( Photo from The Miami Herald Newspaper )
Aerial View of Circle
The Tekesta Miami Circle
The Miami Circle was an important part of the town of Tekesta In August, 1998, excavations exposed an archaeological treasure consisting of a circle of holes chiseled into the limestone bedrock. Also found were pottery shards, stone axe heads, and other artifacts. The site was to be a parking garage for a $126 million high-rise luxury condo complex, Brikell Pointe, located where the Miami River joins Biscayne Bay near downtown Miami. Although the site is not eye-catching, it turns out to be a major U.S. archaeological discovery. The site had been an apartment complex and before that the homestead and trading post of the Brikell family, early Miami settlers in the 1870s. But now it seems that site held an important building that was part of the Tekesta Indian capitol town, also called Tekesta. This was possibly evidence that North America's first complex society may have arises well before that of the Calusa. The Significance of the Tekesta Miami Circle
Part 1.
Florida in the Paleoindian Period (13,500 to 9,900 B.P.) |
Art Bell's Miami Circle Photo Page
Wolflodge Listing of Fax Numbers to Call
Last summer (1998)
an ancient stone circle was uncovered during construction work in downtown
Miami. Volunteer archaeologists, under the direction of Robert Carr, director
of Miami-Dade County's Historic Preservation Division, began mapping the
site in July. Project surveyor, T.L. Riggs, has posited the theory that the
site may be Mayan. Others say that the site may be even older than the Mayan
sites, perhaps far older. Robert Carr said, "Nothing like this has ever been
found in Florida or the eastern United States. It represents a very important
page of missing history in this part of the world."
A controversy ensued, as the developers intended to destroy the ancient site in order to complete the 100 million dollar construction project. A few days before the planned destruction, Richard Hoagland and Robert Ghost Wolf traveled to Miami in an attempt to help preserve the site. They appeared on the Art Bell Radio Show on January 29. Richard had been communicating with Michael Lawrence Morton of "The Code Gang," and mentioned Michael's work on "The Code" connections of the Miami stone circle. On February 4, Michael appeared on the Art Bell Radio Show, along with Richard, Robert and others.
With the help of Art Bell listeners and many others, the destruction of the site was canceled, thanks to the sensitivity of the developers of the construction project. The plan at this time is to cut the circle out of the bedrock and move it in sections to another location. For various reasons some believe that the site should remain in its place. One of those reasons is based on the belief that the Miami stone circle is part of a worldwide grid system of ancient sites, and that their positioning has an effect on the planet itself.
This article contains the work of Michael Lawrence Morton, giving "The Code" connections to the Miami stone circle. Several e-mails from others about the site are included, along with various links to other sites.
"The Code" is explained in Part One of this series of articles.
Stone Circle of Mystery Buried Artifact Found at Miami Building Site
The First Native American People's site
December 28, 1998 (Miami Herald)
Miami's Ancient Circle to the Stars
Miami Herald, January
3, 1999
Archive Page
A Prophet Is Wihout Honor In His Own Land...
Miami Herald, Jan.
12, 1999
(South Florida is a treasure trove of early human habitation)
Coverage from Mexico Newspaper
THE PAST IN PERIL--Miami Herald--Sunday, January 17,1999
Miami Herald, Jan. 20, 1999--Bids to save stone circle underway
ARTIFACT - SHARK BURIAL (trying to get this link back)
Artifact--stingray tail spine (trying to get this link back)
Artifacts and other Information
SOLUTION PITS? (trying to get this link back)
SATELLITE IMAGES FROM 1995 (trying to get this link back)
Circle of Mystery
Buried Artifact Found at Miami Building Site
Mysterious Circle Discovered in Miami
Stone Circle of Miami -"Shining Light In Dark Places"
Subj: URGENT .... First Hour Art Bell Tonight !!!!! ...
Date: 01/29/1999 11:22:51 PM Central Standard Time
From: Milamo
URGENT !!! Emergency Stop-The-Bulldozers Show
RE: The Miami Circle Site !!
TONIGHT -- FIRST HOUR Of Art Bell Show !!!
w/Richard C. Hoagland
This is a set-the-stage preview .... but ALSO a very serious political wake-up call for prevention of the bull-dozing of the Miami Circle Site !!
I just spoke by phone with RCH. He said a full show on this would hopefully follow, next week on Art Bell ... with myself (M.L. Morton) as one of the guests on the show ... and we *would* be mentioning the "Code" & gematria and such, etc !!!
