 + 1 + 2 + ... + 21, the 21 Keys. The cubical Svastika regarded as composed of this LVX Cross and the arms has a total of 78 Faces --- Tarot and Mezla.
scarlet lightning; his face is black, and his eyes white without any pupil or iris. The face is very terrible indeed to look upon. Now in front of him is
a wheel, with many spokes, and many tyres; it is like a fence in front of him.
And he cries: O man, who art thou that wouldst penetrate the Mystery? for it is hidden unto the End of Time.
And I answer him: Time is not, save in the darkness of Her womb by whom evil came.
And now the wheel breaks away, and I see him as he is. His garment is black beneath the opal veils, but it is lined with white, and he has the
shining belly of a fish, and enormous wings of black and white feathers, and innumerable little legs and claws like a centipede, and a long tail like a
scorpion. The breasts are human, but they are all scored with blood; and he cries: O thou who hast broken down the veil, knowest thou not that who cometh
where I am must be scarred by many sorrows? {11}
And I answer him: Sorrow is not, save in the darkness of the womb of Her by whom came evil.
I pierce the Mystery of his breast, and therein is a jewel. It is a sapphire as great as an ostrich egg, and thereon is graven this sigil:
{Illustration on page 12 described:
There is a very bright pentagram: and now the stone is gone, and the whole heaven is black, and the blackness is the blackness of a mighty angel. And though he is black (his face and his wings and his robe and his armour are all black), yet is he so bright that I cannot look upon him. And he cries: O ye spears and vials of poison and sharp swords and whirling thunderbolts that are about the corners of the earth, girded with wrath and justice, know ye that His name is Righteousness in Beauty? Burnt out are your eyes, for that ye have seen me in my majesty. And broken are the drum-heads of {18} your ears, because my name is as two mountains of fornication, the breasts of a strange woman; and my Father is not in them.NENNI OFEKUFA ANANAEL LAIADA I MAELPEREJI NONUKA AFAFA ADAREPEHETA PEREGI ALADI NIISA NIISA LAPE OL ZODIR IDOIAN.
And I said: ODO KIKALE QAA. Why art thou hidden from me, whom I hear?THE CRY OF THE 22ND AETHYR, WHICH IS CALLED LIN
There comes first into the stone the mysterious table of forty-nine squares. It is surrounded by an innumerable company of angels; these angels are of all kinds, --- some brilliant and flashing as gods, down to elemental creatures. The light comes and goes on the tablet; and now it is steady, and I perceive that each letter of the tablet is composed of forty-nine other letters, in a language which looks like that of Honorius; but when I would read, the letter that I look at becomes indistinct at once.
There appear in the stone two pillars of flame, and in the midst is achariot of white fire.
First let the scribe be seated in the centre of the circle in the desert sand, and let the circle be fortified by the Holy Names of God ---
Tetragrammaton and Shaddai El Chai and Ararita.
And let the Demon be invoked within a triangle, wherein is inscribed the name of Choronzon, and about it let him write ANAPHAXETON --- ANAPHANETON ---
PRIMEUMATON, and in the angles MI-CA-EL: and at each angle the Seer shall slay a pigeon, and having done this, let him retire to a secret place, where is
neither sight nor hearing, and sit within his black robe, secretly invoking the Aethyr. And let the Scribe perform the Banishing Rituals of the Pentagram
and Hexagram, and let him call upon the Holy Names of God, and say the Exorcism of Honorius, and let him beseech protection and help of the Most
And let him be furnished with the Magick Dagger, and let him strike fearlessly at anything that may seek to break through the circle, were it the
appearance of the Seer himself. And if the Demon pass out of the triangle, let him threaten him with the Dagger, and command him to return. And let him
beware lest he himself lean beyond the circle. And {92} since he reverenceth the Person of the Seer as his Teacher, let the Seer bind him with a great Oath
to do this.
Now, then, the Seer being entered within the triangle, let him take the Victims and cut their throats, pouring the blood within the Triangle, and
being most heedful that not one drop fall without the Triangle; or else Choronzon should be able to manifest in the universe.17
And when the sand hath sucked up the blood of the victims, let him recite the Call of the Aethyr apart secretly as aforesaid. Then will the Vision be
revealed, and the Voice heard.
