Are Ethical ETs Fighting and Dying For Our
By Ed Komarek
My blog:
I first began to hear about a war between ET
factions a couple of years ago from my local
contactee sources. They told me that what had
been a cold war between ET races was now heating
up. About six months ago I was told that one of
my contact’s female human ET friends had been
wounded in a fight. Later I heard that this ET
had recovered and was back in action. Three
months ago I was notified that an all out war
was going on between my contact’s ETs and a
reptilian race. I don’t know if this includes
the Grays or not. Recently I heard that for now
this overt battle was being won.
I have not reported on this because I have been
waiting for confirming evidence which I have
just now become aware of. The UFO/ET activity
over Indiana this spring confirms what I have
been told. I just read an article by UFO
investigator Bill Knell and I have heard that
this issue has been talked about on Coast to
Coast radio. This is an issue that we all
should take seriously.
(Notice that the Air Force is using the
flare explanation in Indiana just like near
Moultrie Georgia where they are dropping flares
to distract from the UFO activity and to
intimidate witnesses.
Investigator Bill Knell had the following to say
about this activity in Indiana, "Lights similar
to those seen over Phoenix also appeared on
Tuesday and Wednesday (April 14-15, 2008) over
the towns of Kokomo and Logansport in Northern
Indiana. Those lights were accompanied by loud
sounds, an odd metallic odor in the air, the
appearance of military aircraft and debris
falling from the sky. Earlier in the evening on
Wednesday night (April 15, 2008), a fishing boat
captain reported seeing a huge object split into
smaller lights off the coast of Atlantic City,
New Jersey and said that he felt a brief tremor
after that event." Sure sounds like fighting to
The unexplained craft are back over Phoenix
and the air traffic controllers have been
Clearly a lot is going on
in the sky's over Texas, Arizona and Indiana and
the public and the media do not have a clue as
to what is really happening.
I along with some other investigators think it
highly likely that our society is covertly being
colonized by unethical predatory
extraterrestrials in collaboration with
entrenched special interests. The way this is
being accomplished is through a super-secret
shadow government unaccountable to legitimate
constitutional government. While this
infiltration into the secret autocratic halls of
power continues, other extraterrestrials are
fighting and dying for us to remain a free and
independent society. Of course this would also
be in the ethical ETs interest because the last
thing they need are more societies like ours
colonized and fighting against them.
Our misdirected military continues to attack and
harass friendly ETs at the behest of the shadow
government and their unethical ET allies because
they won’t cooperate in the colonization
process. The ethical ETs will only collaborate
extensively with legitimate constitutional
democratic government in a publicly open and
transparent manner. The friendly ETs want a
earth civilization that is free and independent
like themselves.
I realize that this kind of talk is more than
many people can stomach but I just hope we all
wake up in time to avert a very real societal
catastrophe. Our world is evidence to how
unprepared most indigenous societies were as to
threats from European colonists. By the time
the indigenous societies realized that the
unbelievable was really happening it was all
over and they had become colonized. After
colonization and tremendous devastation it took
centuries for many of these peoples to become
free of colonial rule. Some societies never
could recover and were incorporated into the
colonial society like the American Indians.
If this is warfare between ET races and it seems
that way to me, there is reason for hope. I
think that what this means is that the tide is
turning down here on the ground and people
inside and outside of government are catching on
to what is happening. My guess is that this is
forcing the unethical ETs cooperating with our
unethical shadow government to try to bring in
reinforcements and that has been thwarted. Only
time will tell if this interpretation of events
is correct.
One thing is certain and that is that the public
is being deceived as to what is really going on
all over this planet. Evidence of
extraterrestrial reality is pouring in every day
from all over the world and people can see that
for themselves if they would just do some
investigating on the Internet.
In a follow-up, Ed wrote:
For instance since I published this piece yesterday I have contacted
Franklin Fields and Jeff Adams both who have contactee friends and
both contactees are confirming what I have to say here. Altogether we
have 6-7 confirming sources of information saying the same thing that
the ETs are now at war.
We believe the ethical ETs have decided to disclose because the shadow
government has failed to do so. My guess is that the unethical
predatory ETs are losing the battle for covert infiltration into our
society as we catch on to the game and are trying to shore up their
position by bringing in reinforcements from space. Lucky for us it
seems the ethical ETs are in the winning position.