-- Michael L. M.
Subj: I think we have a breakthrough !!
Date: 01/30/1999 2:47:18 AM Central Standard Time
From: Milamo
Well, Gang ... !!!!!!! Looks like we have a breakthrough !!!!
I got an email from a woman who's acting as a secretary for RCH ... this was about 4 or 5 days ago. The email said that RCH was interested in information on the 'Miami Circle' ... and could I send any such info to him through this lady ... she would fax it to him at his hotel in Miami !! And she gave the phone number of the hotel, where I could phone him ... which I did.
Hoagland described the location of the site to me over the phone, as best he could ... I then went back to the USGS map ... and did my best at figuring- out numbers for the site, based on a much more-accurate location than I had from only the stories in the press. I think I hit it right !!! Hopefully, I've got it right ... we'll see !! Hoagland had been out to the site himself earlier that day ... and had taken some photos from a distance.
Here are my figures I sent him, based on his description over the phone, after I studied the USGS map again :
Grid LAT 25 (deg) X 46 (min) X 11.07965608 (sec) North = 12741.60449 North
Grid LONG 111 (deg) X 18 (min) X 49.39741942 (sec) W.Giza = 98696.04401 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 80 deg 10 min 48.59741942 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 98696.04401 / 12741.60449 = 7.745966692
Notice the Grid Point Value would be the Square Root of 60. And the Grid Longitude would be a base-ten harmonic of Pi Squared.
The Grid Latitude would be a base-ten harmonic of the ratio between this circle's diameter, and the radius of the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge ... 48.66934411 Feet / 38.19718635 Feet = 1.274160449
One of Carl Munck's first decodings involved his awareness that the original Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge would have been made of 60 stones ... 30 uprights and 30 cross-pieces ... because when multiplied by the 360 conventional number of degrees on "any circumference" ... the number 60 produces the 21600 arc- minutes of latitude on Earth's polar circumference, and also the Grid Latitude of Stonehenge itself. [ 21600 is the product from multiplying together the numbers of Stonehenge's actual latitude] ... 51 (deg) X 10 (min) X 42.35294118 (sec) North = 21600 North
This implies that the designer(s) of Stonehenge were not only familiar with using 360 as the number of equal units on a circumference ... but that these designer(s) were also consciously *showing* it in both the layout of the structure (the number of stones on the Sarsen Circle, for example, as only one of the features of the site) ... AND, in the precise latitude/longitude positioning of the structure.
-- Michael
See corrected calculations and further explanation
1-30-99, 7:39 a.m.
Date: 01/30/1999 4:49:29 AM Central Standard Time
From: Code UFO
My work differs from that of Michael Morton in that Michael's work identifies specific geographic and geometric relationships while mine focuses on synchronistic relationships derived from calculating the alphanumeic values of key words and phrases. The work is based on the notion that numbers have both quantitative as well as qualitative values. This is an ancient concept underpinning the whole art/science known as Gematria. Traditionally, the english alphabet has been considered the least useful as a tool of Gematria. However, my work has led me to consider the possibility that the 26 letters of our alphabet may have a unique relationship with the Mayan Tzolkin grid matrix of 260 units (for details, see my web site at ). Numbers might be resonant symbols reflecting archetypal concepts residing in what Carl Jung called the collective unconscious. If so, this idea might partially answer the puzzle of how and why the Grid Point Values of ancient sacred sites appear to be intimately connected. We know there is an abundance of instances of the number "9" (or multiples thereof) within the key numbers connected to Carl Munck's "Code Of The Ancients". I've become nearly convinced that the number "9" is somehow intimately involved in the nature of the phenomenon we call "synchronicity". If that's true, then this may be an alternative way of validating the relationships between certain phenomena, be they persons, places, things or events. In the specific case of the "Code Of The Ancients" I feel very comfortable with the idea that the english alphabet may be a useful gematrian tool since it has already been established that much of the "Code" reflects the english metrology. Why, I don't know. Nevertheless, it appears to be the case.
The following calculations reflect possible MIAMI/MAYAN alphanumeric connections identified by the significance of the number "9". Also reflects other related Gematrian and Munck Code numbers.