" "The Oath"
I, Omnia Vincam, a Probationer of A ∴ A ∴, hereby solemnly promise upon my magical honour, and swear by Adonai the angel that guardeth me, that I
will defend this magic circle of Art with thoughts and words and deeds. I promise to threaten with the Dagger and command back into the triangle the
spirit incontinent, if he should strive to escape from it; and to strike with a Dagger at anything that may seek to enter this Circle, were it in appearance
the body of the Seer himself. And I will be exceeding wary, armed against force and cunning; and I will preserve with my life the inviolability of this
Circle, Amen.
"December" 9, 1909. 8.10-10 p.m.
"December" 18, 1909. 9.20 - 10.5 a.m.
Ceremony of Initiation
Five-Fold Kiss
Five-Fold Kiss: Originally part of the Gardnerian Witchcraft initiation ritual and used as part of the “Great Rite” in that tradition.
Traditionally, a man gives this to the woman. He kisses each part and then says,
“Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways.
Blessed by thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar.
Blessed by thy womb, without which we would not be.
Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty.
Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names.”
Also traditionally, a woman gives this to the man, kissing each part and saying,
“Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways.
Blessed by thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar.
Blessed by thy phallus, without which we would not be.
Blessed be thy breasts, formed in strength.
Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names.”
Over the years, many variations in this part of rites--both in wording and in practice--have evolved.
The Magic(k)al Rites of
Dedication & Initiation
This FAQ has been written for the interest and education of solitaries and newcomers to the Magickal community, to satisfy a general need for factual information on the process of becoming a Magickal person in the formal sense, whether Witch, Pagan or Shaman, as a person "properly vouched for and properly prepared." It is not necessary to Dedicate or Initiate to participate in the life of the community, but these life passage rituals can assist in the development of the individual’s spiritual potential. But it must be stressed that these rituals cannot twist anyone from their intrinsic essential nature, nor should they be unwillingly imposed on anyone. Magick is a religion of the soul’s freedom, and it is through the ultimate trust of this freedom that the soul is given wings. Dedication and Initiation rituals are Magickally active rites, and should not be sought or undertaken lightly.
What is the purpose of Dedication and Initiation ceremonies?
These rites bring an individual into the Magickal community; they do not "make" a person into a Pagan or a Witch per se, rather they confirm and assist in developing the potentials already resident within an individual, as the seed brings forth a shoot in the nourishing soil, with the spring sun and warm rain. Dedication can be seen as "planting the seed" and the first Initiation can be seen as "the sprouting shoot breaking through the soil." These rites are markers in the development of the individual through important life passages and cycles of learning and growth, and those who undertake these rites find the experience to be memorable for a lifetime.
What is the difference between Dedication and Initiation?
Private or self Dedication is a declaration to Deity that the individual chooses to seek a Magickal path. Public Dedication serves the same purposes and also alerts the Magickal community to the presence and identity of the seeker, which may help the individual if he or she is looking for a teacher or a particular tradition. Declaration helps to open doors and align opportunities for education and contact with others who are similarly inclined to give the individual enough exposure to make a good decision about whether or not to make a commitment to Magickal ways.
Initiation can be seen as a confirmation into the Magickal life, requiring commitment from the individual to manifest fully. Usually, after (first) initiation, the individual is considered to be a full priestess or priest of the Art and Craft of Magick. Sometimes, as in a public or coven initiation, this rite also brings a commitment from fellow coven members or from a larger community. There are many different kinds of initiations, and several different levels at which it can occur. More on these aspects of initiation later in this FAQ.
Are self-dedications/self-initiations valid?
That is a matter of individual and traditional opinion. Clearly, each individual's true spiritual/magickal attainment is between one's self, one's teachers and Deity. That would tend to suggest that certain kinds of self-dedications and self-initiations are valid, especially when no teachers or groups are available to assist in the passage. On the other hand, there is the commonly known phrase "Only a Witch can make a Witch" and many tales about how to tell who has the potential to be "made" into a Witch, and who has the power to pass the Gifts down. Each tradition, teacher and group has it's own requirements, and unless a particular tradition has within it a function to recognize self-dedicants and/or self-initiants, it is likely that the individual will need to fulfill the requirements of that tradition, teacher or group, and progress through a usual and particular set of studies and steps, and usually also a formal rite to be recognized as dedicated/initiated by that tradition. This is especially true in degree or tier systems and formalized traditions.
