Matthew 24
1 And Jesus went out,
and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to
shew him the buildings of the temple.
2 And Jesus said unto
them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall
not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown
3 And as he sat upon
the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying,
Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy
coming, and of the end of the world?
4 And Jesus answered
and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. (SEE
5 For many shall come
in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
6 And ye shall hear
wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all
these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation shall
rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be
famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the
beginning of sorrows.
9 Then shall they
deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be
hated of all nations for my name's sake.
10 And then shall
many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one
11 And many false
prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. (SEE
12 And because
iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
13 But he that shall
endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
14 And this gospel of
the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all
nations; and then shall the end come. (SEE
15 When ye therefore
shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the
prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
16 Then let them
which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
17 Let him which is
on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
18 Neither let him
which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
19 And woe unto them
that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
20 But pray ye that
your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: (SEE
21 For then shall be
great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to
this time, no, nor ever shall be.
22 And except those
days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the
elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
23 Then if any man
shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
24 For there shall
arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs
and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive
the very elect.
25 Behold, I have
told you before.
26 Wherefore if they
shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold,
he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
27 For as the
lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so
shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
28 For wheresoever
the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
29 Immediately after
the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon
shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and
the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
30 And then shall
appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the
tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in
the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
31 And he shall send
his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather
together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the
32 Now learn a
parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth
forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
33 So likewise ye,
when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the
34 Verily I say unto
you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be
35 Heaven and earth
shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
36 But of that day
and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father
37 But as the days of
Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days
that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and
giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until
the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of
the Son of man be.
40 Then shall two be
in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
41 Two women shall be
grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
42 Watch therefore:
for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
43 But know this,
that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief
would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his
house to be broken up.
44 Therefore be ye
also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.
45 Who then is a
faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his
household, to give them meat in due season?
46 Blessed is that
servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.
47 Verily I say unto
you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods.
48 But and if that
evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming;
49 And shall begin to
smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken;
50 The lord of that
servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an
hour that he is not aware of,
51 And shall cut him
asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall
be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (SEE
8-21-08 - DREAM - I was with my family, somewhere in Wisconsin.
Some of the family was moving into a long white tent to withstand
what was coming to be safe. My choice was to stay in the rickety old
wooden cabin - it wasn't even painted inside or out. The wood was
dark and old. I was going to be staying in it alone and I thought I
would be okay there.
I watched as my family enter the white tent, and they closed the
flaps on it.
I then went inside the cabin and closed the door.
Immediately, I felt the lonliest I had ever felt in my life. I had
no idea how long it was going to be before I saw them again. It was
a terrible feeling to be that lonely.
It seemed like only moments had passed and a knock came on the door.
I opened the door and saw my husband standing outside in huge drifts
of snow.
He said, "There was over 6 feet of snow".
I replied, "Oh, my gosh, I never heard of 6 feet of snow falling all
at once."
He said, "Oh yes! There has been that much snow before, and
there will be again!"
Then, another man came up whom I didn't know. He was dressed
in a black snowmobile suit. He said, "Quick! Get in your car
and drive the roads to open them up before the snow gets hard."
He quickly started driving his own car and making black tracks in
the snow, going every direction to pack down the snow so others could see
where to drive and we wouldn't be snowed in.
For some reason, I didn't think that would be a good idea. Then
everyone else would know where we were. We didn't want anyone to
know where we were. That wouldn't be safe.
Commentary on Matthew
Chapter 24:1-34
Matt 24:1-3 -- Christ
announces that the second Temple, God's dwelling place among
mankind, would soon be destroyed and earthly Jerusalem made
desolate. The Jewish followers of Christ, as citizens of the Old
Covenant dispensation, inquire as to the future of their nation,
having been informed that the end of that age would be accompanied
by the annihilation of the entire Mosaic Temple system and state.
These disasters came to pass in accordance with the prophecies of
Christ: The Jews launched the Great Revolt in AD 66 under
messianic king Menahem (Josephus, Wars of the Jews, 2:17) and set
fire to the Holy Temple at the desolation of Jerusalem at AD 70
(Josephus, Wars, 6:2:9; 6:3:5; 6:4:5; 6:6:2). At the end of this
tribulation, Roman armies took apart the Jerusalem Temple
stone-by-stone to get the gold that had melted down between the
cracks (during the fires) and to remove the headquarters of the
Jewish revolt. The Temple vessels and utensils were then plundered
and taken to Rome by General Titus (Josephus, Wars, 7:5:5-7).
Matt 24:4 -- Shaken by
the prospect of the destruction of their glorious Temple, and
knowing from the destruction of Solomon's Temple 600 years prior
that such calamities mark God's visitation to them (Jer
7:1-20,29-34), the apostles ask, "When will these things be?" and
"What sign signifies thy coming at end of the age?" The
questioning highlights the fact that the parousia and the end of
the Old Testamental age would be discerned and comprehended in the
passing of calamitous signs.
Matt 24:4-5 -- Christ
predicts the intensification of false messianic movements within
Israel and around the empire. First-century examples: Dositheus
the Samaritan (Origen: Contra Celsum, VI, ii; Hom. xxv in Lucam;
Contra Celsum, I, lvii), Simon Magus (Acts 8:9-24) who was deified
in Rome, Theudas (Acts 5:36-37), Judas the Galilean (Acts 5:37),
Herod Agrippa (Acts 12:20-23), Menahem (Josephus: War of the Jews;
2.433-450). Under the government of Felix, deceivers rose up daily
in Judea and persuaded the people to follow them into the
wilderness, assuring them that they should behold conspicuous
signs and wonders performed by the Almighty. (Felix, from time to
time, apprehended many and put them to death.) During this period
(52-58 AD) arose a celebrated Egyptian deceiver (Acts 21:38), who
collected thirty-thousand followers and persuaded them to
accompany him to the Mount of Olives, telling them that from there
they would see the walls of Jerusalem fall down at his command as
a prelude to the capture of the Roman garrison and their obtaining
the sovereignty of the city (Josephus: War of the Jews, 2.259-263;
Antiquities of the Jews 20.169-171). Such messiahs and magicians
were often as powerful in the display of miracles as were the
apostles (see: Simon of Samaria in Acts 8:9-11;
Apollonius of Tyana). Partial list of first-century false
Judas, son of Hezekiah (4 BC);
Simon of Peraea (4 BC);
Athronges, the shepherd (4 BC);
Judas, the Galilean (6 AD); the
Samaritan prophet (36 AD); King
Herod Agrippa (44 AD);
Theudas (? AD); the
Egyptian prophet (52-58 AD);
anonymous prophet (59 AD);
Menahem, the son of Judas the Galilean (66 AD);
John of Gischala (67-70 AD);
Vespasian (67 AD);
Simon bar Giora (69-70 AD). Related link: - Messiah Overview.
Matt 24:6-8 -- Jesus
promises His apostles that they will have famines, wars and rumors
concerning wars. This prophecy had special significance during
that period of the great Pax Romana ("Roman Peace"), when the
outbreak of these wars transpired: Claudius' Roman war with
Britain/East Anglia; at least three Jewish insurrections against
Rome prior to the 60s AD (one violently put down by Cuspius
Fadus); the Jewish / Alexandrian revolt upon Caligula's death;
Claudius declares martial law in Palestine after the Jewish
insurrection at the death of Agrippa I; the Germanic tribes in
present-day Belgium and Germany made perpetual trouble for the
legions throughout the reign; a smoldering Balkan war was in
continuous progress. As these conflagrations escalated, Rome
started its own civil wars in 68-70 that nearly toppled the
empire. As Tacitus writes, "Four princes [Galba, Otho, Vitellius,
Domitian] killed by the sword; three civil wars, several foreign
wars; and mostly raging at the same time. Favorable events in the
East [the subjection of the Jews], unfortunate ones in the West.
Illyria disturbed, Gaul uneasy; Britain conquered and soon
relinquished; the nations of Sarmatia and Suevia rising against
us; the Parthians excited by the deception of a pseudo-Nero." For
more on wars of this time and false prophets, see: Josephus:
Antiquities, 20:5:1-4; 20:8:5-10; Wars, 2:10:1; 2:13:4-7; 6:5:2.
As for famines, Acts 11:28 records a worldwide famine. Josephus
reports famines in Jerusalem in the 60s AD which killed hundreds
of thousands during the Jewish War (AD 66-70). There were accounts
of infanticide and cannibalism (as foretold in Deuteronomy
28:53,57) -- Jewish women cooked and ate their babies (Josephus;
Wars 6:3:3-4; Wars 5:1:4). Concerning earthquakes, Seneca writes:
"How often have cities in Asia, how often in Achaia, been laid low
by a single shock of earthquake! How many towns in Smyrna, how
many in Macedonia, have been swallowed up! How often has Paphos
collapsed! Not infrequently are tidings brought to us of the utter
destruction of entire cities" (Seneca Ad Lucilium Epistulae
Morales, trans. Richard M. Gummere, vol. 2, 437). Josephus says of
Jerusalem, "the city was besieged on both sides...there broke out
a prodigious storm in the night, with the utmost violence, and
very strong winds, with the largest showers of rain, with
continued lightnings, terrible thunderings, and amazing
concussions and bellowings of the earth, that was in an
earthquake. These things were a manifest indication that some
destruction was coming upon men, when the system of the world was
put into this disorder; and any one would guess that these wonders
foreshowed some grand calamities that were coming" (Wars, 4:4:5).
Matt 24:9-10 -- Jesus
foretells the persecution of the early church by the Jews and
later by Nero, who falsely blamed the Christian sect for burning
up to half of Rome. This persecution went on the entire AD 30-66
by the Jews, and Nero's persecution was precisely 3.5 years, from
64-68AD. It is essential to note that Matthew 24:9-13 is exactly
parallel to Matthew 10:16-23, a passage which all scholars assign
to a first-century fulfillment. Jesus predicts the civil wars of
the Jews (Matt 24:10; 10:21), and the great Jewish civil war
occurred in 66-69AD (Josephus; Wars, 2:17:1-10; 2:18:1-11;
4:6:2-3; 5:1:2-5; 5:6:1; 5:13:6; 6:2:1).
Matt 24:11-13 --
teaches more on false prophets, emphasizing their key role in the
delusion of the nation, as per 2 Thess 2:7-11 (see also:
Antiquities, 20:8:6; Wars, 6:5:2). Josephus says false prophets
were related to the messianic movement of the seditious Zealots,
who promised a redemption for the Jewish rebels at the Temple but
were met with total destruction at the hand of the Romans. In
Matthew 24:13 Jesus holds out hope for the believers who might
endure to the end. (Verses 24:12-13 are parallel to Matthew
Matt 24:14 -- A key sign
of the end of the Jewish age was the gospel's rapid proclamation
to the whole world (Greek: "oikoumene" = "inhabited earth;" "Roman
Empire" -- Strong's # 3625). This sign was rapidly fulfilled in
the apostles' generation, especially through Paul's ministry (Col
1:23, Col 1:5-6, Romans 10:14-18, Romans 16:26, 1 Tim 3:16; Acts
13:47). The "whole world" spoken of in the Bible pertained to the
extent of the Roman Empire (compare the geographic boundaries of
the "whole world" in Matt 24:14 with that of the same "whole
world" in Luke 2:1, Acts 11:28, Acts 2:5, Romans 1:8 and and 2
Chronicles 36:23). The use of the Greek word "oikoumene" (Strong's
#3625) in Matt 24:14 speaks of the Roman Empire -- the "whole
world" ("oikoumene") of the scriptures was contextually centered
in the area of the Ancient Roman Empire (see: Luke 2:1). Early
Church fathers such as Clement of Rome, Eusebius, and Chrysostom
said Matthew 24:14 as fulfilled in the apostles' generation. The
immediate and rapid spread of the Christian faith throughout the
entire Empire signified a covenantal shift to a new dispensation
wherein all nations participate equally in the blessing of Abraham
through faith (Gen 12:1-3; Gal 3:6-9,14,29).
Matt 24:15-20 -- Christ
tells of His nation's Great Tribulation (cf. Luke 21:20-23). The
famous historic account of the exodus of the Jerusalem Church in
AD 66-67 is recorded by Eusebius (Ecclesiastical History, iii.v.).
The Judean remnant saw the armies of Cestius Gallus in 66AD
surrounding Jerusalem (and Vespasian's shortly thereafter; compare
to the parallel account in Luke 21:20-24). At the same time, The
Temple was captured by the Jewish Zealots as Paul had foretold (2
Thess 2:4-7). Messiah-King Menahem and the Zealots turned the
temple into a military outpost, defiled it with murderous blood,
and made evil of their own high priest while launching the Great
Revolt. During this time, the daily sacrifices offered to Rome
were ended, which was a declaration of war against the Roman
Empire. These events signaled the faithful Jewish remnant to flee
according to our Lord's commands to them in Matthew 24:16-20 and
Luke 21:20:23. Just after they escaped the city, the Zealots
seized the city, guarded the gates, and prevented all escape.
Eusebius writes, "But the members of the Church in Jerusalem,
having been commanded before the war in accordance with a certain
oracle given by revelation to the men of repute there to depart
from Jerusalem and to inhabit a certain city of Peraea called
Pella, all the believers in Christ in Jerusalem went thither; and
when now the saints had abandoned both the royal metropolis itself
and the whole land of Judaea, the vengeance of God finally
overtook the lawless persecutors of Christ and His apostles." At
the end of the great tribulation the Romans made sacrifices to
their standards at the Temple (Josephus, Wars, 4:5:1; 5:1:2,3,5).
Matt 24:21-24 -- Jesus
tells more about Israel's Great Tribulation (also: Luke 21:20-24;
Josephus, Wars of the Jews, entire). The Roman Jewish war is the
documented history of the Great Tribulation. Josephus declares
that the war with the Romans was "the greatest of all ever heard
of" (see: Matthew 24:21). Josephus writes, "the war which the Jews
made with the Romans hath been the greatest of all those, not only
that have been in our times, but, in a manner, of those that were
ever heard of" (Wars of the Jews, preface, section 1; Wars,
5:10:5). Jesus calls this time the "Days of Vengeance" (Luke
21:20-22; Isaiah 61:2/Jer 46:10; Matt 23:31-38; Luke 19:40-44;
Matt 21:40-22:7), and "wrath and distress upon this people" (Luke
21:23; see also Josephus, Wars, 2:10:1; 2:22:1; 6:3:3-4; 6:9:2-4;
7:1:1). Lakes of blood and fires (Wars, 2:18: 4:5:1; 5:1:2-5;
6:4:6; 6:5:1,2; 6:8:5). Jerusalem divided into three (Rev 16:19;
see also Wars, 5:1:1,4). Genealogical records destroyed (Wars,
6:6:3; 6:9:1). God took the Kingdom away from them (Matt 21:40-45;
see also Josephus, Wars, 6:8:4:; 6:9:1,4). Jerusalem called "That
Great City" and "Sodom" (Rev 11:8; Rev 18:21-24; see also
Josephus, Wars, 5:10:5; 5:13:6; 7:8:7). Jews sold into slavery
(Luke 21:24; see also Josephus, Wars, preface, section 11; Wars
6:8:2; 6:9:2-4). City of Jerusalem is leveled (Matt 24:2 and Luke
19:40-44; see also Josephus, Wars, 7:1:1; 7:8:7). Jesus warns his
generation: "You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you
escape the sentence of gehenna? Therefore, behold, I am sending
you prophets and wise men and scribes; some of them you will kill
and crucify, and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues,
and persecute from city to city, so that upon you may fall the
guilt of all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of
righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, the son of Berechiah,
whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. Truly I say to
you, all these things will come upon this generation. Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to
her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way
a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling.
Behold, your house is being left to you desolate (Matt 23:33-38).
Matt 24:25 --
explicitly tells the apostles that these dire events will be
experienced by them (as also in Matt 24:33-34). They will be the
generation to see these things Jesus is describing come to pass
(not some distant future generation). By comparing Matt 24:25 with
similar statements in John 14:28, John 13:19 and John 16:4, we see
that they all signal events in the apostles' near future. Christ
always told his apostles things they would need to know
beforehand, that it could be to their benefit when the things came
to pass before their eyes.