"9 is the number of the mythic Lords of Time, the number representing the original Mayan galactic masters themselves." - Arguelles, The Mayan Factor
"9 = Magic number of the Maya. All relevant numbers compound to 9 (except the Special Number 260)". - Gilbert & Cotterell, The Mayan Prophecies
All alphanumeric values have been calculated using A=1 through Z=26.
Cross addition of multidigit numbers has been used to calculate single the digit value (ex: the single digit value of 54 is 9 by adding the two digits 4 and 5).
MAYAN = 54 (9)
FIFTY FOUR = 126 (9)
54 + 126 = 180 (9) (also, 1/2 of 360 degrees in a circle)
54 + 54 = 108 (9) (also, base ten harmonic of Grid Lat. of Miami Circle)
108 = 1/2 of 216 (9) (also, base ten harmonic of 21600, Grid Lat. of Stonehenge)
54 + 126 + 260 (Mayan Tzolkin) = 440 (musical note, "A" in standard CPS)
A = 1
440 + 1 = 441 (9)
54 = base ten harmonic of 5400, Grid Point Value of the Sphinx.
SPHINX = 90 (9)
90 + 54 = 144 (9) (also, Gematria number for speed of light)
SPEED OF LIGHT = 126 (same as alphanumeric value of FIFTY FOUR & FORTY FIVE)
126 + 144 = 270 (9) (also, 3 x SPHINX)
270 + 90 = 360 (9) (also, degrees in a circle)
90 + 126 = 216 (base ten harmonic of 21600, Grid Lat of Stonehenge)
90 + 126 + 54 = 450 (9) (also, base ten harmonic of MIAMI=45)
MIAMI = 45 (9)
FORTY FIVE = 126 (9)
45 x 2 = 90 (SPHINX)
90 x 2 = 180 (9) (also, sum of MAYAN=54 + FIFTY FOUR=126)
See Gary's Synchronicity City Site
Subj: Fwd : For RCH ...From Michael L. Morton ...
Date: 01/30/1999 7:06:25 AM Central Standard Time
From: Milamo
Gang ...
I found my own mistake, and I have corrected it .... no worry !!!! :-) Nothin' to worry about !! All is well !!!!
-- Michael
Correction to Miami Circle Figures
Richard ...
I found a mistake I made in routine calculations, in which I inadvertently subtracted 30 seconds of longitude that I shouldn't have. However ... I've corrected the mistake ... and all is totally well and good !!! The new figures fit beautifully ... still ... with Stonehenge, and with other major Munck-matrix numbers !!
Here is my correction :
I now see *two* very strong possibilities here. The first :
Grid LAT ... remains the same .... 12741.60449 North = 25 (deg) X 46 (min) X 11.07965608 (sec) North
Grid LONG 111 (deg) X 19 (min) X 18.7190221 (sec) W.Giza = 39478.41761 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 80 deg 11 min 17.9190221 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 39478.41761 / 12741.60449 = 3.098386677
The Grid Point Value is the Square Root of precisely 9.6.
The Grid Longitude is an exact base-ten harmonic of (2Pi) Squared.
And as a reminder ... the Grid Latitude is a base-ten harmonic of the ratio between the radius of The Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge, and the possible diameter of this Miami Circle.
If we divide this Grid Point Value by the Grid Point Value of Stonehenge, we get the TANGENT of the Base Slope Angle of The Great Pyramid of Giza : 3.098386677 / 2.433467206 = 1.273239545 = TAN 51.853974 degrees
If we multiply this Grid Point Value by the TANGENT of the azimuth-of- orientation of "The Avenue" at Stonehenge ( 49.65408598 degrees), we get the TANGENT of the precise surface mileage (in statute miles) arc- distance from Stonehenge to The Great Pyramid !!! [ 2234.668733 statute miles] : 3.098386677 X 1.177245771 = 3.647562611 = TAN 2234.668733
Notice also :
The number 1.177245771 is the exact ratio between the radius of The Sarsen Circle (in Feet) at Stonehenge, and The Radian (deg) constant of circle/sphere math ... 57.29577951 / 48.66934411 = 1.177245771
[ Note ... The Radian (deg) constant is found by dividing 360 by 2Pi !!! ] ... 360 / (2Pi) = 57.29577951 degrees
The second strong possibility I see here :
Grid LAT 25 (deg) X 46 (min) X 11.07164822 (sec) North = 12732.39545 North
Grid LONG .... same as first strong possiblity .... 39478.41761 W.Giza = 111 (deg) X 19 (min) X 18.7190221 (sec) W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 80 deg 11 min 17.9190221 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 39478.41761 / 12732.39545 = 3.100627668
Here, the Grid Point Value is precisely a base-ten harmonic of Pi Cubed !!!