If you are just a analyst behind a computer without good intelligence
roots you are not going to be able to keep up and you won't believe
what you are hearing from the field. A good analyst needs a good
working relationship with intelligence agents in the field and also
much field experience too.
As far as the motives behind these ethical ETs fighting for our
freedom, well you just have to get to know them.
Many of the contactees we are now working with have got to know them
over many years. The ones most interested in us are not that far
advanced else why would they be interested and fighting on our behalf
or against us?
Sure they live to be 800 years old and older but it won't be long
before we figure out the aging process ourself etc. etc.
If you had good intelligence field network you would not be saying the
things you do.
As far as a question as to how much time we have. Ready or not here
they come.
We don't have any time, disclosure is upon us. And I am willing to bet
source A does not know any better than we do.
Many of us have spent years getting prepared even lifetimes of
preparation. I for instance have spent years working up my blog as a
briefing that anybody anytime can access over the Internet. I believe
I am accurately providing a rough outline of the current situation so
that others can build upon what I have learned and can move things
forward rapidly.
Open Minds is the best platform for gathering, analysis and
distribution to the public that I have found on the net. The people
here are high caliber and catch on fast. I have high hopes for OM. I
like the team approach of people working together in a network with
not one or more people trying to autocraticly control the
organization. The people here are also activist and that is very
important because we don't have time for other approaches.
In a number of threads, people
are discussing a possible war in space, going on
as we speak.
The topic was mentioned in the UFO sighting in
Erath County
as well as in the thread on the UN Meeting:
About half a year ago, we had a similar
discussion, I'll include links to that in a
later post.
Anyway, I thought the topic was worthy of its
own thread.
From Garuda;
What bothers me about these reports is
that these dogfights are happening in plain
view, for all to see, and in countries like the
US and Australia.
It reminds me of Carol Rosin's warning that the
MIC will organize a false flag operation to
justify spending billions on new weapons
programmes, to defend ourselves from attacks
from extraterrestrials.
Or it could be that several ET groups are
involved, but then we also have to take the
possibility into account of a 'false dichotomy':
it could be possible that these fights, in plain
view, are only meant to make us believe that
there is a war going on, and that we will be
presented a choice to team up with either
group... while in reality, if we peel one more
layer of the onion, we could find out that it's
the same groups who were only staging the
Something does not feel
right about these dogfights... There's more
going on than meets the eye!
Also see:
Yesterday at 11:02am,
garuda wrote:
Something does not feel right about these
dogfights... There's more going on than meets the
Montalk says:
I feel the same, although the
1561 Nuremberg Sightings suggest that genuine visible
UFO dogfights can take place without political
motivation, because back then there was no military
industrial complex and no alien acclimatization program.
Some possibilities regarding these recent rumors of space
a) battle between friendly and hostile aliens
b) infighting among hostile alien factions
c) battle between friendly aliens and military
d) battle between hostile aliens and military
e) hoax by military to mimic hostile alien invasion
f) hoax by impostor friendlies to mimic hostile alien
g) new levels of visibility of always-ongoing battles in
parallel dimension
I think all these possibilities have manifested somewhere
at some time. There is so much at stake in this highly
charged exopolitical atmosphere that (e) and (f) cannot be
ruled out. And if those two possibilities are indeed
manifest, then instead of being evidence of predatory ETs
losing -- as would be the intended impression of the psyop
-- it would be evidence of them proceeding as planned with
their covert infiltration. It depends on how hokey the
sighting is, and toward what ends it is spun. Possibility
(g) will become more manifest in the coming years as well.
It's just that when a spate of these things happen for all
to see and conveniently timed to match what only a few
high profile abductees or contactees have been told, that
it starts looking more like a false flag operation.
Especially if the evidence to support (a) and (c) are
striking but narrowly range-bound to what is
within the ability of military / alien to counterfeit.
In my experience, indicators of a genuine interdimensional
alien space war should fall outside the range of
hoaxability and have side effects showing up in your own
life (if you are invested in alien affairs and vice
versa). I noticed that what happens "up there" reflects
"down here" and vice versa, probably due to the battles
extending into the hyper-dimensional. One example is you
and several others you know all having dreams of alien
space battles around the same time, coupled with severe
weather disasters in the geographic region, and a dramatic
increase in "reality weirdness," highly improbable
accidents and injuries, and negative entity attacks. By
that standard, "alien space war" has been active for a
long time, and the battles and skirmishes happen in
clusters with periods of inactivity.