Matt 24:26-28 -- Jesus
forewarns them not to follow false messianic movements in the
desert or in the Temple chambers, which had precise first-century
relevance for them (Antiquities of the Jews, 20:8:6; Wars, 6:5:2).
The desolation is like lightning over the whole land from east to
west, and where the carcasses are strewn, there will be the Roman
Eagles (i.e, the infamous Eagle Ensigns of the Roman armies that
were planted all over Jerusalem during the Roman Jewish war). The
Roman eagle ensigns served as a symbol of the Jews' defeat at the
hand of their enemies. Most commentators believe this war and
passage also was the fulfillment of Moses' predictions in
Deuteronomy 28:49 and the verses following. All this came to pass
in 66-70AD (see also: Josephus, Wars, 4:5:1; 5:1:2,3,5).
Matt 24:29-31 -- Christ
speaks of the end signs. This passage hinges upon the apocalyptic
language of the great prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, David, etc.
in exactly the same way they used such language for God's
judgments against nations and individuals in their own times.
Compare Christ's words with God's coming to O.T. Babylon in 539BC
(Isa 13:10-13, 13:1, and 13:17), God's coming to Edom in 703BC
(Isa 34:3-5), God's coming to Egypt in 572BC (Ez 32:7-11), God's
coming to Nineveh in 612BC (Nahum 1). So, in like manner, Jesus
Christ is now also seen as coming in that same glory of the Father
(cf. Matt 16:27; John 17:5). Jesus came to first-century Israel
and demolished it in the same glory as the Father's cloud-comings
in the OT era (cf. Isaiah 19:1-2). Thus, this passage speaks of
Christ's full equality and oneness with Jehovah. The Parousia of
Christ is signified by the fall of Jerusalem and the Holy Temple.
Many cosmic signs were also witnessed in that period: the angels,
voices, and glorious brightness of God are witnessed at the temple
and around Jerusalem as recorded in Josephus, Tacitus, and the
Midrash (Josephus, Wars, 6:5:3; 2:22:1-2; 4:4:5; 6:5:2-3; Tacitus,
Histories, v. 13; Midrash, Lam 2:11). All torah-observing,
Messiah-rejecting Jews were gathered into Jerusalem from all over
the world at Passover Feast in 67AD and were shut in by the Zealot
and Roman armies. Now, locked in the giant furnace of the city,
millions were destroyed (see: Matt 13:40-43, Luke 19:40-44, Matt
23:33-38, Luke 23:28-31; Matt 21:40-45). It is no surprise that
rabbis today call 70AD the "end of biblical Judaism." Indeed, the
faithful and newly consummated Church-bride was gathered and
spared God's desolations and wrath. The Church-nation of Christ,
thus fully built and established, is never to be destroyed. The
Church becomes the eternal Temple and Priesthood of God (2 Cor
6:16; Eph 2:19-22; 1 Peter 2:9). Christianity emerges distinct
from Judaism and becomes the universal and one true Faith of the
Living God and the Holy Nation. Christ's followers were destined
to occupy all nations to gather the elect from all peoples into
Abraham's blessing (Gal 3:7-9.14,16,26-29; Gen 12:1-3). The
teachings and prophecies of Christ and the apostles are fully and
historically vindicated by this historic destruction of Jerusalem
and the Temple in AD 66-70.
Matt 24:32-33 --
gives a parable about trees and their seasons (Luke 21:29-31). The
shooting forth of leaves signals that summer is now near at hand.
Jesus applies this natural phenomenon to his apostles and the
season of the end of the age: "So likewise you too [the apostles],
when you shall see all these things know that it is near, even at
the door" (cf. James 5:8-9; Rev 3:20). In Luke's account, Christ's
promise to the apostles is as follows: "So also you, when you see
these things come to pass know that the kingdom of God is near at
hand" (Lk 21:31).
Matt 24:33-34 --
In this
passage, the climax of the Olivet Discourse, Jesus promises his
apostles that they will see all these signs come to pass as well
as His glorious return in their generation: "So likewise you, when
you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the
doors. Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till
all these things be fulfilled.
James Orsen Bakker (born
January 2,
Muskegon, Michigan) is an
televangelist, a former
Assemblies of God minister, and a former host (with his
Tammy Faye Bakker) of
The PTL Club, a popular evangelical
Christian television program. A sex scandal led to his
resignation from the ministry. Subsequent revelations of
accounting fraud brought about his
imprisonment and
divorce and effectively ended his time in the larger
public eye.
In 1960, Bakker met
Tammy Faye LaValley while both were students at
North Central University in
Minneapolis, Minnesota.[1]
Tammy Faye worked in a boutique for a time while Jim
found work in a restaurant inside a department store
in Minneapolis. They were married on
April 1,
1961, and left the Bible College to become
itinerant evangelists. They had two children:
daughter Tammy Sue (Sissy) Bakker Chapman (born
March 2,
1970) and son
Jamie Charles (Jay) Bakker (born
December 18,
1975). Jim and Tammy Bakker divorced on
March 13,
1992, and he married
Lori Graham Bakker in 1998.
In 1966, the Bakkers began working at
Pat Robertson's
Christian Broadcasting Network, which at
the time barely reached an audience of
thousands. The Bakkers greatly contributed to
the growth of the network, and their success
with a variety show format (including
interviews and puppets) helped make
The 700 Club one of the
longest-running and most successful
televangelism programs.[2]
The "Jim and Tammy Show" was broadcast for a
few years from their
Portsmouth, Virginia, studio. It was aimed
at young children, whom they entertained with
such films as "Davey
and Goliath", a claymation
Bible-story series. The Bakkers then left
for California in the mid-1970s.
Teaming with
Paul and
Jan Crouch, the Bakkers created the
"Praise the Lord" show for the Crouches' new
Trinity Broadcasting Network in
California. While that relationship lasted
only about a year, this time the Bakkers
retained the rights to use the initials PTL
and traveled east to
Charlotte, North Carolina, to begin their
own show,
The PTL Club. Their show grew quickly
until it was carried by close to a hundred
stations, with average viewers numbering over
twelve million, and the Bakkers had
established their own network, The PTL
Television Network (also known as PTL-The
Inspirational Network). They attributed
much of their success to decisions early on to
accept all denominations and to refuse no one
regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation,
or criminal record.
By the early 1980s the Bakkers had built
Heritage USA in
Fort Mill, South Carolina, (south of
Charlotte), then the third most successful
theme park in the U.S., and a satellite system
to distribute their network 24 hours a day
across the country. Contributions requested
from viewers were estimated to exceed $1
million a week, with proceeds to go to
expanding the theme park and mission of PTL.
In justifying his use of the mass media,
Bakker responded to inquiries by likening his
use of television to Jesus's use of the
amphitheater of the time. "I believe that if
Jesus were alive today he would be on TV,"
Bakker said.
In their success, the Bakkers took
conspicuous consumption to an unusual
level for a non-profit organization. According
to Frances FitzGerald in an April 1987
New Yorker article, "They epitomized
the excesses of the 1980s; the greed, the love
of glitz, and the shamelessness; which in
their case was so pure as to almost amount to
a kind of innocence."
PTL's fund raising activities between
1984–1987 underwent scrutiny by
The Charlotte Observer newspaper,
eventually leading to criminal charges against
Jim Bakker. From 1984 to 1987, Bakker and his
PTL associates sold $1,000 "lifetime
memberships", which entitled buyers to a
three-night stay annually at a luxury hotel at
Heritage USA. According to the prosecution
at Bakker's later fraud trial, tens of
thousands of memberships had been sold, but
only one 500-room hotel was ever completed.
Bakker sold more "exclusive partnerships" than
could be accommodated, while raising more than
twice the money needed to build the actual
hotel. A good deal of the money went into
Heritage USA's operating expenses, and
Bakker kept $3.4 million in bonuses for
himself, along with the $279,000 payoff for
the silence of
Jessica Hahn, a Bakker staff member.[4]
Bakker, who apparently made all of the
financial decisions for the PTL organization,
allegedly kept two sets of books to conceal
the accounting irregularities. Reporters from
The Charlotte Observer, led by Charles
Shepard, investigated and published a series
of articles regarding the PTL organization's
March 19,
1987, following the revelation of a payoff
to Jessica Hahn, whom Bakker's staff members
had paid $279,000 from PTL funds to keep
secret her allegation that he had raped her,
Bakker resigned from
Bakker acknowledges he met Hahn at a hotel
room in Clearwater Beach, Florida, but denies
raping her. Following Bakker's resignation as
PTL head, he was succeeded in late March,
1987, by
Jerry Falwell. Later that summer, as
donations sharply declined in the wake of
Bakker's resignation and the end of the
Bakkers' popular PTL Club TV show,
Falwell raised $20 million to help keep the
Heritage USA Theme Park solvent, including
a well-publicized waterslide plunge there.[7].
Falwell called Bakker a liar, an embezzler, a
sexual deviant, and "the greatest scab and
cancer on the face of
Christianity in 2,000 years of church
In 1988, Falwell said that the Bakker scandal
had "strengthened broadcast evangelism and
made Christianity stronger, more mature and
more committed".[9]
Bakker's son, Jay, wrote in 2001 that the
Bakkers felt betrayed by Falwell, whom they
thought, at the time of Bakker's resignation,
intended to help in Bakker's eventual
restoration as head of the PTL ministry
Legal problems
Following a 16-month Federal grand jury
probe, Bakker was
indicted in 1988 on eight counts of
mail fraud, 15 counts of
wire fraud and one count of
conspiracy. In 1989, after a five week
trial in
Charlotte, the jury found him guilty on
all 24 counts, and Judge Robert Potter
sentenced him to 45 years in
federal prison and a $500,000 fine.
He served time in the
Federal Medical Center, Rochester in
Rochester, Minnesota.
In early 1991, a federal appeals court
upheld Bakker's conviction on the fraud and
conspiracy charges, but voided Bakker's
45-year sentence, as well as the $500,000
fine, and ordered that a new sentencing
hearing be held. At that hearing, Bakker was
sentenced to 18 years in prison.[11]
In 1993, after serving almost five years
of his sentence, Bakker was granted
parole. Bakker's son, Jay, spearheaded a
letter-writing campaign to the parole board on
his father's behalf, urging leniency.
A federal jury subsequently ruled that
PTL was not selling securities by offering
Lifetime Partnerships at Heritage USA, as
Bakker had contended.
July 23,
1996, a
North Carolina jury threw out a
class action suit brought on behalf of
more than 160,000 onetime supporters who
contributed as much as $7,000 each to Bakker's
coffers in the 1980s.
The Charlotte Observer reported
that the
Internal Revenue Service still holds
Bakker and
Roe Messner, Tammy Faye's husband from
1993 until her death in 2007, liable for
personal income taxes owed from the 1980s when
they were building the PTL empire, taxes
assessed after the IRS revoked the PTL
ministry's nonprofit status. Tammy Faye
Messner's new husband said that the original
tax amount was about $500,000, with penalties
and interest accounting for the rest. The
notices reinstating the liens list "James O.
and Tamara F. Bakker" as owing $3,000,000, on
which liens the Bakkers still pay.
Bakker has renounced his past teachings
prosperity theology, saying they were
wrong. In his 1996 book, I Was Wrong,
he admitted that the first time he read the
Bible all the way through was in prison, and
that it made him realize he had taken certain
passages out of context - passages which he
had used as "proof texts" to back up his
prosperity teachings. He wrote:
“ |
The more I studied the Bible, however,
I had to admit that the prosperity message
did not line up with the tenor of
Scripture. My heart was crushed to think
that I led so many people astray. I was
appalled that I could have been so wrong,
and I was deeply grateful that God had not
struck me dead as a false prophet! |
” |
In 1998, Bakker released another book,
Prosperity and the Coming Apocalypse,
and, in 2000, he published The Refuge: The
Joy of Christian Community in a Torn-Apart
His son, Jay, who is now a minister at
Revolution Church in
New York City, wrote of the PTL years in
his book, Son of a Preacher Man: "The
world at large has focused on my parents'
preaching of prosperity, but...I heard a
different message — one of forgiveness and the
abundance of God's love. I remember my dad
always seating a mentally handicapped man in
the front row and hugging him. And when
vandals burned an African American church
down, Dad made sure its parishioners got the
funds to rebuild. His goal was to make PTL a
place where anyone with a need could walk in
off the streets and have that need met."
Later career
In January 2003, Bakker began
broadcasting the daily Jim Bakker Show
at Studio City Cafe in
Branson, Missouri, with his second wife,
Lori Bakker. It is carried on the
DISH and
DirecTV satellite networks and the
CTN cable network.
In January 2008, Bakker's ministry moved
into a new, elaborate television studio near
Branson. The studio is housed within a
600-acre development that resembles Bakker's
former location, Heritage USA. Most or all of
the property in the new development (named
Morningside) is owned by associates of Bakker,
rather than Bakker himself. As the St. Louis
Post-Dispatch has pointed out, Bakker is still
in debt to the IRS for about $6 million.
Jimmy Lee Swaggart (born
15, 1935
Ferriday, Louisiana) is a
preacher and pioneer of
televangelism who reached the height of his popularity in the
1980s. Swaggart is first cousin of recording artists
Jerry Lee Lewis and
Mickey Gilley. The sons of three sisters, all of them share
similar middle names and play the
All were born within a year of one another.
Jimmy Swaggart's parents, Sun and Minnie Belle, had been
fundamentalist Baptists. His father was a deacon in their
small fundamentalist church. They became Pentecostal in 1943
while Jimmy began to preach on street corners and lead
congregations in singing at age nine. In 1952, at age
seventeen, he married Frances Anderson. They have one son,
Donnie, who has also become a minister.In 1958,
Swaggart became a full-time traveling preacher and began
developing a substantial revival-meeting following throughout
the south. He became a licensed minister in the
Assemblies of God in 1959. In 1960, Swaggart began
recording gospel music record albums while he was building
another audience via Christian-themed radio stations. In 1961,
after attending bible college, he was ordained with the
Assemblies of God. By 1969, his radio program, “The Camp
Meeting Hour,” was being aired over numerous radio stations
throughout the American
Bible Belt. He also founded a church called Family Worship
Center in
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, which was also under the
Assemblies of God. He also began airing a weekly 30 minute
telecast over various local television stations in that city.
He also purchased a local AM radio station. In September 1985,
in a broadcast sermon Swaggart said
“ |
"I believe Armageddon is coming, Armageddon is coming.
It is going to be fought in the valley of Megiddo. It is
coming. They can sign all the peace treaties they want.
They won't do any good... It is going to get worse... My
Lord! I am happy... I don't care who it bothers. I don't
care who it troubles. It thrills my soul." |
” |
In 1986, Swaggart debated with
Ahmed Deedat, a well known
scholar of the
Bible on the topic Is The Bible the Word of God[2]
which was witnessed by about 8,000 people. Henry Hock Guan Teh,
a well-known Christian writer described the debate in his
article The Law of Evidence
“ |
The debate is on the reasonableness of their competing
faiths which was held at Louisiana State University. Great
expectations were generated since both were experienced
public speakers. Sadly, Swaggart merely relied on TV
showmanship to influence the crowd. When Deedat challenged
him to prove the Bible as the Word of God, Swaggart simply
quoted John 3:16 and claimed that his life was changed by
it. Even such a claim was shattered to pieces when
Swaggart’s personal sexual weaknesses were later exposed
in the press. Although faith is necessary but without
being thoughtfully presented its witness would not seem to
be credible. |
” |
Ordination and a new focus
In the 1970s, his radio ministry grew and he purchased a
couple other stations. His television ministry gradually grew
to more stations as well by 1975. It was at this time that
Swaggart decided to use television as his primary preaching
medium. He also began to preach to large audiences by
traveling around the southern region of the Unites States. In
1978, his weekly telecast was expanded to an hour. In 1980, he
began a daily weekday telecast. His weekday telecast featured
Bible study and some music. His weekend hour long telecast was
either a sermon from Family Worship Center or from a traveling
crusade. In the early 1980s, he expanded his crusades
nationwide, visiting major cities. By 1983, he had become the
most popular television preacher in the United States. Upwards
of 250 television stations broadcast his program; “The Jimmy
Swaggart Telecast” was regularly watched by two million
households. Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, at this time
headquartered in
Baton Rouge,
Louisiana, grew from a small local congregation of 100
people in the 1970s at the Family Worship Center to more than
four thousand members, a printing and mailing production
plant, a television production facility, a recording studio,
and later a Bible college in 1984. The college had been
formerly named Jimmy Swaggart Bible College ("JSBC").
