Strong Quake Rattles Seattle, Buildings Emptied
updated 4-20-2001
250 injuries - no deaths attributed to the quake
A strong earthquake measuring 6.8 in magnitude and lasting about 45 seconds rocked Seattle on February 28, knocking chunks of masonry from skyscrapers and forcing thousands to flee their homes, schools and offices. (Reuters Graphic)
An aftershock of 3.4 occurred early in the morning of March 1, 2001
So far the aftershocks have been mild.
2.7 2001/03/01 06:23:34 47.180N 122.729W 51.3 19 km (12 mi) NE of Olympia, WA
1.4 2001/03/01 01:45:01 47.449N 122.928W 8.6 26 km (16 mi) WSW of Bremerton, WA
1.2 2001/03/01 01:38:39 46.344N 122.260W 13.4 17 km (11 mi) NNW of Mount St. Helens
3.4 2001/03/01 01:10:20 47.197N 122.713W 54.3 21 km (13 mi) W of Tacoma, WA
2.0 2001/02/28 16:50:09 47.438N 122.913W 15.3 26 km (16 mi) SW of Bremerton, WA
1.2 2001/02/28 15:45:35 47.224N 122.678W 25.9 19 km (12 mi) W of Tacoma, WA
1.4 2001/02/28 11:49:48 46.851N 121.751W 0.0 1 km ( 0 mi) ESE of Mount Rainier. WA
6.8 2001/02/28 10:54:32 47.149N 122.727W 51.9 18 km (11 mi) NE of Olympia, WA
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Jim Berkland's primary earthquake window for March 7-14th, likely site is Seattle.
Be prepared for another quake, no matter when it should occur.
1)Put little latches on all your kitchen cabinets.
2) small angle brackets securing your book shelves to the wall.
3) velcro the bottom of knick knacs, sm. statuary or vases to their placements.
4) velcro corners of paintings on walls to prevent them from slipping or sliding off their picture hooks.
5) Sun screen vellums applied to inside of windows will prevent glass from shattering inward.
6) lg angle brackets to secure supporting exterior posts to either side of beam.
7) extra large tarps to lay over roofed areas that may have cracked and be exposed to rain.
8) Clorox for purifying contaminated water.
9: hammer and long nails to re-secure exterior siding.
10) criss cross X inside windows with wide strapping tape. Do not be embarrassed to leave it applied during any suggested earthquake window.
11) several jugs of vodka and a goodly supply of chips and dips.
12) know how to turn off the valves to your incoming water and fuel supply.
13) Empty clorox jugs filled with water will flush your toilets.
14) 3 hour logs cut into 3 sections will provide 9 hours of heat or flame to warm an elevated closed pot of water. (logs can be sawed into smaller slices, or 20 minute logs are also available at most stores. These can also be divided to 2 or 3 sections. You will need a lighter!
15) do you have survival gear in the trunk of your car? Warm jacket, blanket, walking shoes, med supplies, tarps, etc? Plastic garbage bags can be rain blankets.
16) keep your gas tank full and a couple of cans of compressed air for your tires.
17) portable radios, a cell phone and flashlights
18) porta-potty, aka, zip loc bags, kleenex
19) add your own needs to this list.
20) check on the welfare of your neighbors
Posted Feb. 4, 2001
FEBRUARY 22 - MARCH 6 DOG - South & Central America, Gulf of Mexico
Solar flares will be high during this window with an increase in volcanic eruptions. Volcanic eruptions in Mexico, Central America and Caribbean will increase at the same time as volcanic eruptions in the Equatorial Pacific areas of Indonesia and Philippines. Surprise storms and flooding will continue through this window. La Nina is looking at us.
If solar activity reaches Class X flare levels, earthquakes will decrease. But if solar activity is only moderately high moderately large earthquakes can be expected in areas of the Pacific. Very large earthquakes could occur between 60 and 77 degrees west longitude.
Equal & Opposite - Equatorial Pacific to Japan: Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, China
Best regards,
Stong Right Ear Tone !!
Posted by Bob in Pacifica at February 19, 2001 at 01:30:58 AM CST
At 10.22 pm. had a 20 second stong right ear tone, the SAF had what may have been a foreshock at 8.38 pm. earlier tonight. Right ear tones are local for me. I can't recall the last time the penninsula segment on the SAF had a decent size quake? I quess I will have to wait and see. Any other Bay Area sensitives pick up a stong tone tonight? --Bob--. 37.610 N --- 122.470 W
Posted by Jody at February 19, 2001 at 01:52:17 PM CST
In Reply to: Stong Right Ear Tone !! posted by on February 19, 2001 at 01:30:58 AM CST
This is an alert for Eureka to Alaska a 6+ quake is coming by Feb.28.
Posted by Jody at February 19, 2001 at 09:08:35 PM CST
In Reply to: Re: Left Ear Block at 9:20AM.PST. posted by on February 19, 2001 at 08:20:04 PM CST
Hi Roy,
A Left ear Block tone is a quake that is more than 500 miles from me to the North. It is a silent tone because of the great distance traveled from the point of origin to my location. If it were closer it would have a sound from medium to high pitch in tone.
If this quake can completely block out all sound in one ear from that distance, its at least a 6+ quake. This is how I arrived at this prediction from past experience hearing these.
The reason I posted the time of arrival by Feb 28th is because larger quakes are heard earlier than the smaller ones and take longer to come in. I've learned to allow for this timing.
That was very sweet of you "omg" to worry about my hair enough to post!
Blessings, Jody
Re: Warning Washington EQ--New Threat!
Posted by Jody at March 01, 2001 at 02:46:49 AM CST
In Reply to: Warning Washington EQ--- 9 Days Ago posted by on February 28, 2001 at 09:32:40 PM CST
Wow! Do you believe I'd forgotten about this one? Thank you Roy for digging this up and posting it---WOW!
Now for the BAD NEWS...
Tonight I got another identical tone to the Washington quake tone 9 days ago. This time it was 13 minutes long! If a 7.0 quake was a ONE Minute long tone, what is a 13 Minute tone for Washington???!!!???
I have posted over at the Prediction Board for a 7.5 to 9+ quake by March 14th to hit Washington State.
This was the biggest Left ear block tone I've had in my Life!
For all those in WA. who can leave now is the time! Go away for two weeks until it hits then you can go back, but it may flatten Seattle.
This is the most warning you will get, please listen! LEAVE!
The next one coming is HUGE!
100% 7.5-9+ Now to March 14th 02:08:44 AM 03/01/01
Posted by Jody
Left ear block that lasted over 13 minutes tonight starting at 9:03pm.PST. to 9:15pm.PST. This is teh same Left ear bolock i'd gotten back on Feb.19th when I predicted a 6+ quake for Eureka to Alaska by Feb.28th. Well today a 7.0 hit washington. This ear tone was the strongest of my Life. If I lived in Washington, I'd leave NOW! Thsi is the most warning you will get concerning this upcoming quake. Its the worst one I can imagine. Please warn anyone you know living in Washington State. Thank you.
Re: Washington
% 12:08:19 PM 03/01/01
Posted by Jill, Ashland, OR
In Reply to: Washington posted by on March 01, 2001 at 02:08:44 AM CST
I also believe there will be another quake, possibly as great as 7.5. Please see my posts on the Sensitives Board: #8448, #8516, #9174, #9486.
Posted by DreamGirl in SF at February 28, 2001 at 09:24:20 PM CST
Dream I had yesterday predicted WA quake.
However, I still have a feeling that this 6.8 is not "strong" enough. Right after waking from the dream (where I was told there's going to be a major earth shift) I thought to myself, "How's my mom going to get rid of all that ash on her roof?" My mom lives in Portland, and I got the feeling it relates to Mt. Rainier.
Also, interesting to note...
Last night around 11pm I got a full neck and face rash that lasted about an hour, then disappeared. (12 hours before WA quake)
DreamGirl posted the following article in the Earthwaves Board
Dated : February 27, 2001 at 12:49:16
Had a dream 2/27/01 that there was to be an earth change next week. Felt like it was in Oregon/Washington, perhaps Mt. Rainier. Just wanted to post it somewhere for documentation.
Posted by michael on February 27, 2001 at 14:08:06:
I had a dream last night that there was an 8.8 in Southern California. I have no idea what it means.
THE QUAKE ON 2-28-2001
SEATTLE (Reuters) - A strong earthquake measuring 7.0 in magnitude rattled Seattle Wednesday, sending buildings swaying and forcing the evacuation of thousands from their offices, schools, homes and hospitals, witnesses said.