( This is a direct correlation with the Grid Point Value of the intersection-spot in Phoenix, over-which the UFO stopped and hovered on 03/13/97 !!! ).
This also correlates, inversely of course, to the *reciprocal* of Pi Cubed ... the HAARP, Alaska spot I calculated !
The Grid Latitude, here, is a base-ten harmonic of the TANGENT of the Base Slope Angle of The Great Pyramid.
And, as a reminder, the Grid Longitude, here, is a base-ten harmonic of (2Pi) Squared. Notice here : this Grid Longitude number of 39478.41761 *matches precisely* the Grid Latitude number (my figure) for that Phoenix intersection spot !!!
Also ... it could be that the diameter of this Miami Circle is 12Pi Feet .. or 37.69911184 Feet. If we divide 12Pi by 3.098386677 ... we get a base-ten harmonic of precisely one-half the Grid Point Value of Stonehenge ... 12Pi / 3.098386677 = 12.16733603 = 2.433467206 / 2 X 10
Suppose ... that we multiply the Grid Point Values of these two "strong possibilities" ... 3.098386677 X 3.100627668 = 9.606943456
That result is a base-ten harmonic of the circumference of The Sarsen Circle (in Feet) multiplied by the Pi constant !!! ...
[ 305.7985078 Feet X Pi / 100 = 9.606943457 ]
I'll be following-up on all of this in the next few days. There are many, many stunning connections involved, and I'll be forwarding you my information.
Thank-you very much, Richard, for this chance to work with you on this case. And I look forward to being on the coming Art Bell program with you !!
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) copyright 1999
Subj: Fwd: More to RCH from MLM ...
Date: 01/30/1999 9:54:13 AM Central Standard Time
Gang .. here's a copy of my latest to Hoagland ...
-- Michael
Richard ...
I also must say, after further consideration ... that there is a very significant possibility that the central Grid Point Value in this Miami Circle ... could be precisely Pi itself !!! :-)
On a north-south axis, if we assume the (2Pi) Squared base-ten harmonic Grid Longitude of 39478.41761 W.Giza, if we move about 15 Feet south of 25 deg 46 min 11.07 sec .... to exactly 25 deg 46 min 10.9272788 sec ... 25 (deg) X 46 (min) X 10.9272788 (sec) = 12566.37061 North
That would be a Grid LAT of exactly 4000 Pi, and the Grid POINT Value would be 39478.41761 / 12566.37061 = 3.141592654 = Pi
Only a close inspection at the site, of course, can tell us.
Michael L. Morton
(c) copyright 1999
Ruins in Miami tell of extinct tribe
Archaeologists can stay on site through Feb. 26
Subj: [earthchanges] Fwd: Re: Miami Circle
Date: 02/01/1999 2:09:24 AM Central Standard Time
From: (lee Chin)
Subject: Re: Miami Circle
Subj: [earthchanges] Fwd: Re: More on Miami
Date: 02/01/1999 2:12:45 AM Central Standard Time
From: (lee Chin)
Subject: Re: More on Miami
Thanks again and keep on screaming we are turning things around...could it be that the Art Bell Chat Club can become a real force in this world....your friends at Wolf Lodge
Subj: Save the Stone Circle in Miami, Florida
Date: 99-02-01 01:31:25 EST
To: fl_governor@eog.state.fl.u,,,,,, AHHPMX@SIVM.SI.EDU,,
Dear Sirs:
I recently became aware of a new discovery in Miami, Florida. It is the remains of an ancient, Pre-Columbian stone calendar. The developer has the necessary permits to bulldoze the site and erect an apartment complex on this very sacred site.
When that happens much knowledge will be lost forever. Once the site is destroyed we will never know what secrets we have lost. Please stop this develpoment from going forward. Let this site be saved for the expansion of our knowledge of the ancient peoples that once inhabited this land. Money could be found to buy this site from the developer to do this worthy work.
Please help to save this unique cultural heritage from being erased forever.