When is it appropriate to Dedicate?
When an individual finds that they can clearly define themselves internally as Pagan or Wiccan, a dedication ceremony will help the individual develop his or her understanding of Magickal ways, toward accepting or rejecting identification within these lifepaths. Dedication does not separate the individual from former religious affiliations, in fact, most Dedicants find that they must come to terms with their former religious associations to pass through issues generated or exacerbated by the power of the Dedicatory rite. There is no commitment to initiate after undergoing Dedication, but it has been suggested that individuals who choose to Dedicate are more likely to stick with their Magickal training and study in the long run. Dedication ceremonies have been held at all times of the year, and although Imbolc has become the favorite sabbat at which to present Dedicants and Initiants.
When is it usual to Initiate?
Individuals usually seek Initiation when they want to be recognized fully and without reservation as Pagans or Witches, even if only in the context of a group, tradition or coven. The traditional period of time between Dedication and Initiation is "a year and a day", and most groups ask that individual study or work with them on some level for a period of time before conferring Initiation.
What are degree or tier systems?
Many traditions have more than one level of initiation, and most have two or three, though some have as many as ten or more. These extra levels provide for differing capacities of interest, involvement and attainment on the part of each individual. The second level of two initiation systems and the third level of three initiation systems are usually reserved for those who espouse a greater commitment to Deity and the community with a Calling to be Clergy.
What are some common elements of modern Initiation ceremonies?
Much of the symbology surrounding initiation is concerned with the rebirth of the individual into a fully Magickal identity, in relationship to the fundamental powers and laws of the cosmos, including Deity, and if a tradition or coven initiation, in relationship to the rest of the Magickal community. Often the individual must demonstrate that they come to the altar of initiation of free will, and that they are mature enough, physically, mentally and emotionally, to make that commitment. The Individual is frequently anointed, and may be given the Five-Fold Kiss, a ritual gesture of blessing and honor.
Is there a minimum age requirement for Dedication or Initiation?
Most teachers and groups will not accept those under 18 - 21. More for reasons of modern legal protection than anything else, the only exceptions to this rule are when explicit, and usually written, permission is obtained from one or both parents or guardians. Those who would be students of the secrets of Magick must demonstrate maturity, conscience and self-discipline. Younger people who have a serious interest are encouraged to read well-recommended books, and to seek out others of similar age and like mind. The traditions and groups will be there when the individual reaches his or her legal majority.
What is the key to finding opportunities for Dedication and Initiation?
Asking. Since proselytization is highly discouraged in the Magickal community, you must show initiative and desire. You must also develop your sense of discrimination and common sense. There are a lot of false teachers and fakers floating about on the fringes of the Magickal and Occult communities. This is part of our heritage of silence, secrecy and separation, and while we will always have traditions of silence and traditions of secrecy, one of the great hopes of the modern Pagan/Magickal anti-defamation/anti-discrimination movement is that in webweaving and connecting, we will expose and turn out the fakes, users and frauds. Meanwhile, be very careful. When you have taken the time to evaluate a teacher or group, and find them to be knowledgeable and of good character, then you can feel safe asking or "petitioning" them for Dedication and/or Initiation.
What else should an individual keep in mind while seeking Initiation?
You may need to ask more than once, and you may be turned down on the first or even second request, as it is sometimes part of a ritual challenge for you to learn to persist in pursuit of what you desire to attain. It is not uncommon to continue to be refused or rebuffed. Do not be offended that this particular teacher or group will not accept you, as there are many reasons why any particular group or teacher may not be able to take a newcomer on, and only some of them have to do with the individual in question.. Some teachers will be happy to explain their reasons for refusing a request of this nature, so it’s worth asking why you’ve been turned down. Even when a particular group can’t help you, keep seeking. There are hundreds of living traditions, old and new, and new groups forming every day. If the Magickal way is for you, you will find your way.