The quake, which also rattled the city of Vancouver, British Columbia, about 100 miles (160 km) to the north, sent chunks of buildings cascading into the streets of the Washington state city.
There were no reports of injuries but many of damage to buildings and stores. The U.S. Geological Survey in Golden, Colorado reported the earthquake measured 7.0.
A speech by Bill Gates, the head of software giant Microsoft, was interrupted, 30 people were stranded at the top of the city's Space Needle tower and the offices of coffee shop chain operator Starbucks were evacuated.
Regional radar operations working on backup power.
Seattle Mayor Paul Schell told reporters: "I think we have weathered it. It looks so far as if everything is working but it is too soon to tell. It's the biggest quake I remember."
Schell, speaking from the emergency operations center, said there no reports of fires or major injuries.
The quake brought thousands of people out of offices, hospitals, courthouses and stores and onto the streets of downtown Seattle as shelves rattled, pictures swayed and walls began to crack.
One local television station which had been taping a downtown news conference caught the moment the quake struck on tape. It showed pictures swaying on an office wall, and people clutching at desks to steady themselves.
Maria Ackley, 62, a resident of Mercer Island, a quiet residential community east of Seattle, was in the kitchen of her home with her husband when the quake struck.
"When it first happened, there was a thundering sound. The doors in the house were rattling and the windows in the kitchen were rippling, literally. It looked like they were waves of water. Everything was shaking. You felt like you were at sea," she said.
"All the drawers opened up, and any container that had something in it emptied out. And we ran out of the house and our car was in motion," she said.
When the temblor was over, her husband found a "major fracture" in the home's foundation.
Her son, Andrew, 17, said his high school was immediately evacuated and everyone was sent home. There were no apparent injuries, he said.
Helicopter pictures showed traffic flowing normally on most major roads shortly after the quake and no signs of fires or major damage.
Television pictures showed some collapsed exterior walls, shattered windows and damaged cars but Seattle's major downtown tower blocks appeared to be intact.
The quake rocked skyscrapers, knocking books off shelves, sending doors flying open and driving frightened residents and workers out into the streets.
"We're on the third floor and pictures were falling off the walls, and water was splashing on the floor," said one worker at a public relations firm. "I was on the phone with a friend and she started screaming."
The wail of police and fire sirens filled Seattle's gray winter skies, but no major casualties or damage were immediately reported. Local television showed crowds of people gathered in the downtown area's historic Pioneer Square after the quake.
"There are pockets of damage but nothing catastrophic that we can see," a local television reporter said from a helicopter surveying parts of the city.
The Harborview Medical Center, one of Seattle's biggest hospitals, quickly evacuated staff and visitors as the quake hit, with one witness telling local television that a concrete wall in the building had splintered apart.
"The whole concrete wall started to split and shattered into pieces and started to come down," the unidentified woman told the television.
The facility was still open.
"Harborview is prepared and equipped to handle serious and critical patients coming in so they will be able to care for those patients," a hospital spokeswoman said.
Seattle's Sea-Tac airport was closed and its control tower evacuated.
The earthquake sent a strong jolt as far south as Portland, Oregon.
"It went on for a couple of minutes. I thought I was having a vertigo attack. It was shaking us pretty good ... we're not used to anything like that up here," said Mike Hansen, a spokesman at the Portland-based Bonneville Power Administration.
Chunks of concrete from the facade of the Olympic Hotel in downtown Seattle fell into the streets but hotel officials said there were no injuries in the building which was built in 1924.
From: kimber
To: ('')
Hi Dee
I can't get on the list to post this --because I am not at my pc yet, just got back from L.A. and my pc is down. (you can post it if you like). I got through to my sister on the phone. She lives in Kent. She said the eq was felt as far as Salt Lake City. She also said it was deep and LONG. Really scary one.They are saying it was only 30 seconds but she says it was much longer than that.She says that three people died and 9 are in critical condition. The airport is closed which is causing backup and problems there, but otherwise transportation is fine. She said the tall buildings in Seattle were really swaying. There are a couple of fires but she doesn't know if they were caused by the earthquake or not. I'm not sure how the 3 people died but the ones who were injured were crushed. I'm going to call Scott now who lives in Tacoma. I haven't been able to get through to Seattle either. :( Please let me know when you get through.
Subj: Re:Quake (Mobius)
Date: 2/28/2001 3:59:34 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: (Allen Furford)
I did not expect less but then I am not a normal and you well know it, having called the shot as soon as Bush tossed his hat in the ring, also expected...
I had just got out of our home office after sorting out paperwork, and Larry had come downstairs waking up when the Quake hit at 10:56 AM on the computer as I was checking e-mail. There was no question in my mind it was over a 6. As soon as I could, I checked in with key people. Lee Chin has no power, a cracked pool that had the water tossed, a gas leak but her preperations all paid off. Lee and Alvina V were in Renton and got home quick to find no power and a couple of items broken on the floor. They are watching tv on the emergancy generator. Lee and Alvina also believe in me because I have called so many things through the years. Dad was sleeping and Debbie scooted around a bit, but other than a couple of copper knick nacks no problems. Keep in mind we put float plates in for this purpose. Larry and I just sat in the living room as our Star House merely gently lifted with the tumblers and I watched the internal structure take the load with a smile. Keep in mind how driven I was to build this place and how I designed it. Even David is impressed which is tough to do. Nothing fell or was knocked off anywhere we can find. I called David and Auntie Irene is now being moved to Saint Jo's convelescense center very weak but doing better, but Dad seems to have his infection back as of last night if Debbie is correct. Dad's dream some months ago was Irene and he were both in seperate hospital settings and very thirsty, with the same problem. At the time he told me of this I told him Irene did not have Parkinson's, completely forgetting about the urinary infections. The thirst could be this drought we have as a symbol. who knows, but it looks like the old fart is Seeing now also. He was moving around like a nervous mad man last night.... Mike and Russel are on their way to Seattle to pick up stuff and toss together 3 #30's which just came in. 3 lousy anchors.... This is not the big one, which will be coming sooner than people realize. By the way, this was Larry's first quake and it goes without saying the Star House impressed the shit out of him. God has been kind, and this gives Seattle and this state to really address what is going to pass. Weaknesses have been found... There has been one hell of allot of damage for a lousy 40 seconds of GENTLE rock and roll. Yes I say gentle and mean it. Any shallower and the story would have been quite different. South Aberdeen on the coast got their shelves scrambled again but Terry said he came through fine in Westport, as well as Furford Construction there against the hill in Aberdeen. Keep in mind we were 40 miles roughly from the epicenter as the crow flies here in Elma. I called it as well as Cazekiel (James Gilliland) and he predicted a major event two days ago. James and I have more in common then people would ever believe, even you or Lee Chin, so this subject will remain closed for awhile yet. Slides have blocked the Cedar River which is the one down the hill from the Chin residence. This is not to be confused with the H.M. Jackson Dam disaster which is yet a little ways into the future. Both you and Lee know all about that one, you and Harold know what I looked like coming out of that OBE. You are in the right spot, and I am in the action again... and again, and again for a long, long time. Nothing has changed. Now how is the last part of Grandma's dream coming, namely Jeanie. A second occurance of lung cancer does have a finality....
Subj: [earthchanges] Large earthquakes follow HAARP activity
Date: 2/28/2001 9:32:59 PM Pacific Standard Time
Yes indeed, the Seattle area did rock and roll at 10:55 am today. Phone lines were temporarily halted, but radio and TV signals remained in their continuum throughout the 30 second shaker.
Ralph Meaney and my husband and I were in my dining room and hugged the rolling floor beneath my round dining rm. table. It was a very long 30 seconds to hear my glass windows bending in their frames and the glasses and dishes try to push open the latches on their cupboard doors. We watched the highwave action in my inground swimming pool as the water beneath its cover pushed up and down and sloshed against the top of the rim.
My white persian cat rolled over and went back to sleep in his usual calming mode with little or no concern for the uplifting of the flooring beneath him.
I required assistance to be lifted up from my kneeling position only after we were all assured the vibrations had ceased. My body was still vibrating and I felt very queasy because of a pain in my head. We all felt the same anomalous symptoms probably with the interruptions of our previous thought patterns. Much like what your body experiences with rolling wave actions in a boat while your eyes are seeing something else.