Thank you,
Wanda Patton
Date: 02/04/1999 4:55:46 AM Central Standard Time
From: Milamo
In a message dated 2/4/99 6:14:57 AM, Dee777 wrote:
<<Hi all: I convinced my good ol' friend Liz, new webmaster to Robert Ghostwolf to give us a link to our page. Joe says he will get the new Miami site numbers up as soon as he can.
BTW .......My most recent, "strongest possibility", as to matrix-valid numbers for The Miami Circle ...
Grid LAT 25 (deg) X 46 (min) X 10.9272788 (sec) North = 12566.37061 North = 4000 X Pi
Grid LONG 111 (deg) X 19 (min) X 20.48364154 (sec) W.Giza = 43200 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 80 deg 11 min 19.68364154 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 43200 / 12566.37061 = 3.437746771
Notice that 3.437746771 matches the number of regular Feet of height of the outer surface of The Sarcophagus in The King's Chamber inside The Great Pyramid (according to my proposed measurements). Also .... equals one-tenth Grid Point Value of Warm Mineral Springs (Florida), one-tenth the length in regular Feet of The King's Chamber (according to my proposed measurements), one-tenth of 3/5ths of The Radian (deg), and one-thousandth the polar radius of Earth in nautical miles.
-- Michael
Subj: Some Unifying Numbers ...
Date: 02/05/1999 9:35:29 AM Central Standard Time
From: Milamo
Regardless of my "strong possibility" for the Grid POINT Value of The Miami Circle ... 3.437746771 ... the base-ten harmonic of this figure is very important in the re-discovered planetary matrix.
The polar radius of Earth is 3437.746771 nautical miles. BTW ... isn't it interesting that a latitude minute on Earth 'just happens' to equal a nautical mile, while our convention of arc-minutes on 'any circumference' is equal to the polar circumference of Earth in nautical miles ? [ 21600 ].
We use a statute mile of 5280 Feet. Could there be a direct "connection" between our 360-degree convention ( number of equal segments on 'any circumference' ), and the 5280 Feet in a statute mile ?
Consider the mean (average) diameters of Earth and The Moon ... 7920 statute miles and 2160 statute miles. [ BTW ... notice that 2160 is a base-ten harmonic of 21600 ]. The ratio of those mean diameters is 3.666666667. Now ... consider the tetrahedron, and Richard C. Hoagland's "hyperdimensional physics" model of two interconnected tetrahedra, in a 3-D "Star-of-David" pattern, circumscribed in a rotating sphere. A tetrahedron has 720 degrees of total corner-angle on its surface. So, 2 tetrahedra have a total of 1440 degrees of corner-angle on their surfaces. Let's multiply 1440 times the ratio of mean Earth/Moon diameters ... 3.666666667 X 1440 = 5280
There's our connection between Feet in a statute mile, degrees on 'any circumference', nautical miles on the polar circumference of Earth, statute miles of mean Moon diameter, and the size-relationship between Earth and The Moon !!
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) copyright 1999
Subj: Based on RCH's GPS Readings ...
Date: 02/05/1999 2:29:01 PM Central Standard Time
From: Milamo
To: JMason4557, Dee777, JamesFuria, Code UFO
BULLETIN Re: The Miami Circle
I talked by phone with Richard C. Hoagland around noon today, Feb.5, 1999 ... and he gave me the GPS readings he (himself) took at the site of The Miami Circle.
Here, then, are my Munck-matrix figures for The Miami Circle, based on the GPS readings taken by Mr. Hoagland ...
Grid LAT 25 (deg) X 46 (min) X 9.391304348 (sec) North = 10800 North
Grid LONG 111 (deg) X 19 (min) X 19.83320063 (sec) W.Giza = 41828.22014 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 80 deg 11 min 19.03320063 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 41828.22014 / 10800 = 3.872983346
The Grid Point Value is precisely the Square Root of 15, and the Grid Latitude is exactly one-half the Grid LAT of Stonehenge !!
If the diameter of The Miami Circle is, in fact, 37.5 Feet ... this would make a lot of sense ... because the (Square Root of 3.75) X 21600 = 41828.22014 !! [ The Grid LAT of Stonehenge is 21600 ].
Also ... the Grid LAT of The Great Sphinx is ... the (Square Root of 375) X [The Radian (deg) Squared] = 19.36491673 X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951) = 63571.27161 North = 29 (deg) X 58 (min) X 37.79504852 (sec) North
So ; assuming Richard C. Hoagland's GPS readings are correct, I can now say that we have a Munck-matrix valid site here !