Presently, it is renamed as the World Evangelism Bible College
& Seminary. The Seminary opened in the fall of 1983.
While the Assemblies of God is conservative, Jimmy
Swaggart was by far one of their most conservative ministers.
While the church endorsed (and still does)
Contemporary Christian Music, fellowshipping with mainline
branches of Christianity (even Catholicism to some extent),
Christian Psychology, and going to public motion pictures,
Jimmy Swaggart shunned such practices. At one point he even
said his own sometimes turned against him. On more than a few
occasions he even stated that there were some Assembly Of God
Churches that he would never send anyone to. He was critical
Billy Graham because of his willingness to fellowship with
Catholics. While Jimmy Swaggart has great disdain for Roman
Catholicism, he stops short of calling them a cult in league
with the
Mormons, for example. Musically, Jimmy Swaggart records
and plays
Southern Gospel music. He also embraces
Black Gospel and
Inspirational music. Swaggart also is opposed to the
health and wealth gospel while still accepting signs and
Controversies and criticisms
Sex scandals
1988: TV evangelist quits over sex scandal
Jimmy Swaggart,
America's leading television evangelist, has resigned
from his ministry after it was revealed he had been
consorting with a prostitute.
In front of a congregation of 7,000 in Baton
Rouge, Louisiana, he sobbed and confessed to "moral
failure" without actually going into any detail.
"I do not plan in any way to whitewash my sin or call
it a mistake," he told shocked members of his Family
Worship Centre.
Turning to his wife, Frances, he said: "I have
sinned against you and I beg your forgiveness."
Mr Swaggart's confession is all the more
scandalous since he himself unleashed fire and brimstone
against rival TV evangelist Rev Jim Bakker a few months
ago for committing adultery with minister and secretary
Jessica Hahn.
Rev Bakker was subsequently defrocked and fired
from his multi-million-dollar Praise the Lord TV
This time it was Mr Swaggart's turn to repent
after officials from the Assemblies of God church were
given photographs showing him taking a prostitute to a
Louisiana motel.
They were handed in by rival TV evangelist Martin
Gorman who was also defrocked after Mr Swaggart accused
him of "immoral dalliances" in 1986.
Mr Gorman, who ran a successful TV show from New
Orleans, had launched an unsuccessful $90m law suit
against Mr Swaggart two years ago for spreading false
He also suggested Mr Swaggart was trying to
undermine rival TV shows.
Big business
TV evangelism is certainly a lucrative business.
The Jimmy Swaggart Hour is watched by up to two
million families and donations raised amount to about
$150m a year.
After the Bakker scandal, donations from the
faithful dropped dramatically and the same is likely to
happen to Jimmy Swaggart's show.
The resignation will also displease Republican
presidential contender Rev Pat Robertson. He is
currently trying to drum up support in the "Bible Belt"
southern states ahead of the Super Tuesday primaries on
8 March.
Rev Robertson has threatened to sue anyone who
calls him a TV evangelist and prefers to be described as
a businessman.
In 1986, Swaggart exposed fellow Assemblies of God
minister Marvin Gorman, who was accused of having an affair
with another pastor's wife, who was at the time undergoing
counseling with Pastor Gorman. Some said this was done out of
fear that Gorman was taking away from Swaggart's audience and
donations. Gorman was based in New Orleans and was adding
stations throughout the southern region and was beginning to
add stations on the west coast and the northeast. Gorman was
also in the planning stages for a weekday telecast. Once
exposed, Gorman was defrocked from the Assemblies of God and
his ministry all but ended.
The following year, Swaggart exposed fellow Assemblies
Of God televangelist
Jim Bakker's sexual indiscretions and appeared on the
Larry King Show, stating that Bakker was a "cancer in the
body of Christ." He and similarly-minded Baptist evangelist
Jerry Falwell investigated Jim Bakker and eventually
discovered his indiscretions. In 1987, Jim Bakker's ministry
was falling apart as a result.
As a retaliatory move, Marvin Gorman hired a private
detective to follow Swaggart. The detective found Swaggart in
a Louisiana motel on Airline Highway with a prostitute, Debra
Murphree, and took pictures of the tryst.[4]
Gorman presented Swaggart with the photos in a blackmail
attempt to force Swaggart to come clean, but Swaggart refused.
Gorman then presented the pictures to the presbytery
leadership of the Assemblies of God, which decided that
Swaggart should be suspended from broadcasting his television
program for three months. This fact was heavily satirized by
Frank Zappa in a three-song medley referred to by band
members as the "Texas Motel Medley", consisting of three songs
the Beatles with the lyrics changed to reflect the events.
While the Texas Motel Medley itself was never released due to
copyright concerns, several references to the incident can be
heard on the live albums
The Best Band You Never Heard in Your Life and
Broadway The Hard Way.
On February 21, 1988, without giving the details of his
transgressions, Swaggart tearfully spoke to his family,
congregation and audience, saying, "I have sinned against you,
my Lord, and I would ask that your precious blood would wash
and cleanse every stain until it is in the seas of God's
On a New Orleans morning news show four days later, Murphree
stated that while Swaggart was a regular customer, they had
never engaged in intercourse.
Against the ruling of the governing body of the
Assemblies of God, Swaggart returned to his television pulpit
long before his three-month suspension expired. He stated, "If
I do not return to the pulpit this weekend, millions of people
will go to hell." Believing that Swaggart was not genuinely
repentant in not submitting to their authority, the Assemblies
of God immediately defrocked Swaggart, removing his
credentials and ministerial license.
On October 11, 1991, Swaggart was found in the company
of another prostitute, Rosemary Garcia,
when he was pulled over by the California Highway
Patrol in Indio, California, for driving on the wrong side of
the street. According to Garcia, Swaggart stopped to
proposition her on the side of the road. When the patrolman
asked Garcia why she was with Swaggart, she replied, "He asked
me for sex. I mean, that's why he stopped me. That's what I
do. I'm a prostitute."
Rather than confessing to his congregation, Swaggart told his
flock this time that "The Lord told me it's flat none of your
business." His son Donnie then announced to the stunned
audience that his father would be temporarily stepping down as
head of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries for "a time of healing and
The Ozzy Osbourne Conflict
Prior to the prostitute controversy, Jimmy Swaggart was
a fierce opponent to heavy metal legend
Ozzy Osbourne, who released the infamous song "Suicide
Solution" in 1980. Vehemently castigating Osbourne,
Swaggart christened Osbourne as a satanist who ordered
teenagers to accept Lucifer as their savior and/or to commit
suicide. Following Jimmy's newfound dilemmas, Ozzy decided to
retaliate. On October 22nd, 1988 Ozzy Osbourne released the
No Rest for the Wicked. The first song and single from the
album is entitled "Miracle Man" (see the music video
here.) " The music video was shot in a cross between a
church and a pig sty while Ozzy opens the video wearing a
"Jimmy Swaggart" mask, mocking his public plea for
forgiveness. The lyrics hint to real anecdotes in the fiasco:
Jimmy "got busted" "with his pants down" and after, he went
"on TV cryin'" confessing to his sins. The song, which refers
to Jimmy throughout as "Jimmy Sinner," ends with the
repetitious line, "Miracle Man got busted".Criticism
of Christian rock and metal
Swaggart wrote a book criticizing the
Christian rock and
metal movements entitled Religious Rock n' Roll – A
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing in 1987. The book criticized the
scene for using heavy metal music to preach the gospel of
Christianity, calling rock music the music of
the devil. Ironically, it was Swaggart that helped convert
Michael Sweet and
Robert Sweet, two of the founding members of the band
Also criticized by Swaggart were
Larry Norman (the "father of Christian rock"),
Mylon LeFevre and other notable
Christian rock and
metal bands.
In 1986, Swaggart called rock music "the new
pornography." That comment has been cited as the
inspiration for the naming of the Canadian indie-rock band
the New Pornographers, but frontman
Carl Newman claims not to have heard the quote until after
having named the band
Print and recorded media
Swaggart is the on-record author of several Christian
works offered through his ministry, as well as an
autobiography To Cross a River and a personal account
of the 1988 scandal The Cup Which My Father Hath Given Me:
A Biblical Revelation of Personal Spiritual Warfare.
He has also sold over 15 million
Gospel albums.Current ministry
A worldwide multi-million-dollar ministry, Jimmy
Swaggart Ministries today mainly comprises The Jimmy
Swaggart Telecast,
radio and television programs called A Study in the Word,
(SonLife Radio Network),, and a website, Jimmy's
wife, Frances (very much behind the scenes); and son, Donnie,
control the ministry's preaching and leadership. Jimmy's
grandson, Gabriel, is a preacher, and leads the Family Worship
Center youth ministry, "Crossfire". Sonlife radio is heard in
22 states
In popular culture
One of the most famous
samples in
industrial music is Swaggart thundering "No sex until
marriage!", as heard on the
Front 242 track "Welcome to Paradise" -- released,
ironically, in 1988, the year his first sex scandal broke.
Swaggart was played by actor
Alec Baldwin in the 1989 Jerry Lee Lewis biopic
Great Balls of Fire!
James Warren "Jim" Jones (May
November 18,
was the
American founder of the
Peoples Temple, which became synonymous with mass suicide
after the
November 18,
death of over 900 people from
cyanide poisoning in their isolated agricultural
intentional community called
Jonestown, along with the death of 9 other people at a
nearby airstrip and in
Georgetown. To the extent the actions in Jonestown were
viewed as a
mass suicide, it is one of the largest such mass suicides
in history, perhaps the largest in over 1,900 years and the
greatest single loss of American civilian life in a
non-natural disaster until the incidents of September 11,
2001. One of those dying at the nearby airstrip was
Leo Ryan, who became the first and only
Congressman murdered in the line of duty in the history of
the United States.
Early life
Jones was born in
Crete, Indiana, to James Thurman Jones, a
World War I veteran, and Lyneta Putnam. He would later
claim part
Cherokee descent through his mother. In 2007 interviews
PBS, childhood acquaintances recalled Jones as being a
"weird kid" who was "obsessed with religion ... obsessed with
death;" they further claimed that Jones frequently held
funerals for small animals, and heard a story of Jones fatally
stabbing a cat.[3][dead
link] He graduated from
Richmond High School in
Richmond, Indiana. In 1951 Jones and his wife Marceline
moved to
Indianapolis, where Jones enrolled in
Butler University attending night school and earned a
degree in secondary education in 1961.
Founding of the Temple
Main article:
Peoples Temple
Indiana beginnings
In 1951, Jones began attending
communist meetings and rallies in Indianapolis. Jones
became flustered with harassment he received during the
McCarthy Hearings, particularly regarding meetings between
Jones and his mother with
Paul Robeson. He also became frustrated with what he
perceived to be ostracism of open communists in the United
States, especially during the trial of
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. This, among other things,
provoked a seminal moment for Jones in which he asked himself
"how can I demonstrate my Marxism? The thought was, infiltrate
the church."
Jones' interest in religion began during his childhood,
primarily because he found making friends difficult, though
initially he vacillated on his church of choice.Jones was
surprised when a Methodist superintendent helped Jones to get
a start in the church even though he knew Jones to be a
communist and Jones did not meet him through the
American Communist Party. In 1952, Jones became a student
pastor in Sommerset Southside Methodist Church, but left that
church because they barred him from integrating African
Americans into his congregation. Around this time, Jones
witnessed a faith-healing service at the Seventh Day Baptist
Church, observed that it attracted people and their cash and
concluded that with financial resources from such healings, he
could help accomplish his social goals.
Jones then began his own church, which changed names
until it became the Peoples Temple Christian Church Full
Gospel. Jones sold pet monkeys door-to-door to raise the money
to fund his church.
Jones moved away from the
American Communist Party and
Maoists when ACP members and
Mao became critical of some of former Soviet leader
Joseph Stalin's policies.
In 1961, Jones helped to integrate churches,
restaurants, the telephone company, the police department, a
theater, an amusement park, and the Methodist Hospital and
became the executive director of the Indianapolis Human Rights
Jones received considerable criticism in Indiana for his
integrationist views]
In addition, Jim and Marcy Jones were the first white couple
in Indiana to adopt an African American child, and they also
adopted other children of Korean-American and Native American
Move to
Some of the Peoples Temple's California Locations
After traveling in Brazil from 1962 to 1963, in 1965,
Jones claimed that the world would be engulfed in a nuclear
war on July 15, 1967 that would then create a new socialist
Eden on earth and that they must move to Northern California
for safety. Accordingly, the Peoples Temple began moving to
Redwood Valley, California.
While Jones always spoke of the social gospel's virtues,
before the late 1960s Jones chose to conceal that his gospel
was actually
By the late 1960s, Jones began at least partially openly
revealing in Temple sermons his "Apostolic
Socialism" concept. Specifically, "those who remained
drugged with the opiate of religion had to be brought to
enlightenment -- socialism." Jones often mixed those concepts,
such as preaching that "If you're born in capitalist America,
racist America, fascist America, then you're born in sin. But
if you're born in socialism, you're not born in sin."
By the early 1970s, Jones began deriding traditional
Christianity as "fly away religion," rejected the Bible as
being white mens' justification to subordinate women and
subjugate people of color and stated it spoke of a "Sky God"
who was no God at all. Jones authored a booklet titled "The
Letter Killeth," stating what he felt were the contradictions,
absurdities, and atrocities in the
By the Spring of 1976, Jones began openly admitting even
to outsiders that he was an atheist. Despite the Temple's fear
that the IRS was investigating its religious tax exemption, by
1977, Jones' wife Marcy admitted to the New York Times that,
as early as age 18 when he watched his then idol
Mao Tse Tung overthrow the
Chinese government, Jim Jones realized that the way to
achieve social change through Marxism in the United States was
to mobilize people through religion.
She stated that "Jim used religion to try to get
some people out of the opiate of religion," and had slammed
the Bible on the table yelling "I've got to destroy this paper
Due to the Peoples Temples' instrumental participation
in the mayoral election victory of
George Moscone in 1975, Moscone appointed Jones as the
Chairman of the San Francisco Housing Commission.
Unlike most other figures deemed as cult leaders, Jones
enjoyed public support and contact with some of the highest
level politicians in the United States. For example, Jones and
Moscone met privately with vice presidential candidate
Walter Mondale on his campaign plane days before the 1976
election and Mondale publicly praised the Temple. Likewise,
First Lady
Rosalynn Carter personally met with Jones on multiple
occasions, corresponded with him about Cuba and spoke with him
at the grand opening of the San Francisco Democratic Party
Headquarters where Jones garnered louder applause than Mrs.
Carter .
In September 1976,
Willie Brown served as master of ceremonies at a large
testimonial dinner for Jones, also attended by Governor
Jerry Brown and Lieutenant Governor
Mervyn Dymally, among others. At that dinner, while
introducing Jones, Willie Brown stated "Let me present to you
what you should see every day when you look in the mirror in
the early morning hours ... Let me present to you a
combination of Martin King, Angela Davis, Albert Einstein ...
Chairman Mao."
After Jones fled to
Jonestown following allegations of criminal and cult
activity, Brown,
Harvey Milk and
Art Agnos attended a rally against Temple enemies at the
Temple. Milk, who had spoke at political rallies at the
Temple, wrote to Jones after a visit to the Temple: "Rev Jim,
It may take me many a day to come back down from the high that
I reach today. I found something dear today. I found a sense
of being that makes up for all the hours and energy placed in
a fight. I found what you wanted me to find. I shall be back.
For I can never leave."
Jonestown's formation and
In the summer of 1977, Jones and several hundred Temple
members moved to the Temple's "Agricultural Project" in
Guyana after they learned of the contents of a newspaper
article by Marshall Kilduff to be published, in which former
Temple members claimed they were physically, emotionally, and
sexually abused.[25][19]
Jones named the settlement
Jonestown after himself.