There was zero damage in my home because we had properly prepared it against such earthquake activities several years ago. All of my cabinets have latches on them and my upright shelving units, bookcases, etc. are bolted to the wall to prevent their tipping over. We have a metal belt around our hot water tank that is bolted against both walls of the corner where it sits.
I have a solarium connected by a gate to the carport and my house thusly forming a U shape with the pool set into this central courtyard. One half of the solarium's slanted roof is a 12 X 20 glass roof. It did not suffer any damage either.
All of the gas and water meters were checked for any spin of the numbers that might indicate a breakage somewhere in their lines connecting to the house. All is well, but we know to watch carefully if any such bends might burst or crack during any after shocks.
This neighborhood is situated on the flat top of a hillside of a very rocky upheaval from a distant past geological upliftment. 3 blocks south on my street is an abrupt hillside cliff overlooking the Cedar River cutting through its valley. Because of the very unusual dry spell that the NW has been experiencing the ground is not liquified. A portion of the cliff broke loose and slid down its slope taking out a home on the lower flat and blocking the flow of the river, changing its course to flood a few homes in the lowlands. The damage would have been much more severe if the ground had been saturated by its usual late February rainfall.
I repeat here what my guides told me a few years back. Earthchanges are inevitable, but the love energies of the Light Workers servicing this meridian have well lubricated the brittle plates of Mother Earth with their love energies. The changes must come but there will be little, if any, loss of life here.
In downtown Seattle many of the older building facade came crashing to the ground and smashing the cars parked next to them. Not one of these vehicles was occupied. A few disoriented people ran out to the streetside and were injured by some falling debris. One person has died of heart failure. A couple of dozen are in the hospital but not critical. One wing of the hospital is now closed because it separated from its adjoining walls.
The estimated several billions of dollars for reconstruction and road repairs was to be expected from their original building designs. Too often, the soils alongside these roadways are already weakened by our usual rainfall and the many heavy transporting trucks have vibrated much looseness to the original compacted underlayments, squeezing it to the outer freeway edges.
My daughter and her family live 3 blocks away. Her husband works the nightshift at Boeing so he was alone and asleep on their waterbed. He said that was a real rolling experience that made it impossible to get off the bed.
It is temporarily over now and the USGS says the quake was centered so deep that aftershocks are not to be expected. Both Ralph and James Gilliland do not agree. James perceives the Cascade Mountain Range is just awakening and will begin to stretch. I guess this stretching will also include SLC 800 mile SE, that also felt today's tremblers.
James lives 4 1/2 hours SW of us on Mt. Adams, due north of the Columbia River Gorge dividing the states of Washington and Oregon. We talked with him by phone early this afternoon and he said they really felt the rumbles also, but no damage was readily observed.
The city water dept has told us it will be safe to drink and use the dirty waters that are expected to flow from our taps. Well I don't know how dirty water can be considered safe. Back to Martinis for me!
Dee, now you know my excuse for not calling you today. I did try a couple of times but your line was probably busy with the internet. (?) I will try again tomorrow. loving us all, >lee>
Subj: [GoingHigher] My Quakie Day!
Date: 2/28/2001 6:42:42 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: (Tami Sue)
Hi everyone,
Well, it was a quakie day! :-) I was about 25 minutes from the core of the quake zone. My house rocked big time. I ran outside as it was happening and it was so wild...the ground was rolling like waves on an ocean. I was hardly able to stand. But after it was home took it well. A few things fell off shelves but nothing bad. Every member of my family was in a different town/place. They are all OK and well.
My dear friend whom I have supported with Light, Belinda (her daughter Anna is in a coma), fell getting out of her office during the quake and broke her knee and hurt her heel badly. She is the only one I personally know that was hurt. I feel so terrible she was hurt so badly. Please send her some Light and healing magic for a quick healing process. Taking care of her child in a coma will be so difficult! I could not imagine. UGH! I will be on call to help her as much as I can.
If any of you know someone in the area that needs a zap of Light from all this, please write me and I will send some Good Stuff their way!
Love to you,
Tami Sue
The time is now to grow, expand, and express the Light that you are!
Posted by Drawsnigh
In Reply to: Washington posted by on March 01, 2001 at 02:08:44 AM CST
Geez! Now that's a spooky prediction Jody. Ya got my heart racing. I'm wondering if you believe that this was just a taste of the predicted BIG ONE that we all know about and anticipate in the near future. I'm trippin cuz I'm STILL experiencing a wavey-gravey feeling. It lasted for about 3 hours after the quake and the feeling returns every hour or so. It seems sporadically timed. Even now I feel dizzy and woosey. Is this normal or a sensitive-type sense? My 3 kids even have mentioned this feeling right after the quake and the 9 year old still feels "Weird". Oh well,not much sense in trippin for too long. I sure hope your prediction is wrong ,Jody...No offense but my nerves are still shaken and to think of something much greater than today just gives me the willies. Let us pray-Let us pray-Everywhere,in every way. Every moment of the day it is the right time. For the Father above,He is listening with love and He wants to answer us,so let us pray.....
Hi Drawsnigh,
Boy do I hope I'm wrong too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I fully expected the Bay Area to follow Seattle within hours today I had a sense thiat morning that a quake was going to happen and since I live in the Bay Area--I thought it might be here. Actually I was right about that too because we had a 3.7 just to the south of me in Dublin. I'm scaring myself!!!
What you and your kids are feeling is the electromagnetic waves coming up from the Earth. This is what the animals feel and respond to.
Sensitives and those living right on top of a quake fault will feel it too. Colleen in Concord and I walked the Concord Fault last September
and we located it by Colleen turning absolutely "green" and ready to be sick! Fault waves make people very ill and that's a clue that its active. Whenever you feel that you KNOW that you are in an unsafe place. If you can please get out of there...go to Spokane or something but leave the epicenter location!
I wish you God's protection and peace,
Re: Washington and leaving
01:38:15 PM 03/01/01
Posted by kit
In Reply to: Re: Washington and leaving posted by on March 01, 2001 at 09:37:30 AM CST
i always feel a lot of symptoms before a big eq. i cannever pinpoint the location. yester day we had a lot of eq's 5.o and over, wa and el salvador were only 5 min. apart. with the release of pressure i feel better this time the pressure and pain is building again. i think the west coast is always a good bet but i feel we are going to have a new big eq/vc/flood somewhere on the other side of the globe before we get hit again. i also think the east coast will have one first (a small one) - i am getting a lot of pressure and pain. this could all happen in a few days weeks , months. i am not good at pinpointing anything. i have fms and that changes the nervious system and the shape of the nerves. since i got this i have been feeling them. i was bed ridden the whole week befor the turkey one and around the time it happened all pain stopped. this is when i first relized a connection. i don't feel that much pain yet, but more pressure and headakes.
i don't know if moving would help, i think survival depends onbeing aware.
i have alway had dreams that come true, and have not been having any dreams about your area. i did have a eq one about mid to so calif. 6 months ago with the feeling that within the ext two years somewhere near the coast something will happen. i don't get dreams about earthchanges - but personal things. ex. of how my arem was to be broken that next day. it happened. i am waiting to see if the dreams are the same as the others or are just happening because of the enviroment.
Astoundingly Precise Prophecy of Earthquake Damage, Two Years in Advance
2-21-00 - DREAM - I was in a place where there was a huge earthquake that lasted quite long in my estimation. It started when I was inside a very large barn-like structure. The bracing wood of the roof rafters started coming off and falling down, but fortunately the roof itself didn't fall.
While I was running with the others to get outside, I was trying to get dressed at the same time. A woman friend of mine had grabbed three dresses and I couldn't get into the first two because the sleeves were too tight and were banded so there was no give to the material. The last one was a slinky black gown with a shimmery gold slip so this is what I put on.
At the end I was seeing the letters 'ISLYD7'. At the exact same moment Joe turned out the light in the room so I startled awake suddenly with my heart beating really fast. I tried to think where this place might be but have no idea. The 7 could be the timing, either days, weeks, or months.
5-17-00 - VISION - I was laying in bed, thinking of nothing. I heard a tone in my right ear. I then had a vision of a coastal area with a bay, similar to San Francisco, but it could have been any similar coastline. It was partly cloudy. I was like flying overhead, two long wispy clouds were over the coastline. The color of the area was like a map, yellow, brown, and green like high and low areas.
NOTE: I think this was an earthquake warning. The tone on the keyboard was the note, 'B'
7-28-00 - DREAM - I was in an apartment building I had just moved into in a large city. I don't know what city. I don't know how many floors there were in this building, but it had to be a large building. What was unique is that the ceilings were at least 12 feet tall and some of the apartments were really big ... extraordinarily large.