This ritual is a compilation of Gardnerian, Fairy, and traditional Wiccan sources, and is intended to be used as an initiation for graduates of my
training course in Basic Technologies of Witchcraft. While the ritual is powerful enough as it stands, I strongly recommend that it be reserved for
people who have been prepared through training at least equivalent to that which I give, or much of the impact may be lost.
Blessed be!
J. Brad (Talespinner) Hicks
Guided Meditation
(The following will be read to all participants in the form of a guided meditation, prior to the processional. It helps if the first paragraph is read by a male voice and the second paragraph by a female voice. NOTE: All are nude; the initiate is also blindfolded.)
Hear the words of the Threefold Goddess, who of old was called Artemis,Astarte, Dianna, Aphrodite, Ceridwen, Isis, Arionrhod, Brigid, Aradia, and many other names:
"Whenever you have need of anything, once in the month, and better it be when the moon is full, you shall assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit of Me who is Queen of all the Wise. She who would learn all sorcery yet has not won its deepest secrets, them I will teach her, in truth, all things as yet unknown. And you shall be free from slavery, and as a sign that you be free you shall be naked in your rites. Sing, feast, dance, make music and love in My presence, for Mine is the ecstasy of of the spirit and Mine also is joy on earth. For My law is love unto all beings. Nor do I demand aught of sacrifice, for behold, I am the mother of all things and My love is poured out upon the earth."
The Initiate is left to meditate as the others rise and follow the High Priest/ess into the Circle area and three times around, chanting:
"We all come from the Goddess,
And to her we shall return
Like a drop of rain,
Flowing to the ocean." (repeat)
Raising of the Circle
HIGH PRIEST/ESS takes the Sword from the altar and traces a circle around the coveners. When he returns to the north, he kneels and salutes, saying, "Hail and well come, frosty Spirits of the North. Lend to us your power and protection this night, that initiate's born name may be given a true initiation, to justly wield the power of Earth. So mote it be!"
ALL: (envisioning a wall of dark-green light springing up from the circle)
"So mote it be!"
HIGH PRIEST/ESS advances to the east, kneels and salutes, saying, "Hail and well come, bright Spirits of the East. Lend to us your power and protection that initiate's born name> may be given a true initiation, to justly wield the power of Air. So mote it be!"
ALL: (envisioning a wall of lemon-yellow light springing up from the circle, within the wall of green) "So mote it be!"
HIGH PRIEST/ESS advances to the south, kneels and salutes, saying, "Hail and well come, fiery Spirits of the South. Lend to us your power and protection that <initiate's born name> may be given a true initiation, to justly wield the power of Fire. So mote it be!"
ALL: (envisioning a wall of crimson light springing up from the circle, within the walls of green and yellow) "So mote it be!"
HIGH PRIEST/ESS advances to the west, kneels and salutes, saying, "Hail and well come, tireless Spirits of the West. Lend to us your power and protection that <initiate's born name> may be given a true initiation, to justly wield the power of Water. So mote it be!"
ALL: (envisioning a wall of dark blue light springing up from the circle, within the walls of green, yellow, and red) "So mote it be!"
Statement of Purpose
HIGH PRIEST/ESS: "I call upon the Horned God; I call upon the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone; I call upon the Spirits of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water; I call upon the Hosts of the Mighty Dead; and I call every true Witch within this circle to witness that we are here to consecrate
<initiate's name> as Priest(ess) and Witch. The circle is cast!"
ALL: (envisioning the walls of the circle bending together overhead and flowing together under the floor to form a hemisphere of bright white light) "So mote it be!"
The Warning
HIGH PRIEST/ESS cuts a gate in the circle, and roughly leads the Initiate to kneel at the edge before the gate, then balances the sword-point over the Initiate's heart (the Initiate raises his or her hands to support the point). "You stand at the edge of a place that is between
the worlds, in the presence of the Gods and under the watchful eye of the Mighty Dead. If you go any further, you embark on a path that cannot be safely turned aside before your death. Feel the sharpness of the blade at your breast, and know this in your heart - it would be better for you to throw yourself forward and spill out your life than to enter this circle with fear or falseness in your heart."
INITIATE: "I come with perfect love and perfect trust."
HIGH PRIEST/ESS lays down the sword, lifts the Initiate to his or her feet, and kisses him or her. "Thus are all first brought into the Circle.", then leads the Initiate to the altar and taking up the sword, re-draws the circle over the gateway.