Peoples Temple Agricultural Project ("Jonestown",
Jones purported to establish Jonestown as a benevolent
communist community stating, "I believe we’re the purest
communists there are." Jones' wife, Marceline, described
Jonestown as "dedicated to live for
socialism, total economic and racial and social equality.
We are here living communally." Jones wanted to construct a
model community to show others and stated that Prime Minister
of Guyana
Forbes Burnham "couldn’t rave enough about us, uh, the
wonderful things we do, the project, the model of socialism."
In that regard, like the restrictive emigration policies of
the then
Soviet Union,
North Korea and other communist republics, Jones did not
permit members to leave Jonestown.
In spite of the allegations, Jones was still widely
respected for setting up a racially mixed church which helped
the disadvantaged; 68 percent of Jonestown's residents were
black.Religious scholar Mary McCormick Maaga argued that
Jones' authority waned after he moved to the isolated commune,
because he was not needed for recruitment and he could not
hide his drug addiction from rank and file members.
Political support for Jones
after he fled to Jonestown
After Jones' move to Jonestown, as a show of support,
Willie Brown spoke at a rally at the Peoples Temple, also
attended by Harvey Milk and
Art Agnos, stating "When somebody like Jim Jones comes on
the scene, that absolutely scares the hell out of most
everybody occupying positions of power in the system." Harvey
Milk wrote Jones a handwritten note stating "my name is cut
into stone in support of you - and your people." Most
importantly for Jones and the Temple, Moscone's office shortly
thereafter issued a press release saying that Jones had broken
no laws.
Amidst growing pressure in the United States to
investigate the Temple, on
February 19,
Harvey Milk wrote a letter of support for the Peoples Temple
to President
Jimmy Carter. Therein, Milk wrote that Jones was known "as
a man of the highest character." Regarding defecting Temple
members pressing for an investigation of the Peoples Temple,
Milk wrote "they are attempting to damage Rev. Jones
reputation" with "apparent bold-faced lies."
Further pressure for
investigations of Jonestown
April 11,
the Concerned Relatives of Peoples Temple members distributed
a packet of documents, including letters and affidavits, that
they titled an "Accusation of Human Rights Violations by Rev.
James Warren Jones" to the Peoples Temple, members of the
press and members of Congress. In June of 1978, escaped Temple
member Deborah Layton provided the group with a further
affidavit detailing alleged crimes by the Peoples Temple and
substandard living conditions in Jonestown.
In the summer of 1978, Jones also hired famous
JFK assassination
conspiracy theorists
Mark Lane and
Donald Freed to help make the case of a "grand conspiracy"
by intelligence agencies against the Peoples Temple. Jones
told Lane he wanted to "pull an
Eldridge Cleaver", referring to a fugitive Black Panther
that was able to return to the United States after repairing
his reputation.
Visit by Congressman Ryan,
murders and mass suicide
In November 1978, U.S. Congressman
Leo Ryan led a fact-finding mission to the Jonestown
settlement in Guyana to investigate allegations of
human rights abuses by relatives of Temple members in the
U.S. Ryan's delegation, which included Don Harris, an NBC
network news reporter, an NBC cameraman and reporters for
various newspapers. The group arrived in Jonestown on
November 15 and spent three days interviewing residents.
Ryan's delegation was originally denied access to the camp,
where it was later learned that the residents were practicing
songs and dance. The delegation was granted access on
November 17. However, it left hurriedly on the morning of
November 18, after an attempt was made on Ryan's life by a
man armed with a knife. The attack was thwarted, bringing the
visit to an abrupt end. Congressman Ryan and his people
succeeded in taking with them fifteen People's Temple members
who had expressed a wish to leave. At that time, Jones made no
attempt to prevent their departure. However, Peoples Temple
survivors reported that a group from Jonestown left shortly
afterwards in a truck with the intention of stopping the
delegation and members from leaving the country alive.
Port Kaituma Airstrip shootings
Surviving delegation members later told police that as
they were boarding two planes at the airstrip, the truck with
Jones' armed guards arrived and began shooting at them,
killing Congressman Ryan and five others. At the same time,
one of the supposed defectors, Larry Layton, drew a weapon and
began firing on members of the party. An NBC cameraman was
able to capture footage of the shooting. When the gunmen
departed, five people were dead: Congressman Leo Ryan; Don
Harris, a reporter from
Bob Brown, a cameraman from NBC; newspaper photographer Greg
Robinson; and one defector from the Peoples Temple. Surviving
the attack were future
Jackie Speier, then a staff member for Ryan; Richard
Dwyer, the
Deputy Chief of Mission from the U.S. Embassy at
Georgetown and allegedly an officer of the
Central Intelligence Agency; and Bob Flick, a producer for
NBC News. The murder of Congressman Ryan was the first and
murder of a
Congressman in the line of duty in the history of the
United States.
Deaths in Jonestown
Later that same day, 909 inhabitants of Jonestown, 276
of them children, died of apparent cyanide poisoning, mostly
in and around a Pavilion. This resulted in the greatest single
loss of American civilian life in a non-natural disaster until
the incidents of September 11, 2001.]
No video was taken during the mass suicide, though the FBI did
recover a 45 minute audio of the suicide in progress.
On that tape, Jones tells Temple members that the
Soviet Union, with whom the Temple had been negotiating a
potential exodus for months, would not take them after the
Temple had murdered
Leo Ryan, NBC reporter Don Harris and three others at a
nearby airstrip. The reason given by Jones to commit suicide
was consistent with Jones' previously stated conspiracy
theories of intelligence organizations allegedly conspiring
against the Temple, that men would "parachute in here on us,"
"shoot some of our innocent babies" and "they'll torture our
children, they'll torture some of our people here, they'll
torture our seniors." Parroting Jones' prior statements that
hostile forces would convert captured children to fascism, one
temple member states "the ones that they take captured,
they're gonna just let them grow up and be dummies."
Given that reasoning, Jones and several members argued
that the group should commit "revolutionary suicide" by
cyanide-laced grape flavored
Flavor Aid (often misidentified as
Kool-Aid) along with a sedative. One member, Christine
Miller, dissents toward the beginning of the tape. When
members apparently cried, Jones counseled "Stop this
hysterics. This is not the way for people who are Socialists
or Communists to die. No way for us to die. We must die with
some dignity." Jones can be heard saying, "Don't be afraid to
die" and, regarding death as "just stepping over into another
plane" and that "[death is] a friend." At the end of the tape,
Jones concludes: "We didn't commit suicide, we committed an
act of revolutionary suicide protesting the conditions of an
inhumane world." Children were given the drink first and
families were told to lie down together. The mass suicide had
been discussed in simulated events called "White Nights" on a
regular basis, while members drank liquid Jones first told
them was poison during at least one of those White Nights.
Jones was found dead sitting in a deck chair with a
gunshot wound to the head that Guyanese coroner Cyrill Mootoo
stated was consistent with a self-inflicted gun wound. An
autopsy of Jones' body also showed levels of the
phenobarbital which would have been lethal to humans who
had not developed
physiological tolerance.His drug usage (including various
LSD and
marijuana experimentations) was confirmed by his son,
Stephan, and Jones's doctor in San Francisco.
Other issues
MacArthur Park,
Los Angeles on
December 13,
Jones was arrested and charged with
soliciting a man for sex in a movie theater bathroom known
homosexual activity. The man was an
Los Angeles Police Department
vice officer. Jones is on record as later telling his
followers that he was "the only true heterosexual," but at
least one account exists of his sexual abusing of a male
member of his congregation in front of the followers,
ostensibly to prove the man's own homosexual tendencies.
Jones had sexual relations with multiple male and female
members of the Peoples Temple.
One of Jones' sources of inspiration was the
International Peace Mission movement leader
Father Divine. Jones had borrowed the term "revolutionary
suicide" from
Black Panther leader and Peoples Temple supporter
Huey Newton who had argued "the slow suicide of life in
ghetto" ought to be replaced by revolutionary struggle
that would end only in victory (socialism and self
determination) or revolutionary suicide (death).
Jones married Marceline Baldwin, a nurse, in 1949. In
June 1959, the couple had their only biological child, Stephan
Gandhi Jones. Two years later, in 1961, the Joneses became the
first Caucasian couple in Indiana to adopt an African American
child, James Warren Jones, Jr.
In addition, the couple adopted three children of
Korean-American ancestry: Lew, Suzanne and Stephanie. They
also adopted a part Native American daughter, Agnes. Agnes
Jones, the oldest of the children, was adopted at the age of
eleven in 1954. Suzanne Jones was adopted at the age of six in
1959. Jones referred to them as his rainbow family, and
stated: "Integration is a more personal thing with me now.
It's a question of my son's future." The couple also adopted
another son, who was Caucasian, named Tim. Tim Jones, adopted
from a Peoples Temple mother, was originally named Timothy
Glen Tupper.
When Jonestown was first being established, Stephan
Jones had avoided two attempts by his father to relocate to
the settlement. He eventually went to Jonestown after a third
and final attempt. He has since said that he went because of
his mother.
Stephan, Jim Jr., and Tim Jones did not take part in the
mass suicide because they were in Georgetown playing with the
Peoples Temple
basketball team against the Guyanese national team.
Stephan and Tim Jones were both nineteen and Jim
Jones Jr. was eighteen at the time of the events. Tim's
biological family, the Tuppers, which consisted of his three
biological sisters, biological brother,
and biological mother, all died at Jonestown. Three
days before the tragedy, Stephan Jones refused, over the
radio, to comply with an order by his father to return the
team to Jonestown for Ryan's visit.
Lew and Agnes Jones both died at Jonestown. Agnes Jones
was thirty-five years old at the time of her death. Her
husband, and four children
all died at Jonestown. Lew Jones, who was twenty-one
years old at the time of his death, died alongside his wife
and son. Stephanie
Jones had died at age five in a car accident. Suzanne Jones
married Mike Cartmell, both of whom turned against the Temple,
and were not in Jonestown on November 18. After this occurred,
Jones referred to Suzanne openly as "my goddamned, no good for
nothing daughter" and stated that she was not to be trusted.
In a signed note found at the time of her death, Marceline
Jones directed that the Jones' funds were to be given to the
Communist Party of the Soviet Union and specified: "I
especially request that none of these are allowed to get into
the hands of my adopted daughter, Suzanne Jones Cartmell."Cartmell
had two children and died of colon cancer in November of 2006.
Jones fathered a son, Jim Jon (Kimo), with Carolyn
Louise Moore Layton, a Temple member.[72]
They both died during the events at Jonestown.
Jones claimed to be the biological father of John Victor
Stoen, although the birth certificate lists Timothy and Grace
Stoen as the parents of the boy. The Temple repeatedly claimed
that Jones fathered the child when, in 1971, Tim Stoen had
requested that Jones have sex with Grace Stoen to keep her
from defecting.[75]
The custody dispute over John Stoen would be the lynchpin of
several battles between the Temple and the Concerned
Relatives. Specific references to Tim Stoen, including the
logistics of possibly murdering him, are made on the Temple's
final "death tape," as well as a discussion over whether the
Temple should include John Stoen among those committing
"revolutionary suicide."
Stephan Jones is now a businessman, who is married with
three daughters. He appeared in the documentary Jonestown:
Paradise Lost which aired on the
History Channel and
Discovery Channel. He stated he will not watch the
documentary and has never grieved for his father. Jim Jones
Jr., who lost his wife and unborn child at Jonestown, returned
to San Francisco. He remarried and has three sons from this
marriage, including Rob Jones, a high-school basketball star
who went on to play for the
University of San Diego.
Early life
He was born Vernon Wayne Howell in
Texas, to a 15-year-old single mother, Bonnie Sue Clark.
His father was a 20-year-old carpenter named Bobby Howell. The
pair remained unmarried. Two years later his father met
another woman and left. He never met his father and was raised
by "a cruel stepfather." Koresh described his early childhood
as lonely, and it has been alleged that he was once raped by
older boys. A poor student diagnosed with
dyslexia, Koresh dropped out of Garland
high school. Due to his poor study skills, he was
nicknamed "Mister Retardo" by his classmates, but by the age
of 12, he had memorized the entire
New Testament.
When he was 19, Koresh had an affair with a 16-year-old
girl who became pregnant. He claimed to have become a
born-again Christian in the
Southern Baptist Church and soon joined his mother's
church, the
Seventh-day Adventist Church. There he fell in love with
the pastor's daughter and while praying for guidance he opened
his eyes and allegedly found the Bible open at
Isaiah 34, stating that none should want for a mate;
convinced this was a sign from God, he approached the pastor
and told him that God wanted him to have his daughter for a
wife. The pastor threw him out, and when he continued to
persist with his pursuit of the daughter he was expelled from
the congregation. A member of the congregation is reported to
have said that he never "thought above his belt buckle."
he moved to
Waco, Texas, where he joined the
Branch Davidians, a religious group originating from a
schism in the
from the
Shepherd's Rod, themselves disfellowshipped members of the
Seventh-day Adventist Church in the
They had established their headquarters at a ranch about 10
miles out of Waco, which they called the Mount Carmel Center
(after the Biblical
Mount Carmel), in
Ascent to leadership of
the Branch Davidians
he began claiming the gift of
prophecy. Koresh then had a sexual relationship with
Lois Roden, the prophetess and leader of the sect who was
then in her late seventies, eventually claiming that God had
chosen him to father a child with her, who would be the Chosen
One. In
Roden allowed Koresh to begin teaching his own message which
caused controversy in the group. Lois Roden's son
George Roden intended to be the group's next leader and
considered Koresh an interloper. When Koresh announced that
God had instructed him to marry Rachel Jones, there was a
short period of calm at Mount Carmel, but it proved only
temporary. In the ensuing power struggle, George Roden,
claiming to have the support of the majority of the group,
forced Koresh and his group off the property at gunpoint.
Disturbed by the events and the move away from the philosophy
of the community's founders, a further splinter group led by
Charles Joseph Pace moved out of Mount Carmel and set up home
Gadsden, Alabama.
Koresh and around 25 followers set up camp at
Palestine, 90 miles from Waco, where they lived rough for
the next two years, during which time Koresh undertook
recruitment of new followers in California, the United
Kingdom, Israel and Australia. In 1985 Koresh traveled to
Israel and it was there that he had a vision that he was the
modern day
Cyrus. The founder of the Davidian movement,
Victor Houteff, wanted to be God's implement and establish
the Davidic kingdom in Palestine, Israel. Koresh also wanted
to be God's tool and set up the Davidic kingdom in Jerusalem.
At least until 1990, he believed the place of his martyrdom
might be in Israel, but by 1991 he was convinced that his
martyrdom would be in the United States. Instead of Israel, he
said the prophecies of Daniel would be fulfilled in Waco and
that the Mount Carmel center was the Davidic kingdom.
At the Palestine, Texas, camp, Koresh "worked it so that
everyone was forced to rely on him, and him alone. All
previous bonds and attachments, family or otherwise, meant
nothing. His rationale was if they had no one to depend on,
they had to depend on him, and that made them vulnerable."
By this time, he had already begun to give the
message of his own "Christhood," proclaiming that he was "the
Son of God, the Lamb who could open the
Seven Seals."
Lois Roden died in
Up until then Koresh had been teaching that monogamy was the
only way to live, but suddenly announced that
polygamy was allowed for him. In March 1986, Koresh first
slept with Karen Doyle, aged 14. He claimed her as his second
wife. In August 1986, Koresh began secretly sleeping with
Michele Jones, his wife's younger 12-year-old sister. In
September 1986 Koresh began to preach that he was entitled to
140 wives, 60 women as his "queens" and 80 as
concubines, which he based upon his interpretation of the
Song of Solomon. Koresh then built up an entirely new
theology around his "marriage" to Doyle. This theology was
called the "New Light," with a doctrine of polygamy for
himself, which he called "The House of David." According to
this doctrine, Doyle was supposed to have a daughter named
Shoshanna who would then be married to Koresh's firstborn son
Cyrus. However, Doyle failed to conceive, so Koresh then
transferred his attention to his wife's sister. Former
Davidian David Bunds said that Koresh's doctrine of polygamy
"rose out of his deep desire to have sex with young girls.