The Miami Circle appears to be a major site in the re-discovered ancient planetary matrix !!!
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) copyright 1999
In a message dated 2/6/99 5:11:53 PM, Milamo wrote:
Continuing with updates on The Miami Circle, recall that Richard C. Hoagland gave GPS (global positioning satellite) readings to me over the phone on Feb.5, 1999 ... readings that he had taken himself.
Again, here are my figures for Munck-matrix valid coordinates, based on Mr. Hoagland's GPS readings ...
Grid LAT 25 (deg) X 46 (min) X 9.391304348 (sec) North = 10800 North
Grid LONG 111 (deg) X 19 (min) X 19.83320063 (sec) W.Giza = 41828.22014 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 80 deg 11 min 19.03320063 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 41828.22014 / 10800 = 3.872983346
Notice that the Grid POINT Value is precisely the Square Root of 15, and the Grid LAT is exactly one-half of Stonehenge's Grid LAT of 21600.
There were 15 original stones *inside* the Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge, in the "horseshoe" arrangement ... 5 pairs of uprights, or 10 stones ... plus a lintel stone across each pair of uprights ... 5 more stones, for a total of 15 original stones comprising the "horseshoe".
There are 10800 nautical miles, or 10800 arc-minutes, on each latitudinal hemisphere of Earth.
Also on Feb.5, 1999, Louis Mejia reported to me via email and also by phone, that he had heard from an archaeologist at the site, that the correct diameter of The Miami Circle is 37.5 Feet. If the diameter is, in fact, 37.5 Feet ... this would make a lot of sense. The Seip Mound, in Ohio, has a Grid Point Value of exactly 3.75 (Munck), and The Great Sphinx of Giza has a Grid Latitude of the Square Root of 375, times the Square of The Radian (deg) constant of circle/sphere math.
Let's multiply the Square Root of Seip Mound's Grid Point Value ... times the 21600 Grid Latitude of Stonehenge : (Square Root of 3.75) X 21600 = 1.936491673 X 21600 = 41828.22014
There's the Grid LONG of The Miami Circle, according to Richard C. Hoagland's GPS readings !!
Notice that 3.75 is "two octaves" below 15 (see the work of James Furia, regarding the musical-frequency aspects of this ancient planetary matrix).
By OCTAVES, we mean *doubling* or *halving* in terms of frequency ... 3.75 X 2 X 2 = 15
Of course, we note that 15 is the "Square of the Square Root of itself". This is only one example of the *self-referentiality* of this ancient matrix, a real sign of intelligent design.
The Grid Latitude of The Great Sphinx shows the same base-ten harmonic ... 375 ... encoded along with The Radian (deg) Squared ... [Radian (deg) Squared] X (Square Root of 375) = (57.29577951 X 57.29577951) X 19.36491673 = 63571.2716 North = 29 (deg) X 58 (min) X 37.79504851 (sec) North
That's *exactly* where The Great Sphinx is centered, north of the equator. The Square of The Radian (deg) is used in calculating areas and volumes of circular/spherical geometric forms ... because The Radian (deg) refers to the RADIUS of the given forms.
In fact, the polar radius of Earth was designed (or assigned) to be 60 Radians (deg) in distance ... 3437.746771 (nautical miles) = 60 Radians (deg) in nautical miles.
If we divide the Grid POINT Value of The Miami Circle into the number 60 ... 60 / 3.872983346 = 15.49193338 = Square Root of 240
The Square Root of 240, in terms of arc-degrees, is the *precise* azimuth-of- orientation of 'The Avenue of the Dead' at Teotihuacan in Mexico. The number 240 ... multiplied by the Square of The Radian (deg) ... gives the generic 'Volume of a Sphere' in Cubic Degrees ... 240 X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951) = 787873.5239 Cu. deg
The Seip Mound site, in Ohio, has a square earthwork attached to the circular earthwork that encloses the mound itself. The baseline (one side) of that square earthwork is exactly 1080 Feet long ... a base-ten harmonic of the 10800 Grid LAT of The Miami Circle. The mean radius of The Moon is 1080 statute miles.
Throughout this matrix, we are finding redundant evidence of the use of 360 degrees on a circumference, base 10, the Pi constant, and The Radian (deg) constant. I also see evidence of a direct geometric relationship between the nautical mile and the statute mile. Notice that the ratio of mean diameters of Earth and The Moon is 3.666666667 ...