Ed answers:
Montalk, I am beginning to
wonder if this may filter down to a war between
various factions in the military, those that
support legitimate constitutional government
fighting against those that support shadow
I am thinking that when people in these lower
level working groups in the military catch on to
what the shadow government is really up too the
fighting may spread from ETs down to us.
I was told by contactee friends that this
fighting is not just for this planet but at
least two other planetary civilizations are
involved as well. The ethical ETs have said that
other planetary civilizations have been lost to
these unethical types and it would seem that our
planet is on the battle line and a cold war
between ET races is turning hot very quickly.
I agree we could experience fallout from this
very rapidly if this is true and things are
coming to a head.
Indiana -
William Puckett reports, strange
sights and sounds filled the nighttime sky in Howard and Tipton counties
late Wednesday night April 16, 2008, leaving residents and authorities
wondering what they had seen and heard. Reports of lights in the sky,
crashes and vibrations on the ground baffled residents, who began
calling authorities right after the rumblings at about 10:30 p.m.

April 16 2008 at about 10:37 PM, my brother, our friend, and I witnessed
something that was not manmade. We live in Central
Indiana and I was looking north a little northwest and saw these bright
lights come into view. They were rotating in a counter
clockwise direction. It wasn't fire. These were lights
because you could see each light. We all kind of looked
at it for about a minute and a half and then boom! It
just took off and vanished. We called the local police department and
reported it, and then we called the local news. They had calls flooding
in. So we watched the news and they reported that something shot out of
this UFO, and that a plane was down and that there was a huge explosion
or a sonic boom. Later on at the end of the program they said that
nothing was down and no planes were missing. What I witnessed tonight
changed the way I look at the sky. Weather: Few
Clouds At 25,000 Feet. Visibility Was 10 Miles. Winds Were From the
South at 9 MPH.
Whatever I was looking at was not no way no
how anything man made. The area that the news reported
it happened was over 20 miles away. This thing was HUGE because we could
see it perfectly. Anyway I don't know what reporting this event might
do. More than likely nothing, but I know that it wasn't manmade. I'm
sure the government is already covering it up. They are already
starting to say that it may have been military flares. No WAY!!! NO HOW!
These were in a perfect line and rotating.
The location of the sighting was Tipton County and State Road 31
intersecting with Country Road 300. That is where they reported it
happening. Something happened and I am now, I think, a believer.
Comments: What
these witnesses have reported and what the news media reported are
certainly dichotomous. These witnesses say that they saw rotating lights
followed by an explosion. The media (via police reports) explained the
explosion as due to meteors. (Click
here to read news story from WISH-TV
- PDF.) Given this witness report a meteor or military flares seems like
quite an unlikely explanation. Anyone seeing these lights is urged to
file a report.
Please send any photos, videos, or sketches of your observations.
Thanks to William Puckett
UFOS Northwest

April 16, 2008, I was in the living room watching TV, about 10:30 p.m.,
there was a huge boom that rattled the front window. My husband asked
what the noise was, and I went to the front door to see. Off to the west
there appeared a large object with lights all the way across it. It
reminded me of a hair barrette with lights. It seemed to be hovering,
yet the lights appeared to turn. My husband came out to stand behind me
just in time to see the lights reappear from right to left until five
lights were showing, and then it did it for a second time before it
disappeared. The lights were yellow orange in color.
If you look on , click on the
article about the Boom and the bright lights, you will see pictures that
someone submitted. The fourth picture down is exactly what I saw when I
first looked out. This was no meteor or F-16, they don't hover. We could
not take our eyes off of it, and my husband, who is a Viet Nam veteran
and a retired deputy sheriff said he had never seen anything like it.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Another person writes, "There is a Big Coverup going on here in Indiana.
Too many people are seeing UFO's and Military Jets, and Booms that shake
houses, ground shaking earthquakes and objects falling from the sky. Is
there a battle going on between UFOs and Military aircraft? Or are there
just objects falling out of the sky and hitting the ground so hard it
feels like an earthquake?
Look around you will find reports all over the Place.
Its on all the news channels. Thanks to MUFON CMS

F-16 Blacksnakes Fighter Wing
I was driving and I saw what looked like
something large on fire in the sky. I actually slowed down to watch
and I noticed the cars around me did as well. But I was sure I was going
to watch something fall out of the sky and crash in the distance, but it
just disappeared. It looked like something large on fire almost skipping
(as if on land). I kept waiting to see an explosion or something in
the distance but it was just gone. I got online tonight to see if anyone
else had seen it too or if there was a meteor reported but I'm just at a
loss ?