Once he was able to convince himself that it was God's will
then he was able to be free of guilt and have sex with as many
young girls as he could get his hands on."
By late
George Roden's support had withered. To regain it, he
challenged Koresh to a contest to raise the dead, even digging
up one corpse to practice on it. Koresh returned to Mount
Carmel in camouflage, with seven armed followers. All but one
- who managed to escape - were arrested by the local police,
who had been alerted by the sound of gunfire. When deputy
sheriffs arrived and ended the shoot-out, they found Koresh
and six followers firing their rifles at Roden, who had
already suffered a minor gunshot wound and was pinned down
behind a tree at the Compound. As a result of the incident,
Koresh and his followers were charged with attempted murder.
At the trial, Koresh testified that he went to Mount Carmel to
uncover evidence of corpse abuse by George Roden. Koresh's
followers were acquitted, and in Koresh's case a
mistrial was declared.
Roden murdered Dale Adair with an axe blow to the skull after
Adair stated his belief that Koresh was the Messiah. Roden was
convicted of murder and, as he owed thousands of dollars in
unpaid taxes, Mount Carmel was placed for sale. Koresh and his
followers raised the money and purchased the property, which
he subsequently renamed "Ranch Apocalypse." A
methamphetamine laboratory was discovered on the property,
which Koresh reported to the local police department and asked
to have removed.
Name change
Koresh allegedly believed himself to be a modern-day
Cyrus the Great, who had permitted the Jews to return to Judea
upon liberating them from Babylonian rule. In the
documentation involved in his legal change of name, Koresh
stated that the change was for "publicity and business
purposes." Some critics say the switch arose from his alleged
belief that he was now head of the biblical house of
David, from which Judeo-Christian tradition maintains the
Messiah will come. The name Koresh is a transliteration
of the Hebrew name of
Cyrus, the
Persian king who allowed the Jews who had been
dispersed throughout
Babylonia by
Nebuchadnezzar to return to their homelands. He chose the
names "David," and allegedly, "Koresh" evinced his belief that
he was an anointed one, a belief that stemmed from a vision he
claimed to have received from God in
during his trip to Israel. During the siege, Koresh would
explain to the FBI negotiators that (in Koresh's mind at
least) "koresh" had a deeper meaning:
Koresh: "What is Christ revealed as, according to the
fourth seal?"
FBI: "Pale... a rider on a pale horse."
Koresh: "And his name is what?"
FBI: "Death."
Koresh: "Now, do you know what the name Koresh means?"
FBI: "Go ahead..."
Koresh: "It means death."
Texas Death Records list his name as Vernon Howell,
despite the legal change to David Koresh.
Accusations of child abuse and
statutory rape
Koresh himself denied all allegations of polygamy and
child abuse in public interviews. The popular media,
disaffected Davidians, and spokespersons for the US
government, however, tell sordid tales of Koresh's personal
Allegedly, Koresh advocated
polygamy for himself, and asserted that he was married to
several female residents of the small community.
Some former members of the cult also alleged that
Koresh felt he could claim any of the females in the compound
as his.
Allegedly, he fathered at least a dozen children by the
harem. Allegedly, his harem included girls as young as age
12. The other adults at the compound were told by Koresh not
to tell anyone else about this "because they wouldn't
The 1993 U.S. Department of Justice report sets out
detailed evidence of historical child sexual and physical
abuse. ATF Special Agent David Aguilera had interviewed former
Branch Davidian Jeannine Bunds, who claimed that Koresh had
fathered at least fifteen children with various women and
young girls at the compound. Some of the girls who had babies
fathered by Koresh were as young as 12 years old. She said she
had personally delivered 7 of these children. According to Ms.
Bunds, Koresh would annul all marriages of couples who joined
his cult. He then had exclusive sexual access to the women.
According to Mrs. Bunds, he had regular sexual relations with
young girls, who ranged in age from 11 upwards. In his book,
James Tabor states that Koresh acknowledged on a videotape
sent out of the compound during the standoff that he had
fathered more than 12 children by several "wives," some of
whom were as young as 12 or 13 when they became pregnant. DNA
testing of the women and children in the video who died in the
subsequent fire confirmed that the children were his. At the
time, in Texas, the age of
parental consent for a
minor to marry was 14, as was the age for consent to
engage in sexual relations. Kiri Jewell, daughter of Branch
Davidian Sherri Jewell, claimed in testimony before Congress
in 1995 that she was sexually molested at the age of 10 by
Koresh, who then read to her from the Bible.
She originally related the incident in a 1992
custody battle, and the judge ordered that she be kept away
from Koresh and Mount Carmel. While conceding that Jewell's
testimony may be "100 percent true," Schneider's attorney
expressed doubts about her veracity.
Twenty-one children, aged from 5 months to 12 years,
were released from Mount Carmel over a 3-day period at the
beginning of the siege. These children were placed in the
custody of the
Child Protective Services and housed together in a single
cottage. Over the next two months, these children were in the
constant care of a multidisciplinary treatment team consisting
of child care and mental health professionals from a variety
of institutions and organizations, who carried out extensive
evaluation and assessment. They concluded that the children
had been raised in an abusive setting, and that Koresh's
regime at Mount Carmel was clearly "a psychologically
destructive environment for children." Koresh deliberately
undermined the traditional parent-child relationship and
replaced it with a dependence upon a central figure, himself.
The children related at various times that they had been
instructed to call their natural parents "dogs" and to call
Koresh "father." Children who were not biologically Koresh's
or 'adopted' by Koresh were called "bastards." Koresh
continuously undermined all relationships within the Branch
Davidian community, including sibling relationships, husband
and wife relationships, and friendships. Any attachment judged
by Koresh to be more important to an individual than the
dependence upon him or God was not tolerated. By 1992 the
children were being taught to view Koresh as their father, and
soon after they were taught that he was God.
The children demonstrated inappropriate and
age-inappropriate behaviors and significant gaps in general
understanding, reflecting practices present in the compound.
Very young children, including a 6-year-old girl, knew an
incredible amount about weapons, while they knew almost
nothing about common age-appropriate concepts.
Child psychologists concluded that the children were
significantly traumatized by previous harsh and inappropriate
disciplinary techniques including severe corporal punishment,
extended isolation and severe food restrictions. They were
continually exposed to "harsh, capricious, and humiliating"
disciplinary techniques. Children, as young as 8 months, were
beaten for trivial matters, and older children were beaten for
not fighting hard enough in bouts arranged by Koresh between
the children as part of their "paramilitary
training." In the building where the children were first
housed after leaving Mount Carmel, one spotted the door to the
"Do you have a whipping room down there?" she asked
her new guardians. '"No, do you have one?" "Yes," said the
little girl. "When they don't want everyone to hear us, they
take us down there."
The children were also threatened with death if they
revealed aspects of life inside the compound to the
"non-believers." As is typical when an abusive adult threatens
a child, they were told that outsiders would not understand
"our special ways." The children were convinced that Koresh
would return from the grave and punish them if they betrayed
the Davidians by interacting with, or disclosing information
to, the "bad guys" (e.g., law enforcement and non-Davidians).
Koresh was exploitive and manipulative of children and
exposed them all to a variety of inappropriate sexual content
— such as graphically describing intercourse and sexual
technique in his hours-long sermons at which the children were
present. Furthermore, the girls were socialized to believe
that sex with Koresh, by age 11-12, was normal, appropriate,
and desirable as part of "God's plan" as revealed to and by
Koresh. All of the young girls were being prepared to be his
wives and to view that as a healthy and desired position to be
in. One of the older girls expressed distress, now that she
had been released from the compound, that she would not be
able to be picked by Koresh as one of his brides. Koresh
created an environment which had "an unhealthy, malignant and
predatory quality of sexuality," and all of the girls were
'groomed' for sexual activity at an early age.
Several of the children mentioned dead babies, and
stated that dead babies were kept in the freezer until they
could be buried or burned. Amongst the children there was an
ongoing secretive quality to these occasional allusions to
births, dead babies, miscarriages, storage of dead babies in
the freezer, burning bodies, a ceremony with a male baby
underwater and other incomplete and unformed stories. When any
of the children mentioned these subjects, there was evidence
of peer-group monitoring, group censoring and avoidance of
disclosing any more information.
Bruce D. Perry states:
"The fact that the name of God and religion were used
to obscure this exploitive and abusive practice make these
activities even more heinous and destructive to the long
term development of these children. The fact that
responsible adults, either parents or 'academics', would
minimize these activities is shameful. David Koresh
systematically exploited the members of the Branch Davidian
community, slowly but surely coercing that community to play
out the tragic and destructive visions of his own disturbed
inner world."
Raid and siege
February 28,
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) raided
Mount Carmel. The raid resulted in the deaths of four
agents and six Davidians. Shortly after the initial raid, the
FBI took command of the federal operation and contact was
established with Koresh inside the compound. Communication
over the next 51 days included telephone exchanges with
various FBI negotiators.
As the standoff continued, Koresh, who was seriously
injured by a gunshot wound, along with his closest male
leaders negotiated delays, possibly so he could write
religious documents he said he needed to complete before he
surrendered. His conversations with the negotiators were dense
with biblical imagery. The federal negotiators treated the
situation as a hostage crisis despite a two hour video tape
sent out by the Davidians in which the adults and older
children/teens appeared to explain clearly and confidently why
they chose of their own free will to remain with Koresh.
The 51-day siege of Mount Carmel ended when U.S Attorney
Janet Reno approved recommendations of veteran FBI
officials to proceed with a final assault in which the Branch
Davidians were to be removed from their building by force. In
the course of the assault, the church building caught fire.
The cause of the fire was later alleged by the "Danforth
Report," a report commissioned by The Special Counsel, to be
the deliberate actions of some of the Branch Davidians inside
the building. However this hypothesis is disputed in the
documentary "Waco:
The Rules of Engagement," which argues that the fire was
deliberately set when the FBI fired an incendiary device into
the building after loading the building with
CS gas.
At the subsequent trial of the surviving Branch Davidians, the
jury listened to edited parts of a tape-recording from hidden
microphones inside Mt. Carmel during the final attack and fire
of 19 April. These consisted of sounds of static during which
one could faintly hear a voice saying ". . . fire . . . ". A
government expert testified that through electronic
enhancement, he had reconstructed some clearly incriminating
comments, even if the jury couldn't hear them.
It later transpired that the FBI, when meeting
Koresh's demands that milk be sent in for the children's
wellbeing, also sent in tiny listening devices concealed
inside the milk cartons and their styrofoam containers.
Barricaded in their building, seventy-six Branch
Davidians, including Koresh, did not survive the fire.
Seventeen of these victims were children under the age of 17.
The Danforth Report claims that those who died were unable, or
unwilling, to flee and that Steve Schneider, Koresh's
right-hand man, probably shot Koresh and killed himself with
the same gun. "Waco:
The Rules of Engagement" claims that FBI sharpshooters
fired on, and killed, many Branch Davidians who attempted to
flee the flames. Testimony by the few Branch Davidians who did
successfully flee the fire supports this claim. Autopsy
records indicate that at least 20 Branch Davidians were shot,
including 5 children. The Danforth Report concluded that the
adults who died of gunshot wounds shot themselves after
shooting the children.
David Koresh is buried at Memorial Park Cemetery,
Tyler, Texas.
Branch Davidians believe that Koresh will someday return
to Earth. Some hoped, based on
Daniel 12:12, that this would occur 1,335 days after his
December 14,
The Hidden Manna faction believed that it would take place on
August 6,
October 20, and now March 2012. Other followers avoid

Impact of sex scandals felt worldwide
Since 1990, 11 Catholic bishops outside the United States
have resigned after allegations of sexual misconduct, on their own
part or of those they supervised, became public.
Sources: Associated Press, BBC, Catholic World News, Globe
archives, and other news reports
Vatican Told Bishops To
Cover Up Sex Abuse
Expulsion Threat In Secret Documents
By Antony Barnett
Public Affairs Director
The Observer - UK
- The Vatican instructed Catholic bishops
around the world to cover up cases of sexual abuse or risk being
thrown out of the Church. The Observer has obtained a
40-year-old confidential document from the secret Vatican
archive which lawyers are calling a 'blueprint for deception and
concealment'. One British lawyer acting for Church child abuse
victims has described it as 'explosive'.
- The 69-page Latin document bearing the
seal of Pope John XXIII was sent to every bishop in the world.
The instructions outline a policy of 'strictest' secrecy in
dealing with allegations of sexual abuse and threatens those who
speak out with excommunication.
- They also call for the victim to take an
oath of secrecy at the time of making a complaint to Church
officials. It states that the instructions are to 'be diligently
stored in the secret archives of the Curia [Vatican] as strictly
confidential. Nor is it to be published nor added to with any
- The document, which has been confirmed as
genuine by the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, is
called 'Crimine solicitationies', which translates as
'instruction on proceeding in cases of solicitation'.
- It focuses on sexual abuse initiated as
part of the confessional relationship between a priest and a
member of his congregation. But the instructions also cover what
it calls the 'worst crime', described as an obscene act
perpetrated by a cleric with 'youths of either sex or with brute
animals (bestiality)'.
- Bishops are instructed to pursue these
cases 'in the most secretive way... restrained by a perpetual
silence... and everyone... is to observe the strictest secret
which is commonly regarded as a secret of the Holy Office...
under the penalty of excommunication'.
- Texan lawyer Daniel Shea uncovered the
document as part of his work for victims of abuse from Catholic
priests in the US. He has handed it over to US authorities,
urging them to launch a federal investigation into the clergy's
alleged cover-up of sexual abuse.
- He said: 'These instructions went out to
every bishop around the globe and would certainly have applied
in Britain. It proves there was an international conspiracy by
the Church to hush up sexual abuse issues. It is a devious
attempt to conceal criminal conduct and is a blueprint for
deception and concealment.'
- British lawyer Richard Scorer, who acts
for children abused by Catholic priests in the UK, echoes this
view and has described the document as 'explosive'.
- He said: 'We always suspected that the
Catholic Church systematically covered up abuse and tried to
silence victims. This document appears to prove it. Threatening
excommunication to anybody who speaks out shows the lengths the
most senior figures in the Vatican were prepared to go to
prevent the information getting out to the public domain.'
- Scorer pointed out that as the documents
dates back to 1962 it rides roughshod over the Catholic Church's
claim that the issue of sexual abuse was a modern phenomenon.
- He claims the discovery of the document
will raise fresh questions about the actions of Cardinal Cormac
Murphy-O'Connor, the head of the Roman Catholic Church in
England and Wales.
- Murphy-O'Connor has been accused of
covering up allegations of child abuse when he was Bishop of
Arundel and Brighton. Instead of reporting to the police
allegations of abuse against Michael Hill, a priest in his
charge, he moved him to another position where he was later
convicted for abusing nine children.
- Although Murphy-O'Connor has apologised
publicly for his mistake, Scorer claims the secret Vatican
document raises the question about whether his failure to report
Hill was due to him following this instruction from Rome.
- Scorer, who acts for some of Hill's
victims, said: 'I want to know whether Murphy-O'Connor knew of
these Vatican instructions and, if so, did he apply it. If not,
can he tell us why not?'
- A spokesman for the Catholic Church
denied that the secret Vatican orders were part of any organised
cover-up and claims lawyers are taking the document 'out of
context' and 'distorting it'.
- He said: 'This document is about the
Church's internal disciplinary procedures should a priest be
accused of using confession to solicit sex. It does not forbid
victims to report civil crimes. The confidentiality talked about
is aimed to protect the accused as applies in court procedures
today. It also takes into consideration the special nature of
the secrecy involved in the act of confession.' He also said
that in 1983 the Catholic Church in England and Wales introduced
its own code dealing with sexual abuse, which would have
superseded the 1962 instructions. Asked whether Murphy-O'Connor
was aware of the Vatican edict, he replied: 'He's never
mentioned it to me.'
- Lawyers point to a letter the Vatican
sent to bishops in May 2001 clearly stating the 1962 instruction
was in force until then. The letter is signed by Cardinal
Ratzinger, the most powerful man in Rome beside the Pope and who
heads the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - the
office which ran the Inquisition in the Middle Ages.