In statute miles ... 7920 / 2160 = 3.666666667
Now, we know that a tetrahedron has 720 degrees of total corner-angle on its surface, so two tetrahedra have 1440 degrees of total corner-angle on their surfaces. Think of Richard C. Hoagland's model of "hyperdimensional physics" with two interconnected tetrahedra in a 3-D "Star-of-David" pattern, circumscribed in a rotating sphere (planetary body). Let's multiply 3.666666667 times 1440 ... 3.666666667 X 1440 = 5280 ... number of Feet in a statute mile.
Recall that the polar circumference of Earth is 21600 arc-minutes of latitude. We have a convention that says "any circumference" has 21600 arc-minutes on it, or 360 degrees. [ 21600 / 1440 = 15 ]. Interesting, eh ?!
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) copyright 1999>>
Herald Staff Writer
Miami-Dade County Mayor Alex Penelas on Friday stepped firmly into the controversy over the preservation of the Miami Circle, saying he favors saving the mysterious stone artifact at the downtown site where archaeologists discovered it late last year.
Curator from D.C. weighs in on Circle
But feds apparently powerless on issue
Uncovering a 2,000-year-old mystery in downtown Miami
Subj: The Miami Circle ... Toward Awareness of a Unified Field ...
Date: 02/09/1999 2:58:26 AM Central Standard Time
From: Milamo
A Key Toward Understanding a Unified Field
As Displayed in The Ancient Planetary Archaeomatrix
Re-discovered by Carl P. Munck, Sr.
After further study, based on the GPS readings given to me over the phone by Richard C. Hoagland on Friday, Feb.5, 1999 ... I have concluded that The Miami Circle site is a major part of the ancient planetary archaeomatrix, re-discovered by Carl P. Munck, Sr.
First, again, here are my figures for Munck-matrix valid coordinates of longitude and latitude, using a prime meridian passing through the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza :
Grid LAT 25 (deg) X 46 (min) X 9.391304348 (sec) North = 10800 North
Grid LONG 111 (deg) X 19 (min) X 19.83320064 (sec) W.Giza = 41828.22014 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich 80 deg 11 min 19.03320064 sec ]
Grid POINT Value 41828.22014 / 10800 = 3.872983346 = Square Root of 15
Connections To Stonehenge
The Grid LAT of 10800 is exactly one-half the Grid LAT of Stonehenge [ 21600 ], and is also one-half the polar circumference of Earth in nautical miles.
The Grid POINT of Square Root of 15 refers directly to the 15 original stones *inside* The Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge, comprising the "horseshoe" arrangement of 5 pairs of uprights and a cross-piece on top of each of those 5 pairs.
If, in fact, the diameter of Miami Circle is 37.5 Feet ... this number would equate to precisely one-half the total number of stones making-up The Sarsen Circle and The Horseshoe ... 60 + 15 ... or 75 original stones.
As Munck first observed in his decoding of Stonehenge, the 60 original stones on the circumference of The Sarsen Circle *encoded* the precise latitude of Stonehenge itself ... because 60 times 360 degrees on "any circumference" ... 360 being our conventional number of equal segments on any circumference, in our geometry ... multiplies to 21600, which is the precise number we get when we multiply the actual numbers of degrees times minutes times seconds, of Stonehenge's latitude !! The number 21600 is also "displaying" for us the polar circumference of Earth in latitude minutes or nautical miles.
Stonehenge's Grid Point Value (Munck) is 2.433467206, and if we divide that into The Miami Circle's Grid Point Value ... 3.872983346 / 2.433467206 = 1.591549431
The number 1.591549431 is precisely 1/36th of The Radian (deg) constant of circle/sphere mathematics, based on a 360-degree circumference, of course.
And, 1/36 is a "base-ten harmonic" of the reciprocal of 360. By "base-ten harmonic", we simply mean a function of powers-of-ten ... moving the decimal point to the right or to the left.
We can see that the designers of both Stonehenge and The Miami Circle were very consciously-aware of using 360 degrees on a circumference, and were also using The Radian (deg) constant of 57.29577951 degrees.
Connection To Bimini Shark Mound
The skeleton of a shark, oriented due east-west, was found by archaeologists at the center of The Miami Circle. Al