I went with an older woman to an apartment to show it, and while we were there, the whole building started to shake. I knew it was an earthquake ... and it shook for some time ... a little more ... a little less ... through out the time. At least a minute or so. We ran out of the apartment into the hallway and some people said to come down to the lobby and see the buildings across the street.
I went to the lobby stairway ... it was definitely not wheelchair accessible in this building. The stairs were wide and very steep ... probably about 30 steps down to the glass doorway at the bottom of the steps.
I looked across the street and saw that the church across the street was tilted way over. While I was looking, a tanker truck went by that was crushed way in from something falling on it from the earthquake. However, there was lots of traffic on the streets ...
I went back upstairs to check the damage ... plaster had fallen in the hallways from the shaking. It seemed that the ceiling was hung in sections and the plaster in between the sections is what fell. There was a lot of minor damage, but nothing major.
I went into apartment #9 which was the biggest apartment of all. I looked at it, thinking I'd like to live in that one myself, but even as a manager, I couldn't afford the rent on that one.
I then went to apartment #1 which the maintenance man and his wife lived in. I told him, "Even though it's Sunday, I'm going to have to ask you to work because there is so much damage done to the building." He and his wife agreed to help out.
I then went back to my own apartment ... (I don't know what the number was) The telephone rang and it was my boss (voice was Ralph from Milwaukee) He was calling to make certain we were all working, but he told me he was making a long trip elsewhere for a time. I told him we were on top of it.
9-5-00 - DREAM - I was living in a big old house on a corner on a hilly street in a big city. There were a lot of children in this house as well as adults, but it seemed to be a childcare place; there were so many kids. The house seemed to be all bare wood, like it was made of cedar boards.
Life was going on normally ... the kids were playing with toys everywhere and I saw dried bread crumbs mixed in with the stuff on the floor ... just like kids do normally.
I went out the side door of the house onto one street and saw that the high stairway coming up to the house had a crack between it and the ground next to it. There was a big old grey overstuffed livingroom chair sitting on the top step. (This was not a really neat place)
We went about our business of taking care of the kids and the next time I looked out that same door, the steps seemed to be over about an inch from where it had been. A little more time went by and when I looked out that same door again, the steps seemed to be over another inch.
I had a really strong feeling that the whole section of ground where the steps were was going to sink in within the week, and that the rest of the house would slide over into another shift within the year.
I was so certain of how I felt that I had to tell someone. I told one of the women and she said, "Oh! Jack is coming to look at that tomorrow." So I wasn't the only one who had seen this.
There was an older woman there named Margaret, and I pulled her aside and asked her to come with me so I could show her what I had noticed.
While we were walking through the house I made note that the entire house seemed to be slanted in the direction I thought that the land was going to shift, like it had shifted before in this place.
We got over to the particular door and I told her what I thought, and she said she had similar feelings about the land going to shift but that she thought it was going to happen within 5 years.
She walked away and as I stood there, the land started to sink exactly where I said it was going to. There were dozens of kids playing on the steps and the grass as it sank. I grabbed them and pushed them over to an area that wasn't sinking. As I grabbed kids, there were men sitting there on the non-sinking portion talking to each other and they didn't even help me save the kids. I hollered at them. "Can't you even see what is happening in front of your own eyes?" Then they noticed what was happening and started to help.
By now, the land had sunk about 20 feet and was still sinking. I was still grabbing more kids from the sinking land and saved the rest of them. The land stopped sinking but now I knew that the rest of the house was going to slide in the same direction within the week.
I went back into the house to tell the others. Nobody had noticed a thing. Women were sitting around reading magazines and kids were playing in the house just like before. I picked up some books and magazines I was interested in. One was a Spring garden catalog with large pink flowers on the cover. (These catalogs normally arrive in the late fall of the year)
I went over to a door that had black glass in it, which was a door to a bedroom where a woman and her husband slept. It was still early morning and I was afraid that they were sleeping, so I took a small flashlight and shone it through the glass to warn them that I was coming.
I opened the door and found that the woman was sitting up in bed reading a magazine and her husband had already gotten up and was in the bathroom. She looked very familiar to me, and she probably was the owner of this house we were in.
I went over to her and sat on the bed next to her, facing her. I told her a little timidly, "Margaret is teaching me to be a psychic. We already had a small shift in the land, and I feel that there will be an even larger shift within the week that will cause the whole house to shift and collapse."
And I woke up.
1-20-01 - DREAM - I was looking at some charts about earthquakes. What was interesting was the correlation between the days of the week and the type of earthquake it was ... that quakes had 'footprints' ...
NOTE: That is fascinating ... I know that people who study earthquakes look at different criteria to try to predict when they are going to happen ... but never heard of 'this' correlation. Really worth checking out....
2-28-01 - DREAM - I was dreaming about a short web page. I was shown that there would be 20 earthchange events, some were grouped together closely, then the rest were separated, one here and one there. I don't know what the changes were, but they were all black type on a white page.
NOTE: When I was awake, I was having rolling chills, and later in the morning, an earthquake event occurred in the Seattle area and it was officially a 6.8.
Subj: [earthchanges] Seattle earthquake information
Date: 2/28/2001 12:59:04 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: mythisis
Earthquake shakes Pacific Northwest
February 28, 2001
^Eds: UPDATES with 12 injured. DELETES reference to Salt Lake City. CHANGES magnitude to 7.0 sted 6.2, per latest from federal monitors. No pick up.
Associated Press Writer=
SEATTLE (AP) _ A strong earthquake shook the Pacific Northwest on Wednesday, sending people fleeing into the streets of Seattle and Portland, Oregon, and knocking out power to thousands and sending bricks cascading to the ground.
Twelve people were treated at Seattle's Haborview Medical Center, three for serious injuries, spokeswoman Marsha Rule said. There were no other immediate reports of injuries.
The magnitude 7.0 earthquake hit at 1855 GMT, according to the National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colo. It was centered 35 miles (56 kilometers) southwest of Seattle and felt across the region.
In neighboring Canada, the earthquake rattled southern British Columbia.
The ground and buildings shook in the Vancouver and Victoria regions, in Kelowna in the interior and as far east as Trail in southeastern British Columbia.
The tremor felt like a gentle shaking in downtown Vancouver to a more forceful rattle in the city's suburbs. No damage or injuries were reported in British Columbia
``Everyone was panicked,'' said Paulette DeRooy, who was in an elevator descending from the 15th floor of a Seattle building when the earthquake struck. She and several others scrambled out and onto a fire escape.
Screams erupted at a nearby hotel, where Microsoft founder Bill Gates was addressing an education and technology conference. He was whisked away as his audience bolted for the exits. Some audience members were knocked down by others trying to get out and overhead lights fell to the floor.
The Seattle airport was closed and the tower and other offices were evacuated, Federal Aviation Administration spokesman William Shumann said.
The FAA ordered a national ground stop for Seattle, which means no flights to the Northwest's largest city were being allowed to take off anywhere in the country. The center handling air traffic in Washington and Oregon, near Auburn, Washington, was operating on backup power.
Utility officials estimated that 17,000 customers in the Seattle area were without power.
In Olympia, about 10 miles (16 kilometers) from the epicenter, legislators, government workers and visiting school children flooded out of the Capitol and other buildings. The state Senate was in session.
``The chandelier started going and the floor started shaking. Someone yelled get under the table and so we did,'' Sen. Bob Morton said. ``The sudden violence let us know that this was a bad one.''
Cracked plaster, gilt and even paintings fell from the walls, but Morton said he saw no sign of major structural damage.
Officials were particularly afraid the Capitol dome would collapse and people linked hands as they walked down the marble stairs under the heavy dome.
``If that rascal had tumbled down, it would have been all over,'' Morton said.
Seattle's popular Pioneer Square neighborhood, site of recent Mardi Gras riots, was damaged. Bricks from buildings were piled up on sidewalks. Structural damage also was reported at Bellevue Community College, which was shut down for the day.
``I thought a car had hit my building,'' said Sam Song, who owns a restaurant in Everett, 30 miles (48 kilometers) north of Seattle. ``Then the ground started moving around.''
In downtown Portland, Oregon, office buildings swayed for 20 to 30 seconds. The Multnomah County Courthouse was evacuated and employees were gathered in a park across the street while officials inspected for damage. Michelle Noonan of suburban Lake Oswego said the quake was strong enough to move things around in her house.