Vike reports, "The Indiana Air National Guard claims it was carrying out
exercises, and that is why there are all these reports. Well this may
be, but I sure have learned not to take everything at face value. Was
there an unknown craft in the area and possible pursuit by the military
aircraft? Thanks to Brian Vike,
Director HBCC UFO Research

Depiction of Craft
Editor's Note: Assuming
the witnesses all saw the same thing, some were close to the actual
craft that appears to have been disk shaped with multiple lights.
Military fighters were launched and participating in an exercise and
were called on to pursue the intruder. When I was in the Air Force we
would be asked to intercept an unknown to identify as friendly or foe.
The 122nd Fighter Wing known as the Blacksnakes at Fort Wayne airport
shown below is equipped with F-16s and probably conducted an intercept.
According to Glen Means MUFONs
State Section Director of the effected counties several witnesses saw a
huge circular craft smoking and leaving vapor trail just after a huge
explosion. For more information and an excellent detailed report go to
Criswell has posted an "Urgent News 4-17-08" alert on his IPUS
Network homepage about the so-called "UFO dogfight" over Indiana:
"APRIL 17, 2008 in TIPTON CO.
KOKOMO, IN. around 1 am, 200 residents, reported that they heard
a loud explosion & some of the residents reported seeing 7 to 12
objects in the sky, we at I.P.U.S. have several people in the area
working on this report. HOMELAND SECURITY, also say they are
checking it out as well.
We will keep you posted, on this situation.... (cont)"
The alert also says that 'one caller has a video that he will be
sending us. We will be posting that video on the website'. So far, I
don't see a video on the website, and it's 10 days later... I'm not
holding my breath for it.
Anyway, if you're interested in reading the entire alert, it can be
read at |
Report #2 from Ed Komarek
I have other
articles up at my blog if anybody is interested.
Magee doing a final editing of my free ebook that I
will hopefully be able to self publish at a cost
cheaper than a download. I am also looking for
folks that might be willing to volunteer to
translate the book into other languages especially
Spanish because so much is going on down in South
America and I want to network into that.
I do not
intend to profit from any of this and any money that
I might make from self publishing would be plowed
back into expenses, distribution of my material and
investigation of cases. I realize that am bending
over backward to ensure that there will be no
conflict of interest between making money and my
work but I feel inclined to hold myself to a high
standard in regards to my extraterrestrial
I don't feel I
should be making money off of something that others
are volunteering free of charge as a gift to
society. I also want to insure the most extensive
and rapid distribution of my work as I feel very
strongly that higher consciousness is all about flow
and removal of restrictions to flow.
Are ETs
Fighting and Dying for Our Freedom? (Part 2)
By Ed Komarek
Copy and
Distribute Freely
My blog:
In part one of
this article series I brought up the subject as to
wither extraterrestrials were fighting in space and
even occasionally in our atmosphere.
I had heard
about this from contactee friends and when I heard
about witness testimony from Indiana I decided to
stick my neck out and do an article. As usual I
take some heat for going out on a limb without a
pile of solid evidence to back up my case. What
folks need to know is that over the years I have
become quite good at gathering information through a
tried and true investigative technique. It’s called
shake the tree and see what falls out.
The Open Minds
Forum opened up a thread called War in Space and as
I had hoped more very interesting cases were posted
to the thread.
following case I found on the OM thread from
Kelowna , British Columbia region on July 2, 2007.
eyewitnesses in different parts of Kelowna saw a
cylinder shaped craft, with what looked like fins on
it, and on fire, ripped down through the sky and
finally hitting the water on Okanagan Lake , British
Columbia . The sound was incredibly loud and like a
deep bass "womp, womp, womp" sound as it came down.
The same object then reappeared from where it hit
the lake, rose up and then sat and hovered in the
Meanwhile a
cone or "possible" triangular shaped craft was
stationary a short distance away from the cylinder
shaped craft. What took place next dumbfounded all
of the people who had watched the event unfold, the
two objects started reacting to one another, and the
best description given from the witnesses was like
looking at tracer fire from automatic weapons, or in
other words it was like the two UFOs were shooting
at one another. After a short time of exchanging
what looked like the two craft were firing on one
another, a loud bang was heard and the cone shaped
craft was nowhere to be seen.