- Rev Thomas Doyle, a US Air Force chaplain
in Germany and a specialist in Church law, has studied the
document. He told The Observer: 'It is certainly an indication
of the pathological obsession with secrecy in the Catholic
Church, but in itself it is not a smoking gun.
- 'If, however, this document actually has
been the foundation of a continuous policy to cover clergy
crimes at all costs, then we have quite another issue. There are
too many authenticated reports of victims having been seriously
intimidated into silence by Church authorities to assert that
such intimidation is the exception and not the norm.
- 'If this document has been used as a
justification for this intimidation then we possibly have what
some commentators have alleged, namely, a blueprint for a
cover-up. This is obviously a big "if" which requires concrete
- Additional research by Jason Rodrigues
- Comment
- From CM Ross
- Dear Jeff,
- Regarding the article asserting the
Vatican had covered up the child rape scandals since 1962
because of a certain document bearing the papal seal. Perhaps
this happened, perhaps it didn't.
- Nevertheless, it may indeed be possible
that that the Vatican did cover up knowledge of sex crimes
before the 1960s, and here's why: Bella Dodd, former head of the
Communist Party USA, testified before the US Congress that
hundreds of Communist agents had infiltrated the Catholic
hierarchy, and that they were poised to create a new church, one
that would appear Catholic, but was not in actual substance,
- Former KGB agent Anatoliy Golitsyn also
asserted that the Catholic Church had been infiltrated by
Communists in his book "The Perestroika Deception." The
anonymous Catholic priest author of "AA1025" said he was the
1,025th Communist agent to infiltrate the Catholic Church; that
they already had a Catholic Bishop in the 1930s; and had been
infiltrating the Catholic Church since that time.
- Joe Douglass wrote in his book "Betrayed"
that the Communists were working to destroy Catholic confidence
in their clergy by the creation of sex scandals. So it should
not come as a surprise that the problem of child rape in the
Boston Archdiocese goes back to the 1940s, when the Communist /
seminarian infiltrators would have had time to go through
seminaries and become ordained as Catholic priests.
- In the meantime, their comrades in Rome
were working hard with the Masons at boring away from the Church
hierarchy from within like termites. Which may explain why the
Rosicrucian Pope John XXIII was quite cozy with the Communists,
PS -- If these allegations are true, then I find it interesting
that it happened on Pope John XXIII's watch. He did, after all,
take the name of an anti-pope Pope John XXIII who ruled as Pope
from 1410-1415 and was deposed for immorality, heresy, and
schism. (page 23, "What has Happened to the Catholic Church?"
Rev. Francisco Radecki, and Rev. Dominic Radecki).
- Kind regards,
Miss Ross
Why should any of us be even remotely surprised by this? Those
who run to the defense of the Roman church are trying to
obfuscate the real issue, even suggest that this is all pre-1962
when we've seen it's been an ongoing policy in the church not
only for centuries, but right up to the present day scandals.
Right now another infamous "Christ Cult" (not the true church)
is under investigation for rampand child molestation/rape going
back more than 50 years, the Jehovah's Witnesses. It won't be
long before someone breaks the silence over the Mormon cult,
too. Polygamy isn't their only skeleton in the closet.
Catholic sex abuse cases
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Clerical sexual deviancy allegations have been made
against a variety of religious groups including but not
Roman Catholic priests, monks, and nuns. Philip Jenkins
estimated that prior to 2001 0.2% of Roman Catholic priests
had been proven to be abusers.
Several major lawsuits emerged in 2001 claiming that
priests had sexually abused minors.
Some priests resigned, others were defrocked and
jailed and financial settlements were agreed with many
victims. In the
US, where the vast majority of sex abuse cases occurred, the
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops commissioned
a comprehensive study that found four percent of all priests
who served in the US from 1950 to 2002 faced some sort of
sexual accusations. Although public school administrators
engaged in a similar manner when dealing with accused
teachers, the Church was widely criticized when it was
discovered that some bishops knew about allegations and
reassigned the accused instead of removing them. Some bishops
and psychiatrists noted that the prevailing psychology of the
times suggested that people could be cured of such behavior
through counseling.
Many of the abusive priests had received counseling
before being reassigned.Pope John Paul II responded by stating
"there is no place in the priesthood and religious life for
those who would harm the young". The Church instituted reforms
to prevent future abuse by requiring background checks for
Church employees and, because a significant majority of
victims were teenage boys, disallowing ordination of men with
"deep–seated homosexual tendencies". They now require dioceses
faced with an allegation to alert the authorities, conduct an
investigation and remove the accused from duty. In 2008, the
Church asserted that the scandal was a very serious problem
and estimated that it was "probably caused by 'no more than 1
per cent' of the over 400,000 worldwide Catholic priests.
While attorney Marci Hamilton says that the Roman
Catholic Church is one of the most vocal adversaries to
legislative reform that would protect children Some
commentators, such as journalist Jon Dougherty, have argued
that media coverage of the issue has been excessive, given
that the same problems plague other institutions such as the
US public school system with much greater frequency.
During a recent visit to the United States
Pope Benedict admitted that he is "deeply ashamed" of the
clergy sex abuse scandal that has devastated the American
church. The
American Catholic Church has paid out $2 billion in abuse
costs since 1950.
Benedict pledged that
paedophiles would not be priests in the Catholic Church.
Sexual abuse
Apart from direct family connections, many Catholic
families sent their children to Catholic schools, where
priests taught as teachers or visited regularly as the local
parish priest or curate. Participation in the Catholic faith
involved a close association with, and proximity to, priests.
While the vast majority of priests are thought never to have
abused any children (99.8%), the small minority of priests who
are known to have committed offenses had easy access to
One of the most startling examples of sex abuse occurred
Ireland, where
Father Brendan Smyth systematically raped and sexually
abused hundreds of boys between 1945 and 1989. The
investigation of the Smyth case was
obstructed by the
Norbertine Order. This was also seen in other cases, such
as that of Fr. Jim Grennan, a parish priest, who abused
children as they prepared for
First Communion, and
Fr. Sean Fortune, who committed
suicide before his trial for the rape of children. The
abuse by Grennan and others in the
Diocese of Ferns in south-east Ireland led to the
resignation of the local bishop,
Brendan Comiskey.
Canada the
Mount Cashel Orphanage sex abuse cases in the province of
Newfoundland and Labrador and the
Duplessis Orphans in the province of
Quebec were of great public concern.
Ferns Report
Main article:
Ferns Report
The Ferns Inquiry (2005) was an official Irish
government inquiry into the allegations of clerical sexual
abuse in the Irish Catholic Diocese of Ferns. The Inquiry
recorded its revulsion at the extent, severity and duration of
the child sexual abuse perpetrated on children by priests
acting under the aegis of the Diocese of Ferns. The
investigation was established in the wake of the broadcast of
a BBC Television documentary "Suing the Pope", which
highlighted the case of Fr Seán Fortune, one of the most
notorious clerical sexual offenders. The film followed Colm
O'Gorman as he investigated the story of how Fortune was
allowed to abuse him and countless other teenage boys.
O'Gorman, through One in Four, the organisation he founded to
support women and men who have experienced sexual violence,
successfully campaigned for the Ferns Inquiry.
John Jay Report
John Jay Report was commissioned by the
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and was based on
surveys completed by the Catholic dioceses in the United
States. The surveys provided information from diocesan files
on each priest accused of sexual abuse and on each of the
priest's victims. That information was filtered, so that the
research team did not have access to the names of the accused
priests or the dioceses where they worked. The report presents
aggregate findings. The dioceses were encouraged to issue
reports of their own based on the surveys that they had
completed. The Report found accusations against 4,392 priests
in the USA, about 4% of all priests.
Abusers moved to different
Some bishops have been heavily criticized for moving
offending priests from parish to parish, where they still had
personal contact with children, rather than seeking to have
them permanently removed from the priesthood. Instead of
reporting the incidents to
police, many dioceses simply submitted the offending
priests for psychological treatment and assessment. The
priests resumed their previous duties with children only when
the bishop was advised by the treating psychologists or
psychiatrists that it was safe for them to resume their
Fr Ramos Reassignment letter
An example of the policy of shifting offenders from
place to place is demonstrated in the case of Fr Ramos.
Typical of these examples he was reassigned to another parish
after treatment. An unknown Church official in 1985 took
telephone notes that indicate an awareness of his continuing
child molestation by Church officials well after his initial
psychological treatment in the late 1970s. In spite of this
knowledge that he re-offended, he continued to molest for a
further two years and accumulated 25 allegations of abuse in
In response to questions, defenders of the Church's
actions have suggested that in re-assigning priests after
treatment, Bishops were acting on the best medical advice then
available, a policy also followed by the US Public School
System when dealing with accused teachers. Critics have
questioned whether bishops are necessarily able to form
accurate judgments on a priest's recovery.
Failure to report criminal acts
to police
From a legal perspective, the most serious offense,
aside from the incidents of
child sexual abuse themselves, was the active
institutional cover-up by the Roman Catholic Church's most
senior Church leaders for failing to report these felonies to
the police.
In response to the failure to report abuse to the
police, lawmakers have changed the law to make reporting of
abuse to police compulsory. An example of this can be found in
Massachusetts, USA.
Allegations of
systematic plots to conceal evidence
Reviewers of the Smyth case differ as to whether it was
a deliberate plot to conceal his behaviour, incompetence by
his superiors at Kilnacrott Abbey, an institution presuming
that what happened to its members was its own business, a
failure to grasp the human and legal consequences, or some
combination of factors.
Cardinal Daly, both as
Bishop of Down and Connor, a diocese where some of the
abuse took place, and later as Cardinal
Archbishop of Armagh, is recorded as having been privately
scathing at the Norbertine "incompetence".[citation
William McMurry, a
Louisville, Kentucky lawyer, filed suit against the
Vatican in June 2004 on behalf of three men alleging abuse
as far back as 1928, accusing Church leaders of organising a
cover-up of cases of sexual abuse of children. Legal experts
predict an unsuccessful outcome to this case, given the
sovereignty of the
Holy See and the lack of evidence of Vatican complicity.
Sovereign immunity however, was recently denied upon appeal in
a separate (WW II/ Vatican Bank/Ustazhe Genocide) United
States federal lawsuit.
Payments to victims
Some have alleged that Church members paid off victims
of child abuse, either in settlement of compensation claims,
or in order to prevent them reporting to the police.
In the mid-1990s, Archbishop (later Cardinal)
Connell of Dublin lent money to a priest,
Ivan Payne, who had abused altar boy Andrew Madden; this
money was used to pay compensation to Madden and to prevent
him from reporting the abuse to the police. Connell later
claimed never to have paid money to a victim, insisting that
he had simply lent money to a priest who independently used
the money to pay off his victim.
Roman Catholics
spent $615 million dollars on sex abuse cases in 2007.
Implications of the accusations
Seminary training
Clergy themselves have suggested their
seminary training offered little to prepare them for a
lifetime of celibate sexuality. A report submitted to the
Synod of Bishops in
in 1971, called
The Role of the Church in the Causation, Treatment and
Prevention of the Crisis in the Priesthood by Dr.
Conrad Baars, a Catholic psychiatrist, and based on a
study of 1500 priests, suggested that some clergy had
"psychosexual" problems.
Congregation for Catholic Education issued an official
document, the
Instruction Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of
Vocations with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in
view of their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders
(2005). Drawing a parallel between
homosexuality and
paedophilia, the document states that the Church "cannot
admit to the seminary or to Holy Orders those who practice
homosexuality, present deep-seated homosexual tendencies or
support the so-called 'gay culture'".
Declining standards explanation
In the book, The Courage To Be Catholic: Crisis,
Reform, and the Future of the Church,
George Weigel holds that it was the infidelity to orthodox
Catholic teaching, the "culture of dissent", which was mainly
responsible for this problem. By "culture of dissent" he meant
priests, women religious, bishops, theologians, catechists,
Church bureaucrats, and activists who "believed that what the
Church proposed as true was actually false."
Also, traditional Catholics have made the charge that
Second Vatican Council itself (1962–1965) fostered a
climate that encouraged priests to abuse children. The council
essentially directed an opening of the doors to meet the
world. This was considered an appropriate way of going forth
and spreading the Good News. However traditional Catholics
believe that this led to a conversion of Catholics to
secularism rather than vice versa. In the
January 27,
edition of
Time magazine,
actor and traditional Catholic
Mel Gibson charged that "...Vatican II corrupted the
institution of the church. Look at the main fruits: dwindling
numbers and pedophilia." However it is important to note that
abuse by priests was occurring long before the start of
Vatican II and that many of the Roman Catholic sex abuse cases
did not, strictly speaking, involve pedophilia. For instance
apostolic constitution
Sacramentum Poenitentiae which established general notice
of the problem of sexual abuse amongst the clergy was
published by
Pope Benedict XIV in 1741.
Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick, a retired Archbishop of
Washington, blamed the declining morals of the 1960s as a
cause of the high number of sexually abusive priests. However
it must be realised that the increased reporting of abuse in
child-care institutions during this time was concomitant with
rising police interest, investigation and prosecution of such
crimes. As such it is not certain that a sudden "crisis of
abuse" ever existed, instead the dramatic increase in reported
abuse cases may simply have heralded the end of a long-term
endemic problem found throughout a number of institutions,
both secular and religious, prior to the introduction of
quality control measures specifically aimed at preventing such
abuses from occurring.
Supply and demand explanation
Catholic clergy are in short supply in North America,
Europe, Australia and New Zealand.
Catholic doctrines and this understaffing combine, it
has been claimed, to make Catholic clergy extraordinarily
valuable. It is alleged that the Catholic hierarchy acted to
preserve the number of clergy and ensure that they were still
available to supply priestly services, in the face of serious
allegations that these priests were unfit for duty.
Others disagree and believe that the Church's
mishandling of the sex abuse cases merely reflected prevailing
attitudes of the time towards such activity, in which the
tendency was to suppress the information lest it cause scandal
and a loss of trust in the institution. Evidence for this view
includes the manner in which the media and secular
organisations hid damaging information or ignored it, from the
sexual promiscuity of leading politicians to domestic
violence. They see the Church as having made horrendous but
genuine mistakes resulting from their leaders being out of
touch with society's increasing demand for accountability.
Celibacy explanation
It has been said that there is no indication of a higher
level of child-oriented sexual activity among the unmarried
Catholic clergy than that of the married clergy of other
denominations and of
Molestation of pre-pubescent children was rare in the
Roman Catholic sex abuse cases and opinion is very divided on
whether there is any connection between the Catholic
institution of celibacy and the incidence of child abuse.
Factual analysis is difficult for a number of reasons,
including that there are relatively few statistical studies on
the issue of sexual abuse among the clergy and that sexual
abuse rates among the general population are almost impossible
to determine, since not all of the instances are reported.
In 2005 the
Western People, a conservative
Irish newspaper, commented that celibacy itself had
contributed to the abuse problem in another way, as it created
a "morally superior" status that was then misapplied by
abusing priests. "The Irish Church’s prospect of a recovery
is zero for as long as bishops continue blindly to toe the
Vatican line of Pope Benedict XVI that a male celibate
priesthood is morally superior to other sections of society."
Advocacy for mandatory celibacy
Philip Jenkins, a
Episcopalian and Professor of
History and
Religious Studies at
Penn State University, published the book Pedophiles
and Priests: Anatomy of a Contemporary Crisis in 1996. In
it, he calculated that approximately 0.2 percent of Catholic
priests are child molesters. His 2002 article "The myth of the
'pedophile priest'" expresses his views. In contrast to Louise
Haggett's statement, Professor Jenkins states:
- "My research of cases over the past 20 years
indicates no evidence whatever that Catholic or other
celibate clergy are any more likely to be involved in
misconduct or abuse than clergy of any other denomination—or
indeed, than nonclergy. However determined news media may be
to see this affair as a crisis of celibacy, the charge is
just unsupported."