``Everything was shaking,'' Noonan said. ``It knocked over a wood pile outside house. Books fell off the shelf.''
Earthquake magnitudes are measures of earthquake size calculated from ground motion recorded on seismographs. With each scale, an increase in one full number _ from 6.5 to 7.5, for example _ means the quake's magnitude is 10 times as great.
A quake with a magnitude of 6 can cause severe damage, while one with a magnitude of 7 can cause widespread, heavy damage.
A 5.0 quake that struck the Puget Sound area on Jan. 28, 1995, was described as the strongest to hit the area in 30 years, since a 6.5 earthquake struck April 29, 1965, injuring at least 31 people. In 1949, a 7.1 quake near Olympia killed eight people.
The Northridge quake that struck the Los Angeles area in January 1994 caused an estimated dlrs 40 billion in damage and killed 72 people. It was a magnitude 6.7.
On the Net:
U.S. Geological Survey:
U.S. Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center
Earthquake shakes Pacific Northwest
Wednesday, February 28, 2001
From staff and wire reports
A strong earthquake shook the Pacific Northwest today, shattering windows in downtown Seattle and rattling Portland for nearly half a minute.
More on the quake
The USGS now estimates quake at 6.8 magnitude
There was no immediate word of injuries.
The earthquake initially was measured at a magnitude 6.2, hitting at approximately 10:55 a.m. and centered about 35 miles southwest of Seattle, according to federal officials at the West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center in Palmer, Alaska.
The quake was felt as far away as Salt Lake City.
James Roddey, community education coordinator for the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, said the magnitude was registering at 4.7, located 11 miles northeast of Olympia.
However, he said once the final evaluation is complete, it's likely to reach the higher magnitude of 6.2.
The quake was about 30 miles deep in the Juan de Fuca Plate that underlies the North American Plate beneath our feet.
"The quake was so deep the earthquake waves were longer, so we didn't get the hard, quick shaking that we would have received in a shallower earthquake," he said.
Roddey said the quake was felt as far south as Salem and on the coast.
In downtown Portland, office buildings swayed for 20 to 30 seconds, and local television stations were deluged by calls from viewers reporting rolling motion across the area.
As soon as the earthquake happened, dispatchers at the Bureau of Emergency Communications, the 9-1-1 center for Multnomah County, began getting calls reporting the quake. But there were no injuries immediately reported, according to a dispatch supervisor.
"We've gotten a lot of calls but I wouldn't say a flood," the supervisor said.
Commissioner Jim Francesconi, who oversees the Portland Fire Bureau, said. "There's no damage in the city at all. There might be a little bit of broken windows, but that's about the extent of it."
Commissioner Erik Sten, who oversees the Portland Water Bureau said there was no damage to the Bull Run reservoirs and pipeline system.
Dave Henderson, the administrator in charge of the state Capitol building, said he didn't have any reports of damage to the Capitol. "We haven't completed our assessment at this point," he said. The Capitol sustained serious damage from a 1993 earthquake.
The quake itself was felt by many in the Capitol. "I was sitting on a bench by the windows, and the whole thing started dancing," said Frank Carpenter, pointing to row of windows by the Capitol hearing rooms on the first floor. Carpenter, an unofficial chaplain for the Legislature, also said he saw paintings sway on their hooks.
A car crashed into a building in the Lake Grove neighborhood of Lake Oswego, apparently causing a natural gas leak, according to initial reports from Lake Oswego Police.
Capt. Marc Galloway said immediately after the quake, reports of car accidents surged in the area. Another accident was reported at the Oregon 217 and Interstate 5 overpass, which is under construction.
"We had a pretty good shake here," Galloway said. "We've had accidents all over the place."
Lake Oswego municipal employees rushed out of City Hall, though many of them didn't make it out before the end of the quake.
"We probably have the worst building in the city, as far as earthquakes go," Galloway.
There was no damage to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dams had been reported by 11:15 p.m. to the corps' reservoir control center in Portland, said Cindy Henriksen, the center's chief.
Casey Marley, emergency management coordinator for Clackamas County, said no local damage had been reported by 11:20 p.m.
Mick Shutt, corporate communications manager for Clark Public Utilities, was sitting in his office near downtown Vancouver when he felt the tremor.
"Everything rattled. It was strange," Shutt said. "I've been through these things before. I don't remember one that lasted that long. I started to look at my watch to see how long it was. It seemed like it was 30 or 40 seconds."
Shutt said the utility, which has 150,000 electricity customers, had no reports of power failures in Clark County as of 11:15 a.m.
In Clackamas County, there was shock and then jokes when the rattling had subsided in the room where county commissioners were holding a land-use hearing. Commissioner Bill Kennemer commented that it was his "first earth-shattering hearing."
"There's always that moment where it just feels like you're a little dizzy," said Ty Talbot, who works for the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association in West Seattle. "It takes a moment to realize what's going on. Then everyone in the office started going crazy and rushed outside, letting dogs out and stuff."
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Mw6.8 Earthquake in WASHINGTON 28 February 2001 A magnitude 6.8 earthquake occurred at 10:55am PST near Seattle & Tacoma, Washington. The location is 11km NE of Olympia (47.2 N 122.7 W), very near the location of the 1949 magnitude 7.1 earthquake. Today's event occurred at a depth of 49 km on a normal fault within the down-going Juan de Fuca plate. The following is a release by the United States Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center:
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of the U.S. Department of the Interior This page is brought to you by the Earthquake Hazards Program URL:">NEIC USGS.GOV Maintained by: Web Team Contact Us: Web_Team USGS Privacy Statement | | Disclaimer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wednesday February 28, 2001 Washington's Olympic Pipeline shut after quake Spokesman, U.S. Office of Pipeline Safety comments NEW YORK, Feb 28 (Reuters) - Washington's largest refined products line, the 330,000 barrel per day (bpd) Olympic pipeline, was shut Wednesday for inspection after a strong earthquake hit the Seattle area, a company spokesman said. ``Olympic Pipeline was safely shutdown and remains closed. All 400 miles (650 km),'' said Dan Cummings, external affairs official for BP Olympic Pipeline (quote from Yahoo! UK & Ireland: BP.L). Cummings said the company was inspecting the pipeline using aircraft, and there was no indication of any spills or breaks. There was no estimate on a restart time. ``As far as we've heard, the outlook is pretty good,'' said a spokeswoman for the U.S. Office of Pipeline Safety. ``They're taking the necessary precautions and keeping us informed and there are no indications of a leak.'' The quake measured a 6.8 magnitude as measured by the U.S Geological Survey and was centered about 30 miles (48 km) from the city. The 400-mile (650 km) pipeline system, running from Ferndale, Wash. to Portland, Ore., via Seattle, connects four refineries, owned by BP Amoco, Tosco Corp. , Equilon Enterprises LLC , and Tesoro. Operations at the plants were unaffected by the quake and remained normal, company spokespeople told Reuters. The 100,000 bpd Trans Mountain pipeline, which carries Canadian light sweet crude from Alberta to refineries north of the epicenter, was under inspection but operating normally. ``As you go north, it wasn't as bad, but we put everyone on alert and we're checking selected areas of the pipeline. We have a leak detection system, and we're operating normally,'' said Bob Vergette, vice president of operations for owner Trans Mountain Oil Pipe Line Corporation. A northern section of the 16-inch Olympic pipeline, operated by BP Pipelines, was recently restarted after a fatal blast that killed three people in June 1999. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recovery From Northwest Quake Begins The Associated Press Mar 1 2001 8:57AM SEATTLE (AP) - From the doorway of the downtown Sheraton Hotel, valet Mark Stanton watched glass-and-steel skyscrapers swaying and flexing in ways he never thought possible under the power of the region's strongest earthquake in a half-century. ``I watched this whole hotel shimmy,'' Stanton said. ``I didn't know glass could flex like that.'' The 6.8-magnitude earthquake, centered about 35 miles southwest of Seattle, was felt Wednesday as far away as southern Oregon and Canada. A mild aftershock with a preliminary magnitude of 3.4 was recorded early Thursday. There were no additional reports of damage. Of the 250 injuries directly linked to the quake, all but a few were minor and none was considered critical. Because the depth of the quake was 33 miles underground, the Earth's crust absorbed much of the shock, scientists said. ``We're just really, really lucky,'' Gov. Gary Locke said after surveying the region by helicopter. Locke declared a state of emergency. He said Thursday that precise damage figures would not be available until buildings were examined by structural engineers, but it would easily top $1 billion. ``We believe the damage could go into the billions of dollars when you calculate not only property damage and the cost of repair but also the economic impact of lost wages, people who aren't working, businesses not in operation,'' Locke said on NBC's ``Today.'' Locke, his wife and two children were among residents forced out of their homes by the earthquake. Cracks appeared in the brick