Administration of the Oaths
ALL (except the High Priest/ess and the Initiate) begin a quiet "Aum" and sustain it throughout the Five-fold Kiss and the Oaths of Initiation.
HIGH PRIEST/ESS, administering the Five-fold Kiss: "Blessed are your feet, that have brought you to this place. Blessed are your knees, that shall kneel at the altars of the Gods. Blessed is your sex, without which we could not be. Blessed is your breast, formed in strength and beauty. Blessed are your lips, which shall speak the Words of Truth.
Are you prepared to take the oath?" t
HIGH PRIEST/ESS: "Then kneel." Takes the Initiate's Measure. "You who have from birth been called <born name> but now seek to become <Craft name> - do you willingly pledge yourself to the God and the Goddess?"
INITIATE places his or her left hand on the top of the head and right hand on the soles of the feet. "All between my two hands belongs to the Gods. So mote it be."
ALL others raise the volume of the "Aum" slightly.
HIGH PRIEST/ESS: "And do you swear to keep silent all those things that must be kept silent, and to respect that which is taught to you?"
INITIATE: "I willingly swear to keep silent all that must be kept silent, and to respect that which is taught to me. So mote it be."
ALL others raise the volume of the "Aum" a little more.
HIGH PRIEST/ESS: "And by what surety do you swear all of these things?"
INITIATE: "All of these things I do swear, by my mother's womb and my hope of future lives, knowing well that my Measure has been taken in the presence of the Mighty Ones. Should I fail utterly in my oaths, may my powers desert me, and may my own tools turn against me. So mote it be. So mote it be. So mote it be!
ALL yell quickly: "SO MOTE IT BE!"
Triggering of the Spell
ALL grab the Initiate quickly and hoist him or her completely into the air (if possible), chanting the Initiate's new name over and over again, as fast as possible, as they carry him or her three times quickly around the circle. When they return to the starting point, they set him or her down face-down and press him or her firmly into the ground. Gradually, the pressure relents to gentle massage. Through all of this they continue chanting the Initiate's new name, falling off in volume and speed as the pressure relaxes.
HIGH PRIEST/ESS: "Know that the hands that have touched you are the hands of love." Removes the Initiate's blindfold and helps him or her up. "In the Burning Times, when each member of the Coven held the lives of the others in her hand, this would have been kept, and used against you should you endanger others. But in these happier times, love and trust prevail, so take this (hands the Measure to the initiate), keep it or burn it, and be free to go or stay as you please."
Follow-Through and Earthing of Power
HIGH PRIEST/ESS hands the sword to the Initiate, and leads him or her to the West, where they both kneel. The Initiate salutes, and the High Priest/ess announces, "Behold, restless Spirits of Water - I bring before you <new name>, who has been consecrated as Priestess and Witch!" Repeats at the South, West, and finally North.
ALL (including High Priest/ess and Initiate) join hands in the Circle.
HIGH PRIEST/ESS: "Thank you Spirits of the Mighty Dead, Spirits of the Four Elements, and awesome Lord and Lady for hallowing our circle. Go or stay as you will - our circle is ended."
ALL ground and center, then absorb the power of the Circle and return it to the Earth beneath their feet.
HIGH PRIEST/ESS (after a suitable pause): "Our lovely rite draws to its end. Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again. Blessed Be!"
ALL: "BLESSED BE!"To the best of our knowledge, the text on this page may be freely reproduced and distributed. If you have any questions about this, please check out our Copyright Policy.
Ascended Masters - Who They Are
The Ascended Masters have worked with mankind throughout the centuries. Most of the time in the past the Ascended Masters have worked in the background. ... MASTERS
Most of the time in the past the Ascended Masters have worked in the background. There were some Ascended Masters who have assisted mankind such as Sanat . ...'S VISION OF SPIRITUAL LAW AND MORAL ORDER
When so much of an initiate’s life is devoted to “making a living,” there is little energy or time available for spiritual evolution. ... SOUND WORLDS
It is impossible for a chela to enter a spiritual level without first discarding their mind and continuing into their soul or Tuza. ... OF THE GREAT EARTHCHANGES - RELIGIOUS DREAMS