Supporters of celibacy claim that Catholic priests
suffering sexual temptations are not likely to turn
immediately to a teenage boy simply because Church discipline
does not permit clergy to marry. Supporters of clerical
celibacy suggest, then, that there is some other factor at
Crimen solicitationis
Crimen sollicitationis (translated from
Latin as The crime of solicitation or The crime of
harassment) is a document issued by the Holy Office of the
Vatican (now named the
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) in 1962,
bishops about how to deal with cases in which priests were
accused of abusing the sacrament of penance to sexually
proposition penitents, thus its title. The same legal
procedure, but with some adjustment, is also extended to
clerics accused of
child sexual abuse and
zoophilia. The document calls for all cases to be handled
in secret but did not require the silence to extend to
criminal investigations. In 2006 the
Panorama documentary television series did an episode
on Crimen sollicitationis named "Sex
Crimes and the Vatican" which investigated how the
document was used to cover up sexual abuse by priests. Crimen
Solicitationis was preceded by the
apostolic constitution
Sacramentum Poenitentiae, which established general notice
of the problem of sexual abuse amongst the clergy was
published by
Pope Benedict XIV in 1741.
Media hype explanation
Philip Jenkins claims that the Catholic Church is being
unfairly singled out by a secular media which he claims fails
to highlight similar sexual accusations in other religious
groups, such as the
Anglican Communion, various
Protestant churches, and the
Jewish and
Islamic communities. He also claims that the Catholic
Church may have a lower incidence of molesting priests than
Churches that allow married clergy because statistically child
molestation generally occurs within families but Catholic
priests do not have families. He also claims that the term
"pedophile priests" widely used in the media, implies a
distinctly higher rate of child molesters within the Roman
Catholic priesthood when in reality the incidence is lower
than most other segments of society".Jenkins later authored
the book
The New Anti-Catholicism: The Last Acceptable Prejudice in
2003, touching on some of the same issues.
Other Catholic teachings,
The Catholic Church clearly teaches the sexual abuse of
children to be gravely sinful. In the
Catechism of the Catholic Church's list of moral offences,
one finds:
- "...any sexual abuse perpetrated by adults on
children or adolescents entrusted to their care. The offense
is compounded by the scandalous harm done to the physical
and moral integrity of the young, who will remain scarred by
it, all their lives; and the violation of responsibility for
their upbringing." (CCC 2389).
In the
New Testament,
Jesus tells his disciples, "Whoever causes one of these
little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for
him if a great millstone were put around his neck and he were
thrown into the sea." (see
Matthew 18:6;
Mark 9:42; and
Luke 17:2)
The Apostle Paul in his 1st and 2nd letter towards
Timothy notes that, if they are to marry at all, "Bishops,
Presbyters, and Deacons, should be the husband of one
wife...". This tradition can be seen practiced in the Eastern
Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches, although no bishop of
any church may be married, and bishops are therefore either
widowers or lifelong monastics.
Despite these teachings, some critics have charged that
doctrines or traditional practices in Catholicism
contributed to the problem. Catholic teaching affirms that so
long as the officiant has been validly
ordained, his personal sins have no effect on the validity
of the
baptisms, and other sacraments he has administered. The
doctrine of
apostolic succession makes valid ordinations and
institutional affiliation the chief consideration in clerical
Abuse by priests in Catholic
As distinct from abuse by some parish priests, under
diocesan control, there have also been sexual abuse cases
concerning those in Catholic orders, which often care for the
sick or teach school. In the
United States, Salesian High in
Richmond, California lost a sexual abuse case, whilst in
Australia there are allegations that the Salesians moved a
priest convicted of abuse in Melbourne to Samoa in order to
avoid further police investigation and charges.
- The
Christian Brothers in
Canada more than 300 former pupils were physically and
sexually abused at the
Mount Cashel orphanage in
Newfoundland. When allegations of physical and sexual
abuse started to surface in the late 1980s, the government,
police and church conspired in an unsuccessful cover-up. In
Ontario in January 1993 the Christian Brothers reached a
financial settlement totaling $23 million with 700 former
students who alleged abuse.
In Ireland in March 1998, the Congregation of the
Christian Brothers published full-page advertisements in
newspapers apologizing to former pupils who had been
ill-treated whilst in their care. The unprecedented
advertising campaign expressed "deep regret" on behalf of
the Christian Brothers and listed telephone lines which
former pupils could ring if they needed help. In Australia
the Christian Brothers protected Brothers accused of sex
- In July 2007 in the United States a lawsuit was filed
against the
Brothers of the Sacred Heart which alleged that they
moved around a Brother who was accused of sexual misconduct
with an adolescent.
- A eight-year (1999–2007) enquiry and report by Dr
Elizabeth Healy and Dr Kevin McCoy into the
Brothers of Charity Order's "Holy
Family School" in
Ireland, and two other locations, was made public in
December 2007. Eleven brothers and seven other staff members
were alleged to have abused 21 intellectually-disabled
children in residential care in the period 1965–1998. By
2007, two members of staff were convicted of abuse, eight
had died and the rest had retired. It emerged that the Order
had attempted to transfer at least one accused brother to
another place.
Dr Jimmy Devins, a junior government minister, regretted
that "some of the most vulnerable people in society were
let down in the past". Brother Noel Corcoran, head of
the Order's services in Ireland, apologized sincerely.
However the report was criticized by Dr Margaret Kennedy for
not naming the sex offenders who were convicted or dead, and
for interviewing just 21 out of 135 complainants.
- On
19 December
2007 a Fr Patrick McDonagh of the
Salvatorian Order admitted eight counts of sexual and
indecent assault on four girls (aged 6 to 10) in the period
1965–1990 in
Ireland. He was sentenced to four years in prison, with
the last 30 months suspended. He gave the police the names
of three girls, but also admitted to assaulting six other
victims whom he has refused to identify. The judge described
this as "remorse" and suspended most of the sentence for his
guilty plea. Aged 78 in 2007, he had joined the Salvatorians
in 1955 and retired in 2004.
- In
County Sligo, St. John's School had five teachers who
have faced abused charges, of which three were
Marist Brothers. In January 2008 "Brother Gregory"
(real name Martin Meaney) admitted to abusing a boy 20 or 30
times in a four-month period in 1972, apologized
unreservedly and was sentenced on five sample charges to two
years imprisonment. He described the boy as "a weak little
lad", and told police he had "picked on children who were
not getting love at home". Meaney had previously served 12
years of an original 18 year jail sentence imposed in
November 1992 where he admitted eight sample charges of
buggery, rape and indecent assault on other boys, out of 109
charges. These charges arose when he was teaching at
County Roscommon.
- In the 1990s, abuse by a Father Eugene Kennan
(baptismal name John Joseph), a priest of the
Passionist Order, originally from
Liverpool, came to light. An extremely powerful man who
had held high positions in the order, he had given retreats
and counselled vulnerable girls over many decades, including
those in care and approved schools in the 1960s. A man of
great charisma, he was able to abuse girls in whom he
inspired devotion. It was, however, the sexual abuse of a
former novice nun that first brought the abuse to light,
after which many women came forward with their own
testimonies of his sexual abuse. One story he would tell the
girls was that he had trained as a gynaecologist, which led
to intimate physical examinations. In the late 1990s Father
Eugene was relieved of his official duties and was
investigated by the police, however his age and failing
health saved him from prison. He died in 2002. The scandal
was largely covered up by the superior of the Passionist
Order, Father Nicholas Postlethwaite, who managed to keep it
out of the English newspapers, though it was mentioned in
the Irish press. In 2003 another Passionist priest in
Chicago, Father John Ormechea, faced his sixth
accusation for allegedly abusing young boys. As in other
cases, it was alleged that the local diocese knew of similar
allegations, but did nothing.
- The
Norbertine Order (or White Canons) neglected to inform
the police about the abuse by
Brendan Smyth from the 1950s. He was eventually charged
in 1994.
- Father Jeremiah McGrath of the
Kiltegan Fathers was convicted in
Liverpool in May 2007 for facilitating abuse by Billy
Adams. McGrath had given Adams Ł20,000 in 2005 and Adams had
used the money to impress a 12-year-old girl who he then
raped over a six-month period. McGrath denied knowing about
the abuse but admitted having a brief sexual relationship
with Adams. His
appeal in January 2008 was dismissed.
Episcopal resignations
Bernard Francis Law, Cardinal and
Archbishop of
United States resigned after Church documents were
revealed which suggested he had covered up sexual abuse
committed by priests in his archdiocese. For example, Father
John Geoghan was shifted from one parish to another
although Cardinal Law had often been informed of his abuse.
In December 1984 auxiliary Bishop John M. D’Arcy wrote to
Cardinal Law complaining about the reassignment of Geoghan
to another Boston-area parish because of his “history of
homosexual involvement with young boys." In 1987, after at
least 23 years of child molesting by Father Joseph
Birmingham during which time he was shuffled to various
parishes, the mother of an altar boy at St. Anns wrote to
Law asking if Birmingham had a history of molesting
children. Cardinal Law wrote back "I contacted Father
Birmingham. ... He assured me there is absolutely no factual
basis to your concern regarding your son and him. From my
knowledge of Father Birmingham and my relationship with him,
I feel he would tell me the truth and I believe he is
speaking the truth in this matter." The
Vatican announced on
December 13,
2002 that
Pope John Paul II had accepted Law's resignation as
Archbishop and reassigned him to an administrative position
in the
Roman Curia and named him archpriest of the
Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore. Cardinal Law later
presided at one of the Pope's funeral masses. Bishop
Séan P. O'Malley, the
Capuchin friar who replaced Law as archbishop, was
forced to sell a good deal of valuable real estate and to
close a number of churches in order to pay $120,000,000 in
claims against the archdiocese.
Church Actions in Dealing with
Sex Abuse Cases
Apology and Meeting with Victims
In Sydney's
St. Mary's Cathedral,
Pope Benedict XVI made a historic full
apology for
child sex abuse by priests and clergymen in Australia, on
July 19, 2008. Before a 3,400 congregation, he called for
compensation and demanded punishment for those guilty of the
"evil": "Here I would like to pause to acknowledge the shame
which we have all felt as a result of the sexual abuse of
minors by some clergy and religious in this country. I am
deeply sorry for the pain and suffering the victims have
endured and I assure them that, as their pastor, I too share
in their suffering." The Pope added: "Victims should receive
compassion and care, and those responsible for these evils
must be brought to justice. These misdeeds, which constitute
so grave a betrayal of trust, deserve unequivocal
condemnation. I ask all of you to support and assist your
bishops, and to work together with them in combating this
evil. It is an urgent priority to promote a safer and more
wholesome environment, especially for young people." On the
21st of July before flying out of Australia Pope Benedict met
with a group of four victims of sexual abuse. He met them at
St. Mary's Cathedral in Sydney, listened to their stories and
celebrated mass with them.
The Pope met two male and two female victims of sex
abuse by priests at St. Mary's Cathedral. Broken Rites
criticized the meeting as hand-picked: "I'm afraid that what
they've done is selected victims who have agreed with what the
church's policies are. The pope should have met with Anthony
Foster, the father of two girls abused by a priest, who cut
short a holiday in Britain to return to Australia in the hope
of meeting the pontiff. The
New South Wales Premier
Morris Iemma hoped "it will be a sign of righting the
wrongs of the past and of a better future and better treatment
by the church of the victims and their families." The victim's
rights advocacy group Broken Rites welcomed the Pope's
- In December 2006 the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles (its archbishop was
Roger Cardinal Mahony) agreed to a payout of $60 million
to settle 45 of the over 500 pending cases concerning abuse
by priests. In July 2007 the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of
Los Angeles agreed to pay a $660 million settlement to
hundreds of people who claimed to have been abused by
- In December 2006 the
Diocese of Phoenix agreed to pay $100,000 to William
Cesolini, who claimed he was sexually assaulted as a
teenager by a priest.
- In Canada the
Christian Brothers have paid out approximately $35
million (Canadian) in compensation.
- In May 1994 the Diocese of Lincoln (Nebraska) agreed
to pay Rob Butler, FKA Adam Butler, $40,000 after he claimed
he was abused weekly for two years.
- Citing monetary concerns arising from impending
trials on sex abuse claims, the
Archdiocese of Portland (Oregon) filed for Chapter 11
bankruptcy on
July 6, 2004, hours before two abuse trials were set to
begin, becoming the first Catholic diocese to file for
bankruptcy. If granted, bankruptcy would mean pending and
future lawsuits would be settled in federal bankruptcy
court. The archdiocese had settled more than one hundred
previous claims for a sum of over $53 million. The filing
seeks to protect parish assets, school money and trust funds
from abuse victims: the archdiocese's contention is that
parish assets are not the archdiocese's assets. Plaintiffs
in the cases against the archdiocese have argued that the
Catholic church is a single entity, and that the
Vatican should be
liable for any damages awarded in judgment of pending
sexual abuse cases.
- The
Diocese of Spokane in December 2004. The diocese of
Spokane in Washington as part of its bankruptcy has agreed
to pay at least 48 million dollars as compensation to people
abused by priests. This payout has to be agreed with by the
victims and another Judge before it will be made.
- The
Diocese of Tucson filed for bankruptcy in September,
2004. The Diocese of Tucson reached an agreement with its
victims, which the bankruptcy judge approved
June 11,
2005, specifying terms that included allowing the
diocese reorganization to continue in return for a $22.2
million settlement.
Government solution in
In May 1999 the Irish
Bertie Ahern apologized for an overall lack of supervision
and funding by past Irish governments. Despite the eminent
position of the church in Irish society, suing it (as in the
case of
Sean Fortune) was found to be equivalent to suing any club
or social group. In 2002 his government agreed to take on €128
million in church property and investments and in return it
would pay compensation to all church abuse victims, so that
bankruptcy could be avoided. This deal was estimated to cost
over €1 billion to Irish taxpayers of all religions, and the
relevant minister,
Michael Woods, was criticized by some for undue leniency
to the church. Criminal actions could still be brought
separately against alleged abusers.
The compensation arose because many of the victims had
been placed in the care of church Orders by the Irish
government, with inadequate supervision. Victims could claim
for a range of other wrongs as well as sexual abuse, including
mistreatment, to the
Residential Institutions Redress Board. This included
cases of alleged starvation and cruelty between 1920 and 1970,
but claims had to be made by 2005. This was later extended,
and over 14,500 have applied to the Board by 2007. Most of
these were not cases of sex abuse but indicated a general lack
of compassion by some church officials in the past. However,
some families of claimants have publicly disagreed that there
was abuse; see "Kathy's Real Story" below.
The main
Dáil debate on the
Ferns Report was in two parts on 9 November 2005. The
Irish Senate debate started on 10 November.
Continued Allegations
While the church in the United States claims to have
addressed the issue, others maintain the only change is the
church has hardened its defences while allowing abuse to
continue. The
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops convened a
meeting in Dallas on June 12, 2002 to address the sex abuse
scandal. However a Dallas Morning News article revealed
nearly two-thirds of the bishops attending had themselves at
one point covered for sexually abusive priests.
Abuse in literature
Magdalene laundries caught the public's attention in the
late 1990s as revelations of widespread abuse from former
inmates gathered momentum and were made the subject an
award-winning film called
The Magdalene Sisters (2002). In 2006, a documentary
Deliver Us From Evil was made about the sex abuse
cases and one priest's confession of abuse. A number of books
have been written, see
List of books portraying paedophilia or sexual abuse of minors,
about the abuse suffered from priests and nuns including
Andrew Madden in
Altar Boy: A Story of Life After Abuse, Carolyn
Strong at the Heart: How it feels to heal from sexual abuse
and the bestselling Kathy's Story by Kathy O'Beirne
which details physical and sexual abuse suffered in a
Magdalene laundry in Ireland. However grave doubts have
been expressed about the authenticity of the latter book. A
new book 'Kathy's Real Story' published by Prefect Press,
Ireland in October 2007 (Title: Kathy’s Real Story by author
Hermann Kelly
ISBN 978-1-906351-00-7) In it 'Kathy O’Beirne’s family
tell the story behind her bestselling book, casting light on a
destructive culture of false allegations hurting innocent
people in Ireland, all fueled by the government compensation
scheme.' (cf.