walls of the governor's mansion and books and pictures flew off the walls, he said. But officials said the million of dollars of investments the state and cities put into stabilizing buildings and bridges apparently paid off. While brick and shattered glass littered the streets, there was no widespread structural damage. Most buildings constructed in Seattle since the mid-1970s were built to a uniform code designed to withstand strong earthquakes. The Space Needle, where more than two dozen people rode out Wednesday's quake from 600 feet above the city, was built to handle a 9.1-magnitude quake. Twenty minutes after the shaking stopped, the elevators and structure, a landmark dating from the 1962 World's Fair, were declared safe. ``It was like a rolling ship in the ocean,'' said Daryl Stevens, who was on the observation deck. The tower's facilities director, Rick Harris, declared it ``the best ride in town.'' ``The code worked, but it wasn't tested to the full extent,'' said Bill Steele, a seismology lab coordinator at the University of Washington. Vikram Prakash, an associate professor at the university's architecture department, said the devastation from January's 7.9-magnitude quake in India was partly due to contractors skimping on materials. Nearly 20,000 people died in that earthquake and entire cities were leveled. Building codes here require structures to be able to withstand certain amounts of movement, Prakash said. If they hadn't been followed, he said, ``I'm sure we would have seen a lot more (damage).'' The earthquake, the largest in the Northwest in 52 years, hit at 10:54 a.m., 35 miles southwest of Seattle and 33 miles underground, according to the National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colo. In Seattle and in Portland, Ore., 140 miles from the epicenter, the shaking sent people diving under desks and running into streets. Showers of bricks crushed cars, and three people in the Seattle area were seriously injured when they were struck by falling debris. A woman in her 60s died of a heart attack at about the time of the quake. But the medical examiner's office said it couldn't attribute her death to the earthquake with certainty. ``The ground felt like it was Jell-O, cars were swaying, trucks were swaying,'' said Tim Jacobson, who works at Seattle Air Cargo. At the state Capitol in Olympia, 11 miles from the epicenter, people screamed as the lights went out and plaster fell from the ceiling. Cracks appeared in the supports of the massive stone dome. ``If that rascal had tumbled down, it would have been all over,'' Sen. Bob Morton said. Hundreds of thousands of people across the region temporarily lost power. Seattle-Tacoma International Airport was closed for several hours, and U.S. Highway 101 buckled in several places. However, the state Department of Transportation said there were no reports of major damage to bridges, as San Francisco faced after the deadly 7.1-magnitude World Series quake in 1989. In Washington state, a $65 million retrofitting program that began in 1990 improved more than 300 bridges. ``We would look at the retrofit program as having paid for itself and shown a success,'' said Ed Henley, a bridge management engineer. Though there were no collapses, some highways and bridges sustained lesser damage and a few were closed as a precaution until they could be checked over. The earthquake struck the day President Bush proposed to kill a federal program designed to help communities protect themselves against the effects of natural disasters. Bush's budget recommends saving $25 million by ending the Project Impact disaster preparedness program, saying it ``has not proven effective.'' Seattle was one of the nation's first Project Impact communities. After the quake, Bush ordered Joe Allbaugh, head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, to travel to the region and assess the damage. Earthquake magnitudes are calculated according to ground motion recorded on seismographs. An increase in one full number - from 6.5 to 7.5, for example - means the quake's magnitude is 10 times as great. A quake with a magnitude of 6 can cause severe damage, while one with a magnitude of 7 can cause widespread, heavy damage. But damage can be far less in areas with good building codes. A 5.9 quake struck near Washington's Pacific coast in 1999. A 6.5 earthquake hit in 1965, injuring at least 31 people. In 1949, a 7.1 quake near Olympia killed eight people. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday March 1, 2001 1:50 PM ET Seattle Suffers Aftershock, Cleans Up After Quake Earthquake Rocks Western Washington State - ( Seattle Sustains over $1 Billion Dollars in Earthquake Damage - (KBWB, San Francisco) By Chris Stetkiewicz SEATTLE (Reuters) - Aftershocks rattled western Washington state on Thursday, a day after a powerful 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck near Seattle, cracking bridges, triggering landslides and causing at least $1 billion worth of damage. Officials called it a miracle that so far only one death has been linked to the quake. Scores of injuries were reported. Many businesses, including such Seattle signature companies as the Starbucks coffee house chain, schools and roads remained shut on Thursday as the region tried to clean up from the quake. Washington state Gov. Gary Locke said damage was primarily structural. ``A lot of overpasses and roads ... have sunk,'' he added, noting the governor's mansion and Capitol building in Olympia sustained heavy damage. Seattle sits on a fault caused by the Juan de Fuca plate sliding under the continental United States. By 6:30 a.m. PST (9:30 a.m. EST), there had been two aftershocks -- one measured at 3.2 and the other at 2.5. They were strong enough to be felt in some areas, but quake experts said the depth of Wednesday's quake at some 30 miles made more severe aftershocks unlikely. A spokesman for the U.S. Geological Survey (news - web sites) said the 3.4 aftershock was felt at 1:10 a.m. PST (4:10 a.m. EST) about 15 miles southwest of Tacoma, along the same fault line as Wednesday's major quake. ``It was felt across the Seattle region,'' said a USGS (news - web sites) spokesman, adding that there were no injuries or serious damage caused by the aftershock. The second aftershock came about five hours later as Seattle residents awoke after a fitful night of worry over what further damage might result from the quake, the biggest in the area for 52 years. Reports Of Injuries Wednesday's quake was considered strong enough to cause extensive damage and injuries. However, there was only one report of fatality. A 66-year-old woman from Burien, a Seattle suburb near the airport, died of a heart attack after the quake. Officials at first blamed the quake for her death, but by Thursday the King County Emergency Operations Center said the exact cause of death was unclear. Seattle officials said about 25 people were being treated in local hospitals for injuries and that four were in serious condition after being crushed by debris. In addition, hospitals in Olympia were treating 35 people. President George W. Bush vowed to provide as much help as he could and Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Joe Allbaugh flew to Washington state on Thursday to survey the damage. Seattle Mayor Paul Schell, who had staggered down 12 flights of stairs when the quake hit, said the city was open for business Thursday, adding that given the size of the quake it was a miracle that there were not more injuries or deaths. ``I'm very proud of our city and our citizens,'' said Schell in an interview with ABC's ``Good Morning America'' show. Too Early For Damage Assessment The mayor said a lot of buildings had been damaged but it was too early to give a complete damage assessment. ``We're on the road to recovery. All of our infrastructure systems are up,'' he said. Shares in insurance firms likely to be hard hit by the quake rose as investors hoped the quake would bring higher premiums. The quake struck moments before Schell was to give a news conference to explain how Mardi Gras celebrations Tuesday night got out of control, injuring 70 people and prompting police to fire tear gas and rubber pellets to disperse crowds. ``I was about to go into that news conference. I knew right away what it was. It was a terrifying moment,'' he told CNN. It was Washington's first big quake since a 6.5 tremor rocked the area on April 29, 1965. A 7.1-magnitude quake in 1949 killed eight people. Wednesday's quake cracked the dome of the state Capitol in Olympia, sent bricks tumbling from historic buildings in Pioneer Square, the nation's first skid row, trapped people at the top of Seattle's landmark Space Needle from the 1962 World's Fair and triggered landslides that plugged the river that delivers the city's water. The quake also cut power to 200,000 in the western part of the state, though electricity service had been largely restored by Thursday. Seattle-Tacoma International Airport reopened for limited service late Wednesday and airlines had resumed some flights. Full service was expected to resume on Thursday. The quake blew out all the windows in the airport's control tower and airport officials had scrambled to bring in new air traffic control equipment. Seattle-based Alaska Airlines Inc. said it had re-routed some flights to Paine Field in Everett, Washington, north of Seattle. The King County Municipal airport just south of Seattle, Boeing Field, suffered major runway damage and was providing limited service to only small planes. The region's largest employer, jet-maker Boeing Co., shut down production after reporting some damage at its Everett and Renton, Washington, assembly plants on Wednesday and many Renton workers were told not to report for the first shift on Thursday. Redmond, Washington, software giant Microsoft Corp. suffered broken windows at its corporate campus and the historic building that houses coffee shop giant Starbucks Corp. shed huge chunks of brick and mortar during the quake. Geophysicists at the U.S. Geological Survey in Golden, Colorado, put the quake's epicenter some 30 miles southwest of Seattle, and 10 miles northeast of Olympia along the coast of Puget Sound. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Posted at 11:26 p.m. PST Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2001 Twist of geological luck separates Seattle, Bay Area BY GLENNDA CHUI Mercury News One simple fact explains why the Pacific Northwest was spared the type of catastrophic damage caused by the 1989 Loma Prieta quake: The Seattle earthquake started far deeper below ground. Wednesday's earthquake began 37 miles down -- more than three times as deep as the Loma Prieta earthquake. The waves from the Loma Prieta quake bounced off a layer of rock and focused their destructive energy on Oakland and San Francisco, some 60 miles from the epicenter. But the Seattle quake started far below that crucial layer of rock, which forms the bottom of the Earth's crust, scientists said. The waves traveled upward and hit cities almost directly from below. Coming in from this angle, they would not have been trapped in the big basins of soft dirt that underlie Seattle, Tacoma and several other cities. This type of trapped wave, sloshing around like water in a bathtub full of rowdy kids, greatly added to the destruction of the 1994 Northridge quake in Southern California and the 1995 quake in Kobe, Japan. Seattle got lucky in another respect, too. Of the three distinct types of earthquake that threaten the area, the one that struck is the most benign -- although it's also the most frequent, having hit the region three times in the past 50 years. ``This is the earthquake we've been expecting,'' said Craig Weaver, regional coordinator for the U.S. Geological Survey earthquake program. ``In the 1900s we've had a lot of these, and we're going to have more.'' Thomas Pratt, a geophysicist with the USGS in Seattle, said, ``We certainly hope that this doesn't lull people into a false sense of security.'' Gathering of quake data Researchers had recently deployed dozens of new instruments in the Seattle area in the hope of learning more about its complex geological setting, shaped by forces as varied as the movements of faults and the scraping of ancient glaciers. They even took advantage of the recent demolition of the Kingdome, which generated the equivalent of a 2.3-magnitude quake. By watching the resulting seismic waves reflect off layers of rock, scientists were able to map hidden formations, including a fault that runs directly through downtown Seattle and that may constitute the biggest seismic hazard there. Now they're hoping Wednesday's earthquake will further illuminate geological structures that could determine which areas will be hardest hit -- and which will be capriciously spared -- when the really big one strikes the Pacific Northwest. ``For an earthquake to happen, this one is kind of nice in the sense that it will provide a wealth of data that to this point has not existed in the Seattle area,'' said Robert Graves, a seismologist with URS Corp. in Pasadena. With much of the visible damage from Wednesday's earthquake taking the form of piles of bricks in the street and holes in old brick buildings, attention is also bound to focus on the city's treatment of these aging structures, which give Seattle's historic districts their character. The earthquake occurred within a slab of the Earth's crust that lies under the ocean bottom. It is slowly diving beneath the continent in a process known as subduction. Subduction zones such as these produce the largest imaginable earthquakes, including the 1964 Good Friday quake in Alaska, a magnitude 9.2 that killed 131 people. The two slabs of crust get hung up for centuries. Pressure builds until the slabs suddenly spring loose and unleash their destructive energy. In the Pacific Northwest, this could result in a magnitude 8 to 9 earthquake, along with devastating tsunamis, every few hundred years. The most recent one is thought to have struck in 1700. Within a diving slab But this quake was different. It occurred entirely within the diving ocean slab, which is known as the Juan de Fuca plate. As the plate bends sharply downward, its top is stretched and weakened. Wednesday, it finally cracked open in a fault. The ground on the west side of the fault dropped abruptly, causing the shaking to start. This type of earthquake releases much more energy for a given magnitude than other types, said Thomas Brocher, a seismologist with the USGS in Menlo Park. Shallower quakes release some of their energy by breaking the surface of the ground, but in a slab earthquake, all the energy remains in the Earth and is radiated in the form of seismic waves. The Jan. 23 earthquake that killed more than 1,000 people in El Salvador had an identical mechanism. So did a 1949 earthquake in the Seattle area, which occurred in basically the same spot. With a magnitude of 7.1, it released about three times as much energy as Wednesday's earthquake, killing eight people. ``These kinds of earthquakes, they're really interesting,'' said Stephen Kirby, a geophysicist with the USGS in Menlo Park. ``We don't know as much about them as we do for shallow earthquakes, because the ruptures don't break the surface.'' Oddly, no aftershocks Another puzzle: The slab earthquakes in this area in 1949 and 1965 produced no aftershocks, and neither, so far, has this one. In contrast, there were 115 aftershocks larger than magnitude 3 within 24 hours of the Loma Prieta quake, a more typical pattern. ``The difference is stunning. It's a mystery at this point,'' Kirby said. ``We think it may be related to different physics in the two settings.'' He said this is one of several issues that scientists will explore ``because it's an important practical question.'' If this type of earthquake does not give rise to aftershocks, for instance, then the hazard to rescue workers entering weakened buildings may be much less. In the aftermath of the quake, Seattle will be facing the question of whether to require tougher construction standards. The city has a voluntary retrofit program for old masonry buildings. In contrast, after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, California made retrofitting mandatory. But some owners of charming old landmarks in Seattle's historic districts have said they'd rather tear the structures down and start over than pour money into expensive retrofits. ``It's a trade-off,'' said Rick Crochalis, director of the department of design, construction and land use for the city of Seattle. ``If you make them economically not viable and have to start over again, maybe you've lost a little of the soul of your city.'' Already, Seattle building owners are required to meet higher structural standards when they upgrade a building. ``We've had a lot of buildings upgraded,'' Crochalis said. ``We're not in as bad a seismic situation as California, but we're still learning.'' A Seattle consulting engineer said he thinks it's ``way too early to tell'' whether the quake will prompt Washington state legislators to mandate a retrofit program. ``I've only seen pictures of maybe half a dozen buildings -- there are probably going to be more than that -- that had damage,'' said Edwin Huston of Smith and Huston consulting engineers in Seattle. ``That doesn't reach the critical mass needed to enact legislation. The legislation that was enacted in California was an uphill battle.'' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ U.S. Declares Disaster Area After Earthquake By GENE JOHNSON .c The Associated Press SEATTLE (March 2, 2001) - The scene left little doubt western Washington would secure an emergency disaster declaration: Cracked buildings, crushed cars and crumbled roads dominate the landscape rocked by an earthquake. Within hours of Gov. Gary Locke's request for federal aid, President Bush declared the region a federal disaster, clearing the way for low-interest loans, grants and other assistance needed to help rebuild. The declaration came Thursday as damage estimates from the 6.8-magnitude quake climbed above $2 billion. ''It's not necessarily 100 percent relief,'' Locke said, adding that it should provide substantial help to homeowners, businesses and state and local governments. ''It's important that we get back to normal, that we clean up and that we learn lessons from this particular earthquake.'' Most people have returned to life as usual, swapping stories about close calls Wednesday during the region's strongest shaking in 52 years. Few noticed two aftershocks Thursday, and no additional damage was reported. The Northwest quake caused about 320 injures, none critical. Municipal leaders said the millions of dollars spent stabilizing highways and buildings against earthquakes over the past decade paid off. Scientists said the quake's depth - 33 miles underground - also eased the impact. ''The biggest news is there is no news,'' Seattle Mayor Paul Schell said. ''There aren't any fatalities. The damage, while serious, is not anything like what people would have expected.'' Joe Allbaugh, director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, toured the region with members of the state's congressional delegation. He said he saw significant structural damage and was particularly worried about rural bridges he had not yet seen, but he praised the state for its extensive earthquake preparation. The disaster declaration covers King, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce and Thurston counties, which include Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia and dozens of surrounding cities. Most of the region's buildings constructed since the mid-1970s comply with codes designed to let them withstand strong earthquakes, and one program has spent $65 million to strengthen more than 300 bridges since 1990. ''Obviously, you take this business very seriously,'' Allbaugh said, addressing Washington residents during a news conference. ''As a result of that preparation, injuries were held to a minimum.'' While pleased with how the state held up, officials urged residents not to become complacent and said further earthquake preparation is needed. Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash., said he spent part of last week touring parts of India devastated by a 7.7-magnitude quake that killed more than 19,000 in January. ''The tale of two earthquakes is pretty amazing,'' he said. ''If you look at the enforcement of building codes with this city, compared to what has gone on in India, you realize what this is all about.'' In Olympia, the state capital south of Seattle, several streets were blocked off Thursday as crews began removing rubble. The Capitol complex remained closed, idling 10,000 workers, most of them until Monday when buildings were to be inspected and cleaned. Legislative leaders weren't sure whether the Capitol itself, with a crack behind pillars supporting its dome, can be used. Inspectors estimated the dome itself shifted three-quarters of an inch, Locke said. Officials were scouting other sites in case the Legislature has to relocate for the rest of the session. In Steilacoom, more than 200 patients at a state hospital for the criminally insane were moved after inspectors condemned the building. ''You can see daylight through the walls in a couple of places,'' spokeswoman Kris Flowers said. The patients were relocated Thursday to another ward on the 56-building complex of Western State Hospital, near Tacoma. The quake also delivered a blow to Seattle's business sector, including Starbucks, and Boeing, the region's largest private employer. The damage kept workers from all three companies home Thursday. Just outside Seattle, Paula Vandorssen, 40, of Maple Valley, was driven from her home just seconds before it was hit by a quake-triggered mudslide. ''This used to be my living room,'' Vandorssen said, pointing to a room filled past the windows with mud. AP-NY-03-02-01 0716EST Copyright 2001 The Associated Press. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Big snarl at Sea-Tac to continue Tower and other damage limit flights in and out of airport Friday, March 2, 2001 By LARRY LANGE AND MIKE LEWIS SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER REPORTERS Weary travelers yesterday faced more cancellations and hours-long delays at Sea-Tac Airport, where officials warned it could be days if not longer before normal operations resume following the earthquake. "We're not going to sacrifice safety to speed things up," said Ronald Beckerdite, Seattle-area air traffic manager for the Federal Aviation Administration. Wednesday's temblor did an estimated $30 million damage at Sea-Tac, including major structural and interior damage to the control tower, extensive water damage at the north satellite and cracked interior walls and loosened ceilings at other buildings, state Transportation Secretary Sid Morrison said. Sea-Tac recommended that travelers check their flights before heading to the airport, either by calling reservation lines or checking airline Web sites. The air-travel woes weren't confined to Sea-Tac. Large airfreight haulers and Boeing will be forced to temporarily halt operations at Boeing Field for up to three months while repairs are made to sinkholes and other earthquake damage there. At Sea-Tac, the FAA struggled yesterday to install radar equipment in a portable control tower trucked in from Auburn to replace the damaged tower. Controllers, who set up temporary headquarters at a Weyerhaeuser corporate hangar until the portable tower is ready, worked with limited radar capacity and limited visibility. They handled only about 60 percent of their normal number of takeoffs and landings. And planes that actually made it off of or onto the ground were often severely delayed; arriving flights at Sea-Tac were held up an average of 4 hours, while departures were delayed as much as 6 1/2 hours. Airlines, meanwhile, scrambled to get stranded passengers on flights. "Today, just in Seattle, we have 14,600 passengers trying to depart," said Alaska Airlines spokesman Jack Evans. Alaska canceled 111 flights Wednesday, and yesterday morning axed seven more. Several airlines warned that delays would be a fact of life for days or weeks. "It all depends on how quickly air-traffic control is back up at the airport," Evans said. Yesterday Joel Kessel was still trying to get back to Chicago after what was supposed to be a four-day ski trip at Whistler. He and friends were driving toward Sea-Tac Wednesday when they heard about the quake. At the airport, they learned their afternoon American Airlines flight was canceled. They managed to find seats on a flight yesterday morning, but that flight was scrapped too. "Fortunately, I work for myself, so it's not as bad for me as it is for other people," Kessel said. "It's been kind of a surreal experience." United Airlines was forced to divert incoming planes for most of Wednesday after a water-main break flooded the north satellite area. United canceled all outgoing flights until yesterday morning. Only 17 percent of the airline's flights left on time yesterday. Most airlines weren't offering free trip vouchers or hotel accommodations. Airlines generally don't compensate passengers for delays or cancellations out of their control. Bad weather or earthquakes are considered "acts of God" one official said. As airlines struggled to get people where they needed to go it was not clear when controllers would return to the damaged tower; engineers had not competed surveys of the damage as of yesterday. A new tower, under construction, won't be ready until 2004. Meanwhile at King County Airport, officials did not have an exact cost for an estimated millions of dollars in liquefaction damage. "It's going to be expensive," said County Executive Ron Sims. Crews expect to clear light aircraft -- small, twin-engine propeller plane under 12,500 pounds -- to begin flying within two days as minor cracks are repaired to the field's smaller runway. But that isn't the case for the larger, 10,000-foot strip used by Boeing, United Parcel Service, Airborne Express and Bax Global. A tour of the rain-soaked airstrip showed a series of two-inch wide cracks running for dozens of yards along the runway's right and left flanks. Under pressure from their powerful large tenants, county crews worked late yesterday to determine if now-grounded large aircraft could at least take off and to be put back into service at other airports. Late last night, the airport director cleared the large aircraft for departure. Runway engineers estimated that roughly one-half of the 10,000-foot 18-inch thick strip will need repairs. With every 1000 feet taking two to three weeks to rehabilitation with subsurface injections and new asphalt, the strip's full operation could be 15 weeks away. Built in 1928, the county airport now generates $1.4 billion in commerce monthly and earns $11 million annually in rent. P-I Reporters Tracy Johnson and Neil Modie contributed to this report. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scientists: Northwest Got Off Easy By JOSEPH B. VERRENGIA .c The Associated Press SEATTLE (AP) - Scientists analyzing preliminary data from the powerful earthquake that rumbled deep beneath the Pacific Northwest have sobering news: The region got off easy. Seattle and surrounding communities ducked a geological punch in the magnitude 6.8 quake. Scientists said the earthquake's considerable depth - about 33 miles underground - blunted its enormous power. ``It's like throwing a pebble into a pond and watching the waves dampen out as they extend,'' said Tony Crone, associate chief scientist of the U.S. Geological Survey's hazards team. ``The earthquake's energy had to travel 30 miles in every direction from its point of origin before it hit the surface.'' The Northwest also benefited from a very dry winter. Combining an earthquake with typically rainy Seattle weather could have set off mudslides capable of dragging steeply sloped neighborhoods into Puget Sound. The epicenter of Wednesday's quake was about 35 miles southwest of Seattle and 11 miles northeast of the state capital, Olympia. Tremors were felt as far away as Portland, British Columbia and Salt Lake City. The quake was very near the location of a magnitude 7.1 earthquake that occurred in 1949 and a magnitude 6.5 that hit in 1965. In terms of energy released, this earthquake was only about one-third as strong as the 1949 quake. The Pacific Northwest is earthquake prone, although not necessarily the kind of shallow shakers that beset much of California. Many of those ``slip-strike'' quakes occur when a fault line in a single geologic plate suddenly moves like a boxer's sharp jab. Wednesday's quake was more like sumo wrestling. It occurred deep within the Earth's crust where two plates bump and grind in a region known as a subduction zone. A smaller plate known as the Juan de Fuca extends from British Columbia and the North Pacific. It moves eastward and dives beneath the North American plate, which is moving northwest, at a rate of about 2 inches per year, said USGS seismologist Robert Norris. The plates carry on this epic underground struggle continuously. Rocks on the edge of the Juan de Fuca plate are chewed and crushed by the pressure, then swallowed deeper into the hot Earth and recycled, eventually to become new rock material and molten lava. As the lower plate moves deeper, pressure builds up and is released in earthquakes like this one, Norris said. An earthquake that occurs in the deep zone generally produces less damage but is felt over a larger area, said Gerick Bergsma, a research assistant at the University of Washington Seismology Lab. Aftershocks are rarely felt above ground. Scientists say the deep geological features that generated Wednesday's quake could have unleashed something much worse, including a magnitude 9.0 earthquake. ``If there were a magnitude 9.0 earthquake in the Pacific Northwest, it could have a global impact,'' Crone said. ``The evidence hints the entire zone could fail in one great earthquake.'' That kind of seismic energy could unleash a tsunami, or giant wave, across the Pacific capable of swamping coastal cities in Japan or Korea thousands of miles west. The region has seen earthquakes that powerful, including one in 1700 that sparked a tsunami detected in Japan. ``We know we can have much larger earthquakes on that interface,'' said David Wald, a USGS seismologist. ``This was not the largest earthquake we can have, not by a long shot.''
Date: | 4/20/2001 |
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