The torpedo
shaped object was still hovering in the sky. It
started moving from side to
side and then a loud sonic boom and it was now gone.
Needless to say, some witnesses screamed loudly or
when watching had their jaw almost hit the ground
from watching such an unusual event unfold in front
of their eyes.
I found the
following 1989 Battle of the Saucers in Russia from
a word search on the Internet.
Subbotin claims that
hundred of people watched the group of six silver
saucers fight against one golden UFO. The UFOs all
made incredible moves in the skies-at times flying
as low as 5,000 feet, giving a good view to
onlookers. Beams of red light constituted the weapon
of choice.
Witnesses who
were interviewed by Sichenko claimed that the
outnumbered golden UFO was finally defeated,
although giving a gallant effort. The defeated UFO
lost altitude, finally crashing to the ground. The
six victorious UFOs disappeared into the clouds.
Subbotin claims that the golden UFO crashed into a
bog on a military test range, and the area was zoned
off to everyone except military
I received an
email from Jannice about a person who saw a UFO
25 years ago the grandmother of my sons best friend
watched an ariel dog fight between ufos. it was way
up in the sky. she saw ufos explode. there was a lot
more detail but I do not remember it.”
Of course this
fighting between extraterrestrial groups is nothing
new and can be found in religious texts from around
the world. Folks on the OM thread presented the
Nuremberg sighting as further evidence of
extraterrestrial conflict.
At sunrise on
the 14th April 1561, the citizens of Nuremberg
beheld "A very frightful spectacle." The sky
appeared to fill with cylindrical objects from which
red, black, orange and blue white disks and globes
emerged. Crosses and tubes resembling cannon barrels
also appeared whereupon the objects promptly "began
to fight one another." This event is depicted in a
famous 16th century woodcut by Hans Glaser.
It would seem
there is considerable evidence for extraterrestrial
conflict after all and this evidence tends to
support the contactee evidence. It could really be
that extraterrestrials have been recently fighting
over the future of earth. This could very well
lead to fighting amongst different factions within
the military that have very different
extraterrestrial alliances and agendas. Let’s hope
the ethical factions both terrestrial and
extraterrestrial come out on top.
Indiana - Dee Jay for WWKI
Radio Reports on UFO Event
KOKOMO – I was working on the night of April 16, 2008, for WWKI Radio when an explosion happened at 10:25 PM. I remember
looking at the clock thinking someone had crashed into our building,
and would need the time it occurred for the police report. I stepped
outside and saw that nothing was wrong. By the time I had walked
back to the studio, the scanner was going crazy with activity and
all 11 phones lines were lit up. The police and sheriff's department
were treating it as a possible plane crash and had all units were
heading south of town to look for a crash site. Phone calls poured
in that they were looking in the wrong area, as sightings were
toward the west. I put several calls on the air explaining what they
saw. Everything from sonic booms from F-16s doing maneuvers and dog
fights, to meteorites, to UFOs, but when I put a guy on that
described the following, almost all the callers afterwards said they
saw the exact same thing.
Most said that the explosion happened first, and shortly after they
saw a big ball of fire in the sky, which broke into smaller balls
and headed in all different directions. Then, they saw the glowing
lights in a row, 6 to 9 in all side by side, appearing about 60-90
seconds afterward. There were reports of debris on the highway as
well as in people's yards south of town, but when the authorities
showed up they reported no debris had been found. The dispatcher
then told all of them to go to Tach 6. The search was redirected
west of town toward one of the county schools, and then quit
We covered the event until midnight when the scanner died down and
the police and sheriff's department had nothing more to report. A
similar occurrence happened the night before in Logansport, a small
town just northwest of Kokomo. The following night I received a half
dozen or so calls that the lights in the sky were back again. Then,
on the following morning my wife and I were awakened by the
earthquake, a very loud like an explosion. My first thought was that
my dogs had knocked something over in the other room. When I walked
into our dining room, I could hear our wine glasses rattling
together for about one minute. I was on the air when the Challenger
exploded, and on 9/11, but in my 25 years in radio, I have never
seen the phone activity as high as it was on the night of April
16th. I don't know what happened that night, nor am I sure what I
believe. All I know is that it was one of the strangest nights I've
ever experienced. Thanks to JJ Davis and Brian Vike, Director HBCC
UFO Research