Abuse in film
There were numerous movies made about sex abuse within
the Catholic church, some are included here:
Roman Catholic sex abuse
cases by country
See also
- Sexual abuse in other environments
Education -
Jehovah's Witness communities -
, |
List of Christian evangelist scandals
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a list of
scandals related to
evangelists. (Roman Catholic clergy and high-profile leaders
from New Religious Movements, are not within the scope of this
1 List
of Christian Evangelists
Aimee Semple McPherson, 1920s-40s
Lonnie Frisbee, 1970s - 1980s
Oral Roberts, 1977 and 1986
Jim & Tammy Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart, 1986 and 1991
Peter Popoff, 1987
Mike Warnke, 1991
1.7 Robert Tilton, 1991
1.8 Frank Houston, 2000
John Paulk, 2000
Douglas Goodman, 2004
Kent Hovind, 2006
Ted Haggard, 2006
Paul Barnes, 2006
1.14 Lonnie Latham, 2006
Richard Roberts, 2007
Bishop Earl Paulk, 2007
Coy Privette, 2007
1.18 Phil Driscoll, 2007
Joe Barron, 2008
Todd Bentley, 2008
Senate probe
4 See
List of Christian Evangelists
Aimee Semple McPherson, 1920s-40s
Prior to recent events, the most famous evangelist scandal
involved Canadian-born Aimee Semple McPherson in the 1920s, who
allegedly had an extramarital relationship and faked her own death
as a cover. She later claimed that she had been kidnapped, but a
grand jury could neither prove that a kidnapping occurred, nor
that she had faked it.
Roberta Semple Salter, her daughter from her first marriage,
became estranged from Semple McPherson and successfully sued her
mother's attorney for slander during the 1930s. As a result of
this she was cut out of her mother's will. Aimee Semple McPherson
died in
1944 from an accidental overdose of
Lonnie Frisbee, 1970s - 1980s
Main article:
Lonnie Frisbee
Lonnie Frisbee was an American closeted gay Pentecostal
evangelist and self-described "seeing prophet" and mystic in the
late 1960s and 1970s who despite his "hippie" appearance had
notable success as a minister and evangelist. Frisbee was a key
figure in the
Jesus Movement and was involved in the rise of two worldwide
denominations (Calvary
Chapel and the
Vineyard Movement). Both churches later disowned him because
of his active homosexuality removing him first from leadership
positions then, ultimately, firing him. He eventually died from
in 1993.
Oral Roberts, 1977 and 1986
Main article:
Oral Roberts
In 1977 Roberts claimed to have a vision from a
900-foot-tall Jesus who told him to build
City of Faith Medical and Research Center and the hospital
would be a success.[1][2]
In 1980, Roberts said he had a vision which encouraged him to
continue the construction of his City of Faith Medical and
Research Center, which opened in 1981. At the time, it was among
the largest health facilities of its kind in the world and sought
to merge prayer and medicine in the healing process. The City of
Faith was in operation for only eight years before closing in late
1989. In 1983 Roberts said Jesus had appeared to him in person and
commissioned him to find a cure for
In 1986, during a fund raising drive, televangelist Oral
Roberts announced to his television audience that unless he raised
$8 million by that March, God would "call him home" (a euphemism
for death). Some of his listeners feared that he was referring to
suicide, given the passionate pleas and tears that accompanied his
statement. (He raised $9.1 million. Later that year, he announced
that God had raised the dead through his ministry.)[5][6]
Jim & Tammy Bakker and Jimmy
Swaggart, 1986 and 1991
1986, evangelist Jimmy Swaggart began on-screen attacks
against fellow televangelists Marvin Gorman and Jim Bakker. He
uncovered Gorman's affair with a member of Gorman's congregation,
and also helped expose Bakker's infidelity (which was arranged by
a colleague while on an out-of-state trip).[7]
These exposures received widespread media coverage. Gorman
retaliated in kind by hiring a private investigator to uncover
Swaggart's own adulterous indiscretions with a prostitute.[8]
Swaggart was subsequently forced to step down from his pulpit for
a year and made a tearful televised apology in
February 1988 to his congregation, saying "I have sinned
against you, my Lord, and I would ask that your precious blood
would wash and cleanse every stain until it is in the seas of
God's forgiveness."[9][10]
Swaggart was caught again by California police five years
later in
1991 with another prostitute, Rosemary Garcia, who was riding
with him in his car when he was stopped for driving on the wrong
side of the road. When asked why she was with Swaggart, she
replied, "He asked me for sex. I mean, that's why he stopped me.
That's what I do. I'm a prostitute."[11]
Peter Popoff,
Main article:
Peter Popoff
A self-proclaimed prophet and faith healer in the 1980s,
Popoff's ministry went bankrupt in 1987 after
James Randi and
Steve Shaw
debunked his methods by showing that instead of receiving
information about audience members from
supernatural sources, he received it through an in-ear
Mike Warnke, 1991
Main article:
Mike Warnke
Warnke was a popular Christian evangelist and comedian
during the 1970s and 1980s. He claimed in his autobiography,
The Satan Seller (1973), that he had once been deeply
involved in a satanic cult and was a satanic priest before
converting to Christ. In 1991,
Cornerstone magazine launched an investigation into Warnke's
life and testimony. They investigated Warnke's life, from
interviews with over 100 personal friends and acquaintances, to
his ministry's tax receipts. Their investigation turned up
damaging evidence of fraud and deceit. The investigation also
revealed the unflattering circumstances surrounding Warnke's
multiple marriages, affairs, and divorces. Most critically,
however, the investigation showed how Warnke could not possibly
have done the many things he claimed to have done throughout his
nine-month tenure as a Satanist, much less become a drug-addicted
dealer or become a Satanic high priest.
Robert Tilton, 1991
Main article:
Robert Tilton
Tilton is an American televangelist who achieved notoriety
in the 1980s and early 1990s through his paid television program
Success-N-Life. At its peak it aired in all 235 American TV
markets. In
Diane Sawyer and
ABC News conducted an investigation of Tilton. The
investigation, broadcast on ABC's Primetime Live on
November 21, 1991, found that Tilton's ministry threw away
prayer requests without reading them, keeping only the money or
valuables sent to them by viewers, garnering his ministry an
estimated $80 million
USD a year. In the original investigation, one of Tilton's
former prayer hotline operators claimed that the ministry cared
little for desperate followers who called for prayer, saying that
Tilton had a computer installed in
July 1989 to make sure that the phone operators were off the
line in seven minutes. Tilton sued ABC for libel in 1992, but the
case was dismissed in
and Tilton's show was off the air by
October 30, 1993.
Frank Houston, 2000
Main article:
Frank Houston
Frank Houston was a Pentecostal Christian pastor in the
Assemblies of God in New Zealand and Australia. In 2000 he was
advised to resign his ministerial credentials by his own son,
Brian Houston, the National President of the Assemblies of God
in Australia (and pastor of
Hillsong Church), after Houston Sr. confessed that he had
engaged in paedophile sexual activities with a teenage boy while
ministering in New Zealand some thirty years earlier.
John Paulk, 2000
John Paulk is a former leader of
Focus on the Family's Love Won Out conference and former
chairman of the board for
Exodus International North America. His claimed shedding of
homosexuality is also the subject of his autobiography Not
Afraid to Change. In September 2000, Paulk was found and
photographed in a Washington, D.C. gay bar, and accused by
opponents of flirting with male patrons at the bar. Later
questioned by
Wayne Besen, Paulk denied being in the bar despite
photographic proof to the contrary. Initially, FoF’s Dr.
James Dobson sided with Paulk and supported his claims.
Subsequently, Paulk, who himself had written about his habit of
lying while he openly lived as a homosexual, confessed to being in
the bar, but claimed he entered the establishment for reasons
other than sexual pursuits. Paulk retained his Board seat for
Exodus, however he did so while on probation. Paulk did not run
again for chairman of the board of Exodus when his term expired.
Douglas Goodman, 2004
Douglas Goodman, an evangelical preacher, and his wife Erica
were Pastors of Victory Christian Centre in London. He came into
notoriety when he was jailed for three and a half years for the
sexual assault of 4 members of his congregation in 2004. VCC was
closed by the Charity Commission but his wife Erica started a new
church Victory to Victory in Wembley. The church was one of the
largest in the United Kingdom.
Kent Hovind, 2006
Main article:
Kent Hovind
Kent Hovind is an American
Young Earth creationist. He is most famous for creation
science seminars, in which he argues for Young Earth creationism,
using his self-formulated "Hovind Theory". He has been criticized
by both the mainstream scientific community and other
creationists. In 2006, Hovind had been charged with falsely
declaring bankruptcy, making threats against federal officials,
filing false complaints, failing to get necessary building
permits, and various tax-related charges. He was convicted of 58
federal tax offenses and related charges, for which he is
currently serving a 10-year sentence.[13]
Ted Haggard, 2006
Main article:
Ted Haggard
Ted Haggard was the Pastor of the
New Life Church in
Colorado Springs, Colorado and was the president of the
National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) from 2003 until
November 2006. Haggard's position allowed him occasional access to
George W. Bush. In 2006 it was alleged that Haggard had been
regularly visiting a male prostitute who also provided him with
crystal methamphetamine. Haggard admitted his wrongdoing and
resigned as pastor of New Life church and as president of the NAE.
The high-profile case was significant also because it immediately
preceded the
2006 mid-term elections and may have even affected national
voting patterns.
Paul Barnes, 2006
Main article:
Paul Barnes
Paul Barnes is the founder and former senior minister of the
evangelical church Grace Chapel in Douglas County, Colorado. He
confessed his homosexual activity to the church board, and his
resignation was accepted on 7 December 2006. He started the church
in his basement and watched it reach a membership of 2,100 in his
28 years of leadership. This scandal was notable because it was
similar to Ted Haggard's (above), it occurred in the same state
(Colorado) and around the same time (late 2006).
Lonnie Latham, 2006
Main article:
Lonnie Latham
In 2006, Latham, the senior pastor of South Tulsa Baptist
Church and a member of the powerful
Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee, was arrested
for “offering to engage in an act of lewdness” with a male
undercover police officer.[14]
Richard Roberts, 2007
October 2007, televangelist Richard Roberts (son of
Oral Roberts), was president of Oral Roberts University until
his forced resignation on November 23, 2007. Roberts was named as
a defendant in a lawsuit alleging improper use of university funds
for political and personal purposes and improper use of university
Bishop Earl Paulk, 2007
Earl Paulk (no relation to
John Paulk) was the founder and head Pastor of Chapel Hill
Harvester Church in
Decatur, Georgia from
until the 1990s. A number of women from the congregation came
forward during the 1990s claiming that Paulk had sexual relations
with them. Some of these claims have subsequently been proven
correct. Moreover, Donnie Earl Paulk, the current senior pastor of
the church and nephew of Earl Paulk, had a court-ordered DNA test
in 2007 which showed that he was Earl's son, not his nephew, which
means that Earl and his sister-in-law had had a sexual
relationship which led to Donnie's birth.[15]
Coy Privette, 2007
Main article:
Coy Privette
Privette is a
conservative activist, and politician in the
U.S. state of
North Carolina. Privette was president of the Christian Action
League and a prominent figure in North Carolina moral battles. In
2007, Privette resigned as president of North Carolina's Christian
Action League and from the Board of Directors of the Baptist State
Convention of North Carolina, following revelations July 19 that
he has been charged with six counts of aiding and abetting
Phil Driscoll, 2007
Main article:
Phil Driscoll
Famed Grammy winning Christian trumpeter, singer and
evangelist was convicted on federal income tax charges on June 8,
Driscoll was found guilty on one count of conspiracy to avoid
paying income taxes and two additional counts of income tax
evasion. He was also found not guilty on one count of income tax
He served one year and a day in a minimum security prison, which
began on March 13, 2007.
Joe Barron, 2008
Joe Barron, one of the 40 ministers at
Prestonwood Baptist Church, one of the largest churches in the
United States with 26,000 members, was arrested on May 15, 2008
for solicitation of a minor after driving from the Dallas area to
Bryan, Texas, in order to allegedly engage in sexual relations
with what he thought to be a 13 year-old girl he had met online.
The "girl" turned out to be an undercover law enforcement
Todd Bentley, 2008
Main article:
Todd Bentley
In August 2008, Todd Bentley, best known as the
controversial key figure of the
Lakeland revival in
Florida "has agreed to step down from his position on the
Board of Directors" of Fresh Fire Ministries, "and to refrain from
all public ministry for a season to receive counsel in his
personal life." This was after the ministry revealed he had an
"unhealthy relationship on an emotional level with a female member
of his staff".[22]The
announcement comes one week after Bentley's ministry announced he
and his wife were separating.[23]
Senate probe
Chuck Grassley (R-IA)
opened a probe into the finances of six televangelists who preach
a "prosperity
The probe follows years of reports of high living and lavish
lifestyles by televangelists including fleets of Rolls Royces,
huge palatial mansions, private jets and other excesses paid for
with monies from, more often than not, poor television viewers who
donate due to the ministries incessant pleading for tithings. The
six under investigation are
Kenneth Copeland and
Gloria Copeland of Kenneth Copeland Ministries of Newark,
Creflo Dollar and Taffi Dollar of World Changers Church
International and Creflo Dollar Ministries of College Park, Ga;
Benny Hinn of World Healing Center Church Inc. and Benny Hinn
Ministries of Grapevine, Texas;
Eddie Long of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church and Bishop
Eddie Long Ministries of Lithonia, Ga;
Joyce Meyer and David Meyer of Joyce Meyer Ministries of
Fenton, Mo; Randy White and
Paula White of the multiracial Without Walls International
Church and Paula White Ministries of Tampa
Despite their respective scandals and temporarily diminished
viewership, televangelism has resurged, such as in the case of the
PTL Club company that was taken over by
Jerry Falwell and brought into a state of financial
See also
- ^
Ideas and Trends: Oral Roberts's Word on Cancer,"
New York Times Jan 30, 1983
- ^
"Oral Roberts' Ministry Hits a 'Low Spot',"
Dallas Morning News Jan 5, 1986
- ^
Time, July 4, 1983
- ^
"Oral Roberts Seeking Millions for Holy Mission Against
Washington Post, Jan 22, 1983
- ^ .Randi,
James (1989),
The Faith Healers, Prometheus Books,
ISBN 0-87975-369-2 and
ISBN 0-87975-535-0 pages 186
- ^
Richard (1972-02-07).
Eyebrows and the Dead",
Time. Retrieved on
- ^ "Transcript:
Interview with Jessica Hahn".
Larry King Live.
Retrieved on
- ^
Swaggart Is Barred From Pulpit for One Year,
New York Times, 1998-03-30, <>.
Retrieved on 17 April 2008
- ^
Wayne (1998-02-22),
Swaggart Says He Has Sinned; Will Step Down,
New York Times, <>.
Retrieved on 17 April 2008
- ^
Swaggart, Jimmy. "Reverend
Jimmy Swaggart: Apology Sermon".
Retrieved on
- ^ "Swaggart
Plans to Step Down",
The New York Times (1991-10-15).
Retrieved on
Randi, James (1989).
The Faith Healers. Prometheus Books.
ISBN 0-87975-535-0 page 141.
^ Hovind v.
Commissioner, T.C. Memo 2006-143, CCH Dec. 56,562(M)
- ^
Lonnie Latham scandal
- ^ J.
Lee Grady,
It’s Time to Blow the Whistle on Corruption,
Charisma Magazine, October 19, 2007
- ^
Moral activist Privette arrested
- ^ "Phil
Driscoll Reports To Atlanta Minimum Security Federal Prison".
The Chattanoogan (2007-03-13).
Retrieved on
- ^ "Phil
Driscoll Found Guilty Of 3 Counts Of Tax Evasion" (2006-06-08).
Retrieved on
- ^
Eiserer, Tanya, and Sam Hodges,
Minister at Prestonwood Baptist charged in Internet sex sting,
Dallas Morning News, retrieved
- ^
Police say Texas minister caught in Internet sex sting,
Fort Worth Star-Telegram, May 16, 2008, retrieved
- ^
- ^
- ^
- ^ "Grassley
seeks information from six media-based ministries" (2007-11-06).
Retrieved on
- ^
Sen. Grassley probes televangelists' finances
- ^
Ostling, Richard (1987-08-03).
Evangelism", Time.
Retrieved on
- ^ "NY
TImes Scandals Aside, TV Preachers Thrive", NY Times.
- ^ "Preacher
Scandals Strengthen TV Evangelism, Falwell Says",
Washington Post.